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Any excuse to get into a pair of Budgie Smugglers



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    16 Weeks to Barcelona I think... time to start counting down.

    Last Monday I was pretty stiff after the Wicklow 200 so I just jumped into the pool & attempted to swim for 15 mins easy, followed by Sauna.
    Tuesday: a better swim was had on lunch for 40 mins
    Wednesday: up early for a run 1:15 out to Howth & got a bit carried away with pace, evening Core work 40 mins with stretching
    Thursday: I cycled to & from work 1:30 in total, nice way to get some cycling in when I'm not on the school run. I noticed the front brakes were jamming so had to resort to only back brakes so the cycle was quite tame.
    Friday: morning run 45 mins easy, lunch swim was short on time so only 25 ins (1k)
    Saturday: I got out on the bike at lunchtime for 3:15 85km decent pace in that weather for me... windy enough. The rest of the weekend I was on Daddy duty.

    Bike: 4:45
    Swim: 1:20
    Run: 2:00
    S&C: 0:40
    Total: 8:45

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    14 Weeks to Barcelona

    Last Monday: Howth Aquathon 1K swim, 7.5km run. I love this event as it reminds me of the start of triathlon training for me & the fear I had in that sea two years ago. Monday evening was a cracker so spirits were high. I put in a decent swim in 20 mins & ran faster than I had planned avg 7:21 (HR was up around 180 on this run which was surprising to me). Finished 59/127 in 55:17

    Tuesday: morning cycle 40 mins around Howth legs felt fresh; evening swim at Low Rock at the buoys (40 mins). this was my first time swimming here & I decided most of my OW swimming will be done here from now on as it's ideal & safer.

    Wednesday: morning run 40 mins; evening foam roller & stretching
    Thursday: lunch session in the gym focussing on Core 40 mins; evening cycle 45 mins on the flat
    Friday: morning swim 25 mins in the 50m (this was cut short by a change in the pool format). I was tired so didn't train at lunch/evening

    Saturday:Club Cycle up to Bellewstown & back around Skerries/Rush/Lusk 100km at avg 28kph (fast pace for me), followed by a 20 minute brick run at 7:30 pace, running legs felt very fresh but the heat was killing me & HR was way up near 170

    Sunday: morning run 15m avg 9:20 pace, 2 hours 20 mins. Legs were tired but willing for about 10 miles & they wanted to stop for the last few miles but felt okay again towards the end.

    A decent week of training in comparison to previous weeks & my first long Cycle/Run back to back. Body feels good today. I've only a few days training this week then off to Portugal for 5 days (with no kids) for a wedding... counter productive but I'll try take it easy.

    Swim: 1:25
    Run: 3:50
    S&C: 0:40
    Total: 10:50

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    13 Weeks to Barcelona.
    I'm away to Portugal tomorrow for a wedding for 5 days. Legs were tired this week. inside right leg above knee was sore again so I avoided the bike.

    Monday: Bikram YOga 1:30 - different instructor this time & less intense/challenging
    Tuesday: lunch swim 1 hour 2400m Easy pace, had to stop a few times to fix my earphones
    Wednesday: morning run to HOwth 1:25, had to stop a few times to stretch tired legs.. felt best towards the end.
    Thursday: lunch swim 40 mins
    Friday: morning run to dollymount 1:10... need more sleep!

    Bike: -
    Swim: 1:40
    Run: 2:35
    S&C: 1:30
    Total: 5:45

    I'm looking forward to having this wedding behind me & focus on good training & nutrition for the last 12 weeks.

    There is talk of the date being brought forward a day!! I'll have to book another flight.. something to do with a referendum clashing onteh day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    12 Weeks to Barcelona.

    Arrived back from Portugal on Wednesday evening... wrecked! 4 days of drink kills the training buzz.

    Thursday: slow start to the day. went out for an evening run for 40 mins, legs like stone. I did a yoga/stretch session for an hour after & sorted a lot of it out.
    Friday: cycle to & from work 90 mins taking it easy
    Saturday: Club cycle out to Swors - Naul - Julianstown - Skerries - back to Baldoyle 3:30 (bit of a bonk towards the end).
    Sunday: Escape from Ireland's Eye swim. I was a bit apprehensive as I hadn't swam in a while & felt like I forgot how. we got the boats over & the weather was perfect, sea looked calm. The tide was going in so we were warned of a current & how to handle it. At the whistle (no warm up) we dived in & immediately panic set in, anxiety, get me a boat, I'll be left behind, I should have brought my swim safe buoy! The waves were catching me on the right & I had to swap to breathing on the left, that didn't go well & I swallowed water. luckily a kayak appeared & I grabbed the nose, had a chat with myself & took off again nice & relaxed (ish). after the 2nd buoy we turned a bit & I reverted to right side breathing. The third buoy was hard to see & I was very unsure about where I was heading for about 20 mins until the same kayak let a roar to tell me I was being pulled in my the tide so head in to the left & I caught sight of the buoy.. from there it was smooth sailing. it took me 57 mins, 10 mins slower then last year.

    Bike: 5
    Swim: 1 hour
    Run: 0:40 mins
    S&C: 1 hour
    Total: 7:40

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Good recovery.

    Time for a 12-week dry spell (off the drink, I mean)? If it affects your training that much, you won't thank yourself in Barcelona.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Good recovery.

    Time for a 12-week dry spell (off the drink, I mean)? If it affects your training that much, you won't thank yourself in Barcelona.

    Yea I'm going to be a good boy. 2 or 3 beers on a Saturday I think will be good medicine, but no nights out (except for tonight - fleet foxes gig can't be missed)

    But a very quiet 12 weeks ahead. You're a wise elf

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Training this week:

    Mon: bikram 90, eve cycle 1:03
    Tue: lunchbswim 60,
    Wed: morning run 1:30, s&c 30
    Thu: cycle to work 3 hours. Cycle home 42mins
    Fri: morning swim 30 mins , out Friday night to a gig
    Sat: -
    Sun: off in the caravan to larne for few days

    Bike - 4:45
    Swim - 1:30
    Run - 1:30
    S&c - 2
    Total hours: 9:45

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Training this week:

    The week started on holidays in the caravan so training was limited

    Mon: run 1:05 in larne .. beautiful coastal run
    Tue: swim :15 - went for a dip in larne when I'd a chance but the seaweed was too much to enjoy. Hadn't time to move location as the kids had other plans.
    Wed: run 1:05 - drove home and got out late in the eve
    Thu: cycles 1:25 - up early and got this in before a day of fire fighting in work. Went to the NAC at lunch but pool was closed for competition
    Fri: swim 1:00, run 35, gym :55 - tri club swim, followed by short run and a gym session at lunch focus on legs and core

    Sat: 5:15 bike - club spin from Baldoyle to glendalough and back. 125km ish. I was back of the pack but it was a great spin. Got my first puncture in about 2 years and needed help I had forgotten the tricks, good to get a refresher.

    Picked up U2 tickets on Friday so went in to Croker.. was shattered after a few pints.

    Sun: rest

    10 weeks to Barcelona so I'm quitting drink and getting a bit more serious

    Bike - 6:40
    Swim - 1:15
    Run - 2;45
    S&c - ;55
    Total hours: 11:35

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    So last week was decent, 10 weeks to Barcelona. My commitment is improving & I'm getting excited.

    Monday: I got a quick lunch swim 25 mins & and evening run for 55 mins.

    Tuesday: up early for TT cycle around Swords - Portmarnock - Howth. This is the first time in ages I've really pushed the legs on the bike, felt good. 1 hour 15 mins. I went to the NAC for a lunch swim & did 3k in 1:03 taking it easy.

    Wednesday: pre-work run 57 mins, legs feel strong. runs feel easy like I could keep going all day. I take Lilah to work on Wednesdays while she's on her holidays so lunch training is out, but we went to the NAC for a swim in the lazy river & a go on the slides instead ;). I spent the evening foam rolling while watching Madmen on Netflix.

    Thursday: I needed a decent sleep so didn't get up early, went to the gym at 9am instead of going to the office. I didn't know what I was there to do so I did a bit of the exercise bike, cross trainer, Core workout, Rowing machine - total 50 mins & enjoyed the variation. At lunch I did a quick 1K in 20 mins working on left side breathing as I've let this slip lately. eventhough the swim was short I knew my 'feel for the water' was better than previous weeks.

    Friday: I went to the tri club swim session, among other things we did 8 x 100m timed. I surprised myself with 1:43 to start & a few more 2-3 seconds slower. total time was 1 hour. I went hope & put my runners on for a 55 minute run. After breakfast I got on the bike & met up with my pal Paddy to do the 70.3 Dublin course. It was quite windy but a nice day for it. afterwards I went out to RAtoath - Garristown - Swords - Home. total 138km in 5:25. the first half of the day was slow as Paddy is out of practice, but I was down on the bars for the 2nd half & really enjoying the spin. In the evening we packed up the Caravan & headed off to courtown.

    Saturday: After a rough enough sleep I got up at 7am for a jog around Courtown 55mins & the legs were heavy! I felt a bit light headed towards the end like I'd ran a marathon. So the week was catching up on me I'd say. I was also coughing up a lot of phlegm this week so need to watch that. I had my wetsuit & planned a sea swim but didn't push it, family time took over & I switched off.

    I didn't stick to my no alcohol plan... had a beer friday eve & few pints with dinner on Saturday & enjoyed them immensely! all work & no play...

    Came home last night. body was quite tight so I spent an hour on the foam roller & stretching watching madmen again.

    Bike 6:40
    Swim 2:50
    Run 3:40
    Gym 0:50
    Total 14 hours

    Another big week ahead. 9 weeks to go. We are heading to Clarinbridge, Co.Galway in the caravan on Saturday for a week so I need to work out some good bike routes & a swimming location (there is a pool close by but I'm not sure if I'll get access when it's quiet).

    I'm sleeping about 7 hours a night & seem to be okay, I'd imagine this is normal for ironman training. I am not as tired going to bed as I expected to be, still takes me a while to switch off.

    Overall I'm starting to get a bit of confidence about the full distance & I need to start planning fuel on the day, I eat a lot on the bike.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Training this week:

    Mon: morning run 50 mins followed by a lunch swim 3850m 1:31. It was good to get this swim done and I could have kept going.

    Tue: 6am malahide sea swim 33 mins 1500m. Then a cycle to work via Harris town 2:10 - and cycle home 45 mins by the airport

    Wed: morning run 2:20 15miles wet and wild !

    Thu: pre work pool swim 1900m 45mins - wrecked !! I couldn't get into this swim and I felt like a bus hit me all day

    Fri: run 1:03 before work , still a bit tired.

    Sat: out with the club for a while on the bike 3:30 100km avg 30kph I had to be a k early so I turned back .. squeezed in a quick brick run 15 mins 7:50-mile legs felt great. This is the strongest I've felt on the bike in ages. Off to clarinbridge in the caravan for a week with the gang

    Sun: afternoon Forrest run 1 hour, legs tired.

    Bike - 6:25
    Swim - 2;50
    Run - 5;30
    S&c -
    Total hours: 14:45

    8 weeks to go ! Day off tomorrow

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Training this week wasn't great. We were away in the caravan and the weather was bad, it's hard to get up at 6 and train from a caravan in a wet field. Also it was holidays and I enjoyed too many cakes and beers.

    Mon: scheduled rest
    Tue: morning cycle to ballyvaughan 80km 3:10 hours. Sun rain and hail stones.

    Wed: didn't get up. Spent the day in Galway

    Thu: afternoon bike Tt 1:20 to gort and back with a 30kph avg; then a brick run avg 7:50 per mile over 25 mins

    Fri: I got use of the local pool- swim 1:29 3850m and could have swam all day

    Sat: packing up and drive home etc

    Sun: rock n roll half marathon. I did this as a guide for a deaf friend of a friend from Australia. He has a few feet issues and was running on a sprain I think. Slow paced run 3:05 including warm up. We walked the last 3 miles.

    Bike - 4:30
    Swim - 1:30
    Run - 3:30
    S&c -
    Total hours: 9:30

    7 weeks to go!
    Dublin 70.3 this Sunday
    A solid week of training planned

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    5:16 in Dublin 70.3 a good day in the office and a shock to me!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Well done Steroo thats a great time! And puts you in a great place for Barcelona.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Last week's training had highs & lows 7 weeks to Barcelona.

    Monday: The legs were a bit stiff after the Rock&Roll run eventhough I ran slow it was still 3 hours on the feet. I was in the pool at 6:15am for a club swim.. energy was low & the coach didn't show up but there was a set on the board so we did that. Overall 1700m in 38mins of activity. I threw my runners into the car & went for a nice 5 mile run (48 mins) at lunch on the cross country track up behind the NAC... HR was way up. Monday eve I had a 90 minute sports massage to get things freshened up.

    Tuesday: On the road at 6am for a long cycle to work as I'd missed the long cycle last week & had the 70.3 this weekend so I fit in here instead. I went up to Drogheda & over to Slane/navan/trim & back to blanchardstown. The legs felt heavy & the wind didn't help. the last hour was a struggle mentally. Overall a 140km cycle in 5:17. Later on I had the cycle home with was nice & handy with a tailwind - 22km in 46 mins. A good sleep was much needed & had.

    Wednesday: a day of rest & the legs felt very tender. stretches made them wobbly so I was a bit worried. I went to an evening bikram Yoga class for 90 mins & it was so intense, I had to sit a few out. I was light headed driving home & a good sleep was had.

    Thursday: legs felt shook. I went down to the NAC for a lunch swim with 3800m in mind, but while swimming I decided to cut it short & did 2200m in 55mins. I had hoped to get an OW swim in later, but there was a swim restriction in Malahide due to the heavy rainfall so the OW didn't go ahead

    Friday: up early for an easy 5 mile run in 46 mins, the legs felt a bit better but still a bit wobbly when I stretched after. At lunch we drove over to DunL to register... nerves & excitement kicked in! I knew I had to get an OW swim in before Sunday so I got down to Low rock alone in the eve & did 1250m in 27 mins. it was a bit choppy & I was glad, there was bad weather forecast for the weekend so I felt it was good prep. I got out feeling confident about the swim.

    Saturday: Up at 6 to keep the body in sync for sunday & I prepped the gear, got the train to DunL & racked the bike at 9am. The sea looked appealing but the wind was up. the rest of the day I sat around the house & had a piping hot Epsom salts bath, then went out for dinner with MrsRoo in the eve. We got into bed at 9pm with a film... I was asleep by 10.

    Sunday: Dublin 70.3
    In 2015 I did this race in 5:57. This year my brother did a 70.3 in 5:46 so I had to beat this time to keep the competition going!
    Sleep was poor, I was sweating buckets. Up at 4.30am & filled the belly with porridge & peanut butter. I got into the Phoenix park later than planned & couldn't see any busses or crowds. I parked up & walked toward the monument... eventually I found a crowd & the last bus arrived, I barely made it on & the driver took us out the m50 on a 50 minute dragged out detour to DunL. we all darted down to transition with only a few minutes to spare. bike was all set. Wetsuit on & bag dropped off.

    The sea looked perfect, little or no wind. The pro's were off & I lined up in the 40 min group. The rolling start made entry much easier, the water felt great & the buoys were clear. the tide was behind us out to the 1st turn with was a big help. I had a few bumps & kicks but nothing bad, I felt I was passing people & not being passed. When I turned the last buoy I had lots in the tank & I motored to the pontoon. checked the watch & it said 37:40 (official time 37:59) - WTF I was ecstatic! the watch shows I swam 2262m giving me 1:40/100. god knows how.

    T1 - all smooth in 5:50 (had a banana)

    Onto the bike & took it easy for a few minutes. A wave of Adrenalin came over me like I haven't felt in ages, this was going to be a fast bike but I needed to be patient. The bit of wind was at our back out to Maynooth. I had a few Dates. a powerbar & jelly babies. I sipped the 2 drinks I had with me & I didn't use any of the fuel stations. I took a gel at about 40km & 60km. Speed was consistent at about 32-33kph all the way & I kept the HR around 150 as much as I could. I was passing people like never before & was on the tt bars about 70% of the time. I had a pain in my left glute that worried me a bit but it didn't get any worse so I pushed on & had a strong last 10km. Result on the Bike 2:44:01 & happy out. now I knew there was a PB coming but the run would determine how much.

    T2 - all smooth in 4:52

    Runners on & the legs felt loose & strong. 'how can I feel this fresh?' I was asking myself. I didn't check the watch & just ran by feel for the first mile, the watched buzzed a 7:35mile & I decided I'd keep going & see what happened. The HR was 162ish so I decided I'd stick to that rather than hold a pace for the rest of the race. In 2015 the half took me over 2 hours & I had to walk parts, the aim was to avoid any walking. I took a gel early on & the first 3-4 miles flew by, I passed a few club mates & we exchanged words of encouragement. Around mile 6 I saw my family & boom I was like a madman with the adrenaline/emotional rush I got. 'I'm half way & I feel I've another gear... WTF is the story?'... I was bowled over with the comfort & pace of this run. The pace dropped off a bit to 8 minute miles (ish) but the HR was still around 160. Around mile 8 I had another gel & a few pepsi gulps, thew water over my head & put the boot down for the last 4 miles, The HR went up to 170 but the pace was still around 7:50, I started to feel the effort now & hoped I wasn't going too hard. The final mile was tough enough & I saw the family again. The support from club mates on the sidelines was a great boost too. before I knew it I was on the finishing mat feeling elated. The clock said 5:41 so I felt I must be under 5:30... then I crossed the line & Mrs Roo was shouting over 5:16 & I just said 'it couldn't be', 'did I miss a lap on the run?' i thought! Run finish time 1:44:09

    So a good day in the office with a big PB of 5:16:49

    I was laughing & crying in the finishers tent in utter disbelief & shock. still shocked. This is my proudest race achievement to date by miles. It just shows what training volume can do (even without intervals/speed work).

    I'm so excited about Barcelona now... just under 6 weeks to go.

    Weekly Totals:
    Bike - 8:45
    Run - 3:20
    Swim - 2:38
    S&C - 1:30

    Total - 16:13

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Well done. Fantastic times across the board :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Great job. Very well done S.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Last week was post 70.3 recovery week... had no idea how I'd feel as I haven't raced much lately.

    Monday: bit of a hangover & legs of stone, quads mostly. Sports massage in the eve.

    Tuesday: not much better so didn't train at all

    Wednesday: morning club swim 2200m in about 50 minutes, this was a bit of a stuggle but things started to loosen out. PM Cycle up around Portmarnock - Howth with a few clubmates, I was slow up the hills. 1 hour 10 mins & about 26km.

    Thursday: morning run 1 hour 6.2 miles nice & handy, stopped a few times to stretch as I was still a bit stiff in the hips.
    I had swim gear with me for lunchtime but got distracted by hunger & really I just had no interest.

    Friday: up early for a long run, I planned 2 hours but for the first hour I had a niggle in my back & kept thinking of a shorter route home. I stopped in sT.Annes for about 10 minutes of QL & hip flexor stretches & I was brand new after that... then I took off for another hour at much better pace. 2 hours done 13.1 miles.
    PM - off in the caravan with the gang to Slane for the weekend, brought the bike.

    Sat: On the road at 6.15am to get a cycle done before the days activities kicked off. I went north up to Ardee - Carrickmacross (then decided I hated the route & detoured toward the N3) - eventually found Navan & back to Slane. I was tired & a bit stiff. I didn't really enjoy the solo aspect & was just doing this one because I had to. only did 94km in 3:40
    We had a big BBQ & party in the evening, I had a good few pints. Felt it yesterday & that's it now until I'm an Ironman.

    Overall a low quality week done half hearted. but I'll get my act together in the coming 5 weeks.

    Swim: 0:50
    Bike: 5:00
    Run: 3:00

    Total: 8:50

    5 weeks to Barcelona

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    Steroo wrote: »
    Last week's training had highs & lows 7 weeks to Barcelona.

    Monday: The legs were a bit stiff after the Rock&Roll run eventhough I ran slow it was still 3 hours on the feet. I was in the pool at 6:15am for a club swim.. energy was low & the coach didn't show up but there was a set on the board so we did that. Overall 1700m in 38mins of activity. I threw my runners into the car & went for a nice 5 mile run (48 mins) at lunch on the cross country track up behind the NAC... HR was way up. Monday eve I had a 90 minute sports massage to get things freshened up.

    Tuesday: On the road at 6am for a long cycle to work as I'd missed the long cycle last week & had the 70.3 this weekend so I fit in here instead. I went up to Drogheda & over to Slane/navan/trim & back to blanchardstown. The legs felt heavy & the wind didn't help. the last hour was a struggle mentally. Overall a 140km cycle in 5:17. Later on I had the cycle home with was nice & handy with a tailwind - 22km in 46 mins. A good sleep was much needed & had.

    Wednesday: a day of rest & the legs felt very tender. stretches made them wobbly so I was a bit worried. I went to an evening bikram Yoga class for 90 mins & it was so intense, I had to sit a few out. I was light headed driving home & a good sleep was had.

    Thursday: legs felt shook. I went down to the NAC for a lunch swim with 3800m in mind, but while swimming I decided to cut it short & did 2200m in 55mins. I had hoped to get an OW swim in later, but there was a swim restriction in Malahide due to the heavy rainfall so the OW didn't go ahead

    Friday: up early for an easy 5 mile run in 46 mins, the legs felt a bit better but still a bit wobbly when I stretched after. At lunch we drove over to DunL to register... nerves & excitement kicked in! I knew I had to get an OW swim in before Sunday so I got down to Low rock alone in the eve & did 1250m in 27 mins. it was a bit choppy & I was glad, there was bad weather forecast for the weekend so I felt it was good prep. I got out feeling confident about the swim.

    Saturday: Up at 6 to keep the body in sync for sunday & I prepped the gear, got the train to DunL & racked the bike at 9am. The sea looked appealing but the wind was up. the rest of the day I sat around the house & had a piping hot Epsom salts bath, then went out for dinner with MrsRoo in the eve. We got into bed at 9pm with a film... I was asleep by 10.

    Sunday: Dublin 70.3
    In 2015 I did this race in 5:57. This year my brother did a 70.3 in 5:46 so I had to beat this time to keep the competition going!
    Sleep was poor, I was sweating buckets. Up at 4.30am & filled the belly with porridge & peanut butter. I got into the Phoenix park later than planned & couldn't see any busses or crowds. I parked up & walked toward the monument... eventually I found a crowd & the last bus arrived, I barely made it on & the driver took us out the m50 on a 50 minute dragged out detour to DunL. we all darted down to transition with only a few minutes to spare. bike was all set. Wetsuit on & bag dropped off.

    The sea looked perfect, little or no wind. The pro's were off & I lined up in the 40 min group. The rolling start made entry much easier, the water felt great & the buoys were clear. the tide was behind us out to the 1st turn with was a big help. I had a few bumps & kicks but nothing bad, I felt I was passing people & not being passed. When I turned the last buoy I had lots in the tank & I motored to the pontoon. checked the watch & it said 37:40 (official time 37:59) - WTF I was ecstatic! the watch shows I swam 2262m giving me 1:40/100. god knows how.

    T1 - all smooth in 5:50 (had a banana)

    Onto the bike & took it easy for a few minutes. A wave of Adrenalin came over me like I haven't felt in ages, this was going to be a fast bike but I needed to be patient. The bit of wind was at our back out to Maynooth. I had a few Dates. a powerbar & jelly babies. I sipped the 2 drinks I had with me & I didn't use any of the fuel stations. I took a gel at about 40km & 60km. Speed was consistent at about 32-33kph all the way & I kept the HR around 150 as much as I could. I was passing people like never before & was on the tt bars about 70% of the time. I had a pain in my left glute that worried me a bit but it didn't get any worse so I pushed on & had a strong last 10km. Result on the Bike 2:44:01 & happy out. now I knew there was a PB coming but the run would determine how much.

    T2 - all smooth in 4:52

    Runners on & the legs felt loose & strong. 'how can I feel this fresh?' I was asking myself. I didn't check the watch & just ran by feel for the first mile, the watched buzzed a 7:35mile & I decided I'd keep going & see what happened. The HR was 162ish so I decided I'd stick to that rather than hold a pace for the rest of the race. In 2015 the half took me over 2 hours & I had to walk parts, the aim was to avoid any walking. I took a gel early on & the first 3-4 miles flew by, I passed a few club mates & we exchanged words of encouragement. Around mile 6 I saw my family & boom I was like a madman with the adrenaline/emotional rush I got. 'I'm half way & I feel I've another gear... WTF is the story?'... I was bowled over with the comfort & pace of this run. The pace dropped off a bit to 8 minute miles (ish) but the HR was still around 160. Around mile 8 I had another gel & a few pepsi gulps, thew water over my head & put the boot down for the last 4 miles, The HR went up to 170 but the pace was still around 7:50, I started to feel the effort now & hoped I wasn't going too hard. The final mile was tough enough & I saw the family again. The support from club mates on the sidelines was a great boost too. before I knew it I was on the finishing mat feeling elated. The clock said 5:41 so I felt I must be under 5:30... then I crossed the line & Mrs Roo was shouting over 5:16 & I just said 'it couldn't be', 'did I miss a lap on the run?' i thought! Run finish time 1:44:09

    So a good day in the office with a big PB of 5:16:49

    I was laughing & crying in the finishers tent in utter disbelief & shock. still shocked. This is my proudest race achievement to date by miles. It just shows what training volume can do (even without intervals/speed work).

    I'm so excited about Barcelona now... just under 6 weeks to go.

    Weekly Totals:
    Bike - 8:45
    Run - 3:20
    Swim - 2:38
    S&C - 1:30

    Total - 16:13

    Thats brilliant, delightful read

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭GoHardOrGoHome

    Hey Steroo,

    That's great going! While you improved on everything I'm most impressed with the running. Fair play. I was around the same level as you two years ago but have let things slip but you've got me excited now for 2018.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Well done. Fantastic times across the board :D
    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Great job. Very well done S.
    S.L.F. wrote: »
    Thats brilliant, delightful read
    Hey Steroo,

    That's great going! While you improved on everything I'm most impressed with the running. Fair play. I was around the same level as you two years ago but have let things slip but you've got me excited now for 2018.

    Thanks all. still chuffed. I'm paying the price for it since I think but hope to get back to normal this week.

    GoHard... you'll get back into it no bother with a few months solid training. good luck with it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    With 5 weeks to Barcelona a big week was in store:

    Monday: easy lunch swim 1500m in 33 minutes. Went to the NAC & the competition pool wasn't open so I had to use the diving pool, it wasn't great.

    Tuesday: morning run 8.5m out to Howth pier & home 1:18. Body felt stiff & hips tight & left QL really acting up so I went to Bikram for 90 mins, this sorted me out. QL was still tight that evening so a lot of time was spent on the foam roller & tennis ball.

    Wednesday: The club had planned 180km cycle for Sat but I knew I'd to be back early so I'd miss out. So I got time off work to fit a decent spin in mid week. first I went to club morning swim 42mins 2K. Then home for brekky & onto the bike for a spin up past Drogheda solo... 4;38 & 132k. I got a puncture & had it changed in 10 mins which was good for me, was glad to get this under by belt. There was still a bit of a bubble in the tyre so I popped into the bike shop in balbriggan to get that sorted. Overall I felt fresh & strong on this cycle & held a good average of 28kph which is decent for me with no break.

    Thursday: morning run & I felt like crap! not enough sleep maybe. HR went up to 160 immediately so I took it very handy & only did 5 miles in 45 minutes. for the rest of the day I felt pretty smashed & drank a lot of water... I think I was dehydrated & run down. A cold sore appeared on my lip ;( bed early.

    Friday: morning club swim & I felt much better. 3K in 1:05 & I could have kept going all day. Then I got out for a nice lunch run at the back of the NAC on the cross country track, this is a beautiful run & took 46 mins for 2 laps over about 5 miles

    Saturday: I joined the club lads for the first half of their (180-200k) cycle. We took a new route which was good & I turned back in Maynooth at about 60km with another chap so it was good to have company coming back. We did 120k in 4:30 with no break.

    Sunday: up early in the 40kph wind & rain for LSR down into St.Annes for shelter. The legs felt fresh, hips loose, energy surprisingly good. I did 16.5m in 2:40 & could have done more easily enough.

    Bike: 9:08
    Run: 5:29
    Swim: 2:20
    Other: 1:30

    Total: 18 Hours

    This has been my biggest week to date. It'll start to cut back a little for the next two weeks.

    less than 4 weeks to Barcelona ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Training (or lack of) for last week:

    Monday: Rest & eat ... sports massage in the eve.
    Tuesday: I skipped a planned morning run to get a decent sleep. Went for a lunch swim 4000m in 1:38 (pace was slow & it took nearly 2k to really get into this).

    Wednesday: Up early for a morning run 11.7km in 1:03, then onto the bike for a round about cycle to work on back roads 59km in 2:15 & back that eve slightly different route 50km in 1:45. I've had a niggle in my left foot on/off the past few weeks & I was really feeling it on the bike when the foot was flexed down.

    Thursday: I felt wrecked!! wiped out so I skipped training.

    Friday: club swim in the AM 2000m in 40 mins, went home & put the runners on for 9.3km in 51 mins & jumped on my bike to cycle to work in 22km 44 mins... then home that eve 25km in 58 mins. Friday evening we went off in the caravan to Wicklow for a family weekend, I left the bike at home & packed my runners.

    Sat/Sun: I didn't get our for a run, I got plenty of sleep & had a great family weekend but felt guilty for not running. I also ate a lot of crap & had a few pints over dinner. I did get to read a lot of my 'going long' book with plenty of useful info relating to this 'peak' phase

    Total for the week: 9:40

    ... So this morning I'm thinking I've less than 3 weeks & I better pull my socks up after last week. back on the horse today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Steroo wrote: »
    So this morning I'm thinking I've less than 3 weeks & I better pull my socks up after last week. back on the horse today.

    With 3 weeks to go you should be thinking more about getting to the start line in one piece - you've more to lose than to gain. Hopefully that's how the last week has gone....:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    With 3 week to go this was last week's training:

    Monday: morning run 7.6km 45mins, followed by an easy lunch swim 2000m in 44 mins
    Tuesday: I decided to cycle in & out of work the long way, the cycle in was nice but coming home I got soaked & was freezing - winter is coming & I need to get my winter clothing out of the wardrobe. 106km in 3:55 round trip
    Wednesday: morning club swim 1750m in 36mins. I struggled a bit, energy was low & I left early.
    Thursday: morning run 12.3km in 1:08 out to Howth, legs felt good
    Friday: morning club swim 2000m in 43mins. I felt like I could swim all day, really fresh. With the schools back now I'm on a tighter schedule in the mornings.
    Sat: Out with the club for a cycle to Bettystown, wind was against us going out & I felt like we were working hard, then coming back we were flying. AVg pace was 30kpm & we covered 125km in 4:20 ish (with a lap of Howth thrown in). Left hamstring was tight & sore after... lots of stretching done!
    Sun: Dawn run down to ST.Anne's Park, body felt good, pace was a bit fast to start & had to pull back.. then after about 15km the legs got a bit tired/heavy. Again lots of stretching was needed afterwards. 22.8km in 2:03. Spent over an hour on the foam roller in PAIN while watching the dubs

    That's the end of the long run/bike sessions! Taper has begun ;)

    Total Hours: 14

    With 2 weeks to go my plan has 10 hours for this week & 6 next week. I'll be dropping my bike off for shipping this Saturday so it's all getting very close & very real. Ryanair flights issue is a bit worrying but fingers crossed we are not affected. The natural thoughts of 'I haven't done long enough cycles', 'I should have done a 20 mile run' are all present but I reviewed my training for the year & it's more then I could ever have imagined... so hopefully as they say 'The hard work is all done'. I splashed out on an Aero helmet last week & took it out on my ride on Saturday, the visor makes a big difference when down on the tri bars.

    Target times are creeping into my head 12/13 hours... but I've to remind myself of my goal when I signed up, to enjoy the experience & finish in one piece.

    I took on a new employee today & the f"kcer came in dying with 'the flu' and needs training today - not what I want!

    Sports massage booked this eve.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,336 ✭✭✭EC1000

    Steroo wrote: »

    I took on a new employee today & the f"kcer came in dying with 'the flu' and needs training today - not what I want!


    Does your new employee know that you refer to them as a f*kcer?!!

    Bit concerned about the whole Ryanair think myself but not a lot to be done about it at the moment. I just hope that we get enough notice to do something about it if it does happen. When you flying? I'm heading Thurs early afternoon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    EC1000 wrote: »
    Does your new employee know that you refer to them as a f*kcer?!!

    Bit concerned about the whole Ryanair think myself but not a lot to be done about it at the moment. I just hope that we get enough notice to do something about it if it does happen. When you flying? I'm heading Thurs early afternoon.

    Not yet, he'll find out soon enough ;)

    I'm flying Thurs 5:40pm ish... I think Ryanair are issuing a full list of affected flights tomorrow. we'll take it from there!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    Ryanair have published cancelled flights:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    S.L.F. wrote: »

    And we are in the clear!! relief ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    Good Luck Steroo

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Best of luck in Barca!
