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project 40/41



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    another week ...
    run we cracked the 100k week barrier i.e. not far off what i managed for the whole jaunary ... so i guess its fair to say this is progress, and i did the best long run for a good bit more than a year.
    garmin run out of battery after 10 k but i had been holding every k between 4.44 and 4.53 till then and i did not slow down till 23k and 21 to 22 was the fastest k off the day by a good bit the last 3 k where not so fun but i was holding it more or less together ... but still fastest 20 k run and longest long run this year.
    the only annoying thing was the tempo run this week. now to be fair me being low of energy because i had not eaten enough should be a thing to celebrate since its so rare, but it was still infuriating to run out of energy ... despite a strong wind i had felt good enough to break my fastest 5 k this year by 20sec.. over motivated i started too fast, garmin tells me that was the fastest k i run since we are togheter and then after 3 i died a bit at the end and was 2 seconds outside the fastest 5 k. its kind of funny given that i still have about 18 or so secs per k to gain from weightloss its was being low of energy that was the issue lol.

    in total i have absolutely no complaints about this block. it would be great if running became a bit less of a struggle but at the same time if o look back what a struggle it was last year its a piece of cake... its all relative at the end.
    bike was solid last week but the last 30 min at the 4 hour turbo were torture given that roads are full of people i tend to run at night and finished the long run at 22.40 and was on the turbo at 8.30 the next day.
    swim 8k once iam in the water i do enjoy it.
    weight while way too high is going in the right direction and i lost approx 2.5kg last 4 weeks i need to hang up a sign in the shed to outline what happened in the 3 month when i talked about weight loss and the 2 last month when i did weight loss ...

    easier week next week with focus on preparing the body for the next block and the mind too does need a rest for a few days

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    make hay when the sun is shining is the learning of this week ... last week it was warm and i kind of knew i should swim more... but the plan was to swim more in recovery week . the only thing ,mentally it was so much more challenging to swim as it was so much colder ....
    anyway i swam 9.5k this week and swim fitness is coming back i did 3.1 k y day and body felt good apart from a cold head at the end of the swim.

    run no idea how much i did , key runs was 5 k and first sub 20 min 19.48 and 20 k 4.28 k pace which i was quite pleased with as about 25 sec a k quicker than the last time 4 weeks ago i tihink, and iam fairly sure running wise iam coming out of this recovery week much fresher.

    bike was a bit less this week not much intensity at all 3.30 h on sunday which felt good . would have prefered one quality session.

    overall quite a good block and hardly any complaints everything is moving in the right direction

    My armchair coach and now also armchair editor said my post was not entertaining and inspiring enough. My tip don't read it ....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    nothing special another solid week.

    swim 10 k apart from mondays swim which i really enjoyed the other swims were a chore, but maybe thats a good thing as is shows iam getting skinnier ....

    run 107 k not much to write home, got all my 3 key runs done all of them a struggle but done ,so thats good. first week i run on 2 seperate days sub 4min k pace , and also achieved goal to finish run week before sat afternoon.

    bike also solid , 2 vo2 sessions and 4 hour turbo on sunday

    overall not the most enjoyable week a few downs but progress is progress and iam getting faster in all 3 diciplines and there was also a few ups which were a bit of a surprise. you lose some and you win some battles. challenging but not overchallenging. weekly result advantage kern ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    10 k swim,nice week for it.
    120 k run, 5 k pb ,10 k pb , 28k longest run and a good one , pleased with it.
    bike also good , one vo2 session one tempo session, one 4 hour turbo.
    again not easy but good week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    swim 12k some misserable ones and some nice ones including the fastest swim of the year
    run 132 k new 5 k pb new 10 k pb first 30 k run and first week with another 22 k plus run in over 2 years . pretty good week apart form the messed up pacing of my wednesday pacer ... i demanded 6 to MAX5.40 pace and i got 5.35k pace while we are talking about that runner x never runs slow enough , needless to say i was always runnning behind my pacer . i was promised improved pacing this week so lets hope for the best lol but it was good fun running in the sand dunnes and my first training session this year with somebody else.
    bike solid vo2 session pretty good tempo session and sunday 4.5h
    another pretty good week

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    week of survival or training on being fatiqued.

    bit of a s.ite swim week only 7.5 k twice i was on side but did not get in as i was already cold before i even changed into the wetsuit. need to modify the wetsuit a bit. i lost 8 kg in last 2 month and thats less insulation and more water getting in and espcially on sat after a long training day i am already cooled out to much. sunday morning i was good after 3k but evenings are not so easy.

    bike pretty good week very good vo2 and good tempo sessions given the fatique tempo was 6x10 at 300 watts , 4,5 hours sunday.

    run 130 weeks no records but 5 k run was only a couple of seconds of pb and the 2nd fastest so far. the plan was 460 to 485 k for the last 4 weeks and i got 490 k done and overall pretty pleased.
    overall hard to ask more off the last block i improved my 5 k times more than the last block i run as much as in block one and block 2 toghether. volume wise this was the biggest block this year.
    blummefeld's pacing was slightly improved this week and at this improvement rate we should hit the right pace in 2 weeks time...

    this week the plan is to recover and at the end of the week run 5 k sub 18.20 if i get that done all is on track so far if not than plan b will be used ,but i should get it and even 18.30 would not be too bad at this stage. given i was 27 .30 min or something beginning of february and i dont really want to go sub 17en this year .
    anyway the main goal is to make sure that the right hip harmsting area recovers well this week as this is the only area that is in the deep orange zone the rest is ok and claves improved over this week and left the dark orange zone and is very dark green. left achiliis also back to dark green from ornange last week so overall quite pleased. and there is no runing today and tuesday. yeah lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    recovery week the ups and downs
    by wednesday i was a bit worried as i was still more painful than i had wanted to be

    5k tt went according to plan and i guess the most important thing was the body felt good during it . since i was still not happy about some tightness in the body i did quite a bit of work on it friday night and this of course did not have the best impact on sat , i struggled to get going but then this allowed me to achieve one of my goals for a negative split.... 18.08 was good and with a bit more effort i could have gone sub 18. given that 5 weeks ago i run a 19.48 , on different course which is a bit slower by maybe 20 sec its all good and slow progress in the right direction. not ver scientific due to profile but my last k was 10 sec faster than the first
    nothing special but it was kind of nice to get into a semi race state.
    run 65 k for the week with a 20k decending run finishing sub 4 min k
    swim an enjoyable week 18 km
    bike solid one vo2 and 3 hour bike ride sunday

    ps i forgot blummefeld's wednesday performance assestment .... started of really well and i made the mistake to comment on it . things got really bad when blummefelt told me that the garmin was frozen at 4.50 pace and we were actually going slower *we did not * with the culmination of blummefelt seeing a competitor on the bike and speeding up to 4.10 pace. we ended up with the worst pacing perfomance to date and blummefelt sneaked in an extra k despite that we had agreed on 14 k . iam on garmin duty this week ...
    i was close to ask blummefeld to have a look at my swim stroke but after mistaking a female swimmer for a male that blummefelt had observed the whole winter, and apparantly knows his stroke in and out ... i changed my mind ....
    definitely my favorite session of the week .

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    a week ...
    not a great week but not a bad week either.

    10 k swim
    108 k run nothing fast this week as i was still more focused on losening up
    bike the best week so far this year main turbo was 4x15 at 315 ish
    and long turbo was 5.15 hours .
    not much else to say but i guess its fair to say i made lemonade of a week that had dealt more lemons than valencia oranges . so all good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 117 ✭✭MalDoc

    That 4*15 minutes @315 watts is a big session.

    Would that be close to threshold and done in the tt position?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    its a good solid session, to be honest i have no idea where my treshold is
    as it does not really intrest me i cant remember when i tested it the last time 4 years ago maybe ....
    its more a good honest effort and obviously that week it was a bit higher since i had not done a fast run session . last week it was 300 and i was working harder for it . iam still working on dialing in tt position so it was more 50 tt 50 % sitting up.

    btw a session that intrests me much more than treshold is 3 x 45 min that tells me way more for my racing than an ftp test

    last week was pretty much as good as it can be . in a way thats all that needs to be said i got the balance completley right. quite rare to be fair that everything works.
    8 k swim
    123k run most importantly i finally losend up again, besides i set new tempo 10 k , 5 k and fastest long run so far . i have no idea when it will happen but one of those days something is going to happen iam at a break thorugh point . it could happen this week of maybe i need a few treadmil sessions but iam pretty sure in the next few weeks it going to come togehter.
    bike also not to bad at all sundays long ride not the best but happy enough with it given the rest of the week. the perfect week does not exist.
    weight also going in the right direction, iam ahead of scedule but still a good bit to go.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 117 ✭✭MalDoc

    peter kern wrote: »

    btw a session that intrests me much more than treshold is 3 x 45 min that tells me way more for my racing than an ftp test

    3 * 45 minutes at a similar effort?? What sort of rest between reps?

    Would that be a test set a few weeks out from an Ironman?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    MalDoc wrote: »
    3 * 45 minutes at a similar effort?? What sort of rest between reps?

    Would that be a test set a few weeks out from an Ironman?

    i only wanted to point out that too many long course atheltes focus to much on bodged 20 min ftp tests and not enough on race intensity specifity
    and if my 45 min were the same as my 15ins something would be wrong lol .
    what i was trying to say is that my 4x 15 power to me tells me more where iam long distance wise than knowing my ftp . and likewise 3x45 also tells me more where iam than ftp. at the same time my most intensive session of the week is on the bike as a polarized approach on the bike works well , but more often than not i dont even use a powermeter for that
    fast is important but the big picture is more important and i dont really care of i push 500 or 550 watts i am more worried that this sesion does not negatively affect my next few sessions.

    back to my blog lol since i already get complaints today that iam delayed.

    good week
    12 k swim
    130 k run , i finally cracked the 40 min 10 k in a tempo run 39.59.4 and that was the first run i really had a good flow from k 2 to 8.
    good bike week too .
    on the niggle front nothing really to report that is outof the ordinary for a 46 year old , so thats good given that i have run 1000k in the last 8.5 weeks

    as always loads of work to do but the needle is moving in the right direction.

    the tempo run was about 2to 3 sec to fast per k or the wind to strong..., so i will go more for 40.20 this week , but it was kind of mentally important as the goal had been to be sub 40 before june and mid may i was wasnt there , anyway at the end i was 1 day late ie june the first so i guess thats still ok but the recovery took a bit longer than what is ideal >>> the reality is i run 38.50 today .... so from being a bit behind my goal to be a bit ahead of where i wanted to be in less than 4 weeks lol .

    i got first vaccination on friday it did not interfere much with my training but i do defo noticed the body respondoing to something and feeling a bit more tired and a few little aches at places that are very uncommen for me so for the 2nd shot i will defo plan a few more rest days after it. disclaimer this is not an advertisment neither a discouragement for vacination. it obviously seems to work in the uk and USA i would certainly have prefered more long term studies before taking it as personally i see myself as low risk and to me it really makes only sense to me if its reduces the transmition of covid, which by now is not clear enough.anyway it will make traveling easier. and i did read of people mentioning running pbs after 2nd vaciantion ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    another good week
    pool and running track opened up which was a great change.

    my pool times where not bad at all so no complaints here as it was better than expected.
    bike also good biggest volume week of the year and the 2 harder sessions i got done.
    run also worked super well i think i did say last week or so that something is going to happen for the run soon and i guess its there now and i definitely reached the next level and i do feel now that its starting to come together.
    my 5 k run was a bit funny i started out a bit to fast and while it was kind of windy for the first 1.5k but then suddently the wind picked really up and on the home straight i was hardly moving and my leg speed albeit improving is still not good enough and i could not use the tail wind enough decied after 3 k to finish the last to k with 400 m intervals with 20 m walking and then getting up to speed for 20 m into the head wind... worked out out and i did 18.17 .... anyway i do think i should go sub 17.35 this week for probably my last 5k test this year , 10 k tempo was 38.50 and long run 33k and one of my rare sunday runs was 7k at 4.15 after a 5 h bike which i was pleased with as it felt good . 140 k for the week .
    i think going into this 4 week block my 10 k tempo was 42min something and this week it was under 39min so this will do me. more importantly i can do drills and stuff i could not do 2 blocks ago and could do some but still was struggling in the last block and was pretty much niggle free for last 3.5 weeks. and i really start to get a flow in the running. 500 run k in 4 weeks was more than planned but there was still a lot of easy running in it. .

    i did feel tired at the weekend but i finished the block on a high with the first run of the bike and since i was tired i was hoping 4.30 pace at best and did 4.17 pace . this was almost the perfect 4 weeks apart from run intensity in week 1 it could not have gone better so all good.
    and i would say right now i do think am on track to really have a go for sub 9 hardman shape and sub 8.40 ironman distance , as the run starts to come along and the swim and bike are already solid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    recovery week
    first 160 k bike ride this year
    5 k tt 17.36 , 32 sec imporvement but poor pacing did it 2 days earlier than last time not the best day, but a few lessons learned. good thing was recovery from it which was pleasantly fast
    did an almost 400m tt and that was good practise as turns where horrible funnily enough negative split. will do this week and should get sub 5.30
    fell of bike friday stupid shifting error after a bunny hop snapped rear dereileur ... hit head , no run sat but sunday all good. run 10 k 39.20 off the 160 k bike planned was 4.10 but felt good and decided to see where half ironman pace is right now .

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    mantra of the week if it was easy everybody would do it
    not much more to say this was a struggling week. i did start to stiffen up in a few body parts after the fall. nothing serious but just a tough week. had to make a few modifications and did not get everything done that i wanted but still solid week
    first k sub 3.20 and more importantly at 4.15 ish pace the improvement is quite nice 2 month ago i did 10k 4.18 at 140 working hard sat i did 2 hours at 4.16 at 135 and its starting to feel controlled and with race shoes i assume it would be 3 sec faster or more important the perceived effort would be lower . progress is progress
    swimming was good this week only 10 k but decent quality
    and bike also ok had to cut tempo session short but sunday got the long bike in, and the 160 k felt already a good bit better than last week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    more wood was chopped last week ...
    not plain sailing again with the 2nd jab last wednesday and feeling pretty miserable on thursday .
    luckily, i did drag myself to swim in the evening i was almost turning around on the way , but so glad i did swim i felt so much better after it .
    i did a new 5 k training pb almost matching time of 2nd last tt . and i did 42,2 k on sat just under 3 hours.
    was good approx 15 k including my best session this year so far .
    bike wasnt too happy with but was also rather solid and overall weekly volume was good and while intensity was not top notch i did my best which is all i can ask for.

    given the circumstances it was a good week and i missed only one session with the jab , luckily hr was quite normal after the jab.
    as of this week iam well and truly in my last lap given that in three month time i will be finished with ironman training at least for a good while, unless i get no race done.
    i really enjoy the process this year since the running is coming back, but i also had a huge smile on my face after saturdays run, which i finished 4 min before midnight when i realised in 3 month its over.

    project no excuse, is not easy ( and that is not an excuse lol ) i have lost 14 kg since march the 12th, and iam spending more time with an tennis ball and a foam roller than i would ever have imagined ...
    but iam not going to do this again before iam 50 ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    iam to old to remember what happened last week . i do rember it sucked and i did the best i could do. defo at my limit at the moment and the fun is gone but at the same time at this stage at training it would not be right if it was different...

    run is a bit of a struggle

    swim getting better

    bike was solid again

    unhappy athlete * who is looking at the small pic , happy coach who is looking at the bigger pic , would sum it up,in one phrase.

    this week i did run my first sub 18min 5 k in training so another small step forward. and so far with a bit of rest ,faster shoes and pushing a bit more i tend to be about a min faster for more serious efforts .

    still not sure about final race plan, did not mange to get an entry for the half champs. it would have been a bit early as iam still catching up with the run , but i would have have seen myslef as somebody for top 3to 5 .but of course this has also its advantages as i dont really want to break off training for 2 week at the moment , and also mentally i dont really think i have 3 races in me to really push. iam certainly in sub 9 shape as we speak, and so far i do think iam on a good way to have a fair shot at sub 8.40 by end of august start september. and in september i should be able to tweak the swim and bike a bit for frenchman.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    last week of the 4 week block

    that was a good week mon and tue where on the easier side to get through this week which had a toughish weekend.

    no complaints 2 good bike sessions 2 good swims and 1 fast run before the weekend. i am pretty sure i did 110 k running , swim and bike no idea

    sat 160 k bike with 8 k run sun 40 k run , some people asked if i did run a full marathon a few weeks ago , the answer is no it was a broken run and also included 2 hours of cycling. this time is was 40 k just for the reason that did get to the stage where i wanted to go , ie more is more until it isnt more and i would say 40 k was pretty spot on for that day and what i wanted to achieve. pace was also a bit slower but i run 28 k at the hottest time of the day, i drew comfort from the fact that a a few days ago i did hear a spanish guy on the phone mentioning how hot it is in ireland ... and given that this was the last day of a 4 week block i was pretty happy with it, i obviously want to get faster but am not that far of anymore where i want to be .

    anyway this week will be a good recovery week it was a solid block but the body does need a rest and aborb the training and the mind needs to freshen up a bit for the most crucial block

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    Sat evening I sat on my turbo and was a bit pissed off ...

    So I decided to change what pissed me off.

    Talk less focus more

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    What was it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    many tiny little things

    i started to be a bit relaxed about weight loss . so i did stop on making excuses why toady i deserve to eat a bit more and tomorrow i will be better. i think at this stage i can confirm that when i will be at the start of an ironmandistance race this year i will be at the lightest ever. still prob 2 kg from perfect but the lowest by at least a kg . and i guess till october i should be able to lose 1 kg more .

    i was to focused on certain outcomes and not hitting those outcomes made training less joyful when all i needed to to was to ask am i doing my best .

    naturally training is not always easy, so i made a decison what to do that works for me and keeps me mentaly fresh not the best decison for my run but at the end likely the one that produces that best result vs a perfect plan that is then not 100 percent executed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    so in short the last 4 weeks have been pretty good, there has been progress in the swim and bike and at least no regression in the run despite some small issues in the left knee. and in fairness there was a few good runs there as well

    am i where i wanted to be, no, am, i very close to where i wanted to be ,yes. the hardest part is really i have to make a decision ie if i do a ironman distacne race in the next 2 weeks i would do quite well but if i do than i wont improve my run for october. at the same time it is the run that still needs some work.

    last thursday i did my 2 first races 2021.... when i say races competiton was not even aware they were in a race so iam not sure they would see it as a race .... race one was a 7 k climb starting at lake garda it was defo my highest power output for 20 min of the year by a good bit. i did get beaten after i rode a bold attack after 6 k in a flat bit where i was at an adavantage , given my bike was about 28 kg as i had a lot of ham and cheese and coffee on me vs competitors 7 kg bike... but then i did get beaten in the steep bit at the very end . i did learn for race 2 in the afternoon, i read the race better was more patient this time and i won ... luckily the couple accepted my appologies at the top as i certainly did get a high mark on the scale. but they took it well and even congratulated me ... anyway i have to say i was pleased, not with the win... but how deep i managed to go into those 2 efforts espcially in the morning that was prop the most i ever have suffered in a training session, and given that i had done about 2000 k in 2,5 weeks on the bike it was great and a very valuable test session

    i would say i am even a bit ahead of where i want to be on the bike iam fairly confident to be a couple of min faster than last year on the bike ie i would be able to ride about4.32 on a fast proper 180k course such as poland or copenhagen today or aobut 4.46 47 for hardman. of course it does depend on a few factors ie weather conditons, but iam quite happy.

    the swim is fine its where i wanted it to be and i did get a lot of swimming done in italy, as planned there is still some room for improvement for september but iam where i want to be ie already at least at the level i was last year.

    the run .... this is the hard bit, i am still a bit in between and i would be lying if i was happy with the last 4 weeks , i had to run for quite a few days step hills up, very good and down not so good which was a bit to much for the left knee so for the last 10 days i have had to reduce the running a bit, its not a critical issue at all but is painful. i am at about 4.25 /4.30 min k IM pace . honestly i would say this could be enough sub 8.40 at this stage ... but the room for error would be almost 0 and i would have to more risk on the bike when the plan for this year was to play it a bit save on the bike and try to be able to run a sub 3.05. hard to say whats going to happen but i do believe i will improve the run if i give it another 4 weeks

    at the end all the above is a bit pathetic, of course, while i do have a very good idea where iam at the end of the day one never knows .... iam most likely a bit to negative about my run, and of course there is still a chance that i blow up on the run ...

    iam at really good overall fitness, the weight is good and the mind is willing to push a few weeks more ... it was a misserable time in italy usually for around 11am till 5 pm, there with most of the days in the 36 to 42 degree range, especially week 1 every day was 39 plus degree and most nights above 24 degrees at the morning but it was THE PERFECT heat camp.

    so as always if i take the glass half empty approach i would like to be in better run shape , if i take the glass half full approach its not too bad to be in a realistic position to go sub 8.40 shape at the age of 46 .

  • Registered Users Posts: 4 interested3

    last week was an easier week after a lot of back and forth i did decide to race at podersdorf in austria on the 4th of spetember. not much more to say than i can confirm i did check the weather forcast more than one should do.... and you can bet it is decent lol

    of course 4 hours after i decided to race i did hurt my knee a bit , funnily this was one of the reasons to race as i thought who knows how the body will hold up till oktober ...aqua jogging it is this well lol

    anyway looking forward to race on sat and almost a bit more to a visit at the vienna opera on sunday and the burg theather on monday.

    the race plan is clear sub 8.40 ,did i mention that i did check the weather forcast... or walking to the finish line . the field is good to make it a proper race and not just a pure tt.

    not much more to say apart from the good thing that iam nervous which is good as one can only really perform if there is doubt and nerves . i know that i have done the work, the numbers are there for sub 8.40 and if not iam going to have another chance at frenchman.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    How did you get on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    so i had entered podersdorf long distance after i saw the weather forecast for the race and i had done 2 pretty good runs that week . that was a very good decision, given race day conditions . the only issue 4 hours afters i decided to race i hurt my knee and when i flew out on wednesday my chances to be able to run where rather low. it was a very bad decision to fly out , this is one of the things when it its really bad to be the athlete and coach in one. of course as the athlete i have to believe the knee heals but as a coach it was not a good choice at all. the only excuse here is the weather forcast and of course the times we are in when you never really know what will happen and the next race frenchman being in the bay of bizcaya you never know what weather you will get in October.

    the irony the first issue i had in the race was not me but my wheel which got a bit damaged after a cyclist i lapped , decided it was a good idea to cycle into the middle of the road somehow his rear wheel and my front wheel made contact and my fairing got damaged . till then it had been a pretty good race given the the week. of course i have thought about this incident a few times and every time for some reason i have to laugh about it since it is so bizarre.

    to go back to race week the knee only started to really respond to treatment only friday morning 24 hours before the race and overall i was still too tight. anyway i decided to take the swim easy as well as the first 60 k on the bike so i would reduce the risk to tighten up as much as possible , overall that worked well . swim was easy , i started a bit to fast for first 7 k on bike but then when i turned around i saw a guy i swam with 30 sec or so behind and was waiting and i have to say i never raced with an better pacing athlete . he was leading from 15 to 55 or so k and a few k around 70 k and he was just brilliant . i went in front from 55 to to 100 and the pace was well controlled. just as i gained some confidence i had the wheel incidence, luckily i did not come off the bike but still the fairing was rubbing ever so slighly at the breaks not the pad but bellow. and despite increasing my effort i got dropped . i still rode 4.33 .30 but i really had to work too hard for that . hard to say really what to do in this situation it was kind of clear i need a 4.30, to have a chance for sub 8.40 and effectively after the wheel incidence the chance was gone. at the same time i did feel i was tightening up which was basically like runing into a knife that is pointed at you . since hindsight is 20 20 it was good this way as every k i had run more would have made it harder to sort the knee out...

    i did start the run but it made no sense since it was not only the knee that was complaining after the bike ride.

    at the end of the day i can not blame anybody else than myself, after i went home form italy i did not do enough range of movement massage etc work . i have to say i really did not expect the knee issue that early given how well i had run that week but one of the reasons to enter austria was the fact that i realised the body quite possibly would not take much more

    two weeks after the race the knee is better i started do my first run but i still need to be very careful well thats a bit positive after trying a few things i found one device i can run without pain swim and bike are solid . the mind ... is a different matter realistically sub 8.40 is gone and the reason to train is kind of gone since i have not been able to run now for 3 weeks. its not all gloom and doom as i do know 6 month of work are not erased in 4 weeks .but the 100 percent focus is gone .

    anyway its a tight line between peaking and going over it , i went over it and thats cool , and i can live with it, i did chose the all or nothing approach and knew the risks. so the plan is to keep calm and just do the best i can .its of course rather frustrating to have been so close and yet so far but iam proud of what i did the last 6 month. and despite the fast that i never took so long to recover from a aquabike race i have done a few good swims and solid bikes.

    this is the end of project sub 8.40. At the same time, as i have said above i have 6 month of pretty good work in me and iam still sub 8.50 material for the frenchman. while i have no interest in a 8.50 race i going to race a bit more careful in frenchman as it would be kind of good to finish a race ......... and i have to say i do look forward to the swim its by far the best swim there is always such a great atmosphere before the swim start , at the perfect beach for a race start , a point to point swim finishing in a port .

    it wont get easy to mentally prepare for frenchman i did notice iam tired to go through a race week prep , in fairness its not easy to prepare for a race when you cant even run in that week .... there so many little details one has to do and if there is a bit of doubt its just a chore , on the upside i have to say i really enjoyed the first 100 k on the bike and without the bike incident i am fairly sure i would have broken sub 4.30 h on the bike , of course it means nothing it you dont run but still i can say this was the most enjoyable 100 k on the bike and the best paced ever. and in a way its easier to deal with that the race got derailed by this bike incident , and as stupid as it was to race i also know me i would have been as pissed if i had not gone as this was the the first race i did where the weather was perfect... in my head even with a dodgy knee i would have gone crazy had i left it out. iam surely not the only triathlete who has won or podiumed many a race when i just looked at splits after a race ................ and swim and bike wise iam at least the same level as before podersdorf and who knows if i do race like pablo dapena i might have a tiny chance to run ok . but i am not going to waste energy on it. it is what it is.
