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What is it?!!!! eFibre&eTalk Offer(Bundle) - Eircom Complaint

  • 26-11-2014 11:21am
    Registered Users Posts: 1


    Around 23rd July 2014 I received written offer to improve my internet by
    switching to eFibre.On 30th July 2014 I visited the Eircom representative in
    Eircom shop in Wexford to acquire more information about that offer. When in
    the shop I learned that my previous account with Eircom has been closed and I
    was offered to open new account along with a bundle – eTalk and eFibre
    Employee Offer Bundle. I decided for that option since I was also offered
    additional options – eTalk Off-Peak (7.50 euro)for 120 minutes international
    calls. I decided to sign the agreement. Person I talked to (Damien Mahon)
    handed me a document that I signed; it was one paper sheet where I was
    presented with the costs for that agreement. Answering my question ‘What about
    the rest of the documents of agreement’ he informed me, that rest of the
    agreement will be send to my by mail since my account has just been opened; he
    also told me that I can resign within 5 days before I will have everything
    connected, i.e. before technician’s visit to my address. When I asked how long
    it is going to take I will have internet up and running I was told accordingly
    to the agreement it will take no more than 2 weeks, and I will be informed by
    txt or by mail about the precise date of the installation. I was NOT informed
    about my rights I have in a case the agreement would be cancelled by any of
    the parties of the agreement. The phone has been connected in a matter of few
    days ( I want to stress here I was mainly interested with internet connection
    and that was main factor I was interested with Eircom offer at all)
    I was also informed about upcoming technician’s visit by txt message as well
    as by mail that it will take place on 15th of August and that was supposed to
    be between 9-13.30 that day. The day before the day the technician supposed to
    come, I was informed by phone, that there is no technician available in that
    area and I am to wait for someone to contact me soon. Since nobody contacted
    me within reasonable time, I kept calling 1901 and I was presented with
    different answers that lead to nothing but confusion. Nobody was able to
    explain me why no technician is coming to install internet. The answers I
    received were: “somebody will come in 5 days” or “somebody will call in next
    week”, “We have technical difficulties – it Is going to be fixed tomorrow”,”
    We will check and call you tomorrow” but nobody ever called and contacted me
    in any way in that matter. After around 6 weeks I called 1901 again and I
    demanded I want to talk to a supervisor since for few weeks nobody is telling
    me different story, I have to start talking about me case from start to every
    persons that was on the other site of the line, I was permanently moved
    between persons put on hold for long minutes or just moved from one phone
    number to another; or just simply disconnected. I was refused. I informed the
    persons that since Eircom is not fulfilling its part of the agreement I want
    to cancelled it. The persons I talked to said he is sorry and offered me “50
    euro apologize credit” and also promised me somebody will show up and finish
    the installation by 5th of September. Yet nothing happened till that day –
    nobody showed up, nobody contacted me – not even a single call from Eircom. On
    1st (or 2nd) of October I called Eircom to cancelled the agreement. I
    explained why I want to cancel it and lady from Care Center with no problems
    at all cancelled the agreement, saying only that it may take few weeks (my
    understanding is the whole procedure may take that long). He also told me to
    expect a form send by mail (to be filled in) where I would state where and
    when the modem can be picked up by them. I received the letter and sent it
    back within 2 days. I was not informed about a any fee for cancellation and
    its amount. Above that up till now I have not received the rest of agreement I
    was supposed to receive by mail.
    I also asked for cancellation of 15 euro fee for Unpaid Direct Debit for 19th
    August-18th September period which was part of the bill issued 19th of
    September. After explaining why I did not paid on time, the person cancelled
    that amount and instead amount of 83.75euro on that bill I was told to pay
    68.15 euro which was paid on 2nd of October.

    27th of October I received a bill for period 19th of October – 18th of
    November – overall amount due 246.67 euro (part of the bill was ECC that was
    billed twice – for eTalk Off-Peak for overall amount of 200 euros.) plus 15
    euro that was supposed to be cancelled by the lady in Care Center (the
    situation described above)

    Outraged by the way I was treated all the way along the whole time, and the
    bill I went to Citizen Information in Wexford. Between 11.40 – 12.10 (21/10)the lady
    from CI called 1901 to help me explain what is going on with the whole
    situation and the bill I received. The person that was on the other side of
    the line told us, that ECC for eTalk Off-Peak is billed twice and that is a
    mistake and he can cancelled 100 euro from that bill. But he also told me that
    I have to pay 100 euro for cancellation of the agreement. After I informed him
    it was your fault, it was you that did not fulfilled the agreement (internet
    was not installed within not inly timeframe that was supposed to be installed
    but even much longer) the person said that the agreement I signed was actually
    two separate agreements – one for phone and second for internet and I am being
    charged with fee for cancellation one of them regarding phone line, and
    another agreement regarding internet for which I do not have to pay anything
    since you did not fulfilled you part of the agreement. As a side note: I have
    never seen a situation where an agreement that was signed as ONE PART can be
    divided and seen as HALF fulfilled and HALF not; Agreement was internet AND
    phone , not as the person on the phone claims two separate agreements since I
    have signed only ONE agreement not two. The agreement itself HAVE NOT BEEN
    FULFIILED – does not matter in what part; 10%,20% or 80%. I signed the WHOLE
    agreement not PART of it.
    I also asked the man why I have to pay the cancellation fee since the phone is
    still working (with day 21/10) and it was NOT disconnected ( I also showed the lady in CI – as
    a witness) that I was using the phone on 28th of October calling my friends
    and that call lasted for 15 minutes; I had it on paper. As answer I got
    information that my phone is …..DISCONNECTED since 7th of October! The man
    pretended to not hear me telling him that the phone is still working – he kept
    saying that it is disconnected!
    Another thing is NOBODY ever informed when I was signing agreement for
    eFibre,that I am singing two separate agreements (with one signature?) Even
    more – I was told that it is a BUNDLE, not separate agreements! I would never
    signed two agreements in that case since I DO NOT NEED PHONE – I JUST WANTED
    INTERNET, nothing more. Yet – since I was told it is a BUNDLE – I signed it as
    bundle. What’s more – I checked if there IS technical possibility to have
    FIBRE in my flat; and there is NOT! So WHY Eircom is selling me something he
    can’t fulfill?

    I demand the whole agreement to be cancelled and all the cancellation fees
    revoked since In my understanding I feel was gulled since the very beginning.
    I also checked on forums on the internet – it is not only me, it is thousands
    of other people that were treated as myself – signed something that was not
    ever done.

    I demand a new bill to be issued with amount of 200 euros for ECC deducted
    plus 15euro for Direct Debit late payment.
    I also want to make clear, if you keep treating me like you do, I will be
    forced to contact a lawyer; I have a lot of cons – with holding back and not
    giving me proper and important information about the agreement for the start,
    lack of prove of signing of agreement that I should receive; especially
    selling me something you knew you can’t fulfil (till 29th of October after
    checking if eFibre is available at my address, the answer is “YOUR HOME IS NOT
    IN AN FIBRE AREA” – which mean it was known to you from the start it would be
    impossible to accomplish the agreement … especially in TWO WEEKS!
    Regarding the agreement; it state it is an OFFER not OFFERS oraz BUNDLE ….
    Which for me (and my friends – native English speakers) it means it is one
    offer; it offers internet AND phone as ONE BUNDLE…

    Since there is lots of people in the same situation as mine (treated by Eircom
    the same way) that I have been in contact with, we are considering
    class-action against Eircom for the way it does treat its customers.
