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Time for a New Adventure



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Thanks Mossy and well done to you too, driving through the night was not an easy task, all the support crews were tough out.

    Hear, hear!!
    Neady83 wrote: »
    Ha ha ha but we had flash green lights on top of ours?? :D

    What you need is for someone to drill holes and insert flashy green lights in the eyes of that logo of yours. That'll give ye proper sleepmonster issues :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thanks for the report Neady83! Nice session in the bank for the Beast eh

    Right now I'm motivated :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Hang on, this wasn't the Beast? When is the Beast?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    nop98 wrote: »
    Hang on, this wasn't the Beast? When is the Beast?

    That was a training session for the Beast :D The beast is in and around the August bank holiday weekend :)

    So when we finished in Newcastle, we'd have another 48 hours to go :eek: :eek:

    The Best report is going to take two weeks to write :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    OK - I thought it was such an epic report, it could not be anything other than the Beast.

    You know, August bank holiday, there's also a nice 10k in Dun Laoghaire (DLR Bay 10k). Bit of a hill (first up, then down), usually a lovely lovely day, over and done in about 45 minutes, and ice creams afterwards in Teddy's. :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Neady83 wrote: »
    The Best report is going to take two weeks to write :)

    You can sing that tune! My 40hr report last year was in 5 sections, this year it'll be a mini novel :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    There’s been a serious lack of activity on this log since the Coast2Coast.

    I was in Italy for a little work and the rest holidays. Did SFA while there except for lots and lots and lots of walking, oh and I ate my weight in chocolate gelato – it even got to the point where I knew the shops that sold the biggest scoops for the least yo yos. Back on Tuesday and back on track.


    Lunch time run. I didn’t bring my watch, just ran to see if my gelato belly was capable of being hauled around a few miles. It passed the test :) though not very fast.

    Thursday AM

    2.4 miles on the treadmill before Circuits.

    Circuits. Different trainer – more of an army sergeant type thing going on with him. Lots of roaring and shouting and very little rest for 60 minutes.

    Thursday Lunch

    5.29miles in 45:55 @ 8:41/mi

    Found this tough, my legs were heavy, not sure if it was from not doing anything for over a week or still a hangover from C2C. Most likely from not doing anything for two weeks.

    Thursday PM

    4.73miles in 49:13 @ 10:25/mi

    Himself was hitting out so I couldn’t resist. Should have stayed at home. My legs were like blocks, particularly my calves – they must be full of gelato. Lots of foam rolling.

    Friday AM

    1 hour/31km on the Wattbike. Decided to give the legs a rest from pounding the ground.

    Friday PM

    6.36miles in 59:11 @ 9:19/mi

    Himself was heading out so kept him company. Took it easy enough. Legs not as heavy as yesterday.


    11.55miles in 1:38 @ 8:30/mi

    Had 12 miles in my head for today and put it on the long finger all day. Finally plucked up the courage at 7 o clock, just when it started to rain. Served me right for putting it off. Came downstairs with my gear on and my brother said he’d join me. It was nice to have company. He’s a much faster runner but this was the longest distance he’s ever done and it wasn’t a bother to him. We made it home soaked to the skin but happy :)


    90.22 mile cycle with two other ARSEs in 5:39 (don’t get excited – that was moving time)

    I mentioned to the guys that I was going to knock out 50 or 60km as a once over of a 100km cycle route/challenge that I'm doing around West Clare next weekend. Somehow this got turned into a 150km cycle from Ennis, Foynes, Tarbert, across the Shannon on the ferry and back to Ennis.

    Off we hit at stupid o clock. We had crosswinds for 30 miles, a head wind for 30 miles and a tail wind for 30 miles.

    It was a nice easy spin to Limerick until we turned for the West. How can it be cold, warm, raining and hailstoning all on the one day? On the 31st of May?:confused: It was a tough ride to Tarbert with the strong wind pushing us back – even the downhill’s needed effort to push through. I was counting down the kms and I wasn’t even doing the hard work, the guys were as good as always and took turns out front while I drafted (I'm such a girl). I was never so glad to see the ferry and we were spot on time so didn’t have to wait around for it. One of the ARSEs got a puncture about half a km from the ferry. Perfect timing to fix it on the crossing. The hot tea on board was very welcome.

    The next section was my back yard and I was looking forward to it. About 21 miles in, we were going past a load of cars parking for a family fun athletics day when we decided we were pulling in. I went to clip out with my left, nope, not clipping, keep jerking it and it’s not budging, panic, try the right one, too late, bike is stopped, s**t, hello ground. Right where there was a family getting out of their cars. Oh the shame, first the shock and then the shame of being so stupid as to fall over. Nice family man (with tri top on) comes over and helps me up and points out that I need to twist my foot to get it out, thanks tri man, he was super nice, I just wan't in the mood to be told how to clip out. Knee in pain, took myself over to a wall, head down, shed a tear with the pain – think, just for a second, I’m only 6km from home, Dad could pick me – then banish all thoughts and tell myself to suck it up. Tri guy and ARSEs tell me to get back on and start spinning before it stiffens, didn’t bother/have time to clean the blood.

    Straightforward spin home after this with the wind on our backs, nice few hills though.

    Knee is fine, my ego is bruised more than it. Nice day on the bike despite the weather :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Ouch hope it's nothing serious!

    Good training all the same ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Good work!
    Neady83 wrote: »
    ... didn’t bother to clean the blood....

    Ouch. :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Ouch hope it's nothing serious!

    Good training all the same ;)

    Thanks you, my pride hurts more than my knee :o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Along with the epic fall from the bike last week, I had a serious dose of the sniffles and woke up Monday morning with an infection, chest, head, everything green and infected :(. Was heading to Oslo for work on Tuesday AM, checked the price of doctors in Norway :eek: :eek: so hit for Shannon doc. Had a temperature so bed rest and anti-biotics were prescribed, no can do, getting on a plane tomorrow.

    Zero time to do anything in Oslo, every minute was crammed with work stuff and we were staying in a hotel in an industrial estate so there was nowhere to run anyway. Off the pane on Friday morning, feeling less infected, so hit for Clare with my bike and arranged to do the Estuary 103km challenge cycle with a friend of mine on Saturday.

    Saturday: Estuary 103km Cycle

    63.68 miles in 4:38, 2,145ft elevation gain

    The wind was hammering the window on Saturday morning when I woke - this wasn't gonna bode well for a cycle on the exposed coast with the first 50km into the headwind. If I hadn't arranged to do this with Annette, I would have been turning over for an extended snooze.

    We got to Labasheeda where there was a great crowd gathering, got some coffee a sandwich and set the bikes up. We were both worried about the wind (and me even more so because I knew the hills we were heading into) so we made a call that we'd do the first 25km to Kilrush and join the shorter route of 50km if we weren't feeling it.

    Off we went and we were in no doubt from the start that it was going to be a tough day at the office. There were hills and wind and some more hills, peddling hard on the down hills. Just after passing moneypoint we were completely exposed on the left with the wind pushing us across the road, we formed a group with a few guys and managed to get through the half km of so of this but I heard later that a guy did get blown off his bike there.

    We got to Kilrush and despite finding it tough, we were enjoying it and working well together so decided that we'd persevere. It was all headwind and slow progress into Carrigaholt where there was tea/coffee and some spread of food laid out for us. We took ten minutes to refuel and gather ourselves. There was only a few km more into the wind and then we would have cross winds along the Dunlickey coastline but I knew the views would distract us. It was my friends first time around this part of the country and you couldn't but be in awe of the sight of the cliffs and the massive waves crashing up against them, it was absolutely stunning. I don't think I'v ever been so proud to be from that part of the country. We had to take it easy on the downhills as the whenever we got any sort of speed up, the wind was catching us and blowing us across the road.

    Into the Kilkee and up the long drag out the Doonbeg road, we were working great together, Annette would pul me up the bottom section of the hills and I'd find the power half way up to get us up the last section.

    We had the wind at our back on the way home so it was plain sailing. The marshalls were fantastic, there was no junction were we had to stop to let traffic go, they were in control at every point and always had a nice word to say even though they were the ones standing out in the cold for hours.

    The last 10km had some tough climbs that very nearly burned up and we were glad to get back to the community hall for tea and coffee and the most amazing spread of food. It was my first organised cycle but Annette had done a few before and she reckoned that it was the most well organised that she'd been to. It was well signposted and with marshalls at every junction and the food was delicious. Will be back again :) and delighted to have found a perfect cycling partner in Annette.


    Still infected and on last day of anti-biotics so decided to sit this one out.


    Work travel is over for a while so put a plan together for a solid three weeks of training. Training has been a bit hit and miss since the C2C so looking forward to getting back into a routine, having food in the fridge and spending more than three nights in the same city. My diet has gone to pot in the last few weeks too so I'm cutting out sugar for a week or two to get things back on an even keel. Am I the only one who can't have one square of chocolate without it turning into a cake/biscuit/sweet/sugar feast? I have to go cold turkey to stop eating rubbish or I'm done for.

    Monday AM

    An hour on the Watbike - 32.13km.

    10 minutes on each gear and the bones of the last 20 off the saddle on a high gear. Going to do this once a week and see if I can up the distance and make some progress.

    Monday Lunch

    5.16 lumpy miles in 43:46, 8:29/mile, 206ft elevation

    My breathing was labored because I hadn't ran in a week and I guess because I'm at the tail end of a chest cold. Felt good to be out in the sun though.

    Monday PM

    6.01 miles with strides in 53:47, 8:57/mile, 200ft elevation

    My hamstrings were tight so kept the pace low and enjoyed the evening sun on my face :) Some foam rolling when I got home.

    Tuesday AM

    Couple of miles on the treadmill before circuits.

    Tough circuit session, 9 stations with 4x60 seconds on each. Mountain climbers, squats, lunges, hip flexers, skipping, medicine ball slams and all that jazz.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Neady83 wrote: »
    cycling stuff...... Am I the only one who can't have one square of chocolate without it turning into a cake/biscuit/sweet/sugar feast?

    Nope :)

    Good work with all the biking! Hows your rope climbing, abseiling, kayaking, shooting, coasteering, rafting, swimming practice coming along?:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Nope :)

    Good work with all the biking! Hows your rope climbing, abseiling, kayaking, shooting, coasteering, rafting, swimming practice coming along?:D:D

    Thank you, I'm beginning to like the ol cycling. Instead of looking up run Ireland for things to do at the weekend I'm eying up sportives now :).

    Too many, way too many activities. There's a severe shortage of water related activities in my blog, that ain't gonna bode well :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Good work, Neady - hope you're feeling better already.
    5.16 lumpy miles in 43:46, 8:29/mile, 206ft elevation

    That's fast running for lumpy miles on antibiotics.! How's the slowing down going? ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,628 ✭✭✭Señor Fancy Pants

    Jaysis Neady!

    That's some amount of effort you are putting in! Fair play to ya.

    I'm equally envious and gobsmacked at our determination. I'm really looking forward to your Beast report!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    nop98 wrote: »
    Good work, Neady - hope you're feeling better already.

    That's fast running for lumpy miles on antibiotics.! How's the slowing down going? ;)

    Thanks Nop. Um, ah sure I haven't been doing any fast miles so there was no need for slow ones, was there? ;)

    First interval session in 6 weeks last night .... slowing down tomorrows run shouldn't be a problem after that given todays walk into work was at snails pace :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Tuesday PM

    Club interval sessions started back after a hiatus of six weeks for the 5km series.
    Session was:
    1 mile wu followed by 5x4mins (1min recovery) and a 1 mile warm down

    Interval 1: 0.53 miles
    Interval 2: 0.54 m
    Interval 3: 0.53 m
    Interval 4: 0.53 m
    Interval 5: 0.49 m

    The wheels came off the wagon for the last one. I got a stitch, tried to run through it and take deep breaths through my nose but it wasn't going away. Found the session tough but I haven't done any kind of speed work in 6 weeks so that was to be expected. I think my hamstrings shortened by half an inch on the way home, hello foam roller.

    Wednesday AM

    60:00 on the Wattbike - 32.53km. Same session as Monday, 10 minutes on each gear and moving up the gears, last 20 out of the saddle. Am glad not to have a run on the cards today because I'm finding it difficult to straighten my legs every time I get up from my desk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Wednesday PM

    Brick session of sorts.
    60 minutes on the Wattbike: 12x5mins up the gears from 1 to 6 and 12x5 mins down the gears so 20 at the top and off the saddle.

    X-Training/Circuits: 6 circuits @ 4x60 seconds & short recovery

    1) Mountain Climbers & planks
    2) Dead lifts. The trainer showed me how to do these in a way that it would strengthen my shoulders for the bike.
    3) One arm kettle bell raises
    4) Ropes
    5) Side shuffle squats
    6) Bosu ball front leg squats

    Thursday AM

    Couple of miles warm up.

    Circuits. 4x60seconds with 15second recovery. Circuits were mainly jumping on boxes and over boxes with a few weights thrown in. I have the grace of an elephant and keep landing flat footed when I leap on or over a box, making a right racket. Tried working on it by landing on my toes but I've no balance so he put me doing squats on an upside down bosu ball, balance is improving a little. Someday I might land gracefully.

    Quite stiff from the three circuit sessions but trying to head DOMS off at the pass by doing more weights each day :) It's working, a bit :)

    Thursday PM

    Recovery run: 5.01miles in 47:01 @ 9:23/mi
    No issues slowing this one down. My legs were sore and tired so I hit for the new track in Westside for the first time. It's practically on my doorstep so I should have tried it out ages ago. It's lovely and spongy, perfect for a recovery run tough a bit boring when you're just doing 9:23 minute miles.

    Got an e-mail from one of the ARSEs to remind me that the A race is only 48 days away :eek: :eek: :eek:

    Friday AM

    Sore legs but dragged myself out of bed and into the gym for an hour on the wattbike. 12x5 minutes going up the gears. The top gears were really tough and my thighs were aching. Only covered 31.18km so the fatigue in my legs is showing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83


    Run for Ollie 10km in Miltown

    Went out waaaayyyyyyyy too fast, didn't think I was going that fast until I looked at my watch after the first mile. Slowed it down but not enough, fourth mile was a killer because of it but I picked it up a bit for the sixth mile. Nice race, legs felt tired but I got around it in 48:22.

    Very embarrassing splits: 7:23, 7:38, 7:45, 8:07, 7:45, 1:48


    135km Great Western Lakes Sportive

    Beautiful morning for a spin. My friend Annette came with me. We hit off from Ballinrobe at 9 and straight away fell in with a group of three girls from the Castlebar cycling club. They were doing the 85km option so would only be with us for 40km or so but we worked together very well until 40km. It was a pity they were on the short course as we were travelling well together.

    There was a couple of really sharp steep climbs throughout the day and after 80km my legs were aching, there was no pain but just aching. I was beginning to regret yesterdays 10km and the heavy week of training. Annette was pulling away a lot and I was having to dig deep to reel her in. On the upside, the weather was beautiful and the scenery passing Joyce Country, Killary Fjord and the Lough Inagh Valley was stunning.

    I'm beginning to feel like a jack of all trades but a master of none.

    Nice day on the bike but I could not have done another mile by the time we got back to Ballinrobe.

    84miles/135km in 5:32, 2,338ft elevation gain, 14.9mph

    Weekly Total

    Running: 4:00 (27.23miles)
    Wattbike: 4:00 (128km)
    Circuits/Core: 3:00
    Cycling: 5:32 (135km/84miles)

    Total: 16:32hours

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83


    Nada, rest, feet up, bliss

    Tuesday AM

    2miles on the treadmill before circuits @ 9:30/mi

    Circuits: 10 stations @ 4x50seconds on each, short breaks. Tough session with lots of weights. There was sweat coming out of everywhere, who knew your elbows could sweat? :eek:

    Tuesday PM

    Club interval session.
    1mile wu
    7mins, 6mins, 5mins, 4mins, 3mins - (120sec, 90sec, 90sec, 60sec rec)
    1miles wd

    Was dreading this session but I enjoyed it and was able to blast out the last 3minutes. Hamstrings tight after the session though

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Wednesday AM

    60:00 on the Wattbike (31.18km). 10mins on each gear moving up from 1 to 6. My legs weren't up to much for this one, they really weren't feeling the love for the high gears. I think spending time off the saddle on the high gears is paying off though as I was able to stay out of the saddle and climb the sharp hills in Connemara last Sunday without too much effort - it's the long ones that go on forever that burn the hell outta my legs. Was glad to see I was near the 32km mark when I finished.

    Wednesday PM

    7 mile recovery run, 1:05, 9:18/mile.
    I had a crappy day at work so feared that this could turn into a fast rage run. I opted for Taylors hill straight off the back in a bid to slow me down, it worked, sort of. First mile was 9:08, slow it down girl. After 3 miles, I got it under control though I was on the prom for this and I kept getting passed by runners. My legs were screaming at me to catch them but my head was telling me to slow down and keep it steady. It was a stunning evening to be running by the sea - one of those evenings whee you forget you're running and just enjoy what's around you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Thursday AM

    2miles warm up on the treadmill, 17mins
    Circuits: 9 stations, 4x60seconds on each. Lots of dyna bands used for this one, squatting them, push ups with them, crab crawls. The trainer is really upping the tempo, it's not just squats now, it's squats with weights and a dyna band on the legs, each exercise has 2 or 3 pressure points os it's an all over workout.

    Thursday PM

    60:00 on the wattbike. 6x10minutes spinning up the gears. 33.40km
    Last 20 out of the saddle. I really really didn't want to hit the gym after work, long day at work and felt drained. Glad I did though because I enjoyed the session and I'd some good podcasts on my ipod to listen to. Fell very happily asleep on the couch after a feed of pasta, pesto, chicken and pine nuts.

    Friday AM

    4.12mile run in 35:00, 8:40/mi.
    Enjoyed this jaunt in the morning sun looking at the rowers heading up the river.

    25mins on the wattbike, 13.40km
    Did not enjoy this, legs felt heavy but hit my target of an hour doing something this morning. Thank crunchie it's Friday

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Neady83 wrote: »

    Nada, rest, feet up, bliss

    Slacking off, are we? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Thursday AM

    Circuits: 9 stations, 4x60seconds on each. Lots of dyna bands used for this one, squatting them, push ups with them, crab crawls. The trainer is really upping the tempo, it's not just squats now, it's squats with weights and a dyna band on the legs, each exercise has 2 or 3 pressure points os it's an all over workout.

    Good session ...

    I've recently abandoned the circuits classes I've been doing for a while. They were "too good", in that it pretty much messed me up for a few days after. The classes were on a Friday, and I was usually most sore on the Sunday. So I typically snuck in a long run on Saturday, only for the effects of both sessions to collide on the Sunday and leave me crippled. So it was "thanks but no thanks" when the new instalment was advertised...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Hi Neady, just found your log now... that is some challenge you have taken on and some training! DCM will be a doddle for you after the Beast. Will follow with interest! best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    annapr wrote: »
    Hi Neady, just found your log now... that is some challenge you have taken on and some training! DCM will be a doddle for you after the Beast. Will follow with interest! best of luck!

    Thanks Anna, hoping the Beast leaves me well enough to follow you around DCM :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Saturday AM

    50.83mile mountain bike, 3,290ft elevation, 7:14 elapsed time, 5:15 moving time
    Up at silly o clock to meet the other ARSEs in Lahinch to do the Burren Way from Lahinch to Tubber taking in Lahinch Beach, the cliff path to Doolin, a massive hill around Fanore and I think we were on Mullaghmore too. This was mostly on tracks. It was a cool morning followed by hot sticky weather, followed by a massive downpour, followed by warm sunny weather.

    Nice biking, I was glad I hadn't looked at the maps the ARSEs had sent me during the week because I had no idea of the big climbs ahead of me, if I had, I probably wouldn't have been so enthusiastic about it on Saturday morning. It was a good lesson in hike a biking, for me anyway, the guys stayed on longer than me on the big climbs and they didn't have to hike their bikes on the decents like I did on one - it was steep and rocky and there was parts where I had visions of myself going head first down the mountain at speed.

    A tough but enjoyable day out, my legs burned a lot and I did hit a low point at the top of Mullaghmore when it was pi**ing rain, hot and sticky, the ground was rough for far too long, my body was rattled, the heat was bringing wafts of cow s**te up to our noses and it was just miserable. We came down off the mountain to cross a main road and spotted the Tour de Burren cyclists on their racers and I perked up a bit, it was just the boost I needed. There's tough times to be had when you're out in miserable weather but it always passes and luckily for us, the sun came out for the last bit.

    Highlight of the day: as we hit the Doolin to Liscannor track, along the cliff edge, we spotted a couple and their dog sitting on a picnic blanket in a secluded spot at the cliff edge. The guy was just up off one knee and they were celebrating that she said 'yes' :):) I don't think he had envisioned four nutters on bikes raining on their parade at 7.30 in the morning. Frank took some pics for them and we were on our merry way.

    Saturday PM

    8km Bullaun run, 39:28
    Got back to Galway, hopped in the shower and hit for Bullaun with himself who was doing this run. My legs felt ok so I threw on the shorts and figured it'd be a good test of endurance if I could get around it. Didn't look at the watch, just went at what felt comfortable. It hurt a bit and at 4km I did wonder what the hell I thought I was doing running in a race after being out on the bike for the most of the day but I figured I'll face worse in the Beast.

    Met friends of himself for dinner after, a small glass of wine and I was half asleep in my paella - I wasn't the most entertaining dinner guest.


    Legs were feeling it today, not stiff, just achey and the tiredness, felt like the hangover from hell so rested up.

    Weekly Totals

    Running: 3:46 (25.84miles)
    Wattbike: 2:35 (77.78km)
    MTB: 7:14 (50&a bit miles)
    Circuits: 2:00

    Total: 15:35

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    nop98 wrote: »
    Good session ...

    I've recently abandoned the circuits classes I've been doing for a while. They were "too good", in that it pretty much messed me up for a few days after. The classes were on a Friday, and I was usually most sore on the Sunday. So I typically snuck in a long run on Saturday, only for the effects of both sessions to collide on the Sunday and leave me crippled. So it was "thanks but no thanks" when the new instalment was advertised...

    Thanks Nop, yea, they make my legs and every other bit of me quite tired. If I was only running, I'd go a bit lighter on the circuits or do less classes but I think training on tired legs is what I need to be doing now ...... I think :rolleyes: I really have no idea what I'm doing :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Thanks Nop, yea, they make my legs and every other bit of me quite tired. If I was only running, I'd go a bit lighter on the circuits or do less classes but I think training on tired legs is what I need to be doing now ...... I think :rolleyes: I really have no idea what I'm doing :D

    Makes sense re tired legs, gee, even reading about your training sessions makes me tired... :eek:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83


    7.35miles, 1:06, 9:01/mi
    Went out at what felt like a comfortable pace and kept it there. Legs still tired from the long day on Saturday and they need to recover for our 24hour hike next weekend so kept it easy.

    Tuesday AM

    2.45 miles on the treadmill before circuits.

    Circuits: 9x50 seconds, short breaks
    1) Boxing: 10 punches & jumping squats
    2) Frog leaping dyna band
    3) burpees with 5km dumbbells
    4) dead bug with weights on arms & legs
    5) Russian wood chop with a squat thrown in
    6) Deadlift with 20km kettle bell
    7) high knees with dynamic lunges
    8) side jumps with medicine ball
    9) mountain climbers

    Tuesday PM

    Club interval session.
    1mile wu
    10x3mins off 60sec recovery
    1miles wd

    6.65miles in 57:49. It was all going well until the 7th interval, I ended up out on my own with nobody to chase down and no one chasing me down but I fell in with a group for the last two sets and the distance increased again. I compared this to the same session back in April. I averaged 0.42miles in each of last night intervals compared to 0.40 miles in the same session in April so there's a slight improvement :)
