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Time for a New Adventure



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    snailsong wrote: »
    Well done, Neady, that's some training you have going on. An example to us all. Home from abroad at 3am and in the gym before work, Jaysus.

    What's a rage run?

    110km at 25kph on rough roads is great going. Well done to your brother, no surprise you can do it ;D.

    Thanks for the update on your arse, was worried about it :D.

    Thanks P :) it's all coming together, I think :)

    You don't know what a rage run is? I'm not surprised, I bet you never get angry :) It's a run after you've had a rubbish day or you're angry over something and you just run to pound it all into the pavement :) Gets all the anger out and leaves no energy for any more anger.

    .... and the arse bit, I'm representing team ARSE so I feel that it's only fair that I update everyone on that part of my anatomy ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Monday December 12th
    AM 60mins Wattbike (31km)
    20min wu
    10x 2min@L10 sitting down & 2min@L10M6 standing up
    20min cd
    Took a few minutes to get ‘comfy’ on the saddle after yesterdays long spin. Probably should have taken this easy but I couldn’t do an hour of easy spinning so threw in some big gear stuff. Love big gear and off the saddle stuff.

    20mins Foam rolling
    Followed by lots of heel drops and foam rolling.

    PM 7.1miles @ 9:15/mi
    Had no problem putting on the gear to go out but once I hit the footpath, I felt like I was running through treacle. There was no zip there at all. Decided that I’d call it a day after 3 miles, willed myself to get to three miles, told myself that I’d be willing myself on from a worse situation in Donegal in March, then coaxed myself to do one more miles by which time, I was enjoying it a bit more. Was well chuffed to get 7 miles in with 5 at MP by the time I was done.

    Tuesday December 13th
    AM 1.6miles @ 10:00/mi
    Easy one to loosen out the legs before circuits.

    Circuits: 7 stations @ 3x90secs
    1. crab crawls with band around ankles keeping legs as wide as possible
    2. High knees on the spot running & wall sit
    3. Plank press with a push-up (2x5kg dumbbells)
    4. Mountain climbers & pikes (with sliders underfoot)
    5. Wall sits, squats & burpees
    6. ab roller
    7. Squat with kettle bell & kettle bell swings (16kg)

    and just in case we weren’t goosed enough, we had time for one rendition of Sally Up, Sally Down from the plank position. I was shaking like a leaf for the last minute but managed to hold it.

    Lunch 7.2miles @ 9:21/mi (67mins)
    Hit the pitches at lunch time to see of the sun would put some pep in my step. Took it easy but still feeling heavy and stiff in my calves.

    PM 90mins of Yoga
    Breathing exercises including retentions
    Sun salutation x 8 + 2 sun salutations holding each pose for 1 minute

    Wednesday December 14th
    AM 60mins Wattbike (30km)
    Easy spinning with a few minutes off the saddle here and there. Wednesday is usually sprint day but my legs, especially quads & calves, felt really stiff and sore this morning. Not tired but really stiff to the point where I didn’t want to push it in case something snapped. I think I’m fairly good at pushing it on tired legs so this wasn’t a cop out on a tough session but maybe there’s still some of Sundays bike in the legs and Mondays big gear stuff instead of recovery wasn’t a good idea in hindsight.

    15mins S&C
    Did a lot of heel drops and rolling out the quads and calves after the bike, felt marginally better.

    Lunch 1.8miles @ 14:00/mi (26mins)
    Slow recovery run with one of the girls from work.

    PM 5miles @ 9:00/mi (46mins)
    Had time to hit the trails before our Christmas party and it was so worth it to see the Super moon, the light reflecting on the river was very pretty indeed. No head torch needed.

    Thursday December 15th
    AM 2miles @ 9:18/mi (19mins)
    Warm up on the dreadmill

    Circuits: 7 stations @ 4x70secs
    1. New instrument of torture introduced this morning. A really heavy steel chain thrown over our backs to add weight to a station of plank to push-up position to plank
    2. Ropes, 5 smacks, pause, 10 smacks, pause, 15 smacks pause. Rinse & repeat
    3. 5 side jumps with kettle-bell & 10 swings (12kg)
    4. Some kind of pike thing with legs on an exercise ball
    5. Bosu ball: side to side jumps & craw crawl
    6. Split lunge: down & up with 2x 7.5kg
    7. Hip extensions off the bench with 20kg on hips

    PM 5.5miles @ 8:52/mi (48mins)
    It appears that the rain and the puddles suit me. Ran by feel and happy to see the pace dropping from the same effort though that could also be because I’ve lost a few kg.

    Friday December16th
    AM 35mins Wattbike (18km)
    15min wu
    15 x 30sec sprint of 30sec recovery
    5min cd
    Legs still stiff and sore so made the call to substitute some time on the bike for more time on S&C. Missed sprints on Wednesday so did a few here to make the short session count. Really pushed it and whereas usually I can only hold 104 or 105 rpms max, I was able to hit 111rps and hold it for the 30secs this morning. This tells me that I haven’t been pushing myself enough in this session so now I know I can hit the numbers, that will be the target going forward.

    25mins S&C
    Heel drops & rolled the quads, glutes & calves. Still feeling stiff though.

    Saturday December 17th
    Galtee Crossing Hike: 22km with 1,700m (6hrs 15mins)
    Frank sold this as a long walk on a short day and gave us two options for the walk:

    1. Spend most of the day walking aimlessly thru crowds of Christmas shoppers around shopping centres.
    2. Spend the whole day walking on a west bearing crossing the Galtys.

    It was a no brainer. Six of us headed up a forest path towards the summit of Sturrakeen at first light on a nicely crisp morning. This rough track made for a nice warmer upper and we gained a lot of our height for the day on this ascent.

    The very soft and boggy Galtees were nicely frozen and compacted so it wasn’t sucking too much life out of us pulling our boots out of bog holes. A fog and a really sharp wind rolled in as we summited Galtymore but we were out of its grasp again before long.

    The view from the Galtees is a patchwork quilt of fields in various shades of green and yellow but today the fields were various shades of frost and full of magic. The pace was unrelenting but I knew that heading out as the lads that were going are like mountain goats so it was more of a trot than a hike. In good news, my confidence is coming back as I was zipping down the hills, chasing the lads like a mad woman :D. We came off the hills after one final climb up Temple Hill. Great day out but tired as hell after it.

    Sunday December 18th
    50km on the roadie @ 26kph (1hr 55)
    Headed off with my brother in the AM, my legs were sore from yesterdays trot so we stuck to the main roads and headed straight for Kilrush and then Kilkee. We were zipping along at 27.5kph including the nice pull out of Kilkee towards Doonbeg but the pace slowed after Doonbeg when we hit the bone rattling roads.

    John took a direct route home as he wanted to get to Ennis to see the XC while I took a longer hillier route home and got a puncture :( I had a tube and levers but no pump, John had it on his bike. Raging I was – at my own stupidity. Had to call for back up to bring me home, was in no mood to cycle again after standing on the side of the road like a tool with my deflated tube.

    2 hours of circuits
    2.5 hours on the Wattbike
    2.5 hours S&C
    5 hours running (30miles)
    6.25 hours hiking (fast)
    2 hours on the roadie

    Big week and I can feel it in my quads but a good week all the same.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Monday December 19th
    AM 60mins Wattbike (28km)
    60 minutes easy spinning
    My left quad was in bits, both were tender after the weekend of hiking and biking but my left in particular was really tender to the touch so took this easy to help recovery.

    20mins Foam rolling
    Wincy foam rolling, lots of heel drops and much rolling of the quads and quad stretching.

    PM 3.2miles @ 9:18/mi (30mins)
    Wasn’t going to but the evening was nice so I threw on the runners to see if the quads would loosen out. Hopped in an Epsom salt bath after and it definitely eased out the tenderness.

    Tuesday December 20th
    AM 2.6miles @ 9:35/mi (25mins)
    Quick progression run from 10:00/mi to 7:00/mi t warm up for circuits.

    Circuits: 7 stations @ 3x90secs
    No recollection at all what this was but I recall Dave giving out yards encouraging me to straighten my back for the weights section. Since they took the mirrors out of the room to install the virtual classes technology I’ve noticed that the trainers are constantly pulling my up on arching my back. I should do some work on my own so that I know how it feels when my back is straight.

    PM 5.8miles @ 9:04/mi (52mins)
    Done along the prom at Salthill on a moonlit evening, very special.

    Wednesday December 21st
    AM 50mins Wattbike (25km)
    20min wu
    15 x 30sec sprint off 30sec recovery (held 111rpms for each)
    15min cd
    Sprints were tough but glad to knock them all out at max effort.

    20mins S&C
    Quads still stiff so concentrated on them.

    Thursday December 22nd
    Circuits: 6 stations @ 4x90secs
    Late for class, stooped alarm had a mind of it’s own, so I missed the demo and had no idea what any station involved. Less stations but more time on each, what a way to close out the year.

    PM 9.2miles @ 9:02/mi (83mins)
    Last day in school and the boss let me off at 4 so I headed out on the pitches for the last time in 2016 :) The place was deserted, it was quite pleasant.

    Friday December 23rd
    AM 35mins Wattbike (17km)
    Easy peasy lemon sqeesy. The problem with getting up every morning to go to the gym before work is that on your day off, you still wake up and you feel like you can’t start the day without sweating it out and having that glorious shower after. So I gave in and got up.

    3miles @ 9:18/mi (27mins)
    Quick run on the treadmill off the bike.

    15mins S&C
    Quads starting to feel like normal again.

    Saturday December 24th
    8miles @ 8:52/mi (71mins)
    Headed home to Clare for the holidays and after getting all the last minute bits and bobs sorted I headed to Kilrush to explore the woods around the Vandeleur Gardens, where the parkrun happens every week.

    I followed all the trails to see where they ended up and the miles ticked by.

    Sunday December 25th
    3miles @ 8:35/mi & 1 mile @ 8:29/mi
    Before the glutney …..
    Headed to the village for the West Clare version of the Goal Mile. The charity of choice isn’t GOAL, the track is 330 meters or thereabouts so you’ve to do roughly 4 laps of the track but you’ve to step onto the grass at the back part because the rain has cut a raven in the track and it’s muddy for a large section …. Oh and sure ye can all head off whenever ye land, we won’t all be doing it together.

    This was my first time doing it and I was the only one there running it – I felt like a right pleb. Everyone else had come to the track, straight from mass and they were walking it in their good clothes.

    So I sauntered around and chatted to a few people before hightailing it home in shame.

    2 hours of circuits
    2.25 hours on the Wattbike
    1 hour S&C
    5 hours running (36miles)
    A handy week for the week that was in it.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Neady83 wrote: »


    Well right back at ya S, what a year it has been for you, so glad to see you're well on the road to recovery and re-gaining your confidence.

    You spend so much time telling other boardsies how great they are, but you are THE BEST, Happy New Year, I look forward to seeing all the amazing things you are going to achieve next year x

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Well right back at ya S, what a year it has been for you, so glad to see you're well on the road to recovery and re-gaining your confidence.

    You spend so much time telling other boardsies how great they are, but you are THE BEST, Happy New Year, I look forward to seeing all the amazing things you are going to achieve next year x

    Your attitude is second to none IMO. Very best of luck with getting back on the horse this year and I certainly hope to meet up for a session or two.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Well right back at ya S, what a year it has been for you, so glad to see you're well on the road to recovery and re-gaining your confidence.

    You spend so much time telling other boardsies how great they are, but you are THE BEST, Happy New Year, I look forward to seeing all the amazing things you are going to achieve next year x

    Thank you AM, you're very kind :) Hopefully we'll get out for an adventure of our own in 2017 :)
    Your attitude is second to none IMO. Very best of luck with getting back on the horse this year and I certainly hope to meet up for a session or two.

    Cheers Mike, I really appreciate it :) We'll definitely do some SHARTS and I'm looking forward to seeing you get your ducks in a row for 2018 :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Crikey, I turn around for a minute and next thing I know, it's 2017

    Monday December 26th

    3miles @ 9:00/mi (27mins) & 3miles @ 7:55/mi (24:21)
    3 mile warm up before a 5km turkey run/fund raiser to buy a defibrillator for the Vandeleur Gardens where the Kilrush park run takes place. The Park run format and route was used so I’ve officially done my first park run :)

    This wasn’t a pretty run – how could it be after the debauchery of Christmas day, especially as this kicked off at 10am. I haven’t ran a race proper since April last year so this was all new to me again and I spent the 24 minutes berating myself for not racing more. I found it really tough, jesus, this racing business is hard.

    Tuesday December 27th
    34miles on the roadie (2.25hrs & 711ft)
    I headed for Kilkee in the AM and kept a constant 28/9kph all the way to Kilkee (27ish km). The sun was out and the day was calm so I did some exploring around Kilkee, the Bay was stunningly calm and quiet. I headed back to the West end where the café had a sign out that it was opening at 10am – it was 9:55 so I circled the car park a few times before deciding to head for home instead – cake and coffee would be yum but I'd never budge after it. There was a strong headwind on my way home and I was in la la land daydreaming all the way there so I don’t really remember any of it, hence the slower pace overall.

    Wednesday December 28th
    4.4miles @ 8:41/mi (38mins)
    Back in Galway and feeling decidedly lazy but I have this SanityClause thing in my head where I’ve to do 30 minutes of any exercise each day for the month of December. So dragged my ass down the prom and blew off the cobwebs.

    Thursday December 29th
    Hiking: roughly 7km and 500m in 3hrs
    Peacockes hotel at Maam Cross are trying to drum up some business from hill walkers, particularly in the Winter so they organised two days of hiking in conjunction with the hill walking clubs out in Connemara. I rounded up a few friends for these handy hikes as I thought they’d be a good introduction to hills.

    We arrived to Peacocks to be met with a blazing fire, a group of buzzing walkers, tea, coffee and an abundance of freshly made scones and goodies. It was difficult to pry ourselves away from the fire but a small group of us headed up Lackavrea, the small hill across from Corcóg. The pace was very very handy and our guide, a local man and one of the most accomplished climbers that I’ve met, regaled us with stories of his travels and had a yarn about every farm house that you could point to.

    It was a great way to spend time with friends and Kieran got a good introduction to the hills though he was not impressed to end up knee deep in a bog hole. The local history lesson was very useful too.

    Friday December 30th
    Hiking: roughly 6km and 500m in 3hrs
    Another hill and another group of friends – the Inagh Valley Lodge to Loch Maum Oige (almost). The fog was almost down as far as the valley and the group was 22 today so the guide made the call to do a simple up and down walk, following a river. The wind was quite strong as we headed up so the right call was made to turn around before we go to the lake. I think I might have one or two friends who will join the walking clubs so all in all, not a bad two days and the hospitality shown by Peacockes was second to none. I’d highly recommend it as a base for anyone adventuring around those parts.

    Saturday December 31st
    11miles @ 9:09/mi (101mins)
    My adventuring buddy Rachel stayed with us last night en route to a wedding so we headed off at dark o clock this morning to clock up a few miles. I took her on a grand running tour of Galway, along the canal, by the Corrib and through the University to the pitches in Dangan before skirting around and taking in the prom on the way home. Not a shabby old sun rise either.

    I don’t usually like to run in the morning but when you’ve company, you don’t feel the miles flying by. There’s something great about finding a running partner that you can run in comfortable silence with.

    Sunday January 1st
    Croagh Patrick: 47minutes up and 30 minutes down
    After a late night of too much food and a few glasses of wine, I managed to pry Kieran out of bed to head for Westport where we had a date with two of my friends to do CP.

    The two girls ended up on the wrong side of CP so we hit off at the same time and agreed to meet on the shoulder but Kieran got cold feet so he stayed in the café. I belted off at a bit of a trot, greeting lots of happy people on the way. Met the two girls bang on time at the shoulder and we trotted to the bottom of the cone before I nearly bust a gut trying to keep up to them on the way up the final steep section. Rachel and Linda are probably in the top 10 of female hill runners in Ireland at the moment so I was to the pin of my collar. Few quick pics at the top and we headed back down. I stayed with them and came down the back way and got a lift in to Westport just in time to see the tail end of the 5km. Sorry P, we didn’t spot you and were too interested in filling our bellies in the Castlecourt to hang around for too long before heading for home.

    Totals for the week:
    3 hours running (21miles)
    2.25 hours cycling
    7 hours hiking

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    2016 in numbers (or hours)

    | Running|Cycling (Roadie & MTB)|Wattbike|Circuits|Hiking|S&C|Swimming|Kayaking|Total
    2015|198 (1,240miles)|66|39|77|82|0|0|8|473hrs
    2016|179 (1,067miles)|70|70|78|107|35|10|18|567hrs

    Strength and conditioning was a new discipline this year and included yoga for the latter part of the year. The dedicated stretching and foam rolling will be staying in 2017. Happy to see the biking and Wattbike hours increased and I hope to add more to this in 2017.

    2016 Highlights
    My highlights aren’t PBs and most aren’t races – they’re experiences that I’ve had over the year and even though my A race went to pot, I had a year that I wouldn’t take back for all the world as the experience I gained was invaluable.

    1. SHARTS (shared adventure racing training sessions) – due in no small part to Shotguncmos and Sconhome from around these parts. We had some great fun on those days/nights out and I’ve made some friends for life from those sessions.
    2. Night 140km bike through Connemara – not an event but a SHART session & we still talk about the shooting starts and Badgers we chased.
    3. Western Way 50 miler – had no idea what this would throw up but it reinforced in me what I had thought previously, I love the longer distances and I did this in cracking company forging new friendships along the way.
    4. The Iveragh Spine peninsula hike – Waterville to Cronins Yard in 23 hours on one of the best days we had during the year. Sunshine, solitude, great company, spectacular views and fun.
    5. The Burren Marathon after a MTB with Frank – great event with fantastic scenery and they organised good weather for it.
    6. Cycling some of the Wild Atlantic Way with Linda and Rachel – the day they crossed the ferry into Clare was miserable on all accounts but they were strong spirited and their pace was mind blowing given what had done the previous 3 days. The wind trying to knock us off the bikes as we headed for Loop Head was crazy and joyful all at the same time.
    7. The ARSE weekends away hiking and adventuring, particularly since ITERA. I’ve had the pleasure of hiking, biking, kayaking and running in some of the most beautiful and undiscovered parts of Ireland this past year.

    Concrete Goals for 2017
    1. The RACE - embrace the 24 hours of solitude & finish it regardless of the conditions
    2. Get back on the horse and in a kayak - will need to be achieved to nail no. 1
    3. Swimming lessons again - conquer my fear of the water AGAIN
    4. Connemarathon - have a good crack at it
    5. Autumn marathon - sub 3:45
    6. Western Way 50 mile – knock some time off 2016s 14 hours
    7. Kerry Way Ultra (or UltraLite)
    8. Enjoy 2017 as much as I’ve enjoyed 2016

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Best of luck Neady, looking forward to seeing you tick off those goals!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Just LOOKING at those goals makes me want to curl up for a nap! The very best of luck on each adventure. Looking forward to the race reports already.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Jeez S. You really are awesome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    Ye fiends! In Westport and never let me know. If I'd known ye were about you wouldn't have escaped so easily.
    Great time on the Reek btw. Even when I trained on it I'd be nowhere near that.

    Envious of your goals and plans. I'd live to get a few ultras in but other business to sort first. If Rotterdam goes well I might be allowed back on the Western Way, I'd hope to knock a few hours off last year too. Don't book accommodation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    I love your 2016 highlights, you rattle them off as if they were nothing!!! Delighted to see you recover and ready for new adventures ... when is THE RACE?? Best of luck with all your goals for 2017.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    diego_b wrote: »
    Best of luck Neady, looking forward to seeing you tick off those goals!

    Thanks Diego, hopefully I can knock out a few PBs at the longer distances too - nowhere near where you're aiming for though :)
    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    Just LOOKING at those goals makes me want to curl up for a nap! The very best of luck on each adventure. Looking forward to the race reports already.

    Thank you BG, tis all long slow ploddy stuff and the prizes, not that I ever win any, aren't half as interesting as the haul that you're bringing home :)
    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Jeez S. You really are awesome.

    Thanks C :) I don't seem to have a manic job like yours though so I've a bit more time on my hands.
    snailsong wrote: »
    Ye fiends! In Westport and never let me know. If I'd known ye were about you wouldn't have escaped so easily.
    Great time on the Reek btw. Even when I trained on it I'd be nowhere near that.

    Envious of your goals and plans. I'd live to get a few ultras in but other business to sort first. If Rotterdam goes well I might be allowed back on the Western Way, I'd hope to knock a few hours off last year too. Don't book accommodation.

    Looking forward to knocking out the 50miler with you this year though at the rate you're shaving minutes off your PBs, I doubt I'll be able to keep up.

    Sorry about Westport, it was all in doubt until New Years Day, Kie and I had a party and the girls had a wedding so it was touch and go whether we'd all make it to Westport. Next time and that will be sooner rather than later.
    annapr wrote: »
    I love your 2016 highlights, you rattle them off as if they were nothing!!! Delighted to see you recover and ready for new adventures ... when is THE RACE?? Best of luck with all your goals for 2017.

    Thanks Anna :) The Race is on March 11th/12th and it's up your part of the country, good ol Donegal. It takes in Glenveagh national park, Muckish, a kayak on Lough Swilly and much more besides. The idea is that in March it's likely to be cold and windy and there's very little shelter so they intend to make it as much of a suffer fest as possible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Neady83 wrote: »

    Thanks Anna :) The Race is on March 11th/12th and it's up your part of the country, good ol Donegal. It takes in Glenveagh national park, Muckish, a kayak on Lough Swilly and much more besides. The idea is that in March it's likely to be cold and windy and there's very little shelter so they intend to make it as much of a suffer fest as possible.

    Fabulous route, sounds like an awful ordeal!! We will be in Ballycotton that weekend unfortunately, i'll be supporting at the other end of the country, would have liked to see some of this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Monday January 2nd
    2miles @ 12:30/mi (25mins)
    Very easy 2 miles with Kieran. I was supposed to do a few miles extra on my own but I wimped out. Body is tired.

    Tuesday January 3rd
    AM 65mins Wattbike (35km) (
    25 minutes wu with single leg drills
    5 minutes each on L2 – L8
    5 minutes cd

    15 minutes S&C
    Calves & quads

    Wednesday January 4th
    AM Nada
    Got up, put on gear, came downstairs to realise that I’d a banging headache. I don’t get headaches so not used to them. Drank a pint of water and decided that the gym wouldn’t be a good idea so went back to bed for the hour or so. I’m pretty sure it was a sugar and caffeine hangover from the holidays.

    PM Brick session: 9.1miles @ 8:50/mi (80mins) + steady 40mins Wattbike (21km)
    I paced the 9 miles by feel, choose a route with a few hills at the start and finished off with the prom and back to the Kingfisher where I hopped on the bike straight away.

    Forgot how hard the bike is after a run. My left calve was on the verge of a major cramp but I managed to move it before it went into melt down. I did 3x4minutes @ L10M5, off the saddle in between the steady effort. Kept the RPMs at 90+. Felt quite sick by the end – obviously need to do more brick sessions.

    15 minutes S&C
    Lots of calve stretches and did a bit on the hip flexors and IT band.

    Thursday January 5th
    AM 60mins Wattbike (36km)
    25 mins wu with leg drills
    20 x (30sec sprint/30 sec recovery)
    25mins cd

    Tried to keep the sprints at 110rpms+ . Wanted to give up at 10 but muddled through. Rpms definitely fell off on the last 5.

    15mins S&C
    Calves & quads

    PM Brick session: 10miles @ 9:26/mi (94mins) + easy 26mins Wattbike (11km)

    My legs were heavy as soon as I started the run. Last nights session was biting me on the ass. Kept talking myself into continuing using the logic that Donegal in less than two months would be throwing up more mental and physical challenges than this session. Managed to get around and hopped straight on the bike for 25 minutes to round it up to two hours.

    Bike was all easy enough and my left calf was threatening to cramp again. Blew up spectacularly with 3 minute to go on the bike. Zero left in the tank – 7 hours since lunch so I guess that was to be expected.

    15mins S&C
    Calves and upper body
    No energy but enough to do this.

    Friday January 6th
    65mins Wattbike (32km)
    Nothing fancy, mostly easy with a few efforts. All about recovery.

    15mins S&C
    calves, quads and hamstrings

    Saturday January 7th
    19km kayak: Kildysart to Clarecastle (3hrs 40)
    Back on the horse and back in the kayak eeeekkkk
    The weather and tide were perfect for a nice spin from Kildysart to Clarecastle and so I was asked along. My hiking buddy Noel is a great man for the Currach but he’s recently turned his hand to the kayak. He has two so kindly offered me one for the day.

    I asked for the less giddy of the two and hopped in. No bother getting in but as soon as I got the push out into the water, I was rocking a bit and crikey, my tummy was doing summersaults with the fear but I settled in after a bit. We had a crew of three in a Currach with us and it worked out well as Bryans boat sprung a leak a third of the way in so he had to bail out. The lads in the Currach had fantastic knowledge of the water and the area so they had no issues navigating in zero visibility. They also provided us with a workout. We averaged 5kmph but the currach had to pull in to shore three times for various reasons so when we were moving, we were really motoring. We did a good few 2/3km efforts and they went well.

    The fog was down and you could literally see nothing, we knew there were islands all around but we couldn’t enjoy the views. The sound of hounds howling somewhere in the distance was quite eerie. As we entered the river Fergus the fog lifted and we were greeted to nice views for the last 3 or 4km.

    Great day out & I quite enjoyed it once I got over the fear of falling in. I’d like to try the kayak in warmer water to see exactly where the tipping point is because it’s difficult to know how far you can push it without tipping in. Happy to know I can comfortably sit in a kayak for almost 4 hours and I can manage the 15km in Donegal without too much more training.

    The fog and zero visibility


    Me sticking very closely to the currach :D


    Sunday January 8th
    13.4miles @ 8:59/mi (2hours)
    Had planned a bike/run brick but when I woke and looked out, the heavy fog and mist put paid to it. Took the brother out for a long run instead. We took a good hilly route. Legs were well tired by the time the two hours were up. Need to watch my pace on the LSRs.

    Totals for the week:
    5.25 hours running (34.5miles)
    3.75 hours on the kayak
    1.25 hours S&C
    4.5 hours Wattbike
    3 runs, 2 brick sessions and back in the kayak. Slow start to the week but the back end of the week has left the body tired.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Well done you, that's great you're back in the kayak, you're made of tough stuff Neady, lots of people wouldn't ever get back on the horse :) Great pics too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Fair play to you girl. Takes a hell of a lot of guts to do that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    Fair play, S. I'm not at all.surprised to see you back in the kayak. Sounds like a very good outing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Well done on getting back in the boat Neady, sounds like yous done a good session too. I'm not 100% sure where you are based but I know a lot of college canoe/kayak clubs and some normal clubs would be organising swimming pool based sessions around this time of the year, they use it to teach people how to roll the kayak and for beginners to get used to getting out. I'd chance giving some a shout and see if they have any space going.

    About the tipping point, it's further than you think! The shorter you are the lower your centre of gravity so the harder it is to go in. If you imagine a line drawn straight up from between your legs towards the sky, if you can keep you head on this line you can go right up on edge. The body follows the head, so once the head goes out too far over the side of the boat the body will follow and that's when you might go in. Usually if you can seperate the lower body at your hips from the upper body you can stay very stable. So keeping the upper body upright will really help with your balance, no leaning over the boat to put the paddle in the water, the body stays upright and over the centre of the boat.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,015 ✭✭✭jake1970

    Just catching up with your log Neady. Well done on a great 2016, pity about the A race though. Best of luck with your goals in 2017.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    annapr wrote: »
    Fair play to you girl. Takes a hell of a lot of guts to do that.

    Thank you Anna :) To be fair, the guys were great, no pressure and they made sure I felt really safe.
    snailsong wrote: »
    Fair play, S. I'm not at all.surprised to see you back in the kayak. Sounds like a very good outing.

    It was a great one, cannot wait to do it again when the fog isn't down and we can see the islands more clearly. Most of them used to be inhabited so they all have a story.

    It was enjoyable to actually be moving in the kayak .. last time, in Westport, going against the tide, it felt like we were on a treadmill and going nowhere while frustratingly paddling hard.
    joey100 wrote: »
    Well done on getting back in the boat Neady, sounds like yous done a good session too. I'm not 100% sure where you are based but I know a lot of college canoe/kayak clubs and some normal clubs would be organising swimming pool based sessions around this time of the year, they use it to teach people how to roll the kayak and for beginners to get used to getting out. I'd chance giving some a shout and see if they have any space going.

    About the tipping point, it's further than you think! The shorter you are the lower your centre of gravity so the harder it is to go in. If you imagine a line drawn straight up from between your legs towards the sky, if you can keep you head on this line you can go right up on edge. The body follows the head, so once the head goes out too far over the side of the boat the body will follow and that's when you might go in. Usually if you can seperate the lower body at your hips from the upper body you can stay very stable. So keeping the upper body upright will really help with your balance, no leaning over the boat to put the paddle in the water, the body stays upright and over the centre of the boat.

    Thanks for the info. and the tip Joey, it's much appreciated. I'm working in the University in Galway and I sought out our Kayak club and they will be doing pool sessions in a few weeks so I'll definitely go along. We rolled the kayaks in that course we did in Limerick last year and I do recall it taking a bit to tip them but I have the fear again so it would be no harm to get reacquainted with it.
    jake1970 wrote: »
    Just catching up with your log Neady. Well done on a great 2016, pity about the A race though. Best of luck with your goals in 2017.

    Cheers Jake, fingers crossed for 2017 and for you too, sorry about Donadea.
    Well done you, that's great you're back in the kayak, you're made of tough stuff Neady, lots of people wouldn't ever get back on the horse :) Great pics too!

    Thank you AM, I got back in the kayak but you've gotten on the bike and you're making fair progress on the road after a very tough year yourself. Takes one to know one :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭novarapid

    Well done for getting back on the water, where did ye launch the kayaks from? it sounds like a grand place to explore during the summer with islands for camping on. best of luck with your goals for 2017

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    novarapid wrote: »
    Well done for getting back on the water, where did ye launch the kayaks from? it sounds like a grand place to explore during the summer with islands for camping on. best of luck with your goals for 2017

    Thanks Novarapid, much appreciated. We launched from Crovraghan, there's a slipway there that a local farmer uses to load his cattle and bring them to one of the islands. It was a shame about the fog because we didn't get to see much. The locals said that it would be well worth going back for the views.

    The tides are looking favorable for another go at it next Saturday so I might have some better pics then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Monday January 9th
    AM 65mins Wattbike (32km)
    25mins wu with single leg drills
    3x (5mins L10M6 off 5 mins recovery)
    10mins cd
    Nice recovery after yesterdays long run.

    15mins S&C
    Calves & quads

    PM Brick: 6.1miles @ 9:53/mi + 30mins Wattbike (15km)
    Recovery run, was consciously trying to keep the pace down. Felt fresh hopping on the bike and no sign of calf cramp tonight so the easier paced run is preventing the cramp.
    3x3min efforts on the bike @ L3

    15mins S&C
    Calve and Quads & held a plank for 3 mins

    Tuesday January 10th
    AM 2miles @ 10:00/mi (treadmill) (
    25 minutes wu with single leg drills
    Warm up before circuits

    Circuits: 7 stations @ 4x75secs
    1. Bear crawls with sliders
    2. Something with crawls & mountain climbers
    3. side shuffle in push-up position with weights
    4. Boxing: 10punches + 5 burpees, 20punches + 5 burpees etc
    5. Stability: Squat with bar overhead & side to side motion
    6. Squat & press with 2x8kg kettlebells
    7. Planks & pikes
    Oh yea, gonna be walking like John Wane tomorrow.

    Lunch 6.4miles @ 9:25/mi (1hr)
    Recovery run in an effort to offset the impending stiffness that will ensue tomorrow from first set of circuits in two weeks. Around the pitches in Dangan – great to get out while it was bright. Expecting Baltic cold weather I brought leggings and a base layer. Was melting even at my slow pace.

    PM 90mins Yoga
    Breathing exercises including retentions
    Sun salutation x 8 + 2 sun salutations holding each pose for 1 minute
    All about the back and firing up the glutes. Some core & twists. Zzzzzzzz

    Wednesday January 11th
    AM 70minutes Wattbike (35km)
    Legs were in a jocker after circuits particularly the groin and backside area.
    Did a steady 70 mins @ 90rpms with 3 x 3 minute efforts

    15mins S&C
    Worked on the quads and IT band which are quite tight.

    PM 6.2miles @ 9:47/mi (61mins)
    Planned brick session but too stiff to do it justice.
    Recovery, recovery, recovery. Did this around the pitches in Dangan. There’s a full moon out these nights so it’s quite easy to see without the head torch.

    Thursday January 12th
    AM 2.75miles @ 9:18/mi (29mins)
    A short progression run to warm me up & loosen out the body. Started at 10:00/mi and upped it from there. 1% incline all the way.

    Circuits: 8 stations @ 4x70secs with bugger all recovery
    1. Bosu ball: side jumps & push-up to planks on the ball
    2. Cones: speed running around a single cone continually changing direction
    3. Plank with sliders under the feet – sliding the feel right back and pulling in again
    4. 2xburpee & 6xdynamic lunges with 2x4kg dumbbell
    5. 5xsquat & 6xbackward lunge with 2x8kg kettle bells
    6. Mountain climbers with sliders & push-up plank off a medicine ball
    7. Walking lunge with straight arms & 8kg medicine ball
    8. Ropes: 35 smacks & wall runs
    I’ve taken to calling our trainer ‘the silent killer’. I’m pretty sure he concocted this absolute ball buster in an effort to break all the newbies who flooded the class this morning.

    PM 7miles @ 8:46/mi (61mins)
    9:37, 9:03, 8:30, 8:24, 8:31, 8:32, 8:34
    Unplanned run. Got home from work to be greeted by my friend Rachel, all geared up and waiting to go running. I explained that I was as stiff as a poker, be grand she says, we’ll go handy …. And off she shoots like a hare.
    We threw in a couple of hills & experienced the wild wind and the dagger style rain on the prom. Good training for Donegal :)

    Friday January 13th
    35mins Wattbike (17km)
    Easy, spun out the legs. Wouldn’t bothered but I wake at 6:30 every morning and I find it hard to start the day without some kind of sweat fest and a shower.

    15mins S&C
    Calves, quads and hamstrings

    Saturday January 14th
    LSR of 15.6miles @ 9:48/mi (2hrs33mins)
    Splits: 9:36, 9:20, 9:08, 8:55, 9:24, 9:32, 9:37, 9:19, 10:59, 10:51, 10:23, 10:43, 11:06, 9:17, 9:21.

    Headed to beautiful Ballina after work on Friday to team up with Rachel for the weekend. We hit out at dark o clock to get this done in time for breakfast and some exploring. It was nice not to have to think of a route and have the company. We did a loop on some quiet country roads before checking out the town and taking in Beleek woods. Rachel knows the woods like the back of her hands so we went off piste and on the trails for most of this. Watching every step on the trails and bombing up some steep banks made for a great distraction from mile 9 to 13.

    I got a few packs of powerbar powergel shots (cola flavour) as a freebe in a cycle shop recently so I trialled them on this run. Two to start, two after 1hr and 2 after 2hrs – no problem with them and much easier to carry and digest than the gels. I didn’t need them for fuel but no harm trying them out before Connemara.

    Sunday January 15th
    6.3miles recovery @ 9:44/mi (62mins)
    Dark o clock recovery run with Rachel. Legs felt ok but body tired so I had to make a conscious effort to correct my posture.

    Went for a brisk walk on Enniscrone beach and followed it up with a seaweed bath. Absolute bliss – would highly recommended.

    Totals for the week:
    9 hours running (52.5miles)
    2.5 hours S&C
    3.25 hours Wattbike
    2 hours of circuits

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Jesus, Mary & holy St Joseph - how do you remember it all, never mind do it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    Three sessions in a day. Seriously hardcore!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Jesus, Mary & holy St Joseph - how do you remember it all, never mind do it?

    and also, how many hours are in one of your days or do you just not sleep?!! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    Fantastic week Neady! You're flying it these days! Major kudos for getting back in the kayak again! You're made of tough stuff!

    Where will you target the sub 3:45 autumn marathon? DCM?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Jesus, Mary & holy St Joseph - how do you remember it all, never mind do it?
    and also, how many hours are in one of your days or do you just not sleep?!! :D

    :):) I usually get to work 10 minutes early, it's the best part of the day. I write up what I've done in the last 24 hours & enjoy a coffee with some porridge bread.

    AM I cannot function without getting 8 hours of sleep so I'm up & out early, use lunch wisely & get an hour in before I got home from work.
    If Kieran is away I'll do a longer session in the evening so my weekdays can be long if I'm doing a big one after work. Some days I leave home at 6:30 and don't get back until after 8 but that's the sacrifice I'm willing to make so that I'm as ready as I can be for Donegal. I want to know going to Donegal that I've given it everything, trained on tired legs and left no stone unturned. I usually meet up with friends at the gym or I go running/hiking/kayaking with them so that's how I get to catch up with peeps :)
    snailsong wrote: »
    Three sessions in a day. Seriously hardcore!

    :) Thanks P. Must drop you a message about a plan for a few days in Westport. There's running and climbing to be done up there.
    Ososlo wrote: »
    Fantastic week Neady! You're flying it these days! Major kudos for getting back in the kayak again! You're made of tough stuff!

    Where will you target the sub 3:45 autumn marathon? DCM?

    Cheers Ososlo, likewise. You're putting in the hours on the road. DCM makes sense for an Autumn marathon but I really haven't thought it through yet.

    I've just signed up to cycle London-Edinburgh-London in 5 days in August so I'll be spending my summer in the saddle - that should translate to running but I'll see how that goes before I sign up for a marathon :) Maybe Clonakilty.
