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Stone Soup - Dungeon crawl

  • 13-11-2014 5:08pm
    Registered Users Posts: 807 ✭✭✭

    This is a truly sadistic game, even for a rogue-like. It has a learning curve that is slightly steeper than the Eiffel tower and seems to go out of it's way to make it easy for you to die. Of course there is no way to save games: that would just be pandering to half-arsed casual gamers who somehow object to having to spent several days learning how to nurse a wizard past level 10. Hell no: this is old school gaming, for people who like losing, battling brutally unfair odds, and squinting at little symbols and numbers on a screen.

    Other novelties like "graphics" or "sound" are not countenanced either: maybe if these mere innovations are still around in a decade or so games like these will start to have a look at them. ASCII was good enough for us in the olden days: it is good enough for you! Grudgingly a tile-set is offered that allows at least a rudimentary form of graphics, but you get the feeling that this is generally considered a sign of mental softness. I play it like that anyway, using my color-blindness as a lame excuse.

    My daughter has gotten used to screams of frustrated rage issuing from upstairs. When that happens she calmly comments "Oh, dad died again" to her mum, and shouts up the stairs to inquire what I expired of this time. The game is so MEAN!

    And yet I am truly hooked.

    Does anyone else play this game?
