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I Am the Master of My Fate



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    good article for beginner swimmer .

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    To bring our behind the scenes discussion about breathing back to your log...

    ....this popped in my email today - great timing! The relevant tidbit is the "specific unilateral breathing pattern" discussion that I thought was an interesting slant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    peter kern wrote: »
    good article for beginner swimmer .

    Ouch. ;)

    The context of my conversation with zico had been breathing on 2...and I was trying to convey to him that there is a rhythm/cadence unique to unilateral breathing that can be exploited to the swimmer's benefit. Personally, I don't have to think too much about form or technique when I'm swimming as it is ingrained in me and comes naturally, thus I don't/won't be thinking about inhaling and exhaling as the article discusses, but that concept of inhaling/exhaling as the article notes feeds into my point of the rhythm. It actually amplifies it. And that was my point. Apologies if the context surrounding my motivation to post this article was lost...but I actually didn't think it was necessary to explain since I figured it was an interesting enough article on its own, and I had hoped someone/anyone might benefit from it, no matter the level of swimmer.

    Happy birthday again Peter!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    " Precisely when your right arm reaches full extension is when you should begin your inhale. If you find that your right arm is already dropping or pushing down on the water as you begin your inhale, your timing is late."

    Thanks for posting this Dory. I've been struggling with rotation and head position since moving to BE2, and this article has helped iron out a few wrinkles. Did three 100's earlier today:
    BE3 in 1:44
    BE2 in 1:40
    BE2 inhale on entry 1:33

    Effort was similar for all. Too early to proclaim a miracle but I'll be following this advice for the next while.
    peter kern wrote: »
    good article for beginner swimmer .

    Peters excellent comic timing strikes again :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    even beginner article can have useful information for advanced people.
    and it does the basics right ( why i call it a good beginners article) but since we are on a personal blog zico showes no signs of late breathing. ( ie moving water with his breath when head exits the water, neither is he out of breath after intervals- on the contrary- and totally different to his running where you would think he soon will collaps in a race ) .
    so in my mind focusing on something which is not really the issue is not that helpful when the issue with Zico is that zico is already overwhelmed by thinking too much
    and should focus on less than more.
    there is a timing and rythem issue ( or better a fluidy in the stroke issue ) in the stoke but not an oxygen intake issue.
    bike handling issues and swim issues are connected.

    and to add for most people open water presents different challenges for intermediate and advanced swimmers and therefore most people have bigger fish to fry.

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Ouch. ;)

    The context of my conversation with zico had been breathing on 2...and I was trying to convey to him that there is a rhythm/cadence unique to unilateral breathing that can be exploited to the swimmer's benefit. Personally, I don't have to think too much about form or technique when I'm swimming as it is ingrained in me and comes naturally, thus I don't/won't be thinking about inhaling and exhaling as the article discusses, but that concept of inhaling/exhaling as the article notes feeds into my point of the rhythm. It actually amplifies it. And that was my point. Apologies if the context surrounding my motivation to post this article was lost...but I actually didn't think it was necessary to explain since I figured it was an interesting enough article on its own, and I had hoped someone/anyone might benefit from it, no matter the level of swimmer.

    Happy birthday again Peter!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    BE2 in 1:40
    BE2 inhale on entry 1:33

    I don't mean to be fatuous, but when were inhaling on the first BE2 100? I'm genuinely interested. It's not something I've ever given much thought to and I'm not actually sure when I start to inhale myself. It'll be a couple of days before I'm back in the pool to check, and standing here swinging my arms about isn't much to go on.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    zico10 wrote: »
    I don't mean to be fatuous, but when were inhaling on the first BE2 100? I'm genuinely interested. It's not something I've ever given much thought to and I'm not actually sure when I start to inhale myself. It'll be a couple of days before I'm back in the pool to check, and standing here swinging my arms about isn't much to go on.

    I usually inhale just after entry (as I did first 100).

    Talked to my swim coach last night, on the company of another. Both agreed when you breath (or how you breath or how often you breath) is irrelevant to swimming- so long as you get enough oxygen. Entry, catch, pull, rotation, much more important.

    A coach on the deck is worth 20 Internet opinions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    zico10 wrote: »
    I don't mean to be fatuous, but when were inhaling on the first BE2 100? I'm genuinely interested. It's not something I've ever given much thought to and I'm not actually sure when I start to inhale myself. It'll be a couple of days before I'm back in the pool to check, and standing here swinging my arms about isn't much to go on.

    This is a fantastic image to go into the weekend with, thank you :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »

    Talked to my swim coach last night, on the company of another. Both agreed when you breath (or how you breath or how often you breath) is irrelevant to swimming- so long as you get enough oxygen. Entry, catch, pull, rotation, much more important.

    Would the below not be evidence otherwise?
    Did three 100's earlier today:
    BE3 in 1:44
    BE2 in 1:40
    BE2 inhale on entry 1:33

    Effort was similar for all.

    You're only going to get enough oxygen on board by breathing regularly. Whether that is BE2, BE3, BE4, BE5, etc. there has to be a point when a coach can authoritatively say someone is not breathing often enough.

    I'm sure you've seen plenty of people start off a length at the same time as you that swim fantastically well for the first 10-15m, only for things to disintegrate after they take their first breath. By the end of the length their form has gone to complete pot and they're still hanging off the far wall recovering by the time you get back there two lengths later. What do you think is the biggest issue for this type of swimmer?

    I'm loathe to disagree with an actual coach, but for the sake of discussion, here's the 21st Internet opinion;
    'when you breath (or how you breath or how often you breath)' is only irrelevant if you're doing a good job of it in the first place. If you subscribe to the belief that it's irrelevant, how do you explain the huge difference in the number of breaths taken by a 50m sprinter and a 1,500m swimmer? Then you have Keri-Anne Payne, 10km Olympic silver medalist, who breathes every three. There's surely some explanation for why these ranges of breathing patterns work for these swimmers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    The caveat is that breathing is irrelevant when you are getting enough oxygen. Something I'd doubt you struggle with having had a coach for so long. I think I swam faster in my "experiment" through better rotation, having tried it a few more times.

    I've spent the last couple of days watching how real swimmers breathe and there is no one size that fits all. Am watching a swimmer right now knock out steady 1:20 pace as his warm up, he is breathing (on 2) just after hand entry (ie later than the article dory linked would suggest is ideal).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    The caveat is that breathing is irrelevant when you are getting enough oxygen. Something I'd doubt you struggle with having had a coach for so long. I think I swam faster in my "experiment" through better rotation, having tried it a few more times.

    I've spent the last couple of days watching how real swimmers breathe and there is no one size that fits all. Am watching a swimmer right now knock out steady 1:20 pace as his warm up, he is breathing (on 2) just after hand entry (ie later than the article dory linked would suggest is ideal).

    I'm not claiming to have the final answer on this. Indeed it seems we are arguing the same point, but it is a recurring trend that to get enough oxygen, you need to breathe every 2.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    zico10 wrote: »
    I'm not claiming to have the final answer on this. Indeed it seems we are arguing the same point, but it is a recurring trend that to get enough oxygen, you need to breathe every 2.

    (Strictly speaking as peers here)
    At this stage of your swimming career you know how to breathe, and how much oxygen you need. You can switch at will from BE2,3,4 as needed. So I doubt you have any fundamental breathing issues.
    If you've moved to BE2 without introducing any snaking or rotation issues then you've done well (I introduced them).
    By all means play around with timing your breathing/entry, but I doubt you have any major breathing issues that don't have rotation/streamline as their underlying cause, and couldn't be improved by addressing those areas primarily.
    (Again, thats coming from a similar over-thinker in the water as yourself)

    The fact that your coach says you have no breathing issues should be your starting point for any analysis. Of course, these logs would be a lot less interesting if we didn't second-guess every minute detail and discuss everything back and forward to arrive at a coaches foregone conclusion! Long may that continue!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    There were a couple of guys I had hoped I'd finish close enough to in advance of this race. Abhainn was one of them and I had him picked out as the most ideal person to pace off. When I met him at the start, he told me was carrying an injury and wasn't running for a time today. Had he improved on his showing in Trim, I wouldn't have able to stick with him, but it was my preferred running partner taken out of the picture.

    One other potential partner was a fellow Dunboyne AC runner. He's much faster than me over shorter distances, but I'd be confident of taking him over a marathon. I was closer to him in the Trim 10 Mile than the Raheny 5 and I was hoping I'd be closer again over 13.1 miles today. I wasn't sure how he was going to start off and though we talked about goal times, we both took to the start line agreeing to just see what happened. While it might have been smart to agree upon a more concrete plan, I knew I wasn't capable of matching his top speeds and I was afraid any agreement we made might end up slowing him down. We pointed out a couple of guys at the start whose PBs/form we knew, and told each other to try stick with them as they'd be more reliable pacers than either of us were claiming to be.

    The guy I pointed out, a club mate from 3D, had a PB of 1:13:32 from the Dublin half marathon last October and I reckoned he wouldn't be too far off that today. (Turned out he matched it to the second.) We've had some interesting tussles over the years, with both of us coming out on top on different occasions. And without shouting about it, we both wanted to beat each other today. I knew I wasn't in 73 minute shape and couldn't see myself beating him. I didn't want to hand him victory without making a fight of it though, so the final decision I made was to run with him and see where that got me.

    When it was time for the race to start, I went to the front of the assembled runners with a few other likely lads. The gun went, and Eoin Callaghan and another lad broke away from the rest of us straight away. There was a group of 7/8 left behind by the two leaders, I was amongst them and we were sticking tightly together clipping along at a nice pace. My Dunboyne and 3D club mates were also part of the group, as was Mark Horan. Although a quality athlete, I'd no idea what sort of shape he was in, but ordinarily I reckoned he'd be a good gauge of where I should be in a race. I was very happy with the runners around me and was content to stick with this group for however long I could.

    We got to the bottom of the M3 flyover and I moved to the front of the group as the gradient went up. It didn't feel like I had to increase my effort to take the lead. I tried tell myself that all the scales I've stood on recently must have been broken, and that I was gliding up the hill so much easier than the others, because I was much closer to my ideal racing weight of 71.5kg, than those scales have been telling me.

    I was momentarily in 3rd place and although very early in the race, I felt comfortable. For a brief of moment, I actually thought 73:?? minutes was a realistic finishing time. Two people I had passed quickly overtook me on the subsequent downhill stretch. I told myself this was no big deal, that perhaps my taking the lead had prompted them to kick on and they were working harder than they would have liked. It soon became apparent this wasn't the case. The small group came back together at the bottom of the flyover and I ended up at the back of it. My thoughts turned from a 73 minute finishing time, to the fear that I would be the first person to be dropped from this group.

    Unfortunately this fear began to be realised shortly after. The pace at which the group was moving, was becoming a struggle for me. My Dunboyne club mate could see I was struggling and a shout of encouragement from him kept me in touch for a just a little while longer. We took a right hand turn off the N81 soon after this. Others in the group increased the effort, I'd no response and was completely cut adrift. I ran the next couple of kilometres on my own and found some respite in being able to run my own pace.

    I was approaching the halfway point and could hear two runners chasing hard behind me. Narcissism tells me the pair had made a pact to catch me before half way point,, as they seemed to be working extra hard with over half the race still to go. I kept running at my own pace and they duly passed. I tucked in behind them hoping they'd give me a nice tow all the way to the finish.

    The three of us were still together when we traversed the flyover crossing the M3 for a second time. After my futile attempt to break things up the first time, I decided against trying to pull away from my two companions. There was a good straight stretch of road in front of us, and I could see my club mate from Dunboyne had been dropped from the group we had both been in for the first 6km. He has been concentrating on 3,000m for the last few months and longer distance races aren't really his forte. Still, his would have been a nice scalp to take, and I thought if I kept trucking along, today might be the day this happened.

    I managed to close the gap, but as I was doing so, the two I was with were opening up one on me. We all became strung out and through only one runner's volition, we all ended up running our own races, whether that race was desperately trying to keep up, frantically catch the man in front, or in my case hold off a fast approaching pursuer.

    I could hear such a pursuer hot on my heels. I hadn't noticed anyone before this and he had obviously ran a quicker second half than me, to be where he was now. I rounded a bend a with him in hot pursuit. I was worried I was going to lose another place and was relieved to see the Bohermeen Community Hall, where the finishing line was located, come into view. I'd given up on catching my club mate or anybody else at this stage, and all the effort I was putting in now was solely to hold this guy off.

    We turned into the Community Hall and had to run the last 100m on a track. I was still leading him when 01:15:00 ticked by on the clock at the finishing line. I hadn't looked at my watch in a while and it was a bit disheartening to see this. I thought about easing up, only for the Dunboyne AC coach standing on the sidelines to warn me not let a place slip. One final push saw me hold onto my position finishing 3 seconds ahead of him, with a time of 1:15:10.

    This gave me an average pace of 3:34/km. This was 1 second per kilometre quicker than I ran at the 10 miler in Trim the previous month. I did a much better job of running even kilometre splits that day and realistically 3:34/km was about as fast a pace as I could have hoped to hold today. I should have stuck to it from the start, but I t's hard to just let other runners go. I knew after the first 2km that the pace I was running was way too fast, and this ultimately ended up costing me in the end.

    Looking back at the race and my preparations for it, doesn't fill me with strong feelings either positive or negative. When I registered, I would have expected to run a lot better, but I just didn't get into the shape I needed to be in to run the time I wanted. My final assessment is that it could have been better and it could have been worse. And while it could have been a lot worse, even in the best case scenario, I was never going to be a whole lot better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    You really write a nice report - thank you for taking the time. And that makes the prospect of reading one in which you are totally satisfied with both your race execution and race result something for us all to look forward to. Well done on the day. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    I used this as a recovery week, which in the main meant only one session a day.

    Monday 14th March
    6km on grass, easy
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 6.0km

    25m pool, coached session
    20*50m off 60’, every 4th one fast
    6 sets of {4*50m off 55’ & 100m off 2:00}
    I used tonight’s session as recovery. I got into a slower lane, but the times we were given weren’t that far off the times I’d usually swim. I stayed at the back of the lane though and happily took the draft off those in front.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,800m

    Tuesday 15th March

    NAC, 25m pool
    600m SKPS
    12*50m off 60’ every 4th 50 fast (45 seconds approximately)
    4*200m off 3:40, desc. 1-4 (3:34, 3:34, 3:30, 3:28)
    100m easy
    The lane was busy, but there were no major hold ups. The session, by my own design, was 60% of the prescribed homework.
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 2,100m

    Wednesday 16th March

    NAC, 50m pool
    400m build
    2*200m pull, 15’ rest
    4*100m kick w. fins, 15’ rest
    8*50m off 65’ alternating easy/fast (45-47 seconds)
    6*200m pull off 3:45 (3:25-3:27)
    100m cool down
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,900m

    Thursday 17th March

    65km slow
    I celebrated St. Patrick’s Day last night instead of today, which meant I had a hangover doing this. I left it until late in the day to start and finished up after sunset. I’d usually be feeling sorry for myself after such a cycle, but no work to go to for 2½ weeks makes things easier.
    Totals: 2.5hrs – 65.0km

    Friday 18th March

    44.66km easy
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 44.66km

    NAC, 50m pool
    20*50m off 65’, every 4th one fast (46-47 seconds)
    3 sets of {4*50m off 55’ & 2*100m off 2:00, (47-48 seconds & 1:48-1:50)}
    200m cool down
    My regular Friday night session didn’t take place tonight, we got homework to do instead. Just like Tuesday though, I reduced the main set by 40%.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,400m

    Saturday 19th March

    17.22km in 1:30:01, 5:14/km
    I dropped my bike off in the LBS for a badly needed service. After this, I drove to The Phoenix Park for a run. It’s been a while since I ran there and it felt good to be back. I did most of this on grass running repeatedly around The Magazine Fort and The Munich Mile.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 17.0km

    Sunday 20th March

    88.14km in 3:37:05, 24.4km/hr (I forgot to restart my Garmin at one point and missed about 8km)
    I went over The Slieve Blooms from Kinnitty to Mountrath during this cycle. I should have made a better job of the descent down to Mountrath. I was on the brakes for way too long and way too often during it, it was a straight stretch of road and there was really no reason for doing so. That I’ve massive room for improvement is a positive way too look at this. I just need to get out more on bike and go up into mountains far more often.
    Totals: 4.0hrs – 96.0km

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 3.5hrs – 10,200m
    Bike: 8.0hrs – 205.68km
    Run: 2.0hrs – 23.22km
    Other: 0.0hrs

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Monday 21st March
    38.23km in 1:18:13, done as 15 minute warm up, 10 minutes hard, 5 minute recovery, 8 minutes hard, 4 minute recovery, 4 minutes hard*, 3 minute recovery, 4 minutes hard, 2 minute recovery, 2 minutes hard, cool down
    *this should have been 6 minutes, but I forgot where I was in my descending efforts
    Hard efforts worked out as; 1) 6.28km in 10:02, 37.5km/hr, 2) 4.83km in 8:04, 35.9km/hr, 3) 2.53km in 4:02, 37.5km/hr, 4) 2.76km in 4:02, 40.9km/hr, 5) 1.13km in 2:02, 33.2km/hr
    I was down in Roscrea and did this on my TT bike out the old N7. I was initially going to go for a three hour spin, but it occurred to me early on that I’d be doing enough long, steady cycling later in the week and opted for some speed work instead. I regularly do this session on the turbo, but tried it out on the road today. My effort was the same for all the hard parts, the wind, surface and gradient were always the biggest factors in the speeds I could hold.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 38.23km

    8:00 warm up – 1.71km, 1.92km in 8:01, 4:10/km, 3:59 @ 4:41/km, , 1.45km in 5:59, 4:07/km, 2:58 @ 4:47/km, , 973m in 4:01, 4:08/km, 1:59 @ 4:44/km, 484m in 2:01, 4:10/km, 8:01 cool down @ 4:47/km,
    During the cool down of my earlier cycle, I started to think about what structure my run should take. I settled upon following more or less the same structure the cycle itself took. With swimming later that night, I didn’t want my legs to be totally zapped. So with this in mind, I decided to keep the pace for the harder parts on the easy side of hard; <4:15/km or sub 3 marathon pace. I’d no difficulty holding this pace and the recoveries weren’t overly necessary, but I took them nice and easy anyway.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 10.11km

    25m pool, coached session
    400m straight,
    4*100m off 1:50, desc. 1-4,
    8*50m off 60’, desc. 1-4 & 5-8,
    16*25m off 30’, every 4th one fast (20 seconds approx.)
    4*200m off 3:30, (3:18, I cramped very badly after 75m on the 2nd one and skipped the rest of this set. That was that and I only got 275m out of 800m done)
    9*50m off 60’, every 3rd one fast
    I often get cramps when I swim, but tonight was as bad as I remember them in in a long time. Hard efforts on the bike earlier in the day and moderately hard run efforts were no doubt contributing factors, but I was also pushing off the wall too hard. There were only two of us in the lane and we swam side by side for the 8*50m and 16*25m. The other guy (same club mate that finished ahead of me in Bohermeen and whom I regularly swam with on Wednesday mornings last year)is that bit quicker than me and always leads out our lane. For these reasons I was eager to match him stroke for stroke. I held my own, but it took a lot of effort and in my eagerness to keep up, I was pushing extra hard off the walls. This was ultimately my undoing and rigor mortis set in during the 200s. I spent several minutes walking on the deck before I dared get back into the water.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,375m

    Tuesday 22nd March

    I got an 08:45 ferry over to Wales today with plans to suss out the IM bike course. This meant an early start to drive down from Ratoath to Rosslare. Too early for any training, so I had to wait until I was across the Irish Sea to begin.

    I rode from Pembroke Dock to my hotel, which was about 9 miles away on the most direct route. I started off following this road, but it was busy and wasn’t making for a pleasant cycle. I turned onto country roads., which was my first taste of the hills IM Wales is infamous for. First impressions were this is not my type of course. I had a 10kg bag on my back and a smaller one slung over the handlebars, so I got some strength training in as well.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 17.0km

    I’d to wait until 4p.m. to check in. It was about an hour later before I was out on my bike sans 10kg bag. I came across a 17% hill, not the sort of **** I wanted to be seeing. Then I thought ‘Cop the fcuk on Alan, this is why you are here!’ and rode up it. Apart from that and a myriad of other climbs, there wasn’t too much strenuous about this cycle. I just rolled around Tenby looking for a bank machine and trying to get my bearings.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 25.0km

    Wednesday 23rd March
    Apart from leaving out most of a second lap, I cycled the route today, at least the roads that are used in the race.It took a lot of stops and consultations with Google Maps to confirm I was on the right roads, but I think I more or less got it right. If I did go wrong anywhere, I’m sure it didn’t make any difference to the difficulty of it. It’s a tough bloody route, I’ll say that much for it.
    Totals: 6.5hrs – 132.0km

    Thursday 24th March

    This was an absolutely miserable day to be out on the bike. It rained from start to finish and I was soaked for most of it. Anytime I stopped, I’d shiver, so it paid to keep moving. I cycled most of the same roads as yesterday, but with less stops to consult Google Maps. This meant I took a wrong turn at one point and ended up way off course. Delighted to have a warm bath back in the hotel.
    Totals: 7.0hrs - 154.0km

    Friday 25th March
    5.5km easy
    I did this before breakfast. It was just out and back along a lumpy country road. I was only really doing it for the sake of running and to remind my legs what it is to run.
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 5.55km

    This was a much improved day on yesterday. I checked out of the hotel at 12 and left my bags behind the reception. My boat back to Rosslare wasn’t until the early hours of Saturday morning, so I had the whole day to cycle. Had I left earlier, I would have cycled the full route, but as it was I left out the loop that takes you west to Pembroke.
    Totals: 6.0hrs – 138.42km

    Saturday 26th March
    16.27km with 10kg bag on back
    After returning to the hotel, the owner kindly let me use a shower even though I was checked out. I had dinner in the hotel, and then even better was he let me lie down for a few hours in one of the vacant guest rooms, at no extra cost. My ferry wasn’t sailing until 2:45 in the morning and it was after midnight when I began this cycle. This conveniently allows me log some training on the Saturday, otherwise it would have been two consecutive days doing no training.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 16.27km

    Sunday 27th March
    This wasn’t my plan, so I can’t call it a rest day

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 1.0hrs – 2,375m
    Bike: 24.0hrs – 205.68km
    Run: 1.5hrs – 15.66km
    Other: 0.0hrs

    This week showed me that Wales is not the course for me. It’s constantly up, down, up, down. I wouldn’t mind the up parts too much, even though some of the climbs are pretty steep. It’s the descents that I’m going to lose time on, because when I brake, I brake early, I brake hard, I brake for too long and in some cases I brake for no apparent reason. There’s no part of the Wales course like that descent, with seemingly no end of hairpin bends, in Mallorca. But the descent in Mallorca is only 10km and makes up a very small portion of the course, whereas in Wales, I’d be on edge for the entire 180 kilometres. I’d be much more inclined to go back to Mallorca than go to Wales. Tenby is a nice area and very easy to get to, and some day I’d like to race there, but I won’t be going there hoping to secure a WC spot. It was good to see the course for myself, and I got three good days’ cycling in, if nothing else.
    I’m off to Mallorca next. I’m staying in Port de Pollença, which is near the base of the mountain with the descent that terrifies me. I’m hiring a bike and for three days my plan is to cycle to the top of mountain and go down the other side as fast as I can, then do a U-turn, go back up, and come back down again. I’ll do that as many times as I can. I’ll bring a wetsuit and running gear, but don’t be surprised if I never put on either, this trip is all about the bike.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Monday 28th March
    145.38km in 6:10:38, 23.5km/hr
    I went up and over the Slieve Blooms twice. My first ascent was up a road I hadn’t cycled before, and I found it tough in parts. There were two proper hairpin bends on this road, the like I’ve never encountered before in Ireland. The gradient wasn’t incredibly steep, but the road was narrow, which would make any descent off it quite technical. I have it earmarked as a place I can go back to, to pratise my descending.
    Totals: 6.0hrs – 145.38km

    Tuesday 29th March

    70.20km in 3:02:47, 23.0km/hr
    I went up into the Slieve Blooms looking for the road I took yesterday, that had two the two hairpin bends. I only cycled up it yesterday, but the plan today was to cycle up, then come back down. I thought this would be good prep for my trip to Mallorca later in the week. I never found the road and it wasn’t important enough for me to take my phone out in the rain(hail at one point) to find it. Instead I ended up taking another road up to the summit of the mountain and descended down into Kinnitty.
    Totals: 3.0hrs – 70.20km

    12km easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 12.04km

    Wednesday 30th March
    50m pool, Coached session
    400m warm up
    6*50m build
    6*25m as 12.5 fast/12.5 easy
    50m easy
    400m TT fs: 6:48, 100m splits; 1:34, 1:43, 1:46, 1:45
    100m easy in wetsuit
    400m TT wetasuit: 6:03, 100m splits; 1:27, 1:31, 1:33, 1:30
    100m easy, no wetsuit
    400m TT paddles & pb: 6:22, 100m splits; 1:30, 1:35, 1:39, 1:38
    100m easy
    100m max effort: 1:29
    As always, I would liked to have been faster, but my times are what they are. I was swimming in the 50m pool in Westwood, Clontarf, which seemed a few seconds quicker per length than the 50m pool in the NAC. Taking Dory’s advice, I breathed every two strokes.
    Factors that affected the times;
    1) I hadn't swam in 8 days, that's very unusual for me.
    2) I'd done over 30 hours cycling in the same time, at this moment in time my body's not used to that either.
    3) FS TT; it was disheartening at the end of each length to see how much distance the swimmer ahead of me was putting into me. This was the opposite case in the wetsuit TT where it was encouraging to see that I was gaining on him and after going off 5 seconds after him, finished at almost the very same time he did.
    4) Wetsuit TT; The swimmer ahead of me was kicking with such force, like nobody I've ever swam behind before. It was benefitting me hugely and the closer I got to him, the more beneficial it became. Conversely in the 400 FS, the further he got away from me, the more I was losing this benefit.
    5) Paddles & PB TT; Not a great time, but it was my first time using those type of paddles before. I don't know how much of a factor that was, but one of them was coming loose during the swim. When I got to the wall instead of turning quickly, I was using it as an opportunity to push the paddle back onto my hand.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 2,500m

    10.01km in 54.42, 5:28/km
    I got into my running gear, and ran to The Bull Wall and back to Westwood after the swim. There was nothing fancy about this, I just wanted to get it out of the way early in the day as I was flying to Mallorca later that night.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 10.01km

    Thursday 31st March
    After an awful night’s sleep in Palma Airport, I took a local bus to Port de Pollenca. I arrived well before the time I could check into my hotel and went to the shop I was renting a bicycle from instead. I left my bags there and headed out on the IM course. The plan was to get in some practise on the descent that haunts me from last year’s race.
    I went down it four times in total during this ride. I was happy to be able to go faster each time. My Garmin recorded the descents as follows;
    1) 7.92km in 14:27, 32.9km/hr (Looking at the time, I think there must have some hold up, but I can’t remember what it was)
    2) I was held up by a waste disposal truck and a motorcade of expensive German cars. I stopped my Garmin forgot about going fast.
    3) 7.82km in 12:39, 37.0km/hr
    4) 7.75km in 12:00, 38.7km/hr

    I finished the day thinking the descent is definitely not as difficult as I remember it being. There are plenty of hairpin bends, but there are also some longish stretches where it is possible to hold a straight enough line. Just knowing the course will be a huge advantage with this and I figured out where these lines are today. I just need to be brave enough to cycle them recklessly tomorrow.
    I think my best descending happened from the top of this same mountain in the opposite direction back down to Pollenca though. There were more adept descenders ahead of me and although they were getting down quicker than me, I was able to follow their lines. It makes things easier and gave me more confidence seeing the people in front of me not come a cropper.
    Totals: 7.0hrs - 160.0km

    Tempo run w. 8*400m at target pace of <3:50/km
    2.58km warm up
    1) 1:30, 3:46/km & 1:52, 4:40/km
    2) 1:30, 3:45/km & 1:54, 4:46/km
    3) 1:32, 3:51/km & 1:53, 4:43/km
    4) 1:29, 3:45/km & 1:52, 4:40/km
    5) 1:29, 3:43/km & 1:53, 4:45/km
    6) 1:29, 3:45/km & 1:54, 4:47/km
    7) 1:23, 3:30/km & 1:53, 4:44/km
    8) 1:30, 3:47/km
    2.58km cool down
    It was hard work up the enthusiasm for this run and even harder decide what structure it would take. I didn’t want to kill myself, but I didn’t want to take it too easy either. Goal IM marathon pace seemed too easy, normal tempo pace too hard. I settled on a pace I’d be happy to hold in a half ironman. It still seemed hard though, so I took equidistant recoveriers. I was happy enough with how the run went. I didn’t look at my watch during the third effort, thinking I’d have the pace dialled in. This wasn’t the case though and I looked at my watch during the subsequent efforts, until the seventh one, when I decided to just blast it out and see how I’d fare.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 11.16km

    Friday 1st April
    This was a miserable day’s cycling. It was raining upon waking and there was nothing appealing about getting on a bike. I went to one of the many bike shops in Mallorca and bought a fancy SIDI rain jacket and flouresent overshoe rain protectors. They were €100 in total, and having spent this money, I was left with no choice, but to get out and cycle. As was forecast, it rained from start to finish. I stayed clear of the hills, instead opting to cycle the first 100km loop of the IM course, which has a flattish profile.
    It was probably one of those days Seán Kelly would have decided was too wet when he got home. I’m not as tough as him though and decided two hours in, it was too wet. Most triathletes on the island seemed to have decided the same, as compared to yesterday there were precious few bikes on the road, but far more runners. Unfortunately I was still two hours from Port de Pollenca, and I’d no choice but to keep going. I missed a turn and ended up off course, with even more distance to cycle.
    I stopped outside a café in some obscure town and went inside for two cups of coffee and cake. I was soaked and shivering badly, and it was with zero enthusiasm I resumed my cycle half an hour later. I got back on a coastal road that took me back to Port de Pollenca. I was holding good speed despite the conditions, but at times it felt like I wasn’t in control of things and on slick roads, I wasn’t entirely at ease.
    Just to round off a terrible day, I got a puncture outside the resort I stayed in for IM Mallorca, for the last two years. Had I been staying there this time, I would have happily just called a halt to the cycle. Instead, I set about replacing the tube, which wasn’t easy with trembling hands. I failed to properly examine the tyre and left a shard of glass, that caused the the puncture, embedded in the tyre. Two minutes later I had another puncture and even if I had another tube, I’m not sure I could have been arsed going through the whole rigmarole of replacing the tube again.
    Luckily, I was only 4km from home and although it wasn’t much fun wheeling a bike this distance in the wind and rain, it’s what I had to do. I got back to my hotel in due course and was haven’t been so glad to be able to jump into a warm shower, since a similarly wet miserable cycle the previous weekn in Wales.
    Totals: 4.5hrs – 110.0km

    Saturday 2nd April
    Cloudy, grey skies greeted me upon opening the curtains in my hotel room. After the misery I suffered yesterday, I wasn’t enthused about going out with the threat of rain overhead. Google, Accuweather, all predicted a dry day though and this was reasurance enough. After breakfast in the hotel, I checked out and dropped my bags down to the bike rental shop, I was hiring my bicycle from. I left them there for the day, and just in case the forecast was wrong, I got dressed for rain and headed back up the Serra de Tramuntana mountains, to take on the same descent I cycled four times on Thursday.
    I went down the same stretch of road another four times today. I’m very happy to report, I once again got faster each time. Stats are as follows;
    1) 7.81km in 12:06, 38.7km/hr avg.
    2) 7.89km in 12:05, 39.1km/hr avg.
    3) 7.85km in 11:52, 39.7km/hr avg.
    4) 7.95km in 11:32, 41.3km/hr avg.

    I was stuck behind a car, being held up by more cautious cyclists, for what seemed like a frustratingly long period of time during my fourth and final effort. After coming so close to the magic number of 40km/hr on my third descent, I’d thrown caution to the wind in an attempt to break the barrier on my final try. I didn’t want to go back to Ireland in a body cast though and it seemed to take forever before a safe opportunity to pass the car presented itself. Once I managed this, I instantly sped past the cyclists causing the hold up. I like to think they were wondering ‘Who’s this lunatic bombing down the the hill?’, the same feelings I had about all the Spaniard and Germans who flew down the hill last September. I don’t think I quite got to their levels of proficiency, but the two days cycling definitely brought me on. Also I’m certain I know the road in Mallorca now and while I might still be a Nervous Nelly in the Wicklow mountains, the IM course in Mallorca no longer holds the same fear for me. Whether I go back there for a third time to try qualify for Kona, I’m still undecided, but it’s far more likely than it was a month ago. I’ve a few things to weigh up, but I expect I’ll be a making a decision very soon.

    Here’s a YouTube clip, that fills me with optimism;

    It’s hard to be 100% precise where both our splits should stop, but the lunatic that filmed this covered the same stretch of road I was cycling in 10:26. My best effort, even with some delays, was 11:32. I don’t think that would be an irretrievable amount of time to be giving up to an uberbiker were I to go back to Mallorca.
    Totals: 6.0hrs – 142.56km

    Sunday 3rd April

    Dunboyne AC were holding their annual 4 mile race today. Had I not spent the last three days cycling in Mallorca, I would have entered. I helped out with marshalling instead. I like to think I’m fast enough running, but it was scary to see how much faster the front runners were moving than the guys who would be at my level.

    6*400m w. buoyancy shorts alternating fs/pull
    I popped into the NAC after finishing cleaning up after the race and did the above as a recovery session.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,400m

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 2.5hrs – 4,900m
    Bike: 26.5hrs – 628.14km
    Run: 3.0hrs – 33.21km
    Other: 0.0hrs

    I could rabbit on about this and that, but ultimately I’m happy with what I got out of my two expeditions in Wales and Mallorca. With all I’ve said above, it’s enough to finish out this update on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Cripes, that's some amount of cycling. :eek: Fair play. I assume you did the cycling in Mallorca on a roadie? How different are your handling skills when going from a roadie to a TT bike?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Two great reports from Wales and Spain :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Cripes, that's some amount of cycling. :eek: Fair play. I assume you did the cycling in Mallorca on a roadie? How different are your handling skills when going from a roadie to a TT bike?

    Thats going to be your big issue there Alan. I'm certainly not the best descender around but as triathletes go I'm pretty good on my road bike. I descend like a little on the TT though. Its a completely different thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Cripes, that's some amount of cycling. :eek: Fair play. I assume you did the cycling in Mallorca on a roadie? How different are your handling skills when going from a roadie to a TT bike?
    BTH wrote: »
    Thats going to be your big issue there Alan. I'm certainly not the best descender around but as triathletes go I'm pretty good on my road bike. I descend like a little on the TT though. Its a completely different thing.

    It was a road bike, and I'm fully aware it's going to be different on a TT bike. I have raced IM Mallorca twice already. The trip was about going over there and dealing with the hang-ups I had with the course. I've done that, or at least I think I've done it. There's a danger I'll revert to type at the slightest wobble in a race situation, but I went down that descent with increasing confidence 8 times over the three days. I got faster each time, my fastest descent definitely didn't occur under the best circumstances.

    Up until a week and a half ago, I'd only been down it twice, both times in a race. Neither time gave me an in depth knowledge of the road. That, even more so than a pair of balls, was the biggest difference between me and a lot of others in the two races I did.

    A German told me after the race that this was the main reason he was able to descend with such confidence. He'd done a lot of cycling on the island and he knew what lay around each bend. I didn't, and I was braking too hard and often unnecessarily in anticipation of hairpin bends that didn't materialise. If I do go back, I've only 5 months to wait. I don't think I'll have forgotten the road in that length of time.

    Sure I was descending on a road bike, but it was on open roads with cars and often a lot cyclists to get round. In the IM, the roads will be closed, there'll be no cars and fewer cyclists to pass. I'd be confident enough I'll be close enough, if not faster than my best effort of 11:32 last week. I must look back at my Garmin file of the race last September, but I doubt my time was anything close to 11:32.

    It wasn't just the time I lost on the descent that had an impact on my race. I was tensing up going around those bends and spent a lot of time looking over my shoulder to check was anyone behind me. I started off cycling like that on the Thursday, but by the Saturday I'd gotten over it. I was much more relaxed going down the mountain. It's a given that a road bike is far easier to handle, but I do think these specific benefits will carry over to cycling on my TT bike.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    if you go to mallorca for the race the best speed investment would be hiring a car and fina another person to exhange decnts and driving up the hill with the car .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Monday 4th April


    9.6km easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 9.6km

    25m pool, coached session
    {8*50m off 60’ as 50 easy/50 fast}
    5 sets of {4*100m}
    1st set off 1:40 (Y, Y,Y,Y)
    2nd set off 1:35 (Y, Y,?,N)
    3rd set w. pb off 1:50 (Y, Y,Y,Y) Only swam 50m for last rep. Swimmer in front miscounted.
    4th set off 1:45 (Y, Y,Y,x) leading lane
    5th set off 1:45 (Y, Y,Y,Y) drafting
    50m easy
    6*50m off 90’ as 50 easy/50 all out (43-44 seconds)
    25m easy
    I was well off the pace and missed times I should ordinarilly should have no trouble holding. As a result, I was demoted to a slower lane. I hope the poor showing is due to my recent volume of cycling, rather than something else.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,725m

    Tuesday 5th April

    50m pool
    1,000m done as 50 fs/50 kick/50 pull/50 fs
    6*200m pull off 3:45 (3:20-3:27)
    4*100m fs off 1:55, desc. 1-4 (1:48, 1:47, 1:43, 1:41)
    8*50m off 65’, desc. 1-4 & 5-8 (58’ down to 48’, I was fighting for this for the first four)
    250m cool down
    Better than last night, but the times weren’t as challenging. I wasn’t excited getting into the water, but felt better for having done the session.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,300m

    To & from run session, 28km combined, easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 28.0km

    8.09km in 30:51, 3:49/km
    No warm up, bar the cycle from Ratoath to Dunboyne. No cool down either, bar the cycle home. The group left almost as soon as I got there. I wanted to go faster, but didn’t have it in the legs
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 8.09km

    Wednesday 6th April


    13.0km easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 13.0km

    Thursday 7th April

    25m pool, coached session
    200m warm up,
    30*100m as 6 sets of 5*100m (Each set done as; 100m easy, 7’ rest, 100m picking it up, 7’ rest, 100m at 400m TT effort, 7’ rest, 100m faster than previous 100m, 15’ rest, 100m max effort)
    200m easy
    14*25m sprints (I wasn’t fast enough)
    My times drifted from 1:34 out to 1:38 for the max efforts in the main sets. This was on okayish session, could have been better, could have been worse. Probably the hardest I worked all week in any discipline.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 3,850m

    Track Session, Dunboyne AC, Intervals, 4 x (4 x 400m)
    1.6km warm up
    Pace for efforts as recorded by my Garmin;
    1) 3:13/km, 2) 3:21/km, 3) 3:21/km, 4) 3:21/km,
    5) 3:15/km, 6) 3:07/km, 7) 3:12/km, 8) 3:15/km,
    9) 3:25/km, 10) 3:25/km, 11) 3:20/km, 12) 3:19/km,
    13) 3:21/km, 14) 3:10/km, 15) 3:11/km, 16) 2:57/km
    I walked the recoveries, with a lap easy after the 1st, 2nd and 3rd sets.
    1.4km cool down
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 10.76km

    Friday 8th April


    50 minutes cycling duathlon circuit in The Phoenix Park, easy
    This is something I think will improve my bike handling. I’ve time to kill before evening swim sessions with 3D and I plan to do this more often.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 21.52km

    25m pool, coached session
    6*25m flat out off 30’ (17-18 seconds)
    5*100m off 2:00 (1:35-1:32) I was pleasantly surprised to see my times fall for what felt like the same RPE.
    3*50m off 60’, desc. 1-3 (50’, 44’, 42’)
    100m easy
    6*200m off 3:35 (3:15-3:22) I was behind two others, but there was no real drafting benefit to be had as they were much faster than me)
    2 sets of {4*50m off 60’ w. target time of <45’ & 100m recovery off 2:00} I managed to hit my target time for the 50s. It certainly wasn’t easy though and I used a pull buoy for all four 50s in the second set.
    I was tired afterwards, but it was probably my best swim of the week.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – n/a

    Saturday 9th April
    S & C
    As I’m not getting any younger, I think I need to start paying more regard to the wear and tear that come with regular 20+ hour training weeks. I’ve felt this for a long time, but my pathetic attempts at strength & conditioning over the last few years never ammounted to much. I suffered through enough niggles last year to buck up. At least I hope that’s the case. I find a sure way of making people do something, is making them pay for it. With this as a strong motivational factor, I contacted an S & C coach. I met Noel Murphy in the NAC for an initial meeting on a taolired program. He came highly recommended from a club mate. He watched me doing some standard exercises, squats, deadlifts, etc. today. One of these exercise was a woeful attepmt at chin ups, (Christ I’m a lot weaker than I used to be. ) There was nothing taxing about the session, but it lasted an hour all the same and it was an hour of my life dedicated to triathlon, so I’m logging it.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – n/a

    8.0km in 36:06 w. 8*100m @
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    I attended a talk on draft legal racing given by TI coach, Stephen Delaney, in the National Sports Campus. I’m still slightly nervous about the prospect of racing in a bunch, and I can’t imagine the format playing to my strengths, but hopefully I’ll attempt one of these races this year.

    Sunday 10th April

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 5.5hrs – 12,625m
    Bike: 2.0hrs – 49.52km
    Run: 4.0hrs – 49.45km
    Other: 1.0hrs

    After two weeks of big cycle volumes, this was a recovery week. It turned out to be even easier than I would have anticipated though. Cycling in particular is way down on what it should be. I was busy with this and that, towards the end of the week, but poor time management and not going to bed on time didn’t help.
    I’ve entered the Joey Hannon standard distance race on Sunday. I’m a bit anxious about how I’ll do, but at the same time looking forward to seeing how I compare to others down there, PK above all. I don’t expect to beat him, but if I can claw back some of the time I’ll lose in the swim, I’ll see it as a success. Unless he’s in worse shape than I am, in which case I’ll be happy I’ve less ground to make up than he does. I feel like my swim is in a bit of a slump, so a lot is going to depend on who else is in my lane, which I won’t find out until the morning of the race. Whatever happens, I’m sure I’ll discover plenty of things I need to work on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    I probably should have included this in my race report 5 months ago, but I only used my ANT stick for the first time last night. Curiosity got the better of me after my recent trip to Mallorca. I wanted to know exactly how long the same descent I was practising a fortnight ago, took me in the race... About 13 minutes is the answer. This is 2½ minutes slower than my best attempt two weeks ago. On closed roads, perhaps I could allow myself closer to a three minute improvement. I was on a road bike for my faster descent, but then my clothing, wheels, gear, etc. weren't ideal for time trialling. Whatever way I look at things, it's hard to draw a direct comparison.

    Anyway, for anybody who is interested, here is the Garmin file of my race;

    Apart from the cycle, it's clear I lost time by; 1) not swimming straight, which I suspected & 2) walking the transitions for the second half of the marathon, which I knew.
    Also, if I was to go back, I'd attack the hills a lot more aggressively.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Monday 11th April

    S & C
    40 minutes
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    25m pool, coached
    30 minutes technique work, 1,000m approximately
    I was almost an hour early for my own session, which starts at 19:30. An earlier club session, taken by the same coach, starts at 18:30. I stuck my head out from the changing rooms, to see what was going on and was invited into a beginners’ lane, to do some easy technique work, before my own session started.
    Main Set
    15*100m off 2:00, every 3rd one fast
    8*200m off 3:30, (1, 2, 3, 4 fs. 5, 6, 7 pull. 8 fs)
    I made the times for the first 6, then came in on 3:35 for numbers 6 & 7. I was losing the person’s feet in front of me. Not one of my finest hours in the pool.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 4,100m

    Tuesday 12th April

    15*100m w. 10’ rest, as:
    100m kick, 100m fs, 100m kick, 100m fs, 100m kick,
    100m pull, 100m fs, 100m pull, 100m fs, 100m pull
    5*100m fs (1:45 approximately)
    8*200m off 3:50 (I got 14 seconds rest on first effort, but got progressively slower from there and missed the last two by 5 seconds.)
    Just like last night, I felt sluggish in the water. I’ve been missing times more often than I’d like, over the last couple of weeks and it is proving to be dispiriting. It just feels like my swimming is in a bit of a slump, and I need to start thinking about why this is happening.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – n/a

    S & C
    I was emailed a program from Noel Murphy yesterday evening and even though it meant doing an S & C session two days in a row, I went to the NAC to do what he had prescribed.
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    Warm up; 5.79km @ 4:51/km
    Tempo efforts;
    1) 4.02km in 15:00, 3:44/km
    2) 4.03km in 14:58, 3:42/km

    3) 441m in 1:27, 3:18/km
    4) 424m in 1:23, 3:17/km
    5) 423m in 1:23, 3:17/km
    6) 423m in 1:23, 3:17/km
    I was aiming to hit <3:50/km pace for the 15 minute tempo efforts and <3:20/km pace for the 400m reps, which I managed if my Garmin is to be trusted (and there’s a bit of a cushion there if it’s not).
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 20.57km

    Wednesday 13th April
    50m pool
    16*100m done as 4 sets of 4*400m
    4 fs off 2:10, desc. 1-4 (1:55-1:36)
    4 kick w. 10’ rest
    4 fs off 2:10, desc. 1-4 (1:55-1:36)
    4 pull w. 10’ rest (These should have been kick, but I was pressed for time to get everything done and was also worried about the impact another 4*100m kick would have on the rest of the session)
    4*100m fs off 1:45 (1:38, 1:39, 1:45, 1:46),
    100m easy,
    4*100m pull off 1:45 (1:38, 1:38, 1:40, 1:43),
    100m easy,
    4*100m fs off 1:45 (1:40, 1:42, 1:46, 1:47),
    100m easy,
    4*100m pull off 1:45 (1:38, 1:40, 1:45, 1:46),
    100m cool down
    Once more, I failed to hit my target times in a pool session. I never really believed I’d make all 16 100s, but to start missing them on the first set was especially disappointing. After this happened, I decided to do the second set with a pull buoy. Doing so helped conserve some energy, and I did the third set as fs. As you can see, they didn’t go so well and I was back to using a pull buoy for the final set. I swam poorly once more and there’s not much to say for the session, other than at 3,700m, it’s the longest I’ve swam on my own in a while. And to be honest, I’m not even sure if that’s worth remarking on.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 3,700m

    36.16km in 1:25:02, 24.8km/hr, w. 12 uphill efforts
    The stretch of road I used for the uphill efforts was about 350m long, it took me 40 seconds to get up and I was holding a speed between 30-33km/hr for the length of the effort. I don’t know how impressive this sounds, but I was working hard for them.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 35.16km

    Thursday 14th April

    25m pool, coached session
    100m warm up,
    4*25m building
    30*100m as 6 sets of 5*100m, 7’ rest between sets (1, 3 & 5 done as 100m easy, 7’ rest, 100m easy, 7’ rest, 100m steady, 7’ rest, 100m fast, 15’ rest, 100m fast), (2, 4 & 6 done as 12.5m fast & 87.5m easy, 7’ rest, 25m fast & 75m easy, 7’ rest, 50m fast & 50m easy, 7’ rest, 75m fast & 25m easy, 15’ rest, 100m fast) I finished the 3,000m in about 57 minutes and I was swimming the fast 100s in about 1:38.
    200m easy
    8*50m sprints (tired & wildly inconsistent times)
    100m cool down
    A tough session from Peter for a second week in a row. If I didn’t know better, I’d have suspected he was softening me up before we race each other on Sunday.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 3,900m

    S & C
    Dunboyne AC clubhouse
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    Track Session, Dunboyne AC, Intervals, 8*800m
    No warm up
    Pace for efforts as recorded by my Garmin;
    1) 820m in 3:01, 3:41/km
    2) 850m in 3:02, 3:34/km
    3) 810m in 3:02, 3:45/km
    4) 840m in 3:00, 3:36/km
    5) 810m in 3:01, 3:45/km
    6) 850m in 3:02, 3:35/km

    I jogged about 100m recovery between each of the efforts.
    Cool down; 3.59km in 18:10
    I took it easy for these efforts. Instead of aiming for standalone 5k pace, as instructed by the coach, I chose to run them at goal 10km pace in a triathlon. I never looked at my watch, but judging my position off others on the track, meant I didn’t really need to anyway.
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 9.06km

    Friday 15th April

    11.06km in 58:22, 5:18/km
    I did this upon waking. The roads aren’t lit where I’m living and it’s not very pleasant running them, in the dark. The sun is coming up earlier and earlier, and this was the first morning I went for a run so early. I was still half asleep all the way through and my legs felt very heavy throughout. I wasn’t looking to go fast, but I hate to think how difficult it might have been had I wanted to.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 11.06km

    25m pool, coached session
    4*25m flat out off 30’ (17-18 seconds)
    5*100m off 2:00, last 3 descending (1:45, 1:40, 1:38)
    3*50m off 60’, desc. 1-3 (50’, 46’, 45’)

    11*200m pull straight through, done as;
    3*200m off 3:45 (3:20-3:25), 3*200m off 3:40 (3:25-3:??), 3*200m off 3:45 (3:30 approx.), 2*200m off 3:40 (3:30 approx.)
    There were only two of us in the lane tonight, so for the sets of 200s, the coach told us to go off at the same time. I’m faster than the other swimmer who was in the lane, but I just couldn’t shake her tonight. We swam virtually side by side for 2,000m. It was a struggle to hold position. Had we been in the open water, I would have been able to lose her. As it was though, the ropes prevented me from doing this. After swimming ten 200s, she eventually fell away. I opened up a gap of 10 metres on her, before touching the wall at the end of the 11th rep. I was ready to push off before she got back, happy with the opportunity to swim unobstructed, but the time was up and that was that. Had it been a race, the other swimmer would have benefitted more from us swimming side by side. Still, it was a good session for both of us, and better prep for the open water than a typical pool session gives.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,000m

    Saturday 16th April

    This was a return trip to a club brick session in The Phoenix Park. As I was running late, I pushed harder on the outward leg, then took it much easier on the way home.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 41.26km

    Brick Session
    1) 13:43, Bike: 3.88km in 7:06, 32.8km/hr, 19 second transition, Run: 1.67km in 6:18, 3:45/km,
    2) 13:50, Bike: 3.86km in 7:05, 32.6km/hr, 18 second transition, Run: 1.68km in 6:26, 3:49/km,
    3) 13:41, Bike: 3.88km in 7:16, 32.0km/hr, 4 second transition, Run: 1.68km in 6:20, 3:46/km,
    We cycled one lap of the duathlon circuit and ran a loop around the trees between The Playing Fields and The Khyber Pass. The run was mostly on grass and included a lot of ups and downs, so it wasn’t easy hit fast paces. All the same, I was happy with the consistency I showed over the three runs. Some ninnny driver not paying any attention, performed a three-point turn and held me up during the second cycle. I would be certain the last brick included my quickest bike split. Not pressing the lap button in time, affected the recording though.
    With a race tomorrow, this probably wasn’t the smartest session to be doing. But I needed to practise my transitions, and I felt attending a brick session would help me sharpen up. My dismounts went smoothly, which hopefully means nothing to worry about tomorrow. I still think I can make more time transitioning, so it’ll be worth my while attending another couple of these bricks.
    Totals; Bike: 0.5hrs – 11.62km, Run; 0.5hrs – 5.03km

    Sunday 17th April


    Warm up
    3.25km steady w. some strides,
    210m @ 3:08/km, 110m recovery, 210m @ 3:03/km, 110m recovery, 210m @ 3:13/km, 410m recovery,
    820m @ 3:34/km, 310m @ 4:57/km, 820m @ 3:36/km,
    500m easy
    At the draft legal racing talk, I attended last Saturday, the TI coach described a warm up one of the Junior Irish athletes does before a race. His paces were scary quick, compared to what I did above, but I adapted it and trialed the basic principles behind it. In an ideal world, the pace I ran the 820m reps at, is what I’d like to hit in an Olympic distance race. I’ve never ran this fast, for this long in a warm up before, and I was a long way off hitting it in the race today. I think the brick yesterday, was a much bigger reason for being so much slower today, than anything I did in the warm up.
    Totals: 0.5hrs - 7.53km

    Joey Hannon Olympic Distance

    Like every race or training session I ever do, this could have been better and it could have been worse. I didn’t go into it with huge expectations, and I took the decision during the week not to significantly change my training for it. I need to keep my eye on the bigger goal of Ironman, and be prepared to treat a lot of races in a similar manner over the summer months. I may as well start getting used to sub par performances.
    (Report to follow)

    Totals; Swim: 0.5hrs – 1,800m (incl. W. up), Bike: 1.0hrs – 38.0km, Run: 0.5hrs – 10.0km (though I suspect it was longer)

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 6.5hrs – 19,700m
    Bike: 4.5hrs – 126.04km
    Run: 4.0hrs – 63.25km
    Other: 1.5hrs

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I love how your Garmin records your swim in yards. :D

    And don't fret about your will come. Keep plugging away, listen to you coaches, don't overanalyze (DON'T OVERANALYZE), and keep in mind that of the three disciplines, the swim is usually the first to suffer if you are fatigued or compromised in any way. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Swim: 00:25:28 (I think it was just over 25 minutes when I got out of the water)

    Before the start, one of the girls in the lane said she was going to swim under 23 minutes, so she led out. A good few of us were predicting similar times and we settled on an order with me going fourth. The girl leading (finished in 22:47), obviously took off at quiet a speed and the second placed girl let a gap open up right away. I don't think our lane worked well together and I was doing my best to avoid hitting people's feet for the first 3/400m. After this, I was second in the lane, but the lead swimmer was well gone. I held this position for about 300m, before letting a bigger guy through. He seemed keen to make up time as he had passed four of us to get to where he was. He was a stronger swimmer than all of us, just he had positioned himself badly at the start in my opinion.

    Anyway I was getting a good draft off him for 600m or so. He was swimming at a controlled effort and I thought I was moving nicely for minimal effort. I was right on his feet and doing my very best not to tip his feet, as I didn't want him thinking I wanted to pass.

    With four lengths to go, he put the hammer down and took off. I didn't react quickly enough to his turn of pace and he got away from me. This is the only part of the swim I regret. It would have cost me some energy, but I think I could have stuck with him over these final 200m. This would have seen me get out of T1 before Ed Sutton,then who knows how the race might have unfolded. I felt fresh getting out of the water though, so I thought that was a good thing. 

    T1: 00:01:15

    In the absence of any cock ups, I judge my transitions based on how it compares to the fastest in the race. This was 13 seconds today, which would suggest I could have done somethings quicker, but it's unlikely to be a game changer in a non drafting race.

    Bike: 00:59:55

    I started off well. There was good smooth road in the early stages and I passed Ed Sutton, who had dropped a bottle, that he had stopped to pick up. I motored on by, feeling sorry for him, but sh!t happens. He came past me a few kilometres later though and I thought 'Fnck! I can't be letting this happen.' I dropped out of the draft zone, took a gel, kept him in striking distance, bided my time and sped past him on a downhill.

    I was hoping that would be the last I'd see of him. He wasn't giving up though, and passed me again a short while later. He was moving at speed, and I thought 'Just let him go, he can obviously cycle, no point wasting energy in a game of cat and mouse.'
    I hoped I'd be able to maintain a respectable gap between us, but he was moving too fast and got away from me. I was starting to fade and things were becoming a bit of a slog.

    The lead cyclists appeared on the other side of the road and I counted 6/7 people ahead of me. The turnaround point took a while longer to appear and it was clear I had some work to do to catch anybody else before the run.

    On straight stretches of road, I was able to see how far ahead of me Ed Sutton had ridden. He was about to pass two of the 6/7 lead cyclists and these two now became my targets. It was hard work catching them on what was a lumpy road, and at no stage did I feel like I was moving well.

    I finally caught the pair, but it was just before we turned into the UL Arena, and there was going to be no more time to make up any other places.

    T2: 00:01:33

    We'd a long run with our bikes, from the dismount line to crossing the timing mat. This meant for long transition times. I was joint second fastest though, so I have to be content.

    Run: 00:38:43

    Ed Sutton hadn't really built on his advantage and after a slower T2, he was within 100m of me at the start of the run. I was running faster than him in these initial stages, and I was hopeful of making up the place I had lost to him on the bike.

    Just like the bike though, the run was also turning out to be a slog. He picked up the pace over the 10k and I seemed to be going backwards in comparison. I passed Ross Higgins late enough in the run and moved into 5th. Ed Sutton and the other three leaders were so far ahead, I had settled for 5th long before it was over. That's where I duly finished, happy to get my first tri of the season out of the way, but without getting too excited about the performance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Monday 18th April

    10km on treadmill @ 11.5km/hr
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 10.0km

    S & C
    30 minutes
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    Phoenix Park
    1 hour easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 26.50km

    25m pool, coached session

    My notes are a bit sketchy for this session. “not hitting targets” is one thing I’ve written though.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,400m

    Tuesday 19th April

    800m as 50/50/50/50 SKPS
    9*100m pull off 1:55 {desc. 1-3} x 3 (1:47, 1:43, 1:41//1:46, 1:44, 1:41//1:48, 1:44, 1:41)
    20*50m off 65’ {desc. 1-4} x 5 (58 – 48 seconds)
    I felt okay for this. If nothing else, my times got quicker when I needed them to. I’d more work planned, but I had to finish early to make sure I got registered for The Lost Sheep.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,700m


    6.30km in 30:01, 4:44/km
    Tempo efforts;
    1) 1.31km in 5:01, 3:49/km
    Recovery: 200m in 1:01, 5:05/km
    2) 1.34km in 5:02, 3:45/km
    Recovery: 180m in 0:57, 5:14/km
    3) 1.34km in 5:00, 3:45/km
    Recovery: 210m in 1:01, 4:50/km
    4) 1.36km in 4:58, 3:40/km
    Recovery: 220m in 1:01, 4:39/km
    5) 1.36km in 4:59, 3:40/km
    Recovery: 210m in 1:01, 4:56/km
    Cool down: 4.77km in 22:56, 4:48/km
    I was aiming to hit <3:48/km pace for the 5 minute tempo efforts. I’ve done so before and I’m hoping this year, it will be the pace I can hold off the bike for 21km. It was tough tonight, and that’s without a 90km cycle beforehand. Hopefully it will become easier over the next few weeks.
    I was running around the ambulance track in Fairyhouse, which is a testing loop. The first effort started off at the base of a real cnutish hill, and I was chasing the 3:48/km target from the very outset. It set the tone for the rest of the efforts and in truth I was probably running much harder than I should have been. After three tough efforts, I switched to running clockwise around the track and it became slightly easier to hit my target pace. Still, I was afraid to back off and kept pushing hard.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 18.83km

    Wednesday 20th April

    50m pool
    3*400m w. 10’ rest, 1) fs, 2) kick/fs, 3) pull
    9*200m off 3:50, desc. 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, (I did the middle set with a pull buoy.)
    (3:44, 3:42, 3:39//3:40, 3:35, 3:30//3:48, 3:45, 3:41)
    200m cool down
    I had to resort to using a pull buoy for the middle three 200s in the main set. I made the times, which was the most important thing. Using the pull buoy was crucial to this and I can excuse myself for taking the easy option, after a tough run last night.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 3,200m

    81.06km in 2:31:14, 32.2km/hr avg.
    with 3 x {3*10 second max efforts, 3 minutes recovery between efforts}, 10 minute recovery between sets. All steady between the sets.
    The majority of this cycle was on the road from Dunboyne to Maynooth. Sometimes the road was conducive to fast cycling, other times not so much. I was happy with the average speed I held over the cycle. Apart from the 10 second max efforts, I never felt like I was working overly hard. It’s not a bad place to be in April, and I’m not so sure I would have managed it 12 months ago.
    Totals: 2.5hrs – 82.06km

    Thursday 21st April

    25m pool, coached session
    50m easy,
    200m one arm,
    8*100m hard w. 20’ rest, (1:35 approx.)
    400m paddles & pull buoy, easy
    4*200m paddles & pull buoy fast w. 20’ rest (3:06 I think)
    100m easy
    6*100m fast w. 15’ rest (1:35 approx) (I was sharing lead out duties with the other swimmer in my lane for these, so only every second one was properly hard.)
    200m pull,
    3*150m fast, w. 20’ rest (?, ?, ?)
    100m cool down
    “Slow turnover, slow recovery & slow first phase”, today and always.. Once I sort those, I’ll be flying it.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 3,700m

    Track Session, Dunboyne AC, Intervals, 4 x {5 x 300m}
    No warm up, (not ideal, but that’s just the way it goes sometimes.
    Pace for efforts as recorded by my Garmin;
    1) 280m in 0:57, 3:21/km, 2) 290m in 0:57, 3:17/km, 3) 290m in 0:58, 3:12/km, 4) 290m in 0:58, 3:20/km, 5) 300m in 0:58, 3:12/km,
    400m easy
    6) 310m in 0:58, 3:07/km, 7) 300m in 0:58, 3:15/km, 8) 300m in 0:57, 3:15/km, 9) 300m in 0:58, 3:17/km, 10) 300m in 0:57, 3:11/km,
    400m easy
    11) 300m in 0:58, 3:12/km, 12) 300m in 0:58, 3:12/km, 13) 290m in 0:57, 3:16/km, 14) 300m in 0:57, 3:09/km, 15) 300m in 0:57, 3:09/km,
    400m easy
    16) 300m in 0:57, 3:12/km, 17) 300m in 0:57, 3:14/km, 18) 300m in 0:57, 3:12/km, 19) 300m in 0:57, 3:09/km, 20) 300m in 0:52, 2:55/km,
    I jogged about 100m recovery between each of the 300m efforts.
    Cool down; 2km easy
    This was a good session. The efforts were hard, but short and felt like they were over almost as soon as they started. We were getting a lot of recovery in comparison to the duration of the effort, and it was relatively easy hold the desired pace.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 12.18/km

    S & C
    Dunboyne AC clubhouse
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    Friday 22nd April

    6.01km in 32:36, 5:25/km
    Legs felt heavy, probably not fully awake, probably still suffering from last night’s intervals.
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 6.01km

    1 hour easy up and down the hills near Lucan/The Strawberry Beds
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 27.28km

    25m pool, coached session
    6*25m sprints off 80’
    5*100m off 2:00, desc. 1-5 (1:35, 1:35, 1:33, 1:31, 1:30)
    2*50m off 60’, target 45’ (?, ?)

    100m easy
    6 sets of {4*50m off 60’, target 46-47’ & 100m recovery off 2:00} We were under instruction to try hit our targets, whilst keeping the effort under control. I only came in on 46 seconds twice, and typically I was hitting 47-48’.
    4*50m off 80’, desc. 1-4 (57’, 50’, 45’, 40’) I was happy with how these four 50s went, particularly so as they were at the end of the session.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,850m

    Saturday 23rd April
    Brick Session
    7km warm up,
    10 minute running drills & strides
    1) 13:43, Bike: 3.87km in 6:50, 33.9km/hr, 12 second transition, Run: 980m in 3:30, 3:34/km,
    2) 13:43, Bike: 3.88km in 6:43, 34.7km/hr, 19 second transition, Run: 971m in 3:36, 3:36/km,
    3) 13:43, Bike: 3.87km in 6:55, 33.5km/hr,
    19 second transition, Run: 981m in 3:34, 3:38/km,
    4) 13:43, Bike: 3.88km in 7:04, 33.0km/hr,
    19 second transition, Run: 989m in 3:29, 3:31/km,
    7km cool down on bike
    My focus for this session was to try to start off both the bike and run hard. Both had uphill starts, so it helped get the heart pumping. I was faster than last week on the bike, but unlike last week, I started off with my feet already in my bike shoes.
    Totals; Bike: 1.0hrs – 29.5km, Run; 0.5hrs – 5.42km

    NAC, 25m pool
    4*250m w. pull buoy & snorkel, increasing effort to 80% RPE over the four reps,
    10*100m w. 3’ rest (1:40 – 1:42)
    2*500m w. pull buoy & snorkel
    10*100m off 2:15 (1:38 – 1:42)
    200m easy
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 4,200m

    Sunday 24th April

    96.62km in 3:56:36, 24.5km/hr, 1,482m ascending
    I drove to Enniskerry for this cycle and stayed in the Wicklow Mountains for the 4 hours. I went up the Sally Gap twice during the cycle. Very fast in some parts, turns out, speed still scares me, so I need to get up there more often and deal with my phobias.
    Totals: 4.0hrs – 96.62km

    1½ hour run w. 20 minutes at goal IM marathon race pace (<4:15/km)
    18.36km in 1:24:05, 4:35/km
    The first 2km included 4*10 second hill sprints and 4*20 second hill sprints, after that my kilometre splits were; 3) 4:31, 4) 4:28, 5) 4:42, 6) 4:39, 7) 4:30, 8) 4:41, 9) 4:40, 10) 4:30, 11) 4:42, 12) 4:53, 13) 4:34 (628m), 14) 3:43, 15) 4:25, 16) 3:57, 17) 4:00, 18) 4:21 (900m), 19) 4:49 (843m)
    Kilometres 3-11) 4:37/km, 20 minute effort) 4:05/km
    I was running in Ennisskerry, so it was up and down for the entire run. It was hard to consistently hit taget marathon pace because of this. I just took advantage of the downhills, and pushed that bit harder when the gradient increased.
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 18.36km

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 7.0hrs – 19,050m
    Bike: 9.5hrs – 261.96km
    Run: 5.5hrs – 70.80km
    Other: 1.0hrs

    This felt like a good training week, and what I would consider my first real quality week’s training all year. There are positives things to take from it. I’m focussing more and more on the training required for a full distance race. Hopefully, this week was the first step on the road to successful Kona qualification in the autumn.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Monday 25th April

    6km easy, with four builds to 20.0km/hr. I left it at this speed for 10 seconds before slowing it back down.
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 6.0km

    S & C
    30 minutes
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    Phoenix Park
    1 hour easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 24.86km

    10*100m off 1:50 (circa 1:40)
    4 sets of {3*50m off 45’ & 100m pull off 2:15} I made the times for 6 of the 12 50s. 1 & 2 in the first and second set, but only the first one in the second and third sets. I was at my limits for this and the day I’ll hit all 12 off these times, seemed a long way off.
    100m easy
    2*100m off 1:30 (1:28 & 1:33) I was glad to make the first 100m, but completely fell apart on the second effort.
    100m easy
    5*50m off 75 seconds
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,650m

    Tuesday 26th April

    1,000m as 50/50/50/50 SKPS
    6 sets of {4*50m off 55’ & 100m pull off 2:20} I was typically coming in between 45-48 seconds for the 50s. 42 seconds, which was a bit of an outlier, was my fastest.
    200m easy
    4*50m all out on 80’, (41’, 43’, 42’, 42’ avg. = 42’)
    100m cool down
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 3,400m

    20km club TT
    Warm up: 15:00 building, then into {300m TT effort & 300m recovery} x 4, 3:00 steady, 4:00 TT effort, 2:00 recovery, 2:30 above TT intensity
    16.33km in 35:39, 27.5km/hr avg.

    Time Trial: 19.32km in 28.29, 40.7km/hr avg.
    My Garmin autolapped every 5km and my paces and elevation gain/loss for these splits were: 1) 45.0km/hr, -17m, 2) 42.7km/hr, -16m, 3) 38.0km/hr, +15m, 4) 37.5km/hr, +19m (4.32km)
    The TT was a good bit shorter than 20km, but I’m confident I would have still broken 30 minutes, had it been the full distance. I’m sure I’ve achieved this before, but tonight was the first time I’ve done it in an “officially” timed event. I went out with aero wheels and donning my race helmet, determined to break 30 minutes. I’ve done enough warm ups where I’ve just been pottering around, so tonight I did one that was sufficiently hard and long. I think this benefitted me when things got difficult in the actual TT. The first half was done with a tailwind, that turned into a headwind on the home leg. My speed was dropping, and I was wondering did I have enough time banked, to make it back to the finish line ahead of my target. When the going got tough, I was able to draw strength from the fact that I had already pedalled hard, maintaining good, into the same headwind, less than 30 minutes prior. I was happy to cross the line in the time that I did. I don’t think conditions were ideal and when the club hold another TT next month, I hope I’ll be able to improve upon this evening’s effort.

    4km fast off bike
    4.0km in 15:13, 3:48/km
    Lap 1) 2.0km in 7:54, 3:58/km
    (uphill, against wind)
    Lap 2) 2.0km in 7:18, 3:39/km
    As it’s not long until race season, I think it’s timely I started doing much more fast running off fast bikes. The club TT tonight was an ideal opportunity. So once I had my bike in my car, I was off running. I was aiming to run at Olympic intensity. It felt like I was working hard enough, but I was way off my desired pace for the first half of this run. If I lose a few kilos, it should become easier. At least I’m hoping it’s as simple as this.
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 4.0km

    Wednesday 27th April

    1 hour easy
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 25.0km

    50m pool
    3,800m pull, straight
    I wasn’t watching the clock and have no idea of the time. I’m just hoping it was closer to 1 hour than 1½ hours.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 3,800m

    5km, 20 minutes @ 11.5km/hr, remainder @ 12.5km/hr
    Totals: 0.5hrs – 6.0km

    Thursday 28th April
    25m pool, coached session
    200m easy,
    300m one arm,
    800m underwater drills
    16*100m off 2:00 (fastest: 1:32, slowest: 1:38, average: 1:36) The further the set progressed the more consistent my times were. After a few slower 100m reps, I started coming in on 1:36 with far more regularity.
    100m cool down
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 3,000m

    Track Session, Dunboyne AC, Intervals, 6 x 1,000m
    3km warm up
    Times for 1,000m reps:
    1) 3:20, 2) 3:21, 3) 3:20, 4) 3:19, 5) 3:19, 6) 3:19

    Cool down; 2km easy
    My Garmin recorded the reps as being longer than 1,000m. This gives me slightly faster paces, than if I just go off time alone, but I’ll take an average pace of 3:20/km. I don’t think I’d run a 5km race, any quicker than this right now, so it is probably the correct pace I should be running my intervals at. There was a faster runner than me at the session tonight, it was useful to have him to pace off and he provided shelter from a headwind, that we had to face into on the second half of every lap. My legs felt surprisingly fresh for tonight’s session and I got the six reps done without too much difficulty.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 12.76/km

    S & C
    Dunboyne AC clubhouse
    Totals: 0.5hrs – n/a

    Friday 29th April


    1½ hour steady, 32.1kph avg., flattish road
    Totals: 1.5hrs – 46.69km

    25m pool, coached session
    6*25m sprints off 80’
    5*100m off 2:00, desc. 1-5 (1:35, 1:35, 1:33, 1:31, 1:30)
    2*50m off 60’, target 45’ (45’ approx.)

    2 sets of {8*50m off 60’, target 45 seconds} (43’-44’)
    2 sets of {4*50m off 50m off 50’, target 45’ & 2*100m recovery off 2:00} (I was hitting the target off 45’ for the 50s)
    8*50m off 60’, desc. 1-4 & 5-8 (53’, 48’, 45’, 42’)
    50m easy
    I felt good tonight. I’d somebody, who is ordinarily a bit faster than me, to draft off tonight. He didn’t seem to be having the best of nights though, which made it that bit easier for me. This is the last of my Friday night coached swim sessions, so it’s probably going to herald a small bit of tinkering to my training.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 2,850m

    Saturday 30th April

    Steady effort, 66.41km in 2:03:31(+1km not recorded), 32.3km/hr. Avg.
    Totals: 2.0hrs – 66.41km

    Tempo, 5 x 5:00 w. 1:00 recoveries
    5.63km in 25:01, 4:27/km
    1) 1.34km in 5:00, 3:44/km, Rec) 220m in 0:59, 4:34/km,
    2) 1.36km in 5:01, 3:42/km, Rec) 220m in 0:58, 4:29/km,
    3) 1.36km in 4:59, 3:41/km, Rec) 220m in 1:00, 4:38/km,
    4) 1.34km in 5:00, 3:44/km, Rec) 210m in 0:59, 4:40/km,
    5) 1.37km in 5:03, 3:42/km, Rec) 210m in 0:59, 4:45/km
    4.23km in 18:27, 4:22/km
    Totals: 17.69km in 1:13:32
    Not wanting any cnutish hills for today’s tempo efforts, I stayed away from the ambulance track in Fairyhouse. Like all tempo runs I do though, this was tough. I was certain it would become easier as the efforts progressed, but I just seemed to have to dig deeper and deeper each time. I never felt like I would be able to just cruise through them and was constantly looking at my watch, to check I was holding pace.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 17.69km

    Sunday 1st May

    119.30km in 4:17:21, 27.8km/hr, 638m ascending
    I noticed my tri-bar had snapped after yesterday’s ride. It wouldn’t be a good idea to take it out on the road, until I sort it. I went out on my road bike instead, which given the conditions, I might have done anyway. I cycled from Ratoath, into the hills around North County Dublin, to the coast of Meath, and home again. An analysis of my stats from the ride don’t show it, but I increased the effort in the second half. Three 10km segments were done at above IM intensity, but the gradient and westerly winds seemed to conspire against me for the first two. The three efforts yielded average speeds of 1) 25.15kph, 2) 31.45kph & 3) 34.0kph. A long way off my goal pace of >36km/hr, but not much was working out in my favour, and the effort was there at least.
    Totals: 4.5hrs – 119.30km

    1½ hour run w. 20 minutes early on at goal IM marathon race pace (<4:15/km)
    1.15km in 5:01, 4:23/km,
    4.81km in 20:03, 4:10/km,
    5.99km in 27:09, 4:32/km
    The wind was mostly against me for the hard parts, but after yesterday’s tempo efforts, it felt comparatively easy to find my stride. Any time I thought it was getting tough, I was able to console myself that at least I didn’t have to try run at <3:48/km pace.
    Totals: 1.0hrs – 11.94/km

    Weekly Totals;
    Swim: 6.0hrs – 15,700m
    Bike: 11.0hrs – 318.91/km
    Run: 4.5hrs – 57.39km
    Other: 1.0hrs

    There was some good stuff done this week. My swim form is still bugging me, and as good as it would have been, to have swam the two 100s off 1:30 on Monday, I wouldn’t swap it for the sub 30 minute 20km TT, I rode on Tuesday. There is no question about which would be more advantageous to a triathlete. And while I’ve still a lot of swimming to do before I manage the first feat, it’s confidence boosting to know I’ve achieved the second.

  • Registered Users Posts: 546 ✭✭✭gerfmurphy

    Friday swim went ok for me. Looking at 32x50 I would try to be conservative on pacing as Im still learning.
    You seemed to swim more fluid and faster than usual. Your times were consistently on target without stress. I did think at the time ,it was as well as I have seen you swim.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    You seemed to swim more fluid and faster than usual

    where do i pay you for saying this ;-)
