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Everything hurts, and I'm dying.



  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    Title of this log always makes me laugh :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    24/04/2015 - Friday
    Weight lifting: 10 pound dumbbells
    Shoulder Press - 3 sets of 10 repetitions
    Tricep Extensions - 3 sets of 10
    Bicep Curls - 3 sets of 10

    Lower body: 8kg dumbbells (around 17 pounds)
    Squats (normal) - 10 repetitions
    Squats (Narrow) - 10 repetitions
    Squat (Goblet) - 10 repetitions
    One leg raised lunges - 10 repetitions each leg

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    25/04/2015 - Saturday
    Jog/run (on grass) - 30 minutes

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    26/04/2015 - Sunday

    Weight lifting (10 pounds)
    Bent over rows - 10 reps
    Bicep Curls - 10 Reps
    Tricep Extensions - 10 reps
    3 sets

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    Sunday - 26/04/2015
    Did this last minute last night. Glad I did though with all the rain today!
    Run/jog (on grass) - 30 minutes
    Definitely found it a little bit easier this time around. Nothing like fresh air to the lungs! Did most of it with shoes and the last little bits on bare feet.Couldn't do it for very long as my feet were getting really cold. Had to stand on my shoes in between!:o

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    27/04/2015 - Monday
    Squeezed this in before dinner. I'm ashamed to say it nearly killed me!
    Time: 27 minutes :o Rounds: 5
    1) Dive Bomber - 10 Reps
    2) Burpees - 5 Reps
    3) Squat Leg Lift (God these were PAINFUL) - 20 Reps (each leg)
    4) Side Plank Lift - 10 Reps (each side)
    5) Burpees - 5 reps
    6) Varied for each round - One leg pushups, crunch touching sides of shoe (don't know what it is called :o), Crunch toe touch, crunch touching side of shoe and one leg pushup - all 10 reps

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,291 ✭✭✭eclectichoney

    Burpees! \o/ <3 :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    Burpees! \o/ <3 :pac:
    Glorious burpees! I think I can only do about ten in one go.:o So much jumping and push-ups. Dive bombers destroy me! God, I actually hadn't realised how I hadn't been burpees at all until today until I looked through my posts. Have to get doing 'em!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    Since I've been neglecting my burpees I just looked up an exercise routine that has you do 100 burpees!:eek: I'll be well impressed if I do it! Might give it a go tomorrow. Always one to go to extremes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,291 ✭✭✭eclectichoney

    I'm doing a 40 days of 40 burpees challenge at the moment - just did day 29 today! Am gonna miss them when it's over (possibly :D)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    28/04/2015 - Tuesday
    As I promised I would do this today, here it is!
    I kind feel like I shouldn't be as chuffed that I got this done this morning, but I am :o, it definitely killed me!
    Completed in: 19 minutes
    1)Yoga Burpee x 5 Reps
    2) Ab Splitters x 5 Reps
    3) Competition Burpees x 50 Reps
    4) Air Squats x 100 Reps

    2 Rounds

    Hopefully I'll be able to move my legs tomorrow for training!:pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    I'm doing a 40 days of 40 burpees challenge at the moment - just did day 29 today! Am gonna miss them when it's over (possibly :D)

    As in 40 burpees every day for 40 days!? Oh my God you're brave!! Good on you! They are torturous when you are doing them but then when you've completed them you feel so cool and accomplished!:cool::pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    29/04/2015 - Wednesday
    No training today, it was cancelled. I is sad! :( Rest day I guess!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    30/04/2015 - Thursday
    1) Manmakers with Backward Lunge Shoulder Press x 10 reps

    2) Squat Jumps Forward/Back Burpees x 20

    3) Twisted Toe Touch One Leg Push Up x 10 reps (5 each leg)

    4) Sit up to Seated Forward Bend x 20 reps

    3 Rounds for Time: (One my third round while I had just on my fifth burpee I got interrupted (only lost about 5 minutes though I'd say) and had to leave where I was working out, but I went outside and finished the last round. So I'm not quite sure of the time but I'd say it took me roughly 30 minutes maybe a bit longer. Wiped me out! My face was SO red!:pac: Had a lovely hot/shower after and it felt amazing!:D


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    01/05/2015 - Friday (Lazy day today!)
    Weight lifting: 8kgs
    Shoulder Press - 10 reps
    Tricep extensions - 10 reps
    Dumbbell swing - 10 reps
    Goblet squat - 10 reps
    3 sets
    Twists with weight - 10 reps

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    02/05/2015 - Saturday
    Even though I'm not obsessed about how much I weight I'm happy to say I've come down from my heaviest 122lbs when I weighed myself on the 11/04/2015 to my normal weight again of roughly 116lbs :) Hoping to maybe lose a bit more but the most important thing for me now is sustaining this weight. :)

    Today's Workout:
    40 seconds maximum effort / 10 sec rest)
    1. Scissors
    2. Side crunch left side
    3. Side crunch right side
    4. Plank Jacks
    5. Russian Twist (8kg Dumbbells)
    6. Bird Dogs

    3 Rounds: 15 Minutes

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    03/05/2015 - Sunday
    Overindulged a bit today so decided to push myself a little harder.

    Skipping - Moderate/intense: 30 minutes (Also doubleunders are really difficult and the fact that I come so close to doing it and just can't get it is horrible frustrating. Something to work towards though!)

    HIIT: 3 Rounds Time: 23:43 seconds
    Pendulums - 50 Reps
    Burpees - 20 Reps
    Dumbbell swing (8kgs) - 20 Reps
    Push ups/Leg Twist - 10 Reps
    Squats - 5 Reps
    Running on the spot (high knees) - 2 minutes


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    04/05/2015 - Monday
    HIIT: 5 ROUNDS Time: 19 minutes 22 seconds Weight: 6lbs
    Push Press x 10 Reps
    Thrusters x 10 Reps
    Back Curl Lunge x 10 Reps
    Preacher Curl x 10 Reps
    Weighted Jump Lunge x 10 Reps (I always have issues with jump lunge I feel like I'm not doing it right, it just seems more difficult than it should be).
    Broad Jump Burpee x 10 Reps

    Yoga break (8 minutes)

    Weight Training:
    10lb dumbbells
    Bicep Curls x 10 Reps
    Bent Over Rows x 10 Reps
    3 Sets of 10


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    05/05/2015 - Tuesday
    HIIT - Rounds: 3 Time: Completed in: 12 minutes 17 seconds
    Weighted Squat Twist (8kgs) - 10 Reps
    Cross Legged Pushup - 10 Reps
    Cross Body Kick - 15 Reps (each leg)
    4 Point Punch (6lbs) - 10 Reps
    Side Plank Lift - 10 Reps (each side)

    Didn't sweat much for this one. Probably could have upped the weight for the punches. Decided to have an easier day. :)
    I feel like the exercises I have been doing so far have been very focused on my lower half so I'm tried to do exercises that focus more so on the arms.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    06/05/2015 - Wednesday
    2 hours of martial arts :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    06/05/2015 - Wednesday
    2 hours of martial arts :)

    What kinda martial arts do you do?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    What kinda martial arts do you do?

    Krav Maga. Since there's a bit of controversy over it as a self defense system/how effective it actually is with people saying it's a load of crap etc., I usually just say I do martial arts!:o I love it to bits anyway!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Krav Maga. Since there's a bit of controversy over it as a self defense system/how effective it actually is with people saying it's a load of crap etc., I usually just say I do martial arts!:o I love it to bits anyway!:D

    The last bit is what counts!

    There's a lot you can do in terms of self defence with Krav Maga. I don't agree with the criticisms anyway. And it's'having the presence of mind to do what you need to anyway.

    But loving doing it is what counts :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    The last bit is what counts!

    There's a lot you can do in terms of self defence with Krav Maga. I don't agree with the criticisms anyway. And it's'having the presence of mind to do what you need to anyway.

    But loving doing it is what counts :)

    I really do, I barely notice the two hours go by too. :) I find it helps to keep me focused on exercise and healthy eating as well. Not only is it keeping me fit it's giving some skills to use in case I get into a dangerous situation and as a woman it gives me a bit of confidence that I can give myself a fighting chance anyway. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    I really do, I barely notice the two hours go by too. :) I find it helps to keep me focused on exercise and healthy eating as well. Not only is it keeping me fit it's giving some skills to use in case I get into a dangerous situation and as a woman it gives me a bit of confidence that I can give myself a fighting chance anyway. :)

    First port of call is a swift bick in the kollocks. Win :)

    But confidence is king

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    07/05/2015 - Thursday
    HIIT: 3 Rounds Completed in: 15 minutes 17 seconds
    (5 Jump Lunges + Burpee) - 8 sets
    Dumbbell Swing - 20 Reps (each arm) (8kg)
    Side Crunch - 20 Reps each side

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    08/05/2015 - Friday
    HIIT: 3 Rounds Completed in: 16 Minutes (roughly I forgot to keep track of the time but the first 2 rounds took 12 minutes)
    Weighted Squat Jump (10lbs) - 15 Reps
    Leg Lift Burpee - 10 Reps
    Weighted Wood Chop Lunge (10 lbs) - 15 Reps (each leg)
    Weighted Twisted Sit-ups (10lbs) - 20 Reps (each side)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    Not sure how well I'll be able to keep up the HIITS at the moment as I got a job and I'm on my feet all day. Might just have to do it in the morning before I go to work because after a few hours my feet are sore. Suppose I'll get used to that too though.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    I saw your thread/log-title and just wanted to wish you the very Best of Luck :)

    I've felt like 'everything hurts, and I'm dying' after some cycles recently; to the point where I've felt nauseated; I've pushed myself so much.

    Keep up your Hard Work,
    Great Thread/Log-title,

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭Precious flower

    kerry4sam wrote: »
    I saw your thread/log-title and just wanted to wish you the very Best of Luck :)

    I've felt like 'everything hurts, and I'm dying' after some cycles recently; to the point where I've felt nauseated; I've pushed myself so much.

    Keep up your Hard Work,
    Great Thread/Log-title,

    Aw, thank you very much!! :)
