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Time for a New Adventure



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Dory Dory wrote: » at midnight tonight we go clean with our diets. :D Have you thought of any specifics you want to eliminate and what you will allow yourself? Here are my rough thoughts for me that I will fine tune this evening:

    The duration of this "challenge" for me will go until IronMan Louisville in October.....and during that time I will cut out all alcohol, chips, candy, cookies, cakes, chocolate, and all things that resemble the aforementioned items....however, I will allow myself 2 servings of ice cream (1 cup each) per week (but not to be carried over to the next week if I don't eat them) because of my low bone density (medicinal purposes, you know :D), I will allow myself 3 instances of breaking bad (in one setting) between now and IM Louisville (a 4th instance of me breaking bad means I lose), and all restrictions are off when I travel to Europe this April. :)

    You still in?? If so, tailor your challenge to what you can live with and what will benefit you the most!

    I'm in :)

    Although I've been pretty good since last week, for some reason, training and eating good go hand in hand.

    For me, the 'challenge' will last until the beginning of ITERA on August 16th. Why the beginning? Because when we're out there for 5 days and I can't stomach anything out of a packet anymore and we pass a chipper or a shop and I want greasy chips, a packet of crisps of a bottle of coke, I won't be thinking about this challenge :)

    I'm going to cut out chips, crisps, alcohol, fizzy drinks, jellies, chocolate, my mothers home made apple pies, scones, cakes and everything else delicious she fattens me up with when I go home (she's not gonna like this), cakes and all that sort of sweet confectionary stuff and lastly the triangular sandwiches with masses of mayo they give us at conferences and meetings at work.

    I'm going to put in a caveat of allowing myself any of the above during an event longer than 24 hours because after 20 hours, I'll need to eat whatever I can stomach to get me over the line. I'll also allow myself 1 - 2 glasses of wine each month that I cannot carry over to the next month (I only drink two or three times a year but if we go away it's nice to have a glass of something so himself doesn't feel like he's on his own). Like DD, I'm giving myself three chances to fall off the wagon and then I'm out.

    Chocolate is my biggest problem, I haven't had any now for over a week and I'm good but one square and I'll be eating masses of chocolate and feeling like crap for a few weeks. This is why I'd like to knock it on the head completely, I cant seem to be able to have small quantities.

    Thanks Dory Dory :)
    Thats so wrong. It even sounds wrong. Where's the joy in living????? Seriously don't do it to yourself :eek:

    It will be fun to find alternatives to the junk :) I think ;)
    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Pretty harsh alright but then again it all depends on how you value your treats/junk food. Have you taken on a diet regime like that before Dory? How did you find it, both in terms of benefits and difficulty in giving up the treats?

    EDIT: does this clean living topic deserve its own thread rather than hijacking Neady's log?

    For the past month or so I've been making these really great date, fig, cocoa, almond, pecan, coconutty little balls of joy and they've been keeping my sweet tooth at bay. I'm looking forward to trying some other healthy but still sweet alternatives. When I don't have anything made, I'll grab a nakd bar or a bounce energy ball. I eat healthily 85% of the time but when I fall off the wagon, I fall bad and it takes me a week or more to get back on track again. So consistency in clean eating is what I'm after :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Sweet divinity - tough marathon. Especially that section between 17 & you have to carry your own ropes for it? :o

    Sorry C, I never replied to this. Yea, it's a toughie but I guess you go into it with no expectations of breaking any records and the scenery is stunning :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Pretty harsh alright but then again it all depends on how you value your treats/junk food. Have you taken on a diet regime like that before Dory? How did you find it, both in terms of benefits and difficulty in giving up the treats?

    EDIT: does this clean living topic deserve its own thread rather than hijacking Neady's log?

    We can certainly start a thread for this topic is there is enough interest (I had thought of it myself as I was running yesterday - "Garbage in, garbage out - the clean diet challenge".) :D

    Yes, I went "extreme" 3 years ago with shotgun. What I am doing this time around is baby stuff compared to then. We cut out everything....and there were no ice cream exceptions that I am allowing myself this time around...and I believe on the third fall from grace the person was out. This time I am allowing myself 3 falls, and making the 4th one the exiting fall. Plus this time, each fall can be catastrophic as long as it is in one setting. :D I may have lost too much weight at one point based on all the comments I got, and I believe my exclusion of ice cream contributed to my low bone density (since prior to that ice cream was a significant source of calcium and Vitamin D for me - not kidding!). This time around I will monitor my calcium and Vitamin D intake - I have monitored it since my fracture.

    As far as how I found it - relatively easy, in truth. I had a challenge, and I embrace challenges. I do best when challenged. I also knew/know that chocolate and alcohol and cookies and cakes and all those sinfully wonderful things will still be around when I get to my IM goal, so it's not actually like I am missing anything - I am just choosing to defer it. And the physical benefits were real. That was my best year running - all my PBs from marathon time to 5k time are all from that year, so we really are what we eat. I also felt good about my body.

    If anyone else wants to join in on this, it's open to anyone. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Perhaps if I had an A goal (or even B,C,D,E...etc) I might be tempted to join you but I don't have anything on the horizon that I'm taking that seriously, though I could do with cutting back on the crap alright.

    I do like the logic of the sweet stuff still being there when the goal is achieved. I could work with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Holy cow, this log is getting scarier by the minute... No chocolate....? Noooooo.....

    Seriously, fair play to both of you for taking on the challenge and good luck with it!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    annapr wrote: »
    Holy cow, this log is getting scarier by the minute... No chocolate....? Noooooo.....

    Seriously, fair play to both of you for taking on the challenge and good luck with it!

    Don't forget my caveat, best incentive ever to get out for a 24 hour adventure :) I'll be sending the ARSEs an e-mail tomorrow ;)

    I'll fall off the wagon quicker than I got on it, wait and see. I'm weak when it comes to chocolate :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hmm in one way the discipline is required but Kate has a point. You gotta live! I'm good to go until ITERA (A Goal) too but just 3 treats?! I gave it a real shot with DD on this 3 years ago but I have such a sweet tooth that I handed it to Dory. We had a thread on the forum around then too which allowed 400 kcal a month grace. You had to log your vices and if you crashed over 400 you were out.

    Maybe bring this to the main forum again and make it really hard but not as masochistic ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Monday AM

    70 minutes on the Wattbike in a deserted gym
    30min warm up
    1 min @ 100rpm, 2 mins @ 90rpm, 2 mins easy (five times)
    5 min easy
    5 min climbing
    5 min cool down

    I've done this in the evening and I find it easier to hold the 100rpm during the evening.

    Monday PM

    4.2miles @ 8:47/mi
    Did this by feel and was delighted to see normal effort return this pace

    Tuesday AM

    3miles @ 9:18/mi (treadmill)

    Circuits: 9 stations @ 4x55seconds each
    1. single leg squats
    2. crab walks and spider crawls
    3. fling a 5kg squishy ball behind your head and smack the wall over and over again
    4. Lateral walk with dyna band around shins
    5. Upside down wall plank :O
    6. Wall squats with weights
    7. wall squats & sprints
    8. 100meter sprints
    9. Frog leaps with dyna band on shins

    This was tough and being our first morning back after a two week break, there were some early leavers. I'd remembered to bring a flapjack with me so munched on that on the way around so keep me ticking over.

    Tuesday Lunch

    4.4miles @ 9:07
    I threw two miles @ HMP in for good measure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    I actually baked flapjacks last weekend for the same reason. Must have cut 500kc a day off the diet so far without the crap! A few nuts with a cup of tea earlier was new!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Two days clean here, and I find I am actually eating "real" food instead of snacking and consuming items that are devoid of any nutritional value. Whoop whoop!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Two days clean here, and I find I am actually eating "real" food instead of snacking and consuming items that are devoid of any nutritional value. Whoop whoop!

    +1 I'm finding it so much easier to get up in the mornings already and real food is tasting much better. I scored a major victory last night, I resisted the the pick n mix at the cinema :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83


    70mins Wattbike
    This included a wu, 5 sets of high gears and a 15 min cool down with a few sprints thrown in for good measure

    Thursday AM

    3miles @ 8:38/mi
    Treadmill style before circuits

    Circuits: 8 circuits @ 4x60seconds
    1. mountain climber sprints & the abs wheel thingy
    2. something with the bosu ball, it hurt
    3. Two arm kettlebell row
    4. Kettle bell swings & hopping up on a box
    5. mountain climber sprints & ab wheel thing again
    6. Bear crawls & dyna band squat & shuffle while wearing weights vest
    7. Ropes & Clean & press (2x10kg dumbbells)
    8. Russian wood chop with a 10kg weight

    All I have to say is that I'm gonna pay for this session tomorrow, I can feel my legs start to stiffen already.

    Thursday PM

    8.1miles @ 9:06/mi
    This was supposed to be 4 miles but when I started running, everything seemed to click into place. My breathing was easy, my legs felt light and it didn't feel like hard work. I haven't enjoyed a run as much as this in a long time so I kept on running and tried a new hilly route :) I long for more of these runs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Friday AM

    70mins Wattbike, 34.25km
    25min wu
    5 sets of big gears (level 10, mag5)
    15min cd

    This felt good for a morning session and was made all the better because I had a podcast of an interview with Nick Gracie of Team Godzone to listen to.

    Friday PM

    3.18miles @ 8:31/mi
    I did a 5km route that I haven’t done since last year so it was refreshing to be out on it again. My legs felt fresh, fingers crossed it stays this way.


    Booster Hill
    8.41miles @ 10:32/mi, 1,426 elevation gain
    We were in Mayo visiting the outlaws so I asked to be dropped to Booster Hill to make some attempt at the SBR16 Run up a Big Hill Challenge (run up a big hill non-stop for 30mins). I did this last year as part of the Castlebar duathlon and really enjoyed it. I hid my gear at the bottom of the hill and figured I better do a warm up so I hit North, 1.25 miles all downhill and I spied a dog making a bee line through a front garden for me so I swiftly turned and headed back (all uphill), got to the bottom of Booster and decided I wasn’t warmed up enough so hit South for a bit, all uphill. At the bottom of this hill I could see an Alsatian and another dog mooching around the garden of a house so I high tailed it back to the bottom of Booster and figured I better get on with the job.

    The first section is rough forest trail with loose gravel but with a gentle incline. This is followed by a nice short decline (still on fire roads) and then the really hard work started. This section has been newly tarred but still rough so there’s good grip under the feet. Honestly, it felt like I wasn’t moving at all, it was much steeper than I remembered and so I was taking very small steps, very very small steps and lots of huffing and puffing to boot. I had to stop and walk twice, once for about 20 seconds and the other for about 15 seconds, it was practically vertical in a few points so a big fat fail at my first attempt at the challenge.

    A good run though and I’ll have the memory in my legs for a stab at Keeper Hill next week. Was supposed to do a 10mile LSR this weekend so this will cover it I hope.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83


    19.35miles on the MTB, 1:32 (12.8mph), 612ft elevation
    I only got a chance to get out on the bike when I knew that it was getting dark so I charged up my bike torch, donned my reflective gear and lit myself up like a Christmas tree. I did my usual Galway, Moycullen, Spiddal, Galway loop and it was nice to be whizzing (as fast as you can whizz up & down hills on a MTB) through the countryside in the dark. I was about 15 minutes from Spiddal when I got a dermabrasion facial in the form of a hailstone shower, brrrrrrrrrrr. Then it started to bucket down rain and the roads filled with puddles so I resisted stopping for my usual coffee and headed straight for the city.

    About 5 miles from Spiddal my torch started to blink so I had to call for back up, bugger it, I hadn't charged my torch enough. I had about 2 litres of water in my socks at that stage and I had the hilly section covered so I was happy enough to call it a day at that.

    Weekly Totals
    Running: 5hrs 21 (34miles)
    Cycling (MTB): 1hr 31 (19miles)
    Wattbike: 3hrs 30
    Circuits: 2 hrs

    Total: 12hrs 22

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Friday AM

    70mins Wattbike, 34.25km
    25min wu
    5 sets of big gears (level 10, mag5)
    15min cd

    This felt good for a morning session and was made all the better because I had a podcast of an interview with Nick Gracie of Team Godzone to listen to.

    Friday PM

    3.18miles @ 8:31/mi
    I did a 5km route that I haven’t done since last year so it was refreshing to be out on it again. My legs felt fresh, fingers crossed it stays this way.


    Booster Hill
    8.41miles @ 10:32/mi, 1,426 elevation gain
    We were in Mayo visiting the outlaws so I asked to be dropped to Booster Hill to make some attempt at the SBR16 Run up a Big Hill Challenge (run up a big hill non-stop for 30mins). I did this last year as part of the Castlebar duathlon and really enjoyed it. I hid my gear at the bottom of the hill and figured I better do a warm up so I hit North, 1.25 miles all downhill and I spied a dog making a bee line through a front garden for me so I swiftly turned and headed back (all uphill), got to the bottom of Booster and decided I wasn’t warmed up enough so hit South for a bit, all uphill. At the bottom of this hill I could see an Alsatian and another dog mooching around the garden of a house so I high tailed it back to the bottom of Booster and figured I better get on with the job.

    The first section is rough forest trail with loose gravel but with a gentle incline. This is followed by a nice short decline (still on fire roads) and then the really hard work started. This section has been newly tarred but still rough so there’s good grip under the feet. Honestly, it felt like I wasn’t moving at all, it was much steeper than I remembered and so I was taking very small steps, very very small steps and lots of huffing and puffing to boot. I had to stop and walk twice, once for about 20 seconds and the other for about 15 seconds, it was practically vertical in a few points so a big fat fail at my first attempt at the challenge.

    A good run though and I’ll have the memory in my legs for a stab at Keeper Hill next week. Was supposed to do a 10mile LSR this weekend so this will cover it I hope.

    fair play ! was planning on heading for the booster this weekend too but it didnt work out.. too icy this morning and busy yesterday.. but its a tough tough run.. i wouldnt be in the shape to run all of it.. dont think its included in the harlequin this year which is a pity

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    woody1 wrote: »
    fair play ! was planning on heading for the booster this weekend too but it didn't work out.. too icy this morning and busy yesterday.. but its a tough tough run.. i wouldn't be in the shape to run all of it.. don't think its included in the harlequin this year which is a pity

    It's a great hill, such a shame that it's not included in the duathlon this year. I won't bother with it this year with Booster missing, it was the main attraction for me (but the organisers seem to think that it put a lot of people off). I'll give the Keeper Hill challenge in Tipp a go instead.

    To be fair, I wasn't great yesterday, I compared it to the file from the duathlon and I was a bit slower yesterday though I walked a bit more of it last year. Nice covering of frost on top :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Monday AM

    70mins Wattbike, 34km
    25min wu
    6 x 2min sprints @ high cadence (100+)
    15min cd
    Same session as last Monday though I was able to hold the higher cadence for much longer today so I feel like I’m making progress.

    Monday PM

    3.2miles @ 8:43/mi
    Three handy miles by the coast. The first evening in a long time that there wasn’t a wind that would cut you in two blowing.

    Tuesday AM

    3miles @ 9:17/mi on the treadmill before circuits

    Circuits: 8 stations @ 4x50seconds
    1. Bear crawls
    2. Push up planks
    3. Band resisted push ups
    4. Boxing
    5. Running drills with cones
    6. Sprints the length of the gym
    7. Push up planks
    8. High knees and wall runs

    Tuesday PM

    10miles @ 9:32/mi
    A spontaneous 10 miles as I was feeling good when I got out. Of course the heavens opened as soon as I got outside the estate but it dried up pretty quickly. Saw so many runners out this evening, tis the season :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Wednesday AM

    70mins Wattbike, 35km
    25min wu
    6 x 3min big gears (Level10, mag5)
    15min cd
    Found it difficult to peel myself out of bed to get into do this before work and procrastinated a bit more by having the chats with the front of house girl in the gym. Was glad to have it over and be sitting at my desk for work.

    Wednesday PM

    3.2miles @ 9:25/mi
    An out and back route. I did this by feel and used it as a recovery run. I really felt the benefits of it when it was done, my legs felt very fresh for the evening.

    Thursday AM

    3miles @ 9:17/mi on the treadmill before circuits

    Circuits: 8 stations @ 4x60seconds
    1. Clean and jerk with 2x7.5kg
    2. Medicine ball slams with 9kg ball
    3. Bear crawls & kettle bell swings (12kg)
    4. Renegade rows/push-ups & mountain climbers
    5. 16 high knees & 1 burpee while being pulled back with dyna band with my buddy
    6. Dead bug with dyna bands
    7. Bear crawls & kettle bell swings (12kg)
    8. 8 smacks of the rope & 3xdynamic lunges
    The trainer paired me with one of the swimmers that he’s coaching. She was just after finishing a session in the pool with her swim trainer so had a lot done. She put some serious effort into the class, she’s very strong and fit and it really helped to pair up with someone so strong as I felt I pushed myself just that little bit extra. It was a tough combination of stations.

    Thursday PM

    3miles @ 9:49/mi
    This was supposed to be a recovery run but I ended up hopping on and off of the footpath and avoiding the spots where the ground was looking suspiciously sparkly. I can do the cold, wind and rain but frosty footpaths scare the bjasus out of me. Still though, my legs felt all the better for it this evening. These 3 mile recoveries will be kept ☺

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Friday AM

    70mins Wattbike, 35km
    25min wu
    6 x 4min big gears (Level6, mag5)
    10min cd
    I followed this up with 2 miles @ 9:14/mi on the treadmill.

    Pushing hard on the bigger gears is starting to feel not as tough as it used to (I’m not going to use the word easier because it will never be easy).

    Friday PM

    1hr 30mins Strength & Conditioning
    Down home in Clare for the weekend so did this with my brother in the gym in Kilrush with the West Clare Tri Club who were very welcoming. I was expecting an intense fast circuit class like the ones in Galway but this turned out not to be the case but in a good way.

    We started off with 30 minutes of foam rolling and stretching which gave us time to chat amongst ourselves. Then we paired off and started into each station. We were told to do 3x10reps on each, take a minute break and move onto the next. This class wasn’t about high reps, it was about building strength and giving the muscles time to recover before the next set of reps.

    We did most of the exercises using TRXs. They can be used to work all sorts of muscles and Kevin, the instructor, was making sure that I got all the movements right and took some time to show me other exercises I can do with them to strengthen different parts (Dory, there’s no end to the amount of fun you can have with them). I was delighted to be told that I’ve a strong core – all them early mornings doing circuits in the gym haven’t been a waste of time. The trainer also showed me stretches I should do that will help after sitting at my desk all day so it was well worth my while. I was

    When I lived at home there was no running track or club and no gym so I’m chuffed to see such amazing facilities available to everyone back West. The setting up of the West Clare Tri Club has been great for the community – the guys were telling me last night that none of them could swim when they started and now they’re out training together 7 days a week and host their own Triathlon in the summer. I’d love the opportunity to move back West again as there’s so much more available now and great teachers and mentors.


    34miles on the bike (roadie), 2:21, 730ft, 14.5mph
    I did this West Clare style, sticking as much as possible to the by roads and back roads but sweet j**us I’d forgotten how bad the condition of the roads are. On the first 6 miles I was huffing and puffing along but still only hitting snails pace when I spotted a farmer inside a ditch up ahead, honestly, I was going that slow that while he was standing still and I was cycling, we had a full blown conversation about the weather and how twas great that the fog has lifted and tis getting fierce mild.

    Got to Kilrush and treated myself to a few miles on smooth tarred roads on the way to Kilkee, hitting astronomic speeds of 22mph, but then I got cold feet from the amount of lorries passing me by that I went cross country again and hit for Doonbeg. Honest to god, the roughness of the roads would shake the life out of you but on the other hand it’s nice to get the beep beeps and the big waves from the locals who see you out cycling.

    About 6 dogs from various houses put the frighteners on me but I reckon only 2 had the potential to cause me to be peeled off the road. It takes me about half an hour of cycling on the roadie before I get the confidence to eat and drink while cycling. I really need to work on my handling but I guess that will only come with more cycling on the road.

    The S&C is beginning to catch up with me now as I’m ever so slightly morphing into the tin man. My shoulders and arms and thighs are getting stiffer by the hour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Love that West Clare cycling description :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83


    10.34miles @ 9:53/mi, 1,878ft elevation gain
    Keeper Hill, Toor, Co. Tipp
    There’s a challenge on here in March that I’m aiming to do and my fellow ARSEs and I converged here to recce the route today. This might have been encouraged by me as I wanted to have a second stab at running up a big hill for 30 minutes without stopping after last weeks epic fail.

    This was much more doable than Booster Hill but not any less hard. It took me exactly an hour to get to the top and though I wanted to stop a few times, I kept on chipping away at it (the pace might suggest I was walking in places but I promise I wasn’t). There were a few points where there was a bit of a reprieve with a flat section and it gave me time to catch my breath.

    The top had a nice splattering of snow and ice on it and was shrouded in fog. We stopped at the top for a few seconds, I downed a few dextrose tablets and we were on our merry way practically flying down. While downhills are lovely, my legs were shouting at me with a mile to go so I had to slow it down and pace it a bit.

    Hopefully that’s a pass on the Run Up a Big Hill Challenge.

    22.58miles on the roadie, 1,278ft elevation, 2hrs, 11.2mph
    We got to the cars, did a quick change and headed out on the Keeper Hill challenge bike route. Just as I put my helmet on it started to rain. Cold miserable wet pi**y rain – I think we all know where this is going ……

    Ok, I take back everything I said about the roads in West Clare yesterday. This was a whole new level of crevasse and overgrown bush dodging. To be fair, these roads are one track roads with grass growing on the middle of them and they wind their way around the hills so there’s a lot of run off rain cutting trenches in the middle of them.

    Did I mention how cold and wet and miserable it was, if I didn’t, take this as a reminder. And the climbing, the pace says it all. I was cooked by the time that we got to the ‘big climb’. I clipped out going up and around a hairpin turn because I was afraid of tipping over into a ditch. A third of the way up, my foot slipped off the pedal and I couldn’t get back on with the incline so had to push the dang bike in my flipping clippy cloppy shoes up the god dam mountain (lets face it, if my foot hadn’t slipped, I would have had to walk anyway). Many many expletives came out of my mouth during that time I spent on my own – all character building I guess.

    I was able to get back on at a flattish section somewhere ¾s of the way up and trundled on from there. The only good thing about cooking yourself on the way up a mountain is that you’re so fooked on the way down that you couldn’t give two hoots about hitting a crevasse at 28mph and landing splat on the road. Needless to say, I was a bit more confident than I usually am on the descents :)

    My god, I was glad to see the car when this was all over. My toes and fingers were about to give in to frost bite. I hope it’s a lot warmer for the Keeper Challenge.

    Weekly Totals

    Running: 6:00 (37.8miles)
    Cycling (roadie): 4:25 (57miles)
    Wattbike: 3:30 (105km)
    Circuits/S&C: 3:30

    Total: 17hrs 25mins

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Serious amount of hours you're clocking up there! Nice work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83


    4miles recovery @ 9:26/mi
    There was a nice soft rain falling when I went out to knock this on the head. It was all going well until I passed a young fella walking down the street and got the whiff of his bag of chips. They smelled like the tastiest most salty and vinegary chips I’ve never had. It was all but I turned around and asked him for one :( It was the first real temptation I’ve had since I cleaned up my act food wise.

    Almost three weeks of clean eating done and I’m really feeling the effects of it. The scales and my jeans are telling me I’ve lost my post-marathon and Christmas pounds.

    30minute massage
    I went for a half hour back and shoulder massage with a new guy who’s doing massages on campus on Mondays. His name is Mick, he can be found in my phone under Mickey Massage ;) I really needed this after the two outings on the bike over the weekend, my neck and shoulders really feel these spins. Mick tells me that the muscles on the front of my body are shortened, especially the ones on my neck so that could well be the reason. I’ve a bunch of stretches to do that should help.

    Mick is a former triathlete but he knocked it on the head after he got knocked off his bike on the Headford road by a guy who hadn’t waited for his windscreen to de-mist. Even though he was lit up like a Christmas tree, there was no way the driver could see him. It’s enough to put the shivers down your spine.

    Tuesday AM

    3miles @ 9:15/mi (on the treadie before circuits)

    Circuits: 12 stations at 2x80seconds
    A plethora of people turned up for circuits this morning so the trainer, Dave, had to stick in lots of last minute stations and cut the reps by half. We were down in the basketball court so most of the stations were sprinty, dynamic type exercises. It wasn’t my favorite of set ups. I wonder how long before we’re back to the regulars in class.

    Tuesday PM

    10miles @ 9:44/mi
    This was a run of many ups and downs, there were some parts that I really enjoyed and some parts that I really didn’t like. It always takes me a mile or two to warm up and start to enjoy a run and I usually enjoy the next 4 miles but then the rest can sometimes be a slog. This was one of them, I think I was thinking about it too much instead of just being.

    30mins Wattbike (15km)
    This was a light spin straight off the back of the run. My thighs were burning quite a bit at the start but they calmed down. After 15 minutes I threw in some 30second sprints to get the sweat pumping.

    Wednesday AM

    75mins Wattbike (26km)
    30min wu
    6 x 3min high cadence (I could only muster 90-95rpms)
    15min cd with a few sprints
    I did not at all feel the love for this. I couldn’t muster any speed in my legs until 45 minutes into the session. It got done though and that is the main thing

    Wednesday Lunch

    4.3miles @ 9:31/mi
    Some recovery miles at lunch and they’ve livened up my legs again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Thursday AM

    2.75miles @ 8:55/mi before circuits

    Circuits: 10 stations @ 4x50secs
    1. Medicine ball slams
    2. Mountain climbers/ab roller
    3. Kettlebell lifts
    4. Backward & forward lunges
    5. Kettlebell swings
    6. Mountain climbers/ab roller
    7. Walking lunges with 2x7.5kg dumbbells
    8. High Knee sprints
    9. Clean and press with 7.5kg
    10. Can’t remember what form of torture this was


    60 mins Wattbike (28.8km)
    30min wu
    5x3min sprints
    5min cd

    Oh bloody hell, just about peeled myself out of bed to get this done before work.

    6.5miles @ 9:14/mi
    Easy 60 minutes around the city. Was feeling really tired today so had to drag myself out for this one. Was glad I did once I was out there.


    Croagh Patrick, 2hrs, 2,354ft elevation gain
    It was lunch time when I got to the reek and got my boots on for this solo climb. It was dry and mild but blustery at the bottom so I knew it was going to be nice n’ windy on top and that it was.

    I climbed at a steady pace but there was no fire in my legs today, no pace and I couldn’t get into a decent rhythm- but an enjoyable climb all the same. It was quite gusty at the shoulder and started to rain so I took out my rain jacket. I couldn’t believe the state of the cone since I was last up there. The erosion is worsening at a very fast rate and the amount of rubbish thrown around was disgusting. I stopped for a quick drink at the top and headed down again, picking a few of the empty bottles as I chugged away down.

    Weekly Totals

    Running: 5hrs 20 (34miles)
    Circuits/S&C: 2hrs 30
    Wattbike: 2hrs 45
    Hiking: 2hrs 00

    Total: 12hrs 40

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Thursday AM

    2.75miles @ 8:55/mi before circuits

    Circuits: 10 stations @ 4x50secs
    1. Medicine ball slams
    2. Mountain climbers/ab roller
    3. Kettlebell lifts
    4. Backward & forward lunges
    5. Kettlebell swings
    6. Mountain climbers/ab roller
    7. Walking lunges with 2x7.5kg dumbbells
    8. High Knee sprints
    9. Clean and press with 7.5kg
    10. Can’t remember what form of torture this was

    Thursday PM

    3miles @ 10:08/mi
    3 nice recovery miles


    60 mins Wattbike (28.8km)
    30min wu
    5x3min sprints
    5min cd

    Oh bloody hell, just about peeled myself out of bed to get this done before work.

    6.5miles @ 9:14/mi
    Easy 60 minutes around the city. Was feeling really tired today so had to drag myself out for this one. Was glad I did once I was out there.


    Croagh Patrick, 2hrs, 2,354ft elevation gain
    It was lunch time when I got to the reek and got my boots on for this solo climb. It was dry and mild but blustery at the bottom so I knew it was going to be nice n’ windy on top and that it was.

    I climbed at a steady pace but there was no fire in my legs today, no pace and I couldn’t get into a decent rhythm- but an enjoyable climb all the same. It was quite gusty at the shoulder and started to rain so I took out my rain jacket. I couldn’t believe the state of the cone since I was last up there. The erosion is worsening at a very fast rate and the amount of rubbish thrown around was disgusting. I stopped for a quick drink at the top and headed down again, picking a few of the empty bottles as I chugged away down.

    Weekly Totals

    Running: 5hrs 20 (34miles)
    Circuits/S&C: 2hrs 30
    Wattbike: 2hrs 45
    Hiking: 2hrs 00

    Total: 12hrs 40

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    For an awful moment there I thought you climbed Croagh Patrick two days in a row, it wouldn't surprise me! But it was a Boards glitch.

    Fantastic training, love reading your mountain adventures!

    As for Mickey Massage... :pac: :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Monday AM

    75mins Wattbike (37.5km)
    30min wu
    5x3mins high gears (level 10 5mag), 2 rec
    6x30sec sprints off 1min rec
    10min cd

    This felt really good. A light weekend of training did me the world of good. I felt good getting up and felt able to get through the big gears though with a few buckets of sweat dripping off me (I’m so glad that the gym is quiet in the morning).

    Monday Lunch

    7.2miles @ 8:36/mi
    As I was feeling so good in the morning and it was bright, dry and I haven’t had a chance to run around the pitches in Dangan in ages, I decided to make this a 6 mile progression run.

    1. 8:51
    2. 8:40
    3. 8:37
    4. 8:26
    5. 8:30
    6. 8:21
    7. 8:34 (bit too fast for a cd)
    8. 1:34 (0.2)

    I love love loved this though I made a slip up on mile 5– I went around the same pitch 4 times and I think the cornering, particularly one mucky corner, slowed me slightly. I felt light on my feet and it was bright, so so bright that I was totally energised.

    Monday PM

    3.2miles recovery @ 10:00/mi
    This was a rain soaking recovery but well worth getting out for.

    Tuesday AM

    3miles warm-up @ 9:15 on the treadmill before circuits

    Circuits: 9 stations @ 4x55secs each
    1. Medicine ball squat to shoulder press & side shuffle with medicine ball
    2. Resistance band sprints (14 with a burpee)
    3. Boxing & lunges
    4. Mountain climbers & burpees with sliders
    5. Bear crawls & running
    6. Boxing & running
    7. Squat, hold, jump
    8. Side straddle hop with cones
    9. Sprints from sprint position

    Tuesday Lunch

    6.7miles @ 9:00/mi
    60 minutes of easy running- I did this by effort, it felt easy. Oh what a difference a day makes, my trails around Dangan were flooded in parts and it was a mucky mess.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Easier weekend paying off needy. Sometimes have to give the body a chance to recover, not always the easiest to do but tends to pay off usually

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Serious amount of hours you're clocking up there! Nice work.

    Thanks RQ, a back to back session at the weekend usually spikes the weekly totals. Not sure if I can keep this up all year but I'll try to keep the morning sessions going and if life gets in the way for the rest of the day, at least I've something done :)
    annapr wrote: »
    For an awful moment there I thought you climbed Croagh Patrick two days in a row, it wouldn't surprise me! But it was a Boards glitch.

    Fantastic training, love reading your mountain adventures!

    As for Mickey Massage... :pac: :pac:

    Thanks Anna, hopefully I'll have more mountain adventures this year, they're my favorite part of the training. Not pushing a bike up them mind you ;)
    mossym wrote: »
    Easier weekend paying off needy. Sometimes have to give the body a chance to recover, not always the easiest to do but tends to pay off usually

    Very true Mossy. It's something I need to pay more heed to this year. Listen to my body, take a few easy days and it will pay off in the long run. Marathon training thought me a lot in that respect. I never knew the value in recovery miles until then and I now realise that they're much better than recovery on the couch ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Wednesday AM

    70mins Wattbike (33.3km)
    30min wu
    35mins of 30sprints (95+ rpms) with 30 secs recovery
    5min cd

    My legs were ever so slightly stiff as pokers. I don’t know what exactly we did in the gym yesterday but it has caused havoc with my hamstrings and glutes. It started to kick in late last night so I text my friend who was in class with me and sure enough, she was stiffening up too, phew – not just me.

    3.2miles @ 10:00/mi
    Straight off the bike and onto the treadie. It took a mile before my legs started to loosen up and enjoy this jog. I kept picturing myself coming off the bike after 7 hours of hard cycling and wondering how the hell I’d get through 26 of these miles. You Iron people are tough cookies.

    Wednesday Lunch

    4.2miles @ 9:28/mi
    I did this in the hope that it might loosen me up. Each time I get up from my desk, I have to pause for a second and stretch out my legs. Enjoyed this gentle jog up and down by the river.

    I popped down to the Salthill hotel for the launch of Tri Talking Sport, Joanne Murphys new business venture. I didn’t know much about Joanne but she introduced herself and briefly went through her career as an athlete- she has an impressive resume and comes across as a really cool gal.

    She interviewed Kevin Thornton and they discussed his turning pro, his coaching, nutrition and mental attitude. Next up was Gavan Hennigan, who is about to do the Yukon Artic Ultra- this guy was a crack addict in the depts of despair as little as 12 years ago. Then there was Ray O’Connor, RunIreland director, who made us laugh with his tales of marathon running, especially with his struggles doing the Connemara 100. Finally it was Gerry Duffys turn to help motivate us in mind and body. He explained his theory on using the numbering system when doing tough events and realising that during the tough points, you’re just passing though a number to get to the next point. It was a fantastic event and each speaker brought a different insight into training, motivation and endurance.

    The only person that could have added that something extra would have been our own Enduro. It would have been the icing on the cake to hear him discuss the Spine race. Enduro, we need to get you to the West, I heard great things about the event in the Great Outdoor ☺

    Thursday AM

    3miles warm-up @ 9:15 on the treadmill before circuits

    Circuits: 9 stations @ 4x70secs each
    1. Slider burpees & slider push-ups
    2. Leaps & side shuffles
    3. Backward & side lunges (2x10kg kettle bells)
    4. Side walk push-ups using steps @ diff. levels
    5. Slider burpees & slider push-ups
    6. 6 squats & walking lunges (2x12kg kettle bells)
    7. All sorts of step push ups
    8. Ab walkout with dumbbells
    9. Ball slams & twists
    Enda must have been studying new forms of torture because there were three stations in here that we hadn’t seen before- just to add a new level of stiffness to any marts that were neglected on Tuesday. This was a serious upper body workout. Picking up a pen may be difficult tomorrow.

    Thursday Lunch

    3.1miles @ 9:44/mi
    A wet and windy easy 3 miles in an attempt to stave off the impending stiffness from this morning. Threw in 4 100m strides for good measure.

    Thursday PM

    2miles @ 12:50/mi
    Himself is coming back from an injury so he’s back to the C25K and the intervals have to be done on the grass so we walked to Nimos pier and he ran them on the sections of grass there while storm Gertrude was whipping up a storm around us.

    EDIT: My butt hurts loads from them dam sliders and lunges
