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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Well done on the 98th a chara. Surely you didn't know you were in prime position for an aul St Annes PR prize...or did you? :D idea at all! Funnily enough though in the push to the finish line there was a guy ahead of me close to the finish and I was in two minds whether to push that extra bit to pass him. In the end I did and I'm happy I did now! In the future I hope not to be anywhere near #98 and closer to #48:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Sorry for delay but here you go.......

    DCM 2017 - I'm on a mission from God!

    Didn't have a great night sleep the night before as the dog was going ballistic at bangers etc. Not a good time of the year for dogs ( or their owners)!
    Got up at 0630 and had a glass of beetroot juice followed by a bowl of porridge with some banana. My other half gave me a lift into town, picking up a club mate on the way ,
    dropping us off in Lombard street where we made our way up to merrion square. I had booked flyefit gym for day to use the lockers and showers. Didnt realise i needed to supply the lock but they were available in the vending maching for a further €6.
    It was a great atmosphere in there . It felt like a Raheny Shamrock dressing room as there were a good few clubmates there getting ready for the big race.
    Got myself together and stuff locked away and headed off towards baggage area where I was hoping to bump into a mate who was running also but aiming for 4hrs.
    The baggage area was too busy so it was a lost cause and I made my way towards the starting pen. I had decided to drop back a wave and go with 4:10 pace group so was hoping to bump into Annpr who had the same idea.
    On the way down , I stopped off at queue for the loos where I waited for approximately 10 mins or so. When I was finished i headed towards baggot st bridge and then I got a shout out from annapr who also was queuing for the loos. Agreed to meet up at the 4:10 balloons and I made my way along baggot st. It was a lovely morning, almost ominously too warm but I'd take that rather than wet and windy I suppose. I would have liked a degree or two colder though to be honest but that's probably being picky!
    Shortly after turning the corner from baggot st towards the start line my mate spotted me and we said our good lucks etc and I ushered him off to the 4hr pacer balloons. annapr soon joined me and we lined up together, both relaxed and looking forward to whatever faced us ahead.
    ...and we were off

    Miles 1-5 : 9:30,8:55,9:27,9:20,9:25
    Got a few goosebumps as we crossed the start line, felt great to be doing this again and joining the throngs of runners rounding the corner at leeson street in the direction
    of Stephen's green and beyond. It had been a tough year running wise but I made it. I was a happy man.
    For the first few miles was soaing up the atmosphere , enjoying the applause of the crowds and especially the big massive shout out from the Raheny crew including some boardsies
    at the bridge as we ventured northside. It was a real boost. I'm lovin this I thought to myself.
    First time doing this particular course so was feeling my way along a bit like a tourist finding his way in a new city until we got to north circular and I was in familiar territory again. Was basically feeling
    my way into the pace at this stage and trying to avoid the big pacer balloons as i got whacked in the face a few times!
    Into the park now and there were a few narrow spots and road bumps to contend with but I was feeling good and keeping it nice and steady. Luckily me managed to avoid any rampaging Stags unlike the 4hr group.
    Going up chesterfield I found mysefl separated and ahead of pacing group so tried to keep my pace checked and not drift too far ahead.
    I had taken a gel before the race started and took my send at the five mile mark. Probably didnt need it but didnt want to leave anything to chance.

    Miles 6-10 : 9:17,9:28,9:19,9:37,9:31
    The atmosphere in Castleknock was excellent. Especially at the turn in the village , it was like a tunnel of noise. I suspect this made the adrenlaine flow even quicker and the pace quickened as a result but I felt good at this point. Kept an ey on pacer group behind me but just kept to myself at this stage having lost touch with annapr well before now.
    Assumed at this stage she was nicely tucked into the 4:10 group being more sensible than me.
    I recall enjoying the downhill sections in the park after the long drag up chesterfield and coming out at chapelizod gate to another tumultuos roar from the very mobile Raheny gang,Mrs kennyg being the most vocal. Gave me a huge lift as I headed down now into chapelizod just ahead of the pacers. I was feeling ok at this stage but found the hill after the tunnel reasonably tough and got the first feeling of tiredness over this stretch from here into Kilmainham. It was very warm also and I was sweating a lot.
    The water strategy so far was , didn't bother with first water stop, took a bottle at next and then every other water station took a bottle and popped a full zero tab into it.
    It was a strong mix but I sweat a lot at best of times and especially when I'm running in any sort of heat.

    Miles 11-15 : 9:50,9:24,9:26,9:47,9:35
    Was sticking with the pace group in this phase and got over the tiredness I had felt before and going up crumlin road I felt reasonable comfortable. Was looking around for annpr but couldn't see her.
    Only found out later that she struggled with illness at 10 miles and then had to withdraw at 14. I was really disappointed for her but glad she was feeling better later in McGrattans.
    I was in or around the pacers ffor this phase but for all intents and purposes was running my own race and feeling reasonably good. The memories of the half marathon now of no concern to me. The hamstring was doing well
    At this stage i was wondering if I should try to push on a little bit. Confidence was up, body was feeling ok so I thought why not try and move on in a gradual manner.

    Miles 16-20 : 9:23,9:14,9:03,9:20,9:17
    At this stage I was surprisingly feeling good and decided to let myself push on a bit. I didnt feel as if i was tiring and the crowds were driving me on. Got a good shout out from adrian522 at the turn at the end of Fortfield road
    and was feeling very positive. I was passing runners all the time and was looking at a 4:08 finish if I could maintain it.
    By the time I got to Milltown I was still feeling ok but that was about to change fairly quickly on the Clonskeagh section.

    Miles 21-25 : 9:34,10:12,9:58,10:32,10:38
    Tough going I have to say. Knew this stretch would be hard and was now regretting pushing it in the previous 5 mile phase.
    Was tiring but the body was holding up ok for the most part. The 4:10 pacers caught me while I was shuffling up "heartbreak hill" and I tried to stay with them but it was not happening.
    I wasn't too upset as I was still on target for 4:15 so was just hoping to keep them in sight in the distance.
    Great atmosphere coming down foster avenue and out onto the stillorgan dual carriageway. It was on the slight descent down to Belfield flyover where I first felt the hamstring twinge. It was inevitable.
    I knew it would happen at some point and to be honest was thankful it had lasted so long. I don't believe it was specifically related to the injury I had , moreso due to fatigue. It seems to happen to me in every marathon.
    The cramping forced be to slow down in order to keep going and as I went up the ramp at belfied I need to slow almost to a walking pace to get up to the flat and then I just had to keep trundling along hoping it would not
    flare up too badly. Managed to keep it at bay down nutley lane and then as I turned left for the long stretch into the finish I was just hoping it would hold up.
    Somewhere in mile 26 or late into mile 25 , I can't remember exactly the left hamstring completely cramped up. Resistance was futile I just had to stop momentarily to try and stretch it out. At first it flet like it was getting even
    tighter and even let out an audible pain filled groan. A runner next to me slowed down to see if I was ok. Another anonymous supporter from inside the rail asked if if I wanted to lie down and he offered to stretch my leg as you would see in extra time
    in a football match. I thought in my head that if I did that I may not get up again so said no to that offer. Afterwards I felt guilty that I didnt thank that person enough for the offer in the heat of the moment. I should have been more grateful.
    After a about thirty seconds I recalled a similar incident during London 2014 at 19 miles so I repeated the strategly of just keep moving. I hopped off carrying my left leg almost in a skipping motion and gradually the cramping dissipated so that the skip turned into a shuffle, the shuffle then turned into a jog and then the jog turned into a proper but tired running gait. I was glad because by the time i got to Mount Street bridge where my family and other friends were located. I was running quite well and even probably gave the appearance of looking well. I was revelling in the atmosphere at this stage and starting to get emotional, the hair was standing up on the back of my neckl, i was getting goosebumps, the occasional echo of a supporting clubmate's voice from the crowd broadened my already extended smile, I was doing it, i had done it, completed my first DCM in five years and as the announcer picked out my number and called out my name as i strode
    across the line I felt immensely proud of my achievement and of those around me. I was exhausted, exhiliarated and very satisfied to achieve my goal. A few weeks previously it seemed so far way and potentially not possible.
    After being greeted and congratulated at the finish line by Pat Hooper i continued on down the funnel pausing briefly to pull myself together before picking up my treasured medal and finisher's top. The tiredness then really kicked in and I struggled up merrion square back to the gym to my locker and shower awaiting. Wasn't feeling well to be honest and tried to get some food in as is advised but could stomach no more than a few mouthfuls of the tuna pasta that I had prepared the previous evening. So I sat there on the bench in the dressing room for a while reflecting on my achievement and feeling the warm glow of satisfaction inside until I was ready to shower and change and headed off to meet the gang in Mc Grattans.
    It took me a long while to recover and I was restless in the pub for ages. Couldn't get comfortable standing or sitting. At one stage I felt like i needed to vomit and went to the toilets to spare the embarrassment of vomiting all over the people around me but it didn't happen and I eventually settled down and sipped on a few pints. Didn't really feel proper again until about 7 that evening when I visited the chippers on way home. Got changed and was quickly out again to head back to Raheny and meet up with the rest of the club for presentations in a local hostelry. Didn't stay out too late as i was really drained but walked the 2 miles home all the same and slept very soundly that evening!
    Miles 26 & 0.2
    11:05, (9:54)

    Incidentally, my mate who went with the 4 hr pacers, finished 9 mins behind me.;) It's not the distance that gets you it's the pace!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Well done R - thought you were off your head to attempt to run it but run it you did, glad to see it went well and your recovery is going well too. Great stuff

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Duanington wrote: »
    Well done R - thought you were off your head to attempt to run it but run it you did,

    I beginning to think he was sandbagging all those injuries :D. C'mon R, fess up, you've been off doing secret altitude training all this time!

    I was doing it, i had done it, completed my first DCM in five years and as the announcer picked out my number and called out my name as i strode
    across the line I felt immensely proud of my achievement and of those around me.
    That's lovely, congrats again on your achievement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    I beginning to think he was sandbagging all those injuries :D. C'mon R, fess up, you've been off doing secret altitude training all this time!

    Ha ha......only if you call Howth Summit altitude training!;)...and I didn't go there too often on this training block to be sure.
    That's lovely, congrats again on your achievement.

    Thanks AGYR:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Time to get back logging properly. Been a bit haphazard lately and need to get back in the habit ahead of 2018.

    Week of 20-26th Nov was a bit of a write off as I was travelling to Germany with work and I only managed to squeeze one run in on the Sunday. A short and sharp
    run of 4.4mi@8:20avg pace.

    This last week was a lot better:

    27/11 - Cycle commute to work in am & runmute home 6.19mi @8:56avg

    28/11 - Cycle commute both ways

    29/11 - cycle commute to work in am. Lunchtime workout 4.8mi @ 8:08 avg
    Wasnt planned but the work group I was with stepped it up a bit so I went with it and it turned into a bit of a progression run


    30/11 - Runmute 6mi@9:03avg

    1/12 - Rest

    2/12 - About time I started challenging myself. Decided that I would attempt a sub 22 min parkrun. I haven't done it since 2014. Managed a 22:08 earlier this year. Felt I could do it if I really pushed myself but having not done any speed work in months I knew it would not be easy.

    Decided to try and attach myself to a couple of clubmates and see if I could hang onto them. The long and short of it is that it felt like an even effort over the whole distance equally hard all the way and didnt go eyeballs out on the last stretch for fear of damaging myself but it was a bloody big effort for me. I gave it all I had and my watch had me at 21:59. It was an anxious wait for the official email. Was convinced it would arrive and say 22:00!:) But it said 21:59 also so was absolutely delighted. A 2017 best time for me and something to build on.

    Still a long way off my best but gives me some encouragement that I can get back into the low 21s with more speed work.

    Splits were 7:07,7:21,7:18, (5:23)

    With warmup and cool down , total of 6.25 miles for day

    3/12 - Rest. Mostly as it was my Father's anniversary so a traditional trip home for Mass and dinner with the Mam was called for.

    Approx 24 miles for the week.

    Am signed up for the Fat Turkey 10k on 27th, considering Trim 10 mile and then next target race is probably Balbriggan HM on St Patrick's Day.

    That's my loose plan for the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    4/12 - Runmute 6.08mi @9:18 avg

    5/12 - Cycle commute both ways

    6/12 - 4.82 mi @9:03 avg easy lunch run . Cycle commute am and pm

    7/12 - 4.01 mi @9:08 avg easy lunch run

    8/12 - 3.74 mi @8:28avg

    9/12 - Rest (planned)

    10/12 - Rest ( not planned, just got lazy)

    Total for week : 18.65 mi.....Meh!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    11/12 - Runmute home - 6.01mi @9:03. Easy run in cold conditions. Even wore the running tights:eek:

    12/12 - Easy lunchtime run around poolbeg - 4.87mi@8:55.

    13/12 - Easy runmute . 6mi@9:24

    14/12 - Rest day

    15/12 - Pre Xmas Session steady effort run 5.13mi@8:32

    16/12 - St Annes parkrun. Long day on the beer yesterday so just glad to be here but very happy with the effor and a nice little progression run in the end.

    23:37 . Splits were 8:05,7:54,7:18 (4:13avg. A really good workout. 1.59 mile cooldown. No warm up done of any sort! Very bold but was short on time

    17/12 - LSR from clubhouse. 10.32 mi@9:13avg. Grand run in the company of one of the lads from club who didnt mind a slower pace so this suited me perfectly. Was feeling a little tired at end but a good end to a good weeks work.

    A little tightness in left calf so need to get the foamroller out but other than that body is not feeling too bad.

    37 miles for the week..... now that's more like it!:)

    Plan for next week.....sort of step back week in terms of no. of runs and hope to go for sub 22mins again in parkrun if all conditions are right ie physical body , mental and weather;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Yes, its been a while.

    Haven't been logging because fed up talking about my injuries!

    As an update, i've been tipping along and have a couple of decent weeks. Beginning to build up miles slowly and mixing up with cycling in and out of work and a weekly core conditioning class.

    Throwing the odd "race" in here and there BHAA wise and have signed up for HM on St Patrick's day in Balbriggan and Battle of Clontarf 10 mile on April 2.

    Target for HM is just get through it comfortably. I'd happy with anything in or around 1:50 to be honest. Target for 10 miler is to PB

    Will begin logging here again when I've got some consistency in training going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Jan 29 to Feb 4

    21 miles . All easy running save for BHAA Garda XC Race 4 miles 32:32. I didnt kill myself. Aim was to get around and use it as a workout and that's what it was.

    Feb 5 - Feb 11

    Productive week with 5 runs. Decent parkrun of 23:40 followed by 10 mile LSR on the Sunday. Total for week 35 miles

    Feb 12 - Feb 18

    Another decent week. 30 miles total. Race/workout on sat ALSAA XC (5.3mi) 42:30 and a little under 12 miles LSR on tired legs on Sunday.

    Feeling the fitness improve.One or two niggles but nothing a foam roller cant sort out hopefully. Continuing with core class on Mondays and a few cycle commutes per week.

    Signed up for Lusk 4 mile race on March 4th.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Feb 19 -25

    mon - rest

    tues - 5.52miles @ 8:42

    wed - 6miles @9:36

    thur - 7miles @9:36

    fri - rest

    sat - parkrun 22:13. Splits 7:13,7:14, 7:22 ,(5:48) (1.6miles cooldown)

    Sun - 11.55miles @9:07

    Total for week : 34.76

    Feb 26 - Mar 4

    Mon - rest

    tues - 6.47miles @8:52

    wed - 3.33miles @9:52 in a blizzard and gale

    thurs - rest

    fri - rest

    sat - Freedom parkrun with 2 mile warmup 5.21miles @9:52

    sun - Opted for long run rather than lusk 4 mile race 10.6miles @8:56 Happy with this. a few miles in the 8:30-40 range

    25.6 miles for the week

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Mon 5/3 - No running. Cycle commute

    Tue 6/3 - 8.2miles @ 9:06 lunchtime run sandwiched in between cycle commutes. See what I did there? :-)

    Wed 7/3 - Cycle commute in and runmute home. 6.1miles @8:58

    Thurs 8/3 - Having a rest day as generally feeling tired so body needs a rest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Fri 9/3 - Rest day. Social outing on Thursday evening rendered me useless today!

    sat 10/3 - Rest day mostly due to bad planning and other dependencies . Picked up my number for Balbriggan HM though

    Sun 11/3 - 11.3 miles @8:45avg - long Run. Felt pretty good throughout. A little faster than i'd usually do long run but needed to see how close I am to being able for HM pace which I'm hoping is around 8:15/20 pace.

    Foot very sore after this. Very strange, it felt fined during and at end of run. Didn't feel much during stretch down and drove home with out noticing it. When I got out of car at house it felt very sore and by time I got into the house I could barely put weight on it! Bizarre. Pain subsided pretty well in hours afterwards and feel ok today. The pain was at top of my left foot. A bit of googling tells me its the navicular bone. A common site for stress fractures...please God No! There is no swelling of any kind and you have to go searching to find a sore spot and even then you have to apply a bit of pressure. It has me a little concerned though admittedly.

    I'll rest up today and try a short run tomorrow to see how the foot reacts.

    26 miles done for week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Mon 12/3 - No running/cycling. Some core work in the evening

    Tues 13/3 - Foot test. 5.2miles @ 8:14avg. Set out on this just to see how the foot felt. Felt good and was running with a couple of guys from work so decided to keep with them and as I was running well decide to see if I could hold planned HMP which is around 8:15/20. No science to this , just think based on level of training done so far this year that's as good as I could expect.
    Splits were : 8:09,8:08,8:10,8:42 (slowed down to let others catch up here),7:59

    edit: forgot to mention , cycled to/from work also today

    Both the foot and the splits give me encouragement for Saturday where the goal is sub 1:50

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Foot thing could just have been too tight laces, hopefully!

    Best of luck on Saturday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Foot thing could just have been too tight laces, hopefully!

    Best of luck on Saturday!

    I was thinking that also AGYR. I did wear new shoes for both runs but they are brooks adrenalines which I've been wearing for years. My navicular on that foot is also different to the one on the right insofar as it is bigger!. I'm a freak of nature basically ! :pac:

    Planning a shorter and easier one today. Thanks for the good luck. I see snow is forecast so could be interesting!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Well done yesterday Chief, great run!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Well done yesterday Chief, great run!!

    Thanks B.Much appreciated.I guess I better put an update in the log!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    14/3 - A wet and windy lunchtime run 4.23 miles @9:09avg

    15/3 - Rest day. Would normally rest the day before race of this length so that was Friday sorted but decided to give myself and extra rest day today to allow the body to be fully rested as I'd be running the longest run of the year so far at a harder pace than I'm used to so i'll need every ounce of energy available.

    16/3 - Planned rest day :-). Beetroot juice, keeping well hydrated and my customary bath on the eve of a race.

    17/3 - Race Day Balbriggan Cancer Support Group Half Marathon

    I did the first HM they organised a few years ago 2013 I think? Remember the one that was short ! I hadn't been back since for different reasons but I needed a target earlier in the year and this seemed as good as any.My sister and Mother were walking the 10k and since my Dad had passed away from cancer some 10 years ago I thought it'd be a good way to support the local group if only in a small way. Plus Balbriggan is my home town so its always good to get back to the old stomping ground once in a while.

    Forecast hadnt been great so not surprised when I got up at 6.45am to see a grey sky and blustery conditions. While not a goal race , the big race type nerves were there. Visit the toilet twice before I left the house and by the time I got to Balbriggan, welllets say it was handy that my mam lives close to the start line , so I dropped in to day hello! ( and use the facilities! ):)

    parked up near the start line in plenty of time and got a nice warmup run done. It was 3deg , blowing a gale and snowing/sleet at times. Not great conditions so this would affect the race performance for sure.

    The course was an "undulating" one so I knew it would be tough enough even without the windy conditions. Anyway got the excuses in , in my head and headed for start line. Not as many running in this as in previous years which was a bit disappointing I'd imagine for the organisers.

    So the goal was sub 1:50, well off my best of course but considering my recent chequered past with injuries, 5/6 weeks training with no speed work and max mileage of 35 miles, the longest run being close to 12 miles, I reckoned this was the best I could hope for. If I could hold 8:15/20min /mile pace avg i'd be content enough with that.

    So we set off after an understated starters orders. The walkers had gone off 30 mins earlier and the 10Kers 15 mins earlier. A two lap course with an extra bit thrown in to the first lap, this would be a good test for me and would tell me where I was fitness wise.

    The first mile was about settling in and finding a rhythm, the usual crack, try not to go off too quickly and reign in the adrenaline as much as I can.

    Mile 1 in 7:39

    Found myself running on my own very quickly as the race broke up and with the numbers not being huge it was not a surprise. In teh second mile the 1:45 pacer passed me with a few hanging on to him. While it was tempting to try go with him I took the cautious approach and just stuck with what I felt comfortable and resolved to just keeping them in sight at least.

    Miles 2-4 7:58, 8:10,7:58

    Feeling ok at this stage , just running my own race. There are a few hills in this race , each one tougher than the last on each lap so I was running with these in mind try to save as much for lap two. The wind was a bitch, I have to say. Ther was one particular stretch , about 500m of it where you were running slam into a headwind. That was tough. You then turned off into a steep downhill where it was a case of letting the legs go to try build up some momentum for the hill up the other side.

    Miles 5-6 8:03, 8:05

    I felt I was running well and the pace was consistent. Wasn't tiring too bad. Got a bit of a lift as I passed out the sister and Mother and said hello towards end of first lap.

    Miles 7-10 7:56, 8:26, 8:26, 8:10

    Starting to tire by mile 8 and the long draggy hill out of the town into the hinterland wasnt helping. Took a gel at mile 9 to try give myself a bit of an energy boost. Still had the windy section and and a tough hill to get through and at the 16k mark I was thinking , just a parkrun to go. I knew at this stage that I pretty much had the sub 1:50 in the bag. It wasnt a day for heroics though so although i still had the 1:45 pacer in sight I didnt bust a gut to get back to him. I did pass out a few guys though who had passed me earlier which was quite satisfying, although I got passed by a girl on the last tough hill so you win some you lose some. I did say well done to her though and encouraged her to push on. When I got to the top of the last difficult hill I tried to keep within shouting distance of her and concentrated on that. In doing so the pace increased and found us catching the 1:45 pacer but I knew it wouldnt be enough to get in under the 1:45 but I was ok with that.

    Miles 11-13.1 8:37,8:32,7:48, (0:24)

    The decline back in towards the town helped with the momentum and I just let the legs do the work without busting a lung. I felt reasonably good at this stage. A bit blustery towards the last steep hill up the finish was tiring , not to mention the cruelty of having to run past the finish line to do a hairpin turn up the road (for the extra distance). I had enough to put in a bit of a strong finsih passing a couple of people on the way to the line. 1:46:17 the official time. Pretty chuffed with that given the training done so far. Sets me up nicely for the 10 miler in a few weeks.

    Well organised race with plenty of food and tea afterwards.Well done to organisers. I'll definitely be back again for more punishment sometime

    18/3 - You guessed it, rested ! 25 miles and some change for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 572 ✭✭✭Calvin Johnson

    Well done, great to see you back.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Didn’t see a half marathon coming, R. You seemed to be all over that. Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    19/3 - 4.2 miles @9:41 recovery run. Legs still pretty DOMSish so hopefully this will help. Think i'll try book a sports massage this week to rejuvenate the legs

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    20/3 - 6.6 miles @8:55 . Easy effort run along coast and up into St Annes. Still feeling the HM in the legs. Sports massage booked for Thursday

    21/3 - 4 miles lunch run @8:54 avg . Legs not feeling great to be honest despite some foam rolling last night. This massage cant come quick enough. Cycled to/from work also today

    Need to get a few miles in this week so I can mini taper into the 10 miler on Easter Monday. I had an unofficial PB during the HM on saturday 80:51 for 10miles (first 10miles!) which leaves me confident of a sub 80 finish which is the goal. 83:29 is current PB

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Great work on the HM.

    The half will have brought you on no end (and your 13th mile was your 2nd fastest) so a good sub 80 is well on the cards.
    Don't over estimate it though - its still a long way and I'd be urging you to keep the pace 'slightly the same' (is that even a thing) as above for the 1st 5-6 miles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Great work on the HM.

    The half will have brought you on no end (and your 13th mile was your 2nd fastest) so a good sub 80 is well on the cards.
    Don't over estimate it though - its still a long way and I'd be urging you to keep the pace 'slightly the same' (is that even a thing) as above for the 1st 5-6 miles.

    Thanks AMK! Sound advice. No point in going ballistic at the start and blowing up. I'll aim to keep it around 8 min miles for first 6 and then try and ramp it up gradually for closing miles. Much like a progression run of sorts.

    Hopefully snow will not be an influencing factor in the race approach!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Got a recommendation from one of the ladies at the club for a sports massage so went to her on thursday evening. Have to say ,she was great. I arrived early for my appointment but she saw me more or less straight way and i was in there for well over an hour. She went deep and it was uncomfortable as hell at times but you know that this will help you so you try not to wimp out and use the safe word !
    She spotted a lot of scar tissue on my left hamstring which is not surprising given my past issues so she focused on that for a while but got all the main muscle groups done and felt sore but rejuvenated at the same time if that is possible.

    I'll be back again next thursday for more punishment.

    22/3 - 3.5miles at lunchtime @8:41avg with couple of guys from work. OVe the river to ringsend park. Nothing too strenuous. Legs and body a bit tired. HM remnants may still be there

    23/3 - Planned rest day. Nicely timed after the rub down last evening.

    24/3 - My eldest is 17 today ! Now I'm feeling old!

    Parkrun in St Annes. Good workout without killing myself. 22:51

    Splits : 7:24,7:45,7:22

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    25/3 - Long run done solo around St Annes park while the youngest played football match. Finished in time to catch the second half but alas they suffered defeat. They were winning until I got there!:)

    Met a clubmate by chance and ran 5 miles with her before she headed off. Tried to get in some of the 10 Mile race course but am not sure of all the turns so must investigate that for next weekend.

    10.1miles @8:53avg for a weeks total of 33 miles

    26/3 - Brisk 4 miles (4.4) @8:33avg. Felt good.

    27/3 - Mid morning 7.5miles @9:02avg. Great to be off this week and go out at my leisure. Decided to get some hills in today and headed up the coast to sutton and to the famous corkscrew. Hard going but a good workout. Felt and still feel tired after this one so will rest up tomorrow and maybe concentrate on some core and strength work instead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    28/3 - rest.

    29/3 - 6.4miles @8:53

    30/3 - rest. S&C

    31/3 - 3.7miles @8:27 w 1x 10 mile pace to dial the pace in. That mile felt harder than it should have. made me a little concerned for upcoming race

    1/4 - rest

    2/4 - Battle of Clontarf 10 mile race

    'A' Goal was sub 80mins. Was pretty optimistic after recent HM but wasn't overly confident
    'B' goal was a new PB . Had 83:29 from 2017 Frank Duffy. Knew that was soft in term sof what I was capable of but given my recent
    injury history and relatively short period of consistent training, it was still a target all the same.

    I'm terrible at remembering races mile by mile but here is the synopsis.

    Conditions werent great to be honest but I've run in worse. Underfoot wasnt great in spots where there was casual water and
    the grassy bits were soft and you had to be careful of your footing, but I was in familiar territory in StAnne's park.
    THe first mile was the typical adrenaline fuelled "too fast" mile so dialled it back a bit remembering that the plan was go out
    similar to recent HM pace for 6 miles and try finish strong. First five miles went reasonably well but then it got harder
    Which I suppose is to be expected but I didnt feel great and the second half definitely felt tougher than it should have.

    First five by Strave were 7:25, 7:52, 8:18, 7:55 , 7:53 , more or less going to plan and well on course for sub 80.

    The second lap was different to be sure . There were stages where I felt like stopping and stages where I felt strong, really weird.
    By the time I hit 7 miles I knew I was slowing and thought that if I kept on this downard trend sub 80 was in doubt for sure.
    Knowing the course as I did, I knew there were sections where I could claw back time , using the slopes and my long legs!
    So just tried to keep it steady and not lose too much time on the more testing parts of the course. People were passing me at this stage
    which was pretty annoying but tried to put this out of my mind and concentrate on my own race.

    Miles 6-8 : 8:21, 8:47 (wtf!), 8:35

    This was time to HTFU so I tried to up the pace a bit. Wasnt really looking at the watch at all but concentrating on
    gradually speeding up until I got to the avenue where I knew I could dig deep once I saw the finish line. This worked well for me
    with mile 9 coming in at 8:08

    The last mile had a few twists and turns, large puddles to negotiate and a slippy grass section but it was all about getting to the avenue and getting that
    finish line in sight. A girl fro Lusk AC had passed me in mile 9 and I remembered her from the recent HM.I had passed herout in the last 100 m of that race.
    So i wasnt going to let her go away from me. Used her to hang on to and my the time we reached the avenue and the finishing
    straight she was bout 20 m ahead. But once I got sight of the finish, the burners found something extra and I was able to gradually ramp it up
    The cheers from the local supporters shouting Go on Raheny, really helped here and I started picking off a few people including Lusk lady.
    I pushed hard and there was a Tallaght runner ahead of me who was struggling so I moved the target to him and caught him with
    a few metres to go just pipping him. The sight of the clock on 78 mins going into 79 was a great incentive too to find that
    last burst of energy. Almost ran into the volunteer handing out the goody bag I was going so fast over the line ;-) and then
    dropped to my hunkers and had a good old wretch.

    Gun time ( no start mat) 79:05. Goal 'A' hit....delighted and almost 4 and half minute pb

    Watch measured it a little short 9.8 ? But I know GPS can be impacted by tree cover in sections and knowing that the course was
    measured twice during the week (both directions) by club officials I'm confident it's a good course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Good man R, great to see you running a PB again after all your injury woes.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Nicely done, R! Showed some amount of grit to pull it back after the slower miles. GPS doesn't work so well in St.Annes (and the course is twisty I think ?) so I'd trust the official measurement and bask in that PB. Hope the body feeling ok after ?
