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  • 31-01-2015 3:40pm
    Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,457 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    This is the thread that participants in the Draft game may use for the weekly TV show build of their respective rosters in the contest. It will also ultimately be used for the final write-up at the end to determine which roster is the winner.
    - Posting is optional. Participants don't have to write weekly shows for their rosters if they don't want to.

    - You can outline your promotion, TV show name, your roster's champions etc.

    - The norm has been to post once per draft pick. This is essentially your weekly TV show building up to your PPV so you can post this up to 5 times.

    For this opening stage if you want to do a post outlining your roster and then do a post for week 1 of your show, that's fine. Try to make sure in future rounds however you make it one show per round so it stays easy for everyone to follow.

    - Final write-ups will be posted after round 15. It is your PPV event and the only thing which is a requirement in this thread. This is not optional as the PPV will be judged to determine the winner.

    You can commence your PPV build now. Good luck and have fun. As always please keep discussion of the game in the discussion thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    Welcome to our annual event of CWA Fallout


    We open tonight's show with Mr.Perfect in the ring about to address the crowd.

    Mr.Perfect:CWA Revolution in 4 weeks time a new World Champion will be crowned, when people talk of World Champion’s do you know who’s name is never mentioned, yes that of Mr.Perfect..

    It’s not your time Curt they used to say, you just don’t have the x-factor we are looking for, we are going for a bigger guy Curt..

    Well I am sick of taking a back seat , sick of being the company man , sick of been known as probably the greatest wrestler who ever lived not have won a World Championship, unlike some of my colleagues in the back.

    People like Mark Henry, this is a man who fathered a hand with a 110 year woman for heck sake, people like The Ultimate Warrior who spent more energy running to the bank to cash his cheques then he did in the ring, Eddie Guerrero who lied, cheated and stole his World Titles, Ivan Koloff a man who people don't even remember being a World Champion, James Storm who spent so long drinking he does't even remember holding a title and then of course we have a biggest fraud of them all, a man who was more interested in the cash then the prestige , a man who who made it his business to form a little clique to make sure that he had the political backing to get that top spot...of course that man can only be Kevin Nash.

    Scott Hall's music hits
    Hall: Yo...You got a lot to say up their tonight but as you know Big Daddy cool is not here tonight because if he was he would come down to that ring and shove that mic down your throat, but the bad guy is here so tonight Perfect why don't you face me and let's see how Perfect you really are
    Commentator: It looks like we have a match for tonight

    And we are back with our 1st match up of the night with James Storm facing off against Mark Henry.


    Storm starts off really well forcing Mark Henry to go on the back foot, Henry has to step outside of the ring to get his head back in the fight, when he does get back in the ring he begins to use his strength as an advantage and slows things down, Storm shows some good offence but Henry was just too strong for him and wins via clean pin fall.

    Winner: Mark Henry

    As Mark Henry is celebrating in the ring Bob Sapp comes out to look down on Henry.

    Backstage interview with Eddie Guerrero

    Commentator: Eddie you are the reigning and defending CWA Legends Champion with CWA Revolution coming up in 4 weeks time is their anyone in particular that you would like to face for the Championship.

    Eddie Guerrero: You see chico I've been around this industry a long time jose ,and I have yet to meet an hombre with the cajunas who was good enough to face Eddie Guerrero so I am issuing a challenge to all the wannabe's out their if you want this title come and get it but bring your cajunas with you.
    Next up tonight with have the debut of the Ultimate Warrior who faces off against his old foe Nikolai Volkoff:


    Volkoff is waiting in the ring for the Warrior who burst out of the back and begins to run his way to the ring as soon as he hits the ring he clotheslines Volkoff and comes off the ropes but as he does Ivan Koloff and Nikitta Koloff jump into the ring and start to double team Warrior, Volkoff now joins in and all 3 men beat down on the Warrior, the pick him up and jack knife him outside of the ring and onto the concrete floor.

    Winner: Ultimate Warrior via DQ.

    Now it is time for our main event of the evening as Mr.Perfect faces off against Scott Hall


    Both men are giving it all for the fans who are lapping up the main event, it is a very even match up which goes back and forth, finally Perfect had begun to get on top of the match up and hits his perfect plex but out of nowhere Kevin Nash runs into the ring, the crowd boo and the commentators remind us the Nash was not meant to be here tonight...Both Nash and Hall now beat down on Perfect and things look bad until Mr. Anderson runs to the ring with a chair and makes the save .

    Winner via DQ: Mr.Perfect

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,478 ✭✭✭brianregan09


    The words RCW appear across the screen and fade back out again
    The camera now focuses on one man sitting in front of a desk , The man is Shane Mcmahon, He sits at the table there is nothing on it but a folder , Shane looks straight head on in to the camera

    Shane: Welcome everyone , My name is Shane McMahon , Son of Legendary Promoter and CEO of WWE Vince McMahon , I come here to you today with one order of business the company formaly known as Ragen Championship Wrestling which ran shows across the country last year , In case you didn’t see , Here is a small highlights package of what you missed.

    The screen goes blank and then a video begins to play showing clips on RCW’s big Pay Per View Last year
    Joe now pushs the ref towards the ropes which is enough to unsteady Tazz who falls onto the turn buckle, Joe now sees this and goes over, Joe lifts Tazz , he’s going to hit the muscle buster , Bischoff is now on the apron and nails the referee , hes hit Joe square in the face now with a steel chair busting him open, Joe spaghetti legged drops Tazz and Bishcoff hits him again just to be sure , He falls straight into the waiting Tazz Mission , Tazz locks it in tight and gets his legs wrapped around Joe aswell , Bischoff now wakes up the ref…Joe is out cold , the referee sees it and calls for the bell

    PJ: It can’t end like this !!!! No!!!

    JR: This is amazing!!

    RA: The winner of this match and NEW RCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION TAZZ!!!!!!

    Before Tazz is given the belt a man in a suit walks down the ramp and into the ring it’s the RCW owner Ragen !!!!!


    He takes the microphone: This is not how our historic 1st main event is going to end Bischoff you’re fired !!!!!, Joe get up Tazz get ready im restarting this match !

    Tazz can’t believe it he goes nose to nose with the owner and before he can do anything Joe spins him around and hit’s a massive inzugri , Joe now lifts Tazz up on his shoulders and hits massive muscle buster !!!!!! PIN 1.…………..2.…………..3.……….. SAMOA JOE IS THE CHAMPION !!!!
    JR: Tazz just got screwed

    Tazz is dumfounded and rolls out of the ring as Ragen re enters the ring and hands Samoa Joe the title !!!
    The screen once agains fades back to black

    It reopens now on Shane again sitting at the desk looking unimpressed

    Shane: Last year that……was our Main Event the RCW title match. Samoa Joe and Tazz two men who could never win the big one in WCW, ECW or WWE , Those 2 were our main event players , and credit where credit is due , Those 2 guys left it all in the ring , But we still ended up on a screwy finish, Our competitors not only made us look small time , but the finish of the main event made us look distinctly small time

    Shane: This year RCW was in danger of closing its doors, on the polls RCW was one of the worst federations going around, and this is where I am come in , You see I’ve been away from Wrestling a long time , My father and my Sister put me off it for a long time , But I’ve been away for a long time, Too Long and in RCW a small fledgling company that needed a captain at the helm, I’ve bought all the stock for RCW and I’m the sole owner now , There will be no Ragen, There will be no Eric Bischoff , and further more there will be no C list stars fighting for our title , and on that note the Xtreme and International Titles are gone

    Shane: The reason we will now only have one title is to keep our talent highly motivated to keep pushing to the top , and furthermore tonight we will see the start of the RCW World Championship Title Tournament , Last night I announced Dos Caras as the 1st participant and Round 1 starts tonight with 7 further participants to be revealed as the night goes on
    Shane: Oh and last thing before the show starts this is no Longer Ragen Championship Wrestling , We are now known as Real Championship Wrestling going forward

    Camera opens to a live arena with fans jam packed into the arena , Pyro and explosions go off everywhere to signal the start of the new show RAGE , The camera focus’s on the two announcers PJ and JR

    PJ: Welcome everyone to the new Real Championship Wrestling and welcome to our new signature show RAGE !

    JR: It’s hard to believe you kept you’re job here

    PJ: I think we should count ourselves lucky Bischoff Samoa Joe, Tazz, Roman Reigns, Rollins and god knows who else all gone !!

    JR: It’s going to be tough tonight for us to put on a decent show with no Wrestlers !

    PJ: Obviously new guys have been signed you idiot, This is Shane McMahon we’re dealing with here , I’m sure he has a hell of a roster lined up for us

    JR: And what about this Tournament Joe our champion is gone so now we start our search for a new champion

    PJ: Well that’s one thing you’ve gotten right and up next to start us off is the 1st match and Legendary Luchadore Dos Caras is going to kick us off lets get down to the ringside announcer

    Camera cuts to the ring where we have Leilani sweet our new announcer standing in the ring

    LS: I welcome you all the rage zone for our 1st edition of Real Championship Wrestling and the 1st match in our World Title Tournament , Please let me welcome to the Rage Zone Legendary Luchadore Dos Caras to the ring


    The fans all cheers wildly as Caras’s music plays , He walks out from behind the curtain to a rapturous applause , He looks ripped and ready to go wearing his trademark Luchadore Mask

    PJ: This guy is a legend in the Wrestling Industry and tonight he steps foot in our ring for the 1st time

    JR: This guy ? Seriously he must be 70 by now surely

    PJ: Will you show some respect , He said to reporters that he’s in the shape of his life and wanted to have one last comeback

    JR: Oh so we’re an old folks home now ? I wonder who’s going to come out next ? Abe Simpson ?

    Dos Caras climbs into the ring and laps up the applause he climbs the Turnbuckles and salutes all the crowd, He goes to the middle of the ring now and gives the announcer a hug and goes back to his corner

    LS: Now it is time to introduce the 2nd man in this match and Dos Caras’s mystery opponent , This man is a former NCAA heavyweight champion and also WWE and UFC undisputed Heavyweight Champion , He is the BEAST BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCCCCKK LESSSSNAR !!!

    Lesnars music plays and the roof almost blows off the arena as the audience are amazed ! He walks out dressed in the UFC style get up , the crowd can’t believe

    JR: Holy **** ! as a namesake of mine used always say BUSINESS HAS JUST PICKED UP

    PJ: This is an amazing signing Brock Lesnar, Shane Mcmahon wasn’t messing around

    JR: Now you have got to be worried about Dos Caras, If he wasn’t in the old folks home before he will now

    PJ: This is going to be a tough watch , No matter how fit Caras is , He surely will not be able to hold on too long here

    Lesnar walks down the aisle with his eyes focused on Dos Caras he leaps up onto the apron and fireworks go off, Caras doesn’t look too worried , Lesnar walks into the ring now and turns and looks all around him soaking up the atmosphere, The two of them now walk to the centre of the ring and face off, Lesnar looks him up and down and smiles

    JR: Well here we go again lets see what happens

    The bell rings and we’re set to go , Dos caras looks up at lesnar now and runs the ropes he comes back with a forearm clothesline , Lesnar soaks it up and laughs at him , Dos Caras repeats it again, and again he just bounces off Lesnar

    PJ: This does not bode well

    Dos Caras runs the ropes again and goes for the 3rd clothesline but this Lesnar races over to meet him and levels him with a clothesline almost turning Caras inside out, Lesnar now pulls Dos Caras up from behind , He wraps his arms around his stomach and lesnar lifts him up and hits a massive german suplex

    JR: We all know how much he loves this move

    Lesnar now stands over his opponent, He now pulls him up slightly and begins driving knees into his side driving the air out of him

    PJ: This is unfair

    JR: Lets hope he signed the waiver

    Lesnar now drags Caras to his feet , he wraps him up now and hits a snap suplex, He looks over to the corner now , he pulls Caras up and irish whips him into the corner hard, Lesnar looks over and takes a run at him he looks to spear him into the guy , Dos Caras dodges it and Brock fly’s straight into the turnbuckle should 1st,

    PJ: An opening for Caras !

    Dos Caras now stands Lesnar up in the corner and begins to chop at him , The echo of the chops resonate around the arena , Lesnar falls to the floor now in a heap, Caras now goes off the ropes again and this time hits a baseballs slide type dropkick on Lesnar, Caras now gets up again , He signals something to the crowd now , He drags brock to his feet and runs off the ropes , He comes back and hits a massive cross body on Brock knocking him straight away

    JR: Make no mistake Caras is no tiny Mexican like most of them
    Caras now points to the top turnbuckle …

    PJ: Is he going to go up top ! Could he be looking to finish Lesnar here ?

    JR: What an upset we could have here

    Caras now climbs the turnbuckle he points to Lesnar who is grounded , He looks around at the crowd and makes a leap , But just as he does Lesnar hops to his feet and catch’s Dos Caras on his shoulders,

    PJ: OH my god the power ! He’s like a cat

    JR: He’s got him in postion

    Lesnar roars out like a lion and F5’s dos caras into the mat , Dos caras is out , Lesnar now hops back up again fresh as a daisy , He goes over to Caras again , He drags his lifeless body up, Lesnar scoops him up and German Suplexes’him again, This time lesnar holds on , He hits three more suplexe’s un answered

    JR: We should probably get someone out here

    Lesnar now smiles sadisticly , He drags up Dos Caras again by the neck of his mask, Lesnar now scoops him up on his shoulders, He spins around and hits another massive F5 ! Lesnar pins him now 1………2………3

    PJ: Well thank god its all over Lesnar advances

    JR: Have we signed anyone else as monstrous as Lesnar this is our new champion right here

    Lesnar now looks down at Caras who is out , There is some blood coming from Caras’s mouth as he leaves, Camera now focuses on Lesnar as he leaves through the curtain ,not 10 seconds later we see Alberto Del Rio come running through the curtain

    PJ: Lets hope he’s okay here’s Del Rio out to check on his Dad here

    JR: You don’t like seeing stuff like this

    Del rio now gets in the ring, He begins mouthing something to Dos Caras, Alberto now helps Caras to his feet he seems to be coming around , Del Rio motions to the back for some help, pretty soon a bunch of roads agents and emt staff come running through the curtain, They all come in the ring now and they help out the fallen luchadore , Del rio stands off now with a relieved look on his face, Del Rio now goes outside the ring , The camera now focuse’s on Dos Caras getting helped down the aisle , All of a sudden from behind Del Rio comes roaring back into shot and attacks his father from behind knocking the whole lot of them

    PJ: AWW good jesus what now !

    JR: never trust a Mexican

    Del Rio pulls up his father who is helpless, Del Rio tucks his father head in and piledrives him on the concrete in the aisle

    PJ: His neck could be broken !

    We can see here Del Rio shouting at his father now as the EMT’s try and push him

    Del Rio: I told you !!!! I told you !!! you wouldn’t listen !!!!

    PJ: This is despicable folks we’re going to a break here


    We come back from the break and the camera is focused on the ring

    JR: Well looks like one of our newest talents is going to have a few words to say to the crowd

    PJ: I hate surprises

    Real American Blasts out over the PA and the crowd pops massively

    JR: Could it really be him !!

    PJ: Oh Christ seriously this guy !

    It continues to play but no one has come out !, Just then the curtains opens and out walks a man wearing a turban and holding an American Flag, The crowd immedietley starts to boo loudly


    PJ: Yes Yes its not Hogan !

    JR: Oh my god its Muhammed Hassan this guy disappeared years ago
    Hassan walks towards the ring with a sarcastic smile on his face, He throws the flag in to the ring and makes his way in , He now grabs a mic from the time keeper the crowd is red hot booing the hell out of Hassan

    MH: You’re booing me ?


    MH: hahahhaha you people are so fickle …… You hear the music of Real American and you cheer loudly ! , Yet when an American walks through the curtain you booo me, I know why actually , Its because I’m not some 6 foot plus California tanned blonde gym freak , But you see I’m just as American as each and every one of you!


    MH: I get it , You’re a bunch of racist hypocritical americans , I was born in the United States of America, But because of my name you want to boo me , Muhammed Hassan is my name for all you out there who don’t know me , I have signed here to RCW to relaunch my career in Pro Wrestling , You see WWE are bastards they fired me . They fired me because of terrorist threats in the US and London ! I’m not a bloody terrorist
    Crowd are molten hot with the boos for hassan again

    MH: It wasn’t me who flew planes into you’re twin towers !, It wasn’t me who took those hostages in France lately but because of my Religion I’m being discriminated against , 10 years or so ago I got the very same treatment ! Have none of you woken up and seen the real threat , The real terrorists ! The American and UK governments are the terrorists
    Just then a familiar music hits !~

    JR: Looks like Big E Langston has signed up for us too , this must be our next quarter final

    Big E walks out with a microphone

    BE: Are you a bit slow or something Hassan ? There not booing you because of you’re religion ! There booing you because you’re a DICK

    The crowd cheers as Langston drops the mic and makes his way down to the ring with a purpose, Hassan in the ring has gotten his entrance gear already off and is waiting for him , Langston rolls under the ropes and into the ring but he’s met with a barrage of stomps from Hassan , Big E soon fights his way to his feet with the crowd loudly cheering him on

    PJ: Great work from Big E here

    JR: I don’t like either of these guys

    They battle back and forth with Hassan focusing on Langstons back , Muhammed Hassan now gets an advantage He soon hits a big back breaker on Langston, Hassan now locks in a camel clutch , Langston is in immense pain here, He taps out

    PJ: It’s all over

    JR: Well done Big E you lasted ….4 seconds ?

    Hassan now takes the microphone and rolls Big E out of the ring with his foot

    MH: Is this the best you’ve got ? You cheer this rubbish and you boo me a fantastic American athlete ? This competition is easy who’s next ?

    Shane Mcmahon walks out from the curtain with a microphone in his hand

    SM: Easy huh ? Well in the semi finals you’ll meet Brock Lesnar ! See how easy you think that one is

    Hassan throws a strop in the ring as we cut to a commercial !

    We come back and a familiar yet different music plays over the PA

    PJ: I know that music its from the 90’s X Men animated TV show ..Who the hell is this ?

    JR: A cartoon ? Seriously ?

    Just as the crowd is quite not sure what to make out walks Hugh Jackamn the actor , The fans cheers as the Wolverine star stands in the entrance way smiling and waving to the people he now walks down to the ring and rolls in Jackman takes a microphone and begins to speak

    HJ: Well how we doing folks ! , Its great to be back in the ring , Last time I was in a ring it was the WWE , But im so so happy to be here in RCW , Ya know I’ve been backstage all night and watching the show and it’s really speaking to me , I know what I want to do , I want a shot at that World Title , But shane has said to me unfortunately all the spots are taken

    The crowd boo upon hearing this,

    HJ: yeah it sucks right, So now I’m at a cross roads, As in who do I fight, As you all know I’m not a pro wrestler right….But I’m well able to handle meself in a scrap so….

    All of a sudden the lights go out and the microphone loses power

    JR: Who turned out the god damn lights !

    PJ: I don’t know this is nuts

    Just then a a circle of flames appears on the curtain a familiar entrance theme plays

    PJ: It can’t be !

    JR: Gangrel !!! Holy ****

    Gangrel walks through the curtain with a chalice of blood in his hand he walks down to the ring, He now takes a microphone and remains at ring side Jackman looks puzzled

    Gangrel: Why oh why is there a fraud in the ring ! Hugh Jackman the Wolverine !

    HJ: Listen mate I don’t know who you are but if you wanna get in here and tussle I’m ready to go

    Gangrel: You’re the man who pretends to be the bloodthirsty wolverine ! But you’re a fake fraud, Wolverine in the comics is a character who experiences bloodlust and spills blood everywhere , But you , You’re wolverine is terrible and now you show up here claiming to know how to handle you’re self in a fight ! haha

    HJ: Listen mate come in here and ill show you what I got , No use you hiding out there talking crap

    Gangrel now drinks from the chalice and the blood runs down his face staining his white t shirt

    Gangrel: You see I love the taste of blood, Lets see if you do

    Gangrel looks to the roof of the arena now and the lights go off again

    JR: What now !

    The lights come back on and Hugh Jackaman and the entire ring has been drenched in blood

    PJ: Oh my god !!!! the ring is ruined and now look at this

    Jackman is trying to clear his face now as Gangrel runs into the ring and nails him from behind with a flurry of punchs and kicks , He drags Jackman up now and just about to hit the impaler,

    But just then Dolph Zigglers music plays !!, The showoff runs down to the ring and flys straight in to the ring and nails Gangrel with a super kick knocking him out of the ring

    PJ: We’ve signed Dolph Ziggler the show off yes !!!!

    Ziggler tends to the fallen Jackman now asking is he okay , Jackman gives the okay and Ziggler gets up and picks up the mic ,

    DZ: Next week me and you in the title tournament Gangrel !!!!,
    The crowd is going nuts !

    JR: Lets hope gangrel kicks the hell out of him

    PJ: Until next week ladies and gentlemen !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    (credit to Deadlie for the sig)

    Monday Night Grappling kicked off its brand new season with a two-hour special on the Boards PW network. The first hour was a recap of events since the end of the 2014 Draft; the second hour featured a press conference from MNG Headquarters hyping the return of the new season. There was a dramatic incident at the conclusion of the press conference which will be detailed below.

    Previously on Monday Night Grappling

    Spring, 2014

    Monday Night Grappling secures top ratings for the third straight season in a row. The TV, PPV and sponsorship companies are delighted, and the owner is given his most lucrative financial package to date.

    There is concern, however, that the owner’s noted ego is now beyond control. He declares the talent expendable. Trouble soon follows. The bulk of last year’s stars are either refused deals, or else leave for a happier working environment. Unperturbed, the owner assures fans Monday Night Grappling will be ‘back, and better than ever’, and furthermore promises fans he can secure top drawer talent, including ‘the biggest star in the company’s history’.

    Summer, 2014

    A raft of top stars are signed to the company and in the biggest surprise of all, to the shock of the wrestling world, Stone Cold Steve Austin signs with Monday Night Grappling for the first time.


    It was not long, though, before the owner’s egomania and the rebellious Rattlesnake soon collided. After a summer of bitter fighting in which the owner tried to first control Stone Cold, and then, later, prevent him from gaining the Title (a feud that would include the owner even putting the title upon himself rather than let Austin fight for it), the fan favourite Austin would eventually prevail and win the MNG World Heavyweight Title at Grappleslam. He still holds the gold to this day.

    The owner, meanwhile, would soon leave.

    December, 2014

    With the owner away, fans wonder whether Monday Night Grappling’s new season will return. The sponsors and broadcasters are unavailable for comment; Austin then sets tongues wagging by hinting his neck is not quite right on Conan O‘Brien. ‘I think everyone knows the problems I’ve had with my neck and the surgeries and all that sh*t. I’ve still got concerns, yeah, and the cats here wrestling at Monday Night Grappling go all out; 100 per cent, so yeah I gotta take that into account every time I set foot in that squared circle. It does play on my mind, yeah.’

    January, 2015

    The owner reveals Monday Night Grappling will return but that someone else has been hired to handle general affairs in the promotion; the owner says he’s sure Stone Cold will be delighted at the new appointment.

    Eric Bischoff is announced as the new General Manager. Stone Cold makes no comment on the news but sources close to him say he is not happy.


    Fans react with outrage over the appointment of a man who has represented Monday Night Grappling’s rivals in the past. They launch a petition called ‘Get the Bisch Out’ which attracts over 100,000 signatures.

    Bischoff later denies reports in an online blog that he referred to Monday Night Grappling’s fanbase as ‘pond-life scum’.

    Shortly after TMZ breaks the news that Kim Kardashian has been hired by Bischoff as guest host of Grapplemania.


    Despite anger amongst the fans the news generates huge publicity. Many news outlets ponder what entrance music she will use, what clothes she will wear, and whether or not Kim will be taking a Stunner before the season ends.

    World Heavyweight Title


    Stone Cold Steve Austin quickly set his sights on the World Title upon his arrival. As noted above, despite efforts by the owner to thwart Stone Cold’s hopes for the gold over his hell-raising antics, and uncompromising attitude, Stone Cold secured the championship and heads into Grapplemania as the champion.

    Women’s Championship


    Paige, considered by many pundits as the top female of the modern era, is hired in what is announced as the biggest deal ever for a female performer. Rumours abound that Paige’s mother joining was a necessary component of Paige’s signing. Paige wins the title on her first night in the company, just as she did in WWE, and is the current reigning, defending champion.

    Legends Championship


    Kerry Von Erich secured the Legends Championship this past summer and has defended it successfully ever since. He remains very popular with the fans and has been tipped for a potential World Title run at some point down the line.

    Tag Team Championship


    The 2013 MNG Tag Champions Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard returned to the company in the wake of the departures from last year. They quickly recaptured the titles which they rightly point out they had never lost, and they have bested every tag team put against them thus far. They consider themselves the greatest tag team in the company's history.

    Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith


    Despite rumblings of disharmony behind the scenes, The British Bulldogs have been a big hit with the fans since arriving and have toured the country, along with their bulldog Matilda, defeating all challengers put in their path. Their future plans are unclear.

    Rey Mysterio


    Some have queried whether Rey Mysterio will soon be gunning for Stone Cold’s World Title. He has been a big hit with the Hispanic audience and has captured the eye with his stunning performances, reminding fans of his tremendous days in WCW.

    Sin Cara aka Mistico


    After Sin Cara arrived with Rey, some fans have speculated that the high-fliers may fancy their chances against The Brainbusters for the tag gold. However reports from Sin Cara to the Mexican media expressing unhappiness at not being the lone Lucha star on the show have left many confused. Sin Cara’s representatives have hastily denied the reports.

    Sweet Saraya


    Saraya has said she is thrilled to get her first opportunity with a major promotion and has denied that her association with Paige had anything to do with it. She has also had to explain why she never tweeted congratulations to her daughter when she won the MNG Women’s Title. ‘Why would I f*ckin’ tweet her?’

    Tyler Breeze


    Tyler Breeze has claimed that like a true model he has been turning heads since day one, and has vowed to be the one everyone is talking about when the season finishes. He has so far been successful: he has taken to wearing a mask made out of solid glass when in public. ‘You don’t get to see this gorgeous face for free; instead, you get to see your own ugliness.’

    Nick Bockwinkel


    Despite it seeming that the owner had turned everyone from last year against him, Nick Bockwinkel remains the lone survivor from last year. A Monday Night Grappling veteran, having held the Legends Title in 2012, and the Tag Titles last year, fans are wondering whether he could win the big one, the World Title, and become the company’s first ever Grand Slam Champion.

    Eric Bischoff & Kim Kardashian


    Eric Bischoff has been bombarded with negative reactions from the die-hard fans since becoming G.M. of the company, but he has brushed them aside by stating controversy creates cash. Fans are wondering whether he and Stone Cold can co-exist, and whether any of his promises can be believed.

    It is unclear how many dates Kim Kardashian has agreed with the company but it has been confirmed she will be the guest host for Grapplemania. She has attracted mainstream interest from many networks but fans are concerned whether her heart is in this or not.

    More big names have been promised by Eric Bischoff in the coming weeks…

    Monday Night Grappling Press Conference

    There was a shocking moment at today's press conference for Monday Night Grappling hyping the new season. Details are still emerging.

    The following report was sent into the Wrestling Observer by a fan who attended.
    Hi Dave,

    Just got back from the Monday Night Grappling Press Conference today in Houston and decided to send a report. It was eventful to say the least.

    Eric Bischoff came out first and was booed heavily. He ploughed on like a trooper. He said don't judge him on his time with the small fry such as WECWF. He asked for people to give him a chance and that he was eager for the show to continue to be successful. Fans didn’t believe him and booed. He said almost everyone on the roster is backstage but who do they want to see most of all? Fans chanted for Austin as Bischoff smiled.

    He introduced Kim Kardashian (live via satellite sadly) and she was booed even more. She seemed to take it in her stride, however. She said she was excited about Grapplemania and appearing on TV in future. Bischoff called her sumptuous. Seriously.

    Next out were Rey and Sin Cara. Sin Cara barely said anything. Rey did the translating and honestly Sin Cara looked like he wished he was anywhere but there. Rey seemed in good spirits. Said ideally he’d like a shot at the World Title and Austin never faced anyone like him before.

    Later out came Paige and her mother, I forget her name – Sarya I think? Paige got a great pop. Paige’s mother seemed a bit fed up that all the questions were going to her daughter. She did get REALLY pissed off, though, when someone asked if it was true she only got the job cos of Paige. She was ranting at the dude about does he not know how long she’s been in this business fighting for this opportunity etc. It was kinda funny. Paige was laughing. She calmed her down but her mother still seemed really upset.

    Stone Cold came out at the end. He got the loudest pop of the night. We wondered if he’d shake hands with Bischoff and he did. He wasn’t smiling like Bischoff though. He was funny with the fans. He said he doesn’t know who he’ll be facing at Grapplemania but he’s excited - he wants to show why he's the toughest SOB in wrestling; he said he thinks his neck is holding up okay, he’s just concerned about it; he said he’s always wanted to join Monday Night Grappling and dreamed about it whenever he was in small promotions like BWA. Called Monday Night Grappling ‘the big time’ and held up his World Title as ‘the standard in this business’. When asked about Bischoff he said DTA – Don’t Trust Anybody. He said he’ll judge Bischoff on his actions, not words.

    Bischoff then revealed his big announcement. He said Austin would enjoy it. He noted the importance of King of the Ring to Austin’s career. Austin nodded. Bischoff said this year Monday Night Grappling would launch King of the Ring with the winner facing Austin for the World Title at Grapplemania. There would be eight participants that would be whittled down to one. Austin said hell might be freezing over because it seemed like a damn good idea. He asked us if we thought so too give him a hell yeah and we did.

    Bischoff said all current champs go in – Legends Champ Kerry Von Erich, and Tag Champions Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. Paige asked was she going in and Bischoff said no. Paige pouted and the fans laughed. Bischoff said former World Champions go in too so Nick Bockwinkel (AWA) and Rey Mysterio (WWE) enter automatically.

    Rey thumped the table in delight and when Rey translated what Bischoff said, Sin Cara got up and left. It looked like Sin Cara was pretty pissed off. Rey got up after him.

    Bischoff said the remaining three names will be plucked from a hat so Sin Cara may still get in. Bischoff asked Paige to do the honours and told Paige’s mother she could leave. Paige’s mother left almost as annoyed as Sin Cara. Paige drew out the name of Tyler Breeze whose name was booed; Bischoff drew out the name of Dynamite Kid whose name was cheered; and Austin drew the last name which was Davey Boy Smith (also cheered). ‘Good job Sin Cara left’ said Austin to laughter.
    8 KOTR participants in full: Kerry Von Erich, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Nick Bockwinkel, Rey Mysterio, Tyler Breeze, Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith.
    Bischoff said the brackets would be assigned at random and would be revealed to the world on MNG show number one. He thanked everyone for turning out and left hurriedly. Austin and Paige stayed for a while signing autographs and taking pictures. They thanked us for coming.

    Now for THAT moment. After Austin and Paige left, we’re all streaming out of the arena when Paige comes running out asking for the medics to come quick. No one knew what was going on. We then see Stone Cold being helped out on a stretcher into the ambulance and he’s screaming about his neck. I saw Tyler Breeze watching from nearby and he was WITHOUT his new glass mask so this was treated as legit serious. People looked really concerned. Bischoff went in the ambulance with him and I heard him say to one of the medics that ‘the son of a b*tch who did this was wearing a balaclava. He’s nowhere to be found.’

    No idea if this was an angle or not. S’pose it got us all talking so maybe…ah I dunno. There were people here chewing their nails so a lot of real concern among us fans! Guess we’ll have to wait and see where they go with this.


    Mark Smart

    The Wrestling Observer posted the following:


    Eric Bischoff sent out a number of tweets following the press conference reporting that Austin’s neck is in bad shape. It may require surgery. He said someone attacked Austin from behind at the show and drove his neck into the concrete floor. Austin said as he lay there he could make out the figure of an individual wearing dark clothes and a balaclava.

    Update 2

    Stone Cold has refused to file a criminal report. Authorities are not happy.

    Update 3

    Bischoff says in the event Austin is not cleared for action then he will have no choice but to strip Austin of the title and make the King of the Ring tournament for the vacant World Championship. He stressed this was not an option he wishes to pursue. He will only pursue it if Stone Cold fails to show up at Show Number One.

    Update 4

    The local medical facility treating Stone Cold say he checked himself out in the middle of the night. His current whereabouts are unknown. He told one of the nurses that ‘hell is coming.’

    Tune into Monday Night Grappling Show #1 which returns next week on the Boards PW network for the latest on the World Title situation, to discover the brackets for the King of the Ring tournament, and for much, much more.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,745 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter


    Welcome to the BWA pre-show

    A lot has changed in the BWA during the past year and before we begin the first BWA Raw of the new season we will quickly recap the goings on of the past 12 months. One thing that has not changed though is The BWA champion Hiroshi Tanahashi, let's have a quick look back at some of the key moments of his 2014.
    In last years Main event for the BWA World Heavyweight Championship, Hiroshi Tanahashi proved his claim of not only being the best Japanese wrestler in the world but being simply The best in the World when he defeated Bret "The Hitman" Hart in a match that over 20% of the boards universe voted best match of 2014. Hart claimed that he was still "The Best there is, The Best there was and the best there ever would be" and that it was a fluke that Tanahashi beat him, but Bret just couldn't get the belt back no matter what he tried including forming a new Hart foundation and using the numbers advantage against the champ.

    To combat against this new greater foe Tanahashi needed backup. The obvious first port of call was the King of Strong Style Shinsuke Nakamura who jumped ship from NJPW and signed for the BWA at the same time as him last year but it was the others who answered his call that shocked the world. Japanese and BWA legends (been drafted to the BWA more times than anyone has been drafted elsewhere) Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi returned in the middle of a PPV main event to not only save Tanahashi and his championship but also to form what many people have referred to as the greatest faction of all time "The Aces of the Universe".

    The following month in a Survivor Series classic The Aces of the Universe defeated The Hart Foundation resulting in them having to leave the BWA. Since then Tanahashi has been going from strength to strength but perhaps his greatest ever challenge is just on the horizon as we once again head into The BWA's peak season and the road to Wrestlepalooza!

    But what about the other members of the Aces of the Universe, how have they fared
    Upon their return the the BWA Misawa & Kobashi couldn't have been anymore over with the BWA fans and they rode a wave of momentum and support straight to championship gold. Unlike in the past however where they fought for individual titles this time as Tanahashi & Nakamura already held the other titles in the company they teamed up and eventually won the BWA tag team titles. Obviously at this point their group held all the gold and as a result the group began being likened to The Four Horsemen.

    Perhaps no longer will they be called the Asian Four Horsemen though as after taking a particularly bad bump to the head during one of his Americanized (Hardcore) Strong Style match ups Nakamura started to act rather erratically. At first the others and in particular Tanahashi showed great concern for him but this just lead to him getting violent with them. Slowly Nakamura started to become what could be simply described as more and more of a d!ck whilst his behaviour became odder and odder. Eventually He parted ways with his former brothers as The King of Strong left the Aces of The Universe

    However there have also been a lot of new faces in the BWA and one man who has chosen the BWA over MNG is a true legend of the squared circle Jerry "The King" Lawler, former BWA chairman (now part of the announce team) Bounty Hunter introduces Lawler to the cameras
    The King: "Last year I was running the show over at MNG promotions and might I say I put on one hell of a show but yes, I have since turned my back on that company and headed to what I can only describe as "a better place to be" here in the BWA. What are my reason for joining the BWA family? well you will have to wait till BWA Raw to find that out but I can announce to you right now is that I will be the man running the show that night in my home town of Memphis!"

    Huge news, The road to Wrestlepalooza V starts in Memphis, Tennessee and the man leading the way for the BWA is hometown boy Jerry "The King" Lawlor! However some eyebrows were raised when he said he had no intentions on bringing any of his former promotions wrestlers to the BWA with him and BH had to ask what all the viewers must have been thinking, What about CM Punk? and what about Big Van Vader?
    Lawler: "With regards CM Punk, any deal to sign him to the BWA would be complicated due to his deal with UFC and would be dealt with by the BWA owners and board of management but I can announce that the board are working on a very very big deal at the moment although I don't believe it will be completed in time for Raw in Memphis.... and with regards Vader I categorically refute any suggestion that I will be offering him a place in the BWA, that will not be happening.

    This confuses the interviewer as PW forums such as had been reporting Big Van Vader to the BWA as a done deal but before he can question that statement the new man booking the show tells him how he wants to introduce a few guys that have joined this years roster for sure starting with
    The Original Shiek Who he says has signed on the dotted line to join the federation after briefly being signed to Beyond Chaos Wrestling
    The Rich Syrian and Pro Wrestling Illustrated's Most Hated Wrestler of the Year truly earned that moniker at a beyond Chaos house show this year when he literally set an opponent on fire. Although officially that federation say they were happy to trade away his contract in return for some unwanted BWA stars the rumour suggests that the fireball stunt among others were done so as to force himself out of the company by creating an image of himself as being too much trouble than he was worth so that he could go to the BWA. There as one of the originators of what became the hardcore wrestling style it is believed he will look to challenge for the King of Strong Style title. Since his departure from that federation there has also been talk that his longtime tag partner and often rival Abdullah The Butcher might follow him

    But He is not the only new face in town with The King now confirming that Jesse "The Body" Ventura who had been working some shows for the BWA has signed a permanent deal.

    Until recently Ventura had been building up quite a firm fan following in the BWA due to his flamboyant style and great Mic skills. Although he would primarily point towards his female following saying they want the things that made him famous, his nicknames "The mouth" and "The Body" and that he was more than happy to give them what they wanted calling himself the unofficial TnA champion of the world even though he would never step foot in the rink a dink federation of the same name. However, since his sueing of Taya Kyle, The wife of the slain "American Sniper" Chris Kyle became public knowledge his crowd reaction has been getting worse and worse with woman in particular turning against him and his womanizing ways

    Lawlor then talks about several other stars who have joined the BWA team this year but all the fans questions which are being relayed to him seem to focus solely on rumours such as the one about how UFC Hall of famer Dan "The Beast" Severn has apparently been talking about the possibility of getting back in a wrestling ring.
    The former UFC Superfight Champion who was also a two time NWA World Heavyweight Championship with his first reign lasting for over four years and yet he is not considered one of the elite in professional wrestling and that has been eating away at him. He had one run with the WWE whom he blames for this saying that his time there was terribly mismanaged by the federation. He wants another shot at the big time in Pro Wrestling and supposedly is the BWA he is targeting.

    When asked about this one The King once again tries to deflect by reminding the announcer that as he said earlier the BWA board and not him are the ones in discussion with the UFC.

    Holy sh!t Lawlor just dropped a bombshell there, he never said earlier that there were any discussions going on with the UFC! Lawler quickly avoids follow up questions though by bringing up another much talked about topic on all the dirt sheets and one that involves the hottest property in all of sports entertainment at this moment Samoa Joe
    After holding the ROH title for a record 21months Samoa Joe headed to TNA looking for competition. When he got there The Samoan Submission Machine embarked upon an 18 month long undefeated streak. TNA tried to resign him as it was obvious he was destined for big things but despite their talk of bringing in talent like Kurt Angle to face him he realized he was better than TNA and moved on to RCW where he continued his undefeated streak and last year won their world title but still he wasn't satisfied. As a result last month when his contract with them ran out he started negotiating with the big boys, MNG, WECWF and the BWA. There have been unconfirmed reports that the WECWF have just dropped out of the running as they could not afford his demands. What is known though is that so far nobody has been able to stop Joe and he is looking to prove that that is because he is the best in the World so I wonder should the World Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi be put on notice? Is Joe BWA bound?

    King says that he is very confident that he can out negotiate his old promotion but is not sure if he will be able to confirm anything in time for the show in Memphis but reassures fans that when he returns home it will be one hell of a show and that he has a number of surprises lined up for them.

    That concluded the pre-taped in studio portion of the pre-show and we now join BWA roving reporter Sean Mooney who is outside the arena tonights show is emanating from talking to fans. If Lawlers UFC slip hadn't already set the Internet alight with rumours then CM Punks recent tweet which was reported everywhere would have and its in relation to this that most fans are speaking about. Here once more is how it was reported by the observer
    CM Punk to walk out on fledgling UFC career?!?

    Rumours are swirling that Phil "CM Punk"Brooks may already have decided that he has had enough of the ultimate fighting world. The chicago native and former ROH, WWE, WECWF & MNG wrestler is shockingly being tipped for a switch back to the squared circle. What sparked all this was a simple tweet moments after Punk was subjected to a rediculous UFC questions and answers session with UFC fans whom punk later described as "Knuckle draggers". The tweet simple stated "heading to the BWA" although this reporter believes Punk may actually be doing something called trolling the internet and the fact that the tweet was accompanied by a picture of 2 tickets to a BWA Raw event may suggest too much is being read into it

    No doubt his presence here tonight will only serve to pour gasoline on them and Oh my gawd I believe we can go now live to Mooney who has CM Punk Ready for interview
    Mooney: Punk, Punk can I just have two seconds of your time

    Punk let's out a big Sigh and stops

    Mooney: Can you tell me if the rumors are true? are you signing to fight with the BWA?

    Punk: (lets out another very clear sigh) Look yeah, I am a UFC fighter, I am not a "Sports entertainer" (Actually does the air quotes), now please can you not bother me anymore as I try to enjoy the show.

    Punk then rejoins the mass queues of people trying to enter the arena for tonights show as Mooney mutters under his breath "what a dick", We hear Punk shout "hey what did you say" as the camera fades to black and the interview ends

    BWA 2015 Roster
    CM Punk
    Hiroshi Tanahashi (WHC)
    Shinsuke Nakamura (HS champ)
    Kenta Kobashi (Tag champ)
    Mitsuharu Misawa (Tag Champ)
    Samoa Joe
    Big Van Vader
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura
    Dan "The Beast" Severn
    "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey
    The Sheik
    Abdullah The Butcher

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,846 ✭✭✭Moneymaker

    Oldschool Championship Wrestling:

    In 2014, OCW opened it's doors, promising a return to traditional, straight up wrestling. I think it's fair to say we got that as, Bryan Danielson, Randy Savage, Lance Storm, Cody Rhodes and others delivered quality match after quality match.
    However, then GM William Regal shocked the world by turning on his beloved protege, and allowing Brian 'the Loose Cannon' Pillman to cash in his World Championship match on a weakened Danielson after a 35 minute war with Savage. Pillman holds the title to this day, and Mr.Regal has been relieved of his duties due to the controversy. M.Moneymaker, the COO has assumed a more hands on approach of the roster and day to day running of the show.
    Roster Overview:
    OCW World Heavyweight Champion Brian Pillman


    A man like no other, the Loose Cannon is truly an enigma. No one can predict what he will do next, except it will be violent and dangerous for whoever is unfortunate enough to be caught in his wake. Buddy Rogers felt his wrath in 2014, now one of the biggest names in wrestling and arguably of all time is in line to face Pillman. Does he have any idea what he's in for....?
    John Cena:


    The Champ is not here? Cena comes to OCW, obviously with massive fanfare. A 15 time world champion, Cena has proven he deserves to be the top guy, great match after great match, Cena is the No.1 star in the world of Pro Wrestling today. And he is set for a collision course on the very first episode of OCW 2015. Cena has wasted no time at all in using his guaranteed title match and it's clear he wants to be on top from the get go. Can he overcome the Loose Cannon's sheer brutality and insanity? Well Cena always overcomes the odds, but maybe this is one man who can't be measured or compared to anyone else Cena has ever faced.
    OCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

    Brian Pillman(c) vs John Cena
    Series to determine the new OCW World Tag Team Championships:

    With a new season, comes new champions. OCW has secured two legendary teams, and a young and hungry team looking to prove themselves their equals:

    The Road Warriors, Hawk and Animal:


    The most iconic tag team of all time. Everywhere these destroyers went, team after team fell to the Doomsday Device. Who can stop them in OCW?

    Ax and Smash, Demolition


    If anyone can, it's these two Goliaths. If any team can stand up to the Road Warriors power and brute force, it's Demolition. Fans will finally get to see this feud happen. But wait, there's one more team determined to make their mark in the world of tag team wrestling....

    Konnor and Viktor, the Ascension:


    No longer handicapped by the monkeys in Stamford, OCW has drafted the Ascension in to do what they do best. Destroy.

    Both Konnor and Viktor were determined to come to a place they would be allowed to finally prove what they do not doubt for a moment. They are greatest and most dominant tag team of all time. Finally they will face the ultimate test. How will they handle it?
    Who will be the dominant team? Stay tuned to find out in what will surely be a violent, bloody and hard hitting series!
    OCW World Tag Team Championship Series: Match 1(first to two victories will be crowned champions)

    The Road Warriors vs Demolition vs the Ascension

    Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi:


    Two of the finest competitors in the world today, Ibushi may well be the finest high flier around today. Omega is one of the most interesting and unique wrestlers around today. From wrestling 9 year old girls, to pretending he's in Street Fighter, you never know what this man will produce.

    Long time friends, long time rivals. They are as likely to fight together as they are to turn on each other. What will happen as they cross paths in OCW?



    Dark and disturbing. Raven is a character that will murky up the waters at OCW. No one knows what his motivation is in coming to OCW. Hopefully we won't have long to find out.
    Ultimo Dragon:


    No, those aren't for show. Ultimo Dragon is that good. One of the finest cruiserweight wrestlers who ever lived, Ultimo Dragon lives and breathes success. And he's come to OCW looking for more.
    Bruno Sammartino:


    You want to talk about champions? Here is the champion to end all champions. No man has ever dominated Pro Wrestling like Bruno once did. And he's not finished yet. Who can possibly stop the greatest champion of all time from capturing gold again?
    Arnold Schwarnegger:


    Persuaded by his great friend to come to OCW, you can be sure Schwarznegger will have his friends back and will play a massive role in the history of OCW.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭A Brad Maddox Guy


    Fireworks go off on the stage as sparks rain down from the ceiling and a new season of MWA begins. We cut to our commentary team.

    Dave: Welcome one and all to the newest season of MWA, coming to you live from Philadelphia. We are the home of supreme wrestling. And what a season it's gonna be, am I right Petey?
    Petey: You sure are Dave. It's been a year of change here at MWA. For starters we've dropped an E from our name and there's no sign of Keiji Mutoh anywhere to be seen. In fact he hasn't been seen since his loss to The Undertaker at WrestleRama I.
    Dave: Well Petey lets not pick on our former Grand Supreme Champion; we haven't seen anybody from last year's incredible show. Not since a certain 'lady' vowed to tidy this place up and fired everybody. Of course her strict PG rules meant she was forced to fire herself after a fan googled her name & found photos of her doing certain 'acts' but that's another story!
    Petey: Now that you mention it, do we even know who our new boss is?
    Dave: Not a clue Petey but they can't be worse than our last two. A sumo match? What kinda genius came up with that one?
    Petey: Speaking of genius, it was revealed on earlier today that tonight we welcome a living legend to our ranks. Appearing live on MWA Supremacy is none other than the hardcore legend Mick Foley! And I wonder if he'll put his name in for next week's Fatal-4-Way match to decide who will face World Champion Sycho Sid at WrestleRama II.
    Dave: Gimme a break, Foley might be some sort of hardcore hero but the guy would get killed by Sycho Sid.

    Mike Tyson walks out to the stage. The crowd are amazed, the commentators sit in stunned silence. Tyson soaks it all in before walking down to the ring.

    Tyson: Yes yes I am the new owner of MWA..... I am the Baddest Man on the Planet and I employ the toughest SoB's in this business. When I fight someone, I want to break his will. I want to take his manhood. I want to rip out his heart and show it to him. And that's what I expect from my wrestlers.

    Tyson lets the crowd cheer him before taking a seat at the commentary table.

    Dave: Oh sh!t Petey, the baddest man on the planet is sitting at our table. Whatever you do, do not be yourself. I don't want you saying something stupid and getting our lights knocked out.
    Petey: Allow me to be the first to welcome you to our broadcast team Mike, I am a huge fan.
    Tyson: Two things. One, if you gonna kiss my ass you better be smart about it. Everything Machiavelli accomplished he did by kissing ass, but Machiavelli was smart about it. He was manipulative with it. You too obvious man. And second, don't call me Mike. I'm your boss; you talk to me like that again and I'll knock your teeth out.
    Tazz: "I've been thinking long and hard about what to say in this ring tonight. I normally let my suplexes do my talking but this is something I just can't ignore."
    Tazz pulls a sheet of paper out of his ringgear. (Tyson: Man I do not want to know where that's been)
    "This is my script for tonight."
    He tears it into pieces.
    "After what that jackass Shane McMahon said about me on RCW no script can explain my rage! Last year I was screwed out of the RCW title so I quit and came here, to the MWA, where real men fight! With nobody holding me back I became the Intercontinental Champion. I made RCW look small time Shane? I could never win the big one? Well McMahon.."
    Tazz walks right up to the camera, his orange complexion turning some odd sun-red colour, he holds up the Intercontinental Championship & snarls
    "This belt is worth more than your entire company, and it isn't even the biggest championship in MWA. Next week I'm going to be in the number 1 contender's Fatal 4 Way match for a chance to fight Sycho Sid for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship. I'm going to choke out those 3 other men and I'll be picturing your smug face when I do it. I'm going to go to WrestleRama II and I'm gonna become the new MWA World Heavyweight Championship and win the big one."

    Petey: Strong words from Tazz there. It seems the new owner of RCW lit quite a fire under our Intercontinental Champion.
    Tyson: Man I got no idea what any of that was about.
    cole.png vs sullivan.jpg
    Adam Cole vs Kevin Sullivan
    Sullivan tries to use his power to push Cole around but the taskmaster is too slow in his old age and he can't get near Panama's Finest. Unable to keep up any longer, Sullivan looks dead on his feet. Cole taunts him with some very weak kicks to calf and slaps to the face before spitting at Sullivan. Sullivan lunges at Cole who ducks underneath hits Sullivan a superkick to the back of the head and follows it up with a Corona Crash Reverse DDT. Cole pins him for the win.
    Winner: Adam Cole

    Cole gets a microphone after the match and steps back into the ring.

    Cole: "This is a travesty. Adam Cole is the future of professional wrestling and yet the MWA stays stuck in the past. I should be in the Fatal-4-Way next week, I should be headlining WrestleRama II and I should be fulfilling my destiny to become the youngest MWA World Champion of all time. I have it all; the charisma, the look the ladies love, there is no match for me inside this ring. Adam Cole is the past, present & future of professional wrestling and yet the MWA are so blinded by politics that they will let anybody but me into the fatal-4-way number 1 contender's match. KENTA & Marufuji? Give me a break! Tazz? Dude looks like the result of Snooki f***ing an oompa loompa! Nobody in that match can hold a candle to Adam Cole and...”

    Tazz comes running to the ring but Cole flees to the crowd where he starts to shout back at Tazz. Tazz tries to give chase but Cole runs up the steps and out the back.

    Cameras cut to backstage where KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji are seen talking.
    KENTA: Tonight we win match against tag team champions. Tonight we earn spot in Fatal-4-Way match. Tonight we prove we are worthy of World title shot.

    Tyson: Can we hire these guys some translators or somethin. If you gonna work in my company you gots ta have eloquent control of the English language.
    Petey: I understood KENTA just fine Mike.
    Tyson: What I tell you before Pete?
    Dave: You're such a moron Petey...
    Tyson: And what was them trophies about? They sure as hell aren't from my company.
    Petey: Well back in Japan they're a celebrated tag team and now they're over here to transition into a more mainstream audience.
    Tyson: Somebody welcome them to America and make sure they understand that I'll knock them out if I see those Chinese trophies again.
    bmg5k.png vs izs04.png
    Sycho Sid vs Ken Shamrock

    This match is an all out brawl which features some clumsy power moves by Sid mixed in with fierce punches and takedowns by Shamrock. After Ken misses a clothesline he gets caught with a Big Boot by Sid and tumbles over the rope, landing hard on the outside. While getting back to his feet Shamrock hears Mike Tyson on commentary telling everybody how he's got a big signing debuting next and that this signing is going into the number 1 contender's fatal-4-way match next week. Shamrock starts to argue with Tyson, telling him to call the damn match, but Ken doesn't realise the referee is counting to 10 until it's too late.
    Winner: Sycho Sid via count out.

    When the show returns from the break the ring announcer is standing in the middle of the ring.
    Announcer: "Ladies & gentlemen, we are pleased to introduce to you the newest star of the MWA. He is 4-time World Champion & MMA superstar, “The Bigshot” BOBBY LASHLEY."
    The crowd are unsure how to react to this. Some are excited but many are clearly wondering what these 4 world titles are.
    Lashley: "I'm so happy to be here in Philly on front of you fine people. And how lucky are you that you get to witness the debut of an actual “Bigshot”. I've done it all; 4 World Championships, a gloried amateur wrestling career and an unrivalled MMA record. And now I'm here for all of you to enjoy for the price of a ticket and my merch. But I'm not here for selfless reasons, no I'm here to add another World title to my collection. I excel at and dominate everything that I set my sights on.... That is why I will be in the Fatal-4-Way match next week – so that I can main event WrestleRama II and become the new MWA World Heavyweight Champion."

    Shamrock: "When I joined MWA I didn't expect everything to be handed to me on a silver platter. I didn't live off past glories to get ahead. I worked my ass off just to get near a World title shot and tonight I finally earned that chance; a singles match against the champion. Beating Sycho Sid would've put me in immediate contention for a title shot but my moment had to be ruined by that asshole (Shamrock points at Tyson) hyping up the debut of some “bigshot” nobody. And I'm supposed to do what exactly; sit back and watch you get a number 1 contender's match for your debut? Well f*** that!”

    Shamrock drops the microphone and tackles Lashley to the ground. He throws punches wildly at Lashley's head while Lashley desperately tries to block his shots. By the time officials have dragged Shamrock off of him Lashley has a busted nose and a deep gash under his left eye. Shamrock can be heard shouting “your defence wasn't too good there was it asshole” as he's pushed into the corner. Lashley is ushered out of the ring and Mike Tyson steps away from the announce desk and enters the ring. Tyson tells Shamrock to calm down but Shamrock breaks free of security and punches Tyson across the face. Sensing a brawl about to break out referees & officials flood the ring and separate the two men. It takes 10 members of security to drag Ken Shamrock up the ramp and out of the arena.

    Dave: Well the less said about that the better.
    Petey: Mr Tyson do you wanna talk us through what happened before the break?
    Tyson: I'm not much for talking. You know what I do. I put guys in body bags and Ken Shamrock just booked himself a room at the morgue.
    ubzo8.pngNaomichi_Marufuji_5.jpg vs snuka_orndorff.jpg
    KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji vs Jimmy Snuka & Paul Orndorff

    Both teams shake hands at the start of this one as KENTA & Marufuji set out to earn their place in next week's Fatal-4-Way match against the MWA Tag Team Champions. KENTA struggles against Orndorff's power early on but takes the lead against Snuka. A countered Go To Sleep leads to Marufuji coming in with a brief exciting rally culminating in him hitting Snuka with a Shiranui. He pins Snuka but Orndorff breaks the pin at 2 & a half. KENTA comes in and dropkicks Orndorff to the outside. KENTA climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits Orndorff with a Diving Double Foot Stomp. In the ring both men are on their feet; they trades kicks & punches simultaneously but when Marufuji lifts Snuka up for an Emerald Flowsion Snuka drops down his back and counters with a backbreaker. Snuka goes up top and hits a Superfly Splash and the tag champions win.

    KENTA made it into the ring too late for the save. He helps Marufuji to his feet, Marufuji grabs KENTA's head and is saying something into his ear before signalling to an invisible belt around KENTA's waist. KENTA shakes his head but Marufuji looks adamant.

    Tyson: I'm serious I got no clue what that little Chinese boy is saying. Get him a translator somebody.
    Petey: He's Japanese not Chinese.
    Tyson: What's the difference? They're from the same country.
    Petey: No they're not. You're being raci-
    Dave: Do yourself a favour and shut the hell up Petey.
    Foley: "It feels good to be back in the home of hardcore...right here in Philly." (The crowd cheer as chants of CHEAP POP CHEAP POP ring out). "Mrs Foley's baby boy did pretty good for himself when he can get a reaction like that...right here in Philly." (Chants start again). "I want to thank Mike Tyson for giving me a platform to come back to finish my career" (crowd boo). "Now don't be like that guys, I'd like to be able to walk when I'm in my 60s. I've already lost all my teeth after all. Unfortunately I'm not medically cleared to compete but I have been appointed as the new commissioner around here and in my first act I want to offer KENTA a spot in next week's Fatal-4-Way match. You impressed me out there tonight and I know your friend Marufuji would want you to keep your spot. The final place is anybody's guess at this stage. Mr Tyson informs me he has some more signings set to be finalised in the coming days, one of which may well feature in the number 1 contender's match.

    The crowd erupts at the sight of Dean Ambrose. Clearly nobody was expecting him at MWA

    Petey: My God, it's DEAN AMBROSE! Dean Ambrose must be the 4th contender!
    Tyson: One shouldn't make presumptions and jump to conclusions Petey or else one may find one's self knocked out.

    Ambrose: "Well well well, it's Mick Foley!" (crowd cheers). "I'm actually standing in a ring with the hardcore legend that is Mick Foley. You know when I was in CZW the guys used to play your matches on DVD all the time. Then we'd go out there and try our best to emulate your work as best we could to give the fans a memorable show. You really were an inspiration to so many Mick."
    Foley: "Thanks Dean. That really means a lot coming from a current star such as yourself."

    Ambrose acts as if he didn't hear Foley say anything.

    Ambrose: "I mean you pushed your body to the absolute limits and the crowd loved you for it. It was that that won you a WWF Championship and it's the reason they still chant your name today. Now I know we're running low on time so ref don't you dare come in here to tell me to wrap it up because there's still one little thing I want Mick to do for me tonight; bleed."
    Foley: (laughs) "I'm afraid that, much like my wife, my bleeding days are over Dean."
    Ambrose: (laughing) "Yeah yeah that was funny. You were always funny Mick. But the thing is, I wasn't asking...."

    With that Ambrose throws the microphone at Foley's head and tackles him to the ground. Ambrose is hitting his trademark 'Scrappy Doo' type punches to Foley's head. He kicks Foley to the outside and as Foley is getting to his feet Ambrose suicide dives through the middle rope, sending Foley crashing into the barricade. Ambrose picks Foley up and whips him into the ring post, busting Foley's forehead wide open. The show goes off the air with Ambrose standing on the barricade, watching the medics tend to Foley below him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 418 ✭✭lebowskilite

    "Mark My Words, Roman Reigns is a future World Champion." ~ PJ, RCW Insanity 2014

    "Shut the Hell Up." ~ Chris Jericho, Various

    Welcome to International Championship Wrestling

    2013 Shows
    2014 Shows

    Returning for a 3rd year in the draft and turning the tempo up to 111, this is I.C.W.! For the next 5 weeks, the Lebowskittle LebowskiLite Network and the ICW Unlimited App will be your two greatest sources for Aggravated Attitudinal Assault, Cardiac Confounding Conflict, Paramount Peak Performance and Expertise Expected Entertainment!*

    *All catchphrases owned by Stephanie McMahon Sports Entertainment, Ltd
    LebowskiLite is on my television 24/7, and I'm subscribed to the ICW Unlimited App, now how do I enjoy this product?!?
    First of all, ICW isn't a product, its a goddamned life choice! Second of all, that'd be through our weekly show, Monday Night Fights. If you miss it on the Monday, you can see it on the app 3 days later!

    And let's not forget the pay-per-views! ICW hosts 10 PPVs a year, and our on-season consists of 3: Survival of the Fittest, Turmoil! and our Annual premier event: Grandslam!

    Turmoil! is just behind us and you can see it on repeat on the app - but what you can also do is read the annual Highway to Grandslam recap, coming to this very thread in the next ICW post!
    Grandslam XI
    In 5 weeks time at the Sun Life Stadium, the premier event of the ICW calendar comes to Miami Florida! 80'000 fans will be on hand to see the greatest spectacle of them all - and ICW fans will already know that the main event will be an International Championship Title Match between Chris Jericho and Roman Reigns! We can also reveal - exclusively - Bad News Barrett will be challenging for his first singles title in International Championship Wrestling at Grandslam!

    Now, being the extravaganza of heroic physicality that it is, you know that Grandslam doesn't need any cheap gimmicks. But that isn't going to stop us instituting a one-off stipulation (read: gimmick) for this year's show! For this year only, the winners of all matches at Turmoil! will commission a match at Grandslam!

    Among other things, this means that the International Tag-Team Champions Damian Sandow and Cody Rhodes will be commissioning a match at Grandslam between them! Will they be vengeful, and if so, to whom?

    Who's In Charge?
    Matches in ICW are commissioned by the International Championship Council, which is led by the elected Chairperson, who makes the day-to-day decisions. The Council may overrule the Chairperson according to the by-laws of the company, and may even remove them via vote of no-confidence. This year, the Council is relying on a new Chairperson to break into the top 10 of the Draft Wars. That Chairperson is none other than WWE Heirress and Businesswoman...
    Stephanie McMahon rules the roost around here, and all the other feds won't know what hit them by the time she's finished scraping them off her boot. If anyone has a problem with that, they'll be finding pink slips in their stool sample.
    Eh, Ok, thanks Steph- I mean, Ms. McMahon.

    Ms. Mahon is assisted in her duties by her personal bodyguard and talent liaison, Test. Here they are looking professional:


    What are we Fighting for?
    Because we hate each other and are attempting to deal with serious hormone imbalance issues. But also because of these babies:

    International Championship
    Current Holder: Chris Jericho
    The paramount championship in International Wrestling, this big gold belt is the ultimate prize for our wrestlers! Officially called the International Heavyweight Championship if you want to go extra prestige on it.

    ICW%20logob%20icon.png?_subject_uid=12304239&w=AAAkaQk6KhEtLQ9vaLtJkizw-q9rTcFns7N4mPbVWvZ14g American Championship
    Current Holder: Roman Reigns
    One of two minor heavyweight belts, this one is open for American-born competitors only.

    ICW%20logob%20icon.png?_subject_uid=12304239&w=AAAkaQk6KhEtLQ9vaLtJkizw-q9rTcFns7N4mPbVWvZ14g Overseas Championship
    Currently Vacant
    You guessed it, this one's for non-Americans! Chris Jericho recently acquired this only to immediately relinquish it. The title now needs a new Champion.

    ICW%20logob%20icon.png?_subject_uid=12304239&w=AAAkaQk6KhEtLQ9vaLtJkizw-q9rTcFns7N4mPbVWvZ14g SuperFly Championship
    Current Holder: Justin Gabriel
    For those weighing 220 lbs and under, this is the belt of the high-impact no-inhibitions SuperFlyweight division.

    International Tag-Team Championships
    Current Holders: Rhodes Scholars

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe


    Beyond Chaos Year in Review

    Alot has happened since the first Beyond Chaos Pay Per View, Where Kazuchika Okadas NJD and Shane McMahon joined forces and thus screwing Bill Goldberg and Dean Ambrose in the process. Ratings for Shane McMahons promotion were high though it ultimately fell short of Monday Night Grappling’s ratings number. Nevertheless, it received critical acclaim and the Chaos Rising! PPV was loved by many wrestling fan and pundits alike. Many wondered what was next for Shane McMahons wrestling company that was now known by just Beyond Chaos....
    Company Ownership!

    While there was much critical success was garnered from the Chaos Rising Pay Per View, Shane would soon put the company up for sale, with the official word for the sale was simply personal reasons. Shane would quickly sell up and a purchase was made by Jeff Jarrett.


    Jarrett who had success running smaller companies in the past was happy to step up to the big time with Beyond Chaos. Jarrett enjoyed moderate success at first, before molding the company into his own vision. Fans enjoyed this new version of Beyond Chaos and tuned in weekly to see what was happening, with the show gaining a cult like following similar to ECW of old but on a bigger scale. Jarrett was finding great critical acclaim for his shows and fans worldwide loved it.


    But soon money problems began to hamper Jarrett’s ambitions. With the company trying to keep up with more established companies such as BWA and MNG, high costs of running Beyond Chaos and keeping talent happy was a major problem. Jarrett’s critical success came at a high financial cost, and soon Beyond Chaos began to lose money on a month to month basis. Soon enough, the company would become so bad money wise that cheques began to bounce. Promises were made and not kept by Jarrett and soon talent lost patients.

    With bankruptcy looming, many big stars like EC3, Goldberg and Ambrose all jumped ship to other companies respectively. With talent already gone, another hammer blow would be dealt to Jarrett when Champion Okada walked out leaving the company without a champion. With some prestige lost and star power becoming non existent, wrestling fans began to shun Beyond Chaos. With the company in turmoil, Jeff was looking in the face of financial ruin and the closure of Beyond Chaos. Desperate to find a solution Jeff Jarrett reached out to a man with considerable financial clout, Jarrett reached out to Vince McMahon!

    Yes thats right, Vince McMahon. The man who claimed Jarrett Blackmailed him back in 99, the man who fired Jarrett on live TV in 01 and the man who tried to crush Jarretts former TNA promotion, Vince McMahon came to Jeff Jarretts aid. Jarrett and Vince have never seen eye to eye and it showed just how desperate Jarrett was to keep Beyond Chaos financially viable. Dave Meltzer described Jarrrett asking Vince for help as akin to” Homer Simpson crawling through a small doggy door looking for help from Mr Burns.” Jarrett, against the advice of friends, reluctantly contacted the self made millionaire McMahon and threw himself at the mercy of him. Vince listened and without hesitation agreed to invest in Beyond Chaos and has since pumped money into the company, much to the surprise of Jarrett. Jarrett says that he and Vince have buried the hatchet and both men are letting bygones be bygones.

    Many wrestling pundits and fans believe that Jarrett made a deal with the devil himself but Jeff didn’t care; he was keeping his company afloat. Even Jarretts close friends such as Abyss and Matt Morgan who have been loyal to Jarrett for years since TNA, were quick to encourage Jarrett to walk away from a deal with Vince. Jarrett declined their advice and Jarrett took the money Vince invested and paid off company debts, and Beyond Chaos avoided closure. With a massive hole in the talent roster, Vince also invested money for Jarrett to hire the best talent he could with Jake Roberts, Owen Hart and Magnum TA amongst others to have been signed.


    Vince also invested in production costs and the set and production values of Beyond Chaos are now on par with the likes of MNG, the front runner in Wrestling today. This Monday Night sees the re-debut of the company.

    Jarrett, with Vince’s money has got the company back on track and is planning on crowning a new Beyond Chaos Heavyweight Champion this Monday. Though Vince has invested money, he surprisingly hasn’t been involved at all since then. Is Vince just bidding his time?? Many pundits and fans fear Beyond Chaos will go the way of ECW in 2006 if Vince interferes, with the company losing its identity and eventually being ruined anyway. Jarrett is more optimistic and has high hopes for the coming shows.

    Heavyweight title picture
    With Kazuchika Okada left the company, Beyond Chaos has been without a Heavyweight Champion. Now with McMahons money getting the company on track, Jarrett wants to crown a new Champion and one the re-debut show. This Monday Jarrett will hold a Championship Rumble to crown a new Heavyweight Champion with Magnum TA, Owen Hart, Nigel McGuiness and others involved.
    Roster Overview!

    In the run up to the show , heres a brief summary of the talent in which Beyond Chaos has on its books!

    Jeff Jarrett : Mr Beyond Chaos. Many see him as the man who seems to have sold his soul to keep his company financially stable. While Vince hasn’t been involved much, he knows its only a matter of time before he does but Jarrett is confident he and Vince have left their past behind them. Overall he is happy that the company is still in existence and is looking forward to running the upcoming shows.

    Nigel McGuiness : The current Intercontinental Champion in Beyond Chaos. The brash English man wants to better himself and become World Champion and believes hes a favourite to become the new Beyond Chaos Champion. He believes hes superior than all and literally the best wrestler in the business.

    The Midnight Express ( Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton) : Current Tag team Champions. Both in ring Veterans have done it all and no one has been able to unseat them as champs since gaining the gold. With heaps of respect and admiration, not many teams have the fan following that The Midnights Express have, though many think they are past it and its only a matter of time before they are beaten.

    Owen Hart
    : The man who wants to conquer the big one and has a big chip on his shoulder as a result. He fears if he doesn’t win the Championship Rumble, he may never become a world Champion. As far as Owen is concerned, this Championship Rumble is Make or Break for Owen Hart.

    Magnum TA : In the same boat as Owen, a great talent who has never won Championship gold. He also fears that he is Championship material and hopes to prove the naysayers wrong by winning the big one.

    The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith)
    : A very successful tag team but Tysons fame as a result of the Total Divas show has seemingly changed him. Hes now more vain and in some ways more concerned about fame than accomplishments in wrestling anymore, where as Harry wants nothing more than to win tag team gold and emulate his father. But many speculate there is tension within the Hart Dynasty as Tyson doesn’t seem to be on the same page as Harry.

    The New Age Outlaws : 2 young cocky sons of a gun who believe they are the men to topple The Midnights Express. They want to make a name for themselves in Beyond Chaos and plan on making a splash at anyones expense to become noticed and get a chance at tag team gold.

    Abyss and Matt Morgan : 2 of Jarrettts close friends who have been with him since the days of TNA. Both fear that Jarrett has sold his soul to the devil that is Vince and may rue the decision to let McMahon back him.

    Jake The Snake Roberts : Jake has battled his demons been in a bad place. But thanks to his belief in God and hard work, Jake has beat those demons and got himself in the best shape of his life. Jake, like Owen and Magnum TA, is after the elusive World Heavyweight Title run that hes never been able to achieve. Jake is determined and confident that this is his destiny and truly believes that he will achieve his goal, Especially with God on his side.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,159 ✭✭✭mrkiscool2


    The Story So Far

    James King: Last year, MWF opened it's doors for the first time ever. With a roster of stars our titles were claimed by some of the best in the business. However, after technical issues and results not going some wrestlers way, some left. Here is the overview of our year until this point as we gear up for our newest Pay-Per-View on the PW Boards Network, On the Verge.

    Journey's End Aftermath
    After both losing in the TLC match for the MWF Tag Team titles, both The Briscoes and reDragon decided to leave the company and join other promotions. Generation Next remained with the World Titles in hand. Despite being cheered for a large amount of time they turned on the MWF fanbase once they faced The Young Bucks for the title. In a back and forth match, The Young Bucks seemed on course for victory before Evans hit a low blow on one of the brothers as Strong distracted the referee. Generation Next retained the title and have been battling with The Young Bucks ever since.

    Hunico was pinned by Steen in the triple threat match involving Hunico, Steen and Minoru. As per the stipulation of the match, Hunico was fired while Steen gained a title shot against the MWF champion at the next PPV. Minoru was fired later on for attacking Steen and trying to cost him his shot at the title. Steen would lose his title match against Devitt (see below for Devitt's status) and would face a post match beat-down from Devitt and Candido. However, Sami Zayn rushed out to save him. They have been a tag team since.

    Jacqueline, Sable and Maria all faced off in a match for the Women's championship. Despite being the outsider, newest wrestler on the roster and least experienced, Maria walked out as the Women's champion. Both Sable and Jacqueline left the company soon after. With only one woman left in the division, the women's championship was made defunct and Maria, in protest, left the company. It is unclear whether there will be any more women signed by the MWF.

    The Great Sasuke and Ultimo Dragon fought after a bitter feud. Despite trying his best to cheat, The Great Sasuke failed to defeat Ultimo Dragon in a riveting match. Happy with his time at the company, Ultimo Dragon left to pursue other challenges in different companies. The Great Sasuke has not been seen since.

    In the co-main event, the MWF title was on the line. Sami Zayn faced off against new champion Prince Devitt in what would be a clash for the ages. After a hellacious match Devitt clocked Zayn with the belt when the referee was down to retain the title. Devitt would go on a run and have his last match against Kevin Steen. However, after receiving another offer from a different company he decided against renewing his contract.

    Stone Cold Steve Austin faced off against Bruno Sammartino in the main event of the evening. After a great match between two brawlers Devitt came down to interfere. However, Mr. K., chairman of the company, made the save, clocking Devitt with a steel chair. Austin would hit the stunner and beat Sammartino. Feeling cheated by the chairman and owner, Sammartino left the company while Stone Cold would leave after being tempted by another company

    The New Wave and direction of MWF
    Mr. K. began to build for the future right after the "Journey's End" Pay-Per-View. After seeing the great match Zayn and Devitt put on it was decided to try and attract some more technical wrestlers. It started off very nicely with people like Daniel Bryan, Kazuchika Okada, The Young Bucks, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko. The company also managed to keep great wrestlers like Zayn, Steen and Generation Next. The rebuilding had begun and it was taking a great shape.

    The story until now
    Mr. K. announced two matches for the "New Beginnings" Pay-Per-View. The Young Bucks would face off against Generation Next and Zayn and Steen. He also announced that the vacant MWF World Heavyweight Championship would be decided by a tournament, with the final being the main event of "New Beginnings" Pay-Per-View.

    7 spots were already decided-Daniel Bryan, Kazuchika Okada, Sami Zayn, Kevin Steen, Chris Benoit, EC3 and Justin Thunder Liger. One spot was a surprise and a new signing. Daniel Bryan beat Sami Zayn in the first match while Justin Thunder Liger managed to beat EC3.

    On the next show, it was announced each loser in the World Heavyweight Championship match would participate in a match at New Beginnings to crown the new International Champion. However, as Zayn was already booked in a title match he was excused with Mr. K. revealing that he would announce the 4th person in the 4-way match next week. In the 3rd tournament match Okada beat Steen. The tag team feud intensified when a 6-way tag match involving Candido and Generation Next against Daniel Bryan and The Young Bucks. Generation Next caused a DQ for their team, beating down The Young Bucks before Zayn and Steen made the save.

    Mr. K. announced that Candido would be taking Zayn's spot and Dean Malenko would be taking Kevin Steen's spot. Okada found out his opponent was none other than the legendary Harley Race, putting on a great performance against the Hall of Famer but ultimately coming up short. Okada, EC3, Candido and Malenko had a stare down after the match, building the hype to their match.

    The final week before New Beginnings saw Benoit face Liger and Race face Bryan. Benoit and Liger had a great match but ultimately "The Rabid Wolverine" proved too much for his opponent. Bryan and Race were supposed to face off but Generation Next attacked him before the match started. While The Young Bucks made the same, Bryan was unable to start the match and the place in the final was awarded to Race. It was announced by Mr. K. Bryan and Liger would face off in a match to show how good MWF actually was

    At New Beginnings, the opening match featured Okada, Candido, Malenko and EC3 in a fatal-fourway. In a crazy match, EC3 remained hidden on the outside. Okada hit a Rainmaker on Candido only for EC3 to pounce, throwing Okada out of the ring and pinning Candido to win the title. In the other title match, The Young Bucks were taken out on the way to the ring by Generation Next. Evans and Strong faced off against Steen and Zayn in a great match. Just after hitting the Ole kick on Evans, before Matt Jackson managed to get in the ring and superkick Zayn. However, Strong rolled back in, hitting the Strong Breaker and getting the pin to pick up the titles. After the match, Steen looked annoyed at Zayn but the two men went into the back.

    In the other two matches Bryan defeated Liger in a great match while Benoit and Race also put on a great match. However, near the end of the match, just when it seemed like Benoit would win, the referee was knocked down. Race would hit a low blow before hitting a diving headbutt and pinning Benoit to become the new champion.

    King:Well, there you have it. And as we begin our build to our biggest Pay-Per-View of the year "On The Verge" we have the Chairman and Owner Mr. K. here to talk about everything that is happening as we begin the road to "On The Verge". Mr. K., welcome

    Mr. K.: It's good to be here King

    King: So, let me take you back to "Journey's End". You had a problem with Austin, that was pretty obvious. However, when Devitt interfered in the match you came down with a chair and attacked him. It cost the MWF Sammartino. Do you regret your decision?

    Mr. K.: Definitely not. For a while I blindly ignored the MWF fanbase, something I shouldn't have done. I realised as I sat backstage and saw Devitt attacking their favourite superstar at the time. The boos made me realised I had to do something. I didn't give Austin or Sammartino an advantage, I just made it a fair fight. The response from the MWF fans since has been amazing. They have kept us going through the rough times.

    King: Well focusing on that. The roster you have built has been incredible. Some great technical wrestlers and some great characters. Has the fanbase influenced your signings?

    Mr. K.: Oh definitely! At the end of the day it's the fans that make the show. Without having some great wrestling matches we wouldn't have our fans selling out arenas every night. We also want to bring in wrestlers that our fans want to see and that get them going. I think we have done that this year!

    King: Speaking of signings, are there any more in the pipeline?

    Mr. K.: *laughs* Well that is something I can't really discuss at the moment. We have signed someone else and we are looking at a few more talents at the moment. What I can say though is that our fans should definitely tune in to MWF Friday Fight Night on the PW Boards Network to see what is planned for "On The Verge"

    King: Well it definitely sounds like it is a must see show. Remember, you can find MWF Friday Fight Night every Friday on the PW Boards Network. We hope you tune in to find out what the Chairman has planned for this Friday Night as there is only 4 weeks, and 4 episodes, left until On The Verge!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,320 Mod ✭✭✭✭DM_7


    During an ad break in the the broadcast of the First Monday Night Football game of the 2014/15 NFL season, an ICE wrestling graphic appeared on the screen.

    As the graphic faded we were greeted by the face of one Paul Heyman:


    Ladies and Gentleman, my Name is Paul Heyman. I am the one behind the one who has funded the interruption of this sporting broadcast to bring you an important update on developments at a professional wrestling promotion named ICE Wrestling

    That update? Is the signing of me, Paul Heyman.

    Now, If you are not already aware, in late 2014, ICE Wrestling arose once again to broadcast on the DM network. Since then the promotion has received plaudits for its roster of talent, the quality of programming as well as, in this commentators opinion, deserved criticism for ever leaving Network television to begin with. But the thing it has done most since its return is capture the attention of Wrestling Fans around the world.

    The most recent way they are grabbing attention is by signing me, Paul Heyman, to a special contract that allows me to act in any capacity that I wish as part of their programming.

    A visit to our website will provide you with an update on more of those attention grabbing moments, including the World Championship win of one Mr Jay Briscoe.

    Now what should wrestling fans expect from Paul Heyman on Tuesday nights? You will have to tune to find out but right now I promise two things, controversy and excitement.

    Actually I can promise you one more thing……… this Tuesday night… I am not joining on my own.

    In the months that have passed since the signing of Paul Heyman much has changed in the World of ICE Wrestling. As pledged Mr Heyman has lived up to his promises, and over delivered in the role of recruiter by bringing the Dudley Boyz to ICE Wrestling on his first night with the company.

    Check out our website for more:


    ICE Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion
    Jay Briscoe

    Briscoe won the championship in a 4 man elimination match last Fall. The first ICE Wrestling World Champion post the controversial departure of its former Champion Okada in 2013 after ICE Wrestling (temporarily) became an internet only show.

    Title Lineage
    Rowdy Roddy Piper ---> Hiroshi Tanahashi ---> Triple H ---> Okada ---> Vacant ---> Jay Briscoe

    ICE World Tag Team Champions

    The Dudley Boyz

    Won the Championship in a three team Ladder match on the season premiere show. Defeating the Briscoes and Neville/Graves.

    ICE Intercontinental Champion – Vacant:
    A new ICE Wrestling Intercontinental Champion will be crowned at GlacierMania 2K15.
    Knockout Tournament to crown the Intercontinental Champion is underway. We are down to the Final 5 competitors. Stan Hansen, Mark Briscoe, Chris Hero are Semi Finalists while Matt Sydal and Adrian Neville will face off in the last Quarter Final this week.

    Diamond Contract - Vacant
    A contract guaranteeing an ICE World Championship match anytime, anywhere. The contract is traditionally competed for at the GlacierMania PPV.

    Our Roster:

    Adrian Neville
    The Man that Gravity forgot has travelled the globe to hone his in ring skills. Neviile posseses a lethal mix of agility, speed, versatility and daredevil instincts. Has a publicly stated desire to win the ICE World Championship.

    "Airbourne" Matt Sydal:
    An almost forgotten man of wrestling after he was sidelined with a terrible Ankle Injury. An innovator in his youth, Sydal is determined to break new boundaries as he embarks on what he has called his greatest expedition.

    Pound for Pound the Strongest man in Wrestling? Many would say so. An expert wrestler and tactician has his eyes set firmly on Jay Briscoes World Title. Controversially signed for ICE Wrestling while under contract with another promotion. Attempts to sabotage his career and break his spirit backfired and only made him work harder to achieve his goals while making the fans love him even more.

    Chris Hero:
    KO. Two letters that will always be associated with Hero, from his unhappy time in WWE a philosophy of “Get them before they Get you” was born and a Knockout Forearm finisher has established him as one of the most dangerous men in Professional Wrestling.

    Corey Graves:
    Commentator, semi-retired professional wrestler, has not competed since a 3D through (Ironically) the ringside Commentary Table

    Jay Briscoe:
    The ICE Wrestling World Champion. Specialist Chicken Farmer, Specialist Singles Wrestler, Tag Team Specialist, Kick your head off Specialist.

    Just don't call him special.

    A former two time ROH World Champion the signing of Briscoe was a real coup for ICE Wrestling. This intense and outspoken competitor made sure to bring his brother along and with the arrival of DemBoyz, Hunting Season has begun.

    Mark Briscoe::
    Crazy mothercluker

    Wait, what? you want more?

    An 8 time ROH Tag Team Champion with his brother Jay. Mark is looking to win gold, any and all gold available in ICE Wrestling. Inspired to take up Professional wrestling by watching ECW. Was reportedly so happy to hear Paul Heyman was Joining ICE wrestling that he crashed his pick up truck into a hay bail.

    Paul Heyman:
    Controversial, Influential, Charismatic, Cult Leader, was signed to an unusual “Do what you like”, contract by ICE Wrestling last summer. Heyman is an adviser to a number of talents, talent recruiter and regularly takes part in commentary.

    The Dudley Boyz - Bully Ray & Devon:
    Reigning Defending ICE Wrestling Tag Team Champions. Former WWE, WCW, ECW, IWGP, TNA, NWA Tag Team Champions as a pair, Two TNA World Title and 2 TNA Television Championships between them. Normally we don’t list accomplishments like that in these bios but since their debut alongside Paul Heyman, winning the ICE Tag Team Championships on their debut in a ladder match, Heymans constant reminders of their accomplishments are synonymous with the name Team 3D.

    Supertar Billy Graham :
    One of the most influential men in professional wrestling. Everyone from Hulk Hogan to Ric Flair have tried to emulate the colourful muscled man. Graham was a man who had no problem taking shortcuts to the top. Now a reformed character who advocates the virtues of hard work over short cuts, he has already had a number of run ins with Paul Heyman when both men shared the same commentary table.

    Not much needs to be said for Umaga, but Paul Heyman wants some things said. Signed by Paul Heyman, known as a Monster, from a Samoan wrestling dynasty. 300 Pounds of Carnage. Agile, Powerful, deceptively fast with a devastating Finisher.

    Don’t get in his way.

    New Acquisition:

    Stan Hansen:
    A tough, rough, strong brawler Hansen has battled the greats of Professional Wrestling. He is already gone on record to state his disdain for much of the current wrestling world where people are more concerned with looking good than being great. It’s been suggested that Hansen was recruited by ICE wrestling’s owners/backers to make sure the roster doesn’t slip out of line. The dreaded Lariat lies in wait to mangle new victims.

    Please return to this page soon as a Roster Expansion is aggressively underway

    Coming Up:
    Paul Heyman sent out a press release to state that he would be introducing Ice Wrestling’s Newest Signing on the Tuesday night Edition of our weekly TV show.

    Also scheduled is Adrian Neville v Chris Hero in the final Quarter Final match for the Intercontinental Championship.


    Newsites are reporting Seth Rollins has bought out his WWE contract and is now a free agent.

    The following of ICE Wrestling on Twitter sends fans into a skid as it looks like Rollins is skating into ICE Wrestling.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    Welcome to episode 2 of CWA Fallout, we open the show with a video package of last weeks events including The Ultimate Warrior been beat down by Ivan Koloff, Nikita Koloff & Nikolai Volkfof

    Next we see Kevin Nash & Scott Hall beat down on Mr.Perfect before Mr.Anderson runs down for the save

    Standing in the ring is the owner and CEO of C.W.A the man only known as Campo.

    Campo:Last week we had 3 bouts and in 2 of those bouts we had a screwy finish, well I am here to tell you C.W.A is not about that and tonight we are going to kill 2 birds with one stone.

    C.W.A need Tag Team Champions so tonight we are going to have 2 match-ups where the winner of each will face other next week to decide who the new tag team champions will be.

    So tonight Koloff & Volkoff will face off against The Ultimate Warrior and James Storm plus Nash & Hall will face off against the team of Mister Mister…and if anyone interferes in these match up’s they will be suspended indefinitely

    Next up tonight we have our first bout


    Before the match up begin Bob Sapp joins the commentary team and proceeds to run down Mark Henry, saying that Mark Henry may be the strongest man in the World but Bob Sapp is not a man he is a super being who at Revolution will show Henry what strength really is

    Meanwhile in the ring Henry could not get hold of the much faster Guerrero who uses his speed to a huge advantage , it does however take 3 drop kicks from Guerrero before Henry drops and Guerrero goes to the top rope to hit the frog splash and takes the pin

    Afterwards Bob Sapp enters the ring and has a stare down with Henry, neither man backs down and the crowd is begging them to start but each just walk out the opposite sides of the ring


    We come back to mayhem backstage as we see The Ultimate Warrior being stretchered into an ambulance, Campo is backstage and he is clearly not happy that someone has attached the Ultimate Warrior, the commentators now wonder what will happen to the tag team bout that was due to start next


    We come back to see Ivan Koloff & Nikolai Volkoff already in the ring with a big smile on their face as they look up on the big screen

    James Storm comes out and looks down on Koloff & Volkoff who motion for him to get to the ring, suddenly this music hits


    It's The Wildcat Chris Harris he is back with James Storm and we see the return of America's Most Wanted, they make their way to the ring and start to attack Koloff & Volkoff

    The ref finally breaks it up and the match can begin officially, it would go onto to be a classic match with both teams giving it all but it would be AMW who would eventually get on top and come out the victors, they now go into next week to challenge for the C.W.A Tag titles

    After the match James Storm grabs a mic.
    James Storm: Outsiders or Mister Mister we've got some bad news for you next week one of ye will have to face AMW for the tag titles and I have just one thing to say to ye...sorry about your damn luck

    Campo is backstage on the phone

    Campo:I know you have other offers from BWA and MNG but trust me those promotions are going down the pan, their owners are losing interest in their own promotions plus can they guarantee you a title shot at their PPV, Well I can....all you have to do is sign that contract

    Now it is time for our main event of the evening as Nash & Hall face off against Mister Mister ( Perfect & Anderson )


    Another match for the ages as Perfect shows his great in ring ability using some lovely hip tosses over hall and when Nash get's in he starts to chop on him of course Nash & Hall soon get back into it and even double team on Perfect who get's a tag in to Anderson who clears house, when the match up starts again Anderson is well on top of Hall who, but a low blow that ref misses is enough for Hall to get to Nash to tag him in , Nash comes in with a big boot but Anderson moves out of the way and is able to hit the Mic check and covers Nash, Hall jumps in but Mr.Perfect takes him out and the ref counts to 3.

    Winners: Mister Mister

    The Show end's with the commentators remind us that next week AMW will face off against Mister Mister for the tag team titles and they wonder who this mystery person is that Campo is trying to sign and what condition will The Ultimate Warrior be in and for that matter who attacked him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,478 ✭✭✭brianregan09

    Previously on Monday Night Rage


    The logo of RCW appears on the screen and it goes back to black again
    The camera opens to the crowd going nuts in the Rage Zone , We’re going to head straight to ring side, The ring is surrounded by men in masks covering all but there eyes and in the blackest you can see

    PJ: Welcome everyone , We do not know what is going on in the ring a gang of masked and armed men just took over ringside before our broadcast began

    JR: Who knows maybe Bichoff and that reject Tazz are behind this

    PJ: I heard his comments but I doubt he’d have the balls or the brains to set up something like this

    Just then the music of Muhammed Hassan plays across the arena and the fans boo like hell, Hassan comes out from behind the curtain, two other masked men surround him , They all make there way to the ring

    JR: Here comes Hassan a truly great American

    PJ: Are you serious

    Hassan makes his way into the ring , The crowd are white hot with boos, Hassan takes the mic now and begins to speak

    MH: See …..This is what I was talking about last week , No matter where I go , No matter what city, town,state I’m in if in the USA , I get booed and not John Cena booed where its mostly 30 year old men trying to cool , I mean real booed like people hate me ! Why ! It’s bull**** !, Last week was my 1st week back in a Wrestling ring in over ten years and it’s the very same …I destroyed Big E Langston a black man ,Who by the way got cheered! So no one can tell me it’s a minority thing.

    MH: But no more ! You see I’ve done exactly what you expected me to do ..well sort of . You see you people and all the people across the USA see me and people like me as Terrorists, As dirty smelly muslims, All we’re only good for waiting tables or driving taxi’s over here, You rise any higher on the social ladder and people look at you funny, But no tonight these men around the ring and these 2 guys with me , We have given all our support and backing to ISIS, No more will I support the country I was born in ! They have forsaken me and my 2 brothers here

    One of the masked men takes the microphone from Hassan. And looks around before speaking.

    MM: Me and my friend and tag team partner , We trained together for a number of years on the US indie circuit we were one of the best if not the best team on the circuit we won gold but never got a chance in the big leagues , But no our country forsake us ! We went to Japan the Land of the rising sun and worked on the same roster as the likes of Fergal Devitt, Hiroshi Tanahashi and Shinsuke Nakakmura , In japan we won the tag titles and were rightly named the best team in the world , But we have always wanted to come back and be the dominant team in the United States, and now we have a chance , We’re going to crush anyone who gets in our way , Including Brock Lesnar

    Hassan takes the microphone back

    MH: You see Brock I face you next week on Rage for a place in the World Title Tournament and I just know the way thing are going no matter what the RCW officials have you’re name down to win it , so no doubt you will have a home team referee to make sure I beat you, that is why I have brought my supporters with me and will have them with me in future so no one can sneak attack me backstage to stop me , Brock as a matter..

    Hassan’s speech is interrupted by Brock Lesnar’s music, Lesnar keeps tearing through the curtain the crowd nearly lifts the roof off the arena , Lesnar nails 4 of the 6 isis officers as he runs down the ring , He gets to the ring and they all catch up with him and pile on top of him , The two masked men in the ring stand with Hassan, Brock now fights he’s way out sending all of the isis officers flying , He now pulls out a chair from under the ring and begins clattering them across there heads 1 by 1 , Lesnar now makes a run under ropes but Hassan is over on top of him like a shot the other 2 makes start stomping a mudhole too

    Lesnar now begins a fightback , He soon has Hassan on his shoulders he’s just about the hit the F5, But as he’s does one of masked men low blows him , He now lifts him for a suplex , the other masked man climbs to the top rope , He jumps off the toprope with a drop kick to the side and then the other guy brainbusters Lesnar !

    PJ: I know that move ! Its called Chasing the Dragon

    JR: It can’t be

    The two men now remove the masks to reveal there identifies, There revealed to be Red Dragon Kyle O reilly and Bobby Fish


    PJ: Son’s of bitchs

    JR: We’ve got to head to break guys !

    We come back to ringside and all the men have been cleared out

    PJ: Well folks up next is our next quarter final and these two haven’t been featured in RCW yet so this should be a good surprise for our fans

    JR: Are you retarded ! Del Rio kicked the hell out of his dad last week

    PJ I meant competing you dolt!

    The camera now focuses on the video wall and a familiar man appears on it in a training montage

    PJ: Steve Blackman is in RCW !!!

    The crowd cheer like crazy as Steve Blackman walks out from behind the curtain he’s got a set of nunchucks with him and begins showing off as he makes his way down to the ring !

    JR: Now here comes a real man

    Alberto Del Rio’s music comes out to his music and he’s got a microphone in his hand

    ADR: Last week you saw a fraud , A fake , A washed up overweight fraud ! Yes my father came out here last week and embarrassed himself , And now tonight the real Dos Caras will compete for the 1st time

    Blackman swiftly interrupts Del Rio

    SB: Hold on now a second the last time I saw you in the Dos Caras mask you were knocked on you’re ass after a couple of seconds against Mirko Cro Cop, I don’t care what version of you’re self is coming down here , Just get down here now so I can whip you’re Mexican ass

    Del Rio runs into the ring and under the ropes and Blackman attacks immediately the bell rings , The two go at it hammer and thongs , Eventually Del Rio’s aggression gets the better of blackman , He begins to work the arm of blackman , Del Rio starts to get cocky now and walks around blackman almost methodically beating up Blackman

    Del Rio now drop kicks blackman, Blackman goes flying through the ropes to the outside , Del rio plays to the crowd who boo the hell out of him again, Del Rio now makes his way out of the ring , He looks at Blackmans nunchuks , He now picks them up laughing as he weighs them up, The referee trys to pull them out of Del Rio’s hands , The ref now turns his back and begins to walk towards the announce table to put away the weapon and as he does a fan nails him with a kendo stick !

    PJ: what the hell !!!

    JR: That’s Dos Caras Senior!

    Del Rio is knocked senseless, Blackman now runs straight at Del rio and levels him with a scissors kick , Del Rio is out , Blackman now rolls him into the ring , Blackman climbs to the top rope now , He goes for the diving leg drop , He misses and lands awkwardly on his knee , Del Rio see’s this and immedietly locks in a modified figure four leg lock !!, Blackman tapped out !

    PJ: Daddy didn’t hit him hard enough it seems , What a recovery

    JR: That’s a real Mexican

    Del Rio goes over now to where his father was standing and they go face to face , Del Rio smiles at him and simply raises his hands, and walks away

    PJ: A defiant Del Rio makes his way into the semi finals of our Title tournament

    JR: Can you imagine A Del Rio-Hassan final ! That would be nuts !

    PJ: Well we’ve got another quarter final left to go and its tonight Dolph Ziggler faces Gangrel, But 1st we’ve got a match up

    The camera goes to the ring and we’ve got a small skinny white dude standing in the ring he doesn’t look much over 21,


    Just then music plays

    JR: Here is a monster coming down to the ring , King Haku !

    PJ: He has dominated people in WCW and WWE and across the world has this grisly samoan

    Haku comes through the curtain wearing a crown and a robe, He slowly ambles down to the ring never taking his eyes off his opponent in the ring , The referee removes his robes and the bell rings the kid runs at Haku and bounces off him , Haku now drags him to his feet he hits a massive clothesline almost killing the kid, Haku now gets the tongan death grip primed he pulls up the kid and locks it in straight away , The kid drops to the ground straight away and the referee counts 1…….2……..3

    PJ: Academic ! what an impressive debut from Haku

    JR: This guy is going to be dangerous , It’s a pity he was too late for the tournament

    PJ: We got backstage now for a moment with our owner Shane Mcmahon

    The camera opens again in just a blank office with a black background

    Shane Mc: Welcome everyone .. I hope you are enjoying the 2nd night here on RCW, There are some things that I’m really proud of so far, and some that I’m not proud of , But those things I’m going to fix tonight our inaugural World Title Tournament’s 1st round concludes with Dolph Ziggler meeting Gangrel, Now I’ve made a decision the final will be held on week 4 of Rage right here and the new champion will make his 1st defence against an opponent of my choosing at our 1st Pay Per View the Rumble Zone
    Also on tonight’s happening’s Muhammed Hassan ,I don’t give a crap who you surround you’re self with , but one thing that has marred a lot of important matchs in the past , Interference , but next week in the 1st of our Semi finals and next weeks main event Brock Lesnar will meet Muhammed Hassan in a Steel Cage match.

    Another thing I will address Hugh Jackman I will guarantee you a match at the Pay Per View also if next week you sign a waiver and defeat a man of my choosing in a one on one match next week . A proving ground if ya will
    And last but not least my comments last week regarding this federation , Last year we were crap , Terrible , The bookers were idiots , the writers couldn’t write a kids abc book , But that , All of that is in the past , This year I’ve come to win , We may have had **** all ratings last year but I’ll be damned if the same happens this year. I’m a Mcmahon damn it ! Even if I have to get back into that ring myself !
    Camera closes

    PJ : We’re back and up next we’ve got the last quarter final here we go

    Camera flashes to the ringside where Gangrel makes his entrance the flames surround the entrance way , Gangrel now walks through the flames and spits out blood out of his mouth, He gets in the ring now and grabs a microphone the crowd boo

    Gangrel: Last week Dolph you got in the way of my prey , But you won’t get in my way of that title

    Zigglers music starts and the crowd goes nuts , Ziggler tears down the aisle and straight into the ring, They trade blows and the bell rings , Ziggler soon gets the better of gangrel, he drags him to the corner, He mounts him and goes for the ten corner punchs the crowd chants along to the punches , he reaches 7 before Gangrel pushs him off , Gangrel runs out of the corner and goes for a clothes line and misses Ziggles now dropkicks Gangrel in to the corner,

    PJ: Ziggler is well on top here

    JR: Yeah won’t be for long

    Gangrel now begins to fight back , They tumble out of the ring and take the fight to ring side , Gangrel bounces Dolph’s face off the announce table

    PJ: Woah ! I felt that one

    Gangrel now rolls Dolph back into the ring , Gangrel dominates for awhile concentrating on attacking dolphs head with a variety of suplexes

    PJ: Clearly Gangrel is zoning on Dolph’s head because of his history of concussions

    Gangrel now drags Dolph by his hair , Gangrel pulls out that goblet out his pocket and gets ready to drink it , But all of a sudden Dolph snaps back to life and hits a massive super kick , Kicking the goblet right into Gangrel’s face,

    JR: Did I see a tooth fall out there

    Dolph falls down on the cover 1…..2……3.

    PJ: Ziggler advances to meet Del Rio next week …Woah hold on a second

    Del rio has jumped the barricade and he’s got a steel chair. He lays out Dolph with a steel chair straight to the face , Del Rio now locks on the cross arm breaker, Now Gangrel comes over and begins to put the boots him aswell

    PJ: this is a mugging

    Just then shane mcmahon’s music plays !

    JR: He’s actually here !!!

    shane takes a mic out

    Shane: Del Rio I wasn’t going to do this but you have forced my hand , Next week you will face Dolph Ziggler in the 2nd Semi Final and the special stipulation for you’re semi is it’s going to be a Special Guest Referee match and the Special Guest Referee is going to be DOS CARAS SNR ! Thank you and good night

    Del Rio is furious down at the ring !!

    PJ: That’s all we’ve got time for folks good night

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,867 ✭✭✭ShagNastii


    Lucha Va Voom Wrestling was founded in the earlier 1950’s. It all began when masked luchadors from the border in Mexico joined to meet their hard hitting Americans counterparts in California every year. It is believe Lucha Va Voom is the first ever example of cross promotional work in the wrestling business. Countless characters have graced the 2V Lucha ring over the years. Many greats have come and gone over the years but the one thing that has been constant, is the fact that, year in year out, the management always pride themselves in promoting pure entertainment and wrestling. Heritage of all the styles are showcased in 2V Lucha. It was rocked to it’s core early this year with it’s lifelong owner and investor sold the company to an Asian millionaire who has created conglomerate with his own Japanese federation (WCW). With contacts being bought out and a new batch of talent from Japan the fed has a completely fresh “reboot” feel.

    Now a TRULY worldwide company 2V Lucha tours globally throughout the year(a visit to Japan shall happen in a few weeks) .In early July every year the federation returns to the company’s old heart land of the South West States for its flagship show Viva los Lucha. This year, the excitement builds as the countdown to Viva Los Lucha’s inaugural Las Vegas show has begun big time. Viva los Lucha XV from the MGM Grand is destined to be a spectacular show but there are five weeks of BeatTV to get through to see who will be fighting who? What title shall be contended? And what sort of matches will be contested at Sin City’s most anticipated debut since Elvis.

    2VL produce roughly 10 PPVs a year. The BeatTV programme airs weekly every Monday on networks throughout the world. There have been murmurs that Lucha VaVoom will be launching their own network worldwide. 2VL Officials have been working and it has been touted that the worldwide launch will be within the next two/three weeks.

    With the recent merger of both US and Japanese cold cut champions are hard to point out with championships being share between both federations.


    The 2VL World Heavyweight Championship

    The legendary title. In place since the company’s conception, the current holder is the 2VL hero Sting. He beat his old foe Keiji Mutoh (The Great Muta) at the prestigious JAPANCUP Tournament at the most recent PPV “Eastern Legends” in Osaka at the beginning of last month. The duo beat two giants in wrestling history Chono and Andre The Giant to get to the finals–. Producing a five star classic, Muta was hugely unimpressed with the defeat. He shockingly slapped Sting across the face instead of shaking his hand. Sting stayed in ring, to accept the love and glory of the adoring Japanese crowd as Muta made his way to the commentary desk and with fury and vemon told Sting he is coming back the America to get that title and he is bringing Japan’s most lethal mercenaries



    The 2VL US Championship.

    Held by Rusev. A true monster since his arrival in 2VL last year. With the stateside fans of 2VL wrestling being pure bread and butter Americana they have had more than enough of the brutal tyrant and his queen of destruction Lana. With the next PPV happening on the 4th of July of all days, he has come out and said he believes there isn’t a “god fearing-red blooded American” that can take the US Title off him. See shall see.

    The 2VL Tag Team Championship
    The 2VL Tag Team title were dissolved since the lack of Tag Team the action in terms of Tag Team action will come from Bulletclub members Doc Gallow and Karl Anderson who by contractual agreement will defend their WCW titles at the upcoming PPV. Their cocky swagger has been in a abundance since they have claimed the titles and with their imminent arrive back in their homeland there is no doubt they will be out to ruffle a few feathers within Lucha VaVoom.

    The 2VL TV Title
    It was been announced at a recent post conference, to celebrated the company’s recent floating on the Japanese stock exchange a Television title will be debuted on the 11th of June edition of BeatTV. No further comment has been released on how the title will be rewarded.

    The 2VL Rouges Gallery
    Prince Devitt
    Lex Luger
    Great Muta
    Masahiro Chono
    Rick Martel
    Doc Gallows
    Karl Anderson
    Andre The Giant
    The Big Show
    Sylvester Stallone
    Tama Tonga
    Bad Luck Fale

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    (Graphic by Deadlie)

    Preview show here.

    Tonight's show comes live from Fort Worth, Texas.

    The opening TV shot sees all 8 King of the Ring participants surrounding the ring. They are Kerry Von Erich, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Nick Bockwinkel, Rey Mysterio, Tyler Breeze, Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith.
    Commentator #1: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the brand new season of the three-time award-winning wrestling show Monday Night Grappling. I am your host Babe E. Face aka Commentator #1, and joining me is my partner Dick Heel, aka Commentator #2.

    Tonight folks we're wondering three things: Who was the mystery figure that attacked our World Champion Stone Cold at the Preview Show? Will the Texas Rattlesnake show up here tonight? And what will the brackets be for the King of the Ring tournament?

    Commentator #2: Austin better show up tonight because if Austin no-shows General Manager Eric Bischoff said he will strip him of the title! And look how restless these 8 men are. They wanna know who they're up against! What a night this is gonna be!

    The show's entrance theme airs and following that fireworks and pyro go off as the fans cheer.


    The mood quickly changes when Bischoff's theme hits; boos ring out as Eric Bischoff heads toward the ring wearing Stone Cold's World Title over his shoulder.
    Bischoff: (patting the title with his free hand) : I’m sure MNG fans never thought they’d see the day when this title was in my possession, am I right? My name is Eric Bischoff, and I am the General Manager of Monday Night Grappling. Not only that, but I quite literally have Monday Night Grappling's world in my hands...

    Fans boo, as Bischoff holds the title aloft and parades it around the ring, showing it to each of the 8 stars.

    Bischoff: This gentleman is what King of the Ring this year is all about. The greatest prize in this industry could soon be yours. All we need to discover is whether you will be fighting for a vacant Title, or whether the current title holder will show up and defend it at Grapplemania.

    (Fans chant for Austin)

    Bischoff: But first things first. Last week, after the preview show ended, Stone Cold Steve Austin was viciously attacked from behind by an unidentified assailant. This figure clubbed Austin in the back of the head and then used a wrestling move to drive his neck into the ground. Austin has refused to get the law involved. Right now his whereabouts are currently unknown; he has not returned any calls.

    As the attack happened after I announced the King of the Ring tournament, I think there is a strong likelihood, and I've no doubt Austin would agree with me, that the culprit is standing around this ring right now.

    The camera pans over each of the 8 faces.

    Bischoff: I promise everyone that I am determined to catch the heinous individual who took out Steve. That is why, I, Eric Bischoff, will personally be conducting this investigation.

    Bischoff motions to a lackey outside who hands him a cowboy hat.

    Bischoff: You Texas fans here will appreciate this. I remember when Steve and myself were co-GMs of Raw. Steve then called himself Sheriff Austin. Well…it looks like now I'm Sheriff Bischoff! Now then, what we need to consider here is motive. Who would want to take Stone Cold Steve Austin out of action?

    (Fans chant YOUUUUU as Bischoff continues)

    Bischoff: Seems to me this plan, this scheme, would require not just a hell of a set of stones, but cunning, guile, intelligence. Traits that one might say are held by a man who it is well known wishes to become the first ever Grand Slam MNG World Champion in history…Mr. Nick Bockwinkel!

    Bockwinkel angrily climbs into the ring.


    Bockwinkel: Eric that allegation is not only ludicrous, but slanderous and downright iniquitous.

    A man of my stature would not engage in something as base and barbaric as that backstage assault. Where was the finesse, Eric? The beauty? I am capable of a much better manner of attack than that. Yes, Eric, we must indeed consider motive – but let's also consider behaviour; consider a man who has taken to wearing masks of late; a man who has vowed to make a statement this year…the man with the glass mask: Tyler Breeze.


    Breeze stomps into the ring; his expression hidden.

    Breeze (with Zoolander voice): Hold on a second, Bullwinkle. It's true I've sworn to make an impact this year, but that attack is not my style either. A gorgeous model like myself would not dream of sullying his hands with that poor white trash, redneck Texan...

    (The Texas fans boo)

    Breeze: Instead I point the finger of blame at a man whose jealousy towards Austin must cut deep. A man who I believe wanted to be the undisputed star of Texas – the lone star of the ‘lone star state’. A man I say attacked Stone Cold to achieve it… Kerry von Erich!

    Von Erich shakes his head and enters the ring as the Texan fans cheer.


    Von Erich: Eric, we Texans respect each other. We handle our business like men and not like cowards. As the saying goes, 'don't mess with Texas!'

    (fans cheer)

    Von Erich: I have never had a cross word against Steve Austin. We respect one another and this punk Breeze is making an ass of himself, and I’d love to shut him up!

    (crowd pops and chants for Kerry)

    Bischoff: Wait a minute now; so who do you think is to blame, Kerry?

    Kerry: Well Eric, what about two men who when they were here two years ago in Monday Night Grappling did sneak attack guys backstage? Men who at one point even turned on a fellow Horseman? I wonder what Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard have to say for themselves…


    Arn and Tully barge into the ring.

    Blanchard: That’s a bunch of crap, Eric. That stuff he's dragging up happened in the past. We had no reason to turn on Austin…well, not yet at least.

    Anderson: Y'all want to point fingers? Aren't you forgetting that sorry bunch of Limeys down there? Yeah! The British Bulldogs! Those guys are no shrinking violets. Maybe the Bulldogs wanted to be top dogs, huh? And what better way than to take out the Heavyweight Champ?

    Dynamite and Davey Boy enter the ring to cheers.


    Davey Boy: Rubbish. As Kerry said, sneak attacks are your style. It sounds to me Arn like you’re worried me and Dynamite might be after those tag titles of yours and you’re pointing the finger ‘cos you’re scared.

    Dynamite: Yeah, if you and Blanchard want to fight me and my cousin then we've got no issue with that. Let’s do this.

    (the crowd cheer and all the men begin to argue and jostle as Bischoff tries to maintain control)

    Bischoff: Wait a minute…there’s one man we haven’t heard from.

    The camera pans down to Rey Mysterio who’s standing out there on his own.

    Bischoff: Well, Rey? Was it you? I recall you saying you wanted to face Austin.


    Rey shakes his head and laughs. He enters the ring as the crowd cheers.

    Rey: Listen, Eric. It’s true I said I wanted Stone Cold at Grapplemania. But I don’t take out people with sneak attacks. You know me long enough to know that.

    Bischoff: Well what about that amigo of yours, Rey? Sin Cara. He seemed pretty upset at the preview show.

    Rey: Sin Cara is my friend, yes. I don’t believe he’s capable of that.

    Bockwinkel: Maybe that’s what you want us to think.

    Another brawl nearly kicks off as the men argue.

    Bischoff: Enough! Enough! Damn it, we’re not getting anywhere. I've made up my mind - the show must go on. I will give Austin until the end of the night to show up. If he does not, the King of the Ring tournament will be for the vacant World Title because I will be forced to strip Stone Cold of the championship.

    (fans boo)

    Bischoff: Now we need to determine the brackets for the King of the Ring tournament. To show the world that I am a fair man I have brought in an impartial party from outside the company to conduct proceedings. He was a member of the 2015 Draft - until his company could no longer meet their two financial deadlines, that is - and he joins us now. Please welcome Mr. Lithium!

    Up on the titantron we see Lithium and a bowl of 8 balls representing each participant.

    Bischoff (smiling): Thank you for your assistance, Lithium. May I commiserate with you that IWF had to close its doors this year. I had hoped it would be BWA or WECWF but what can you do?

    Lithium: That’s okay, Eric. Unlike WCW, IWF can still return next year.

    (the crowd laugh at Bischoff)

    Bischoff (no longer smiling): Let's get on with it, shall we?

    Lithium: Certainly. First name out is…Rey Mysterio; and he will face…Nick Bockwinkel.

    Both men look at each other and nod.

    Lithium: Next name out…Tyler Breeze; and Tyler will battle…Kerry Von Erich.

    Kerry pounds his first into his hand and smiles; Tyler's expression is hidden.

    Lithium: Third bout is…British Bulldog; and he will take on…Tully Blanchard.

    Blanchard shakes his head as Bulldog smiles.

    Lithium: Which means…Dynamite Kid takes on Arn Anderson.

    The crowd cheer as both men eyeball each other from across the ring.

    Commentator #1: What great matches! That last one especially should be hellacious!

    The draw further reveals that the winner of Q-F 1 faces the winners of Q-F 3; thus, the winners of Q-F 2 and Q-F 4 will meet in the other semi-final.
    Full draw:

    Q-F 1 Rey Mysterio vs Nick Bockwinkel
    Q-F 2 Tyler Breeze vs Kerry Von Erich
    Q-F 3 Davey Boy vs Tully Blanchard
    Q-F 4 Arn Anderson vs Dynamite Kid

    Bischoff thanks Lithium and tells the men to get ready for their matches. Rey and Bockwinkel are told not to go anywhere though because their match is next!

    KOTR Quarter-Final Match #1: Rey Mysterio vs Nick Bockwinkel

    A match that goes twenty minutes and which proves an entertaining opener for the fans. The pattern of the match is Rey exploding into life in short bursts, only for Bockwinkel to continue cutting him off and grounding him down with his technical qualities.

    Highlights of the match include Rey hitting a diving hurricanrana on Bockwinkel; and Bockwinkel catching Rey with a vicious dropkick as he comes off the turnbuckle.

    Near the finish we see Sin Cara strolling down the aisle towards ringside.

    Commentator #1: What’s he doing out here?
    Commentator #2: He’s obviously here to cheer on his friend. If you had any, you’d understand that.

    As Rey kicks Bockwinkel down face-first on to the ropes, it looks like Rey is going for the 619. Sin Cara then steps up on the apron and begins clapping.
    Commentator #2: Aw what a great friend. Rooting for his buddy.
    Commentator #1: Huh? Why is he on the ring apron?

    Rey stops and holds out his arms. He's confused why Sin Cara is out here. From behind, Bockwinkel has recovered and spins Rey around. He kicks Rey in the gut and hits a piledriver. He makes the cover for the 1…2…3.

    Winner and advancing to the semi-finals: Nick Bockwinkel

    Bockwinkel celebrates as Rey picks himself up and continues to query Sin Cara as to why he’s out there. Sin Cara turns around and walks up the aisle. Is there a smirk beneath that mask of Sin Cara, the announcers wonder.

    ***commercial break***

    Do you know if you sign up to the PW Boards Network now you can get access to all past Draft content through the search function?

    ***backstage*** Arn Anderson is sitting with Tully

    Arn’s not happy that Kerry accused them of taking out Austin. ‘Someone should teach that Von Erich to keep his mouth shut’ says Tully. They stop speaking as someone enters. ‘Look’ says Tully, ‘it’s Tyler.’

    Breeze enters still wearing his mask of glass. ‘Couldn’t help but overhear your conversation, gentlemen. As you know I’m facing a Von Erich later tonight. You also have matches. Perhaps we can help each other out tonight?'

    Arn and Tully look at each other and give a nod. ‘Let’s hear what you got to say.’ The door closes on the viewer as the three men begin to discuss something behind the door.

    ***Elsewhere*** Bischoff can be seen on the phone

    'Okay big guy we’ll talk more next week.’ He puts the phone down. Lithium enters.
    Lithium: I’m gonna shoot off.

    Bischoff: Fine. We thank you for your assistance.

    Lithium: No problem. Hell of a talent pool you’ve got here. Good sense of humour in these lads too.

    Bischoff: Sense of humour? What do you mean?

    Lithium: You know, the ribs they pull. I brought a load of cans of beer here with me. Some lovely stuff from back home in Ireland. Was gonna share it with the boys, but when I went back to my bag after doing the draw I found they were all gone. I mean, everything. And I brought a lot of cans with me.

    Bischoff (whose face is looking very pale): All the beer was gone, you say? Are you sure you’re not just ribbing me right now?

    Lithium smiles and walks off leaving Bischoff wondering if he was serious or not.

    Match – Sweet Saraya vs local talent

    Saraya comes out accompanied by her daughter Paige, the MNG Women’s Champion. The match begins and the fans start chanting – but not for Saraya; for Paige.
    Commentator #1: Looks to me like Saraya isn’t impressed that the fans are focusing on her daughter rather than her.
    Commentator #2: Ah you’re imagining things.

    Saraya gets very aggressive with the local woman and makes short work of her, forcing her to tap out with her single leg boston crab finisher, the Knightmare.

    Winner: Sweet Saraya

    Saraya after the match stands on the turnbuckle. The fans give a decent cheer. Paige then comes in and stands on the other turnbuckle. The fans pop huge.


    Paige clambers down and goes to raise her mother’s hand but Saraya pulls away and heads out of the ring and up the aisle leaving Paige standing there looking perplexed.
    Commentator #1: I’m telling you Saraya looks a bit under appreciated from what I can see.
    Commentator #2: And I’m telling you you’re imagining things.

    ***backstage*** Sin Cara is in a locker room in his suit getting ready to leave

    Rey storms in and asks what happened out there. He says this was his big chance to main event and Sin Cara just blew it for him. Sin Cara says nothing. Rey is getting annoyed. ‘Sin Cara, say something’ but Sin Cara pushes Rey away into the locker. He storms off as Rey looks on in shock.

    ***commercial break***

    KOTR Quarter-Final Match #2: Tyler Breeze vs Kerry Von Erich

    Breeze for his entrance uses his original theme from NXT. He whips off the glass mask when the main beat kicks in. He films himself on the way to the ring.

    Kerry’s entrance music hits but there is no sign of Von Erich. The ring announcer waits and then announces him again but there is still no sign of Von Erich. Breeze grabs the mic.
    Breeze: Isn’t it obvious? Von Erich is afraid to face me. He knows he has met his match in me. I am not only a better wrestler than him, but I am much more beautiful than he is. Von Erich has shown the world what a jealous coward he is. Referee! Raise my arm and declare me the victor.

    The referee reluctantly counts to ten and there is still no sign of Von Erich so he has no choice but to declare Tyler Breeze the winner by forfeit.

    Winner and advancing to the semi-finals: Tyler Breeze
    Commentator #2: Wow, how about that? Von Erich chickened out!

    Commentator #1: Aw gimme a break. I’m not believing this. Something doesn’t smell right here.

    ***commercial break***

    We see an advertisement for last year’s Grapplemania 2014 DVD with behind the scenes snippets featuring the MNG owner shooting on the successful show.
    MNG owner: Punk was an asshole to deal with. Same goes for Hogan. I wasn’t sure if the main event could work with those two egos and one having to lose. I had to shovel a sh*t load of money Hogan’s way just to get him to do the honours. Fans have no idea about the grief those guys gave me. Good riddance to the pair of ‘em. They’re someone else’s problem now.

    ***backstage segment*** Bischoff in his office. Bockwinkel enters.

    Bischoff (on the phone): Okay, J.R. Keep trying to reach him. Thanks.

    Bockwinkel: Eric, come quick. It’s Kerry.

    Bischoff gets up and follows Bockwinkel out and down the hall and we see Kerry Von Erich in a pool of blood and getting helped by medics.

    Bischoff: What happened?

    Bockwinkel: Someone took him out. Could it have been the masked man, Eric? Is he here again? Or what if it was…you know who. I’m concerned about this unsafe working environment.

    Bischoff: Nick, trust me, I don’t know who did this but we’ll get to the bottom of it. You’re a legend here and I assure you I’ll take care of you.

    KOTR Quarter-Final Match #3: Tully Blanchard vs British Bulldog

    Davey Boy comes out accompanied by Dynamite and their dog Matilda. Blanchard follows accompanied by Arn. The announcers spot that the fists of the Brainbusters look cut up.
    Commentator #1: I think we may know who was responsible for what happened to Von Erich.

    The match is a great back and forth bout that goes about fifteen minutes. Blanchard dominates in the early going but Bulldog takes control in the latter stages.

    Near the finish we see Davey Boy hit the running powerslam on Tully; Arn then stands on the apron looking to cause a distraction. Dynamite gives chase to Arn and the two begin brawling as the ref tries to stop them.

    From down the ramp runs Tyler Breeze (without his mask) and he looks to hit Davey Boy. Matilda, though, scampers across the ring and spooks Tyler who leaves the ring screaming ‘not the face, not the face’. As Tully looks on in disbelief, Davey Boy gets back to his feet, counters a DDT attempt by Tully, and hits another running Powerslam for the 1…2…3.

    Winner and advancing to the semi-finals: Davey Boy Smith

    Dynamite enters the ring and raises Davey Boy’s hand as Arn and Tully throw a tantrum.

    ***commercial break***

    ***backstage*** It’s the locker room of the Bulldogs

    Davey Boy says that’s part one down and now it’s time for Dynamite to join him. Dynamite says the two of them can reach the final and guarantee a Bulldog is in the main event of Grapplemania.
    Commentator #1: For all the rumours of disharmony within the Bulldogs, they look pretty united right now.
    Commentator # 2: Victories heal all wounds.


    Arn and Tully are backstage arguing with Tyler Breeze (now back wearing his mask). Breeze apologizes but says he didn’t count on the dog being there. He has to protect his gorgeous visage. Blanchard threatens to destroy his visage but Tyler promises to make amends in Arn’s match later with Dynamite.

    Bischoff enters and then demands to know if they took out Kerry Von Erich? The three remain silent. Bischoff says they just moved to the top of the list of suspects for Austin’s masked attacker. Arn says that’s ridiculous but Bischoff says Arn and the rest can save it. Bischoff forbids any more interference tonight. Tyler shrugs his shoulders and says ‘pity, I guess you’re on your own now.’ He leaves as the Brainbusters look pissed off.

    KOTR Quarter-Final Match #4: Arn Anderson vs Dynamite Kid

    Dynamite enters first with a very happy Davey Boy, and Matilda. Dynamite grabs a mic and says since Bischoff just ensured no one will be out here with Arn, he doesn’t want anyone out here with him either. He asks Davey Boy to leave him to it. Davey Boy nods and leaves.

    Arn came out and he and Dynamite began brawling. The opening minutes were a brawl around the ring which went up into the crowd and finally back inside the ring.

    The match eventually settled into a wrestling contest but with major physicality throughout. After twenty minutes of top quality wrestling action the fans were chanting ‘this is awesome’.

    Highlights included a vicious European uppercut exchange; and a whole raft of huge suplexes.

    At about the thirty minute mark there is a ref bump when Dynamite is Irish whipped into the ref. At that point the lights go out. The lights come back on - but only in flashes, like lightning; we can just about make out a masked individual standing in the ring wearing dark clothes and a balaclava.


    This figure is clearly HUGE. He is holding a steel chair.
    Commentator #1: That must be him! The attacker who took out Austin. But why is he here?

    The masked man points to the titantron and we see a clock which shows 3 hours; 16 minutes. He nods at the titantron and it begins counting down. The announcers ponder what is going on but as Arn and Dynamite look on confused, the lights switch out again. We then hear the sound of chair hitting skin.
    Commentator #2: Listen to these chair shots!

    When the lights come back on the masked figure is gone and both men are writhing in agony on the ground. The ref is beginning to stir in the background as Dynamite and Arn stagger to their feet. Arn moves towards the ropes and looks outside for the masked figure; behind him a groggy Dynamite hits a backslide and gets him for the 1…2…3.

    Winner and advancing to the semi-finals: Dynamite Kid

    King of the Ring semi-final line-up for next week:

    Nick Bockwinkel vs Davey Boy Smith
    Tyler Breeze vs Dynamite Kid

    The announcers ponder what the hell is going on and what this timer counting down means when it vanishes off the tron. Arn is fuming in the ring, and he and Dynamite nearly get into another brawl.

    ***commercial break***

    In Bischoff’s room backstage there is pandemonium as several wrestlers and agents are panicking about what just happened. Tully Blanchard and Davey Boy are in there bemoaning what happened to Arn and Dynamite.

    Bischoff says they all have to leave. He’s giving everyone the night off and security will escort all stars out of the building if they so wish. A lackey runs in and says ‘your guest has arrived’. Bischoff nods and says to the lackey to let on to the guest that everything is alright or else there will be trouble.

    ***Final commercial break***

    Main event segment: Bischoff calls out Stone Cold

    Bischoff comes out wearing his sheriff hat and carrying the MNG World Title; he is smiling and trying to look calm but the announcers note he looks stressed.
    Bischoff: First off let me say that the intruder appears to have disappeared. We have scoured under the ring and all backstage and have found nothing. My investigation will get to the bottom of this I assure you all. Now back to the business at hand.

    Stone Cold Steve Austin…(fans cheer)…if you are intent on representing this company going forward as champion, then it’s time for you to show yourself.

    There is no sign of Stone Cold.

    Bischoff: Austin!

    Again, there is nothing.

    Bischoff: I guess I am left with no choice but to strip Stone Cold Steve Austin of the heavyweight championship.

    (fans scream Noooooo and begin booing)

    Bischoff: I will instruct my legal team to send the necessary paperwork to Austin’s Broken Skull Ranch.

    (The fans boo loudly and chant ‘we want Austin’)

    Bischoff: I know you do. So do I. But Austin has made his choice. I will nevertheless do all I can to find the culprit who took out Austin as a courtesy to our cham-I mean former champion. Don’t think however that I am going to let all you fans down on my first show. Remember that time Austin no-showed on Raw and the WWE replaced him with The Rock?

    Well…anything the WWE can do, Eric Bischoff can do even better. Give it up for a huge, global superstar….

    Fans begin to stand up.

    The one, the only…Kim Kardashian!

    Commentator #1: Aw for goodness sake. This is his replacement?
    Commentator #2: What? She is a global star.

    The Drunk in Love remix by Kanye West fills the arena and fans boo as Kim saunters down the aisle in a sharp business suit, waving to the crowd as if she were a Royal.
    Commentator #2: Kim saluting our fans like an American queen!
    Commentator #1: And our fans responding with a one-fingered salute.
    Kim Kardashian: Thank you, Eric. It’s an honour for me this year to be associated with Monday Night Grabbing.

    Bischoff: Grappling.

    Kardashian: Uh, Grappling yes.

    (Fans boo louder)

    Karashian: I can’t wait to be at Grapplemania and I will work hard to promote the event worldwide.

    Bischoff: Great stuff, Kim. You are a true treasure. Weren’t you once on Dancing With The Stars, Kim? Well how about you and I celebrate our business arrangement with a dance right here, right now?

    (Fans scream Noooooo and begin booing)

    Kardashian: Sure, Eric. That sounds wonderful. Hit some great music!

    The song ‘Bound 2’ booms around the arena and the video plays on the titantron.

    Note - The song is NSFW. And it's shit.

    Request for readers to enhance the experience

    1. Hit play for Bound 2.
    2. Picture the fans in the crowd booing and holding their ears as Bischoff and Kim dance.
    3. At the 1 minute mark - if you make it that far - hit the stop button and then press play on the below…

















    Commentator#1: Wait a minute! It’s Stone Cold! Stone Cold is here!


    The noise is deafening as Stone Cold drives into the arena and he has a mean look on his face as he exits his vehicle and marches down the aisle. He gets in the ring and raises his arms aloft on all four turnbuckles. He then grabs a microphone and gets face to face with Bischoff.
    Stone Cold: I think you have something that belongs to me.

    (Fans cheer as Austin slowly takes the title from off Bischoff’s shoulder and drapes it over his own)

    Stone Cold: You can forget about sending me any of your paperwork, Eric. Stone Cold Steve Austin is the Monday Night Grappling World Champion, and that’s all I got to say about that.

    (Fans cheer)

    Stone Cold: Now let’s deal with the business of the sorry son of a bitch who tried to take my ass out last week. Now Stone Cold Steve Austin has no problem with anyone wanting to whoop my ass. Hell, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again if you ain’t in this business to be the World Champion, then hell son, ya better get the hell out.

    But the fact that every sumbitch back there knows I’ve had issues with my neck, and the fact that the sick bastard who did this deliberately targeted my neck, and did it with a sneak attack from behind like a damn coward, that Eric means the piece of trash who attacked me just signed his death warrant!

    Now that brings me to you Eric. I thought Mick Foley’s investigation into who ran my ass down was bad, but the fact that the sorry piece of trash who assaulted me is not only out there but still showed up tonight on your show tells me you ain’t worth a damn as an investigator or a GM.

    (fans cheer)

    Stone Cold: This masked man wants to play mind games with Stone Cold and show a 3:16 countdown timer? Well that’s fine, but I promise the world I will open up the biggest can of whoop-ass on that jackass and make him rue the day he crossed the toughest son of a bitch in this business.

    Now as far as you go, Eric, how do I know your slimy little ass ain’t involved in this somehow?

    Bischoff: Listen Steve-

    Stone Cold: Shut up!

    (fans cheer)

    Stone Cold: You’re out here with that little stupid cowboy hat on calling yourself a Sheriff? Is that supposed to impress me? What? Is that supposed to make you look like some sort of big shot? What? I think you’re pathetic. What? I said I think you’re PATHETIC.

    (Fans cheer as Bischoff looks like he may soil himself)

    Stone Cold: The mood I’m in son, I’m about ready to tear through every single sumbitch back there if that’s what it takes. Do you understand me? And that includes you, Eric.

    (Fans cheer louder)

    Bischoff: Austin…maybe you haven’t read my contract but there is a clause I specifically asked for. It stipulates that you cannot, repeat, cannot touch me unless there has been prior provocation. If you attack me without just cause then I can, and will, strip you of the title, Austin.
    Now I am doing my best to find the culprit, trust me on that. I-

    (Suddenly Kim Kardashian grabs the mic out of Eric’s hand)

    Kardashian: Let me handle this, Eric. Now listen here Mr. Cold Stone or whatever your name is.
    Commentator #2: Kim, what are you doing?!
    Commentator #1: Oh my God. Bischoff’s face has gone as white as a sheet.
    Kardashian: I’m really sorry that someone injured you and stuff but here’s the thing - you’re kind of acting like a f*cking asshole.

    (Fans are jumping up and down and laughing. They sense Kim is digging a big hole for herself. Bischoff has his hands on his head. Stone Cold smiles and begins rubbing the back of his head)

    Stone Cold: Let me ask you something, Kim– did you attack Stone Cold Steve Austin?

    Kardashian: What? Don’t be ridiculous. I wasn’t even there at the time.

    Stone Cold: So you say. But hell darling the last time I got taken out of action backstage it was by someone with a great big fat ass so maybe history’s repeating itself!

    (Kim then slaps Austin hard across the face. Fans are really jumping up on their feet now. Bischoff is shaking his head from side to side)

    Bischoff: Austin, please. She doesn’t know what she’s doing. I assured her representatives I’d protect her. Please…

    (Fans are chanting for Austin as he remains motionless. He raises the mic to his lips)

    Stone Cold: Would you call that ‘prior provocation’, Eric?

    (fans cheer, as Austin turns to them)

    Stone Cold: If you think Kim Kardashian just provoked Stone Cold Steve Austin, gimme a hell yeah.

    Fans: Hell yeah!

    Stone Cold: I wish you hadn’t done that Kim. But then again, I’m kinda glad you did…


    Stone Cold connects with the Stone Cold Stunner on Kim Kardashian as the fans come unglued. Bischoff collapses to his knees in despair.
    Commentator #2: What has he done?! What have you done, Austin?! Bischoff’s gonna face a major lawsuit over this!
    Commentator #1: Oh my God! Not even I can defend this! This is a stunner that’s going to send shockwaves right around the world!

    Austin picks up the mic.
    Austin: I told you, Eric. I will run through every single, sorry sumbitch back there if I have to in order to find out who attacked me because in the court of Stone Cold Steve Austin, you are guilty until proven innocent.

    And let everyone on the roster know…there is a war machine rolling into Monday Night Grappling next week…and its name is Stone Cold Steve Austin…and that’s the bottom line, ‘cos Stone Cold said so!
    Commentator #1: Oh my God! Not just the masked attacker, but the entire roster, has been put on notice by Stone Cold! We’ve got an angry rattlesnake heading our way next week and I don’t know if anyone or anywhere will be safe!

    Tune in next week to find out the results of the King of the Ring tournament and to see what Austin has in store! Goodnight everybody!

    The credits roll.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    Welcome to the third installment of CWA Fallout, we open the show as usual with a recap of last weeks show.

    We see The Ultimate Warrior being carried away by an ambulance as CWA owner Campo is going crazy, we then see the Tag team of Mister Mister raising their hands in victory after they defeated the team of Nash & Hall

    In the ring is CWA owner and CEO Campo
    Campo: CWA Revolution is only 3 weeks away and we still don’t know who will face off for the CWA Heavyweight Championship , The Legends Title or the tag team titles but all of that changes tonight as I can announce that the CWA Legends Champion Eddie Guerrero will defend his title against this man.


    John Russ: Oh my God it's Eddie's nephew Chavo
    Terry Bawler: Business is about to pick up JR
    John Russ: That's my line Terry
    Chavo: When Mr.Campo rang me last week I had a lot of offers on the table from the big guns of MNG, BWA , WECWF and others but each one of them could not offer me two things that Campo could, firstly a Title shot but more importantly than that he offered me a chance to prove that I am the greatest Guerrero of them all, for too long now I have lived in the shadow of Eddie, I am sick of being known as the other Guerrero, the one that never quite made it to the top...well at Revolution all that changes which I put down Eddie’s shoulders to the canvass for the 3 count and take that Legends title the world will finally know who the greatest Guerrero really is.


    The magnificent Muraco was not so magnificent in this one, while he did get some offence in, Sapp was able to dispatch easy enough and picks up his 1st win in CWA.

    Winner: Bob Sapp

    Backstage promo by The Ultimate Warrior:
    Nikita Koloff….Nikita Koloff last week you attacked the Warrior while my back was turned...the Warrior felt the force of the steel pipe as you stroke it over my head again and again...BUT YOU MADE A MISTAKE KOLOFF YOU STOPPED…..You see Koloff you should have finished me while you had the chance now The Warrior has taken the energy he needed from all the little Warriors out there and at Revolution I will unleash hell on you , you are about to enter a world close to Parts Unknown and you may never return…

    John Russ: Well folks its looks like we have another match up for Revolution as The Ultimate Warrior faces off against Nikita Koloff
    Terry Bawler: Just hearing JR that it’s all agreed Bob Sapp and Mark Henry will also face off
    John Russ: What a card this is shaping up to be Terry it’s one not to be missed that’s for sure
    Ivan Koloff & Nikolai Volkoff vs Jobber Team

    Nothing more than a squash match for the Russian team as they defeat the local jobber team with ease.

    Winners: Ivan Koloff & Nikolai Volkoff

    After the match Ivan Koloff grabs a mic...
    Koloff:Last week we were meant to face off against James Storm & The Ultimate Warrior for a chance at a shot for the CWA Tag Titles but instead the captalist in the back screwed us and without any warning we had to face a different team in AMW…We demand a title shot at Revolution

    Campo comes out from the back…
    Campo:Who the hell do ye think ye are demanding title shots, ye are lucky to still have a job, last week I said anyone who interferes in the match ups would be suspended so ye try to circumvent this by getting Nikitta Koloff to interfere before a match up….well not only do ye not get a title shot but next week I am bringing in 2 men who are just itching to meet ye…

    John Russ: Mr.Campo sure is laying down the law tonight
    Terry Bawler: I have a bad feeling the Koloff & Volkoff will be regretting crossing the boss
    John Russ: Terry It’s time to crown ourselves a new tag team champions
    Terry Bawler: Sure is JR the favourites most be AMW with the team of Mister Mister only have 1 bout under their belts
    John Russ: That might be so but don’t forget that Mister Mister were very impressive last week when they defeated the Outsiders who have also teamed together for years

    A real match for the ages as AMW use all the years of experience by keeping Mr.Perfect in their side of the ring and stopping him from tagging in Anderson, but when Harris hits Perfect off the ropes he ducks down too soon allowing Perfect the kick him down and this gave Perfect that chance to tag in Anderson who comes in crazed and beats down on Harris , Storm comes in to help his partner but Perfect cuts him off, the ref is trying to get control of the match up but he only manages to get in the way as he takes a bump after Anderson whips Harris into the corner, the ref is out and all 4 men brawl , Anderson manages to hit the mic check on Harris and Perfect clotheslines Storm over the ring, Anderson goes over to shake to ref to wake him back up, the ref is just about to come around and Anderson goes over to tag Perfect and tell him to take the Perfect gets in the ring Anderson hits him with a mic check and drags Harris over and puts his arm over Perfect, the ref is now back and see's Harris covering Perfect he makes the 3 count with large boo's coming from the crowd..

    We have new champions AMW..

    John Russ: God damn it Anderson just screwed Perefect, He just screwed Perfect..
    Terry Bawler: I'm speechless JR I don't know why Anderson would do this.

    The show ends with AMW celebrating in the ring and Anderson walking up the ramp to a loud chorus of boos from the fans..

    CWA Revolution card so far:

    Bob Sapp vs Mark Henry
    The Ultimate Warrior vs Nikita Koloff
    Eddie Guerrero vs Chavo Guerrero JNR

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,012 ✭✭✭✭Alfred Borden

    We have rounded up the latest news regarding the return of USCW to our screens. Spoilers ahead so don’t say we didn’t warn you!
    Extract from the USCW monthly magazine.


    USCW is back for its second year in a row and aims to deliver after a poor first year. Its flagship show Monday Night Adrenaline will continue on the RAF network but that’s the only thing in common with last year. The landscape of the USCW universe has changed quite a bit from this time last year with the roster being totally unrecognizable. Not one member of last year’s roster has survived and below you can view our new roster. The World Heavyweight Championship is now vacant after we could not come to terms with The Miz, who headed for pastures new. A look at our new roster will spring quite the few surprises.

    Chairman and Co-Owner: Raf32

    After a poor first year, Raf32 was desperate to turn around his failing company and so he turned to someone he despises, John Laurinaitis. Raf32 awarded Johnny a 20% stake in the company after Laurinaitis knew he was desperate and in a weak bargaining position. After some success, the company went public with Laurinaitis quietly buying up shares to raise his total controlling percentage. The crowd have felt sympathy for the creator of this product, who has not been seen since Laurinaitis acquired half his company.

    General Manager and now Co-Owner: John Laurinaitis


    John is the man charged with taking this company to the top of the Professional Wrestling Industry. John has advocated his People Power idea and guarantees that when it’s all said and done, Adrenaline will top the rankings. The company has performed strongly since his arrival, with USCW really becoming a strong household name in the industry. Generally seen as a heel, Johnny holds no particular favoritism for any superstar outside his henchmen, The Twin Towers. However Laurinaitis has been secretly plotting behind Raf32’s back and now owns 50% of the company after the company went public last year. He has promised to offer Raf32 a quick resolution to his ownership problem at this Monday night’s Adrenaline show.

    The Twin Towers: Big Bossman and Akeem


    They have been teaming together for the last year and are the current Tag Team Champions. Also offer protection to General Manager John Laurinaitis and are predominately seen as heels after been awarded the Tag Titles from the GM without having to compete for them.

    The Long Island Broski’s: Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins


    The team reunited last summer and have gained serious momentum and are extremely over with the fans. Have yet to get a title shot at the Twin Towers with the champs seen to continually duck their challenge. These internet darlings got over with the USCW audience with a series of YouTube videos boosting their profile and highlighting how they have become lower carders. Are predominately seen as the #1 contenders to the Twin Towers.

    The Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart:


    The self-proclaimed greatest manager in the world, Hart has recently joined the USCW expressing his desire to take someone to the top of the mountain. His new client (s) has yet to be announced but Hart has hinted he will not exclusively work for one person. At recent house shows Hart with his famous megaphone in toe has angered home town fans of whatever city he seems to find himself in by trash talking the audiences.

    The Bella Twins: Nikki and Brie Bella


    Nikki is the current Women’s Champion, while her sister Brie has offered her support in her corner. They have used twin magic on more than one occasion to keep the title in the Bella family and now are the only two wrestling females on the roster. Again they are predominately heel characters although Brie has received the odd cheer. Can be seen to hang out with Rick Rude on occasion.



    Ryback is a massive fan favourite and his current winning streak stands at 172, one short of the legendary Bill Goldberg. Ryback receives the odd Goldberg chant here and there but has taken it all in his stride. Not to be forgotten, Ryback is the current holder of the Hardcore title.

    Cody Hall


    Cody has recently joined the USCW, competing so far in low profile matches. Cody has put on impressive displays but has still yet to receive a push from upper management. He has also promised big things are yet to come and to watch this space.

    King Kong Bundy


    Bundy has been crushing opponents since his arrival in USCW in short squash matches. However after the bell, he has continued to beat down on opponents, firmly establishing himself as one of the top heels in the company. He has demanded he be handed a title shot and seems like it will not be long until his wish is granted.

    The Mega Plowers: Val Venis and Buff Bagwell



    Yes you read that tag team name correctly! Joining together two weeks ago, this team has got seriously over as a baby face tag team and seem to be particularly over with the female audience members. It can’t be too long until their in line for a title shot against The Twin Towers.

    Joe Henning


    After a series of unfortunate attempts of showmanship, Joe has gained the nickname Mr Imperfect. Seen as a comedy act, Joe has displayed his anger at this suggestion and has promised something big will happen in the near future.

    Rick Rude


    Rude is the US Champion and a strong heel. On occasion he has clashed with the Mega Plowers and has made consistent attempts to woo the Ladies locker room. Rude be seen around both Bella’s from time to time. There is no #1 contender to his title at the moment so look for that to change soon.



    Bill Goldberg has just signed for the USCW and will make his debut this Monday. It is thought he thinks quite highly of Ryback but has declined to comment on all streak related questions. Will Goldberg want to stop his streak being beat or will be involved somewhere else?

    The Mega Powers: Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage


    Just announced this morning is the signings of The Mega Powers. Individually each man ranks in the top 5 wrestlers of all time and will offer the star power that USCW failed to possess last year. Both men are expected to be strong faces and immediately go into the vacant World Heavyweight Title picture. It has yet to be seen whether they will team once again or go their own separate ways. Expect a red hot debut for both men on Monday.

    More signings are expected and we here at USCW Magazine will have all the signings and information available to you as we have them.

    We also have an exclusive from Mave Deltzer which states the likely destination of the World title. Look away now if you don’t want this ruined.
    Extract from Mave Deltzer
    I’m hearing from insiders within the USCW that the top brass are very keen on giving the Macho Man a run with the title. It is thought that on this Monday nights Adrenaline that Savage will begin the start of a mega push. No word on how this news will fare for his former tag partner Hulk Hogan who surely will be unhappy coming to USCW as the #2 guy. It’s unknown whether this will lead to a heel turn for Savage but I can see it being a likely and logical direction for the USCW to go in. As always plans are subject to change, but this rumour doesn’t look like its going away anytime soon!

    We at WrestleSpoilerz also have an exclusive of our own. Our reporter Phil Cabe recently caught up with the new Co-owner of USCW John Laurainitis.
    In the current storyline on USCW, Laurainitis has bought 50% of RAF32’s company. However there have been unconfirmed rumours that RAf32 is indeed trying to move on to pastures new and away from the professional wrestling industry. I suppose we will see storyline wise as well as in real life if RAF32 will part with his company. Funnily enough Mr Laurinaitis refused to comment on this rumour but has promised us “one more massive signing”. We at WrestleSpoilerz look forward to whoever this massive signing will be for the resurgent product that is USCW.

    As always make sure you tune in on Monday night at 8/7 C to catch Adrenaline for all the latest going ons in the USCW including debuts for Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and Goldberg, only available on the RAF network. As always we at WrestleSpoilerz will keep you all fully updated on any rumours as well as provide unrivaled coverage of the #1 company in the professional wrestling industry.


  • Registered Users Posts: 10,012 ✭✭✭✭Alfred Borden


    The Adrenaline theme song plays as we go over to our commentary team consisting of Mikey Roberts and Jerry Rodgers.

    Jerry: Hello and welcome to USCW’s Monday Night Adrenaline and what a show we have got for you here tonight, broadcasting live from Seattle.

    Mikey: It’s a pleasure to be here Jerry, it’s just a shame that with all the seats in this arena, and I get the one beside you.

    Jerry: We have lots to find out tonight. Why has our GM and now Co-owner John Laurinaitis purchased up half of the company? How will former sole owner Raf32 respond? Who will be our new World Heavyweight Champion? And of course, we have got the debut of the Mega Powers here in USCW.

    A familiar song plays and out comes Hulk Hogan in his famous red and yellow.

    Jerry: He’s here! Hulk Hogan is in the USCW! I never thought I would see this day.

    Mikey: The biggest icon in wrestling. The #1 wrestler in the industry for the #1 company in the industry. I love it!

    Hogan takes a mic while pandering to the crowd. The crowd are going nuts and get a “Hogan” chant going! Hogan is amazed at the support he is receiving and thanks the fans. He goes to speak but as the chant gets louder, Hogan looks on in awe. Its eventually quietens down and the Hulkster gets on the mic.
    Hulk Hogan: “Well let me tell you something, brother! You know guys; it feels great to be back in this ring in the USCW. And it feels especially good to be right back here in Seattle, brother." The crowd respond with a massive cheer. "Well first things first, I guess you can say Hulkamania is running wild brother". Hogan begins to pose for the crowd which gets a great ovation. ”You know when I joined this company, my whole life turned around. When I was laid up for 90 days in the hole, soul searching after my match with CM Punk at MNG Grapplemania, I really didn’t know how I was going to handle the world of professional wrestling again. But when I walked through that curtain brother, when I pen to paper on that contract dude, I knew I wanted to go again brother.”

    The crowd pops as Hogan goes to continue his speech when he is interrupted by a familiar theme.

    Jerry: The crowd are going nuts! It’s the Macho Man Randy Savage! What a moment, the Mega Powers reunited!

    Mikey: I think he got a bigger pop than Hogan! Can this show get any better? Yes it could actually. Mr Laurinaitis should fire you!

    Jerry: Looks like the Macho Man is getting on the mic.
    Randy Savage: “The Mega Powers back together again in the same ring. Oh Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    The crowd mark out for the Macho Man as Hogan claps for his old teammate. The pop for Savage is a bigger one than Hogan got just earlier. And then we hear the music of a less than welcome figure, Mr Laurinaitis. He makes his way down to the squared circle to a chorus of boos.


    Jerry: Ah what is he doing out here? Ruining a great moment.

    Mikey: Shut up you idiot. He is the owner of this company and can do anything he wants to.
    Jerry: Co-Owner.
    Mr Laurinaitis: “Greetings all. As you all know my name is Mr John Laurinaitis, the General Manager of Monday Night Adrenaline and now the new Co-Owner of USCW”.

    He salutes the crowd to a hostile reception.
    Mr Laurinaitis: “Who would have thought it? The three biggest legends in this industry in the ring at the same time?”

    The crowd get a “BS” chant going.
    Mr Laurinaitis: “I will address that chump RAF32 later but firstly the faith of the World Heavyweight Championship must be decided. I have a match planned for each of you this evening. One is a handicap match against the Mega Plowers and the other is a spot in an over the top rope battle royale for the World title later on. I only have one spot available in the main event. Don’t you all just love People Power? I deliberated over this decision for quite some time but I have decided that the person getting the last spot into the title match later on is…… The Macho Man Randy Savage”.

    The Macho Man looks sympathetic towards Hogan as Hogan looks pissed. The GM makes his way out of the ring and up the entrance ramp.
    Mr Laurinaitis: : “Oh and Randy, if you get involved in Hogan’s match, I will have no choice but to take back your spot in the main event.”

    Randy Savage: “Oh yeah? Rules? Well rules were made to be broken. AND YOUR NECK COULD BE BROKEN! Oh Yeah!!! And as for the main event, I got one thing to say. Unjustifiably in a position I’d rather not be in but the cream will rise to the top. Oh Yeah!!!”

    Hulk Hogan: “Let me tell you something John Laurinaitis, You’re a piece of s***, brother! Whatcha gonna do John Laurinaitis when Hulkamania destroys you”. The crowd pop as the two men in the ring shake hands and pander for the crowd.

    Jerry: The noise here is deafening. What an announcement.

    Mikey: Hogan is such a chump, shaking hands with the man who took his spot.

    Jerry: That’s not how it happened Mikey and you know it.

    *Commercial Break*

    We see John Laurinaitis in his office accompanied by his henchmen, the Tag Champions, the Twin Towers. Laurinaitis facing the camera begins to speak.
    John Laurinaitis: “Greetings again all. I said I would address that piece of garbage RAF32 later and so here I am calling that coward out. How about we finish this conflict off inside the squared circle. I suggest we each put our 50% stake on the line in a match at WrestleCade. But don’t you worry, we won’t be stepping into the ring together, that would be too easy for me. How about we each select a wrestler to represent our stakes? I’ll give you until next week to respond. May the best man win”.

    Jerry: I don’t like the sound of that, not one bit. Laurinaitis is definitely up to something.

    Mikey: Keep your wig on. It’s a fair challenge and as our GM said, may the best man win. Id so love Mr Laurinaitis to be our full time owner. Think of the direction he would take this company in.

    Suddenly Ryback barges into the GMs office. The Twin Towers step in to separate the GM from the fan favourite. Laurinaitis motions for them to make way and let Ryback speak. Every time he goes to speak, the crowd chant “Goldberg”. He just laughs it off.
    Ryback: “Johnny, I’m one match away from tying Bill Goldberg’s unbeaten streak, when do I get my shot at it?”
    John Laurinaitis: “Next week Ryback, I have got quite the opponent for you. But first tonight, Bill Goldberg will fight his first match in USCW. You could say he is unbeaten in USCW for the past year also” as Johnny smiles.
    Ryback: ”You could also say his streak is a big fat round zero ”.

    The crowd boo the usual fan favourite as he exits in a hurry.

    Jerry: Ryback of course showing the hunger which set him on this winning streak there. I will now pass you over to our ring announcer Scott Daniels who will announce our first match of the evening.

    Scott Daniels: Let’s get ready to rumble!! Introducing first Joe Henning!

    The titantron shows a new entrance package for Joe Henning as he makes his way out. . He enters the ring with a microphone in hand. There seems to be a basketball hoop set up in the ring.
    Joe Henning: “It’s time for a change. Starting tonight I aim to be…perfect. Watch me demonstrate an amazing piece of skill”.

    Henning puts a blindfold on and picks up a basketball. Turning his back to the hoop, he attempts to throw it in. And he misses. The crowd start to laugh as Henning removes his blindfold.
    Joe Henning: “Shut up you idiots. I will be taken seriously. Get my opponent out here, I aim to make a statement”.

    Jerry: I guess you can call him Mr Imperfect.

    Mikey: There was a wind. These idiots put him off too.

    Jerry: Haha good one. Let’s see who his opponent is.

    Goldberg makes his way out from the back for his USCW debut.

    Jerry: Was nice knowing ya Joe.

    Just before the match gets started, Ryback makes his way out to the commentary table to “Goldberg” chants. Again he laughs it off and salutes the crowd. The match starts off between the newly repackaged Henning and Goldberg. Goldberg is dominating early on as Henning goes under the rope for a breeder.

    Jerry: Ryback, would you say the streak has become an obsession for you?

    Ryback: Of course not. As long as they feed me more, I’m happy. I don’t care about “who’s next”.

    Mikey: What would you say to people who say you’re a cheap Bill Goldberg?

    Ryback: How about Goldberg being a cheap Ryback?

    Ryback leaves the commentary table and attacks Henning from behind, throwing him into the steel steps. Goldberg is disqualified and Henning picks up a massive win. Ryback picks up a mic.
    Ryback: “I guess you could say your streak continues Bill, your losing one!”

    The crowd don’t like this one bit. Goldberg and Ryback stare down each other as Ryback makes his way to the back to the loudest boos of the night.


    We see a steel chair backstage with a megaphone sitting on it. The crowd go wild.

    Jerry: Does that belong to who I think it does?

    Mikey: Oh my, business is about to pick up. I love the Mouth of the South.

    Jerry: I always found him a bit obnoxious.

    Mikey: It’s called having charisma you idiot, not that you would know anything about that anyways.

    We have our next matchup which consists of Hulk Hogan vs The Mega Plowers. Before the match can start Val Venis gets on the mic.
    Val Venis:“Hello Ladies! You may have come to see the Mega Powers but tonight is all about the Mega Plowers!”

    Buff and Val salute the crowd to a decently sized pop. Hogan starts off very strong picking apart Bagwell. Buff eventually gets the tag to Val Venis but he receives the same treatment from Hogan. Hogan eventually hits the big boot and leg drop on Venis for the win. After the bell we see the Tag Champs The Twin Towers make their way down to the ring. We see the Macho Man looking on from the back with a worried expression on his face. He seems to be debating whether to come out or not. The Twin Towers enter the ring and stare down Hogan but eventually turning their attention to the Mega Plowers. They start to beat on them as Hogan goes under the top rope and exits.

    Jerry: Ah Hogan, help them out!

    Mikey: It’s a dog eat dog world. Smart move from Hogan!

    Suddenly the Macho Man’s music plays as he runs by Hogan to make the save. He clears both member of the Twin Towers and celebrates in the ring with the Mega Plowers as Hogan looks on perplexed.



    Here comes the Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart. Hart makes his way to the ring with his famous megaphone in his possession.
    Jimmy Hart speaking through his megaphone which begins to irritate people: “Seattle, it’s good to be back. I got one important question for you Seattle. Who do you think of when you think of great managers? Would you say Pete Carroll?”

    The crowd erupts with a Yes chant. Hart starts smiling and gets back on the megaphone.
    Jimmy Hart: “I mean the Pete Carroll who blew the Super Bowl a few weeks back”.

    Mikey: Haha Jimmy Hart, I love this guy!

    The crowd don’t like this one bit and start to boo the Mouth of the South.
    Jimmy Hart” When I think of great managers, I think of those who do whatever it takes to win. I think of the great Bill Belichick”.

    The crowd again grow very restless at Hart talking this through a squeaky megaphone. They get a “cheat” chant going.

    Jimmy Hart: “Cheat? No. Smart? Yes! When I think of great managers, have a guess who else I think about? That’s right, I think of me, Jimmy Hart. I’ll do whatever it takes to win and bring my client to the top. Tonight, when it’s all said and done, I will be the manager of the World Heavyweight Champion. Let me introduce to you my new client, King Kong Bundy!”

    Bundy makes his way out to the ring and Hart raises his arm to a chorus of boos.


    Jerry: Oh my, this is quite the pairing.

    Mikey: My guy Jimmy Hart will take Bundy to the very top. Finally Bundy will get the push he deserves. Jimmy Hart will bring him to the top of the mountain

    Jerry: I can’t disagree with you there, partner. I’m just getting word through that Raf32, the Co-Owner of USCW will be here next week in person to answer John Laurinaitis’ challenge.

    Mikey: We have a big show planned already for next week so. John Laurinaitis - Owner has a good ring to it.

    Backstage the Bella twins are arguing when our GM approaches them.

    John Laurinaitis: “Ladies, next week the two of you have a match to compete in. Nikki, your title defence contract states that you must defend it every 30 days and I’m afraid next Monday night is the 30th day.”

    Nikki Bella smugly: “As you know, I’m a fighting champion that is willing to take on all comers. However there is no other diva on the roster for me to face.”

    John Laurinaitis: “Oh but there is. Your sister Brie is an active member of the roster if I’m not mistaken and next week she gets her shot at your title. Ladies, have a good day.”

    The Bella’s go back to arguing when the US Champion Rick Rude turns up and separates them.
    Rick Rude: “Ladies, no need to fight over me, there is enough of the Ravishing One for everyone, especially after I become the World Heavyweight Champion later on tonight”.

    Both Bella’s look disgusted and storm off. Rude looks puzzled.

    Jerry: Big match next week set by the GM.

    Mikey: People Power strikes again, I love it.

    Jerry: It seems pretty clear to me that the people have no power with Mr. Laurinaitis, the power maniac.

    Mikey: Just shut up you idiot. At least he cares about the brand. Where is Raf32? No response for me? Ya I thought so.


    Jerry: And now its time for our main event. I can’t pick a clear favourite here Mikey.

    Mikey: It’s got to be King Kong Bundy for me with Jimmy Hart in his corner. He guaranteed he would manage the world champion when the show ends tonight and Jimmy is a man of his word.

    The ring is full with Joe Henning, Rick Rude, King Kong Bundy, Val Venis, Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, Cody Hall, Buff Bagwell, Akeem and the Big Bossman as Randy Savage makes his way out to the ring. The match starts at a fast intensity with Savage flying around the ring. He eventually clashes with Bundy in the centre of the ring, where there is a trading of punches. Eventually after it looked like Savage was getting the upper hand both men are attacked by the teams of the Long Islands Broskis and the Twin Towers. Rick Rude is clashing with both members of the Mega Plowers which is one for the ladies in the audience. Bundy begins to go on a roll eliminating Ryder, Hawkins and Bagwell in quick succession. Randy Savage also tosses out Joe Henning and Cody Hall within a couple of minutes of each other. Randy Savage, King Kong Bundy, The Twin Towers, Rick Rude and Val Venis remain.

    Mikey: Bundy is dominating in there. It won’t be long until he has that belt around his waist.

    Jerry: Hold on a sec, I’m sure the remaining 5 wrestlers will have something to say about that.

    With everyone down, Val Venis poses for the ladies. Rick Rude instantly becomes jealous to the attention Venis gets and throws him over the top rope. Rude eventually exits the ring under the bottom rope on his own free will. He is not eliminated. Not to be outdone by Venis, he makes his way over to some female audience members. He grabs a mic as the match continues.

    Rick Rude: ”Which one of you ladies would like your own special Rude Awakening” as he kisses a member of the audience.

    The woman feints as Rude feels his hair being grabbed by Randy Savage dragging him back into the ring. The Macho Man eventually gets Rude over the top rope and quickly clotheslines him back over it again to the outside, eliminating him. We are down to four men, Randy Savage, King Kong Bundy and The Twin Towers. Realizing that they will gain an advantage as a team the Tag Champs and Bundy work together against Savage under Jimmy Hart’s instructions. After taking a beating, Savage ducks a clothesline attempt from Akeem in which sends the big man over the top rope to be eliminated. The Big Bossman grows angry and starts to stomp away on Savage, while Bundy goes under the bottom rope to get a breather under the direction of Hart.

    Mikey: Smart move from Jimmy Hart! He does whatever it takes.

    Jerry: Cowardly move more like. The fans don’t like it one bit and I have to agree.

    Savage eventually gets the better of the Bossman and we are down to two.
    Jerry: The Macho Man is overcoming incredible odds.
    The fight goes on for another 20 minutes until Bundy gets control of it. He throws Savage over the top rope…….but Savage hangs on unknown to a celebrating Bundy. Hart tries to warn Bundy but he is too wrapped up celebrating. Savage gets back in and from behind tosses Bundy over the top rope to win the match.


    Jerry: We got a new champion! The Macho Man has done it. What a performance!

    Mikey: What a cheap move from Savage, attacking Bundy from behind.

    John Laurinaitis' music plays and out comes the GM with the big gold belt around his arm.
    John Laurinaitis: "As you all know my name is Mr John Laurinaitis, the General Manager of Monday Night Adrenaline and now the new Co-Owner of USCW.Congratulations Randy, hell of a performance. Earlier on I said that only one spot was available in this battle royale. After careful deliberation, I realized i may have acted too hastily. So in the interest of fairness and by the power bestowed upon me from the people, please welcome the 12th and final participant of the battle royale………..Hollywood Hogan.”

    Hogan comes out to a massive “BS” chant, now dressed in black. He starts shaking his head and it looks like he wants no piece of this. Randy Savage is staring down at him and asking him what’s going on. From nowhere Hart blindsides Macho Man and cracks his megaphone off the back of Savages head. Savage is heavily bleeding lying on the mat. He tries to pull himself up but is struggling. Hogan gets in the ring and is still shaking his head. He helps Savage get up to his feet and then hits a big boot out of nowhere. Hogan then hits his patented leg drop. He picks up Savage and throws him over the rope. He dusts down his hands to make it look light work. Hogan then taunts the crowd with his famous cant hear you. The heat for Hogan is incredible. Hart gets in the ring and raises Hogan’s arm over his head while Hogan places a foot on the fallen Macho Mans chest as we go off air.


    Jerry: Why Hogan? Why? The Macho Man isnt moving!

    Mikey: Hogan has seen the light. Jimmy Hart is a genius. Savage didn’t stand a chance. I love it!

    Jerry: Hogan, you SOB!

    Next week on Adrenaline

    1. How will the Macho Man respond to the double cross by Hogan? Will Hogan explain why he has aligned himself with Hart?
    2. Will Ryback equal Goldberg's legendary streak? Will Goldberg be an interested spectator?
    3. What has Joe Henning planned that will make a statement?
    4. Who will emerge as the challenger to Rick Rudes US title?
    5. Which Bella will come out on top in their title match? Will family ties be burned for good?
    6. What answer will RAF32 give to Big Johnny?
    7. What will become of the tag division? Are the champs safe?
    8. Will we have any new debuts next week?

    All these questions and more will all be answered next Monday at 8/7 C on Monday Night Adrenaline, only available to the RAF network.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Tonight on Beyond Chaos :

    Who will become the new Beyond Chaos Heavyweight Champion as 10 men compete in a Championship Rumble Match to claim the gold?
    Will Vince McMahon show up and what does his investment mean for Beyond Chaos and Jeff Jarrett.
    The cameras are rolling live in Nashville, Tennessee as Monday Night Chaos opens on a hot crowd.

    Commentator 1 : Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the re-debut of Monday Night Chaos. The question on everyone’s lips is what’s going to happen tonight? For those who have been living under a rock for the past few weeks, Vince McMahon ....YES THE VINCE MCMAHON, has come in and invested his money into our beloved company and that is how you are able to enjoy the show tonight.

    Commentator 2: I for one wish to welcome Vince to our Beyond Chaos family with open arms!

    Commentator 1 : Well Jeff Jarrett is still owner as far as we know and we can confirm that Vince McMahon isn’t in the building and its not known if he will even show up. What we can tell you is that Jeff Jarrett is here and is running the show. He has announced a Championship Rumble to crown a new Beyond Chaos Heavyweight Champion and a lot of great talent are involved in that match.

    The Nashville crowd goes wild as Jeff Jarrett appears and addresses the fans in attendance.

    Jeff Jarrett
    : Well, firstly welcome to the re-debut of Monday Night Chaos!

    The fans cheer and break into a ‘Thank You Jarrett’ chant.

    Jeff Jarrett :
    Well lets talk about the elephant in the room firstly and talk about the status of the company. It has been a hard year for me and Beyond Chaos fell on some pretty tough times. I personally worked so hard and everyone here put a lot of effort in to keep the company going. But things got worse and the light at the end of the tunnel was getting dimmer by the day. Beyond Chaos was indeed facing closure.

    The fans boo at the thought of their beloved promotion going under.

    Jeff Jarrett : So I sought out help to keep Beyond Chaos going. I asked friends and family for help and they did what they could but it wasn’t enough. I was desperate folks and I was running out of ideas. Then in a Hail Mary last ditch effort to secure financial backing, I swallowed my pride and asked a man who I hadn’t spoken to in years. I asked a man who I’ve had a stormy relationship to say the least and a man who most likely still held a grudge against me. See this man fired me live on TV, this man accused me of black mailing. This man hates my guts. But he is a man who could keep Beyond Chaos going. So I reached out to Vince McMahon!

    The Nashville crowd are pro Jarrett and boo at the sound of Vince McMahons name.

    Jeff Jarrett : I thought to myself that Vince has the money right, and he’s done business with Hogan, with Bischoff and others over the years who he had bad blood with, once it was good business and I knew Beyond Chaos could rise from the brink and be profitable again with the right financial backing. So I rang Vince up and we met and after long talks, he agreed to invest in Beyond Chaos!

    The fans seem indifferent as they don’t fully believe Vince motives are above board.

    Jeff Jarrett : Now people warned me off Vince and I know what you’re all thinking but I had no other option. He was our only option. In fairness to Vince, he has so far been a pleasure to work with. He paid off our debt, invested his cash and has left me running things here. Vince now owns 51% of this company and I own the remaining 49%. Hes happy to take a backseat and Im happy to be able to run it from here.

    Commentator 2 : So does that mean Vince wont be here?

    Commentator 1 : Im guessing so!

    Jeff Jarrett : So with that in mind, heres whats happening tonight! In this very ring later, we have a Championship Rumble match to crown a new Beyond Chaos Heavyweight Champion. We now have the talent to crown a true champion and that happens tonight. The 10 wrestlers competing will be: Nigel McGuinness (bigger boo) Owen Hart ( huge boo)... Timothy Thatcher (silence as not many know the young rookie) Shannon Moore (slight cheer) Shane Helms (cheers) my good friends Abyss and Matt Morgan (decent cheers) Magnum TA (Big cheer) ...Jake Roberts (bigger cheer). And a surprise mystery entrant. He says that’s all later but lets start the show now!
    Jarrett leaves and walks backstage. The Commentary team continue to speculate what’s in store for Beyond Chaos in relation to the Vince and Jarrett, as familiar theme music plays and the fans go wild as Jake The Snake Roberts appears to the fans who give him a standing ovation. The commentators touch on his drinking, drugs and marital problems from his past as Jake makes his entrance.

    Jake grabs a mic and smiles as he appreciates the crowd who have great admiration for him.

    Jake Roberts : Well its good to be back.

    A ‘Lets Go Jake’ chant starts and Jake pauses for a moment taking it in.

    Jake Roberts : Firstly Id like to say hi to my fans and my family in attendance...

    The camera pans to the front row where we see Jakes 16 year old son, Aaron Roberts.

    Jake Roberts : it has been a tough journey but I’ve made it through hell and back. I was so far down in the pits of hell that I used to stare at the devil himself in the eye. My addictions had a hold on me, stronger than any submission hold and I used to tap out every time. The domino effect of that was I lost my family, my friends and I truly was a huge bastard. The truth was that, the devil I used to stare in the eye was simply my own reflection staring back.

    Jake looks to the sky as he continues.

    Jake Roberts : But I found help, I found the light and I clawed my way back up that fiery canyon and said goodbye to the devil within me. Recovery was a long hard, treacherous road but I can say with my hand on my heart that I’ve made it back and I’m better than ever. I’m clean living, hard working and its made me a better person.

    The fans begin to applaud Jake in a nice show of respect.

    Jake Roberts : I’m in the best shape of my career and its time to be the man I should have been years ago. I should have been a Champion!

    The fans cheer and agree.

    Jake Roberts : I could have been a Champion but I pissed it all away. But not this time, his time I’m going to become the champion I know I can be. So by that I mean I’m throwing my name into the hat for the Championship Rumble later tonight (crowd pops) and I want one last shot at a Heavyweight Title run. Tonight I realize my potential and tonight I make my dream a reality!

    Jake thanks the fans for their support, their help and their patients with him before being interrupted by The King of Harts, Owen Hart

    Owen climbs in the ring and grabs a mic.

    Owen Hart : Jesus Christ your pathetic. Look at you, pandering to these yokels, I’m about to puke if you keep spewing this inspirational nonsense. So you beat the bottle and your back, so what! You’re still not on my level Jake and you never will be. I’m in the Championship Rumble too and Tonight, the whole wrestling world will have no choice but to view Owen Hart as The Best There Is, The Best There Was and The Best there Ever Will Be!

    This brings out Nigel McGuinness to a chorus of boo’s as hes just as unpopular as Hart. Nigel is out in his union jack attire and he’s clutching his IC title on his shoulder as he grabs a mic himself.

    Nigel McGuinness : Woah, easy mate. Firstly you’re not the best, obviously I am, and secondly tonight is my night. Tonight I make history and become Beyond Chaos’s first duel champion and there is not a damn thing either of you can do about it!

    Hes now interrupted himself as another music intro hits and out comes the tough son of a gun that is Magnum TA to a nice reaction.

    Magnum TA : Everyone is wasting there time as its my time to shine tonight. And I’ll show no sympathy later when I’m dumping anyone I see over the top rope. But talk is cheap and I’m going to show each of you guys a preview.

    Magnum rushes to the ring and all 4 men go at it. Its mayhem as all four men brawl but soon Magnum and Jake both throw McGuinness and Hart respectively and both turn around to face each other at the same time. Both men stare each other down and nod there heads in respect of each other as Hart and McGuinness lick there wounds on the outside as we go to our first ad break of many!
    We are back and young cocky up starts, The New age Outlaws ,B.A. Billy Gunn and Road Dogg Jessie James are out and James berates the fans on his way out, calling them slacked jaw yokels and inbred hicks and the like. The Outlaws are out for their no1 one contender’s match for the tag team belts, held by the Midnight Express. Their opponents are out next and its The Hart Dynasty, Harry Smith and Tyson Kidd. Typically, Harry Smith is looking extremely focused while Tyson Kidd, fresh from his fame exposure as a result of Total Divas, is taking selfies with fans as they make their entrance much to the displeasure of Smith.

    The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Road Dogg) vs The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith.)

    Its a nice back and forth match at first but the outlaws eventually cut the ring in half and work over Kidd. Tyson soon enough catches a break and makes the hot tag to Smith. Harry smith cleans house and he and Kidd look like in total control but during the mayhem Kidd accidentally hits Smith, knocking him out with a mean spin kick to the jaw. The Outlaws capitalize by tossing Tyson out and Smith then gets double teamed and pinned for the 1...2...3

    Winners : New Age Outlaws

    The Outlaws scramble to the back pleased with their win while a dazed Smith is confronted by Kidd. Kidd blames Smith for the loss, saying he should follow his lead in the ring as he is the star of the team. Kidd then shoves Smith But Harry shoves Kidd back, knocking him down. Smith walks off leaving Tyson Kidd on his ass in the ring.

    We are back folks and backstage the Outlaws are celebrating being overly loud and obnoxious when they are confronted by the tag team champs, The Midnight Express, Sweet Stan Lane and Beautiful Bobby Eaton.

    Road Dogg : Whoa careful Billy, its the tag team “Gramps”.

    Billy Gunn : Hold on now partner, are you sure? These look like a couple of old timers. These cant be the Tag Champs, they are just two golden oldies who escaped from the home. They probably don’t remember where they are? .

    (Billy then begins talking louder and slower at the Midnight Express as if they are deaf playing off the fact that they are old veterans.)

    Billy Gunn : DO...YOU...KNOW....WHERE...YOU.... ARE? ..... WOULD.....YOU.........LIKE... ME.... TO ....CALL ....YOUR.... GRANDSON.... TO... BRING... YOUR.... PILLS.... OVER?

    Road Dogg : WOULD...YOU ....LIKE.....ME....TO....CHECK...THE ...OBITUARIES ....PAGE......IN....THE ....NEWSPAPER....TO .........SEE....IF....YOUR ....NAMES....ARE....IN ....IT? HAHAHAHA

    Stan Lane takes no guff and slaps the taste out of Rodd Doggs mouth and a brawl ensues between the two teams. The refs come in to separate the two teams with the Tag Champs getting a slight advantage.
    We then switch backstage to Harry Smith and up comes Tyson into the picture and pleads says we have to sort this out. Harry agrees and Tyson rejoices by saying great and says he understands and that he hopes Harry can improve and get on to the same level as him. Harry is shocked by Tysons unknowing arrogance and walks off with Tyson oblivious to how hes acting as we switch to ringside.
    Beyond Chaos Intercontinental Champion Nigel McGuinness is back out and strolls to ringside.
    He runs down the crowd and the other wrestlers in the back. He says hes out here with the Nigel McGuinness challenge! He says no one in the back can last 5 minutes with him in the ring and if any guy in the back can out last him for 5 minutes then he will give them a shot at his title at the New Dawn PPV. He calls on any man with half a grapefruit to come out so he can prove hes the best IC champ of all time.

    ut comes a rookie from the back to challenge McGuinness. McGuinness questions his heart before slapping the youngster and the bell rings.

    Nigel McGuiness vs Walt Shadow (Local worker)

    Nigel wins in impressive fashion in 3:47, total dominating his opponent before trapping him in the London dungeon for the submission win.

    Winner : Nigel McGuinness

    Commentator 2 : My Boy Nigel looks like a million bucks, hes my pick to win the Championship Rumble later.

    Nigel throws the local guy to the outside, over the top rope, before grabbing the mic and challenging another wrestler to try hang with him?
    Out comes another local guy and Nigel asks him his name. The guy replies ‘ Brad Hunter’ and Nigel tells him its his funeral.

    Nigel McGuinness vs Brad Hunter (local worker)

    McGuinness slaps him around pretty easy before making him tap out with the London Dungeon in 1.24.

    Winner : Nigel McGuinness

    Commentator 2 : Wow he just beat two guys and hes in the Rumble later. What a talent!

    Nigel tosses him to the outside and begins posing with the belt as we go to commercial.

    We are backstage with good friends Abyss and Matt Morgan and both men talk up their chances of winning the Championship Rumble later on. They are then asked their feelings on the situation involving good long time friend Jeff Jarrett and Vince McMahon. Morgan says they have Jarretts back and trusts what he’s doing is best for the company as we switch to ringside.
    We switch to another part of the locker room and we see Shannon Moore, whos recently gone through a whopping losing streak. (68-0 to be exact) Hes telling a reporter that his losing streak ends tonight. Shannon says he’s going to realize his dream. Shannon proclaims that tonight is his night and hes going to become a true winner by winning the Rumble. Shannon is overly pumped up as long time friend, Shane Helms, who is also in the Rumble, enters and wishes Moore luck.

    Helms then remind him its everyman or himself in a friendly way. They fist bump as we go to an ad break.

    The Beyond Chaos Championship Rumble. (Entrants 10 : Owen Hart, Magnum TA, Timothy Thatcher, Jake Roberts, Nigel McGuinness, Abyss, Matt Morgan, Shane Helms, Shannon Moore + Surprise entrant )

    The ring announcer explains the rules (usual Royal rumble rules) to the crowd and the camera shows Jeff Jarrett whos holding the vacant Beyond Chaos Title. The Ring Announcer introduces entrant number 1 and its Jake Roberts...

    Entrant 1 : Jake The snake Roberts

    Jake draws number 1 and out comes Roberts to a great reaction. Roberts salutes the fans then waits on the next entrant.......

    Ring Announcer : and Entrant Number 2.......







    The music of the one and only Shawn Michaels plays and out comes a huge surprise entrant.....HBK Shawn Michaels to an even bigger pop than Jake.

    Commentator 1 : What? Is that ......Yes it is, Its the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels. Has he joined Beyond Chaos? What a surprise entry!

    Commentator 2 : I’m guessing so! What a coup for Jeff Jarrett and Beyond Chaos!

    Shawn does his usual entrance routine and slaps a few hands of fans before stepping into the ring. Jake Roberts looks in shock as Shawn poses to the crowd.

    The music cuts and Shawn and Jake meet in the centre of the ring. Shawn extends his hand to Jake and Jake returns the favour. The crowd is hot as these two favourites lock up as both ‘HBK’ and ‘DDT’ chants can be heard.

    Both men try to out wrestle each other, with nether one able to hold on to the upper hand. Both men are applauded by the fans as both men then trade rights and lefts as the buzzer goes for the arrival of Entrant number 3.

    Entrant 3 : Nigel McGuiness
    The IC Champ is out and is booed heavily by the crowd as he slides into action. Nigel clubs both men and hits two beautiful German suplexs on each man. With both men laid out the countdown begins for Entrant 4 ....

    Entrant 4 : Timothy Thatcher!

    New British superstar and relative big time rookie, Timothy Thatcher strolls out. He looks psyched as he enters and bravely attacks his fellow Brit viciously with a flurry of hard hitting kicks. Nigel dodges one of Thatchers kicks and begins to beats down Thatcher before trapping him in an armbar, with Jake and Shawn both catching their breath in opposite corners. McGuinness mocks Thatcher while in the move but Thatcher some how reverses it into an armbar of his own and what followed is some old school catch as catch can style reversals with both men trying to counter the other, finishing with Nigel nearly being tossed out by the youngster.

    Commentator 1 : Thatcher almost caused a huge upset there!

    Commentator 2 : No punk rookie will take Nigel out, hes my pick to win!

    McGuinness recovers to his feet and walks towards Timothy and slaps him. Thatcher retaliates with right hands and Nigel is rocked. Nigel desperately goes of a clothesline but Thatcher ducks and dropkicks Nigel to over the top rope as entrant number 5 is signaled for arrival.

    Eliminated : Nigel McGuinness

    Entrant 5 : Owen Hart

    Commentator 1 : McGuinness cant believe it. Hes been taken out by the rookie!

    Owen Harts music hits and he stands at the entrance ramp as Nigel is going ballistic on the outside, smashing up the Spanish announce table. Thatcher turns his attention to Owen but Nigel slides back in, throwing Thatcher out from behind.

    Eliminated : Timothy Thatcher

    Owen arrives and watches as McGuinness follows Thatcher and goes postal on the young Brit by beating him to a bloody pulp with the ring bell. A few referees come out to break it up as Owen starts stomping on both Jake and Shawn who are still down. Owen is vicious in his strikes with a vicious spin kick on Jake and a massive Enziguri to the temple of HBK. Entrant 4 comes out.

    Entrant 6 : Shane ‘Hurricane’ Helms

    Out comes Helms and Owen gets right to work over him as he enters. Its back and fourth between these two and over in the opposite corner, Jake and Michaels recover and trade blows as entrant 5 comes out

    Entrant 7 : Matt Morgan

    Morgan gets right to work dominating all men with powerful clotheslines and hard elbows and comes close to eliminating Jake and Shawn, but both men hang on somehow. He hits Helms with a vicious Carbon Footprint, but before he can follow up, out comes Entrant 6

    Entrant 8 : Abyss

    Abyss comes out and goes at it with good friend Morgan as both men know its everyman for himself. Owen recovers and tosses Helms over but the monkey like reflexes of Helms keeps him in it. Jake comes close to elimination on number of occasions as well by Shawn Michaels but manages to hang on each time. Out next is entrant 9

    Commentator 2 : Maybe its going to be Jakes night, no one can seem to eliminate him.

    Entrant 9 : Magnum TA

    Magnum TA storms to the ring to a great reaction and is a house of fire. He knocks down Owen and Helms with vicious lariats and nails HBK with a massive powerslam. Magnum then grabs Jake by the scruff and throws him over, but Jake hangs on and only one foot touches the floor. He then spots Morgan and Abyss battling near the ropes and double clothelines both men over the top rope!

    Commentator 1 : Wow! Magnum TA is cleaning house, taking out both big men in one swoop.

    Eliminated : Abyss

    Eliminated : Matt Morgan

    Magnum TA pumps up the crowd after that as entrant 10 comes out

    Entrant 10 : Shannon Moore

    Shannon Moore comes out and tries to psych him self up before entering. But it all ends in doom and gloom for the Moore because as soon as he enters he’s clotheslined over the top by Magnum TA, who looks unstoppable.

    Eliminated : Shannon Moore

    Magnum hypes up the crowd as Shannon is in disbelief at being eliminated so quickly and easily, as the commentary team speculate if Shannon broke a record for shortest time in a rumble. Shane Helms tries to capitalise Magnum TA being distracted by dealing with Shannon but Magnum telegraphs his attack and back body drops him over the top.

    Eliminated : Shane Helms

    We are down to the final 4 as Jake Roberts, Shawn Michaels, Magnum TA and Owen Hart all brawl, each one trying to gain supremacy.

    Commentator 1 : Magnum has eliminated Morgan, Abyss, Helms and Shannon Moore. Hes my pick!

    Commentator 2 : No, Shawn and Jake seem to be hanging in there, Ill go with Shawn myself.

    In a great spot, Shawn is caught mid air by Magnum TA from a cross body attempted and dumped over the top rope impressively with a Fall Away slam but Michaels hangs on my grabbing the bottom rope and miraculously stays in. Magnum cant believe it, and while hes in disbelief, Owen hart comes for him with a clothesline. But Magnum ducks and back body drops Owen over to the floor.

    Eliminated : Owen Hart

    Owen is screaming in agony on the outside, as it appears hes badly hurt his leg on his way out. A referee at ringside signals X for a serious injury which alerts Magnum to look over the rope with concern for Owen. But this allows Jake to sneak up on Magnum and drops him with a DDT.


    As Jake gets up, Shawn hits him with flying forearm and Jake drops to the mat. Shawn nips up to his feet and as Magnum rises to his feet, Shawn hits him with a Sweet Chin Music to knock him over the top rope! We are down to 2! Jake and Shawn.

    Commentator 1 : Both these men started the rumble. One of them will be crown Champion!

    Jake is up and he and Shawn trade blows similar to the start of the rumble. Fans begin chanting for both men, but the Jake chants are clearly louder. Shawn gets an advantage with a thumb to the eye and drops Jake with another flying forearm. Shawn climbs the ropes and hits marvellous flying elbow drop. Shawn begins to tune up ‘the band’ as Jake tries to use the ropes to get to his feet....

    Commentator 1 : Shawn’s going to win if he hits this.

    Shawn stamps his foot and goes for his super kick finisher but Jake ducks and kicks Shawn in the gut....DDT! DDT by Jake and Shawns head bounces off the mat. Shawn staggers to his feet and is clotheslined by Jake, over the top to the floor.


    Commentator 1 : Jakes done it! Jake has won the big one! Jake is Champion!

    Jakes theme plays as Roberts drops to his knees and points to the sky as the referee raises his hand. Jake is over come with emotion as Jeff Jarrett comes into the ring and with the Beyond Chaos Heavyweight Title. Shawn recovers on the outside and looks up at Jake celebrating. Shawn rolls into the ring and snatches the title from Jarretts hands.

    Commentator 1 : What the hell is Shawn Michaels up to here?

    The music stops as Jarrett and Roberts stare at the seemingly jealous Shawn. Shawn stares at the title as if so say ‘this should be mine’ before looking at Jake and respectfully handing Jake the title and raises Roberts hand.

    Commentator 1
    : What a class act by Shawn, what a show of respect.

    Shawn and Jeff applaud Jake, as the new Champion climbs the turn buckle to show off his new prize. Jarrett leaves as Roberts points to his grandson in the crowd as if to say this ones for you. Jake jumps down from the turnbuckle and BAM!....Shawn Michaels nails him with a Super Kick out of nowhere.

    The crowd is in shock and begin to boo as Shawn coldly and uncharacteristically stands over the body of Jake Roberts. Shawn picks up the heavyweight Title and mouths that ‘it should have been me’. Jakes 16 year old son Aaron jumps the barrier and checks on his father. Aaron then confronts Shawn who says nothing and shows no emotion before hitting Aaron Roberts with a Super kick too!

    Commentator 1 : What the hell has Shawn done! Hes assaulted our New Champion and his young son.

    Shawn shows no emotion and drops the belt as the commentators speculate whats gotten into Shawn as we fade out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    (Graphic by Deadlie)

    Preview Show here.

    Week 1 Show here.

    Previously on Monday Night Grappling:
    - Tyler Breeze, Dynamite Kid, Davey Boy Smith and Nick Bockwinkel advanced to the semi-finals of the King of the Ring tournament.

    - The masked attacker of Stone Cold showed up during the tournament and revealed a mysterious countdown clock showing 3 hours and 16 minutes.

    - Stone Cold returned and took possession of his World Title. He delivered a Stunner to Kim Kardashian and declared he would go through the roster if he had to in order to find his attacker.

    The opening shot is the countdown timer first seen last week. This time it’s showing 2 hours 45 minutes. The announcers note that falls within the time-frame of tonight’s show. Will we find the attacker’s identity tonight, they wonder?

    The shows opening theme plays and fireworks and pyro go off from Albuquerque, New Mexico.


    Rey Mysterio's music hits and enters the ring to a loud pop. Rey grabs a mic and says he doesn’t know why Sin Cara has been so angry with him and that he has always regarded him as a compadre, an amigo. He says he doesn’t know why Sin Cara came out during his King of the Ring qualifier against Nick Bockwinkel, nor why Sin Cara pushed him afterwards. He says he obviously has a problem with him and so he asks Sin Cara to come out so they can clear the air.

    Instead, however, tag team champs Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard appear and enter the ring.


    Arn says he has a more legit beef than Rey as he too was screwed during the tournament last week. Rey says Arn and Tully got what they deserved for what they did to Kerry Von Erich - taking him out backstage.

    Tully gets annoyed and says no one cares about Rey or the other Mexican jumping bean and he and Arn begin attacking Rey.

    Sin Cara then runs down to even the odds and fights back against the Brainbusters. The announcers wonder whether he is there to help Rey, or is he upset at the Brainbusters for insulting him.

    A referee runs down and it seems we have our first match of the night.

    Match – Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara (non-title)

    In the opening minutes Rey and Arn have an enjoyable exchange with Rey getting the better of it in the early going. Arn tags in Tully as he is getting flustered.

    Sin Cara then tags himself in with a hard slap to the back of Rey.
    Commentator #2: Ha, I don’t think Rey was too impressed with that!

    Commentator #1: I think you’re right. It looked like Rey was doing alright in there.

    At any rate Sin Cara with a nice head scissors takedown on Blanchard. It looks like Blanchard is reaching for the ropes here…


    Commentator #1: Wait a minute! It's Stone Cold!

    Commentator #2: What the hell?! What is he doing here? We've got a match going on right now!

    Stone Cold marches down to the ring looking in a mean mood. He enters the ring as Blanchard and Sin Cara stand there looking confused.

    Austin hits a Stunner to Blanchard; then, as Arn runs in and attempts a clothesline, Austin ducks and gives a Stunner to Arn Anderson as well.

    The referee calls for the bell.

    Winner via D.Q.: Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard

    Upon hearing the announced result, Sin Cara shoves Stone Cold in the chest. He’s not happy that Austin cost them the match. He shoves Austin again and begins pointing at him. Austin looks at the crowd and smiles and then gives the one-fingered salute followed by a Stunner to Sin Cara!

    Rey Mysterio then enters the ring having observed everything from the turnbuckle. He grabs a mic.
    Rey Mysterio: Steve…bro, look I know what you’re doing esse. I understand how upset you are. But Steve this is not the way to handle things, man. You can’t just go around stunning everyone like this.

    (The crowd boo)

    I know you want to find the masked attacker. And judging by the size of the guy in the ring last week, I think you know that it wasn’t me. So let me say this as someone who respects you, and admires you. Please stop what you’re doing, man.

    (The crowd boo once more and begin chanting for Austin, who takes the mic)

    Stone Cold: Well hell son I’ve listened to what you said, and I want you to know Rey I respect you too. And I can tell you this, right from the bottom of my heart, I don’t believe you were the one who attacked me two weeks ago.

    (Rey thanks Stone Cold and smiles)

    Stone Cold: But with all that being said, hell son you sure did pick the wrong day to give me a sermon…

    Austin then hits a Stunner to Rey and leaves the ring with all four men lying on the canvas. He marches up the aisle as his music plays.

    At the top of the ramp, GM Eric Bischoff comes out. Bischoff can be heard asking what the hell Austin thinks he’s doing. He Kim Kardashian is at home because of Austin and does he have any idea how hard he had to work to not get sued by Kardashian’s representatives? During this rant, Austin just brushes past him and leaves Bischoff standing there red-faced.
    Commentator #2: Austin just dissed Bischoff! This rattlesnake has no respect!

    ***commercial break***

    ***backstage*** A jeep pulls up


    Out of the jeep steps Kevin and David Von Erich as the fans cheer. An interviewer runs up and asks what they’re doing here. Kevin says Kerry was so badly beat up last week that he can't be here tonight as he’s at home recuperating. David says they’re here to get payback on the Brainbusters. When the interviewers says they were just attacked by Austin and have left, they say they will then have to turn their attentions towards that punk with the glass mask who set the attack up. The interviewer says Breeze is in hiding somewhere in the building. Kevin says his family enjoy hunting.


    Bischoff is in his office on the phone shouting at security to ensure Austin doesn’t screw up the King of the Ring tournament.

    The British Bulldogs enter and tell Bischoff they don’t want interference in their matches later either from masked men or angry rattlesnakes. Bischoff agrees and says that’s just what he was sorting out. He says he has a plan.

    Davey Boy asks what the plan is and then there is a knock on the door. Bischoff says his plan is right outside. He says ‘Come in’ and in walks Jim Ross to a big pop from the crowd.

    Commentator #1: Hey it’s good ol’ J.R. Great to see him!

    Commentator #2: Whaddya mean great to see him? We might be out of a job now.

    J.R. warmly greets Dynamite and Davey Boy and says how much he admires them. He is less warm with Bischoff and says he is only here for the sake of his friend, Stone Cold.

    Bischoff says that's fine. He says J.R. may be the only one who can rein in the Rattlesnake and allow the King of the Ring tournament to go ahead. He wants J.R. to go out on commentary and talk sense into Austin if he shows up again.

    J.R. says he will do his best – not for Bischoff, but for his friend’s sake.

    Match – Paige vs Mystery Opponent

    Paige enters to a big pop with mother Saraya following behind looking stern-faced. Paige says she was told by Eric Bischoff that her next opponent will be a non-title match against someone she knows very well but she has no idea who it is. She tells the mystery opponent to come on out…

    Paige and Saraya are shocked to see Bayley who comes down to a warm pop from the fans. The announcers note that Paige and Bayley are great friends. Paige can be seen smiling at Bayley’s arrival; Saraya, however, is not happy.

    Bayley takes a mic and says she couldn’t wait to join Monday night Grappling and one of the main reasons was to see Paige again. She gives Paige a big hug but Saraya breaks it up and gets in her daughter’s face. ‘You forgettin’ you’ve got a match now against this dozy bint?’

    Paige looks shocked at her mother’s reaction but she nods and gives a professional handshake to Bayley as the referee gets the match under way.

    The match goes 15 minutes or so and highlights include a diving back elbow from Bayley, and Paige hitting a fallaway slam off the second rope.

    At the finish of the match, Bayley looks to be taking control. She hits a big bulldog on Paige and runs the ropes but from outside Saraya grabs her leg causing Bayley to stumble.
    Commentator #1: Hey Saraya just tripped Bayley! I don’t think Paige even saw it.

    Bayley looks to the outside confused but as she turns around Paige hits her with the Ram-Paige for the 1…2…3.

    Winner: Paige

    At the end of the match Paige celebrates but Bayley is not happy and explains to her friend what happened. Paige is sceptical and Saraya shakes her head and tells Paige that Bayley’s lying. Bayley gets angry and looks to the fans who cheer and stick up for her as Paige seems to doubt her mother’s version of events. Saraya then gets mad and clubs Bayley down with a vicious forearm smash as the fans boo.


    ‘What the hell?’ says Paige, as she looks down at her fallen friend, but Saraya gets in her daughter’s face: ‘Whose side are you on?’ she asks. Paige is shocked and confused and tries to calm her mother but Saraya screams ‘You’ve changed!’, and leaves the ring and walks up the aisle to boos from the fans.

    ***commercial break***

    Upon return we see a clip from during the commercial break showing Jim Ross joining the announcing desk. He is cordial to both commentators and shakes their hands but seems anxious about his friend, Stone Cold.

    ***backstage segment*** The Bulldog's locker room

    Davey Boy asks has Dynamite seen Matilda. He can’t find her. Dynamite says no. Then Stone Cold enters. The fans cheer as he gets in the faces of both Bulldogs.
    Stone Cold: You know why I’m here.

    (The Bulldogs stand up and after a long pause they nod)

    Stone Cold (looking at Dynamite): I’m just gonna ask this once. Did you do it?

    Dynamite: If I wanted to take anyone out, and I mean anyone, I would do it eye to eye, face to face. And if you know anything about me, you’d know that.

    Stone Cold (eyeballs him a few moments, then nods): I believe what you’re saying is true. But what about him?

    (Austin gets in Davey Boy’s face)

    You and I have history Davey Boy…your time with the Hart Foundation. Owen, Your brother-in-law, once badly injured my neck. You’d know all about that. It has me wonderin' - was it you?

    Davey Boy: Steve, we do have history. And I do know all about your neck. But an attack from behind is not my style. I know all about bad injuries and I’d never intentionally injure a fellow pro. I think you know that.

    Austin eyes them up a few more moments and nods. He turns to leave when Dynamite asks him not to get involved in any of the King of the Ring matches ; he notes his match with Tyler Breeze is next. Austin says he has unfinished breeze with Breeze - but agrees to wait until after the match to settle it.



    Rey Mysterio is heading out of the building holding the back of his head. An interviewer asks where Sin Cara is and Rey says he doesn’t know. Rey has a troubled look on his face. The interviewer asks if Rey is okay and Rey says no – he holds up Sin Cara’s mask and says he just found this in Sin Cara’s dressing room.

    Rey says he’s concerned for Sin Cara. A luchador like Sin Cara never takes his mask off. He leaves looking concerned.

    King of the Ring Semi-Final #1 – Tyler Breeze vs Dynamite Kid

    Dynamite comes out first to a great pop. As we wait for Tyler we see him backstage walking to the ring wearing his glass mask and carrying his phone; he looks nervous. There is a dog’s bark and as Tyler removes his mask he spots that it’s Matilda. He tells it to ‘shoo’ and threatens to kick it as the dog scampers away. Tyler laughs but he’s not laughing as he sees Kevin and David Von Erich behind the dog, and running right towards him.

    The Von Erichs catch Tyler and put a beating on him. ‘That’s for our brother you little punk!’ says Kevin as the fans cheer. ‘Good job, girl’ says David to Matilda and pats the dog on the head.
    Commentator #1: Looks like Matilda led the Von Erichs straight to Tyler Breeze!

    Commentator #2: That damn mutt! But what about the match?

    Jim Ross: Like this kid or not he has guts and a will to compete. He still wants to fight.

    In the ring as the ref begins to count, Tyler staggers down and just about makes it at the count of 9.

    It turns out, though, he needn’t have bothered; Dynamite immediately hits a snap suplex and goes up top and drops a diving headbutt. He makes the cover for the 1…2…3.

    Winner and advancing to the King of the Ring final: Dynamite Kid

    As Dynamite celebrates on the turnbuckle, Stone Cold's music hits. Austin enters the ring and acknowledges Dynamite as he passes him. Austin grabs a mic whilst Tyler is dragging himself up on the ropes. Dynamite stays in the ring to watch.

    Stone Cold then eyes up Jim Ross and as Ross goes to sit up, Austin slowly shakes his head and J.R. sits back down. Austin approaches Breeze.
    Stone Cold: Damn son, you just got a hell of an ass whoopin'.

    Breeze begins to plead with Austin.

    Stone Cold: Shut up. You're pathetic. What was it you called me last week, son? I believe you said I was a 'poor white trash, Texan.' Is that what you think? What? (he points the mic towards Breeze)

    Breeze: Please. I made a mistake, okay. I’m sorry.

    Stone Cold: Oh you made a mistake? What? Were you involved in having my damn neck almost broken? What? Was that a mistake too? What?

    Breeze: No…no…I had nothing to do with that, I swear…please…

    Stone Cold (picking up Breeze’s glass mask) Hell son, don’t you know Stone Cold is all about shattering glass? Maybe I ought to shatter this sumbitch over your head, you sorry piece of trash.

    (fans cheer)

    Stone Cold: Nah I ain’t gonna do that. I like the fact that this thing means I don’t have to look at that face of yours so damn much, ya creepy little bastard. But let me just reach into my pocket and give you this instead…

    Austin reaches inside and pulls out a middle finger and then stuns Tyler Breeze as the fans cheer.

    Commentator #2: This rattlesnake has struck again. Hey cowboy, that’s your cue. Get up there and stop-

    At that moment, J.R. takes off his headset and is about ready to get up and go to Austin when, up on the titantron, a masked man is seen giving a kicking to somebody backstage. The camera pans back and we see the victim is Davey Boy. The camera pulls back further and we can see the masked attacker – and he is enormous.

    The masked attacker then pulls off the mask to reveal…

    Commentator #1: It’s Rikishi! Rikishi is the masked man!

    Rikishi smiles at the camera.
    Rikishi: Surprise, Austin. Tonight will go down in history as the night the Stone Cold truth blew up in your face.

    Rikishi then lifts up Davey Boy and delivers a sick Rikishi driver on to the concrete floor.

    The countdown timer then appears on the screen - 28 minutes, 15 seconds, it reads. The announcers ponder what the timer means. Stone Cold and Dynamite Kid meanwhile hurry up the aisle and backstage.

    ***Final commercial break***

    We see Davey Boy getting helped on to a stretcher as Bischoff is standing by, flanked by around a dozen security guys. The medics tell Bischoff Davey Boy must go to hospital and is out of the King of the Ring tournament.

    Bischoff says Nick Bockwinkel therefore advances to the final by forfeit. Dynamite says that's not fair. Austin says he was looking for Bockwinkel earlier and couldn’t find him. Bischoff says he hasn’t seen much of him either. Austin says this doesn’t smell right.

    The medics take Davey Boy away and Dynamite goes with them. Bischoff says Dynamite has to leave Davey Boy or else Bockwinkel will win the tournament. Dynamite says he has to do what’s best and he leaves with his cousin. Bischoff turns to say something to Austin but he finds Austin has disappeared…

    Main event: King of the Ring Final


    Nick Bockwinkel comes out looking pleased with himself as the audience boos.

    Bockwinkel grabs a mic and says this is not the way he anticipated winning the tournament but a win is a win and he asks the ref to raise his hand.

    Rikishi enters to his ‘bad man’ theme and he has a mic with him.
    Rikishi: Congratulations, Nick. Our plan worked beautifully. Now that your win is only moments away I’ll be taking my $50,000 cheque from you.

    Commentator #1: Wait a minute, is he saying what I think he’s saying?

    Jim Ross: I don’t believe this!

    Commentator #2: Wait a minute now. Bockwinkel looks like he doesn’t know what Rikishi’s talking about.

    Rikishi: You see, ladies and gentlemen, it was Nick Bockwinkel who instructed me to take out Stone Cold Steve Austin at the Preview Show.

    That’s right – I did it for the Bock. I did it for the people.

    Bockwinkel is shaking his head.

    Rikishi: Nick told me that Austin was too dominant in Monday Night Grappling. He was holding back legends like himself. I agreed with Nick that Austin needed to be taken out – but only for the right price. That price was 50 thousand dollars. And now Nick, I just need you to pay up and we can both go on our way.

    Bockwinkel grabs a mic.

    Bockwinkel: I don’t know what you’re talking about you rotund cretinous humanoid but I have never-

    Stone Cold’s music hits and Austin can be seen running through the crowd and over the barricade. He hits the ring and begins hammering Bockwinkel with rights and lefts. He then raises the middle fingers and hits the stunner to Nick Bockwinkel.

    From behind, though, Rikishi nails Austin in the back and then, with Austin prone on the ground, he drops his big ass on top of Austin’s chest.

    Up on the titantron the countdown timer reappears - there are ten seconds left:











    Then the lights go out.
    Jim Ross: Someone tell me what’s going on here!


    There is an almighty explosion as if a bomb just went off.

    The lights come back on and we see in the ring Rikishi - plus a masked figure.


    Commentator #1: Wait a minute! Rikishi said he was the masked man! Who the hell is this?

    Rikishi smiles at the masked individual who picks up Stone Cold's World Title and drapes it over his shoulder. The masked individual then pulls off his mask to reveal…









    Jim Ross: Aw, sonofabitch! It’s Dynamite Kid! The masked man is Dynamite Kid! What the hell is this about?! What is this about?!

    The crowd boos as Dynamite extends his hand towards Rikishi and shakes it. He instructs Rikishi to get a chair and when Rikishi hands it to Dynamite, he begins a vicious assault with the chair on both Stone Cold and Nick Bockwinkel.

    Jim Ross: Damn it. this is not right! Where is the security Bischoff promised?! And where is Bischoff for that matter?! Somebody stop this! Jesus, STOP IT!

    Bischoff then emerges and walks down the aisle with an angry expression on his face. He has a mic with him. He gets in the ring.

    Bischoff: Dynamite! Dynamite! What are you doing, huh? And you, Rikishi! What the hell do the two of you think you are doing?

    They stop and stare at him.

    Bischoff: What do you two think you’re doing…having all this fun without me?


    All three men then break into grins and hug each other.

    Jim Ross: Oh for God’s sakes! That son of a bitch Bischoff was in on it! I should have known! The no good lying bastard!

    Dynamite then continues his assault, hitting Bockwinkel and Stone Cold with dozens of chair shots.

    Bischoff: Dynamite, before we get too carried away here, there is still the ‘small’ formality to deal with of the King of the Ring final. Referee! Ring the bell to start the match!

    The referee stands there shocked and unsure if Bischoff is serious.

    Bischoff: Ring the damn bell I said!

    The referee rings the bell and Dynamite places his foot across the chest of Nick Bockwinkel. The ref has no choice but to make the count – 1…2…3.

    Winner and King of the Ring: Dynamite Kid

    Jim Ross: Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch, this is not right! This is not right, damn it!

    Commentator #1: Let’s think about this. Dynamite must have had his own cousin and tag partner taken out earlier tonight by Rikishi. He had Rikishi falsely accuse Bockwinkel of being involved as well. And earlier tonight when the Bulldog’s mascot led the Von Erichs to Tyler Breeze, that must have been Dynamite's doing also.

    Commentator #2: And don't forget last week when the lights went out and Rikishi attacked – we thought he went after Dynamite and Arn Anderson – but the lights had gone out, remember? He must have only targeted Arn Anderson!

    Jim Ross: Exactly right. It was a damn set-up all along, and Eric Bischoff was in on the whole thing.

    Bischoff: Let’s here it for our new King of the Ring and the man who will face Stone Cold for the World Title at Grapplemania…

    The fans boo and begin throwing garbage as Bischoff hands the mic to Dynamite.

    Dynamite: Yes, it was me. I did it. I went to Eric Bischoff with a plan to take that scumbag out of action; I knew Eric and I could work together. I was the one that took Austin out at the Preview Show. I blindsided him from behind and I drove the bastid’s head into the concrete.

    Surprised, are you? Think about it, who else back there was capable of an assault like that but me? Who else was sadistic enough to be able to do that to another human being? I did it, and I would do it again. I didn’t care if I ended his career or not.

    I brought in Rikishi to throw Austin off the scent, knowing he would be perfect. I had Rikishi take out that selfish cousin of mine Davey Boy too. He had it coming. Austin looked me in the eye and believed the lies I told him. Silly boy, Steve. You forgot about DTA – don’t trust anybody.

    You people want to know why I did it?

    (Fans scream yes)

    Jim Ross: Yes! Tell us why, damn it. WHY?!

    Dynamite: Since the first day I came into this company I’ve had to put up with Steve Austin calling himself the ‘toughest S.O.B. in this business’. I’ve had to listen to people over the years like that pig down there (he points at J.R. as Bischoff laughs) calling Austin ‘the toughest S.O.B. in this business.’

    Read my lips very carefully, people – I am the toughest son of a bitch in this business. You hear me? I am. And I’m the best fookin’ wrestla that ever laced up a pair of boots. Not Stone Cold, not my old, so-called ‘friend’ Bret Hart, but me.

    Why don’t I get the respect I deserve, eh? You praise the Stone Colds, the Bret Harts, but what about me?

    All throughout the Draft everyone was wondering ‘Who will face Stone Cold? Who will get Austin at Grapplemania?’ I’m the greatest fookin’ wrestla there ever was, and you dare overlook me. I know why – because I never won the accolades that others did. I never won the big one.

    But now that I’ve won King of the Ring, just like Austin and Bret before me, I will show the world that what I say is really the bottom line - I will cement my legacy in this business as the greatest ever by defeating Stone Cold Steve Austin at Grapplemania and becoming the new World Champion.

    The Dynamite Kid is dead! From now on you can all call me…Dynamite King!


    The show’s final scene shows Dynamite, Rikishi and Bischoff holding up their arms as Bockwinkel and the Champion Stone Cold lie decimated behind them.
    Jim Ross: There will be hell to pay for this. You hear me? There will be hell to pay! Ya no-good bastards! Damn you! Damn you straight to hell!

    The credits roll.

    Matches announced so far for Grapplemania:

    Dynamite King vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) (World Heavyweight Championship)

    More to follow...

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,012 ✭✭✭✭Alfred Borden


    Jerry: Hello and welcome to Monday night Adrenaline broadcasting live from Liverpool, England. We are three weeks away from WrestleCade. Let’s get back to last week where we saw one of the biggest double-crosses in our industry.

    Mikey: Hollywood Hogan saw the light. Savage is the competition and he took him out. Smart move if you ask me.

    Jerry: We now have Hulk Hogan via satellite, who is not here tonight.

    “The Macho man is a piece of crap. When I hear people say how great the Macho Man is, it makes me sick. It’s the biggest joke I have ever heard. He couldn’t even keep his stinking marriage together. You should have stayed in my shadow Macho Man and you wouldn’t have got hurt”.

    The crowd start to boo Hogan heavily now.
    “Shut the hell up. You the USCW fans turned on me. I’m the reason all you people are here, I’m the one that made the wrestling business what it is today. There’s nobody in this business that’s a bigger icon than I am. I’m the biggest star past or present in the wrestling world today and there will never be a bigger star in this business than Hollywood Hogan. When I made a deal with John Laurinaitis and Jimmy Hart, I realised what I had to do. You got to take what you want; you got to pawn together for business reasons only. And you know what, times have changed. Macho Man, you have never pinned me and after WrestleCade you will never get the chance to again, brother. I’m gonna prove that you’re not even fit enough to carry my bags. Whatcha gonna do Macho Man when Hollywood Hogan destroys you?”


    Mikey: Strong but true words from our champ, Hollywood Hogan.
    Jerry: He’s not here because he’s afraid of the Macho Man.

    Mikey: Correct, he’s afraid what he might do to the Macho Man.

    Jerry: Eh whatever you say pal. Now it’s time for history in the making. Ryback’s fight to tie Goldberg’s streak is next.

    Mikey: That record along with that Hardcore title around his waist highlights the strong year Ryback has had here in USCW. Come on Ryback, you can do this.

    Ryback enters the ring to a mixed reaction after his actions last week. It’s quite surreal as Ryback has always been a strong fan favourite here in USCW.

    Mikey: Turncoat fans. They are gonna regret not backing my man Ryback!

    Goldberg’s music hits. Ryback starts to look nervous as the fans go wild.

    Mikey: Wow, to tie Goldberg’s record, Ryback is going to have to beat Goldberg himself.

    Suddenly we realize it’s not Goldberg but a Goldberg impostor who stands at under 5 feet making his way out to the ring. Ryback begins to laugh. The fans get a BS chant going.

    Mikey: Wow, I bet Ryback is quaking in his boots.

    Jerry: This is wrong. This is the opponent Laurinaitis has picked. I agree with these fans.

    Mikey: People Power. People Power. People Power!haha

    Ryback dominates him from start to finish. As the referee begins to count to three, Ryback breaks the cover. He signals for a spear and hits the local wrestler with it. He then mocks Goldberg’s patented taunt. He picks up his opponent and hits a jackhammer.

    Jerry: Wow, almost Goldberg like.

    Mikey: Don’t compare this fine physical specimen to a chump like Bill Goldberg. You heard the man last week.

    Ryback gets the pin fall and now ties the record. He celebrates in the ring when suddenly Goldberg’s music hits. He makes his way out to the ring while Ryback stands his ground chanting “Feed me more”.

    Jerry: Business is about to pick up. What a confrontation we are going to have.

    Just as Goldberg gets in the ring, Ryback exits to loud boos. Goldberg smiles at him and stares him out as Ryback makes his way backstage. The local wrestler tries to attack Goldberg from behind but Goldberg hits him with a massive spear. He picks him up and hits him with a Jackhammer as his music hits.


    Jerry: Now that’s the real Bill Goldberg!!! I wonder when these two men will get to face off against each other.

    Mikey: Should be a squash match. Ryback’s winning streak against Goldberg’s winless streak. I don’t think Ryback should waste his time with that chump.

    Jerry: Looks like he wanted nothing to do with him there, the coward.


    Back in the arena and RAF32 is standing in the squared circle.
    RAF32: “Hello all. Look, I have made plenty of mistakes since creating this company throughout the last two years. I held back the money so we couldn’t attract the biggest names. I made questionable decisions of holding on to wrestlers who just wanted to bleed the company dry. I even double-crossed a few. But none of that compares to my biggest mistake. And that’s trusting John Laurinaitis. Things were bad for this company, I will not lie. We were on the verge of pulling a WCW as they say. I needed a wrestling mind and so I hired one of the best in Laurinaitis. And in truth, what a job he has done. But now he is trying to steal my company. And you know what I have to say about that? Over my dead body. I accept your challenge Laurinaitis. And after WrestleCade, I will personally fire you. How about next week we enter every name of every member of the roster, backroom staff, commentary team, the janitor, everyone into a raffle. And we select at random who will represent our stakes”.

    The crowd like this idea and get another yes chant going.
    “I’ll let you ponder about that one. But I’m not just here for that. Last week, what happened Randy Savage was a travesty and I will not stand for it. So at WrestleCade, Hollywood Hogan will defend his title against Randy Savage. But that’s for the future, how about the present. Tonight Randy Savage will face the team of King Kong Bundy and... that slime ball Jimmy Hart."

    The Crowd go nuts and get a Macho Man chant going now.
    "Oh and one last thing. Hogan, this one is for you. You say you’re the biggest star in wrestling, and that may be true. But next week I have a match for you. Without this man, wrestling would never be what it is today. Without this man, there is no Hollywood Hogan. Next week Hogan, you got a match with…..Lou Thesz.”

    That draws the biggest pop of the night as Raf32 makes his way to the back.

    Jerry: The Mega Powers colliding at Wrestlecade for the title is a match years in the making. Savage gets an opportunity for revenge on Jimmy Hart tonight!

    Mikey: Savage has never pinned Hogan so I don’t see that title going anywhere!

    Jerry: And next week, we got two men from different eras. Perhaps the two men that define wrestling squaring off. I can’t wait.

    Mikey: Me too partner, hopefully Hollywood goes easy on him!

    Jerry: Hogan mightn't make it to WrestleCade by the time Thesz is through with him. Next up we got a match between Zack Ryder and Cody Hall.

    Mikey: Cody Halls debut. I’m hyped up to see if this kid can go.

    Curt Hawkins is in his tag partner’s corner. Ryder is doing very well when suddenly the ref is inadvertently hit. Out of nowhere Joe Henning attacks Hawkins from behind and sends him flying into the steel steps. He throws Hall a steel chair and Hall connects with Ryder’s head. The ref comes too and makes the three count. It’s a big but controversial win for Hall as he exits with Henning.

    Mikey: A Henning and a Hall together again, I love it.

    Jerry: Seems like they want them tag titles and have laid down a marker to the #1 contenders tonight.

    Jimmy Hart is backstage holding a pair of wrestling shorts with our announcer Sarah Williams.
    “Look at these. I’m going to have to wear these stupid silly looking tights. I’m a manager; I’m not a professional wrestler. You know what Randy Savage can do to me?”

    King Kong Bundy enters.

    “Jimmy, it’s going to be all ok. You won’t even have to get in the ring. I’m going to crush the Macho Man and end his time here in the USCW”.

    The crowd boo as Jimmy Hart begins to laugh.
    “Your right Bundy, but the Mouth of the South always comes prepared. I’d like to dedicate my victory to the greatest soccer manager to have ever lived….Sir Alex Ferguson”.

    The crowd erupts in boos as Hart and Bundy exit.

    Mikey: Never trust Hart, he’s the most conniving man in this industry. That’s why he has been so successful.


    RAF32 is walking backstage when he runs into Rick Rude who is checking himself out in the mirror.
    Rick Rude: “Mr Raf32, I just wanted to wish you luck… your future endeavors. I can’t wait until Johnny is running this show full time”.

    Raf32: “Rude you idiot. I have someone who is eager to meet you tonight”.

    Rick Rude: “Your wife?”

    Raf32: “Good one Rick but I was thinking more of the opposite sex. Watch your back champ!”

    Rude looks on nervously as RAF32 exits.

    Jerry: I wonder who Raf32 is talking about. The Mega Plowers vs The Tag Champs, The Twin Towers is next.

    Mikey: Who cares about that jerk?

    Buff Bagwell and Akeem start off the match which quickly turns in favour of the big man. After working with the Bossman to beat down Bagwell through quick tags, Akeem goes to hit a big splash but misses. Bagwell makes the tag to Val Venis who begins to unload on Akeem. Eventually Bossman gets in the ring but Venis knocks him to the outside. He goes up top to hit his finisher on Akeem when suddenly Rick Rude dressed in a robe comes out to distract him. Venis is asking him what the hell is going on when Akeem capitalizes and knocks him from the top rope to the canvas. Akeem hits the 747 splash and gets the victory.The tag team champs celebrate on their way tot he back as Rude hits Bagwell on the outside with his title belt.

    Jerry: What the hell Rude? He is jealous of Buff Bagwell and Val Venis.

    Mikey: Your kidding me? Rude is jealous of these two losers?

    Rude picks up Venis and throws him out over the top rope. The US champ grabs a mic.
    Rick Rude: “What Id like to have right now is for all you fat, out of shape sweat hogs to keep the noise down while I take my robe off and show you what a real sexy man looks like. A real man, not like those two losers on the outside.”


    Rude takes off his robe and poses for the crowd with his US title around his waist. Suddenly we hear someone’s music play.

    Jerry: Its Pedro Morales. This must have been who Raf32 was talking about.

    Mikey: He must want a closer view of a real man.

    Morales comes running to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope. Rude starts to stomp away on him but Morales eventually gets the upper hand delivering a few punches. Rude goes to charge at him but is met by a dropkick from Morales. Rude rolls to the ouside leaving Morales in the ring with the US title. Morales picks it up and raises it above his head whilst pointing at Rude. Rude waves him off as he makes his way to the back.

    Jerry: Looks like Morales wants a shot at Rude for the US title.

    Mikey: Well Morales will just have to get in line like everyone else. Looks like its time for Bella vs Bella.

    Both Bella’s make their way out separately, both looking as confused as each other. Brie gets a very good pop though which surprises quite a few. The bell rings as Nikki screams for her sister to lie down and take the loss. Brie looks unsure what to do as the crowd get a “Don’t do it” chant going. Nikki begins to get impatient but eventually Brie lies down on her back. Nikki smiles and goes to make the cover. As she does, Brie rolls her into a small package and picks up the victory. She quickly exits the ring as Nikki rages.


    Jerry: We got a new champion!!

    Mikey: Despicable move against her own sister.

    Jerry: The same sister who expects her to live in her shadow? Good on Brie!

    Mikey: She will pay for this though so enjoy your 15 seconds of fame Brie!

    RAF32 is about to get into his limo when he bumps into John Laurinaitis.
    John Laurinaitis: “Your on RAF, and may I take this opportunity to wish you the best of luck next week in the draw. May the best man win”.

    He offers his hand with a stupid smile on his face. RAf32 ignores him and tells his driver to get him out of there. Laurinaitis looks on smiling to himself as the limo pulls off.


    Jerry: Its set. Next week could very well shape up to define the future of this company.

    Mikey: Please, please, please let it be me vs you at WrestleCade, I’ll kick your ass.

    Jerry: Of course that could very well happen, as all employees are entered into the raffle. And now it’s time for our main event, Randy Savage vs Jimmy Hart and King Kong Bundy.

    It basically turns out to be a one on one match going back and forth between Savage and Bundy. Savage again is brilliant from the start when suddenly Bundy gets a sly shot in on Savages right arm. Bundy begins to dissect the injury and works away on the arm with an arm bar. Savage eventually fights back and starts again to take control of this match. Savage unleashes a few suplexes and then connects with a big boot, knocking Bundy to the outside. He points at Hart and motions for him to enter the ring. Hart starts shaking his head but Savage drags him into the ring. Savage strikes Hart with a punch to the skull which goes down well with the home town fans. Suddenly a familiar song plays.

    Jerry: Its Hogan, hes here. Boy oh boy, what a showdown this will be.

    However there is no sign of Hogan on the entrance ramp. Suddenly from behind, Hogan dressed again in black, jumps the Macho Man. The ref calls for the bell and disqualifies Bundy and Hart. Bundy enters the ring and both men now beat down on Savage. However Savage begins to fight back delivering punches to each man.

    Jerry: You have got to admire the heart of the Macho Man!

    He floors both men as the crowd go wild. Jimmy Hart jumps on his back trying to stop the Macho Mans momentum. However Savage easily throws him off and then meets the oncoming Bundy with a clothesline. Just as he turns to face Hogan, he is met by a big boot to the face. Hogan then hits, not one, not two, but three leg drops on the fallen Macho Man. He then motions Hart to get a steel chair from outside the ring, which Hart duly obliges. He places the already injured right arm of Savage in it. He motions for Bundy to hit a splash on Savage.

    Jerry: Don’t do it Bundy! Don’t do it!

    Bundy proceeds and hits a splash on Savage. Hogan suggests that he should do it again as Bundy delivers another splash which will surely cause a serious injury to the right arm of the Macho Man.

    Jerry: Enough already! Savages arm must be broken.

    Mikey: I’d like to wish Randy well on his early retirement!haha Let this be a lesson for people not to mess with Hollywood Hogan, brother.

    Hogan takes off his belt and starts to swing it around in the air.

    Jerry: No Hogan!

    He begins to beat the back of Savage with the belt, repeatedly for at least two minutes. The crowd are not one bit happy and begin to throw rubbish at the ring. Hogan points to the WrestleCade sign whilst raising his title belt over his head as Jimmy Hart grabs a mic.

    Jerry: You have got to wonder about the condition of the Macho Man. That arm doesn't look too good.
    Jimmy Hart on the mic : “Oh Yeah!!!!!”

    The show ends with the trio of Hogan, Hart and Bundy standing triumphant in the centre of the ring as the Macho Man Randy Savage is loaded onto a stretcher by the medical team.

    Next week on Adrenaline:
    1. What will be the condition of the Macho Man?
    2. Will Goldberg’s winless streak continues?
    3. What has the team of Cody Hall and Mr Imperfect Joe Henning have in store for the rest of the tag division?
    4. Has Pedro Morales inserted himself in the US title picture? Will the Mega Plowers seek revenge on Rude?
    5. Two eras collide, Thesz vs Hogan, but who will come out on top?
    6. Who will represent Raf32 and John Laurinaitis at WrestleCade? The future of the USCW will be defined next week.
    7. Will we have any more shock debuts

    All these questions and more will all be answered next Monday at 8/7 C on Monday Night Adrenaline, only available to the RAF network.

    Breaking news on USCW network: We have found out here at that the main event match of Wrestlecade between Hollywood Hogan and Randy Savage will be contested under a stipulation chosen by the people. Yes that’s right the top man in the professional wrestling industry, John Laurinaitis, has given the power back to the people. You can vote by using the USCW app and select your preference. Your choices are A) Steel Cage Match, B) Last Man Standing Match or C) Hell in a Cell. The result will be announced at next weeks show.

    Ad following this news: A video package showing all John Laurinaitis' greatest wrestling achievements. The final image shows the iconic image of Ali standing over Liston, but with a slight alteration. Laurinaitis' face replaces Ali's, while Raf32's face can be found on where Listons should be. There is running commentary over the video. The commentary is as follows: "John Laurinaitis is truly the best wrestling mind in the professional wrestling industry today. It is said that all 19 other companies wanted to hire him but only one, the USCW, could meet his high standards. You can show your appreciation to our fantastic GM by using the #ThankYouJohnny hashtag. Get it trending people for the best boss in the industry today" The video closes with a little kid being asked who is his wrestling hero? The kid responds "John Laurinaitis of course, hes the coolest".***

    *** This ad was brought to you solely by the USCW website and has not been altered, influenced or changed by any other individual.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 303 ✭✭Uncle Walt


    WECWF Opens with Joey Styles welcoming us to Tonights episode of Friday Night Mayhem.


    The Music of Jim Cornette plays and the Former head of MNG makes his way to the ring, to the shock of the WEWCF Universe.
    Jim Cornette
    "Well well well so this is the sh*thole that Eric Bischoff tried to pass off as the Future of Pro Wrestling? Bischoff you're a no good piece of sh*t. And this promotion is your toilet. Honestly Bischoff if you were on fire i wouldn't even waste my pi*s on you. I hope you run MNG into the ground just like you've done with every other promotion you've had your greasy sh*t covered hands on. I also hope that you'll finally be exposed as the phony, fake, lying maggot scumbag you really are..

    The music of the new WECWF Owner Vincent James McMahon plays, and Vince Sr makes his way to the ring.. He immediately goes up to Cornette and shakes his hand..
    Vince McMahon Sr.
    James, I like you. I like your passion for this business. I also like how your anger and bitterness fuels you. That's impressive to me

    Cornette looks pleased and says thank you sir, as the crowd boo Cornette heavily
    Vince McMahon Sr.
    But James I have a problem. I've hired you and another man with whom you have quite a storied history, or perhaps rivalry one might say. As I'm a second generation promoter I've learned that the key to success in this business is competition whether that's from a rival promotion or within my own organization and that also means by absolutely any means necessary. So without further ado here's your competition James...

    Vince Russo
    Hey Jim no hard feelings bro, lets let the past be the past and do our best to run this company the best we can. I'm 100 percent willing to let the past be the past and move on to the future and making WECWF the best Professional Wrestling company on the planet

    Russo extends his hand to Cornette as a physical and clear olive branch.
    Cornette clearly red in the face with anger responds with a middle finger and a fu*k you to Russo's face, Russo backs off and shrugs his shoulder and just motions with OK! OK!
    Vince McMahon Sr.
    Well Gentlemen if the both of you can't work together then I must set the proverbial pigeons loose and have you both working on opposing sides.. So then I now need to hear both of your reasons, and whatever reasons you have for me keep either of you on my payroll. Jim you go first. Go

    Jim Cornette
    Mr McMahon, sir you should know that the future of Professional Wrestling, lies within the past, its lies within the history of this great industry, sir Wrasslin is the past the present and the future. The man beside me is a no good piece of sh*t, he's disgraced this great business more times than i can to remember. He's a liar, he's a thief and he's a fu*king asshole. Mr McMahon, I deserve to be the booker for this company. I swear to you on the lives of my wife and family that if i can lead this territory, i will deliver the success and ratings that have alluded WEWCF in the past..
    Vince McMahon Sr.
    Very good James, now Vincent let me hear your presentation.
    Vince Russo
    Mr McMahon, bro, Jim Cornette is a hack, he's so far out of touch he still sees the world in black and white. Wrasslin isn't the future, no body cares about that **** anymore, your son knew that, i know that and every wrestling fan on the planet knows it. Bro the present and the future will always be Sports Entertainment, you've gotta hook in the fans, and keep em hooked bro, Pop Culture, modern day Americana bro. Let me book the territory and i promise you the success me and Vince Jr had back in the day.
    Vince McMahon Sr.
    Gentlemen you are both making a good argument, and as far as i can see it, you both deserve the chance to run the Territory, but unfortunately we all know that wont work. So i propose that at the Mayhem Rising PPV we decide won truly deserves to run the company. James you round up the guys who want to be Wrasslers, and Vincent you get the gents who want to be Entertainers and have them compete to be the future of WEWCF.. And of course the losers.. Will be FIRED. Good luck.

    Bruiser Brody vs Jobber
    Brody wins quickly finishing off his opponent with a Dropkick and knee drop
    Brody grabs a microphone from ringside and returns to the ring,
    Bruiser Brody
    Ever since i gotten to WECWF. I keep constantly getting asked just one thing and one thing only. That's "Bruiser Brody, have you heard of The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal, Sabu" Yeah I've heard of Sabu. And when I get finished with you Sabu. You will be suicidal, because I'm going to beat you so badly that all your will to live, will leave your body and all that'll be left is the shell of a broken man. Scared emotion and physically. Sabu I'm going to be the man who ends your career once and for all!

    The lights go out and Sabu appears in the ring as the lights return, Both men stare each other down as we go to a WEWCF Network commercial.


    Vince Russo is backstage and bumps into Colt Cabana
    Vince Russo
    Cabana Bro, I've got some big plans for you. All I need is for you to sign on this dotted line, and Join my Sports Entertainment Revolution, Cabana i see the future in you bro and I'll prove it to you with a title match at Mayhem Rising..

    Colt Cabana signs Vince Russo's contract and is the First official of Sports Entertainment Revolution Cabana shakes Russo hand, walks away and Russo looks extremely happy

    Joey Styles runs through the past Months and months of feuding between The Legend Killer Randy Orton and The WECWF World Champion The American Dream Dusty Rhodes.. Dusty makes his way to the ring to a enormous pop from the WEWCF Universe

    Dusty Rhodes
    Randy Orton.. The problem with you baby, is you are a product of the times, the modern times, the modern world that knows no suffering. No hardships, a modern world that doesn't know anything about hard times baby, I'm not saying my generation was better, but im the product of a dream.. An American Dream, you Randy Orton are the product of nothing more than an American Nightmare. Randy Orton you maybe a Legend Killer but the American Dream Dusty Rhodes is a Legend that just cant be killed, because the common man, and the WECWF universe will always be keeping the dream, my dream alive

    Randy Orton is watching Dusty's promo on a monitor backstage and is very very pissed off, he tears the set apart and smashes the TV set just as Vince Russo comes up behind him..

    Vince Russo
    Whoaa whhooaa whoa Randy.. Bro.. Man I see you as the future, the future of this company and the future of this industry, Join with me bro, and I'll make sure the Legend Killer has more than enough sheep to slaughter.. I promise you bro I'll give you Dusty Rhodes on a silver platter at Mayhem Rising and that title will finally be where it deserves to be. Right around your waist..

    Orton calms down, smiles at Russo and walks off without saying a word.

    Main Event The Hart Foundation Vs Justin Credible and John Kronus..


    Back and forth Opening with The Hart Foundation getting in plenty of offense, Jim Neidhart sets up the Hart Attack on Justin Credible, and Bret locks in the sharpshooter.. Just as Credible looks about to tap.. Someone hits the ring unexpectedly..

    The referee calls for the bell as the sharpshooter is broken up as the Hart Foundation are then taken out, Joey Styles screams "OH MY GOOOD" "Its the Freebirds, the Freebirds are in WECWF!" Gordy hits a massive laret on Neidhart on the outside, as Micheal Hayes beats on Bret Hart in the ring, The Freebirds absolutely decimate the Hart Foundation.. Joey Styles wishes us a goodnight from Friday Night Mayhem as there is indeed absolute mayhem going on in the ring.


    But before the broadcast ends Jim Cornette appears on the stage and proclaims The Fabulous Freebirds as his first draftees in his National Wrasslin Society.. The show ends with a chorus of boos from the WECWF Universe


    Vince Russo's Sports Entertainment Revolution vs. Jim Cornette's National Wrasslin Society

    WEWCF Hardore Championship
    Sabu vs. Brusier Brody

    WECWF World Heavyweight Championship
    Randy Orton vs. Dusty Rhodes

    WECWF World Tag Team Championship
    The Fabulous Freebird's vs. The Hart Foundation

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    SWE Live Episode 1

    Opening Segment


    The General Manager of the SWE, Gorilla Monsoon is standing in the ring alongside his assistant Pamela Anderson. The crowd are cheering and waiting for Gorilla to speak
    “Welcome to the return of the SWE, Spongey Wrestling Entertainment is back in business. Mr Spongey has worked tirelessly to bring to you the finest professional wrestlers in the world to entertain you, the SWE universe. Mr Spongey has appointed myself, Gorilla Monsoon as GM and has given me a beautiful assistant, Pamela Anderson (the crowd give Pamela a lot of wolf whistles) to help run this show and indeed she will take charge of our very own Diva division.

    Now to get down to business, you will be glad to hear that we have signed the legend, the King of Kings, Triple H and he will be here tonight (the crowd cheer loudly). We also have 2 championship belts to award. I have decided that the vacant SWE Heavyweight Championship will be decided at our marquee PPV Spongemania IV. As for the two who will do battle for the championship, the first participant will be decided by an over the top rope Battle Royal later on this evening. I will decide who the second participant will be next week. And for the SWE Interprovincial Championship we are going to have a match for that right now between two of the top cruiserweight talents from TNA so bring on down the participants and let’s get this show started.”

    Match: Christopher Daniels vs Eric Young for the SWE Interprovincial Championship

    Christopher Daniels and Eric Young make their way down to the ring to compete for the SWE Interprovincial Championship. They shake hands before the bell rings in a mark of sportsmanship. The match starts with several holds being applied by both but all were countered successfully by their opponent. It’s an even contest until a slight mistake by Young allows Daniels to give Young a reverse STO plunging Young’s head into the mat. Daniels has control and follows it up with a sidewalk slam and a Death Valley Driver to try to get the pinfall but Young kicks out. Daniels tries to finish it with the Best Moonsault Ever but Young slides out of the way and Daniels comes down hard on the mat.

    Young now has a chance to get some offense in of his own. He hits Daniels with an inverted Atomic Drop and follows it up with a missile dropkick from the top turnbuckle. He sees his chance to finish it off and sets Daniels up for the Spike Piledriver. Daniels escapes before the move could be executed and hits Young with the reverse STO and immediately applies the Koji Clutch to attempt to make Young tap out. Young is in pain and seems close to tapping out.

    Suddenly, music blares out over the arena. It’s Sheamus and he runs out to the ring. He gives a Brogue kick to Daniels which leaves him flat on his back and then follows it up with a High Cross powerbomb. Young struggles to his feet but is immediately hit with a Brogue kick and a High Cross powerbomb. Young and Daniels are helpless and out of it in the ring. Sheamus, with his arms out wide, celebrates dominating the two wrestlers much to the dislike of the crowd.

    Backstage Interview: Bobby Roode w/Layla

    Bobby Roode is being interviewed backstage alongside his valet, Layla. Layla is carrying an unopened bottle of champagne.
    Q. What are your intentions now that you have joined the SWE? “I’ve conquered the stock markets and made millions, i’ve conquered TNA and achieved power and glory. Now its time to conquer the SWE and to do that i need to become SWE Heavyweight Champion. First step will be to win the battle royal later tonight to get into the title match at Spongemania and then once i am crowned SWE Heavyweight Champion we will celebrate by opening this expensive bottle of champagne.”
    Tito Santana comes in, offers to shake Bobby Roode’s hand and welcome him to the SWE. Roode pushes Santana’s hand away. “Get your dirty Mexican hand away from me.” Layla hands Roode a handkerchief for Roode to wipe his hands and the two walk off in disgust. Santana is bemused by the reaction.

    Match: The Usos vs The Gangstas


    The Gangstas, New Jack and Mustafa Saed make their way down to the ring along with their enforcer junkyard Dog. They also have a black bag, undoubtedly filled with weapons. They are followed to the ring by The Usos, who stop on stage to perform their traditional war dance. This gets the crowd cheering for them.

    The match starts at an uptempo pace which gives the upper hand to the Usos. After a flurry of offensive manoeuvres with both the Usos and the Gangstas in the ring, we are left with Jey Uso and New Jack. Jey flings New Jack into the corner and follows it up with a forearm smash. Jey flings New Jack into the opposite corner and as he is set to follow it up once again with a forearm smash, his foot is grabbed by Junkyard Dog. This distraction, which was not seen by the ref allows New Jack time to slide out of the ring and regroup with his partner.

    New Jack gets back in the ring and circles Jey until Jey is close to Mustafa. Mustafa reaches out for Jey distracting him enough to allow New Jack to attack. The Gangstas have control and tag each other in and out while systematically beating down Jey Uso. Jey is laid out on the mat and Mustafa is on the top turnbuckle. He goes to give a diving headbutt but Jey manages to get out of the way. Mustafa is hurting and Jey is struggling to make his way over to his partner Jimmy. Jimmy is stomping the mat and getting the crowd louder, anything to help Jey get over to him. Mustafa is able to tag New Jack in but Jey is just about able to tag Jimmy in. Jimmy unleashes a flurry of offense on both New Jack and Mustafa. Jimmy gives New Jack a Samoan drop and follows it up with a superkick that sends New Jack outside of the ring. Jimmy turns his attention to Mustafa and is now joined by Jey who has recovered from his previous beating.

    Mustafa Saed is being bombarded with double team hits from The Usos but somehow manages to slide out of the ring where Junkyard Dog is waiting for him. This allows Jey Uso to come off the ropes and launch himself over the top rope and on top of JYD and Saed to lay them out. Jey is pumped up and gets the crowd on their feet in excitement. New Jack manages to get himself back in the ring and goes to hit Jimmy Uso, who is still in the ring, from behind. Jimmy sees this and ducks out of the way and hits New Jack with a superkick which lays New Jack out on the mat. Jey Uso pops back up on the apron, takes the tag from Jimmy and promptly delivers a Samoan Splash to get the pinfall victory.

    Backstage: Triple H’s locker room

    The GM, Gorilla Monsoon, knocks on Triple H’s door. Hunter answers it and Monsoon can hear music and girls laughing in the background. He can also smell alcohol and notices Triple H looking a bit weary.
    Gorilla: Is everything ok? As you know the SWE has spent a lot of money and a first round draft pick to acquire your services. We are expecting big things from you and i hope you are ready for your match later tonight.
    Triple H: Do you know who i am? I am the King of Kings, The Game, The Cerebral Assassin. I am always ready for whatever mediocre competition that’s out there. I’ll be out there later to show the world why i am the best.
    Triple H slams the door shut. Gorilla Monsoon looks concerned.

    Promo: AJ Styles (in ring)


    AJ Styles comes down to the ring to address the crowd. He doesn’t care about the crowd’s reaction to him and doesn’t even acknowledge them. He grabs the mic
    “What you see before you is the future of the SWE, the future of pro wrestling and the future of sports entertainment. Just look at me, i’ve got charisma (he grins at the crowd), i’ve got agility, power, technique, i’ve got it all and there is nobody past, present and future that can hold a candle to what i have got. You may be thinking that i’m all talk but soon you will see that my actions will back up everything i’ve said. Get ready for the Age of Styles.”
    Styles drops the mic, poses for the crowd and laughs. The crowd don’t like it and jeer him.

    Match: Michelle McCool vs Layla in a Bra & Panties match

    Michelle McCool and Layla are in the ring and lock up as they hear the bell. The match starts off very technical with a lot of holds, reversals and attempted pinfalls. The referee, however, doesn’t count the pin attempts as there is no pinfall victory in this match, a winner is whoever can strip their opponent to their bra and panties. McCool and Layla remonstrate with the ref but he shrugs his shoulders as if there is nothing he can do. McCool and Layla are not happy with this and continue their “wrestling” match.

    The assistant GM, Pamela Anderson, comes out to ringside, hops up on the apron and as Layla is pushed towards Anderson, she reaches out and rips off Layla’s top to leave her in her bra. Layla turns to Anderson to complain and McCool joins her. Anderson , however, pulls off McCool’s top too to leave her in her bra too. The crowd are loving this and Anderson subsequently pulls off her own top to leave her in her bra and make the crowd go crazy.

    McCool and Layla don’t like what’s happening and both leave the ring and go back up the ramp out of the arena. The match is a no contest but Anderson gets in the ring and takes off her bottoms and that leaves her in just her bra and panties and takes the cheers from the crowd as she poses suggestively for them.

    Backstage: GM’s Office

    Christopher Daniels and Eric Young make their way into Gorilla Monsoon’s office to complain about what happened earlier that night. They are hurting from the brogue kicks they received from Sheamus and want a rematch set for the SWE Interprovincial Championship. Monsoon agrees and arranges the match to happen next week. Daniels and Young head away to prepare for the Battle Royal coming up.

    Match: Triple H vs Jobber No. 1


    The King of Kings, Triple H makes a spectacular entrance. The crowd go nuts for the marquee signing of the SWE. However people begin to notice that Triple H is staggering a bit as he gets to the ring, people are beginning to think he is still drunk but still cheer him on. Triple H gets into the ring, takes off his crown and the bell sounds for the start of the match.

    The jobber runs at Triple H but is met by a kick to the gut and quickly followed up by a Pedigree. Triple H gets the win in a very short match. Triple H raises his hand but is met by muted applause. The crowd don’t know what to make of their star performer.

    Backstage: GM’s office

    Michelle McCool & Layla both barge into the GM’s office to have a world with the assistant GM Pamela Anderson.
    Michelle: “We are professionally trained wrestlers and want to compete in matches that showcase our athletic ability, not stupid Bras & Panties matches that are only there to titillate and give pervy guys a reason to touch themselves.”
    Layla: “Yeah, we want the same types of matches as the men, we want to be treated equally.”
    Pamela: “Listen, ladies. We all know that the only reason women are in wrestling is to provide glamour and to give the viewers at home a chance to go to the toilet during our shows. We are here to show your beautiful side and who better to show you than a woman who is lusted after by millions of men, me (she smiles). Now Michelle, you have great height but a little flat chested and you Layla, you’re well endowed but a little short. But together with my help we can make the two of you into the glamour of the SWE.”

    Main Event Match: Battle Royal to decide title contender at Spongemania VI

    One by one the 12 participants in the Battle Royal come down to the ring. AJ Styles, being one of the participants, also makes his way to the ring and hops on to the apron but then decides to back away and back out of the arena. The crowd are livid and are hurling abuse at him. The Battle Royal starts with 11 wrestlers competing for the title shot at Spongemania.

    The match starts with New Jack and Mustafa Saed going straight for Jimmy and Jey Uso seeking retribution for their loss to the Usos earlier that evening. While the two pairs are brawling, the rest of the competitors attack the Gangstas enforcer, Junkyard Dog. He is unable to fend them all off and he is sent over the top rope and eliminated. New Jack and Mustafa Saed rush over to the rope to try to save Junkyard Dog but are too late. They are shocked and as they turn back to the other competitors they are each met with a drop kick from The Usos which sends them flying over the top rope and both New Jack and Mustafa Saed are eliminated. They are livid and screaming at The Usos as they are being ushered away from the ring.

    Eric Young attacks Sheamus in an attempt at retribution at what happened earlier but he is still hurting and not effective in his attack. Eric Young comes off the ropes and runs at Sheamus but he just ducks and sends Eric Young over the top rope and he is eliminated. Jeff Hardy is locked up with Tito Santana and the two are trying to force the other over the top rope. Christopher Daniels sees this and lifts both of them over the top rope but both Santana and Hardy land on the apron and therefore not eliminated. Daniels tries to finish the job but misses Hardy and is then met by a forearm smash from Santana. This allows Hardy and Santana enough time to get back in the ring but as soon as Santana gets back in he is met by a clothesline from Bobby Roode which sends him over the top rope and he is eliminated. Roode is laughing at Santana as he is being ushered back up the ramp by the officials.

    Jeff Hardy is tussling with Christopher Daniels after Daniels tried to eliminate him earlier. Hardy gets the upperhand and gives Daniels a Twist of Fate. Hardy tries to lift Daniels over the top rope but Daniels clings on. Jey Uso joins Hardy in trying to eliminate Daniels and between the two of them they have Daniels over the top rope but not on the floor. However, out of nowhere, Sheamus comes over and lifts Jey over the top ropes and eliminates him. Jimmy is shocked that his brother is eliminated and immediately attacks Sheamus. Meanwhile, Daniels is stillon the apron hanging on and just about to get himself back in the ring when Hardy hits him with a drop kick that sends Daniels on to the ground and he is eliminated.

    Jimmy Uso surprises Sheamus with a superkick which sends Sheamus hurtling back into the corner. Jimmy sees his chance and with his feet on the second rope launches hit after hit onto Sheamus with the crowd counting up to ten along with him. Just as Jimmy is about to hit number 10, Sheamus pushes Jimmy away and to the middle of the ring. Jimmy turns to face Sheamus again but is hit with a Brogue kick from Sheamus. Jimmy Uso is out of it and all Sheamus has to do is lift him up and throw him over the top rope. Jimmy Uso is eliminated.

    There are now three competitors left in the ring. Sheamus is recuperating in the corner after eliminating Jimmy Uso. Bobby Roode & Jeff Hardy are grappling trying to throw each other out of the ring. Sheamus goes to over to them and throws both competitors over the top rope and turns away to celebrate. Bobby Roode falls to the ground but Jeff Hardy grabs the top rope and his feet does not touch the ground. He manages to pull himself back into the ring but as he turns around to face Sheamus he is met by a brogue kick from Sheamus which sends him over the top rope and onto the ground. Sheamus celebrates winning the Battle Royal and will compete for the SWE Championship at Spongemania VI

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,478 ✭✭✭brianregan09


    The camera opens on the RCW logo its flashes across the screen and disappears again , Now we go to the arena fireworks go off as Rage flashes on the video screen, the camera now focus’s on our announcers

    PJ: What a nights entertainment we have ahead for you tonight ! Two massive matches in our World Title Tournament

    JR: I can’t wait to see Muhammed Hassan kick Brock Lesnar’s ass !

    PJ: Are you serious any way we’re going to go down to the ring we’ve got a special exihibition match coming up now , Hugh Jackman is about to make his in ring debut

    JR: This must be a joke , Oh hold on

    Hugh Jackman’s Xmen music plays loudly across the arena , Jack man makes his way to the ring in jeans and a white vest

    JR: Oh for **** sake he’s dressed as wolverine ? Seriously ?

    Jackman now makes his way into the ring, he does a jog on the spot , Shane McMahon’s music plays

    PJ: What is our owner doing here

    Shane now walks out slowly , He’s got a microphone in his hand, he looks around and then looks squarely at Jackman

    Shane: Ya know something my father always said to me , Celebrities are a nessacary evil in the Pro Wrestling business, That they bring in much needed revenue, But never to the detriment of your own talent , and I promised myself I would never do that, Yet here you are ? Hugh Jackman every comic book nerd’s hero . Now I saw you wanted to get another shot in wrestling after you’re two little segments on Raw , And I said fair enough I’ll bring you in for a little segment and you’ll bring in a few quid and you can piss off and do more movies or whatever.

    But last week you came out and made a declaration that you wanted to wrestle, and the fans backed you up , This is something I hadn’t planned for , So like I said last week I’m going to give you a shot on Pay Per View but only if you earn it , Now initially I hadn’t planned on it but I am going to introduce a secondary title , The International title , which will be contested in a ladder match at the Pay per view a 6 man Ladder match , So tonight Hugh you will face a qualification match , IF you win you’re in a title match , Please welcome you’re opponent Haku !

    PJ: Oh wow the big Pacific Islander is going to be a tough test

    Jr: I hope he tears Jackmans head off


    Haku walks down the ring never taking his eye off Jackman, He gets in the ring now and Jackman runs at him almost straight away, Jackman push’s haku in to the corner as the bell rings he unloads now with lefts and rights into the gut and sides , Haku now pushs jackman away , he runs out of the corner now looking for a clothesline , Hugh ducks it and kicks haku into the gut, He now DDT’s Haku in to the mat, he jumps for a cover 1……2….Haku throws Jackman off him with authority !

    Jackman now looks dazed , Haku stands tall over him now and begins to stomp , Haku goes on to dominate for the next few minutes, Haku now goes to irish whip the wolverine into the corner , He tries to reverse it but ends up throwing Haku face 1st in to the referee, the two of them go down ,. Jackman now looks at the two of them down , He runs to the outside , Jackman lifts up the ring skirt and looks under the ring , Jackman now pulls out an iron bar from under the ring , He eyes it up and then looks in at the ref who’s beginning to move, He flies back into the ring, He see’s Haku stirring and lash the pipe off the back of his neck , He slings it out of the ring and rolls over Haku , He shakes the ref now and pins Haku 1……2………3 !

    PJ: I can’t believe what I’ve just seen !

    JR: Well it looks like Hugh Jackman has a pair of balls after all

    PJ: Are you serious he just cheated to win ! Is he going to do that at the Pay Per View too ?


    We come back from the break and a video hyping the debut of Japanese Fighting Sensation Sakuraba plays across the video wall

    JR: It’s alright nothing to get excited over , No Japanese wrestler has succeeded for years in the states

    PJ: Will you shut and give it a rest

    Camera now goes backstage where we Big E Langston with a mic in his hand


    BIG E: You know something, I’m sick of being overlooked here, I fought Muhammed Hassan the 1st week I got here and because a lot of doubt in my future I ****ed up , Possible moves to other federations fell through, at the end of the day The 1st show was coming up and it was either sign a contract or go home no job no money, But I signed the damn contract , I’m here in RCW and now there not using me , Last week I sat in the back waiting to get a match, Nothing happened , And tonight I came to the building 1st backstage hand I meet says, you know what you should have taken the night off because you’re not on tonights scedhule

    BIG E: Well now I’m making this scedhule my own and also I’m putting my name on the list and officially entering the 6 man ladder match for the new title belt , So Hugh you’ve got some company

    Gangrel walks into shot

    Gangrel: Looks like I’ll be seeing you there Big Guy. I’m in too ! hahahaa

    Gangrel takes a sip of blood from his goblet and stares down Big E before walking off , Big E looks back at him in total disgust as the camera closes off

    We come back and it’s Semi Finals Time , Muhammed Hassan has his armed guards around the ring, Hassan’s music now plays and he comes out with Redragon his elite guard as he calls them

    PJ: These guys should not be not there

    JR: There just supporting him will you shut up

    Brock Lesnar’s music plays and the crowd go mad and pop huge for Lesnar, Lesnar makes his way to the ring eyeballing all the isis supporters as he goes down the aisle, He gets into the ring now and takes a micro phone

    Brock: You’ve brought you’re little marching band with you , But so have I courtesy of an old friend of mine Paul Heyman , I got these guy’s numbers and they were more than happy to help out,


    Lesnar points at the ramp and out comes Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge the Public Enemy, The fans goes wild as the guys come out in football jerseys and chairs in there hands , They roll under the ring and stand next to Brock , they all smile as Redragon leave the ring now leaving Hassan standing in the ring staring down Lesnar, Lesnar now looks at the Public Enemy guys , they now leave the ring aswell

    PJ: Well here we go the semi finals of our tournament .

    The Bell rings and Hassan launchs him self at Lesnar , Hassan gets pushed back now by Lesnar, They brawl around the ring for a while Lesnar easily gets the advantage and begins to throw around Hassan , They fight to the outside of the ring now and Lesnar whips Hassan right in to the steel steps , the isis followers stand back when lesnar comes after hassan now , Now Hassan catches Brock with a drop toe hold , Lesnar goes face first in to the steel steps

    Hassan gets brock back into the ring now and begins to work Lesnars back with a variety of back breakers and submission holds, a few minutes later now and Lesnar is down on his chest, Hassan now makes the throat cut taunt and the crowd boo heavily , He sits down now on Brock’s back and pulls back his arms and locks in the camel clutch, Brock is in agony now

    JR: Tap you idiot !

    PJ: C’mon Brock you can do this !

    Lesnar now starts to move with Hassan on top, Lesnar in a magnificent feat of strength gets to his feet with hassan still holding on ,Lesnar now throws Hassan up onto his shoulders into the F5 position , Lesnar spins hassan around F5

    PJ : F 5 F5 F5 its all over got to be !!!!

    Lesnar goes for the pin , Referee dives down for the pin 1……….2……..Uh broken up by Kyle O’Reilly with a dropkick to Lesnars head

    PJ: Get him out of there

    JR: He can do what he likes no DQ

    The Public enemy now pile in to the ring and go toe to toe with Red Dragon , Hassan rolls into the corner now , Lesnar is looking around not sure what happened , The whole ringside area is in chaos as the two teams go to war outside the ring ! The referee is now busy trying to get everyone away from ring side , Just then from the right behind the commentators a man hops the barrier , He looks around and surveys the damage , He leaps now into the ring , Himself and Hassan share a look

    PJ: What’s he doing here ?

    JR: The Gracie Killer is here !!!


    Sakuraba now takes a look at Lesnar , He runs over and begins lashing into Lesnar’s head with some really stiff blows to the temple , Lesnar is on dream street , Sakuraba now looks at the damage he’s done, He rolls out of the ring , Hassan looks around and seeing it safe, he runs over to make a cover

    JR: Not like this !

    The referee spots Hassan now making the cover 1……2…….3! its all over, Sakuraba now laughs at Lesnar losing , Hassan breaks down almost crying having won the match , Public Enemy are now bemused at what’s happened they now finally see Sakuraba , Red Dragon pulls Hassan out of the ring and begin to make there way backstage

    JR: We could be looking at our next World Champion

    Cut to ad Break

    We come back and Steve Blackman is standing in front of the camera

    SB: I originally came here with one job , and that was to win the World Heavyweight Title . I failed and the reason why is I got over confident, I went to the top rope , I never go to the top rope , So now I hear there is a ladder match coming up for another title a secondary title and I’m going to have to use to scaling heights if I’m going to win this one , but that’s what I’m all about , Conquering my fears and overcoming the odds and at the Pay Per View, Big E, Gangrel , Hugh Jackman who ever it is that gets in my way, Just know that this is my last chance I lose this and I have nothing

    Blackman walks away from the camera now as move back to ring side

    JR: We’re back and time for another semi final match

    Dos Caras is already in the ring in a ref shirt

    PJ: He looks so weird in that mask with the ref shirt

    Dolph Zigglers music plays and the crowd goes nuts again , Ziggler makes his way to the ring now , He gets in and goes over and shakes Dos Caras’s hand , Del Rio’s music now plays and out comes the Mexican

    JR: The dream of a Hassan vs Del Rio final is about to become a reality

    Del Rio gets in the ring and right in his father’s face , Del Rio smiles at him and walks to his corner, The crowd begin to cheer loudly as the two men meet face to face in the ring Dos Caras now calls for the bell ! The two men now trade shoulder barges and clothes lines as they feel there way into the match, Soon ziggler is under the cosh from a rampant and aggressive Del Rio

    Del Rio now after a few minutes working on Ziggler’s arm , Del Rio now locks in the cross arm breaker submission , Zigglers face wrench’s in pain , But he fights on trying to drag himself to the rope , Alberto roars at his father to ask Dolph does he want to quit, Ziggler refuses to quit , Del Rio refuses to let go of the hold, Dos Caras kicks Del Rio to let it go

    Del Rio gets up suddenly and gets in his fathers face , Dos Caras now pushs him back, Straight in to a roll of Dolph 1…..2…kick out ! Alberto leaps to his feet and again gets back in the ref’s face, This time Dolph hits a massive Zig Zag !! 1…..2………3 Dos Caras with a fast count this time and Ziggler has done it !

    JR: That son of a bitch screwed him !!

    Ziggler rolls out of the ring while the fans cheers massively for him , Del Rio now gets up. He gives a murderous look towards his Dad and runs at him aggressively punching and kicking him , Del Rio now is ripping into his father

    PJ: Get Del Rio out of here somebody for God sake

    Just then a new wrestlers music plays over the PA system , Out comes Juventud Guerrera and he makes a beeline for the ring , He flys under the bottom rope and attacks Del Rio , He fights him off and dropkicks him over the top rope , The fans go wild , Juvi looks around now at the fans and makes a run for the ropes , He hits a suicide dive on Del Rio sending him flying , Dos Caras is looking at the carnage now outside the ring as he go to credits

    JR: See ya next week folks

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,012 ✭✭✭✭Alfred Borden


    Jerry: Hello everyone and welcome to USCW’s flagship show Monday Night Adrenaline broadcasting live from Chicago. Seems like we are starting with this draw.

    Mikey: We will have a clearer picture of the faith of the USCW in ten minutes or so.

    Jerry: Of course everyone is eligible, so it’s really just about luck at this stage. What’s the biggest mismatch Mikey?

    Mikey: Me vs you pal. I’d really like to see Ryback defend Mr Laurinaitis stake. He has never lost here in the USCW so you can’t get a surer bet than that.

    There is a tumbler located in the centre of the ring. Randy Savages music plays and the fans go wild.

    However, they are left disappointed when it turns out to be John Laurinaitis in a Macho Man t-shirt. He gets on the mic to a hostile reception.
    “My name is Mr John Laurinaitis. I am the Co-Owner of USCW and the General Manager of Monday Night Adrenaline. I bet you all thought it was Savage. Well surprise, it’s not. For the main event match tonight between Hollywood Hogan and Lou Thesz, I have decided that there is a need for a special guest referee. The special ref is a man of integrity, someone with honour who is respected by all, who just so happens to be the General Manager of Monday Night Adrenaline, me John Laurinaitis. And now for the matter at hand. Things are going to change around here. First we had the Lou Thesz era, then we had the Hollywood Hogan era and after WrestleCade, we will have the era of Mr Excitement himself, John Laurinaitis."

    He raises his arms in the air, smiling smugly as the crowd boo. He attempts to start a “People Power” chant but the crowd get a “You Suck” chant going instead. However he is cut off as Raf32’s music plays with the former sole owner of the USCW making his way to the ring.
    RAF32: ”Lets get this draw started, I’ve had enough of listening to your verbal diarrhea and I’m sure the USCW universe agree. You have to be the most egotistical human being I have ever met”.

    The fans get a “yes” chant going while Laurinaitis gets out a page. He then signs his name on it and hands it to Raf32.
    John Laurinaitis: “Here’s an autograph for the kids. Mind that sheet; it’s going to be very valuable one day. You can tell your kids about the day where you shared this ring with the legend himself, John Laurinaitis. The man who single handily will revolutionize this industry.Great story for the grand kids too”.

    This clearly angers Raf32 who crumbles up the sheet and throws it away.
    Raf32: “Let’s get this show on the road. You’re up first John”.

    Laurinaitis rolls around the tumbler and eventually grabs a ball out. He opens it slowly and again even slower when reading who he has got to represent him. He then begins to smile to himself.
    “Wow, I guess my luck is in. Let me introduce to you all, the man representing People Power and you the USCW universe at WrestleCade……..King Kong Bundy”.

    Bundy makes his way out to the ring with his manager Jimmy Hart. Johnny is all smiles as he shakes both Bundy’s and Harts hand.

    Laurinaitis: “May I wish you the best of luck, you’re going to need it Raf”.
    Raf32 walks towards the tumbler and after some time selects a ball.
    Raf32: “Haha, this must be a joke. It can’t possibly be this guy”.
    Laurinaitis: “Well who did you get? Jerry or Mikey? The Janitor?”
    Raf32: Even worse. But it’s not bad news for me, its bad news for you John. Representing me at Wrestlecade is the man who revolutionized this business. Please welcome the greatest wrestler of all time…Lou Thesz.


    Lou Thesz’s music plays and out he comes. He charges down to the ring and shoots in under the bottom rope. Bundy fails to connect with a clothesline after Thesz ducks. He comes flying back off the ropes and hits Bundy with a cross body. He gets a few kicks in and then clotheslines Bundy over the top rope. Bundy is extremely unhappy and goes to get back in the ring but Jimmy Hart manages to convince him otherwise.
    Jimmy Hart using his megaphone: “I’m too smart for you boy. I’ll decide the time when Bundy crushes you. I can personally make you a promise Raf32 in front of all these halfwits fans. Bundy will win at WrestleCade and your gonna need to go job hunting boy. I suggest you make alternative plans because when Jimmy Hart guarantees something, I don’t do it lightly”.

    Hart and Bundy storm off leaving Thesz in the ring with Raf32 and Laurinaitis.
    Laurinaitis: “I’d like to wish the two of you the very best of luck. I guess I’ll be seeing you later on Lou, good luck with your match”.

    He offers a handshake to Lou, which Thesz rejects.

    Laurinaitis: “Oh and Raf, I was thinking that after WrestleCade, this company could do with a fresh start. I’m thinking of a name change. How does John Laurinaitis Championship Wrestling sound?”

    This clearly angers Raf32. Raf32:“You SOB Laurinaitis. This is my company and if you think I’m gonna let you get your slimy hands on it, you have got another thing coming. Oh and one last thing John”.

    Raf32 nails Laurinaitis with a solid left hook. The fans go wild as Laurinaitis makes his way to the back holding his jaw. Raf32 lifts Thesz arm above his head as we go to a break.


    Jerry: Wow, what a match we have set for WrestleCade. I can’t see past Thesz to be honest.

    Mikey: You’re backing against Jimmy Hart? You’re more stupid than I thought. Bundy would crush Thesz alone. With Jimmy’s help, Thesz shouldn’t bother turning up. May i say, that cheap shot by Raf32 was pathetic.

    Jerry: Whatever way you look at it, it’s sure to be a great matchup. I’ll pass you over now to our backstage announcer Sarah Williams, who has a very special guest.


    Sarah Williams is standing backstage when Randy Savage comes into focus. The crowd go wild and get a “Macho Man” chant going.

    Sarah Williams: Randy, after last week you must be hurting. That elbow doesn’t look too good.

    Savage: I say I'm a million percent. That is better than a hundred percent! I’m the type of person that doesn’t talk negative, I stay positive. Yeah!

    Sarah Williams: What did you make of the moment when Hollywood Hogan betrayed you a couple of weeks back and claimed the World Heavyweight Championship? Does it bother you knowing that you have never pinned the Hulkster? Some say you can’t beat him.

    Savage: Nothing means nothing. Hulkamania is like a single grain of sand in the Sahara desert that is Nacho Madness. I am the cream of the crop, and the cream of the crop always rises to the top. There is nobody that does it better than the Macho Man Randy Savage. And at WrestleCade, Macho Madness is coming for you Hogan, Oh Yeah!

    Sarah Williams: Whats your plan to beat Hogan at WrestleCade?
    Savage: My plan is no plan. I am going to be a human torpedo and I’m going to zero in on you Hollywood Hogan. And as for that good for nothing Jimmy Hart, I got a message for you. What it is, is what it is. We got a date with destiny, if you can wait because I cant. Oh Yeah!”

    The Macho Man storms off.

    Jerry: Macho Man doesn’t sound too happy.

    Mikey: He sounds demented. What a weirdo.

    Jerry: Passionate would be a better word to use. And now we have our first match of the night. This is a #1 contenders match for the tag titles. It’s a triple threat tornado tag match between the teams of The Long Island Broskis, The Mega Plowers and Hall & Henning (H&H)
    Henning makes his way out to the ring with Cody Hall, with a microphone. “I told you two weeks ago, I was going to make a statement and now I have. It’s time for Cody and I to step out from our fathers shadows. While their partnership was above average, ours will be the best ever.”

    Cody Hall: "And we will start our legacy by winning the Tag Titles at WrestleCade, after we dispose of these two loser tag teams.”

    The match starts off with a high tempo, with the LIB’s dominating early on. As the Mega Plowers and H&H try to take a breather on the outside, Ryder and Hawkins climb the turnbuckle and dive out on top of their opponents. Ryder tosses Bagwell back inside the ring. The fans are really feeling it as Ryder and Bagwell have a back and forth struggle inside the ring. Suddenly we notice the Tag Champs, The Twin Towers coming down to the ring. They take out both Hawkins and Venis on the outside of the ring. However the two competitors inside the ring are oblivious to their presence. Bossman gets in the ring and takes down Ryder, while Akeem drags Bagwell to the outside. Akeem hits a DDT on the outside, followed by a splash to Bagwell, while the Big Bossman hits The Bossman Slam on Ryder. Both men stand tall in the ring as Henning and Hall make their way to the back, having slyly avoided the champions. We have a no contest and the champs look very happy at that result.

    Jerry: Damn Twin Towers, now we have no #1 contenders.

    Mikey: They did the smart thing, if there is no #1 contenders, there is no title match at WrestleCade. Looks like the lads can take WrestleCade off and have a few beers instead.


    We notice Brie Bella backstage with her newly won Women’s Title. The US champ Rick Rude approaches her.
    “Congratulations Brie on last week. We could make quite the couple with all this gold around our waists. How about we get to know each other a little better over a drink and if you’re lucky, you might get your own special rude awakening?”.

    Brie just looks at him disgusted and storms off.
    Rude shouting down the hall:“Just remember Brie, I gave you first dibs on the Ravishing One!”

    Jerry: Next up we have Goldberg vs the same local contestant from last week. Can he do better than Ryback did last week?

    Mikey: The man can’t even buy a win. I wonder will we see Goldberg increase his losing streak to two?

    Goldberg is putting on a clinic here after deliver a big boot to the local wrestler. Ryback comes out on stage and Goldberg motions for him to come to the ring. Ryback refuses so Goldberg leaves the ring and motions to Ryback to approach him. Ryback teases coming back and forth as Goldberg gets counted out. Goldberg chases after Ryback but after unsuccessfully trying to catch him comes back out to find the local wrestler celebrating. He gets back in the ring and hits him with a powerful spear. He then hits the jackhammer on his fallen opponent. While Goldberg panders to the crowd, Ryback comes from behind and hits him with a spear. He mocks Goldberg , sticking his tongue out. He picks Goldberg up and hits the jackhammer.
    Ryback grabs a mic and points at the WrestleCade Sign: “Bill Goldberg, your next.”


    Mikey: Wow, what a statement. Streak vs Streak at Wrestlecade. That is of course Rybacks undefeated streak against Bill Goldberg’s pathetic winless streak.

    Jerry: Finally, Bill gets the match he wanted at WrestleCade. Goldberg is gonna be livid, I wouldn’t want to be Ryback right now.

    Mikey: You mean the man that just kicked Bill Goldberg’s ass?

    Jerry: After a cheapshot from behind partner. Something’s gotta give at WrestleCade. Can Goldberg stop Ryback from breaking his own impressive unbeaten streak set over a decade ago?


    We see Nikki Bella backstage now, giving out about last week to a backstage crew member. Rick Rude approaches her.
    “Hey Nikki, shame about last week. How about I give you a shoulder to cry on? Chin up, you’re probably the next best looking person here at USCW behind me, so things could be worse. What ya say about getting a closer look at my hotel room?"

    Nikki slaps him and storms off as Rude looks puzzled.

    Rick Rude: "Do I take that as a yes?"

    Jerry: Rick Rude is not having a great time with the women tonight Mikey.

    Mikey: My heart breaks for the poor guy.

    Jerry: We will now get a closer look at Rude’s opponent at WrestleCade. Pedro Morales is up next.

    Pedro Morales vs a local competitor is a very short match, with Morales dominating from start to finish. At the start of the match, the local competitor slaps Morales in the face. This causes Morales to snap and he hits him with an array of different moves. After hitting a Backbreaker, he locks in the Boston crab in the centre of the ring. His opponent has no choice but to tap out.

    Jerry: Quite the impressive debut for Morales.

    Mikey: Got to agree, albeit it against a jobber.

    Out of nowhere, Rude blindsides Morales and hits in with the title belt across the head. Morales seems to be knocked clean out.

    Mikey: We saw the two sides to Rude tonight and I gotta say I prefer this one.
    Rick Rude: “Well this has got to be the ugliest audience I have ever seen. You women are disgusting. There’s gonna be no Rude Awakening for any of you dogs tonight. Is this an arena or is it the world’s biggest dog pound? Im getting out of here before I catch something.”


    Rude exits as Morales seems to be coming to.

    Jerry: Disgusting attitude by Rude.

    Mikey: Nah, a few here should be on leashes!haha dog pound, I love it!

    Raf32 is walking backstage when he runs into the celebrating Tag Champs.
    Raf32: “You think your smart guys ya? No one to challenge for your titles ya? Well your correct, no one team will get a shot at yeer titles. Instead I’m booking yeer defence at WrestleCade against a trio of teams. The Long Island Broski’s, H&H and The Mega Plowers will all get a shot at yee in a fatal four way tag team match. Now, get the hell out of my face.”

    The tag champs look pissed as they exit. John Laurinaitis comes over to Raf32.
    Raf32: “And another thing John, if you’re thinking of screwing Lou Thesz tonight, you got another thing coming. I’ll be out there at ring side to stop any of your stupid shenanigans”.

    John Laurinaitis: “Well, I’m afraid you’re going to be left disappointed so”.

    About 10 cops build a circle around RAF32. The head cop talks. “Raf32, I’m arresting you for assault. You do not have to say anything…”
    John Laurinaitis: “That’s right, that good for nothing assaulted me on my own property. Take him away boys”.

    Raf32 just smiles at Laurinaitis as the cops march him away.
    Jerry: That dastardly good for nothing. Thesz is screwed.

    Mikey: Well maybe Raf32 shouldn’t have put his hands on Mr Laurinaitis so. Lou Thesz is a big boy, he can handle himself.

    We see Joe Henning and Cody Hall in a bowling alley just beside the arena. Henning has nearly put up the perfect game. He has 11 strikes and is about to go for his 12th.
    Henning: “Cody, get me that blindfold. Im about to prove how easy a perfect game really is”.

    Hall ties it around Henning’s head, so Henning’s vision is obstructed.

    Henning: And now Ladies and Gentlemen, you will witness a PERFECT game. He takes his time, getting a feel for the bowling ball. When he does throw it, it’s going straight for the centre of the pins. However it spins away and goes down the gutter. Henning takes the blindfold off.

    Henning” Are you kidding me? What the hell man?

    Hall putting his hand over the camera: “Shut that damn camera off now. What a fluke, you got it the other 15 times man”.

    Jerry: Haha Mr Imperfect strikes again, what a guy.

    Mikey: You try to throw a perfect game dumbass, incredibly hard feat.

    Jerry: Well perhaps if he wasn’t so arrogant, he would have got it.


    Jerry: I’m hearing next week, Brie Bella and Nikki Bella will both be guests on a show presented by Rick Rude called “Ricks Rude Awakening”.

    Mikey: Bound to be fireworks there.

    Jerry: Agreed, the Bella's have a few things to sort out.And now it’s time for our main event. But first the results of the USCW poll to decide the stipulation for the main event at WrestleCade.

    The results appear on the titantron.
    A) Cage Match 41%
    B) Last Man Standing Match 26%
    C) Hell in a Cell 33%

    Jerry: There you have it folks. The main event of WrestleCade 2 will be decided in side a steel cage match.

    Mikey: Suits that loser Savage perfect so as he doesn’t have to pin a man he has never pinned.

    Jerry: You know as well as me partner that Savage will want to win this match by pin fall. He will want to eliminate any doubt.


    John Laurinaitis makes his way out to the ring in his referee shirt. The crowd boo him heavily as he comes out in silence. He begins to check each turnbuckle and makes sure everything is right with the ring.

    Mikey: What a professional Mr Laurinaitis is. Not only is he a great GM but I have no doubt he will be a great referee. He will call this right down the middle.

    Jerry: Ya right, I somehow doubt that.

    Hollywood Hogan makes his way out to the ring accompanied by his manager Jimmy Hart. They get inside the ring, Hogan is carrying a mic and it looks like he has something to say.
    “Cut that damn music. I can’t believe Lou Thesz is here in the USCW. You know as a kid, I looked up to Lou Thesz. He made me want to become a professional wrestler. But that was when I was a kid. Now I look up to no man. I’m at the top of this industry and everyone looks up to me now, brother. But I just wanted to comment on something before I retire Lou Thesz. Play the damn video.”

    “You gave me a 1 or a 0 for my wrestling ability Lou Thesz, you chump. Well you made two mistakes in that interview Lou. The first is that I am indeed a wrestler brother, and the second…is that I am a bad guy. Now, get the hell out here so I can smack some manners into you”.

    Lou Thesz makes his way out and the match starts. Thesz is hitting Hogan with a massive array of different moves ranging from headlocks to wristlocks to his backbreaker submission. Hogan is struggling early on. However a distraction from Jimmy Hart gives him an opportunity to get back in this match. After turning his attention away from Hart, Thesz runs at Hogan but is “accidentally” tripped up by Laurinaitis. Laurinaitis pleads his innocence but the crowd aren’t buying any of it. Hogan starts to stomp away on Thesz and eventually puts him in a headlock. This wears down Thesz and Hogan releases the hold. As Thesz is down Hogan goes to lock in Lou’s patented STF.

    Jerry: How insulting to Thesz.

    Mikey: Shut up! He is paying the man homage.

    However Thesz breaks out of it and floors Hogan with a dropkick. Thesz locks in the STF on Hogan and it looks like Hogan is struggling. John Laurinaitis turns his back to the action and starts to warn Hart about his “disruption” on the outside. King Kong Bundy charges down to the ring and breaks the hold. He starts to beat down Thesz as Hogan gathers himself. Laurinaitis is “oblivious” to what’s going on. Both men stomp away as the crowd get a “Macho Man” chant going. And they aren’t disappointed. Savage comes running down to the ring and starts to beat away on both men. He eventually knocks Bundy to the outside. Laurinaitis turns around, points at him and calls for the bell. The crowd don’t like this one bit. Its announced Hogan as the winner due to a disqualification of Thesz. Savage is about to confront Laurinaitis when the Twin Towers blindside him. They both beat down on him as Bundy gets back in the ring. Along with Hogan, the four men beat down on Savage and Thesz. Akeem and Bossman beat down Thesz and Savage with chairs. There are multiple chair shots on both men for a good 5 minutes. Bossman targets the damaged right arm of Savage during this assault. The Tag Team Champions exit and leave the Fallen Macho Man and Thesz to Hogan and Bundy. Bundy hits a big splash on Thesz, while Hogan delivers his leg drop to Savage. Both men are beaten badly. Laurinaitis looks on, delighted with what has unfolded.

    Jerry: Ah this is horrible, can we get them some help out there. Laurinaitis had this all planned. The SOB!!!

    Hogan gets out a spray-paint can. He rips Randy Savages t-shirt off. He writes on Savages back “Hollywood”. How humiliating.

    Jerry: Ah this is disgusting. The numbers game again has caught up on Savage. Damn it!
    Jimmy Hart on his megaphone: “Take this all in everyone. The same thing is going to happen again at WrestleCade and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. I guarantee it, and as we all know by now, a Jimmy Hart guarantee always happens boy.”

    Hulk Hogan grabs a mic and looks to the fallen Macho Man: “I’m the man; I’m the icon of our era. When your with Hollywood, when you believe in a man that made life happen for you. The bottom line is when you love me, when you worship me, you love me for life! Because Hollywood Hogan is just too….sweet!!”

    Hart raises both Hogan's and Bundy’s arms as Laurinaitis looks on clapping as we go off air.


    Next week on Adrenaline:
    1. How will Randy Savage respond? Or will he even respond? Has the Macho Man been finally broken by Hollywood Hogan and Jimmy Hart? Can he counteract the numbers game?
    2. How will Goldberg respond after Rybacks ambush? Can he overcome his losing streak?
    3. With a four way title match confirmed, who will emerge as the favourites in the tag division? Will Joe Henning continue being so imperfect? Will The Twin Towers have to watch their backs after their assault of Randy Savage and Lou Thesz? Can the LIB's and The Mega Plowers establish themselves as teams to be reckoned with?
    4. How will the Bellas get on, on "Ricks Rude Awakening"? Will Pedro Morales seek retribution on Rude?
    5. Can Lou Thesz bounce back from a controversial loss to Hollywood Hogan and lay down a marker to King Kong Bundy? Will Raf32 even make it to WrestleCade to be in his corner? Has John Laurinaitis played the last of his games?
    6. We have one more debut but who will be arriving in USCW?

    All these questions and more will all be answered next Monday at 8/7 C on Monday Night Adrenaline, only available to the RAF network.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,745 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter


    Welcome to BWA Raw!
    Live in Memphis, Tennessee
    On the BWA Raw pre-show (linked) the past year of the promotion was recapped with particular focus being placed on the stable known as "The Aces of the Universe" and the rumours surrounding new talent joining the BWA most notably the UFC's Phil "CM Punk" Brooks who has further fueled speculation by letting it be known that he has front row tickets for tonights show.

    The crowd seem really pumped tonight as the Pyros go off and we prepare for the start of the show but they almost blow the roof off the arena when this music hits and Memphis wrestling Icon Jerry "The King" Lawler comes out.

    There had been a rumour circulating that he might show up tonight but nobody expected him to debut in the BWA by opening the show here and the resulting reception is overwhelming. Eventually the Jerry chants die down enough for him to get on the Mic
    "Thank you, thank you.... you know this is one moment where it really couldn't be more true to say... It's good to be the king! In fact it's great, great to be here in my hometown of Memphis and great to be in my new home The BWA! a place where they are willing to let The King be The King and speak my mind on some issues ive been bottling up recently."

    "Last year I competed and was the booker for a little known promotion called MNG productions... and I did one hell of a job even if I say so myself. Unfortunately once their road to Wrestlemania was gone and out of the way so was the chairman of that organization. He disappeared and left ol Jerry here holding the bag and I tell you that place was a mess, you know what im talking about don't ya Punk? Jerry points to CM Punk who is sat in the front row and whom headlined MNGs Wrestlemania last year. After a little smile Punk nods in agreement.

    "I tell you backstage in that place there were more tragedies than shakespeare coulda come up with, hell he (pointing to Punk again) wouldn't have walked out if that place wasn't so F...f'd up. But now... now I have a chance to put that place behind me, here in the BWA The King will do what the king does best and thats put on one hell of a show for the fine people of Memphis!"

    "O thats right, I'm in charge tonight...(the crowd are loving this)... I'm running the show here in the BWA now and you know what, I think to celebrate that fact we are going to have a World Heavyweight title match right here tonight in Memphis! The BWA World champion Hiroshi Tanahashi will defend his BWA World title against the living legend Mil Mascaras!"

    "And I'm not done yet, the tag titles will be on the line as The Brisco Brothers will take on Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi! speaking of those boys I want to introduce to you the newest signing to team BWA and a man who has been rumoured to be the new fourth member of the Aces of the Universe....Antoni Inoki!

    Jerry notes that it was not indeed he who signed Inoki but that despite what he has heard he is happy to be able to be able to welcome him to the company. When questioned on what it was he had heard Lawler seems reluctant to say it but eventually elaborates saying how he had heard that Inoki who sold his controlling shares in NJPW after Tanahashi and Nakamura jumped ship to the BWA last year was looking to invest in this company. Lawler also admits that having only just taking over the booking he wasn't too excited at the potential that someone else might want to run the show.

    Inoki takes the Mic and thanks Jerry for the welcome and talks about how great an honor it is to be there and then admits he would love to run such a great promotion but says now is not the time to discuss such matters publicly nor is it the time to discuss who would book the show if any such a takeover should take place.

    Lawler does not look too happy at Inoki's response and seems to be shaking his head and muttering something along the lines of "no thats not what time it is"

    Just then we hear bellowing throughout the arena "It's time! It's time! It's Vader time!"

    Announcer 1 (good old JD) : No it can't be!
    Announcer 2 (BH): Is that another guy jumping ship from MNG to the BWA?
    #JD: My gawd it is, It's the Mastadon, Big Van Vader is here!

    Vader makes his way down to the ring, enters and goes face to face with Inoki who really looks like he didn't expect this at all. Did Lawler though? The local man made a quick exit from the ring and headed to the back leaving the Japanese legend alone to see what the big man wants. Vader motions for Inoki to give him the microphone. Instead he seems to be asking him something, perhaps wondering what he's doing here but the beast of a man says nothing in return and just continues to demand the mic.

    #BH: Be smart Antonio, give the man what he wants

    It seems Inoki is thinking the same thing as he slowly hands it over and it looks like we are going to hear from Vader as after a few moments of contemplation he raises the mic up but then just as he looks ready to speak the deceptively quick big man spring into action cracking the microphone over Inoki's head. He is sent stumbling backwards but isn't out and turns to face his attacker but in doing so turns into a monstrous Lariat. The Japanese native is then the victim of a Vader Slam (Running powerslam) as the boos start to ring out throughout the arena. Unluckily for Inoki though public opinion does not sway Vader as he then ascends the turnbuckle before hitting a Moonsault so impressive the crowd is temporarily silenced. Boos quickly return though as Vader makes his way up the ramp and medical personnel are left to check on the downed Inoki,

    First match: Pat Patterson vs Julio Fantastico

    On his way to the ring the Patterson stops to greet CM Punk. As he does he is attacked from behind by Senor fantastico.

    Julio rolls him into the ring and continues the pre-match assault before catching Pat in a roll-up pin almost immediately when the bell is rung to begin the match. Luckily he kicks out just before the 3 count and then slowly Patterson is able to recover from the heelish attack and perhaps as a result how dominant he is throughout the following match impresses more than you would expect from a match against a so called jobber . It also establishes the canadian grappler as a face before a boston crab submission leads to the victory

    Winner: Pat Patterson
    Backstage Segment:
    Mike McGuirk is backstage with Jesse Ventura whose opinion he seeks on Jerry Lawler supposedly being in charge of BWA Raw. Ventura questions what exactly one would call being in control if someone could claim that is what they just saw from the Memphis native adding that he had heard a rumor that if Inoki does take over it'l be him asked to take over but that they should know he would see it as merely a stepping stone to a higher office. McGuirk moves past that though and onto Ventura's own recent controversy and how it has effected how he interacts with he BWA universe.

    Ventura's response may have raised some eyesbrows though:
    " You know what Mike, I would rather be uncomfortable with the truth than to be lied to in comfort. That's just my nature. There might be a god-damned media conspiracy against me cos I sued the American Sniper but you know what... I Won. I was right and that means that with the star f*ckers in the BWA universe it won't change a damn thing as now they can justify cheering me cos the reason i'm here in Memphis tonight is simple... beating some trash and then geting some Ass!

    McGuirk shakes his head disapprovingly as "The Body" walks away

    #BH: Do you believe the balls on that man?
    #JD: Yeah I think i'd reverse the order if I was him considering the standard of women he usually picks up!
    #BH: Beating some ass and getting some t... wait no I mean his comments about The American Hero whose family he sued
    #JD: Shhhh here he comes

    Jesse "The Body" Ventura vs Localo Joberino

    *As Ventura makes his entrance the announcers reference how he has recently been taking a fan out of the audience after his matches to "Celebrate with backstage" and question how much self respect these ladies must have*

    The Body makes short work of the local wrestler and after a few big clotheslines, then finishes him off with his Body Breaker Inverted bearhug.

    Winner: Jesse Ventura

    Ventura then proceeds to act like he has just won the world title, over celebrating his victory and as they have the last few weeks since these antics first began the crowd give him a very mixed reaction with ever increasing boos. Despite that it doesn't take him long to find a attractive young blonde lady wearing a CM Punk shirt who is willing to join his celebration backstage. "You'll do" is what he is heard to exclaim before lifting her over the barricade squeezing the young ladies backside as he does.

    Backstage Segment
    Sean Mooney interviews Seiji Sakaguchi asking him about how Nakamura has been acting a little odd recently and if he knows how to approach such an erratic opponent. Sakaguchi reminds everyone about all the great things he has done in his career before coming to the BWA and all the stars he has beaten in the past. He says that they are all household names here in America but Sakaguchi...nobody knows who the hell he is! tonight though he says that will all change and if Nakamura acts even half as erratic in the ring as he has out of it recently then he will exploit it and that beating Nakamura will just be his first step on the road to the top and the acclaim he deserves.

    Shinsuke Nakamura vs Seiji Sakaguchi

    If the WHC main event is to top this one it will have some way to go with both fighters pulling out their A game in this match up with Sakaguchi in particular impressing the crowd at first. It was After a full 20mins of back and forth action when the crowd had well and truly gotten into it that He (Sakaguchi) locked in a sleeperhold It looks like Nakamura is fading and eventually after almost a minute in the hold half of which he spent trying to fight out of it his eyes close and his body posture seems to suggest he's out. The ref raises his hand as the camera zooms in close on him, 1 - arm drops near limp, 2 - The same again, is this one over? then as the ref raises his hand for a third time Nakamura's eyes shoot open wide but with his eyeballs rolled (undertaker like) back so all you can see is white. This image along with the fact that he starts chanting in Japanese sends the ref stumbling back in shock as if he has seen a ghost.

    The refs reaction along with seeing a close up of Nakamuras face on the Titantron also causes Sakaguchi to release the sleeper and step back aghast at what he sees. This was a mistake as seemingly the second he is freed from the hold Nakamuras weird trance like state reverts back to normality and he slingshots himself of the rope before hitting a hugely impressive one leg dropkick to his opponent. Everyone is stunned but Nakamura seems 100% in the moment and as Sakaguchi tries to rise back to his feet he is caught by the Boma Ye Knee strike. 1-2-3!

    Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura
    After the match when Sakaguchi finally comes around and gets to a knee...BOOM!...another Boma Ya Knee strike is delivered sending him crashing to the mat and causing many in the arena to fear for his health. Nakamura though is just laughing Maniacally in ring until he suddenly stops and turns his attention back to his fallen countryman. He places one hand on either side of his head and lifts him up by the head. Then while holding him in this position he goes face to face with him and then just like earlier he rolls his eyes back into his head and starts chanting in Japanese.

    A moment later he drops him back to the mat and starts stumbling around a little disorientated himself before heading over to one of the corners where a young Japanese boy hands him a little bag from which he produces an electric razor. He grabs Sakaguchi's head and quickly shaves off big portions of his hair while shouting "I am your lord!" in between some Japanese. Eventually extra referees and security forcefully separate Nakamura from Sakaguchi but as they help the latter to the back Nakamura (who is being held at ringside until his opponent is safely gone) continues to shout the same bilingual phrases at him.

    #BH: Wow... I really don't know what to say about that and it takes a lot to leave me speechless
    #JD: Well lets see what a very special member of the BWA universe in attendance here tonight thought of all that then
    #BH: Good idea, Josh, have you got him Josh?

    Josh Matthews interviews CM Punk
    Josh Matthews: So Punk, can you tell me your thoughts on what you just witnessed?

    CM Punk: "That was intense... I mean normally I'd tell you this has nothing to do with me and to focus on the product but what can I say... some of that was a little familiar."

    Josh: "What do you mean? I've never seen anything like that before

    Punk: Really? great wrestler, thinks he is a god, shaving heads in the ring... I mean im flattered and all but

    Josh: Are you trying to say that Nakamura was copying what you did previously?

    Punk: well I'm not sure if thats how I would phra...

    Just then the interview is interrupted by none other than Shinsuke Nakamura who pushes Josh out of the way to get to Punk but the security who had been ushering him up the aisle quickly (the moment he gets physical with the interviewer) get between them. There is a brief stare down as Punk seems to laugh off Nakamura while asking him "Yeah and what?" before suddenly Nakamura's head lunges forward and he spits right onto Punks face! after a moment of shock the security is called into action to keep Punk from jumping the barricade and more appear on the scene to force Nakamura who is now once again laughing like a crazy person into the back.

    #BH: Dear god have you ever seen anything like this?
    #JD: Never, that is just, thats so...
    #BH: We sincerely want to apologize to everyone watching, BWA superstars don't usually act like that. I don't know what has gotten into that young man
    #JD: He really has not been himself for some time now but that...

    A quick promo plays hyping next months BWA PPV

    Backstage segment
    Todd Grisham interviews BWA Tag Team Champions Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa and first asks them about what they just witnessed from the former "Ace of The Universe" Shinsuke Nakamura. They emphasize that he is indeed not associated with them anymore and that it was erratic behavior like that which lead to their parting ways but that if they can help him get back on the right track in anyway they would be more than happy to. They talk about how their close friend Antonio Inoki was also subjected to a shocking assault tonight before they arrived at the arena and that they are still trying to get word on his condition after he was taken to a local medical facility. Todd asks them if with everything going on they will be able to focus on their match up next and they simply say the will have to because one slip up and a team like The Briscos will punish you

    #BH: It really has been one hell of a start here on BWA Raw!
    #JD: Yeah I honestly wouldnt blame the tag champs if they were a little preoccupied with thoughts of their friend
    #BH: well JD here they come now, it's time for our first title match of the night!

    BWA Tag Team titles match
    Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi vs The Brisco Brothers

    The challengers really push the champs to the limit here in what most say would have been a 5 star match until the unexpected happens once more. At one point all four combatants are in the ring as Jack Brisco is breaking up a pin attempt on his brother by Mitsuharu Misawa and Kobashi is tring to forcably stop him and in doing so knocks the older Brisco and himself to the outside. The two look to be about to get into it but show each other respect and back away Brisco getting back onto the apron in his corner which they are next to and Kobashi walking back around the ring towards his corner. Suddenly what looks like a fan in a hoodie hops over the guard rail though and attacks Kobashi from behind , after a few viscious rights and lefts he pulls off the hood and OMG! it's Samoa Joe. Joe then grabs his disorientated opponent up onto his shoulders and hits a muscle buster on the outside before leaving up the ramp. The ref and Mitsuharu Misawa had been distracted by the action in the ring but now that action becomes a 2 on 1 and slowly MIsawa cannot take it anymore and the Briscos take turns in locking in figure four leg locks which eventually Misawa taps to!

    Winners and new tag team champions The Brisco Brothers

    JD: Bah Gawd We have new tag champs and it's all thanks to Samoa Joe of all people
    BH: That's right the hottest free agent in all of Pro Wrestling seems to have signed with the BWA and what an impact he has made on his first night.
    JD: and what a night it has been BH!
    BH: That's right but I don't think things are going to calm down just yet as our man backstage is trying to get an explanation for his actions from Shinsuke Nakamura right now!

    Backstage Segment
    Kevin Kelly interviews Shinsuke Nakamura about his actions earlier tonight. Stood beside them is Nakamura's opponent from tonights match Seiji Sakaguchi and it seems he has had his new hairdo finished as he now sports a Nakamura-esque partially shaved look. Nakamura is swaying from side to side when Kelly asks him if he would like to apologize to the BWA universe and to CM Punk for his actions tonight eliciting a sudden stop and a look of disdain before he starts screaming その小さな雌犬に謝罪...

    A few seconds after his rant finishes Nakamura grabs the Mic off the interviewer and gives it to Sakaguchi before giving him an order in Japanese 今それを言う!

    Sakaguchi: "Nakamura says (Nakamura screams something), My Lord says that nobody should be talking about CM Punk. He says that what you witnessed out there tonight was only the start and for that ummm (Nakamura:あく!) Piece of scum to suggest he was imitating anyone else sickens him.

    He then looks at Nakamura who screams 最初の犠牲者! before saying "CM Punk will be the first victim"

    #BH: What in the world does that mean? and why in gods name is Skaguchi taking orders from that madman?!?
    #JD: I have no idea but I wouldn't want to mess with that nutjob!
    #BH: Well I am sure the boys on the post show will have a lot to say about that but for now we have our blockbuster main event to get to

    World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Mil Mascaras

    A back and forth match that would be worthy of its place main eventing any PPV let alone the season premier of BWA Raw comes to a close as Mascaras hits a sweet vertical suplex and then goes up top for his diving crossbody but at the last second the champion rolls out of the way. Mil lands hard on his chest which he seemed to injure earlier in the match after a dive through the ring ropes lead to him colliding with the ringside barricade. Tanahashi without missing a beat then ascended the turnbuckle himself and hit his High Fly Flow Frog splash. Again this causes huge pain to the challengers abdomen and perhaps spotting this Tanahashi decided not to go for the pin but instead locks in a cloverleaf submission which Mascaras eventually taps out to.

    Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi

    That was one hell of a match up but a deserved winner has emerged and Mascaras seems unashamed of pointing out he was beaten by the better man on the night and a man who deserves his respect. The two shake hands before Mascaras exits the ring leaving the champ in the ring to play us out on his air guitar!

    He is celebrating now but it hasn't exactly been the best night for The Aces of The Universe. A shock Samoa Joe debut cost Misawa & Kobashi the tag titles, their associate Antonio Inoki was sent to the hospital by Big Van Vader and their former ally Shinsuke Nakamura seemingly snapped live on national television. One can only wonder what will happen next week!

    BWA 2015 Roster
    CM Punk
    Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Shinsuke Nakamura
    Kenta Kobashi
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Samoa Joe
    Big Van Vader
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura
    Dan "The Beast" Severn
    "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey
    The Sheik
    Abdullah The Butcher
    Jack Brisco
    Gerry Brisco
    Pat Patterson
    Georgeous George
    Antonio Inoki
    Seiji Sakaguchi
    Mil Mascaras

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe


    The crowd is hot tonight as the commentary team welcome us to Monday Night Chaos. The tron lights up and sexy boy hits, as the ring announcer introduces.........Shawn Michaels! Shawn comes out to a chorus of boo’s and he looks very sombre as he uncharacteristically walks slowly to ringside. Shawn pauses for a moment while his music cuts and declines to pose as he normally would. Shawn takes in all of the boos before talking a mic in hand.

    Shawn says that Firstly he doesn’t have to justify himself to anyone but he will let people know what’s going on inside the head of old H-B-K. He says last week was supposed to be his moment as he surprised the world by showing up as number 2 entrant in the Championship Rumble. Shawn says everything was set up, with Rumble matches being his forte and God on his side that he was on his way to a historic victory. That was until Jake Roberts got in his way.

    Commentator 1 : Shawn was in the rumble from the start and was on fire, though so was Jake.


    Michaels says Jake ruined everything. He says when his feet touched the floor he felt abandoned by not only the fans who cheered for Jake, but by God too. He felt like Jake had taken everything away in one swoop. Shawn says he wondered why everyone forsaken him in favor of Jake? Michaels claims it was then that he came to the realization that he’s on his own and all alone. Michaels says all that ran through his mind was to make Jake pay for ruining his moment and taking everything he had from him.

    The fans boo Shawn as his tone gets darker by the sentence.

    Shawn Michaels : So I made him pay last week and I will continue to make him suffer for what he did to me. For a man without God is a man with nothing to lose. I’m going to take it all from him just like he took it all from me!

    Shawn drops the mic and walks to the back, looking silently angry and a million miles from his old self, as the fans boo him back to the stone age as we cut to commercials.

    We are back to ringside and its time its the first match of the evening. The New Age Outlaws are out first and Billy Gunn is in singles action versus Shannon Moore.

    Shannon Moore versus B.A. Billy Gunn w/Road Dogg Jessie James

    Shannon Moore gets an early flurry of offense but its short lived as Billy takes control and dominates. During the match Shane Helms appears and cheers on Shannon and tries to get behind his good friend. Its in vain as Billy hits the Fame Asser for the win at the 5 minute mark.

    Winner : Billy Gunn

    Shannon slumps out of the ring and Helms carries him to the back. Road Dogg slides in the ring with a mic in hand. He says he and Billy tonight are in a ‘pay it forward’ kind of mood and that later tonight they will ‘do their good deed for the day!’.

    Commentator 1: What in the hell does that mean?

    The Outlaws head to the back as we cut to commercial.
    We are back and we see Jake Roberts arrive in the parking lot. He’s searching for Shawn asking production crew members his whereabouts, looking like a man possessed. Jake gets no where with his search and goes looking for Michaels through out the building.
    We switch to ringside and much to the shock of the crowd, ..............

    Out struts the co-owner of Beyond Chaos Vince McMahon. Vince walks out to address the crowd, who don’t really know how to react to him. Vince welcomes everyone to MONDAY NIGHT CHAOS in typical over the top Vince fashion. The fans still are hesitant to react to Vince as McMahon says Chaos is what each of them is going to get. Vince is in great form as he in forms the crowd about a historic night in Beyond Chaos’s existence. He says that right now, in this very ring he will call out Jeff Jarrett and they will come face to face in the ring for the first time ever. He says a lot happened in the past with himself and Jeff, but just like himself and Eric Bischoff, they settled their differences because it was best for business. Vince then calls out Jeff Jarrett...

    Jeff Jarrett’s music plays after a bit of a pause and out comes Vince’s fellow co owner of Beyond Chaos and his wife Karen. He stands at the ramp, kisses his wife and makes his way down the aisle as Karen walks to the back. Jarrett’s music cuts and Vince and he shake hands. Vince plays up again how historic a moment this is. Vince then congratulates Jarrett on his beautiful Wife and says he must be a lucky man. Vince says that’s its been a hell of a few weeks with whats gone on behind the scenes to get a deal in place and says its been a pleasure buying into the company to help Jarrett out and help Beyond Chaos get back on track Vince says that as everyone knows, that he acquired a 51 percent share, saying its all he wanted and all he needed to become a majority shareholder, asking Jeff isn’t he correct. Jeff agrees and Vince goes on saying that since the purchase was announced that the question on everyone’s lips has been, why did he buy into Beyond Chaos to help out bitter enemy Jeff Jarrett out?

    Vince says everyone’s been speculating why and says they have been asking was it for his love of wrestling? or was it because of a vision of making money and many other reasons. Vince says those reasons are kind of true but they aren’t the real reason. Vince then asks the crowd and more importantly he asks Jarrett does he know the real reason he bought in to Beyond Chaos?

    Vine McMahon : The reason I bought in was YOU JEFF! More importantly, I want to RUIN YOU JEFF!

    Jarretts face drops as while Vince continues to tell his story similar to a Bond Villain telling 007 his plan for world domination.

    Vince McMahon : You see Jeff, you’re my white whale, actually more of a cockroach’re my white cockroach if you will. You see, no matter how much I try to crush you, I cant seem to kill you. Back in 2001 I fired you live on TV, and I assumed that be the end of J-E-double F. But you came back and not only into wrestling but back with your own TNA wrestling company. So I try to squash that and sure enough I crushed TNA so bad that its no longer a reputable company and no one gives a damn about it.. So I’m there thinking, Jeff wont be back but sure enough Cockroach Jeff comes back and not only has a new company but he has bought my sons company. You just wouldn’t die would you?

    The arena is filled with boo’s as Vince looks 100 percent more crazy than when he started speaking.

    Vince McMahon : So when you came looking for help after all these years, I saw an opportunity to rid the world of wrestling of Jeff Jarrett. I hatched my master plan. I bought in, I bought in just enough so I could be majority shareholder and control the company.

    Vince looks insanely happy while Jarrett looks devastated.

    Vince McMahon : Now I cant fire you, but that would be too easy anyway. Besides I’ve done that before and it was only a short term solution. This way I control you’re company, rather my company. This way I have you by the balls Jarrett. You cant walk away cause you’re broke. You cant get rid of me cause you need me and this company needs me.

    Jeff Jarrett : You dirty rotten son of a bitch!

    Jarrett looks shattered as Vince grins from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat. The boos continue but Vince smiles and shrugs it off

    Vince McMahon : Now, what can I do to make you squirm Jarrett? What can I do huh? Lets start by calling out your two good, loyal pals, Abyss and Matt Morgan! Guys come on down please.

    Morgan and Abyss walk out to no music and climb into the ring. Vince asks them have they both been loyal to Jarrett over the years and tells them he knows that they have had Jeff’s back over the years . Both men reluctantly nod in agreement as Vince ponders if we can test Jarrett’s loyalty to them. Vince says that since hes the controlling shareholder, that he can fire both men right here right now if he wishes and will deem them surplus to requirements and wish them the best in their future endeavours. Abyss and Morgan look distraught as Jarrett pleads with Vince to leave them out of it and says his beef is with him and not these two.

    Vince McMahon : Well ill tell you what, since your so concerned I wont fire them Jeff. I wont fire them once you become the latest member of an exclusive club!!!

    Commentator 1 : He doesn’t mean? Oh dear god!

    Vince McMahon : That’s right, these two can keep their jobs if you join the Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Club!

    Jarrett is caught between a rock and a hard place as Vince smiles psychotically.

    Commentator 1 : Vince cant be serious

    Vince asks Jeff how loyal he is to Abyss and Morgan and says if he is truly loyal he will get down on his knees, pucker up and kiss his sexy back rear end. Jarrett doesn’t know what to do as he looks sick to his stomach at the situation. Morgan has had enough and pleads with Vince, saying hes got a new baby at home and cant afford to lose his job.

    Vince McMahon : I wont let you go if J-E-double F here kisses my A-double S!

    Jarrett pauses and mulls it over for what seems like an eternity as Vince continues to taunt him.

    Jeff Jarrett : I’ll.......I’ll do it!

    Vince McMahon : You’ll do what, exactly Jeff? Tell the people?

    Jeff looks defeated as he replies.

    Jeff Jarrett : Ill ....I’ll kiss your ass.

    Vince seems pleased as his grin gets even wider. Vince undoes his belt and drops his pants and presents his rear end to Jarrett.

    Vince McMahon : There you go Jarrett, KISS MY ASS DAMMIT!

    Jarrett looks at Morgan and Abyss and both guys thank him as he slowly walks over to Vince. Jarrett, at a snails pace, drops to his knees and stares into the black hole that is McMahons backside.

    Commentator 2 : I cant believe hes going to do this.

    The fans are booing mercifully as Jarrett reluctantly pecks Vinces ass. Jarrett looks visibly sick as he spits and winces at what hes just done while Vince looks very amused.

    Vince McMahon : See Jarrett, you’re my bitch now! And heres the real kick in the teeth. Boys.......

    Vince looks to both Abyss and Morgan and they smile back, before savagely attacking Jarrett.

    Commentator 1 : What the hell? Morgan and Abyss, Jarretts loyal friends have turn on Jeff. Whats going on. Vince, still with his pants around his ankles, taunts Jarrett over the mic.

    Vince McMahon : Jarrett, allow me to introduce my new security team! How does it feel to know you’ve kissed my ass for nothing?

    Vince then directs traffic as Abyss and Matt Morgan take part Jarrett. Vince then instructs Jarrett to get up, as Morgan and Abyss pick up his limp body. Vince stares into the glazed over eyes of Jarrett.

    Vince McMahon : Jeff, its time to join really The Vince McMahon Kiss My ass Club!!!!

    Morgan and Abyss adjust Jeff into position as Vince reveals his bare bottom. The two former Jarrett guys push Jeff’s head into Vince’s rear end! Vince seems very proud of himself as Jeff’s head is rubbed up against his bare ass. Jarrett is dropped down to the mat as Vince stands over him taunting him while zipping up his trousers. Vince can be heard saying ‘this is only the beginning Jarrett’ as his music plays. Jarrett is left lying in the ring as Vince celebrates with his hired guns Matt Morgan and Abyss.

    Commentator 1 : Morgan and Abyss have turned their backs on live long friend Jeff Jarrett. Vince has double crossed Jarrett in order to ruin him. This truly is Chaos!

    Commercial break!

    We return and we see Shannon Moore sitting in the locker room after being helped in my Shane Helms. Shannon is looking depressed after yet another loss however Helms is trying to inspire Shannon.

    Shane Helms : Shannon, don’t sweat it buddy. I used to be like you. When I was younger I found it hard to catch a break, I was losing every week and it seemed like I was never ever gonna turn things around. Then one day I looked inside of myself and discovered the man who was truly inside me....I found my true identity,..... I found “The Hurricane”. When I was the Hurricane I felt invincible and I believed I could beat any one and with that attitude I beat a lot of tough and mean opponents with the confidence I acquired. What I’m trying to say is, look inside yourself and find your true self, and before you know it you will catch your break. I just know it.

    Shannon ponders the wise words of Helms as we cut to ringside
    Its time for a match as The Hart Dynasty are making their way down the aisle. We recap last weeks show and the commentary team speculate if they are on the same page. Out next is Sweet Stan Lane and Beautiful Bobby Eaton, The Beyond Chaos Tag Champs, The Midnight Express to a great pop.

    Hart Dynasty versus The Midnight Express (non title)

    Harry Smith and Sweet Stan Lane start off and both knock lumps out of each other. Lane gets the advantage and Harry Smith needs a tag. However when he looks for one Tyson Kidd is seen waving to the crowd with his back to Smith letting poll axed from behind by Beautiful Bobby Eaton. Once again Smith gets the chance to look for a tag, but this time Kidd is on his phone again not concentrating on the action in the ring.

    Commentator 1 : Tyson Kidd just tweeted the following : bored out of my tree #waitingforatag

    Smith once again gets dragged back to the Midnight Express corner and takes a beating. Eventually Smith then clotheslines Lane and drags his own body towards his corner but this time Tyson is busy taking photo of himself.

    Smith makes it this time and confronts Kidd. Both yell at each other and this gives the Bobby Eaton the chance to nail Smith with a neckbreaker from behind for the ..1....2....3!

    Winners : Midnight Express

    The Champs leave in celebration as Tyson stands over a hurt Smith. Smith struggles to his feet and is met with a stunning shining wizard kick to the skull from Tyson.

    Commentator 1: Is this the end of the Hart Dynasty?

    Tyson takes a pic of Harrys fallen body as he walks off pretty smug with himself messing with his phone as we cut to commercial.
    We are back and Vince McMahon is backstage being interviewed and is along side his new security team of Matt Morgan and Abyss. Vince says hes proud of Matt and Abyss for seeing where their true loyalty lies and that this is only the beginning of Jarrett misery and promises more next week.

    Suddenly Jake Roberts appears and business picks up! Jake demands to have a match with Shawn tonight. Vince says that he loves the fire inside Jake and understands Jakes anger. Vince says he cant give Jake vs Shawn away for free and instead has already booked Jake vs Shawn for the Heavyweight Title in 3 weeks time on PPV. Vince says though, that the contract signing will be scheduled in the ring for later tonight. Jake says that’s all well and good, but Shawn wont make it til the PPV because hes going to end him tonight for putting his hands on his Son Aaron.

    Vince gets angry at Jake and asks him to control himself but Jake storms off again looking for HBK. The camera stays on Vince though who says hes got an idea to control Jake til the PPV.
    We switch backstage to the parking garage and the tag team champs Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane are throwing there luggage in their rent a car and about to leave the arena when suddenly they are attacked with steel chairs by the New Age Outlaws. The 2 cocky young upstarts destroy the Express with vicious shots and say sarcastically that ‘its time to do their good deed for the day and help the old folks to there abode’.

    Commentator 1 : What does that mean???

    Billy and Road Dogg proceed to tie the champs up with rope and gag their mouths with duck tape and proceed to dump both men into the boot of their rent a car. Billy slams the boot and says its time to drop the old folks home.

    Billy and Road Dogg grab the car keys, enter the vehicle and speed off out of the arena!

    Commentator 2: Where are the Outlaws taking the Tag Champs!

    Nigel McGuinness Challenge

    The IC Champ is in the ring with a mic and once again is issuing a challenge to anyone in the locker room to hang with him for over 5 minutes. Nigel runs down the crowd and dares anyone with the stones to come out and try hang with him. Out comes young rookie ...Timothy Thatcher

    Thatcher, who eliminated McGuinness from the Rumble last week, strolls out to answer the challenge. We see a recap as Thatcher makes his way out of the elimination and the beating Nigel dished out in retaliation.

    Nigel McGuinness : You’re the punk who thought it be a laugh to eliminated me from the Rumble. Now you think you can hang with me? Huh?

    Nigel slaps Timothy with an open hand and the bell rings.

    Nigel McGuinness versus Timothy Thatcher (non title, 5 min challenge)

    Nigel dominates Thatcher at first but soon gets cocky as while playfully slapping Thatcher, Nigel lets his guard down and is rolled up for a quick 2 count. Nigel then tries to charge at Thatcher for a lariat but gets caught in a crucifix pin for another close 2 count. Nigel then goes for a boot to the gut of Timothy but its caught by Thatcher and countered with a leg drag and pin attempt for another 2 count at the 3 min mark.

    Thatcher eventually gets clobbered by a hard lariat by McGuinness and trapped in a London Dungeon submission at 3.35. The clock is ticking but Timothy refuses to tap. Nigel wrenches the move tighter but Thatcher holds on and tries for the rope at 4.30. Nigel drags him back to the centre and applies the hold again. Timothy is gonna tap but then the 5 minute buzzer goes just before he taps....Thatcher just about outlasts the challenge and gets a title shot at the PPV.

    Winner : Timothy Thatcher

    Timothy continues to tap but Nigel doesn’t realise the hold doing serious damage to Thatcher. Referees come out and break it up but the damage has been done. We cut to commercial with Thatcher in agony while McGuinness looks on in a huff.
    We are back and as with wrestling, a camera is magically in the car that the New Age Outlaws are driving with the Tag Team Champions, The Midnight Express, tied up in the boot.

    Billy Gunn : I hope you guys are comfy in there!

    Road Dogg : That boot is fairly spacious to be honest.

    The camera soon pulls up and next to building which we cant quite make out yet. The Outlaws get out, open the boot and pummel the tied up Eaton and Lane some more before tossing them out of the car boot to the ground. Even though its dark, we can see a lovely well kept garden and 2 double doors and a sign that Billy reads out loud...

    Billy Gunn : Ah, Calmwood Retirement Village!

    Commentator 1 : what the hell are they doing at an old peoples home?

    Billy and Road Dogg then throw both Eaton and Lane through the double doors and yell into the receptionist. ...

    Road Dogg : We found these two old timers out wandering the medication aisle in Wallmart, its waaaay past their bedtime!

    Billy Gunn : Make sure they get looked after.

    Road Dogg : (directed at the Midnight Express ) Get the hint gramps, those tag belts our as good as ours.

    The Outlaws leave and speed off leaving the Tag Champs tied up and in a heap on the floor of the retirement village!

    Commentator 1 : I cant believe the actions of the Outlaws. This is unbelievable. They’ve dumped the Midnight Express off at a retirement home!

    We are back and in the ring is an elaborate set. The commentators say this is the new talk segment that Vince commissioned and wonder who the host and who the guest will be? The set is covered with cloaks as The ring announcer speaks :

    Ring Announcer : Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise for the host of Beyond Chaos’s new talk show......The jersey Shores own...Enzo Amore!

    A noisy loud techno dance tune pipes through the PA system and out comes Enzo Amore, dressed outrageously. He fist pumps his way down the aisle and gets on the mic as he enters the ring. Enzo welcomes everyone to his new talk show, THE PARTY PENTHOUSE!

    A firework goes off and the cloaks on the set drop to reveal the set of The Party Penthouse. Enzo points to a head height neon sign with “Enzos Party Penthouse” in huge lettering on it! We see two caged dancers above the ring, a mock bar with glass window behind it, a sweet disco ball and laser machine as well as comfy furry zebra print stools. Enzo says hes been asked to bring the controversy back to wrestling talk shows and he personally guarantee that this show will be off the hook.

    Enzo remembers that back in the day, that talk shows were cool and they were the most talked about segments on TV. He reminisces about Pipers Pit and Beefcakes Barbershop and says that over the years they lost their way and their Mojo. Enzo says it got to the point where they just plain sucked! The fans are indifferent so far as Enzo asks what do they think of his set. Enzo goes on to introduce his first guest on...Magnum TA!

    Magnums theme hits and out come the man himself to a wild reaction. Enzo says he apologizes in advance because his questions will be so hard hitting. Enzo asks if he’d like a cocktail, which Magnum declines. Enzo accuses him of being a bit rude before asking what the TA in Magnum TA stands for? Enzo speculates if it means ‘terribly awful?’ or ‘ Totally Atrocious? ‘much to the displeasure of Magnum. Enzo asks was he named after an Ice cream bar which again doesn’t sit well with his guest. Enzo quips that if judging by Magnums shirt and boots that it could stand for Tacky Attire!

    The fans boo as Enzos jokes as Magnum looks irate but Amore back tracks.

    Enzo Amore : I was joking son, relax. Chill. Now last week, you participated in the Championship Rumble and this happened.....Roll the footage

    On the tron plays Magnum TA eliminating Owen Hart from the rumble and the aftermath of Owen falling badly and appearing to injure his leg severally. Previously unseen footage shows Owen screaming backstage as he gets medical attention.

    Enzo Amore
    : Now Im a man in the know, you know?! So I have it on good authority that Owen Hart suffered a broken ankle last week and its sooooooo bad that he is considering hanging up his boots. How does that make you feel knowing you set out to injure Owen Hart? Whats your take on that G?

    Magnum TA looks annoyed as the typical heel host Enzo twists the knife....

    Enzo Amore : You cant call me a liar dog, its all there for the world to see, you threw Owen over with force and he ended up severally injuring his left leg. Thats not cool G. Now he has a family to feed and a big mortgage to pay, maybe he wanted to party the rest of his life but now he may never resume his career because of you Magnum, he may never party again because of you. Isn’t that right?

    Magnum gets annoyed and stares a hole in the head of Enzo

    Enzo Amore : Well I can see that your in denial Bro, so allow me to introduce my next guest, The King Of Harts...OWEN HART!

    Owen Harts Music hits and out comes the youngest brother in the Hart Family. Owen, looking unshaven, is on crutches and is wearing a strap on cast boot as he hobbles into the ring. Enzo puts the mic in front of Owen as the fans chant ‘Thank You Owen’ showing respect to Owen thinking hes about to announce his retirement. Owen says hes out here with a heavy heart. He says its been a tough week and that hed like to thank the fans for all their support, but its time to be honest with everyone.

    Magnum talks over him and says that he truly had no intention of injuring him last week that he was just trying his best to win. Magnum says he has no idea how bad Owens leg is and that he is deeply sorry for causing this. Owen looks sad as he responds saying it was an that he understands it was an accident but the damage is done. My career is officially done and I have to retire from this business. Owen is looks so down as he blames Magnum for causing all this. Owen has tears in his eyes as he tells Magnum that according to the advice of doctors, that he’ll be lucky if he can walk again without an aid. Owen breaks down a little and Enzo comforts him as thee fans clap in respect of Owen.

    Enzo Amore : Owen you’re a true certified G. No doubt. Magnum, do you not see what you’ve done. C’mon, look at what you’ve done T.A.? SEE WHAT YOU’VE DONE YOU NO GOOD COWARDLY ASS.....

    Enzo gets in Magnums face and starts jabbing is finger into the chest of Magnum will continue to goad him with his words. Magnum looks angry and finally has enough as he grabs Enzo in retaliation by the scruff.

    Enzo Amore : : What you going to do tough guy? End my career too? Huh big man?

    Magnum teases striking Enzo but from behind we see Owen make a miraculous recover as he winds up a crutch and hits Magnum TA from behind with the crutch several times.

    Commentator 1: What? I thought he was injured?

    Owen unstraps the cast boot and throws it at Magnum as he continues his assault with the crutch. Owen laughs and gestures that hes outsmarted Magnum as he goes over Magnums knee and leg with the crutch.

    Commentator 1 : Owen was faking the whole time. That dastardly son of a gun!

    Commentator 2 : Its a miracle, don’t you see. Owens healed. Praise Jesus!

    Enzo gets out of the ring as Owen drags Magnum over to the corner and locks in a vicious figure 4 leg lock around the ring post. Magnum is in agony as Owen synchs in the lock. Luckily for Magnum, a host of referees come down to break it up, but the damage is done. The fans boo Owen who has duped them all into thinking he was retiring. Magnum is attended to as Owen woo’s his way back to the locker room, very pleased with his actions as we cut to commercial.
    We see Vince walking backstage and heading to the ring as hes flanked by his new security team of Abyss and Morgan. Suddenly Karen Jarrett, the wife of Jeff, walks into Vince.

    Karen Jarrett : You two (pointing at Abyss and Morgan) should be ashamed of yourselves, Jarrett would always have your back yet you sold out on him.....and you (turning to vince), you’re a low, rotten, disgusting son of a bitch.

    Vince McMahon : My my my, aren’t you a little pretty little thing, how they hell did Jarrett bag you huh?

    Karen then slaps Vince with a vicious open hand. Vince is stunned as Karen leaves. Vince brushes himself off and proclaims “Oooh, I liked that”. Vince walks off with a big smile on his face towards ringside.
    Its time for the contract signing and Vince McMahon is in the ring along with about 10 security guards as well as a table and some chairs. He says the security team are here to keep Jake and Shawn apart. He says he knows both Jake and Shawn want to hurt each other and that there animosity towards each other will make their match a must see match at the Chaos Rising PPV. He introduces Shawn Michaels and out comes the Heartbreak Kid himself to a chorus of boos from the fans. Vince welcomes Shawn with a warm handshake and Shawn stares coldly at the crowd before sitting down. Vince makes a big deal about Shawn taking up his accomplishments before introducing Jake Roberts.

    Out comes Jake to a great response and hes got a determined look on his face. As he enters he stares a hole in the direction of Michaels as Shawn stares back. Jake goes for Shawn but is restrained my security. The guards hold both men back as Vince tells them both to calm down. He says he knows that each man wants to rip each other apart and thats fine but no one is touching each other tonight. He says that he needs to keep this match for the PPV because this is a big money match and he cant give this away for free. Vince says he needs to keep both men controlled until the PPV. So hes installed a “non contact” clause into this contact. That means nether Shawn or Jake can physically touch the other until the match at the Chaos Rising PPV.

    Vince informs Shawn that once this contact is signed they will get each other one on one at the PPV but that if Shawn touches Jake that the penalty for this will be Shawn not ever receiving a Title shot ever again. Vince then addresses Jake and says the penalty for Jake is that he will be stripped of the title and will also never be able to receive a title shot again as well. So once this contact is signed, nether man can touch the other, its that simple. Shawn cuts him off abruptly.

    Shawn Michaels : You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve any of this! I hate looking at you knowing that God turned his back on me for you. At Chaos Rising I will take everything away from you just like you took it from me. Im going to hurt you so bad that even the bottle wont save you.
    Jake Roberts grabs a mic and responds as the security team watch his every move.

    Jake Roberts : Last week you took my moment away from me Shawn, a moment that I earned. A moment I waited all my life for. That’s one thing, don’t get me wrong you’ll pay for that. But when you put your hands on my teenage son, you crossed the line. He’s in hospital with a concussion and You will pay for what you’ve done, make no mistake, Ill make you suffer. I’ve danced with the devil Shawn and Ive been in burned by bigger and badder flames than you, so believe me when I say I will stop at nothing to make you feel the hurt I’ve suffered.

    Both men stare off as Shawn grabs the contract and signs before pushing it in Jakes direction before grabbing the mic again before Jake picks up the contract to sign. Shawn smiles sarcastically in the direction of Jake.

    Shawn Michaels : Sign it! Or would you rather be in a bar somewhere, drowning your sorrows in?

    Jake grabs the contract in a rage at Michaels harsh words and appears to sign it as Shawn continues.

    Shawn Michaels : Woah! You’re in a hurry to sign huh? I guess you wanna catch last orders in the local tavern huh?

    Jake chucks the contract over his head and to the outside of the ring after signing and stares Michaels down. Vince says its official, that at Chaos Rising PPV, its Shawn Michaels versus Jake Roberts. Vince asks security you may leave the ring as they are no longer needed. Jake goes to walk away and Michaels continues to taunt him.

    Shawn Michaels : Hes in a hurry, must be late for his next AA meeting!

    Jake stops and stares at Michaels and looks full of Anger?

    Shawn Michaels : Do you wanna hit me Jake or is hitting the bottle more important?

    Jake stares daggers at Shawn who doesn’t let up, Jake then squares up face to face to Shawn. Jake stares at Michaels before going to walk away again as if he think Shawn’s not worth it.

    Shawn Michaels : Going again Jake? Probably going to meet his friends aren’t you Jake......Johnny Walker and Jack Daniels...... or is it Captain Morgan?

    The fans boo Michaels hard but Jake walks back to Shawn and gets up in his grill again. Michaels smiles as he lowers his head below Jakes arm

    Shawn Michaels : Why don’t you DDT me Jake? Huh, c’mon you must be tempted! I know you’re a sucker for temptation Jake. Pretend Im a big tall glass of Vodka! Drink me Jake!

    Jake stares at Michaels as Shawn continues to goad him.

    Commentator 1 : Don’t do it Jake, he’s not worth it!

    Shawn Michaels : C’mon Jake, you know you want to! Just do it! DDT me! Give in!

    Jake stands over Shawn. Jake ponders DDTing Shawn for what seems like an eternity. Shawn continues to taunt Jake but Jake ducks out of the ring. Jake stands at the ring apron while Shawn keeps goading him. Jake suddenly whips up the ring apron and looks under the ring

    Commentator 1 : Jake didn’t give in. Good for him.

    Commentator 2: But whats he doing now?

    Jake, from under the ring, reveals his trusty snake bag and unleashes his pet snake Damien into the ring!

    Commentator 1 : Thats Damien! Jakes got Damien!

    Jake jumps back into the ring as Michaels and Vince leap out in at record speed to avoid Damien. Jake picks up his snake and teases chasing Shawn with it. Shawn retreats to the back as Jake poses with Damien as we go off the air!.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,745 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWA Raw!
    Live from California

    #BH: Greetings and salutations to our fans all around the world to what I guarantee you will be a blockbuster edition of BWA Raw
    #JD: Yep, if you thought last week was something special just wait for the big announcements we have in store for you today
    #BH: Jerry Lawler has already said on that tonights main event will see the man who cost the Aces of The Universe the tag titles last week debut in ring
    #JD: now that is a surprise I thought we would have to wait till Wrestlepalooza to see him compete
    #BH: Well my sources are telling me that won't be the biggest surprise of the night so be prepared for a big one
    #JD: You gotta always be prepare for that here in the BWA as look the action is starting already

    Jack & Jerry Brisco are in the ring and they call out the former tag champions Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa who quickly oblige. THe Briscos say that the way in which they won the title has left a sour taste in their mouths and that they want to offer the former champs an immediate rematch for the belts so as to really prove who the better team is. The two Japanese superstars say that the Briscos are acting like true champions and showing great honor and are more than happy to accept the rematch.
    BWA tag team championship rematch
    Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi vs The Brisco brothers (c)

    The Briscos look great in this match and look deserving champions despite how they won the belts but the former champions come into it more and more as the match develops and arguably are the more on top duo when things fall apart akin to last week. It's Misawa and Jack brisco in the ring when suddenly we hear what sounds like the Godzilla March theme play and yes it's Samoa Joe again! Kobashi jumps down off the apron and starts screaming at joe to come down and face him as Joe just grins back in response. Perhaps this is because he sees that in ring Misawa is also fixated on the Samoan submission machine allowing Brisco to roll him up from behind for the 3 count.

    Winner: The Brisco Brothers
    Misawa and Kobashi look like they could snap as Joe exits to the back, their tag titles are gone and the newest member of the BWA roster seems to have it out for them. They don't follow him to the back though because their attention is suddenly drawn to the titantron where current GM Jerry "The King" Lawler appears. It's not the former champs but the current champs he addresses though reminding them that in only a few weeks the BWAs biggest PPV of the year Wrestlepalooza will take place and that at that event they will have to defend their tag team titles.

    Jack Brisco speaks up and says that he would like to face Misawa & Kobashi again at the PPV given how their rematch ended but Lawler says NO! he says that those two will not be teaming together at the PPV but will instead be in singles action (again the asian superstars look rightly p!ssed) but Lawler says he has scoured the earth to look for suitable opponents for you at Wrestlepalooza and here they are...

    their entrance music is new to the BWA but the fans immediately recognize The Shiek & Abdullah The Butcher

    Abdullah: This is The Great Sheik and I am the man they call the Madman from The Sudan, Abdullah The Butcher. We will show you the respect you deserve... by taking those belts away from you at WrestlePalooza!

    Jerry Brisco Grabs the Mic from his brother: Ok your on!

    Abdullah: wha ha ha ha The Shiek: aloo, aloo!

    #JD: That might have been a mistake by the younger Brisco
    #BH: Yeah I don't think those two even know the meaning of the word respect, they are like polar opposites to Kobashi & Misawa and to The Briscos
    #JD: Well it looks like our first match for BWA Wrestlepalooza V has just been booked either way
    #BH: Here look at this, it'l show you you just what kinda guys we are talking about

    We return from commercial and Abdullah the Butcher has made his way down to the ring while all the others have left. He is awaiting his opponent who is announced as Antonio Inoki and gets a great reaction from the crowd in attendance.

    Antonio Inoki vs Abdullah The Butcher w/The Sheik

    The two are having quite a good match with the commentators being particularily impressed by Abdullah and how he hasnt resorted to his usual cheating tactics but eventually Inoki seems to be getting on top and perhaps is going for the finish when he maneuvers into position for his Manji-Gatame octopus hold when out comes Vader!. The big man makes his way straight for Inoki but the ref and then security block his way unfortunately just Vaders meer presence does enough to distract not only Inoki but also the referee who does not notice the Shiek pass something to Abdullah... it's his fork! he is notorious for using that instrument in hardcore matches and now despite this not being such a match he uses it again this time on Inoki jabbing it into his forhead and busting him open. Inoki drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring covered in blood and screaming in pain. The ref unaware of what happened starts to count him out as he stumbles up the ramp way and into the back

    Abbie does celebrate the win but the focus is clearly on Vader who is now in the ring and removes his headgear before grabbing a Mic
    Vader: Inoki! you chicken get back here now!....(waits a moment but it's clear Inoki isn't coming back)... Can you not hear me, get back out here you god-damn Japanese bastard!

    The security who had stopped him getting to Inoki moments earlier now surround the announce team as Bounty Hunter stands up and addresses the Mastadon.

    BH: Vader, Vader... Inoki is not going to come back out here but... your here, so... why don't you let us all know what you are doing in the BWA? andwhat is your beef with Inoki anyway?

    Vader looks at the commentator with pure disdain but does respond: I will make this simple so even a cretin like you can follow this BH...It is Vader time right now! ... hell it's been Vader time for a long long time but the monkeys pulling the strings in MNG productions would never book me in my rightful place, the main event. Don't believe me? ask Lawler about how he was forced to put over paid pre-madonnas like Hulk Hogan in the main event picture ahead of me and how the moment he got the chance to run the show here in the BWA and the freedom that allowed him he gave his old friend Vader a call.

    You see he knows what I can do, he knows the value I bring but he is not the only one... just ask any of the Japanese stars on this roster, they all know what im all about cos I was like Godzilla in that b!tch and destroyed all in my wake. I mean I beat Antoni Inoki so bad the last time I was in Japan that the locals started a riot and now all I gotta do that again and then I will be back where I deserve to be tearing apart the main event scene in the greatest promotion in the world!

    So Inoki consider yourself on notice... at Wrestlepalooza it's me vs you one more time!
    Backstage interview with Jerry Lawler
    Scott Stanford tries to ask about the altercation with Vader and Inoki last week and again this week but once he mentions the big man he gets cut off.

    Lawler: Vader, Vader! I tell you when that man was born his father tried to collect on his accident insurance. He is a walking accident waiting to happen and I assure you everything he is saying is nothing more than a pack of lies. Having said that we are heading to Japan and the Tokyo dome for Wrestlepalooza and if Antonio Inioki would like the chance to avenge this attack and the beating he took when he faced Vader there before then I would be more than happy to book a rematch for him (he grins).

    Lawler is then asking Stanford to leave but not before Mitsuahru Misawa and Kenta Kobashi come charging into the GMs office. They are not buying his excuses for one moment and confront him over the attacks on Inoki, Samoa Joe's interference and why they won't be getting another tag title shot. He says he will answer all their questions but that they will have to wait till next week as he is still finalizing another big signing to the BWA brand at the moment. They don't look satisfied but security ensure they don't cause trouble.

    A promo airs for the newest episode of the monday night wars talking about how these federations continiously raided federations such as Beyond Chaos, MWF, PWC, JCW and the LWE for talent

    Shinsuke Nakamura vs Pat Patterson

    Again Nakamura's behaviour is quite erratic throughout this bout and very hard to predict but the most impressive thing is how he seems to be able to counter almost anything Patterson tries. This not only hugely frustrates Patterson leads to him making an uncharacteristic mistake while trying to do something different to catch Nakamura out. He climbs onto the turnbuckle and looks to adjust himself for a moonsault after taking his opponent down with a big clothesline but Nakamura is up like a shot and catches Patterson with a huge superplex which he immediately follows up with his own El Niño Springboard moonsault off the turnbuckle. He doesent stop there though and instead lifts up his opponent before hitting a GTS on him for the 3 count.

    Winner: Nakamura

    After the match Nakamura grabs his Hardcore title which until recently he had been should be considered far more prestigious than a normal US hardcore belt because it meant he was the King of Hard Style wrestling. Then while kneeling in ring with it in his hand he starts cracking it against his own skull! He does so several times while the arena is in stunned silence. Luckily for him hardcore titles tend not to be made of the most valuable and strongest of metals and the thing breaks right down the middle after one particularly strong head shot. then as he looks up with blood dripping from his face and says "I have evolved beyond this title, I have a grander purpose now and a bigger target which I too will break" before bursting into laughter.

    #JD: Jaysus what the hell was all that business with his Hardcore belt? and wasn't that CM Punks GTS move he did to win the match?
    #BH: Yeah I think someone is clearly trying to send a message
    #JD: Well lets see if Punk has anything to say about him
    #BH: Right because now we are going to take you to highlights from the 1st hour of the ongoing UFC press conference with CM Punk, Dan Severn, Ronda Rousey & Others. Why will we do this live on BWA raw well there is some huge news here for BWA fans!

    The Highlights from hour 1 included
    * UFC have signed a cross promotional deal with the BWA starting with BWA Wrestlepalooza V
    * They never did this with WWE or any other promotion for fears of the feds legitimacy.
    * This deal does not currently include any involvement from CM Punk although fighting the BWA world champion would intrigue him
    * He says that Nakamura is beneath him and that his stunt last week was laughable
    * Ronda Rousey spoke about how she is a big wrestling fan but left the press conference early

    #JD: Now that is huge news
    #BH: It sure is and we will hear more about that with hour 2 of that press conference a little bit later tonight

    Jesse Ventura in ring promo
    Ventura: I hold before me a copy of the local daily news paper and a copy of the British Daily Mail for today. they both run a story about me your future president and the sexiest man in the BWA, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, I'm international news baby! They both say I won't be watching that piece of propaganda crap American Sniper - check - They both say that Chris Kyle can't be considered a hero if he is a lying sack of Sh!t - check - and they both say that his widow owes me 1.8million dollars - now thats a big cheque haha

    Unfortunately I won't be letting her settle things outside of court and like most women who want something from The Body behind closed doors (he winks to the crowd) as... I have standards! and afterall I would describe her as... middle America (getting some serious heat from the crowd here) not like you surgically enhanced beauties here in California but i'll come to you a little bit later ladies, I gotta beat some fool first (throws the papers out of the ring)

    #BH: I don't care if he won his case or not, that is one disgusting human being
    #JD: I just hope his opponent is able to shut his mouth for us... oh no
    #BH: Surely after the beating he took last week he shouldn't have been medically cleared to compete

    Jesse Ventura vs Seiji Sakaguchi

    Sakaguchi impresses to begin with thanks to his technical approach but after a few clubbing blows from Ventura it is clear that Sakaguchi is still feeling the effects from last week when Nakamura attacked him after their match. As a result it isn't long before what is essentially a clothesline from hell such is the ferocity he delivers it with that Ventura keeps him down for the 3 count

    Winner: Jesse Ventura

    Ventura celebrates flexing his muscles infront of a group of women in the front row as the crowd begin to boo. He gets turned down by a few of them then after one flips him off he grabs the mic and says "I wasn't talking to you lady, i'd rather take a ride on the titanic than get with you afterall that thing only went down on 1500 people"

    Then after being heard to exclaim ill take this one he tries to lift a girl over the railing only for a scuffle to break out as she also turns him down but he doesent take it well and tries to force her to come with him. This all stops though as The California crowd erupt as “Bad Reputation” by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts blasts out and Ronda Rousey! appears on the ramp way.

    She orders him to release the girl emphasizing that she said no. Ventura obliges but mostly cos his attention is now drawn to the 27 years old California native he walks around to face her at the other end of the ramp and says "it's okay baby you can have "The Body" all to yourself tonight". Rousey just shakes her head and charges down the ramp and with what almost looks like a spear takes him down and then immediately starts laying into him with rights and lefts. Ventura was almost in too much shock to even try to stop her and after security pull her off him he just backs away from her and up the ramp to the back. The crowd are loving it though and chant Rouseys name.

    #BH: Thats my kind of woman!
    #JD: Wow "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey just showed up on BWA Raw
    #BH: and you know what, I've a feeling that won't be the last we will see of her

    Looking forward to the upcoming PPV the announcers then show a graphic of the now official first match ups made for BWA WrestlePalooza V where The Shiek & Abdullah The Butcher will take on The Brisco brothers for the BWA tag team titles and Antonio Inioki will face Vader. They then announce that the next match will see the BWA debut of The Shiek as he will take on the third member of the Aces of the Universe and the BWA World Heavyweight champion.
    Todd Pettengill interviews BWA world champion Hiroshi Tanahashi and asks him if he has any comments about what has been happening to his friend Antonio Inoki and the other members of the Aces of The Universe

    Tanahashi: "A coward is someone who attacks under a cover of darkness. Someone who will not go face to face with their adversary. I believe Jerry Lawler is a coward. He fears Antonio Inoki and he fears anyone associated with him. He thinks they will take his job away from him and send him to the BWA retirement home known as the WECWF. Perhaps I shouldn't speak up as so far Lawler has not targeted me and my world title but you disrespect one Ace of the Universe you disrespect us all so Lawler you better be very careful" Pettengill tries to push him on what he means by that but Tanahashi says he has a match to prepare for and that the time for talk has passed.

    The Sheik vs Hiroshi Tanahashi

    Unfortunately for the fans in attendance this one dos not get a chance to develop into a proper match as 5mins in Abdullah The Butcher who is in The Sheiks corner takes his fork out once more and stabs it into the foot of Tanahashi in the ring. The match is immediately thrown out as a result.

    Winner via DQ Tanahashi

    Misawa & Kobashi immediately come running down the aisle and all four men brawl for a few minutes until eventually the Japanese superstars allow the dasterdly duo to get away so they can go check on Tanahashi who is in ring recieving medical attention.

    #BH: I knew those 2 couldn't be trusted
    #JD: Jesus yeah who carries a fork around with them... well except me so I can always enjoy my 7/11 super salad on the go
    #BH: cmon dude nobody is interested in your sponsors, I just hope the champ is ok, you never know what you could catch from something Abdullah stashes in his shorts
    #JD: well I bet they are interested in the goings on 1km down the road from us today where the UFCs press conference is almost finished
    #BH: good point lets get the latest news from there

    Back to the just finishing UFC press conference for a recap of the 2nd hours news
    the highlights included that:
    * As part of the UFC BWA cross promotion a number of UFC competitors will fight at Wrestlepalooza V
    * The Venue for Wrestlepalooza V is announced as The Tokyo Dome, apparently (they didn't know Lawler had already announced it earlier on Raw) the UFC head honcho had tried for Vegas
    * UFC legend Dan "The Beast Severn" is announced as one of these competitors
    * The First officially signed cross promotional bout is announced as Ronda Rousey vs Jesse Ventura!

    We then go live to the press conference which has almost finished. They are just about done answering questions about the controversial issue of Rousey fighting a man when out of nowhere Shinsuke Nakamura jumps up onto the table they are all sat behind runs along it and connects with a Boma Ye Knee strike to Punks skull! The international media go crazy and there are constant camera flashes as chaos ensues with a mass of humanity converging keeping Nakamura from further attacking Punk. In fact the cameraman covering the event for the BWA is knocked over and the feed is cut so we return to the rather shocked looking team of announcers.

    #BH: Holy Sh!t what is going on
    #JD: I really can't believe it! What was he even doing there
    #BH: you know Nakamura, he always has to insert himself into the headlines, and that really is big news
    #JD: very rue but im afraid we will have to leave that discussion for the post show as now it's main event time!

    Tonight's main event
    Samoa Joe vs Mil Mascaras

    The announcers cannot stop talking about how Joe is undefeated for the past 18 months straight while he was in TNA and RCW but now the hottest free agent in all of Pro Wrestling has signed for the BWA ahead of all the other suitors. He is in there against a bonafide legend though and things don't go all his way in one hell of a hard hitting contest. For such a big man Joe goes at one hell of a pace and it is when he performs a Suicide dive transitioned into a elbow smash to the outside on his opponent that everyone sits up and takes notice.

    It's also at this point that Kenta Kobashi comes out to the rampway to watch this bout. Still on the outside Joe 100% takes the initiative in the match by delivering a sick release German suplex that send Mascaras head first into the ring apron. Mil looks out of it as Joe rolls him into the ring but the assault continues with multiple suplexes including Dragon and Belly to Belly suplexes. Eventually a muscle Buster results in a very decisive victory.

    Winner: Samoa Joe

    As we go off air we see Joe and Kobashi stare down each other while Joe smiles a sinister smile and makes a belt gesture around his waist

    JD: Whats Joe doing Kobashi no longer has a belt
    BH: maybe thats the point he is making or maybe he is here for Kobashi's stablemate Hiroshi Tanahashi's World Heavyweight title!
    JD: gawd damn I can't wait till next week to find this and a whole lot more out

    BWA 2015 Roster
    CM Punk
    Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Shinsuke Nakamura
    Kenta Kobashi
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Samoa Joe
    Big Van Vader
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura
    Dan "The Beast" Severn
    "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey
    The Sheik
    Abdullah The Butcher
    Jack Brisco
    Gerry Brisco
    Pat Patterson
    Georgeous George
    Antonio Inoki
    Seiji Sakguchi
    Mil Mascaras

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,773 ✭✭✭connemara man


    PCW IS BACK!!!!!

    Fireworks are going of crowds cheering in Croke Park as our General manager Cman is standing in the middle of the ring, with a big smile on his face and mic in his hand.

    “Welcome to the third year of pcw over the last 2 years we have had 2 great PPVs in our first year this company struggled and overcame great difficulty at Wrestletastic, and the big brawl last year crowned our rise into the big leagues. “

    “And to celebrate our third year we will have our reigning tag team champions D’Lo Brown and The Goodfather defend their titles tonight.”

    The crowd are cheering the whole way through.

    “ Now that bit of business has been taken care of. I have another announcement.
    This year I have done something that I haven’t done before and that’s have a PCW champion before we have started so please let me announce The Undertaker is our newly crowned PCW Champion.”

    The Crowd go wild

    Paul Bearer walks down with a smile on his face the Audience are apprehensive as he walks down he enters the ring.

    “Please Please Before you look for my head I am here on behalf of my beloved Undertaker (pauses as the crowd start to warm to him) as you all know The Undertaker has been out of action for a while because of one certain individual who we won’t name here.”

    A chorus of boos ring around mixed with Lesnar sucks!!

    “So if you the good people of Dublin let me and all you at home let me I will take this great honour to the Under taker”

    The Crowd start chanting Undertaker

    As a gong goes off and lights out and commercial.

    Pt 2

    Bo Dallas is in the ring
    “Well wasn’t that a spirited opening. I B…. looks at the crowd with a grin. I think that was a completely pathetic way to begin a show”
    and the crowd turn
    “I stand here and I see a group of people who are disillusioned with their own lives you cheer a man who can not even face you to receive something he hasn’t earned his errand boy shows up claims his title.

    On that the lights go out the crowd cheer but flames erupt out of the ring posts. Bo Dallas freaks out and doesn’t know where to turn as Kane strides toward the ring.

    Com 1: well pissing of Undertaker is one thing but Kane as well that’s just stupid.
    Com 2 the Boy was just speaking the truth.

    Kane steps over the ropes grabs the mic in one hand and Bo Dallas’s throat in the other
    “ring the Bell so I can beat this disrespectful punk right here right now.

    The crowd go mad for Kanes attitude

    Com 2 well this is ridiculous ambushing a young upstart like this
    Com 1 hes come out here and looked for a match like a decent man

    The bell goes bo dallas kicks out of the choke slam and escapes pout the ring. Kane chases him around but who jumps over the Barrier but Rhyno

    Com 1 oh my god whats he doing here?

    Rhyno lets Bo Dallas run by him and gores an unsuspecting Kane into the steel steps he has just rounded. The ref signals for the bell.

    Com 2 good man Rhyno, doing what he can to help that poor boy
    Com 1 POOR BOY!!

    Rhyno rolls Kane into the ring as Bo Dalls slides in grabs the mic and Pins him
    “Oh ref why can’t you let these things happen. I’ll count it myself
    1….. 2…… 3…… now people of Dublin I want you to know one thing Rhyno is a….. well….. hes a BOOOO Leiver…… “

    He walks up the ramp and turns to the crowd

    “ You will all BO lieve in me you will all see the truth soon.”

    We go to an add break as Kane starts to stir.
    Com 1 what on earth is that boy on about.

    PT 3

    We return from the add break with the Boogey man stalking through the corridors of Croker.

    Com 1 of course I forgot that creature was with the company.
    Com 2 you don’t know what he’s here for.

    Cman is in his Office With D’LO

    “ Look I have no problem with defending my title tonight but somethings not right in here Good is acting strange ”

    “I know I’ve noticed it to look go out there tonight and give them a show ok”

    “that’s not a problem”

    X pac comes down the ramp for a bout against a local lad

    Com 1 well its good to see such a high caliber athlete here in Dublin
    Com 2 yeah High caliber!

    This is a quick squash but Xpac acknowledges his advisory for the crowd pop.

    Com 2 cheap this man shouldn’t be allowed near a ring.

    AD Break
    Pt 4

    We’re back with Brad Maddox walking down the ramp

    He is followed down by Hornswaggle

    In the ring he picks up the mic

    “People People, I know some my wrestling may have left a lot to be desired but I believe I have trained Hornswaggle to be one of if not the finest athlete in this excuse of a federation. I will make him king amongst men.”

    Cue Viscera to walk down the ramp.

    Hornswoggle looks terrified in the ring but Brad is standing there laughing.

    “have I insulted a king??”

    Com 2 this is ridiculous what right does this “man” have to threaten these two like this

    Viscera enters the ring, Brad looks like he is giving words of advise to hornswaggle. The bell goes as Brad Maddox leaves the ring, hornswoggle keeps his distance sneaks between his legs once. As Viscera charges across the ring hornswoggle drops out beneath the rope. Viscera follows him out. Hornsoggle retreats up the ramp as Brad Maddox chases him screaming advise. The ref gets to a 6 count as Brad screams Now! At hornswoggle he side steps viscera and runs to the ring and as the ref counts 10 hes only on the steps.
    Brad Maddox with a smile on his face raises a rearful hornswoggles arm and they escape around a fuming Viscera.

    Pt 5
    Matt Hardy is stumbling around the back and storms into the Cmans office.
    I saw how you treated my brother last year letting him get beat up by those idiots of Bubbas and now you give his title to the Undertaker you’re despicable.

    Cman” what is wrong with you.!! Get out of here while you can still stand.”

    “I want your intercontinental title!”

    “I’ll give you a shot if you can beat who is waiting in the ring”

    In the ring is Ricardo

    Matt Hardy stumbles down to the ring

    This is an odd match Ricardo doesn’t know what to do with Matt, theres a lot of rest holds to begin with and Ricardo looks to be in control

    Com 2 “ this is a disgrace forcing an athlete as capable as Matt hardy out against this mess Ricardo.
    Com 1 how can you stand up for him he’s in no condition to be in the building.

    With Hardy down on one knee the ref turns to ring the bell and just as he starts to signal a no contest hardy snaps into life but a low blow on Ricardo behind the refs back and with him down hits the twist of fate for the three count.

    He stumbles back up the ramp he steals a drink from a member of the audience.

    Com 1 disgraceful behavior from Hardy there.

    Ad break

    Pt 6


    Dlo and Good Father are waiting in the ring there opponents haven’t been announced yet

    Com 1 well this is some match to finis the evening.
    Com 2 yeah I agree the Wyatts are a fierce team and will rip those title s away from D’lo and godfather

    This is a solid match D’lo in ring for the majority and getting worked on by Harper and Rowan.

    As the match progresses the boogieman makes his way through the crowd distracting the godfather

    Com 1 “what on earth is he doing here “

    The god father starts holding his head as if someone is talking to him

    D’Lo is in desperate need of a tag but none is coming.

    The lights go out and lantern appears at the bottom of the ramp as the lights come back on the boogieman and the god father who hadn’t taken part are gone.

    Com 1 GOOD GOD what’s going on here.

    D’lo sees hes on his own and takes it to the wyatts but is eventually overwhelmed.
    Rowan gets up onto the turnbuckle for a diving splash and the three count.

    Com 1 I cant believe it we have new tag champions
    Com 2 oh believe it these boys are the real deal.

    End show

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    (Graphic by Deadlie)

    Preview show here.

    Week 1 show here.

    Week 2 show here.

    Previously on Monday Night Grappling:
    - Dynamite Kid was revealed as the masked attacker who assaulted Stone Cold at the Preview Show. It emerged he and Bischoff had conspired to take out Austin, and (with help from Rikishi) ensure Dynamite Kid won the King of the Ring tournament.

    - Davey Boy Smith, Nick Bockwinkel and Stone Cold were all attacked as Dynamite's plan succeeded; on winning, Dynamite christened himself Dynamite King.

    - Elsewhere, Kevin and David Von Erichs attacked Tyler Breeze in revenge for Breeze having Kerry taken out by the Brainbusters; tensions between Rey and Sin Cara continued and Rey found Sin Cara's discarded mask backstage; and relations between Paige and mother Saraya seemed strained as Saraya struck Paige's friend Bayley before storming stormed off...

    Fireworks and pyro go off from tonight's live show in Dallas, Tx.


    Bischoff opened the show and he was surrounded by about a dozen security guards who circled the ring.
    Eric Bischoff: Last week was a historic moment. A moment up there with Stone Cold’s 3:16 promo in 1996; the dawning of a new era – the era of Dynamite King. I mean come on, did you really think I would put up with a rebellious rattlesnake on my show? When Dynamite came to me with a plan to take out Austin it was too good to refuse! And don'tcha just love it when a plan comes together?

    The fans boo as Bischoff grins.

    Bischoff: I was sincere when I said I wanted Monday Night Grappling to be a success; that’s why I decided to get behind Dynamite. Bret Hart should have been the biggest thing in wrestling when he came to WCW and I accept blame for that not happening. I now want to make amends - through Dynamite King. He will be the biggest star in the business once he defeats Stone Cold at Grapplemania. Speaking of which...

    Bischoff smiles and holds up an envelope. He takes out a slip of paper.

    Bischoff: This document is a note from the company's chief medical officer: it says on the back of further injuries sustained by Stone Cold last week, Austin has been deemed medically unfit to be here tonight since it could jeopardise Grapplemania’s main event. So he’s officially off the show.

    The fans boo and chant for 'Austin'

    Bischoff: Don't worry though, folks. Tonight will still be a star-studded line-up. Your beloved Von Erichs (the fans cheer) will be in action against the Brainbusters and Tyler Breeze (the fans boo these men). Also, Paige and Bayley will have a rematch from last week. There's just one more thing to address...

    The camera pans down to an unhappy-looking J.R.

    Bischoff: J.R., did you know that the Dynamite King wanted you fired when he heard the things you said on commentary last week? I stepped in personally to save your job. Do you know why? Because I want you to have a front row seat as you witness the beginning of the end of your precious... 'Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold!' and his illustrious career.

    I want you around so I can humiliate you just like Vince McMahon used to do, but much, much worse. You are my new pet, J.R. And every good pet must be able to please his masters.

    Tonight we will officially crown our Dynamite King in what shall be a very lavish ceremony. J.R. you will be in charge of ensuring everything is in place for tonight. Don't worry you don't have to rap, or bring any of your awful barbecue sauce. The materials have already been ordered. You just have to ensure everything is set up correctly.If you fail in this, you will have an angry Dynamite to deal with.

    Bischoff orders J.R. backstage to get on with it as the fans boo. Suddenly there is a commotion in the crowd...


    Davey Boy Smith comes through the fans and walks down the steps as the fans cheer. He is hurting and holding his neck; he has a mic with him.
    Commentator # 1: It’s Davey Boy – the man assaulted last week and thus eliminated from the King of the Ring tournament courtesy of Dynamite, Rikishi and Bischoff!

    Davey Boy says he never got a fair chance in the King of the Ring tournament. He accused Dynamite of being afraid to face him fair and square and said he had always had a chip on his shoulder; he said this had been the source of the disharmony between them for years behind the scenes.
    You shut your bloody mouth, Davey Boy!

    The crowd boo as Dynamite emerges from the curtain and storms down the aisle, joining Eric in the ring. Bischoff tries to calm him down and is heard advising him to go backstage and wait for the ceremony but Dynamite brushes him off.

    Dynamite King: I’ll handle this, Eric. This toerag wants to disrupt my big day, does he? Some things never change. You’ve always tried to hog the spotlight, Davey Boy. You were the one that trademarked 'The British Bulldog' before me, or even Vince McMahon. Despite the fact I was the original British Bulldog, you wouldn't let me use my own name! And there was the time you dropped me on my back, badly injuring me and starting a whole host of problems for me. I've always wondered was that an accident.

    Did you really fink I'd forget all that, Davey Boy? You were never in my league ya selfish bastid. I was always the better man.

    Davey Boy: The world can easily see which one of us is bitter, but let's see which one of us is better. If you fink you are, prove it. I dare you to face me right 'ere, right now in Dallas, and put your title shot against Austin on the line!

    The fans cheer the cheap pop and the prospect of a match.

    Davey Boy: Put your title shot on the line against me and make it no interference. We wouldn’t want fat hired goons sticking their noses in, would we?

    The fans cheer as Bischoff laughs and shakes his head, thinking this absurd.

    Davey Boy: I don’t think you’ve got the balls though, cousin. Dynamite King? More like Dynamite Queen.

    Dynamite King: (stares at Davey Boy for a long time): You’re on.

    Bischoff (his jaw agape): Wait, what? Are you nuts? This wasn’t in the plan!

    Dynamite King: Don’t you believe in me, Eric? I thought you weren’t one of the doubters? Make the fookin’ match I said. I will beat this twat just like I will beat Austin at Grapplemania.

    Bischoff (beads of sweat rolling down his forehead): Course I believe in you. You’re my King. Get me a ref down here!
    Commentator #1: Listen to these fans going crazy! The security guys are leaving and it looks like we’ve got a match here with the Grapplemania title shot on the line!

    Commentator #2: Bischoff doesn’t look happy about this. Everything they’ve worked for is on the line here! What a match this is gonna be!

    Match for the number one contender spot at Grapplemania - Dynamite King vs Davey Boy Smith

    The match went over thirty-five minutes and was a PPV-calibre contest. Bischoff watched it all from ringside, chewing his nails.

    The match was a brawl in the early going with both men hitting stiff shots and bloodying up the other's mouths. After about fifteen minutes of this, it settled into each man trying to out-wrestle the other with neither getting the advantage, as they knew each other so well.

    Highlights for Davey Boy included hitting a running powerbomb leading to a near-fall, and Davey Boy hitting a powerslam for the second rope but being too tired to cover quickly and thus allowing Dynamite to kick out.

    Highlights for Dynamite included a belly-to-belly from the top rope for a long two count; and a german suplex over the ropes, sending Davey Boy to the floor.
    Commentator #1: These men know the importance of this match, leaving it all on the line.

    Commentator #2: It's tough to see either man lose this one.

    The finish of the match saw Davey Boy take charge and go for his running powerslam finisher but Dynamite slipped out from behind and drove Davey Boy’s head down into the turnbuckle. Dynamite then took the dazed Davey Boy and hit a piledriver. He followed by going up top for the diving headbutt and he connected for the 1…2…3 pin.

    Winner and still number one contender: Dynamite King

    The Dallas fans stand and applaud at the end and Bischoff comes in the ring and hugs Dynamite; he is noticeably relieved. The announcers note Dynamite didn’t look happy that Bischoff appeared to doubt the outcome. Dynamite got a mic.
    Dynamite King: Now that I have proven myself to be the superior Bulldog, Davey Boy do the right thing and get down on your knees, kiss my hand, and swear eternal loyalty to your King. Do that, and you can stand at my right hand as the leader of my Kingsguard.

    The fans boo as Dynamite passes the mic to Davey Boy’s lips. Bischoff looks on smiling.

    Davey Boy: Kiss your hand? Why don’t you kiss my arse instead, you sick bastid.

    The fans cheer as Dynamite shakes his head.

    Dynamite: In that case I think maybe it’s time Rikishi gave you another beating.

    Dynamite goes to call out his henchman when ‘God Saves The King’ suddenly blares over the arena. Dynamite and Davey Boy are shocked as British wrestling legend Marty Jones appears and enters the ring.


    The announcers note Jones helped train Dynamite in shoot wrestling, and was a huge influence on Davey Boy and British wrestling in general.
    Marty Jones: Come on, now. Come on, stop it. I’ve known you two since you were just kids. I’ve been a mentor to you, Dynamite. And Davey Boy, I’ve looked after you too in the past, son.

    This hurts me seeing you at each other’s throats. I was always so proud to see you two go on to become British wrestling legends. And you just produced one hell of a match right now as I'm sure these fans will agree.

    The fans cheer and many stand and clap once more.

    Marty Jones: You see? You lads took British wrestling to new heights and you both got credit that I was never able to get. Has that made me bitter? No. Because I know you two always respected me, isn’t that right?

    They both nod.

    Marty Jones: All of this can go away – with an apology. Just a sorry for the nastiness that has gone on the past few weeks and this can all go away. You’re both cousins after all; both blood. All of this can go away by just acknowledging that you’ve done wrong…so be the bigger man and just apologise, Davey Boy.

    A look of shock falls over Davey Boy’s face as Dynamite nods.
    Commentator #1: Wait, he wants Davey Boy to say sorry?
    Marty (looking at Davey Boy): Everything the King says and has done has been correct. You have been very selfish, son. Put all that behind you and get behind the best fookin’ wrestla that Britain ever produced – the Dynamite King. GOD SAVE THE KING! GOD SAVE THE KING! GOD SAVE THE KING!

    He tries to get the fans to chant but they all boo. Marty then grabs Davey Boy and gets him down to his knees but Davey Boy struggles out of it and knocks Marty down.

    Dynamite then kicks Davey Boy downstairs with a low blow and he and Marty Jones begin assaulting Davey Boy. Dynamite then hands the mic to Bischoff and whispers something in his ear.

    Eric Bischoff: Davey Boy, per the orders of my King, it is my duty to inform you that you are found guilty of high treason and are hereby royally…FIRED!


    The fans boo and as we go to commercial we see Dynamite, Marty and Bischoff standing tall over the hurt – and now fired – Davey Boy.

    ***commercial break***

    ***backstage*** G.M. Eric Bischoff's office

    Bischoff is there with J.R. and he asks J.R. did he see what happened to Davey Boy? J.R. says nothing and looks disgusted. Bischoff laughs and says this is what happens when you are guilty of treason.

    Bischoff says tonight will be a glorious night for the King. He calls him the true King of the Draft unlike that Burger King impostor who was here last year, and has wound up on MNG’s B show: the BWA.

    He says Dynamite is taking a bath and resting before the big ceremony and he reminds J.R. the ceremonial materials will be arriving soon and J.R. better do a good job arranging everything. J.R. nods and says he conducted an interview with Stone Cold a few days ago and asks will it be on the show tonight? Bischoff says sure, why not? If it will keep his pet happy.

    ***Elsewhere*** A Sin Cara video package plays

    It features footage of Sin Cara, but it is distorted to show his mask as the colour black instead of blue. It finishes with the line, 'Out of the darkness shall come the light.' And it gives the date of next week's show.

    When it finishes we see Rey Mysterio standing by watching it on a monitor. An interviewer asks him for his thoughts and Rey says he is confused right now but he hopes to get answers from his friend next week. He walks off.

    ***Elsewhere*** Davey Boy is getting helped out of the arena by medics.

    Bayley arrives and hugs Davey Boy and says she's sorry. Davey Boy tries to smile.

    Rikishi then arrives on the scene and apologises. He didn't think anyone would get fired, he says. He admits he's a mercenary, but says he has good reasons. His brother was in need of medical help and-

    Davey Boy cuts him off and says 'save it'. He says if he'd the strength he'd tear Rikishi apart right now. Kim Kardashian then shows up and pats Rikishi on the back. She says she overheard Rikishi's comments and if it's money he wants, she can help him. She asks him to be her bodyguard as she needs security after Austin attacked her. Rikishi nods as Davey Boy laughs and calls him a sell-out. Kardashian then mocks Davey Boy and says at least Rikishi will have a paycheck next month.

    Bayley asks Kim what is wrong with her kicking a man when he's down and says she should be ashamed of herself. She leaves helping Davey Boy away as Kim grinds her teeth and asks, 'what did that bitch just say to me?'

    Jim Ross interview with Austin at the Broken Skull ranch, from a few days ago

    The interview takes place in the living room of Stone Cold’s house. The blinds are down and the room is without much light as Austin sits there, almost in darkness; it’s clear he is marked badly from the chair shots of last week. He holds a beer in one hand and his title in the other and he stares right through J.R.

    Jim Ross: Steve, I want to thank you for giving me this interview. I know you’re madder than a wet hornet right now and I can see looking in your eyes, if looks could kill, you’d be on death row. I know the doctors have forbidden you from getting anywhere near Dallas in your condition, and there are rumours you’ve refused to allow a full assessment of your neck ‘cos it’s in such bad shape-

    Stone Cold (looking agitated): Jesus Christ Jim, are you gonna sit there and flap your gums all day or are you gonna get to the damn question?

    Jim Ross: Excuse me. Yes, I am. My question, Steve, is…how is your neck, really?

    Stone Cold pauses for a while and then lets out a rueful laugh.

    Stone Cold: Hell, Jim. You want to know how my neck is? Since I was dropped on my neck by…by him, I haven’t been able to get any shut eye; I can’t lean over without pain shooting down my damn back; I’m getting a tingling sensation in my hands constantly. When I lie down for even a short while I struggle to get back up. How’s my neck? My neck is shot, Jim. My neck ain’t worth a damn. But as bad as my neck is…as painful as this body of mine is…that ain’t nothing compared to what I’m gonna do to that son of a bitch at Grapplemania.

    Stone Cold begins stroking his goatee and his hands begin to noticeably shake.

    Jim Ross: I notice you haven’t mentioned his name yet, Steve…

    Stone Cold: Well hell, he’s got a new name now doesn’t he? The sumbitch thinks he’s a king.

    Stone Cold swigs back his beer and begins rubbing the back of his head.

    Jim Ross: That’s correct. Steve, I need to hear your thoughts on…on Dynamite King. Before that, I want to play a recording of a podcast you and Bret Hart did on Dynamite some years back and particularly 6:35 in…

    Jim Ross: Steve you were very complimentary there of Dynamite. It comes across like you had huge respect and admiration for him. You said and I quote, ’That guy really paved a way for a lot of guys to follow and was, stylistically, just a trend-setter from an innovation standpoint.

    My question now Steve is…what are your thoughts on him now?

    Stone Cold (takes a swig of beer and breathes heavily) : How do I feel about him? Ha. How do I feel about him…well I’ll say this, Jim: everything I said in that video is true; I respect the hell out of what that…that man has done in the ring. My greatest matches were against Bret Hart and more than once I got my ass handed to me by the Hitman…and Bret told me he thinks that guy is the greatest ever worker in our business.

    As a performer…I respect the hell out of him. But as a human being? As a human being, I think he’s a piece of sh*t. A sorry, sadistic, no-good, sick son of a bitch. That’s what I think, Jim. He thinks he’s taking this title from me at Grapplemania. But I’m gonna end him, Jim. This is the end of him. This is the end.

    Austin begins nodding and has a far-away look in his eyes.

    Jim Ross: You’re obviously emotional, Steve, and I get that. I do. But I don’t want you to say something you’re gonna regret here-

    Stone Cold: I mean what I say, Jim. I’m gonna put an end to him. There are three names on my list; three cans of whoop ass that need to be opened up. One for that fat mercenary, piece of trash Rikishi; a man who had me target an innocent man in Nick Bockwinkel to throw me off the scent of Dynamite (and I want to take this time to say I regret that happened, and that’s the closest thing to an apology you’re gonna get from me); after Rikishi next up is gonna be that slimy little bastard Eric Bischoff who enabled all this to happen. The last one on my list…is him. And he ain’t gonna handle what I throw at him. No, sir.

    Jim Ross: Final question, Steve – you’re clearly not at 100 per cent. And you’re facing a man universally acknowledged as one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. How can you beat this man in your present condition?

    Stone Cold: You know what I’ve done in this business better than anyone, Jim. The accolades, the Wrestlemania main events…

    And as far as the Draft goes, hell son, this Draft has been running for 8 years and Stone Cold has never been beaten in the main event in any of those years. That’s a fact. But with all that being said, I know, Jim, I KNOW in my heart, that this is the toughest challenge that Stone Cold Steve Austin has ever had to face. My damn career may be on the line, as well as the title. But when it’s all said and done…when Grapplemania comes to pass…I will make it 9 years without being beaten; I will finish that sorry sumbitch off for good; and I will remain the MNG World Heavyweight Champion. And that is the bottom line.

    J.R. reaches over and shakes the hand of Stone Cold. ‘Good luck, buddy’ he says as we go to commercial.

    ***commercial break***

    ***backstage*** Paige's dressing room

    Paige is getting ready for her match when her mother Saraya enters. Paige looks to bring up what happened last week (Saraya hitting Paige’s friend Bayley and then storming away) but Saraya cuts her off.

    Saraya: Sweetheart, I'm to blame. I've been wrong and I'm at fault. I see that now. See, sometimes I just want you to win so badly that I lose sight of everything else. (She begins to tear up) I've always wanted what's best for you, baby. For me to behave that way last week...

    She starts sobbing and Paige gives her a hug and gets emotional too. She tells Saraya to come out with her, but Saraya said it wouldn’t be right after last week. Instead she will take a seat at ringside and watch ‘her pride and joy’. She reaches behind and takes out some flowers; she asks Paige to give them to Bayley for what happened.

    Paige agrees and turns to leave and then notes she almost forgot her Women’s Title. Saraya picks it up and stares at the belt for a moment. Then she smiles and hands it to her daughter as the segment ends.


    J.R. enters Bischoff's office and tells the G.M. that he is sure everything for tonight's King of the Ring ceremony has arrived and is in place for later.

    Bischoff says 'good boy' and pats J.R. on his hat. He calls him a good pet and tells him to go back to his announce desk. Before J.R. goes he asks him to reveal the results of BWA's latest show while on air. J.R. says he doesn't think that's wise. Bischoff says okay, then at least say 'Orton vs Rhodes: that'll put a lot of bums in seats!' J.R. shakes his head. 'But Eric, it will put a lot of bums in seats.' Bischoff says 'Huh, guess you're right. You're a clever pet! Wish I'd had you during the Monday Night Wars!' He pulls on J.R.'s cheeks like one would a baby and J.R. leaves muttering that he's an idiot.

    Match – Paige vs Bayley (non-title)

    The announcers note that a win for Bayley may put her in the title picture for Grapplemania.

    Saraya was seated at ringside as she promised. Before the bell rang Paige gave Bayley the flowers Saraya had bought for her as an apology for last week. Bayley gave Saraya a suspicious look at ringside but accepted the flowers and nodded to Saraya. Then the match got under way.

    The match was even better than last week with plenty of highlights including Paige hitting a crossbody to Bayley on the outside from the top turnbuckle. Also Bayley connecting with a big superplex on Paige that got a long two count.

    The finish saw Bayley hit her finisher the Belly-to-Bayley but she couldn’t make the pin quick enough as her leg gave out on her. When she eventually covered her, Paige kicked out just before three. Bayley then went to hit the move again, but Paige this time blocked the suplex with her leg, hitting the Paige Turner out of nowhere and getting the 1…2…3 pin.

    Winner: Paige
    From ringside Saraya can be seen clapping and waving. Bayley's knee was hurting her and so the ref went to check on her outside the ring. Paige went to check on her too, but her mother instead called her over. Saraya then gave Paige a big hug.


    Paige then goes to turn back towards her prone friend Bayley when Saraya calls out: ‘One last thing, honey’. As Paige turns around, Saraya smashes Paige in the face with a forearm knocking her daughter to the ground.
    Jim Ross: Wait a minute! What the hell was that? Saraya just struck Paige! That’s your own daughter for goodness sakes!
    Paige clutches her mouth and is stunned. The fans chant ‘Holy sh*t’ as Saraya climbs over the barricade and stands over her daughter. She can be heard screaming ‘You’re weak! You don’t have what it takes!’ She then walks over to the announcer’s corner to get a mic. A fan shouts out that she sucks; she replies calling him a wanker.

    Saraya then grabs Paige by the hair and drags her daughter into the ring. The ref treating Bayley tries to intervene but Saraya tells him to treat that muppet (meaning Bayley) and to stay out of family matters. The fans chant ‘Paige, Paige’ as Paige tries to gather her senses. She is on the canvas clutching her face.


    Saraya: Hear that, sweetheart? They’re chanting your name. Bet that feels nice, eh? You’ve been hearing that since the first day you arrived in this country. Meanwhile I, having busted my arse for over twenty years in this business, get no respect from these people. The only thing I’m known for is being ‘Paige’s mother’. I know my skin’s not quite as soft anymore and unlike you I don’t have a pert set of knockers or a small arse, but you people have no idea what I’m capable of.

    Paige reaches out an arm and grabs hold of her mother’s waist, trying to raise herself up; Saraya shoves her back down.

    Saraya: Look at you. Look how weak you are. You’re a disgrace, child. When I think how much I sacrificed to get you here. How I put my own dreams on the backburner to make sure yours came true. ‘Be a good mum’ I told myself. ‘This is what good mums do. She’ll thank you for it one day.’ But you never gave me the thanks I deserved; the respect. Never! You’re just a selfish bitch.

    The fans are standing in stunned silence as Paige again tries to drag herself up. She is crying and saying ‘Please, mum.’

    Saraya: But you know what? I could forgive that. I can forgive selfishness – if not for the fact it’s made you weak; it’s made you soft. You want to entertain these yank pigs. You want to spend time hugging numpties like Bayley. You want to make people happy. That’s not how I raised you. That’s not the Britani Knight I remember. Britani Knight was strong; but Paige…is weak.

    Paige staggers to her feet and looks in her mother’s eyes now. ‘Please Mum, I love you’ she can be heard saying.

    Saraya: I don’t want your love. That’s what I want (she points at the title on the canvas). I want your title. I want it and I want it at Grapplemania because with that belt around my waist I will finally come out of your shadow once and for all, and let the world know at long last who the true champion of this family really is. And thanks to General Manager Bischoff, it's going to happen. That's right, baby. Mr. Bischoff loved the idea of a mother vs daughter match for the title at the PPV.

    Paige shakes her head. ‘Mum, please.’

    Saraya: Stop it. You disgust me. I gave, and I gave, and I gave to you, Paige. But now? Now, mummy’s gonna TAKE.

    And with that Saraya again clubs her daughter to the ground with a forearm smash and begins stomping her repeatedly as the fans look on stunned. Paige is writhing in pain and crying; she doesn’t seem to want to fight back. The ref runs in and tries to stop it but Saraya low blows him and knocks him down with the microphone.

    Saraya lifts up the Women’s Title as the fans boo. ‘Mummy’s gonna take’ she mouths again, and then she tosses the title at her daughter before exiting the ring to loud jeers as Paige lies there distraught.
    Jim Ross: This is heinous! This is disgusting! Her own flesh and blood – being treated like that. What the hell is wrong with this woman, this Jezebel? Bah Gawd this ain’t right!

    Commentator #1: I’ve never seen anything like it.

    Commentator #2: Saraya said Paige doesn’t have what it takes and she may be right. I didn’t see Paige fighting back and she’ll have to if she wants to keep her title at Grapplemania.

    ***commercial break***

    ***Paige interview***


    An interviewer asks Paige for her reaction to what just happened and her mother challenging her at Grapplemania. Paige, though, is too emotional to give a coherent interview. 'How could she do that?' she sobs. 'That's my mum. How can she want to face her own...her own...' The interviewer cuts the interview short as Paige is too upset to continue.

    ***Bayley segment***


    As we come back from commercial we see Bayley being helped up by the ref. She is holding her knee and the fans cheer her as she gets to her feet; they begin chanting her name.

    Rikishi’s bad man theme hits and out comes Rikishi accompanied by Kim Kardashian. Bayley looks on confused as Kim comes down with a big grin on her face. Fans boo her and give the middle finger which she ignores.

    Kardashian: Oh poor Bayley. How did it feel to get your ass kicked, huh? Oh, what? Are you…are you crying Bayley? You are, aren’t you? Oh dear. Maybe instead of Bayley we should call you Baby because that’s the way you act! What a stupid, naïve, immature little bitch you are.

    Kim laughs at Bayley as the fans boo. Bayley looks upset.

    Kim: Oh look, Rikishi. She seems really sad. Hey Baby, would a hug cheer you up?

    Bayley shakes her head and goes to exit the ring but Kim grabs her by the hair and slams her down on her sore neck. The ref tries to intervene but Kim tells Rikishi to deal with him and he punches the ref to the ground.
    Commentator #1: Rikishi just struck an official!

    Commentator #2: They can do what they want. They’re on G.M. Bischoff’s payroll.

    Jim Ross: Aw, gimme a break. This is pathetic. What kind of workplace is this damn it? This young woman doesn’t deserve this.
    Kim: Look at you. I knew you weren’t a good girl. You dared to say to me that I should be ashamed of myself and yet you’re the one flat on your back like a whore.
    Jim Ross: Aw, for goodness sakes. We apologise for that language, ladies and gentlemen. There’s a filthy mouth on this woman, but then again we all knew that.
    Kim leans over Bayley suggestively.

    Kim: Y’know, Eric told me all about his policy of HLA: Hot Lesbian Action. He tells me it’s great for ratings. Perhaps I should bring that back right here, right now huh? Maybe I should sit right on Bayley and show her that there is a bad girl inside her too?
    Jim Ross: Bah Gawd, that’s deplorable! That woman is a no-good, dirty tramp!

    Commentator #2: What?! You can’t say that.
    Kim: No. No I’m not gonna do that. It would be wrong to put this bootylicious butt in Bayley’s face.

    She looks up at Rikishi.

    Kim: But your butt on the other hand…

    A gasp runs through the crowd as Kim smiles. She points to the corner of the ring and Rikishi does as told, dragging Bayley’s body towards the turnbuckle. Fans scream no as Rikishi hunks up his trunks.
    Commentator #1: Oh my God.

    Jim Ross: No! Not this! No, not this you son of a bitch! She’s a lovely young woman! She doesn’t deserve this. Don’t you do this! DON’T YOU DO IT!
    Rikishi does his raising the roof signal and prepares to back up on Bayley with a Stinkface when suddenly there is a commotion – someone is running through the crowd.

    Commentator #1: Wait a minute! It’s Nick Bockwinkel! The man Rikishi falsely accused of taking out Austin!

    Jim Ross: Oh yeah! Boy am I glad to see the legendary Nick Bockwinkel!
    A noticeably hurt Bockwinkel nonetheless hammers Rikishi with rights and lefts and then clotheslines the big man over the ropes as the fans cheer. Kim scarpers from the ring and tends to Rikishi while Bockwinkel helps Bayley back to her feet. He grabs a mic.

    Bockwinkel: You want to give Bayley a Stinkface, do you Rikishi? Well that intention, much like Kim’s self-respect and your genitals, has disappeared.

    The fans cheer as Kim and Rikishi point and talk trash from outside.

    Bockwinkel: Rikishi, you are a repugnant, odious lump of lard and you cost me my dream of becoming the first Grand Slam Champion in MNG history. You accused me of committing a barbarous brutal backstage assault on Stone Cold Steve Austin and you ensured I was beaten to a pulp last week. Well know this, you will get your comeuppance.

    As for you Kim, you are one of the most foul-mouthed reprehensible creatures I’ve had the displeasure to gaze upon. As far as calling Bayley a baby is concerned, I think maybe you ought to label that accusation at Rikishi since he’s the one wearing a diaper.

    If you two want to terrorise this young lady you're going to have to get through me first.

    The fans pop as Kim and Rikishi throw a tantrum outside the ring. Rikishi looks set to get in the ring but Kim holds him back. Meanwhile in the ring Bockwinkel raises Bayley’s hand as her music plays. Bayley gives a hug to Bockwinkel who looks embarrassed at the affection. He hugs her back in awkward fashion.
    Commentator #1: I’ve never seen this side of Nick Bockwinkel before but I like it.

    Commentator #2: Oh, pass the sick bag.

    Jim Ross: Oh why don’t you shut up? Bockwinkel did the right thing. Thank God he was here.

    ***Commercial break***

    Backstage we see Bayley thanking Bockwinkel for what he did and asking for his autograph as Nick looks embarrassed again. Then some security guards arrive and say on the orders of Eric Bischoff they have to leave. They can’t be around.

    Bockwinkel gets mad and looks like he will fight against the several security guards but Bayley makes him see sense and they turn to leave. From behind the security guards, Kim Kardashian arrives and can be seen laughing.
    Kim: I just spoke with Eric Bischoff. And he gave me my wish. At the PPV it’s going to be the two of you versus Rikishi…and me!

    Jim Ross: What?! She’s gonna wrestle at Grapplemania?

    Kim: I’m gonna make you two pay for embarrassing me. I’m sick of being disrespected around here. So guess what Bayley baby? You will get a Stinkface – only this time it will be in front of over 72, 000 people and millions worldwide. See ya then, you f*cking bitches!

    Bockwinkel: You really are a vulgar, foul-mouthed wench. Someone should teach you some respect. We accept your challenge.

    Bayley nods as the security escort the pair out of the building while Kim looks on and smiles.

    ***Backstage - Tyler Breeze heading to the ring***

    An interviewer approaches and catches Breeze off guard. He angrily puts on the glass mask he's taken to wearing and says the interviewer doesn't deserve to see his gorgeous mug just yet. 'Do you like the reflection of your own ugliness?' he asks the interviewer. The interviewer ignores that and asks him about facing the Von Erichs in front of Dallas next - is he concerned? Breeze chuckles and says he will have the last laugh in Dallas and he guarantees it.

    Match - The Von Erichs vs The Brainbusters & Tyler Breeze

    The Dallas fans go wild at the sight of all three of their heroes in the ring. Security are struggling to hold back several females who are trying to get close.

    The Brainbusters came out next, followed by Tyler – who tells the security guards to keep the women away from him.
    Commentator #1: Breeze thinks the women are trying to get to him!

    Jim Ross: What an idiot!


    Kerry was eager to get started and when Breeze got in the ring it looked like the two would face off – but Breeze instead asked for a mic.
    Breeze: I should have been the one to defeat Dynamite and win the King of the Ring tournament last week. But because of you awful Von Erichs I was denied my rightful opportunity. But all is not lost. I do hold a quarter-final victory over you, Kerry. And as far as I’m concerned that makes me number one contender for your MNG Legends Title. I therefore challenge you to a match at Grapplemania!

    The fans boo.

    Kerry: This Legends Title over the years has been held by some of the greats of this business. Men like Nick Bockwinkel, Konnan, Magnum T.A. and Vader. You don’t deserve to be mentioned alongside those men you little punk! You don’t deserve a title shot and as far as I’m concerned you’re a legend only in your own mind!

    The fans cheer and chant 'you suck' at Breeze.

    Breeze (smiling and looking unphased): I thought you might say that, Kerry. A pity. Now I might be forced to divulge a little secret of yours…

    Kevin and David have a worried look on their face as Kerry’s face goes pale.

    Breeze: You see, I happened to stop by your dressing room earlier, and I happened to leave my selfie stick - coupled with my phone’s camera on record - lying nearby. And I caught something on there that frankly shocked me, Kerry. Something I suspect only your own family knows about…

    Kevin and David see Kerry looks distressed and put their arm around him. They tell him some words of comfort as the audience are brought to a hush. Behind Breeze, Arn and Tully seem amused.

    Breeze: Do you want me to tell the world your secret, Kerry? Is that what you want?

    Kerry: Okay, okay. You win, Breeze. You can have a title shot at Grapplemania. I accept your challenge.

    The fans are surprised but Kevin and David nod their heads at Kerry; Breeze starts laughing.

    Breeze: Splendid decision, Kerry. You Dallas hicks aren’t as stupid as I thought. But there’s just one more request I have and then I promise I’ll keep quiet…remove yourself from this match-up. From here on this match becomes a 3-on-2 handicap match!

    The fans boo but Kevin and David are seen telling Kerry it’s alright as Kerry shakes his head. They instruct Kerry to go sit at ringside and to the amazement of the fans Kerry reluctantly agrees and removes himself from the match, taking up a place at the commentary booth.
    Jim Ross: What is going on here? Kerry! Here put this headset on. Damn it, explain to me what this is about? What secret are you and your brothers guarding?

    Kerry: Please, Jim. Please…just…just don’t go there.

    Jim Ross: Well, alright. If that’s how you feel Kerry…

    Commentator #2: Whaddya mean ‘alright’? I want to know what the secret is, Ross.

    Arn Anderson starts things off and he has a smile on his face as he begins against Kevin, but he’s not smiling for very long as Kevin soon begins to take control. Breeze, however, distracts the ref allowing Blanchard and Anderson to turn the tide and double-team Kevin. David tries to stop it but the ref orders him back to his corner as the fans are irate.

    The pattern of the match is the Von Erichs enjoying bursts of success only for the heels to use dirty tactics to wear them down some more.

    After twenty odd minutes of absorbing action, David finally gets a hot tag and the roof comes off in Dallas. He begins cleaning house and it seems as if the two Von Erichs are going to pull off the upset. Breeze is thrown to the outside and, annoyed at this, he stomps over to where the ring announcer is and grabs a chair.
    Jim Ross: Hey wait a minute, Breeze is about to bring a steel chair in the ring.

    Kerry: No, I can’t allow this…

    Commentator #2: Hey, where are you going?

    Kerry gets up and from behind grabs for the chair as the fans cheer while Breeze shouts at him that he’s not in the match. There is a tug-of-war over the chair and Kerry wins it, pulling the chair out of Breeze’s grasp and sending Breeze sprawling to the floor face first. Breeze hits his lip which starts to bleed and he can be heard crying ‘no, not the face’.

    In the ring Arn and David are the legal men and as Arn goes for a Spinebuster, David frees himself and locks in the Von Erich Claw as the fans go nuts. He takes Arn to ground with it and with Arn’s shoulder flat the ref counts the pin for the 1…2…3.

    Winners: The Von Erichs

    The Dallas fans cheer and Kerry comes into the ring and hugs his brothers. Outside, an enraged Breeze has a mic in his hand.
    Breeze: No! I told you to stay out of the match! I told you!

    Fans again chant ‘You Suck’ at Breeze, as well as chanting ‘Kerry! Kerry!' A sly smile creeps over Breeze’s face.

    Breeze: I warned you, Kerry. Everyone wanna hear a secret now?

    The fans are once more brought to a hush as Kerry is heard pleading with Breeze not to do it. David and Kevin shout at Breeze to keep his mouth shut.

    Breeze: Sorry, champ. You brought this on yourself.

    Breeze turns to the audience.

    Breeze: You all think Kerry is so strong and beautiful, don’t you? You all swoon over someone you think has the body of a Greek God, right?

    The women are heard cheering.

    Breeze: Unfortunately, Kerry is more like Achilles than a Greek God, isn’t that right Kerry? I captured the shocking footage of it on my phone, and by checking the company’s medical records, courtesy of General Manager Bischoff, I found out the ugly truth.

    Kevin and David shake their heads at Breeze while Kerry remains frozen.

    Breeze: You see, everyone, Kerry had his right foot amputated after a driving accident, and so embarrassed was he by this that he even took to taking showers with his prostethic on to hide it from his fellow wrestlers!
    Note – This is in fact true.
    Breeze begins laughing as Kerry’s head is bowed low; Kevin and David are seen shouting at Breeze ‘why would you say that?’ and ‘what’s wrong with you?’

    Breeze: But don’t worry ladies, at Grapplemania I will be your new MNG Legends Champion and the title will be around the waist of the true personification of beauty! Because while you thought Kerry's body was like a marble statue, unfortunately that statue is missing a piece! And if you don’t believe me, hey Kerry, remove your right boot now and prove me wrong!

    With that, Breeze begins laughing hysterically as Kerry looks like he’s fighting back tears. The fans begin chanting for Kerry but he slowly leaves the ring and walks up the aisle with his eyes on the floor. There are teenage girls seen crying and calling out to him, but he walks away heartbroken.
    Jim Ross: This is despicable! So what if he has a disability? These fans still love you, Kerry. Damn that rotten son of a bitch, Breeze! Damn him!

    ***Commercial break***

    ***Backstage*** - Kevin and David Von Erich heading out of the arena

    An interviewer runs up and asks them if pinning one of the tag champs has now put them in line for a tag title shot? Kevin says the chance to face the Brainbusters for the gold would be a dream, but right now they are concerned about Kerry. The interviewer tells them he just drove off and David says he’s worried, when from behind they are attacked by Arn and Tully with steel chairs.

    ‘You can dream all you want but you aren’t getting a shot at these titles’ screams Blanchard. ‘Your brother is the least of your concerns’ says Arn as he and Tully begin assaulting the Von Erichs until a bunch of officials break it up.

    As they are being ushered away Arn says they will always be a step ahead of the Von Erichs and Blanchard says forget the titles - none of them are good enough to hold their jockstrap.

    Main event segment - A King is Crowned

    The ceremonial gear was on display and the ring was bedecked in the colours of red and blue and in the ring stood statues of two knights each holding Union Jack flags. In the centre of the ring there was a golden throne with a crown and sceptre resting there. Bischoff was in the ring accompanied by Rikishi and Kim, as well as Marty Jones.
    Commentator #1: I gotta say you did a great job setting this up, J.R.

    Jim Ross: ……

    Commentator #2: So would I, if I had an angry Dynamite to worry about.
    Bischoff congratulated J.R. and said it looked like he hadn't messed up after all. He said the ring was fit for a king and so let's bring him out. He asked the fans to rise and warmly welcome the King of the Ring winner...

    Dynamite entered to 'Jerusalem', wearing a long regal robe that was held up behind him by two women dressed in medieval gowns. He shook hands with Rikishi and Kim, hugged Marty, and gave Bischoff an even bigger hug. He took the mic.

    Dynamite King: Have I made believers out of you yet? Davey Boy is gone. He’s done. That selfish twat can go look for employment elsewhere and sit at home the night of Grapplemania watching me beat that Texas bastid Stone Cold for the World Title.

    The fans boo.

    Dynamite: I am your King and soon I will be your Champion. I listened to Austin’s interview earlier and I could hear the fear in his voice; I could see the trembling hands. He’s pissing himself. He’s not a rattlesnake anymore, he’s just rattled. And so he should be. Because while Austin thinks his undefeated streak at Draft events is going to continue, he’s going to be disappointed. I will defeat him at a Draft PPV for the first time and cement my legacy in this business as an all-time great.

    Dynamite then picks up the sceptre and sits on the throne as Bischoff takes the crown and places it upon Dynamite’s head as the fans boo.

    Bischoff: Ladies and gentlemen…the next MNG World Champion…Dynamite King!

    The crowd boo as Dynamite stands and waves to the fans like a royal. He looks over at J.R who is shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

    Dynamite: Hey Eric, the cowboy doesn’t look too impressed.

    Eric Bischoff: You’re right, my King. My pet is misbehaving. Did you hear him in the interview earlier? Wishing his ‘buddy’ Stone Cold good luck! Shouldn’t he at least pretend to be impartial? And now he’s disrespecting your ceremony - and there I was thinking he had done a good job.

    Dynamite: Yes, I thought your warnings would make him see sense but this bastid needs to be taught some manners.
    Jim Ross: I had a feeling this was coming, guys.

    Commentator #2: If I were you I’d make a run for it, Ross.
    Dynamite (turns to Kim): You wanted to see a Stinkface earlier, didn't ya darling? (He smiles) Well...there’s still time.

    Kim jumps up and down and claps and tells her security guard Rikishi to get him, Rikishi duly leaves the ring and grabs J.R. at the announce desk and hauls him back in the ring.
    Commentator #1: Hey unhand him! This is not right!

    Commentator #2: Quiet, you want ‘em to go after us too?
    Bischoff gets nose to nose with J.R.

    Bischoff: There’s no one to save you now, J.R., but you can still save yourself. Do what Davey Boy was too proud to do. Get down on your knees, renounce your friendship with Austin and swear allegiance to your King!

    The fans scream ‘noooooo’ and chant for ‘Austin’. Dynamite extends his hand and waits for J.R. to kiss it and swear loyalty.

    Bischoff: Austin isn’t here, you idiots. This is his only chance. It’s your own choice, J.R. Hail the King, or feel his wrath.

    He points to Rikishi.

    Bischoff: And feel his ass!

    He laughs, as the fans boo. J.R. then asks for Bischoff to let him say something. Bischoff holds the mic towards him.

    Jim Ross: Davey Boy was a good man and didn’t deserve what happened to him. I’m not sure I have his courage…

    J.R. takes Dynamite by the hand who smiles. Bischoff laughs as the fans scream ‘nooooo’ even louder.

    Jim Ross: Dynamite, I wanna say something to you. I think you are one of the greatest wrestlers in the history of our business. I’ve heard Bret Hart speak so highly of you; I’ve seen Chris Benoit do his damnedest to emulate you in this ring. You are an amazing talent.

    Bischoff can be seen nodding and mouthing ‘nice flattery, J.R.’ Dynamite nods in approval.

    Jim Ross: But as a human being? I'm gonna have to agree with Stone Cold: you are, without a shadow of a doubt, nothing but a no-good, dirty, rotten piece of sh*t! You hear me, damn you?!

    The crowd erupt in cheers as Bischoff looks on in shock. Dynamite’s face goes pale and he begins to squeeze the sceptre so hard his hand starts to bleed.

    Commentator #1: Oh no, Jim. No.

    Dynamite (turns to Rikishi): Humiliate this bastid the way he just did me.I want you to squash him with that big arse of yours. And when you’re done, give him to me so I can shut him up forever.

    Rikishi drags J.R. to his feet but as he does so J.R. quickly reaches up towards the mic.

    Jim Ross: Wait! Hey Bischoff, there’s one last thing I have to say.

    Bischoff: Why bother? Nothing can save you now after that.

    Jim Ross: I just wanna ask you If you remember that medical document from MNG's chief medical officer that was left for you earlier, saying Austin couldn’t show up tonight as he wasn’t medically cleared?

    Bischoff: Uh yeah, I still have the document in my pocket right now as a matter of fact.

    Jim Ross: I don’t suppose, Eric, you have ever met the chief medical officer of this company, have you? And I don't suppose, Eric, you bothered to actually pay attention to the name that signed off on that document, did you?

    Bischoff looks confused and takes out the document. He reads it aloud:

    Bischoff: Doctor…Hiney?

    A smile comes over J.R.’s face.

    Jim Ross: That document ain’t worth a damn, you son of a bitch! Looks like you and Dynamite forgot the golden rule – DTA: Don’t Trust Anybody!





    The fans erupt as Austin’s music suddenly hits. Dynamite, Marty Jones, Bischoff, Kim and Rikishi all look up towards the ramp waiting for Austin.

    Then, from behind them, one of the knight ‘statues’ starts to move.

    Commentator #2: What is this?!


    The ‘knight’ takes off his mask to reveal…Stone Cold Steve Austin!

    Dynamite turns around and a look of shock falls over his face as Marty Jones is nailed in the gut with the Union Jack by Austin. Rikishi tries to grab the flag from Austin as Dynamite quickly gets Bischoff, Kim, and a winded Marty Jones out of the ring.

    The four of them back away up the aisle while Austin and Rikishi exchange punches. Austin gets the better of it and knocks Rikishi down and then begins assaulting Rikishi with the flag. J.R. smiles as Austin rips off the chain mail and grabs a mic as the fans are going crazy.

    Stone Cold (pointing at Rikishi): Hey Dynamite, Ye olde Austin 3:16 says I just whoopeth his asseth!

    Like I said in my interview you little mealy-mouthed piece of trash, I will open up a can of whoop-ass on every single one of ya and you just got a small taste of what I’m gonna do to you at Grapplemania, ya little bastard. I will have my revenge on you and Eric Bischoff, and that’s the bottom line cos Stone Cold said so!

    Rikishi begins to stagger to his feet.

    Austin: You like countdown timers? (He puts his watch to his ear) Well you know what my watch is saying to me? My watch is saying to me it’s time to open up another big ol’ can of whoop ass right now! So if you people want me to give fatass Rikishi here a Stone Cold Stunner, and put some stink on it, then gimme a hell yeah!

    Fans: Hell yeah!

    Stone Cold then connects with the Stone Cold Stunner on Rikishi and begins stomping on him afterwards as Dynamite and Bischoff look on from the aisle shouting insults. Marty Jones is keeled over holding his gut and Kim is screaming for her bodyguard Rikishi.

    Austin’s music hits and he picks up Rikishi and hits another Stunner before taking out some beers and sharing one with J.R.

    Commentator #2: No wonder J.R. never ran for it – he and Austin must have had this plan all along!

    Commentator #1: Way to go, J.R!

    From up the ramp, Bischoff has his mic and demands the music be cut off.
    Bischoff: Stop it! Stop Austin’s music! Stop it now, damn it.

    The fans boo.

    Bischoff: Oh I bet you two think you’re so clever, huh? Think you got the last laugh, right?

    The fans cheer.

    Bischoff: Well here’s something which the two of you can raise a toast to: J.R….YOU’RE… FIRED!!!


    The fans boo as J.R. looks on crestfallen. Austin shakes his head and can be heard talking trash to Bischoff and Dynamite who exit up the ramp with smiles on their faces, dragging Kim and Marty away with them.
    Commentator #1: Oh no, I can’t believe this. Thank God Stone Cold was here to help J.R., but Bischoff has struck back in cruel fashion.

    What has Austin got in mind now for next week, I wonder?

    Don’t miss next week’s show which is our last stop on the road to Grapplemania!

    The credits roll.
    Matches announced so far for Grapplemania:

    Dynamite King vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) (World Heavyweight Championship)

    Paige (c) vs Sweet Saraya (Women's Championship)

    Tyler Breeze vs Kerry Von Erich (c) (MNG Legends Championship)

    Rikishi & Kim Kardashian vs Nick Bockwinkel & Bayley

    More to follow...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Previously on Monday Night Chaos :

    Vince McMahon shocked Beyond Chaos to the core, revealing he only bought into the company to ruin Jeff Jarrett. He then forced Jeff Jarrett, with the help of Jeffs former friends Abyss and Morgan, to join the Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Club. With Vince saying more misery is in store, whats next for Jeff Jarrett?

    Shawn Michaels and Jake Roberts made it official last week that the two will face each other in 2 weeks time at the Chaos Rising PPV. With a non contact clause in place, how will Jake and Shawn react!

    Last week the New Age Outlaws attacked the Tag Team Champions, The Midnight Express and dumped them at a retirement home. What have the Outlaws planned for this week and will the Midnight express turn up for revenge?

    A week ago we say the development of The hart Dynasty tag team of Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith. How will each men fair on their own?

    Owen Hart savagely attacked Magnum TA last week after pretending to retire with a faked injury. How will each man react?

    Shannon Moore lost yet another match and his losing streak continues despite support from his friend Shane Helms. Whats next for Shannon Moore and can he get his confidence back?

    Timothy Thatcher shocked Nigel McGuinness by beating The McGuinness challenge and earned himself an Intercontinental title shot. However, Nigel was angry and in the aftermath he wouldn’t release his submission hold on Timothy. How will Thatcher react to winning an opportunity at the title and being beaten down afterwards?
    We are live in Memphis Tennessee as the fireworks go off and the camera pans around a hot crowd. The Beyond Chaos commentary team welcome us to Monday Night Chaos and the show kicks off with the familiar tune of Vince McMahons theme. Out comes Vince McMahon and hes flanked by his new security team of Abyss and Matt Morgan.

    Vince begins talking about Jarrett and how much he has him by the balls. He says the situation is simple, as controlling shareholder, hes in charge and that he will continue to humiliate Jarrett and make his life a misery, stating that Jarretts personal hell has been a long time coming. He says Jeff cant leave because he needs the money and if he does leave that he will leave penniless. McMahon then has a good laugh as he reminds everyone of how he made Jarrett join the “Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Club” last week and ponders aloud at what he can do this week.

    Vince McMahon : Will I make him dress up like a country music stare and strut? Hahahaha

    Vince changes his tune a little and says that hes a fair man and wants to give Jarrett a fighting chance. He says hes got a proposition for Jarrett and its a hell of an offer. Vince calls out Jeff and after a few moments out comes Jeff Jarrett!

    Jeff walks down to the ring to a great response from the crowd, who are rapid with the tension in the air. Jeff stops short of entering and stares off with Vince and co McMahon continues.

    Vince McMahon : Wow Jeff, look at these fans huh? Everyone in this arena wants to see you tear my head off, Am I right folks? Everyone here wants to see you get your hands on me and to be honest I smell money making in all of this.

    The fans cheer in agreement.

    Vince McMahon : And theres nothing I like more than doing good business. So how about this Jeff, ......imagine it, ...Vince McMahon versus Jeff Jarrett at Chaos Rising Pay Per View in 2 weeks time. You’d like that wouldn’t you?

    The fans cheer again and Jarrett looks emotionless starring at Vince as McMahon continues

    Commentator 1 : What ? Why would Vince agree to that? Whats the catch?

    Vince McMahon : Hell Ill make it more interesting, Vince McMahon versus Jeff Jarrett, winner takes it all with the company on the line, what do you say Jeff?

    Vince grabs a clipboard from Abyss and it has what appears to be a contract on it.

    Vince McMahon : Well, you can have it all Jeff. I have had this contract drawn up and we can make it official if you sign on the dotted line.

    Jarrett looks sceptical and is just waiting for the catch, as are the hometown fans.

    Vince McMahon : I can make it happen Jeff, rather you can make it happen Jeff ........... under one condition of course............................ Last week I noticed your lovely Wife Karen.

    Jarretts face looks disgusted as Vince mentions his wife as McMahon goes on.

    Vince McMahon : She’s quite the looker isn’t she? Ill admit it, I was quite smitten by her last week. Her luscious lips....her gorgeous figure....her ample breasts!

    Jeff Jarrett looks disgusted with each word Vince says regarding his wife, as McMahon has what can only be described as a perverted look on his face!

    Vince McMahon : Shes my kind of woman Jeff, and personally I think she can do a lot better than you. So my offer for you : Ill give you what you want if........................... you give me one night alone with you’re wife!

    Jarrett looks sick to his stomach and walks off without even considering it!

    Vince McMahon : What do you say Jeff, Me and Karen Jarrett 1 on 1! C’mon!

    Jarrett is ignores Vines proposal as he walks away in anger and disgust.

    Vince McMahon : Whats the matter Jeff? Its your chance to beat the hell out of me, get rid of me and keep your company. Jeff, Most of all Jeff, its your wife’s chance to finally sleep with a man who really is “King of the Mountain”!!!

    Jarrett stops and stares a hole back at Vince from the entrance ramp as the anger boils within him.

    Vince McMahon : Hell Jeff, I can end your nightmare Jeff, all you have to do is let your wife be ‘Queen of my Mountain’, If you catch my drift!

    Vince smiles like sex crazed lunatic as Jeff snaps and races to the ring to attack Vince.

    Commentator 1 : Jeff Jarretts had enough.

    But as Jeff slides into the ring he is met with boots by Abyss and Morgan. Both men beat Jarrett down as Vince watches with glee. They lift Jeff up and deliver a massive double chokeslam to their former friend and Vince sadistically smiles with approval, as the crowd boo heavily. Vince and his henchmen pose as we go to our first commercial.

    We are back and out comes rookie star Timothy Thatcher. Thatcher makes his way down to ringside and we can see his arm is heavily tapped up following the effects of being locked in Nigel McGuinness’s ‘London Dungeon’ submission. Timothy gets on the mic and thanks the fans for all their support lately. Thatcher talks up how big an honour it is to challenge for the Intercontinental Title at the Chaos Rising PPV and how he hopes his arm will be healed by then.

    This brings out an angry Nigel McGuiness with his IC title around his waist.

    The IC champ claims that Thatcher got lucky last week but reminds his fellow brit that even though he earned his title shot last week that he still tapped out and felt the pain of his London Dungeon Submission. Nigel laughs and says hes noticed that Thatcher is already using his injured arm as an excuse and says hes pathetic.

    Thatcher : Even if my arm isn’t healed, I’ll still give you the fight of you’re life.

    McGuinness : Funny you should say that, because I’ve been speaking with Mr McMahon earlier and hes agreed to move your title shot to tonight, ..........or to be more precise, hes moved it to right now!!!

    A ref rushes to the ring and much to the shock of Thatcher, we have an Intercontinental Title match.

    Nigel McGuinness (c) versus Timothy Thatcher

    McGuinness and Thatcher lock up and McGuinness soon takes advantage, working over the injured arm of Thatcher with vicious hard strikes. Thatcher holds his arm in pain, as McGuinness plays up to the crowd cockily. Spotting a chance to get some offence in Thatcher catches McGuinness off guard as he poses, catching him with stiff lefts which leave McGuinness rocked. Thatcher then goes for a vertical suplex but his arm is too weak and McGuinness counters with an arm drag. McGuinness then wrenches Thatchers arm and turns it into a pump handle slam, which leaves Thatcher in pain on the canvas while Nigel poses.

    McGuinness looks like he means business as he drags Thatcher up and wraps Thatcher in a standing arm bar. With Thatcher in position, Nigel hits a modified belly to belly suplex with the arm cradled to devastating effect! Thatcher is in agony as McGuinness stomps over the arm some more, only stopping to shout insults at the fallen Thatcher. McGuinness then calls for the London Dungeon submission.

    McGuinness drags Timothy to centre of the ring and stands over him taunting the crowd. Nigel leans into taunt Thatcher some more but Thatcher springs up and cradles McGuinness in a small package for the upset...1...2......3!!!

    Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion, Timothy Thatcher!

    Commentator 1 : Out of nowhere. The rookie did it, Timothy Thatcher has stunned McGuinness. The young man from England has upset the odds!

    Nigel is stunned as the bell rings and Thatcher scurries to the outside. Thatcher looks in disbelief as the referee hands Thatcher the title as the ring announcer announces his victory over the mic. Nigel is arguing with the referee as Thatcher clutches the gold and slowly celebrates to the back as we cut to commercial!
    We are backstage and a Beyond Chaos reporter introduces Shawn Michaels. Shawn is head to toe in his hunting attire and is asked about Jake and the non contact clause, Shawn tells the reporter that theres ways to hurt Jake around that clause. Michaels then says he does some hunting in his spare time and tonight hes going hunting! He says there’s more than one way to skin a cat... or rather more than one way to skin a snake!!!

    Commentator 1 : What does that mean, whats Shawn Michaels hinting at?
    We are back and the camera is on the big neon sign of the set of Enzo Amores Party Penthouse. Enzo welcomes us to his talk segment and introduces his guest Harry Smith


    Harry Smith comes down and Enzo talks about Harrys Dad and quips that he isn’t much of a dog person. Harry ignores Enzos bad joke and goes on to talk about what happened with him and Tyson Kidd last week.

    Footage rolls and we get a recap of Tyson attacking Smith post match and effectively ending there friendship. Harry talks about how many famous Tag Teams have broken up and that he believes he and his former partner Tyson Kidd never reached their full potential. Hes had a week to think about what happened and hes upset at how things went down lately between he and Tyson. Harry says hes willing to be the bigger man and he wants to patch things up with Kidd.

    Enzo Amore with a hint of sarcasm says hes touched before inviting Tyson Kidd to The Party Penthouse. Tyson Kidd strolls out and gets on the mic.

    Tyson Kidd : Harry, Im sorry for last week and sorry the way I’ve acted.

    Commentator : That’s big of Tyson.

    Tyson Kidd : I should know better. You’re not at my level and sometimes I forget that. I forget that your still behind me in the talent stakes and I should be more understanding.

    Harry doesn’t look impressed as Kidds ego continues to run. Harry eventually has enough and pushes Kidd and Kidd pushes back. Both men go nose to nose as Enzo backs off. Both men mouth harsh words at each other and are about to come to blows when the music of Owen Hart interrupts them and out comes The King Of Harts. Owen steps into the ring and grabs a mic off Enzo

    Owen Hart : Look at you two, are you guys kidding me? Your practically brothers and look at you guys. Your repeating the mistakes of the past!

    Owen stares down at both like two young pups as both Tyson and Smith are very much fired up.

    Owen Hart : A good while ago, the Hart Family was in tatters, me, Bret, Davey Boy, Jim...we all broke our family’s heart by fighting. We were raised to love each other and because of our competitiveness, we lost sight of that. Me and Bret used to hate each other. We lost sight of our love for years. Then I and Davey Boy nearly went down the same road. Back then I was too competitive and it took Bret to come out and bring the family back together. Now I see you two about to tear each other apart and its killing me. So its time for me to do for you, what Bret did for me.

    Owen drops the mic and starts talking to both men. We cant really make out what exactly been said but it gets very heated an emotional between the 3 Hart family members but eventually Tyson sincerely extends his hand to Harry Smith and Harry quickly grabs it and hugs Kidd! Owen looks on very proudly and then they have a group hug and Owen appears to have mended things.

    Commentator 1 : Are the Hart Family back together?

    Commentator 2: It appears that way, Owen looks like to have talked them round.

    Enzo Amore : Dr Phil eat your heart out, The Hart Family is back and its all thanks to me, Enzo Amore!!!

    The music of Owen plays and all 3 men then leave the ring with arms over each others shoulder as we cut to an ad break
    We are back and Shane Helms comes out to a nice reaction. Helms gets on the mic and says he wants to inspire people and in particular he wants to inspire his friend Shannon Moore.

    Shane Helms : Shannon, I know your back there. Id love for you to come out here to the ring and I promise Ill inspire you!

    After a moment, Shannon Moore walks out and hes looking a bit down as he usually does these days since being on his losing streak.

    Shane Helms : Now, I know its been a while since you caught a break, but Im here to show you it wont last for ever. Everyone goes through a bad patch. I have, and most wrestlers have too. Im here firstly to say Im behind you and all these fans are behind you.

    The fans begin chanting Shannon’s name but Shannon still seems down.

    Shane Helms : Now I know its been tough and your down on your luck, but Ive got a surprise for you

    Shane throws his arm casually over Moores shoulder and points to the back.

    Shane Helms : Come on out here, c’mon!

    Out comes to no real response is ....Barry Horowitz!

    Horowitz shakes the hand of Helms and grabs a mic. Horowitz informs Moore that he come out here because he Shane asked him to give you a pep talk. Barry goes on to say that many people may not remember him, but hes now retired. Barry tells Shannon that at one time in the mid 90’s he was on an even worse losing streak than Shannon. He says he was considered the ultimate loser. Barry says he’d come out and he’d lose every night and each lose helped push him further into depression and he never thought he’d get a win. Horowitz tells Shannon that he had 399 consecutive loses and no one ever gave him a chance

    Barry Horowitz : But that all changed with one match. I wrestled Chris Candido one night and he over looked me and I stole a victory. I was stoked and couldn’t believe it. That win gave me the confidence to believing myself again. From there I won many more matches and even went on a bit of a winning streak and its only when I looked back that I realised that when I thought like a winner and believed in myself, that I would have the power to win. What Im trying to say, the power is inside you, once you just believe in yourself.

    Shane Helms : See Shannon, all you have to do is believe. I know you can turn it around. I was the same way and you can turn it around too. When I was the Hurricane I believed in myself and I turned my fortunes around . When Barry believed in himself he turned things around too. I believe in you and I know you cant do it!

    Shannon stares at both Horowitz and his friend Shane Helms before walking off silently. Both Horowitz and Helms look disillusioned as Moore walks to the back. Shannon can be heard muttering ‘I know what I have to do now’.

    Commentator 1 : What is Shannon going to do?

    We are backstage with Owen Hart, Harry Smith and Tyson Kidd who all appear to be back on the same page. Owens giving them a pep talk about how the Hart Family are a force to be reckoned with and tonight they show that and make a statement.
    We switch to another part of the backstage area, and we see Beyond Chaos Champion, Jake Roberts. Roberts is looking frantic and appears to be looking for something as hes tossing chairs and other objects in the locker room.

    Jake Roberts : That son of a bitch Michaels, hes stolen Damien!

    Commentator 1 : Is this what Shawn meant with his hunting comment earlier? Has Shawn Michaels stolen Jakes pet snake?

    Jake storms off in search of Michaels and his snake as we go to ringside.
    Shawn Michaels makes his way out for his match and doesn’t do any of his usual fanfare entrance, instead coldly walks to the ring with a sinister look on his face. Next out is his opponent Magnum TA. Magnums leg is notably taped up from last weeks attack by Owen Hart.

    Magnum climbs the apron before the bell rings and stares down Michaels. Suddenly before he enters, hes attacked from behind by The Hart Family. All 3 men beat Magnum TA down as HBK watches sinisterly from the ring. Owen works over the leg of Magnum and locks in a sharpshooter on the mat as Harry and Tyson lay the boots in. Magnum screams in pain as Owen synchs in the hold. Referees come down and eventually drag the Harts off and push them backstage. Magnum is hurt but refuses help and says he wants to fight anyway. After a bit of arguing the ref is persuaded to ring the bell by magnum and our match starts.

    Magnum TA Vs Shawn Michaels.

    Magnum is struggling as the bell rings and Michael’s wastes no time in attacking him with a flurry of right hands. Shawn takes control and nails Magnum with a flying forearm off the ropes. Magnum is still showing the effects of Owens attack and is measured up for a Sweet Chin Music super kick, which Shawn hits to perfection on the jaw of TA.

    Shawn then refuses to cover him and instead tunes up the band once more. Magnum very slowly and gingerly gets to his feet and is immediately met with another super kick which lays him out cold. Shawn places his foot over his fallen body and the ref counts to 3 for the win.

    Winner : Shawn Michaels

    Shawn is impressive even though Magnum was attacked before the bout, Shawn was clinical in his victory. Shawn begins to slowly walk up the ramp when he’s confronted by Jake Roberts.

    Jake screams at Shawn about the whereabouts of his pet snake. Shawn doesn’t respond to Jake with any words, instead he justs offers a chilling smile much to the anger of Jake .

    Commentator 1 : Remember Jake cant touch Shawn or he loses his newly won Heavyweight Title.

    Jake keeps screaming at Shawn, asking where Damien is but Shawn just keeps on walking. Jake grabs a chair and rushes after Michaels threatening him with a chair. Michaels doesn’t flinch though, instead he still calmly smiles back. Jake in his rage flings the chair off the tron as Michaels walks on.

    Commentator 1 : Did Shawn really take Damien?

    Commentator 2 : Who knows, but what I do know is that Jake cant touch Shawn and its killing him inside.
    We are back folks and the music of The New Age Outlaws plays and out comes Billy Gunn and Road Dogg. Road Dogg enters the ring with a mic and says the time for talking is over and he and Billy are calling out the Tag Champs.

    Road Dogg : why don’t you two old timers take your angina meds and come out here and face us like men!

    After a moment or two, the music of the Midnight Express plays and The Outlaws get ready for a fight in the ring.

    Commentator 1: Here we go, the tag champs are coming for a fight!

    The camera focuses on the entrance way, but instead of Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton, 2 actual old age pensioners hobble out from behind the curtain much to the laughter of The Outlaws.

    Commentator 1: Oh god, its just another bad joke by the Outlaws

    One of them is wearing a house robe and carrying an oxygen canister while the other is gingerly using a zimmer frame and wearing pyjamas. Billy and Road Dogg are in stitches in the ring as both pensioners slowly make it into the ring. Road Dogg begins questioning them .....

    Road Dogg : Well if it isn’t Senile Stan Lane and Baffled Bobby Eaton. I see you guys made it safely from the old folks home, did you’s get the trolley here?

    Both old timers are struggling to breath and look confused as to whats going on.

    Billy Gunn : I don’t think their hearing aids are turned on Roadie.

    Road Dogg : Well, either way, lets do this Billy. Lets put these two dinosaurs out to pasture.

    Road Dogg and Billy drop their mics and go after the two old men. Billy snatches the oxygen tank from one and Road Dogg kicks the zimmer frame away on the other. The man who needs the frame falls over and Billy proceeds to mockingly pin him.

    Commentator 1 : this is too far, The outlaws are going too far.

    Billy and Road Dogg pretend to celebrate as the two pensioners struggle in the ring. Suddenly the real Midnight Express race to the ring and the Outlaws scarpper fast to the outside. Lane and Eaton check on the two pensioners as Road Dogg and Billy Gunn retreat backstage.

    Commentator 1 : In two weeks time these two teams square off for the Tag Titles and the time for jokes will be over.
    We are in the office of Vince McMahon and hes talking with his security team when suddenly his office door opens and much to the shock of Vince its........... ...Karen Jarrett.

    Karen Jarrett : Your proposition earlier...... I’ll do it.

    Karen grabs the contract on Vinces desk and signs it.

    Commentator 1 : What! She’s willing to be with Vince to get Jarrett his chance to win control of Beyond Chaos! That means Vince versus Jarrett in 2 weeks time at Chaos Rising.

    Commentator 2 : And it means Karen is going to spend the night with Vince McMahon. Does Jeff know about this?

    Vince is beaming as Karen signs the contract and flings it back at him as we cut to ringside.
    B.A. Billy Gunn is out first and is joined by his partner Road Dogg. . Outcomes Jake Roberts and he’s all fired up as he hits the ring.

    Billy Gunn versus Jake Roberts (non title)

    Roberts starts off like a man possessed clubbing Billy with some stiff rights and lefts, knocking Gunn on his back. Roberts recklessly lunges at Billy with a clothesline but Billy ducks. Road Dogg then causes a distraction and allows Billy to get the upper hand. The ref sees this though and orders Road Dogg to the back, but hes arguing and refusing to go. Suddenly The Midnight Express appear and start clubbing Roadie from behind and drag him to the back, leaving Billy on his own with Jake.

    Commentator 1 : The Midnight Express extracting some revenge on Road Dogg.

    Billy still has the advantage and hits an impressive tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Mr Ass is quick and fast with his strikes, nailing Jake with neat left hooks before hitting a fishermans suplex for a near fall. Gunn then nails Roberts with a thunderous enzuigiri kick to the temple. Billy Gunn is in control as he stalks Roberts and wraps him up with a sleeper hold.

    Commentator 1: Wow what an enzuigiri by Billy Gunn, Jake hasn’t been with it all match. His mind is obviously on other things.

    Commentator 2 : Its lights out for Jake, Billy has the sleeper locked in tight.

    Jake is fading, as Gunn tightens the hold. The ref checks on Roberts and he’s still fighting it. Roberts some how finds some strength and fights back with a string of elbows until Billy breaks the hold. Its comeback time as Roberts ducks a couple of clotheslines and nails a cross body out of nowhere. Jake gets up and nails Billy with a flurry of clotheslines in quick succession. Gunn slowly gets to his feet and gets nailed with a running knee lift and Jake signals a DDT and he hits it!

    Commentator 1 : Game over for Mr Ass

    Commentator 2: Wait what’s this! It’s Shawn Michaels.

    …. Shawn appears on the tron and this distracts Jake before he can make a pin. Shawn is in the parking garage and opens the boot to his car to reveal.......Damien, Jakes Snake, in his boot.

    Commentator 1 : My god thats Damien in there. Shawn did steal Damien! What the hell is he up to?

    Shawn quickly closes the boot and hopes in the drivers seat. Jake sees this and sprints to the back after Shawn. The ref begins to count Jake out and sure enough he does, making Bad Ass Billy Gunn the winner via count out...

    Winner : (via count out) BA Billy Gunn

    Jake rushes backstage to the parking garage but is too late...Shawn speeds away and takes Damien with him much to Jakes anger.

    Commentator 1 : Shawn has just Snake-knapped Damien. Whats Michaels going to do with Jakes pet snake!

    Jake screams in anger as Shawns car goes out of sight. The camera though zooms in on another part of the parking lot and we see in the distance that Karen Jarrett is leaving in Vinces Limo

    Commentator 2 : Thats Karen Jarrett leaving with Vince. Is she really going through with Vinces indecent proposal??? Does her husband Jeff know this?

    Karen and Vince step into the limo and it drives off as we fade to black.
    Matches set for Chaos Rising PPV

    Heavyweight Title Match
    Jake Roberts (c) vs Shawn Michaels
    Battle to control Beyond Chaos
    Vince McMahon Vs Jeff Jarrett
    Tag Team Title Match
    New Age Outlaws versus The Midnight Express (c)
