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Due September 2015



  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Leogirl

    Right so, pig out time :)

    Only joking, long tucked up in bed now. The days of going to bed at stupid o'clock are long gone. I'm usually whacked by 9pm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    As soon as my 3 are in bed about 9 pm I head that way myself.

    Husband isn't too impressed. Feck him he's not growing a little human.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,713 ✭✭✭✭Novella

    I had an appointment with my doctor yesterday and she mentioned that I'll probably feel the baby move before I see her next at 21 weeks. I don't know why but I'm really nervous about feeling it! I was so excited but now that I know it's going to be happening soon and I have no idea what to expect, I feel anxious. That's probably so silly!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    I remember how strange it was feeling the first movements!

    Normally between 18 and 22 weeks it starts.

    I've felt a few flutters so far but this is my 4th pregnancy.

    Have had the most god awful headache for the past 2 days nothing will shift it I'm slowly going mad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Leogirl

    I've thought I felt something funny in there but I don't know - I think cause I know where it is from the Doppler I am just imagining it. I can't wait for something definite.

    I've been laid up with my back since yesterday. Chemist gave me solphadeine for 2/3 days but physio if it isn't better. She recommended a support belt from now on.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Oh your poor thing leogirl!

    I had spd and was relying on crutches to get around. My physio recommend sitting on a gym ball to improve posture and it was a miracle worker.

  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Leogirl

    I' be had back trouble for years and usually anti inflammatories+deep heat works after a few days but can't take either now. Chemist+maternity massuese recommend physio+the support belt but gave me solphadeine+the heat patch just to get me through next few days. I don't like taking the medicine but its agony at the mo!! They said it might go on throughout pregnancy so the belt+correct exercises should help ease or prevent it happening too often. Pain in the ass- literally :-). Everything else is great though. 15 weeks today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,713 ✭✭✭✭Novella

    I have been feeling great since I got over my stomach bug last week. I don't have morning sickness at all anymore and while I wouldn't say I totally have my appetite back, I do feel hungry now and want to eat. It's a nice change! My house is clean again! I swear since I've been pregnant and so sick I've barely been doing anything around the house. It would take me days to empty the dishwasher even, I'd just take a clean glass or plate out of it when needed!

    Delighted to be feeling like myself again! :)

    Hope everybody else is having a nice second trimester so far!

  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Leogirl

    Great to hear you're feeling so good Novella. Have to say, apart from back problems - I feel great & I'm loving this trimester so far. All the symptoms I have are nice ones mostly. Hope everyone else is doing well too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,977 ✭✭✭PandaPoo

    I'm in a bad way. My tablets are really messing me up. Vomiting constantly, shaking, really bad anxiety and panic attacks, crying all the time. I'll have to go to the doctor in the morning, it was my son's 5th birthday today so couldn't make it.
    Can't handle much more of this to be honest. I got 3 hours sleep last night and the panicking is the worst part, the sinking feeling in my heart is unbearable :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    I know the feeling PandaPoo.

    They just upped my dosage of anti depressants so I'm up all night vomiting in between my heart racing.

    Hate this so much feel like crap.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,713 ✭✭✭✭Novella

    So sorry to hear you two. Hope you're both feeling better soon and that the doctor can do something to help you tomorrow, Panda. Sounds awful.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭LH2013

    18 weeks today and have been laid up for much of it :( caught the bug my little boy had last week .... So having a feeling sorry for myself day :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Leogirl

    Hope everyone is keeping well? I'm past 16 weeks now & felt movement on Saturday - just like popping on my left side where baby is. Thought I'd had feelings before but never sure - this was like nothing I'd had before. Feel the odd stir now & then but easily missed if I wasnt concentrating. I really cant wait for more regular, strong movement. Anyone else getting it? I'm sure some of you are further on so well used to it! Didnt think I could love this little one more but its much stronger now - cant imagine how I'll be when it comes out! :-)

    On a bad note - AWFUL sciatic pain & cant sit, sleep, walk etc. Cant get physio until Friday morning. Anybody have any pain relief tips? Paracetamol just doesnt work :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,713 ✭✭✭✭Novella

    Aw Leogirl, you poor thing with that pain. How are you feeling now?

    I'm 19 weeks and I haven't felt anything yet that I could definitely identify as the baby moving. :( Hopefully soon! My belly is looking a lot rounder but still fitting into my regular jeans. I think it's gonna pop out soon because it's gotten so much more noticeable (to me at least, everyone else says I'm tiny) and so quickly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Leogirl

    I'm not great to be honest. Was at physio & it's acute sciatica that they can't really treat - painkillers & bed rest. It's agony & kinda getting me down.

    Haven't felt any definite movement since- little flutters but hard to say its baby for sure. I think it is though - its different to usual tummy stuff :-)

    As for bump, there's something there alright. My sis really noticed it yesterday. She took a pic & I could see it. It's strange! I think it goes up & down though. Still fitting into one pair of my skinny jeans- rest were put away last week. That was a bit of a moment, I got a bit upset thinking I'm too fat!! He talked some sense into me :-) got some new clothes & i feel much better wearing stuff that suits a wee bump rather than feeling too fat in my normal clothes. He loves the little bump, something changed in him the past week or so. Suppose it's more real to him now.

    17 weeks on sunday- the time is flying in. I feel fantastic other than my back (my butt really) & wish I could get over it & enjoy this time. It's like MS is totally gone, I have so much energy- and my skin & hair look better than ever. Now should be so nice & I'm laid up :-(

    Sorry for the big moan!

  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Leogirl

    Novella wrote: »
    Aw Leogirl, you poor thing with that pain. How are you feeling now?

    I'm 19 weeks and I haven't felt anything yet that I could definitely identify as the baby moving. :( Hopefully soon! My belly is looking a lot rounder but still fitting into my regular jeans. I think it's gonna pop out soon because it's gotten so much more noticeable (to me at least, everyone else says I'm tiny) and so quickly.

    As for movement- mine was just one time a real pop feeling. Like bubbles. The others were little flutters but I know I could mix up other stuff & I could miss movement if I didn't relax & concentrate. When I was getting physio I was laid on my tummy while she worked my spine- felt like baby was dancing in there. Such a weird feeling. I can't wait for more strong movement. It'll be lovely just feeling that life inside me - just me & baby, for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,713 ✭✭✭✭Novella

    You poor thing. Did you always have sciatica or is this just something that's come on during your pregnancy?

    My MS is gone too! :) I threw up on the morning of Easter Sunday but I did eat chocolate at 8am so I guess baby wasn't okay with that! Nothing since then.

    It is going by pretty quickly, isn't it? It's weird, it feels like I've been pregnant for a long time but at the same time, I can't believe I'm almost at the halfway point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Leogirl

    I've had back problems but not sciatica- this is worse than anything I had before & it's not improving :(

    I didnt mean morning sickness, I mean multiple sclerosis. I didn't get sick once since I got pregnant. Blessed!! Think I'm paying for the easy first trimester now!!

    I feel the same - its flying in but it consumes so much of me now so it feels like I've been pregnant for ages. It's just part of my life now. Does that make sense?!? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,713 ✭✭✭✭Novella

    Oh, silly me, sorry! Way too used to seeing MS used as an abbreviation for morning sickness on a pregnancy app I use. :pac:

    I had such a hard first trimester and the start of the second wasn't great either but doing good now. I do sometimes get a really sharp pain in my belly when I move or turn over in bed. Does that ever happen to you? That's about the extent of pregnancy symptoms for me at the moment, along with some food aversions.

    I feel terrible for you though. There's nothing worse than being in pain constantly, especially in your back (or bum!). Hopefully you get some relief. Are you seeing the physio again or is there literally nothing they can do?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Leogirl

    I get sharp pains too. Usually if I move too quick or cough/laugh. I think it's just round ligament pain. Been getting them for a while but not regularly. Suppose everything is growing & stretching- it's bound to hurt at times. Especially now when growing so much.

    I have physio again tues but my GP has said nerve blockers might be my only solution. I can't stay in pain for 5 months!! It's really bad today & I'm in a right grumpy mood :-(

    But 17 weeks today- yay!! We found out before I was even due my period so it's been ages- we are loving this few weeks, seeing a bump, knowing its now a proper baby & we'll soon know if boy or girl. He took ages to feel like a daddy- now he's worse than me, talking to it, hand on my tummy all the time etc. was pretty hard at first but worth the wait. How was your OH at start? I think it's hard for men to get into it when the only see a sick, hormonal partner & cant see or feel a baby. Or maybe it was just my guy!! :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,713 ✭✭✭✭Novella

    Leogirl wrote: »
    I get sharp pains too. Usually if I move too quick or cough/laugh. I think it's just round ligament pain. Been getting them for a while but not regularly. Suppose everything is growing & stretching- it's bound to hurt at times. Especially now when growing so much.

    I have physio again tues but my GP has said nerve blockers might be my only solution. I can't stay in pain for 5 months!! It's really bad today & I'm in a right grumpy mood :-(

    But 17 weeks today- yay!! We found out before I was even due my period so it's been ages- we are loving this few weeks, seeing a bump, knowing its now a proper baby & we'll soon know if boy or girl. He took ages to feel like a daddy- now he's worse than me, talking to it, hand on my tummy all the time etc. was pretty hard at first but worth the wait. How was your OH at start? I think it's hard for men to get into it when the only see a sick, hormonal partner & cant see or feel a baby. Or maybe it was just my guy!! :-)

    Oh you couldn't be in pain until September, it would feel like a never ending pregnancy. At least you know you have the option of nerve blockers if it comes to that. I was thinking of you when I woke up this morning actually because I had an awful pain in my hip on the side I'd been sleeping on and I was wondering how you were feeling!

    I found out before my period was due too. I remember being in a waiting room and the receptionist was wearing perfume, something about the smell just made me want to run out of there! My stomach was turning. I said to my husband, "Something weird is happening, I can smell everything!". I used to have a terrible sense of smell. Did a test really early the next morning, he was still in bed. I was expecting it to be negative but nope! I walked into the bedroom and said, "Looks like we're going to have a baby!". He kind of just looked up at me, said "Are we?" and then he went back to sleep. :pac:

    When he woke up later, he said, "Wait, did you really tell me that you're pregnant!?" and he was so embarrassed because he thought he'd been dreaming!

    He's great though. He's been to all of my appointments and he was such a help when I was really sick. He hasn't been rubbing my belly or talking to the baby really but he's so excited about picking a name. I often find him online looking up baby names. :) Your guy sounds so sweet! I'd love that! I think it'll be more real for mine when he can feel the baby move. I can't wait for that to happen!

  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Leogirl

    He's sweet now but wasn't at first. At first I felt very alone in it- thank God for my sister!! He just didn't get his head around it & I was super sensitive, my hormones were seriously nuts the first trimester. I guess I pushed him away a bit too.

    My clue was a metallic taste in the mouth & peeing all the time. I was on antibiotics at time & was told they caused it but I never had it before so I started thinking. Did 3 tests & then went to gp before I believed it was true. We was always careful with dates but I had been so sick since early December, I guess it wasn't on our minds.

    3am and in pain in bed waiting for painkillers to kick in again. Not enjoying this part of pregnancy so much :mad::(

  • Registered Users Posts: 440 ✭✭je551e

    17 weeks and had 4 scans due to some bleeding. My last scan was at 13 weeks but none again until 32 weeks. Doctor didn't say much at my last scan just everything was ok but was this an anatomy scan where he checked baby's kidneys, heart etc ? Or is that only by request.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,713 ✭✭✭✭Novella

    Leogirl wrote: »
    He's sweet now but wasn't at first. At first I felt very alone in it- thank God for my sister!! He just didn't get his head around it & I was super sensitive, my hormones were seriously nuts the first trimester. I guess I pushed him away a bit too.

    My clue was a metallic taste in the mouth & peeing all the time. I was on antibiotics at time & was told they caused it but I never had it before so I started thinking. Did 3 tests & then went to gp before I believed it was true. We was always careful with dates but I had been so sick since early December, I guess it wasn't on our minds.

    3am and in pain in bed waiting for painkillers to kick in again. Not enjoying this part of pregnancy so much :mad::(

    How are you feeling now, emotionally I mean? I feel like I've become WAY more hormonal. My husband casually mentioned that we should make a will after the baby is born the other day in case anything happened to us and I burst into tears. It was crazy, he was just being practical but it resulted in me sobbing uncontrollably for about fifteen minutes about how awful that would be.

    You poor thing, you must be exhausted if you're being kept up at night. Do you have one of those maternity pillows? Just wondering if you found them any use. I wake up with hip pain practically every morning now (nothing like you have though, my pain goes away after a while) so I'm thinking of buying one.
    je551e wrote: »
    17 weeks and had 4 scans due to some bleeding. My last scan was at 13 weeks but none again until 32 weeks. Doctor didn't say much at my last scan just everything was ok but was this an anatomy scan where he checked baby's kidneys, heart etc ? Or is that only by request.

    I am in the US but I have my anatomy scan next week at 20 weeks and I believe that they are generally at around that time of pregnancy because the baby is a good size to get a decent look at. Mine wasn't by request, it's a routine ultrasound but perhaps it's different in Ireland? I'd call your doctor or hospital to check.

    Hope you and baby are doing well now! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    je551e wrote: »
    17 weeks and had 4 scans due to some bleeding. My last scan was at 13 weeks but none again until 32 weeks. Doctor didn't say much at my last scan just everything was ok but was this an anatomy scan where he checked baby's kidneys, heart etc ? Or is that only by request.

    Unfortunately anatomy scans aren't done as routine in every hospital in Ireland. They're done at 18-22 weeks and are more thorough than other scans. If your hospital doesn't offer it you may need to get it done privately

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    How is everyone doing?

    18 weeks tomorrow feeling big and bloated already. Clothes that I wore right up until my due date with my last baby are getting uncomfortable!
    All belly though so can't really complain.

    Had a bleed 2 weeks ago so being monitored more closely as the antidepressants can have negative side effects. They are also monitoring placenta and growth.
    Been a rough few weeks but we're getting there big increase in fluid around baby so feeling more positive.

    Hope your all keeping well x

  • Registered Users Posts: 440 ✭✭je551e

    Unfortunately anatomy scans aren't done as routine in every hospital in Ireland. They're done at 18-22 weeks and are more thorough than other scans. If your hospital doesn't offer it you may need to get it done privately

    Thanks for replies , hope you are all well. Was into my doctor today and he said once everything's growing ok they don't do it..

  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Leogirl

    Sooo... After a few physio sessions & acupuncture this sciatica has just gotten worse. I'm totally missable now. Stuck in a mattress in the floor day & night & feeling pretty sorry for myself. Haven't slept more than 3-4 hours any night in the past 2 weeks or so & I am a tiered & emotional mess at this stage. I'm so desperate I've booked in to see a faith healer!!! Figure it can't do any harm & I'll try anything at this stage. I'm worried about having enough time worked up to get the state maternity leave. I need this to get better soon!! :-(

    Sorry for the big moan. Guess everyone gets some crappy stuff with pregnancy & I had such an easy time up to this. At least I'm not big- it would be a lot harder with a great big belly & all the extra weight in later months!!

    Hope everyone is keeping well & getting nice little bumps, feeling kicks etc. most of ye had morning sickness, hope its passed for everyone now. Xx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Leogirl

    You poor thing, you must be exhausted if you're being kept up at night. Do you have one of those maternity pillows? Just wondering if you found them any use. I wake up with hip pain practically every morning now (nothing like you have though, my pain goes away after a while) so I'm thinking of buying one.

    I do have one & it's great, especially at the moment. I think a pilllow between the legs is great too. I started that when lying on the sofa, my sister told me early on to sleep like that. Supposed to help with the hips.
