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Any excuse to get into a pair of Budgie Smugglers



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    You managed that swim well on Sat Steroo, if you can manage that you can manage the majority of tri swims. Big consensus that it was a tough swim and sighting was tough. Sets you up nicely for Dublin, bit of work on distance now and you be flying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    joey100 wrote: »
    You managed that swim well on Sat Steroo, if you can manage that you can manage the majority of tri swims. Big consensus that it was a tough swim and sighting was tough. Sets you up nicely for Dublin, bit of work on distance now and you be flying.

    Thanks Joey, it was a good confidence boost alright.

    I'd like an Olympic between now & 70.3 but can't seem to fine one to suit - any suggestions?

    I think I spotted you in a few of the Fingal pics - on the deck at the end ;) will no doubt bump into you at some stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Haven't done any of the Olympics that are on between now and Dublin so couldn't really recommend one. If it is only for the swim though there are swims like the Boyne swim that would cover the distance. It is downstream and fast, but could get you confident that you could cover the distance.

    Yep that was me on the ground, was wrecked at the end, the rugby pitches took it out of me, was like being back in school doing laps of the pitches.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    To borrow a quote from another Boardsie 'You look as fit as a butchers dog'. Well done at the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    joey100 wrote: »
    Haven't done any of the Olympics that are on between now and Dublin so couldn't really recommend one. If it is only for the swim though there are swims like the Boyne swim that would cover the distance. It is downstream and fast, but could get you confident that you could cover the distance.

    Yep that was me on the ground, was wrecked at the end, the rugby pitches took it out of me, was like being back in school doing laps of the pitches.

    Thanks JOey I like the look of that. And there is a festival on all day for the family so might be easy to convince them to come along ;)
    You're right it's the swim endurance that I really need to test out.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    I can't make that Boyne Swim tomorrow - my daughter's graduation from creche ;) so it'd be a rush.

    Anyone know any other suitable 2km ish swims coming up that'd suit? I can't do Escape from Ireland as I've a holiday booked that week now but I would have loved to have a go at that ;(

  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭Doeshedare

    There is always the Leinster open water swim series. They are non wetsuit swims though some of them might let you take part (not compete).
    Looking at your picture from Skerries you are unlikely to have the body fat to survive without the suit or years of acclimaisation. Keep doing aquathons and any club OW swims you can. Based on your swim training so far you will be well able for the 1.9k distance though I know it would be nice for the mental side of it to have done it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    There's the round the head and green bouy swims at clogherhead the 18th of July I believe. Good events run again by Drogheda Tri club. Worth a look for a good sea swim.

    Also well done last weekend. I was marshalling the bike route trying to cheer everyone on as they went up the first hill.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    There's the round the head and green bouy swims at clogherhead the 18th of July I believe. Good events run again by Drogheda Tri club. Worth a look for a good sea swim.

    Also well done last weekend. I was marshalling the bike route trying to cheer everyone on as they went up the first hill.

    I'll still be on holidays the 18th ;( but thanks for suggestion.
    The marshals were all full of encouragement last week- thanks. The first hill came v early and took a bit of effort !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Week 9/16 70.3 training

    Mon: lunch swim easy

    Tue: am Tri club swim. Lunch gym mostly legs and bit of core 45 mins.

    Wed: evening cycle around Howth 18km. Did this in 41 mins from home which is a record. The hills are getting easier. I'm getting a lot more used to the bike and getting down on the drops a lot more.

    Thu: am run 4miles. Then afternoon trip to Physio for maintenance. Dehydrated and locked up a bit but overall no real issues. Need to get a lot more water in and ease off the tea/coffee a bit.

    Fri: am club swim 20x50m and sprints 45 mins. Then Cycle to and from work 38km total

    Sat: - rest. Daughters graduation from crèche ;) Kleenex
    Followed by Nice family trip to Howth for gallons of ice cream!

    Sun: 7am cycle from portmarnock to bray and back 90km. Avg 26kph. Some lovely sights and hills around killiney. Home just in time for a Father's Day omelette & fry followed by cake ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Week 10/16 70.3 training

    Mon: lunch easy swim - few drills and 2 x250m.
    Evening run 4mile at good pace

    Tue: doc visit for bloods and ECG in am. Baby was teething so skipped am Tri club swim.
    Cycled to and from work 39km cracking day for it!

    Wed: 6am sea swim portmarnock with a few club members, 1.9km 42 mins and a good confidence boost. Sea was nice and calm.

    Into the bike gear - Cycle to work 19km legs felt tired took longer than usual.

    I had decided to Run home 19km but I knew it would be a struggle, and it was. But I made it with a few walking breaks - was very warm and I needed water! Felt off for about 2 hours after this - early to bed and plenty of water. In hindsight it was a bit of a bonk.

    Thu: decided to skip Tri club swim and take it easy today. Stiff legs. Went to gym at lunch to loosen out and stretch/roll.

    Fri: am club swim 45 mins mixed session, enjoyable.

    Then a trip to GP for check up results. Bloods all good. Heart beat showing an irregular rhythm. Due to all the exercise she advised I get a full check and sent me into mater private - got a bit worried! They did a few tests and an echo. End result is I've a strong healthy heart with no issues, no restrictions on activity and a sigh of relief ;)

    Sat: early solo cycle to north co.dublin 72km avg 28kph, getting a bit faster. Made good use of the Tri bars for the first time, was nervous of them until today. Beautiful morning for it.

    Overall a good week, legs are tired so I'll chill out tomorrow. ROK next week - not sure whether to taper or just truck on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    tunney wrote: »
    An analogy if you will (yes MM analogy has the word anal in it)
    I go running every day with my five year old and three year old. 500m-1km depending. They love it and insist on it. I have a 3 month old. I *could* bring him running too if I wanted. That would entail leaving him lying on the concrete of the footpath as obviously he cannot crawl never mind run. This is what the coaches are doing to you.

    There are two types of coaches - one will tell you what you want to hear, so you feel great and you feel like you are making progess. Two things happen after this - you don't really make any progress "cause its working, coach said, I don't need to try harder". The second thing that will happen will you will keep coming back and giving them your money. The second type will tell you what you need to hear.

    Before you think you are being attacked here by some posters this is not the intention of any of us. As had been said it is admirable that you are doing something about your weaknesses now as opposed to 12 weeks out (yeah looking at you over there). Going from 0-1900m OW in a year is possible. I know Kurt hates the idea, and I'm not convinced its the best idea for longevity in the sport but it is possible. I even know someone that did it. He swam 4-5 times a week every week - just 15-20 minutes at a time to start. Long enough to get a feel for the water but stopping before he was reinforcing bad habits. He asked for help from experienced swimmers and triathletes and did what he was told.

    Swim regularly, ask for help, listen to people but be weary of advice target at groups.

    Two things to remember about swimming
    1) On the bike and run the gains come somewhat linearly, in swimming its much more step like. Nothing for ages, improve a good bit, nothing for ages, improve a good bit.........
    2) Breathing is not what is holding your swimming back, breathing is swimming.

    Just reading back at the start for the first time. I had forgotten how much advice people here had offered. It was priceless. Great detail and so constructive to help me along. Thanks to Tunney, kurt, mojo and few others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Howth Aquathlon Race 2 last night. 1km swim/7.4km run

    a few weeks ago Race 1 took me 1:04.:52 but last night the same race took me 00:56:05

    The tide was out a good bit so we had more distance to cover to get to the start point. I think we actually swam about 1250m. The sea was a lot calmer this time, I sighted better & kept with the pack as best I could. I'd actually say I started too far back & had bodies in my way for a lot of it.

    The breathing for the run was fine & I was more relaxed as a result of a faster better swim. The hill is a killer & we had to go up/down twice!

    Overall place 60/117 and a few DNF so I'm a happy camper today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    That's a great improvement between them races, well done Steroo. All looking good for Dublin now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Week 11/16 70.3 training

    Mon: lunch - gym core and stretch 45 mins
    Eve - Howth aquathlon 1000m swim 7.4km run

    Tue: am Tri club swim 45 mins. Lunch gym session upper body strength 45 mins.

    Wed: 22km cycle nice and easy

    Thu: am Tri club 45 mins swim

    Fri: drive to Kerry with the gang

    Sat: 6:30am ring of Kerry cycle 175km with my faster in law. Took our time and ate some amount! Nearly 8 hours in the saddle. I found this easy enough overall. I rallied up the climbs. Great event that I'll defo do again.

    Sun: pool with the kids .. Legs were grand. Drive back to Dublin!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    ROK pics... I saw a man pushing his lady up the hill I thought it was great

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    9th July Pulse Bull Wall Aquathlon

    Swim 750m, Run 5km

    I did not want to go to this but I'd registered long ago. Not many from the club were going & the legs were tired from a hard day's training Wednesday. As I arrived I could see a good chop in the sea & a strong wind (to be expected). The same event a few weeks back had a lovely calm sea. I had plenty of time so the pre race prep was relaxed, I noticed my anxiety in relation to the water was gone completely this time... it's been fading slowing the more events I do. I'm no longer afraid of Waves, the cold, the dark, kicks & elbows etc. I met up with another club member & we had a good laugh before entering the water. I spotted a few leisure swimmers without wetsuits (not taking part) and that's always good to put things in perspective.. I've a wetsuit!

    We lined up at the white buoys & acclimatised fairly quickly. BOOM & we're off! The first buoy took a lot longer to reach than last time, the sea was dragging us away from the bull wall so I had to adjust my line a good few times. The chop made it tougher & it felt like I was fighting the water all the way to the second buoy, then a turn for home & I made it across in a nice straight line adjusting my breathing to the left side to avoid the waves. I managed to avoid any kicks or elbows but got a few mouthfuls of salt water.

    Up the steps & this time I didn't feel breathless or dizzy, I looked back & it didn't seem like there too many swimmers behind me so I felt I had ground to make up on the runa quick transition & I was off at what felt like a good pace. I passed a handful on the way out to the turnaround point but didn't want to burn out. I'd ran 19km the eve before & I could feel the calfs complaining. I picked out a red jersey coming against me & he was my target for the way back. After the turnaround I tried to pick up the pace a bit & loosen out the shoulders & lengthen the stride. I passed another 3 or 4 & saw the red jersey, I passed him with about 1km to go & gave it socks to the finish.

    Result: 74/156 Swim: 22:19 Run 22:53, Total 45:12

    Slow swim times for everyone (the fastest was 16:03). I thought my run time would be a bit better but I'm happy enough overall. My aim in all races this year is to get in the top 50% & I did that. next year I'll aim for the top 30%.

    Stopped for beers on the way home. Soleus is very tight this morning so I'll get the thumb into that later on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Nice going man, you think about doing a few 5ks or parkruns to help with the running, competition in a running race will bring the running on a bit?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    tang1 wrote: »
    Nice going man, you think about doing a few 5ks or parkruns to help with the running, competition in a running race will bring the running on a bit?

    Yes definitely Tang, but not until this 70.3 is done as I don't want to risk injury. The pace usually hurts me.. or it used to... so I'll push the boat out a bit after August. I've signed up for DCM :) so it'll be all about running for a few weeks.

    A 5km on fresh legs (without a swim beforehand) I'd hope to get in just under 20 mins. But I've never ran a timed 5km on it's own.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Week 12/16 70.3 training

    Mon: am sea swim 1500m approx 42 mins. Goggles popped off mid swim - I hate speedo - managed to get them back on. Replaced them! Great swim overall

    Tue: am Tri club swim 45 mins. Lunch gym session core strength 45 mins.

    Wed: cycle to work 19km, swim at lunch 1km approx, run home 19km. The run went well this time. Legs very sore this eve.

    Thu: pulse bull wall aquathlon

    Fri: lunchtime gym - stretch and foam roll

    Off to Westport in the caravan with the gang - won't get much training done .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Week 13/16 70.3 training - on holidays this week

    Tue: 6m run on the greenway at Westport, then a relaxed 20km cycle with the family

    Sat: am cycle 47km / run 7km brick session. Legs a bit stiff after holidays.

    I can feel a pressure in left knee but no pain.:. Bit worrying this close. Hope to see my physio this week for maintenance anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Week 14/16 70.3 training

    Mon: am sea swim at high rock with a few club members. I turned back after about 300m it was too choppy and felt dangerous. Lunch gym session 45 mins core and a few squats

    Tue: am club swim session 1500m approx, form felt a bit off. Cycled to work 19km and ran home - felt weak the last few miles had to walk a bit. Lack of sleep and fuel maybe.

    Wed: lunch swim - only about 600m mixed drills and attempting tumble turns - wasn't feeling it today at all.

    Thu: am club swim 1500m (including 4 x 100 @ 1:45 consistently). I got my swim mojo back this morning. Lunch run - found a grass track I'm fields at the back of the NAC it was nice but a bit too eneven, covered about 4 miles, but shine/soleus felt very tender. Gave the calves a deep massage tonight, ouch.

    Fri: easy swim in NAC 30 mins working on breathing to left / bilateral . I can do it but it's just not comfortable - good progress made with a bit more rotation. Also did a few lengths with 1 arm, left side a lot less coordinated and weaker.

    Sat: am cycle 104km with few from the club, we did the 70.3 route for the first time. Weather was ideal and the ride was flat and fast! The only little difficulty was the hill after strawberry beds, few speed ramps and few dodgy shores but overall I really enjoyed this. If I was more experienced I might say it was a bit too easy.

    PM I went to sandycove for the swim course workshop - given by the swim race director. We info and briefing was very good and then we kitted out and swam a 2km triangle across the bay, left along the wall and back to sandycove. I completed it in 43 mins and was about 15th out of over 50 there, obviously most of us were probably novices and that's why we went. I learned how to sight better for sure and didn't feel anxious for a second so that's good.

    Overall a good day with the swim and bike course covered.

    Any advice on how to approach the next week? Should I do a long run 20km mid week ?


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Was out on the course on Saturday myself with a group from our club who are doing it. Reckon it's a fast course, surface not great in places but no real hills (only major one is at anglers rest but that's at the end and is short). some twists and turns but should be good for some decent times. Apart from that I've never been beeped as much or had cars overtake dangerously as I did on that route on Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    joey100 wrote: »
    Was out on the course on Saturday myself with a group from our club who are doing it. Reckon it's a fast course, surface not great in places but no real hills (only major one is at anglers rest but that's at the end and is short). some twists and turns but should be good for some decent times. Apart from that I've never been beeped as much or had cars overtake dangerously as I did on that route on Saturday.

    Yea a few sharp turns but at least now we've an idea where to expect them. We didn't get beeped at all & we were two a breast a lot of the way. Saying that we left at 6:30am so traffic was light. A few dangerous overtakers alright!

    What's your plans for the coming 2 weeks?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Even though I've been out on the bike and Swim course over the last while I'm not actually doing the race. So training is as normal for me over the next two weeks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Monday Evening: Howth aquathlon Race 3. Sea was very choppy! I attempted to start up front this time but it did me no favors, bot boxed in & heart rate shot up. Took me a while to get relaxed after. Buoy 1-2 was a struggle & then I got into a rhythm. I took the run handy, the hill is a killer & it's close to race day.
    Result: 56/110 - swim 1km 23:19, run 7.4km 33:06

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Week 15/16 70.3 training

    Mon: Howth aquathlon race 3 as above

    Tue: am Tri club swim 3x300 , 100 Easy, 4 x 25 dive sprints and cool down. Went to the gym at lunch for an hour stretching and core, hip flexors were fairly tight.

    Wed: cycle to and from work 38km. Swim 825m at lunch

    Thu: am club swim - a lot of 50m sprints (best was 47sec). Physio check up at lunch - all fairly ok.

    Fri: away for the weekend in Wexford in the Caravan. Knee is a bit sore so might rest it, too close to risk anything.

    Sat: -

    Sun: swim at curracloe beach about 1km , brought the family down - lovely morning! Sea was rough but very enjoyable

    1 week to go! Got my number 1377

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Week 16/16 70.3 training - the finale !

    Mon: Bank holiday - 2km jog to see how the knee feels - all ok! Got back late from Wexford and felt sluggish - stretch session done

    Tue: am Tri club swim - 1150m coach couldn't make it so less work was done due to too much chat about race week

    Wed: NAC swim 1200m easy . Evening cycle 15km with a few sprints - knee felt a bit dodgy :(

    Thu: am 6.25km run , 2km at target race pace . No knee issues. Bike fit planned this eve as I think it's the cause of the knee discomfort

    Fri: - rest & registration, race brief etc

    Sat: - easy cycle/run planned 10 mins each maybe. Then off to set up transitions in dunL and Phoenix park.

    Sun: race day Dublin 70.3

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,990 ✭✭✭68 lost souls

    Best of luck this weekend Stereoo, this is when all the training pays off.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Very best of luck Sunday man, hope all goes to plan for you.
