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I Am the Master of My Fate



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    I probably could have explained it a lot better than I did. When you have a normal kayaking paddle the shaft of the paddle is straight, this means when you grip it your wrist will have a kink in it where your hand is on the paddle. They brought out new bent shaft paddles that have a bend in the shaft where you would grip it meaning your hand and wrist are straight inline when you grip the paddle. You can see the difference between the two here,


    Much easier to explain in person than over the internet!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Monday 11th January
    10:00 warm up, 10:00 hard, 5:00 recovery, 8:00 hard, 4:00 recovery, 6:00 hard, 3:00 recovery, 4:00 hard, 2:00 recovery, 2:00 hard, 5:00 cool down
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 29.0km

    25m pool, coached session
    8*100m on 2:00, 4 & 8 @ 80% RPE
    I came in on 1:33 & 1:32 for the fast ones
    8*50m on 1:00 w. target of 50 seconds, coming in on 47 seconds
    8*50m on 1:00 w. target of 45 seconds
    I missed the target time on the last two, but my average time was under 45
    5*50m on 1:00 w. 1 & 5 max effort
    I was meant to do 10 of the above, but my legs cramped and that was the end of the hard work for me.
    200m cool down
    It was dissapointing to have to end the session early, but it happens.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,150m

    Tuesday 12th January

    50m pool
    8*100m off 2:10, descending 1-4 & 5-8
    16*50m w. 10’ rest as 1 arm, kick, pull, swim
    3*100m on 2:00, coming in on 1:50 approx.
    50m easy
    3*100m on 1:55, coming in on 1:45 approx.
    50m easy
    3*100m on 1:50, coming in on 1:43 approx.
    50m easy
    3*100m on 1:45, coming in on 1:40 approx.
    200m cool down
    I had to work progessively harder as the 100s went on, but at no stage was i uncomfortable. I was able to see the pace clock when swimming and eased up towards the end of the second length. I’ve been trying to change a few things about my stroke over the last few months and so far they seem to be changes for the better. Ultimately I want to be able to swim faster without going into the red. The real acid test will come in races, but sets such as today’s are proving a lot easier than
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,150m

    10:00 warm up
    {8:00 HIM effort & 2:00 recovery} x 4
    5:00 cool down
    The original plan for this evening was a run session with Dunboyne AC. After 2½ km warming up though, my left abductor was sore. This was the same thing that was troubling me at swimming last night and running hard now was just going to make it worse. The planned run session was 5 x 8 minutes at HMP, so I just drove home and did something similar on my turbo.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 26.00km

    Wednesday 13th January

    50m pool
    20*50m on 60’ ever fourth effort fast
    16*100m on 1:50, I was typically getting 7-8 seconds rest for the vast majority of these. This fell to less than 5 seconds on number 15 & 16, which had as much to do with concentration as any fitness issues.
    100m easy,
    3*200m on 3:40, descending 1-3. I was confident of making these after how the earlier 100s had gone. I just wasn’t switched on and relaxed way too much. I missed the time on the first effort and although I managed to swim the remaing two 200s in under 3:40, I never made the sceheduled push off times. A lesson learned in staying focussed, hopefully.
    100m cool down
    Overall, I was happy with the session. I would have been feeling had I made the times for the final set of 3*200m, but the 16*100s looked more daunting on paper and i managed that much.
    Totals: 1.0hrs - 3,400m

    2 hour moderate effort
    Totals: 2.0hrs – 56.00km

    Thursday 14th January

    25m pool, coached session

    This was a mixture of drills, fast stuff, slow stuff, sprints.
    We did 25m sprints at the end of the session, one of which I managed in 16 seconds, my fastest time ever as far as I am aware.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 3,500m

    Club Session – Intervals
    800m warm up
    Pyramid set;
    1) 200m in 36 seconds, 3:06/km
    2) 400m in 1:17, 3:19/km
    3) 600m in 2:02, 3:24/km
    4) 800m in 2:48, 3:31/km
    5) 1,000m in 3:34, 3:34/km
    6) 1,000m in 3:38, 3:38/km
    7) 800m in 2:56, 3:41/km
    8) 600m in 2:06, 3:32/km
    9) 400m in 1:20, 3:27/km
    There was a patch of ice on the top bend of the track, thjat just got worse and worse as the temperature dropped. I first noticed when my foot slipped on the second interval of the night. I’d to run this bend a lot more times, and I slowed down each and every time. I wasn’t working hard and it didn’t feel like a proper interval session at all. I wasn’t the only one being cautious with the ice on the track and the coach eventually called a halt to proceedings with a 200m rep left to do. I can’t say I was disappointed and was relieved to be able to go home without having hit the ground hard.
    Total: 0.5hrs – 6.58km

    Friday 15th January


    6km easy
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 6.0km

    25m pool, Coached session
    20*50m on 60’ alternating fullstroke/pull, every fourth 50 fast,( I was hitting 45’ for the fast 50s, which were all done with a bull buoy.)
    12*100m on 2:00, every third 100 fast (I came in on 1:35, 1:37, 1:37 & 1:38 for the fast 100s)
    50m easy
    3*200m on 3:15 (I managed 3:11, 3:12 & 3:19 for these) I was drafting someone for these. The same person had been leading me out all night and even though I’m certain I would have made the first one had she let me lead out the final 200m, I wouldn’t have been feeling as fresh only for the draft she had provided up until then. And had we swapped positions from the very start, I would have been lucky to have brought one 200m effort in on time.
    50m easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,900m

    Saturday 16th January

    NAC, 50m pool
    4*150m pull buoy & snorkel w. 15’ rest, I was incresing the effort on each rep, finishing at 85% RPE. I was focussing on a high cadence, trying to get rid of a pause I have ingrained into my stroke at the start of my stroke.
    6*100m off 1:45, I completely fncked up this set. I started the first 100m on a red ¼ to on the pace clock. 99% of the time, I’d wait until red/blue top to begin a set. I did the first 100m in 1:37, but forgot I hadn’t started on red top. I couldn’t figure out how I had just swam a 100m effort so quickly, until i remembered when I had in fact started. I had missed my push off time though and started 6 seconds too late. I managed to swim all the 100s in under 1:45, but never got back in sync with the clock, and finished 5 seconds outside my time.
    4*150m pull buoy & snorkel w. 15’ rest, focus again was on stroke and turnover
    6*100m off 2:10, (1:47, 1:44, 1:43, 1:45, 1:42, 1:41)
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,400m

    1 hour w. 2*20 minute Olympic efforts
    10:00 warm up
    20:00 Olympic effort
    5:00 recovery
    20:00 Olympic effort
    5:00 cool down
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 27.0km

    Sunday 17th January

    4 hour cycle
    There was nothing fancy about this. I mapped it on Strava and only looked at my phone when I got back home. I was down in Roscrea and wasn’t even sure what road to take when I left, or how long I would be out for. The second thing very much depended on how my wrist held up. I’d no issues, so I just kept pedalling away for near on 4 hours. I only had a bottle of water to sustain me, so it was a worthwhile few hours of fat burning.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 97.20km

    11.20km very easy
    I started this a few hours after finishing the cycle. I hadn’t taken any sustenace any board and did it at a very easy pace. I didn’t wear a watch, so can’t even say how easy it was, but I was well layered up and probably wouldn’t have been cold had I been walking.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 11.20km

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 6.5hrs – 17,500m
    Bike: 9.0hrs – 235.20m
    Run: 2.0hrs – 23.78km
    Other: 0.0hrs

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Monday 18th January

    7.63km in 41:34, w. 6 x 10 second hill sprints both at start and end of run
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 28.0km

    25m pool, coached session
    12*50m off 60’, every third 50 fast
    9*200m off 3:30, straight through, no rest - descending 1-3, 4-6, & 7-9. My times fell during each set of three sets of 3*200m, but the margins got smaller as the sets progressed. I was comfortable until closer to the end, I always had >5 seconds rest after each 100 though and was never struggling to make the times. 3:08 was the fastest time I managed over the set. I had a draft though, so not as impressive as it might seem.
    100m easy
    9*50m off 60’, every third 50 all out, (44’, 42’, 45’). I didn’t feel great for these and my times were slower than I would have hoped for. I was happy with the 200s earlier on, but the effort I put into them, obviously ended up costing me on these 50s.
    50m easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,000m

    Tuesday 19th January

    50m pool
    8*100m off 2:10, 4 & 8 @ 90% RPE
    9*200m as 3 sets of 3*100m w. extra 60 seconds between sets
    3*200m off 4:00, w. p.b. & snorkel (3:25-3:30)
    I wasn’t originally going to do these with the snorkel, but I figured using it would allow me to start swimming with a high turnover, something I thought I’d need in the faster 200s that followed.
    3*200m off 3:50, 3:40 avg.
    3*200m off 3:40, 3:30 avg.

    I was happy with how I finished out this set. I was able to increase my pace when I needed to, an ability I hope I’ll continue to develop. Then hopefully later on in the year, it’ll be something I’ll be able to utilise in a race.
    100m easy
    8*50m off 65 seconds, every alternate 50m hard, 50 seconds average
    200m cool down
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,300m

    Tempo Run w. Dunboyne AC, 6 x 6 minutes @ H.M. Pace
    5km warm up
    6 minute H.M.P. Efforts w. 90 second recoveries
    1) 1.72km, 3:29/km
    2) 1.79km, 3:21/km
    3) 1.76km, 3:26/km
    4) 1.81km, 3:18/km
    5) 1.78km, 3:21/km
    6) 1.83km, 3:16/km
    Totals; 10.69km, 3.22/km avg.

    2km cool down
    I ran the 6 minute efforts with two other people and running with them, meant the pace was being dictated to me. One of the guys dropped off after effort # 4, but the other guy kept turning the screw. It became a struggle to hang onto him for the last 100m or so of the 5th effort. He built up a significant gap during the final 6 minute effort, and despite it being the fastest I ran all night, it just wasn’t good enough to hang onto him.
    I think it’s worth mentioning that the guy dropping me was 53 years old.
    Personally, I was happy with how I ran. It’s unlikely 3.22/km will turn out to be my real HM pace this season, but it was good for my confidence to manage it tonight.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 19.19km

    Wednesday 20th January

    50m pool
    24*50m on 65 seconds, every fourth 50 fast
    12*50m kick w. 10 seconds rest, I was doing this session with someone else and she was more than 50m ahead of me after only five 50s. I put on fins after finishing the sixth one and managed to close the gap that had opened up.
    200m easy w. pull buoy
    12*100m off 1:50, fastest = 1:37, slowest = 1:46, avg. = 1:43
    100m cool down
    I was happy with the 100s, but the early kick set showed up how woeful I am at kicking. Something to work on perhaps.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,300m

    1 hour steady effort
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 28.0km

    Thursday 21st January

    25m pool, coached session
    200m w. fins
    5*50m build
    100m one arm drill
    300m w. drag shorts & band
    300m pull
    21*100m as {5*100m fast w. 30 seconds rest & 100m slow motion w. 15 seconds rest}, 1:34 was my fastest time for a 100m, 1:37 my slowest, avg. 1:36
    100m cool down
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 3,500m

    Club Session – Intervals, 7*800m
    4km warm up
    1) 820m in 2:36, 3:11/km
    2) 840m in 2:35, 3:04/km
    3) 820m in 2:34, 3:10/km
    4) 860m in 2:35, 3:01/km
    5) 820m in 2:36, 3:11/km
    6) 840m in 2:38, 3:09/km
    7) 810m in 2:34, 3:10/km
    Totals: 5.81km in 18:11, 3:08/km

    2km cool down
    Somebody racing on Sunday, did the first four of these with me. This somewhat accounts for the slightly faster average pace I held for this initial four. Had he stayed on for the full seven and continued running this hard, I wouldn’t have held him. In any event, I eased off after this and was glad of the respite. I was also happy not to slow down beyond the pace I did the first interval in.
    I never did intervals on a track before joining Dunboyne AC, so it’s hard to make direct comparisons with previous years, but I feel my speed is starting to come back. And hopefully, I’ll be running as well as I ever did in tri race later this year.
    Total: 1.0hrs – 12.81km

    Friday 22nd January

    1 hour easy
    I need to start including more speed work in these 1 hour turbos, but after the run session last night, this morning just wasn’t the time.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 25.0km

    6.10km easy w. 6*10 second hill bounds
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 6.10km

    25m pool, Coached session
    8*50m off 60’, descending 1-4 & 5-8, I hit 45 seconds for the fast ones.
    3*100m off 2:00, descending 1-3. I can’t read the times I wrote in my training diary, so I’m not sure what I swam these in.
    4*50m off 60’, 2 & 4 fast
    5 sets of 3*100m off 1:40, extra 30 seconds rest between sets, 1:33-1:34 average for these 100s. The times were very manageable and I felt like I was holding good form. I was drafting somebody for the 15*100s though and this was a big help.
    100m easy
    4*50m off 90’, (41’, 43’, 40’, 40’) I think the final two times are the fastest I’ve ever swam 50m in. I had to work so much harder for the last two 50s than I did for the first one, it made me wonder was one second off my time worth the energy expanded.
    50m easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,850m

    Saturday 23rd January

    2 hours turbo, steady effort
    I should have really got something else done today, but poor time management and a lack of motivation meant this was all the training I did.
    Totals: 2.0hrs – 56.0km

    Sunday 24th January

    NAC, 25m pool
    400m snorkel & pull buoy
    4*100m fast off 2:00, (coming in on 1:40)
    400m snorkel & pull buoy
    8*50m off 60 seconds, descending 1-4 & 5-8, (coming in on 55-45 seconds)
    400m snorkel & pull buoy
    4*100m fast w. 3 seconds rest, (1:33 out to 1:45)
    400m snorkel & pull buoy
    200m easy
    I was hungover doing this and the fast parts, although short, proved harder and harder as the hour went on. If it was a year ago, I would have just spent the whole hour swimming easy, but I’m going to try do some fast swimming every time I get into the pool from now on. So I just had to suck it up and get on with things.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,000m

    15.37km in 1:19:01, 5:08/km
    I did this straight after finishing my swim. I left my car at the NAC, ran for 40 minutes and then turned back. It was long enough with a hangover, but not so long as to turn into a slog.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 11.20km

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 6.5hrs – 17,900m
    Bike: 4.0hrs – 109.0km
    Run: 4.5hrs – 61.10km
    Other: 0.0hrs

    As with all other weeks, since I began updating this log again, I’m typing this a few days after the week ended. I foget exactly how I was feeling on Sunday evening, and the way training sessions in the meantime have gone, undoubtedly affects this reflection.
    In a nutshell;
    I’m happy with the progress I’m making in the water. I’ve tried to change aspects of my stroke and it appears to be paying dividends.
    I’m not doing enough hard or outdoor cycling. This should concern me more than it does.
    My run speed is coming back. Joining Dunboyne AC, has been a good decision. Perhaps I could have rediscovered my form on my own , but it’s easier with others pushing me. Overall recent weekly distances are well down on what I’m used to. This is not something I had specifically planned and it does surprise me. If I’m getting faster though, maybe it’s a good thing.
    Strength & Conditioning..... I’ll start something soon.
    As for my race plans, I still haven’t settled upon a 2016 A-race. It will almost certainly be an Ironman, but there are so many things to consider, I’m nowhere near making a decision on it. In the short term, I’m racing Raheny 5 mile on Sunday. The minimum goal there is to beat my time from last year. I’ve entered a 10 miler in Trim the following Sunday, I’ll see how Raheny goes before deciding on a goal for that. Hopefully, I’ll get my running kicks out of my system at Bohermeen Half Marathon, on March 13th. I don’t have a realistic half marathon p.b. to my name, halfway in Connemarathon in 1:14:26 is the fastest I’ve done the distance in. I’ve still some work to to do, but I’ll be hoping to beat this time in Bohermeen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Snorkel and fins??? New pool toys for you I believe?? How ya liking them??? Tell me your thoughts, please. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Snorkel and fins??? New pool toys for you I believe?? How ya liking them??? Tell me your thoughts, please. :)

    Neither of them are new. A big bag of toys is a prerequisite when Peter Kern coaches you, so I've had both of them a few years. I use the pull buoy a lot at all sessions I go to, and I occasionally use other toys outside of Peter's sessions. It was the Gerry Rodriquez series of videos, Kurt linked, that prompted me to use the snorkel more often.

    I always thought the snorkel was a useful tool, obviously not having to breathe allows you hold much better from. I think overuse of the snorkel can't be a good idea though. You won't have one in a race, so you need to learn to swim fast without one.

    I find it useful before the tough parts of sessions though, as it allows me concentrate on a faster turnover. When I breathe, I 'think' a dead spot I have in the first phase of my stroke, becomes more pronounced. If this is so, then the dead spot is slowing down my cadence. Using the snorkel, definitely allows me swim with a higher turnover. Swimming with a snorkel, is just part of the warm up, much the same way as I'd do strides before intervals in running. Whether the stroke rate carries over, when I take off the snorkel, would have to be verified by someone else on deck.
    I've been told by Peter, that he doesn't know of anybody who swims faster than me, and who has a slower turnover. This being the case, it's obviously something I need to work on.

    On the fins; of course they're brilliant, much like having Ian Thorpe's size 17 feet would also be brilliant. Fins are great if you want to kick powerfully, but wouldn't it be better if I had a powerful kick in the first place?
    If I'm under time pressure, I'll use them to complete a kick set. They're also useful if they help you perform a drill better. Other than scuba diving though, these are the only times I'd use fins.
    I've seen people wear them when swimming endless lengths of full stroke. Perhaps the ego trip they get when they pass is beneficial to them, because I don't see what else they could be getting out of their use.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Nice running today! Out in Trim next week myself hopefully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Nice running today!

    I'm not sure if it was or not. I was slower than last year, on what they were saying beforehand should have been a faster course. Slower times by a lot of good runners, would suggest this wasn't the case though. Looking at both years' results, my finishing time compares favourably with some other runners, but it's the opposite with others I look at. The changed course makes it hard to say anything with certainty, but gong into the race, I expected to do a lot better than last year. What I can say for certain is this wasn't the case. Perhaps my lead in just wasn't as good as I thought it was, but it wasn't an A-race and I've another chance to get it right next Sunday in Trim. See you there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Monday 25th January

    1 hour easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 28.0km

    25m pool, coached session
    16*50m off 60’, every fourth 50 @80% RPE
    6*200m off 3:30 (3:22 approximately)
    9*100m off 1:45, descending 1-3, 4-6 & 7-9
    , (I did 7-9 with a p.b.) I successfully managed to hit quicker times when it was called for, but it was becoming harder and harder and I was slowing down pretty dramatically.
    125m cool down
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,000m

    Tuesday 26th January

    50m pool
    5*200m w. 15 seconds rest, 1, 3 & 5 steady, 2 & 4 @ 80% RPE
    16*100m as four sets of 4*100m
    First 4 off 1:55, 1:47 approx
    Second 4 off 1:45, 1:37 approx
    Third 4 off 1:55, 1:49 approx
    Fourth 4 off 1:50, 1:40 approx

    8*50m off 65’, every second 50 max effort (44-48 seconds)
    200m cool down
    I found this a challenging set. I was slower on the slower 100s than I would have liked.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,200m

    Tempo Run w. Dunboyne AC, 4 x 10 minutes @ H.M. Pace
    5km warm up
    10 minute H.M.P. Efforts w. 90 second recoveries
    1) 2.89km, 3:26/km, 300m recovery
    2) 2.91km, 3:25/km, 300m recovery
    3) 2.90km, 3:26/km, 300m recovery
    4) 2.94km, 3:23/km, 300m recovery
    Totals; 11.64km in 39:55, 3.25/km avg.

    800m cool down
    I was running on my own for these efforts, so I was happy to hold a consistent pace across each of the 10 minute efforts. I never had to go completely into the red either and I was happy going home from the session.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 16.04km

    Wednesday 27th January


    50m pool
    12*50m on 60 seconds, with p.b. & snorkel, every fourth 50 @ 80% RPE (43 seconds approximately)
    4*400m on 7:30, w. p.b. Starting off, I planned on swimming these in 7:20. It just didn’t happen though and I extended it to 7:30, when I saw how little rest I would have been getting had I swam the first one off 7:20
    100m easy
    4*50 on 75’ best average, which worked out at 43 seconds
    400m cool down
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,900m

    2 hour steady effort
    This went quick enough, which doesn’t usually happen with long steady efforts on the turbo.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 56.0km

    Thursday 28th January

    25m pool, coached session
    200m warm up
    750m TT in 12:31, 1:40/100m
    100m cool down
    I hadn’t set my alarm and I was very late getting to this coached session. The group were coming to the end of some hard work, by the time I got to the pool. Peter cleared a lane for me and after a 200m warm up, gave me a 750m TT to do. I wasn’t wearing a watch, but these are the splits Peter recorded for me;
    100m; 1:34, 300m; 5:01, 400m; 6:43
    It was nothing spectacular, but it could have been worse had I not managed to pick it back up for the last couple of hundred metres. I felt fine soon after finishing, and even though it might sound simple, I think I still need to learn how to work hard in the water.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 3,500m

    25m pool
    4*250m w. pull buoy & snorkel, increasing effort to 80% RPE
    8*100m off 1:40 (I changed this to taking 3 seconds rest after the second 100.) 1:34 fastest/1:42 slowest, I had it back down to <1:40 by the end of the set.
    4*250m w. pull buoy & snorkel
    8*100m off 2:00 w. pull buoy & snorkel (1:37-1:40)
    200m easy
    Club Session – Intervals, Pyramid set
    The Club AGM was on tonight and because of this, the training session started early. I wasn’t aware of this, so only got to the track after the session had already started. My Garmin was set to automatically record a lap every 400m and the stats it has recorded are a bit all over the place. I could work them out, but it wouldn’t be worth the effort. With the Raheny 5 Mile on Sunday, I was holding back, so the times I was running wouldn’t mean much anyway. There were others on the track who weren’t racing and it was hard to simply ignore them and do my own thing. According to what I have written in my diary, my pace was a bit up and down.
    Total: 1.0hrs – 9.15km

    Friday 29th January

    10:00 warm up,
    4:00 hard, 4:00 recovery, 2:00 hard, 2:00 recovery, 1:00 hard,
    8:00 easy,
    4:00 hard, 4:00 recovery, 2:00 hard, 2:00 recovery, 1:00 hard,
    6:00 cool down
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 22.5km

    25m pool, Coached session
    5*50m off 60’, 1 & 5 fast,
    2*400m off 6:45 w. p.b. I was the third person off in my lane for this and the two ahead of me just swam the 800m straight through. They are both more than capable of making the times, so I don’t know what happened. I wasn’t wearing a watch, so I can’t be sure what time I swam these in. It did seem like we were swimming very slowly though.
    4*200m off 3:35 w. p.b. (3:05 & 3:00) I was leading the lane for this.
    8*100m full stroke, every second 100 fast (1:30, 1:32, 1:28, 1:30} I was back to drafting for these 100s.
    6*50m off 60’, every second 50 fast (42 seconds for the fast ones)
    50m easy
    The coach said he was fine with us using a pull buoy for the early sets. It’s not too often he gives us an easy session, so I was happy to use the pull buoy for an extended period. This and the drafting I was doing made for a very easy night.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,000m

    Saturday 30th January

    6km w. 6*25 seconds building from 12km/hr to 20km/hr. every 90
    I was hoping this would waken up my legs in advance of tomorrow’s race. I had a few drinks last night and this run at least blew off the cobwebs from the night before.
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 6.0km

    50m pool
    4*200m w. snorkel
    8*50m off 65’, every second 50 fast (avg. 50’/44’)
    4*200m w. snorkel
    8*50m off 65’, every second 50 fast (avg. 50’/44’)
    100m cool down
    To save my legs for tomorrows race, I did all the above with a pull buoy. I was trying to focus on a high turnover throughout.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,500m

    Sunday 31st January

    Return trip starting in Ratoath to and from race in Raheny
    60.42km return trip
    I was moving along nicely until I met traffic lights on Griffith Avenue, it was very stop start cycling from here to Raheny. Similar story in reverse on way home. I left a bit late and probably pushed too hard on the outward journey, to get to the Raheny in good time. This might have cost me later on in the race. With such a late start though, cycling to the start made sense, as it was a good way to fit some extra training in.
    Totals: 2.5hrs – 60.42km

    Raheny 5 Mile
    5 miles in 27:43 (recorded as 8.09km in 27:40 on Garmin, 3:35/km)
    My kilometre splits recorded as follows: 1) 3:11, 2) 3:29, 3) 3:28, 4) 3:21, 5) 3:26, 6) 3:37 7) 3:28, 8) 3:26, last 90m @ 2:45/km
    I started this race alongside a fellow Dunboyne AC runner. It was the same guy who was dropping me towards the end of five 8 minute efforts, at half marathon pace, two weeks ago. I didn’t expect to beat him today, but I figured I wouldn’t go too far wrong, if I stayed behind him and stuck with him for as long as possible.
    We were a few rows back from the start line and we got away without any hassle. It was a quick first mile and we were still together after it. At this point though, I decided the pace was too slow and moved ahead of him. I tried to stick with a number of people along the route, each attempt met with varying degrees of success. Some of them pulled away from, some others I pulled away from.
    With about 1½ miles left, the Dunboyne runner I had started with passed me. Try as I might, I couldn’t hang onto him and he built up a sizable gap, finishing 32 seconds ahead of me in the end. This probably shows the folly of moving ahead of him earlier on. Hopefully it will teach me a lesson in pacing for my next race.
    The end came soon enough, I seemed to find a second wind of sorts towards the end of the race and I passed a couple of people before the finish line. I felt I had ran an okay race when I crossed the line, but I found out afterwards it was slower than last year. I was a little bit closer to some other people who also ran both races, so that makes things slightly easier to take.
    The course was changed from last year, and looking at a lot of the times, it does seem to be slower. Still, I was full sure going into today’s race that I was in better shape than last year, and it’s disappointing to be 28 seconds off last year’s result. It’s not the end of the world either and hopefully I’ll fare better in Trim on Sunday.
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 10.0km

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 7.0hrs – 19,575m
    Bike: 6.5hrs – 166.92km
    Run: 3.5hrs – 41.19km
    Other: 0.0hrs

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Monday 1st February

    1 hour steady
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 28.0km

    50m pool
    9*100m w. 10 seconds rest, every 3rd 50 @ 80%
    12*200m off 4:00; as {200m pull & 200m fs} x6 (3:25 & 3:35 approx.)
    100m easy
    4*50m off 90 seconds, best average worked out as 42.5 seconds
    100m cool down
    I wasn’t able to go to my regular club session tonight, so went to the NAC after work instead and did the above on my own.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,500m

    Tuesday 2nd February

    NAC, 25m pool
    2*400m w. pb & snorkel
    4*100m w. 3 seconds rest, (1:32 approximately)
    2*400m w. pb & snorkel
    4*100m off 2:00 (<1:35)
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,200m

    Tempo Run w. Dunboyne AC, 5 x 8 minutes @ H.M. Pace
    3.2km warm up
    8 minute H.M.P. Efforts w. 90 second recoveries
    1) 2.22km, 3:36/km, 300m recovery
    2) 2.22km, 3:36/km, 300m recovery
    3) 2.28km, 3:32/km, 300m recovery
    4) 2.20km, 3:37/km, 300m recovery
    5) 2.33km, 3:26/km,
    Totals; 11.26km in 40.02, 3:33/km avg.
    2km cool down
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 16.46km

    Wednesday 3rd February

    50m pool
    1,000m as 50 swim/50 kick/50 pull/50 swim
    15*100m as 5 sets of 3;
    1) 3*100m off 1:45,
    2) 3*100m off 1:50,
    3) 3*100m off 1:45,
    4) 3*100m off 1:50,
    5) 3*100m off 1:45

    I was coming in on approximately 1:40 for the 100s off 1:45, and 1:43 for the others. I took an extra 60 seconds rest between each set of three. I was comfortable throughout, but I’m not sure I would have managed the times without the extra rest. I like to think I’m getting there though.
    200m easy
    4*50m off 70 seconds, 2 & 4 fast (42 & 41 seconds)
    100m cool down
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,000m

    10.14km easy run at an average pace 4:54/km
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 10.14km

    12:00 steady, {2:00 hard & 1:00 recovery} x 4, 6:00 steady, {2:00 hard & 1:00 recovery} x 4, 12:00 steady
    I recently came across a blog Alan Ryan is keeping, and seemingly he does his turbos with the heat on (as well as a lot of other crazy ****). His logic behind it seemed reasonable, so I’ve also started turboing with the heat on. I still had the fan going, so I hope I’m doing it right.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 56.0km

    Thursday 4th February

    25m pool, coached session
    4*50m build
    600m w. paddles & pull bouy, steady
    100m as 8 strokes left arm/8 strokes right arm/8 strokes fs
    100m as 25m slow motion/25m slow steady/25m normal cadence/25m fast turnover
    8*100m fast-ish w. 15’ rest (1:37 average)
    8*100m faster w. 30’ rest (1:35 average)
    , I got a nice draft for all of these, which saved me a lot of energy.
    8*100m max effort w. 40’ rest (1:34 average), The guy I was drafting took a break and I was doing all these off entirely my own steam. It became tough to swim faster times for this set.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 3,500m

    Club Session – Intervals, 1 mile & 6 x 400m efforts
    2km warm up
    1 lap strides & jogging
    1) 1.65km in 5:57, 3:36/km
    1 lap easy
    2) 410m in 1:28, 3:38/km
    3) 420m in 1:30, 3:37/km
    4) 400m in 1:29, 3:42/km
    5) 410m in 1:24, 3:28/km
    6) 410m in 1:24, 3:24/km
    7) 410m in 1:25, 3:21/km
    Totals: 4.11km in 14.38, 3:34km avg.

    2km cool down
    With the 10 miler in Trim on Sunday, I ran these at my hoped for 10 mile race pace, rather than the usual 5km pace I run them at. I ran wih a group that would ordinarily finish behind me. They were dictating the pace and I was essentially just following them. My average pace was a bit all over the place, but I felt refreshed after the session, so running with a slower group served its purpose.
    Total: 1.0hrs – 9.16km

    Friday 5th February

    1 hour easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 25.0km

    25m pool, Coached session
    5*200m off 3:40
    12*100m as 3 sets of 4, w. 60’ rest between sets
    4*100m off 1:45, (1:38 avg.),
    4*100m off 1:40, (1:34 avg.),
    4*100m off 1:35, (1:32 avg.)

    50m easy
    18*50m off 60 seconds, (3, 6, 9, 12, 15 & 18 fast) I swam 42/43 seconds for the first five and managed 40 seconds for the final one. The coach just told me to think about ‘fast arms’ and nothing else, before I pushed off for this final 50. It’s surprising how such a simple tip made such a big difference.
    50m easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,200m

    Saturday 6th February

    8.39km in 41:39, w. 6*100m strides
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,500m

    With a race tomorrow, I took it easy for the rest of the day.

    Sunday 7th February
    Trim 10 Mile
    10 miles in 57:10 (3:35/km)
    After a brief warm up, I made my way up through the masses of bodies already assembled near the gantry, to get as advantageous a starting position as possible. I was practically toeing the start line, when Abhainn introduced himself to me. Good to meet you, Sir. After exchanging pleasantries, I got down to talking business and asked him what time was he going for. He replied something in the low 56:00s. I thought that would do nicely and I'd just found an ideal person to pace off.

    The gun went, and Abhainn set off at what I thought was a frantic enough pace. I considered going with him, until he passed a Dunboyne club mate I knew I wasn't capable of beating. After last week in Raheny, I decided if I knew I wasn't going to ultimately finish before another runner, then I had no real business passing them at any point in the race.

    I let Abhainn off and started looking at the pace on my Garmin instead. The plan was to stay below 3:35/km. I risked blowing up, if I went significantly quicker than this, for an extended period in the early stages of the race. My Garmin beeped 3:21 for the first kilometre and, even though my breathing was under control, I felt I had to dial it back a bit.

    Others around me seemed to be working overly hard and I told myself, 'I'd get them later on.' Two lads then came up behind me, who were having a nice relaxed chat. They obviously weren't killing themselves and were still moving at a pace I'd be happy to hold. They passed me and I happily tucked in behind them.

    We were moving along nicely and stayed together for a few kilometres. There were about five of us running as a group at this stage, when one of the participants in the relaxed conversation 15 minute prior, put in a surge to pull away from us all. I'd been frequently checking my Garmin up until now, and was happy with the pace I was holding and the effort I had to pun in for it. I wasn't going to risk blowing up by following this guy and I kept trucking on at my own pace.

    A few others from the group chased him though and it splintered the group we had been in. I ran my own race for the next few kilometres and some of the early pace setters started to come back to me. I made up a few places before we got to Dunderry.

    It was here that I found myself with runners I'd be battling for finishing positions with. Two in particular were giving me a hard time of it, one in red and another in yellow. I went in front of both of them after around 7 miles and I thought I'd be able to hold them off. The guy in red came back strong and retook the lead about 5 minutes later. My eyes were fixed on him and although I kept him in striking distance for as long as possible, I never felt like I'd pass him again.

    The occasional glance over my shoulder told me that I wasn't dropping the guy in yellow either. My plan was to kick for home with 1km left. The guy in yellow had passed me before this and seemed to be moving better than I was. It might have been wiser to stay behind him and attacked closer to the line, but I stuck with my original plan and sped up once 15km were clocked on my Garmin.

    I put in my second fastest kilometre split of the day over the last 1,000m, and closed the sizeable gap the guy in red had opened up on us. I thought I had done enough to at least drop the guy in yellow, but when I took the final right hand turn, with the finishing line in view, I realised this wasn't the case. I dug deep, but ultimately failed to hold him off. He just pipped me at the line and finished one second ahead of me. It would have been nice to win this duel, but it's not as if I lost a podium position, so I got over it pretty quickly.

    Overall I was happy with the race. Going into it, the best case scenario for me would have been to finish in 56 minutes low. It was a windy day and conditions weren't ideal. On a better day, I think 56:?? would have been achievable. It's still not exactly where I'd like to be for the Bohermeen Half Marathon. All going well though, I'll be a couple of kilos lighter then and as a target race of sorts, hopefully my lead in will be properly thought out and better executed.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 18.18km

    25m pool
    4*200m descending w. pull buoy & snorkel, focus on high turnover, 15 seconds rest
    6*100m off 2:00, (1:35 approximately)
    4*200m w. pull buoy & snorkel, 15 seconds rest
    6*100m off 2:00, (1:35 approximately)
    I wasn’t very excited about doing this session, but forced myself to go late in the evening after the Irish v Wales rugby game was over.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,800m

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 6.5hrs – 17,600m
    Bike: 5.0hrs – 89.5km
    Run: 5.0hrs – 62.33km
    Other: 1.0hrs

  • Registered Users Posts: 827 ✭✭✭RJM85

    Are you going to be setting the turbo up in saunas and running with 20kg weight packs now???

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Finally great meeting you in Trim. The wind in that 2nd half cost us 40 - 60 sec IMO
    Guess I'll see you in Bohermeen then!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    RJM85 wrote: »
    Are you going to be setting the turbo up in saunas and running with 20kg weight packs now???

    One thing at a time. I'll see how this first step goes, before I do anything too drastic.
    Abhainn wrote: »
    Finally great meeting you in Trim. The wind in that 2nd half cost us 40 - 60 sec IMO
    Guess I'll see you in Bohermeen then!

    I figured that from looking last year's results. See you in Bohermeen, hopefully I'll be able to stick with you there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Monday 8th February

    1 hour easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 25.0km

    25m pool
    12*50m off 60’, every 4th 50 fast (<45 seconds)
    9*200m off 3:45, 3, 6 & 9 fast (3:15 approximately for these fast 200s)
    100m easy
    6*100m off 1:45
    25m easy
    I forgot my jammers and had to do this swim in running shorts, which were effectively drag shorts. After the 12*50 warm up, I used a pull bouy for the 9*200m set. This was to compensate for the difficulty caused by the drag my shorts were creating. I was drafting all night as well, which was a big help.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,125m

    Tuesday 9th February

    NAC, 50m pool
    16*50m on 65’, 4, 8, 12 & 16 @ 80%, (<45’ on fast 50s)
    3*200m on 3:50, (3:25 approximately)
    8*100m on 1:55, 4 & 8 fast (1:33 & 1:32)
    16*50m on 65’, target 45’, (1-4 & 9-12 fs, 5-8 & 13-16 pull)
    I was hitting 47-48 seconds for the final 16*50m set, missing my target time by 2-3 seconds. I took an exrtra 30 seconds rest halfway through, but it didn’t do any good and I was still a couple of seconds off my desired pace for the final eight 50s.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,000m

    30:00 steady,
    {8:00 HIM Effort & 2:00 recovery} x 5,
    30:00 steady
    I’d usually go to a track session in Dunboyne on a Tuesday night, but I was with running teams from my school taking part in a Fingal Schools Athletics League today, and I’d spent 4 hours standing in a field shivering my bollocks off. The weather hadn’t gotten any better in the evening and I didn’t fancy any more hardship. I hopped on my turbo and followed the structure of the scheduled club tempo run. I was holding 80rpm for the first four 8 minute efforts. This became hard to hold during the final 8 minute stint and my rpm dropped to 78.
    Totals: 2.0hrs – 62.45km

    Wednesday 10th February

    NAC, 50m pool
    200m warm up
    15*200m off 3:50 as 3 pull, 3 fs, 3 pull, 3 fs, 3 pull
    1st set; 3:28 average,
    2nd set; 3:35 average,
    3rd set; 3:30 average,
    4th set; 3:40 average,
    5th set; 3:28 average,
    200m cool down
    This was homework assigned by my Friday night swim coach and it felt like a long session. I was glad I could do each second set of 200s with a pull buoy. The fifth 200 wasn’t part of the prescribed homework, but I wouldn’t have done it without the pull buoy.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,400m

    17.16km in 1:30:33, 5:17/km
    This was along the Royal Canal Way from Clonsilla to Leixlip. Stretches of the path have been torn up by vehicles which only recently drove along it, to cut the hedges. This seems like a very stupid thing to do in the middle of the series of storms passing over the country and the run turned into a mudfest at times. It made for variety though and kept things interesting.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 17.16km

    S & C
    ½ hour weights
    It was hard to muster the enthusiasm for this after the run earlier this evening. I need to start doing S & C sessions more regularly though, rather than something I just do willy nilly, so I forced myself into the gym to get this done.
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    Thursday 11th February

    25m pool, coached session
    5*400m w. 30 seconds rest, 1, 2 & 3 w. paddles & pull buoy. Circa 6:30 with the toys and 6:50 without.
    6*300m as 50m fast & 250m steady. I led out for one of these and came in on 5:05. 5:00 was the fastest I managed, but that was with a draft.
    50m easy
    6*50m as 25m sprint/25m recovery (17', 17', 16', 17', 17', 16'). I swam these beside the guy I was sharing the lane with. He’s a faster swimmer than me and this helped me hit which for me personally would be fast times.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 4,150m

    Club Session – Dunboyne AC
    Intervals, 2 miles, 1 mile x 2, & 800m x 2
    2km warm up
    1 lap strides & jogging
    1) 3.35km in 11:21, 3:23/km
    2) 1.75km in 5:19, 3:02/km
    3) 1.68km in 5:21, 3:12/km
    4) 870m in 2:39, 3:02/km
    5) 840m in 2:35, 3:06/km
    Totals: 8.49km in 27:17, 3:13km avg.

    2.5km cool down
    Recorded paces above are a bit all over the place. I certainly don’t feel like I ran the final interval at a slower pace than the penultimate one, but this is what my Garmin tells me. It makes me doubt GPS’s accuracy on the track, which throws doubt on the paces I’ve been reporting for all Tuesday and Thursday sessions of late. Still they make me feel good about myself, and that’s worth something.
    Total: 1.0hrs – 14.19km

    Friday 12th February

    1 hour easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 25.0km

    25m pool, coached session

    I picked up the wrong bag when I left for work this morning, and discovered my swimming gear was at home, when I opened the boot of my car at 7 p.m. I’d enough junk in my car, to be able to take part in the session, but for the second time in a week, I had to swim in running shorts. Worse than this though, was I’d no contact lenses. I can’t see for sh!t without them, so I was given permission from the coach to take it easy in the water. I can’t really remember what I did exactly. Notes I’ve written in my training diary are;
    lapped by another swimmer, who had a 20 second lead on a 400m rep,
    I made some 100s off 1:40
    50m sprint in 43 seconds
    I’m not sure if I got much benmefit from tonight’s session, but I was at the pool and I was as well off swimming, as going home.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,400m

    Saturday 13th February
    NAC, 25m pool
    16*25m off 40 seconds w. 4, 8, 12 & 16 fast (<20 seconds)
    {400m pull & 400m fs} each 400 off 6:40
    {200m pull, 200m fs, 200m pull, 200m fs} each 200 off 3:20
    {100m pull, 100m fs, 100m pull, 100m fs, 100m pull, 100m pull, 100m pull, 100m fs} each 100 off 1:40
    200m easy
    As far as I could remember, this was the session the group did last night. I was struggling to hit the times, but the motivation to dig deep enough was lacking as well. Two sharks asked would I mind if they got into the lane, they would have been happy to let me swim away at my own slow pace. I was glad to be able to use the excuse ‘I didn’t want to hold them up.’ though, and often stopped at the end of a length to let them pass. It made me miss my times, but I didn’t care enough to get worked up about it.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,000m

    12.45km w. 10*20 seconds @ 18.0km/hr, 12.0km/hr at all other times
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,500m

    S & C
    20 minutes core work
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    Sunday 14th February

    135km in 5 hours, moving speed of 25.5km/hr according to Strava
    I cycled from Ratoath to Edenderry and stayed in the middle ring the whole time. I took one coffee stop at a petrol station. It was late in the evening when I stopped, I was cold, stood at a bin and it wasn’t all that enjoyable.
    Totals: 5.0hrs – 135.0km

    16.17km in 1:17:14, 4:47/km
    I did this about 20 minutes after finishing the cycle. My first night time run in Ratoath. Headtorch and flashing red lights were essential.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 16.17km

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 6.5hrs – 19,075m
    Bike: 9.0hrs – 247.45km
    Run: 5.0hrs – 59.97km
    Other: 1.0hrs

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    That's an impressive amount of swimming recently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    MojoMaker wrote: »
    That's an impressive amount of swimming recently.

    It's no different than this same time last year. Swimming is still and probably always will my weakest leg in triathlon. It's important I keep working on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    It's still an impressive volume, I wonder how many AGers put in this kind of effort.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Monday 15th February

    5:00 warm up,
    10:00 hard & 5:00 recovery,
    8:00 hard & 4:00 recovery,
    6:00 hard & 3:00 recovery,
    4:00 hard & 2:00 recovery,
    2:00 hard,
    5:00 cool down
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 26.8km

    25m pool
    8*200m off 3:40, (3:17-3:20 approximately)
    4 sets of {4*50m off 50’ (target 45’) & 100m off 2:00}
    100m easy
    I only averaged 46 seconds for the 50m efforts, so I missed my target of 45 seconds. With 4 seconds rest, I was even finding this difficult and my I felt a long way off the 45 second target time. I was getting a draft all night and someone in the lane beside me, matching my pace, kept me focussed. Despite the assistance of the draft, I found it a tougher session than usual.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,900m

    Tuesday 16th February

    NAC, 50m pool
    800m straight w. 4th & 8th 100 @80%
    800m as 50 kick/50 pull
    100m easy
    16*50m on 65’, 4, 6, 8 & 12 fast (I was hitting 46-48 seconds for the fast 50s, it just wasn’t happening for me.)
    200m cool down
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,700m

    S & C
    20 minutes upperbody work
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    Club Session, Tempo run 3 x 15 minutes at half marathon pace
    2.5km warm up,
    1) 4.29km in 15:03, 3:30/km
    2) 4.45km in 14:58, 3:22/km
    3) 4.28km in 15:01, 3:30/km
    Totals; 13.03km in 45:02, 3:27/km

    600m recovery between efforts 1 & 2
    2.5km cool down,
    I was running on my own tonight and it was an absolute b@stard of a session. I can afford to go a small bit slower in my half marathon race, but it’s hard to imagine keeping this effort up for 75 minutes in only a few weeks’ time.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 18.63km

    Wednesday 17th February

    NAC, 50m pool
    6*200m w. buoyancy shorts on 4:00, increasing effort throughout each 200. (3:33-3:36)
    100m easy w. buoyancy shorts
    3*400m w. buoyancy shorts & pull buoy on 7:00 (6:40-6:45)
    I took off my buoyancy shorts at this point
    2*200m on 3:40 (3:38 & 3:35)
    100m easy,
    100m all out (1:33).
    200m cool down
    This was another tough hour in the water. My legs were still feeling the efforts of last night’s tempo run, so I wore bouyancy shorts for the majority of the hour. I felt like the all out 100 was supposed to be a test, so I couldn’t justify cheating for it, and took my buoyancy shorts off. The 3*400m set made it feel like a long endurance set and what motivation I had began to wane. I wanted to and feel I need to be faster for a 100m max effort. Still it was a 50m pool and given the circumstances, it could have been worse. Maybe I’ll break 1:30, the next time I try.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,300m

    2 hours steady-hard effort
    I aimed to hold a high cadence for this and I averaged 92-94rpm over the 2 hours. I’m not really used to this and my legs were zapped at the end of session.
    Totals: 2.0hrs – 60.0km

    Thursday 18th February

    25m pool, coached session (w. no coach)
    400m warm up
    600m paddle & pull buoy
    200m drills
    8*100m w. 20 rest (1:32-1:35)
    8*100m w. 30 rest (1:32-1:35)
    7*100m off 2:15 (1:36-1:37)

    100m cool down
    The plan was to get faster for each subsequent set of 8*100m, it didn’t work like that unfortunately. I’d the day off work, which was much appreciated after what had been a tiring few day’s training. Instead of going straight to work and eating breakfast in my car, I had opportunity to go for a very relaxing breakfast with three private sector workers in the group, who are blessed with flexible starting times.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 3,600m

    55.22km in 2 hours 20 minutes approximately
    Totals: 2.5hrs – 55.22km

    3.12km easy
    Intervals; 4*400m @ 5k pace
    1) 400m in 1:20, 3:22/km
    2) 400m in 1:18, 3:15/km
    3) 420m in 1:16, 3:04/km
    4) 430m in 1:20, 3:07/km
    Totals; 1.65km in 5:15, 3:12/km

    3.12km easy
    I didn’t plan doing a long set of intervals, and I was off work, so there was little point waiting around all day to go the Dunboyne club session. I ran to a stretch of road outside Ratoath, and ran four short intervals there. It was an out & back, out & back affair. Efforts 1 & 3 both had an uphill start for the first 100m or so, and really should have been the slowest, so it’s sursprising my third 400m turned out to be the quickest. After jogging the initial 3.12km from my house, I just went straight into the first 400m effort. I wasn’t properly warmed up, which hopefully explains the poor speed I held for the first two efforts. This wasn’t fantastic running, but at least my overall average pace would be respectable enough for a 5k race.
    Total: 0.5hrs – 8.33km

    Friday 19th February

    1km cycled before my Garmin locked onto satellites
    52.93km in 2:01:41 w. {4:00 Olympic effort, 4:00 recovery, 2:00 Olympic effort, 2:00 recovery, 1:00 Olympic effort} x 2, 8:00 easy between sets
    @{1 – 2.46km @ 36.7km/hr, 2 – 1.22km @ 35.8km/hr, 3 – 606m @ 34.4km/hr},
    {4 – 2.58km @ 38.2km/hr, 5 – 1.08km @ 31.7km/hr, 6 – 696m @ 39.7km/hr}
    It was windy and raining when I was out doing this session. I was cycling on the Trim Road and bar the very last 1 minute stint, the gradient never seemed to be in my favour for the duration of one entire effort. All these factors combined, meant I never once hit my goal pace of >40km/hr. Another very real possibility is I just didn’t have the strength to hit this pace either. My confidence ceratinly wasn’t enhanced after the session.
    Totals: 2.0hrs – 53.93km

    25m pool, coached session
    20*50m on 60 seconds w. 4, 8, 12, 16 & 20 fast (42 seconds approximately)
    4 sets of 4*100m off 1:50, descending 1-4, 5-8, 9-12 & 13-16 (Approximate times; 1:40, 1:37, 1:34, 1:30)
    5*50m off 80 seconds (42’, 45’, 45’, 43’, 42’, average = 43.4seconds)
    25m cool down
    My fastest time for one of 100s in the four 4*100s was 1:29, which was done in the very first set. I managed to swim each 100m rep faster than the previous 100m, throughout each individual set of 4. My times were consistent and I was comfortably managing to bring them down. I never led my lane though, which undoubtedly helped.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,875m

    Saturday 20th February

    NAC, 50m pool
    1,000m pull
    8*100m fs off 2:10 (1:40 approximately)
    600m pull
    I wore buoyancy shorts for the whole session.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,400m

    5km w. 6 x {100m fast building to 20km/hr & 100m recovery}, 11.7km/hr avg.
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 5.0km

    Sunday 21st February

    800m warm up
    Limerick Duathlon
    Run 1
    I deliberately held back on the first run, having decided that with some of the people on the startline, there was no point in trying to take the lead at any point. There was a rush to get into a good position once the gun went. The field became strung out once the first hill had to be tackled. The front three had opened up a sizeable gap and were never to be troubled again. I had ran into 4th and kept running with the intention of never going into the red. I kept my breathing under control and without having to dig too deep, I arrived back in T1 in 4th position.

    It was a windy day and some of the helmets had been blown off the bikes when we were out on the run. I got to my bike and the wrong helmet had been put back on my bars. For a brief second, I considered just putting it on, but then thought it wouldn’t be fair on the real owner. I wasted several seconds trying to locate my own helmet, which had been placed on the bars of a bike a few spots down from me. I swapped it with the helmet that had been placed on my bars, grabbed my bike, and started to make my way out of transition. As I was making my way out, the guy racked beside me arrived into transition and started looking for his helmet. I explained that the helemts had been blown off some bikes, and the volunteers had mistakenly put them back on the wrong bike. I told him to check the helmet I had swapped with my own. It turned out to be his and with this I made my way out of transition.

    The mix up with the helmets had allowed two people to cross the mount line before me. As well as them, a few more passed me as I struggled to get my feet into my shoes. (Transition practice is a must for me early season.) I reeled some of them back in soon after, but I was struggling to close the gap on the stronger cyclists. The power just wasn’t there and I couldn’t decide what gear to stay in. I was hoping a good bike would have me back within striking distance of the top 3, but it just wasn’t happening. I got back to T2 in 6th position after what had been a humbling cycle.

    T 2
    My abdominal muscles seized as I bent down to put on my shoes. I straightened up, and tried again. Apart from this, I was quick enough here and I think I got things done in a timely manner.

    Run 2
    The top three positions were sown up by the end of the bike and even though 4 & 5 were a lot closer to me, I thought I was chasing a hopeless cause and I accpeted I was going to finish 6th. Having finishined 3rd down here for the last two years, my heart just wasn’t in this race anymore. I got halfway without having made up much ground on the two ahead of me. I had a good lead on 7th and with no pressure on me to run hard, I finished off the race without killing myself.

    Run: 0.5hrs – 7.6km
    Cycle: 0.5hrs – 14.0km

    There’s not much for me to take away from today’s race. I was hoping for better and I don’t think dwelling on things too much isn’t going to do me much good. The juniors ahead of me are out of my league, but I know personally I am capable of a better time. My focus is running for the moment, and hopefully I’ll give a better account of myself at the next multi-sport event I do.
    Also I was first in the 35-49 AG, which I got €20 for. One advantage of getting older.

    56.0km easy
    I did this after I got back home. It was wet and windy, and not all that enjoyable.
    Totals: 2.5hrs – 56.0km

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 6.5hrs – 17,775m
    Bike: 10.5hrs – 265.95km
    Run: 3.0hrs – 39.56km
    Other: 0.5hrs

    I’m happy with the speeds I’m hitting in my interval sessions and tempo runs. 3 hours in total for the week is far from ideal. I’m simply not running often enough and with a half marathon coming up in a few weeks, it’s not something I should have let happen. Under normal circumstances, I’d be very worried, but I did some 30km+ runs in January and I’m hoping these will give me the necessary endurance come race day in Bohermeen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Monday 22nd February

    S & C
    30 minutes lower body weights
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    12.00km in 56:34, 4:43/km,
    1st half; 6.02km in 28:48, 4:47/km
    2nd half; 5.98km in 27:45, 4:38/km
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 12:00km

    25m pool, coached session
    21*50m off 60’, every third 50 fast (41-42 seconds approximately)
    100m easy
    2 sets of 3*200m off 3:15 (3:10, 3:12, >3:15), 30 seconds rest, (3:10, 3:??, >3:15) I felt like I was moving well for these and I was tipping the toes of the lead swimmer on the third 200 in each set. I think I would have came in under 3:15 only for this, but I had saved a lot of energy by drafting him up until this, so I can’t be annoyed about missing the times.
    100m easy
    400m w. 6:30 target (6:40) I pushed off 10 seconds after the lead swimmer for this and don’t think I got any drafting benefit. I would have liked to have made the target, but the earlier 200s had taken it out of me.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,850m

    Tuesday 23rd February

    NAC, 50m pool
    12*50m on 65’ every 3rd 50 @ 80-90%
    1,200m SKPS w. fins
    3 sets of 4*100m w. extra 60 seconds rest between sets
    1) 4*100m off 1:50 (1:42 approximately)
    2) 4*100m off 1:45 (1:37 approximately)
    3) 4*100m off 1:50 (1:40 approximately)

    200m cool down
    I was happy getting out of the water. I was able to increase my speed when needed, which was satisfying. All twelve 100s in the set of 3*4 were meant to be swam off the same time, but I tried for 5 seconds quicker in the middle and was glad I could manage it.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,200m

    S & C
    30 minutes upperbody work
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    Club Session, Tempo run 4*12 minutes at half marathon pace
    2.5km warm up,
    1) 2.69km in 9:26, 3:30/km
    2) 3.27km in 11:02, 3:23/km
    3) 3.19km in 10:59, 3:27/km
    4) 3.62km in 11:59, 3:19/km
    Totals; 13.30km in 45:02, 3:23/km

    900m recovery in total
    1km cool down
    The coach cut the time by one minute for the first three efforts, so we’d be off the track on time for a Fit4life group that use it after us. My Garmin only recorded part of the first effort. I was running on my own tonight, and while I was happy with my overall pace it’s interesting that there is such a variation between efforts 1 & 3 and 2 & 4. The odd numbers were ran in an anti-clockwise direction and the even numbered efforts clockwise. The intensity was the exact same and the only explantion I can come up with, is that my right foot is significantly stronger than my left. When running the bends going clockwise, my right foot is dominant and I’m getting a much more powerful push off than when my left foot is doing the same job running in the opposite direction.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 18.20km

    Wednesday 26th February

    NAC, 50m pool
    400m very easy,
    400m as 100m kick/100m fs
    3*400m pull w. snorkel on 7:15
    4*200m on 4:00 (3:38, 3:38, 3:40, 3:36)
    200m easy
    This was a comfortable session and wasn’t all that taxing. A nice easy way to start off the day.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,000m

    16.44km in 1½ hours approximately
    This was along the Royal Canal Way, very easy effort.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 16.44km

    Thursday 25th February

    25m pool, coached session (w. no coach)
    200m warm up
    4*50m as 12.5m fast & 12.5m easy
    6*200m easy w. 10’ rest
    6*200m paddles & pull buoy w. 10’ rest (3:35 approximately)
    6*200m fast off 4:00, 1-4) 3:25-3:27, 5) 3:22, 6) 3:15
    100m cool down
    I was on my own in the lane today and I wasn’t in the right frame of mind. With nobody to keep me honest or pace off, I wasn’t pushing as hard as I should have been. It wasn’t a waste of a session, but I could have gotten more out of it.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 4,100m

    1.6km warm up
    Intervals; 4*400m @ 5k pace
    1) 410m in 1:20, 3:14/km
    2) 420m in 1:15, 3:01/km
    3) 420m in 1:15, 3:01/km
    4) 400m in 1:13, 3:02/km
    5) 830m in 2:40, 3:12/km
    6) 830m in 2:39, 3:12/km
    7) 1.67km in 5:27, 3:17/km
    8) 1.73km in 5:29, 3:10/km
    9) 890m in 2:45, 3:07/km
    10) 860m in 2:39, 3:04/km
    11) 440m in 1:14, 2:49/km
    12) 440m in 1:12, 2:47/km
    Totals; 9.34km in 29:12, 3:08/km

    2.0km cool down
    There were two other runners to pace off for these. One of them is in training for 400m and they both went hell for leather for the last two intervals. I busted my ass to keep up with them , but they still finished a good bit ahead of me. I was banjaxed by the end of each rep and in truth, they were paces I shouldn’t have been running. Still it was a good night’s work and it was fun to try keep up.
    Total: 1.0hrs – 15.04km

    Friday 26th February

    2 hours easy
    Totals: 2.0hrs – 47.6km

    25m pool, coached session
    200m easy,
    1,200m straight through as 400m fs/400m as 50m kick & 50m fs/400m pull,
    5*200m off 3:30 (3:12 fastest, 3:20 slowest, 3:17 avg.)
    4*25m kick as part of relays
    I was told by one of the better swimmers at tonight’s session that my ankles break the surface of the water when I kick. I’ve felt for a long time that my kick is slowing me down and her observations are defintely something for me to think about.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,500m

    Saturday 27th February

    2km warm up
    Porterstown Parkrun
    5km in 17.10, 3:26/km
    Kilometre splits recorded on my Garmin; 1) 3:10, 2) 3:20, 3) 3:23, 4) 3:26, 5) 3:31

    3km cool down
    This was too close to Thursday night’s interval session for me to expect to do well, but I don’t feel like I dug deep enough at the duathlon in Limerick last weekend, and I wanted to experience what it is too suffer in a race once more before Bohermeen. My finishing time doesn’t give me any great pleasure, but I did work hard today. Each kilometre getting progressively slower wouldn’t normally be a good sign, but I think this can be easily explained. I didn’t look at my watch at all during the run, instead opting to start off hard and seeing how long I could hang on.

    Totals: 0.5hrs – 10.0km

    S & C
    30 minute TRX class
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    NAC, 50m pool
    400m fs
    800m as 50 kick/50 fs
    8*100m alternating fs/pull off 2:00, (1:40 & 1:38 avg.)
    200m easy
    I wore buoyancy shorts for the whole session.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,600m

    2 hours easy gear, moderate effort
    Totals: 2.0hrs – 50.0km

    Sunday 28th February

    96.5km easy
    Totals: 4.5hrs – 56.0km

    27.01km in 2:00:10, 4:26/km
    Kilometre splits; 1) 4:51, 2) 4:50, 3) 4:49, 4) 4:31, 5) 4:20, 6) 4:19, 7) 4:11, 8) 4:11, 9) 4:15, 10) 4:15, 11) 4:14, 12) 4:10, 13) 4:08, 14) 4:03, 15) 4:08, 16) 4:14, 17) 4:12, 18) 4:13, 19) 4:11, 20) 4:13, 21) 4:10, 22) 4:13, 23) 4:15 24) 5:09, 25) 4:57, 26) 5:07, 27) 5:07
    I ran from the NAC to the Phoenix Park, and once I got there I aimed to run sub 4:20 pace for the entire time within the walls of the Park. I haven’t run enough long runs recently and I’m sort of in panic stations about this with a half marathon soon approaching.
    Totals: 2.0hrs – 27.01km

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 6.5hrs – 18,250m
    Bike: 8.5hrs – 194.10km
    Run: 7.5hrs – 98.69km
    Other: 1.5hrs

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Monday 29th February


    10.37km in 57:55, 5:35/km
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 10.37km


    25m pool, coached session
    400m building to finish on 90% RPE
    4*100m on 1:45 descending 1-4 (1:37, 1:37, 1:34, 1:30)
    8*50m on 60’, 1, 5 & 8 fast (I missed 50m with cramp.)
    16*25m on 30’, 1, 4, 12 & 16 fast (18 seconds approximately)
    100m easy
    3 sets of {2*100m on 1:35 & 4*50m on 60’} 100m times; (1:28, 1:28), (1:28, 1:30), (1:30, 1:35)
    25m easy
    I was drafting off someone tonight, which as always was a big help, but I felt like I was moving well and holding good form.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,875m

    Tuesday 1st March

    NAC, 50m pool
    12*50m on 65’ every 3rd 50 @ 80-90%
    20*100m as 4 sets of 5 (30-40 seconds rest)
    1) 5*100m pull off 1:50 (1:42 approximately)
    2) 5*100m fs off 1:50 desc. 1-5 (1:45, 1:42, 1:42, 1:38, 1:36)
    3) 5*100m pull off 1:55 (1:40 approximately)
    4) 5*100m fs off 2:00, 1, 3 & 5 fast (1:40, 1:43, 1:42)
    200m cool down
    I was happy getting out of the water this morning. I was able to increase my speed when it was necessary, which was satisfying. It was a tough session though, and the descending times didn’t seem commensurate with the effort I had to put into each subsequent 100m in the second set. I paid for this in fourth and final set for the three fast 100s.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,200m

    S & C
    30 minutes upperbody work
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    Club Session, Tempo run 5*8 minutes at half marathon pace
    2.4km warm up,
    1) 2.39km in 8:00, 3:21/km
    2) 2.29km in 7:57, 3:28/km
    Messed up timing
    4) 2.31km in 7:58, 3:27/km
    5) 2.36km in 8:05, 3:25/km
    Totals; 13.30km in 45:02, 3:23/km

    1.2km recovery during the above efforts
    2.0km cool down
    I was running these efforts on my own and although I wore a Garmin, I didn’t look at it until the end of each hard effort. I was hoping I could run the necessary pace off feel alone and I was happy to see an average pace comfortably south of 3:30/km at the end of each 8 minute effort.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 17.35km

    Wednesday 2nd March

    NAC, 50m pool
    400m building to finish at 80% PE,
    1,200m as 50 fs/50 kick/50 pull/50 one arm drill, straight through w. fins
    8*200m pull on 3:40 (3:18-3:24)
    I was never stressed making the times. Like last week, the session served as an easy start to a Wednesday morning.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,200m

    S & C
    30 minutes lower body work
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    8km @ 11.5km/hr, 43 minutes
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 8.0km

    Thursday 3rd March

    25m pool, coached session
    150m warm up (50 kick/50 fs/50 kick)
    6*50m build w. parachute
    5 sets of {400m paddles & pull buoy, 200m steady, 100m fast}
    {6:35 for 400s, 3:30 for 200s, 1:28, 1:33, 1:33, 1:32 & 1:30 for the 100s}
    50m cool down
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 4,000m

    3.0km warm up
    Intervals; 8*800m @ 5k pace
    1) 2:31, 3:09/km
    (wind assissted)
    2) 2:50, 3:33/km (headwind)
    3) 2:39, 3:19/km (wind assissted)
    4) 2:46, 3:28/km (headwind)
    5) 2:40, 3:21/km (wind assissted)
    6) 2:51, 3:34/km (headwind)
    7) 2:40, 3:20/km (wind assissted)
    8) 2:47, 3:27/km (headwind)
    Totals; 6.4km in 21:34, 3:24/km
    2.72km recovery during above efforts
    2.0km cool down
    I wasn’t able to make the club session in Dunboyne tonight, but knew what the intervals were going to be. So I did them on my own on the path south of The Playing Fields in The Phoenix Park. Ideally I would have liked to have ran these at 3:15/km pace, but it just didn’t happen. I was wrecked after the first one, but was happy to have ran it so fast and thought maybe I’d have a good night. After that, I was running straight into a strong headwind, and was dissappointed to see it had taken me nearly 20 seconds longer. I knew I was going to be in for six more dispiriting reps and I never again got even close to the pace I ran that initial 800m rep in.
    Total: 1.0hrs – 14.12km

    Friday 4th March


    93.77km easy
    My club organised a training weekend away, which kicked off with a cycle from Dublin to Carlow. I went to work and had to do the cycle on my own. I just pressed start on my Garmin and let it run through several stops to check Garmin Maps and a coffee break in Athy. I was cycling into the dark, but I was on quiet roads and this didn’t really bother me.
    Totals: 4.0hrs – 93.77km

    Saturday 5th March

    16.64km in 1:25:50, 5:09/km
    I was hungover doing this and couldn’t/didn’t want to push all that hard. This was an out and back affair and after an easy first half done at 5:30/km, I picked up the pace a little bit after turning for home. I was planning to run increasingly faster kilometre splits nearer the end of the run. 3:52 was the fastest I got my pace down to. It was proving harder than it should have and I eased up after this.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 16.64km

    25m pool, coached session
    400m warm up
    5*50m as 25m building to 90% RPE/25m easy
    4*100m off 1:40, (1:31.5 average) I was drafting someone for these and it became more and more advantageous as the 400 metres progressed.
    50m easy
    600m drills
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 1,700m

    Sunday 6th March

    95.0km Carlow to Dublin
    Another late night last night meant this was a more difficult cycle than it should have been. I got up late and missed a group cycle back. It was just as well, as I took two coffee stop and did it at a very leisurely pace under no pressure to keep up with anybody else.
    Totals: 4.0hrs – 95.0km

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 5.5hrs – 14,975m
    Bike: 8.0hrs – 188.77km
    Run: 5.0hrs – 66.48km
    Other: 1.0hrs

    I’ve a half marathon coming up on Sunday. A few moinths ago, I expected I’d be close enough to peak condition for it. I was hoping to break 74 minutes, but I think I’m going to need to have a very good day for that to happen now. Being realistic, I just don’t see myself running that fast. I’m at least 2 kilos heavier than my ideal run racing weight and a recent 2 hour run shows me I don’t have the same stamina of recent years. I think starting at <3:30/km pace is going to burn all my matches early on. I might decide to go out at a more conservative sub 3:35/pace and see how long I can hold this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Those swim times are coming down, did you change your kick (think you said you were kicking too high)? Or something else?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    Those swim times are coming down, did you change your kick (think you said you were kicking too high)? Or something else?

    I would see it differently as his weight comes down ( naturally) it affects his swim a bit and since he does a lot of other training his swim has (again naturally) stalled a bit
    I dodnt see him getting faster at the moment but the conistency is fab. and i would hope if he was to relly push when fresh it will show.

    he is missing the swim spark a bit at the moment, but thats normal too.
    but what i do see, he is becoming more aware of the surrounding while swimming and thats a great thing for the open water.

    zico i hope you booked your easter vacation for a change of sceanery ( or john would say for the craic ) . from our last conversaton i got the impresion it would do you good. and i think your swim and run is at a better level than it appears right now ( i think the bike you deserve ;-) listen to laughing johns advice its all about the bike ;-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    peter kern wrote: »
    I would see it differently as his weight comes down ( naturally) it affects his swim a bit and since he does a lot of other training his swim has (again naturally) stalled a bit
    I dodnt see him getting faster at the moment but the conistency is fab. and i would hope if he was to relly push when fresh it will show.

    he is missing the swim spark a bit at the moment, but thats normal too.
    but what i do see, he is becoming more aware of the surrounding while swimming and thats a great thing for the open water.

    Ah I was referring to the 100's coming in 1:28-1:33 which I thought was faster than usual, but now I'm not looking at a tiny phone screen I see they were with paddles! Still good going zico ;)

    Just on the aspect of weight Peter- I was at the LC Open Pool Champs at the weekend and was surprised just how skinny the fast triathletes were. Very low body fat doesn't seem to hinder them in the pool (although I guess their positioning and technique are very honed at that level).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    Those swim times are coming down, did you change your kick (think you said you were kicking too high)? Or something else?

    I've been thinking about my kick more, this doesn't necessarily mean I have successfully changed it though. I've realised that kicking harder isn't always making me go faster. My kick is probably no different than it's ever been, but I think I'm not kicking as frantically as I used to, when I'm asked to swim fast. This is more beneficial than creating an incredible ammount of splash. I hope Peter could back this up. My turnover has increased as well, it's still a bit on the slow side, but things don't change overnight.
    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    Ah I was referring to the 100's coming in 1:28-1:33 which I thought was faster than usual, but now I'm not looking at a tiny phone screen I see they were with paddles! Still good going zico ;)

    No, those 100s were done without any toys. It was for the the first 400 in each individual set I used the paddles & pull buoy. Each fast 100 came after an easy 200m though, so I was well rested for them. I would have expected to be faster than 1:33 to be quite honest.

    But I am swimming faster times more consistently than last year. It's not taking as much effort to hit the times either, and I hope it bodes well for the season ahead.

    Last year, my swim training was all about the volume. I'm trying to think more about what I'm actually doing in the water now. Time will tell how this new approach works.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Apologies if you've already posted this, but have you decided if you are doing an IM this year? And if so, which one?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    peter kern wrote: »
    zico i hope you booked your easter vacation for a change of sceanery ( or john would say for the craic ) . from our last conversaton i got the impresion it would do you good. and i think your swim and run is at a better level than it appears right now ( i think the bike you deserve ;-) listen to laughing johns advice its all about the bike ;-)

    I'd love to do that trip in Morocco, unfortunately flights aren't as cheap during school holidays though. I couldn't justify the cost, maybe if I had looked into earlier. Something to think about for 12 months' time perhaps.

    I booked flights to Mallorca instead. I'll be wrestling with my demons for three days over there. Also thinking of getting the ferry to Wales for a couple of days and seeing what the IM bike course is like. Neither will be as invigorating as a cycle trip in Morocco would have been, but they'll be something different at least.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    You have your half marathon pace there at around 3.23 and 5km pace at around 3.15, are they that close for you?? Never properly ran a half marathon but don't think mine would be that close to my 5km pace, just curious really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Zico - any thoughts about burn out?

    You're doing big volume already and solid work, and it seems like your A goal/race will be Kona Q at either Mallorca or Wales.
    Those are both September, and here we are in early March and you're doing big training including quality work in there.

    I'd consider the impacts come September time, when you've been lighting the candle for a long time and the body will be craving some proper recovery.

    I think realistically at age group level, we should be training hard for a good 16-20 week block prior to A race. Of course ideally the period before this be it 8 or 12 weeks should be prep/base and either not contain as much volume/intensity, or simply by design should not be overloading as the meat and veg of the work is done in the main block and you need to be fresh and loving it.

    I'm not sure how long you've been training hard at now, but potentially looking at a constant 8 or 9 months build into A race I'd imagine, or 35-40+ weeks.

    Do you think a taper would be enough to freshen you after such a long period of sustained quality?

    I do realise this is individual perspective and you have a good 2/3 seasons of sustained high volume work now, and on a similar ish plan came just seconds from qualifying last year.

    Just wondering if you think that is simply what works for you, or if a period of reduced intensity/overloading now may pay dividends come September time, or come June/July/August when you'll be putting in mad volume and hoping to make the most gains?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    Ah I was referring to the 100's coming in 1:28-1:33 which I thought was faster than usual, but now I'm not looking at a tiny phone screen I see they were with paddles! Still good going zico ;)

    Just on the aspect of weight Peter- I was at the LC Open Pool Champs at the weekend and was surprised just how skinny the fast triathletes were. Very low body fat doesn't seem to hinder them in the pool (although I guess their positioning and technique are very honed at that level).

    its still a fine blance for an elite guy ( simon whitefiled for instance )
    to find the balance to run fast but also be in the right place after the swim for the only Irish male tri olympian this was also something not easy to balance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Apologies if you've already posted this, but have you decided if you are doing an IM this year? And if so, which one?

    The short answer is; No.

    The long answer is;
    I've yet to make a decision on where and when. Any race before 28th August is a qualifier for Kona 2016. Lanzarote, Switzerland and Mastricht are the only European races still open in advance of that date.

    Lanzarote is too early and I wouldn’t be able to take the time off work anyway.

    Switzerland is an expensive country, but it has '25 additional anniversary slots' for the WC. I strongly suspect this is just a ploy to get more people to register for a race that never sells out, but at end of the day it is tempting for this very reason.

    I know I could match the qualifying times from Mastricht last year. This makes it the most tempting of these three races.

    None of the above races would give me very long to prep for Kona though.

    Then on the other hand, I need some timeout from triathlon. It feels like I've been training constantly since I entered Ironman 70.3 in Phuket in 2012. Had I qualified for Hawaii this October, 2017 would have seen me take a complete step back from all sports.

    I’m nowhere near as enthusiastic about training as I used to be and before I started logging here again in January, I seriously considered taking that step back this summer. It seems like a chore getting out of bed every morning to go for a swim. Perhaps if I just make a decision on a race this will change, but right now I’m honestly not sure where I am going with the training I am currently doing.

    I boldly stated in the opening post of this blog, that my plan was to qualify and race Hawaii in 2016. At its simplest the only thing that has changed since then, is that I didn't qualify in my first attempt. I obviously realised at the time that this was a possibility. I can see how melodramatic I'm being, but it has taken me longer to come to terms with failing to qualify than I had originally expected it might. This is probably why I have procrastinated for so long on making a decision on my next Ironman.

    As well as the fact I’d have a better chance of performing to my potential, Kona 2017 makes the most financial sense.

    Should I decide to target a race from 28th August onward, I have Mallorca, Wales, Vichy, or Weymouth to chose from.

    It might be stupid to go back to a course that I have twice failed to qualify from and frankly doesn’t suit my strengths. Neither of my results from Mallorca sit well with me and it would mean more to me to qualify there than anywhere else. But then, I also need to ask myself ‘Is my number one priority to qualify for Kona? Or is it to qualify for Kona from Mallorca?’

    Even picturing it since, that descent in Mallorca is playing on my nerves. I plan to cycle it frequently over the three days I’ll spend on the island soon enough. If I can conquer my fears over those three days, I’ll sign up for IM Mallorca this year.

    It won’t be too difficult to scope out the IM Wales bike course either. I’ve heard different things about it from different people, but I want to make an informed decision before I enter a race that might present me with the same problems I had in Mallorca. All going well, I’ll have cycled both courses a couple of times over the next three weeks. I’ll be in a better position to make a call on things then.

    The courses in Vichy and Weymouth look straightforward enough and I suspect had I coach and I decided to target an Autumn race, they’d tell me to pick one of those.

    There’s a couple of other considerations delaying that all decisive moment, but those are the main ones.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    joey100 wrote: »
    You have your half marathon pace there at around 3.23 and 5km pace at around 3.15, are they that close for you?? Never properly ran a half marathon but don't think mine would be that close to my 5km pace, just curious really.

    Firstly, when I'm running the HM paced 'efforts', it is much more an effort I'm trying to hit than a specific pace. The intensity I'm running at, is one I'm sure properly trained I could sustain for an hour and a quarter. So far the most recent half marathon paced 'effort' only lasted 8 minutes. It's much easier hold the intensity for this length of time. I'll find out on Sunday just how 'well trained' I am and we'll both see how long I can sustain the effort for.

    Back when I was in peak running shape, I ran the first 5k of a 10k race in 16:06, and the first half of a marathon in 1:14:26. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to imagine I could have gone sub 16:00 (<3:12 pace) and circa 1:12:30 (3:26/km). I'm sort of clinging on to past glories when I quote close to those target paces in my current training. I don't know if you think 14 seconds per kilometre is much of a difference, but I think fully fit the difference between my 5k pace and half marathon pace would be about that.

    I said previously here, I think GPS watches slightly overestimate paces on the track. If I'd run those half marathon paced efforts around the Playing Fields in The Park, I'd have been surprised if I had finished with an overall average pace of 3:23. But I'll keep reporting paces as my Garmin records them, while under no illusions that it is my race results that are going to provide the most accurate and up to date data.
