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Nikon D3300 18-55MM what are obv lens options?

  • 27-11-2014 1:21pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,603 ✭✭✭

    I bought a Nikon D3300 with a 18-55MM lens included for my wife a few months ago. I have little idea about the technology involved and the lens choices. I tired reading up today what would be good complementary len/s to buy to go with what she has currently. I find the terminology a bit dazzling :)

    If I would summarise the 18-55MM lens it is good at close in shots, not really appropriate for outdoor shots of middle distance targets. The kids playing football that kind of thing.

    I would have a budget of roughly 300 euro (Christmas present) but that could be adjusted if needed. Better to buy 1 lens for that or 2 at the 150 rough range?

    For instance this one reads okay but then it says the zoom is 3.6x which doesnt seem like much.

    Any advice or pointers to threads already covering this would be welcome. Apologises if its been asked before.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,037 ✭✭✭✭adox

    If your budget can stretch to it, the 70-300 lens would be a much better choice imo. Obviously a longer reach, which you seem concerned about and certainly much better quality overall than the 55-200.

    If you go the second hand route you could pick one up for around €350 I would say.

    Remember as well that the 3300 is a cropped sensor body so the rach of those lenses is multiplied x 1.5, so you have a 300mm reach on the one you linked and a 450mm reach on the one I suggested.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,930 ✭✭✭Wossack

    not sure it helps, but just to note the 'zoom' of 3.6, is the big number divided by the small one (200/55=3.6), so your current lens has a 3x (55/18) zoom. It kinda makes 'zoom' a pretty meaningless figure really
