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  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 23,140 ✭✭✭✭beertons

    That's a great time, well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Nice to see the PB and I hope the knee will not give any more trouble!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Saturday August 1st

    6 Mile easy at 9:50 pace

    The legs were heavy and screaming at me a bit after yesterdays evenings race....a lot more than they should have been

    Took it sick of niggles!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Monday August 3rd

    9 Miles at 9:10 pace

    I didn't do a proper LSR on Saturday this week on account of my legs feeling the after-effects of Friday evenings race. So I did a Monday run a bit longer than usual. Thankfully, the legs (even the knee) feels fine right now. Feeling the effects of a slightly glutenous Bank Holiday weekend which made me a bit sludgy - but other than that, happy enough!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Friday August 14th

    15 Mile LSR at 9:56 pace

    Missed another few runs on this log, but not in real life. Been running away

    I am away in Galway for a long weekend and thought I'd get my weekend LSR out of the way did it Friday morning. Nice to run somewhere different - around Salthill and Bearna. This was my longest run since last years Dublin Marathon so I took it handy. Was knackered at the end.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Sunday August 16th

    7 Miles at 8:58 Pace

    Been feeling the right hamstring a little since Friday's LSR so was very careful with this run. I think it's OK.

    Enjoyed this run, again around Galway. Was a bit of a Fartlek session with some sections of it ran at under 8:00 per mile pace.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Saturday August 22nd

    Frank Duffy 10 Mile Race
    Previous PB: 1::24:56 (from the same race last year)
    Target time: 1:19:59
    Actual chip tine: 1:14:23


    Over the moon.
    Might do a detailed race report later or tomorrow!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Race report for Frank Duffy 10 Mile

    I intended to do this race report yesterday but login here wasn't working

    Saturday was a great day for racing. Not too hot, perfect weather conditions and arrived behind the start area in wave 1 about 20 minutes before showdown...meeting up with about 10 club mates who were there. I was feeling confident about my chances of going sub 1:20, but really hoping for sub 1:18. I felt a lot fitter than I was at the start line last year, I was in no pain (unlike last year) but I did have a slight concern over a small groin strain I had felt on Thursday nights run. But very confident I could go sub 8:00 for every mile and bank enough time also for tailing off on the difficult 1½ miles or so of hill at the end. I had really struggled a bit on the Upper Glen Road last year and I was afraid of that finish!

    Mile 1: (6:46)

    I always do it - I go off too fast. I can never get the hang of settling in to the correct pace at the start. I found it too congested on the road and went up on the footpath down Chesterfield Avenue. Got a bit of grief from a steward here for "taking shortcuts". Feck off dude.....the footpath is the same length as the road!

    Mile 2, 3, 4 (7:10, 7:21, 7:29)

    I was really enjoying myself winding around North Road and while I did feel strong and breathing was fairly OK, I was concerned I was going to bomb after about 6 miles running at this pace. And all the time, in the back of my mind were concerns about how I would handle Upper Glen Road. A sip of water at the water stop after the 3 mile mark was just what the doctor ordered.

    Mile 5, 6, 7 (7:30, 7:26, 7:34)

    There was a bit of controversy here just after the mile 4 sign as most people cut the corner in a big way across the grass at Mountjoy Cross. They need to tape up that corner properly for the Half Marathon next month! I didn't like this section of the route as last year, I found it a bit congested along that narrow path just before turning back down Chesterfield Avenue. This year wasn't so bad though - probably coz I was way further up the field. An interesting encounter here was a girl getting dogs abuse from some “friend” on the sidelines who was apparently disappointed at his “friends” performance at that point. I don’t know whether to call it funny or tragic. I crossed the half way split in just under 36 minutes so I was very confident of smashing both my primary and secondary targets. The water spray down Chesterfield avenue was a small touch but make a big difference. I was very hot at this point and I crossed the road especially to go under it and it helped a lot

    One of the high points on the race was the realization that I hit 10K in a new unofficial PB. My 10K PB was last March in 46:10. I hit the 10K beep in this race on 45:18. So now I am thinking I need to enter a 10K very soon and make that an official sub 45 minute 10K. Anyway, by the end of 7 miles, I really really needed the next water stop. Thirsty out!

    Mile 8, 9 (7:38, 7:53)

    Last year I found the Chapelizod Road section very tough - getting very tired and a long drag. This year it was again my slowest point of the race but it went a lot better. Here was the first point where I encountered walkers on the race and in a selfish way, it kinda gives you a lift to know that you're stronger than them! When hitting the 8 mile marker, and a quick glance at the Gamin and some quick mental arithmetic, it was the first time that I realized the sub 1:15 was on here and I would get it if I worked hard and could do another two sub 8 minute miles. But the late hills were in my head and the miles were starting to feel very long and turning back into the park, I thought that sign for 9 miles would never come.

    Mile 10 (7:42)

    I don’t know whether I built up the hills on Upper Glen Road too much in my head, or whether I am much stronger than last year, I suspect a mixture of both. But although I hadn't walked at any point last year, I still handled it a lot better than last year. That last mile felt so darn long. I tried everything to keep the pace where it needed to be. Concentrating on working the elbows, keeping an inside line, even trying to take inspiration from those little pep-talk signs on the right side along the Upper Glen Road. I was worried it was gonna be very close. Mad sprint for the last 200-300 meters, didn’t wanna use energy or time looking at the watch, but I saw the official race clock ticking over 1:15 for the gun time and I gave it everything to make sure I got the sub 1:15 chip time. Turns out it wasn’t that close, as I stopped the Garmin in 1:14:24, and the official chip time came in at 1:14:23

    Delighted with myself

    Can’t wait now for the half marathon on September 19th and now I have a clear idea that I should be aiming for a sub 1:40. My HM PB is 2:06:xx which was ages ago and very early in my running “career” so barring a disaster, a PB should be a gimme. But it’s a soft target. I am not sure if there had been another 5K to run in Saturday if I would have done it in 25 minutes. I’d like to think I would have. But I have another 4 weeks to get better again and a sub 1:40 will definitely be the primary goal that day – and this time, I will have pacers to help me – I wish there was 1:35 pacers because if there was, I might even go with them! Maybe I’ll ignore pacers and do my own thing. I don’t know yet!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Tuesday August 25th

    2.64 miles very easy at 10:14 Pace

    This was my first time back on the saddle after the Frank Duffy race on Saturday. It always takes me longer than most to recover from a race. Pretty sore still on this one but it helped my recovery - been feeling my left groin and right hamstring a bit sonce Saturday's race.

    Wednesday August 26th

    Club session:
    5x1min (30sec rec),
    5x2min (1min rec),
    5x1min (30sec rec).

    Hated this. Really struggled. Legs still feeling heavy/sore. Still very conscious of the hamstring and groin. I was the slowest of all the runners at the session. Really wasn't enjoying myself but the running and good stretching afterwards really helped me I think.

    4 Miles total

    Thursday August 27th

    8 Miles easy at 9:02 pace

    Not quite back on form but getting there. Stiff at the warm up but got into it. Was more tired at the end than I usually would be after 8 miles.

    Take a nice rest now until Saturday morning and a very important 17 mile LSR with the club. Hoping I can get thru it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Saturday August 28th

    17 mile LSR at 9:07 pace

    Enjoyed this....until the last 5K where I really ran out of puff. I was starving by then. Gonna have to figure out a fuelling strategy coz I'm not taking those blasted gels again this year! It was a very hot morning for it too! pace was 8:52 after 10 miles and 8:58 after 15 miles. Really really struggling at the end.

    I have a huge blister on my right foot after it too from a new pair of insoles I tried out. That's no big deal - I'm more worried about the fact that my right calf is pretty sore.

    When I was at the start line of the Frank Duffy last Saturday. I heard someone talking about the horrid time they've had with calf trouble, and I thought to myself, jeez my calves haven't bothered me whatsoever in months. Jinxed it!!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Saturday September 5th

    17.08 mile LSR at 8:53 pace

    I've had a terrible week. Only ran 3 miles all week coz my right calf has been very sore. But Saturday morning it felt OK after doing that 3 miles as a test run and decided to take on this run with the club mates. Calf felt OK except for a twinge around the 12th mile but I wasn't too concerned about it.

    But an hour or two after the run, I was in quite a bit of pain again. Not as bad as a week ago. But another few days off running (at least) is needed.

    The run itslef...was able to finish with an 8 minute mile which is encouraging!

    Been keeping myself going on the exercise bike since and will have to stick at that again now.

    All signed up for the half marathon on the 19th and hoping I'll be OK for that. And hoping I can get some decent training in beforehand too.

    Calf felt OK before the run. Feltr it a bit after about 11 miles but still felt OK. But in bits after the run.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Saturday September 12th

    13 Miles at 8:51 pace

    The last 2 weeks have been very stop-start....mostly stop. The right calf has been giving me big problems but I am pleased to say that things seem OK after this run.

    Funnily enough, I didn't feel as string after today's 13 miles as I did after last weeks 17 miles. A bit worried that my fitness has gone down a little with all the calf problems. The next couple of runs will pull it back a good bit I hope - and put me as ready as can be for the Dublin Half Marathon next Saturday.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    I've been SOOO bad at keeping this log up-to-date - been doing a lot more running that what's getting logged here. I suppose I'll do a proper update of what's done since my last update

    Sunday September 13th

    2 Miles at 10:01 pace.

    This was just a recovery run. I felt I ran some of the splits on the previous days long run too fast. Still nervous that the calf was going to start moaning at me again. But it felt perfect.

    Tuesday September 15th

    7 miles at 8:39 pace

    Medium hard run. Not much to say about it. Everything was fine other than a little tiny glute pain but not too worried about it

    Wednesday September 16th

    7 miles at 8:35 pace

    This was a fartlek session of sorts. Plan was to run miles 2,4 and 6 at 8:00 pace with the others around 9:00 pace. Pretty much ran it bang on target. Feeling a little bit of familiar IT Band Syndrome symptoms but not overly concenrned

    Thursday September 17th

    3 miles very easy at 11:00 pace

    Was a bit sleepy before this run. Intended to be one last little checkup before Saturday's HM. All grand tho.

    So next on the agenda is that Dublin HM on Saturday morning. Been overdosing on Vitamin C over the last 2-3 weeks coz it seems ever fecker I come across has a cold and I have felt the beginnings of a cold a couple of times but I could have just been being a hypochondriac. Things were a bit wobbly there for a couple of weeks with the calf problems but it feels perfect now. Hoping I haven't lost much if any fitness.

    Seriously intending to run a really good race tomorrow. Fingers crossed. No excuses. Only a sub 1:40 will do!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Good luck LM. That 1:40? Your racing form lately says yes! :) pop over to the hidden Novices flapjack stand if you get a chance...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Dublin Half Marathon

    Unofficial finishing time:


    I'm not going to cry over 5 seconds

    Honest I'm not


    Nope.... not at all!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Good luck LM. That 1:40? Your racing form lately says yes! :) pop over to the hidden Novices flapjack stand if you get a chance...

    Thanks DG.

    Your hidden stand was so well hidden, I couldn't find it!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    Laois_Man wrote: »
    Dublin Half Marathon

    Unofficial finishing time:


    I'm not going to cry over 5 seconds

    Honest I'm not


    Nope.... not at all!

    Big congrats Laois Man. Brilliant result and looking forward to the race report!
    You doing DCM? Nicely set up if so!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Ososlo wrote: »
    Big congrats Laois Man. Brilliant result and looking forward to the race report!
    You doing DCM? Nicely set up if so!

    Thanks A.

    I do have some of the race report written but the race is all a bit of a blur at the moment :)

    As for DCM, I'm still not sure. The longest LSRs I have done this year is 17 miles - twice - 2 and 3 weeks ago - which doesn't feel like enough. See, I was very happy to wait for DCM 2016 and treat DCHM as the main race for the year - until recently....but now it turns out, we're expecting a new little person to arrive in our house next year (shhh, it's still a big secret) so I'm a bit worried now about finding the time to commit to a marathon training program next now I'm looking at DCM 2015 in a new light, but not sure I am ready for it and I am actually a little disappointed with today as I wasn't feeling at all as strong today even after a couple of miles as I was in FD10 four weeks ago and today was my goal race for most of this year and I know on another day I'd have done a bit better.

    Closing date isn't for another 12 days so I'll do another LSR next Saturday, talk to the coach, and then decide. If I do go for it, I certainly won't be trying to go at the 8:02 pace and aiming for a 3:30 finish that McMillian gives me based on today's time! :eek:

    Hope to see you at a race sometime. We have a long delayed date at the Kilkenny Parkrun still just hanging there :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    That's a great time L_M. You're my inspiration! .. such great progress after all the troubles last year.

    Would you be better off choosing a Spring marathon maybe? So that you'd have time to get more long runs in and do it justice? Or Cork in December maybe ...

    Congrats on the other news too :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    That's a great time L_M. You're my inspiration! .. such great progress after all the troubles last year.

    Would you be better off choosing a Spring marathon maybe? So that you'd have time to get more long runs in and do it justice? Or Cork in December maybe ...

    Congrats on the other news too :)

    Thanks H

    A couple of things to say:

    I am still frustrated coz I still have troubles so I still don't feel like I am reaching my potential. I don't do much speed work at all coz I am afraid of it coz I end up injured from it so much. If I could get a run of a few months speed work, I could make the same improvements again! Deffo!!

    I wouldn't consider Clonakilty in December. But I have considered Limerick. I don't know. Nothing appeals to me the same way as DCM. Everything else is a poor substitute really! And May Bank Holiday weekend sounds very warm!

    Have you joined a club? That's been the single biggest reason for my improvements.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    2015 Dublin Half Marathon Race Report

    Alarm was set for 6:20 to get a good porridge brekkie into me and get the bus with the club mates at 7:30.
    But, I woke with the anticipation at about 3:15 and I tried and tried to get back to sleep but didn't manage it.
    Temps were very cool early in the morning which was nicer for running than August 22nd

    The plan was a very definite Sub 1:40. In fact, I really thought I could do 1:37:xx so I stubbornly decided not to follow the 1:40 pacers. Given how things panned out, I must admit I wonder if things would have gone better had I gone with the pacers. :rolleyes:

    The build up since the Frank Duffy 10 miler wasn't great - I had only run 27 miles in around 2 weeks between Aug 29th and Sept 10th or so due to a really sore right calf. But I didn't feel I had lost a huge amount of fitness.

    Overall, I was looking forward to the first 8 miles or so but felt the last 5 or so would be hellish.

    20 minutes before showdown, did a warm up then a wait in wave 1 - but well in front of the 1:40 pacers.

    Mile 1 (6:59)

    As mentioned in my FD10 race report, I always go off too fast in the first mile. And I was hoping not to this time. I still did, a little - but not as bad as usual. But that may have been because it was very very congested for the first mile and it was so hard to overtake people. But that was probably a good thing for me.

    Mile 2, 3, 4 (7:16, 7:18, 7:31)

    The crowd thinned out pretty quickly and it was a good bit easier to overtake people from mile 2 onwards. A bit of a hill early in the second mile wasn't really expected (I didn't know the Kyber Road -> Wellington Road area of the park beforehand). But it wasn't too bad. By late mile 2 and into mile 3, I certainly sensed that I wasn't feeling as strong as I had been exactly 4 weeks earlier at the same point. Was FD an exceptional day and now I was having my really normal day? Or had I lost more fitness than I had thought? All sorts of thoughts like these were going through the head. But I tried to put it out of my mind. Just before the first water station, I passed 3 club mates who I considered to be a good bit faster then me. That gave me confidence, but at the same time, made me doubt my tactics a bit. I wondered should I stay with them but decided to stick to my plan and do my own thing. I got caught out a bit at that water station when I realized it was only on the right hand side of the road....and of course I was running on the left. I had to grab water though - I knew I'd need some soon. Having to cut across made things awkward. Heading back on to Chesterfield Avenue, there was a girl in a black jersey running with me here. We didn't speak to each other til after the finish line (I can't talk when racing)...but it went unsaid that we were kind of dragging each other through from this point all the way to the finish.

    Miles 5, 6, 7 (7:31, 7:33, 7:37)

    After turning off Chesterfield Avenue the third time towards Farmleigh House, there was that short section where runners coming up to the 5 mile sign were on opposite sides of the same stretch of road as those at the 7.75 or so stage of the race - thinking to myself, in a couple of years, I'll be up with them feckers (yea right). I swerved the Lucozade Sport station here (I hate that piss). Running down White's Road, I didn't feel very confident of my footing. The road was wet and had leafs and it felt slippy with very little grip in some spots. That made a difference and expended more energy! I was still pretty happy with my overall time at the 10K point (about 45:50) but I knew those last 4-5 miles were going to be a major sufferfest!!! At the end of mile 7, the mile splits were already starting to slip a little bit! My unofficial running partner and I would take turns going ahead of each other. We were well matched and every time she got ahead, I reeled her back in and vise vera.

    Miles 8, 9, 10 (7:44, 7:37, 7:33)

    Now it was my turn to be nearly 3 miles ahead of those turning off Chesterfiled Avenue for their third time. I was looking forward to turning back on to Chesterfield Avenue as I always enjoy running that section of the park and I knew I had supporters from the club there somewhere around the 8 mile sign. At that sign, the splits had continued to slip further but I thought I'd get some time back over the next mile or two. And I did. Seeing supporters gave me a lift...and when I was gone about 50/60 meters past them, I head them roaring again. So I knew the gang who I has passed just before the first water stop were that distance behind me. Chesterfield Avenue along here was a drag, but not the worst - I was feeling tired now. I knew Chapilisod Road was gonna be much worse than this. I hated Hated HATED it in FD10 both last year and this year and it was only now that I was actually starting to realize we would be running on it a lot longer in this race. Dreading it. But I had shocked myself in FD10 this year by breaking 1:15. And I did it again in this race. Albeit, about 20-30 seconds slower or something. BUT, this last 5K was going to be hell and I was already suffering A LOT, and I already had a very strong desire to stop and couldn't see how I'd get to 13.1 without giving in to it.

    Miles 11, 12 (7:53, 8:27)

    Maybe I'm unusual in that I hate Chapelizod Road 10 times more than Upper Glen Road. I hate it so much. In my previous 2 FD races, it was my worst and slowest part - so boring, and long and never ending, with the re-entry back into the park never seeming to get any closer. And this time, the race was turning onto it from the main gate making it about 1K longer. This would decide it all for me and I knew it. Shortly after turning out of the park, my 3 team mates overtook me. I tried so hard to stay with them, but I had nothing left. I was suffering in a big big way and I wanted to stop and walk for a minute so so badly. But I didn't - the times were rally slipping and that 8:27 at the 12 mile Garmin beep was the part that really knocked my sub 1:40 goal on the head. These 2 miles were a massive MASSIVE struggle. In hindsight, I don't even know how I managed to pull an 8:27 minute mile out of the bag at this point, so I feel better about it now than I did after the race. My girl in black was still helping me but she was definitely withering as much as I was.

    Mile 13 (7:59) and the last 0.1 (6:22 pace)

    I don't care what anyone says, that Upper Glen road and it's hills are nowhere near as bad as that awful stretch before it. I pulled some time back. I was suffering very very badly here. It was taking every single bit of willpower I had to keep going. Others were stopping to walk, or even stopping completely. It was so hard not to use them as an excuse to do the same. Especially because I was thinking that the sub 1:40 goal was definitely out of reach now - it wasn't going to matter much to me whether I finished in 1:41 or 1:42. But I kept going. And I again passed one of the three club mates - I tried to encourage him to stay with me but I only had the energy to say a quick "mon". It was a hard hard battle up that hill. I was wondering where the heck the girl in black had gone to because I hadn't seen her since I had passed her a few minutes earlier. And I had seemingly driven my club mate on coz he found a new lease of life and went past me again. Then, passing the 20K sign, I started to think that the sub 1:40 was still on. I tried to go for it. As I came to nearer the finish line, I realized I had about 40 seconds to get there - didn't think I'd make it, but gave it a serious go. I don't know where I pulled my sprint finish from, but it came from somewhere - but I still crossed the finish line in a Garmin time of 1:40:05 - which would turn out to be the exact same as my official chip time. Garmin showed 13.17 miles at the end.

    But I honestly had not got one more step of running left in me!

    The aftermath

    I never finished a race like this before. I was very light headed going through the goodybag collection. I was very dizzy for a few minutes - I must have looked seriously drunk going through. The girl in black came up behind me and commented on how I had helped her through the whole race which was nice. We chatted very briefly because I wasn't really up to it. Just needed to sit on the grass and get my bearings - so I did, and got chatting to another local runner.

    I had left nothing out there but there's always the nagging feeling that I could have made up 6 seconds somewhere and I was a bit tormented about it.

    Heading back to the bus, when I got out to Chesterfield Avenue again, I listened to some chat going on with some Gardai and stewards on their radios and it was obvious that some runner somewhere on the course was in trouble. When I got back to the bus and some more team mates arrived, some had seen the runner getting CPR near the finish line. It wasn't until I was home and heard the 4 O'Clock news on the radio that I heard he had died. So my stupid 5 seconds really didn't matter - and doesn't. RIP to John...all very upsetting!

    In hindsight, considering I thought I could do a 1:37:xx, where did that go wrong?
    I think I did lose a bit of fitness with the calf problem
    I also had lost about 12 pounds in weight this Summer before the Frank Duffy race and then I put about 4 pounds back on after FD which I think makes a bigger difference than you might think.
    I also don't think being awake since 3:15 am helped either.

    Sore legs today and the next plan of action, is a good recovery, a good LSR next weekend and decide whether or not to go do DCM after that.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    My PBs as they stood on December 31st 2014 compared to where they stand today

    Distance | PB 2014 | PB 2015
    10 Mile|1:24:56|1:14:23
    H Mar|2:06:20|1:40:05
    Marathon|4:57:41| -

    That marathon is sticking out like a sore thumb and is nowhere near the time that I feel I deserve now

    It's on my to-do list also to run a sub 45 minute 10K before the year is out which I feel I definitely can do now

    And I might have a crack at the Waterford Half Marathon on December 5th. Me and Sub 1:40 have some unfinished business.

    But I doubt I'd do all 3!

    Decisions decisions!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Laois_Man wrote: »
    I am still frustrated coz I still have troubles so I still don't feel like I am reaching my potential. I don't do much speed work at all coz I am afraid of it coz I end up injured from it so much. If I could get a run of a few months speed work, I could make the same improvements again! Deffo!!

    Must be annoying & I definitely understand as you'll see below! Hope at some stage you will get an injury-free stretch.

    I didn't join a club yet. Was rehabbing/building up from Christmas on and I managed to stay uninjured until June (!) ... but I was having this cough-syndrome and didn't want to foist myself on a club. Mostly an embarrassment factor tbh, but I sometimes go to 'group intervals' on a Tuesday and a couple of time people were asking me if I was alright ... and one bad night I got sent home before the session started.
    Anyway mid-June I injured my ribs and missed my goal race on the 21st :(. And then when I was getting back into it, I hurt my foot mid-July a little bit and after a month of running on-and-off it got diagnosed as a stress fracture :rolleyes:. Still have a week or two to go before I start trying to run and The Internet is saying that I should avoid speed training for a couple months after ... *scowl*. If I'm rehabbed properly in January and not coughing, then I wouldn't feel like such nuisance joining a club.
    I wouldn't consider Clonakilty in December. But I have considered Limerick. I don't know. Nothing appeals to me the same way as DCM. Everything else is a poor substitute really! And May Bank Holiday weekend sounds very warm!

    There is San Sebastian marathon at the end of November, think some other boards folk are doing it. But then there is nothing to compare to the glamour of DCM ....

  • Registered Users Posts: 212 ✭✭kildaremum

    Laois_Man wrote: »
    Dublin Half Marathon

    Unofficial finishing time:


    I'm not going to cry over 5 seconds

    Honest I'm not


    Nope.... not at all!

    Great run - well done. I'm not sure, but I think I'd be crying over those 5 seconds !!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Saturday September 26th

    20 Mile LSR at 9:20 Pace

    First 20 mile run this year and it was tough. I struggled through a couple of runs this week and felt a lot better today but I am still feeling the effects of last weekends HM a bit. It always takes me a bit longer than it seems to take others to recover from races. Also been feeling the right hamstring a little bit on my runs this week and I felt it again today after about 14 miles and slowed right down - Average pace had been below 9 minutes up to then - TBH I kind of had to slow was hot and I was knackered!

    Great to have a 20 miler under the belt all the same.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Saturday October 3rd

    20 Mile LSR at 8:44 pace

    Since my last post, I have (reluctantly) signed up for DCM.

    Delighted with this run. Way better than last week. Route was better (if a little hilly - which doesn't hurt), weather conditions were perfect and I didn't have a HM from 7 days earlier still affecting me a little bit. So those are the reasons why it was better I think.

    On my runs during the week, I felt a slight issue in my lower back. So decided to rest after a 7 mile Fartlek session on Wednesday night until this morning. Glad I did....feels much better - although I did feel a slight twinge at one point this morning.

    All miles were within a range of 8:27 to 8:55 and even they were out lyres really so it was a mice consistent pace throughout. And I wasn't dead on my feet at the end like I was last Saturday.

    And it's the first time in my life that I ran 20 miles in under 3 hours (2:54:32). Last year, I did 3 LSRs of 20 miles and over and I barely did one of them in under 4 hours and the other 2 were over 4 hours. So I'm delighted.

    I have to figure out a fueling strategy for DCM. Not taking gels this year but I need other things that I won't carry. Hoping Mrs. Laois Man can assist me there - but with her being in the family way, she's sick as a dog at the moment. May have to call in some favors elsewhere! ;)

    Feeling really positive at the moment - hope to stay that way!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Monday October 5th

    6 Miles very easy at 10:10 pace

    Felt a bit stiff and lethargic at the start. Thought it would pass after a mile or two but it didn't. No matter, it's to be expected after Saturday and I was happy enough to go at a very easy pace.

    Deceptively warm out there tonight - I was sweating buckets in my 2 layers!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Saturday October 10th

    15 Mile LSR at 8:54 pace

    Today is really the day that taper starts. Didn't change my weekday running at all.

    Enjoyed the first half o this run. Utterly hated the last 6 miles. Just wasn't feeling strong at all for some reason. Will chalk it up and put it behind me

    Will do one more tough session in the middle of the coming week, a 10 mile LSR next Saturday and nothing more than about 5 miles any other day, no faster than MP.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Saturday October 17th

    10 Mile LSR at 8:24 pace

    Shouldn't have done this run as fast as this but when chatting in company, you don't notice the miles ticking by so quickly.

    I have been a tiny but concerned about a feeling in my lower back over the last week. Not really a pain - just a discomfort moreso.

    All done now anyway - nice easy SLOW week ahead. I'm thinking 5, 4 and 4 EASY miles on Monday, Wednesday and Friday respectively.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,059 ✭✭✭Pacing Mule

    Dying to see how the one run a week strategy plays out on the day :pac:;)
