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Mum on the Run



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,297 ✭✭✭SamforMayo

    i tink i read something about BodyBalance a while ago. are they mind-centering types of exercise? concentration on breatheing?

    Hmmm, like yoga? It has nt hit Mayo yet I'd say!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    SamforMayo wrote: »
    What in the name of God is body balance?
    SamforMayo wrote: »
    Hmmm, like yoga? It has nt hit Mayo yet I'd say!

    Lol! It's a mix of tai chi, yoga and pilates. One of the Les Mills branded fitness classes. Start a campaign to bring it to Mayo!:D

    It's not as fluffy as it sounds, some of the sections (legs, core) are tough enough and the stretchy bits target hips, hamstrings and glutes which are useful for runners. The balance bit generally involves standing on one leg in a variety of poses. And yes I have keeled over. More than once :o.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,297 ✭✭✭SamforMayo

    I will email Enda Kenny immediately and insist that Body Balance must be brought to Mayo!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Just in from the Fat Turkey and straight back into Mammy mode so the report will have to wait until Bungy Junior hits the hay. After a full morning and half the afternoon in Mr Bungy's charge she'll be wired and possibly full of sugar so it might be late :rolleyes:

    A quick summary : :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Get back here now and tell all!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Get back here now and tell all!!

    Ha ha, fell asleep on the couch :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,297 ✭✭✭SamforMayo

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    Ha ha, fell asleep on the couch :o

    Jaysus woman will you tell us...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    My turn for a lie-in this morning so didn’t roll out of bed until after 9. A healthy breakfast (to cancel out all the rubbish from the last few days) and then the usual wardrobe dilemma – shorts or tights, short or long sleeves, headband or no? I give less consideration to an outfit for a night out! Settled on shorts and a long sleeve top and threw all the accessories into the bag so I could decide later.

    Gorgeous morning for it: sunny, cold and not much wind. Registration was quick and I collected my tech tee (size small but practically down to my ankles, lol). Mr. Bungy has a drawer full of t-shirts for races he’s never done.

    10 mins warm up jog to the start line and thankfully very little hanging around before the gun because it was brass monkeys. No timing mat at the start so I didn’t want to be too far back but at the same time didn’t want to go off too fast. Ended up about 4-5 rows back which was about right. No argy bargy or elbows in the face.

    The first Km is fairly flat, you’re just starting into the first climb when you hit the 1Km marker. Quick look at the stopwatch: 4:31. The Km splits in this race are actually fairly meaningless because of the gradient but it’s handy to have something to focus on to get from one Km to the next. I knew if I could get to the summit (a little after the 5K mark) in sub 25 I’d be on target for 46:xx or thereabouts. At this stage we’re into the serious climbing and there’s very little respite until the summit. 2nd Km was 5:30, 3rd was 4:33 (must’ve been a downhill bit in there!), then 4:50. At some point during the 5th Km the lead runners started to approach on their return. Amazing to see the speed and form of these runners. Started talking to the guy who’d pulled up alongside me and I give him full credit for dragging/encouraging me up the last two hills. We’ll call him Cool Guy because of his shades (red t-shirt guy won’t work because most of the field were in their red race t-shirts). Just before we turned to go up the last (horrifically steep) climb I heard one of the spectators say to her young daughter ‘There’s another lady’ so I was hoping that meant us ladies were still something of a novelty among the gents at that stage. 5:09 for the 5th Km. I had passed a few girls on the way up and only been passed by one so I had some vague hope of making the top 10 but had no idea really – everyone was bundled up in layers and headgear it was hard to tell who was who. Thanks to Cool Guy and a shout out from a girl I know who was spectating I got up to the summit in 24:59.5. Hurray! Cutting it fine but still on target.

    Now for the descent! Felt a stitch coming almost as soon as the downhill started so had to focus on posture and breathing to try to control it. 4:18 for the 6th Km, then the stitch started to ease so I could give it a bit more welly. 4:06 followed by 4:31 (a sneaky uphill in there). Only 2Km left. It was all I could do at this stage to hold pace and hope not to get overtaken. Cool Guy had forged ahead by this time and was a few places ahead :cool:. 4:09 for the 9th Km then the road levels out at which stage I started to hear a stampede of feet behind me. Too tired to care at that stage (unless of course there was another girl, if so I would have to find another gear from somewhere). I was passed by a few guys and felt like I was moving at a snail’s pace but surprised to see the last Km split at 4:07. Official finish time 45:42. Three minutes quicker than last year. And best of all, a prize for being first aul wan. Think I was 6th F but not sure, the provisional results show the 1st girl as 3rd so I think there are some errors in there. Delighted! Great way to finish off the year and hopefully bodes well for a good start to 2015.

    I had better stop now before this turns into War and Peace instead of a race report.
      10K (hilly!) + 1 mile w/up + .5 mile c/d


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,297 ✭✭✭SamforMayo

    A fantastic run and result on what sounds like a nightmare of a course. Well done! You deserved that sleep!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    Nice chunk taken off there, good way to end the year and get you ready to kick off in 2015.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Fantastic run, really delighted for you. And a 20 min 42 sec second 5k??!! I know you were motoring down but that is still some shifting :D You know we expect to see a repeat if that in a standalone 5k :)
    Congrats and don't keep us waiting so long next time ;)
    Ps double congrats on the aul wan/general female placing too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    And a 20 min 42 sec second 5k??!!

    That would be gravity. Nothing to do with me :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Nope, it means that your legs can move that fast :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Great time, you'd be a couple of minutes faster on a flat course!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Well done.
    There are a lot of ladies around the 20:00 - 20:30 mark for 5k around here at the moment.
    When's the big showdown for the boards title?? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    There are a lot of ladies around the 20:00 - 20:30 mark for 5k around here at the moment.

    If I could get 20.59 on a flat course next year I'd be delighted with myself. I'd imagine quite a few of the others on here smashing the 20 barrier sooner rather than later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Complete rest day yesterday to recuperate and to replenish the calories expended at the Fat Turkey. Although if I’m honest they were replenished before I even left the race venue having demolished more scones and biscuits than is considered polite.

    I’ve designated this week an easy week so the aim is to do roughly half the normal mileage, mostly at very low intensity. My tendency to date has been to run myself into the ground by keeping going and only stopping when the body breaks down. So in an effort to prevent this in 2015 I’m scheduling easy weeks and complete rest weeks in the hope that I can manage the training load a bit better and finally get the mileage up to a decent level.

    The footpaths are still a bit frosty even along the coast so I stuck to grass and just did 30 mins very easy. The body is definitely tired but considering the hammering it got on Sunday I’m happy to have got away with just fatigue. Followed that with Body Balance and about 20 mins in the gym.
      30 mins on grass (3.3 miles)

    Reckon tomorrow will be another rest day so Happy New Year y’all and here’s hoping we all smash our 2015 targets!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Well, that’s blown the cobwebs off! Jeez, the wind is unreal today. I’d planned a nice and easy 50 minutes for this morning along the seafront. Was flying along the first 25 mins then turned back and slammed into a gale force head-on wind. Took an extra 4 minutes to get back at the same (or more!) effort.
      54 mins (5.8 miles) mainly on grass

    Faffed about in the gym for a bit then went to Body Balance. Tried a ‘Detox’ juice for the first time in the café afterwards. Surprisingly tasty for something that promises to undo the overdoings of the last few weeks

    I was laid low with a head cold for New Year’s but over the worst of it now. Will keep it easy again tomorrow, then a nice brisk 2 mile XC to finish off the low mileage week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    Will keep it easy again tomorrow, then a nice brisk 2 mile XC to finish off the low mileage week.

    Loving your log! Congratulations on the fat turkey race.

    Can i ask a question? I realise I'm not giving you time to say no before asking my question, but here goes! ;). You've mentioned a 2 mile xc training session. I'm thinking of doing a 2 mile xc race next week. I've never done one before and I'm only even considering it because its down the road from where I live. So how would you go into a 2 mile xc race,? Presumably you can't sprint off because you have to maintain your speed for some distance...but you can't warm into it like a 5/10k either how would a person prepare for it? My 5k speed is 30 mins...but thats being conservative to keep some fuel in the tank...but I wouldn't have to be that conservative in a 2 mile?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    I'm thinking of doing a 2 mile xc race next week.

    Don't think. Do it!

    It's actually a race I'm doing on Sunday (in Bushy Park) rather than a training session. I love cross country because your time is irrelevant and it's proper mucky fun. If you haven't already, read Dubgal's account of her Senior XC County Champs win a few weeks ago. A master class in XC running :cool:

    I'm no expert, but I'd suggest getting some practice runs in on grass if you normally run on pavements. Depending on where the race is it might be soft/muddy and that can be strength sapping on your legs On the day itself do a really good, long warm up and some strides up so you're ready to run from the gun (rather than ease into it as you would in a longer race). The thing is if you take off like a bullet you won't be able to hang on for the duration. So, if the race is in laps (and XC races usually are) maybe take the first lap at round 5K effort or slightly faster so you're reasonably comfortable, then use the 2nd (and subsequent, if any) laps to start overtaking those ahead of you. Just pick them off one of a time until you're in the lead :D
    If you don't have spikes just wear your oldest runners. They will get mucky!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    Don't think. Do it!

    It actually a race I'm doing on Sunday (in Bushy Park) rather than a training session. I love cross country because your time is irrelevant and it's proper mucky fun. If you haven't already, read Dubgal's account of her Senior XC County Champs win a few weeks ago. A master class in XC running :cool:

    I'm no expert, but I'd suggest getting some practice runs in on grass if you normally run on pavements. Depending on where the race is it might be soft/muddy and that can be strength sapping on your legs On the day itself do a really good, long warm up and some strides up so you're ready to run from the gun (rather than ease into it as you would in a longer race). The thing is if you take off like a bullet you won't be able to hang on for the duration. So, if the race is in laps (and XC races usually are) maybe take the first lap at round 5K effort or slightly faster so you're reasonably comfortable, then use the 2nd (and subsequent, if any) laps to start overtaking those ahead of you. Just pick them off one of a time until you're in the lead :D
    If you don't have spikes just wear your oldest runners. They will get mucky!

    Brilliant thanks. I was wondering whether I could tackle it without spikes alright. Im loving the optimism about picking people off lol.
    :D I was thinking a decent warm up would be needed alright but I'm so terrible at warm ups in case I tire me self out :o

    I'll go have a nose around dubgals log. Good luck on Sunday!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Hehe BG, you're too kind. Have a blast Sunday, can't wait to hear how you get on, all that FT training (and speed) behind you, you'll rock it.
    Hannibal, +1 to BG's advice, especially the warm up. You won't tire yourself out if you go at a pace that is little more than a shuffle, try 15-20 minutes. The maxim is generally, the shorter the race, the more thorough the warm up. Don't worry so much about stretches, strides and drills are more important. You can practice drills during the week and for the race, maybe start with 3 or 4 to begin with.
    Cross country can be as tough as you make it. I wouldn't recommend starting off with the scramble just yet, be conservative and like BG says, you'll have the satisfaction of picking them off towards the end :D
    Most of all, enjoy it, embrace it...the mud, the cold, the wind and th sheer exhilaration of competing and finishing. It's a different ball game. If you think you're hooked, invest in a pair of spikes, makes a world of difference. They're about half the price of a pair of decent runners and will last three times as long cos you'll only be using them 4-10 times per year.
    Good luck!
    Here's the link to some drills, recommended by Clearlier

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Hehe BG, you're too kind. Have a blast Sunday, can't wait to hear how you get on, all that FT training (and speed) behind you, you'll rock it.
    Hannibal, +1 to BG's advice, especially the warm up. You won't tire yourself out if you go at a pace that is little more than a shuffle, try 15-20 minutes. The maxim is generally, the shorter the race, the more thorough the warm up. Don't worry so much about stretches, strides and drills are more important. You can practice drills during the week and for the race, maybe start with 3 or 4 to begin with.
    Cross country can be as tough as you make it. I wouldn't recommend starting off with the scramble just yet, be conservative and like BG says, you'll have the satisfaction of picking them off towards the end :D
    Most of all, enjoy it, embrace it...the mud, the cold, the wind and th sheer exhilaration of competing and finishing. It's a different ball game. If you think you're hooked, invest in a pair of spikes, makes a world of difference. They're about half the price of a pair of decent runners and will last three times as long cos you'll only be using them 4-10 times per year.
    Good luck!
    Here's the link to some drills, recommended by Clearlier

    I just found your race report.... Holy feck congratulations.

    You're great ladies thanks for the help. I think I'll take it as it comes and call it a success if I don't get an elbow in the face ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    All this cross country talk recently had me intrigued, so I started looking it up the other day. I did one cross country race when I was in school many moons ago. Maybe I'll revisit it again sometime in the future!

    Good luck this weekend.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    laura_ac3 wrote: »
    All this cross country talk recently had me intrigued, so I started looking it up the other day. I did one cross country race when I was in school many moons ago. Maybe I'll revisit it again sometime in the future!

    Good luck this weekend.

    I think it's fab how we have so many more females now logging and doing a wide variety of different events!
    Go the women!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    laura_ac3 wrote: »
    All this cross country talk recently had me intrigued, so I started looking it up the other day. I did one cross country race when I was in school many moons ago. Maybe I'll revisit it again sometime in the future!

    Go for it! The BHAA (Dublin) organise great XC races from Oct-March every year and they're open to all. The Womens Meet and Train XC league (4 x 2 mile races) takes place over the winter (in Dublin mainly with one of the races usually in Dunboyne) and is a great entry point into cross country racing for women. Again, everyone's welcome and you don't have to be in a club. Apart from the one on Sunday in Bushy Park there are 2 more this season, I can dig out the dates if anyone's interested.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    laura_ac3 wrote: »
    All this cross country talk recently had me intrigued, so I started looking it up the other day. I did one cross country race when I was in school many moons ago. Maybe I'll revisit it again sometime in the future!

    Good luck this weekend.

    Are you based in Dublin? There's one in firhouse on the 17(I think) January.. Come join me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    Go for it! The BHAA (Dublin) organise great XC races from Oct-March every year and they're open to all. The Womens Meet and Train XC league (4 x 2 mile races) takes place over the winter (in Dublin mainly with one of the races usually in Dunboyne) and is a great entry point into cross country racing for women. Again, everyone's welcome and you don't have to be in a club. Apart from the one on Sunday in Bushy Park there are 2 more this season, I can dig out the dates if anyone's interested.

    Yeah I get the bhaa mails in work and I was looking it up the other week. I don't know, I really think I'd be a fish out of water but I wouldn't mind getting an idea of it. Maybe I'll look up that XC league as well. Just out of curiosity....
    Are you based in Dublin? There's one in firhouse on the 17(I think) January.. Come join me!

    The Raheny 5 is the week after which I'd like to give a really good go at so might not be the best timing!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Pilates class this morning. Oh how I wish I had practiced over the holidays! At least everyone else seemed to be in the same boat – we were all rubbish. And I managed to strain a muscle in my neck which is what I suspect happens when your core muscles have dissolved into a squishy pulp :(

    Followed this with 30 mins easy on grass. Nice even splits compared to yesterday thanks to not having to battle a headwind. Finished up with 4 strides.
      30 mins (3.3 miles) + 4 strides

    Not at all sure how tomorrow’s XC race is going to go. On the one hand I’ve a dodgy neck, the tail end of a head cold and a few surplus Xmas pounds to lug around. On the other hand I’m coming off the back of what was a good year for me running-wise so I should probably just trust that and give it some welly from the gun. I’m guessing there’ll be 100+ in the race so I’d be delighted to sneak into the top twenty. Cards on the table – I’m off to bed!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    2xibuprofen after breakfast and GO BG, you'll be grand :) If you have a set of longer spikes, bring them with you and screw them in after you suss out the terrain if you think it's going to be necessary. Mine were 9mm today I think and could have done with longer.
    Best of luck!
