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Tri Hard: With a vengance



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Something is definitely not right, scared to get it checked out after last year but it needs to be done. Just putting off the inevitable I think.

    Stayed away from running and impact all week. Did some squats and single leg squats on Sunday while doing some cross training through boxing.

    Good knee wasn't feeling right toward the end. Hoping beyond hope it's nothing serious. Don't think I could bare the same recovery again.

    Monday, May 11th - Swimming

    Figured swimming has no impact and needed to do something so went to the club session and was happy I did. Muscles were stiff from lack of training and the boxing on Sunday so was good to stretch them out.

    250 warm up
    3 x 200m drills
    6 x 100m race pace (1:30) with 45 seconds rest
    200m mixed strokes
    cool down

    Tuesday, Mayth 12th - OW swim

    Some good sighting and group swimming drills for half an hour. Then skipped the run and went home.

    Debating wether a doctors appointment would be better than a physio appointment at this stage. Hoping a bit more rest might help it go away but nervous of letting it too long.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Overdue an update.

    Wednesday, May 13th - S+C with a swim warm down

    Spent an hour in the gym working on leg and core. Planned on doing a 400m TT at the end but was dead after the work out and just cooled down with some slow drills

    Thursday, May 14th - OW Swim

    880m of mixed sighting drills and group work practicing drafting and swimming in a pack. 30 minutes total. Was mighty cold but getting used to it now.

    Friday and Saturday were a bit of a bust.

    Sunday, May 17th - Cycle

    Very happy with this, was my first solo long spin in a awhile (long for me). I had most of the morning to fill it so I took a route out of Swords towards Dunsoughlin and then a ring around Dublin through Kilcok, Maynooth and Celbridge back towards Rathfarnham.


    Averaged 23.2kmh, had anticiapted 22 so nice to be a little up on planned. A few fast sections along the Canal which I was really happy with. Held about 30kph for a nice stretch between Kilcock and Maynooth, would be very happy if I could hold this in a race. On the hillier sections I had a good 20km where I averaged 25kph which is probably more realistic on race day.

    Puncture in Greenouge was a pain in the ass. Ha trouble filling the new tube as it had a very short valve and couldn't get the gas on it.

    Monday, May 18th - Swim

    Interesting session with 300m warmup and then series of 200m drill sets. 1800m total.

    Then a week of nothing due to work travel. Trade shows however are essentially long distance walk training. Planned on doing something on Sunday when I got back but was deprived of any sort of energy.

    Back to it tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Tuesday, May 26th - Run

    Signed up for the Balbriggan Aquathon on Thursday so was about time I got out running again. Slow pave averaging 6kmh but happy i took it slow because any faster would have killed me. Knee is a bit sore today after it. Not sure if its the lack of running or something else. Was clicking on every step of the stairs though. Good news is the shin was a lot better, no pain there. Have a physio appointment for Saturday so will see what they say.

    3.7km in 22:27

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Wednesday, May 27th - Yoga

    Feeling tight after the run on Tuesday and wanted to limber up before the aquathon as well as re-energise so I pulled up some videos on youtube and did a good hour long session. Felt great after it. Exactly what I needed

    Thursday, May 28th - Fingal Balbriggan Aquathon

    was late into work so rather than leaving early and getting home I was glad I had packed the night before so stayed in work late and went straight. Got there plenty early and registered.

    Before the off i had a walk out into entry point to see the water levels and get an idea of when to stop running and start swimming, have an awful fear of diving head first into the ground. With that and a quick warmup done it was time to lineup.

    The race began on the beach with a run into the sea a proper 750m swim I estimate out to the first marker sharp right turn and parallel with the beach to the second marker followed by another sharp right and back to the beach. A few of the usual 3,2, (front pack leave) 1, GO! people there as a bunch leapt into the water before the claxon but I heeld back for the off. Kept to the right of the bunch and made my way past them again on entry.

    I was with the front pack up to the first marker which I could sight well using a boat that was near by and held a pretty straight line all the way, didn't need to readjust at all really. Was in the front 5 at this stage. One or two people I think had started pulling away and I felt strong. I made sure to keep out of the pack and didn't trust any one else to hold a good line so no drafting and kept myself clear of any elbows or feet.

    Rounded the corner and was about level with someone and I could feel my hats and goggles starting to slip so a quick readjust and decided then to use the opportunity to draft off the hip of the person beside me. Had slipped a little again and pulled down hard on it. Could feel the other person weaving a little so I stopped drafting them and went back to picking my own line.

    Sighted the second marker a little to well and gave it a little hug as I turned. A few more strokes and then pop, hat and goggles came right off. New this would hamper me but wasn't sure what to do. They were siting on top of my head but not on so I tried readjusting and swam a few strokes, tried reseatting goggles but they were full of water and not sitting correctly. Then popped off again and this time I tried to just hold them in my left hand while swimming. Realised the parachute effect this was having so shoved them down my wetsuit and tried to swim again. This time I couldn't site and I was all alone, the breakaway group and gained a lot of time on me now and the rest were behind me still with some catching quickly. I got past by quiet a few people as I stopped to thread water and untangle one of the hats and goggles and put them back on. I left one of the hats float off at this point and then set about making up some time I had lost.

    Heading towards land I was happy I didn't trust others sighting as I saw people go well wide and head for the tower at the edge of the beach rather than the middle. I got back into a good rythem but was finding it fairly hard to catch my breath having swallowed a lot of water during "hat gate". Passed out a few people I had let past me which I was about. Out of the water and into transition in the top 10 which was my goal. Delighted with that as I didn't think it was realistic. I believe looking at the times if it were not for hat gate it would have been a top 5.

    Then the dreaded 5K. I hadnt run 5k in 2 years. I had no idea what to expect this time, all I knew was I didn't want to come last. Didn't even know if I would finish. It was out of (a very slow) transition, sharp right and up hill. Then follow the road around to 2 laps of the playing fields, back the way we came, along the cliff walk over the bridges around a cone and back under the bridges. Trying to keep the time under 30 minutes my first 2k were pretty slow as I struggled to find a rythm 6:!2 and 6:03. I knew I needed to pick it up so stopped and adjusted my shoes then picked it up 5:44, 5:43 and 5:25 were my last 3 splits which were a but more respectable.

    Was a fairly hilly route with about 8 minutes climbing 8 minutes of descending and I was a bit terrified of the gravel section before and after the playing fields as I have had previous falls on gravel but a great turn out by the public along the way with matches being played at the same time which made for a good atmosphere.

    Finished the race with 1 15 minutes swim (Top 10) and run into transition, 30+ transition with a run of around 29 (not last) minutes giving me an overall time of 46:45.

    I achieved a few goals here. Learnt some lessons before my first big race, had a strong swim, didn't post the slowest run time and crossed the line. Gave me mixed confidence for the coming season.

    Friday, May 29th - Rest

    Saturday, May 20th - Park run

    Having done my first 5k this week I decided to follow it up again with a Park run. Was feeling confident now that I had one under my belt. So in my head I targeted to hold a consistent 5:45/km which I would be happy with repeating. Was a nice crowd and great warmup before hand. DIdn't know the course so was thankful it was well signposted.

    360 runners on the day which is great to see and I was right up in the middle which also made me very happy.

    Put in a PB of 26:30 which I was delighted with. I was a lot faster than expected went at 5:24, 5:26, 5:15, 5:15, 5:06. It was really pushing the HR though. Gradually rising over the distance from 159 - 195. I reckon my self confidence with running is holding me back a little and this has helped a lot. Very very happy with it, despite feeling very sore afterwards, a good sore though I believe. I think I paced it well and I don't know if I can go much faster at the moment without serious work. I am hoping to start putting that in though.

    Onwards and upwards!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Sunday, May 31st - Cycle

    Wanted to try and get a handle of the kind of times I can target in a race so went for a shorter flat spin on my own. 34.3 km in 1:22:33 along the coast road, over the east link and along the canal. First half I was about 28kph then slowed down the second half. Heavens opened just before I got to the east link and a few dodgy man hole covers from there along the canal nearly took me out.

    Happy enough with how I felt overall. Gives me a bit of a bottom line over those shorter distances. Hoping do finish the bike on Crooked lake in under 45 minutes. Closer to 40 and I'd be delighted.

    Monday, June 1st - Rest day

    Total rest, didn't leave the couch all day.

    Tuesday, June 2nd - Yoga

    Started to make a ritual of doing an hour of yoga the day before a race. Need to limber up and have nice loose joints to try and prevent injury and make sure I get across that finish line.

    Wednesday, June 3rd - Belpark Duathlon

    Wasn't sure what to expect from this race. Had a few goals though one was not to get beaten too badly by challenger 1 and hopefully beat challenger 2. Unfortunately we were each put in a different wave so judging it would be difficult and certainly no sprint finishes. All I had to go off was challanger 2's time in Mays race. This then wasn't helped by the fact that my Garmin died after 200m on the first leg of the run.

    Run 1 2.5k- Went out fast. Very fast, was trying to judge the pack by eye and pick some pacers since my watch had died. Got dropped by the main pack and then it was a case of trying to stay with it. Bearing in mind I had been averaging around 5:45/km in training I was delighted to come around in 11:28.

    Cycle 12k - Was feeling the run, hadn't expected to go out that fast and was worn out starting off. Found it hard to get in the rythm especially on quiet a technical course. Lots of undulating and bends. Found myself catching a lot of people on the descents and flats and then losing them again on the hills. Enjoyed the long straight from transition exit to the S bends. Picked a few people I wanted to beat and kept ahead of them. No sign of the 2 challengers which meant I was probably doing fairly ok in comparison. Had a glance as I went past transition and along the run route and no sign of challanger 2 which was in wave 1 which meant there probably was not much time between us. Put on a bigger push on the third lap.

    Had a nightmare dismount. Had the right foot out of the show and pedaling and the left foot half out when I unclipped by accident so had to grab it with my hand and run with it in one hand while balancing the bike. Very very long walk back to T2 as I couldn't get my legs working right. 29:16

    Run 2 2.5km - Left calf was cramping up. Need to do a lot mroe brick sessions in the next few weeks. Was not ready for that transition. First 500 m was a mixture of jog walk and stop to stretch the calf. Then rounded the first bend and heard a few encouraging words from a really nice guy who decided to pace with me. Took my mind off the calf and ran it out. We each decided tp up the pace as we went around at different stages and picked a few people we wanted to pass. Times were feeling fast and faster as the run went on. We looked at each with 200m to go and nodded, finish strong he said and we upped it. Sprinting to the line he got there a second ahead of me. 13:31 for te second run.

    Overall time - 56:09 - Beat Challanger 2's time from May only for them to have put in a better time this time and he beat me by 3 minutes. Still happy enough, was hoping sub 55 and my run was faster than I planned but my bike was down on what I planned.

    Challenger 1 crossed the line about 2 minutes after me having started in the wave behind me so delighted I didn't get lapped which was my other goal.

    Perhaps if we all do July's race I can beat challenger 2 on the bike as I had them beat on the run this time.

    Thursday June 4th - recovery

    Not doing anything more really bar stretching and yoga before Saturdays big race. Im already worn out and need to rest.

    Friday June 5th - Plan is yoga and foam rolling tonight, feling very tight in my calf still and worried I'll suffer in the morning if I dont try and stretch it out.

    Looking forward to crooked lake if not a little nervous.

    Hoping to go sub 1:35 would be delighted with a 1:30. Wouldn't be happy at all with over 1:40 as this was my PB in a sprint previously.

    Swim - nothing over 15:00 and I'd be happy - hoping for closer to 12:30
    Bike - Ideally sub 45
    Run leaves me 30 minutes which is my PB in a triathlon for 5k. Set a few new markers the past month of 26:30 park run and a combined time of 24:59 for the 5k of the duathlon.

    Adding in transitions I hope I'm not too optimistic in hoping I can go sub 1:30 but we will see what tomorrow brings.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Saturday June 7th - Crooked Lake Triathlon

    Targeted time sub: 1:30

    A nice start time for this one. Didn't have to get up at the craic of dawn to travel up and plenty of time to get setup in transition and settled down. Great atmosphere around the place and plenty of spectators out. Seemed very well organised and registration went very smoothly.

    The weather, well it was Ireland so unpredictable, freezing rain, gail force winds and then sunshine for the finish. Bit of everything. We were issued weather warnings in the goody bag and disk wheels were banned.

    Swim - 14:14 120/489 - Was hoping to go out fast and be towards the front coming out, I know I was capable of a top 50 swim time here but got in the wrong place at the start, no count down and no warning of the claxon. I was still getting warmed up and was at the back of the group. Tried battling through a wall of swimmers but was getting no where, ended up having to just sit back until the first turn when it broke up a bit. Very congested still and had to fight to hold my line with a few people trying to push me out. Lesson learnt, warmup at the front from now on. Disappointing swim but still decent enough time.

    T1 - 2:46 - Long run in and stupidly left my watch on over the wetsuit so struggled to get it off having forgot this and got tangled up.

    Bike - 39:41 298/489 - Planned on averaging 25kmh and went slightly quicker at 26kmh. Tough start of the course but fun and beautiful setting. About 4k in there was a tough section with a grade between 10-15% which signaled the top of the course. Was mostly decent from there bar a few drags. My bike was making an awful noise which I thought was the breaks rubbing so dismounted at the top of the tough climb to check the breaks and adjust them. Cycled on and still heard it so opened up the front break and still there. Will drop into the LBS tomorrow for a check over. Back was a little soar towards the end, suspect it was bad posture.

    T2 - 2:06 plenty of room to improve

    Run - 29:40 402/489 - Below 30 which was what I hoped but not great since I've been running better lately. I'll blame it on the tough hill on both laps but really I know it's lack of brick sessions. Got passed by plenty of people on the run. Pushed the last KM to 5:15 as I knew I was cutting it close to go sub 1:30.

    Overall - 1:28:29 318/489 - 19/28AG.

    Overall happy with the race but still plenty to improve on. Learnt a few lessons and got some good experience.

    Monday, June 8th - Swim

    Nice session 2200m

    warm up, 3x100, then a ramp 50,100,150,200,200,150,100,50 followed by 5x100 and a cool down.

    Tuesday, June 9th - Cycle

    Lovely evening for it. 46km in 1:31:29. Near enough 30kmh which was great. Lots of improvements and glad I went out with the group I did, had been scared to before was I was afraid they'd drop me fairly quick but I kept up and was delighted to push it.

    Wednesday, June 10th - S+C

    One hour in the gym working on chest and legs. Very soar after.

    After this Im taking it easy for a few days. Legs are very tired and worn out from a packed few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Took some time to rest after the last few races and days training. The body welcomed a bit of a break.

    Tuesday 16th June - Swim

    Was traveling and the hotel pool was about 6 stokes long so felt like a goldfish in a tiny bowl for a while until I figured out there was a button on the wall to turn on a current. Then spent about 20 minutes in the endless flow nice and easy as the current wasn't too strong so I was having to pull back. IT felt good though jus tto stretch out and ease back into it after some time off. Next two events are swim events any wa so need to spend a bit of time on this.

    Thursday 18th June - OW Swim

    Went out with the club around Skerries. 1km swim with a fairly choppy sea. Made for good training and really enjoyed the session.

    Saturday 20th June - Boyne Swim 2.7km River Swim

    The weather was great for the day, packed up the car and headed up around midday. Registered in the D Hotel and picked up my chip, hat and goodie bag. The Tshirt for this was really nice. Headed down to the finish then, nice setup and free parking was sorted which was a plus. Good to get some time to catch up with a lot of my old training buddies too.

    1.30 safety briefing and then shuttle bus up to the start line. We were given bags with our race numbers to transfer anything back to the finish for us so could bring flipflops and a water bottle etc up to the start while waiting around. Then got into the water with plenty of kayaks for support and some safety swimmers.

    Race started around 2.45 and tried to keep to the center of the river as much as possible, drifted in and out a bit for the first few hundred meters as I settled in. was a good distance ot the first bridge and then was able to use each consecutive bridge for sighting. Pretty cold under the bridges but lovely temperature apart from that.

    There were good crowds around the town supporting the swim and a great atmosphere with the maritime festival on over the weekend. Could hear boats whizzing by every now and then but tried to keep concentrated on my swim. Past a few people as I went and did my best not to let others pass me.

    Under the last bridge there was about 400m to go and was trying to judge when to push it for a strong finish. Starting making my way from the middle of the river over to the right hand bank as this is where the exit would be and about 200m out I emptied the tank to try and get in ahead of a big bunch. At the slip a few people were trying to walk out from a deep enough position and I swam pas them a little bit until it was knee deep. Then scrambled to my feet and rushed to the timing mat, spotted a patch of grass to the side and collapsed in a heap. Was a little dizzy and felt happy that I had given my all to it then.

    Overall did it in 38:31 which put me ahead of a few guys I used to train with and within reaching distance of others so I was happy with how it went. Some strong swimmers in the bunch with Brian Harris bringing it home in a time of 26:56 almost a full 2 minutes ahead of 2nd place and 1 other person going sub 30. 35/85 in Senior Wetsuit category.

    Lats and triceps were very stiff after bt really really enjoyable day out and a big thank you to all the organisers and marshalls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Wish I had been able to swim that Boyne ;( well done sounds good

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Yeah it was a good one. Nice to get that sort of distance done as well. Think its the longest OW swim I've done. I've done longer pool sessions but as we know its a different ball game. Was good practice for Escape from Ireland as well in 2 weeks time. That will be shorter but tougher.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Monday, 22nd June - Swim

    Arms felt very heavy and was not up for the session we did, felt pretty low after it but I know its only temporary.

    300 warm up

    2x25m sprint

    4x400 first 3 getting faster every 100 then last 100 was best average.

    Cool down.

    Then that's been it so far for the week. Calves still very tight and shin felt painful too. Finally got to a physio tonight. Confirmed shin splints bordering on stress fracture. Ultrasound treatment and exercises for the next 10 days and see how its feeling then. Plenty of exercises to do for my weaker knee as well to strengthen it. Muscle wastage is still worse than I thought so possible that that's to blame for the shin.

    Need to change how I was doing my S+C moving from highrep work to heavy low rep work. Very happy with the physio I went to and hoping to get some good results over the next few weeks.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Sunday June 28th - Run

    Been doing my stretching and physio had given me the go ahead for gentle running on flat grass so headed out to the playing pitches and did 5km at 6m/km. Hips were feeling tight after but shin wasn't too bad.

    Monday, June 29th - Swim

    300m warmup

    Main set: 30 seconds between each
    5x200m at 80%
    5x100 at race pace (went out to fast and first 2 came in at 1:27/1:28. Slowed down for the last 3)

    300m drill

    Nice set and felt a lot better than previous week. Happy with it.

    Tuesday June 30th Cycle

    Garmin failed to record but about 42km in about 1:32 was a very enjoyable swim along the coast and up Howth head and back. Nice decent into the village and fantastic views today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Wednesday 1st of July - S&C

    First proper gym workout since physio so that was my target. As I'm off running at the moment to avoid the impact on my shins I spent 15 minutes warming up on the cross trainer and then hit the weights. Negative repsx4 on the leg press at 100KG and calf lift at about 80KG, machine in the gym doesn't allow negative reps on the hamstring curl so did 5x55kg single leg. 3 sets of each. Then another 30 minutes working on the mat doing floor work and single leg plyo exercises. Finished off with some time on the heavy bag.

    Thursday July 2nd - Sea Swim

    Nice 1k swim at sea. Swam out to deep water and then laps of two buoys which are about 20-25m apart practicing turns. Finishe doff with a swim back in and practicing dolphin dives.

    Friday July 2nd - Rest

    Saturday July 3rd - S&C

    Tried a slow run on treadmill, realised after 200m it was doing more harm than good so switched to the cross trainer again.

    Single leg leg press - 70kg 3sets 4 reps. Similar effort on good leg is 90kg so gives me a target
    Single leg calf raise - 74kg 3 sets 4 reps. Found these tougher, find it hard to get the form right on this one legged
    Single leg hamstring curls - 4 reps at 70kg (poor form not finishing the movement) - 4 reps at 60kg (real struggle) - 4 reps at 55kg.
    Single leg plyo work
    Then some cable work on the arms and chest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Sunday July 5th - Cycle (copied from the cycling forum)

    Waited out the rain and headed out about 3pm today for a coastal spin around Dublin. Planned it out around 75km and 3 hours. Ended up going about 85km and a bit slower than planned.ostly thanks to Kiliney hill.

    Swords-Malahide-howth head loop-fair view-irishtown-black rock-Dunlaoighre-Dalkey-Kiliney-ballybrack-Bridesglen-stepaside-Dundrum-mill town and finished in Terenure. Felt great from Swords to Dalkey averaging about 27kmh then it went down hill as I went uphill. Was not expecting how tough Killiney hill is and then by the time I got to Brides Glen I think I bonked. Not fun on your own. Ended up eating two snickers and pushed through knowing if be downhill from kiltiernan.

    Ended up a lot slower overall though about 23.5kmh which I'm very annoyed about.

    Positives are I spent a lot of time building confidence on the drops and also some time practicing on the Tribars. Went from howth to bull island on the Tribars the whole way which was good. Much more confident on descents today as well.

    Monday July 6th - Swim

    300m warmup
    50 fast 50 slow x 3
    400m easy
    2x200 steady
    4x100 race pace
    50m cool down

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Was feeling a good bit of discomfort on Tuesday in the shin while driving home from work so just did some stretching to help relieve it and took it easy for the night.

    Wednesday June 8th - S&C

    Bike warmup
    Heavy negative reps
    Leg press - 120KG 5x3
    Calf raise - 110KG 5x3
    Hamstring Curl 70KG 4x3
    Plyo jumps
    Hip flexer stability work
    Heavy bag session

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Well between catching the flu and going on holidays I have been quiet on filling this in.

    Thursday July 9th - OW Swim

    1.5km in 45minutes. Working mainly on sighting in the group.

    Woke up Friday with a soar throat, by the end of work I had a fever and a stuffed nose. Not a good sign for Escape from Ireland.

    Saturday woke up in bits. Was really in a bad way and determined to make the starting line on Sunday I went to the gym and spend an hour in the Steam room trying to flush it out. Seemed to work for a bit but couldnt shake it.

    Sunday July 12th - Escape from Ireland Swim - DNS was just way to sick to get out of bed. Very annoyed to have missed it as I had been looking forward to it for months. It was one of my goals for the season so raging to have missed it.

    Spent the rest of the week just resting and recovering until Wednesday when I went to a hotter, drier climate which helped me shake it off.

    A week of swimming in 28 degree water for several hours a day plus walking upwards of 10km a day around the city in 40 degree heat was great. I really enjoyed switching off technology for a week and just enjoying a break away. Brought the runners but they didn't get used.

    Thursday 23rd July - Cycle

    Very short just 7.3km in 15:29 to get the legs going again and make sure everything was ok before Sunday.

    Felt good and strong, bike felt really nicely setup. Feeling confident about the Swim and bike legs for Belfast, terrified for the run but still hadnt made up my mind whether I'd do the run.

    That was it for up until Sunday except for stretching 3 times a day under instruction from the physio. Race report to come.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Saturday 25th July - Arriving in Belfast

    Decided rather than wake up at stupid o'clock to drive up the day of I would make a mini vacation out of it with the OH. Arrived up around lunch time and stopped in SS Moore to register and get my race pack. Very much hassle free, nice tshirt and a new small bidon. Got to the hotel and checked in, brought the gear up to the room and lay it all out to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything that I could get quickly. Just some tape missing for sticking gels to the frame. Down to reception to check what time breakfast was for and it was too late for me, they offered to put some things out early if needed but I decided to skip paying the extra fee for a few slices of toast and picked up some supplies in the local Lidl.

    Went out to the centre then and picked up the tape I needed, scoped out transition and the swim/run courses. 1.5km looked an awful long way from the bridge but was looking forward to it. This sign on the bridge looked ominous :P


    Went about enjoying the rest of the day after that, bit of shopping and exploring the city, then a good big feed in preparation and a cocktail to settle the nerves in the Merchant Hotel which I have always wanted to visit.

    Back to the hotel to make final preperations, stick the race numbers on the bike and helmet as well as packing the transition bag. Double checked all alarms for 6:30

    Sunday 26th July - Race Day - Standard Distance

    Woke up with my alarms at 6:30, poured a big bowl of Muesli with some fruit. Then got ready and headed over to transition at 7am.

    Got my place setup and had a catchup with some members of my current and former clubs. Was good to catch up. A few things in transition could have been organised a little better, there was no bag drop and with the expected torrential rain was not too happy about that as all your nice warm dry clothes for after race would be exposed, also the briefing could not be heard by most I suspect, in part due to every one chatting over it. They were my only complaints of the race organisation which was impeccable apart from this.

    Off to race start then marched across the bridge and into the water.

    Swim - Target 30:00

    Positioned myself towards the front of the group this time to make sure I didnt get stuck behind any one. Plan was go upstream tight to the bank then on the turn around stay out in the deep section.

    Was with the second big group for the upstream section and then everyone started turning left before I expected it. The course was night as rectangular as I expected from the bridge. My left calf which I have been working on with the physio for the last 2 months started cramping when I kicked so I switched between arms only and arms and legs for a good chunk of the rest of the swim.

    On the way back the river narrowed a bit more than expected with docks and bridges so had to move back out a little more a few times.

    Time/Distance - Measured Distance 1669m Overall Time 27:27 Pace 1:39/100m Place 167/443

    T1 - Long run in from the swim to transition, 300m transition. Made a few mistakes, tried to use the time of putting my racebelt on to catch a breath so put it on before I took the wetsuit off from around my waist and then ende dup pulling it off with my wetsuit so had to untangle it before putting it on again. Need to speed my transitions up a lot still. Reckon I lost a few places here.

    Time 4:20

    Bike - Target 1:30

    Very wet and windy bike course, first out and back section along Queens road was nice, apart from one sketchy patch where the road had been dug up and was filled with gravel. Second out and back section felt more open and the head wind was terrible. Really struggled against it at the end of the outward journey. The plus side of this was the way back was the fastest section of the day. Felt very strong in general though and passed a few people, was also passed by a few.

    A very very flat course with lots of long straight sections, I would say it is one of the fastest courses in the country, if it was on a still day. With the wind and the rain it was a little tricky on the corners and roundabouts. Very well marshalled and the motorbike official was driving around the course watching drafting, not sure if nay one was penalised or not but didn't see too many trains.

    Felt very sorry for the numerous punctures I saw. Most seemed to be very far out on the course and I wouldn't fancy the walk back in the weather we had that day. Think there were about 17 DNF no the bike.

    The positives I took from this leg was that I managed to stay on the bars for about 90% of the bike I reckon, most I have ever spent there and I felt strong here. First time I held an average above 30kmh over a distance. Also held the level, didnt fade over the second half as 6 of my 10 fastest km were on the second loop.

    Came out of the shoes a little to early but was able to peddle on to the dismount line, dismount went well and was very happy with this.

    Time/Distance - Measured Distance 38.63km Split 1:14:17 Overall 1:52:11 Pace 31.2KMH Split Place 251/443

    T2 - Long transition again. Really need to do a few session of just transitions or something. 3 minutes to change over. There was a nice ledge beside my rack so I sat on that while I dried my feet and put socks on. Then shoes and went to through on a technical tshirt as it was so cold but it had drenched through, rang it out but was still soaked so I left it.

    Time - 3:02 Overall Time 1:52:11 Planned target -17:49 Overall Place 259/443

    Run - Target time <1:00:00

    The rest of the race had gone well and was very happy to be ahead of time, I didn't feel confident about the run. Previously I have been attempting to run straight through and ending up walking for sections of it unplanned which overall through me. This time after reading other reports on here and elsewhere I decided I might be better overall to stick to a plan of run 5 minutes walk 1 minute. Shortly into the run I realised this wouldn't work it was more like run 3-4 mintues walk. I decided to try run 3 walk 30sec then after seeing my hopes of a sub 3:00:00 overall slip I decided to push it and run 6 walk 1.

    4 laps each about 2.5km long.

    First 2km were on schedule 6:02, 5:52.

    Started slowing down and hit 6:32 for next to 3 km. Would have been worse but for the support of a few club mates who encouraged me along. Big shout out to them for that, thanks guys. I know one or two slowed down a bit for me putting their own times at risk to make sure I got around so that was much appreciated.

    Tried to push it in an attempt to still get in under and hour 6:15 for KM 6

    I shouldn't have pushed it and this is the km that broke me I think. Legs hadn't felt great the whole time but now my left quads were on fire, my calves were soar but my quads were the real agony. Was asked by a marshal on a bike if I was ok at one stage, he obviously saw the pain on my face.

    The next 4 km were a mixture of hobbling and an attempt to run.


    last 400m was 2:41 as I pushed to the line knowing I could still get in under 3:00:00 if I pushed.

    Dont think I could have finished if it had not been for the support form fellow triathletes, club mates, marshalls and knowing the OH was waiting around the corener from the start finish on every lap so I needed to make sure I passed her every time. Got an extra cheer everytime I did go past.

    Was asked on the finish line if I needed medical assistance which was a new low for me.

    Time/Distance - Measured Distance 10.43km Split 1:12:03 Overall 2:58:09 Pace 6:37/KM Split Place 418/422 Overall Place 373/443

    The run really destroyed me. Lost 114 places on the run. Its kind of to be expected considering I haven't ran over 5km in 2 years and had ran only 50km From the start of May until race day. My plan had been to concentrate on running between Crooked Lake and Belfast and had not gone to plan due to shin splints.

    When I made it to the physio table they were commenting on just how bad my TFL felt in particular and spent several minutes trying to release it. As I got off the bench my left leg went into spasm and I had never seen anything like it before, look like a wave going across the muscle and an alien trying to escape. Was told to get some food in me immediately to help it. They had sandwiches at the finish line so had that and water and started feeling better after a while.

    Then it was back around to transition and get my stuff as fast as possible. The hotel had let us check out late so I was glad of being able to get a warm shower and change of clothes. Had planned on going to the Titanic centre too but decided to just hit the road and head home.

    First Olympic distance done, I nearly didn't finish but I did and thats the important thing. Would love to do that course again in the sun, hopefully next year I will be fit for the run.

    Took it easy this week as my legs are just now starting to feel like normal again. Been stretching every day at least twice if I remember it 3 or 4 times. I'm really missing Yoga this year I think. Hoping to finish up studies in the next few weeks which will give me some time to hopefully get back to it.

    Thursday July 30th - OW Swim

    If I could describe this swim in one word, COLD. Think the adrenaline got me through the swim in Belfast but adjusting to 12 degree water from 28 degrees the week before was a shock. I found it very hard to breath out which then made a mess of my breathing technique. All in all about 1.8km done in about 45 minutes. Good to get out with the group and see how every one else got on between all the races the weekend prior. There was a lot of excitement for 70.3 which after Belfast I am glad I am not doing as I would in no way be able for that run.

    Next race is DCT Olympic and the week after Lakeside Tri in Ballyshannon. This will make 4 NS races and I expect to be somewhere around last of my AG at this rate but I will be glad to finally have done it and seen exactly where I need to work. The stand out is the Run but also transition. Starting to think ahead to the winter months already and what sort of training schedule I can put in place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Well done - nice report - the run sounded horrendous & painful ;(
    The swim & bike was good. I might put it in my calendar for next year. Get back to the YOga & keep up the stretches. Best of luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Definitely worth putting in the calendar. The run course itself was nice with loops of the city hall and main center. Well sectioned off from traffic too and I'm sure for others it was a delight.

    Think my main target come winter is get my running up to scratch and condition my legs more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Not much to report recently. Been very busy with some other things going on.

    Monday, August 3rd - Cycle

    Decided to test out the DTC course. 20km to the Park 40km course and 20km back in a little over 3 hours.

    Out to the Park was not too much of a bother. Course was a lot like I remembered it from 2 years ago and partly from the Belpark Duathlon I did. Kyber pass is awful, I hate it, not sure why I have a thing against it but I do.

    The other section I dont like is the turn at the Park exit point, on the laps it kills all your speed doing an almost 180 turn at the bottom of a hill and then straight uphill again. All in all a bit of a challanging course compared with Belfast and I expect to be much slower.

    Left knee was in a bit of pain after 3 laps. Kept going though and started to ease off a little on the way home. Glad to have got this done so I know what to expect in 2 weeks time.

    Felt like a 7/10 day. HR Avg 165 so about 78% Max. Spiked at 184 going up Kyber.

    Thursday August 6th - Running 2.5km @5:30

    Wanted to test the legs in the hope that I could do the Park Run on Saturday. ITB was a bit tight so foam rolled after. Stomach was not happy though running very late in the day and having had a very big dinner.

    Disheartened that I wasn't able for longer. 5/10 today.

    Saturday August 8th - Park Run

    Hit a new PB this week 26:06 at 87% MHR, this shows that this should be about my race pace. I would be happy if I could hold 5:15/KM in a race. Delighted with my time, Hoping to get to 25 minutes by the end of the season if I can.

    Outside of my left knee was in a good bit of pain for the afternoon though. Think its related to ITB/TFL. Need to loosen out more still. Possibly related to some lower back fatigue from Mondays spin, spent a lot of time on the aero bars. Need to work the glutes and lower back in the Gym, havent seen it much the last few weeks.

    8/10 for the run.

    Sunday, August 9th - Boxing

    Short focus pads workout with core exercises between sets. Enjoyed this but still feeling fatigue in the lower back. 7/10.

    Monday, August 10th - Swimming

    300 WU
    400 steady
    2x200 paddle
    4x100 fast
    200 slow
    2x100 fast (1:27)

    Felt great to be back in pool training 9/10 really enjoyed this session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Thursday, August 13th - OW Swimming

    Started with a 250m warmup and then sets of about 400m swimming out around a bouy and back to coach who was moving around making us sight her. A bit of speed work 100 strokes fast as you can 50 easy 100 fast back. Really enjoyed this session, great weather helped.

    9/10 ~1800-1900 meters 45 minutes

    Saturday, August 15th - Parkrun

    This week they had a pacers at 21,23,25,27,29,31,33 minutes. Having gone 26:05 last week I wanted to go with the 25 minute pacer for as long as possible and see how I could hold out hoping to start slowing down and still go sub 26. Also wore the race runners in prep for next week. Wasn't feeling great starting but said I'd go fot it. Splits as follows


    Official time 26:24.

    FIrst 2k felt good then started slowing a little and in my head targeted <5:20 for the next 3. Had to walk for a few seconds at 3km to let the HR come down from 193. By 4KM I had blown up, had to walk most of it.

    It showed me I wasnt ready yet for sub 25 but could work on it. Have the pace for half it just need to push on with the stamina. Didnt feel as much pain after the run this week.

    I also decided that I wont wear my race flats for Dublin, with the longer distance and cross country I think I need the support from the Brooks Ghost. I wont have race laces but the few seconds lost tying should be saved overall with a better run.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Sunday, August 16th - Cycling

    Short spin to keep the legs moving. 22km in 56:10 through the city while going to visit the folks, lights really slowed me down and had a few close calls with some Sunday drivers. First 6km or so was easy then 6km of hard intervals pushing it then relaxed the rest of the way. Felt ok but didnt get the HR as high as I wanted on the intervals.


    Monday, August 17th - Swim

    Tough session this one.

    300m WU
    2x200 fast,easy
    4x25 fast (27sec)

    Rest of the week I took it easy before Dublin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    I had a race report written and just lost it by hitting back when deleting. Will have to sit down and rewrite it when Im feeling better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Well the past few weeks have been very hectic and doesnt look like it will be letting up any time soon. I am overdue 3 race reports at this stage and some training logged including my first 100+km spin, a fantastic swim session swiftly followed by an illness, backed up by my best performance in a race then a few easy weeks before the final race of the year.

    Taking it easy for the next few weeks while I recover form a long season and start to build into the winter training and planning for next season. Early targets will be perhaps Butchers Block Duathlon series and then have another stab at the NS with an expected improvement if I can get my run sorted over the winter months.
