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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Thanks everyone for the good wishes and comments.

    As usual though every silver has a cloudy lining! Read on....

    Mon 27/3 - Still feeling the hamstring today. Clearly I've strained it at the K Club race but its definitely Grade 1 at worst so travel with work today is probably timely. Rest.

    Tue 28/3 - Travelling with work. More rest.

    |Wed 29/3 - Cycle commute both ways. Not willing to chance a run yet

    Thurs 30/3 - Cycle commute both ways. Keeping it sensible. No reaction from hamstring from cycling.

    Fri 31/3 - Cycle commute both ways. Leg seems ok so happy to try a run tomorrow.

    sat 1/4 - 11.5km reasonably steady run from home to St Annes and took in park run aswell. 24:04 for park run and didnt hang around at end , just jogged home straight away. Avg pace 5:29 HR avg 146. No issues with hamstring during run but started feeling it again later...bummer!

    sun 2/4 - No dice with the leg so no running. Busy schedule today including a trip to Clones to watch the Dubs continue their winning streak.

    First race of the year and result is another injury !. Very sad face.:(:(:(

    Ok, its not serious but its putting a halt to my gallop and that's really pi55ing me off big time, but it is what it is. I think I will take this week off again and just cycle. I'm icing,stretching and compressing all that I can in the meantime.

    I thought I was quite sensible with my lead up to race, the race itself and even post race but I guess I'm just unlucky!

    My momentum is lost but my resolve is not. Some rehab over next week or so and then ease back into it. I think I'll just have to be very selective in what I race and when I race in the future in order to keep myself on the road longer.
    Did I mention I entered DCM 2017 ?......yes I really did, just in case there is a shortage of places like last year.

    I'm still hoping to get my 5k time down as much as possible but don't think sub 20 is realistically achievable by end June given my current inclination to injury when the intensity increases.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Hey R, sorry to hear about the injury, although it seems to be minor enough that hopefully some TLC will see it right soon enough.

    Can I ask what your pre-race warm up routine is ? Do you do strides ? A series of dynamic stretches ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    Hey R, sorry to hear about the injury, although it seems to be minor enough that hopefully some TLC will see it right soon enough.

    Can I ask what your pre-race warm up routine is ? Do you do strides ? A series of dynamic stretches ?

    Hey BG. Yeah i'm sure it'll be grand soon, thanks.

    Before the race I did a good jogging warmup and some stretches. Admittedly I could probably have done more. I'm not good at doing strides before any race generally so maybe that is something I need to do more of.

    Before the run on sat I did next to nothing and I was a bit behind schedule so maybe went faster on the way up to St Annes than I'd have preferred so that maybe what caused the recurrence.

    I've a long history with hamstrings but you are probably on the money there in terms of having a better warmup routine, especially now in my old age ! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Week 3/4 to 9/4

    No running in order to give the hamstring time to heal. Plenty of icing and compression during the week and kept up the cycle commuting.

    So just 100km worth of cycling which i suppose is better than nothing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    RedRunner wrote: »
    Week 3/4 to 9/4

    No running in order to give the hamstring time to heal. Plenty of icing and compression during the week and kept up the cycle commuting.

    So just 100km worth of cycling which i suppose is better than nothing.

    Hope it settles soon R.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Week 10/4 to 16/4

    Mon 10/4 - cycle commute both ways + 5.63km run @5:16. Avg HR 144

    Tue 11/4 - Cycle commute both ways

    Wed 12/4 - Cycle commute both ways + lunchtime run 5.54km @5:14 Avg HR 136

    Thu 14/4 - Rest

    Fri 14/4 - Rest

    sat 15/4 - St Annes PR ; 24:47 official time. Took it very handy on first lap and then only picked it up for second lap. Short warm up and cool down after.

    Good to see fellow Boardsie Marthstew do guest Run Director and she brought her lovely 'buns'.

    Sun 16/4 - Rested

    Still having a bit of trouble with the hamstring.Can't seem to shake it. I run and it is fine but next day I get the tightness in the area. I've found the spot and have been foam rolling, using a golf ball too and trying hot water bottle.
    I'm holding off physio for moment but it might be inevitable or maybe I just need to give it more rest time. Bit unsure what to do to be honest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Have you tried foam rolling Gluts, can sometimes relive bit of tightness in Hammy, another good stretch I find good is lying on back putting leg up against
    door frame and slowly sliding forward towards frame, just switch from one side of the door to other for opposite leg. Squat jumps also great. You looked very fresh finishing Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Have you tried foam rolling Gluts, can sometimes relive bit of tightness in Hammy, another good stretch I find good is lying on back putting leg up against
    door frame and slowly sliding forward towards frame, just switch from one side of the door to other for opposite leg. Squat jumps also great. You looked very fresh finishing Saturday.
    Thanks G. Yes been rolling the glutes too.

    I'm trying to visualise that exercise you described but can't for the life of me work it out. Any vids?😊

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    RedRunner wrote: »
    Thanks G. Yes been rolling the glutes too.

    I'm trying to visualise that exercise you described but can't for the life of me work it out. Any vids?😊

    If it's squat jumps, you start in squat position and drive into air, x 10 times x 3 sets and land back in squat position, but making sure to land lightly, so it had to be controlled.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    If it's squat jumps, you start in squat position and drive into air, x 10 times x 3 sets and land back in squat position, but making sure to land lightly, so it had to be controlled.

    :) No I meant the one with the door frame !

    But would the squat jumps not just irritate the problem?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    RedRunner wrote: »
    :) No I meant the one with the door frame !

    But would the squat jumps not just irritate the problem?

    Don't have, a link, but eg. Line on back in hall at enterence a room, one leg goes
    fully extended trough door other leg raised up against door jam, and ease slowly towards door stretching hamstring and hold for 30sec x 3 each side couple time a day, squat jumps once on the mend, helps strengthen whole leg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Mon 17/4 - Rest

    tue 18/4 - cycle commute both ways

    wed 19/4 - cycle commute in, lunchtime run of 5.59km @5:26 avg HR 154, cycle commute home

    thur 20/4 - cycle commute both ways

    fri 21/4 - lunchtime run 5.34km @5:13 avg HR 141

    sat 22/4 - Park run - 22:35 @4:36 avg HR 155. Went off too fast and paid for it on second lap.

    Km splits: 4:14,4:12,4:56,4:38,5:03

    short warmup and warm down either side of it.

    sun 23/4 - 8.3km @5:19 avg HR 126

    Got through the parkrun ok so decided that perhaps I was turning into a bit of a running hypochondriac and maybe am just being too cautious because of my history so grabbed the bull by the horns and went out for a run the following day and again got through that ok. So that gave me the confidence to get back to normal running this week.

    In the afternoon went out to watch the road relays. Good to see Bungy girl,MurphD,KielyUnusual,MisterDrak giving their all for respective clubs. There may have been others but that's all I saw. Myself and KennyG made a "secret" pact that one day we'd make the M50 C or D team :D:D Sure one has to dream!;)

    On the weight front;

    Starting Weight : 103kg
    Last weigh-in :97.7Kg
    Today's Weight : 96kg
    Target : 94kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Mon 24/4 - Cycle commute both ways

    Tue 25/4 - AM : Cycle commute in
    PM : Runmute home . 9.89km@5:42 & 126avg bpm

    Wed 26/4 - Lunchtime Run. 8.04km @ 5:14 & 136 avg bpm
    - Cycle commute home

    Thur 27/4 - AM : Cycle commute in
    PM : Cycle commute home, followed by club session which consisted :

    - 3.62 km total in slow warmup
    - Session was 10 x ( Hill sprint ( the hill on the St Annes Parkrun course)+ jog recovery over to another hill which we strode down(well some ran faster) + jog recovery over to bottom of hill again.

    Tried to record this on my Garmin but it just wouldn't make any sense. All in all this was a tough session and covered 6.47km total.

    Fri 28/4 - Complete rest. Left the bike at home and took the DART.

    Sat 29/4 - Legs still in a state of soreness so volunteered to pace 29mins at the parkrun in StAnnes. First time officially pacing anything so was hoping I could do a decent job and allow my legs to get back to normal at the same time. Kept it fairly even pace for the most part and was an extremely enjoyable relaxing run. Wouldn't have been the most vocal of pacers but occasionally would shout out encouragement to those around me, assuming they were trying to stay with me. It was hard to know at times. Had a little bit in the bank as we crested the hill for the second time so this allowed me time to turn around and encourage people to pass me out and get under 29. Coming to the finish line I did the same again knowing there was another 20 secs to go and then crossed the line in an official time of 28:59. Happy days!:)

    I learned later that one of the paces now "loves me" as she followed me to a new PB! I suppose you can't ask any more than that! (She is a sister of a clubmate and she gave me this news this morning at the early club run)

    Sun 30/4 - easy run from clubhouse with small group who weren't going far. I left them at 9k and did 12.38km @5:54 & 136avg bpm

    A solid week's work. 47.6km total.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    1/5 - 8.52km @5:35 around St Annes

    2/5 - 8.92km @5:23

    3/5 - Rest-Travel with work

    4/5 - Rest - Travelwith work

    5/5 - Rest

    6/5 - 5.13km walk .Darkness into Light in Phoenix park. First time doing this. Had considered running it but decided
    to walk it instead to fully appreciate the atmosphere. Got maybe 1.5 hrs sleep that night. Enjoyed the event, if that's possible
    A bunch of us from work (around 70 people) did it as Pieta house are one of our charity partners this year.

    Follwed up DIL with park run in St Annes in 23:08...sure why not I was up anyway!

    7/5 - Long run. 16.14km in the sunshine , taking in dollymount beach. Enjoyable run

    38.58km for the week

    The plan for sub 20 has been abandoned (for now). Injury interruptions halted my gallop so not possible by end June now in my opinion. My goal now is to continue base building and try get more sessions under my belt in time for DCM plan. 5th time lucky hopefully I will get to the start line.

    In terms of 5km times I'm hoping this work will at least get me back into the 21min zone in a few weeks time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    8/5 - cycle commute both ways

    9/5 - runmute home 10.03km @5:52. Horrible run. Felt extremely tired from the off and couldnt wait for it to be over!

    10/5 - Cycle commute in. Runmute home 10.02km @5:31 . Felt much better than previous night, if still a bit tired.

    11/5 - Double Session Day. Yes I know, but I can explain....

    There was a charity thing at work that I signed up for...basically had to run on a treadmill for 25mins. I managed 5.35km.
    Felt awful,don't like treadmills and it was very warm indoors.Did this at 12pm. THere was a club session that night and
    I wanted to show my face as I hadnt been the previous week because of work travel.
    Plan was to maybe just do the warm up and maybe 5 reps instead of 10. Long story short , I did the 10 although
    I wasnt going full tilt. Hopefully i got away with it but not something I would do again.

    12/5 - Cycle commute both ways. Legs not felling great. Especially my ankles! I think the bounce from the treadmill was the cause of that.

    13/5 - Park run. Easy run out to try and get the legs back to feeling some way normal after Thursday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    14/5 - LSR : 9.44mi @9:23

    15/5 - Rest

    16/5 - Cycle commute both way with lunchtime run sandwiched in between.5.34mi @8:45 129 avg bpm

    17/5 - lunchtime run of 5.45mi @8:53 , 128 avg bpm

    18/5 - cycle commute both ways. Club session day, Hill sprints x 12 was the plan but pulled up dring the 5th rep with a hamstring pull. Think I pulled out of it in time to limit the damage done but that was it for me then for the week.

    Been resting ever since. Planning an easy run tomorrow to test it out and it will be easy for rest of week and hopefully get back to normal next week.

    Started back doing pilates today at work during lunchtime.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    How are you finding running & cycling on the same day? Am hoping to reintroduce some midweek runs soon, any extra stresses & strains on the body? Or extra tiredness?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    How are you finding running & cycling on the same day? Am hoping to reintroduce some midweek runs soon, any extra stresses & strains on the body? Or extra tiredness?

    Hi Annie GYR,

    A really good question. At first I wondered was it too much, particularly a cycle commute both ways plus a run. I certainly felt at the end of a week I would be pretty tired, even from just the cycling. At the moment I'm not sure, I tend to purposely take it handy on the bike if I know I'm running the same day now.

    The jury is still out though for me and maybe my recent recurrence of injury is something I should bear in mind in terms of the added stresses I'm putting my body through. For me I think I need to find a balance. But the difficulty also is that half the reason for cycling to work is to avoid travel expenses so that leaves me with a different issue then if I reduce the cycling commutes!

    I guess the right advice is to listen to your body overall, ask yourself if you need to up your levels of nutrition, sleep, hydration etc because of the extra exercise. Perhaps increase the levels gradually as we would do in a running plan. If I were you and you wanted to introduce a midweek run, maybe that day just cycle one way and do the run, but then there is the logistics and practicalities that result from that approach to be considered also.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    19/5 - 21/5 incl- Total rest

    22/5 - No running just cycle commute both ways

    23/5 -Cycle commute in plus Easy paced lunchtime run at work to test the hamstring. 3.4mi @ issues at all

    24/5 - 4.3mi @8:55avg. All going well until about 3.5miles in, then the hamstring started niggling a bit, had to slow right down and coast back in to avoid further damage. Very frustrating. Cycle commute home with no problem with the hamstring.

    25/5 - Cycle commute in. Cycle up to staff relay event in phoenix park(observing only. Bumped into Laura_AC3 there too.) We just had the four teams but one of them finished in tenth place overall out of 747 teams, so we were well happy) Cycle commute home then from the park.

    26/5 - Rest

    27/5 - Rest & volunteered at PR

    28/5 - Rest

    So another frustrating week with the hammy. Doing lots of exercises, cold & heat treatment, stretching, foam rolling etc for now.

    I may book in for some physio this coming week .It may be time for some professional assessment if even to affirm that I'm doing the right things at the moment to recover.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Hi RR,

    Sorry to hear you are having a bit of trouble again. With your history I would be keeping well away from hill sprints until I have a long period of building things up again.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Exactly wrote: »
    Hi RR,

    Sorry to hear you are having a bit of trouble again. With your history I would be keeping well away from hill sprints until I have a long period of building things up again.


    Fair point P.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    RedRunner wrote: »
    Hi Annie GYR,

    A really good question. At first I wondered was it too much, particularly a cycle commute both ways plus a run. I certainly felt at the end of a week I would be pretty tired, even from just the cycling. At the moment I'm not sure, I tend to purposely take it handy on the bike if I know I'm running the same day now.

    The jury is still out though for me and maybe my recent recurrence of injury is something I should bear in mind in terms of the added stresses I'm putting my body through. For me I think I need to find a balance. But the difficulty also is that half the reason for cycling to work is to avoid travel expenses so that leaves me with a different issue then if I reduce the cycling commutes!

    I guess the right advice is to listen to your body overall, ask yourself if you need to up your levels of nutrition, sleep, hydration etc because of the extra exercise. Perhaps increase the levels gradually as we would do in a running plan. If I were you and you wanted to introduce a midweek run, maybe that day just cycle one way and do the run, but then there is the logistics and practicalities that result from that approach to be considered also.

    Yep, I'm with you on the reduced expenses, I'd find it very hard to go back paying for bus/train if I had to give up the bike! I had asked Ecoli about a training plan around the cycling and he suggested that the cycling is your aerobic base and then you'd use sessions to be more race specific. So for me (I commute 24 miles a day) I wouldn't actually need to be running Mon-Friday and then at the weekend I'd do either a progression run, HM reps or a steady run on one day and a longer run on the other day. That's all out the window now though but if when I do get back to it that's the template I'll be working from.

    I'd agree on the listen to your body bit though and fingers crossed you get your hamstring sorted quickly - as a matter of interest do you stretch your quads and calves after the bike?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Yep, I'm with you on the reduced expenses, I'd find it very hard to go back paying for bus/train if I had to give up the bike! I had asked Ecoli about a training plan around the cycling and he suggested that the cycling is your aerobic base and then you'd use sessions to be more race specific. So for me (I commute 24 miles a day) I wouldn't actually need to be running Mon-Friday and then at the weekend I'd do either a progression run, HM reps or a steady run on one day and a longer run on the other day. That's all out the window now though but if when I do get back to it that's the template I'll be working from.

    I'd agree on the listen to your body bit though and fingers crossed you get your hamstring sorted quickly - as a matter of interest do you stretch your quads and calves after the bike?

    24 miles is a fair old commute alright. Mine is half that. I would only do one session a week really and if I go hard in the PR, that'd be my second one.

    I'm thinking that once I get into a marathon plan it'll be easier as i'll either cycle commute or runmute and it'd be easier to balance that way. All assuming I can get back to normal running though.

    I never stretch after a cycle, very rarely at best. Never really thought it is as necessary as it might be after a run so should probably change that behaviour...starting today!

    Going to start making use of the gym in work now also to strengthen the hamstrings.

    Hope you get back to it soon too

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    29/5 - Cycle commute both ways and lunchtime pilates class. Great work done on glutes

    30/5 - Cycle commute both ways. Lunchtime gym session , some light bike work ( to warm up the legs), elliptical trainer, multi gym work incl pull down lats (to help with core) and leg curls (to strengthen hamstring), followed by more bike work and cool down.

    Booked physio fro Thursday evening and resisting all temptation to run until then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    31/5 & 1/6 - Cycle commute

    Physio Visit today. Assessment is minor hamstring tear. Another 2 weeks likely without running. The focus over next couple of weeks will be on strength work. This is to both rehab me out of this current injury and improve my chances of getting through marathon plan with the main goal now to get to start line in October.

    He ironed out a few kinks in the hamstring and piriformis while I was there too.

    I'll continue the cycling and get stuck into the strength work and in meantime will take some time off this log until something interesting to report.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Recover well R, make sure to keep well hydrated while hammy recovering, even been bit dehydrated can have negative effect on recovery. Think 5 or 6 weeks of base training when you get back and 12 weeks marathon plan might suite you better, than jumping straight into an intensive plan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Recover well R, make sure to keep well hydrated while hammy recovering, even been bit dehydrated can have negative effect on recovery. Think 5 or 6 weeks of base training when you get back and 12 weeks marathon plan might suite you better, than jumping straight into an intensive plan.

    Thanks G. I'm practically drowning here I'm drinking so much water!:)

    Interesting point you make on the training plan. I must have a look around for a good 12 week plan. I had been thinking of the old reliable meno plan and keep to lower end of mileage for first few weeks. Would that be an option either. For first few weeks after I get the all clear I will just do 4 days instead of my usual 5 too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    RedRunner wrote: »
    Thanks G. I'm practically drowning here I'm drinking so much water!:)

    Interesting point you make on the training plan. I must have a look around for a good 12 week plan. I had been thinking of the old reliable meno plan and keep to lower end of mileage for first few weeks. Would that be an option either. For first few weeks after I get the all clear I will just do 4 days instead of my usual 5 too.

    when do you think you'll be back running, I would just run at easy pace for 4 days a week for 4 weeks or so to build aerobic base again, unless you've been doing a few 50/60k jaunts on bike to keep ticking over. Run a 5k and assess where you are, and base your training paces off where you are, Meno plan assumes you've got consistant block of 25-30 miles a week starting. There is still 3 weeks till you have to start the plan, but just get back nice and easy first.

    I've just bought copy of P&d book, should get on Wednesday and won't use for this Marathon, so your welcome to have a read, there are some 12 week plans and you could just cut down intensity depending on where you are fitness and recovery wise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    when do you think you'll be back running, I would just run at easy pace for 4 days a week for 4 weeks or so to build aerobic base again, unless you've been doing a few 50/60k jaunts on bike to keep ticking over. Run a 5k and assess where you are, and base your training paces off where you are, Meno plan assumes you've got consistant block of 25-30 miles a week starting. There is still 3 weeks till you have to start the plan, but just get back nice and easy first.

    I've just bought copy of P&d book, should get on Wednesday and won't use for this Marathon, so your welcome to have a read, there are some 12 week plans and you could just cut down intensity depending on where you are fitness and recovery wise.

    I feel like I could run now G, you know just easy running but am strictly obeying my physio's orders. When last at physio, he was indicating 4 week min from time of injury so I was already 10 days into that. I'm hoping though when I see him on Friday he will allow some light jogging for following week.

    Meno 17 week plan begins on 9th July if my spreadsheet is correct.I have the P&D book too although i assume there are a few versions?

    I'll not decide anything yet until I see how I am at the end of the month. There is no panic yet,plenty of time to work things out. Aerobically I feel good from the cycle commutes. Resting HR is down around 50 currently so I dont think it would take long to find my running fitness again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    RedRunner wrote: »
    I feel like I could run now G, you know just easy running but am strictly obeying my physio's orders. When last at physio, he was indicating 4 week min from time of injury so I was already 10 days into that. I'm hoping though when I see him on Friday he will allow some light jogging for following week.

    Meno 17 week plan begins on 9th July if my spreadsheet is correct.I have the P&D book too although i assume there are a few versions?

    I'll not decide anything yet until I see how I am at the end of the month. There is no panic yet,plenty of time to work things out. Aerobically I feel good from the cycle commutes. Resting HR is down around 50 currently so I dont think it would take long to find my running fitness again.

    I have it as 2nd July start, checked a few times Marathon will be end of week 17.
    if you've been doing plenty of cycling, maybe you'll be in decent nick, it's more getting into condition for them long runs, the MLR builds quite quickly as well.

    I suppose you'll know quite quickly, but no harm in just scaling back sessions for first couple of weeks, I know I found jumping into 35 mile week hard early in year after a lay off, more about bring intensity and miles at the same time.
