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Target Practice



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    MKDTH wrote: »
    Great XC effort tough nut.
    Haha or just nut?! Thanks MK :)
    aquinn wrote: »

    What a fantastic Cross country performance and start to the year for you and your team. That's truly brilliant.

    Well done. See you in Dundalk on the 24th (wtf have I done, same race as DG - BG!)
    Mornig aquinn and thanks :) Yup, you've done it now :D Fair play! So when you gona do a confessional à la "My name is aquinn and I LOVE XC. It has been three races...."?!
    Murph_D wrote: »
    In with the big girls. No tights allowed!
    Yup, no tights. The drag is terrible. At least four seconds per mile ;) And less of the "big girls" please. No blouses with our shorts ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    65 mins, easy and enjoyable with clubmates incl a relaxed parkrun. Foot ok.

    60 mins out and back in the depths of wildest Carnew outer-townlands. This flushed the previous night's bottle of red nicely out of the system. My host didn't tell me about the hill on his recommended route but the morning was so lovely, he's forgiven. Foot still *there* but ok. Tightened up a lot on the coach back.

    Mon 11th
    RIP David Bowie. Woke to the news that my first true love had died :( Bowie had an enormous influence on my teenage years and in many ways, looking back, can see that his influence didn't end when my hormones recalibrated. Listening to each of his songs on Monday made me feel like I was saying goodbye to a piece of myself. But what a legacy to leave the world.....


    Tue 12th
    I was really looking forward to this session: 1 mile time trial (pretty much flat out) followed by 6x200m strides @5k pace.
    Myself and S had a reasonably thorough jogging warm up but skimped on strides and skipped drills as the wind picked up and rain started to fall. We were following a 1k loop and estimated where we would finish up on the second lap as I was on a stop watch and S on the garmin.

    Pace was nifty enough and after 1k I moved ahead so I wouldn't have to keep running wide. This was tough but felt really good. I felt strong, stayed relaxed and in control. Unfortunately I guesstimated where to stop a bit early, possibly 50m (watch said 5:34 or 5:36). I'll happily settle for 5:5x for a 1m TT at this stage of the season. Definitely more in there without wind, with specific sharpening and in racing flats. 1400m jog rec before 200s

    We did the 200s on a slight downhill in the interest of fast, controlled leg turnover ;)
    Foot didn't start to niggle until the 5th 200, surprisingly enough. Knee has been fine since osteo visit and have also been very rigorous about stretching the hip flexor.

    About 7 miles.

    No running to rest foot (predictable flare up after yesterday), instead:

    35 mins pool running with 6x20 sec sprints, 30 sec rec thrown in at the end

    3 sets of:

    10 reps squats using 2x5kg weights
    12 reps high row on 15kg resistance
    10 reps deadlift using 16kg kettlebell

    3 sets of:
    8 reps pistol squats on trx apparatus
    10 reps calf raises on light resistance
    8 reps glute/ham raises using weight thingy on pelvis

    3 sets of:
    Plank 30 secs each. Ugh
    Supermans, 12 each side
    And a few cobras to finish off

    With stretching before, during and after.

    In the changing room afterwards, I ran into one of the school mammies, our kids go to the same school. She looked very subdued when another woman turned around, nodded in my direction (familiar pool face) and walked out. I asked S what the story was there and the poor thing looked ready to cry. She had been in the pool last week (self-admitted NY health kick) and feeling very pleased with herself for overcoming her demons - she has polycystic ovary syndrome, so carries some excess weight which she 'doesn't mind too much, hubby actually likes it' :rolleyes: :) but also is quite hirsute. Anyway, she got over feeling like the whole pool was looking at her and laughing at her in between the few meters from shower to pool and got her 50 mins of exercise in.
    In the changing room afterwards, she got changed as quick as possible to avoid being exposed and vulnerable while vaguely aware of three or four women confidently - and nakedly - chatting amongst themselves while changing. S gathered her stuff up and exited as quick as poss, opening the door to the changing room but pausing while rooting in her pool bag and pockets for her phone for a sec. Not finding it, she turned to go back in until she heard the confident group cackling....about S, her weight, but worse, her hairy legs :(
    She slunk in and found her phone on the bench. Silence....coulda heard a pin drop, until a muffled giggle as she slunk back out, wishing the ground would swallow her up.

    S started crying again when telling me this bit, what were these people thinking of?? How could these grown women bitch about a woman they don't even know and in such a public arena? Have they no empathy? Have they any self-awareness even, I mean what a stupid thing to do! Never mind the impact they have had on her since, has that even entered their consciousness?

    So S has been a sobbing, depressed wreck since last week but decided she wasn't going to let these women stop her from her one bit of 'me time', only to find one of them there today, at the one time she thought she would have the pool to herself. Chances are, they will be around next time and next....

    Funny enough, I have experienced something similar online recently. Since a rather drastic life change late last year (no, not 'the change'...I wish :rolleyes: ), I have found depression sniffing around, flirting a bit, trying to find cracks to get in, generally hanging over and doing what it does. Only acknowledged it over the holidays.
    Some stuff I read about myself recently on another online thingamajig certainly opened the cracks a little wider but luckily with the support of friends I have been able to close these cracks. Ain't no random internet strangers gonna crack my nut ;)

    Thursday's run helped do that too:

    40 mins on this brisk, actually freezing, morning with 6x100m strides. Felt good from the get go and a glance at the watch confirmed I was clipping along at a very easy effort. As I warmed into each stride and revved up the gears, I found myself saying out loud after each one 'how lovely it is to run'. And it is.

    Rest (not counting gentle jog to and from osteo follow up treatment).
    Osteo treatment. Slightly disappointed this week as I could still feel my back a little tight even up to this morning (Saturday), however I was able to run free on so not all bad. Lovely chat with the osteo this week about this and that....and fascial theory. Got a nice biology lesson too :)


    2nd female in 19:44 (parkrun PB)
    10th o/a
    79.14% age grading

    Good solid warm up of 50 mins/probably four miles incl strides for this. Tarmac didn't seem too icy (except for one patch) so kinda regretted not wearing my racing flats...especially when coachy gently told me off for not wearing them. I was worried 1) about the pounding my heel would take and 2) icy conditions. Must get more grippy racing flats as light as my beloved Saucony a6s.

    Coachy told me to use my speed on the first lap to latch behind S (training partner) and stay with her as long as poss. "You should feel comfortable enough to start with. Of course it will hurt later on but....." He trailed off with :eek:

    Fair enough, so I did and managed to finish within my targeted 'less than 100m behind her', in fact it was 18 seconds, a far smaller differential than previous 5ks.

    Throughout I focused on a) staying relaxed, b) breathing c) staying focused/digging in and 4) keeping a snappy cadence going.

    Mentally and physically I felt strong today. It hurt of course, but it was the right sort of hurt. There were a few obstacles (people :rolleyes: and a 25m muddy patch on each 2k loop) but otherwise a fair course. Nearly even enjoyed it :D

    9 miles incl 2 mile w/d, thorough stretching after and alternate ice bucket and heat on foot. This seems to work especially well for my heel after a race-induced flare up.

    So, I am happy enough with form going into next week's national masters. I feel strong enough and fast enough to do myself justice, looks like coachy knows what he's at ;) Mentally, I think I have my game face on too. Maybe the interrupted training hasn't had the negative effect I thought. A top 30 finish is the B goal, top 20 the A. Platinum is a team medal :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    God that's an awful story :( people are so damm judgmental sometimes

    Well done on PR pb especially in today's conditions & best of luck next week!! ( Its not too early is it :) )

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    illegitimis non carborundum ;)

    Fantastic start to the year from you! Only the beginning of what's in store!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Great stuff DG, a nice way to end the week (even if it's not over yet). Super age grade too. :D

    All the best next week.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Ososlo wrote: »
    illegitimis non carborundum ;)

    I had to look that up! I like it.

    I enjoy being bitchy as much as the next person, but good reminder how easy it is to hurt people, without knowing what they are dealing with.

    Great parkrun performance missis, off to the 10 round numbers with you! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Nice TT and parkrun! Can't wait to see what you do next Sunday. Just don't lap me, ok ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Another PB DG, you're putting the rest of us (me) to shame, well done :)

    That's a very sad story, it makes me so angry, I just want to give that woman a hug. I can't help but think that those women up on their pedestals probably have very sad lives or troubles of their own if they are so quick to mock innocent people who are minding their own business.

    You write very honestly DG, thank you for that. It sounds like you know yourself very well which is a really great thing. Maybe it's something that most of us on here at good at, we spend a lot of time in our own heads pounding the footpaths and while it can have it's negatives, it definitely has to have some positives. Acknowledge them and then keep running all over them cracks :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Firedance wrote: »
    God that's an awful story :( people are so damm judgmental sometimes

    Well done on PR pb especially in today's conditions & best of luck next week!! ( Its not too early is it :) )
    Yeah it's sad alright. It's made me think more about the implication of casual comments.
    And thanks and no, not too early!! :)
    Ososlo wrote: »
    illegitimis non carborundum ;)

    Fantastic start to the year from you! Only the beginning of what's in store!
    They certainly will not tx :)
    I am pretty excited, can't wait to let rip on some shorter stuff. Just please please please let the ol body (specifically Achilles and feet) hold together this year!
    Murph_D wrote: »
    Great stuff DG, a nice way to end the week (even if it's not over yet). Super age grade too. :D

    All the best next week.
    Thanks Murph, yeah got higher than that pesky 7 year old today too :D (only joking, ge's my clubmate's son and a real little flyer :) )
    annapr wrote: »
    I had to look that up! I like it.

    I enjoy being bitchy as much as the next person, but good reminder how easy it is to hurt people, without knowing what they are dealing with.

    Great parkrun performance missis, off to the 10 round numbers with you! :D
    Thanks anna, was in there before you stopped typing ;)
    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    Nice TT and parkrun! Can't wait to see what you do next Sunday. Just don't lap me, ok ?
    Thanks BG. There will be no danger of lapping because you will be going out hard/er....won't you?! ;)
    Neady83 wrote: »
    Another PB DG, you're putting the rest of us (me) to shame, well done :)

    That's a very sad story, it makes me so angry, I just want to give that woman a hug. I can't help but think that those women up on their pedestals probably have very sad lives or troubles of their own if they are so quick to mock innocent people who are minding their own business.

    You write very honestly DG, thank you for that. It sounds like you know yourself very well which is a really great thing. Maybe it's something that most of us on here at good at, we spend a lot of time in our own heads pounding the footpaths and while it can have it's negatives, it definitely has to have some positives. Acknowledge them and then keep running all over them cracks :)
    Ah thanks Neady. Maybe tmi for a running log but sure...I feel as if I stripped naked here a few months back in the spotlight thread so ye're getting the warts and all me now :D
    You're dead right about the runner's introspection. We definitely solve the problems of the day when out running :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    You're doing great A!

    Madness in the gym, don't these people ever wonder "are we the baddies?".

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Singer wrote: »
    You're doing great A!

    Madness in the gym, don't these people ever wonder "are we the baddies?".

    Ha, no. That would require some self awareness!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Haven't you been a busy little opposed to you gym "Ladies" who have been busy little "B's":mad:

    Some great training and racing been going on here. Looking at those gym sessions alone makes me feel lazy :)

    Well done on all your recent performances from XC to your parkrun PB last week. Fingers crossed all the bits stay in working order and there will be a few more PBs to be had in 2016 and plenty of fun days chasing them.

    Best of luck at the weekend. ENJOY!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    you can never have too many good lucks so GOOD LUCK again, I'll see you up there in my supporters kit :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Best of luck Sunday:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Best of luck Sunday:)

    Thanks v much.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Firedance wrote: »
    you can never have too many good lucks so GOOD LUCK again, I'll see you up there in my supporters kit :p

    hopefully she'll see YOU, FD! :)

    Wish I could be there, XC is so much fun to WATCH...

    A... very best of luck to you, although it won't be luck that will stand to you, it'll be all that hard work and talent :) looking forward to the report already!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Best of luck tomorrow. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Best of luck Sunday:)
    Firedance wrote: »
    you can never have too many good lucks so GOOD LUCK again, I'll see you up there in my supporters kit :p
    Great to see you :)
    FBOT01 wrote: »
    Haven't you been a busy little opposed to you gym "Ladies" who have been busy little "B's":mad:

    Some great training and racing been going on here. Looking at those gym sessions alone makes me feel lazy :)

    Well done on all your recent performances from XC to your parkrun PB last week. Fingers crossed all the bits stay in working order and there will be a few more PBs to be had in 2016 and plenty of fun days chasing them.

    Best of luck at the weekend. ENJOY!!!
    Thanks, did not enjoy it until the last 100... :eek:
    aquinn wrote: »
    Thanks v much.
    annapr wrote: »
    hopefully she'll see YOU, FD! :)

    Wish I could be there, XC is so much fun to WATCH...

    A... very best of luck to you, although it won't be luck that will stand to you, it'll be all that hard work and talent :) looking forward to the report already!
    Thanks, still too wrecked for a report!
    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    Best of luck tomorrow. :)
    Thanks Mrs :)

    Thanks everyone, still too fecked to write a report...the short version:

    Ouch ouch ouch.


    Overall placing was slightly disappointing (36th); category placing more pleasing (11th).....and...

    The team results on AI this morning put a smile on my face that can't be wiped off: 3rd CLUB/TEAM o/35

    So the 'national column' on my bling ting is no longer empty (well theoretically, we haven't got them yet)!

    Great to see BG, aquinn and helenAnne, the first two are complete nut jobs and were actually smiling at the end.... :confused: Well done!!
    FD was out cheering, fantastic and great to see you!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Hate sounding like a broken record but your some woman DG, we're almost guaranteed a superlative performance when you race, very well done.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Absolutely DELIGHTED for you!!! Well done. Brilliant but we need a report!! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Super stuff well done

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    That's just rewards for a great year of racing from you and the team, well done DG. What a medal collection to be proud of :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    tang1 wrote: »
    Hate sounding like a broken record but your some woman DG, we're almost guaranteed a superlative performance when you race, very well done.
    Ah tang, thank you! Have to be honest, am slightly disappointed with overall placing but the team medal makes up for that in spades. As a sli cualann athlete told us, national medals don't get handed to you on a plate and we all worked bloody hard for this :)
    annapr wrote: »
    Absolutely DELIGHTED for you!!! Well done. Brilliant but we need a report!! :D
    Thanks Anna! Might get a chance this morning...better hurry up before I do 'a childbirth' on it :D
    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    Super stuff well done
    Thanks Missus :):)
    Neady83 wrote: »
    That's just rewards for a great year of racing from you and the team, well done DG. What a medal collection to be proud of :)
    Thanks Neady, am absolutely delighted and not quite believing still that I have started to fill 'that column' :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Sun 17

    60 mins in the beautiful woodland trails of Avondale with A&A, two fellow Sli Cualann teammates for forthcoming nationals. We discussed race and team strategy amongst other things.

    Weekly total:
    Meh :D Haven't been doing this for the last few weeks as I'm not sure it's terribly important during race season however it is a useful tool for keeping track of key sessions completed and all the other 'stuff' so will start that up again next week.

    Mon 18

    Tue 19 Tune up session with S, training partner.
    7 total
    Warm up with some drills, dynamic stretching and strides.
    4x600, 350 cont slow jog rec.
    2:08, 2:13, 2:12 and 2:11
    Both of us felt the effort was a bit high for these and agreed that the weekends running was still in our legs. They weren't eyeballs out, more strong and controlled but effort and pace were slightly divorced.

    Wed 20
    Ummm forget, probably 30/35 easy. Yes, that's what it was....
    Squats etc in the evening, at home so with lighter weights

    Thur 21
    40 mins incl 5x100m strides with two club mates and coffee after. Love these meetings, real soul food.
    More squats pm, again at home so with lighter weights and less intensity. Had intended to balance this with some DS core work but didn't get to it :(

    Fri 22

    Sat 23
    23 mins v easy

    Sun 24
    Am 1 mile v easy jog straight after waking.
    I used to do this eons ago when I had a track meet in the evenings, just to keep the legs loose. As we were facing a car trip later in the morning, I decided that a morning shuffle jog wouldn't do any harm.

    Noticed how mild it was the minute I stuck my nose out the door at 7am. Iced and heated foot on return. No kids this morn so lovely leisurely pre-race routine.

    Race: National Masters XC, Dundalk IT race report to come....So I didn't get the personal A and B goals, but we did get the platinum, team medal, therefore all's good with the world ;)
    36th o/a
    11th o/40
    3rd BRONZE national medal: club. Sli Cualann, you rock :)

    Foot seized up, predictably, after race and in the car on the way home but ice bucket and alternate heat bucket worked wonders at home. I am cautiously optimistic that the PF is spontaneously resolving itself, supported by (sometimes erratic :o ) 'management'.

    So ends the XC and winter racing season for me. I have the option to do Raheny 5 to round it all off but a couple of 'can't get out of' social commitments mean this is unlikely.
    Next week, we will sit down with coachy and start to plan for spring/summer. He has already mentioned 1200m and mile time trials so of course, I am salivating. Hadn't realised that this is the type of training I thrive on, mentally, so must bring that to the table next week. Saying that, speed endurance and strength are two aspects I need to focus on but am guessing they will both come the more cycles of training I lay down.
    The next target for me is the National Road Relays. Unfortunately, the timing of these is quite ****e as will probably not be long out of base phase and therefore in the usual run of things, not too sharp. However, coachy is magic so have no doubt he will have us nice and sharp anyway.

    Weekly total:
    5 days running incl
    1 race (1 national medal, ;) :cool: )/minor double day
    1 tune up session
    3 sandwich runs incl one with strides

    Supplementary stuff (must stop calling it that, am trying to make it part and parcel of it all along with incorporating time for AIS stretching pre run and gen stretching post run) all ticked at less intensity during target race week.

    my new babies, courtesy of the Graduates of 2015 :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    So ends the XC and winter racing season for me. I have the option to do Raheny 5 to round it all off but a couple of 'can't get out of' social commitments mean this is unlikely.

    I can't open that link, stupid boards grrrrr. If your not racing come over anyway and cheer with me, we can help FBOT exceed his goal again :D

    well done again on your NATIONAL BRONZE XC MEDAL!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Can't open the link either :mad:. Are they beautifully fantastic ?

    Mahoosive congrats on the National medal. I couldn't get over the sheer volume and depth of the field so to podium among such talent is just fantastic. Our team were delighted not to come last, goal achieved :o.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Ah big congrats on the shiny new medal, well earned!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Well done A, looks like you have good Team there, maybe need bigger Wall plaque. Seems to be filling fast :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    Can't open the link either :mad:. Are they beautifully fantastic ?

    Mahoosive congrats on the National medal. I couldn't get over the sheer volume and depth of the field so to podium among such talent is just fantastic. Our team were delighted not to come last, goal achieved :o.
    Thanks G, yeah I think all the hardcore nuts in the country jumped out of the woodwork for this one. And am gobsmacked by the fact that Emilia Dan finished 9th o/a and didn't even medal o/45 :eek: 45 is the new 40!!
    diego_b wrote: »
    Ah big congrats on the shiny new medal, well earned!
    Thanks D, and you, going v nicely yourself!
    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Well done A, looks like you have good Team there, maybe need bigger Wall plaque. Seems to be filling fast :)
    Thanks G, still got a bit of space and yes, our SC team are the best :)
    Firedance wrote: »
    I can't open that link, stupid boards grrrrr. If your not racing come over anyway and cheer with me, we can help FBOT exceed his goal again :D

    well done again on your NATIONAL BRONZE XC MEDAL!!
    Thanks FD and yes, looks like I'll be along Sunday. Was trying to post on graduates thread to tell them to watch out and run tall cos I will be watching. Also wanted to thanks them for new shoes but couldn't post them there either. Maybe I am being slow but I will blame boards ;)

    Don't think this has worked either. Anyway have a gorgeous pair of indigo and turquoise Asics GT 2000 and am trialling the Mizuno Wave 2 in a fetching light lime green :cool:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    45 is the new 40!!

    It would be wouldn't it, just as I'm approaching it :rolleyes:
