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Time for a New Adventure



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    September 25th – October 1st

    Monday September 25th – Wednesday September 27th
    Still seeing the physio but my foot isn’t strong enough yet to go back running. Side-lined and feeling like crap. Will remember this and how crap I felt.

    Thursday September 28th

    Friday September 29th
    25mins Wattbike & 25mins S&C

    Saturday September 30th
    32km Cycle
    Still haven’t go the go ahead to go back running so decided to be a good sister and accompany my brother on his long run. A very slow 32km.

    Sunday October 1st
    6.05miles @ 9:40/mi (60mins)
    Green light, green light and back at it.
    Around and around the very soft track and no discomfort.
    Things are looking up and four weeks to go to DCM (buries head in hands).

    Totals for the week:
    1 hour running (6miles)
    0.5 hours S&C
    1 hour circuits
    2.5 hours Cycling/Wattbike

    October 2nd – October 8th

    Monday October 2nd
    1 hour physio
    My last physio session wohoooo

    Tuesday October 3rd
    AM Circuits

    PM 3.2miles @ 11:48/mi (39mins)
    Few easy miles with the C25K group

    Wednesday October 4th
    90mins Yoga
    20 minutes of breathing exercises
    4 sun salutations
    2 sun salutations holding each pose for a minute with a quick one in between
    last quick sun salutation
    Few hip opening poses and some really good glute stretches before relaxation

    Thursday October 5th
    3.2miles @ 10:36/mi (34mins)
    Another few easy miles with the C25K group.
    Feel like I’ve lost my mojo for running even though I’ve got the go ahead from the physio.

    Friday October 6th
    AM 6miles @ 9:37/mi (58mins)
    Easy miles, running by feel trying to get my mojo back.

    PM 2miles @ 10:29/mi
    Few slow miles with Kieran

    30mins Turbo
    Finally bought me a turbo and got it assembled in time to get this done. Went for the direct drive Elite Muin so it’s nice and sturdy. Still have to mount the sensor to get the data but this will do for now.

    Saturday October 7th
    6.4miles @ 9:17/mi (60mins)
    Got out to do this at early o clock before heading off to a Hen party in Co. Meath.

    Sunday October 8th
    6.7miles @ 10:32/mi (71mins)
    Laced up before the other hens got out of bed and took tot eh trails around Lough Crew in Co. Meath. Beautiful grounds and it was fun to do some exploring though I was going under and over lots fences and gates which didn’t help the pace.

    Totals for the week:
    4.75 hours running (27.65miles)
    1.5 hours S&C
    1 hour circuits
    0.5 hours Turbo

    October 9th – October 15th
    Monday October 9th
    AM Circuits

    PM 1 hour S&C
    Found a new S&C class being done in a newly opened gym in the Solerno gym on Threadneedle Road especially tailored to runners so decided to give it a go.

    There was only one other person there so it was like a person training session. Told the trainer about my recent injury and he designed the class around it. Will try to make this part of my weekly routine.

    Tuesday October 10th
    AM Circuits

    PM 3.3miles @ 10:23/mi (35mins)
    Few easy miles with the C25K group

    90mins Yoga
    20 minutes of breathing exercises
    4 sun salutations
    2 sun salutations holding each pose for a minute with a quick one in between
    last quick sun salutation
    Inversions – love inversions

    Wednesday October 11th

    Thursday October 12th

    Friday October 13th – Sunday October 15th
    Just not feeling the love for doing anything this week, particularly running. Tired and lethargic. Will start taking iron and Vitamin D and hopefully see some improvement.

    Totals for the week:
    0.5 hours running (3.3miles)
    3 hours S&C
    3 hours circuits

    October 16th – October 22nd
    It’s easier to focus on what I didn’t do this week instead of what I did do. Lots of rest. Still feeling tired and no motivation to train.
    6.2miles on Tuesday and Circuits on Thursday.

    Totals for the week:
    1 hour running (6.2miles)
    1 hour circuits

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Neady83 wrote: »
    One thing I’ve learned from not logging is that logging makes me accountable and keeps me honest

    Ain't that the truth! :D This forum is like a ghosttown at the moment but logging serves a useful purpose. Good luck catching up the next couple of months worth!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Posting all this from memory are you :)

    Good to see you back


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Kurt.Godel wrote: »
    Ain't that the truth! :D This forum is like a ghosttown at the moment but logging serves a useful purpose. Good luck catching up the next couple of months worth!

    Cheers Kurt, it's good to be back. Been logging sporadically in a word doc but it's only now that I've looked over my training or lack of that I've realised why DCM wen t*ts up for me.
    Posting all this from memory are you :)

    Good to see you back


    Cheers TBL :) I do have an excel file where I record everything regardless and I write up a bit of a log every now and then but need to pull it all together.

    Good to see you making great progress too after your op.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Great to see you back Neady hope the foot is 100% now mine is only better now after I stepped on a bottle during DCM

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Been logging sporadically in a word doc but it's only now that I've looked over my training or lack of that I've realised why DCM wen t*ts up for me.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    October 23rd – October 29th: Week of DCM
    Monday October 23rd
    AM 6.21miles @ 9:39/mi (60mins)
    Starting to feel a bit better and found it easier to get up this morning.

    PM 6.26miles with 10xshort hill repeats (60mins)
    I did these on this short sharp hill on the pitches in Dangan at lunch. Yes, definitely more pep in my step today. Why did I do hills on the week of DCM … god only knows but I wanted to feel my legs work again.

    Tuesday October 24th
    AM Circuits

    PM 2.9miles @ 10:32/mi (30mins)
    Few easy miles with the C25K group

    90mins Yoga
    20 minutes of breathing exercises
    4 sun salutations
    2 sun salutations holding each pose for a minute with a quick one in between
    last quick sun salutation
    Lower back exercises

    Wednesday October 25th
    AM 3.1miles @ 9:34/mi (30mins)

    PM 6.1miles @ 9:45/mi (60mins)

    Thursday October 26th

    Friday October 27th – Saturday October 28th
    Took the bus to Dublin on Saturday to meet up with my brother and the West Clare tri gang who I’d arranged to stay with in an Air B&B on Merrion square. I turned out that the Air B&B peeps cancelled the accommodation late on Friday night due to an issue with the electrics so we ended up in a different Air B&B out near Castleknock.

    There were three of us girls, two lads and three double beds. It was the first marathon for the two lads and one of the girls and the other girl was supporting. I volunteered to take the couch as I wasn’t putting much pressure on myself to get around DCM so it didn’t matter if I didn’t get much sleep. As it turned out, I got none, the couch was one of those that was worn out and held together with sticky tape so between the rustling of the tape and me slipping down between the cushions and the back of the couch, there was nada sleep.

    Sunday October 29th: Dublin City Marathon 2017
    26.2miles @ 9:18/mi
    I’d signed up for wave two so got into my wave really early and lined up waaaaayyyyy back from the 3:50 pacer. Met Snailsong, who was on pacing duty, for a minute and wished him luck. Made one last trip to the loo and before I knew it we were off.

    Yes, I was also asking myself what pace I was going to run at!! Trotted off at what felt comfortable and decided I stick to running as comfortably as I could for the entire race. Pace for the first 4 or 5 miles was reasonable and I felt ok (8:59, 8:39, 8:55, 8:40, 8:40). I always find the first 4 or 5 miles in a race the most difficult as I try to settle in.

    Mile 6 to 13: 8:38, 8:43, 8:23, 8:30, 8:23, 8:48, 8:37, 8:46
    Really getting into my stride here, feeling comfortable and finding a bit more pep in my step – spotted TFGR in the park with her aid station. High fived some kids. Enjoyed the crowds and soaked it all up. Spotted AGYR and gave her a wave and said hello 

    Mile 14 to 19: 9:10, 9:01, 9:10, 9:02, 9:13, 10:37
    Are those my wheels over there? Oh yes they are, they’re coming off my wagon. Just after we went through the half way mark an unbelievable blast of heat came over me. I felt cold but I knew I wasn’t cold, I was hot. I was starting to feel prickly with the heat and had visions of being collapsed on the ground so grabbed water to pour over my head and decided to slow it right down but I was struggling badly. The joy was very quickly going out of this run.

    I’ve never had to stop to pee in a marathon and I drink lots during races but I really needed the loo at mile 19 so I stopped and used the portaloo. Sat there for what felt like an eternity trying to decide whether I should continue on or not – I had brought €20 with me to catch a bus if I needed as I wasn’t sure whether the foot would hold up (in hindsight, that’s a very defeatist attitude to go into a race with). It was hurting much too much – not my foot, by entire body. 7 miles was all that was left, surely I could crawl it if I had to so I did. Grabbed another bottle of water – drank half and poured the rest over my head.

    Mile 20 to 26: 9:12, 9:36, 10:49, 10:05, 10:14, 10:48
    I’ve often heard of the death march home, I’ve seen the carnage between mile 20 and 26 but I’ve never been part of it until today. I’ve just about come to terms with how terrible I felt here. I’ve never had to walk on a marathon, I’ve always been able to muster up some energy from somewhere to shuffle on but there was nothing. I was grabbing sweets off strangers and shoving them down my throat to give me energy but my quads were in bits, I couldn’t lift my legs anymore. I was cramping under my rib cage and breathing was getting difficult.

    I used every trick that I’ve used in all of the races I’ve done that have challenged me to get me going again but I just couldn’t run. I walked, shuffled and jogged the last few miles home. Spotted Nop outside the Danish Embassy, gave him a high 5 and told him I was having a terrible time as I shuffled past – not sure my feet were even leaving the ground at this stage.

    I love the crowds in Dublin, they are amazing and they really spur you on but when you cannot run anymore, you know you can do better and you’re reduced to a walk/shuffle and they keep shouting your name, telling you to keep going, the finish line isn’t too far away ….. it’s humiliating and all you want is for the ground to open you up and swallow you. I felt like a fraud. I was berating myself for even lining up at the start line with the pitiful amount of training I’d done. All of these other finishers around me had put work into this and I felt shame.

    I know 4:08 for a marathon isn’t bad but it wasn’t the time that hurt me, it was how terrible I felt – I lost a massive mental battle out there on the course and I don’t usually loose mental battles, I always try to cross the line with a smile on my face and be thankful for what I’m able to do. I’d done a marathon in Clarinbridge 6 week previously and comfortably ran 4 hours, gotten an injury and still went out too fast.

    It doesn’t take too much analysis to see what exactly went wrong. Now here’s the line. It’s on paper. Step over it and take on the next challenge.

    Totals for the week:
    8.25 hours running (51miles)
    1.5 hours S&C
    2 hours circuits

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Great to see you back Neady hope the foot is 100% now mine is only better now after I stepped on a bottle during DCM

    Thank you Baby 75 :) Yea, I haven't had any problems with it since thankfully but I'm doing lots of stretching and looking after it :)
    Singer wrote: »
    You don't even need to read the next week of training and the DCM report - you know exactly what's going to happen :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Fair play to you that was not easy, I think your being a little hard on yourself but arent we all when we are dissapointed , But it takes great mental strength to keep going when everything in you is telling you to stop, it really knocks you when you feel that way during a run when negative thoughts creep in and seem to be winning, I can nod my head in agreement at some of the things you said I felt similar during my longest run prior to DCM at the 3/4 Marathon in enfield it thought me some huge lessons. my hubby felt the heat as well at DCM I was actually worried he would pass out on me, he even went into a shop and bought 2 cans of coke to drink :) really helped him though.

    I have a great little ball for my foot works a treat!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Mile 20 to 26: 9:12, 9:36, 10:49, 10:05, 10:14, 10:48
    I’ve often heard of the death march home, I’ve seen the carnage between mile 20 and 26 but I’ve never been part of it until today. I’ve just about come to terms with how terrible I felt here. I’ve never had to walk on a marathon, I’ve always been able to muster up some energy from somewhere to shuffle on but there was nothing. I was grabbing sweets off strangers and shoving them down my throat to give me energy but my quads were in bits, I couldn’t lift my legs anymore. I was cramping under my rib cage and breathing was getting difficult.

    I used every trick that I’ve used in all of the races I’ve done that have challenged me to get me going again but I just couldn’t run. I walked, shuffled and jogged the last few miles home. Spotted Nop outside the Danish Embassy, gave him a high 5 and told him I was having a terrible time as I shuffled past – not sure my feet were even leaving the ground at this stage.

    I love the crowds in Dublin, they are amazing and they really spur you on but when you cannot run anymore, you know you can do better and you’re reduced to a walk/shuffle and they keep shouting your name, telling you to keep going, the finish line isn’t too far away ….. it’s humiliating and all you want is for the ground to open you up and swallow you. I felt like a fraud. I was berating myself for even lining up at the start line with the pitiful amount of training I’d done. All of these other finishers around me had put work into this and I felt shame.

    I know 4:08 for a marathon isn’t bad but it wasn’t the time that hurt me, it was how terrible I felt – I lost a massive mental battle out there on the course and I don’t usually loose mental battles, I always try to cross the line with a smile on my face and be thankful for what I’m able to do. I’d done a marathon in Clarinbridge 6 week previously and comfortably ran 4 hours, gotten an injury and still went out too fast.

    I totally empathise with this - very similar experience for me. But 4:08 is very respectable under the circumstances (and I'd have been happy with it on the same day!). You've had a great year - you achieved lots and you can be very proud of yourself. I'm looking forward to hearing what's up for 2018!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Neady83 wrote: »
    I love the crowds in Dublin, they are amazing and they really spur you on but when you cannot run anymore, you know you can do better and you’re reduced to a walk/shuffle and they keep shouting your name, telling you to keep going, the finish line isn’t too far away ….. it’s humiliating and all you want is for the ground to open you up and swallow you. I felt like a fraud. I was berating myself for even lining up at the start line with the pitiful amount of training I’d done. All of these other finishers around me had put work into this and I felt shame.

    I know 4:08 for a marathon isn’t bad but it wasn’t the time that hurt me, it was how terrible I felt – I lost a massive mental battle out there on the course and I don’t usually loose mental battles, I always try to cross the line with a smile on my face and be thankful for what I’m able to do. I’d done a marathon in Clarinbridge 6 week previously and comfortably ran 4 hours, gotten an injury and still went out too fast.

    Ah god Neady :( you poor thing! I can empathise 100% having been through the death march in 2014 but I hadn't realised how much you suffered this year. You never gave up though, and that takes a different kind of strength. All we can do is learn from our experiences both good and bad and as dilbert said you've achieved SO MUCH this year. Looking forward to the rest of your updates where I know there is lots more good stuff :).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Well done Neady on all your adventures. You're clocking up some distances. And some more to come :eek:

    Ahem. Fixed this part of your DCM report. You actually didn't look that bad at all, especially not compared to carnage all around you.
    Neady83 wrote: »
    Spotted Nop outside the Dutch Danish Embassy, gave him a high 5 and told him I was having a terrible time as I shuffled past – not sure my feet were even leaving the ground at this stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Fair play to you that was not easy, I think your being a little hard on yourself but arent we all when we are dissapointed , But it takes great mental strength to keep going when everything in you is telling you to stop, it really knocks you when you feel that way during a run when negative thoughts creep in and seem to be winning, I can nod my head in agreement at some of the things you said I felt similar during my longest run prior to DCM at the 3/4 Marathon in enfield it thought me some huge lessons. my hubby felt the heat as well at DCM I was actually worried he would pass out on me, he even went into a shop and bought 2 cans of coke to drink :) really helped him though.

    I have a great little ball for my foot works a treat!

    Thank you Baby75, I'm glad you and your hubby got around unscathed. Coke is amazing though I had a bad experience with it lately as you'll see when I update my log :D

    I've started massaging my foot with a small roller and a ball and it's really strenghtening it. A friend also recently told me about reformer pilates and how you use your feet a lot in it so I might add one class a week of that in the new year. If I keep going like this I'll be doing nothing but S&C :D
    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    I totally empathise with this - very similar experience for me. But 4:08 is very respectable under the circumstances (and I'd have been happy with it on the same day!). You've had a great year - you achieved lots and you can be very proud of yourself. I'm looking forward to hearing what's up for 2018!

    Cheers C, yea, the tough days really put perspective on the good days don't they. Oh plans are afoot for 2018 already with some great races booked already. All will be revealed soon :)
    Ah god Neady :( you poor thing! I can empathise 100% having been through the death march in 2014 but I hadn't realised how much you suffered this year. You never gave up though, and that takes a different kind of strength. All we can do is learn from our experiences both good and bad and as dilbert said you've achieved SO MUCH this year. Looking forward to the rest of your updates where I know there is lots more good stuff :).

    Thank you AM, I buried my head after and didn't want to discuss it but I did write it down and felt that it's better that it's there for me to reflect on in the future. Roll on DCM 2018 where we both go out and put the Demons to rest :)
    nop98 wrote: »
    Well done Neady on all your adventures. You're clocking up some distances. And some more to come :eek:

    Ahem. Fixed this part of your DCM report. You actually didn't look that bad at all, especially not compared to carnage all around you.

    Sorry Nop (I should know better but at least I know you read it all ;) ). I'll make it up to you in Howth :):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    October 30th – November 5th
    Monday October 30th – Wednesday November 1st
    Rest, celebrating and wallowing
    Kieran was celebrating a milestone birthday on Monday so as a birthday treat I got him tickets to see Leeds play in Elland road on Tuesday so that meant I had to go too. We were on a flight to Leeds a few hours after I crossed finish line at DCM. I was surprised by how many people were going through security at Dublin airport with DCM finisher tops on them. A big crowd obviously travel for this race.

    Endured the Leeds game on Tuesday (they lost and Kieran was rightly annoyed as he’s a die hard fan – a Mayo man who supports Leeds, how unlucky could you be).

    Ate loads, slept loads and did very little. It was the perfect treat after DCM and gave me the space I needed to refocus and pick myself back up.

    Thursday November 2nd
    AM Circuits

    PM 11.01 @ 8:58/mi (99mins)
    Had today off work so arranged to meet Lonan for a lunch time run to debrief him on Dublin and plan our training for an upcoming Ultra trail run in Dorset in December.

    A very enjoyable 11 miles along by the river and out around hilly Drum, in the countryside and back by the prom. Plans in place for the next few weeks. Feeling invigorated and chomping at the bit again.

    Friday November 3rd
    AM 15mins on the stepper and 30 mins S&C
    Some recovery from yesterdays longish run and something different with the stepper.

    PM 6.7miles @ 9:36/mi (63mins)
    Easy running around the pitches in Dangan in the dark. Must remember head torch for future runs.

    Saturday November 4th
    6.1miles @ 9:06/mi (56mins)
    Was heading for Clare in the AM so stopped into Clarinbridge to do two loops of the 5km route through the woods. Bumped into fellow adventurer Owen, who will be travelling to Dorset with me in December, and had a quick chat about long runs and plans for December. Nice frosty morning with lots of leaves on the ground – one of those mornings where you’re glad to be out before everyone else gets up :)

    Sunday November 5th
    18miles @ 8:48/mi (2hrs 38mins)
    Headed into Kilrush with my brother to do this in the AM. There are lots of nice hilly loops in and around Kilrush so we decided on a 6.5mile loop to start. Comfortable and easy we were off with me setting the pace. Out by Cappa and along by the coast before turning into the woods and out around the town. My brother was feeling good so he said he’d do a second loop with me. Feeling the pinch slightly but generally the legs felt good – it was great to have company.

    We got back to the car after 13 miles and my brother called it a day while I had 18 in my head so I headed towards the woods for one last short loop by myself. I love running in the woods, through the beautifully coloured leaves lying on the ground.

    Delighted to see the pace afterwards and it helped to get me over my DCM slump.

    Totals for the week
    6.25 hours running (42miles)
    0.5 hours S&C
    1 hour circuits

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    You have some bouncebackability, Neady. A week after Dublin and you're doing 18 miles in the woods. And enjoying it.

    Congrats on a fantastically successful year, so far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    snailsong wrote: »
    You have some bouncebackability, Neady. A week after Dublin and you're doing 18 miles in the woods. And enjoying it.

    Congrats on a fantastically successful year, so far.

    Thank you P. I was enjoyable - I had an Ultra in Dorset to prepare for so that 18 miles did my head, even more than my body, good :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    November 6th – November 12th
    Monday November 6th
    AM 30mins Wattbike (15km recovery)
    Followed up by 30mins S&C

    Lunch 4miles @ 9:10/mi (37mins)
    I’ve thrown my hat in the ring for Donadea 50km in February so I’ve jumped into the Gary O’ Hanlon 50km plan that’s doing the rounds. The plan is based on a 4 hour 50km so I’ve modified it for a 4:45/5 hour 50km. Today called for 4 miles @ easy pace.

    PM 1 hour S&C
    Going to try to get to these athelete specific one hour S&C sessions on a Monday as often as I can. The session starts with 10/15 minutes of foam rolling and dynamic stretching followed by band work and core work.

    Tuesday November 7th
    AM 1 hour circuits
    Little bit stiff from last nights class so went light on weights and heavy on the bands.

    Lunch 6.1miles @ 9:06/mi (55mins)
    Today called for 5 miles @ easy pace.

    PM 1.5 hours Yoga
    20 minutes of breathing exercises
    4 sun salutations
    2 sun salutations holding each pose for a minute with a quick one in between
    last quick sun salutation
    Lots of twists

    Wednesday November 8th
    AM 30mins Wattbike & 30mins S&C
    14km on the wattbike with 6x30sec sprints followed up with some S&C. Lots of foam rolling.

    PM 8.1miles @ 9:02/mi (73mins)
    Plan called for 8 miles easy and that is exactly what I did.

    Thursday November 9th
    AM Circuits

    PM 10.1 @ 9:03/mi (91mins)
    Plan called for 10 miles. It lashed rain and loads of places were flooded so I found a nice 1.5mile loop and kept with it.

    Friday November 10th
    AM 30mins Wattbike and 30mins S&C

    PM 4.55miles @ 8:35/mi (40mins)
    Plan: 30mins Tempo with 10mins WU
    Tempo for me is 8:35/mi and paces were 8:28, 8:29, 8:30 & 8:40

    Saturday November 11th
    60mins turbo recovery
    Spinning out the legs for some recovery.

    Sunday November 12th
    3.4miles @ 10:41/mi (36mins) & 12miles @ 9:19/mi (1hr 52mins)
    Plan: 12miles: 8 @ 9:20 & last 4 @ 9:05
    Did 3 miles warm up with Kieran around the woods in Clarinbridge. Found the next 12 difficult enough on my own, struggled to keep running and there was no picking up the pace at the end.

    Maybe it’s too intense for my first week on the plan or maybe I seem to be having a good week/bad week - time will tell.

    Totals for the week
    7.5 hours running (48miles)
    4 hours S&C
    2 hour circuits
    2.5 hours Turbo/wattbike

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    November 13th – November 19th
    Monday November 13th
    AM 35mins wattbike (17km) & 30mins S&C

    Lunch 10mins WU with 20x40sec hill repeats on gradual hill
    I needed a hill near work to get this done at lunch so I headed for the one by the Westwood. Enjoyed these though I’d say the people stuck in traffic thought I was bonkers going up and down and up and down.

    PM 1 hour of S&C
    Foam rolling
    Band work
    Squats & core

    Tuesday November 14th
    AM 1 hour circuits
    Legs a little tender form yesterdays hills.

    Lunch 4.1miles @ 9:12/mi (38mins)
    Today called for 9 miles @ easy pace but I was tight on time and I really wanted to do yoga so shortened this to 4.

    PM 1.5 hours Yoga
    20 minutes of breathing exercises
    4 sun salutations
    2 sun salutations holding each pose for a minute with a quick one in between
    last quick sun salutation

    Wednesday November 15th
    AM 9miles @ 9:07/mi (1hr22mins)
    The guilt of not getting all of yesterdays miles done got to me so I got up early and did these by the river before catching the bus to Dublin for a work trip to Brussels.

    PM 6.8 miles (61mins)
    Plan: 10min wu, 3x2miles @ 10km pace off 0.5mile recoveries at10:00/mi
    I sought out the gym in the hotel in Brussels city centre to do this as it was late when I got checked in and got some food in my belly. I worked out my 10km pace from the last 10km I raced in 2017 :O as 7:53/mi. I was prepared for the treadmill to be in kms so did some quick calculations and brought a piece of paper with the paces on it with me.

    It went tragically something like this
    12min warm up … 2kmish
    3.2 km @ 7:53/mi pace. I was ready to pass out I was so hot and my legs were not loving it
    0.8km @ 10:00/mi
    2km @ 7:53/mi pace. I was starting to get dizzy and see stars so had to abort after 2km
    0.8km @ 10:00/mi
    1km @ 7:53/mi
    1km cool down

    I tried and I failed. I guess when I haven’t been racing 10kms in that long I couldn’t expect to hold that kind of pace. Maybe I should have adjusted to a pace that would have meant I’d get the session done but I wanted to see how far I’d get. It’s something to work on and I’ll give this a go again in a few weeks and hopefully I’ll see some improvement.

    Thursday November 16th
    9miles Easy @ 10:00/mi (90mins)
    Hello stiffness my old friend. Did this on the treadmill at silly o clock before meetings kicked off. To try and kill the boredom I changed the gradient on the treadmill and the pace from 8:30/mi all the way to 11:00/mi every now and then.

    Friday November 17th
    3.1miles Easy @ 9:40/mi (30mins)
    This was all I could muster on the treadmill before meetings and a flight home.

    Saturday November 18th
    3.1 miles @ 9:24/min
    Knocknacarra parkrun with Kieran. Managed a milish warm up before the PR.

    Sunday November 19th: Eddie Murphy Marathon, Sixmilebridge
    26.2miles @ 9:06/mi (3:58:18)
    Ok so this is totally off plan but here goes.
    The Eddie Murphy marathon is a well organised and well supported marathon held annually in East Clare. It consists of a one mile loop around the village that you complete 26 times and the 0.2 of a mile is made up at the start.

    This loop consists of a hill, a hill that magically gets steeper each time you attempt to run up it. You run up the hill, turn left, you run down the other side, over the timing mats, turn left and around and around you go. My brother signed up and did the first 13 loops with me before bowing out. I was delighted to have the company for the first half. My plan for this? Forget about the watch and get some time on my feet in a friendly environment.

    My nutritional strategy was my usual 2 power bar cola jellies every half hour from the start, washed down with lots of water. Usually in races, I grab a bottle of water, take it with me and sip on it until it’s finished and I meet another water station. This race had cups so I wasn’t drinking as much and when the 16th loop rolled around I was getting quite thirsty.

    There was coke in cups too so I took some coke on each round and sipped on it to quench my thirst. There’s no denying that mile 23 to 26 got tough but I kept plodding away, determined not to walk any of it and I was pleased as I shuffled up the hill one last time without stopping.

    I crossed the finish line and a quick glance at my watch showed 3:58 something and I was delighted after to realise that I’d knocked a minute off my marathon PB from Connemara in April this year. Second lady home in the marathon to boot so happy days.

    My tummy got quite upset after the marathon. I’ll spare you the details but a very nice man kindly held back my hair. I realised at that point that the coke was fizzy and not flat so it contributed to a very long drive back to Galway with many stops on the way.

    Will definitely be back – this event rocks and I’d highly recommend it.

    Totals for the week
    10.5 hours running (68miles)
    3 hours S&C
    1 hour circuits

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Keep them coming Neady!! Enjoying your catch up here and seeing how you're handling the same training plan for Donadea. I've been nice to myself doing that speed work at half marathon pace, I do need to try some getting down to 10K pace.
    Tip re Coke most definitely noted as a few people have recommended it to me in the last year but never tried it before.

    Fairplay for keeping it going on a really tough day in Dublin, your report was honest and that last month or so before hand did you no favours but 3 weeks later you rock out another sub 4 marathon. No mean feat that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    diego_b wrote: »
    Keep them coming Neady!! Enjoying your catch up here and seeing how you're handling the same training plan for Donadea. I've been nice to myself doing that speed work at half marathon pace, I do need to try some getting down to 10K pace.
    Tip re Coke most definitely noted as a few people have recommended it to me in the last year but never tried it before.

    Fairplay for keeping it going on a really tough day in Dublin, your report was honest and that last month or so before hand did you no favours but 3 weeks later you rock out another sub 4 marathon. No mean feat that!

    Cheers D :) I've fallen terribly behind on the plan now between tapering and recovering. Need to jump back on it - it's really intense though.

    I hate coke usually but it has magical properties during races ... when it's flat. They had cups of flat coke at the 27 mile mark in Dorset and it was amazing. Try it out on a long run, few sips around 16 or 18 miles and see how you feel.

    A few of us had tough days in Dublin, it was interesting to read everyones reports and mine will serve as a reminder to me that the bad days are just those, bad days. Picking myself up after was as important as finishing it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Well done Neady fantastic day for you as you sad Dublin was just a bad run they do happen we just can not see it at the time till afterwards of course.
    OH wow on the coke just thinking my Hubby was very lucky I had a sip and did not like how it sat in my tummy but he was fine he has a cast iron stomach though lucky sod

    I am loving the updates & I love Donadea forest and I love to do a 50km it is on my list but I am not sure about the loops :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    A second sub-4 marathon this year - and you were doubting you'd do one! You're a lunatic, but a brilliant one. :D

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Regional East Moderators Posts: 18,407 CMod ✭✭✭✭The Black Oil

    Way to get back up on the horse. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    So as well as giving up chocolate for lent, I'm taking up getting this log up to date and keeping it updated. Now where was I

    November 20th – November 26th

    Totals for the week
    Running: 7hrs 55 (35miles)
    Circuits: 2hrs
    Wattbike: 30mins
    S&C: 3hrs

    Highlight of the week was a road trip to the big smoke, a catch up with many boardies from around these parts and a hop, skip and a jump around Run the Line (16.5miles with 1,033m). Had a great catch up with AGYR and Caree_move on Friday night and it was great to finally meet Annapr, Murph_D, fbot and killerz before/after the race on Saturday. Denis_b, Nop and I headed out on the long course together and Denis_b and I closed it out together while we gave Nop a gentle nudge to push on and make his training count towards the Orcas 50km. A great race with phenominal support from the SWMR marshals though my legs were still pretty cooked from the marathon the weekend before. Will certainly be back.

    November 27th – December 3rd

    Totals for the week
    Running: 7hrs 20 (34miles)
    Circuits: 2hrs
    S&C: 2hrs

    This week took me to Dorset to take on the Dorset Coast Ultra trail marathon consisting of 34ish miles and 2,200m. I travelled over to Bristol with Lonan and Owen who were both chasing ITRA points before entry to the draw for the CCC opened. We hired a car and set up shop in an awesome little cottage by a river, not too far from the start of the race a Lulworth Coast.

    I got around the course in 7:20 and placed 7th girl home – not too shabby for a large field and my first race on foreign soil. I won’t bore you with a race report but it was one of the highlights of 2017 for me and I bagged another 3 ITRA points (surplus to requirement but still good to have them). The trail was lumpy with steep inclines and sharp declines, not too technical but the views would take your breath away, it was beyond beautiful. The Dorset or Jurassic coastline is something of beauty and we were lucky to trace the coast for all of this race and bask in it’s glory – we even shuffled across a really pretty beach with lots of large energy sucking pebbles. If anyone is thinking of travelling abroad for a race in 2018, I’d highly recommend this and can help you with logistics.

    Note to self: Poles are a must on this race – I could have made a fortune selling them for all the people who offered me money for them during the race. Leave the Koka trail runners at home next time. They destroyed my feet with blisters during the race.

    December 4th – December 10th

    Totals for the week
    Running: 3hrs 15 (21miles)
    MTB: 4hrs
    Wattbike: 45mins
    Circuits: 1hr
    S&C: 1hr

    Legs and hips were in a jock this week after the steep declines. Both feet also really sore from the blisters under the arches in each foot.

    Highlight of the week: 4 hours of mountain biking in the Burren on a cold crisp December morning with good buddies Frank and Lonan. We were out before sunrise and making our way along the coastline at Fanore beach as the sun rose. Breath taking and exhilarating.

    I interviewed for a job on a research project that I really want to work on this week and didn’t get it so I wasn’t in the best place heading out with the lads on Saturday morning. Being outside is by far the best medicine – I was buzzing by the time we finished and I stayed on the saddle for more of the green road than ever before. High fives all round ☺

    December 11th – December 17th

    Totals for the week
    Running: 6hrs 50 (37miles)
    Wattbike: 30mins
    Circuits: 2hrs
    S&C: 2hrs 30

    Easy enough week this week. Body is still in recovery mode from all the marathoning and ultramarathoning on November.

    December 18th – December 24th

    Totals for the week
    Running: 2hrs 30 (15miles)
    Hiking: 7hrs (15miles & 2000m)

    The Mountain Hares annual long hike on a short day on the Galtee mountains while everyone else is out doing their last minute Christmas shopping. We did this on Saturday, Dec 23rd and thankfully the weather and views didn’t disappoint. A cracking day on the hills with some of the best people around. What a way to head into the season of good will, in the company of some very awesome people.

    Light on running this week in an attempt to recover and taper for the marathon in Howth next week.

    December 25th – December 31st

    Totals for the week
    Running: 6hrs 40 (38miles)

    Trail run: got a cracking trail run done in East Clare on Stephens day with Frank and John and I dragged my running brother along. New to the trails, I told John that he’d grand in runners but to wear warm socks. We hit up Moyloussa and it wasn’t long before we met the snow line and enjoyed a light dusting of snow underfoot while a bright blue sky emerged. We headed for Broadford and it wasn’t long before I realised why I’d blocked this particular trail run out of my mind. It’s just one big bog that’s just waiting to suck your shoes off and give you frost bite. I couldn’t help but laugh as I continually got stuck and ended up, up to my knees in ice cold bog. What a way to burn off the Christmas turkey :D Poor John was a wee bit traumatised by the time we finished and his poor legs were torn asunder. Not sure he’s forgiven me yet :D

    Friday took Kie and I to Howth with notions of running the Howth marathon being organised by the East of Ireland marathon club. Nop floated the idea of doing this marathon at Run the Line and I jumped at the opportunity. The loops that Howth presented would be good training for Donadea in February and it would be a cracking way to catch up with Nop. Unfortunately the marathon was cancelled the night before the race due to slippery conditions underfoot so Nop concocted a plan for us to do 20 miles around the Phoenix Parl. It was a cold but thoroughly enjoyable run in great company and I got a guided tour of the park. Was lucky enough to meet another boardsie from around these parts, Bungy Girl, great to finally meet you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Epic Neady and as always a great read :)

    I was actually re-reading your log and report for the Burren Clare marathon challenge as I am going to do it :) I think for the views alone it is worth it

    But thanks for logging it's so inspiring and helpful for a newbie like me :)

    I love the sound of the Dorset Ulta, I am off to look that one up!

    Good luck at Glendalough Clover I was trying to get hubby to try it as a team he did not go for it, next year I have a never-ending list at this point LOL

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Epic Neady and as always a great read :)

    I was actually re-reading your log and report for the Burren Clare marathon challenge as I am going to do it :) I think for the views alone it is worth it

    But thanks for logging it's so inspiring and helpful for a newbie like me :)

    I love the sound of the Dorset Ulta, I am off to look that one up!

    Good luck at Glendalough Clover I was trying to get hubby to try it as a team he did not go for it, next year I have a never-ending list at this point LOL

    Cheers Baby, the race in Dorset was run by Endurancelife and they organise coastal trail races through the year. Dorset was a no frills race in terms of medals and t-shirt however it was one of the slickest operations in terms of race organisation that I've seen. They organise large races and they do them well so I can only imagine that all of their races are just as good as Dorset (though maybe not as scenic).

    Stop, every year I want to do all the races that I loved the previous year and I want to do others that I haven't done yet. There are very few free weekends left in the calendar at this stage :D Not a bad complaint though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    2017 in review (I know, I know, it’s almost 2019 at this stage)
    In January I set out the following goals for myself:
    1. The RACE - embrace the 24 hours of solitude & finish it regardless of the conditions
    2. Get back on the horse and in a kayak - will need to be achieved to nail no. 1
    3. Swimming lessons again - conquer my fear of the water AGAIN
    4. Connemarathon - have a good crack at it
    5. Autumn marathon - sub 3:45

    I had three of those boxes ticked in the first four months of 2017 (1, 2 & 4) however I never went back to get those swimming lessons and injury and a lack of discipline coupled with other goals that grew out of the year meant that the 3:45 Autumn marathon never happened.

    While I missed two of my targets, I had the dream race in Donegal in March was piped to the podium. I was luckily enough to be crowned (unofficially as it’s a challenge) Queen of the Turks and make it around under 8 hours – something I’d silently and secretly wanted to achieve since the first day that I set foot on the Turks.

    I found a passion for going long on the trails. I never thought in January 2017 that I’d hit the marathon distance ten times over the course of the year with three of those being part of ultra trail races. Finishing the Wicklow Way and being the third girl home is something that I’ll forever be proud of (not forgetting the bag of chips 5km from the finish).

    The best part of 2017 has been the forever friendships that I’ve made on the bike, on the hills, in the kayak and on the road and the boardsies that I’ve have the pleasure to spend time, train and race with. I was lucky enough to be in Nops company for three of his longest runs in 2017 and one invisible part of this wee community that we have here that is immeasurable is the support that everyone provides for each other. Seeing AGYR and Nop in Glendalough after a nightmare night on the Wicklow mountains (not to mention traumatising them by sticking my feet in their faces for inspection) sums up exactly what this family that we have is all about. So onwards and upwards.

    Goals for 2018
    Generic goals
    1) Enjoy training and racing as much as I did in 2017 cause it was a top class year
    2) Join a running club and get some faster sessions done every week
    3) Get back on the bike and learn to love it again
    4) Get on the podium at a multi-sport/adventure race

    Racing related goals
    5) Race the Coast2Coast (used it as a training event in two previous attempts)
    6) Do the Wicklow Way again and come out of it less beaten up than last time while having a good crack at a podium
    7) Top 5 (female) in Quest 24
    8) Do at least three ultra trail races in a country that's not Ireland (top 10 female in 1 of them)

    I was hoping that the CCC would be on that list of goals but unfortunately I didn’t get lucky this year which I can live it but I can deny being bitterly disappointed when Lonan and Owen, who I’d raced and traing with all gear, got the nod. I’ve licked my wounds and booked my flights to Chamonix because I fully intend to be chief cow bell ringer and the timing will be perfect as it’s a few days after Quest 24 so I’ll be able to get some trails and some hiking in the Alps done while I’m there.

    I’ve beeing training for the Donadea 50km in February (DNS due to chest infection) and two weeks later I head to Glendalough to take on the 80km Glendalough Clover. In April I go to Scotland to change my are at the Highland Fling 85km trail race and in July I go to Wales to do the Snowdonia marathon. The Wicklow Way will hopefully feature in June. Let the fun times begin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Cheers Baby, the race in Dorset was run by Endurancelife and they organise coastal trail races through the year. Dorset was a no frills race in terms of medals and t-shirt however it was one of the slickest operations in terms of race organisation that I've seen. They organise large races and they do them well so I can only imagine that all of their races are just as good as Dorset (though maybe not as scenic).

    Stop, every year I want to do all the races that I loved the previous year and I want to do others that I haven't done yet. There are very few free weekends left in the calendar at this stage :D Not a bad complaint though.

    I found the website and its impressive and a lot more affordable than I expected it is going on the list for sure :) I know what you mean one adventure race is on the day before another one we have booked in still going to do it though LOL and most certainly not a bad complaint bring it on LOL

    What a year you had, amazing, 10 marathons brilliant and wow, I shared your race report with some friends all training and heading up to Donegal this year for the race. They enjoyed it and it has helped them.

    Any idea which adventure race you will have a good crack at, I think you will have no problem achieving that podium position the Quest adventure races all seem to have the same top 5 that compete and win each year for the men and for the women one lady when she races comes 1st with 2nd and 3rd position changing each year. Be great to see you up there with them :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    January 1st to 7th

    It's a case of don't start the year as you mean to go on. We were down in Clonakilty for a wedding on New Years Day so that ruled out any intentions of a good start to the year. Also preparing a job application so my mind was elsewhere for the rest of the week.

    Managed a circuits class on Thursday and headed for Keeper Hill at silly o clock on Sunday with some of the ARSEs. We were treated to a local experience as Lorraine took us off piste and around the wooded trails. Really blew the cobwebs away by coming down at break neck speed. Great morning out and with a sprinkling of snow on top. 12miles in 1:55ish. Got another 3.5miles in when I got back to Galway to make 16ish for the day and the week.

    January 8th to 14th
    Monday: Rest!!!!

    One of my goals for the year is to join a club and inject some speed work back into my plan. Athenry AC worked well a few years ago but Kieran and I were finding too many excuses not to cross the city on a Tuesday evening, as the traffic only seems to be getting worse, and Kieran was getting injured from pounding the concrete out there so I didn't think there was much point in revisiting it.

    Lonan had been raving about Castlegar AC, their inclusiveness and diversity, so we headed out with him this evening to try it out. I was sold from the minute I got out of the car, they're a small group, the club has only been rejuvenated in the last year or so, they're incredibly nice and they run on a mixture or tar and grass surface.

    Tonights session was a 15 minute warm-up, some drills that Sean, the coach, explained really well for all the newbies, 5x1km off 2mins and a warm down & drills. A great session but my legs are not used to it. I worked well with a nice lady called Ger and we took turns in pushing each other on. Happy to start back at something a bit nippier.

    30mins Wattbike (15km): 15wu, 10x30sec sprints off 30sec, 10cd
    25mins stepper
    1.5hours of yoga


    45mins Wattbike (22km): 15wu, 10x30sec sprints off 30sec, 10cd
    25mins stepper

    4.22miles @ 9:07/mi (0:38): wu before the Ballina half marathon
    13.26miles @ 8:45/mi (1:55): Ballina half marathon, loop de loop in preparation for Donadea. Good steady pace but maybe pushed off a bit too quickly.

    3.8miles on the Bangor Trail @ 17:55/mi (1:04): Headed out on this trail with Rachel and some of her trail running buddies. They went off like the clappers and I wasn't long losing them. I kept trucking away for a while but turned back before the as the trail was mush and bog and less trail. Wasn't enjoying it too much so happy to get back to the car and get warm. Yes, I'm a big girls blouse :o

    Totals for the week
    Running: 4hrs 35 (27miles)
    Circuits: 12hrs
    Wattbike: 1hr 25
    S&C: 1hr 30
    Stepper: 50mins

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Come on Neady, looking for a race report here!! Well done btw the way but give us the good stuff!!
