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Celebrity Big Brother 2015



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,077 ✭✭✭Saralee4

    Katie is a typical bully. She targets people who she thinks she is more intelligent than. Thats why she goes for it with Perez (although i know he's annoying) and Alicia.

    She knows that Nadia will never like her so she doesnt see the point in ever being nice to her.

    She is afraid of Michelle. She knows that if she ever said anything to Michelle that she wouldnt let it go lightly. Thats why they get on.

    Shes alright with the Chloe and Cami because she is the type who sees value in a persons looks. She probably thinks they are stupid but she enjoys the gang mentality and bitching with them.

    I dont like Perez but his 'gang' ie patsy, nadia, alicia dont sit around talking about people the same way as 'Katies gang', Cami, Chloe and Michelle. Its only really Perez thats the bad egg in his own gang but the other gang are all vile.

    Id like alicia to stay but if she went, it would be interesting to see who is the next target, patsy probably?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,752 ✭✭✭johnpatrick81

    Cami Li and Chloe are just toxic!!! I hope Chloe or Michelle go just to annoy Cami Li. Alex wouldn't be much of a loss though.

    Alysia is on such higher ground to the other 2 that she can no longer see them from her vantage point. Gutter trash they are. She comes across so classy and sane and nice compared to their nastiness.

    Katie is detestable as usual but its even better that she is being out nastied. Would love for her to be forgotten and disappear forever off our screens/media.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,845 ✭✭✭✭somesoldiers

    New Housemate....Katie Price maybe? She will batter Alicia's bullies if they start on her!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,077 ✭✭✭Saralee4

    Yay go alicia :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 774 ✭✭✭CarpeDiem85

    I'm finding this show stressful to watch this series and I don't know if I'll see it out to the end. The last series was interesting in terms of the various characters that were so different and the psychology of it all. This series is so full of the mean girl type. It's funny how they always hunt in packs. I respect Nadia as she's strong enough to stand up to the mean girls and feel sympathy for Alicia. Hopefully they're picked off one by one soon.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,845 ✭✭✭✭somesoldiers

    I can't understand why Katie keeps at Alicia for being thick as she sees it, sure it's hardly Alicia's fault. If there was a blind person in there would she attack them for their handicap?
    They should put some genius in to just slag Katie the whole time for not being as clever as them

    Get over it folks, it's not university challenge, no one cares who the cleverest is, we want entertainment and this bickering isn't it

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭Meauldsegosha

    Has Patsy left? I don't think I've seen her in two day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,661 ✭✭✭Crimsonforce

    For someone who's talent is having surgery and then says she is against it but shows Keith what he should have done ,that yo me shows how dim she is.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭Strongbow10

    Behind all the false bravado, front and self righteousness 99% of them are dying to be popular and thus stay in the house.

    That young one Chloe basically used Perez there are a means of pretty much begging to be kept in.

    I'm ashamed of myself for saying it, but I pretty much think that Katie Hopkins is bang on the money with a lot of her observations and it's very hard to feel sorry for any of the targets of her ire.

    Her pandering to the 2 young girls surprises me though, I'd have thought she would be having none of their nonsense although I suspect if Perez wasn't in there she'd be giving both of them her more honest appraisal

    That Camill chick is some goon, she's giving it lots of attitude thinking it will enhance her popularity it's quite pathetic

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 774 ✭✭✭CarpeDiem85

    Even if she's 'dim', she's harmless. She doesn't come across as nasty or spiteful. There are bigger issues in that house than her.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭Meauldsegosha

    Has Patsy left? I don't think I've seen her in two day.

    Oh there she is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭Meauldsegosha

    There's too many emotionally charged women in there already, don't think they should put another one in. :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,147 ✭✭✭mise

    Cami is a nasty nasty person. And her "im college educated" comeback holds no weight at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,845 ✭✭✭✭somesoldiers

    Wonder what college- she didnt know what "shrill" meant yesterday

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 774 ✭✭✭CarpeDiem85

    So nasty to bring someone's family into it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,845 ✭✭✭✭somesoldiers


    Can't wait to see their faces

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭Meauldsegosha

    I'm surprised Katie Price is doing this after her ex did it a few years ago. The last perfume/calendar/autobiography/knicker range mustn't have sold very well. :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,639 ✭✭✭Alice1

    Chloe gone - wonder how will Cami Li manage without her?

    Cami Li is very screechy - hard on the ears.

    Perez - there are no words. He is just vile.

    Nadia is getting very bossy.

    Love Katie Price.

  • Registered Users Posts: 457 ✭✭Sinead Mc1

    Can't stand this "I'm just being honest/tell it like it is" mentality. If everyone did that we'd be killing each other. Only drama queens/attention seekers tell each other exactly what we think. They know it'll lead to a fight. Normal people distance themselves and walk away. Its the mature thing to do. Katie prides herself on this but surely the biggest flaw you could pull someone on is nastiness and bullying. She ignores personality traits. Instead she concentrates on pulling people on the minor flaws like being fat or unintelligent. She is an absolute coward.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,819 ✭✭✭fussyonion

    I could never stand Katie Price during the whole Peter Andre thing; thought she was a cold hearted cow, but tonight I actually felt myself willing herself to do well.

    I actually feel a bit sorry for her.

    As hard as she comes across, I do think it's a bit of a facade and she HAS dealt with a lot of heartache that most of us would crumble over.

    She's lost a baby, she's been through marriage break-ups, she's had her husband being a cross-dresser, her current husband cheated on her and she's put up with being voted for every single trial in IACGMOFH...but y'know, hats off to her, she's dealt with it.

    I think she might do OK in the house.

    GLAD Chloe's gone....what an evil bitchy cow.
    Perez actually amused me tonight the way he was dancing around the garden.

    I hope the next one out is Alexander..he is very nice but he's a bit boring.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭Strongbow10

    Sinead Mc1 wrote: »
    Can't stand this "I'm just being honest/tell it like it is" mentality. If everyone did that we'd be killing each other. Only drama queens/attention seekers tell each other exactly what we think. They know it'll lead to a fight. Normal people distance themselves and walk away. Its the mature thing to do. Katie prides herself on this but surely the biggest flaw you could pull someone on is nastiness and bullying. She ignores personality traits. Instead she concentrates on pulling people on the minor flaws like being fat or unintelligent. She is an absolute coward.

    Very true. There's a culture amongst these fame seeking types that they need to be "real" and "tell it like it is". They forget that it's simply an opinion and not necessarily the general consensus.

    The phrase "but that's my opinion" being used to justify some outlandish insult is a load of nonsense and any disagreement with said statement is seen as a personal attack on the person who is keen to enhance their persona as a straight talker. That girl Cami clearly has it in her head that the public are roaring her on for expressing her opinion. Even the young one who got booted out tonight was going to great lengths to tell folks she was "telling it as it is", no you weren't you were simply trying to convince people you were not simply an empty vessel in a bikini, and your effort amounted to nothing more than being mouthy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,962 ✭✭✭✭dark crystal

    Delighted Chloe went - I was sure it would be Alexander. Shame Emma didn't grill her more about their treatment of Alicia in the house.

    Like fussyonion, I was laughing so hard at Perez mincing it up in the garden and annoying them without even being in the room. Saying that, I imagine he'd be a total nightmare to live with.

    Michelle denying Cami's nasty dig at Alicia annoyed me even more than the dig itself. For someone who claims to stand up for weaker folk, she's sure not doing much to help Alicia in that house. Her popularity is confusing the heck out of me.

    Not a fan of Katie Price, but I felt for her walking into that house tonight. I really hope she doesn't align herself with the mean crowd and does actually try to be a peacemaker. Although, if she falls out with Hopkins, I wouldn't mind too much :pac:

    That sudden onset of 'emotion' in the DR didn't fool me any - the woman is Helen Wood reincarnate.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,038 ✭✭✭Go Harvey Go

    And now, the news.


    DAAA DA DAAAA, DAA DAA DAA, diddle-dee-dee, dee-dee-dee-deeeeee, DAAA DA DAAAA, DAA DAA DAA DAAAAA...

    Katie Price enters the Celebrity Big Brother house.


    *sighs* The Pope confirms that he is Catholic.


    Oh, God... One plus one is found to always be two.


    *yawns* And scientists reveal that bears defecate in the woods.


    *shakes head, sighs again* Good evening. Katie Price has entered the Celebrity Big Brother house. It is being reported that the show's producers offered her half a million pounds...

    *falls asleep on desk*

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,230 ✭✭✭Merkin

    What a nasty lot they are! It's obvious that Alicia is not exactly plagued by thought but vilifying her repeatedly for that is beyond cruel. It's quite uncomfortable to watch.

    I'm furious with Michelle after her 'emotional' rant re gay rights in the aftermath of Perez's ridiculous carry on in the garden. It was wholly disingenuous and she was merely wheeling the activist flag out in order to garner support when he was behaving like a knob anyway, his sexuality being completely irrelevant. Shame on her.

    I think Katie Price should be interesting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,819 ✭✭✭fussyonion

    Go Harvey, if Big Brother bores you, you don't need to post here? :confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,166 ✭✭✭Tasden

    Merkin wrote: »
    What a nasty lot they are! It's obvious that Alicia is not exactly plagued by thought but vilifying her repeatedly for that is beyond cruel. It's quite uncomfortable to watch.

    I'm furious with Michelle after her 'emotional' rant re gay rights in the aftermath of Perez's ridiculous carry on in the garden. It was wholly disingenuous and she was merely wheeling the activist flag out in order to garner support when he was behaving like a knob anyway, his sexuality being completely irrelevant. Shame on her.

    I think Katie Price should be interesting.

    I dunno, i did find Michelle's rant a little disingenuous myself BUT I had been thinking that perez is kind of acting like every homophobic person I've encountered believes gay people to be-over the top, dramatic, bitchy, attention seeking, camp, overly sexual etc.

    Of course these things are just his personality and not his sexuality but for people who are gay and want to get rid of those stereotypes that exist, I can see why they would be extremely irritated and disappointed by that behaviour. That's not to say perez shouldn't behave that way or that he is responsible in some way, just that I can see where she was coming from. People for years have been trying to speak up and show that gay people are no different to anyone else and not these camp overly sexual freaks (even in the gay marriage debate the issue of paedophilia is thrown about as if there is some connection) or whatever else and then perez, a gay "icon" I suppose, starts humping a wall- I could see why it could worry people that it might just reinforce fears homophobic people do have. She was way ott though.

    Is kav gay too?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,038 ✭✭✭Go Harvey Go

    fussyonion wrote: »
    Go Harvey, if Big Brother bores you, you don't need to post here? :confused:

    Why, the show doesn't bore me at all - I was only trying to put my own spin on the fact that Pricey going into the house really isn't a surprise. :o;)

    For those who didn't appreciate this, I do apologise. :o:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,230 ✭✭✭Merkin

    I can see your point Tasden although it never even occurred to me that anyone would associate his behaviour with sexual preferences. That being said, if someone is a bigot then that kind of behaviour will merely add fuel to the homophobic fire so I see where you're coming from.

    In saying that ( and up until recently I really like Michelle) I don't believe gay equality was top of her agenda in this instance. I think her priority was to highlight what an annoying numpty he is and she wants him out so she, rather manipulatively, chose to bring his sexuality into it too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭Iranoutofideas

    Are some people only still realising that Katie Price is as common as muck? Just like Kerry Katona - knackers the pair of them.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 774 ✭✭✭CarpeDiem85

    I think Katie Price is a shrewd business woman though. She became a multi millionaire from creating a certain brand and persona of herself. To me, she modelled herself as Barbie and Pete was her Ken. I can see why BB put her in there. She comes across as the alpha female who won't be afraid to speak her mind and put a few people in the house back in their box. I don't love her but I'm interested to watch her. She wouldn't offend me like Kerry Katona would.
