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I'm too young for a midlife crisis



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Monday AM Run plan - 50 minutes easy
    Crap sleep on Sunday but up and out for an early morning run. My max HR on these is meant to be 140 but it's an easy run so I generally just run by feel and slow it down if HR is creeping up. This could see me running 8s or it could see me running 9:30s - this was slow enough but the route round here is varied averaging around 9min/mile and 135bpm. Nice, easy, comfortable. 47 mins 5.19 miles

    Monday PM Death swim. 15 x 100m off 1:50. No idea on my times other than the rest time got significantly shorter on the last 5 :)

    Tuesday AM Run plan 15 min w/u > 2 x 2.5 miles AT > 15 min w/d
    Getting out of bed was a bit more of a struggle as I mulled over staying in bed and squeezing this in at lunch, but whats an extra 10 mins in bed if you'll end up sitting in traffic? So, up and into the car. Arrived at work at 7:20 and hit the road. Feeling tired and doubting my ability to hit AT pace while on the warm up. Hit the first one and struggled to get the pace and HR up...worked into it, this was too slow at 7:18 pace and HR's too low 153/164. Definitely a case of my head telling me I wouldn't be able to hit this.
    Suck it up princess was my mantra for the last 3/4 of a mile or so of rep one and gave myself a kick up the arse on the recover and into rep 2. Hit pace from the off and held on comfortably enough 159/168.
    AT needs to be reviewed but I don't have time to get over to coach to do a proper test with him until March.
    8.2 miles in 65 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Sunday PM Into the pool for an easy recovery swim. Plan was pull buoy and focus on my stroke / try get some control over my left arm. Wouldn't normally be in the pool that late on a Sunday and I never want to experience that again. Swim lessons in the slow lane and 4 people in the 'fast' lane. I looked down the lane as I put my googles etc on and thought 'ffs'
    I was doing a slow, slow single arm drill...and I was catching them. I was giving almost half a length (about 15m) and I was STILL catching them before the length was up. COME ON!!!

    It was just ridiculous today, in fairness the men will stop at the wall when the realise they are in your way and wait. Came up behind a woman after a while, didn't reallise she was there my paddle whacked her foot...stayed behind her until the wall...and what does she do...she f*cking goes and pushes off. Right so, I can be a wagon too know the rest! :pac:

    Frustrating and didn't get to focus on what I wanted to focus on really with the traffic in the lane. Would have been just as beneficial to sit on the couch.

    2K anyway.

    I thought you had avoided joining pools where this can happen.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    zico10 wrote: »
    I thought you had avoided joining pools where this can happen.

    I meant where the whole pool can be closed for lessons etc

    I can usually clear out a lane with a kick set, knew I shoulda brought my kick board on Sunday

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    You're getting plenty of swim meters in anyway - noticing any improvements already?

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    MojoMaker wrote: »
    You're getting plenty of swim meters in anyway - noticing any improvements already?

    Nope. None at all. :) My feel for the water improved perhaps as I've a tendency to now know what's feels wrong before it's mentioned to me. Still have huge improvements I can make to my stroke, particularly my left side. I need to drop a club swim so I can spend more time in the water on my own to do drills properly. Balance has improved but my left arm flails through the water which is rather frustrating. :(

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Tuesday PM Club swim ~3000m - awful swim, totally in the wrong headspace for this.

    Wednesday Head all over the place yesterday and when I got home I dragged myself to the turbo. A good, hard turbo will clear the head. Right?

    Wrong. Struggled through a warm up, hit my first bit of work, legs were screaming at warm up pace...head was screaming. Put my head down and tried to push through it. Then just stopped. Sat up. Looked down at the timer. Only 14 minutes? Seriously? OK, pull yourself together...start again...less than two minutes later sitting up on the bike again. Stopped.
    Made it to 25 minutes before accepting defeat. I hate to bail on a session and post turbo run missed also, sometimes it just doesn't go, for whatever reason. It's justified at the moment and I feel better today so hopefully I'll pull everything back together today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    Maybe you're coming down with something and this is the head saying to back off/conserve energy before whatever it is pops up?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    I thought that this morning but I think I was just looking for excuses this morning! (I was going to go for a pre-work swim so I was trying to justify that too :D)

    I think (hope) it's more just that life is getting a bit stressy the last week or so...times like this there is no harm pulling back from training a bit as I can have a tendency to throw in extra training to take my mind off other things and then end up ballaxed.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Thursday AM Not in plan but had optimistically packed myself up for work and a morning swim last night to try and make the club morning swim. Would have been fine to get up at 5:30 but after last nights turbo and the inkling of a worry that it may be me coming down with something it was easy to cancel the early alarm and roll back over for another hour.

    Thursday PM Run plan was a great one that I'd spent the week looking forward to, 1mile and 800m repeats. I'd put my run gear in the car last night as there were rumours of snow...and sure enough at 430 the snow started to fall and the traffic started building outside of work. If I didn't run home, I wouldn't get anything I pegged it to Dunnes picked up some spikes for my shoes and a heavier run jacket, donned my gear and abandoned the car in work. No way I was getting a session like that done on a commute but nice 10 miles at 8:10/mile - this was actually EXACTLY what I needed, could almost feel every ounce of stress falling off my shoulders with each step. One of those great, great runs where you feel like you could run forever. :)
    Will likely have to run back into work tomorrow which completely messes up my training plan for the week but sure feck it.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Friday AM Less than 12 hours after arriving home, back into running gear for a run back into work. Had only left the house a couple of minutes when I looked around and realised I REALLY should move my lights to my road bike as I could easily cycle today. Was about to turn around and have breakfast then grab the bike but realised I wasn't sure if my lights still actually worked. Would be late if I went back found the didn't work and had to start again so just continued on. Was starving during this, couldn't get to my breakfast sandwich into mequick enough by the time I got in.

    Have really taken to being back out running in the morning, something really peaceful about morning running that you don't get in the evenings.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Friday PM A bit tired after the two runs, hit the pool with two swim sets and decided I'd do the warm up and drills and see how that felt. Warm up felt good, drills good but still a bit stiff and sluggish...overly cautious this week perhaps but picked up the pull buoy and went with a recovery swim. Other than being a bit tired, this is what I really wanted anyway. I feel like I'm losing control of what is already a crap stroke so I was happy to just focus on that for the evening.

    Saturday Very early to bed on Friday night with alarm set early, with the forecasted weather for the weekend I wanted to get the long spin done today just in case the weather was too dodgy on Sunday. Missed my alarms and woke up at 9:30 to a text from work so that was that put to bed anyway...after the guts of 11 hours sleep I was still smashed so chilled out for the morning and afternoon...hit the road for a run with vein hopes of doing my planned two hours (35 miles over 3 days used to be a normal thing for me but not something I'm used to anymore so it was always a stupid idea. Spent my time trying to figure out if I'm just making excuses or being sensible...and also concerned about my lack of bike time this week. Turned for home, 55 min run and hopped on the turbo for 50 minutes.

    Do feel crap today and have had a hectic stressy week but giving myself a hard time for not hitting any of my training since Tuesday all the same. I look at my training though and realise that I couldn't pick out any other week since September that I could say I wasn't happy with what was done. I should take that but I can't, I will still beat myself up for missing everything and not training to the plan.

    Monday starts a new week, I've got a nice structure and routine going but may look at moving my turbo to a Tuesday and swimming to Wednesday.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Sunday I had decided yesterday that I wasn't going to set any training targets for today. Was thinking I might just spin out to Trim, watch the 10 mile race and head home. Would give me 100k, with a break in the middle and give me a dose of a run race to get me back in touch with reality ;)
    Woke up feeling tired and had breakfast...time flew by and all of a sudden it was 'too late' to head out to Trim. Was on the brink of bailing altogether when the Sunday spin text popped in. FFS. Guilt grew and I thought **** it sure I can turn off early if I'm not able to stay with the lads.
    Typically, I was fine once I got going, definitely think it's just mental tiredness this week, but, these weeks will happen the main thing is making sure it doesn't get to me (which it usually does).

    108K in 3:56...even managed to mostly hold the pace after heading towards home ;)

    Down on hours this week. Down about ah hour on run and bike and 90 mins on swim(though thats my bonus swim I missed so not a big deal). Still, a little over 13 hours banked so really not anywhere near as bad as I think the week has been, it's just a lot of it has been totally off the plan.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Last night I was checking out my run training for this week. Tuesday has 2 x 2.5 mile at AT pace. ''What, but thats what I did last week'' Scrolled up to last weeks training. 3 x 12 min at AT pace. So the one actual session to plan I did...wasn't actually to plan.

    F*ck sake.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Are you not sticking these run session into your watch? You can lay that diary out for weeks at a time might make life a little easier on the organisation side of things.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    AKW wrote: »
    Are you not sticking these run session into your watch? You can lay that diary out for weeks at a time might make life a little easier on the organisation side of things.

    That's what I was doing when setting it out. Probably why I got messed up.

    The setup of the sessions annoying me a bit though, used to how garmin does it
    (which is better)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    I did offer to help! If you want to email me the sessions and the days you do them i can create them in the diary for you, at least get you started with it properly. Need to be in the Team feed though to make it easier.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    I've no prob with designing a session or putting it into the diary, it was just me reading my training plan wrong - skipped ahead a week, only do it a week at a time. There's no function to do what I want to do with the planning from what I've tried and's purely for my warm up, I want to have an open warm up that I can end and move onto the first section of work when I'm ready to. It doesn't allow that (Garmin does)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    400m tt in the pool. Only reason I actually went was the TT, when it was the reason I shouldn't have gone. Slower than the last one at 6:52 but feel like a total pile of crap this afternoon so I've let it go. No heating in work today...which I coped with for the first half of the day, as the day wore on it became less and less bareable. Shivers, throat sore, stomach sore...I'd have thought I was been a total moany cow until someome else described the exact same symptoms.
    Will take a rest day tomorrow as a precaution*

    *maybe...if I feel fine I'll train anyway :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    I am selling a Garmin 620.... just saying ;)

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    I've kept my 310 for emergencies!

    First rest day since December 23rd yesterday. No sleep on Monday night and the effects of sitting in a cold office for 10 hours kicked in nicely and took to the leaba as soon as I got in from work. Even getting into the pool on Monday didn't heat me up...chilled to the bones as my mammy would say.
    Will hop on the turbo tonight, but it won't be to plan - may just change it to one hour easy.
    Trying not to have a mini panic attack about a half this block of training being messed up now. :D

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I've kept my 310 for emergencies!

    First rest day since December 23rd yesterday. No sleep on Monday night and the effects of sitting in a cold office for 10 hours kicked in nicely and took to the leaba as soon as I got in from work. Even getting into the pool on Monday didn't heat me up...chilled to the bones as my mammy would say.
    Will hop on the turbo tonight, but it won't be to plan - may just change it to one hour easy.
    Trying not to have a mini panic attack about a half this block of training being messed up now. :D
    One of the things that changed for me when I changed everything, was a full rest day every week. I never used to take a rest day, but now I am forced to. Honestly, it makes a massive difference. I can still put in 16 hour weeks right now, but that 24 hour break takes so much of the impact out of it.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Oryx wrote: »
    One of the things that changed for me when I changed everything, was a full rest day every week. I never used to take a rest day, but now I am forced to. Honestly, it makes a massive difference. I can still put in 16 hour weeks right now, but that 24 hour break takes so much of the impact out of it.

    If I was pure running or just concentrating on running I would take one (I would need to)
    Don't feel the need with the way training is structured at the moment, but I would take a rest day, any day of the week, no matter what session I had to sacrifice if I felt I needed one.

    A second day off yesterday. I'm not very sick...but I am sick, there is nothing to be gained through training while sick. I don't buy into this ''if it's above the neck you can still train'' crap (been there, tried that, got nowhere). I was going to train last night but the room where the turbo is set up was out of action last night so that ended that one. Falling asleep by 8:30, so not a bad thing.

    Early alarm this morning and up for a 6am swim, felt fine this morning, felt fine while swimming. Now, not so much. Hate being sick, but the good run had to end sometime....4.5 months without getting ill was like something dreams are made of for me...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Looks like you've got a wave start for Austria!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Totally dozy today...second last wave...all the wimmens dumped in together. 7:15 start :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr Tango

    Totally dozy today...second last wave...all the wimmens dumped in together. 7:15 start :(

    Lots of draft!!!!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    So yeah, despite my sensible posting yesterday about how it is nonsensical to train while still feeling unwell. I felt better when I got home and after missing a turbo last week, I didn't want to miss it this week. I had no turbo session planned though, but I figured that 1 hr easy even would be better than nothing. On Tuesday and Wednesday I had absolutely no desire to do anything but sleep...on Thursday, by the time I got home I was itching to train. So onto the turbo I hopped, either an hour easy or rob this from Zico's log as it was the first thing that popped into my head.
    55 minute turbo; 6.00 warm up, 10.00 hard, 5.00 recovery, 8.00 hard, 4.00 recovery, 6.00 hard, 3.00 recovery, 4.00 hard, 2.00 recovery, 2.00 hard, 5.00 cool down
    I took a similar approach to this as I did last week. Hard parts weren’t all out efforts, was trying to keep my rpm high rather than going for power.
    Totals; 1.0hrs – 30km

    After a ten min warm up I felt good so thought, f*ckit lets do this. I only got 27km done though... :)

    As I neared the end, I longed for throwing on the runners and getting out for a run... ''you really shouldn't RQ'' ''but sure you've sweated the sickness out now, a run be grand'' ''stupid idea, going out in the cold while already sweaty'' ''but running, you haven't run since monday''

    So yeah...2.3 mile run off the bike 8min/mi pace

    Feel better today, still a little coughy and tired...the sort of tired you get when you're sick rather than the sort of tired you get when you're just tired. The angel and devil are siting on my shoulders trying to tell me what sort of training I should do for the weekend. Devil's a little louder...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    The angel and devil are siting on my shoulders trying to tell me what sort of training I should do for the weekend. Devil's a little louder...

    You're only young once.....or was it you were young once :pac:

    It's easy dial it back if you're feeling off or your warm-up will indicate what type of sessions to do at the weekend.

    I'm guessing a 5hr bike to put CW to shame!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    pgibbo wrote: »
    I'm guessing a 5hr bike to put CW to shame!!! :D

    Ha take advantage while my flabby ass is up in Dublin at the Morricone concert. Deffo come to Ballyhoura next week Queen it will be a weekend off for me on having to dread that shes done more again

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    pgibbo wrote: »
    You're only young once.....or was it you were young once :pac:

    It's easy dial it back if you're feeling off or your warm-up will indicate what type of sessions to do at the weekend.

    I'm guessing a 5hr bike to put CW to shame!!! :D

    When I saw you post that I was going to post that I know he's watching me so I won't put up what I have planned for Saturday and Sunday...then I refreshed the page and saw this...
    catweazle wrote: »
    Ha take advantage while my flabby ass is up in Dublin at the Morricone concert. Deffo come to Ballyhoura next week Queen it will be a weekend off for me on having to dread that shes done more again


    I could do my long bike on the 14th next week (was planning on cycling out to Donadea to watch the 50k for a bit) and then add the MTB km's in as well if I hit up Ballyhoura :)
