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Breaking lease

  • 16-11-2014 6:55pm
    Registered Users Posts: 16


    Myself and my partner are having issues with our current rented dwelling and need to get out of the lease, asap before we go mad. We moved in with 2 men 2 months ago and signed a 6month lease. We were told one of blokes little brother would be living here too which was fine. We move in and the two brothers mother is also there. Turns out shes living there too. Neither her nor the brother have any english. One of them has a young child who also stays 2-3 days a week. The landlord doesnt know the mother or the brother are here and we stayed quiet about it. But weve had enough of them, drinking every single night, playing loud music, taking over the house as if they own it. Ive literally never set foot inside the sitting room because id feel like i was intruding, its covered in photos of the child and her toys are everywhere, as if its their family home and not a house share.
    Also the bills are only split between 4 of us, not 6 as it should be.
    We need out!!!
    The landlord has no idea of any of this, ive been biting my tongue but cant anymore! Going to call him tomorrow.
    Are we entitled to our deposit back from landlord??


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭Luckysasha

    I'm a landlord myself so here is my advice. Contact your landlord and tell him exactly what's going on. He will have grounds to terminate the lease due to the extra people staying there. The only way you can retain your deposit is if you take over the remainder of the lease on your own. It will be then up to you to find other people to house share if that's the road you want to go down. Failing all that just leave and forfeit your deposit

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 dl87

    Thanks for your reply.
    So they could be the ones told to leave? and we would find new housemates. (which would suit us instead of having to move again)

    This is the second time, in a row, this has happened us. Last housemate had his family living there too, we told landlord and he had no idea about them being there. He of course sided with them cause there was children involved and we had to find somewhere new.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭Luckysasha

    Well technically their the ones breaking the conditions of the lease so yes if it where me I would ask them to leave. If you approach the landlord and tell him your happy to stay but your co-tenants are breaking the rules I know if it was me I would only be to happy to let you stay and get rid of them. If he asks you all to leave he has to go to the trouble of advertising the place and finding new tenants. Possibly missing out on a month or two rent. Just out of interest why do you need co-sharers. Would you not just downsize to somewhere you don't have to share

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 dl87

    They have been here 7 years, well the 2 that are meant to be here. So they arent going to leave easily. One of them is trying to gain full custody of his young child at the moment, i assume he's planning on having this house has her full time home. Dont mind us. No idea were he would tell the courts she is sleeping, cause she doesnt even have her own room.

    We cant afford to get our own place right now so have no choice but to share.
    This is the 2nd time this has happened us. The last place was only ever meant to be short term anyway, the current tenant told us his sister would be there, who has no english. He told us her children would be moving over from eastern europe after a few months and we would have to leave, which was fine. But then the children move over early. So were there with our housemate, his non english speaking and very rude sister and her 2 on english speaking children, one of of whom is 7 and frequently gets left alone in the apartment while the adults are at work/school (but thats none of my business)/
    We tell the landlord we want to leave, he asks why, we tell him, he sides with them, even though he had no clue about these other people in the house.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 dl87

    sorry i just noticed id already mentioned this has happened us before oops :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16 dl87

    Spoke to landlord. He wont help or get involved in disputes in the house. We subletted from the housemate so its with him we sort things out with. So we will leave. He will stay, with his family and he will try find a new tenant by lying to them about how many people live here like he did yo us...and this will happen all over again to those poor b*stards.

    Eastern Europeans 2, us 0.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,364 ✭✭✭whomitconcerns

    Nationality has nothing to do with it. You moved in with some knackers and that's it.

    You say you have sublet, so the other people you live with are your landlords not the owner. Have you complained to them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,261 ✭✭✭✭El_Duderino 09

    Are you getting your deposit back though?

    If you are subletting from the other tenants and they told you it was 4 tenants total and it turns out to be 6 tenants then surely you never got the apartment you were offered and are entitled to your deposit back?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 dl87

    Are you getting your deposit back though?

    If you are subletting from the other tenants and they told you it was 4 tenants total and it turns out to be 6 tenants then surely you never got the apartment you were offered and are entitled to your deposit back?

    We left the house last week after an argument broke out. My partner asked them to lower the music for the hundredth night in a row. They usually oblige and mutter something in Polish as if we are the ones with the problem. So we asked nicely once, nothing. Twice, we were told to 'go back up to our room', the third time my partner cursed and raised his voice to get his point across and because we were utterly sick of living in fear of these people. The housemate (highly intoxicated at the time, as per) got up went right up to my partners face threatened physical violence and punched the wall next to my partner. So of course we left the house immediately and went to relatives. Rang the guards who couldn't do much apart from giving is advice not to live with this particular race of people in future.
    Also spoke to the landlord earlier that evening about the issues in the house, the antisocial and rude behaviour towards us being our main concern at the moment and he said he would call over this week.
    We rang him after the threats. I was in tears at this stage. He said things like **** (the housemate in question) is only a small fella (he's bigger than my partner but that's hardly the point) he wouldnt do much harm to you. And that it was a 'difference in culture' between us and them (not wanting to sound racist?!). When he rang the housemate the housemates defence was that we don't clean the house when it's our turn on the rota (which we do. I'm a bit ocd like that. And I have nothing to gain by lying on this.) they don't clean however, their mother does it all for them.
    Since then we have been living seperately with relatives while we save and look for a new place.
    Spoke to the landlord yesterday who was going to call to the house tomorrow to try help us get our deposit back and again he mentioned how we apparently do not clean the house, this is the same and antisocial and intimidating behaviour apparently. It's clear whose side he was on from the start.
    We have decided to cut our losses and get the rest of our stuff out of there. We left the keys back this morning. So that's it.
    The only way they will get new tenants is if they lie, which they will. Maybe the landlord will be more helpful with the unfortunate people who rent that room next or he will be losing a hell of a lot of money.
