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I'm too young for a midlife crisis



  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Friday Into the pool again. No point in trying to do a session but adapted a Tango sent session anyway. Quick warm up, some balance drills and into 20 x 100, changing what I was focusing on for each 5 x 100.
    2400m total 52 mins.

    Quick run this evening. 19:30 mins 3.71km.

    Feel better again today, not 100% yet, won't go crazy over the weekend. Next week is a new week, back into a full week of training. Now have easter week off work so the focus then will be what I was hoping to get done this week (may even manage a sea swim since it'll be April ;) )
    Not panicing yet, though if next week is a struggle I might, end of the day, I expected a long lay off it anything hit me, this is why I started in September! Feel good in the water, feel good running, feel ok on the bike...everything be grand once I can stay healthy for the next 14 weeks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    Sounds really positive, which is at least half the battle I reckon - well done on feeling better!

    I find 20*100 is a really productive session in the water and one you can't really do well if you're feeling sh*t.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Saturday - helping out at the club TT in the AM. By the time I got home it was nearly 1 and I'd planned to meet my friend and 2 to watch the last two 6 nations matches. Day off no harm after the two weeks I've had anyway! :D Couldn't get a taxi for love or money, ended up driving to work and parking there and hopping on a Luas....made it just on time for POC's try!

    Sunday AM Up early to go pick up the car. Short run, 4km 21:11.

    Sunday PM 2 hr bike max. Just hit the park for this. Got the road bike serviced last weekend since I wasn't training and first spin since getting it back. Love a newly serviced bike! After my bike fit on Monday, I now realise why I feel a bit uncomfortable on the bike and felt like I needed a fit ( I don't ). Now all I can feel is the lack of strength on my right. Like when you're in the pool and the coach points something out to you, then thats all you can feel as you try to correct it for the rest of the session...headwreck...but I also know how to try and correct it, a power meter with left/right power would be interesting right now (and could have identified this much earlier). Nice and handy - 1:51 48K.
    Quick change of shoes and out for another run, just a quick run up to the park, lap around and back to the house. 12:14 - 2.51km

    Glutes and hammys feel a bit achy when I'm running today, probably cos I've spent so much time sitting on them the last two weeks! :D Felt great to be training today, I did feck all really, but good to be training, enjoying it, feeling good. Feel a lot better now, fingers crossed this is the end of the setbacks for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Garmin Vector pedals do left/right power. :)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Garmin Vector pedals do left/right power. :)

    So do Polar ;)
    Not an expense I can afford right now after the bike but power meter is what has been recommended to me as my next purchase by a few people who know a lot more than me over the last few weeks, maybe something I'll look into for next year...would like to upgrade my trainer and was looking at wahoo trainers and similar, so we'll see.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Monday AM Plan was 60 mins easy. Done: 55 mins easy...bit meh. 6.5 miles

    Monday PM Couldn't make it to coached swim, needed to hit pool early. They had the pool closed for some unknown reason when I got there. Grrr...

    Tuesday AM 2 x 2.5 @ AT pace - couldn't get into this properly, knew I was stuck for time and had to cut this a wee bit short as I had to get to the office before 9. It was fine though, 7:11 avg pace

    Tuesday PM Club swim, 90 mins 3.4k swim + drills. Feel a bit better in the water, loss of speed a bit frustrating but that'll happen when training is broken up and you're not 100% for weeks. Hopefully get a run together again now and get things back together. Shame to have a break in things like I have, but nothing I can do about it. It has affected my progression and a series kick to the confidence when people who were nowhere near you are tapping your feet but such is life...

    Back to work yesterday to find 4 people full of germs, 3 of them took days off sick last week and are still sick. For such a small company it's a total f*cking germfest. People with kids seem immune.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Wednesday Turbo plan 3 x 10 mins @ IM effort...5 min 'cruise' recovery. 50 mins 22km
    Straight into a run off the bike, into the freezing rain and biting wind. Ideally this would have been 60 mins, but this is not an ideal world :D Still don't know the area well so just went out and decided I'd do a lap of the outside of Marlay (and hope for the best that I wouldn't get lost) - this lap brought me home about 20 minutes earlier than I assumed it would. 5.2 miles 42:30. The whole point of this is to hold the pace throughout the run - don't think there'd have been much problem holding 8min/mile for another 20 minutes. This is goal pace for these sessions and I didn't even attempt to try to hit this so I obviously didn't do my turbo hard enough. :D

    Need to get back into the hurt zones across the board...hardest part of returning to training for me is learning how to hurt again.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Thursday After early mornings Mon, Tues, Weds and two hard days in a row...I opted to skip Thursday am (easy) swim. Just being cautious.

    Thursday PM had a run session pencilled in, but my Wednesday sessions had been muddled a bit and were harder than originally planned. I was feeling a bit tired on Thursday and walking on eggshells this week so wasn't sure trying to hit the session would be a good idea. Set off with the workout started on the watch. Legs heavy...I continued on my warm up mulling over ''easy run...or try the session'', ''you could do the first rep and see how you feel'' ''no, you effectively did two run days in a row at AT HR, another session, would be really stupid'' Got down to where I would do these with another 4 mins of a warm up to do and deicded to go easy and go on an adventure to try find the local council pool, so turned off. A couple of minutes later my watch beeped for the start of my first rep (4 x 800 > 5 x 300m to 200m cruise 'recoveries' ) - when your watch tells you its time to run faster, what else are you going to do? Picked up the pace and set these were meant to come in around 3:05. They did not so technically, I did an easier session, so technically I was still being sensible...
    Bumped into Woddle and Peter Matthews at the end of rep one so my recovery was a little longer than planned (see, took it easy). Each rep got faster...none hit 3:05. In the 3:2x territory so extremely slow for an 800! :pac:
    300s were spot on. When I first read this session the first time I did it and saw telling me to do 300s in 78seconds I thought, wtf? thats not even do I do 300m at that pace. Yeah, when you're feels faster! :D

    Friday AM Strength session

    Friday PM Ouch...swim...ouch
    So, I went into this thinking that maybe I'd drop a lane for this session. My swimming is truly awful at the moment, considering how bad my swimming is when it's 'good' that shows how sh1t my swimming has ben over the last few weeks. Dreaded going to this, thinking I'll just be slow and it's depressing as fudge when you can't hold the feet of people who are normally ahead of you (something we can all relate to I'm sure!)

    w/u 8x80m kick - normally my kick is good, but legs felt horrendous, couldn't hold my kick, thought if this is the warm up this must be an easy, technique based session, grand, thats what I need.
    lol...easy, technique based can dream
    Session was 28...28 x 100m
    off 1:50
    28 x 100m off 1:50
    You have got to be f*cking kidding me!!
    So, 28 x 100 set out as (7 x 100m, 1 min rest, 6 x 100, 1 min rest, 5 x 100, 1 min rest.....)
    A good group in the lane meant we could pretty much swap the lead for each 100...though as fatigue and fear set in this method dies a death and it turns into ''who is the one who will slow us the least''

    These all came in 1:43 or faster, couple on my watch came in 1:44/1:46 but they're ones that I was fumbling at the watch for or when I forgot to lap! (1:59) So very happy with this. Didn't think I'd make it through the session, but, as I said in my last post I need to just suck it up and learn to hurt again!
    Most of session here

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Quick one on the 3x10min at IM pace turbo on Wednesday, being honest a waste of time given normally IM pace is 70/75% of FTP, best off increasing intensity on those quality turbos with run off. Far too early also to be doing IM specific work when bigger gains can be had to push the sessions a little more.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Saturday Long run 2:15 - 2 hours easy 15 mins steady. Good run. Solid.
    Missed turbo

    Sunday Nothing

    Monday AM Missed run

    Monday PM Coached swim. It was better. 1900m
    Turned up to swimming really down in the dumps about training and where I am and how little time I have left. Felt reassured after talking to the guys.

    Tuesday AM Missed AT run, but worked out how I would rejig training for this week so I could get this and Mondays run in.

    Tuesday, sh*t hit the fan. Left work at 3:30. Missed evening swim

    Wednesday AM Needed to get some anger relieving trianing done. So rejigged again. Hit the pool for threshold swim. Head just not in the right place. 30 seconds rest periods were getting closer to 2 minutes of staring into space. Not hitting pace. Decided to just swim. Still not working. Got out

    Wendesday PM Missed turbo. Went for run. Felt like I'd put on about 5 stone since Saturday. 40 minutes. Home. Shower. Bed.

    Thursday Missed run session. Missed swim. 50 minute ish run. Easy. Felt like I was carrying an additional 2 stone since Wednesday.

    Friday AM My bike plans went kaput on Thursday but I felt a nice long cycle on my own, with my own head would really benefit me. Woke up at 8:30 and didn't feel like moving. Eventually got up, had breakfast and stayed on the couch, staring aimlessly into space felt enjoyable. Joined up with the club for a swim this evening which was ok but I dropped out of some reps as I just couldn't focus.

    Life is a total bi*ch sometimes. Total sad face this week and just can't pick up and train through it. Not eating either so double hard days probably not overly wise anyway. I'll be of those things that'll get easier with each passing day but with the few weeks previous to this I really needed to get back on the training wagon. So much for me thinking all the stress was gone :)

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Saturday AM Marshalling a club spin today, group I was marshalling tend to do 60kmish. Just a cycle out to Blessington and around the lake + cycle to and from Tallaght. Just under 100k total. Legs could feel the lack of cycling recently, either that or the extra strength work is getting to me. I don't mind that as I can feel the improvements in the right side already. Have the next week off work so hope to get a lot of confidence boosting cycling done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Sorry to hear things have been so sh1tty for you recently RQ. Glad to see you had good spin today though

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Went for a run this evening and this is how I felt

    Exploratory run around Marlay Park...easy @ around 8 min/mile..earlier in the week I was slogging 9 min/miles and working for it. Needless to say, I feel a lot better today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    Superb. This is a rollercoaster log but loving it :)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Sunday AM Run plan for the weekend was 2 hours 20. 2 hours easy, 20 min steady. Did a loop for two hours and I swear to god I spent the ENTIRE 2 hours climbing. How is that even possible??? Watching HR here so pace a little slower on the hills and a little wrecked when getting to the steady section. Headed to Marlay to do my last 20 mins and mistimed this a tad...took the wrong gate out as I came to the end of the 20 and had a 10 min run home...did my best to push through it. Bonus 10 minutes of running! 27k in 2:29.
    Last 30 mins of this was horrendous, but a really, really good type of horrendous.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Monday AM Back out on the bike today early this morning, straight into the Wicklow hills. Was desperately trying to avoid Sally Gap but eventually sucked it up as the last Sallygap arrow came into sight...still nearly turned back to Enniskerry even after that! :D It really is never as bad as you fear it will be, back down towards Manor Kilbride ad home. Legs feeling heavy yesterday after my run so surprised how easy this all felt. 79km in 3:15ish...sloooow on the climbs, nice and steady on the flat. I'm not bad at climbing, generally better than most but it still needs work. On the way down ''hmmm maybe I'll do the gaps on Wednsday and Friday?'' quickly we forget!
    Lovely day for cycling, spent more time procrasinating about what to wear and what to bring with me 'in case' it gets cold....nice start to the cycle tan.

    A total fairweather cyclist I love cycling in this sort of weather. Fingers crossed this keeps up to keep me out on the bike this week!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Monday PM Run plan was 50 minutes easy. Out late enough for this and a nice saunter around with my tunes and in a singlet and shorts! Now, I don't like running during the summer - my pasty complexion and heat doesn't work, heat exhaustion and me know each other well (praying for overcast day and rain on the run in Austria - that is of course after I get off the bike, we want clear blue skies and a bit of sunshine on the bike) but I've had so many hard sessions, battling the wind throughout Autumn and Winter that the cool April evening was a welcome relief. I'm sure by Thursday evening when I'm trying to do a session, I'll be bitching again. :)
    Light stretching and core work followed.

    Tuesday AM Run plan 2 x 16 minutes @ AT pace - wanted to get this done as early as possible as I knew it'd be warm. Both came in at 3.65 km per 16 minutes. Did struggle (more mentally) in the warm weather, but again, a relief not to be battling the wind for this. Leg strengtheners half way through the warm down and jog home. Slowed a bit about half way through the second...I'm terrible for this when I'm running, especially longer reps, where I forget what I'm meant to be doing and end up 'jogging' for a minute or so...then think...ah **** :rolleyes:

    Tuesday Lunch 1 hour easy on the turbo. Regret not getting out on the roads for this but wanted to keep it easy just to spin out the legs. Followed with foam rolling and stretching.

    Tuesday PM Joined up with the club for a swim. Was optimistic going into this, wasn't feeling tired but leading out the warm up I realised it probably wasn't going to be my night. Main set was short 4 x (200, 150, 100, 50) off 4, 3, 2, 1 - 1:50 pace was just about fine, pushing it to 1:45 was too much for me. Wondered why my arms felt so dead early on, realised as I fatigued more that my right shoulder was tight...tis my 'bad' shoulder so will get that worked out.
    Tough swim, but I knew my stroke was all over the place, couldn't figure out why...

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Wednesday Plan for the day was long spin, easy run + recovery swim. When one of the girls suggested a hill run, it appeared I was for swaying. Ticknock is on my doorstop at the new gaff and in this weather, how could you not?
    So turned it around and out for a hilly cycle instead. 35K in 90 mins, exploring local climbs. Slooooow....but tough.

    Then onto the hills. Run from Ticknock to Hellfire...with more than a few stops along the way to just enjoy the view. 14km in 1:48. Actually spent much longer out there so by the time I got home, washed and fed...I was short on time had promised the mammy a visit so had to dump the swim.

    Thursday Out on the bike lashed with factor 50 after getting a bit too much sun during Wednesdays run. :o and off for the long one..this was just to be long. First spin where I've kept the fueling and fluids going except at the end...hadn't brought enough with me to fuel up at the end of the bike for the run. Crapsies. Just over 120km. Longest spins in about 5 weeks, felt easy, comfortable...average pace at 27kph.
    15 min run off the bike - 3K

    Into the pool this evening for a recovery swim. Not feeling very motivated for swimming at the moment, since I'm swimming extra sh*t at the moment.
    3 x 200m steady (slow) and 4 x 100m at IM pace in here. Wasn't feeling confident I'd swim sub 1:50's particularly after struggling to do similar pace on Tuesday. But a lot of people struggled on Tuesday, so perhaps it was the day that was in it.
    2600m in total.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Took a couple of years, but great to see you finally scaled the hills! Enjoy, I'll do some planks now ;)

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Friday Easy day Friday! Went shopping and eating in the AM and hit up the club swim in the PM. Swim was 4 x 200, 3 x 200, 2 x 200, 1 x 200...or something like that...meant to be at race pace, predicting IM pace to be 1:50 these were more like sub 1:40 pace I think (junk session Bryan ;) ) but actually felt very easy (drafting)

    Saturday Out on the TT bike at last. 111 KM total - good to get the practice down on the bars.
    30 min run off the bike 5:12 pace
    Took a gel before the run...big mistake...instant pain...going to need to find an alternative to gels for IM. May try powerbar gels as a last ditch since they hand them out in Austria but I think it's game over for gels for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    How were the shoulders down on the TT bars - I reckon I will need a new spine by the time this race is over. I tried my first Powerbar Strawberry/Banana today on my 128k bike ride- awful stuff but I reckon I got a nice kick from it

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Brb just off for an 18km recovery spin...

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Shoulders seem fine, but I'm a bit tense from the extra bike time this week anyway. Usually have my shoulders around my ears on the road bike so can feel that when I'm not used to it!
    No idea how long I actually spent down on the bars...maybe 60k / split at 55k so seemed to be down more in the smaller group on the way back.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Sunday AM Long run. Alarm set early for this and woke up to the sound of lashing rain and feeling tired, very tired. Had planned to start at 9 so set an early alarm...and my motivation was slipping with each snooze pressed. Eventually dragged myself up at 7:30 and got a cup of tea and quick breakfast. Motivation being, 140 minute run...earlier I start, earlier I finish. So headed to the park and got going at ten past 9. Tri club were doing their run at 10 so did 50 mins on my own and looped back to meet them. Soaked to the skin but had a total change of clothes in the car. Got back to the car park to see all of them warm and toasty in their cars and dreading the run. Quick change of top and jacket, threw on a hat and set off with them. Group split up after about 20/30 mins, group one dragging my HR a little too high, group two would have it way too low. So pulled back on my own sitting just behind group one...though they never seemed to open a gap! My pace was a little slower than normal, by about 10 seconds per KM...but the extra training this week and the wind were my diagnosis for this..and sure sometimes, your pace is just a little slower for whatever reasons.

    Met a couple of groups from Donore and ran with them all briefly, some way too fast some too slow. At this stage I was hitting two hours and was dreading my last 20 mins. 20 mins steady trying to get HR upto about 165...legs were heavy after the weeks extra activity, I had ten mins of the first 2 hours easy left to do and hit the pitches around the fifteen acres. Dragged myself around, windy, soaked, windy, tired, sore...trying to decide if I'll just go back to the car. After 25 hours this week, whats another 20 mins RQ...lets just do this. It really wasn't that hard to pick up the effort and pace, you really do just get stuck at a certain pace and thats the point of this session anyway. Back to the car, literally, bang on 20 minutes.
    2 hours 20 and 26k...actually just a couple hundred metres less than last weeks 90 min run, but a LOT flatter.

    One hour of stretching, core, strength this evening to wrap up a fun week.
    26 hours training total, not as much swimming as I'd like but I said I'd sacrifice run and swim for cycling.
    Really enjoyed to play euromillions in the hope of winning so I can play like this every week! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    26 hours....well done. Putting us to shame!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    MojoMaker wrote: »
    26 hours....well done. Putting us to shame!

    Week off work allowed for it. Back to reality and 15 hour weeks tomorrow unless a rich prince steps in overnight and professes undying love for me. :D

    I can see now why Zico does so much training, it's great craic altogether!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    I can see now why Zico does so much training, it's great craic altogether!

    I don't think training is any sort of craic. I bloody hate it, but I'm also a maschochist, so it's a nice fit.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    zico10 wrote: »
    I don't think training is any sort of craic. I bloody hate it, but I'm also a maschochist, so it's a nice fit.

    Perhaps I'm just doing it wrong! ;)

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    This week is a recovery week, good timing too as I arrived back in work on Monday to a sh*tstorm. Working late Monday and Tuesday but got to swimming on Monday - 400m TT. Brutal I keep getting slower at these. Not touching the one I did 6:4x in.
    Tuesday AM - 30 min easy run
    Tuesday PM - 90 min swim

    Tuesday night restless, woke up about a dozen times overnight. Wednesday was just shattered so I opted for an evening on the couch. Fell asleep about 5 times between 6 and 9 and went to bed early.

    Felt a million times better on Thursday but still work busyness meant I was limited to a short run.

    Hoped to hit the hills on the bike on Wednesday or Thursday but no dice. Need to stay close to home and keep the sessions short in case I need to dash home to work. Better than this hitting on a big training week I guess.

    V800 updated for smart notifications this week, so set this up. No idea what the fuss was about with these for the 920, they are really f*cking annoying. Be handy for the long bike at the weekend since I'm on call though I guess :(
