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Time for a New Adventure



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    FFS Neady. It's taken me more time to read your last post than I spent training this week. Would you ever consider letting on that you're not putting the rest of us to shame? :(

    Ha ha Dilbert, it's all slow stuff very very slow miles. I'm sure I'll ever be able to pick the pace back up again after the DCM. Eh did you not see the bit about the big bag of pick n' mix, I'm putting myself to shame :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Wednesday Sept 23rd PM

    Circuits or as the funky hipster college gym have now renamed it Cross It Up
    There was an influx of newbies so the trainer had to put in extra stations and boy did he ramp it up. 4x40 seconds on each station with barely 3 seconds to recover between each. I think he does it intentionally at this time of year so that only those that really want to work at it will come back next week and he can whittle down the number of stations again.

    1) Side to side bench jumps & tricep dips
    2) One legged squats while using a pulley with the opposite arm
    3) Ropes
    4) 10kg medicine ball slams
    5) Pull ups & push ups
    6) Mountain climbers with cut up plastic bottles
    7) Squats with dyna band
    8) Pushups with bosu ball & alternating side squats with the bosu ball

    This was a tough sweaty session and I had promised myself 3 recovery miles in the gym after.

    3 miles recovery @ 10:17/mile
    I thought about not doing this but then I remembered that it was Great British Bake Off evening so it was 3 miles on the treadmill while watching the bakers make cream horns (I know I've never head of them either) and little cream sponges. I had to wait until I got home to watch the show stopper challenge.

    Thursday Sept 24th

    5 miles @ 9:38/mile
    This was supposed to be a circuit class but the trainer didn't turn up. I popped my head into the virtual Les Mills spinning class that was going on but declined in favor of the run. The gym rooms are painted dark for these virtual classes, the tunes are pumping and the disco lights are flashing. I'm afraid to go to a class in case I run into a bunch of students 'getting the shift' down the back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    You're making me question whether I really should be paying for gym membership for my NUIG student!!! :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    annapr wrote: »
    You're making me question whether I really should be paying for gym membership for my NUIG student!!! :eek:

    Uh how about I do some research for you and try one of the disco classes and check what really goes on in them? I'm sure it's all clean sweaty fun :D

    Joking aside, the gym and the friends I made in those classes got me through almost a decade of studying so you're getting value for your money I'm sure :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Uh how about I do some research for you and try one of the disco classes and check what really goes on in them? I'm sure it's all clean sweaty fun :D

    Joking aside, the gym and the friends I made in those classes got me through almost a decade of studying so you're getting value for your money I'm sure :)

    That's what she tells us... about the gym and many other expensive things :p

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83




    18 and a bit miles in total
    2 miles @ 9:32/mile 62ft elevation
    3 miles @ 9:01/mile 113ft elevation
    13.1 miles @ 9:14/mile 439ft elevation

    I've the Athlone 3/4 next weekend so I swapped the Boards plan around a bit and 18 miles was on the cards for this weekend instead of 20.

    I was going to be in Westport for the weekend so I messaged a friend of mine that lives up that direction to check if she was doing a LSR or if she knew a route up there that could work for me. She's training for DCM too (though at a much faster pace) and had 16 miles on the cards for this weekend so she suggested doing the Clew Bay half and tacking on the rest at the start - doing the half would take the hassle out of the logistics of sorting a route and water for ourselves. I couldn't turn that down :)

    I did the first two miles on my own @ 9:32/mile and came back to the start to pick up my friend for 3 miles to make up her planned 16.

    We got distracted a mile into these three by the cutest little puppy that came out of a house to come run with us. We took her out and back for a mile then knocked on her owners door to let them know she was following us and that a run would be coming by in a bit. Turns out her name was Tara and she was mad looking for the tickles on her belly. Between trying not to trip over her and getting distracted by our chat, we ran this a bit faster than I would have liked.

    I lined up for the half with only about 50 other people and quite quickly they were off at a ferocious pace. I was looking at my watch reading 8:10 thinking this isn't good so I pulled it way back and even though I was LAST I thought better of plodding on. It wasn't long before I was catching a few people and I partnered up with a lovely lady who was doing her first half and aiming for sub 2:15 (she got in there just under it :)). We chatted and before long we were passing the 3 mile marker having done the first 3 @ 10:00/mile. The pace was dropping off and she was starting to struggle a bit. I offered to stay with her but she told me to belt on and she'd do her own comfortable pace. On I went at what felt easy and comfortable, passing maybe one person with each mile that passed.

    There were four water stations and I took a 250ml bottle at each and ran with it, taking a sip here and there and finishing it before the next station. I needed every drop of the litre I drank. There were two girls riding bikes that would pass us, stop and cheer us on with their pom poms and pass us again. At the water stops St. Johns ambulance were cheering us on, passing us and cheering us again. Having those girls with their cheers and the ambulance people to look forward to seeing on the route made the miles pass so much more quickly.

    I finished feeling comfortable and strong and did the last three miles at PMP while still having plenty left in the tank when I finished. You can't fault the tea, sandwiches and nice things that the locals produce at the end of these races. My tummy felt a bit dodge when I stopped but as soon as the warm tea hit it, it was A1 again.

    It was a bloody lumpy course but the hills weren't very steep, they were more like rolling hills so hopefully it will stand to me on the big day. My pacing was all over the shop though so I need to be more weary of that (the hills were partly to blame). I'll stick with the pacer next week to be sure it's nice and steady.


    5 miles Recovery @ 10:39/mile
    5 easy miles in the AM running around a very sleepy Westport. We hit for Croagh Patrick later in the day but only went as far as the shoulder as it was my recovery day :) I'm getting way too disciplined ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I'm so impressed at all the races you have at your disposal!! Well done on your discipline! And I've been up Croagh Patrick, so I am very relieved to read that you didn't go all the way up on your recovery day! :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I'm so impressed at all the races you have at your disposal!! Well done on your discipline! And I've been up Croagh Patrick, so I am very relieved to read that you didn't go all the way up on your recovery day! :eek:

    Sure Croagh Patrick is a mere stroll for Neady! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Good luck in Athlone tomorrow, Neady, I'm sure you will nail it! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    annapr wrote: »
    Good luck in Athlone tomorrow, Neady, I'm sure you will nail it! :)


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I'm so impressed at all the races you have at your disposal!! Well done on your discipline! And I've been up Croagh Patrick, so I am very relieved to read that you didn't go all the way up on your recovery day! :eek:

    In Galway, Clare and Mayo at least, you could probably pick from three races covering three different distances each weekend. There's a serious running boom going on :)
    annapr wrote: »
    Sure Croagh Patrick is a mere stroll for Neady! :)

    Thanks Anna, it's been so long since I've any proper hiking, I'm beginning to feel like I'm loosing my mountain legs :)
    annapr wrote: »
    Good luck in Athlone tomorrow, Neady, I'm sure you will nail it! :)
    Dilbert75 wrote: »

    Thanks Anna and Dilbert, all done whoop whoop. That's the last long one in the bag and god it feels good. I couldn't recommend Athlone more, a brilliant race with everything thought of and I've nice sleeveless fleece to keep me warm for the Winter :)

    Haven't posted all week, will get to it in a bit :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83


    5.7 miles @ 9:21/mi
    I did these along the river and around the pitches at Dangan. Great evening by out watching the rowers out training on the river :)

    30 minutes/140 floors climbed on the stepper
    I wanted to test myself a bit and check if I’m still able to hold the same pace on the stepper as I was during the summer, I was able to hold on, phew. It felt good to get the calves working hard.

    Tuesday AM

    Circuits: 4x60 seconds with 8 stations to hit
    We did this one down in the basketball court where there’s more room to move around so there were more sprints and bear crawling than usual.

    Tuesday PM

    5.9 miles @ 9:55/mi
    Himself is getting back into the running so decided he’d come along for this one. It was great to have the company and it helped keep me honest with my pace.


    8 miles @ 9:14/mi
    The plan called for 1 wu/ 5 @PMP/ 1 wd
    The warm up went to plan but the 5 @ PMP were a little faster at 9:00/mi. I miscalculated the distance home from the pitches in Dangan and had a 2 mile warm down at in or around 10:00/mi

    Really enjoyed this session and loving the cool crisp evening and the crunch of the leaves underfoot.

    Thursday AM

    Circuits: 4x60 seconds with 8 stations
    This was a tough session and my friend Sharon and I probably started in the wrong place, hitting straight into forward and backward lunges followed by the ropes followed by pulling your feet (on plastic plates) along the floor using your hands and in the press-up position. There were dyna band squats and all that other jazz in there too.

    Thursday PM

    4.1 miles @ 10:12
    Had himself with me so we kept it nice and handy.

    3.2 miles @ 9:55/mi
    Did this in the am around a very foggy Galway city. Was told when I got into work that I looked tired. I though running in the morning would make you fresher looking?


    Diamond Hill: 4.1 miles @ 19:30/mi, 1,143ft elevation gain
    Not ideal prep for Athlone I know but himself is all about the training now and he wanted to do some climbing. He said he’d come to Athlone to cheer me on if I did Diamond Hill with him so off we went. We kinda jogged the flat bits and jogged down off it. A beautiful day in Connemara for it, you have to take advantage of this weather while it’s good.


    Athlone ¾: 19.7 miles @ 9:30/mi, 622ft elevation gain

    We hit for Athlone nice and early after I’d shovelled a bowl of porridge into me. As per usual, I downed 750ml of water mixed with electrolytes in the car on the drive to Athlone. We parked up in a field about a ten minute walk from registration so I took all I needed for the run with me so we wouldn’t have to come back after registration.

    I picked up my number, queued for the loo and before long it was time for the race briefing and the walk to the start line. I stuffed a gel into the pocket of my shorts and hit for the start line tucking in behind the 4 hour pacers.

    ……. And we were off. I stuck to the pacers like glue for the first two miles, chatting to those around me. I did find though that having the pacing taken care of, I was more aware of the distance and checking myself for niggles. Around the 2.5 mile mark, I pulled away slightly so there was more room around me and I could concentrate on pacing myself. I remember in the Beast asking John how he was able to map read and keeping going without any dip and he said that reading the maps was distracting him from the pain and distance and I understand better now what he meant by that. By concentrating on my pacing, the miles were flying by. Before long we were at the 4 mile mark and grabbing a bottle of water. Not being in the large group behind the pacers made the transition through the water station a lot easier. I still had them within earshot though. I took a gel at mile 5.

    There were plenty of hills along the way but they were rolling so weren’t knocking too much out of me. The second water station was at mile 8 and I was beginning to feel like I needed the loo so I hit up the hill to the water stop and portaloos but there were two ladies queuing so I decided to hold off until the next stop at mile 12. I grabbed another 250ml bottle here and ran with it to the next water station, taking a drink here and there. I find running with the bottle useful in a way because when I’m under pressure or running too hard, I start to squish the bottle and it reminds me to loosen up and straighten up.

    At mile 12 I grabbed another bottle and a squishy pink dolphin from the massive table of sweet things available, it did the trick and I didn’t feel the next mile. There was a queue for the loo again so I figured I’d head on and if I saw a suitable hedge, I’d use it (a suitable one didn’t come along). Mile 14 was carnage, there were people stopping all over the road to walk and sit down. I offered my water to some people but they all kindly refused, I didn’t know what else to say but to offer some words of encouragement. It reminded again to respect these distances.

    Because of the way the water stations were placed, I’d broken the race down into 4 mile segments so I was focusing on hitting the last water station at mile 16 at this stage and no further than that. Thankfully there was no queue for the loo so I took my chance and bolted for it. It was the quickest pee ever. I’m not sure I stopped running while I was in there :D, I came out of it running :) I grabbed a handful of jelly beans, another bottle of water and was on my merry way.

    Mile 17 had a whopper of a hill that took it’s toll but I was able to keep my pace steady (just about). There was a young guy lying by the side of the road on this mile, there were some people with him so he was being looked after. I later saw St. John ambulance coming against us so I’m guessing that it was from him. I hope he was ok.

    Mile 18 had nothing short of a mountain on it. Every time you thought you were at the top, there was a turn in the road and it kept on climbing. I think it took out another few people. It slowed my pace a bit so I guess that’s something I’ll have to take into account on the big day, towards the end I’ll have to give up some time to the hills. Before we knew it, we were on the home straight and thankfully it was down hill. There was a great crowd on the way back into Glassan Hotel. Our names were on our bibs so everyone was shouting out our names. It’s only a small thing but all along the course having people call out your name puts a bit of a pep in your step :)

    We got a really nice sleeveless fleece for finishing along with a nice medal. I couldn’t recommend this race highly enough. I was really well organised, has brilliant pacers, fantastic support along the route, a great memento that will keep me warm during the Winter months and all at a not too shabby price of €29.

    There was great comradely all along the course with everyone chatting about Dublin and passing on little gems of advice. I couldn’t have asked for a better last long run.

    Let the taper begin :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Great going, Neady! You won't even notice the hills in Dublin with your training and after Athlone. So you came in ahead of the 4 hour pacers?? sounds like you finished strong... sub-4 definitely there for you on the 26th...?!

    And you did Diamond Hill the day before! :) You'll be able for anything when you taper.

    Reading about your circuit training scares me... dyna bands, bear crawling... ??? I don't want to know :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    annapr wrote: »
    Great going, Neady! You won't even notice the hills in Dublin with your training and after Athlone. So you came in ahead of the 4 hour pacers?? sounds like you finished strong... sub-4 definitely there for you on the 26th...?!

    And you did Diamond Hill the day before! :) You'll be able for anything when you taper.

    Reading about your circuit training scares me... dyna bands, bear crawling... ??? I don't want to know :eek:

    Thanks Anna, yea, against my better judgement I finished a bit ahead of the 4 hour pacers but I felt comfortable, didn't push it and I didn't even sprint for the finish line as herds of people blasted past me on the home straight so I kinda kept it under control :D I'd really like to hit the 4 hour mark in Dublin now given that the long runs have gone pretty much ok but what will be be will be :)

    The circuit classes are tough to haul my ass outta bed for twice a week but I think they've helped strenghten my legs during the year. My brother is recovering from a hamstring injury and he's been given exercises to do using dyna bands and dumb bells and they're pretty much what we do in circuit class each week so I'm hoping that prevention is better than the cure in my case :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done you! You are going to kill Dublin! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Well done you! You are going to kill Dublin! :)

    Thanks Dory, I'm getting very excited about your race this weekend :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83


    60 minutes of spinning recovery on the wattbike listening to Ed Sheeran :) There was only one bike free (pesky students) and the computer wasn't working so I had no feedback but I spun on up the gears every 10 minutes keeping the effort easy and taking it out of the saddle for the last 10. My legs were heavy for the start of this but they felt great on the walk home :)

    Tuesday AM

    Circuits down in the basketball courts again. 8 stations - 4x60 seconds off 10 sec recovery.

    1) Mountain climbers & dragging our legs across the floor in high plank position
    2) Plank walks
    3) One legged squats
    4) Plank up downs (hell-raisers)
    5) 200 meter sprints
    6) Boxing/high knees
    7) Bear crawls
    8) High knees & wall runs

    Now I know why my tummy is in shreds today, he snuck loads of planks in there without us realising it.

    Tuesday PM

    5.2 miles easy @ 9:43/mile
    This was an absolute disaster. Went to Athenry to do a session with the club. The session was 1m wu/ 6x6 minutes off 90 seconds recovery/ 1mile cd. The coach who is also a physio said to run it all steady and leave out the speed if we were running on heavy legs because stopping and starting would do more harm than good.

    Did a 1 mile warm up with himself at a nice easy pace (10:30/mi), started the session and said I'd pace him at an easy effort but his legs gave in less than a km into the session so he headed back to the car (I think soccer the day before was the culprit). I did two of the 6 minute intervals at PMP before hitting for the car to get a cold and miserable other half home. In hindsight I should have done 4 easy instead of the PMP intervals and headed for the car but hindsight is a great thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Only catching up. So delighted you got on so well on Sunday. The race sounds fantastic and you did really well. I'm very proud, for some mad reason. Brilliant. I can't believe you are still doing circuits and all the mad stuff.

    '8 miles @ 9:14/mi
    The plan called for 1 wu/ 5 @PMP/ 1 wd
    The warm up went to plan but the 5 @ PMP were a little faster at 9:00/mi. I miscalculated the distance home from the pitches in Dangan and had a 2 mile warm down at in or around 10:00/mi'

    This seems to be a recurring theme on the pitches of Dangan, the plan out for a bitter lemon with a saggy arse around here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    aquinn wrote: »
    Only catching up. So delighted you got on so well on Sunday. The race sounds fantastic and you did really well. I'm very proud, for some mad reason. Brilliant. I can't believe you are still doing circuits and all the mad stuff.

    '8 miles @ 9:14/mi
    The plan called for 1 wu/ 5 @PMP/ 1 wd
    The warm up went to plan but the 5 @ PMP were a little faster at 9:00/mi. I miscalculated the distance home from the pitches in Dangan and had a 2 mile warm down at in or around 10:00/mi'

    This seems to be a recurring theme on the pitches of Dangan, the plan out for a bitter lemon with a saggy arse around here.

    Thank you so much A, that means so much to me. I really hope I do you proud on the big day :)

    I keep eyeing up the guys running around the pitches and check TBLs log after but he's never running there on the evenings I am (I don't know what he looks like). I think I know why the plan goes to pot around the pitches .... there's a serious fear of getting hit with a soccer ball, a sliotar or a football so there's a serious incentive to run fast in places :D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83


    5.4 miles @ 9:41/mi
    Nice and easy did it around Galway city

    Thursday AM

    1 miles on the treadmill before circuits
    Circuits: 5x50 seconds off 10 seconds recovery

    Lots more planks and plenty of weights - I got the feeling that Friday would be a stiff day :)

    Thursday PM

    5.2 miles @ 9:35/mi
    I snuck out while the match was on and the streets were nice and dry and the air was cript. Perfect weather for easy running.

    Friday & Saturday

    I was in Dublin on Friday for meetings and up at silly o' clock to get there for 9. Left at 2 o' clock, traveling with my boss, but his piece of s**t car broke down on the motorway and we had to wait for ages for the AA to come and fix us up - without a radio because he busted the ariel. It took 8 hours to get back to Galway & I had to hit for Clare then. I was one very unhappy camper. Saturday was a family day so it was spent driving Mum around the place :)


    14.5 miles @ 9:xx/mi
    After cheering on everyone at the cross country intermediate championships in Whest Clare I was inspired to get out and get this done. My brother kindly offered to do this with me even though it would be WAY too slow for him. We did 3 loops of 4.6 miles passing the house each time to grab some water and some jelly beans. This was done way way way too fast because I couldn't slow the greyhound down so I'm too ashamed to post my splits - they were very consistent though :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    tut tut to your brother... didn't you give him the dubgal 'run slow' lecture? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    annapr wrote: »
    tut tut to your brother... didn't you give him the dubgal 'run slow' lecture? :)

    I did, honestly, I was telling him all about the fast and slow twitch fibers and time on the feet and everything and he still wouldn't slow down even though he kept telling me I was in charge of the pace!!!!!

    On top of that, we were chatting to a guy at the xc and he told us about his marathon experience two years ago and how he went with the 3:15 pacers and blew up at mile 22 and could not move so I was explaining to my brother that this guy went out too fast yada yada yada and he still wouldn't slow down. I need to get Dubgal to have a word with him ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Wow Neady, that's some solid training done... No doubt you'll nail the 4 hours in 2 weeks time!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    nop98 wrote: »
    Wow Neady, that's some solid training done... No doubt you'll nail the 4 hours in 2 weeks time!

    Right back at you Nop though I have a sneaking suspicion that you'll go well under the 4 hours :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Right back at you Nop though I have a sneaking suspicion that you'll go well under the 4 hours :)

    Ha :cool: I'm glad one of us does :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    nop98 wrote: »
    Ha :cool: I'm glad one of us does :)

    Oh you two are so modest! You are both going to kick ass! Just save us a space in McGrattans! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    annapr wrote: »
    Oh you two are so modest! You are both going to kick ass! Just save us a space in McGrattans! :D

    We're all going to kick ass :):):) Yeaeeeeee can't wait to finally meet ye :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83


    60 minutes on the wattbike, 32km, 10 minutes on each gear from 1 to 6
    This was a very sweaty one in the gym. I used the polar view, it shows the force applied to the pedals and the position of the pedals when applying this force. It shows you a graph with two loops that are pinched in the middle, pushing on the left pedal makes the loop on the left bigger and vice versa.

    My aim was to make the two loops look like a sausage and keep the force and recovery even on both legs. My left leg is slightly weaker than my right and even when concentrating, I was producing 51% of power with my right and 49% with my left. A nice exercise in peddling technique.

    I did a very very slow km on the treadmill afterwards to get the HR down. I'm finding that a spin on the bike the day after my LSR helps my legs recovery well from the run.


    Circuits: 9 circuits, 50x4

    1) Bridges with the exercise ball
    2) Russian twists with medicine ball (5kg)
    3) Forward lunges with band pull-apart
    4) Kettle bell swings (16kg)
    5) Forward lunge with 8kg dum bells
    6) Dyna band running with my partner in crime
    7) Bear crawls
    8) Dead bug with the dyna band
    9) Dyna band seated row

    It never ceases to amaze me the amount of pain those innocent looking dyna bands can inflict. Great core workout though.

    I have a tinsy wincy bit of a chest infection. It's reared it's ugly head yesterday morning but I had a feeling last week that it was coming so I upped my cortisone dosage and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to fight it off myself. I have anti-biotics in case I need them but I'm sure all will be well in a day or two. It's probably just the change of weather, the cold air in the evenings makes running a bit more difficult so I'll keep all my running this week to the hours of warm sunshine :)

    Deep tissue massage this evening, youch

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    CHEST INFECTION???? Are you ok?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    aquinn wrote: »
    CHEST INFECTION???? Are you ok?

    I'm fine, thank you, it's nothing to be worried about :) I'm asthmatic so these are a regular occurrence particularly at this time of the year and this is just the beginnings of one really. I just need to manage it and it will go away. I'm getting loads of sleep, steering clear of dairy and not pushing hard so it will bugger off after a few days and if it doesn't I'll start on the anti-biotics. I'm glad it's this week and not next week though :)
