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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,491 ✭✭✭thebostoncrab

    Fusion Pro Wrestling TV
    Week 1 - The Road Continues

    For the previous few weeks, the women of Fusion Pro Wrestling have been competing in a tournament to crown to the first ever Fusion Pro Wrestling Womens Champion. The final shall take place at our upcoming PPV "Queen of The Ring." The past few weeks of match ups have been exciting, and each week has gotten better and better. We are down to the final 8 women and the brackets look like this:



    Manami Toyota

    Sasha Banks


    Mickie James



    Gail Kim



    Trish Stratus

    Tonight, these four matches will take place, next week we shall have our semi finals and the final match up shall take place at Queen of the Ring. We are not wasting any time, our first match up, Lita vs. Manami Toyota is kicking off right now!

    Match One
    Lita vs. Manami Toyota
    Both women are joined by corner people, with Lita bringing out AJ Lee in her corner and Manami having former tag partner Akira Hokuto in hers. This is a hard hitting match up with both women giving it their all. Lita keeps trying to use her speed as she knows fighting on the ground will be her own downfall. The crowd are split 50/50 for the match. Lita goes for a top rope moonsault, however Manami springs up at the last minute and uses Litas own momentum to turn it into a school boy pin up for the victory. Manami progress onto the semi finals.

    After the match, there is a handshake, but Lita looks incredibly disappointed in herself for loosing in such a fashion. AJ Lee offers Lita some words on encouragement, reminding her that she will always be her biggest fan and no matter what she will go down as one of the very best. Lita tells AJ a few times to stop and that she's ok, but AJ's constant praise is clearly getting to Lita as we go to a break.

    We are joined backstage by Sasha Banks and Sable. These two have formed an alliance over the previous few weeks. Sable speaks to the interviewer:
    My girl Sasha Banks is going to own this tournament because she has already aligned herself with the best. To make it in this business doesn't take being the best wrestler, it's about making those dollars rain. Manami Toyota doesn't make it rain. Gail Kim doesn't make it rain. Aja Kong doesn't make it rain. You know who makes that cash money? Me. And why? Because I am a Diva. Wrestlers don't make it this sport, Divas do. Not everyone is cut out to be a Diva, but Sasha Banks here is the future of this industry. She won't waist time learning with rest holds or 40 different submissions; she will be fierce and bring it.

    Sasha Banks and Sable high five and make their way to the ring for Sasha's match against Mickie James. We cut to Mickie James leaving her dressing room, making her way to the ring.

    Match 2
    Sasha Banks vs. Mickie James
    Sasha is playing very dirty in this match, with Sable on the outside distracting the ref several times when James looks to gain an advantage. The match ends when Sasha grabs a set of kunckle dusters with "boss" written on them and clocks Mickie in the jaw while the ref is distracted.

    Sable joins Sasha in the ring as the two stand over the knocked out Mickie James. They dance and refuse to move out of the way for trainers looking to check on the injured James. They eventually leave declaring that the Divas will dominate the women.

    Our interviewer is joined backstage by someone no longer in the tournament, Havok. She is asked what she intends to do to make an impact in the company.
    It very simple, I will make myself known to everyone as the most dangerous women in this locker room. The other women in that tournament are lucky I'm not involved, as anyone who faced me would be playing with their careers. I will dominate and no one will be able to stand in my way. Look through that roster, there isn't a single woman who could stand toe to toe with a beast like me.

    The interviewer goes quiet as Bull Nakona appears behind Havok. Havok turns around and goes nose to nose against Bull. She asks her "You want to go up against me? I've eaten bigger bulls than you for breakfast." Nakona simply replies "Next week, you and me. Let's find out who the most dangerous women here really is." We fade to a commercial break.

    We are in the trainers room with Mickie James. She has a swollen jaw from the attack by Sasha. She is joined by Trish Stratus, who is disgusted at the actions of Sable and Sasha Banks. She promises Mickie that she will fight for her honour and the honour of all the women who dedicate their lives to perfecting their craft. Trish is told her match up is next so she leaves the office to make her way to the ring. On the way she bumps into Sable, who says nothing but just gives a knowing grin.

    Match 3
    Trish Stratus vs Emma
    Both women are well over with the crowd and begin with a hand shake. This is a slow starting match, with some comedy spots littered at the beginning. The match slowly builds, with Emma almost getting the victory when she locks in the Emma-lock. Sable makes her way to the ringside, yawning and posing in front of the cameras. Both women are clearly irritated by this, but do their best to ignore Sable. They decide to kick it up a gear and really go toe to toe with some fast paced action, fighting spirit and big spots, which the crowd goes crazy for. Emma eventually succumbs to a massive chick kick and Trish takes the win.

    After the match, Sable walks to the back while the crowd give both women a massive standing ovation. This was an incredible match. Trish lifts Emmas hands up out of respect and both women dance the only way Emma can.

    Backstage, we catch up with Emma, who is disappointed that she didn't make it through, but can hold her head up high that she was involved in one of the best wrestling matches these people have ever seen. She gets our interviewer to dance with her when suddenly Aja Kong comes bursting through the set and rocks Emma with right hooks to the face. Emma is out cold and Aja leaves the scene.

    Beth Phoenix and Natalya are out, as we gear up for tag team action between them and Victoria & Ivory

    Match 4
    The Divas of Doom vs Victoria and Ivory
    This match is a back and forth afair, and more so than anything is to establish the dominance of The Divas of Doom, with their no nonsense tough style of wrestling. Victoria and Ivory bring their best but in the end they are on the loosing end.

    After the match, they announce that at Queen of The Ring, they will be competing in a match to decide the first every Fusion Pro Wrestling Womens Tag Team Champions. They have an open invitation and next week they hope to learn who they will be facing.

    Match 5
    Gail Kim vs. Charlotte
    This is a straight up technical classic. The story going into this is Charlotte wants to showcase that she can hang with the vets while Kim wants to prove to everyone that she is the very best female wrestler in the world. Neither woman holds back, but in the end the experience factor comes into play and Kim catches Charlotte out on a few rookie mistakes and takes the victory.

    After the match, Charlotte is joined by NXT trainer Sara Del Rey who tells Charlotte she is proud of her and she has nothing to be ashamed of. Kim and Del Rey hold her hands up, thanks both women and stands in the ring by herself as we end the first show.

    Next weeks semi finals look like this:

    Manami Toyota vs. Sasha Banks

    Gail Kim vs. Trish Stratus

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    SWE Live Episode 2

    Backstage: Parking Lot

    GM Gorilla Monsoon is waiting in the parking lot. He seems worried and is nervously pacing back and forth. Up drives a limo and stops in front of Monsoon. He can hear loud music and women’s laughter coming from inside. The door opens and out comes Triple H with a drink in one hand and a cigar in the other hand.
    Gorilla Monsoon: Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you for hours. I want to talk to you about what happened last week.
    Triple H: What happened last week? I gave the crowd a show, i won my match. What more do you want?
    Gorilla Monsoon: The crowd were not happy, they want to be entertained with a proper match, not something that’s over in 10 seconds.
    Triple H: That’s not my fault. Maybe you should provide tougher opposition for the King of Kings. Until then i will do what i want when i want and there’s nothing you can do about it.
    Triple H walks off with his entourage and party girls following him to his dressing room. Gorilla Monsoon looks angry and bemused.

    Match: The Usos vs The Gangstas

    The Gangsta’s, New Jack and Mustafa Saed head down to the ring accompanied by their enforcer Junkyard Dog and his bag of weapons. They are intent on revenge for their loss to the Uso’s last week. The Uso’s come out to their usual traditional war dance and the crowd go crazy for them.

    New Jack is squaring up to Jimmy Uso in the ring and as they circle around, Junkyard Dog hops up on the apron. This distracts Jimmy and allows New Jack to attack. The Gangsta’s have control and a series of quick tags leaves Jimmy Uso in a lot of trouble. A big boot from Mustafa leaves Jimmy flat in the middle of the ring. New Jack is tagged and hops up on the top turnbuckle and launches a diving headbutt. Jimmy just manages to roll away and New Jack hits the mat and is in pain. The crowd get excited as Jimmy slowly makes his way over to Jey and just manages to tag Jey in before New Jack can reach him. Jey unleashes a flurry of offense that has taken the wind out of both New Jack and Mustafa. Jimmy Uso has regained some energy and joins his brother in the ring to first give New Jack a Samoan Drop and then another to Mustafa.

    New Jack has rolled out of the ring but Mustafa is lying flat in the middle of the ring. Jey Uso climbs to the top turnbuckle ready to deliver a Samoan Splash but is unexpectedy hit from behind by a chair from Junkyard Dog. The ref calls for the bell and disqualifies The Gangstas. Junkyard Dog keeps going though and hits Jimmy Uso as well with the steel chair. What follows is each of the Gangstas taking a weapon out of the bag and using them on the Usos until they are both unconscious. The Gangstas stand over their opponents and raise their hands in victory despite their disqualification.

    Backstage: Gorilla Monsoon & Sheamus

    Gorilla Monsoon: Congratulations on winning the Battle Royal last week and earning yourself a title match at Spongemania.
    Sheamus: Thanks fella, it really wasn’t very hard. Have had tougher days in the schoolyards of Dublin. And what about my opponent for that match?
    Gorilla Monsoon: Well i’m going to have a match this evening between the two wrestlers who were eliminated last in the Battle Royal, Jeff Hardy and Bobby Roode with the winner facing you at Spongemania.
    Sheamus: Nice one fella, sure i may as well take a gander at that one meself ringside.
    Gorilla: Thats ok but i need to ask one favour from you. Last week Christopher Daniels and Eric Young were whinging about your interference in that match. I’ve rescheduled the match for tonight so can i ask you not to do the same tonight. Would save me a lot of grief from them.
    Sheamus: A bunch of moaning ****es. I thought we were here to fight. But since you asked nicely i’ll leave them toerags be (he laughs and heads off)
    Match: Christopher Daniels vs Eric Young for the SWE Interprovincial Championship

    Christopher Daniels and Eric Young make their way down to the ring to compete for the vacant SWE Interprovincial Championship. This is a rematch from the previous week that was interrupted by Sheamus. They shake hands once again before the bell rings and the match gets underway. Just like the previous week the match starts with several holds being applied by both and all countered successfully by their opponent. Young fires Daniels into the corner but Daniels runs up the turnbuckles, jumps off the top turnbuckle and hits Young with a diving Crossbody. Daniels has control and follows it up with a running neckbreaker and a reverse STO which then allows Daniels to apply the Koji clutch. Young is in agony but refuses to tap out.

    Without Daniels seeing, Al Snow slides into the ring and hits Daniels on the head with a foreign object. It’s a mannequin head. Daniels is dazed and Snow follows it up with repeated hits from the mannequin head. The referee calls for an end to the match and Daniels manages to escape the ring. Young gets to his feet and the crowd assume Snow was interfering on Young’s behalf. However that changes when Snow hits Young repeatedly with the mannequin head. Young also manages to escape the beating and that leaves Snow in the ring with his mannequin head soaking in the jeers from the crowd.

    Backstage Interview: The Usos

    The Uso’s are backstage with the backstage interviewer.
    Q. What are your thoughts on what happened earlier in your match with The Gangstas? Jimmy replies “You mean the beating myself and Jey took at the hands of those thugs. They couldn’t beat us one on one so they bring in that dog of an enforcer to save their ass. Well let me tell you this, nobody does that to the Uso family and gets away with it. There are consequences when you attack a proud Samoan family like ours and you will feel those consequences next week.” (Jimmy walks off)
    Jey adds “Next week Gangstas, two become three in the Uso family.”

    Match: Triple H vs Jobber No. 2

    The King of Kings, Triple H once again makes a spectacular entrance. The crowd are not as enthusiastic as they were the previous week. Triple H is once again staggering a bit as he gets to the ring, and also appears a little out of breath. He takes off his crown and the bell sounds for the start of the match.

    The jobber runs at Triple H and manages to get a few hits in. Triple H seems stunned and manages to push the jobber away. He follows it up with a kick to the gut and quickly followed up by a Pedigree. Triple H gets another win in a very short match. Triple H raises his hand but is met by muted applause.
    Triple H’s celebration is ended short as AJ Styles music blares and he comes out to the stage with a mic in his hand.
    “Look at you, look at the sorry state that the once great King of Kings has become. It’s more like looking at the Joker of the pack. It’s time for you to step aside old man and welcome in the Age of Styles. Your time here is done, make way for the future of this business, AJ Styles.”
    Triple H: I am the greatest wrestler of all time, there is no way that you could go toe to toe with me and survive. You are no match for the King of Kings and i do not wish to waste my time showing you that. Get lost and never come back.”
    AJ Styles: You will be seeing a lot more of me because i had a little discussion with the GM Gorilla Monsoon and he was very happy that i wanted to fight the King of Kings. He has sanctioned the match for next week.” The crowd cheer as even though they don’t like AJ Styles they do like that Triple H will be in a decent match to prove himself.

    Backstage Interview: Tito Santana

    Q. What did you make of Bobby Roode’s comments to you last week? “Well i must admit i was a little insulted by that. He called my hand dirty. I clean my hands every day (Santana smiles). Seriously, the world is full of upper class people just like Bobby Roode. I’m sure he has plenty of Mexicans working for him and that’s because they are hard working and honest. To be called honest and hard working is a good thing so i can’t be insulted by that. I’m a friendly guy and want to make lots of friends here in the SWE so I’ll introduce myself to Mr Roode again later and maybe we can become amigos”

    Match: Michelle McCool vs Layla in a mud wrestling match

    The assistant GM Pamela Anderson is in the ring where there is a paddling pool containing mud. She has the mic
    “As you all know i have been put in charge of the divas division and i know what all ye wrestling fans (Anderson winks at the crowd). Ye want to see scantily clad sexy ladies grope and rub up against each other and what better way to see that than in a mud wrestling match (Anderson giggles very excitedly). So lets bring on down the divas and get this match underway.”

    Michelle McCool and Layla make their way down to the ring and are looking very apprehensive at the assistant GM. Anderson urges both of them to get into the mud but both refuse. Anderson pushes McCool into the mud and she is livid. Anderson celebrates and the crowd cheer for the muddy McCool.

    Anderson then manages to push Layla into the mud and once again Anderson cheers whilst Layla is livid. With both of the divas in the mud, Anderson urges them to wrestle but they refuse. Instead they get up and grab Anderson and throw her into the mud. The crowd cheer louder and Anderson plays up to this by rolling around in the mud. McCool and Layla leave the ring in disgust at the level of wrestling they are being asked to do.

    Match: Jeff Hardy v Bobby Roode (Winner gets into the SWE Heavyweight Championship match at Spongemania)

    Sheamus is the first to come down to the ring. He is there to join the commentary team and also see who he will fight for the vacant SWE Heavyweight Championship belt at Spongemania. Next down to the ring is Bobby Roode along with Layla who is carrying with her a bottle of Champagne. As soon as he gets in the ring he grabs the mic to address the crowd.
    “The time for celebration is close to hand. After I defeat Jeff Hardy tonight and go on to Spongemania to defeat Sheamus and become SWE World Heavyweight Champion we will celebrate by opening this bottle of champagne and toast my success. You people can join me too with your bottles of Buckfast (the crowd boos at the Buckfast reference) because this is as close as you will get to the upper class.”
    Jeff Hardy comes down and the crowd go crazy. The match starts and Hardy quickly gets the upper hand through superior speed. He sends Roode from corner to corner following up with a splash into each corner. He hits Roode with a Whisper in the Wind and Roode is struggling. Hardy has Roode set up for the Twist of Fate but Roode manages to escape. Roode slides out of the ring to recover and is joined by Layla. Hardy comes off the ropes and launches himself over the top rope and lands on top of Roode. Hardy milks the cheers from the crowd. He picks Roode back up and throws him back in the ring and just as Hardy is about to get back in the ring he is stopped by Layla. This distracts Hardy enough for Roode to hit Hardy and then follow up with a Roode awakening. This allows Roode to follow up with a slow and methodical beatdown of Hardy.

    Roode is in control and already celebrating his inevitable victory when out comes Tito Santana to the ring unbeknownst to Roode. He cheekily grabs the bottle of champagne from Roode’s corner but is quickly spotted by Layla who attempts to grab the bottle back. Roode spots this and attempts to intervene but the ref stops him and they can’t get the bottle back. As Roode turns his attention back to Hardy he is hit by a Twist of Fate by Hardy. Hardy follows this up with a Swanton Bomb from the top rope and this is enough to get the pinfall victory. Tito Santana is laughing as he retreats up the ramp with the stolen bottle of champagne.
    Hardy is celebrating the victory that gives him a SWE Heavyweight Championship match at Spongemania. Sheamus slides into the ring and squares up to Hardy. Neither seems to be backing down until Sheamus smiles, pats Hardy on the shoulder and tells him “Well done”, then slowly backs away gesturing that he is the one who will win the title at Spongemania.

    SWE Heavyweight Championship match: Sheamus v Jeff Hardy

  • Registered Users Posts: 303 ✭✭Uncle Walt


    WECWF Opens with both Jim Cornette and Vince Russo in the office of Vincent McMahon.

    Vincent McMahon

    Gentlemen. I gathered you both here, for an important reason. With Mayhem Rising very much on the horizon and both of you setting the wheels of your ideas and philosophies for the future of WECWF into motion. Its about time i set the cat amongst the pigeons once more. Gentlemen i enjoy competition. I enjoy heated rivalries, those two things are the cornerstones of our business. So I've one more little proposal for you two men. At The upcoming PPV, it'll be you Jim Cornette vs. you Vince Russo. But you wont be wrestling, no no no. I've elected 10 possible superstars from our wonderfully rich roster to possibly be your representatives at the PPV.
    Vince Russo
    Mr McMahon bro, I'm a former WCW World Champion. I have no problem handling myself in the ring. Especially against that fat sack of sh*t..
    Vincent McMahon
    Vincent I appreciate that. But unfortunately for you, I'm nothing like my son. And i don't allow talent in my ring unless they are actual wrestlers. I have no time for people who have no business being in that ring who really don't belong there.. So gentlemen to further this situation I need you both to select a number between 1 and 10..
    Vince Russo
    Well bro, i guess I'll go with number 1..
    Vincent McMahon
    Number 1 please enter the room...
    The office door opens and Rob Van Dam enters the room..
    Vincent congratulations. Rob Van Dam is now your chosen superstar, he will be your eyes and ears both in the ring and out!
    Vince Russo
    Bro i couldn't be any happier, Rob I've been a fan of yours since ECW bro. If you beat Cornette's jobber i swear to god, you'll be WECWF World Champion within 6 months, no doubt about it.
    Vincent McMahon
    Now James your turn..
    Jim Cornette
    Well Mr McMahon sir, 7 is my lucky number so i guess I'll choose that!
    Vincent McMahon
    Good number, so would number please enter the room..
    There's a hush of silence and no-one enters..
    Vincent McMahon
    Would number 7 please enter?
    When no one still comes through the door, Mr McMahon gets up from his desk and proceeds out to the hallway. He returns with Jim Cornettes chosen superstar.
    Vincent McMahon
    Congratulations James here is your superstar!
    Sorry everybody i was outside the wrong door...
    Eugene enters the room and Jim Cornette does not look happy..


    Jim Cornette
    What the fu*k is Eric fu*king Bischoff's fuc*king retarded nephew doing as my representative Mr McMahon? This is fu*king bullsh*t..
    Cornette storms off with Eugene chasing after him saying wait for me Mr Cornette wait for me!

    Russo says this is fu*king awesome as he does the RVD pose as Van Dam just shrugs and says no sweat.

    Sabu vs Jobber..

    Sabu wins in a quick match up with the Triple Jump Moonsault..

    Sabu calls for a microphone after the match. He looks around as if he going to say something, but just drops the mic and points to the ceiling
    Backstage Interview
    Randy Orton how do you feel about the comments made about you last week by the WECWF World Heavyweight Champion The American Dream Dusty Rhodes.
    Randy Orton
    How do I feel? HOW DO I FEEL??? Feelings don't mean jacksh*t to me. I've spent my whole career ending other peoples careers. Why? Because I can. Because they didn't deserve to be in that ring with me in the first place, that ring, my fu*king ring. I haven't just taken the name the Legend Killer. Whether you believe me or not i don't give a sh*t, I've earned it. I've earned it because I've ended the legend of more veterans of this business than any other man. And only because i love that feeling of having another mans livelihood in the palm of hand so much. Its a drug like no other, and its a drug I crave every day of my life. So that fat bast*rd Dusty Rhodes can talk all the sh*t he wants, but until he beats me 1.. 2... 3... I will be exactly what he says I am.. That's his American Nightmare.. Because in 2 weeks Dusty Rhodes.. I'm ending the legend of the American Dream.
    Randy Orton vs Justin Credible

    Orton hits the RKO outta nowhere.. He Lifts up Credible and hits another RKO.. Then holds him up on the turnbuckle and hits one last RKO. The referee is given little choice but to disqualify Orton as paramedics heck on the clearly unconscious Justin Credible..
    Jim Cornette
    Eugene you dumb little bastard you stay over there and don't move.
    Lance my friend me and you go way way back.Hell I was the first person in the USA to book you back in the day


    Lance Storm
    Let me cut you off there before you get serious Jim, you don't have to sell me a spiel, I'd be honored to be part of
    Before Lance Storm finishes and both men can shake on it. Eugene runs over and hugs both men clapping and jumping for joy. Cornette gives Storm a funny look, and slaps the taste out of Eugene's mouth as he and Storm walk off, leaving Eugene more than upset.

    Lance Storm vs Hayabusa
    Great back and forth match with Storm getting the submission victory.

    The Hart Foundation walk into the office of Vince Russo..


    Bret Hart
    Russo give us that contract to sign to be apart of Sports Entertainment Revolution, lets get this over with so we can beat the living hell out of The Freebirds at Mayhem Rising.
    Both men immediately sign on the dotted line and storm out of Russo's office.
    Vince Russo
    Guys guys guys, whats the rush? Hitman, Anvil. Bro's where are you guys headed. We have a lot to talk about
    Jim Neidhart
    Russo me and the Hitman have NOTHING to speak you about. Not only do we not trust you, but we don't like you. As far as were concerned joining Sports Entertainment Revolution is nothing but a means to an end. And thats forcing the end of The Freebirds careers.
    Jim Cornette
    Russo, son if this isn't proof that your a no good piece of sh*t then nothing is.Even Hart and Neidhart don't even want anything to do with you.
    Jim Cornette smugly says as he enters the room flanked by Gordy and Hayes
    Michael PS Hayes
    So this is the famous Hart Foundation then? Well listen you boys are nothing but Pink and Black wearing pussy's. And me and Gordy have proof of that. We gonna kick your dumb as fu*k Canadian Emigrant Asses,
    Hart and Neidhart take serious offense to that and immediately get in the faces of Gordy and Hayes

    Whoa whoa whoa bros bro Bros!

    As he pulls back both members of the Hart Foundation

    Vince Russo
    You've both signed those contacts. Which means until the PPV neither of you can put your hands on each other. That's not my rules bro, that's Mr McMahons because if I had my way, I wouldn't give a flying fu*k if you both beat the living **** out of each other right here right now.
    Russo walks away as both teams get in each others faces and the road agents and referees break them up.

    Dusty Rhodes vs Masato Tanaka

    Joey Styles puts over the fact that Tanaka has made his way over from Japan just to face The American Dream in one on one competition

    Both men lock up.. and before the ref even has a chance to ring the bell, Randy Orton hits Tanaka over the back of the head with a chair.. Dusty in a loud audible says motherfu*ker as Randy Orton hightails it to the top of the ramp, as he poses his signature pose as Dusty remains in the ring with a very pissed off look on his face.


    Dusty Rhodes
    Boy you better run because as the Worlds Champion I've made the decision that I want our match at the Mayhem Rising Pay Per View to be a cage match. Because i don't wanna give you the satisfaction of being able to run and hid baby. And Randy you aint killing no dream, and that's a fact jack.

    Rob Van Dam/Vince Russo vs. Eugene/Jim Cornette

    WEWCF Hardore Championship
    Sabu vs. Brusier Brody

    WECWF World Heavyweight Championship
    Randy Orton vs. Dusty Rhodes

    WECWF World Tag Team Championship
    The Fabulous Freebird's vs. The Hart Foundation

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    So far on Monday Night Chaos :
    Vince McMahon continued to torment Jeff Jarrett by offering him a one on one match for control of the company , on one condition......Vince gets to spend a night with his wife! Jarrett declined, but Jarretts wife Karen took Vince up on the offer. What will the fallout be after Vinces indecent proposal?!

    Shawn Michaels and Jake Roberts cant touch each other until the Chaos Rising PPV, yet old HBK found a way to get to kidnapping his pet snake Damien. What did Michaels do to Damien and will Jake get revenge?

    Owen Hart played mediator last week and brought the Hart Family in Beyond Chaos back as a unit. Harry Smith and Tyson Kidd settled their differences after some words of wisdom from Uncle Owen. Now the trio then took out Magnum TA before his match with Shawn Michaels. How will Magnum react and can anyone stop The Hart Family?

    Shannon Moore got a pep talk from Barry Horowitz on request from Shane Helms. Has this been enough to inspire Shannon to break his losing streak, will Shannon show up with new found belief?

    The New Age Outlaws continued their rivalry with tag champs the Midnight Express, with Stan lane and Bobby Eaton gaining a slight advantage after the Outlaws mocked them again. With 1 week to go until the PPV, which team will gain the advantage going into their match?

    Timothy Thatcher shocked Nigel McGuinness again, this time winning the IC title in an impromptu match. How ill Nigel react after being burned by the young rookie?
    We kick off tonights show in Nashville Tennessee and the crowd are hot as the cameras pan over the crowd. The music of Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts ramps up and The Beyond Chaos Heavyweight Champion appears. Jake comes out and the commentators recap what happened last week with Shawn Michaels stealing Jakes pet snake Damien. Jake steps in the ring and gets on the mic and begins speaking in that cagey way that only he does.

    Jake Roberts : The old proverb reads ‘be careful what you wish for’, well I wished and prayed that one day Id become Heavyweight Champion of the world and 3 weeks ago I did just that. I realised one of my life long dreams and grabbed that brass ring against all the odds. Ive been to the bottom of the barrel and been in some pretty low places, but when that bell rang after I won Championship Rumble, I was on top of the world...... but it was extremely short lived as the ugly head of jealousy appeared in the former of one Shawn Michaels.

    The fans boo at the mention of HBK

    Jake Roberts : Since then my biggest moment has been turned into a bitter nightmare. Now Shawn Michaels is a man who has done it all, hes won Tag team championships, Intercontinental championships, Royal Rumbles and multiple Heavyweight Championships and yet it didn’t make him happy. Because of him and his twisted dark jealousy, my celebrations were cut short, my son has been hospitalised and my good friend Damien has been taken away from me. I can take being kicked, beaten, bloodied but no of that truly hurts and my physical wounds always heal but Shawn has attacked me in my heart and soul.

    Jake is getting rather emotional as he continues.

    Jake Roberts : Shawn has taken aim at my family, my life, my soul, all because he thinks God has forgotten him and forsaken him. My son is in the hospital with a serious concussion because of him and why, because he thinks Im to blame for his short comings. Shawn, truth be told you have forsaken yourself and your actions have made you the man you are today. Your actions show me what kind of man you are, your a scared small little man who tries to hurt others to make himself feel better. This Sunday I will take my snake back, ill get my redemption and I’ll put you out of your misery.

    Jake is then interrupted by Shawn Michaels who is live on the tron. Shawn is emotionless and very callous as he seems to be more and more these days.

    Shawn Michaels : Hi Jake. I told you, you started this war when you took away my moment, my title, my everything and I told you Id do the same onto you as you did to me. I will make you pay for what you did Jake. I want you to suffer just like I’ve suffered. Since I cant hurt you physically until Sunday, I thought I will hurt those you care about. Hence why I turned my attention to your snake, Damien!

    Shawn has Jakes full attention as the fans boo him heavily.

    Shawn Michaels : Hes like a friend to you, as most animals are to rotten people like you Jake. This animal can’t talk to you and tell you what a rotten person you really are, thats why he means so much to you, in truth hes your only friend. And because he means so much to you, I know you’ll suffer if anything happens to him and you deserve to suffer Jake.

    Jake paces the ring and demands Michaels return his pet at once.

    Shawn Michaels : Have you suffered enough Jake ??? What can I do to Damien that will make you suffer? Will I pay Earthquake, the massive 500lb monster to sit on him and make Quaker Burgers out of what’s left?

    Commentator : He wouldn’t would he?

    Shawn Michaels : No I wouldn’t, that’s not my style Jake. But I do think you need to suffer, you deserve to feel pain just like you made me feel pain. But maybe you’ve suffered enough, maybe. I tell you what Jake, Ill bring Damien to the ring later tonight on my terms. Until then, rest assured hes very comfortable.

    Commentator : Damiens comfortable ? Is Shawn finally going to do the right thing?

    Jake is going out of his mind with grief and worry as we cut to our first commercial.
    We return and the camera is backstage in the parking garage as we see a limo arrive. Out steps Vince McMahon and hes got a huge smile on his face. His security team of Abyss and Matt Morgan step out after him and Vince is so happy, he begins strutting like Jeff Jarrett usually does mocking Jarrett in the process I guess. Vince struts off and is followed by his lackeys as we switch to ringside.

    Commentator 1 : Vince is here and he looks like hes in a great mood

    Commentator 2 : Wouldnt you be after spending a night with Karen Jarrett?!
    We are back and Owen Hart is on his way out for his match and is joined by his Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith, and all 3 are united.

    The commentators note that Magnum TA hasn’t arrived in the building and speculate the extent of his injuries as a result of the beat down dished out by the 3 Harts last week. Out comes Owens opponent Shane Helms.


    Shane Helms versus Owen Hart

    Its a good back and fourth match up, with Helms more or less holding his own against the elder Hart. Owen gets the win after Tyson causes a distraction and allowing Owen to hit an Enziguri Kick, followed by a Sharpshooter.

    Winner : Owen Hart ,

    Owen releases the hold and Tyson and Harry slide in and stomp the hell out of the fallen Helms. Owen grabs a mic and tells the crowd that its time for the Hart Family to be dominant again and its time for them to take their rightful place on top of the wrestling world. Harry then picks up Helms and he and Kidd hit the Hart Attack double team on Helms. The fans chant for Magnum and for Shannon Moore but nether come out to make the save.

    Commentator 1 : I don’t think Magnums here tonight but where is Shannon Moore

    Commentator 2 : probably scared to come out, the little chicken. Off laying eggs somewhere or something.

    The Hart Family stand over Helms with their arms aloft while the crowd boo as we cut to a commercial.
    We return and Jake Roberts is talking with a Beyond Chaos Reporter, Who asks Jake about his up coming non title match later tonight with Nigel McGuinness. Jake tells the reporter that he’ll deal with that when it comes but for now his concern is his pet snake Damien. Jake says that he is worried what he will do to Shawn if anything bad happens to his beloved Damien.
    We switch back to another part of the locker room and we see the New Age Outlaws. Road Dogg telling Billy Gunn that they need to stop the joking and get serious tonight and make a statement of intent towards The Midnight Express. Billy agrees and says its time to show the old timers tonight that they are on borrowed time. Road Dogg says they’ve got to show Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane that these Outlaws will become Legends and the best way to become legends is by being vicious, unforgiving and down right dirty.

    Commentator : What are the Outlaws up to?
    We switch are backstage again and this time to the parking garage, where we see the Hart Family about to leave the arena. All three are very pleased with beating down Helms later and Owen slags off Magnum TA saying they might have ended his sorry career last week. They arrive at their rental car and Harry and Tyson jump in the back. Owen is about to get in the drivers door when we begin to hear the screech of car tyres off camera and a vehicle accelerating. Owen jumps out of the way as a black pick up truck rams the rental car blocking Tyson and Harry in the back. The camera pans and we see that Magnum TA is the driver. The fans in the arena erupt as Magnum has a crazed look on his face.

    Commentator : Magnum TA is here and hes gone postal.

    Magnum gets out and starts throwing lefts and rights in Owens direction as Harry and Tyson try to escape their car to no avail. Magnum then slams Owen hard into another car before throwing him head first onto a bonnet of another. With Owen dazed and Smith and Kidd blocked in, Magnum reaches into the back of his truck and grabs a bull rope.

    Commentator 1 : Whats Magnum going to do with that bull rope?

    Magnum begins to tie Owens legs up and then ties the other end to the back of his truck.

    Commentator 2 : Magnums not going to drag Owen off in his truck is he?

    Magnum hops in his truck and does a massive wheel spin, teasing to drive off when a host of officials rush out of nowhere and try block Magnums path. Magnum wheel spins some more before driving past the officials who let him past despite their best efforts.

    Commentator 1 : Oh my god, has Magnum just dragged Owen away?

    Magnum drives away and as the camera pans around we see Owen has some how got free and had a lucky escape! The referees free Smith and Kidd and they check on Owen, as all 3 lick there wounds.
    We are back at Ringside and the ring is set up for Beyond Chaos’s exclusive talk show...The Party Penthouse and our host with the most is in the ring, Enzo Amore.

    Enzo talks about how his show is a certified hit, just like he is with the ladies and he introduces his guest. Its new Intercontinental Champion, Timothy Thatcher.

    Thatcher comes out and the fans are truly behind this under dog champion as he steps into the ring. Enzo acts the typical dick that he is and begins by asking just who the hell he is and goes on to say hes tried to do his research on him and hes come up with pretty much nothing. Thatcher replies by saying hes a young man, who has trained hard to be here and was lucky enough to get an opportunity here.

    Timothy Thatcher : I may be unknown but I got a chance at the Championship Rumble and I put myself on the map when I eliminated Nigel McGuinness.

    Enzo Amore : Well you got lucky there, Nigel was tired from battle Jake and Shawn.

    Timothy Thatcher : Then I outlasted the McGuinness again by beating The McGuinness Challenge and earning myself a title shot.

    Enzo Amore : But you tapped anyway, which makes you a loser anyways.

    Timothy Thatcher : Then I beat Nigel 1...2....3 in the middle of the ring to win this around my waist (points to his IC championship)

    Enzo puts him down again saying he got lucky and he must of had a four leafed glover in his trunks. Thatcher gets annoyed at Enzos undermining of his achievements and is about to walk off, but Enzo grabs him and says he should hold on and meet his other guest....Nigel McGuinness.

    Nigel comes out and acts all Danny Dyer-like hard man geezer type by getting in Thatchers face.

    Nigel McGuinness : Alright sunshine, you think your all that after your little fluke last week eh? Well I’ve envoked my rematch clause and we shall be meeting this Sunday 1 on 1 at Chaos Rising and I will beat the living daylights out of you son. You got lucky last week, but you wont be able to get any fluky pins on me this Sunday because Mr McMahon has granted me the choice of stipulation....and I choose a submission match.

    Commentator : No one has ever made Nigel tap out, my god its an up hill challenge already for Thatcher.

    Nigel McGuinness : See you Sunday mate a.......and oh, bring my title and have it all shined up for me yeah?

    Nigel and Thatcher stare each other down as we cut to commercial.
    We are back its announced for the Beyond Chaos PPV that Magnum TA will face Owen Hart in a Memphis Bull Rope Match! We switch to Shane Helms who is receiving medical attention after being beat down by the Hart Family. In walks Shannon Moore to the surprise of Helms

    Shane Helms : Where were you Shannon, I needed help out there.

    Shannon stares dead at Shane before smiling oddly and replying

    Shannon Moore : I’ve been finding myself, your words finally got through to me last week and I don’t want to end up like Barry Horowitz, I want to be a winner! So I’ve been training hard and in the winning mind set, just like you told me to do. I hope your not to hurt, because I asked Mr McMahon for a match against you at Chaos Rising. I wanted to test myself against you, and I want to show you just how you inspired me and Im sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

    Shannon leaves in an enthusiastic hurry as Helms looks confused and still smarting from his beat down earlier

    Commentator 1 : Shannon has asked for a match against Shane at Chaos Rising. Whats going on in his head?

    Commentator 2 : I don’t know but he looks super pumped. Looks like Helms finally inspired him!
    We are backstage and we see the Midnight Express talking with a Beyond Chaos Reporter. Bobby and Stan talk about being old school and they both say they will go old school on the Outlaws asses this Sunday. Out of nowhere Billy Gunn and Road Dogg attack the tag champs and they begin brawling. Both teams are clubbing away on each other and the brawl spills into the parking garage.

    The Outlaws gain control as Billy Rams Stan Lanes head into the back of a production truck and then helps aids Road Dogg whos battling with Bobby Eaton and they both throw Eaton head first through the passenger window of a near by car, busting Bobby open.

    Road Dogg : He aint beautiful no more hahaha.

    They begin to lay the boots into Stan Lane now but Road Dogg stops and brings Billys attention to the object besides them.

    Commentator : Oh my god, its a dumpster.

    Billy laughs when Road Dogg points it out to him and he drags over the dumpster. Billy opens it and he dumps Stan Lanes body into the open trash container and then he and Road Dogg drag the bloodied Bobby Eaton and dump him in as well and close the lid.

    Road Dogg : You know what Billy, we should go ’old school’ ourselves and bring this here dumpster and throw it off the Beyond Chaos stage like in olden times huh? , what do you say Billy?

    Billy mulls it over and says no. He says we are better than that and you can sense the tone sarcastic in his voice. Billy then spots something in the distance and brings it over.

    Commentator : Thats Magnum TAs bull rope from earlier!

    Billy Gunn : Lets bring these old timers on one last ride!

    Road Dogg grabs the rope and runs off laughing like a school girl while Billy locks the dumpster with the tag champs inside. Road Dogg returns with a car and Billy ties the dumpster to the car using the Bull Rope!!!

    Commentator : Oh my god, don’t do it, for the love of god, these guys have families.

    Billy and Road Dogg hop in the car and roll down the windows. We can hear banging and the muffled voice of the tag champs from within the dumpster as Billy puts his foot down and drives away at speed. The car speeds off and drags the dumpster with it, with the Midnight Express inside!!!

    Commentator : Dear God this isn’t right, their lives are at risk.

    The dumpster topples over as the Outlaws car hits a corner and its drags the dumpster along the crowd and sparks fly.

    Commentator : Dear God, the Outlaws have gone too far dammit. This is not right!

    The outlaws try to drive away out of the arena with the dumpster in tow but as they do the rope snaps and the dumpster slides into a wall. The Outlaws reverse and survey the damage before shouting in the direction at the dumpster.

    Road Dogg : See us Outlaws, we are destined to be legends!

    The Outlaws speed off and officials rush over to the dumpster and bust it open and tend to the injured tag champs, who are both bloodied and bruised.

    Ad Break!

    A familiar theme plays and the fans erupt as Jeff Jarrett sombrely walks out to a supportive reaction from the crowd. Jeff brings with him an acoustic guitar, his weapon of choice in the past and steps into the ring and acknowledges the support of the Beyond Chaos fans before grabbing a mic. Jeff speaks about the last few weeks about Vince trying to ruin him and make his life a misery. He then talks about his wife Karen leaving with Vince last week and spending the night with McMahon. Jeff says Karen did what she did for Jeff last week and that he was unaware she left with Vince, saying she did it all on her own accord.

    Jarrett says Karen hasn’t spoken to Jeff all week and she cant look him in the eye anymore. He says he has no idea what happened with her and McMahon last week, but his imagination is his own worst enemy because hes thinking the worst. He says he feels sick to his stomach at the thought of Vince being with his Wife and says not in a million years would he ever ask her to do that for him. Jarrett tells the crowd the only consolation is that he gets to face Vince 1 on 1 at the PPV and that hes going to beat the hell out of Vince from pillar to post and make him rue the day he walked into Beyond Chaos. Jarrett goes on to explain how hes going to hurt Vince when ‘No Chance...’ hits the PA system and out struts a very happy Vince McMahon and he, and his security team of Abyss and Matt Morgan, stand at the ramp.

    Jarrett looks paralysed with rage as Vince smiles down at him from the ramp.

    Vince McMahon : Well Jarrett, last week was fun wasn’t it? Well it was fun for me. I went to Space Mountain last week! And let me tell you it was a hell of a ride. I enjoyed it so much, that I went again....and again...and again...and again....and the best part was that at first your wife was cagey and unhappy but by the end she was screaming and begging me for more!

    Commentator : is that true or is Vince just winding Jarrett up?

    Jarrett breathes in trying to control his anger as he responds.

    Jeff Jarrett : Well you can say whatever you want Vince but you will just be adding to the hurting I will be putting on you this Sunday at Chaos Rising and we will see if you beg for more then. The only begging you’ll be doing is begging for mercy.

    Vince McMahon : Ah yes, the match next Sunday, the reason your lovely wife threw herself at me in the first place. Well, I must admit, I never thought she’d really go for it but she did and Im a man of my word Jarrett, its me and you next week with the winner taking all the marbles. You finally get me one on one!

    The fans cheer at the thought of Jarrett facing Vince, as Vince grabs the clipboard from Matt Morgan.

    Vince McMahon : Heres the contract your wife signed last week and she signed it in quite the hurry, she left one field blank. The field she left blank is the stipulation of the match. Ive taken the liberty of filling that in and this Sunday Vince McMahon will Face Jeff Jarrett, with the winner gaining full control of the company in .......a no DQ gauntlet match!

    Commentator : What in tarnation!
    Vince McMahon : It will be you Jeff, versus Me, 1 on 1, no rules. But before you get to face me, you will have to get through these two men first. First you have to beat The blueprint, Matt Morgan....then if you can get by Morgan, its you versus the Monster Abyss .... Then if your still breathing you get to face me, Vince McMahon! Hahahahaha! Aint I Great!

    Commentator : Vince is leaving Jeff with a snow balls chance in hell. Theres no way he can beat those two, one after the other!

    Jeff Jarrett : Listen Vince, I’ve nothing to lose now, its all or nothing and it doesn’t matter what kind of odds are stacked against me. This Sunday I’m guaranteeing an acoustic guitar will be put through your miserable skull. .......Hell Why wait......

    Jarrett drops the mic and heads out of the ring and up the ramp with his guitar in tow. Abyss and Matt Morgan rush to meet him half way and both men try to grab Jeff but he ducks between the two. Jeff pops up and nails Abyss with the guitar shattering it over his head. Jarrett then ducks a clothesline attempt by Morgan and kicks Morgan in between the legs, crippling him temporarily. With Abyss and Morgan down, Jarrett eyes up Vince.

    Commentator : My god, Jarretts set his sights on Vince.

    Jarrett slowly walks up the ramp while Vince looks shaken and stunned. Jarrett however takes too much time and Matt Morgan has recovered and clubs him from behind. Morgan is then joined by Abyss, and both men beat Jarrett down much to the relief of Vince. Both men then hoist up Jarrett and choke slam him on the steel ramp with Vince punching the air with delight. Vince then stands over Jarretts carcass and tells him he has no chance in hell.

    Commentator : Is this a sign of things to come for Jeff Jarrett?

    Vince poses with his security team of Abyss and Matt Morgan as we cut to an ad break.
    We are back and its time for our final bout of the evening as the former IC champ Nigel McGuinness takes of Current Heavyweight Champion Jake Roberts, in a non title match. The British native is out first and Nigel gets boo’d loudly. Out next is Jake Roberts and the commentators ponder if Jakes head is focused on the match ahead with his mind on finding out what happened to Damien.

    Jake Roberts Vs Nigel McGuinness (non title)

    After an early back and forth, Nigel capitalises on a mistake by Roberts to gain control and work over the arm. Jake though rallies late on and avoids Nigels London Dungeon submission on numerous occasions. Jake eventually has Nigel down and looks ready to hit a DDT much to the fans approval, but suddenly Shawn Michaels voice can be heard and from the ramp we see Shawn. Shawn is not carrying a bag and doesn’t appear to have Damien with him at all. Shawn walks towards the ring as he addresses Jake.

    Shawn Michaels : Jake Im a man of my word and Im out here to bring you face to face with Damien once again.

    Commentator : Shawn doesn’t have Damien though, whats Shawn up to?


    Jake is enraged by Shawn but Nigel has recovered and nails with a low blow from behind causing a DQ

    Winner by dq Jake Roberts

    After the Low Blow, Nigel then locks in his London Dungeon. Jake is in agony as Shawn walks to the ring and continues talking.

    Shawn Michaels : Dont worry Jake, like I said earlier, Damien is very very comfortable right now.

    Shawn steps into the ring as Jake is trapped in McGuinness’s submission staring up at Michaels.


    Shawn Michaels : Dont worry Jake, Damien is close by, and your most likely wondering where he is. Maybe hes in the building......... Maybe hes out here in the arena............. maybe hes in the ring Jake?

    Commentator : What is Shawn talking about, where and what has he done to Jakes pet snake?

    Shawn stares down at Jake and then inches up his jeans to reveal his boots....and their SNAKE SKIN BOOTS

    Shawn Michaels : maybe Damien is closer than you think Jake.

    Commentator : My god, is Shawn implying that hes turned Damien into a pair of boots! He cant be serious!

    Jake is in agony and being forced by Nigel to stare at Shawns Snake Skin boots as Shawn stares coldly down at Jake.

    Shawn Michaels : I’ve told you Jake, I’m taking away everything from you like you took it away from me. Ive put your family in hospital, Ive taken your snake and this Sunday, I’m going to walk into the stadium, in very comfortable boots I might add, and I will take my Heavyweight title and I will take every shred of believe in god you ever had with it! I will leave you with nothing!

    The commentators hype up Jake and Shawns fight this Sunday and the camera focuses on Jakes face in agony, as we fade out for the final time before the BIG Chaos Rising PPV this Sunday.
    Matches set for Chaos Rising! Pay per view :

    Heavyweight Title Match

    Jake Roberts (c) vs Shawn Michaels

    Battle to control Beyond Chaos : Gauntlet Match

    Jeff Jarrett vs Abyss /Matt Morgan / Vince McMahon

    A Memphis Bull Rope Match

    Owen Hart with Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith Vs Magnum TA!

    Tag Team Title Match

    New Age Outlaws versus The Midnight Express (c)

    Intercontinental Title Submission Match

    Nigel McGuinness Vs Timothy Thatcher (c)

    Singles match
    Shannon Moore vs Shane Helms

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,012 ✭✭✭✭Alfred Borden


    Jerry: Hello and welcome to Monday Night Adrenaline broadcasting live from Dublin, Ireland. We are one week away from the biggest PPV of the year, WrestleCade.

    Mikey: Boy it feels good to be back on the Emerald Isle. 6 days away and I’m counting down the days.

    Jerry: Dont forget, WrestleCade can be ordered for the incredible price of $19.99, only available to the RAF network. However if you book tonight during the show, you will receive a 20% discount, so book quickly.

    Mikey: What a bargain. And of course we get to witness the biggest match of the wrestling calendar year, Macho Man Randy Savage versus the champ Hollywood Hogan inside a steel cage.

    year, Macho Man Randy Savage versus the champ Hollywood Hogan inside a steel cage.
    Jerry: We have got quite the main event for you tonight. Randy Savage will team up with Lou Thesz to take on the team of Hulk Hogan and King Kong Bundy.

    We start off the night with Rick Rude inside the squared circle.

    Rick Rude: “Hi there, remember me? If you don’t, just go into the kitchen, get your old lady out and show them me and she will tell you who I am. She’ll tell ya that I am the sexist man alive, Ravishing Rick Rude. And as for all you ladies in attendance, I have raised my standards. I now come to town with a pair of size five Calvin Klein’s and a 36 double D. And if you don’t fit the mould, don’t dream of the rude awakening. Now it’s time to get ladies that fit the mould out here because this has to be the ugliest crowd I have ever seen”.

    Both Bella’s make their way out separately with Brie getting a pop. the Bella’s start to argue in the middle of the ring until Rude interrupts them.
    “Ladies, shut the hell up. I told the GM Johnny Laurinaitis that I would offer my assistance to fix this problem between yee. Who else is more capable of dealing with the women than Ravishing Rick Rude? Brie, why did you screw your sister a few weeks back? I wish it was me that was doing the screwing, if you catch my drift!”

    Just as Brie Bella goes to respond, The Mega Plowers music hits and they make their way down to the ring. They seem to be getting a lot of attention from the ladies in the audience which angers Rude.
    Val Venis: “well, I have just had enough of listening to your vanity. If these ladies want to look at the sexist men alive, they should look no further than the Mega Plowers. Face facts Rick, why have you, when they can trade you in for a better younger model in me?”

    Rude looks pissed as the crowd pop.

    Rick Rude: “Shut up you dogs! Why don’t we sort this the old fashioned way? A posing contest, right here right now between all three of us?”

    Buff Bagwell: “You’re on old man. I’m Buff, I’m still the stuff and as you can see, the girls still can’t get enough!”.

    Both Bellas exit the ring but remain ringside, although both are blanking each other. The pose down starts with Rude flexing his arms. The crowd don’t give much of a reaction and Bagwell stands in front of him and flexes his arms. The crowd pop big for him as Rude looks pissed. Venis then turns his back to pose towards the other side of the arena. The crowd again pop for him. Suddenly, Nikki Bella throws Rude a chair. Rude hits Bagwell from behind and before Venis can react, he is struck down at the hands of Rude. Rude begins to smile and grabs a mic.
    Rick Rude: “Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner and still the sexist man alive, Ravishing Rick Rude. Now which one of you ladies want to accompany me to my hotel room for the rude awakening?”

    Brie Bella looks disgusted when suddenly Nikki slaps her across the face, knocking Brie to the ground. Nikki links Rick Rude outside the ring as Brie looks on holding her face. Nikki Bella can be heard screaming “I want my title back b###h.” However a familiar theme song plays.


    Pedro Morales comes running down to the ring, forcing Rude and Nikki Bella to exit through the crowd. Morales looks irate, as Val Venis make his way to his feet. Morales seems to flip and hits Val Venis with a backbreaker. The crowd look on stunned as Morales locks on the Boston crab on Bagwell. After Bagwell taps out, Morales refuses to break the hold. Officials have to come out and break it up. Morales storms out of the ring and makes his way to the back silently.

    Jerry: What the hell Pedro?

    Mikey: There’s that famous Morales temper. Too much jokers out here for my liking. Credit to Morales.

    Jerry: Morales seems determined to take that United States title of Rick Rude this Sunday at WrestleCade.

    Promo of happier times for the Mega Powers.

    We now have an interview with Randy Savage.

    Sarah Williams: Macho Man, can I have your thoughts?

    Randy Savage: The tower of power, too sweet to be sour, I’m funky like a monkey, sky’s the limit and space is the place. I’ll give the devil his dues yeah, Hulk Hogan has got the biggest arms in the world yeah, but these arms here aren’t chop liver. I believe in karma Hogan, and karma comes back on you. There’s no man that can put me down. Oh yeah! Hulk Hogan, you wanna talk about my marriage breaking down? You don’t know anything about the Macho Man or where I’m coming from because its mind boggling to ya, yeah! I’m coming for you Hogan. I know what makes you tick. Better than the best, I’m better than the best. Macho Man, Randy Savage! Hogan, tonight I’m gonna kick your ass, oh yeah!!! And on Sunday, after I hit you with the big elbow drop, I’m gonna pin you, 1,2,3. Oh yeah!

    Sarah Williams: Randy, if the opportunity arises to win the match via escape, will you take that route? A win is a win after all even if you have never pinned Hollywood?

    Randy Savage just smiles and storms off.


    When we return from the commercial we have John Laurinaitis speaking from his office.

    John Laurinaitis: “Evening all. As you all know by now, my name is Mr John Laurinaitis, the General Manager of Monday Night Adrenaline and the Co-owner of USCW. First things first, I have decided to not press charges against Raf32 after his malicious unprovoked attack on me last week. I thought taking his company on Sunday would be enough punishment. Can you all believe it? We are 6 days away from a new era. The era of Mr Excitement himself, John Laurinaitis. Let’s get down to business. Tonight, there will be a contract signing between Goldberg and Ryback for their match at Wrestlecade which I will preside over. I’m also making a match for the Womens title at WrestleCade. Nikki Bella will face her sister Brie in a family affair. May I wish you all a pleasant evening and have a good show”.

    Mikey: Just when I think Mr Laurinaitis can get any better as a human been, he goes and proves me wrong. Raf32 could learn a thing or two from him. I'm excited for this new era. I can say i lived through this best era in professional wrestling's history.

    Now we have our first match of the night between the Tag Team Champions, The Twin Towers and The Long Island Broski’s.

    In a very even matchup, Ryder eventually knocks the Akeem to the outside. Hawkins and Bossman are the legal men on the inside as Ryder goes under the rope to keep up his offence on Akeem. Hawkins gets the better of the Bossman and eventually hits him with the Taste of Pain. On the outside Akeem gets the better of Ryder and tosses him into the steps. Hawkins makes the pin and is about to get the three count when it is broken up by Akeem. He beats down Hawkins and eventually hits the 747 Splash. Bossman makes the cover and the champions win the matchup.

    Jerry: What a great matchup. Can anyone take the gold of the Champs on Sunday?

    Mikey: I wouldn’t like to bet against them but ….

    The commentary is cut off by a promo on the titantron. Its Cody Hall and Joe Henning somewhere outdoors. Both men are sarcastically clapping the champs.
    Cody Hall: “Well done Twin Towers. Heck of a win. Oh who am I kidding? You only just beat two jobbers. And The Mega Plowers are probably worse. You have never faced a team like H&H and on Sunday, I guarantee we are taking the gold.”

    Joe Henning now comes into the picture holding an American football: “Correct Cody. I also guarantee that I will throw a perfect spiral right now to my receiver Cody Hall. If I wasn’t a wrestler, I’d be the top QB in the NFL.”

    Cody Hall runs long down the pitch as Henning gears up to throw. Hall is now 50 yards down the field as Henning throws. It starts off to look perfect but it suddenly drops over 30 yards short of its attended target.

    Clearly embarrassed, Henning roars “Cody, you run the wrong route. The sun was in my eyes. Turn off the damn camera”.

    We cut back to the Tag Champs in the ring who are besides themselves with laughter.

    Jerry: Haha! Wow Mr Imperfect makes me laugh more every week.

    Mikey: Shut it you idiot, Hall let Henning down there. Lets hope Joe doesn’t have to do it all by himself on Sunday.

    And now it’s time for the contract signing between Ryback and Goldberg Both men make their way out to the ring, which has a table with a chair on each side inside it. Mr Laurinaitis makes his way down with the contract.
    Mr Laurinaitis: “First things first gentlemen. Once this contract is signed, there can be no physical contact between yee two until the bell rings on Sunday. And secondly I’ve decided that a match of this importance should not be taken any old match. On Sunday, yee two will compete in a Hardcore match. So Goldberg, go ahead and sign first.”

    Jerry: Wow, what a stipulation. Goldberg looks a lot happier about that than Ryback.

    Goldberg smiling looks for a while at the contract and eventually scribbles his name on it.
    Ryback: “You idiot Bill. You were never the smartest and that’s why your streak eventually came to an end. But I’m not Bill Goldberg. I’m not stupid. I could kick your ass right now and there nothing you could do about it. On Sunday Goldberg, the only thing that’s getting broken, is your neck”.

    Goldberg gets angry and flips the table. He tosses his chair out of the way as he squares up to Ryback. Ryback just laughs and roars “Feed me more, Feed me more”.
    Ryback: “You know what Bill, I’m gonna sign this contract. I can wait till Sunday to kick your ass.”

    Goldberg looks thick as Ryback signs his name. Ryback squares up to Goldberg and gets in his face. Suddenly we see Goldberg smile for the first time. He strikes Ryback with an arsenal of punches and eventually hits the spear. Ryback rolls out of the ring as Laurinaitis looks on in horror. Goldberg grabs the contract and opens the page he supposedly signed on. It’s blank! He signs the contract and grabs a mic.

    Goldberg: “Ryback, Your next!”

    Ryback is holding his ribs as he points at Goldberg. Goldberg motions for him to re-enter the ring but he declines and makes his way to the back.



    Message on the titantron: The following is a hype video for the legend that is John Laurinaitis.

    Raf32 in his best Laurinaitis voice: “My name is John Laurinaitis. I am the biggest douche on Monday Night Adrenaline and perhaps the most boring man in the USCW. I am here to talk to you about being the new Owner of USCW after this Sunday. I can guarantee that I’ll be the best owner, this company as ever seen. I give you my word that I will be exciting and unparalleled in worlds sport entertainment, by botching interviews, looking completely uninterested and generally being the total embarrassment that I am. I can’t even pronounce the products I am promoting. “

    Raf32 rips off the wig.

    Raf32: “On Sunday I will rightfully take back what’s mine, the USCW. But I didn’t get to the top without having a plan B. And tonight, Laurinaitis, you will be introduced to it.

    Jerry: I wonder who he is talking about?

    And now its time for our main event. Jimmy Hart makes his way out with Hollywood Hogan and King Kong Bundy!
    Jimmy Hart with his megaphone: "Will all of you please shut the hell up. Jimmy Hart is trying to speak. I'm probably the greatest leader this kip of a country has ever seen. I hope all of you havent booked a ticket for WrestleCade yet, because after tonight there may be no WrestleCade. Savage and Thesz, for your health I advise you all now to no show. Think smart and walk away from Jimmy Hart!"

    Hogan grabs a mic "Macho Man, Lou. Me and Bundy are gonna beat you down brothers. And let me get to Sunday. Randy Savage is going to know his place, his time and his reason to be here in life brother because at WrestleCade, that so called excuse for a man is gonna find out that he is my shadow at high noon. Randy Savage will go down in history as the biggest loser to end his career by shining Hollywood Hogans shoes."

    Jimmy Hart raises both mens arms as they are cut off by the entrance of randy Savage and Lou Thesz.

    The match is very stop start with Hogan always tagging out every time Savage is the legal man. Hogan and Bundy eventually get an upper hand on Thesz and work beating him down with quick tags. Hogan keeps toying with Savage, letting thesz get close to tagging him but pulling him back at the last minute. Eventually Thesz gets the tag and Savage cleans house. He knocks Bundy over the top rope and floors Hogan with a clothesline. he gets up top and hits the elbow drop. he goes for the pin 1............2...........but its broken up. The ref has been pulled from the ring by Jimmy Hart.

    Jerry: God damn that snake, Macho Man nearly got that pin on Hogan.

    The ref disqualifies Hogan and Bundy but Hart strikes him with his megaphone. Hogan and Bundy start to beat down on Thesz and Savage with Hart giving instructions. Suddenly we hear a familiar theme.

    Jerry: Oh my god!!! Its Rocky Johnson. He is back on USCW!

    Mikey: Whats that loser doing back here? Hasn't he had enough of embarrassing himself?

    Johnson gets into the ring and floors Hart. He gets some shots in on Bundy allowing Thesz to get back up. Thesz backs Bundy up against the rope and clotheslines him over it. Savage has got the upper hand of Hogan now and is laying into him with a series of punches. eventually Hogan falls to the floor after about the tenth punch and olls out under the rope. Hart gets up and realizes where he is. He pleads for mercy as Hogan and Bundy look on. The trio inside the ring offer them to come back in but they dont oblige. Johnson hits Hart with the Rocky Shuffle as Thesz then hits him with a belly to back suplex. Savage is on the top rope and points at Hogan. Hogan is heard roaring "You good for nothing yellow piece of trash", as Savage hits the elbow drop. Raf32 emerges from the crowd and enters the ring as Johnson lifts Thesz and Savages arms above their heads. Jimmy Hart rolls out of the ring and into Bundys arms as John Laurinaitis comes out on the ramp staring down into the ring. Raf32 points towards the WrestleCade sign as we go off air.


    Jerry: Wow, WrestleCade is going to be off the chains. Make sure you all tune in to see who walks out World Heavyweight Champion.

    Mikey: And who walks out the Owner of the USCW. What a ride we have been on but it now all leads to one direction, WrestleCade.

    Jerry: I'm Jerry Ahern and Hes Mikey Khan. goodnight and god bless!

    WrestleCade Card, live only on the RAF Network.

    World Heavyweight Championship
    Hollywood Hogan (C) with Jimmy Hart vs Macho Man Randy Savage inside a Steel Cage.

    Streak vs Streak
    Goldberg vs Ryback in a Hardcore match.

    Tag Team Championship
    The Twin Towers (C) vs H&H vs The Long Island Broskis vs The Mega Plowers in a fatal four way elimination match.

    United States Championship
    Rick Rude (C) vs Pedro Morales

    Womens Title
    Brie Bella (C) vs Nikki Bella

    Ownership of the USCW
    Lou Thesz with Rocky Johnson (RAF32) vs King Kong Bundy with Jimmy Hart (John Laurinaitis)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,159 ✭✭✭mrkiscool2


    Martouf Wrestling Federation Friday Fight Night

    Theme Song

    The lights dim and the crowd start to chant “MWF” as a low musical hum plays over the speakers. A figure stands in the middle of the ring, a microphone in hand. The figure brings the microphone to his lips as a green line of light flashes across the ring.
    “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to the best federation in the country at the moment. We have the best wrestlers, the best crowd and most important the best vision to own this year”
    The lights come up and standing in the ring is chairman and owner Mr. K.
    “Welcome, to Martouf Wrestling Federation!” he roars over the mic, to a thunderous rawr from the crowd
    Mr. K“Firstly, let me take a minute to talk about the controversy of “New Beginning’s. Firstly, the Tag Team title match. The Young Bucks were taken out before they even had a chance to get to the ring. So, to make up for this we are going to have the MWF Tag Team titles on the line-TONIGHT! It will be the champions Generation Next against The Young Bucks! If Generation Next attack Young Bucks before the match, are disqualified or counted out the will lose the tites! *crowd cheers*

    “Secondly, the fatal-fourway for the International title match. From what I saw, there was no controversy to the finish. Ethan Carter III merely took advantage of the situation. However, I can understand the annoyance. So, over the next few weeks EC3 shall face each man in that match starting tonight when he faces Dean Malenko! *More cheers*

    Finally, let’s get on to the main event, Harley Race vs Chris Benoit for the MWF Championship. Let me say this, Harley Race’s win, while offical, was...

    James King: That’s Harley Race’s Music!
    Chris Canido: Why are you focused on that? I want my match against Ethan Carter tonight! He stole my title from me! The women don’t find me as attractive without my belt!
    Eoin Shaw: Oh my god will you shut up? Race is about to talk!

    The crowd boos as Harely Race appears on the ramp, mic in hand, belt around his waist.
    Harley Race: “I know you aren’t going to say what I think you are going to say. I won this belt fair and square. I dived off of the top rope and showed Benoit what a diving headbutt really felt like before the referee counted 1...2...3, lifted my hand and handed the belt to the only guy in the company who deserves it and can deal with the pressure!

    Simple fact of the matter is Mr. K. that you don’t have anyone as good as me on the roster. You don’t have anyone worthy of being champion apart from me. I proved that when I won the title at “New Beginnings”, I proved it when I beat 7 other guys to this title. Simple put, there is no-one better than me here! I am the MWF World Heavyweight Champion and there is nothing either you, the fans, or anyone in this company can do about it!

    They don’t know how to carry themselves as a champion, they don’t understand that being a champion is much more than just wanting it. You have to do anything to get it, you have to do everything to keep it. And that’s what I plan to do. Get used to this *lifts title high* I’m not letting this go any time soon”

    Harley Race turns, drops the mic and starts to walk off
    Mr. K.: “Where do you think you are going Mr. Race? I haven’t finished talking yet *crowd cheers*. Firstly, you didn’t beat 7 people. One man didn’t manage to get his chance to compete. That man is Daniel Bryan! *crowd cheers and chants YES*. He should get a chance to prove he is better than you. However, Chris Benoit was screwed at “New Beginnings. So tonight, we will have Daniel Bryan vs Chris Benoit to decide the number one contender for the MWF Championship! *crowd cheers*

    And, just in case you are feeling a bit left out, you will have a match tonight too. I’ve been in contact with a former MWF champion and they have agreed to face you tonight to show you that people in the MWF are a lot tougher and better than you think!”

    Crowd cheers as Mr. K’s music plays as he stands grinning in the middle of the ring

    King: Well what a start we have had to MWF’s Friday Fight Night! Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, what a night we have planned for you! 4 great matches to come!
    Shaw: I think that Harley Race is a great wrestler who deserves not to be disrespected by our chairman and owner! He has already proved he is the best wrestler here, he shouldn’t have to prove it again!
    King: Who cares? He should have to work to keep his title like everyone else!. All of the rest of these men on this roster are great!
    Canido: Who cares about all of that? What we should be really focusing on here is the fact you are both sitting beside the next International Champion!
    Shaw & King: Will you ever shut up?

    Ad Break 1
    Female Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is set for one-fall and is for the MWF Tag Team Championships! First team to get pinfall or submission will win and become the new MWF Tag Team Champions!


    King: Well here comes one of the crowd favourites, The Young B making their way down to the ring. They look all set and ready for this match!
    Shaw: The crowd may be behind them but Jack Evans and Roderick Strong will prove far too much for them in this match
    Candido: All that matters right now is me winning the title. That’s what the crowd came to see, nothing else! Although that lovely ring announcer may be the first one to have a go on the new champion if you catch my drift!
    King: I think you will need something even shinier than a belt to get her!


    King: And here comes Generation Next. They weren’t well liked when they were here last time and now they are back the crowd don’t forget too easily!
    Shaw: It doesn’t matter too much to be honest, all that matters is that Generation Next are the best team here!

    Matt and Roderick start in the ring, locking up before Strong kicks Matt with a cheap shot to the gut, not wanting to have a lock-up battle. He immediately goes to work on Matt, striking him with lefts and rights before whipping him into the corner. He follows him in, clotheslining Matt in the corner before stomping on him in the corner. The referee comes in and begins his 5 count, Strong stopping once the referee hits 4. He backs away, allowing Matt to use the ropes to pull himself up before Strong delivers a massive chop to his chest before grabbing him in a head lock and bringing him over to Evans.

    Evans tags in and they both suplex Matt. Evans comes off the ropes and leg drops Matt. Evans goes to pick up Matt but he rolls Evans up. The referee hits the mat 1...2 and Evans manages to kick out. The both get up and Matt hits Evans with a dropkick. Both men are down and the referee starts counting to 10. Nick starts clapping as both he and Strong extend their hands for the tag as both Evans and Matt crawl towards each other. Evans tags in Strong right before Matt tags in Nick.

    Nick and Strong both run into the ring. Nick hits Strong with a spinning back kick, Strong gets straight back up as Nick runs against the ropes and hits him with a spinning wheel kick before hitting the ropes again as Strong gets up, trying to kick him in the head. Strong catches his leg but Nick hits him with an enzuigiri. Jack Evans comes back into the ring but Matt slides in and hits him with a superkick to the chin. Evans rolls out of the ring. Nick picks up Strong as Matt goes to the top rope. Nick puts him in a piledriver position before Matt flips and they hit Strong with the Meltzer Driver. Nick pins him and the referee starts to count 1...2.. Jack drags the referee out of the ring!

    Matt and Nick look at him in annoyance and run to the ropes, bouncing off of them and jumping out at Evans. Evans though has the belt in his hand and smacks Nick in the head with it right before he and Matt hit him. Nick crumples to the floor while Matt hits Evans with the suicide dive. Both men hit the floor as Strong starts to recover. He rolls out of the ring slowly, grabbing Nick’s slumped body before pushing him into the ring. He also picks up the referee and rolls him in. He grabs Nick and hits him with the Strong Breaker before covering him. The referee slowly begins the count 1…..2…...3! Strong rolls off Nick with a massive grin on his face as the bell rings and their music plays.

    King: Not again! The Young Bucks got screwed again! This is terrible! Mr. K. has to do something about this surely!
    Shaw: What can he do? The referee didn’t see anything, and Strong pinned Nick fair and square. Nothing you can do about it!
    Candido: Strong and Evans are great guys, they’ll let me join once I’m the International champion!
    King: Well as much as I don’t like it, Generation Next are still the champions!

    Ad-Break 2.
    Female Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one-fall! Introducing first, from Tampa Florida, weighing in at 212 pounds Dean Malenko!

    King: Well here we go, the first of 3 matches Ethan Carter III will have to decide who will face him at “On the Verge” after a somewhat controversial end to the fatal-fourway. His first opponent the great, and extremely under-rated, Dean Malenko
    Shaw: Doesn’t matter whoever faces Ethan Carter at “On the Verge”, it’s going to be the same result. EC3 walking out as champion
    Candido: What are you talking about Shaw? You are sitting at the same desk as the next International Champion and my first act as champion will be to get a kiss from that gorgeous ring announcer!
    Female Ring Announcer: And his opponent, from Boca Raton, Florida, weighing in at 225 pounds, he is the MWF International Champion, Ethan Carter III!

    King: Well here comes the champion, making his way to the ring. Wait, he has a mic in his hand

    EC3 “Hello you pitiful people. I am Ethan Carter III and I am your International champion. I shouldn’t even be here tonight, I should be at home resting after a gruelling match at “New Beginnings” that I won. I shouldn’t have to face any of these chumps again, I beat them fair and square. Even worse I have to face Candido again, the man I pinned to win the title! Just stay on the announce desk next week you weird man and stay out of my way. As for you Dean, and Okada who I know is in the back listening, you may as well just give up because no-one is taking this title from me”

    He drops the mic as he climbs in the ring

    Candido: Who the hell does that asshole think he is? I’m going to show that punk who is the better wrestler next week
    Shaw: Yeah, and I’ll win the lotto

    Malenko and Carter put on a very good match. Carter dominates the opening, keeping Malenko down with dirty tactics, rest holds and wearing down his arms to take away most of his submission ability. Each time Malenko tries to come back into it, Carter regains control of the match. However, about 7 minutes in Malenko is whipped into the ropes and he holds onto them. Carter runs at him, trying to knock him over the top rope but Malenko ducks, pulling the top rope with him and Carter goes tumbling to the outside. Malenko uses this time to recover before rolling out of the ring and working on Carter on the outside. He rolls him back in and begins to dominate the match, working on Carters legs as he does to allow for the submission. Finally Malenko manages to hit him with a double underhook powerbomb before locking in a Texas Cloverleaf. Carter tries to crawl to the rope as he is in agony but Malenko drags him back to the middle of the ring

    King: Malenko has him! Carter looks ready to tap out!
    Shaw: Referee stop him! He is cheating!
    King: How is he cheating?

    While King and Shaw argue, Candido removes his headphones and gets up on the apron, distracting the referee right before Carter taps out. He does so as the referee tries to get Candido off the apron. Malenko released the hold and comes over to see what is going on, the referee stopping Malenko from doing anything to Candido. In the mean time, Carter crawls over and rolls Malenko up. The referee sees it and begins to count 1...2...3!

    Candido smiles and smacks the female ring’s announcer ass as she announces Carter as the winner, the referee raising his hand as Malenko looks on stunned. He spots Candido and snarls, rolling out of the ring and chasing him backstage


    King: That little snake! I didn’t even noticing him leave! He cost Malenko the match and he is after him now!
    Shaw: As much as I agree that Candido is a prick, the better man and the champ won! That’s all that matters!

    Ad-Break 3
    Female Ring Announcer: This match is scheduled for one-fall and is a special inter-promotion match! Introducing first, from Quitsman, Missouri, weighing in at 245 pounds, he is the MWF World Heavyweight Champion, Harley Race!


    King: Well, this is going to be extremely interesting. Harley Race promised he would win this match regardless of what happened, and he would retain his title. Bryan or Benoit will have something to say about that.
    Shaw: Yeah, all they will have to say is that they weren’t good enough to beat him and that only one guy deserves to be champion!

    A heartbeat fills the arena, loudly over the speakers. The crowd murmur, wondering who is going to be facing Harley Race. All of a sudden, You’re The Best Around starts to play. The crowd starts going absolutely crazy.

    King: No, no it can’t be! He can’t be here! Surely he hasn’t come back for a match!
    Shaw: If he knows what is good for him he definitely wouldn’t be coming here to face our champion! He couldn’t stand the heat so he left here

    The crowd go absolutely insane as Devitt show up on the stage, grinning as he does so
    Female Ring Announcer: And his opponent, representing Lucha VaVoom, from Bray, County Wicklow Ireland, weighing in at 190 pounds he is a former MWF World Heavyweight Champion, Prince Devitt!

    King: Listen to this crowd! Listen to that ovation! For one night only, Prince Devitt is back and he is here to face our current champion, the man who won the belt that Devitt vacated!
    Shaw: NO! HE CAN’T DO THIS! He is contracted to a rival company, what was Mr. K. thinking in bringing him back! Race shouldn’t have to face him at all!
    King: Well he does and this is going to be one hell of a match!

    The two start in the ring, both trying to get the upper hand as the lock up multiple times, pushing each other into a corner, reversing manoeuvres, throwing each other against the ropes. However, Race gains the upper hand with a cheap kick to the stomach, much to the disgust of the crowd. Race takes control, using dirty tactics to ensure that Devitt can’t get into the match. Every time Devitt builds up a bit of steam, Race takes all the momentum out of him, keeping the match at a slow pace. However, when Race throws Devitt into the ropes he rebounds, ducking the clothesline by Race before hitting him with a meleé kick. Both men are on the ground as the referee counts. Both men make it to their feet as Race launches himself at Devitt, who dodges, letting Race hit the corner before hitting him with a dropkick. Devitt begins to dominate the match, peppering Race with kicks, punches and suplexs, getting a number of nearfalls. He hits Bloody Sunday and goes for the pin. 1...2…. A masked figure attacks Devitt, breaking up the pin. The referee calls for the bell as the masked man continues to attack Devitt as Race slowly gets back to his feet

    King: Oh god, what the hell? Who is attacking Devitt? He was just about to win the match for god’s sake!
    Shaw: Whoever did that is a hero! Who wants someone from another promotion coming in here and beating our champion!

    All of a sudden, Harley Race and the hooded figure start beating on Devitt as he is on the ground. Race tells the hooded figure to hold Devitt as he heads for the top rope. Out runs The Young Bucks, superkicking the hooded figure. Race, realising he is outnumbered, grabs the hooded figure and helps him to the back as The Young Bucks celebrate with their former leader

    King: What a moment! We haven’t seen this in over a year, and here it is now! Matt and Nick making sure that Devitt isn’t beaten up too badly! What a moment! After the break we have our main event, a dream match. Chris Benoit will face off against Daniel Bryan to become the number one contender for the MWF title!

    Ad-Break 4

    As Bryan’s music starts, the whole crowd cheers. He appears on the ramp, nodding as he does, a large smile on his face. He turns sideways and starts jumping to the ring, the crowd chanting YES! YES! YES! as he does.


    King: Here we go folks, perhaps the biggest match in MWF history is happening right now! Who would have thought we would ever see two of the most technically brilliant wrestlers in history battling it out! And it’s happening here, at MWF Friday Night Fights!
    Shaw: As much as I don’t think either of these guys can be the World Heavyweight Champion, or can carry this company like Harley Race can, I do believe this is going to be an absolutely amazing match!

    Out comes Benoit to cheers, almost at the same level as Bryan as he makes his way to the ring, loosening out his muscles as he does


    King: Well here comes the man that should be the MWF champion, he was screwed by Race at “New Beginnings” and he has a chance here to go to “On The Verge” and beat Race for the title. But he has to win here first!
    Shaw: Come off it! Race is the only man that should hold that belt, neither of these two are even fit to tie his shoe-laces!
    Female Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the main event of the evening. The following match is set for one-fall and it is to decide the number one contender for the MWF World Heavyweight Championship!
    Introducing first, from Aberdeen, Washington, weighing in at 210 pounds, Daniel Bryan! *the crowd cheers, chanting YES for a while*. And his opponent, from Edmonton, Alberta Canada, weighing in at 220 pounds, Chris Benoit! *crowd cheers again*

    The referee looks at both men, getting ready to ring the bell before Bryan steps forward, extending his hand. Benoit looks at it, then at Bryan before extending his own hand, clasping his. They both shake and the crowd roars their appreciation. Both men move back to their corners and the referee calls for the bell. Both men lock up and exchange reversals. The match goes very back and forth for 20 minutes, neither man able to gain the upper hand for an extended period of time, both men hitting each other with everything they have got, both men getting near-falls.

    Eventually, Benoit manages to get Bryan from behind, hitting him with the three German suplexes. He heads to the top rope and nails Bryan with the diving head-butt. He goes for the pin 1...2… Bryan just gets his shoulder up. Benoit looks up at the ref in bewilderment. He immediately goes back to the top rope to try the same thing again. This time, Bryan moves out of the way, grabbing one of Benoits hands and pushing it between his legs before applying the Yes Lock. Benoit squirms, hand out, looking like he is going to tap, constantly trying to get to the ropes. He eventually does and Bryan releases, amazed Benoit didn’t tap. Benoit crawls back to the middle of the ring. Bryan tries to pick him up but Benoit counters, forcing Bryan down before locking in his submission move, the Crippler Crossface. Bryan now struggles, trying to get to the rope while yelling in agony and trying not to tap. He too makes it to the ropes. Benoit lets go of the hold and picks him up, trying to German suplex. Bryan counters, running to the corner. Benoit turns on to be met by a rebounding Bryan’s Knee Plus. Bryan goes for the cover 1...2...3!!!

    Shaw: Will you calm down you idiot? Yes, he won in a great match, but losing was the real winning here! The loser doesn’t have to get destroyed and humiliated by Race at “On The Verge”
    King: Come off it, you know Bryan is good enough to beat Race!


    Bryan is celebrating on the tope rope, his fingers and arms moving up and down, leading the crowd in a yes chant. He hops down as Benoit stirs, getting to his feet. He looks annoyed and disappointed, and he looks at Bryan. He holds the back of his head with one hand and holds out the other to Bryan. Bryan looks at it, smiles and shakes it. Benoit grabs it before he can pull away, pulling him towards him, looking at him sternly. He nods his head a few times and leans in, whispering something into Bryan’s ear before raising his hand as the show goes off the air.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,745 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWA Raw!
    Live from Chicago

    The show opens with Jerry "The King" Lawler standing in the middle of the ring, at his feet is a brown sack.
    Lawler: ""Last monday night was a big night here in the BWA, the first matches for Wrestlepalooza V were announced, The undefeated submission machine Samoa Joe mad his debut, The Wrestling Observer's Best Box Office Draw Rhonda Rousey was here on Raw and The BWA signed a massive cross promotional deal with the UFC!"

    The Chicago crowd start chanting "CM Punk, CM Punk.."

    Lawler: "Ahh yes the elephant in the room, CM Punk... Last week a BWA superstar attacked the non BWA Punk and almost put our UFC deal in doubt (The crowd booo). This man thinks of himself as being some sort of god, he thinks he can do what he likes and get away with doing whatever he likes but oh no not in my house! (The crowd cheer)

    I had a lot of things suggested to me for how to handle Mr Nakamura but i've settled on a three pronged approach. First thing is that he will see action later tonight against a man who has a point to prove, the second thing well thats a little surprise I have in store for him after that match and trust me Chicago you will love it but for now I want to concentrate on the final thing I will do to him and that is strip him of the BWA Hardcore title! This should come as no surprise to anyone who watched last weeks show but honestly this has been a long time coming.

    Last year at BWA Judgement day Terry Funk and Bruiser Brody fought him for this belt and since then similar greats have desired the belt and yet the champion has always treated the belt as below him. Even back during his days as a member of the Aces of the Universe, The King of Strong Style always looked down on this belt (he holds up the brown sack). He thought that the number one promotion in the worlds secondary title should not be a hardcore title and... as much as I hate to say this... I honestly agree with the man. Which is why I want to introduce to you the new belt that will replace the hardcore title... The BWA Intercontinental championship!
    he reveals this belt from within the bag

    And who you ask will be able to see to it that this championship is treated as the prestigious title that it is, well how about a man that says it represents more prestige than the world championship... Pat Patterson!

    Patterson comes out and actually looks to be getting a little emotional looking at the Inter-continental title, no doubt the great ovation he got from the audience here in Chicago helped too. He goes to thank Lawler for once again allowing him to wear the IC title with pride but Lawler has to stop him there apologizing if he gave him the wrong idea and saying that Patterson is actually one of two men who will compete at WrestlePalooza V for the honor of wearing that championship belt. The other man Lawler says will be none other than the legendary...Gorgeous George!

    Patterson looks stunned as his Wrestlepalooza opponent makes his way out to the ring. However when he arrives in the ring Patterson actually looks happy and taking the microphone addresses George and everyone in attendance. He says how he always looked up to Gorgeous George and he was inspired by him as a young wrestler. Everything he did left a young impressionable Patterson in awe from the resplendent capes he wore to his ring entrance which was a bonified spectacle. Patterson said the bravado and showmanship he showed was unheard of at the time and he couldn't help but laugh at how he antagonized the fans. Pat finishes up by saying that it will be a true honor to go toe to toe with him at Wrestlepalooza and then reaches out to shake his PPV opponents hand.

    George looks at him in disgust before swatting away his hand and saying, "god you really are one hell of a fag!"

    Patterson jaw dropped. They say never meet your hero and well it just got worse and worse the more George spoke, he called Pat "gods abomination" and said that he will happily smack some sense into him as he takes the Intercontinental title. Patterson looked like he was about to lose his cool but Gorgeous George did not relent and mocks Pat in front of the sold out crowd by asking what does one call a gay french canadian (just like Pat) bread... a A f*guette!

    thats it Pat snaps and the two begin to brawl around the ring. Lawler simply slides out of the ring and heads to the back as the fighting intensifies but it is eventually broken up by the as ever busy BWA security team.

    #JD: Before the show started Lawler told me he wanted to try and top last week here tonight and I was wondering how that was possible, but I must say that was one hell of a start.
    #BH: that was great but i've already heard enough yakity yak and I wanna see some wrestling already... someone tell them to start the first match!

    Match 1: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Jerry Brisco w/ Jack Brisco

    The champ is in action and gets a great reaction as he comes out to face the younger Brisco brother who has been impressing in 1 on 1matches recently. He almost gets the win too when he locks in the figure four leg lock early on and Tanahashi struggles to get to the ropes. The champion proves his worth though as he slowly gets on top in this match then after a Sling Blade takedown he goes up top and hits his High Fly Flow Frog splash for the win.

    Winner: Tanahashi

    After the match Jack Brisco consoles his brother before the champ comes over and shakes his hand. The announcers talk about how these men are true class acts who define the word honor.

    Mitsuharu Misawa barges into the GMs office and confronts Jerry Lawler saying he will go over his head as Lawler didn't answer any of their questions about the attacks on Inoki, Samoa Joe's constant interference and why they won't be getting another tag title shot during his long ass Raw intro. Lawler though is dismissive and tells Misawa to get out to the ring cos he has a match starting next.

    Mitsuharu Misawa and Kenta Kobashi vs Abdullah The Butcher, The Sheik & Big Van Vader

    The frustration is clear to see on Misawa & Kobashi's faces as this match is announced as a handicap match and the combatants announced. Even with a man advantage their opponents can't be trusted to play fair though and they don't. from eye pokes to low blows they try it all but things really break down when despite it all Misawa and Kobashi actually start to get on top in the match. No way they are having that so they have to stoop lower and much to the amazement of the crowd The Shiek actually throws a fireball at Misawa. The announcers note that he has actually done this many times before in matches but still its a shocking first in the BWA and when the ref sees it he immediately calls for a disqualification.

    Winner via Fireball related DQ Misawa & Kobashi

    Although the rules were not exactly being followed at least in the confines of a match it was usually 1on1 in the ring. Once it was over a 3 on 2 assault started and it really was too much for them that is until Antonio Inoki came charging down the ramp and joined the action. Unfortunately for him by the time he arrived on the scene his compatriots had already sustained quite a beating and he seemed to join a losing fight and Vader in particular took advantage to target him. Moments later though the cavalry arrived in the form of the champ, Hiroshi Tanahashi. The heels quickly exited the ring and scattered while the new Aces of the Universe were united in the ring and after being helped to their feet all 4 stood tall.
    Antonio Inoki: Lawler, Lawler! listen to me Lawler! these 3 men by my side are the most honorable and respectful men I have ever met. You have sent people to interfere in their matches and attack them, you put them in handicap matches and you refused them the opportunity to have a fair fight and yet they show you respect. They ask for an explanation, when most would lay you out! Thing is there is a reason they call me a crazy ol b*stard, cos if I think your a son of a b!tch, i'll call you a son of a b!tch and Lawler... your a son of a bitch!

    One thing i'll give you credit for though Jerry, you were right I was planning on investing in the BWA and I did plan on getting rid of you. In fact I told the board as much this past week. you will be happy to hear they told me that they were not going to fire you because as they put it we settle our business in the ring here in the BWA. Thats why at Wrestlepalooza you will have a match against the man I want to replace you with and your job will be on the line! (big cheer from the crowd and smiles all round from The Aces of The Universe) oh and that person is...Mitsuharu Misawa!
    Misawa looks shocked but after a few seconds when the idea has sank in he looks very pleased at the idea
    ----commercial break
    Did you know the BWA has sold out more arenas this year than both WECWF and MNG combined!

    Jerry Lawler is clearly agitated after Inoki's announcement so when Jack Brisco comes up to him airing his concerns that The Briscos Wrestlepalooza V match against Abdullah The Butcher and The Sheik might end in DQ given their usual antics and saying that he would still prefer to give Misawa and Kobashi another match it's no surprise that he doesn't respond in the nicest of manner.

    "Incase you weren't paying attention Misawa already has a match at the PPV against me for gods sake and as far as Kobashi is concerned I had to promise him to Samoa Joe to get him to sign for the BWA so your not getting out of fighting Abdullah and Sheiky and as far as you not wanting your match to end in disqualification... it's now a no DQ match"

    Brisco tries to say that isn't what he wanted but the GMs door just gets slammed in his face

    Jesse Ventura vs Local MMA fighter

    Ventura says that he handpicked this local young fighter due to his reputation as a real tough nut to crack and yet it isn't long until he does just that crack him over the head several times that is.The mixed martial artist puts up a good fight and even takes the body down once but Ventura powers out of the hold he subsequently found himself in and uses his superior strength in the end to make the MMA fighter tap out to his inverted Bearhug.

    Winner: Ventura via pinfall
    Ventura: I speak my mind. If it offends some people, well, there's not much I can do about that. But I'm going to be honest. I'm going to continue to speak my mind, and that's who I am. A man who won't fight a woman, why do I need to after all? I just proved I can beat an MMA fighter and he was a man. Men are bigger, men are stronger, men are simply more of a threat and thats science talking not me...Now im not saying woman don't make good soldiers afterall they can bleed for a week and not die ha. But unlike women in the military what goes on between these ropes is not a joke so Ronda sorry to disappoint you but your not going to get your hands on the body at Wrestlepalooza V, maybe you should head on down to that all womens fed i'm sure you will find a more suitable opponent there!

    Suddenly and to a great ovation Ronda Rousey appears on the titantron the message she has is a simple one
    it's booked, your fighting and your going to get your ass kicked by a girl that is if you have the cohones to show up.
    this video then immediately plays

    We see Shinsuke Nakamura and Seiji Sakaguchi backstage. Sakaguchi is warming up for his match but Nakamura is the one the camera focuses on. He is staring at an old framed picture of himself as part of The Aces of The Universe. Suddenly he bursts into hysterical laughter which last for almost ten eerie seconds until he smashes the frame on the floor and serious as anything turns to look at Sakaguchi and starts screaming at him "私を納得させるには、これに値する, Show me! Convince me you deserve this!"

    Samoa Joe vs Seiji Sakaguchi

    It looks like Nakamura must have really psyched Sakaguchi up as he shows no fear of the undefeated Samoa Joe in this bout. he delivers several huge chops the affects of which are clearly visible on Joe's chest, a huge atomic drop and a series of big kicks but unfortunately Samoa Joe still has more in the tank and a running Lariat to Sakaguchi steals the momentum for him. What followers is a series of submissions from a single leg Boston crab to a STF and then a crossface which eventually results in the tapout victory.

    Winner:Samoa joe

    After the match joe grabs Sakaguchi and German suplexes him right through the ropes and out of the ring. He then takes a microphone and addresses the BWA universe
    Joe: I could have joined any promotion in the world. I was the ROH champion, I went to TNA and went undefeated for 18 months , I went to RCW and kept my undefeated streak going as I took their world title and proved I was the best there. Only one man has defeated me in the past few years and that man is Kenta Kobashi! so why the BWA? why come here? one simple thing... Revenge!

    I want to prove im the best in the world and yes there are many promotions with world championships but Jerry Lawler and the BWA offered me what nobody else in WECWF, USCW or any other promotion could offer me and that is Kenta Kobashi in a No.1 contender match! So the match you have all wanted, Joe vs Kobashi 2 is on! and Kobashi I am going to destroy you, then if he still has it I am going to take your friend Hiroshi Tanahashi's BWA title. (Joe then lets out a visceral cry Brock Lesnar would be proud of) Arrrgggh!
    ROH took down the link to Kobashi vs Joe 1 I had here

    JD: Wow blockbuster right there, I know a lot of people don't like Lawler but he booked one hell of a match for Wrestlepalooza!
    BH: I gotta agree JD and I am just getting news that we will have the official contract signing for Joe vs Kobashi 2 right here on Raw next week!
    JD: Man I can't wait, those two in the ring together, a little taste of Wrestlepalooza, that's don't miss right there
    BH: It sure is, but so is this next bout, Mil Mascaras has been saying to anyone who will listen he has a lot to prove after loosing his WHC title shot vs Tanahashi 2 weeks ago and then again in last weeks main event against vs the debuting Samoa Joe
    JD: Well he is getting his chance right now against the man who has been the talk of the town this past week Shinsuke Nakamura

    Main event bout
    Shinsuke Nakamura vs Mil Mascaras

    Seiji Sakaguchi is at ringside like a cheerleader for Nakamura despite not being afforded the same courtesy earlier. He watches on as Mascaras throws everything in his arsenal at the crazed King of Strong style from surfboard submissions to diving crossbodies but he just can't put him away. It's clear to see that the frustration is beginning to build for Mascaras who has struggled in recent weeks and when Sakaguchi gets involved involved breaking up a pin attempt by putting Nakamuras foot on the bottom rope the masked wrestler loses it and preforms a suicide dives to the outside taking him out but also hurting himself.

    When Mascaras was finally able to get back to his feet Nakamura delivers a variation on his Boma Ya Knee strike where he runs along the edge of the ring apron before jumping off it and striking his opponents skull. Mascaras drops, lifeless, like a sack of potatoes. Sakaguchi rolls Mascaras back into the ring while Nakamura starts screaming something in Japanese before he then re-enters the ring and as if it is neccesary (Mascaras does not look like he would kick out anyway) delivers a Death Valley Driver before making the pinfall.

    Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura
    Nakamura takes a microphone and while pacing around the ring manically cuts a promo on CM Punk. He calls him a chicken and says even a women from UFC (Rousey) who wasn't challenged answered the call and stepped up but he spits in Punks face and rams his knee into skull and yet there is no sign of Punk. He claims Punk was afraid to bring his wife with him when he attended BWA Raw 2 weeks ago in case she saw what a real man like he looked like, afterall he says everyone remembers what it was like when she went through developmental in the WWE or should he say developmental went through her he wonders. He then says unlike Ronda Rousey Punk is the real B!tch in the UFC while he... he is an immortal (he then poses saluting the heavens as shown)

    Just then CM Punk appears from out of the chi-town crowd (who go wild) and enters the ring behind him. Sakaguchi spotting this tries to intercept him but Punk isn't alone as Dan Severn also appears from the crowd and chokes him out. This leaves Nakamura alone in the ring and susceptible for a much deserved GTS which punk delivers.

    Having gone through a grueling main event prior to the GTS medical personal immediately whisk Nakamura away as BWA security keep Punk in the ring where he is now joined and flanked by not only Dan "The Beast" Severn but also by "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey
    Punk grabs a mic and eventually when the "CM Punk" chants die down a little bit speaks

    "I thought I would never set foot in a wrestling ring again. I thought I was done with it for good. Even when the UFC signed a cross promotional deal with the premier brand in pro wrestling I wasn't interested. However like with countless other great wrestlers who thought the same thing in the past, a quote from the godfather sums it up best... no not that Godfather..."
    "just when i thought I was out they pull me back in"
    Not sure if it's Pacino or Silvio from the Sopranos but Punks impression goes down a storm with the Chicago crowd

    "Spit in my face, come to a UFC arena and attack me, then show up in my hometown of Chicago insult my wife and call me a chicken, no a bitch... yep you got my attention Nakamura! but you see haters like you are my favourite, i've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me so keep on hating brother. I'll grant you your wish and in 2 weeks at Wrestlepalooza you will get to face off with the straight edge savior but I will further establish my legacy by doing so because oh yes.. I will beat you but... not just you! because you see I'm not returning to a wrestling ring if it isn't in the main event so sorry Jerry (Lawler) I know you wanted to announce it next week but in front of my people here in Chicago im announcing the main event of BWA Wrestlepalooza V live from the Tokyo Dome will be CM Punk vs Shinsuke Nakamura... vs Hiroshi Tanahashi for the World Heavyweight Championship!"

    BWA 2015 Roster
    CM Punk
    Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Shinsuke Nakamura
    Kenta Kobashi
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Samoa Joe
    Big Van Vader
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura
    Dan "The Beast" Severn
    "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey
    The Sheik
    Abdullah The Butcher
    Jack Brisco
    Gerry Brisco
    Pat Patterson
    Gorgeous George
    Antonio Inoki
    Seiji Sakaguchi
    Mil Mascaras

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,846 ✭✭✭Moneymaker

    OCW Season Première:

    From West Newbury, Mass. A sold out crowd has packed into the arena. Very pumped up crowd making a lot of noise.

    Commentator 1: Hello everyone and welcome! OldSchool Championship Wrestling has returned to your screens around the world once again! And boy do we have an epic lineup for you tonight. Brian Pillman will be defending his OCW WHC against the one and only John Cena, in his hometown tonight!

    John Cena's music hits and he comes out to a 100% positive reaction. It doesn't stop the 'Cena sucks' chants however. Cena enters the ring and stays silent for a few moments, taking in the atomesphere. He gets a mic.

    Cena: Man it feels good to be home!
    *Crowd pops

    Commentator 2: He can't help but pander can he? Kiss ass!
    Commentator 1: Will you stop?!

    Cena: Ok, now that the cheap pop is out of the way, it's time to talk business. I am here at OCW because it is the best place to wrestle in the world. And I am here to do what I have done for 10 years now. Be the man. Every night, every match, every opponent, I have proven I am the man and I am here to say for one final time....


    Pillman: HEY JOHN!

    Pillman appears on the tron, darkened background. The crowd erupts in boos.

    Pillman: You want to be the man? Well guess what, you're looking at him! All these guys you've beaten over the years, they don't compare to me. You've never faced a guy like me. A man with no conscience, no inhibitions and no remorse for what I am going to do to you.

    Cena: Oh yeah? Well tough guy, why don't you come to this ring and prove it?

    Pillman: Haha, oh John, so predictable. No no no, around here I AM THE MAN. I DECIDE WHEN I FIGHT! NOT YOU!

    Commentator 1: Man, Pillman looks like he's going to explode. This guy is a lunatic.
    Commentator 2: Well, the nerve of John Cena to waltz in here and start barking orders! Why the heck does he have a title match anyway?

    Pillman: No no John, this is my game. And i'm going to play it on my terms.

    Pillman vanishes off the tron and the screen fades to black.


    We return and Michael Elgin is in the ring, mic in hand, pacing back and forth.

    Elgin: So, this is OCW. This is the place everyone wants to be. The place where as someone once said, the big boys play. Well I have a problem with this place. You see I was only signed a few days before today. Basically I was picked up at the last minute. I WAS AN AFTERTHOUGHT! Look at some of the losers that were hired before me! They don't compare to me!

    Crowd boos.

    Elgin: I have a problem with you pieces of trash too! Kiss my ass!

    Booing gets louder.

    Elgin: I'm not leaving this ring til Moneymaker gets out here and starts showing me the respect I deserve!

    Elgin plants a chair in the ring and continues ranting...until

    Baron Corbin's music hits.

    Corbin storms down to the ring and gets right in Elgin's face. Elgin swings for Corbin but Corbin ducks and levels Elgin with a clothesline. He brings the stunned Elgin to his feet and plants him with End of Days to a big pop from the crowd. Corbin poses in the ring, and we cut to the back. It's Raven, watching on a monitor. He looks impressed.


    Back to the ring, M.Moneymaker is standing in the middle of the ring, with a championship belt in hand.

    MM: Now, I don't know about all of you, but I for one was a big fan of Cruiserweight wrestling. Remember WcW back in 96, 97? Well, we have a whole bunch of great cruiserweight competitors here at OCW. So i've decided to introduce this brand new championship, the OCW Cruiserweight Title. And I have chosen a man to hold this title. I am confident this man will defend the title with pride and honor. Ladies and gentleman, Billy Kidman!

    *Kidman comes to the ring, shakes MM's hand and accepts the title belt. The crowd boos heavily, seemingly unimpressed with Kidman being handed the title. Kidman looks taken back by the reaction.

    Kidman: What you have a problem with this? That Cruiserweight division Mr.Moneymaker was going on about? I was the man, I made that division what it was! No one is a better man for this title then me!

    *Kota Ibushi and Kenny Omega come out to a big pop. Omega is wearing a Ryu style cosplay outfit.

    C2: Look at these two geeks! How dare they interrupt this historic moment!

    Ibushi: I have big problem with this. You not earn this title. Fight me and earn it Kidman.

    Kidman: Fight you? Who the hell are you compared to me? And look at this loser you have with you. All he's good for is wrestling 9 year old girls!

    Omega: Not just wrestling nine year old girls Kidman. Beating nine year old girls. Just like i'll kick your ass.

    * All 3 guys get in each others faces and start talking trash. Ultimo Dragon's music hits. He stands on the tron, points at Kidman at makes that motion guys make when they want a title. He turns and leaves.

    Kidman takes advantage of the distraction and drops Ibushi with a Superkick. He goes for Omega also but Omega ducks and release German suplexs Kidman damn near half way across the ring! Omega stands tall holding the title belt. He tosses it on top of the prone Kidman and leaves.


    We see the tag team title belts at ring side in a display case. A video package is shown of both LoD and Demolition. No video package is shown of the Ascension.

    LoD hit the ring to a massive pop. Hawk and Animal come to the ring with a purpose. Suddenly, Konnor and Viktor attack them from behind!

    C1: Hey wait a minute! Deplorable tactics from the Ascension!
    C2: They're doing what they have to do to gain an advantage, stop your whining!

    Hawk gets thrown into the steel steps while Animal is worked on against the barricade, both guys stomping the holy hell out of him. Demolition's music hits and Ax and Smash come out to a pop. They waste no time running down the aisle and before long, all 6 guys are brawling all over the place. The bell hasn't even rung yet. Ax and Konnor start brawling through the crowd, Animal and Viktor brawl at ringside, and Smash and Hawk start fighting in the ring and finally the bell rings.

    Smash gains the advantage on Hawk and takes him down with a clothesline, he whips Hawk into the corner and starts stomping away. Animal comes back in and Viktor is right behind him. Fists are flying and LoD gain the advantage, Viktor is dropped with a double spinebuster. Camera cuts to the crowd and Ax and Konnor are still brawling, Ax has been busted wide open. It doesn't slow him down and they make their way back to the ring where the brawl continues. The two legendary teams seem to want to gang up on Ascension, Konnor and Viktor spend several minutes getting brutalized by the legends, however when it comes to looking for a cover, both teams break each others attempts up. Ax and Smash gain the upper hand on LoD and Animal eats a double powerbomb. Demolition make their way to ringside and destroy the announce table, to which the crowd cheers.

    C1: This looks bad for Hawk.....

    The near lifeless Hawk is at Demolition's mercy, and he too is powerbombed...right through the announce table.

    C2: Well, he's dead.

    Demolition return to the ring to finish off Ascension, however Konnor and Viktor have a second wind and fight back, Ax is tossed over the top and Smash is taken down by Viktor with an STO. He covers but Animal breaks it up. Ascension double team him next and beat him down to the corner, but Ax has come back into the ring with a steel chair, he nails both guys with the chair. He goes to cover Viktor but Animal again breaks it up at the last second. Smash tries to cover Konnor but again Animal breaks it up!

    Demolition are pissed and Animal gets beaten down. They set him up for and deliver a double chokeslam. Just as Animal is about to be covered, Hawk re-enters the ring, swinging a steel chair like a wildman!

    C2: How on earth is he standing???

    Hawk takes out both guys and the crowd goes crazy. Hawk helps Animal back to his feet and they hoist Smash onto Animal's shoulders.

    C1: You know what's coming!

    Hawk climbs to the top and delivers the Doomsday Device to a big pop from the crowd. Animal goes to cover but out of nowhere Ascension jump him and throw him over the top rope. Hawk eats another STO from Viktor. Both guys line up in opposite corners...

    C2: You know what's coming!

    Hawk is mowed down by The Fall of Man, turning him inside and out. Everyone else is down, Konnor makes sure Animal can't get back to make the save and Viktor covers and gets a 3 count!

    Winner: The Ascension

    C2: Ascension go 1-0 up! I told you these guys had what it took!
    C1: What? They stole the damn match!

    Ascension stand over their fallen foes, shouting trash talk. Viktor grabs a mic..

    V: YOU SEE! We told you so! First you disrespect us, you show these two teams of dinosaurs, but nothing for us? Well fine then! We'll have to make our own highlight videos.
    K: And we'll make it with the blood of legends! Like we did tonight. And like we'll do next week in a steel cage!


    C1: It's time for the main event ladies and gentlemen, don't go anywhere.

    Announcer: This match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for....the OCW World Heavyweight Championship!

    Out comes Cena to a big pop, he sprints to the ring in his usual style, throws his shirt to the crowd.

    Out comes Pillman, to a chorus of boos. He takes his time and gets right in Cena's face with the title over his head.

    Pillman and Cena lock up, Cena using his superior strength and gets Pillman in a side headlock, dropping Pillman to his knees. Pillman with shots to the midsection and an Irish whip, Cena takes him down with a shoulder block. Pillman rolls out of the ring for a few moments, to more boos from the crowd. Pillman the entire time is trash talking and shouting at the fans at ringside.

    Cena comes out after Pillman and clotheslines him on the outside. He picks him up and throws him back in the ring. Cena is back on top of Pillman and delivers a Fishermans suplex for a 2 count. Cena Irish whips Pillman, Pillman ducks under a clothesline and delivers a flying crossbody and covers for a 2 count. Pillman prowls around Cena, stomping away and talking trash. He whips Cena into the corner and follows up with a diving dropkick. He again covers for a 2 count. Pillman picks Cena up and looks for a right hand, Cena blocks and delivers some rights of his own. Pillman though, rakes the eyes and gains the advantage again, going behind and delivering a back suplex to Cena.

    Pillman keeps the advantage and trash talks to the crowd, who are booing incessantly. Pillman is so busy ranting, Cena is back up and clobbers Pillman right out of his boots. Pillman is back up again and Cena hits the shoulder tackle. He looks for the spinout powerbomb, but Pillman counters into a dropkick. Pillman locks in an arm scissors, Cena struggles to the bottom rope. Pillman starts arguing with the referee, a small shoving match ensues and again Cena takes advantage and this time lands the powerbomb. The five knuckle shuffle follows and Cena covers for a 2 count.

    Cena looks for the AA, Pillman slips out and rolls out of the ring. He goes to ringside and demands his title.

    C1: Hey where the hell is he going?
    C2: Wherever he wants! Are you going to stop him?

    Pillman turns to leave, Cena however gets after him and they brawl down the ramp. Cena hits a suplex on Pillman, landing hard on the steel entrance ramp. Cena drags him back into the ring and this time lands the AA, to a huge pop.

    1....2......Pillman kicks out!

    Cena looks stunned. He goes for another AA, Pillman again slips out and shoves Cena straight into the referee. Pillman doesn't hesistate, he goes right for a steel chair and clocks Cena straight in the head with a stiff shot.

    C1: Oh come on! Referee is down and never saw it.
    C2: Not cheating unless you get caught!

    Pillman covers, the referee crawls over and slowly makes the count. Cena kicks out at 2!

    C1: Cena kicked out!
    C2: So what else is new?

    Pillman irate, slugs the referee and the referee is out cold. Cena grabs Pillman and delivers another AA! But there's no referee. Cena could cover Pillman til 30. Cena looks frustrated and signals for another referee.

    Another referee doesn't come however. Who does is Raven. He's flanked by Kanyon, Kidman, Vampiro who all surround Cena and the ring. They enter and engulf Cena, pummeling him. Cena tries to swing his way out but he doesn't last long. Kanyon flattens him with a chair shot just to make a point.

    The battered and bloodied Cena, near lifeless is lifted up and Vampiro delivers the Michinoku Driver. Raven screams at Kidman to go up top. Kidman does and lands the Shooting Star.

    C1: What the hell is going on here? Why are these guys attacking Cena?
    C2: This is Raven's flock fool, the Flock is back together!
    C1: But why?

    They aren't done with Cena. Cena eats a Kanyon Cutter and then Raven hits the Evenflow DDT, right onto the chair. Finally having had enough, the four men turn and leave. Pillman, who hasn't moved the entire time, seemingly totally unaware of what's happened, struggles across to Cena, and the referee, groggy but conscious, counts the 3.....

    Announcer: Your winner...and still OCW Champion....Brian Pillman!

    A bloody Pillman clutches the title, laughing, while garbage floods the ring. Pillman is totally disinterested. He shoots a final look at a battered and broken Cena, spits on Cena and leaves.

    *Fade to black.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,773 ✭✭✭connemara man


    Last week on PCW

    Undertaker announced as PCW champion
    Bo Dallas picks up a win against Kane has cryptic promo about believing in him
    Brad Maddox is training hornswoggle and gets a victory vs Viscera
    An out of sorts Matt Hardy picks up a win vs Ricardo and now has a shot at the incontinental title
    Harper an Rowan are now the new tag team champion after they defeat D’lo and goodfather after the goodfather goes missing after interference from the Boogie man.

    PCW starts with fireworks in full flow mucic blaring in the middle of the ring stands Matt Hardy he has a mic in his hand and his hands are in the air taking in the atmosphere. The crowd start to settle Matt puts his mic to his mouth and stumbles into the corner and sits there

    Matt chuckles to himself
    “you know here in Dublin I say you see this, a lot of drunk louts in the corner. But there not like me you see I am can handle my self not like all of you pissing and puking your way around the place.’

    The crowd start to BOO

    “oh shut up you are all pathetic I’m only gracing your presence so I can remind cman that last week I earned my self a shot at a vacant title and as the only man to step up for it I demand to get it handed to me like that non existent entity Undertaker got handed the heavyweight championship”

    crowd boo again.

    “seriously what is your problem….. so where is my belt”

    “well well well would you not at least stand up to talk I can barely see you and I don’t know how anyone at hone can see you youre not even in a corner that the TV camera can see your face. “

    Matt gets up still leaning in the corner

    “ Ha You! YOU!! Giving me a lecture on not being able to stand.

    “Look before you shout your mouth of, which I’m pretty sure these good people are sick by now, so you should just sit back down.
    I just came out to tell you that you won’t just be handed any title. I have the same deal you have so get out of this ring show these people some respect aand you know what

    SUCK IT”

    Ad Break to audience cheers
    Pt 2

    Com 1 “and were back with Xpac still waiting on his opponent

    Com 1 and here is dlo he must be smarting from last week
    Com 2 what happened he and his partner got beat by 2 stronger men and a better team
    Com 1 he was beaten and broken for no good need
    Matt hardy sitting at commentary “this is gonna be boring”

    Dlo and Xpac shake hands before the bout

    This starts of as a good bout, the 2 men slowly get the feel of each other.
    The good father comes down to Dlo he looks like a cross between the good father and papa shango suit but carrying his voodoo gear and necklases
    We can hear over the mics as Dlo turns what was that about last week! Papa looks like hes trying to apologise but cant dlo gets out of the ring xpac stands there in disbelief. the ref goes out to warn good father to go back. With him gone matt hardy runs in throws xpac out of the ring and hits him with a steel chair. The ref turns to see pac missing from the ring and goes around to check on him as he does a hand come out from under the ring and trips Dlo the boogie man slides out and smashes Dlo with shangos staff. The Ref sees none of this has to start a count both men are actually ko at a 5 count dlo stirs and tries to ris but stumbles to the barrier at 7 as xpac rolls to the announce table both hear 9 and look syumble at the ring but miss the count.


    the crowd boo the hell out of the ref its clear he had no other choice.

    Dlo and Pac enter the ring bemused and the crowd calms down

    Cman enters at the ramp

    Cman I am going to borrow from some of the managers that have been involved in wrestling so… May I have your attention please
    Cheap pop from the audience
    Tonight to make up for this we will have a tag match between xpac and dlo vs the boogie man and matt hardy
    holla holla cheap pop 2

    Ad break

    Pt 3
    Com 2 so as matt hardy still has no competitor he should be given the belt
    Com 1 if hardy has his way he wont have another match in here but collect a title and a paycheck.

    Hornsoggle comes out and stands in the middle of the ring clearly np knowing what is going to happen. Brad Maddox appears on the titan tron

    “to prove last week wasn’t a fix hornswoggle will face his next opponent without me at ringside…..
    his next opponents will be

    Com 1 wait did he say opponents?
    Com 2 yeah he did this boy is a genius he knows how to test his young trainee.

    Bo dallas music

    Here comes Bo dallas with Rhino at his side

    The 2 men flank hornswoggle he looks up at them… and the ref calls for the bell when……

    Com 1 god lord its KANE he’s coming for Rhino and BO
    Com 2 how can he it’s a legitimate bout

    Bo dallas retreats and hops the barrier as Rhino faces Kane he back peddles as kane enters the ring right in front of him he stumbles over hornswoggle which gives Kane the chance to give Rhino a big boot picks him up and chokeslam he leaves with rhino panned out the crowd are going wild as he follows out after Bo Dallas. Hornswoggle grabs the ref and jumps on Rhino for the 3 count. He scurries out of the ring and upto the back a camera picks him up celebrating Brad Maddox meets him to celebrate. They walk past El Torito and Ricardo Rodriguez hownsoggle turns back and from behind smashes El Toritos head into the wall! The audience boo like mad and as Ricardo gets up he gets hit by a chir to the back and brad Maddox turns to him and says you can have your shot against my undefeated protégé next week.

    AD break

    Pt 4

    Bo Dallas is standing in the ring

    “ Kane I know you are lost back there so b… trust me when I say you will NEVER get your hands on me and just so I’m clear you can BO lieve that. No I am here to prove myself and the strength I have.. So I call out Viscera you big lard ass lump face me and mister chairman I will the be man who will be facing Matt Hardy at Mayhem Mania at the end of the month. Yes me BO Wyatt. You see my brother has truly shown me the light and please BO leave that.

    Com 1 well that’s a turn up for the books he sides with his no show of a brother.
    Com 2 Bray Wyatt is a good strong man with strong beliefs.
    Com 1 a strong man well see

    Viscera walks down

    Bo “Viscera before you come up here I’ll give you a choice join me Bo lieve in my brother and your soul will be clear
    Viscera “ I have only followed one man and hes no man hes a Phenom.”

    The ref calls the bell.

    Bo circles Viscera throws in kicks to keep him at bay just in general pissing Viscera of.

    Viscera manages to wok Bo into a corner the lights go out a single lamp appears on the walk way but doesn’t move

    The lights slowly fade up

    Com 1 what is going on
    Com 2 I don’t know but BO has viscera out for the count.

    Bo goes for the pin 1…2…3 and the win goes to Bo

    He walks up the ramp arms in the air laughing quite like his brother…..

    “ I told you Viscera you should have BO lieved me “
    “ you will all BO lieve me”

    ad break

    pt 4

    Luke harper is standing in the ring with Erick Rowan at ring side

    Com 1 more of these Wyatt Zealots here tonight
    Com 2 how dare you speak of the tag team champions like that
    Com 1 they were the beneficiaries of an interruption.
    Com 2 champs make their own luck.
    Com 1 how much did they create…..

    Kane storms down he is on foul humour
    He stands toe to toe with Rowan and Rowan slowly moves out of the way. He makes way into the ring and looks to harper with anger in his eyes

    Com 1 Kane is going to get his hands on someone tonight
    Com 2 this sort of aggression is no good for this company Cman cant let people go around like this you’d swear he needs to go to anger management….....

    The bell goes kane and harper really go at it 10 – 15 minute match good back and forth harper and kane both getting good offense and kane fending of rowan once aswell. Rowan goes to interfere again but Xpac and dlo both run in and stop him harper goes out to help but kane catches him with a chokeslam and 3 count for the victory.

    Kane celebrates as rowan and harper exit up the ramp not looking for afters from that match.

    Ad break
    Pt 5

    Paul Bearer segment
    Paul cuts a promo on how the dead man will return he is thinking of the faithful pcw crowds
    (sorry got tired while writing)

    Cman announces next week there will be an over the top battle royale to see who faces the undertaker at mayhem mania.

    the crowd cheer this whole segment

    Ad break

    PT 6

    Dl and x pac are in the ring as

    Make their way to the ring

    Com 1 this is one hell of a match up
    Com 2 uncalled for if you ask me.

    Matt and D’lo start the match. This is a goo match when things get tough matt tags out and Dlo and x pac take a bit of control but the goodshango walks down and distracts dlo allowing the boogie man to get in some offence and tagging in hardy hardy sloppily takes control of the match missing the odd clothesline and tripping over himself. Giving Dlo a chance but Matt tags out and the boogie man gets control. A shake of the rattle out side distracts boogie man long enough for pac to get the tag he gets in quick and rolls up the boogie man for the 3 count.

    The lights go out again

    WERE HERE a lamp appears again but this time it moves towards the ring Its Bray Wyatt he’s appeared,

    Com 1 what on earth is going on.
    Com 2 cant you see a great man has arrived

    He walks into the ring and starts laughing. everyone was so fixed on him no one has realized that harper rowan and Bo are with him. Rowan Harper the boogieman goodshango and Bo jump Dlo and Xpac and start to beat them down. They both get picked up and get hit with sister Abigail.

    We leave the show with the image of Bray laughing over Dlo and Xpac with the boogie man and goodshango to his left rowan harper to his right and Bo behind him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,491 ✭✭✭thebostoncrab

    Fusion Pro Wrestling
    Show 2: The Final 2

    We open up with a recap of last week, and a look at tonights matches.

    Havok will be going one on one with Bull Nakona after their heated confrontation.

    We also have the semi finals of the Queen of the Ring, with Manami Toyota vs Sasha Banks and Gail Kim vs Trish Stratus.

    Lita seemed disappointed after last weeks loss, where is her head at tonight? Sable and Sasha Banks are determined to showcase why Divas are the real stars. What is the medical update on Emma after the attack from Aja Kong? Will we find out who will be challenging The Divas of Doom for the tag titles? All this and more tonight!

    Charlotte is out first with her trainer Sara Del Rey to take on a local jobber. Charlotte had a great match with Gail Kim last week, but due to one or two rookie mistakes she found herself at the loosing end.

    Match One
    Charlotte with Sara Del Rey vs. Local Jobber
    Charlotte is clearly the dominate wrestler in this match. No matter how the jobber tries, Charlotte reverses everything that is thrown at her. She gets the easy 1 2 3 for the win.

    Winner: Charlotte via pinfall.

    After the match Charlotte is joined by Sara, who is congratulating her on her hard fought victory. Sara hypes up Charlotte as the future of womens wrestling. Suddenly, the music of Victoria and Ivory plays over the pa. Victoria goes to speak.
    The future? That's what the future is? Good God if that's the case the future looks bleak! Honey, let me spell this out for you: if your last name wasn't Flair, you would still be working in a Burger King right now. Last week you were beaten by one of the best, by a woman who, likes us, had to work to get where we are. You're a joke, and the only way you'll keep getting victories is by beating jobbers like you've done tonight.

    Charlotte asks for a mic:
    There is a reason why I don't put my last name out there, and that's because of jealous bitches like you two. Having such a legendary name against me has forced me to work even harder, because I don't want to tarnish my fathers legacy. That's why I went to NXT to be trained by one of the best women in the world, Sara Del Rey. Last week I made a mistake, but I still brought Gail Kim to her limit, and I shut a lot of people up. The only people still questioning what I have are dinosaurs that should have retired a decade ago.

    Ivory snaps the mic away from Victoria:
    A dinosaur!?!? You show some damn respect for those who came before you! Why don't I show you what a dinosaur can do! Next week, you and me, one on one!

    You're on!

    And hey, bring along your couch again. Let her see another failure of hers come to an end before her eyes, just like her in ring career.

    Sara Del Rey simply glares a hole through Ivory and Victorias head. She holds Charlottes arm up again as we go to a break.

    Toshiyo Yamada makes her way out for her match. Lita, having lost in Yamada's tag partner Manami Toyota last week due to a roll up, wants to prove to herself that she can hang with the very best tonight. Lita's music hits and she is joined again by AJ Lee, who keeps lifting up Lita's arm and trying to get the crowd more and more behind her idol. Lita is clearly distracted by this behaviour and has to ask AJ to cool it down once or twice.

    Match 2
    Lita with AJ Lee vs. Toshiyo Yamada
    The two have a great back and forth, with neither wrestler giving in to any weakness. AJ Lee on the outside keeps trying to rally the crowd behind Lita, and at one stage gets onto the ring apron to argue with a ref on what she thinks is a slow 2 two count. Lita gets more and more agitated, and eventually snaps, telling AJ to go backstage. Lita turn around and is met with a Northern Lights Bomb for her troubles, with Yamada taking the match.
    Winner: Toshiyo Yamada

    Lita cannot believe that she is on a losing streak thanks to AJ's distractions. She heads to the back shaking her head, when AJ runs out to comfort her. Lita pushes her aside, screaming at her to leave her alone. We cut to a break as AJ looks like her world has been shattered.

    We are joined backstage by Aja Kong, who is unmoved by her vicious attack on Emma last week. Our interviewer asks why she attack Emma.
    You saw what happened last week? She loses a match to Trish Stratus, and the fans all still cheer for her? They cheer for a joke of a woman, who seems to think that dancing and acting like an idiot is what makes a great wrestler? I have bled too much in that ring to watch wrestling be insulted like that! These people may not see past her act, but I do. And if that bimbo dares show her face in this company again, I'll make sure to finish the job. So Emma, let me make this very clear to you: Stay in that hospital bed, or else the next place you'll be resting is in a shallow grave.

    We have our first semi final match, as Gail Kim takes on Trish Stratus. The winner of this match will compete in the main event of Queen of The Ring as we crown our first Fusion Pro Wrestling Womens Champion. Both women walk to the ring determination in their eyes.

    Match 3
    Gail Kim vs. Trish Stratus
    This is a great match that goes back and forth. There is no bs throughout the match, it's a straight up clinic with many near falls. At one stage both women dropkick each other for the count, only to both get up at the count of 9. Eventually Gail Kim reverses the Chick Kick into the Flying Dragon for the submission win.
    Winner: Gail Kim

    Both women shake each others hands. Gail is clearly ecstatic to reach the finals, and Trish is humble in defeat.

    Sable and Sasha Banks are here! They slowly clap after the match with Sasha on the mic
    Ladies, ladies, that was great! Wow, what a match eh folks? That match just proved that I have nothing to worry about when I make my way past that Japanese has been Manami Toyota later tonight, and I can rest easy knowing I don't have to worry about how I'm going to win the Queen of the Ring Tournament. Although, to be honest, I don't need this tournament. Nope, as a Diva, I already have sponsorship opportunities filling my inbox without even reaching the finals!

    Winning this tournament will just show the world that no one cares about your "womens wrestling", they want the Diva! The Diva puts buts on seats and looks damn good doing it. I mean, look at Sable's body! This woman is one of the sexiest women walking on the earth today. She can win anything just because of her looks, and women like you two are jealous. You look for the cheers of those smark geeks who think wrestling is all about moves. Wrestling is dead, this is the time of the Diva.

    Gail Kim has clearly heard enough and grabs a mic of her own.
    You know Sasha, it's a shame. It's a shame I won't be able to shut you up, because there is no way you are getting past Manami Toyota to face me. Manami is going to wipe the arena floor with your face, and show you why us wrestlers will always stand tall over you divas. I'm not going to waste my time worrying about what you have to say, because my attention is soley on winning The Fusion Pro Wrestling Womens Championship. But my old friend Trish here, well Trish you have some free time on your hands now don't you?

    Trish takes the mic:
    You're damn right I do. Sasha I'm disappointed in you. I watched you in NXT, you were a brilliant wrestler. But since Sable has poisoned your view, you have become a truly horrible woman. But I look at you and I know there is still light at the end of the tunnel, and I hope Manami kicks seven shades of respect into your ass.

    But you Sable, you are beyond redemption. You have set things back for every woman who dreamed of being a pro wrestler when you came to the WWE. Before you, women were treated with respect. When I hosted a pro wrestling radio show, I dreamed of wrestling across the world, and you, you came along and changed everything. Suddenly women weren't wrestling, because you would just take your clothes off and think that was successful. It got so bad that I knew the only way I would get noticed was to use my own body to get peoples attention. And I was never more ashamed of myself. I became everything I hated. But I hoped, I hoped it would be a necessary evil in order to change things. And I think it worked. But there is still one thing left for me to do, and that's eliminate you. So Sable, 3 weeks time at Queen of the Ring, you don't have a match, and now I have a thirst to kick some ass, so I'm calling you out!

    Sable laughs Trish of mouthing to Sasha "Is she serious?" as both women laugh at Trish.
    Oh Trish honey, you're on. But be careful what you wish for, because it will be your end.

    We have a match for the PPV set folks! Sable vs. Trish Stratus, and I don't think we could possibly have a more heated match! But who will Gail Kim be facing at the PPV? Manami Toyota or Sasha Banks? We'll find out tonight!

    Next up is a match that should be a real slobber knocker! This isn't going to pretty, it's Havok vs. Bull Nakona.

    Match 4
    Bull Nakona vs. Havok
    The match doesn't even reach the ring. Havok charges into Bull as she makes her way to the ring. They brawl all over the outside of the ring. It's an incredibly stiff contest, with both women just laying into each other with rights and lefts. Neither women is giving an inch, as they both go to show the other that they are the toughest woman on the planet.....

    Awesome Kong is here! She comes out and clearly is looking for a fight! She just jumps straight into the brawl and all three women are going at it! Refs and trainers are out straight away to try take control, but noone seems able to control these titans! Eventually everyone is separated and brought out separate arenas entrances.
    Result: No content

    We come back to The Divas of Doom, Beth Phoenix and Natalya, coming out to the ring. Last week they issued a challenge to the entire roster for Queen of the Ring to crown the very first Fusion Pro Wrestling Womens Tag Team Champions. They explain to the crowd that all week long no one has answered their challenge, so they may as well just be handed those tag team belts.

    They are interrupted by the music of Kaitlin who comes out by herself. Without hesitation, Beth and Natalya are both laughing, pointing out that Kaitlin can't challenge them by herself. Kaitlin remains silent and just smiles and points to the entrance way. The music of Mickie James kicks in and The Divas of Doom look stunned! Mickie James comes out and shakes hands with Kaitlin, Mickie has a mic:
    Last week I got eliminated from the Queen of the Ring tournament, but I still have a fever that can only be cured by gold. So I rung up my good friend Kaitlin here, and she agreed that she has the same love for gold that I have. What can I say, we're magpies! So ladies, we accept your challenge and we will see you at Queen of the Ring!

    They raise their arms up and The Divas of Doom glare at them as we go to our final ad break.

    It's time for our main event, the second semi final match in the Queen of the Ring tournament. The winner of this match will face Gail Kim to crown our first FPW Womens Champion at the Queen of the Ring PPV.

    Match 5
    Manami Toyota vs Sasha Banks
    As with last week, Manami is joined in her corner by close friend Toshiyo Yamada. Sasha has Sable with her. The crowd is clearly behind Manami here, with the heat against Sasha and Sable being off the charts. Sasha takes her time, pretending to look for a lock up, only to keep walking away with her arms in the air to pose for cameras. Sable calls her over once to help get an eyelash out of her eye. Manami clearly has seen enough and straight away hits Sasha with a hard clothesline that takes her head off! Manami has to be pulled off Sasha by the ref as she lays into Sasha. Manami is livid, and while distracted Sasha is thrown the knuckles again by Sable. Yamada spots this and chases Sable around the ring and eventually to the backstage area. Manami is hit by the knuckles, but kicks out at the two count! Sasha can't believe it, and she really starts laying into Manami. No matter what Sasha throws at her though, Manami keeps fighting back. Eventually Manami takes the win after catching Sasha out on the top rope.
    Winner: Manami Toyota

    Toshiyo Yamada comes out to celebrate with Manami, when Sasha low blows Toyota and starts beating down on her. Yamada has seen enough and hits Sasha with an insanely stiff dropkick to the face! Sasha starts screaming, as blood comes out of her nose! Yamada has broken Sasha Banks nose! Banks is screaming at Yamada as she runs to the back, telling her that she is dead for ruining her career! Yamada laughs and lifts up Toyotas arm in victory. Gail Kim comes out to the ring and we have a stare down as we finish up the show.
    Fusion Pro Wrestling

    Queen of the Ring

    FPW Womens Championship

    Manami Toyota vs. Gail Kim

    FPW Womens Tag Team Championship

    The Divas of Doom (Beth Phoenix and Natalya) vs. Mickie James and Kaitlin

    Sable vs Trish Stratus

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭A Brad Maddox Guy


    A video recap shows Mick Foley's debut in MWA last week where he announced himself as the Commissioner of Supremacy. The backing track stops when Dean Ambrose on the stage is shown. “You really were an inspiration to so many Mick....pushed your body to the limits...crowd loved you...I want Mick to..bleed” We are reminded of Ambrose's vicious assault which left Commissioner Foley a bloody mess and the video ends with Ambrose's sadistic smiling face looking down at Foley.

    Petey: "Welcome everybody to another episode of MWA Supremacy, the best wrestling show on the market today."
    Dave: "And what a show we have lined up for you tonight. In our main event, a MWA World Heavyweight Championship opportunity at WrestleRama II is up for grabs in a Fatal-4-Way match. As of right now we only know two confirmed participants in that match; Intercontinental Champion Tazz & “The Bigshot” Bobby Lashley."
    Petey: "Commissioner Foley has offered KENTA a spot but we haven't had any word from the Japanese star confirming his participation. And our 4th competing wrestler has been kept under wraps by MWA owner Mike Tyson but he promises to be a huge star in the wrestling world. Any hints as to who this man might be Mr Tyson?"
    Tyson: "Of course I ain't gonna let this slip Petey but I can say that he is the MVP of this roster..."
    Petey: *sarcastically* "Well lets see if anybody at home can crack that enigma.."

    The shot cuts to the car park where a limo has just arrived. Bobby Lashley steps out and thanks whoever is inside before walking into the arena.
    MWA Tag Team Champions Jimmy Snuka & Paul Orndorff are being interviewed at ringside.

    Snuka: "For 10 long months we've been the MWA Tag Team Champions. We not only beat Owen Hart & the British Bulldog, we drove them out of this company!”
    Orndorff: And since then we've beaten anybody who dared to step inside this ring and try to take this.” *Orndorff holds the belt aloft.* “And now we're the only team left standing. And we don't like that.”
    Snuka: “You see me & Paul thrive on competition. So we're issuing an open challenge to anybody out back who has never faced us to come out here right now and fight for the MWA Tag Team Championship.”

    Zack Sabre Jr & Marty Scurll make their way down to the ring to a mild reaction; many in the crowd not sure of who these two Brits are.

    Petey: "Wow I gotta hand it to ya Mr Tyson, this is a hell of a signing. For those of you wondering who these two are you're in for a treat; this is Zack Sabre Jr and “Party” Marty Scurll. They are two of the hottest talents in European wrestling and I'm very pleased to say Mike Tyson has brought them to the MWA."
    Tyson: "I'm only interested in hungry talent Petey, and looking at this Zack Sabre guy I gotta assume he's starving."

    Sabre: My name is Zack Sabre Jr and this is Marty Scurll. Together we are the Leaders of the New School and we've come to the best damn wrestling show on Earth to become the World Tag Team Champions.
    Scurll: You may not know us now but when you're going home tonight we guaran-damn-tee it'll be our names you're talking about.

    Snuka & Orndorff hand over the Tag Titles to the referee and both teams shake hands as this match is set to begin.
    marty-scurll-1251019336n9ubh-o-1-1344777487.jpgzack-sabre-jr-zack-sabmwre-red-tights-fist-1387824640.jpgVS snuka_orndorff.jpg
    Leaders of the New School vs Snuka & Orndorff

    This match features some early technical wrestling from Sabre & Scurll but the tag champions soon take control. The Brits stay in the match despite some hard hitting double team moves; a Jimmy Snuka flying crossbody from the top rope combo'd with an Electric Chair drop from Orndorff looked like it was game over for Marty Scurll but he kicked out at 2 and a half.
    The longer the match goes on the more offence Sabre & Scurll have as the champions begin to tire. Orndorff fails to keep up with Sabre's technical prowess and gets locked in an Armbar. Mr Wonderful looks like tapping but somehow is able to lift Sabre off the mat before slamming him down to break the hold.
    These 4 men have been wrestling for 20 minutes, the previously unknown LotNS have gained the respect of the audience with their impressive mat work, strong kicks & Sabre's uncanny ability to lock in an Armbar, and the fans are now split firmly down the middle. The match reaches its heights when Orndorff is hit with a tornado DDT by Scurll on the outside. Inside the ring Snuka & Sabre are the legal men; Sabre is out maneuvering Superfly but finally gets caught with a near-decapitating clothesline. Snuka stomps on Sabre before slowly climbing up top; he's going for a Superfly Splash. But Sabre gets the knees up, the momentum forces Snuka back into a seated position where he gets caught with a Superkick by Scurll. Sabre grabs Snuka's arm, locks it in and Jimmy Snuka flails his spare arm and legs desperately trying to reach the ropes. Just when it looks like he might make it Sabre wraps his legs around Snuka's head, pulls towards his own body and flips Snuka back into the middle of the ring. Snuka has no choice but to tap out.

    Winner: Zack Sabre Jr & Marty Scurll

    Petey: "I can't believe it; we have NEW Tag Team Champions!"
    Dave: "This is pathetic. A couple of nobodies stroll in and beat the tag team champions like a couple of wieners. Snuka & Orndorff should be sacked on the spot for bringing shame and embarrassment to this company!"
    Petey: "Snuka & Orndorff have nothing to be ashamed of; that was an incredible performance from 2 guys destined to be future World Champions. Speaking of which, we've got a special look now at potential World Champion Tazz and how he is getting ready for tonight's Fatal-4-Way main event."
    Tazz is stretching backstage when he is stopped for an interview. Tazz grabs the mic and walks right up to the camera.
    Tazz: "Tonight I prove all of my doubters wrong. I don't care who I have to choke out to get there but I'm going to WrestleRama. I'm going to make Sycho Sid bleed, I'm going to beat him unconscious. I'm going to win the MWA World Heavywei..."
    Suddenly Tazz is attacked by Adam Cole. Cole whips Tazz head first into the wall, the wall cracks and so does Tazz's head as blood gushes down his face. Cole spits on Tazz and walks away.

    Cameras cut back to the car park where Ken Shamrock has just arrived. Security stop him and say that Mr Shamrock has been suspended by Mike Tyson and they are to refuse him entry. Should Mr Shamrock resist they are authorised to take him into custody. Shamrock flips out but cooperates once additional security staff arrive.
    Naomichi Marufuji vs Sycho Sid
    Sid attacks Marufuji as soon as the bell rings. He is punching Marufuji with closed fists and shrugs off the referee when he tries to stop him. When Sid gets off him he picks Marafuji up and throws him over the top rope to the outside. Marufuji's face is visibly cut up and starting to swell already. Sid Powerbombs Marufuji through the announce table and walks away.

    Winner: Naomichi Marufuji via Disqualification

    After the break we're at ringside were medics are tending to Marufuji and KENTA is helping his partner get to his feet.
    Marufuji: “ World..Championship..”

    Cameras cut backstage to Bobby Lashley who is lifting dumbbells.
    Lashley: "Hey guys, if you want to film 'The Bigshot' Bobby Lashley you're gonna have to get in tough with my manager cos I don't do this sh*t for free."

    Ambrose: "All week I've been running what happened last week over and over in my head. The great hardcore legend Mick Foley was here in MWA and we had a lot of fun. But you guys...yeah you..ahh I don't think you enjoyed yourselves as much as I did. And people have been asking me on twitter "how could you do that Dean?" "He's a legend Dean." "He has a family Dean!" Well let me ask you something! DID MICK FOLEY GIVE A DAMN ABOUT HIS FAMILY WHEN HE SAT HIS WIFE AND KIDS AT RINGSIDE FOR ROYAL RUMBLE 1999? Mick Foley doesn't care about his family and neither should you."

    Ambrose pauses in soak in the boos from the crowd as images of his family in tears from Beyond The Mat are shown on the big screen

    Ambrose: "But the one thing that has got on my nerves more than anything else is the idea that this was an indefensible attack; that somehow you people believe that Mick Foley was an innocent victim in all of this. No no no no no no no no no no no NO! Mick Foley is anything but innocent. Mick Foley is the destroyer of innocence. Mick Foley pushing his body to the limit ruined not only himself but it destroyed the fans perception of wrestling. The night Mick Foley threw himself off that cell and got back up is the night real wrestling died. He dulled the people's senses. Fans became bloodthirsty and going extreme became the hot buzz in the indies. Suddenly you had 150 pound guys jumping off 2nd floor buildings and breaking their backs and did that satisfy your hunger? NO! You got worse...your lust for violence your lust grew so did the idiotic risks we had to take just to get booked and to feed ourselves for the week. Flaming tables, ropes wrapped in barbedwire, fluorescent light tubes..these matches became the norm. There's even a f*cking “cage of death”. Finally, in a bid to get noticed, some asshole smuggled in a ****ing chainsaw.. Well he took that saw and ran it across my face, slicing my forehead like a piece of chicken! All of that, every scar, every broken bone, every career ended was all Mick Foley's fault. Hundreds of unsigned wrestlers destroyed their bodies to please you thug fans all because of Mick Foley... Their blood is on your hand Foley and now..” Ambrose raises his still bloodied hands to the camera “Now yours is on mine.”

    Ken Shamrock walks down through the crowd to the anger of Mike Tyson. Tyson shouts at security to remove Shamrock from the building but when they approach him Ken takes out a ticket from his pocket. The ticket appears to have blood on it but security confirm it is legit and must allow him to take his ringside seat.
    Dave: "Did Ken Shamrock beat up a fan for that seat?"
    Tyson: "I don't know, I don't care. But if Shamrock tries anything during this match I'm gon knock that sumbitch out."
    Number 1 Contender's Fatal-4-Way Match
    Tazz vs Bobby Lashley vs KENTA vs MVP

    The match begins with all 4 men brawling in the middle of the ring but things quickly break up into two pairs – KENTA fighting MVP & Lashley fighting Tazz. Lashley & Tazz spill to the outside and KENTA takes the upper hand with some vicious kicks. Lashley gets back in the ring and briefly works together with MVP to take out KENTA but this alliance is broken when MVP attempts a schoolboy pin on Lashley. The match continues with all 4 men trading places in the ring. Key spots include KENTA diving over the rope taking out all 3 men on the outside & hitting a series of stiff kicks to Tazz; Lashley hitting a Dominator on KENTA but KENTA is rolls & falls to the outside before a pinfall; Tazz getting MVP in a Tazzmission but KENTA hitting a double foot stomp off the top rope to break the hold & MVP Superplexing KENTA but immediately being Tazzplexed. Tazz goes for the pin but is pulled to the outside by Lashley.

    Lashley & Tazz brawl on the outside and eventually Lashley spears Tazz through the barricade into the timekeeper's area. He drags Tazz over to the ring when Ken Shamrock gets to his feet. Security tells Shamrock to sit down but Lashley sees him and walks over. The two men shout obscenities at each other until Shamrock throws a right hook at Lashley's head. Lashley retaliates and the two are soon rushed by security and they become embroiled in the brawl. In the scuffle Lashley is half dragged/half climbs over the barricade knocking over two security men in the process. The brawl moves further into the crowd with a couple more security men falling to the ground until finally there is only one security man left standing between them. Both men punch him before attacking each other; Lashley takes Shamrock to the ground and both men trade blows. Meanwhile in the ring Kenta & MVP are back on their feet.

    MVP has KENTA set up for Playmaker but KENTA counters it into a lift, but MVP powers his way back down. He runs under KENTA's arm, off the ropes and goes for a Boot but KENTA avoids it and lifts an off balance MVP onto his shoulders and hits the Go To Sleep. He covers MVP; 1.....2..Tazz crawls back into the ring..3. KENTA is going to WrestleRama!

    Winner: KENTA

    The show goes off the air with KENTA on his knees and pointing to the roof, MVP hasn't moved, Tazz is in a lot of pain in the corner and up in the crowd Lashley & Shamrock have been separated by what looks like every member of security in the building.

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy


    Preview show here. Week 1 show here. Week 2 show here. Week 3 show here.

    Previously on Monday Night Grappling:
    - Stone Cold vowed revenge on Rikishi, Bischoff and Dynamite King and, with help from J.R., and a knight's costume, he managed to leave Rikishi laying at the end of the night.

    - Bischoff, however, had the last laugh and fired Jim Ross, having earlier fired Davey Boy on Dynamite King's orders.

    - Saraya Knight turned on her daughter Paige and told her she would take her daughter's Women's Title at Grapplemania.

    Elsewhere, Nick Bockwinkel saved Bayley from Rikishi & Kim, whilst Tyler Breeze revealed Kerry Von Erich's secret - that his right foot had been amputated after a car accident - leading Kerry to walk off embarrassed and ashamed

    The opening shot is G.M. Eric Bischoff’s office. Bischoff is there talking with Marty Jones when Dynamite King enters. Marty bows his head as Dynamite passes.

    Bischoff reveals that Kim Kardashian told him Rikishi is sulking about being attacked by Austin last week – he felt Dynamite King and Marty could have done more to help. Dynamite threatens to slap him around but Bischoff cautions against it.

    We further learn Marty Jones has been made leader of the Kingsguard and is in charge of security tonight. Bischoff says since they’re in Oklahoma tonight J.R. will be allowed give a farewell address. Dynamite says he didn’t think Bischoff was sentimental; Bischoff says he’s not – J.R. could prove a useful bargaining chip. Dynamite calls Eric an ‘evil bastid’ and says that’s why he likes him as the scene ends.

    The shows opening theme plays and fireworks and pyro go off from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
    Commentator #1: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our last show, our last stop, on the road to Grapplemania.

    It’s been announced that tonight the Von Erichs will have a rematch from last week against the Brainbusters and Tyler Breeze which, if they win, will secure them a tag team title bout at the PPV.

    Also, Saraya Knight, number one contender to the Women’s Title, will take on her daughter's good friend, Bayley.

    Plus, as we've just learned, Eric Bischoff has announced Jim Ross, fired last week, will be able to give a 'final farewell address' to the fans live tonight in his home state of Oklahoma. All this and more on the go-home show for Grapplemania!

    Commentator #2: I can't wait for Grapplemania! I kind of miss Ross, though. But hey, I'll get over it!

    ***Rey Mysterio segment***

    Rey Mysterio entered to a loud pop; he wore a solemn expression. In his hand he was holding Sin Cara’s mask.
    ***Flashback*** Two weeks ago Rey found Sin Cara’s mask in the locker room.
    Rey: Sin Cara, mi amigo. Mi compadre. I know things have been strained between us. You’ve been giving me the cold shoulder; you’ve cost me a chance in the King of the Ring tournament; you’ve put your hands on me. I just want to know why, esse? Why, man? What have I done to deserve all this? I respect you as a friend, as a warrior of the ring. Sin Cara…please talk to me, man.

    Last week I saw the video talking about how light will come out of darkness - what did it mean, amigo? Please tell me what's going on with us, bro.

    There is no response. The fans chant 619.

    Rey: Sin Cara, please.

    ‘SIN CARA IS DEAD, HOMIE!’ says a deep voice.

    Fans begin standing and a rumble goes through the crowd as Konnan walks out.


    Konnan: Ola, Rey.

    Fans chant for Konnan as Rey looks on in shock. Konnan enters the ring and he has a clipboard in his hand.


    Konnan: Surprised to see me? I thought you would be. Hell Rey, you’re probably struggling to remember what I look like. After all, you barely kept in contact with me once the WWE came calling. All those years of friendship we had. I looked upon you as a brother. I looked upon you as my family. Mi raza. But you proved you’re not a very good friend, Rey. You never gave a damn about me once you made it and became a World Champion. But what could I do about it? You were gone.

    But then you go and show up in Monday Night Grappling! (he laughs)

    And seeing as me and Eric Bischoff go back a long way, and seeing as I’ve a history with Monday Night Grapping from a few years ago (fans cheer), I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be here, Rey. Not when there’s a chance for revenge, a chance for a major payday, and a chance to see the lucha fight of the century.

    Rey: You’re back to face me, is that it? Listen Konnan, I admit I didn’t keep in touch but that happens in life, man. People drift apart. It doesn’t mean you have bad feelings. It’s just how it goes. It’s just-

    Konnan: Shut up. No more excuses, puta.

    The Hispanic fans in the crowd cheer while Rey stares a hole through Konnan.

    Rey: You wanna fight me, man? Fine, Konnan. Let’s go. But don’t kid yourself that this is the lucha fight of the century because I know I got your number, burro, and it’s a 619!

    The fans pop as Konnan laughs.

    Konnan: You don’t get it, homes. I’m not back to face you. I am back to act as a representative for someone you know very well. Someone who General Manager Bischoff has agreed can face you at Grapplemania, if you have got the guts. A dream match that lucha fans worldwide have long talked about. I think you know who I mean…you’ve got his mask in your hand right now.

    The fans start cheering as Rey shakes his head.

    Konnan: Oh yeah, Rey. But realise, your match would not be against Sin Cara. Like I said, Sin Cara is dead. Sin Cara is a WWE invention that held back the genius that I represent. Because the man I represent is not called Sin Cara. (He points up the ramp) The man I represent is…Mistico!

    Mistico appears in his old attire and with his old entrance theme ‘Ameno’, He stands next to Konnan and takes the mic.


    Mistico: Hello, Rey. Are you surprised I speaking English? Well my English sno’ so good but Konnan he teach me. And Konnan say to me how you care only about you, and no Mistico.

    Mistico hands back the mic.

    Konnan: That’s right, Rey. I’ve been setting Mistico straight on what a lousy friend you are. How you obviously politicked your way into the King of the Ring tournament while Mistico was left out; how you put selfish gain over friendship like always; how you never really had Mistico’s back. And most importantly of all – how there can only be one true lucha star in this company.

    And it goes back to WWE, doesn't it Rey? All those people who bashed Mistico for not adapting to the WWE style, for not learning the language...did you stick up for him throughout all that, Rey? Hell no! You wanted Mistico out of the picture because you were jealous of him, were't you? You knew he had surpassed you! Tell ‘em what you want at Grapplemania, Mistico.

    Mistico: I want you, Rey. One on One. My mask, your mask. At Grapplemania!

    Konnan: That’s right, Rey! A mask vs mask match. There can be only one masked superstar in Monday Night Grappling! But we want this match in true lucha style, so let’s make it a 2 out of 3 falls match. (He holds up the clipboard) This is the contract right here. Mistico has already signed it. The question is…do you have the cojones, Rey?

    The fans are cheering while Rey holds his hands on his head.

    Rey: Don’t ask this of me please. Sin Cara…Mistico….Luis! Don’t you see what’s happening, bro? Konnan is using you to get to me. I’ve always respected you; I’ve tried to help you. Hell brother…I love you.

    Konnan shakes his head and whispers something in Mistico’s ear. Mistico steps forward and points to the Sin Cara mask in Rey’s hand.

    Mistico: Sin Cara esta muerto! You have my mask, Rey, but Grapplemania…I want yours!

    The fans cheer but Rey seems reluctant. Rey doesn’t want to fight him; he has tears in his eyes.

    Rey: I fought a friend before. His name was Eddie Guerrero. I loved him and always will. Please don’t make me fight a friend again, Mistico. Not with all of this on the line. Please, mi amigo. It’s too much.

    Mistico then slaps Rey hard across the face - so hard he knocks him to his knees.

    Mistico: Tu no eres amigo mio.

    The fans boo and begin to chant ‘619’. Rey on bended knee stays motionless for a long time. He raises his head and looks out to the fans, his eyes shining with water. They chant for him; louder now. Rey then lowers his head and nods. He reaches up and takes the pen and clipboard from Konnan. He signs the contract.

    Konnan: The match is made! The lucha match of the century! Mysterio v Mistico! Mask vs mask….!

    Konnan continues to hype the match as Sin Cara pumps his fists; but Rey doesn't want to hear it and leaves the ring. He walks up the aisle with his head bowed low. He stops at the top of the ramp and looks back.


    He shakes his head and drops the Sin Cara mask to the floor, and can be seen dropping a tear with it before he turns away.

    ***commercial break***

    ***Rikishi interview***

    Rikishi is standing outside of the women’s toilets holding Kim’s purse. He doesn’t look too happy. An interviewer approaches.
    Interviewer: Rikishi, if I could have a word. There have been reports that you weren’t happy about what happened to you last week and that you felt Dynamite King and Marty Jones could have gone to your aid when Austin struck. Can you confirm or deny these rumours?

    Rikishi goes to speak when a rectal blast of wind comes from the door behind him. He shakes his head and continues.

    Rikishi: Yeah it’s true; I was upset. A lot of people seem to have forgotten that Dynamite King won that King of the Ring tournament and the right to face Stone Cold thanks to assistance from me. But where was the King when I needed him?

    Interviewer: That may be so but you did align yourself with them and you did-

    Rikishi: I did it for the money, yes. Have I made mistakes? Yes. But as I tried to explain to Davey Boy last week, my family have medical bills and I have to stand up and be counted. If a man steals a loaf of bread to feed his starving family, is that wrong? I never wanted to frame Nick Bockwinkel as Austin’s attacker. I never wanted to go after Bayley. I’m just following orders.

    The toilet door swings open and out steps Kim Kardashian as the interviewer gags and holds his shirt up to his nose.


    Rikishi: And they say I stink.

    Kim: Are you still bitching about last week? God! Get over it. You’re almost as stroppy as my husband. Can I count on you tonight if Bockwinkel or that bitch cause me any problems?

    Rikishi: I owe Bockwinkel after what he did to me last week so…yes.

    Kim: Good. Then quit f*cking brooding before I have to slap the sad off your face. Gimme my purse. I want to go and get a cappuccino so let’s go. Now!

    Rikishi hesitates.

    Kim: Let’s go, bitch tits! MOVE IT!

    Rikishi rubs his brow and reluctantly follows Kim as the segment ends.

    ***Elsewhere*** G.M. Eric Bischoff’s office

    Saraya is there and thanks Bischoff for making the match against Paige last week. Kim enters with a cappucino and informs Eric that Saraya has been helping her prepare for her in-ring debut and has been a much better help than bitch tits (Rikishi). Kim asks about Paige and Saraya says she doesn't expect to see Paige until the PPV. She says Paige hasn't spoken to anyone in the family since the events of last week.

    At that point tag team champs Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard enter demanding to know why Kevin and David Von Erich have a chance tonight to earn a tag title match at Grapplemania? They say they’re not afraid of them, just that they think the Von Erichs are unworthy of the opportunity.

    Bischoff tells them to relax - Kerry Von Erich has gone off the radar since Breeze embarrassed him last week and not even Kerry’s brothers know where he is. Bischoff says with Breeze on the Brainbusters’s side and no Kerry around, David and Kevin don’t stand much chance.

    Satisfied, the Brainbusters nod and shake Bischoff’s hand as the scene ends.

    (Handicap) Match - Kevin & David Von Erich vs The Brainbusters & Tyler Breeze
    (The Von Erichs must win to earn a tag title shot against the Brainbusters at the PPV)

    Kevin and David Von Erich came out first. Arn and Tully were out next, followed by Tyler Breeze (and his glass mask) who was last.
    Breeze: Do my eyes deceive me or is history repeating itself? On the first show of the new season Kerry no-showed rather than face me in the ring, and it seems he has done it again. He also couldn’t wait to avoid facing me last week. I tested him last week to see if he was a man of courage and he showed the world he was a coward.

    Commentator #1: What a load of bull. Breeze had Kerry taken out on the first show and last week he pressured Kerry out of the match! It wasn’t a ‘test of courage’. Gimme a break.

    Commentator #2: Oh yeah, well where is Kerry tonight, smart guy? Do you see him?

    Commentator #1: …..

    Breeze: But I believe in second chances so let’s find out if he has developed a backbone in the past seven days. Where are you, Kerry? If you are a man, show yourself!

    The camera pans up the aisle as the fans chant ‘Kerry, Kerry.’ There is no sign of Kerry.

    Breeze: I rest my case. At Grapplemania, the Legends Title will once again have a worthy holder in Tyler Breeze because I have shown the world that Kerry is a disgrace.

    Tyler enters the ring and addresses Kevin and David Von Erich.

    Breeze: Give your brother this message from me when you see him: tell him his real disability is not his lack of a right foot, but his lack of any testicles!

    With that Kevin and David have heard enough and begin laying into Breeze with rights and lefts as Arn and Tully join the melee. The ref struggles to contain the brawl.

    Commentator #1: Despicable remarks from Tyler Breeze!

    The match follows a similar pattern to last week: the underdog Von Erichs enjoy some success but the heels with the numerical advantage dominate most of the match.

    Arn and Tully successfully work over Kevin and several times thwart the hot tag to David as the announcers praise the skills of the tag champs. Tyler meanwhile chooses his tags very carefully, entering the ring when Kevin is noticeably hurt and taking selfies of himself standing over the hurt Von Erich.

    The finish of the match sees Breeze’s vanity get him in trouble. As he stands over Kevin looking to take another photo, Kevin kicks the phone out of Breeze’s hand and it slides out of the ring. To the Brainbusters’s annoyance, Breeze goes after the phone and that allows Kevin to get the hot tag as David comes in and begins knocking down all three opponents. During this, Breeze goes for a spinning kick and takes out the referee.

    With the ref down, Breeze goes for a steel chair and, unlike last week, there is no one to stop him…


    …or so Breeze thinks.
    Commentator #2: Wait a minute! He’s here! Kerry is here! Breeze you better watch out, kid!

    Commentator #1: Oh yeah, I like this! Listen to these fans going nuts! As our good friend Jim Ross would say if he were with us, I think business just picked up here!

    A look of shock fills Breeze’s face as Kerry enters the ring. Blanchard runs at him and Kerry ducks and sends him over the ropes; Arn then tries a punch but Kerry blocks it and knocks him down and then sends Arn over the ropes. He has a staredown with Breeze and tells Breeze to come at him.

    Breeze runs at him with the chair but Kerry punts the young man in the balls as Breeze drops the chair. Kerry then picks up the chair, leans back and nails Breeze, laying him out. Kerry then revives the referee as David lays a hand over Breeze’s chest. The referee then counts the pin: 1…2…3.

    Winners and #1 contenders for the tag titles: Kevin and David Von Erich

    The fans go wild as all three Von Erichs raise their hands in celebration.


    Blanchard meanwhile drags a groggy and dazed Breeze to his feet and screams at him, ‘look what you’ve done, you idiot!’ Breeze backs up the aisle as an irate Arn and Tully follow him. Kerry then grabs a mic.
    Kerry Von Erich: Hey, Breeze. I hope I didn’t scramble your brains too much you little punk because I want you to listen to me: last week I was in despair. You revealed a secret that I’ve been carrying a long time. A secret that made me feel ashamed: that I had lost my foot in a car accident.

    The fans chant ‘Kerry, Kerry’ as he nods at them.

    Kerry: But now I realise I don't need to be ashamed. The messages of support I’ve received from these great fans has shown me that they are still behind me. (They cheer) In a way I should be thanking you, and I will show you my gratitude this Sunday at Grapplemania by giving you the beating of your life.

    I just informed Eric Bischoff that if he wants me to show up Grapplemania, then I get to determine the match - and he agreed. Get ready kid because you are in for the toughest night of your life because you and I will meet for the Legends Championship in a No Holds Barred match!

    The fans cheer as Breeze continues backing up the aisle, whilst holding his face.

    Kerry: And as for you Brainbusters, my brothers will prove to you that when you knock down a Von Erich he gets back up and knocks you down with interest! Tell ‘em, guys.

    Kevin: You Brainbusters think you have no equal here but we will prove you wrong at Grapplemania!

    David: When this family is united, nothing can stop us. We respect you two as performers, but we don’t like you and we damn sure don’t fear you. At Grapplemania all the gold is gonna be with the Von Erich family!

    The fans cheer as the Von Erichs again raise their hands and the segment ends with the Brainbusters talking trash from the ramp, and Breeze selling his injuries.

    ***commercial break***

    ***Backstage - Bockwinkel slips quietly into a spare locker room***

    Bayley enters and says she doesn't think Bischoff's security followed her. She has something in her hands which are behind her back. She tells Nick to close his eyes as she has a surprise for him. When she gives Nick the go ahead to look he sees it’s a shirt…
    Bayley: Look! It’s our new t-shirt complete with our team’s new name…BAYWINKEL!

    Bockwinkel: Wait, Baywinkel? That’s what we’re going with, huh? Hmm. Very well, then.

    Bayley: Yay! Go Team Baywinkel! So what about that stipulation we discussed for our match with Kim and Rikishi? Shall we both run it by Bischoff together?

    Bockwinkel: No, it's too dangerous. They may try to target you like last week. I’ll handle it alone. If something happens to me, don't come to my aid. It's preferable that one of us at least has some sanctuary.

    Bayley smiles and says he's a great friend. She hugs him as Bockwinkel heads out.

    ***commercial break***

    We see a commercial involving a group of five bullies aged about 16 or 17 picking on two other kids of the same age.

    Konnan walks by and tells them to stop. 'Don't be a bully, be a star' he says.

    But Konnan, says one of the bullies, look at what shirts they're wearing. They unzip the two chaps's hoodies and we see one of them wearing a BWA shirt and the other one a WECWF shirt.

    Konnan: 'My mistake amigos, carry on.' The bullies go back to chasing after the two fellas as Konnan turns to the camera. 'Hey, sometimes tough love is necessary.'

    Bischoff was in the ring with all the members of what the announcers were calling The Autocracy – Marty Jones, a sullen-looking Rikishi, Kim Kardashian, and of course Dynamite King, the leader.

    Bischoff spoke about Grapplemania and said it was the showcase of the immortals. He mentioned the great World Title moments that had encapsulated the past three title-winning years: Shawn Michaels taking the title away from the company in 2012; Dusty Rhodes joining the Four Horsemen and helping Flair retain the gold in 2013; and CM Punk defeating Hulk Hogan last year.

    Bischoff said this year Dynamite King would defeat Stone Cold in the greatest match of all time and cement his place among the ranks of the other legends.


    Nick Bockwinkel then entered to a big pop. He said Bischoff knew nothing about the history of the company and the fans would never accept him. He made reference to the ‘Get the Bisch Out’ campaign which was referenced on the Preview Show, and said that it now had half a million signatures worldwide.

    He blasted Bischoff for firing J.R. and Davey Boy, and accused him of getting behind a bullying coward in Dynamite King. He said as far as Dynamite goes, ‘I am one of the doubters.’ He challenged Dynamite to a match right now as the fans cheered. Dynamite was fuming and looked like he was ready for a fight.
    Commentator #1: Bischoff needs this about as much as a hole in the head! Dynamite King is easily provoked as Davey Boy found out last week, and it looks like he wants to face Bockwinkel.

    Commentator #2: Bischoff wanted to keep Dynamite fresh for Grapplemania but that plan may have been changed.

    Just when it looks like Dynamite is going to rise to the bait again, Marty Jones steps forward and points at Bockwinkel.
    Marty Jones: How dare you, ya cheeky bastid! You aren’t fit to lace the boots of Dynamite King! You’ve sullied the name of the greatest fookin’ wrestla who ever lived and I demand a match against you, right now so I can shut your bloody gob!

    Bockwinkel: Very well, Jones. I wanted to put down a Bulldog but it looks like instead I’m going to have to put down a lapdog.

    Bischoff seems noticeably relieved and is about to make the match when Bockwinkel interjects.

    Bockwinkel: I have one more request to make, Bischoff.

    Bischoff (laughing): Oh you do, do you? Okay, you got me curious, Nick. Go on.

    Bockwinkel: That foul-mouthed hussy in the ring: Kim Kardashian…

    The fans cheer as Kim’s mouth drops at the insult.

    Bockwinkel: She said last week that she wanted to have the derriere of that Sell-Out, aka Rikishi, put in Bayley’s face at Grapplemania.

    Kim smiles and begins slapping Rikishi’s big butt as Rikishi seems irritated.

    Bockwinkel: I meanwhile said last week that someone should teach a foul-mouthed creature like Kim a lesson. Well, myself and Bayley talked it over and here’s our proposal – at Grapplemania we have what we’ve dubbed a Soap ‘n’ Stink match.

    Bischoff: A what?

    Bockwinkel: A soap ‘n’ stink match, Eric. A first-time match for the industry. It will work like so - if Rikishi and Kim defeat us, then my friend Bayley will concede to taking a Stinkface from that gelatinous, money-grubbing, malcontent Rikishi.

    But…if myself and Bayley win…

    Bockwinkel reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bar of soap as the fans cheer.

    Bockwinkel: If we win, then we get to wash out that foul mouth of Kim’s by having her eat this bar of soap right here. I don’t suppose you’ll like it a great deal, Kim, despite the fact we all know you’ve had far worse stuffed into that non-stop yapping contraption of yours.

    The fans cheer as Kim is seen mouthing swear words. Bischoff shakes his head and looks like he is going to decline the idea when Kim grabs the mic.

    Kim: You think that scares me, asshole? I know me and my bodyguard can beat you. Bring it on, motherf*cker.
    Commentator #1: We apologise for that language ladies and gentlemen, but what a match this is gonna be!

    Commentator #2: Soap ‘N’ Stink: I like it! It’s what they should call the team of me and you.

    Bischoff then rings the bell as the other members of The Autocracy exit and leave Marty alone – although Rikishi and Kim stick around. Dynamite barks some orders at Rikishi before heading up the aisle. Rikishi meanwhile stands there grimacing.

    Match – Nick Bockwinkel vs Marty Jones

    A match that starts off with a lot of brawling as a pissed off Marty comes at Bockwinkel with fists, elbows and uppercuts. Bockwinkel doesn’t back down, however, and matches the physicality.

    Twenty minutes in and the match has become a great technical showcase for both guys. Highlights include Bockwinkel hitting a missile dropkick that sends Marty to the outside, as well as Marty nailing Bockwinkel with five successive gut-wrench suplexes.

    The finish sees Bockwinkel slip out of a tombstone attempt by Marty and he nails Jones with a piledriver. As he is about to go for a cover, Rikishi stands up on the apron. Bockwinkel punches him down but Jones from behind cradles him and grabs a handful of tights for the 1…2…3.

    Winner: Marty Jones

    After the match Jones gets in Bockwinkel’s face and says that’s what he gets for his treasonous remarks against the King. Bockwinkel then clobbers Jones to the ground and begins punching him.

    Rikishi then enters the ring and drags Bockwinkel off Jones. He then drops his big ass on Bockwinkel’s chest as Kim cheers. Rikishi then exits the ring and walks up the aisle.

    After Rikishi exits, Marty Jones and Kim begin putting boots (and high heels) to Bockwinkel who is defenceless. While this is going on Dynamite King comes back out and goes face to face with Rikishi for a moment before heading down to the ring.


    He joins in the assault on Bockwinkel with Marty and Kim.

    Rikishi meanwhile is standing on the ramp watching this going on and shaking his head. The fans are raising their voices now, indicating they want Rikishi to go down and stop this.
    Commentator #1: Listen to this crowd! They want Rikishi to intervene. I think he’s considering it!

    Rikishi takes a step towards the ring as the fans cheer widly, but he then turns around and walks up the aisle as the fans boo.
    Commentator #2: Nah, Rikishi knows which side of his bread is buttered.

    We then see a shot of Bayley watching on backstage with her hands to her face. She watches on as Dynamite King, Marty Jones and Kim Kardashian raise their hands over the beaten Bockwinkel.

    ***commercial break***

    ***backstage segment*** Bischoff is in the hallway with Marty and Dynamite.

    Marty is holding his neck, selling the effects of Bockwinkel's piledriver. Dynamite says he's worried about Marty and tells him to go get that neck checked by the doctor. Marty begins to object but Dynamite says it's an order. He leaves as instructed.

    Bischoff remarks to Dynamite that he thought there should be more security back here. Dynamite says he's sure Marty has got a handle on things. A security guard walks by and Bischoff asks him why the security back here is light. The guard says Marty phoned and ordered it to be that way. Dynamite says 'See?' and strolls off. Bischoff turns to leave and asks the guard, 'you're certain Marty said that?' The guard says he's sure he recognises Marty's British accent. The guard leaves as Bischoff pauses for a moment and then follows Dynamite.

    ***Elsewhere*** Nick Bockwinkel is helped away

    We see Nick Bockwinkel being carried by two medics. Bayley comes along and hugs Nick and says she was worried. Nick smiles through the pain and jokes she should see the other guy. He tells her the medics want to assess him at a local facility and apologises that he won’t be around later in case Bayley needs him. He warns her to be careful when she has her match. She promises she will and hugs him once more.

    The camera then pans away and around a corner: we see Kim Kardashian pressed up by the wall having just been eavesdropping on the conversation. She smiles at what she’s heard as the scene ends.

    Match – Sweet Saraya vs Bayley

    As soon as the match begins Saraya went for a chop block and begin working over the leg of Bayley.
    ***Flashback*** - Bayley landed hard on her knee last week and hurt it.

    The story of the match was Saraya working over the knee and Bayley hanging in there as Saraya took control.

    During the match, Kim Kardashian walks down the ring by herself and cheers on Saraya. She mocks Bayley when she is writhing on the mat in agony.

    The finish of the match sees Saraya go up top to drop a knee on Bayley’s leg – but Bayley rolls out of the way. She then springs up and goes to hit the Belly to Bayley on Saraya, but her knee buckled. Immediately Saraya locked on her submission finisher, the Knightmare. As Bayley desperately crawled to the rope with the ref asking if she wanted to quit, behind the ref’s back Kim pulled the ropes away from Bayley and she was left with little option but to tap out.

    Winner: Saraya Knight

    Saraya afterwards got a mic.
    Saraya: Hey Kim, it looks like I’ve softened up this dozy cow pretty good for you this Sunday. I’ve shown you a lot in our training sessions but now let me show you what a stomp to the leg looks like - it will prove pretty useful for you, darlin.’

    Saraya goes to lay some kicks on the prone Bayley, but Kim stops her.

    Kim: F*ck yeah that sounds awesome Saraya, but, you know, what I really want to do to this bitch is humiliate her. I want her to realise a face like hers doesn’t belong in show-business. On Sunday, my bodyguard Rikishi is gonna stick his big ass in her ugly face – but before that why don’t we clean her up a bit, hmm? Her friend Nick Bockwinkel says I have a filthy mouth and wants to wash it out with soap, but guess what...

    Kim reaches down her bra and pulls out a bar of soap of her own.

    Kim: …instead it’s gonna be Bayley that has to clean up her act! Do me a favour Saraya, hold her down so I can wash out her sh*t-talking mouth. Despite Rikishi’s poor manners I still wouldn’t want him catching something from this little hoe…
    Commentator #1: This is disgraceful! And Bockwinkel can't stop it as he's been taken to a medical facility! This foul-mouthed Kardashian is gonna make Bayley swallow a mouthful of soap…








    Commentator #2: Oh my God, she is here! Paige is here!
    The roof goes off the place as the MNG Women’s Champion runs down the aisle and goes to the aid of her friend, Bayley. As she enters the ring Kim Kardashian gets in her face screaming ‘this doesn’t concern you’ and tells her to stay out of it. She slaps Paige across the face as Saraya watches on from behind.
    Commentator #2: Uh oh, that may have been a mistake, Kim.

    Commentator #1: The last time she slapped an MNG performer it didn’t end well for her!
    Paige looks to the fans who cheer. She then slaps Kim across the face twice as hard, and nails Kim with the Paige Turner as Saraya looks on, unmoved.

    Paige then throws Kim out of the ring as a referee comes in and, with the help of Paige, helps Bayley out of the ring. Throughout, Saraya looks on; her eyes fixed on her daughter. Paige gets a mic.

    Paige: I know what you’re thinking, mum.

    Paige’s eyes begin to well up and her bottom lip starts to quiver.

    Paige: Last week you called me ‘weak’ and said ‘I didn’t have what it takes’. But now that I’m out here, in this ring, facing you eye to eye, woman to woman, you’re thinking to yourself: ‘is this weakness, or is it strength?’ ‘Does she have what it takes, or doesn’t she?’ And as I look in your eyes right now…

    A tear rolls down Paige’s cheek and she pauses to compose herself as the fans chant, ‘Paige, Paige.’

    Paige: As I look in your eyes right now I can tell that you just don’t know, do you? Because here’s the thing, mum. Last week you told these people and you told me that we have no idea what you’re capable of. But guess what, mum? You have no idea what I am capable of.

    The fans cheer as Saraya gets a mic of her own.

    Saraya: No, Paige. No, that wasn’t what I was thinking. Because Paige no one knows you better than I do. I know what you’re thinking before you do. That’s the way mothers are. And when your father, and your brother, pleaded with me this past week not to take you on in the ring at Grapplemania, I told them what I’m going to tell you: when I take that title from around your waist, I do it not just for my sake, but for yours. Because you don’t deserve it.

    The fans boo Saraya as Paige shakes her head, wiping away a tear.

    Saraya: You want to know what I was thinking, as you came out here like Wonder Woman to save the day? I was thinking, ‘what a complete and utter disappointment you are, child.’ You have learned nothing that I’ve taught you. Your heart is too weak, too warm and too fuzzy, and you let it turn that brain of yours to mush. You care for these people, for your friend Bayley. You want to be a role model for all of these idiot fans out here.

    But my heart is not weak and warm; it is strong like ice. And my mind is just as sharp. These are the tools that will take me to that championship at Grapplemania. Because make no mistake Paige, there will be no sympathy from me; there will be no regrets; no remorse; at Grapplemania I will show the world that I am the top star of the Knight Dynasty and I will beat you in this ring.

    Saraya then slaps Paige hard across the face. The fans chant ‘Paige, Paige’ as Paige remains motionless, tears rolling down her cheeks.

    Saraya: I told ya you were weak. Look at you. You’re pathetic.

    She hits Paige again - this time a clubbing blow to her chest that floors her. Again the fans chant for Paige.


    Saraya: I knew you didn’t have what it takes. Unfortunately for you, I do. And at Grapplemania, when I kick your arse and take that title from you, believe me Paige: unlike when you were conceived, it won’t be an accident!

    Paige then lets out a scream and jumps to her feet, and begins clubbing her mother’s face with rights and lefts as Saraya is taken aback with surprise.

    Paige then runs the ropes and clotheslines her mother over the ropes and sends her tumbling to the floor as the fans go wild.
    Commentator #1: Paige has heard enough, and you can’t blame her!

    Commentator #2: Maybe her mama was wrong! Paige doesn’t look so weak right now!
    Paige picks up the mic as her mother holds her face and looks stunned.

    Paige: I didn’t want this, mum. I didn’t ask for this. Despite all the crap you’ve been coming out with, I never wanted you in my shadow. I never wanted these people to cheer me at your expense. But if they do…if these people do prefer me over you…I know why it is – because they know I’m better than you!

    Saraya, now on her backside, is stunned and shakes her head as Paige laughs.

    Paige: Oh yeah, they know it and at Grapplemania you too will learn it because this title of mine is going nowhere. And you will learn, at long last…THIS IS MY HOUSE, BITCH!!!

    The fans cheer as Paige’s music plays and she clutches her title as Saraya backs up the aisle, shaking her head and mouthing ‘just you wait.’

    Commentator #1: It seems to me like Paige has stepped up in a big way here. I don’t think Saraya knows her daughter as well as she thinks!

    Commentator #2: Huh-ho baby, I cannot wait for this match. Mother versus daughter for the first time ever in the Draft! I wish this match were right now cos I can’t wait ‘til Grapplemania!

    ***commercial break***

    ***Backstage - Rikishi's locker room ***

    We see Rikishi packing his gear and preparing to leave as Kim barges in holding her neck with one hand and her face with another hand.

    Kim: Hey! Where the f*ck were you? I just got humiliated AGAIN on national television. You told me you’d be there for me, bitch tits!

    Rikishi ignores her.

    Kim (grabbing him by the arm): Look at me when I’m talking to you, fat ass!

    Rikishi (freeing himself from her grasp): ‘Fat ass?’ Look who’s talking. I don't know what your problem is. You asked me to come out if Bockwinkel or Bayley caused you problems. You didn’t say anything about Paige.

    Rikishi smiles. Kim nods her head and then slaps Rikishi hard across the Samoan’s face.

    Kim: If it wasn’t for the fact I need you this Sunday I’d fire you as my bodyguard right now. And I have enough influence with Eric to have you fired from this company altogether if I wanted. Don’t forget that! Don’t ever forget that you’re my bitch, and I’m twice the bitch you are. Got it?

    What I’m gonna do instead is I’m cutting your pay 50% and we’ll see what effect that has on your family's medical bills, you f*cking asshole!

    Kim goes to slap him again but this time Rikishi blocks it and holds her arm. He stares her down for several seconds.

    Rikishi: You know something, Kim. Bockwinkel was right about one thing: you do have a foul mouth.

    Rikishi picks up his bags and walks out as Kim roars at him that he can't leave. But he does.

    ***Elsewhere*** Marty in the doctor's office is still waiting on the doctor

    Marty is holding the back of his neck and looking anxious. There is a blonde nurse there with him.

    Marty Jones: Will you tell that bloody doctor to hurry it up, love? I’ve been waitin' nearly 'alf a bleedin' hour 'ere and I've got important work to do. My King needs me.

    Nurse: The doctor will be here soon, Mr. Jones. Please be patient.

    Marty Jones: I need to look after the security situation. Go find ‘im and tell ‘im to hurry up or there will be more firings around here if you catch my drift, darlin’.

    She scuttles off to find the doctor.

    Marty Jones (muttering and looking at the floor): Working with a bunch of stupid sods ‘ere.

    After she leaves, a fellow in a white coat enters and walks past to study Marty’s chart. He has his back to Marty.

    Marty: Oi! Doc! ‘Bout bleedin’ time you turned up. Quit staring at that poxy chart and get over ‘ere and see to my neck.

    The doctor turns.


    Stone Cold: What seems to be the problem, sir?

    A look of horror falls on Marty’s face as Austin begins hammering away at Marty with rights and lefts, knocking him to the floor and then stomping a mud hole in him as J.R. would say. Austin then takes his stethoscope and puts it to Marty’s chest.

    Stone Cold: Hell Marty, ya look a damn mess. My doctor’s diagnosis is not something you’re gonna want to hear but I think I better tell it to ya straight, son.

    You’re suffering from a condition known as sorry sumbitch-itis. Symptoms include spouting a bunch of crap from your gums, and bending your ass over so damn much you lose your spine completely. Fortunately, there is a cure. It involves a size thirteen boot enema right up your sorry ass.

    So hell son, hold steady cos this might just sting a bit.

    Marty: No, no, no! Please!

    Stone Cold puts a very rough ass whooping on Marty leaving the leader of the Kingsguard writing in agony on the ground. Austin then takes the stethoscope and...well, you can figure the rest out.

    The nurse re-enters.

    Stone Cold: Nurse, get this man a proctologist. Stat.

    Austin leaves the room as the nurse is seen pulling back Marty’s tights and wincing at what she sees.

    ***commercial break***

    ***backstage*** G.M. Eric Bischoff's office

    Dynamite is there pacing the halls. 'Can't believe that fat bastid walked out' he says. 'Kim's gone looking for him' says Bischoff, but the G.M. doesn't look convinced he will be seeing either person again on this night.

    'Where the fookin' hell is Marty?' says Dynamite. 'He should be back by now.'

    Then a lackey bursts in and says Marty has been attacked by Austin. He says the nurse saw Austin leave and come back with ropes and a hood.

    'Bloody hell' says Dynamite. 'What's that mad bastid up to now?'

    One other thing, adds the lackey: Jim Ross is here and he's about to head out and make his farewell address. Bischoff and Dynamite look at one another. 'Good thing we have that bargaining chip' says Bischoff and they hurry out of the room.

    Final Segment – Jim Ross's Farewell Address

    J.R. gets a standing ovation from his fellow Okies as he enters the ring. He takes a mic.

    Jim Ross: I want to thank you for that very humbling reception…

    The music of Dynamite King immediately hits and he marches down the aisle with Eric Bischoff following close behind. They enter the ring.

    Dynamite King: I’m afraid Jim Ross your farewell speech looks like it will be a farewell before you go to spend the rest of your life eating barbecue food through a fookin' straw. Don't act confused. I heard what what that bald bastid friend of yours did to the leader of my Kingsguard and don’t tell me it’s nothin’ to do with you. After what happened last week it’s obvious you two are in cahoots, Jim Ross.

    Now you’re no longer here as our guest, but as my hostage.

    J.R. puts his hands up and nods his head ruefully, as if he's not surprised. Dynamite smiles and grabs J.R.'s arms, putting them behind his back as the fans boo and chant for Austin.

    Bischoff (turning to the ramp): We know you’re back there, Austin. We know you took out Marty and you must have been responsible for easing the security presence backstage. But we’ve still got the one person in this world you care about: that ass-kissing friend of yours, J.R. And unless you want Dynamite to break his neck, get your ass out here right now!

    The fans again chant for Austin but there is silence. Dynamite then lifts J.R. up into a tombstone piledriver position…
    Commentator #1: No, not this!

    Commentator #2: Oh my God.

    The fans erupt as Stone Cold's music hits and the announcers note what a relief it is that he is here.

    Dynamite releases J.R. from the move (though continues to hold him) as Austin steps out on stage – but he is not alone; he has a bargaining chip of his own.
    Commentator #2: Marty Jones! Tied up and hooded! Austin has him hostage!

    Commentator #1: Looks like we’ve got a stand-off here, fans.
    Bischoff: Austin, you son of a bitch. Let Marty Jones go or J.R. gets his damn neck broken!

    Bischoff stands there furious but Dynamite by contrast smiles and pushes Bischoff’s mic down.

    Dynamite: It’s alright, Eric. I quite like this. It’s an old-fashioned prisoner swap he wants by the looks of it. Last week he played a knight in shining armour and this week he wants to play Cowboys and Indians. And I know you’d have no problem breaking Marty’s neck if I so much as laid a hair on your buddy J.R.’s head. That’s one thing I’ve always admired about you, Austin. You are a ruthless bastid.

    In many ways, when you think about it, you and I aren’t so different, Austin.

    Stone Cold: You bet your ass we’re different you sick son of a bitch. And we’re gonna stay different after Grapplemania ‘cos I’m gonna remain the one with the World Title belt, unlike you ya little bastard.

    Dynamite laughs.

    Dynamite: Austin, I think you’re forgetting that there was once a time when you were the one that was putting your hands on J.R. It was around the time you ‘sold your soul to the devil’ as J.R. put it, aligning yourself with Vince McMahon. Back then you viciously attacked The Rock in order to claim the Heavyweight Title.

    Is that really so different to me aligning myself with Eric Bischoff in order to claim your title, and viciously attacking you? And if I take out this redneck cowboy bastid, does that make me any worse than you?

    Austin listens to this with a scowl on his face.

    Dynamite: Face it, Austin. The reason you hate me so much…the reason you regard this match on Sunday as the biggest of your career…it isn’t because you don’t know what to expect; it’s because you know exactly what to expect. Because you know you and I think and act the same way.

    We’re both willing to give our bodies and souls in this ring to be the best, and we don’t care who we step on along the way to make it to the top.
    You hate me because you know, deep down, I'm just like you. And you know you’ve never faced someone who understands you so well; who thinks like you; behaves like you. And that’s why this Sunday I will have your number Mr. 3:16, and I will become the new World Champion.

    Stone Cold: Are ya gonna flap your gums all day, jackass, or are ya gonna make the damn trade?

    Dynamite nods and tells Bischoff to make the trade as Bischoff is surprised. He beckons Austin down.
    Commentator #1: Austin is dragging Marty down with him towards the ring but it looks like he’s stopping at the ropes.
    Stone Cold: I can see this man means a lot to you, Dynamite.

    Dynamite: He’s my mentor. He helped make me who I am.

    Stone Cold: Would you trust him in this ring against any opponent?

    Dynamite: You bet your arse I would. He helped revolutionize this business and he has the measure of anyone in this ring. I trusted him against Bockwinkel tonight and he didn’t let me down.

    Stone Cold: Does Bischoff trust him though? And does Bischoff trust your judgement of him?

    Bischoff: What are you getting at, Austin?

    Stone Cold: I propose that at Grapplemania you have Marty Jones in one corner, representing you pieces of trash, and in the other corner we have a man representing good ol’ J.R. A man who will be fighting for the chance to win back J.R.’s job – as well as his own: Davey Boy Smith!

    The fans cheer as Bischoff shakes his head; Dynamite remains motionless.

    Bischoff: Forget it, Austin. I fired them and they stay fired! Bottom line!

    The fans boo.

    Stone Cold: Hmm, it sounds to me Eric like you are doubting your King.

    The fans cheer as Dynamite eyes up Bischoff.

    Stone Cold: If Marty is as good as you say, Dynamite, and can measure up against anyone, then let him prove it against another British icon in Davey Boy. Let Davey Boy fight for his job - and J.R.’s. But I think you’re afraid, son; afraid Marty can’t get the job done against Davey Boy, just like you’re afraid you can’t get the job done against me.

    Dynamite’s face turns beetroot as Bischoff is shaking his head at Dynamite.

    Dynamite: Make the fookin’ match, Eric, and let Marty prove this bastid wrong.

    Stone Cold smiles as Eric tries to talk Dynamite out of it.

    Dynamite: Are you doubting me, Eric? Make the bloody match, I said. I am the King!
    Commentator#1: Unlike earlier, looks like Dynamite’s hotheadedness is going to cause problems for the G.M.!
    Bischoff: Damn you, Austin. Fine. The match is made by royal decree: at Grapplemania, Davey Boy Smith will face Marty Jones with J.R.’s job - and Davey Boy’s - on the line.

    The fans cheer as Austin steps forward with his hostage tentatively, as does Dynamite with J.R. Both hostages are then shoved forward as Austin catches J.R. who thanks him and rubs his sore arms.

    Dynamite (smiling): Now that the exchange has been made we all know Austin you’re gonna want to go after me and Eric like you promised last week. Unfortunately for you though, it looks like the numbers are in my favour. Marty, let’s go grab this bastid; and make sure his cowboy pal doesn’t go anywhere either.

    Suddenly up on the titantron we see a dingy hallway and there is Marty Jones tied to the chair with an Austin 3:16 shirt on him.
    Commentator #2: Wait a minute! If Marty Jones is up there, then who is…
    Dynamite pulls off the hostage’s hood and discovers it’s not Marty under there but…

    Commentator #1: It’s Davey Boy! It was Davey Boy all along! Dynamite and Bischoff got played by Austin – again!

    Commentator #2: The masked man strategy isn't working too well for Dynamite lately!

    Commentator #1: A taste of his own medicine!
    Davey Boy begins hammering away at Dynamite with rights and lefts as Bischoff’s security enter the ring and break up the melee. Dynamite manages to escape and head up the aisle as the security guys try to restrain Austin and Davey Boy.
    Commentator #1: Look at this! Stone Cold and Davey Boy are fighting off Bischoff's security!
    Commentator #2: You know what, I bet Davey Boy was responsible for security being scaled down backstage. Remember that security guy told Bischoff he got a phone call from a guy with a British accent? That helped Austin get in the building.
    There are Stone Cold Stunners and Powerslams aplenty as Bischoff's henchmen drop like flies.

    Bischoff turns to leave the ring and head up the aisle too but J.R. spots it and he grabs hold of Bischoff’s leg.
    Commentator #2: Look at Ross! He’s got Bischoff!
    All of the security guards have now been knocked on their backsides by Austin and Davey Boy and as Dynamite watches from the ramp, Davey Boy grabs Bischoff as Stone Cold approaches the General Manager.
    Commentator #1: Bischoff is like a cornered rat now and Dynamite King doesn’t look like he’s in any hurry to go down and help!
    Bischoff looks up the ramp at his King who refuses to budge and panic floods his face; he gulps and reaches down for his mic.

    Bischoff: Wait a minute, Austin! Wait a minute. You're forgetting something. Remember what I told you on the first show of the new season – my contract explicitly states that I can’t be physically assaulted without prior provocation. If you do touch me without provocation, I can and will strip you of your World Title!

    The fans boo as a grin returns to Bischoff’s face.
    Commentator #2: Aha! We forgot about that stipulation. That just might save Bischoff’s bacon!
    As Bischoff is beginning to feel good about life again, from behind, J.R. steps forward and shoves Bischoff forward, sending him into Austin.
    The fans cheer as a look of horror fills Bischoff’s face
    Commentator #1: Uh oh! I think that may just count as prior provocation, you know!

    Commentator #2: What, he barely touched him! And it was Ross’s doing!
    A smile falls on Austin’s face as he gives Bischoff the one-fingered salute and drops the General Manager with a stunner.


    He follows it up with some more stomps and trash-talks over Bischoff’s body.

    Dynamite meanwhile watches on from the ramp as Austin sits on the middle rope, beckoning Dynamite to come down. Instead, a smile creeps over Dynamite’s face and he mouths ‘I’m still standing.’
    Commentator #2: Look at this! Dynamite is smiling! He doesn’t care about anybody but himself!

    Commentator #1: Last week Austin got his revenge on Rikishi ; this week Austin got his revenge on Bischoff. There’s just one man left on Austin’s hit-list: Dynamite King. And it looks like we’re gonna have to wait ‘til Grapplemania for that.

    These two men will clash at Grapplemania for the World Heavyweight Title. This could not be more personal; the stakes could not be higher. Dynamite’s called it his chance at immortality; Austin’s said his very career may be on the line. One man is fighting for respect, another for revenge.

    A match that will define legacies; a match that will determine legends.
    In the ring, Austin shares beers with J.R. and Davey Boy. Then J.R. approaches the announce desk. He puts a headset on.

    Jim Ross: Hey guys! Is this a hell of a great night in Oklahoma City, or what? Boomer Sooner! Oh hell yeah!

    The announcers start laughing.

    Commentator #2: I gotta hand it to you, Ross. You and Austin have had Dynamite King and Bischoff's number the past two weeks.

    Commentator #1: J.R. we're almost off the air. I'll leave the last words to you.

    Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, you're talking about seven emotionally-charged match-ups this Sunday. Titles will be on the line. Reputations will be on the line. Bah gawd folks, this event is not to be missed.

    Calls your local operators. Sign up to the PW Boards Network. Just make sure you don't miss…GRAPPLLLEMAANNNIIIAAAA!!!

    The credits roll.

    Final card for Monday Night Grappling: Grapplemania...

    World Heavyweight Championship
    Dynamite King vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)

    Mask vs Mask match (2 out of 3 falls)
    Rey Mysterio vs Mistico w/Konnan

    Women's Championship
    Paige (c) vs Sweet Saraya

    World Tag Team Titles
    Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (c) vs Kevin & David Von Erich

    No Holds Barred match: MNG Legends Championship
    Tyler Breeze vs Kerry Von Erich (c)

    Career match: Davey Boy must win to get back his and J.R.'s jobs
    Davey Boy Smith w/Jim Ross vs Marty Jones w/Eric Bischoff

    Soap 'n' Stink match: If Baywinkel win, Kim eats a bar of soap; if they lose, Bayley takes a stinkface
    Baywinkel (Bayley & Nick Bockwinkel) vs Kim Kardashian & Rikishi

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,012 ✭✭✭✭Alfred Borden


    Jerry: Hello all and welcome to the biggest pay per view event of the year, broadcasting live from Madison Square Garden.

    Mikey: Agreed partner, its gets no bigger than WrestleCade. Tonight is going to be off the charts.

    Jerry: Who will walk out the World Heavyweight Champion? Who will have full control of the USCW? Can Ryback beat Goldberg’s streak?

    Mikey: Well, we are about to find out. So put up your feet for the next four hours and have a good one folks!

    Jerry: We get started with the Women’s Title match. Of course it’s a family affair after Brie won the title from her sister Nikki a few weeks back.

    Mikey: Come on! She cheated her you douche!

    Both Bella’s make their way out to the ring. Brie is getting the pop, while Nikki gets a “Slut” chant. Brie offers to shake Nikki's hand before the bell rings but Nikki rejects her sister’s good nature and slaps her across the face. The bell rings and Nikki starts beating down her sister. Nikki dominates most of the match; taking turns to trash talk her fallen sister. Just as she is about to put away her sister, Brie rolls her up with a small package. The ref counts, 1……2………..3!! Brie has retained her title. She rolls out of the ring quickly as Nikki is irate in the ring. Brie makes her way up the ramp and lifts the gold above her head.


    Winner and still the Women’s Champion: Brie Bella

    Jerry: What a victory for Brie Bella over her sister. What did you make of that partner?

    Mikey: Well that was just awful. Yee can all come back from your toilet breaks now; I repeat the divas matches are finished for the night.

    Jerry: Eh, that’s bad taste partner.

    Mikey: Well that match left a bad taste in my mouth. Onto the proper stuff now!

    Hollywood Hogan Tribute

    We can now see John Laurinaitis and Jimmy Hart talking in the GM’s office.
    John Laurinaitis: I’ve put a lot of faith in you Jimmy. I’ve paid you well. You cannot let Mr Excitement himself down tonight.

    Jimmy Hart talking back through his megaphone( which infuriates everyone including Laurinaitis): John, my old friend. What did Jimmy Hart tell you a few weeks back? I said I would personally guarantee a Bundy victory and I stand by that. You will be the sole owner of the USCW in about two hours.

    John Laurinaitis: Jimmy, is there any need for the megaphone?

    Jimmy Hart again using the megaphone: Well actually there is Johnny. How can people expect to hear the true voice of intellect Jimmy Hart over all these dumb fans?

    John Laurinaitis: That is very true, the New York audience is probably the dumbest in the country. Well Jimmy, it’s been nice doing business with you.

    Laurinaitis puts out his hand to shake and Hart shakes it back as both men smile.

    Jerry: We now have a fatal four way elimination match for the Tag Team Titles. Under the conditions of this match, the titles can switch hands with any result, be that count out, submission or the good old fashioned way. Mikey, who do you fancy to win this here?

    Mikey: I’m going with the Champs. The Twin Towers have been dominant since they got here and they shouldn’t fear anyone in this match.

    The match starts with a big scramble with all four teams inside the ring. Eventually The Twin Towers knock both members of the Long Island Broskis to the outside and follow them to the outside. They start to beat down both Ryder and Hawkins as the teams of H&H and The Mega Plowers battle it outside inside the ring. Cody Hall eventually floors Buff Bagwell with a strong clothesline. Val Venis responds by hitting Hall with a dropkick. Venis and Henning deliver strikes to each other, until Venis finally gets the upper hand. He floors Henning with the Big Package and goes up top to hit his patented finisher, the Money Shot. Suddenly from nowhere a masked man comes through the crowd and pushes Venis off the top rope to the outside. He grabs a steel chair and heads into the ring. He rattles the chair off Bagwells head and drags Henning on top of him to make the cover. The referee makes the count…..1………..2……….3! The Mega Plowers have been eliminated.

    Jerry: Who the hell is that? Screwed the Mega Plowers! God Damn it!

    Mikey: I’m not one to cast suspicions but Pedro Morales would have to be the main suspect after what he did last week.

    Jerry: Ya, got to admit that is a good shout! I hope not though, Morales is better than this.

    Mikey: Is he really though? I can’t wait till Rick Rude puts him down later on. Again I can’t see past the Twin Towers here.


    The masked man quickly exits up the ramp as the Bossman gets back in the ring. He starts to beat down Henning but Hawkins makes the save. Hawkins and Henning start to double team him, hitting him with a variety of different moves. Eventually Akeem makes the save and starts to clear house. He eventually piles Henning on top of Hawkins and hits the 747 Splash on both men at the same time! Henning is laid flat on Hawkins so the ref makes the count.1…………….2…………3! Henning unknowingly again eliminates another team, this time in the form of the Long Island Broski’.

    Mikey: Wow. Henning’s on a roll. Where’s his partner Cody Hall?

    Jerry: Mr Imperfect is going about this in you could say an effective way so far.

    Cody Hall gets back in the ring and starts to beat down on Akeem but he is quickly overcome by the power of the bigger man. Akeem hits him with a head butt which floors Hall. Henning sneaks up behind Akeem and throws him over the top rope. Bossman begins to beat away on Henning and lines him up against the rope. Bossman goes to charge at Henning to knock him over the ropes but Henning ducks and Bossman himself flies over the top rope. The referee is making the count and he is up to a count of 7. Both men start to get to their feet as Henning helps pick up Hall. He seems to be checking on his tag partner’s condition, showing some real concern. Just as both members of the Twin Towers are clawing onto the ropes, Henning grabs Hall and tosses him towards both men, flooring the Champs. The referee continues his count….8………….9……………..10. We got new champions!

    Mikey: Wow, Henning is a genius!

    Henning grabs both titles and gets down on his knees celebrating in the ring. Henning is crying with joy as he kisses both titles. Hall looks on at him feeling his ribs as we cut to a promo.

    Mikey: What a man. Give the kid both titles. He’s earned it tonight.

    Jerry: Henning did eliminate all three teams, which is quite impressive.

    Mikey: All with no help from his tag partner, Cody Hall!

    Jerry: I think Mr Imperfect got enough luck and help tonight, don’t you.


    Winners and new Tag Team Champions: H&H

    Randy Savage Tribute


    We see Nikki Bella leaving a dressing room with a guilty look on her face. The door closes and the name “Pedro Morales” is wrote on it.

    Mikey: What the hell is going on there?

    Jerry: I don’t know partner, maybe they are in cahoots?

    Mikey: Rude better dump that trash.

    We now see Rocky Johnson talking to Raf32 backstage.
    Raf32: So that’s all forgotten about Rocky? I don’t want any tension between us.

    Rocky Johnson: Of course it is boss. It’s in the past, time to draw a line under it and move on.

    Raf32: Cheers Rocky. It’s good to have ya back in the company. Probably my best decision since the last time I signed you.

    Rocky Johnson: We sure made a lot of money together and we will again starting tonight. Good luck boss, I’ll see ya out there!

    Johnson walks off as Raf32 looks confident.

    Jerry: That big match is soon but now we start off with a match that has become a strong rivalry. One where we saw Pedro Morales snap last week.

    Mikey: Pedro has had enough of the games going on around here and for that I salute him. But he is gonna get his teeth shoved down his throat by Rude.

    Jerry: Well you have been wrong all night so I won’t hold my breath.

    Both competitors make their way out and now stare each other down in the centre of the ring. They both lock up and Morales proves to be the stronger of the two, knocking Rude to the canvas. Rude rolls out under the bottom rope to catch a breather.

    Mikey: Smart move by the champ.

    Jerry: Cowardly move by Rude.

    He gets back in the ring and again locks up with Morales. This one goes on for longer and looks a lot more even but Morales eventually knocks Rude to the floor again with greater force than the first time. Again, Rude goes under the bottom rope and to the outside, pointing to his head saying “I’m too smart”. However Morales follows him out this time and throws him back into the ring, much to the crowds pleasure. As Morales gets back in the ring, Rude is there to meet him with kicks to the head. Rude begins to dominate now hitting moves such as a spike piledriver, a belly to back suplex and a DDT. Rude makes the cover after the DDT……1………….2……….No, Morales kicks out. This angers Rude who locks in a sleeper hold in the centre of the ring. Morales seems to be fading when suddenly he gets a second burst and fights his way out. He delivers elbows to the stomach of Rude and eventually hits him with a clothesline. Rude gets up and Morales hits him with his Caribbean Lift which again floors Rude. Morales locks in the Boston crab in the middle of the ring and it looks like Rude has nowhere to go. Just as Rude is about to tap, the Mega Plowers make their way to the ring with the mask used by the man who attacked them earlier on in the tag match.

    Morales has to break the hold and confronts the Mega Plowers who are standing just outside the ring. Val Venis can be heard screaming “We found this in your dressing room, you piece of trash”. Morales doesn’t look like he knows what’s going on as Rude gets to his feet. The ref is trying to get between Morales and the Mega Plowers. Suddenly we notice Nikki Bella crawling out from under the ring. She tosses Rude his US Title belt. The ref is now trying to remove the Mega Plowers who have not seen Nikki Bella. As Morales turns around, he is met by the title belt to the head. The Mega Plowers back off and Rude makes the cover….1………….2…………3!! Nikki Bella gets in the ring to celebrate with Rude as she points and laughs at the Mega Plowers. The Mega Plowers eventually realise what has went down and storm to the ring but Rude and Nikki escape through the crowd.

    Jerry: That good for nothing SOB. He got that poisonous Bella to plant the mask in Pedro’s locker room.

    Mikey: Wow so smart from Rude. Nikki is a lucky girl.

    Jerry: I think Rude will have an even bigger target on his back now for tomorrow night on Adrenaline.

    Winner and still the US Champion: Rick Rude


    We now have an interview backstage with Hollywood Hogan.

    “I don’t want to have to talk about the jealously of Randy Savage who can’t stand the fact that I’m the man, that I’m the leader and I’m the one that made wrestling what it is today. On the back of Hollywood’s shirt, if you read the fine print, it says “I am the man”. No truer words have been said about the man that all you people worship and tonight Ill prove that I’m the biggest icon this business has ever seen. Now let me talk about my best friend, that worn out, broken down, scare crowed hair Macho Man Randy Savage. I’m gonna break your spirit and after tonight you will have no choice but to officially retire from the wrestling world that we know today. Because once you diss Hollywood, once you mess with a man who makes each of your life’s better every day. You don’t mess with somebody Macho that the whole world worships because this will be the final goodbye to the Macho Man. Because when you’re with Hollywood, you’re with Hollywood for life! I’m gonna eat you alive in that cage, Savage. I can beat you over and over again, but in the cage Savage, I can hurt you Hollywood style, real bad. There’s no way your gonna beat Hollywood in a cage Savage because Hollywood Hogan is just too……sweet!”
    “Im gonna send you a brand new rocking chair Savage, so you can sit in it and watch me rule the wrestling world! “

    Jerry: Strong words from our champion there. And now it’s time for the match that will decide the faith of the USCW. King Kong Bundy vs Lou Thesz is next.

    Mikey: The beginning of the era of Mr Excitement, I’m so excited!

    King Kong Bundy comes out first with his manager Jimmy Hart. Hart is dressed as a trainer with a bucket and towel in his possession.

    Jerry: Jimmy Hart is really playing his part. He looks ridiculous.

    Mikey: The man guaranteed a victory for Bundy and will go to any means to achieve that. That’s true dedication.

    Next out is Lou Thesz with his manager Rocky Johnson.

    Mikey: Rocky Johnson is such a chump. Main evented WrestleCade last year to total side attraction this year. The man was released before he even got a rematch last year! Loser!

    Thesz starts off at a very quick start delivering a series of punches and kicks to Bundy. He eventually backs Bundy up against the ropes and clotheslines him over it to the outside. Hart rushes over to the fallen Bundy and wipes his head with the towel. He squirts some water in his mouth and gives his man a pep talk. Bundy gets back in the ring and again is flattened by Thesz. Thesz locks in a variety of different submissions including , a headlock, a double wrist-lock and the backbreaker submission. Bundy escapes these all narrowly each time but is really struggling.

    Jerry: Thesz is putting on a wrestling clinic. The greatest ever in my opinion.

    Mikey: Come on Bundy, get it together. I have every faith in Jimmy Hart.

    Thesz again picks Bundy up but is momentarily distracted by Hart, who has got up on the apron. This gives Bundy a chance back into the match, one he gratefully takes. Johnson rushes over to confront Hart and begins to get in his face to argue with him. The ref gets outside the ring to step in between them and eventually has had enough. He sends both men to the back which Johnson is extremely angry over. As both men exit to the back, Bundy is dissecting Thesz inside the ring. He hits Thesz with a body slam followed by an elbow drop and then a knew drop. Thesz seems to be in trouble. Bundy then hits his patented Avalanche Splash. The ref makes the count………1………………..2…………..NO! Thesz kicks out.

    Jerry: You have got to admire the never say die spirit of Lou Thesz.

    Bundy is clearly annoyed by this and goes to hit the Avalanche Splash again. However Thesz rolls out of the way in the last minute and now has a chance back into this match. He begins to beat away on Bundy and goes to Irish Whip him into the turnbuckle. As he does, Bundy collides with the referee, knocking him clean out. Thesz hits Bundy with the bridging belly to back suplex but the ref cant make the count.

    Jerry: 1,2,3,4,5! This should be over by now, Raf32 should be out here celebrating.

    We see Jimmy Hart walking down the aisle as he motions for someone to come out. It’s the Twin Towers and they storm down into the ring.

    Jerry: Ah no, not this way. Laurinaitis’ cronies!

    Mikey: Come on lads, finish this now!

    They get in the ring but are met by a spirited defence by Thez, he knocks both men to the floor with a series of punches but is attacked from behind by Bundy now. All three men start to beat down Thesz at the direction of Hart as the fans get a “Rocky” chant going.

    Mikey: He’s not coming folks. Make the cover, come on!

    We here a familiar theme….

    Jerry: Wrong again, Mike. Rocky is back to level the playing field.

    Johnson comes storming down to the ring with a steel chair in hand. The Twin Towers exit the ring quickly, leaving Bundy and Hart alone in the ring with the fallen Thesz. He gets in the ring as Bundy pleads with him not to strike him with the foreign object. As Thesz comes too, he is struck to the head by Johnson with the steel chair.

    Mikey: WOW!!! An earth shattering connection heard all around the world.

    Jerry: WTF Rocky, you piece of s**t!

    The fans boo loudly as Jimmy Hart offers Johnson his hand. Johnson duly obliges by shaking Harts hand and heads to the back! Bundy makes the cover as Hart tosses the ref into the ring. He makes he count slowly…………..1………………………….2……………………NO! Thesz has kicked out again.Wow! Bundy is extremely angry now and under the direction of Hart, hits three Avalanche Splashes in a row which surely will finish Thesz now. The ref makes the count……………….1………………..2…………………..3!!!

    Winner: King Kong Bundy

    Mikey: Oh my god, he has done it! The era of Mr Excitement begins now. Buckle on everyone!

    Jerry: Absolutely disgusting, Rocky Johnson has screwed Raf32 out of his company. Johnson, you piece of trash!

    Jerry: Oh no, not this guy! I can’t stand to see his gloating now.

    Mikey: This guy? That’s your boss you clown. All hail King Johnny. (Stands up to applause)

    Jerry: Oh god, I think I’m going to be sick!


    Laurinaitis comes out on his “People Power” scooter waving to the crowd. The crowd are not happy one bit as he enters the ring and shakes Harts hand.
    John Laurinaitis: Evening all! As you all know by now, my name is Mr John Laurinaitis, the General Manager of Monday Night Adrenaline and now…..the sole owner of USCW! Thank you Jimmy. Thank you Bundy. And thank you………Rocky Johnson!

    He salutes the crowd, as they boo heavily now so Laurinaitis is being drowned out.

    John Laurinaitis: “it’s a new day for sports entertainment. And you are all the lucky few that will be able to say that “I was there”. And you were there. You know who was also there? Raf32. As my first act as USCW ‘s full owner, I’m ordering security to remove him from MY building! Safe travels friend! Secondly, I think we need a name change. This company could do with a bit of freshening up and so from this day forward, USCW will be known as “John Laurinaitis Championship Wrestling (JLCW)”. It’s got a ring to it, doesn’t it?

    The fans are not happy one bit and get a “USCW” chant going!

    Jerry: Ah is there any need for this. Be the bigger man, you won! You don’t need to humiliate the man to this degree. This was his company!

    Mikey: Shut up, I’m trying to listen to the boss!
    John Laurinaitis: As you all know, I’m a man of very little words. I promise to give each and every single one of you the best value for money product going. And so ill leave you with this.
    As he raises his arms he chants: “People Power, People Power, People Power!

    The fans again drowned him out as he makes his way to the back!

    Jerry: The face of the USCW has changed forever.

    Mikey: Don’t you mean the JLCW?

    Jerry: I suppose I do!


    We now have a backstage segment with Randy Savage.

    “WrestleCade 2, Madison Square Garden, ya. 30000 plus people watching right here, ya. Hollywood Hogan is the World Heavyweight Champion and that’s something I have a problem with because past, present and future, the number one wrestler in the universe is the Macho Man Randy Savage. Tonight the Macho Man Randy Savage and Hollywood Hogan have a date with destiny, oh yeah! Hollywood Hogan is the biggest snake going and let me tell ya how ya destroy a snake. You take its heads off, yeah! Hollywood Hogan already drew the line in the sand; I’m just following it up. Fasten your seat belts because it’s going to be a bumpy, bumpy ride. Watch out for the flying elbow off the top rope. Not only will I beat Hogan, 1,2,3 but I’m gonna hurt him real bad! Oh Yeah!!! Macho Madness is coming straight at you Hogan, ya!”

    Mikey: That man is a freak. Hollywood is gonna put him down tonight and I cant wait.

    Jerry: You would like that wouldn’t you. I think it’s the time Savage proved any doubters wrong.

    Mikey: The man has never pinned Hogan, what are you talking about? Hogan will beat him 1,2,3 and retire him once and for all.

    Jerry: Well, we can see about that. We now have our backstage reporter Sarah Williams who caught up with Rocky Johnson.

    Rocky Johnson is loading his car, as the backstage announcer runs over to him.

    Sarah Williams: Rocky, can I have a word from you? Why did you turn on Raf32?

    Rocky Johnson: You got one minute and that’s it. The reason I turned on that piece of trash Raf32? I was screwed for the title last year and instead of getting a rematch, what does Raf32 do for me? He releases me from my contract due to cash flow problems. Is he serious? Im the biggest star this company has ever had. And when Johnny approached me with a great business package I never thought twice about it. The man respected me, the man was grateful to have a big star like Rocky Johnson here and that’s why I did what I did. Now excuse me if you don’t mind, I have got a pretty big cheque to cash!

    Johnson hops in his car and drives off as the announcer looks on.

    Jerry: Well there you have it folks. Rocky Johnson is driven by cash.

    Mikey: Did you hear a word he said? He felt disrespected by that douche Raf32.

    Jerry: All I know is that a great man has lost his company tonight and my thoughts are with Raf32. We now have the penultimate match of the evening. Its Streak vs Streak, Goldberg vs Ryback in a match which has got very personal.

    Mikey: More history in the making right now. Ryback can and will beat Goldberg’s streak, I have every confidence in the big guy, especially in this Hardcore stipulation match up.

    Both men make their way down to the ring and square up to each other. The bell rings and they lock up. After a few moments, its Ryback that powers Goldberg to the ground which is shocking. He starts to chant “Feed me more” and motions at Goldberg to come at him.

    Mikey: The younger Ryback is just too strong for Bill Goldberg.

    They lock up again and after an even longer tussle than the first, its Ryback again who powers Goldberg to the mat. Goldberg looks incredibly shocked as Ryback starts to get cocky. Again they lock up one more time and after an even longer tussle than the first two lock ups, its Goldberg who powers out so strongly, it send Ryback through the ropes to the outside. The fans start to laugh at Ryback as he gets angry. He tells them to shut up and starts to look under the ring. He starts tossing chair after chair into the ring as Goldberg watches on. Ryback enters the ring with a steel chair in hand but is met by a Super kick from Goldberg. Goldberg picks up the chair and tosses it aside and starts to go to work on Ryback. He hits him with a variety of different moves including a military press drop, a spinebuster, a front powerslam and multiple belly to belly suplexs. Ryback seems to be beat very bad as he struggles to his feet. As he does, Goldberg connects with the Spear. He makes the cover……..1…………2………No, Ryback kicks out! As Goldberg helps Ryback to his feet to hit him with a Jackhammer, Ryback low blows him. This gives Ryback a way back into this match.

    Jerry: Filthy move from that SOB.

    Ryback picks up a chair and beats it repeatedly of Goldberg's spine until the shape of his back is beat into the chair. The chair shots can be heard echoing around the now silent arena. As Goldberg lies motionless Ryback taunts the crowd. He then goes on to hit Goldberg with a series of different moves including multiple powerbombs, a fallaway slam and a back body drop. As Goldberg lies motionless, Ryback makes the cover. 1…………..2………..No, Goldberg kicks out. Can you believe that? This now irates Ryback who lines up for the spear. He connects with the spear and flattens Goldberg. He sticks his tongue out clearly trying to imitate Bill Goldberg. He picks him up and hits him with his own move, the Jackhammer. The ref makes the count…………1…………..2………..Goldberg powers out again.

    Jerry: How is Goldberg still in this?

    Mikey: I really thought the losing streak was still going to be intact right there, wow!

    Ryback looks confused as to what else he can do. He picks up Goldberg, who fights back, delivering kicks to the stomach of Ryback. Goldberg grabs Ryback and hits him with the Shell Shocked out of nowhere. He slowly makes his way over to make the cover……….1………….2……….No, Ryback now powers out.

    Jerry: What a match this is turning out to be. Another reason why this company is the greatest in the business.

    Both men drag themselves slowly to their feet and its Ryback who pounces first hitting Goldberg with the Meat Hook. He makes the cover and again Goldberg kicks out just before three, although a lot slower this time. Ryback looks incredibly pissed now and heads outside the ring. He looks under the ring and eventually finds what he is looking for. He tosses a table into the ring. He gets back into the squared circle and begins to set the table up in the centre of the ring. He grabs Goldberg and goes to Jackhammer him. He lifts him up but in mid-air Goldberg fights out and lands on his feet. He pushes Ryback who charges back at him but is met by a spear. Now Goldberg does his famous taunt and sticks out his tongue.

    Jerry: Now that’s the real Bill Goldberg.

    Mikey: Ryback, get up! I don’t like this one bit!

    Goldberg can be heard shouting “Ryback, your next”. Instead of making the cover, Goldberg picks him up and hits him with the Jackhammer through the table. The ref makes the count…………1…………2…………….3! It’s over. Rybacks winning streak is over!

    Winner: Goldberg

    Mikey: Damn it! Got to give it to Goldberg though. Hell of a performance!

    Jerry: That short losing streak is over for Goldberg too, partner. You know, the one you and Ryback continually rubbed in Bill Goldberg’s face.

    Mikey: No one likes a sore winner Jerry. Congrats to Goldberg, well done.

    Goldberg celebrates in the ring over the fallen and motionless Ryback as we go to a backstage segment.

    We see Raf32 being escorted out of the arena by 6 security officers. They lead him to his limo where John Laurinaitis is waiting for him. Raf32 looks a broken man.
    ohn Laurinaitis: No hard feelings Raf? As they say, the better man won and all that. I’d actually like to take this opportunity to wish you the best in your future endeavours. I heard the McDonalds down the road are looking for staff. Good luck friend.
    He offers a handshake with a cheesy smile but Raf32 just smiles and shakes his head. He gets in his limo and drives off as Laurinaitis just looks on. He can be heard hymning to himself “People Power, People Power, People Power”

    Jerry: Raf32 looks a broken man. Poor guy! And that egomaniac rubbing it in is disgusting.

    We now see a split screen featuring Randy Savage dressed all colourful on the left and Hollywood Hogan dressed in black and white with Jimmy Hart on the right, making their way out to the ring.


    Jerry: The cage is being lowered for our main event. Its Icon vs Icon. A match that is decades in the making and that gets settled for good tonight.

    Mikey: The biggest match of the wrestling calendar. This is what we are all in this business for.

    Hollywood Hogan enters first with Jimmy Hart and a microphone in hand. He gets in the ring and tells them to cut his music.
    Hollywood Hogan who is looking towards Hart: “They told me when I was coming down the aisle Jimmy, that they wanted to see Hollywood’s pythons, brother, so I’ll let yee have it”.

    Hogan rips off this t-shirt in his famous pose to the biggest heat of the night.

    Jerry: Wow this crowd really hates Hollywood Hogan.

    And now it’s time for the Macho Mans entrance.

    As he is coming down, Hart exits the cage and takes up his position at ring side. Savage enters the cage and looks around his surroundings. The cage door shuts and the two men are alone in the ring with the referee. The contrast of the colourful Macho Man to the black and white Hogan is startling. As the bell rings, Hogan runs up the cage trying to escape.

    Jerry: That coward. He wants nothing to do with the Macho Man.

    Savage quickly catches him and drags him slowly down the cage. He starts to hit Hogan with a series of punches and kicks as he wears down Hollywood. He hits Hogan with a scoop slam and immediately picks him up and hits him with a piledriver. He makes the pin……..1…….2.... Hogan easily kicks out but is a little worse for wear. Hogan is laid flat out and gives the ref the x symbol. The ref goes to check on him and Hogan looks to be in a bad way. Savage isn’t buying at it though but the ref steps in to intervene him charging towards Hogan. Hogan gets back up and blindsides the Macho Man, clubbing him with a vicious blow to the head.

    Jerry: It was all a ruse. Pathetic.

    Mikey: That’s why he is our champion and the #1 wrestler today.

    Hogan starts to clap his hands together saying “its just too easy for Hollywood”. He begins to beat down on the Macho Man and tosses him into the cage, head first. He motions for the ref on the outside to open the door and the ref obliges. He slowly makes his way out towards the door and walks out it onto the steel steps. Savage quickly realises this and charges after him. He grabs his head by the hair on the back and drags him back into the ring. Savage hits Hogan with an Atomic Drop and makes his way towards the door. As he sticks his head out, Jimmy Hart slams the door into his face sending him flying backwards into the ring. Hart orders the ref to close the door and the ref complies. The fans are voicing their disapproval as Hogan comes too.

    Jerry: God I hate that weasel Jimmy Hart.

    Savage is busted open. The blood is pouring down his face as Hogan begins to notice. Hollywood cant keep the grin to himself and immediately starts to beat down on Savage. He hits him with a belly to back suplex, an atomic drop and a body slam. He makes the quick pin but Savage kicks out at two. He picks him up and starts to deliver a series of punches but Savage ducks one punch and goes to swing off the ropes. However as he swings off the ropes and comes back to face Hogan, he is met by a big boot.

    Jerry: The momentum is all with the champion.

    The fans get a massive “Macho Man” chant going but Hogan does his famous can’t hear you pose which infuriates the crowd. Hogan then hits his patented leg drop and makes the pin………..1……………2………………..Savage kicks out, just. Hogan looks pissed now and as Savage crawls to his feet using Hogan for leverage, he spits in his face.

    Jerry: Wow, Hogan truly is the biggest p***k in wrestling.

    As Savage gets to his feet, Hogan begins to tee away on him, trying to bust him further open. Eventually Savage ducks one and hits him with his own punch. He swings off the ropes and hits him with a diving crossbody. Savage is beginning to build momentum now and hits a high knee followed by multiple elbow smashes. Hogan is beginning to struggle, when Savage grabs him and tosses him into the ring post.

    Mikey: Hogans shoulder must be broken in half!

    Then Savage grabs Hogan and tosses him head first into the cage.

    Jerry: Randy Savage is on fire!

    Hogan is now also busted open as Savage motions for the ref on the outside to open the cage door. As the ref goes to open the door, Jimmy Hart attacks him from behind. He knocks him to the floor and then throws him into the steel steps.

    Jerry: That good for nothing!

    Savage though is not too angry and just shakes his head. However he starts to climb the cage as Hogan is still motionless in the middle of the ring.

    Jerry: Randy Savage is going to be World Champion.

    As Savage gets to the top of the cage, Hart starts to talk on his megaphone.
    Jimmy Hart: You pathetic piece of s**t Macho Man. You know you can’t pin Hollywood, so that’s why you are running from him. You have two options, Macho. Be a coward Savage and climb out or be a man and try to do something everyone in this building knows you cannot do and that’s pin Hollywood Hogan!

    Savage looks undecided what to do as the crowd chant “Don’t do it”. It seems like Savage is in agreement with the fans and he starts to escape the cage. However he then changes his mind and climbs back down to the turnbuckle. He gets up top and goes to deliver the elbow to Hogan. And he misses! Hogan rolls out of the way and slowly makes the pin….1…………..2………..Savage kicks out.

    Mikey: This is why the Macho Man is a loser. This is the very reason why he has never pinned Hollywood. And this is why he will always live in Hollywoods shadow.

    The fans get a “This is awesome” chant going as Hogan removes his belt. He begins to hit Savage with it over and over again. Savages back is now full of cuts as he lies motionless inside the ring. Hogan again does his cant hear you taunt and the crowd are incredibly hot now. He goes and hits his patented leg drop.

    Mikey: That should do it! Hogan is gonna retain.

    1…………………………2………………….No Savage again kicks out!

    Jerry: How in the hell is Savage still in this thing?

    Mikey: Just lie down Macho before you seriously get hurt.

    Hogan cant believe it and goes to hit another leg drop. However this time its Savage who rolls out of the way. Savage then floors Hogan with a flying knee. He now gathers himself and starts climbing the cage. He reaches the top and we can hear Jimmy Hart roaring “You insane piece of s**t”. Savage looks down at him and roars, “You know what, maybe I am insane and maybe it’s time to find out how insane I really am”. He stands up on the top of the cage and turns around to face the ring. The fans get a “holy s**t” chant going as Hart pleads with him not to. The Macho Man ignores and delivers an elbow drop from the top of the cage that connects with Hogan!

    Jerry: OH MY GOD!! Straight into Hogans black heart.

    Mikey: I'm speechless.

    Randy Savage slowly drags himself over to the still Hogan. He makes the cover…………………….1………………….2……………………….3!!!

    Jerry: Savage has done it. He is the champion of the world! And he has finally pinned Hollywood Hogan!

    Mikey: I didn’t think he had it in him but my congratulations go out to the Macho Man. What an amazing match. Give it up for both guys.

    Jerry: True sheer grit and perseverance, the Macho Man has done it. He has overcame all the odds and now stands here today as the worlds greatest.

    Mikey: I hope this is not truly the end of this illustrious rivalry but I got to admit it sure does feel like it.

    Jerry: What a night this has been. The USCW/JLCW has changed forever! Id like to thank you all for tuning in to WrestleCade and we will be seeing you all again tomorrow night for Monday Night Adrenaline. Its been a pleasure all, until then, goodnight!

    Mikey: God bless. Take care!

    The show goes off air with Savage alone in the centre of the ring on his knees kissing the gold!


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,745 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWA Raw
    live from Madison Square Garden

    Preview, Show 1, Show 2, Show 3

    Jerry "The King" Lawler makes his way out to the ring. The crowd reaction is to say the least negative with huge amounts of booos
    "Ha... You know, I get it. You guys love those Aces of The Universe and you blame me that things have not been going their way recently but think about it... I mean really think about it. Every step I took, every single move I made was for your benefit and for the benefit of the BWA. I mean does anyone really think Mitsuharu Misawa would have Wrestlepalooza V's card looking so strong cos if I hadn't pissed off him and his little group of Aces we wouldnt be 1 week away from the biggest and best PPV in the whole draft PPV lineup.

    You say your annoyed I brought in Samoa Joe who cost them their tag titles but really you are all clamoring to see Joe vs Kobashi Ⅱ, The rematch we have all been waiting years for. Apparently you think I have stacked the odds against BWA champion Hiroshi Tanahashi and yet everyone won't stop talking about CM Punks return to the squared circle and that wouldn't have been possible with any other match nor any other man negotiating it. And again I have raised your anger and disrespected Antoni Inoki by bringing in Big Van Vader but in Japan you couldn't book a bigger rematch than those two going at it and I made that possible."

    "Hell even the tag title match at Wrestlepalooza has gotten a lot of flak cos I made it a no DQ match but really what other type of environment would you want to see people like Abdullah the butcher in. You might not realize it but I am giving you people exactly what you want and giving the BWA what it needs.

    The boos are actually starting to die down a bit as perhaps the crowd are starting to see things from Lawlers perspective.

    Truth be told I was only ever given the GM position on a trial basis and that Wrestlepalooza was my chance to prove myself. That is why I pulled out all the stops to put on the best f'n show possible from Ronda Rousey's professional wrestling debut to the return of the Intercontinental championship.... and now despite all that I have to fight for my job! I have to take on a man who has done nothing to be worthy of this job. Getting your ass kicked by the briscos week after week does not qualify you to run the biggest show in town now does it.

    Suddenly out comes Mitsuharu Misawa dressed in a suit and tie

    Lawler: : look who it is all, dressed up... is that how you impressed the board cos I woulda thought they coulda seen past the label I mean this guy (points at Misawa who is now walking down the ramp and getting into the ring) tried to enter an ugly contest and the judge said 'Sorry, no professionals.

    Misawa grabs a mic and yells at Lawler "Shut the hell up Lawler"

    Misawa: God knows you can talk Jerry and i'll give it to you you have booked a great PPV but god damn whenever you open your mouth all that comes out is juvenile insults or lies. If you had come out and shown us or the fans the respect we deserve there would be no issue but you couldnt do that and now you will pay the price.

    Getting my ass kicked by the Briscos doesent qualify me ha ha ha so funny Jerry... what about having been AJPW president, the founder of Pro Wrestling Noah and having served as the chairman of the Global Professional Wrestling Alliance ? no, no need to mention that eh Jerry. No need to mention anything that might not suit your agenda like the fact that the board have asked me to book the show tonight (the crowd cheer) no why mention that?

    Lawler looks like for the first time ever he is actually caught for words, something the commentators actually point out.

    Misawa: O don't worry Jerry I won't be booking you in any handicap matches or abuse my power as you have been doing but you do have a match tonight...against a man who I am sure will relish getting his hands on you almost as much as I will this Sunday... tonight Lawler you will go one on one with my friend Antonio Inoki!

    Lawler looks p!ssed and loses it as the two men who will go 1 on 1 for the chance to run the BWA come to blows in the ring. With Lawler getting in the better shots as by the time Misawa can get his suit jacket off security has stepped in to separate them and usher tonights GM to outside the ring. Jerry goes to follow him out of the ring until Misawa tells him not to go anywhere cos that match is next!

    Misawa heads over to BH at the announce table and whispers something to him as we go to commercial with Lawler looking mighty annoyed in the ring.
    live from the Tokyo Dome
    Wrestlepalooza V
    card so far

    Intercontinental title match
    Pat Patterson vs Gorgeous George

    BWA Tag Team Titles No DQ Tag Match
    The Brisco Brothers (c) vs Abdullah the Butcher & The Sheik

    GMship on the line
    Mitsuharu Misawa vs Jerry Lawler

    Cross Promotional inter-gender Bout
    Ronda Rousey vs Jesse "The Body" Ventura

    Grudge Match
    Antoni Inoki vs Big Van Vader

    No.1 Contender Match
    Joe vs Kobashi Ⅱ

    BWA World Heavyweight title match
    Hiroshi Tanahashi (c) vs CM Punk vs Shinsuke Nakamura

    JD: That really is one hell of a PPV line-up Lawler has gotten us
    BH: I have to give the devil his due it really is, but tonight it's Misawa in charge and he just informed me he's arranged a stellar main event for us
    JD: You mean on top of the Joe vs Kobashi Ⅱ contract signing?
    BH: yep! for the first time ever outside of Japan it will be Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Shinsuke Nakamura! and joining us on commentary for that match will be none other than CM Punk!
    JD: Jaysus I can't wait, although this match right here is PPV quality too.

    Opening match: Jerry "The King Lawler" vs Antonio Inoki

    Inoki who shakes Misawa's hand as he makes his way out and his countryman heads backstage looks really up for this one and starts the match like a man possessed. Vader may be the man he has history with and whom he will face at Wrestlepalooza but it was Lawler that set Vader on him. Unfortunately this match does not get to develop too much though as the before mentioned Vader spoils the show interfering and turning this bout into a 2 on 1 beatdown. The ref calls for the bell and gets in between the attackers and Inoki as the commentators ponder if perhaps we will get to see that 1on1 match go the distance somewhere down the line, perhaps on PPV.

    Winner via DQ: Antoni Inoki

    The refs both brave and foolish actions allow Inoki to roll out of the ring and get up the ramp to where his associates Kenta Kobashi and Hiroshi Tanahashi eventually come out to help him to the back. Before that happens though he looks back to the ring to see his Wrestlepalooza V opponent grab the referee and give him a powerbomb.
    Backstage we see Mitsuharu Misawa in a makeshift GMs office where he is chatting to Mil Mascaras, We overhear Misawa tell Mil that he understands his desire for a big name opponent at Wrestlepalooza and although Jerry Lawler had seemingly overlooked the Mexican superstar he has a perfect opponent in mind. However Misawa states that he has to make a few calls to set things up but that up next Mascaras has a match and since he hasn't exactly been on a roll of late that he should get out there and show he deserves a match on the biggest card in all of sports entertainment.

    Gerry w/Jack Brisco vs Mil Mascaras

    This is a fairly even contest with Gerry Brisco impressing despite his opponent clearly looking like he has a point to prove, that is until Mascaras catches him in an Indian deathlock and everything changes. Jack pulls Gerry's free hand under the ropes and the ref who eventually notices forces Mascaras to break the hold. Gerry though isn't best pleased and tells his brother that he wants to win this honestly and not cheat (which he obviously considered his brothers assistance to be a form of). Overhearing what they were arguing over and realizing that Jack had just interfered the ref orders him to the back. His desire to win clean was honorable but as the commentators note he won't have such an option at Wrestlepalooza a fact that is further highlighted when the Mexican superstar picks up the win after a massive diving crossbody.

    Winner: Mil Marascas

    JD: Should have accepted his brothers help
    BH: I hate to say it but the honourabe road is not always the right one to take when your inside a wrestling ring
    JD: well we will find out next Sunday just what lengths the Briscos will be willing to stoop to anyway because with the Sheik and The Butcher you can be sure it'll be anything but a clean match
    BH: agreed... look how much this win means for Mascaras though he has finally broken his losing streak

    Just then Mitsuharu Misawa Re-appears, this time on the titantron.

    "I am glad you took my words to heart Mascaras, that was a very impressive win and you will need to be at your impressive best for the match I have for you this Sunday in Tokyo. You see in the BWA you have to be willing to put everything on the line just to be here and your opponent at Wrestlepalooza understands this. That is why he specifically asked to face you in a match he knows you have never lost but a match where you like he have everything to lose... a Mask vs Mask match!

    therefore I would like to welcome to the BWA for the first time ever... Tiger Mask!

    out comes the Japanese masked hero who goes toe to toe with Mascaras in the ring. He points to the big Wrestlepalooza V sign suspended from the rafters and then when Mascaras nods to show he accepts the challenge the two shake hands garnering a great reaction from the fans in attendance.

    Backstage Pat Patterson is interviewed by Sean Mooney and says that he can't believe what has happened to the BWA but that he plans on cleaning it up, first tonight where he will take on and beat a sexist pig (Jesse Ventura) before next sunday in Tokyo he saves the IC title from falling into the grasps of a homophobic low life whom he cannot believe he once looked up to

    BH: I really hope Pat can win both those matches his opponents really need to be taken down a peg or two
    JD: Couldn't agree more and... wait a second...Oh my gawd, it's CM Punk!
    BH: The UFC is in the house!

    CM Punk, Ronda Rousey and Dan Severn come out to one hell of a great reaction from the crowd. Punk sits in the middle of the ring in his cross legged pose he has become so well known for whilst the other two speak first.

    Ronda is first and says that it has already been announced that CM Punk will be on commentary when his PPV opponents go 1 on 1 but that she too will be at ringside for her opponents match tonight! She says she wants to see first hand why Ventura is so cocky that he agreed to an MMA rules match against as Eminem called her "The slaughterhouse in a blouse".
    A clip is shown of the media storm that was Rousey/Ventura in the past week, starting on Twitter where Ventura slammed the standard of fighters in UFC and then continuing on to Jimmy Kimmel Live and The Daily Show with John Stewart where The UFCs head honcho Dana White's old quotes about Rousey & Floyd Mayweather (There aren't many men in combat sports like her....Ronda Rousey would hurt Floyd Mayweather BAD!) lead to Jesse Ventura over compensating and claiming he would even beat her at her own game, a MMA rules match up... queue a joint BWE & announcement that their match at Wrestlepalooza will now be contested under such rules.

    She leaves the ring and heads to the back after this video and passes the Mic over to Dan Severn

    Then Severn takes the Mic and says that he too has been thinking about Wrestlepalooza. He says that he has asked Mitsuharu Misawa to get him an opponent tonight. He states that the UFC's deal with the BWA is for several PPVs and that he intends on making a statement at the first of them and that whomever gets in his way will pay the consequences.
    Just then Mitsuharu Misawa appears on the titantron. He confirms that yes Severn had asked him to find him an opponent for the upcoming PPV but that an opponent found him instead and that their match is now official and that it'l be...

    Misawa never gets to finish his though as Seiji Sakaguchi comes out of the crowd (much like the UFC fighters did last week when he and Nakamura were attacked) charging into the ring tackling Severn hard and sending the two through the second rope and to the outside. This causes Punk to get to his feet but he just watches on as the two fight all the way up the ramp and into the back. We are later informed that BWA security and backstage personnel eventually separated them.

    JD: You would have to assume that Misawa was about to announce Sakaguchi as his opponent for Wrestlepalooza
    BH: That would make sense... wait hold on (holds his headset and listens intently)... yes I can now confirm that match has officially been booked for this Sunday in the Dome

    Then it's CM Punks turn as the straight Edge superstar takes the Mic . He talks about his appearance on the show last week and how he was surprised at the thrill he felt setting foot in a professional wrestling ring once again. It was a first for him in as much as his first time appearing in a BWA ring and he says that next Sunday at Wrestlepalooza V it will be another first for him as he makes his Tokyo Dome debut while winning the BWA world heavyweight championship.

    Just as the World title is mentioned... here comes the champ as Hiroshi Tanahashi's music hits and out he comes and enters the ring.
    He tells Punk that he specifically asked for a match vs Punk. That he went to the board of directors when he heard negotiations were on going with the UFC and told them to get him Punk for Wrestlepalooza. He says that last year he beat the man who called himself "The best there is, the best there was and the best there ever would be" in the drafts biggest main event ever and sent him packing to the BWA retirement home known as the WECWF. Now this year he wants to defeat the man who calls himself "The best in the World" because to put it in simple terms there can be only 1 best wrestler in the world and thats him.

    Punk: Usually at this point I would look the chump standing in front of me straight in the eye and tell him I am straight Edge and that that means I am better than you but Tanahashi I think your different. (he then reaches out and offers to shake the champs hand. The two shake hands but Punk refuses to release his grip) you see I don't think you smoke or abuse drink or drugs but my name is CM Punk and that means I am better than you!

    Tanahashi: I love it. I look into your eyes Punk and I can see you believe the words you say. You truly think you are the best in the world and I have to admire that. You have shown me respect by shaking my hand here tonight and through your words throughout the media recently. Me and you Going face to face, toe to toe, mano a mano, however you want to put it is a dream match that would headline any PPV for any promotion anywhere in the world... and I know that Jerry Lawler let you pick your opponent but I must ask you to please reconsider involving (Shinsuke) Nakamura.

    The man has not earned a title shot. You do not reward disgusting, dishonorable behavior like his in such a way. Had you not intervened the man would have been suspended for his actions

    They are both interrupted though as Shinsuke Nakamura emerges from the back whilst laughing to himself and looking rather crazed as per usual.

    Nakamura: mwha ha ha, Tana.. you fool, you and your Aces of the Universe don't get it. Did you not hear Punk last week cos I did even after he attacked me from behind like the bitch that he is. I spat in his face, I interrupted his press conference and crushed his skull with my knee, I insulted the man and to put it simply I got in his head. I more than earned that title shot by making the great CM Punk want to fight me so much that he became a victim of his own greed and now his legacy will be meerly as the man who unleashed The Lord of Wrestling upon the world as BWA champion!

    Punk: Seriously The Lord of Wrest...

    Nakamura: Shut your god-damn mouth you sniveling piss-ant! I have a surprise in store for you tonight... both of you. But nobody should be surprised when I beat you tonight Tanahashi and then this Sunday (he lowers his head momentarily before raising it sharply with his eyes rolled back but continues talking) I will win the world title... believe... Then he snaps his fingers and all the lights in the Arena go out

    eventually the power is restored, and although the ring has been cleared the show resumes

    JD:What the hell did we just witness!?
    BH: I've no idea but I know we will see all 3 of those guys again for tonight's main event
    JD: and what do you think will be Nakamura's surprise
    BH: I don't even want to try and think what that madman might have in mind so thankfully we have a match coming up to focus on instead
    JD: I think this is one that Lawler booked during the week before Misawa came to power
    BH: Yep think this is what he considered a tune up match for the man who will face Antonio Inoki next Sunday

    2on1 Handicap match: Big Van Vader vs 2 local wrestlers

    Antoni Inoki comes out and views this one from the top of the ramp-way but unlike his PPV opponent earlier he stays outof the match as Vader dominates two men at once and eventually powerbombs both of them before performing his as always impressive moonsault for the win.

    Winner: Vader
    Backstage we see a member of the BWA production staff knock on a door which almost immediately opens. The staff member then says "Ladies a space has been made for the two of you in the front row for tonight's main event, in case you need them these tickets were sent back for you" a slender hand takes the tickets and then just before the camera pans around to reveal whom they are Jesse Ventura walks past on his way out to the ring and the camera man immediately starts to follow him instead
    --Commercial Break--
    Did You know: In a previous draft then BWA chairman Bounty Hunters identity was revealed as none other than Jay Leno!
    Jesse Ventura makes his way out from the back accompanied by a lady whom he says he just had a little pre-emptive celebration with backstage such is his confidence going into tonights bout. He pats her on the backside and says "hoo-rah, now off with you missy" as he sends her back into the crowd in attendance here tonight chuckling to himself as he does.

    Ventura: I am a goddamn Sexual Tyrannosaurus I tells you... Woman just can't get enough of "The Body"... I guess that must be why Ronda Rousey is so desperate to get her hands on me at Wrestlepalooza. I even heard her quoting my old catchphrase this week such is her infatuation with me "Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat!". Now she was claiming my saying that is why I've been challenged to an MMA rules match where apparently I can't cheat but come on like im going to need to cheat in this one. Still ill give the little lady what she claims she wants when we head to Japan then after I make her submit we can have the rematch she really wants.... back at the hotel.

    Pat Patterson w/Ronda Rousey vs Jesse Ventura

    Just as this match is about to begin Ronda Rousey comes out to a great reaction and watches from ringside cheering on Patterson. On a number of occasions Ventura allows himself to be distracted by Rousey at ringside and one in particular leads to his downfall. After Ventura uses a typical heelish rake to the eyes Patterson is down in the opposite corner and the ref checking on him and his vision. Meanwhile Jesse turns his attention towards Ronda calling her over. I would say she goes face to face with him but with him standing on the ring apron she ends up going face to something else and is disgusted when Ventura starts gyrating and making gestures suggesting sex acts towards her. He laughs to himself and turns to get back into the ring but Rousey loses it feeling disrespected and low blows him. Ventura stumbles into the ring and right into Pat Patterson who rolls him up in a school boy style pin for the 3 count.

    Winner: Pat Patterson

    Ventura staggers to the back almost immediately clearly looking embarrassed by the loss as Rousey celebrates with Patterson.

    These celebrations are cut a short though as Gorgeous George appears on the titantron and cuts a scathing promo on Patterson.
    *clap* *clap* *clap* well done Patterson, only thanks to a woman could you win a match. Thats how much of a joke you are. Speaking of jokes, your little speech last week about how much you looked up to and admired me sure gave me a laugh. Talking about the great pageantry of my entrance, the "resplendent capes" (actually does the air quotes) or my bravado and showmanship. The thing is I did all that for one simple reason... to piss people off! not to inspire some little queer, so Mr and Ms Patterson if I played any part in turning your son into the sniveling little b!tch the world saw on Legends house I am sorry but it's not my fault he didn't get that he loves what everyone is supposed to hate and he is what I hate. I assure you however I will beat some sense into him at Wrestlepalooza as I become the BWA intercontinental champion.
    As we head to commercial the BWA remind everyone that Gorgeous George does not represent the thoughts of everyone in the BWA and his opinions are simply his own. They then show the following clip for BWA legends house repeating this thursday night

    Samoa Joe vs Kenta Kobashi II Contract signing
    Tonight's GM Mitsuharu Misawa is in the ring holding a contract. He talks about how epic a bout the first meeting was between Samoa Joe and Kenta Kobashi was and how he never thought he would see a rematch. He then calls out his friend Kenta Kobashi who gets a very warm reaction from the BWA crowd which he thanks them for. He says that until recently he had huge respect for Samoa Joe. He says that nobody had pushed him to the limit like Joe had in years and that his undefeated streak since they faced off in TNA and RCW clearly showed he is a force to be reckoned with. That said he doesen't think this is the same Samoa Joe he faced back in ROH, that his actions since arriving in the BWA seem to suggest that he has changed and that... He is interrupted by Samoa Joe's music as out comes the Samoan Suplex Machine.

    He gets right up in Kobashi's face then turns to Misawa and snatches the contract from him and drops it on the table set up in the ring infront of Kobashi. "Sign it" he demands. Kobashi looks shocked and Misawa asks Joe to "show a little respect" at which point Joe stares the man in charge of the show right in the eye before pointing to the outside and screaming "get out!" at him. Misawa exchanges a glance with Kobashi and then as he is not exactly dressed to fight steps between the ropes and watches from the outside. "Now sign" shouts Joe... Kobashi looks confused but obliges and signs the contract. Joe almost immediately follows suit and then turns to leave but his now official Wrestlepalooza opponent grabs his arm to stop him and asks "what happened to you Joe?" "What happened to the man I faced in ROH?"

    Joe looks seriously pissed at Kobashi laying his hand on him and slowly turns to face him then grabs the mic out of Kobashi's hand. "What happened to him... what happened to him you ask... HE LOST! You see you and your cohorts (pointing out at Misawa) talk so much about respect that I bought into it, I showed you the respect I thought you deserved when we faced off... but I was wrong, I showed you too much respect and you took advantage of it. You didn't give me a chance to get back up when you knocked me down did you oh no that was this respectful fool but I realized something... you see the thing is Kobashi I don't need to respect you, i just need to beat you and damn am I going to beat you. I am going to beat you so bad you will be lucky if it isn't also your retirement match. Then as no.1 contender I will headline the next BWA PPV by beating your friend Tanahashi for the BWA world title, something you have never won" He then turns to leave the ring again but as he does Kobashi once again grabs his arm to stop him but this time as he Joe just turns around and starts laying into him with huge chops.

    Misawa gets back into the ring to try and separate the two but receives a big chop for his trouble too before Joe rolls out of the ring and heads to the back

    Backstage interview with Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Josh Matthews: Earlier tonight you asked CM Punk to reconsider the match he negotiated for Wrestlepalooza. We have since learned that this match is now official and cannot be changed but why did you want Nakamura removed from the match... do you not think you can beat him?

    Very few people know Shinsuke like I do Josh. Together we lead the way in NJPW's resurgence, then we made worldwide news when we left Japan and joined the BWA last year. Along with myself he was a founder member of the "Aces of the Universe" a group which not only dominated the federation and ran the dastardly Hart Federation out of the company whilst holding all the titles the BWA had to offer but also a group that brought honor and respect back to wrestling.

    You see Shinsuke wasn't just another great wrestler from Japan to me... he was my best friend. He was the man I always thought would be by my side and the one man whos support I came to count upon. I would never deny that man anything he wanted, anything he deserved or any opportunity but that man... that man is long gone.

    When I look at my former friend now, the man that calls himself the "lord of wrestling" all I see is someone who will drag the company down, someone who will bring our brand into disrepute and someone who should never be associated with the World Heavyweight Title. I mean we went through the same thing with the "Aces of The Universe". We didn't want to cast aside our brother but you see not everything in this world plays itself out on the set of our monday night wrestling show and trust me we tried everything within our power to help him but some people just can't be helped. Unfortunately sometimes people just have to be cut loose for the greater good.

    I mean Nakamura three weeks ago spat in the face of someone in the crowd and tried to posses a fellow wrestler, the following week in a non BWA arena he attacked someone and almost jeopardized a major deal for the company and then last week he stooped as low as to bring someones wife into his depraved little game.... Is that really someone you want to see fight given an opportunity for the most valued and prestigious championship in the world. No doubt he will try to do something despicable tonight too but just like this Sunday when we both return to Tokyo alongside CM Punk it will be up to me to stop him and up to me to fight for the pride of the BWA.

    Tonights main event
    Tanahashi vs Nakamura w/CM Punk on commentary

    CM Punk gets a great reaction as he comes out and joins the commentary team but then looks somewhat bemused as his wife AJ Lee and Tanahashi's wife make their way down to where two ringside seats had been squandered off for them.

    JD: I didn't even know Tanahashi had a wife
    BH: They are newlyweds and Hiroshi likes to keep such things private so seeing her here is quite a surprise
    JD: Speaking of surprise, Punk you don't look like you expected AJ here tonight either?
    Punk: Honestly I thought she was in FPW tonight but she did text me earlier saying she was looking forward to seeing me tonight so I guess it makes sense

    Then out come Tanahashi & Nakamura and we are treated to a match that looks something like this until the finish. Tanahashi does not seem to notice his wife's presence at ringside until midway through the match, (he seems surprised and bemused by it) but by that time the match has intensified to such an extent that his focus has to remain on his opponent.

    The end of this match sees Tanahashi lock in his cloverleaf submission only for Nakamura to make it to the ropes and force the hold to be broken. As the ref admonishes Tanahashi, Nakamura rolls to the outside where he searches through the red vest jacket that he wore out to the ring before getting back into face his opponent who quickly advances on him upon his return to the ring. Nakamura hits him with a big right hand and the champ drops to the mat immediately and is busted open. The commentators immediately spot that Nakamura had something metal in his hand which he must have gotten when on the outside and moments later it is reveal as a pair of steel handcuffs as he cuffs the bloodied Tanahashi to the turnbuckle.

    Upon seing this CM Punk immediately leaves the announce table and heads over to ringside and starts shouting at Nakamura. He does get his attention but Nakamura seemingly just laughs at him as he salutes the heavens. Perhaps that was a signal though as just then Seiji Sakaguchi jumps the guard rail and attacks Punk from behind ramming his head into the ring post on the outside. Then as Punk is disorientated Sakaguchi pulls out a pair of handcuffs of his own and cuffs Punk to that turnbuckle.

    The ref has obviously called for the bell at this point but Nakamura does not care as he starts slapping the sh!t out of the restrained Tanahashi in one corner while Sakaguchi does the same to Punk on the opposite side of the ring. Ms Tanahashi & AJ Lee are screaming at ringside having to watch this up close and personal and AJ just can't take it anymore and despite Tanahshi's wife's protests she jumps the barricade and rounds the ring looking to try and help her husband. Unfortunately though Nakamura intercepts her on route and tosses her into the ring. He then orders Sakaguchi to get Tanahashi's missus.

    The two (particularly AJ) squirm to get away from Nakamura but after a double DDT plants them on the mat they lie motionless in the ring and squirm no more. The boos are now deafening from the crowd who clearly don't appreciate Nakamura laying his hands on the two women. Obviously neither do Punk and Tanahashi who both try their best to break free from their restraints but to no avail and they have to watch on as Nakamura once more shouts an order at Sakaguchi who this time retrieves a black bag from the outside from within which Nakamura produces an electric razor then in scenes reminiscent of 3 weeks back when Sakaguchi was the victim Nakamura proceeds to partially shave both womens long beautiful hair as Punk and Tanahashi shout abuse at him and continue to fight for their freedom. Sakaguchi then holds the ladies up on their knees before Nakamura as he rolls his eyes back in his head and starts chanting in Japanese but moments later he stops as he hears the crowd cheer.

    Dan Severn & Ronda Rousey, CM Punk's friends from the UFC are charging down to the ring to help out their buddy so Nakamura and Sakaguchi make a quick exit posing as they do, clearly claiming a mental victory here tonight. Surely there will be some repercussions for these heinous actions come Sunday in Tokyo though.
    BWA 2015 Roster
    CM Punk
    Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Shinsuke Nakamura
    Kenta Kobashi
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Samoa Joe
    Big Van Vader
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura
    Dan "The Beast" Severn
    "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey
    Abdullah The Butcher
    The Sheik
    Jack Brisco
    Gerry Brisco
    Pat Patterson
    Gorgeous George
    Antonio Inoki
    Seiji Sakaguchi
    Mil Mascaras
    Satoru Sayama aka Tiger Mask

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe


    (opening video)

    Narratator : “ Man is born without hatred” (We see shots of Jake Roberts battling and winning his first ever Heavyweight Championship)

    “But as man evolves, hatred eventually is born” (We see shots of Shawn Michaels disillusioned after losing Championship Rumble)

    All good men are capable of bad things” (shots of Shawn Michaels attacking Jake and his son)

    “And all Bad men are capable of unimaginable destruction”(shots of a psychotic Vince McMahon).

    “All men are capable of Love, but with Love ...hate soon follows.” (Shots of Karen Jarrett, Jeff and Vince).

    “With hatred, comes madness” (Shots of The New Age Outlaws beating the hell out of The Midnight Express)

    And madness soon develops into Chaos “ (Shots of a puzzled Shane Helms and a crazed looking Magnum TA).

    “Tonight the hatred and animosity within man will evolve into Chaos! “(Shots of All the competitors in tonights PPV)

    “And Tonight CHAOS WILL RISE!!! “(The clips ends with Vince McMahon laughing manically. )

    Fireworks and pyro go off from a sell-out crowd at the Nashville Tennessee as we welcome you to the Pay Per View Extravaganza: Chaos Rising!. Its very much a hot crowd and a being in Nashville its very Pro Jeff Jarrett as the camera pans the crowd and our show begins

    Preview :
    Shane Helms has been trying to motivate Shannon Moore, who has been on a 0-69 losing streak, for weeks to no avail. Tonight Shannon challenges Shane one on one. Shane is puzzled as to what Shannon has done to request the match, with no animosity between the two at all. Shannon has said he finally has confidence in himself and its all thanks to Shane and he wants to face Shane to show him hes the real deal. Has Shannon really been inspired by the former Hurricane?
    Match : Shane Helms music hits and out comes the former hurricane himself to a nice reaction. Helms looks uncomfortable as he comes out and is still puzzled as to why Shannon wants to face him. Shane steps in the ring and gets on the mic

    Shane Helms : Shannon, Im here buddy. Im happy to face you and I hope you truly have the self belief. I know deep down your a great wrestler and we go way back. Come out and give me what you’ve got.

    The ring announcer calls out Shannons name and his music plays.... but no sign of Shannon. Shane looks puzzled as does the ring announcer who goes through Shannons intro again, but same result as no Shannon appears. Shane looks even more puzzled now but suddenly the lights go out and the arena is engulfed in darkness. Suddenly.......

    The familiar catchphrase of the Hurricane echoes over the PA system and the Hurricanes theme plays through out the arena.

    Commentator 2 : What is going on? Why is The Hurricanes music playing? Thats Shane Helms character!

    A spotlights begin swirling around the arena as the camera pans over the crowd. Shane Helms, The former Hurricane, is puzzled in the ring as to what exactly is going on. All the spotlights suddenly stop swirling and a single giant spot light is shining up on the rafters, and we see ...The Hurricane??

    Commentator 1: is that the Hurricane? Is that Shannon Moore?

    It appears to be Shannon Moore and hes kitted out in a red version of The Hurricanes attire. He is posing exactly like the superhero that Shane Helms once portrayed. He then, via glide rail, sails down over the arena and lands in the ring. Shannon is dressed nearly identical to Shane Helms Hurricane, wearing a cape, super hero tights and even has his hair dyed only difference is that hes red and not green.

    Commentator 1 : Hes the Red Hurricane!. Is this what Shannon meant last week when he said he was inspired? Has Helms inspired Shannon to become The New Hurricane?

    Shannon walks up to Helms in the centre and poses all super hero like with his back straight and chest out before extending his hand. Shane is puzzled and is asking whats all this about? The bell rings and Shannon attacks Helms with a kick to the mid section and right hands. Shannon wastes no time and backs Helms into the corner and goes to work with some hard kicks Shannon then stops and does a Hurricane like spin before delivering a vicious spin kick to the chops of Helms.

    Commentator 2 : This new Hurricane has a mean streak in him, I like him better than the old Hurricane already.

    The match from here is pretty much the new and improved Shannon Moore being in total control and he hits Helms with a variety of high flying moves, one being a nasty looking pele kick to the face of Shane. Through out the match also, Shannon poses ala the Hurricane after every hard hitting move he dishes out to Helms. The fans don’t approve though.

    Commentator 1 : The fans haven’t taken kindly to the Shannon Moores new persona. This Red Hurricane of Moores is more like an evil incarnation of the super hero rather than a homage to Helms character.

    Commentator 2 : What? Helms has been trying to inspire Moore for weeks and he should be happy he has. And besides, don’t you know anything about comic book characters, theres loads of versions of Spiderman, The Hulk and Batman. Shannon is just evolving the character.

    Shannon whips Helms into the steel steps and Helms screams in agony. Shannon then toses Helms back into the ring and covers him for a near fall. Shannon then gets a rear chin lock on Helms and Shane Helms begins to fade. The crowd get behind Helms as they chant for The Hurricane.

    Commentator 1 : The fans are trying to get behind Helms

    Commentator 2 : Dont be silly, they are chanting for this new hurricane, not Helms you idiot!

    The finishes comes with Helms fighting back and having Shannon on the back foot much to the fans delight. Helms goes for his patented Shining Wizardk finishing move but Shannon avoids it by catching his leg and hitting a spinning leg drag. Helms gets up and hes met with a spinning heel kick by Shannon who then signals his own Shinning Wizard and he connects.

    Commentator 1 : Wow what a move. But Shannon isn’t pinning Helms, what gives.

    Shannon then lifts up Helms and shouts in his face “Im the Hurricane Now” and delivers vicious looking Vertabreaker to Helms. 1....2....3....

    Winner : The Red Hurricane aka Shannon Moore!

    Shannon gets up and stands over Helms and poses just like the Hurricane. The fans boo as Shannon Moore grabs a steel chair and waits for Helms to rise up before nailing him square in the face. Shannon drops the steel chair and begins shouting at Helms

    Shannon Moore : Im a winner now....just like you. Im a hero now. IM NOT A LOSER ANYMORE! IM .........THE HURRICANE!

    Commentator 1 : Shannon Moore has snapped, hes gone off the deep end!

    The new Hurricane walks off to the back as the official checks on Shane Helms.
    Why I went in this direction : Shannon and Moore have always been good friends in real life with Shannon not as successful as Helms. With Helms being mostly well known due to The Hurricane character, it would be plausible for Shannon to try emulate this while at the same time resenting Helms. This match would be the start of this feud after a slow build, Shannon would snap and become the new Hurricane. This new Hurricane could firstly beat Helms like so and then put him on the self the next night. This new Hurricane could go on bit of a winning streak, through underhanded methods, until Shane Helms would eventually return as the Green Original Hurricane and face off in a true battle of good versus evil. This could be a fun feud if handled correctly appealing to the younger fans and older fans alike and the last 4 weeks of TV and the match here would be a great start.
    We are backstage with Shawn Michaels who challenges for the beyond Chaos Heavyweight title later on tonight.

    Shawn Michaels : A few weeks ago Jake, you took everything I had away, my glory, my fans, my faith! You took away my dream to be World Heavyweight Champion in the show premiere! Since then I vowed to do the same to you and tonight I finish the job.

    We switch to ringside for our next bout.

    Preview : Its the story of the young lion stepping up against the established lion. Thatcher has been a thorn in the side of Nigel for weeks, constantly one upping McGuinness at every opportunity. Thatcher has debatably ‘fluked’ his way to victory against Nigel in recent weeks, culminating in an unexpected shock IC title win over his fellow brit. Can Nigel set things right under his terms of submission rules?
    Match : Nigel McGuinness is out first with a mic in hand and asks for his music to be cut. Nigel runs down the fans in Memphis, referring to them as hicks for some cheap heel heat before proclaiming to make Thatcher tap and reclaim his title.

    He’s interrupted mid spiel by the Intercontinental Champion Thatcher, who walks down with a determined look across his face!

    The match starts off with plenty of athletic manoeuvres by both men, with McGuinness winning each early exchange, then posing and taunting the young rookie champ every time he puts him to the mat. The crowd are firmly behind Thatcher as he and McGuinness put on a catch as catch can style master class and the fans lap it up, especially as Thatcher is out wrestling McGuinness much to his frustration

    Commentator 1 : Timothy Thatcher is out wrestling one of the best technical wrestlers today.

    The Tide soon turns though as Nigel picks apart the injured right arm of Thatcher. Nigel tries to mix it up with some power moves that also focus on injuring the arm further. In one stop Thatcher is caught mid air in a flying cross body attempt only to be caught and given a modified backbreaker with the right arm tucked in. McGuinness continues to work on the arm, softening him up for his submission finisher by some arm wrenches and arm drags and then McGuinness hits a arm crunching belly to belly suplex with Thatchers arm tucked out like before .

    Commentator 2 : What did I tell you, McGuinness is too clever to lose. Hes picking that arm apart.

    Commentator 1 : What a counter by the Champ, hes not out of this match yet.

    The finish comes with Thatcher fighting back and after a come back catches Nigel in a crossface submission only to have to release it early due to the pain in his own arm. Both men crawl into opposite corners and look to get a breather. Thatcher charges at the corner where McGuinness is standing but Nigel moves and Thatcher goes shoulder first into the ring post. Thatcher is in a serious bad way after that and Nigel drags him to the floor and locks in his London Dungeon submission.

    Commentator 2 : Ah hes locked in, no escape from this move. Call it ref!

    Nigel synchs in his patented submission move as Thatcher yelps in agony. Thatcher is square in the middle of the ring and not a rope in sight. Nigels face is full of intensity as he cranks up the pressure on the wrist and arm of his opponent while the fans get behind the young rookie champ Thatcher. The ref asks Timothy does he submit but he screams ‘NO!’ much to the crowds delight. With the fans behind him, Thatcher begins to slowly inch his body towards the ropes.

    Commentator 1 : this is amazing, Thatcher isn’t tapping out and hes fighting out of the London Dungeon.

    Thatcher is just about at breaking point but hes very close now to the both rope. Nigel though appears to step it up a gear and leans back that little bit more on the arm of Timothy. Thatcher still fights the hold and is soaking up a lot of pain but hes not moving closer to the ropes now and is fading. Thatcher is asked again by the ref and there is no reply this time as we see Thatcher’s eyes glaze over. Nigel screams at him to tap but Thatchers body just goes limp and he appears to have passed out with the pain. The ref calls for the bell and we have a winner!

    Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion, Nigel McGuinness.

    Commentator 1 : Thatcher is out cold. He didn’t submit. What a brave effort from the rookie.

    Commentator 2 : It doesn’t matter, Nigel has proved his point. Hes reclaimed his title.

    Nigels music plays and he releases the hold. Thatchers body is motionless on the mat and Nigel raises his arms in victory to loud boo’s. Nigel gets passed the title and he celebrates much to the fans dismay and he gives the fans the finger in return. McGuinness leaves with his newly won championship and walks to the back as the ref checks on the fallen Thatcher. Thatcher comes as Nigels music cuts and hes cautiously helped to his feet by the official. As he rises the fans give him a standing ovation of applause in a sign of respect for his effort. Thatcher is clapped by everyone in attendance and he smiles humbly in return as we cut backstage.
    Why i went in this direction : I always like the young rookie face standing up to the polished established heel. With Thatcher I wanted to get him over without making Nigel look weak. This way Nigel gets the win yet Thatcher remains strong by not submitting. The young rookie is very talented and could have a great career and this feud would get him off to the perfect start. The match itself would have the potential to be a technical master class as Nigel when at the top of his game is genius while Thatcher, who I know not many know (seriously check out his in ring skills, hes quite impressive) can has the potential to be Daniel Bryan good technically speaking. All in all this could steel the show from a mat wrestling point of view.

    Preview : The veteran tag team specialists, The Midnight Express have been on top in Beyond Chaos for sometime now, but tonight the face their toughest challenge in the brash cocky New Age Outlaws.

    In recent weeks, Billy Gunn and Road Dogg have tormented and belittled the tag champs, claiming to be the future of tag team wrestling. They have sunk low in their attempts to gain an advantage over Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton, from slagging them off in the ring to kidnapping the tag champs and dumping them at an old folk’s home. It appears the Outlaws mean business as most recently they beat up Lane and Eaton, tapped them in a trash dumpster and then dragging the dumpster around the arena car park with The Midnight Express inside.

    Will the young guns get their comeuppances, or will they prove they are the new tag team legends of Beyond Chaos at the veterans expense?
    Match : The fans are informed by the ring announcer that the only way to win is by or submission, or escape from the cage. The cage is locked and its one hell of a hard hitting brawl at first, with The Midnight Express gaining an early advantage. The match soon takes a swing in favour of the Outlaws, who double powerbomb Bobby Eaton into the cage. They then work over Stan Lane as Bobby is hurting bad.

    Commentator 1 : Bobby Eaton looks really hurt after that powerbomb by the Outlaws.

    Stan lane does his best to fight back but the Outlaws are cunning and take him down quickly as he starts to retaliate. The Outlaws make use of the cage very well through out, slamming Stan Lane into the steel numerous times.

    Commentator 2 : the Outlaws have been dominate, time for Eaton and Lane to step aside.

    The finish comes as Bobby Eaton recovers and cleans house taking out Billy and Road Dogg with gusto. All four men are trying to escape the cage (Billy and Bobby on onside battling with Stan and Road Dogg on the other) and eventually Stan Lane throws Road Dogg from the top of the cage to the floor below, meaning Road Dogg had escaped.

    Commentator 1 : Road Dogg looks hurt but he sout. 1 down for the New Age Outlaws.

    Stan Lane then dives off the top of the cage to Road Dogg below in an amazing move and a great spot to watch for the fans.

    Commentator 1 : What a leap by Sweet Stan Lane. No fear in him.
    Its in vain though as while Lane recovers after his splash, Billy Gunn nails Bobby Eaton hard knocking him off the cage to the ring below and jumps down and both feet touch the floor, the outlaws win.

    Winners and New Tag Team Champions : The New Age Outlaws

    Billy isn’t through yet as he grabs a steel chair and nails Stan Lane with it across the head. Billy helps his partner up and they stomp the hell out of Lane. They then get the cage door unlocked, Road Dogg grabs a chair and nails Bobby Eaton across the skull too.

    Commentator 1 : The match is over, c’mon!

    Billy and Road Dogg then drag Stan Lane in to teh ring and the wail on the Midnight Express with the chairs. The Outlaws then gets out of ring and search underneath it. The retrieve a small bag, a 2 large pillow cases and a big bucket from below the ring.

    Commentator 1 : What in the hell are these two guys doing. Whats in that bucket?

    They re enter the ring and they empty the small bag to reveal pairs of handcuffs! They then handcuff Lane and Eaton to the cage much like a crucifixion.

    Commentator 1 : Handcuffs? Enough is enough guys.

    Commentator 2 : They are sending a message to all the tag teams across America!

    They then take the lid of big bucket and reveal it to be a bucket of black tar!

    Commentator 1 : This is too far! These Outlaws have gone too far! This is humiliating!

    Commentator 2 : Ladies and Gents, take notice, these Outlaws will become legends!

    They then pour the black tar over both former tag champs and then empty the contents of the pillow cases over each of their heads. The contents are white feathers!


    Commentator 1 :
    This is ridiculous! They have tarred and feathered the former champs!

    The Midnight Express have been strung up and tarred and feathered by the new tag team champions. The Outlaws pose with their newly won titles, as their music plays, looking very proud of their work as Eaton and Lane hang to the steel covered in black goo and white feathers.
    Why I went in this direction : This is the age old tale of the cocky young pretenders putting it up against the tough well-respected veteran champs. I liked the idea of them having a young version of the Outlaws taking on the slightly past their prime Midnight Express. I loved the idea of the young heels proving themselves against the older face team on the big stage. I think the Outlaws needed the win to put them over on the big event and they needed to go over in style. Since the M.E. had a long reign on my show, and I felt a title change would freshen the whole division, with the vets being beaten by the young heel team. I felt the younger team needed to make a statement of intent and they did that in convincing fashion after the match, which would make them a big deal. I think the audience would be begging for a change in direction and I think it made sense to give it to them.
    We are backstage with Beyond Chaos Heavyweight Champion, Jake Roberts and he appears very focused as he speaks!

    Jake Roberts : Shawn Michaels, tonight there is no hiding, no running, no praying to god for forgiveness will save you. In that ring its just me and you. The good book says of you want piece you have to prepare for war and tonight Shawn Michaels, I’m prepared for the war to end all wars. Tonight, I get my vengeance!

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe



    Preview : Owen Hart has blamed Magnum TA for not winning the Championship Rumble 4 weeks ago and has been hell bent on revenge. He lured Magnum into a false sense of security by faking retirement 3 weeks ago only to slyly attack Magnum when his guard was down. Since then owen has recruited Tyson Kidd and Harry Smith to help him in his battle with Magnum. Magnum has been pushed to breaking point and has his sights set on actually ending Owens career for real! What will happen as these two forces collide?
    Match : Owen Hart comes out first and his Hart Family stable mates Harry Smith and Tyson Kidd are along side him. Owen and the Harts are boo’d heavily and the fans begin a ‘Nugget’ chant directed at Owen, followed by a ‘We want Magnum’ chant.

    Commentator 2 : Whats a Memphis Bull rope Match?

    Commentator 1 : Its like a Texas Bull Rope match....only in Memphis.

    Commentator 2 : So its just a bull rope match then. The Memphis part adds nothing to it. Shheeesh!

    Magnums music hits and he sprints to the ring with the bull rope in hand. Theres a cow bell at the end of the rope and Magnum begins swinging it as he slides into the ring, thus clearing the ring of the Harts. The ref calms Magnum down and then orders Harry and Tyson to the back informing them that they are banned from ringside.

    Commentator 2 : what? They just came down for a closer look and to offer moral support to Owen. Does the ref think they will cheat?

    Commentator 1 : Well they wont get a chance now. They are out of here!

    Both men are tied to each end of the rope as ring announcer informs the crowd of the rules

    Ring Announcer : Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a Texas Bullrope Match! The rules are as follows, two wrestlers are placed on opposite ends of a restraint - in this case, a rope. The restraint, and anything tied to it, can be used as a legal weapon, in this case a cowbell.. A disqualification occurs if either wrestler frees themselves from the restraint before the match is won. There is only one way to win:, the first man to touch all four top turnbuckles in succession wins.

    The bell rings and Owen and Magnum lock up with Magnum gaining an early advantage. Its not long before Magnum begins whipping Hart with the rope and Owen squeals in pain. Owen tries to run away but hes pulled back by the rope into a hard hitting lariat. The crowd are loving it so far.

    Commentator 1 : Its all legal so far, Owen looks like hes in the wrong part of town if you catch my drift.
    Owen eventually cheats to gain control against the run of the match by hitting a low blow. Match highlights include Magnum getting a taste of his own medicine as hes whipped and choked by the bull rope. In one spot hes being hung by the bull rope over the top rope of the ring. Magnum also gets busted open hard by a hideous strike with the cow bell.

    Commentator 1 : Magnum is busted open here folks, Owen is using the cow bell wisely.

    Commentator 2 : Owen is the smartest man in wrestling. Hes a genius!

    The finish of the match saw Owen hit a nasty sitdown tombstone piledriver on Magnum much to the horror of the fans in the arena. Owen then unorthodoxly locks in his sharpshooter finisher while wrapping the bull rope around Magnums neck, choking him as hes locked in to the submission move. Magnum taps but it makes no odds as you cant win by submission. Owen keeps Magnum in the hold for about a minute, but it seems like an eternity as Magnums blood covered face riles in pain. Owen lets Magnum go and he begins to touch each turn buckle, dragging Magnum behind him like a dead weight. Owen hits 3 turnbuckles and goes for the fourth but unknown to Owen, Magnum is touching each turnbuckle too. Owen goes for the last one and stops to celebrate prematurely, wooing like in similar fashion to Ric Flair. Its a costly mistake by Owen, as hes stopped by Magnum from hitting the last buckle and pushed to the outside allowing Magnum to touch his fourth and final turnbuckle.

    Winner : Magnum TA.

    Owen is irate after losing when so close. Magnum celebrates by rising to the second turnbuckle and swinging the bull rope over his head. Owen slinks to the back and can be seen mouthing “this isn’t the end of this!”
    Why I went in this direction: I believed these two could make a cracking match, with both having older more traditional wrestling styles. Magnum could have been as big as Flair and Dusty had he not been injured so badly in a car accident. Owens the natural heel and Magnum is a natural face so its easy to imagine these two duking it out. I think a Magnum victory would give him the push to challenge the winner of the title match later on and protect him as hes probably my number 2 babyface ( not counting Jarrett whos technically an authority figure / owner). The ending leads them open to continue the feud.

    Preview : When Jeff Jarrett, owner of Beyond Chaos, was in need of financial aid, he asked an old enemy for help. As it turned out, that man was Vince McMahon. Though Vince seemed genuine at first, and it looked like they buried the hatchet, Vince would soon show his true colours, only buying in so he could ruin Jarrett.
    Since revealing his plan, Vince would have Jarrett kiss his ass, have his friends Abyss and Matt Morgan turn on him and offer to give Jeff a match for control of the company in exchange for a night with Jeffs good wife Karen.
    Jeff declined but trying to help her husband out of a hole, Karen took Vince up on his offer.
    Vince being Vince, had a catch that he revealed after spending the night with Jeffs wife. Jeff would face Vince in a gauntlet match, along with Abyss and Matt Morgan.
    Tonight, Jeff battles against the odds. He must beat two big monsters in order to get his hands on Vince and reclaim his company. Will Jarrett over come adversity, or will Vince and co be too much for Jarrett to take down?
    Match : ‘No Chance in Hell’ blasts from the PA system and out comes Vince McMahon and his security team of Abyss and Matt Morgan. Vince looks buff and in great shape for his age as is doing an over confident ‘Vince’ power walk to the ring. Vince and Abyss sit at the commentary team and Vince grabs a head set as Matt Morgan steps into the ring being in action first.

    Vince McMahon : Hi guys! I thought Id do some commentary like the good ol days until its my turn to get in the ring to beat the crap out of Jarrett!

    Commentator 2 : What an honour, calling a match with Vincent Kennedy McMahon! Im humbled sir!

    Vince McMahon : As you should be. Now lets call the match and watch as Jarrett gets his ass kicked.

    Jeff Jarrett comes out next and the place erupts with easily the loudest pop of the night. Jarrett gets in the ring and mouths at Vince

    Jeff Jarrett : Your ass is mine McMahon!

    Vince McMahon : Sure it is.

    Match 1 : Jeff Jarrett vs Matt Morgan.

    As soon as the bell rings, Morgan charges at Jarrett while hes staring Vince down and gains and early advantage. Morgan hits standard big man offence. Clotheslines and big shoulder tackles and a big gorilla press slam!

    Vince McMahon : Look at the blue print, what a specimen. Kick his A-double S Matt, c’mon!

    Jarrett recovers with a flurry of rights and lefts to the delight of the Memphis crowd. Its short lived as interference by Abyss gives the advantage back to Morgan, and Jarrett is beaten down.

    Matt Morgan dominates Jarrett with a big sky high powerbomb for a near fall much to the anger of McMahon whos still on commentary.

    Vince McMahon : Finish him damn it!

    Commentator 1 : Jarrett is doing well to hang on, but the odds are stacked against him.

    Morgan waits in the corner signalling for his Carbon Footprint finisher. Morgan charges at Jeff catches the leg, trips Morgan and slaps on a Figure Four Leg Lock. Vince goes nuts on commentary as Matt Morgan screams in pain and is forced to tap!

    Winner : Jeff Jarrett
    Vince is irate and nervous watching Jarrett win and orders Abyss in. Abyss quickly goes to worked on Jarrett as Morgan rolls out hurt, stomping away on his former friend. Abyss is taking no prisoners with Jarrett and hits some harsh looking moves over the next 7/8 mins, totally dominating Jeff. Abyss then hits a powerful chokeslam, leaving Jarrett broken on the mat much to the glee of Vince. Jarrett is hurt and Abyss hits his Blackhole Slam finisher and it looks over....



    Kick out by Jarrett

    Out of no where Jarrett kicks out and Vince goes ballistic.

    Vince McMahon : Finish him you son of a bitch, finish him.

    Abyss then raises Jarrett up and goes for another Black Hole Slam, but Jarrett reverse this time into a Stroke face plant! Jarrett crawls to pin Abyss...



    Kickout by Abyss.

    Jarrett is hurt and showing signs of exhaustion, as Vince gets even more nervous on commentary. Jarrett then uncharacteristically goes to the top rope. The fans are on the edge of their seat as Jarrett slowly gets to the top. But Abyss is up and climbs to meet Jarrett before he can leap off. Abyss clubs Jeff with hard blows and then grabs his throat with his hand.

    Commentator 1 : Oh my god, Abyss is gonna chokeslam Jarrett from the top.

    Vince McMahon : Do it, send that son of a bitch to hell!

    Abyss hoists Jeff up and sure enough chokeslams him to the mat from the top rope. The ring shakes as the fans gasp and chant ‘holy sh!t, holy sh!t’. Jarrett is broken in half and Abyss is crawling to make a pin.

    Vince McMahon: Wait! Stop, hold on, Ive an idea.
    Vince drops his headset and grabs a steel chair and slides like into the ring. He talks to Abyss and can he heard yelling ‘do it damn it!’. Abyss shrugs his shoulders and grabs the chair. He awaits jeff to reach his feet and as soon as Jeff is up, he smashes him over the head with the chair! The ref calls for the bell and Abyss gets disqualified!

    Winner : Jeff Jarrett

    Commentator 1 : What the hell is Vince doing? Abyss has been disqualified and Vince has to face Jeff, one on one.

    Abyss continues to wail on Jarrett with the chair and Vince rubs his hands in excitement. The ref orders Abyss to go and he drops the chair which is now dented to bits and grabs teh ref by the collar and chokeslams him too. The ref rolls to the outside and Vince stands over Jarretts motionless body as Abyss leaves.

    Commentator 2 : Abyss just softened up Jarrett for Vince, this is Brilliant. Vince wants to be the one to pin Jarrett himself.

    Commentator 1 : Its a bold move by Vince, very cocky on the part of McMahon if ya ask me!

    Jarrett lays badly hurt on the floor and is spitting up blood, hes most likely bleeding internally. Vince stands over him with a wide eyed evil grin. Vince begins slapping Jarrett and nudging him with his foot. Vince is yelling profusely at Jarrett and seems to be enjoying every minute.

    Commentator 1 : Hes just toying with Jarrett, hes been throw hell and back tonight already and now Vince will just pin him easy.

    Suddenly though, out runs Jeffs Wife Karen Jarrett and shes got Jarretts trusty weapon of choice, the acoustic guitar in hand. She steps in the ring and Vince spots her.

    Commentator 1 : Whats she doing?

    Commentator 2 : Probably here to beg Vince to stop or try nail him with that guitar! It wont work tuts!

    Vince smiles at Karen and after a long pause she pauses and smiles back, handing him the guitar.

    Commentator 1 : What the hell? Karen is handing the guitar to Vince, Vince is going to crush Jarrett with his own guitar, handed to him by Jarrett’s Wife, this is sickening.

    Commentator 2 : she knows what side her bread is buttered on, shes a smart gal!

    Vince laughs manically as he grabs the acoustic guitar from Karen and turns to face Jeff. Jeff slowly gets to his feet and the tension fills the arena as Vince winds the raise the guitar over his head ready to smash it over Jeffs head. But suddenly Karen drops to her knees and low blows Vince!

    Commentator 2 : That jezebel! Shes screwing Vince over.

    Vince drops the guitar and clutches his groin as Karen looks on with a vengeful look on her face. Jeff gets up, grabs the acoustic equaliser and smashes it over Vince’s head as hes on his knees holding his hurt private parts. Karen goes to the outside and rolls the ref in to the ring and Jarrett pins Vince. The has barely recovered and but some how slowly counts.




    Winner and 100% owner of Beyond Chaos : JEFF JARRETT!

    The crowd erupt and Karen and Jeff stare longingly at each other before embracing in a big hug and an even bigger kiss. Vince is left laying on the matt covered in broken pieces of guitar.

    Commentator 1 : Jeff Jarretts personal hell is over and he beats Vince against all the odds!

    Event security make there way out and escort Vince out of the ring. Vince tries to get Jarrett but hes dragged away. Jarrett waves bye bye sarcastically at Vince as the billionaire is hauled to the back! The crowd sing ‘na na na na, hey hey hey hey, goodbye’ as Vince disappears behind the curtain. Jarrett and Karen celebrate and both doe his signature strut as the fans lap it up!
    Why I went in this direction : Two men with real life beef spanning over a decade, its a no brainer. Having Vince turn on Jeff and turn his life upside down was a natural way to get these two to feud. Vince has to lose after ruining Jeffs life week after week. I wanted a happy ending, though I was tempted to have Karen turn on Jarrett but I felt Jeff and Karen deserved a happy ever after after weeks of misery at the hands of Vince.

    Preview :
    This is the story of two stars on two different paths. Jake Roberts arrived in Beyond Chaos on a whirl wind redemption story and the fans took him to their hearts. Shawn Michaels entered the company to much surprise and fan fare believing he was the top draw and star in Beyond Chaos. Shaw was only to be out done in the popularity stakes by Jake Roberts, who then bested him in the ring on his way to winning his first every Heavyweight Title.
    Shawn snapped, believing the fans and god himself to have forsaken him in favor of Jake. What would follow was Shawn taking out his frustrations on Jake in a jealous rage. Michaels attacked Jake and then his son Aaron who came to his aid before vowing to make Jake suffer, blaming Jake for his short comings.
    Shawn then would taunt Jake about his past, his drink and drug problems but nothing seemed to get to Jake until Shawn stole his pet Snake Damien. In a shock turn of events Shawn would reveal to Jake that he had turned Jakes beloved pet into a pair of Snake Skin Boots! With anger flowing inside both men, these two will explode in our main event! Jake and Shawn both want to kill each other and only they stand in each others way. Will Jake get his big moment on the grandest stage of all by vanquishing his nemeses or will Shawn make good on his word and take away Jakes dreams from him and reach the top of the mountain once more?!
    Match : Its time for the main event and out first, and not with tradition, The Heavyweight Champion Jake Roberts is out first to a monster pop. Pyros and fireworks go off since its a big show and Jake looks unfazed, as he walks to the ring with his belt over his shoulder looking very focused. Jake sits in the corner of the ring as he awaits the challenger.

    Then after a pause, the ‘sexy boy’ theme hits and out comes Shawn Michaels and hes dressed with flare as usual but he still has a cold emotionless look across his face. The commentator then points something out about Shawns entrance attire.

    Commentator 1 : Look at Shawns entrance that...yes, ..its ...its SNAKE SKIN!

    Shawn walks to the ring as pyros go off behind him and steps into the ring and uncharacteristically doesn’t do any sort of pandering to the fans. Shawn walks up to Jake and they go nose to nose and HBK urges Jake to take a closer look at his attire and points out that his attire is made from Damien. Jake loses it and goes for Shawn, but he ref is on the spot and he keeps Jake back as Michaels backs off to his corner. .

    Commentator 1 : Jake cant touch Shawn until that bell rings, no matter how much his blood is boiling right now!

    Jake controls himself and impatiently waits for the bell to ring. The ring announcer goes through the introductions and Shawn looks cold and callous as Jake looks like a man possessed and is raring to go.

    Commentator 1 : Can you feel the electricity in the air, Ive butterflies in my stomach, what a main event to end this pay per view.

    Commentator 2 : I know, this atmosphere is amazing. The place is buzzing here in Memphis.

    The bell finally goes and Jake charges at Shawn like a steam train. Michaels ducks and takes early control with right hands to Jake in the corner. Jake swings for Shawn but Michaels is too quick and dodges the right hand and lands his own punches. Jake swings again and Michaels counters with a sharp jab very much like Floyd Mayweather would. Jake swings again and is gets another jab for his troubles.

    Commentator 1 : Jake is not being smart about this and his temper is getting him caught here early on.

    Commentator 2 : Jake is letting his emotions get the better of him and a ring general like HBK will take advantage of this.

    Jake gets frustrated and Michaels takes early control and the fans hate every minute of it, as he locks Jake in a side head lock. Jake pushes Shawn away but is floored by a shoulder charge on the return. Michaels then bounces off the ropes once more and ducks a clothesline attempt by the rising Roberts and counters with a flying forearm on the way back. Jake gets to his feet and HBK clotheslines Jake over the top to the floor and skins the cat in the process. The fans boo mercifully as Jake hits the floor.

    Commentator 1 : Shawn is very much in control so far. Typical HBK right here.

    Commentator 2 : Lets remember, Jake has never main evented a big event like this before and with his added emotional baggage, I fear the occasion is getting the better of him.

    Jake collects himself on the outside as Shawn taunts him from the ring much to the fans displeasure. Jake again rushes back in to the ring out of anger and gets stomped on by Shawn for his troubles. Its all Shawn so far and he begins to be very underhanded in his assault of Jake, with illegal chokeholds in the corner, breaking the hold at the refs count of 5. Shawn then hits a hard hip toss from the corner and goes for a pin, but uses the ropes for leverage...only to get a two count despite his cheating.

    Commentator 1 : HBK will do anything to win. Anything!
    Commentator 2 : Shawn is on top here folks and Jake cant get a foot hold in the match.

    Jake hasn’t been in the match yet and the fans have had little to cheer for so far, until he ducks a clothesline attempt by Shawn and hits a strong lariat on the return, nearly taking Shawns head off! The fans come alive!

    Commentator 1 : What a move by Jake, pardon the pun but there was some venom in that lariat.

    Shawn is quickly up and gets spinbustered by Roberts and Jake follows up with some hard lefts and rights while Shawn is on the mat. The fans pop huge for this as Jake unleashes the beast on Shawns face. Jake gets up but he doesn’t let HBK relax though and immediately tries for a big clothesline Michaels avoids it and delivers not one but 3 hard back elbows to the face of Roberts. Roberts is dizzy and he backs into the corner and when he stumbles forward out of it, there is only one thing in the mind of HBK, and thats his Sweet Chin Music Super kick. Shawn attempts it but Jake catches Shawns heel and spins him around and tries for a DDT.......But Shawn pushes Jake away and slides outside to regroup!

    Commentator 1 : Shawn and Jake both avoiding each others finishers there. If one of those had connected it could have been game over.

    Shawn tries to catch his breath but Jake rushes outside and drags him back in much to the fans approval. Shawn gains advantage though with a thumb to the eyes and gets a telling off by the ref which he ignores. As the match progresses, HBK takes firm control of Jake as we hit the 10 minutes mark. Shawn isn’t focusing on any particular body part but hits a variety of moves to ware down Jake including a spine crushing backbreaker. Shawn then mocks Jake by shouting at him about his dead snake Damien.

    Commentator 1 : How low will Shawn Michaels sink ?

    This enrages Roberts and he punches Shawn square in the mush out of nowhere. Jake rises and nails HBK with rights and lefts and then nearly takes his head off with a running knee lift 1....2......Kick out by Shawn.

    Commentator 1 : Jake with a near fall. It will take more than that to take down Michaels though.

    Shawn is dazed and Jake swings Michaels off the ropes and locks in a sleeper on the bounce back. Shawn looks like hes fading and the announcers wonder will he put to sleep by Jake but only moments later he reverses the move and is able to hit Jake with a neat back suplex to perfection. The crowd quietens quickly and are clearly on the edge of their seat as Shawn recovers and stomps on Jake. Shawn then drags Jake up and whips him into the ropes. Shawn bounces off the ropes himself and hits a flying forearm to the skull of Jake. Shawn nips up to the loud disapproval of the fans. Shawn ignores them though and goes up top.

    Commentator 1 : Shawn goes up for a flying elbow drop...

    Shawns flies through the air majestically but his elbow meets the canvas hard as Jake rolled out of the way. Both men are down and they slowly get back to their feet, with the crowd urging Jake up. Shawn throws a punch but its blocked and Jake nails him with a right of his own. Again Shawn tries to punch Jake but Jake blocks again and once more smashes Shawn in the face. Shawn goes for a third right hand and Jake counters by grabbing Shawns arm, twisting and nailing HBK with a vicious short arm clothesline.

    Commentator 1 : Vintage Jake Roberts there.

    Jake gets strength from the crowds approval and nails Shawn with an reverse atomic drop and follows it up with a clothesline while Shawn is reeling. Jake swings Michaels off the ropes but Michaels ducks and counters with a flying forearm again to the face of Jake.

    Commentator 1 : Shawn Michaels with another counter, he wont quit.

    And in what seems like Deja Vu, Shawn nips up for the second time and again the fans boo him heavily. Shawn again goes up top and this time nails the top rope elbow to the heart of Roberts.

    Shawn then nips up for a third time and the fans hate him even more and more each time. After hitting the elbow drop, he begins to ‘tune up the band. Shawn walks to the corner and stomps the mat with his foot as he sizes up Jake. Shawn goes for his Super Kick and Jake ducks. Michaels charges at him with a clothesline and both men go over the ropes to the outside, with both men landing hard. With both men down a loud ‘Lets go Jake’ chant erupts.

    Commentator 1 : there’s no doubt about which man the fans want to see win.

    Both men struggle to there feet and Jake tries to grab Shawn but Shawn elbows Jake to the side of the jaw before whipping him into the unforgiving steel steps. Michaels then turns his attention to the announce table and he begins ripping out the monitors. Michaels goes back to Jake and clubs him some more before whipping Jake into the ringpost. Michaels then drapes Roberts motionless body across the announce table and signals that its over before pointing to the top rope. Michaels then climbs the turnbuckle and takes aim at motionless body of Jake Roberts on the table below.

    Commentator 1 : Big risk for Shawn here, hes already 1-1 for top rope moves tonight.

    Commentator 2 : Dont be ridiculous, Shawn is a big match player. Hes got this.

    The commentators take a step back as Shawn dives off the top and crashes his elbow through Jake with the table collapsing as a result of the force from the move. Both men are motionless as the fans erupt into a ‘this is awesome chant’. The ref hesitantly starts to count both men out!

    Commentator 1 : Both men haven’t moved and we are at 3 already by the refs count!

    Commentator 2 : Look at the carnage. Shawn looks just as hurt as Jake. What a fighter.

    As the ref gets to 6, Shawn begins to stir and slowly gets to his feet. Needing the pin fall or submission, Shawn drags Jake up and rolls him in at the 9 count avoiding the double count out. Shawn covers Jake and the ref counts 1....2......Shoulder up by Jake. Shawn looks frustrated and pleads with the ref that it was 3. Shawn then goes to the well once more and tunes up the band. Jake is taking what seems to be forever to get back to his feet and Shawn looks impatient was he stomps the mat in anticipation. Jake gets to his feet and once more avoids the Super Kick and kicks Shawn in the gut on the return and nails his DDT finisher! Shawns face hits the but Jake hasn’t the recovered enough to make a quick cover. Jake eventually pins Shawn



    Kick out by Shawn.

    Commentator 1 : If Jake was quicker we could of had a winner. What drama.

    Jake slowly gets to his feet and signals for a second DDT. He drags Shawn up, but Shawn counters with small package pin out of no where....



    Kick out at the last by Roberts. Roberts and Shawn both try to get to their feet first but its HBK whos up slightly quicker and he blasts Jake with ‘Sweet Chin Music’.

    Commentator 1 : What a super kick by Michaels. Thats it game over. Jake appears to be out cold. Shawn, who looks like still dazed from the DDT, crawls to cover Roberts, he hooks the leg....



    .... last second kick out by Jake Roberts

    Commentator 1 : What! Jake Roberts digs down deep and finds the power to kick out miraculously. Holy Moly!

    Commentator 2 : Jakes just prolonging the inevitable.

    Shawn and Jake are both looking tired and Shawn looks disillusioned as to what to do next. Shawn gets up and argues with the ref while Jake is still lying on the mat. Shawn signals for yet another Super Kick!

    Commentator 1 : If Shawn hits this its lights out surely for Roberts.

    Shawn looks drained as he awaits Jake to reach his feet, yet he stomps the mat with such anger. Jake gets up and Shawn makes his move......but Jake drops to his knees and Shawn inadvertently hits the ref instead. Shawn cant believe it and Jake suddenly swings him a round and hits an earth shattering DDT and the arena erupts. Jake covers Michaels but the ref is still out cold following Michaels kick.

    Commentator 1 : 1...2.....3..... this match should be over now. How unfortunate for Roberts.

    Jake struggles over to the ref and checks on him. Jake cant believe it and neither can the fans in attendance. Jake assists the ref up but it could be his downfall as Shawn crawls over behind Jake and hits a low blow to Roberts. The ref still dazed doesn’t see it and Shawn rolls up Jake and even has a handful of tights.



    Kick out by Jake.

    Commentator 1 : Amazing kick out by Jake.

    Commentator 2 : I have to admit, these men are giving it absolutely everything ladies and gentlemen.

    Jake gets up and is caught by Michaels who...HITS A DDT OF HIS OWN!.

    Commentator 1 : Jake gets nailed with his own finisher. Michaels makes the cover



    The ref stops the count as Jake gets his foot somehow on the bottom rope. Michaels is in disbelief and argues with the ref once more. This time he decks the ref with a super kick to the jaw and then tosses him to the outside. The fans don’t like this at all.

    Commentator 1 : Thats a disqualification right there! Michaels sinks even lower.

    Commentator 2 : Well the ref cant disqualify him if hes unconscious now can he.

    Shawn slides out of the ring and pushes over the bell ringer, grabbing the chair he was sitting on. Shawn slides back into the ring with the chair in hand and winds it up as he waits for Jake to get to his feet.

    Commentator 1 : With ref down, Michaels is playing dirty to win.

    Jake gets up and Michaels swings, but Roberts ducks. Jake then counters with a kick to the gut forcing HBK to drop the chair, and Jake follows up by grabbing Michaels by the head and DDTing him head first onto the steel chair. Jake rolls over Michaels and pushes the chair out of the ring. Jake makes the cover as but the ref is down. Another ref though is quick on the scene and makes the count.



    ..... shoulder up by Michaels

    Commentator 1 : What in gods name, what does Jake have to do to pin Shawn.

    Commentator 2 : How resilient is HBK, wow hes unbelievable.

    Moans and screams are heard from the fans in attendance, as grown men are seen jumping up and down at this classic match unfolding before their eyes. Jake is in disbelief and we can now see that Shawns skull is a crimson mask due to the DDT on the chair. Jake drags Michaels up to his knees and Shawn looks like a broken man whos been through a war as the blood runs down his face. Jake yells at Michaels

    Jake Roberts : You brought this on yourself and now you will pay. It didn’t have to come to this. My God have mercy!

    Michaels spits blood into Jakes face and looks punch drunk as he does the infamous ‘suck it’ gesture. Jake is furious as he wipes the bloody saliva from his face and he grabs the staggering Michaels. Jake then puts Michaels head in position and hits another vicious DDT. Shawns blood covered head bounces off the canvas and Jake makes pin.





    The fans erupt and the bell rings as Jake rises to his knees. The match ends at the 40 minute mark and the look on Jakes face says it all as he is exhausted yet happy. Jake looks down at the bloodied, fallen Shawn Michaels, with Michaels bleeding heavily and his blood soaking into the mat. Jakes music plays and confetti falls to the ring below. Its a surreal sight as Michaels blood stained body is being covered in the confetti as he lays motionless. Jake gets handed the title and clutches it with both hands.

    Commentator 1 : What a match, what a war! What a moment for Jake Roberts.

    Jake doesn’t celebrate much as he looks exhausted from the hard fought match. We go off the air as the confetti continues to rain down on the ring from above and we are left with the image of Jake holding the Heavyweight title tightly as he kneels over the bloodied body of Shawn Michaels. Thats it for the Chaos Rising PPV folks.
    Why I went in this direction : Well its two great guys battling it out and its a dream match for me. I always thought Jake at least deserved one run at the top and aside from that, it's two great wrestlers who have never feuded before. I liked the idea of Michaels returning as a big draw only to be out done by Jakes popularity and in turn get bit by the jealousy bug. In the match itself, Jake has only just realised his dream and it be easy and pedictable for me to persecute him on the big stage after only winning the gold weeks ago. I felt that after all Shawn has put him through, he had to get clean brutal revenge. And the win would give Jake the big moment he never had (not counting the one Shawn already took from him when he initially won the title).
    Thanks to everyone for reading and for taking part in this years draft. Esp Lord TSC for running it. Thank you all and good luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Welcome ladies and gentlemen to this special Grapplemania Preview Show. We will provide a rundown of the 7 intensely personal encounters on offer for this year’s Grapplemania extravaganza which will come to you live from a sell-out crowd of 72,000 people at the University of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Arizona.

    Here is our official theme song for this year's PPV (why not have a listen as we run through the seven match-ups)...

    Main Event
    World Heavyweight Championship
    Dynamite King vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)

    Following last season’s successful season, Stone Cold Steve Austin joined the company and quickly gained the title after a bitter feud with the MNG owner. The owner soon departed from public view and placed power in the hands of his new General Manager: Eric Bischoff.

    Despite noting his neck was not 100 per cent, Austin was in good spirits heading into the new season - until tragedy struck. The champion was taken out backstage by a mystery assailant with General Manager Bischoff pledging to find the culprit.

    Elsewhere, Dynamite Kid found himself in an 8 person tournament to crown this year’s King of the Ring, with the winner facing the champion Austin – if he showed up – at Grapplemania. The masked attacker, however, would again emerge, involving himself in the tournament and attacking more than one participant. Following a false claim by Rikishi that he was the masked man, and a further false claim by him that Nick Bockwinkel had planned it all, it transpired that it was in fact Dynamite Kid that had been the masked attacker of Austin, and with assistance from Bischoff and Rikishi, had done it all to secure the number one contender spot for Grapplemania. Dynamite Kid sure enough went on to win the tournament, again assaulting Austin in the process, and rechristening himself Dynamite King.

    Stone Cold would soon set out for revenge, successfully getting his hands on Rikishi, and then Bischoff. Now, the Rattlesnake just has one man left on his list.

    For Austin this is a story of revenge; about putting an end to a man who could have ended not just his title reign, but his entire career. He has acknowledged his respect for the challenger, and acknowledged that his greatest Wrestlemania opponent Bret Hart has referred to Dynamite as the greatest ever. He has further admitted his neck is in bad shape and thus called this match the biggest of his career. Nevertheless the defiant champion has vowed he will still hold the gold by the PPV’s end.

    For Dynamite King, this is a story of redemption. He has said he feels overlooked, undervalued, underappreciated; he has said he will prove wrong all of the doubters and that he will soon be spoken of in the same breath as the likes of Stone Cold and his former friend Bret Hart. He has pointed out Austin has never lost in the all the years of the Draft, but has vowed to be the first one to break that streak. Dynamite claims he and Austin have a lot in common: both ruthless, sadistic, and uncompromising; both willing to give their bodies and souls in the ring.

    This is a clash of two of the hungriest performers in wrestling history. Two men who blazed a trail in the industry in their own distinctive way. A champion feeling his mortality; a challenger fighting for immortality. One hunting for revenge; one hunting for redemption. A once-in-a-lifetime clash of two of the greatest wrestlers in the history of the business. A King vs a Champion. Which man will have his moment?

    Mask vs Mask match (2 out of 3 falls)
    Rey Mysterio vs Mistico w/Konnan

    When Rey Mysterio entered Monday Night Grappling he felt on top of the world. He talked of his ambition for a title match against Stone Cold, and was excited to be there with his friend Sin Cara.

    The attitude of Sin Cara, though, stood in stark contrast. Amidst reports of unhappiness at not being the sole lucha star of in the company, it became clear he had a chip on his shoulder. He blanked Mysterio, shoved him aggressively on one occasion, and caused a distraction which led to Rey’s elimination from the King of the Ring tournament.

    It was then revealed that Konnan, Mysterio’s long-time former friend and partner, had been in Sin Cara’s ear the whole time, acting as his representative. He poisoned Sin Cara against Rey and Sin Cara would soon abandon his persona and return to his former one: Mistico.

    Mistico blames his disappointing WWE run on Mysterio, believing Konnan’s words that Rey wanted to keep him in his shadow. Mistico would end his friendship with Rey and strike out at him, provoking him to compete in a mask vs mask match at Grapplemania in a 2 out of 3 falls match-up.

    This is more than just a friendship turned sour; this is a match that will define the legacies of two of the greatest lucha stars of all time. The lucha match of the century where one man’s future will be changed utterly upon its conclusion.

    Which man will walk out with his mask intact, and indeed his place in history?

    Women's Championship
    Paige (c) vs Sweet Saraya

    Following the close of Grapplemania last year, Paige would join Monday Night Grappling and soon secure the Women’s Title. Extremely popular with the fans, she has cemented herself as the top woman in the company.

    Paige’s mother, Sweet Saraya Knight, would soon follow her daughter into the company, amid gossip that she was only there due to her daughter’s influence. Speculation persisted that Saraya was fed up at being dwarfed in popularity by her daughter and at being known only as ‘Paige’s mother’. There were also hints at tension when Saraya helped her daughter Paige to a victory over Paige’s friend Bayley, a move that was not well received by Paige or the fans.

    Despite initially seeming to want to put the tension behind her, Saraya showed her true colours by viciously attacking her daughter and telling her she didn’t have what it takes. Saraya believes Paige has become weak and soft as a result of trying to be a heroine for the fans, and she has vowed to come out of her daughter’s shadow by taking her title.

    Whilst initially devastated and unable to bring herself to fight her mother, Paige would eventually snap amidst Saraya’s verbal and physical abuse and she has promised that her title will be going nowhere and that she will show her mother that she is just plain better than her at Grapplemania.

    For the first time in Draft history a mother and daughter will collide in a feud borne out of jealousy and now brimming with hatred. The prize at stake is the Women’s Championship and the title of being the undisputed top woman of the Knight Dynasty. Only one woman can take the glory but which one will it be?

    World Tag Team Titles
    Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (c) vs Kevin & David Von Erich

    The Brainbusters Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard returned this year to Monday Night Grappling having proven themselves the dominant team in the company in 2013. It seemed that this year their dominance would prove unquestionable.

    Their decision to attack Kerry Von Erich at the request of Tyler Breeze would, however, have unintended consequences. Kerry’s brothers Kevin and David Von Erich showed up and vowed revenge over both men with David scoring a pinfall victory over Arn. The Von Erichs would then speak of their dream to hold tag team gold.

    This resulted in a vicious backstage assault on the Von Erichs by the Brainbusters who claimed they weren’t worthy of a tag title shot and were not in their league. Despite this, the Von Erich brothers won a handicap match over Arn, Tully and Breeze - with assistance from brother Kerry - that earned them a shot at the titles at Grapplemania.

    Suddenly the Brainbusters no longer seem so dominant. Can the tag team champions prove themselves the greatest tag team in MNG history with another great win on the big stage, or will the Von Erichs, for so long associated with tragedy, finally secure a moment of triumph by crowning themselves the top tag team in the company?

    No Holds Barred match: MNG Legends Championship
    Tyler Breeze vs Kerry Von Erich (c)

    The young, cocky ‘Prince Pretty’ Tyler Breeze entered Monday Night Grappling and vowed to make an impact. Reaching new heights of vanity, he took to wearing a mask of glass which he said reflected the ugliness of others back on to them.

    Kerry Von Erich, much beloved by the female fans of the company, is a polar opposite of Breeze in character. Humble and a man of the people, Kerry acquired the company’s Legends Title and has worn it with pride for several months.

    It would be during the King of the Ring tournament that their paths would cross. Breeze convinced the Brainbusters to take out Von Erich ahead of a qualifying match involving the pair, with Von Erich beaten up so badly he could not even make the match. Breeze has used this controversial win over the champion to secure a title match at Grapplemania.

    Breeze further showed his nasty side by capturing on his phone evidence of a secret Kerry had long harboured – that he had his right foot amputated following a car accident and that he now wears a prostethic leg. Breeze subsequently mocked Kerry’s disability. The reveal of the secret left Kerry broken-hearted, embarrassed and ashamed, and he fled in despair; Von Erich, however, would return, informing Breeze that the fans had shown him he need not feel this way. He has said Breeze is not worthy of the Legends Title and has vowed to shut him up at Grapplemania.

    This No Holds Barred match promises to be the biggest night of Tyler Breeze’s career. Can he step up against the legendary Von Erich and secure his first title win, or will Kerry make good of his word and make Breeze pay for the humiliation he has put him through?

    Career match: Davey Boy must win to get back his and J.R.'s jobs
    Davey Boy Smith w/Jim Ross vs Marty Jones w/Eric Bischoff

    The British Bulldogs entered Monday Night Grapping and despite rumoured disharmony behind the scenes, they quickly became fan favourites. Both men found themselves in the King of the Ring tournament and the hope of Davey Boy Smith was that both men would reach the final, guaranteeing a Bulldog would face Austin at Grapplemania.

    Dynamite Kid, of course, had other ideas and ensured Davey Boy was beaten up and taken out of the tournament. Davey Boy, though, would return and provoke Dynamite into a match for the number one contender spot. After an epic, PPV-worthy match, Dynamite proved the superior cousin and afterwards offered Davey Boy a chance to lead his Kingsguard and fight at his right hand.

    Davey Boy refused the offer. Then to the surprise of both Bulldogs, British wrestling legend, and mentor of Dynamite and Davey Boy, Marty Jones showed up. Marty suggested things could be put right with an apology – from Davey Boy. To the shock of Davey Boy, Marty revealed himself to be firmly in Dynamite’s camp and demanded Davey Boy swear loyalty to his King. Davey Boy again refused – and was promptly fired by General Manager Eric Bischoff, following a beating by Marty.

    Jim Ross, meanwhile, was brought into the company by Bischoff who claimed he wanted J.R. to talk sense into his friend Austin and rein in his rebelliousness. After it emerged Bischoff had been involved in the plot to attack Austin, Bischoff revealed he really wanted J.R. around to humiliate him; and for J.R. to have a ringside seat to watch the demise of his friend. Bischoff even took to referring to J.R. as his pet and took delight in watching him get humiliated.

    J.R. though would help Austin extract a measure of revenge against those behind the plot to attack Austin. Bischoff, in retaliation, would fire his ‘pet’. Stone Cold, however, successfully pushed Dynamite Kid’s buttons, insisting that Dynamite’s mentor Marty could not defeat Davey Boy in a match and that if Dynamite thought otherwise, then let Davey Boy fight for his and J.R.’s jobs at the PPV. To Bischoff’s dismay, Dynamite took the bait and asked for the match to be set.

    Now at Grapplemania, Marty Jones, the man who revolutionized British wrestling, the man who trained William Regal, and who taught the shoot style of wrestling to the British Bulldogs, faces Davey Boy Smith, a man who helped evolve the style and bring it to the global mainstream; a man who sold out Wembley Stadium in ’92 with 80,000 people cheering him on. It will be mentor vs protégé; icon vs icon; and the stakes could scarcely be higher.

    Davey Boy fights for his very career, and the career of Jim Ross. Marty fights for the honour of his King, and the demands of a General Manager who wants rid of two headaches.

    Will the master or the apprentice prevail? Will Jim Ross have the last laugh, or will Eric Bischoff once again be grinning like a Cheshire Cat?

    Soap 'n' Stink match: If Baywinkel win, Kim eats a bar of soap; if they lose, Bayley takes a Stinkface
    Baywinkel (Bayley & Nick Bockwinkel) vs Kim Kardashian & Rikishi

    Nick Bockwinkel was the only returning star from last year. A man who in the past has held the Legends Title and the Tag Team Titles, he set his sights on winning the King of the Ring tournament, going on to face and defeat Stone Cold for the World Title, and thus becoming the company’s first ever Grand Slam Champion.

    Unfortunately for Bockwinkel, Rikishi would scupper his dream. Falsely accusing him of masterminding the attack on Austin, Bockwinkel would consequently fall victim to Dynamite King’s master plan, being left badly beaten and then defeated.

    Meanwhile Kim Kardashian entered the company to much surprise and fanfare. The celebrity’s presence garnered mainstream publicity as did her appearance on the season premiere, which saw Stone Cold lay her out with a Stone Cold Stunner. Upon her return, she sought protection and so hired Rikishi as her bodyguard.

    Kim would soon cross paths with MNG’s new signing, Bayley. Angered at Bayley’s remark that she should be ashamed of herself - for taunting a fired Davey Boy Smith - Kim made it her mission to make life miserable for the kind-hearted Bayley. Kim has used vulgar and derogatory language towards her and also displayed lewd behaviour. When Kim ordered Rikishi to give Bayley a Stinkface, Nick Bockwinkel made his return, fighting off the Samoan, and vowing to stop such bullying.

    Kardashian has challenged the blossoming friendship and team of Bayley and Bockwinkel (which Bayley has dubbed ‘Baywinkel’) to a match at Grapplemania. Baywinkel, though, offered to raise the stakes by challenging Kim to a ‘Soap ‘n’ Stink’ match. Now if Kim and Rikishi win, Bayley will concede to taking a Stinkface; but if Baywinkel win, Kim must eat a bar of soap.

    In contrast to the friendship of Baywinkel, Rikishi and Kim have been increasingly at loggerheads. The Samoan has admitted he’s a mercenary and said he needs money to pay for his family’s medical bills. Kim has been willing to exploit this and at times has treated Rikishi as almost her personal slave. She has slapped him and resorted to name-calling, and has even cut his pay.

    In a match that is sure to have the mainstream media’s eyes all over it, can Rikishi and Kim get on the same page and prevail? Or will the harmonious relationship of Baywinkel prove decisive? Which team will be left smiling by the night’s end?

    Seven matches will be on offer at this year’s Grapplemania. Scores will be settled; championships will be decided; history will be made. Stay tuned to the network for this exclusive presentation.

    (Sincere thanks to everyone who has followed everything so far.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    SWE Live Episode 3

    Match: Triple H vs AJ Styles

    AJ Styles is waiting in the ring and Triple H’s music plays. It’s time for the King of Kings. Triple H’s entrance is once again long and drawn out as Triple H milk’s the crowds cheers. Triple H gets into the ring, takes off his crown and entrance attire. The bell sounds and the two wrestlers lock up. AJ Styles gets the upper hand early with a series of holds not allowing Triple H to get any hits in. Triple H already looks out of breath and is obviously been worn down by Styles ground approach. With Triple H struggling Styles releases Triple H and hits him with a jumping knee drop. Triple H struggles to his feet but his met instantly by an overhead Pele kick. Styles quickly follows it up by placing Triple H in a Muta Lock. Styles keeps the hold for a while and once he releases he starts to pose for the crowd as if he’s already won. The crowd hate it and boo incessantly. Styles exits the ring but stays on the apron. He springs on to the top rope ad delivers a 450 splash onto Triple H. Styles quickly puts an end to the match by putting Triple H into the Styles Clash and gets the pinfall victory.

    Styles exits the ring, grabs Triple H’s crown and the mic and slides back into the ring. He puts the crown on and grabs Triple H’s hair to show his face to the crowd.
    This is your King of Kings. Look at him. He’s done. He should retire and leave this business to the younger generation who show hunger and commitment to this industry. This man is living on past triumphs and it makes me sick to see talent and ability wasted like this.

    Styles slams Triple H’s head back to the mat and leaves the ring to a chorus of boos.

    Backstage: GM’s office

    Christopher Daniels and Eric Young storm into Gorilla Monsoon’s office to confront the GM about the interference from Al Snow in their championship match last week.
    Daniels “Did you see what happened last week? That lunatic Al Snow attacked us and we couldn’t finish our match. It’s a disgrace, what are you going to do about it?”
    Monsoon “Listen lads, I didn’t see what happened last week. I know it’s frustrating not being able to declare a champion but its wrestling, less complaining and more fighting. I’ll reschedule another match for tonight. How about that?”
    Young “And what about Al Snow? How can you make sure he does not get involved this week?”
    Monsoon “ Well if you are that concerned about interference from Snow then i’ll put him in the match to make it a triple threat. How about that?”

    Daniels and Young are livid, complaining to Gorilla Monsoon that he can’t do that.

    Backstage: Locker Room

    Bobby Roode is storming through the locker room looking for Tito Santana. He’s being followed by Layla who is trying to calm him down. He grabs a local wrestler who is in the locker room and pins him to the wall by his throat.
    Roode “Have you seen that dirty Mexican who has my bottle of champagne?”
    The local wrestler nods that he hasn’t seen him. Roode throws him against the lockers, throws some of the locker room furniture out of his way and storms out of the locker room.

    Match: Christopher Daniels vs Eric Young vs Al Snow for the SWE Interprovincial Championship

    Daniels and Young both make their way to the ring with intent. They are not happy with the GM for adding Snow to their title match. Al Snow comes out and as he makes his way to the ring he is seen to be having a conversation with Head, his mannequin doll’s head. As soon as Snow gets into the ring, the bell sounds and Daniels & Young both go after Snow. They launch hit after hit on Snow until they eventually fire him outside of the ring. This leaves Daniels and Young in the ring to square off against each other. The lock up but then music sounds. It’s The Gangstas music.

    New Jack, Mustafa Saed and Junkyard Dog come out to the ring and attack Daniels and Young. They quickly get the upper hand and throw them out of the ring. Snow, meanwhile, has recovered outside the ring. He sees what goes on in the ring, grabs Head, listens to something Head says and exits the arena. New Jack grabs the mic and with Mustafa and JYD standing behind him addresses the SWE universe
    New Jack “In case you don’t know who we are, we are The Gangstas. The meanest bunch of people you will ever meet. If you cross us we will have no hesitation in setting the dog on you (points to Junkyard Dog). As you saw last week The Usos crossed us and they got to experience the bite from this dog and they will never cross us again.”
    At that stage, The Uso’s music sounds and out comes Jimmy and Jey Uso. They do their war dance and make their way down to the ring. Jimmy has a mic with him.
    Jimmy “In case you don’t know we are Samoan and we are family. Blood is thicker than water so we want to introduce you to a member of the Uso family.”
    They point up to the stage and out comes........Yokozuna. He performs a sumo ritual on the stage and joins The Usos ringside. The three of them enter the ring and face up to the The Gangstas. A brawl ensues and The Usos and Yokozuna quickly get the upper hand. Instead of continuing the fight, New Jack, Mustafa Saed and Junkyard Dog escape the ring and retreat back up the ramp. The Usos and Yokozuna remain in the ring to milk the crowd’s applause.

    Backstage: GM’s Office

    The GM Gorilla Monsoon and is on the phone.
    “Yes Mama Dudley, i will look after your boy, i will make sure he is treated well here and no harm comes to him. In fact he is just coming in to my office now. ”
    Gorilla Monsoon hangs up the phone and addresses Spike Dudley who has just come in.
    Gorilla Monsoon “Welcome Spike, i was just talking to your mama and i’m being told i have to make sure no harm comes to you.”
    Spike Dudley “Forget what my mama said. I wanna fight and i don’t care who he is, well maybe not that pasty looking Irishman but anyone else i’ll happily fight, and maybe not that big Japanese looking guy. I’ll fight anyone.
    Gorilla Monsoon “Look have patience, i’ll find a nice easy opponent for you and you can find your feet at the SWE.”
    Spike Dudley “Forget that, give me someone good, forget my mama.”
    Gorilla Monsoon “Fine Spike, i’ll find you an opponent.”
    Spike leaves the office pumped up.

    Backstage Interview: Jeff Hardy
    Q. What are your feelings after your win last week to put you in the SWE Heavyweight title match at Spongemania? “Well i’m overwhelmed with emotion. It was a tough win and now i am just one match away from fulfilling my boyhood dream of becoming SWE Heavyweight Champion.”
    Q. And what about your opponent in that match, Sheamus? “He’s a tough looking opponent, no doubt about that, he’s more powerful but i’m not shying away from the task at hand, power isn’t everything. I will find a way to beat Sheamus and become SWE Heavyweight Champion.”

    Match: Michelle McCool vs Layla in a pillow fight

    The assistant GM Pamela Anderson is in the ring wearing a frilly bedtime costume and holding a few pillows. She welcomes the two participants down to the ring, hands each of them one of the pillows that are scattered around the ring and allows the ref to start the match while she watches from ringside.

    Both McCool and Layla drop their pillows and lock up as they would in a normal match. Anderson quickly pauses the match and urges the two to pick up the pillows and start the pillow fight again. The ref starts the match again and once again McCool and Layla drop their pillows and attempt to lock up as they would in a normal match. Anderson is visibly annoyed and grabs the mic to address the two Divas.
    “Listen to me girls, you are beautiful women and the SWE universe wants to see you too playfully fight each other with these pillows so i’m ordering you to pick up the pillows and start this fight.”
    The two girls nod in disagreement which annoys Anderson further. Anderson orders them to pick up the pillows in a more forceful tone. Again the two Divas refuse. This infuriates Anderson further and she attacks the two Divas. She is slamming McCool’s head into the mat while shouting at her to pick up the pillows. She picks up a chair and turns her attention to Layla and hits her repeatedly in the back with the steel chair while also shouting at her to pick up the pillows. The ref eventually manages to disarm Anderson and get her away from the Divas. She screams at the Divas that she is in charge and they will do what she says and turns off to head back up the ramp and out of the arena.

    Backstage: Triple H

    Triple H is found curled up in a ball in one of the corridors backstage. He is visibly crying and mumbling to himself that he can’t do it anymore. He is a shell of the man who was once viewed as one of the best in wrestling. A shadow is seen over him and a voice is heard.
    “I cant believe my star pupil has ended up like this. Take my hand and i’ll bring you back to greatness.”
    Triple H looks up and sees his old trainer, Killer Kowalski, looking down on him. He is happy to see a familiar face and the two of them head away together.

    Match: Bobby Roode vs Spike Dudley

    Spike Dudley comes down to the ring full of determination and awaits his opponent. Bobby Roode follows him but without his valet Layla, who is recovering from injuries received earlier. Roode is still angry at not being able to get his bottle of champagne back. He goes straight after Dudley as soon as the bell rings and pushes him back into the corner. He’s hitting Dudley repeatedly whilst shouting at him “Where’s my bottle?” Dudley is overcome and Roode is able to with Dudley with the Pay Off to get the pin. Roode is not in the mood to celebrate as he is more concerned with getting his bottle of champagne

    Backstage: Gorilla Monsoon’s office

    The GM Gorilla Monsoon is watching the last match on tv and covers his eyes in disgust at what happened. His assistant GM Pamela Anderson comes in.
    Gorilla: Now Pamela, we have to talk about what happened earlier tonight. We can’t have you going crazy and beating up our stars. You need to behave.
    Pamela: Yes Gorilla i’m really sorry. It wont happen again. They just will not do what i tell them to do.
    Gorilla: Nothing surprising in women not doing what they are told. You need to apologise to them next week and give them what they want, a proper match.
    Pamela: OK i’ll apologise and schedule the match for Spongemania but i’m going to decide the stipulation

    Main Event: Sheamus vs Tito Santana

    Jeff Hardy makes his way ringside as guest commentator for this match. Tito Santana is first out and he has the bottle of champagne with him. He gives the bottle to Jeff to mind while he is wrestling. Sheamus is next out and as he gets into the ring he sees Hardy and gestures to him that he’s got no chance of beating him for the title. The bell rings and the match starts. Santana, in the initial stages uses his speed to good effect and avoids any power moves that Sheamus attempts. Santana comes off the ropes and hits Sheamus with a running crossbody that brings Sheamus off his feet. Santana follows it up with a few holds to keep Sheamus grounded. After a couple of minutes of this ground attack Sheamus manages to get to his feet and breaks free of Santana. He fires Santana to the ropes and hits him with an Irish Curse to get control of the match. After a quick break to gather his breath, Sheamus begins a slow beat down of Santana. Sheamus goes for a pin but Santana manages to get his leg onto the ropes to break the count. Santana slips out of the ring to get a breather but is followed by Sheamus. Sheamus has Santana in front of the commentator’s table and smiles to Hardy as he hits Santana with a High Cross to the ground. The whole crowd can feel Santana’s pain.

    Bobby Roode comes out ringside and goes straight to the commentator’s table to confront Hardy as he knows he has the bottle of champagne. Sheamus rolls Santana back into the ring and is ready to finish the match off. Hardy pushes Roode away and Roode accidentally collides with Sheamus. Sheamus doesn’t like this, gives Roode a Brogue kick and then grabs Roode and sends him flying over the commentators table into Hardy. Sheamus doesn’t realise that the ref has been counting and before he can get back into the ring he is counted out and Santana is declared the winner. Santana quickly grabs the bottle of champagne and exits the ring. Sheamus is livid and turns his anger on Hardy. He grabs Hardy and sends him into the ring. Hardy comes off the ropes and slides into Sheamus before he can get into the ring. He comes off the ropes again and this time flies through the ropes into Sheamus. The crowd are going crazy and Hardy milks the applause but his joy is short lived as Sheamus gets the upper hand and delivers a Brogue kick to Hardy. Sheamus rolls Hardy into the ring and hits him with a High Cross that leaves Hardy out of it in the middle of the ring. Sheamus places his foot on Hardy’s chest and raises his arms in celebration. Hardy doesn’t have an answer to Sheamus’s power.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,478 ✭✭✭brianregan09

    The camera opens up in the RCW ring where Brock Lesnar stands in the ring he’s got an enraged look on his face

    Brock: Last week I was ****ing SCREWED !!!!

    The Crowd starts to chant yes in agreement

    Brock: I was well on my way to becoming the 1st champion in this new company , I neutralized Hassan’s goon squad and I had Hassan fairly neutralized aswell , I was just about to get up and finish the match when this cowardly little bitch comes out of nowhere and attacks me !

    The crowd now boos loudly

    Brock: I’m not going to piss around the bush here , Sakuraba is it ? Get you’re bitch ass out here now !! or I’ll tear everyone in the roster back there apart until I find you ….and all of you back there know I can

    The Crowd cheer again as Lesnar begins to impatiently pace up and down the ring like a caged animal, Just then the music of James Mitchell plays , Mitchell walks out in his signature red suit and devil goatee, He has a mic in his hand the crowd boo louder than we’ve ever heard

    JM: Brock Lesnar ! Wow you’re even more impressive in person , Ya know Brock I’ve looked after big guys before Abyss, Rhyno amongst others and they were impressive , But you my friend , you are on a whole other planet . But in saying that you’re not perfect ….No one is , I seem to remember not too long ago you picking your own teeth off the mat when Cain Velasquez made you look like a bitch

    JM: And then Brock you slithered you’re way out of UFC and back into the Pro Wrestling scene as if nothing had happened , I don’t know wheter it’s true or not , But you used a mystery illness as an excuse , You made a mockery of our craft Brock ! Showing you’re self up on Ultimate Fighting Stage and then coming back like a loser with no PRIDE , Now Speaking of Pride ! My newest client , You met him last week his name is Kazichika Sakuraba, A lot of MMA afficianados know him as the Gracie Killer , He was beaten the Gracies the men who created Ultimate Fighting , He has also defeated some of the best American Pro fighters too including Rampage Jackson and Ken Shamrock and you Brock are the next target !

    Just then Sakuraba walks out from behind the curtain and stands beside Mitchell, He points at Brock and does a throat cutting motion towards Brock, Brock upon seeing him hops out of the ring and runs up to the ramp , Sakuraba meets him half way and they start to brawl , Brock gets the better of him and begins to reign down thumps on to his back

    Shane Mcmahon’s music now plays and out he comes with a hell of a lot of road agents they all run and start to break up the fight

    Shane: woah woah Brock calm the **** down ! You two have got a match at the Rampage PPV and seeing whats going down here its going to be NO HOLDS BARRED !

    PJ: Yes what a match !

    JR: Brock is going to get messed up !

    Commercial Break

    Camera cuts back to Shane Mcmahons office , shane is standing there with an annoyed face on him , Just then in walks Brock Lesnar with a crazy look on his face

    Brock : **** the PPV give me Sakuraba now !

    Shane: Brock relax ! You know I can’t do that ! Surely you more than anyone know that you’re match with Sakuraba will draw huge ! You know that I can’t give away a match of the caliber on some second rate ppv or regular free TV show

    Brock: I don’t care just give me a match

    Shane: No ! If you keep at this i won't give you sakuraba at all !

    Camera cuts to the ring now where Steve Blackman is standing ready for action, Now the music of Gangrel plays over the pa , Gangrel comes out from under the flame in the ramp, He makes his way down to the ring

    PJ: These 2 are going to be part of the International Title match

    JR: Gangrel would make a great champion

    PJ: We’ll see about that one

    The two men now lock up , Gangrel gets the early advantage using his power to keep Blackman off his feet in the early exchanges , Gangrel messes up though eventually , He whipes Blackman into the turnbuckle , He rushes in at Blackman and gives him a chance to get out of the way, Blackman begins to lace into Gangrel now in the corner

    The bell rings !

    PJ: What the hell ?

    JR: look at Blackman he’s got knucks on his wrist

    Blackman now continues to wear his fists in to gangrel , Gangrel covers up as best he can , But soon his arms fall down by his side , Black man continues to beat down . He drags Gangrel to his feet now and whips him to the ropes he meets Gangrel with a martial arts kick to the face , He now reachs for a microphone, He points down at the fallen Gangrel and begins to speak

    Steve Blackman: for too god damn long have I been overlooked , Looked upon as a joke act, That ends Sunday , and any of you think it’s a joke just look at him! I’m coming for that title on Sunday and I don’t care who’s in the match you know who you are , I’m climbing that ladder and taking that title home with me

    Blackman drops the mic and leaves the ring leaving Gangrel in a heap

    The commercial break gets interrupted mid way through by a video

    The Following is brought to you by DEL RIO INDUSTRIES
    Alberto : Hello my friends please make sure to tune into our Pay Per View on Sunday , Where Del Rio Industries will finally complete its name change from DC Inc , when me the CEO takes on my father Dos Caras in a grudge match father vs son, and also an added bonus feature if you order now , you will also see me beat up a little mamon ! don’t know what that means look it up, and more importantly ….Sunday don’t forget to join us Del Rio Productions out
    The Ad Break continues on as Normal

    PJ : what the hell was that !

    JR: Looks like Del Rio is splashing the cash once more ! and to promote our show what a hell of a guy

    Hugh Jackman is in the ring now ready for action , The music of Juventud guerrera plays over the PA now out he comes, He bounces in to the ring and these two are going to go at it.

    Juvi starts well laying into hugh with a series of punches and kicks , He knocks Hugh down in the corner now , Juvi climbs to the second turnbuckle now and hits a slingshot dropkick right in on Jackman, All of a sudden a man leaps the barricade , He’s got an iron bar in his hand , He jumps onto the apron now and begins berating Juvi

    PJ: That’s Dos Caras whats he doing !!!!

    Juvi walks over now right in to a face full of lead pipe , He goes down the hard the referee signals for the bell

    JR: he almost took his head off

    Dos Caras grabs a microphone now and walks over to the fallen Juvi

    Dos Caras: How dare you !!! You get involved in a family matter, Me and my son will take each other to hell if we have to , but it has nothing to do with you , You’re just a Mexican sewer rat ! Trying to leech of our popular name ! You’re nothing but a cheap knock off GuerrO!

    Caras kicks him a few more times before leaving the ring , Shane mcmahon now comes out to the stage !

    Shane: At the pay per view it’ll be Dos Caras vs Alberto Del Rio vs Juvi Gurrera !

    The crowd cheer loudly

    Shane walks down to the ring , He picks up Dos Caras’s bat and walks towards Hugh Jackman

    Shane: You know my father was right ! Celebrities should not be in the ring ,Here you are picking up embarrassing disqualifaction wins, and you’re in the title match this Sunday ! You don’t deserve it ! there is one more spot in the ladder match , and I’ve been going over and over in my head who to put in it , Ya know what I’m going to enter myself and I’m going to make sure you don’t win !

    Shane batters Jackman with the bat down on the back and lays the boots to him before leaving the ring , the crowd don’t know wheater to cheer or not


    We come back and the ring is adorned in red the title is sitting on a desk in a glass case , There is a table set up either of side of it for a contract signing

    Out comes Dolph Ziggler 1st and hés on his own , He makes his way to the ring and rolls in , He quickly grabs a mic and runs over to one of the tables

    Dolph: I’m not going to beat around the bush here , I’ve got a World Heavyweight title match this Sunday , and I also know I’m not Brock Lesnar , Muhammed Hassan is going to come out here any minute with his massive entourage and surround the ring and try and intimidate me , But I’m smarter than that, You see I’ve already signed this contract and now I’m going to leave before you even come out here

    Dolph drops the mic and gets out of the ring , Just as he makes his way towards the curtain Muhammed Hassan’s music plays, Out comes Hassan on his own, they walk towards one another and have a staredown right in the middle of all the fans, Hassan looks away 1st and brushs his way past Ziggler, Hassan gets into the ring and signs the contract , They stare down again as we close out the show

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭A Brad Maddox Guy


    A video recap shows the vicious nature of Sycho Sid as he beats up Marufuji before cutting to the heroics of KENTA during the Fatal-4-Way main event which culminated in him pinning MVP.
    Pyro ignites on the stage and cameras cut to the announce team.

    Petey: “Welcome everybody to MWA Supremacy. We are just 3 weeks away from WrestleRama II and tonight we will have the contract signing for our main event. Together in the ring for the first time will be World Heavyweight Champion Sycho Sid and the challenger from Japan, KENTA.”
    Dave: “And it's being officiated by none other than our amazing boss, the baddest man on the planet, Mr Mike Tyson. I'm expecting fireworks Petey.”
    Petey: “There's more chance of the corrupt wrestling voting panel not giving Monday Night Grappling the award for best product than this contract signing going smoothly.”
    Dave: “Unfortunately it means Mr Tyson has his massive hands full on the business side of things tonight so it will just be myself and Petey on commentary. Folks if you want to change the channel now I won't hold it against ya.”
    Sabre & Scurrl come out to the ring as the MWA Tag Team Champions for the first time on only their second night in the company.

    Scurll: “I'm sure you don't need reminding of who we are but I'm Marty Scurll and this is Zack Sabre Jr. And we are the Leaders of the New School, your Tag Team Champions.”
    Sabre: “Last week we promised that we would be the names on everyone's lips..”
    Scurll: “That's not all we were, am I right ladies?”
    Sabre: “You'll have to excuse my partner, he fancies himself a hell of a lot more than these supposed ladies.”
    Scurll: “What can I say, I bring the party where ever I go. And last week we brought the party to MWA.”
    Sabre: “This has been the proudest week of our lives. It feels like we've finally made a major impact in professional wrestling.”

    Snuka & Orndorff come out to the ring.

    Snuka: “We're not here to crash your party, we're here to congratulate you on doing something no other team was able to do for the last 10 months; taking those titles away from us.”
    Orndorff: “But don't think getting to the top of the mountain is the hard part, not being eaten by the mountain lions once you're there is the real test. I should know, I've main evented WrestleMania.”
    Snuka: We've fended off those lions for 10 months and now we're suddenly the predators once more. And we're already hungry. We want our rematch and we want it tonight!”

    The crowd's cheers are cut short by Montel Vontavious Porter's music.

    MVP: “HEY HOLD UP! Surely the MVP of the MWA should have some gold around his waist. He's certainly more deserving than a couple of has-beens and a pair of wet blankets that never deserved their shot in the first place. After being screwed out of a title shot last week I refuse to let it happen again tonight.”
    Orndorff: “And how are you gonna manage that on your own?”
    MVP: “Well it just so happens that MWA's most valuable person is bringing the Franchise to WrestleRama and going home as Tag Team Champions.”

    Shane Douglas' music hits and he joins MVP on the stage.

    Douglas: “Let me ask you a question: what are the two most important things in any business? The Franchise & the MVP”.

    They walk down to the ring and start pushing Snuka & Orndorff. Sabre & Scurrl get involved and a brawl looks likely when Mike Tyson walks out.

    Tyson: "Nobody is getting a title match tonight. I've got too many things to do running this show already. Instead it's gonna be MVP & Shane Douglas against Jimmy Snuka & Paul Orndorff and the winner goes to WrestleRama to fight those two British boys for the Tag Team Championship."
    Snuka, Orndorff, Sabre & Scurll are backstage after the break.
    Snuka & Orndorff: “You shouldn't have gotten involved out there. Neither of you are to show your faces at ringside during the match later. Let the big boys do what we do best.”
    Sabre & Scurll: “Nobody tells the Leaders of the New School what to do. Maybe you should remember who beat who last week before talking about 'big boys'.”

    Sabre & Scurrl pat their titles and walk off.
    izs04.pngVs. attachment.php?attachmentid=4022301&d=1326145631
    Ken Shamrock vs Tony Atlas

    Both men lock up and try to outpower each other but Atlas wins the battle and forces Ken into the corner. Atlas stays on top with some power moves but Shamrock starts kicking the legs and takes the big man down. Then we hear a booming voice over the speakers.

    “Ladies & gentlemen my name is AW and I am the owner of the greatest talent agency in all of wrestling. I said I am the owner of the greatest talent agency in all of wrestling – All World Promotions.” Abraham Washington walks onto the stage and sits on a leather chair. Shamrock gets distracted looking at AW who says “Ken Shamrock, All World Promotions is presenting you with the opportunity of a lifetime. Next week you are going to be my guest on the Abraham Washington Show.”

    Atlas attacks Shamrock from behind and Ken falls to the outside. This only pisses Shamrock off and he grabs a chair from under the ring and hits Atlas with it. After the bell Shamrock hits Atlas 6 times before the chair finally breaks.
    Winner: Tony Atlas via Disqualification

    Petey: "That's two of the last 3 weeks Ken Shamrock has cost himself the match and he doesn't even seem to care."
    Dave: "That's because he's a thug and a moron Petey and he doesn't belong in this fine establishment."
    Adam Cole is backstage talking himself up to a female member of staff.
    Cole: "You know baby, I'm the real Best in the World in more than one wa..."
    Suddenly Cole is attacked by Intercontinental Champion Tazz. Cole manages to get behind the woman whom he uses as a shield against an irate Tazz. Finally Cole pushes her into Tazz and runs away while Tazz pushes her aside and pursues.
    3bca3fb5766fe684fd1b1c04f4e5518c.jpgVs. sullivan.jpg
    Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Sullivan

    Ambrose is full of rage from the start and is lucky not to be disqualified multiple times for ignoring referee breaks in the corner.

    “OOWWW” Suddenly Dude Love appears on the tron.

    Dude: “Dean you need to chill out and leave my main man Mick Foley alone. It's not Mick's fault you couldn't keep up with the grooviest man in wrestling's close friend.”

    Ambrose gets rolled up by Sullivan but kicks out and hits a low blow on his opponent which the referee amazingly misses. Ambrose gets a mic.
    Ambrose: “You wanna see me keep up? You wanna see me go extreme? I swear to god I will kill this son of a b*tch and prove to everybody in this audience just how much Mick Foley ruined this business.”

    Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds and pins Sullivan for the win. He then clotheslines the referee, gets lighter fluid out from under the ring and sprays it onto Sullivan. He stands over him, lights a match and holds it up high.
    Ambrose: “Just try and convince me to stop”.

    Dude Love starts saying things completely irrelevant to the situation.
    Dude: “Why yes Dean, the women do love some Dude. Heh heh OWWWW.”
    Ambrose is flustered & starts shouting at the tron; “Foley you better answer me you son of a bi...” Suddenly Ambrose is attacked from behind... by Cactus Jack. Jack is wailing on Ambrose who eventually manages to escape from the ring. Jack picks up the mic and shouts “BANG BANG” as a livid Ambrose storms up the ramp ripping posters.
    Tazz is pacing around a shopping centre. He is knocking over shelves, ripping down clothes & dressing room curtains. Adam Cole is standing amongst a group of mannequins but Tazz doesn't seem to notice and walks off. Cole breathes a sigh of relief and goes to leave but gets tackled from behind by Tazz through all the mannequins. Tazz grabs a broken mannequin leg and beats the sh!t out of Cole with it. He attempts to lock on the Tazzmission but as Cole is struggling against it 10 members of security claw them apart & one fires his taser at Tazz, incapacitating him. In all the commotion Cole manages to escape.
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    Snuka & Orndorff vs The Most Valuable Franchise

    The match is pretty even when Sabre & Scurll walk onto the stage and stand watching. A few minutes pass when suddenly the Tag Team Champions are attacked from behind by Gene & Ole Anderson. The Minnesota Wrecking Crew stomp both men repeatedly before smashing Sabre through the Tron's glass. Scurll attempts a fightback but is caught by a vicious chop before being thrown off the stage and through a couple of tables with electronic equipment set up below. The fight distracts Jimmy Snuka who gets taken out by Shane Douglas. Orndorff manages to break the pin but Gene & Ole make their way down to the ring and attack both Orndorff & Douglas. They beat both men down, Snuka & MVP launch an assault but they get taken out as well. With all 4 competitors down the match ends in a DQ Draw. The Anderson's trade Irish Whipping the 4 men into clotheslines to add insult to injury.
    Mike Tyson walks out the ring where a table & 3 chairs have been set up. He is handed a microphone and takes his seat in the middle of the table.

    KENTA comes out next, he bows to Tyson who responds with a puzzled look. KENTA sits in the seat on the right as MWA World Heavyweight Champion

    Sycho Sid walks down casually. Sid & Tyson shake hands & Sid takes the remaining seat.

    Tyson: “Now I want this signing to go cleanly which is why I'm having it in the ring. This will not descend into chaos; you both take a leaf outta my book. I never tried to intimidate nobody before a fight. I intimidate people when I hit them and I want the same from you. This contract says this will be a singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Have you anything to say before signing the contract. Little Chinese boy?”

    KENTA is staring straight at Sid who looks nonplussed about the signing. KENTA doesn't even react to Tyson's blatant ignorance.

    KENTA: “You pay for hurting Marufuji Naomichi. He my friend. At WrestleRama I take your friend; MWA World Heavyweight Championship.”

    KENTA signs the contract and slides it across the table.

    Tyson: “Sid? Tell this guy how you gonna knock him out.”
    Sid: “KENTA you're half the man I am. So basic science says you have half the brain I have and you signing this contract proves it. You don't have a chance against me. I enjoyed hurting your little friend and now I'm going to enjoy hurting you.”

    Sid signs the contract and stands up aggressively. KENTA gets to his feet immediately ready for a fight. Mike Tyson stands between them, arms outstretched. Sid starts to laugh.

    Tyson: “KENTA sit down. Wait til the match before getting your ass beat.”

    KENTA shoves Tyson but is immediately hit with a Big Boot by Sid. Sid lifts KENTA up and Powerbombs him through the table. Sid picks up the contract, laughs and throws in down on KENTA as the show goes off the air.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 86,615 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Show 1

    LWE - LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment

    presents it's weekly tv show

    Friday Night Ignition

    This week’s show opens with The Cutting Edge Peep show with co-hosts LWE world heavyweight champion Edge and intercontinental champion Christian. Edge wants to first set the record straight that the rumoured outbreak of crabs at Fusion Pro Wrestling did not come from him as he did not have sexual relations with any of the divas there. He says he is only a one woman guy now and that his babe Alicia Fox is enough for him and that it is travesty she isn’t the women’s champion in LWE and that he will help her achieve this. Edge says he heard a new general manager will be announced tonight and he thinks it should be him. Christian goes to interrupt but Edge stops him and says he knows Christian would agree he should be gm. Edge says he forgives Christian for costing them the tag titles last week to The Motor City Machine Guns. A replay of Shelley pinning Christian is shown (the pin came after Edge knocked Christian out instead of Shelley with the tag belt) Edge talks about the upcoming WrestleMayhem ppv that he has no competition for his title and without him on the card there is no need for a ppv and it will suck. Edge says tonight him and Christian will reclaim their tag titles as they have a rematch with The Guns and once Christian concentrates completely and follows his lead they will reclaim their tag titles. Christian who looks annoyed at Edge finally goes to speak but is interrupted by the new gm Bobby Heenan. Heenan gets in the ring and shakes hands with both. He tells them he admires them for all their accomplishments. He also tells Edge that he will defend his world title at the ppv. Edge asks against who and Heenan says he will have to wait and see. Heenan says now is a new era here in LWE and leaves the ring. Up next is Carlito Vs. Davey Richards, which Richards wins cleanly.

    William Shatner is backstage waiting for Heenan. Heenan sees him and hides. Heenan then asks security to remove Shatner from the building.

    Women's champion Molly Holly wins against a local jobber named Liz V1. Rebecca Knox is watching backstage. Alicia sees her watching the match and attacks her. Security breaks them up.

    Austin Aries is out in the ring and he wants a match with Christian for the intercontinental title now. Eddie Edwards comes out and says he is next in line for a shot at that title. Heenan comes out and says Edge just told him Christian would be happy to defend against both anytime so next week we have a triple threat for the IC title. Aries takes out Edwards with a cheap shot when leaving the ring.

    The hardcore champion Low-Ki beats Rockstar Spud to retain his title.

    Christian is mad with Edge for getting an IC match made for next week for him. He tells Edge to butt out of his business and to concentrate on their tag match and make no mistakes again as it was him who cost them the titles not him and leaves for the ring. The main event is next, The Motor City Machine Guns beat Edge and Christian to retain the tag titles when Shelley pins Edge with a roll up. The show ended with Edge and Christian arguing in the ring.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,846 ✭✭✭Moneymaker


    We open with a video package showing highlights of Cena vs Pillman and the brutal ending to that match.

    Opening Credits:

    The show opens and Vampiro comes out to a chorus of boos. Vampiro walks right past the ring and to the announcers booth.

    C1: What are you doing here?
    C2: Hey Vampiro! Sit down man, got a spare headset here for you and all!

    They shake hands and Vampiro sits down at the commentary desk.

    Vampiro: Thanks man, at least one of you is a gentleman.
    C1: How you can spout that kind of drivel after what you and the Flock did to John Cena last week? How dare you!
    Vampiro: Watch your mouth son.

    Baron Corbin's music hits and he comes out to a pop.

    Vampiro: I like this guy.
    C2: He's a hell of an athlete!

    Elgin comes out, mic in hand.

    Elgin: You see, this is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm here last week, speaking my mind and this punk attacks me from behind!

    C1: Behind...?

    Elgin: Well Corbin, tonight Michael 'Unbreakable' Elgin is going to break you!

    Baron Corbin vs Michael Elgin:

    Elgin hits the ring and gets in Corbin's face, striking him with hard right hands. Corbin staggers a little. Elgin comes off the ropes and lands a stiff clothesline. Elgin, trash talking the entire time stomps away. Corbin struggles to his feet and Elgin takes him down again with a vertical suplex. He covers and gets a 2 count. Elgin again stomps away.

    C1: Man, he really has a point to prove here tonight.
    Vampiro: He's just a punk. All he's doing is making Corbin mad.

    Irish whip to the corner, Elgin charges in to follow up but Corbin moves out of the way. Corbin lands hard body shots on Elgin in the corner. Corbin whips him to the opposite corner and follows up with a hard clothesline. He lands another clothesline. And another. Elgin drops to the canvas and Corbin covers for 2.

    Corbin continues the onslaught, stiff right hand after stiff right hand. Elgin staggers around and swings, punch drunk. Corbin grabs Elgin and once again Elgin eats End of Days. Corbin covers for an easy 3 count.

    Winner: Baron Corbin


    Vampiro: Impressive!

    Vampiro is out of his seat, applauding Corbin as the referee raises his hand.

    We come back and we see Corbin in the back after his match. He's approached by Raven.

    Raven: Hey man, you're a hell of a talent. I could use someone like you in the Flock. Whatya say?

    Corbin simply stares at Raven and walks off. Raven grins.
    We see a video package highlighting last weeks Cruiserweight title presentation to Billy Kidman, which Omega and Ibushi are watching.

    Omega: This is my favourite part coming up, right here when he kicks you in the face!
    Ibushi: ...

    Omega: BAM! Man he took you down, but just watch what I do next! Oh yeah what a suplex baby!

    Ibushi slaps Omega in the face.

    Omega: Dude what the hell?!
    Ibushi: You no laugh at me!

    They start shoving and before long, a brawl breaks out. Backstage agents come along and break it up. M.Moneymaker arrives.

    MM: Right you two, I see you have some issues, so settle them in the damn ring! Omega vs Ibushi next week...and the winner faces Billy Kidman for the Cruiserweight title!
    We cut to the announcers desk.

    C1: That promises to be a hell of a match ladies and gentleman! Any moment now, we'll have our 2nd match in the tag team series, Ascension shocking the world by winning the first fall in decisive fashion.
    C2: Didn't surprise me.
    C1: But before we do that, we want to take you back to earlier today to an incident involving our OCW WHC Brian Pillman.

    We cut to backstage catering, Bruno and Arnold Schwarzenegger are at the catering table, chatting away. Pillman enters, WHC over his shoulder.

    Pillman: Hey, this is my time to eat. Get the hell out of here!
    Bruno: Hey, who the hell do you think you are? Show some respect, "champ".
    Pillman: Yeah, that's right, i'm the champ! That means you show me the respect!
    Arnold: I don't approve of your methods as champion. You don't act like a champion should. Are you proud of beating John Cena like you did last week?
    Pillman: You listen to me "Terminator". You see this on my shoulder? That means I am the man. How I do it, is irrelevant. As long as I hold this title, i'm the man. Now, get out of my face.
    Bruno: Maybe it's about time someone takes that title from you. Are you man enough, "champ"?
    Pillman:Old man, you have no idea what you're messing with. I'll see you in the ring.

    Pillman leaves, knocking against Bruno as he walks away.

    Arnold: Hey man, let him go. You'll give him what he deserves.

    C1: So next week on OCW, the legendary Bruno Sammartino will go 1 on 1 with OCW WHC Brian Pillman. Can the legend still cut it? Or Pillman take out yet another legend. Buddy Rogers, Bryan Danielson, Randy Savage and John Cena have all felt his wrath and his madness, can Bruno somehow end Pillman's Reign of Terror?
    Vampiro: Not on his best day! Wait and see.
    Match 2 in the series to determine the OCW Tag Team Champions: Steel Cage match

    Road Warriors vs Demolition vs The Ascension - Ascension lead 1-0

    C1: Alright folks, rules are simple. First pinfall or submission or BOTH team members escape the cage.
    Vampiro: This should be gruesome. We're going to see blood folks.
    C1: I bet you'd love that.
    Vampiro: Excuse me?
    C1: Oh, nothing.

    The cage is lowered now. Out come the Road Warriors to a big pop.

    Before they can reach the ring, Konnor and Viktor come through the crowd and attack them from behind. Blindsided, the Road Warriors are beaten down on the outside, Hawk taking a slam on the exposed concrete which Viktor ripped up while Konnor hammered away at Animal and ran him into the cage on the outside.

    C1: Where the hell are Demolition???
    C2: They're letting these guys take out Road Warriors stupid! Why would they care?

    Demolition come out and make their way to the ring slowly. Both Hawk and Animal are bloody messes and Konnor and Viktor are in the ring now, screaming at Demolition to come fight them.

    Demolition oblige and all four guys start brawling. Demolition use their size advantage and overpower Ascension. Konnor gets rammed into the cage repeatedly. Ax and Smash then manhandle Viktor and lawn dart him into the cage in a brutal spot. They continue to pummel Viktor, whipping him into the corner and both guys stomp away. They pick Viktor up and Irish whip him, only for Viktor to take both guys down with a double clothesline. Konnor is back up and back suplexes Ax hard into the mat. They get Smash up and deliver a double powerbomb to him. Konnor covers but Smash kicks out at 2. This just pisses Ascension off and they cheese grate Smashes head into the cage. It's not long before Smash is bleeding too. Ax tries to help his partner but Viktor nails a low blow, dropping Ax to his knees.

    Ascension see their chance and both scale the cage. Both guys reach the top but to their horror, the Road Warriors are back up and waiting for them on the outside!

    C2: Just climb down dammit! Win the damn match, so what if you get your ass kicked, this is the tag team titles!
    C1: What's the point in being champion if you end up in hospital?

    Ascension turn tail and climb back down, right into the waiting arms of Demolition. Battered and bloody, Road Warriors charge over the top of the cage and join in, Viktor eats a double spinebuster from Demolition and the Road Warriors deliver the Doomsday Device to Konnor to a big pop.

    C1: That's it, Ascension are done!

    The two legendary teams face off and start brawling. Road Warriors, with a surge of adrenaline after a brutal beat down even before the match began, get the advantage. Demolition eat the steel cage over and over. The crowd pops big as Road Warriors stand tall. Hawk calls for the Doomsday Device again but Demolition fight back and both teams brawl back and forth. Ascension try to sneak over the cage while both teams brawl but Konnor is knocked off and lands hard on the canvas, whereas Viktor suffers a similar fate. All 6 guys bloody and battered and all 6 guys are down. Hawk struggles to his feet and starts trading rights and lefts with Ax. Ax rakes the eyes and takes Hawk down with a clothesline. Demolition then deliver Demolition Decapitation to Animal and Smash gets a 3 count!

    Winners: Demolition

    Demolition celebrate but while their backs are turned Ascension ambush them. Ax gets beaten down into the corner and rammed into the cage. Konnor and Viktor pick up Smash for a double powerbomb, but they throw him into the cage so hard the cage breaks and Smash ends up on the floor, almost lifeless! The crowd chants Holy ****!

    Vampiro: I agree. Wow, these guys are animals.
    C1: I don't think they're done either.

    Ax is helpless and Ascension mow him down with the Fall of Man. Ascension pose to a chorus of boos.

    C2: Demolition won the battle, Ascension won the war. They are still standing. Road Warriors have a mountain to climb! How can they come back from the beating they took?


    John Cena comes out to the normal mixed reaction. He's patched up and he walks to the ring with a slight limp. He has a mic.

    Cena: I came here for one reason. I came here to win the OCW WHC Championship. I came to beat a man I don't believe deserves to be champion. A man who does not carry himself like a champion should. A man with no morals or no ethics. I left everything in that ring, I had that match won! Yet Raven, yes Raven decided to sic his little flock on me. Lord knows why. But that doesn't matter. I will chase that title and I will do what I have to do as I always do! Raven, Pillman whoever I have to knock down, then i'll knock them down. Oh and you hiding behind the commentary desk, yeah you "Vamp". You'll get yours soon enough too.

    Vampiro: You want a piece of me Cena? Come on!

    Vampiro takes his suit jacket off, along with his tie. Cena puts down the mic and invites him to the ring. Vampiro obliges. Cena charges Vampiro, fists flying. He gains the advantage but Vampiro rakes the eyes. Vampiro Irish whips Cena but Cena damn near decapitates him with a hard lariat. Cena has him set up for the FU, but the Flock hits the ring, Kanyon, Kidman and Raven walking slowly behind. 4 v 1 again, Cena is again beaten down. He takes another Kanyon Cutter. Raven grabs a steel chair and clocks Cena with a stiff shot, Cena is busted open and down.

    C1: It was a damn set up!

    Raven grabs a mic and sits in the corner as he traditionally does. He's being booed so loudly it's a wonder if anyone can hear him speak.

    Raven: John it's simple. I reformed the Flock because we all hate your guts. We hate what you stand for. And how you act. You brush people off. You brush defeats and setbacks off. Guess what John, those are part of life. You live your life like you are some kind of cartoon character, a Superman. We are here to give you a cold dose of reality. We are here to show you life is not jokes and laughs. None of us will stop until you are destroyed. And this man won't stop either.

    Brian Pillman hits the ramp.

    C1: Oh come on! Enough is enough! Cena can't defend himself!

    Pillman comes down the aisle with a complete **** eating grin on his face. Raven and his Flock leave, Raven looks to Pillman in a sort of 'he's all yours' kind of way. Pillman enters the ring as Cena pulls himself up by the ropes. Pillman has the title belt, screaming at Cena to get up! He clocks Cena right in the head with the belt! Cena's hands are down and Pillman mounts him and pummels Cena with left and rights repeatedly. Pillman eventually stops and stands over him, title aloft. EMTs try to come to ringside but Pillman won't allow them to enter. Eventually security comes down and Pillman relents and leaves the ring, deafening boos echoing around the arena.


    The show closes with Cena being loaded onto a stretcher. Pillman has not left the ringside, the entire time he's beside the stretcher, title aloft and trash talking a lifeless Cena.

    C1: I hope Bruno knows what he's in for. This madman can't be stopped!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,491 ✭✭✭thebostoncrab

    Fusion Pro Wrestling
    Week three - Signed

    Last week we reached the final two of our Queen of the Ring tournament, and tonight Manami Toyota and Gail Kim will sign a contract to face one another at the Queen of The Ring PPV for the Fusion Pro Wrestling Womens Championship. Sasha Banks ended the show with a broken nose at the hands of Toshiyo Yamada, and she is out for blood. The Divas of Doom found out they would be facing Mickie James and Kaitlin for the FPW Womens Tag Team Championship, while Sable accepted Trish Stratus challenge for a match at the PPV. Havok and Bull Nakona's match never made it to the ring, and drew in the attention of Awesome Kong! What else will happen tonight, as we are two weeks away from the show!

    We open up with the music of Sasha Banks and Sable. Sasha is wearing a face mask to protect her nose, as Sable walks along side her consoling her. They reach the ring and are greeted by boos from the crowd. Sable takes the mic:
    Jealousy is an ugly ugly thing. That's why so many of the women in the back struggle to look half as good as us, because every time they see us, they get greener and greener. Unfortunately, some people take their jealousy too far, and innocent people have their careers placed in jeopardy. Sasha was cheated out of the finals of the Queen of the Ring, and then she was dropkicked in the face by a jealous nobody called Toshiyo Yamada. I dunno, she has some stupid 5 stars against her name. You know what Sasha has? She has that green lining her purse, something that actually matters! That's something Yamada can never have.

    I would let my girl talk, but the doctors have advised her to avoid stress, and the second she even mentions that bitches name she goes into a rage. So on behalf of Sasha, I am issuing a challenge to Yamada at Queen of the Ring!

    Sasha looks stunned and grabs the mic off Sable. Away from the mic she is pleading with Sable, telling her she never agreed to a match. Yamadas music hits and she comes out to the stage. She has a massive grin on her face, and simply gives a thumbs up, agreeing to the match. Sasha drops to her knees in shock, with Sable patting her on the back telling her she has nothing to worry about. The music of Trish Stratus hits and the crowd is going wild.
    Oh Sable, have you forgotten about me already? While you were busy fighting your friends corner and, let's me honest, feeding her to the lions, myself and Yamada were talking to the mangers in the back. We both need a warm up to our matches at Queen of the Ring, and we thought you both do also. So tonight you'll be in tag team action...against us!

    Sasha is on her feet, grabbing Sable and pleading to fix all this. Sable calms her down as says it'll be just fine as we go to a break.

    Aja Kong is making her way out to the ring, tonight she is facing a local talent.

    Match One
    Aja Kong vs Local Talent
    This is a pure squash match. Aja destroys the jobber, to the point that the jobber literally throws in the towel and walks off. The bell rings for a victory for Aja, who isn't done and grabs the jobber by the hair, beating her against the barricades. She is suddenly distracted by the music of the returning Emma! Emma runs in through the crowd and performs a diving cross body off the barricade onto Aja! She has taken the beast off guard and begins laying into her with great ground and pound action. Aja gets up though by grabbing Emma by the throat and shoving her across the floor. Aja is livid, and goes to grab Emma but EMMA GETS RIGHT BACK UP WITH HURRICANRANA!!! The audience is going nuts! Emma climbs onto the barriers again and gets the crowd more and more behind her! She grabs a mic:

    "Aja, there is nothing in this world I can't stand more than a bully. Two weeks ago you took me out, tried to end my career, simply because I like to have a bit of fun? You underestimated me. Behind the smiles is a warrior, and at Queen of the Ring, I will take you out. And Aja, I promise you, I'll be the one left standing and dancing over your beaten body, because you and I are going to face each other in a Last Woman Standing match!"

    Aja is up and runs for Emma, who leap frogs over her, sending Aja head first into the barriers! Emma starts doing her dance as her music plays into a commercial break.

    We are backstage in Litas dressing room and she laces up for her upcoming tag match. Aj knocks and enters, telling her that she hopes they can put the past two weeks behind them. Tonight they have a chance to shine in a tag team match against the number one contenders for the tag titles, Mickie James and Kaitlin. If they can beat those two, then maybe they will have a shot at the gold at the Queen of the Ring PPV and force the match into a triple threat. Lita stands up and simply tells AJ to keep focused and don't mess it up. Lita walks out of the dressing room as AJ looks rejected.

    The other two women in the tag team title match, Beth Phoenix and Natalya, join the commentary team for the upcoming match, giving them a chance to check out the competition.

    Match Two
    AJ Lee and Lita vs. Mickie James and Kaitlin
    This is a great back and forth match up. AJ and Lita are the more aggressive, trying to use speed to their advantage. Every time Lita is in the ring however, she keeps getting distracted by AJs attempts to get the crowd behind her. Lita snaps eventually and tells AJ to shut up, stop being a fan girl and focus on the match! AJ says nothing and keeps quiet. Lita gets back into the zone, but when she goes to tag AJ, AJ jumps off the apron and walks to the back. Lita, try as she might, cannot win the match by herself and is beaten by the number one contenders.

    Winners: Mickie James and Kaitlin

    James and Kaitlin celebrate as The Divas of Doom give a half hearted standing ovation to the winners. James and Kaitlin go to walk to the back when they are jumped by The Divas of Doom! They stand over them in the ring, gesturing that they will walk out of Queen of The Ring with the belts.

    We then cut backstage to Lita, trying to find AJ. She is told by one of the refs that AJ has gotten a cab and left the arena. Lita tries ringing AJ but it goes straight to voicemail. Lita leaves a message telling her they need to talk as we go to a break.

    We return to the ring with Awesome Kong. She made her debut last week, interrupting the match between Havok and Bull Nakona which never even made it to the ring.
    For the past two weeks, I heard a lot of talk about who the toughest women in wrestling is. Personally, I'm insulted that Havok and Bull forgot about me. There is no woman alive today that is a tough as I am, and last week I made a statement. Tonight, I'm making a challenge. Ladies, if you two are both so eager to kill each other to prove a point, why not invite the biggest dog to the yard, and let's have us a triple threat at Queen of the Ring!

    Both Bull and Havok come out, with security between them to avoid another brawl breaking out. They both agree to the match up, but Havok says:
    I have one condition. Since I can't trust either of you to actually make it to the ring, why don't we throw out the rule book and let's make this a hardcore match!

    Bull suddenly grabs a mic
    Is that the best you got? A hardcore match? That won't let me do what I want to do to both of you, plus I don't trust either of you to actaully stay in the ring with me. I want you both locked up with me, so let's make this a Hell in a Cell match!

    Both women agree and it's on, the first ever womens triple threat Hell in a Cell will take place at Queen of the Ring!

    Tonight we will be having a contract signing between Manami Toyota and Gail Kim as they fight at Queen of the Ring to crown the first ever FPW Womens Champion. We see hype videos for both women done in a UFC style, with footage of their backgrounds playing and talking heads from women they have faced in the past, and how big a deal it is for these two to fight for the title. Before we get to the contract signing, we are joined by Sara Del Ray and Charlotte. Charlotte is facing Ivory tonight after a heated altercation last week.

    Match 3
    Charlotte vs. Ivory
    Ivory is joined by Victoria in her corner. Charlotte keeps catching Victory out early on with reversals, much to the dismay of Ivory who has clearly misjudged the skill of the rookie. Charlotte goes to lock in the figure four, when the ref is distracted by Victoria. While distracted Ivory taps! Del Ray is going crazy and runs over to Victoria and yanks her down from the apron. The fighting outside distracts Charlotte, who while having her back turned is given a roll up and looses to Ivory.

    Winner: Ivory

    Ivory and Victoria makes their way to the back, mocking Charlotte. Del Ray complains to the ref about what happened. She grabs a mic and challenges Victoria to a match next week, which Victoria accepts, saying that her trainee Charlotte can see when you get trained by a looser, you become a loose yourself.

    We are brought to a live feed to a large conference room. Mangements and press are all present for the contract signing between Gail Kim and Manami Toyota. Both women sign and the match is made official. Gail stresses how important this match is for her, as she views Manami as the woman she looked up to more than anyone else in this sport. She points to all of Manamis success, but highlights the fact that those are all in the past. The future is Gail Kim, and that is a future without Manami.

    Manami says she hopes Gail brings her all, because if she brings any less to the table she will have already lost the match. She fully believes that Gail will go down as one of the best of all time, but there is only one spot at the top of the mountain, and it says "Manami". Both women stand nose to nose as we go to the final break.

    Match 4
    Trish Stratus and Toshiyo Yamada vs. Sable and Sasha Banks

    Sable forces Sasha to start the match against Trish, but Trish smiles and tags Yamada in straight away. Sasha forces the tag against Sable, who tags straight back. They tag back and forth until Yamada has enough and hits both with a double running clothesline. Trish is cheering, until she notices that all three are done, with Yamada not moving. Banks and Sable but stand up, dazed but laughing. They lift up Yamada to show she is knocked out with a busted nose. Sasha and Sable are both wearing "boss" knuckle dusters! The ref instantly throws the match out. Trish jumps in to attack the women but is met with a knuckle duster. Sasha and Sable are kicked out of the ring by officals, and they are escorted from the building as we end the programme.

    Fusion Pro Wrestling
    Queen of The Ring

    FPW Womens Championship
    Manami Toyota vs Gail Kim

    Sable vs Trish Stratus

    Last Woman Standing
    Emma vs. Aja Kong

    Hell in a Cell
    Havok vs. Bull Nakona vs. Awesome Kong

    Sasha Banks vs. Toshiyo Yamada

    FPW Womerns Tag Team Championship
    The Divas of Doom vs. Mickie James and Kaitlyn

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,745 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Preview, Show 1, Show 2, Show 3, Show 4

    Event: Wrestlepalooza V

    Venue: Tokyo Dome

    Opening Match
    Dan Severn vs Seiji Sakaguchi
    This match will set the tone for tonights PPV. It's USA vs Japan, UFC vs Pro Wrestling, Punks Buddy vs Nakamura's follower and thats before we talk about the men themselves that will kick off this PPV. Severn a 2 time NWA world champion and former UFC superfight champion wants to prove himself to everyone in Pro Wrestling whom he believes don't hold him in as high a regard as he deserves. Sakaguchi similarly is enraged that American audiences don't recognise his greatness and believes that beating the man from the UFC is a perfect way start proving to them that he is second only to Nakamura in terms of greatness.

    Despite Sakaguchi recent actions the crowd are actually very split in the Tokyo Dome and Dan Severn's decision to wear star spangled shorts tonight as he faces his Japanese opponent hasn't helped him with the fans. Interestingly this match does not start out as a typical wrestling match though as these two 5th degree black belts in judo revert back to whats natural against such a similar opponent. The hip throws and wrap arounds stop though after a thunderous Sakaguchi chop stops Severn dead in his tracks, it's followed by another and another as The Beast is rocked. After one final chop he actually stumbles and falls back through the ropes and to the outside much to the crowds amusement.

    The UFC man uses this time to refocus himself while in ring Sakaguchi enjoys as a "Sak-a-Guchi" chant breaks out from the usually quiet (atleast in comparison to the US cities the BWA had been in recently) Japanese crowd. Surprisingly the crowd still cheer him even as he heelishly catches Severn with a lariat the moment he re-enters the ring and then locks in his Cobra twist abdominal stretch. The affect it is having is clear to be seen on his opponents face but he is still too close to the ropes and after a little struggle he is able to get his body onto the ropes and force the break. Seconds later though he delivers another series of chops and Severn again goes to the outside. This time though it is his own decision as he does whatever he can to get out of the corner he's been forced into and out of the way of more chops.

    As he rethinks his strategy on the outside how red and "near bloody" as the commentators put it his chest has become is clearly noticable. Sakaguchi though seems to be geting carried away with the Sak-a-guchi chants which he has actually encouraged by continuing to mimic big chops. Severn psyches himself up and climbes back into the ring. Almost immediately buoyed on by the crowd Sakaguchi goes again for a big chop but Severn is able to duck it and then as he rises catches his opponent with an incredible belly to belly suplex sending him crashing into the corner turnbuckle. Sakaguchi was hit hard by that move and before he gets back to his feet with his back to Severn he is caught by The Beast's Dragon sleeper which he then adds a body scissors to... a few seconds later and Sakaguchi taps!
    Dan "The Beast" Severn
    Explanation: Seiji Sakaguchi is currently being portrayed as Nakamuras lacky while Severn, the man who held the NWA world title for over 4 years, is part of the big UFC angle and as a result there is far more upside to pushing him strong. That said Sakaguchi does not look too weak here but the match is used to establish how the UFC contingent are skilled in submission finishes and can end a match in an instant. The match will also highlight how the majority of the crowd will be very pro the Japanese wrestlers in attendance.


    JD: Wow I didn't see that result coming! Sakaguchi had been completely on top
    BH: Just shows how quickly these UFC fighters can hit their mark and whos to say we won't see CM Punk or Ronda Rousey put their opponents away in a similar fashion a little later
    JD: If we get more matches like that one i'll be happy anyway, did you hear those chops?!

    Mask vs Mask match
    Mil Mascaras vs Tiger Mask
    Satoru Sayama, the original Tiger Mask, has described Máscaras' impact on Japanese professional wrestling by saying "If it weren't for Mil Máscaras, there would be no Jushin Liger, no Último Dragón or the Great Sasuke today,".He like many in this industry around the world looked up to Mil Mascaras and rightly so, considering him a living legend and yet ever since he debuted in the BWA things just haven't gone Mascaras's way. He lost match after match which was near unheard of for a man of his stature. Now these matches were not against chumps, they were against world champions like Hiroshi Tanahashi and Jack Brisco but that didn't make it get to him any less. He vowed to change his luck, to prove his doubters wrong and to do it on the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlepalooza.

    and who will he face? well none other than Tiger Mask himself who was brought in by close friend and the man who himself once donned the Tiger Mask Mitsuharu Misawa. Despite all the respect he has for Mascaras perhaps he believes the Mexican's day has come and passed because it is he who specifically challenged Mascaras to a match he has never lost before and a match where he will have to put everything on the line... a Mask vs Mask match! Will we see Mascaras prove he's still got it or has the young Tiger decided it is his time to lead the charge

    Once again the crowd are firmly behind the Japanese wrestler in this bout but they do not get on Mascaras's back, seemingly they like Tiger mask have a lot of time and respect for the Mexican superstar, a fact highlighted when the two competitors shake hands pre-match resulting in a big cheer. The pace of this match is one noticeable difference from the opener with both men going full tilt wether its delivering perfect dropkicks to each other and unlike in the first match when one man looks to take stock on the outside, this time Tiger Mask, his opponent doesent give him the chance with an incredible Plancha suicida taking the action to the outside. He takes just as much out of himself though and it's actually the Japanese wrestler who is first to his feet and as a result when Mil rises he is dealt a series of Kicks including a spinning heel kick and finishing with a big roundhouse kick which makes the bigger of the two men stumble around looking dizzy as he is tossed back into the ring.

    In ring Tiger Mask hits a snap DDT and climbs to the top turnbuckle and goes for a big Moonsault but Mascaras gets his knees up. Tiger Mask writhes around in pain after this and when he does get to his feet he is grasping his own stomach which is obviously paining him and which is immediately targeted by Mascaras. The big Mexican locks in a bearhug on his smaller masked opponent and the announcers really play up the pain he looks to be in and the chance that he may tap out just like we saw in out first match. In fact it looks like there wont be a tap at all and that perhaps he has simply passed out from the pain as Mascaras drops his limp body on the mat. Mascaras comes over and gives him a poke to see if he is out... no response, so he turns and calls over the ref but as he does so Tiger mask from behind grabs the unsuspecting Mascaras in a roll up pin and the ref counts 1, 2, 2and a half...kickout!

    Mascaras looks p!ssed off and as the two get back up they start exchanging shots, Tiger Mask big chops but Mascaras closed fist punches. As a result Mascaras quickly gets on top and when there is an opening grabs his adversary and hits a vertical suplex before going to the corner and starting to climb to the top turnbuckle no doubt looking for his patented diving crossbody. Once again though Tiger Mask is back competitive quicker than expected and he rushes up to the top turnbuckle himself before Mascaras can adjust himself to jump and hits the Luchadore with a huge Belly to belly suplex off the top rope which Mascaras definitely takes the worst of. Tiger Mask can smell blood here and climbs to the top rope one last time signalling that the end is near as he performs a diving headbutt but at the last second Mascaras moves out of the way!

    Again Tiger mask looks like he may be out cold but this time Mascaras is not taking any chances and it is his turn to head up top and it's lucky he does so as it is mere moments later that his opponent very impressively is able to once again albeit more groggily rise to his feet. As he does though Mascaras pounces and succesfully connects with a diving crossbody followed by a pin resulting in the 3 count!
    Mil Mascaras
    I believe it will be easier for Tiger Mask to survive without the mask especially with the moment that follows (look below) and how his real name is already pretty established in wrestling. Mascaras has never lost a mask match and that gimmick will be a handy one for him to keep plus after his run of bad form (where he only really lost to people in the WHC picture) this match could give him the momentum to say that he's back and better than ever. That is all without saying that Mascaras would be clearly the bigger of the two masked men and more likely to head towards the heavyweight title picture after a win and a good run following it while a loss and especially done in such a gutsy manner against a bigger opponent wouldnt hurt Tiger Mask as much who could prehaps moved towards the IC title picture or team with Misawa as Tigers unmasked or something similar.

    Just as they did at the start of the match the two wrestlers shake hands again as the action culminates here. A great show of respect. Then somewhat reluctantly Tiger Mask removes his mask and Satoru Sayama face is revealed to the Tokyo crowd. He looks a little distraught but moments later Mascaras lifts his hand as if he had won the bout and the crowd start to chant his real name in a very touching moment.

    BH: What a match and what a moment between those two men and the BWA universe here in Tokyo tonight
    JD: An instant classic it really was and another Wrestlepalooza moment
    BH: Yep it will take something special to top that but can you believe it we are only two matches into a 9 match card here tonight!
    JD: Damn this is one hell of a show BH!

    Intercontinental title match
    Pat Patterson vs Gorgeous George
    The 1st ever Intercontinental champion Pat Patterson recently came out and coming out as a gay man in the professional wrestling industry is not the easiest thing to do but it sure was a huge weight off his shoulders. Combined with the fact that he recently signed a BWA contract Pat has spoken about how this is the happiest he has ever been. He thought nothing could improve things but then when Jerry Lawler told him he would get a chance at Wrestlepalooza V to once again hold the IC title there was only one thing he thought could make it better and that was if his opponent was the man he idolized... Gorgeous George (Wagner).

    The old saying rings true with this one though you really should never meet your heroes because as Patterson would tell you, you'll only be disappointing. Since his arrival in the BWA George Wagner aka Gorgeous George has arrogantly run down Patterson and doesn't care what kind of heat his homophobic slurs cause. He seems sure the IC title is coming his way and that is all that matters to him be it by hook or by crook as he is of course notorious for doing whatever it takes even if it's not within the rules. Having now seen the real Gorgeous George, Patterson has vowed that he will do what needs doing to stop the fiend from holding and in doing so tarnishing the title he holds so dear

    The pomp and bravado of Gorgeous George's entrance has been toned down tenfold and he comes out wearing very plain black trunks for tonight's bout. As he does the announcers talk about how they spoke to him earlier and he said that his elaborate entrances will return but not while he is wrestling someone who would get a giddy little thrill from seeing it. Patterson doesn't mess about with his entrance either though and charges straight down to the ring to confront his opponent and hits him with vicious rights and lefts much to the crowds approval. Eventually the ref forces him to stop informing him that he has to officially start the match, Patterson respects the official and momentarily stops but George doesn't reciprocate and as the ref turns to signal for the timekeeper to ring the bell he misses George giving Pat a swift kick to the balls! Patterson is hunched over as the ref turns back and his opponent goes for an inside cradle and a quick win. Patterson kicks out after 2 but he is already on the back foot as the match gets going and Wagner does not let up.

    Another thing he doesn't let up with is the underhanded tactics as just moments later he is warned for pulling a chunk of Patterson's hair right out of his scalp. He really seems to have gotten inside Pat's head as Patterson seems to barely be able to string two moves together before leaving himself open for another sly attack be it a rake to the eyes or a hidden chokehold. Finally the ref steps in an admonishes George allowing Patterson to focus himself but just as he does and seems to start wrestling smart and connecting with a string of moves from an atomic drop to a diving knee drop allowing him to get on top Wagner clearly mouths something which enrages his french Canadian opponent who sees red and charges at him but is easily dodged and so instead goes head first directly into the corner turnbuckle. Patterson now stunned is then hip tossed straight into the referee who is knocked to the outside, Gorgeous George feigns concern for the official but it only lasts a few seconds before he decides to use the situation to his advantage by locking in a step over toe hold on Patterson and refusing to release it.

    Patterson gets to the ropes but there is no official there to break the hold and as a result he is left writhing in pain for a few minutes until the referee finally does return to the ring and call for the hold to be released. Patterson can barely put any weight on his foot now but somehow perhaps buoyed by the crowd cheering him on drags himself up and soldiers on and actually is able to gain the upper hand when he dodges a closed fist attack and gets around behind George where he can lock in a sleeper hold. His opponent looks like he is starting to fade but then stomps on Pat's already injured foot before a quick jab to Patterson's throat which once again receives a warning from the ref but no more and with Patterson injured and now struggling to breath George takes advantage and again locks in his step over toe hold.

    Patterson is nowhere near the ropes and his foot is already injured so despite his best efforts he eventually has to tap
    Gorgeous George
    The feud is only in it's infancy, Gorgeous George has only been around 2 weeks and although he has already established himself as one hell of a heel, it is perhaps a little early for the big face victory against the heel. Therefore instead we have him using every heel tactic going to get the win and make him an even more hated figure so as to build to an even bigger payoff with Patterson finally going over and winning the IC title somewhere further down the line.

    BH: Gawd Damn, I can't believe he got away with that.
    JD: Poor Patterson looks terribly distraught
    BH: Well I am sure he will get another chance, Georgous George didn't exactly win that match cleanly, he used every underhanded trick he could
    JD: I hope your right BH but he still won and is the new Intercontinental champion
    BH: Ugh don't remind me... wait whats that (checking his headset)... Now we will hear from a proper champion as we go backstage to where Sean Mooney is with BWA World Heavyweight Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi

    Mooney: Last week on Raw you had some very poignant words about your former friend and opponent tonight Shinsuke Nakamura who some said then went too fair as he targeted your and CM Punk's wives. How do you feel about what happened and do you have any message for Nakamura or CM Punk before your main event bout tonight?

    Tanahashi: Nakamura wanted to make this personal for both myself and for CM Punk. He wanted to get in our heads and cloud our judgement with anger so we make a mistake... and he has succeeded! You lay your hand on the woman I love and damn right I am going to be angry, I am not just going to get angry though... I am going to get even with Nakamura tonight. I am going to beat some sense into that boy tonight.

    Mooney: Are you not concerned that perhaps your focus is too much on Nakamura though, there are three men in this fight remember.

    Tanahashi: I assure you Sean I am not forgetting about UFC's own Phil "CM Punk" Brooks afterall I told the man himself how much I respect his in ring ability last week. However we all know what CM Punk is like outside of the ring and wether it is ROH, WWE, WECWF or MNG we know what he does to wrestling promotions... he walks out on them! You see, as much as I am fighting for myself and my own personal reasons tonight I am also fighting for this company tonight. A company I love dearly and whose reputation I am willing to put my body on the line to protect. I am not about to let Nakamura become the champion and destroy the image of the BWA to the world with his antics nor am I going to let Punk take our belt and swan off to the UFC. This belt is staying right where it belongs... around my waist.

    BWA Tag Team Titles No DQ Tag Match
    The Brisco Brothers vs Abdullah the Butcher & The Sheik
    A strong theme running throughout the BWA in recent times has been how the faces in the company would always try to do the honorable thing. Be it World Heavyweight champion Hiroshi Tanahashi, Antonio Inoki or Ronda Rousey the fan favorites in this federation really tend to be proper good guys but none of them face the challenge the tag champions Jack & Gerry Brisco face as the step into their opponents world in order to compete at Wrestlepalooza. Because when The Brisco Brothers defend those tag belts they will be doing so against two men for whom rule breaking is in their blood and in an environment where their are no rules. Will the champs really be able to survive when they face up to the challenge of a no DQ match against people famous for stabbing and setting their opponents on fire every chance they get? let's find out

    The Original Sheik & Abdullah the Butcher are in the building and although they get some minor boos from the crowd there are actually sections chanting for them. It would seem Abbie in particular has built up quite a fan base over here in Japan from his previous time here, a fanbase who unlike The Butchers opponents tonight are used to Death matches and the like and a fanbase who cheer loudly as these two start pulling every demented toy you could imagine out of the bags they carry to the ring and out from under the ring before we start of here. Chairs, tables, thumbtacks, 2x4s, beer bottles, a whole drawer of cutlery and much much more. The announcers question if the Brisco brothers are ready for what awaits them as they charge down to ringside carrying with them their own bag of tricks as battle commences with all four combatants going at it. It is no more than seconds though before that question is answered with Jack Brisco repeatidly smashing Abdullah's head into the announcers table and then pulling out one of their monitors and cracking it over his noggin. He then turns to see his brother who is exchanging punches with the Shiek grabs a chair, lifts it up and brings it crashing down on his opponent.

    Jack then throws Sheiky into the ring and gets in himself before calling for his brother Gerald to do something not quite audible. It turns out that it is to pull over not one but two of the the tables their opponents had gotten out and set them up one on top of the other just outside the ring. Meanwhile back in the ring Jack Brisco has, after a few more chair shots to subdue him, dragged the sheik into position for a Superplex except he is looking to Superplex him to the outside where the table awaits. He actually gets him up into the air with he crowd already gasping in astonishment before he is stopped by Abdullah who has jumped up onto the apron and struck him several times in the back. Gerry starts pulling on The Butchers leg trying to get him off the apron and away from his brother when suddenly Abdullah turns sharply and jabs his fork into Briscos shoulder!

    Gerry is rolling around in extreme pain as a 2 on 1 develops on Jack Brisco in the ring. Jack takes quite a beating and as a result leaves himself somewhat open for The Sheik who smashes a beer bottle over his head before shouting at Abdullah and throwing him something. What he threw him was a lighter and a spray which he immediately sprays onto the tables before lighting them on fire before OMG Sheiky lifts the incapacitated Brisco up and Gorilla Press powerslams him out of the ring and through the tables. "Holy Sh!t, Holy Sh!t" chant the BWA fans as the dasterdly duo laugh maniacally in the ring. The older Brisco brother is out of this match and surely the tag titles will soon be out of the Briscos grasp too.

    To say that upon viewing this Gerry Brisco looked enraged would be quite and understatement and he rose to his feet and charged at Abdullah on the outside who although warned about Briscos impeding arrival by the Sheik couldn't move fast enough and was drilled head first into the ring post on the outside. He then in a fit of pure rage pulled the fork out of his shoulder and then with blood squirting everywhere drives it again and again into the Butchers side, at which point he grabbed the cable from the monitor his brother had earlier used and wrapped it around Abbies head and started to choke him out. At this point The Sheik attempts to come to his partners aid but as he tries to exit the ring through the ropes WHACK! the monitor is tossed right at him and strikes him on the back of his neck. Moments later and a deranged looking Gerald Brisco is now in the ring himself and in his hand he has the bag that he had carried down to ringside when this battle began. It contained a number of items he tosses to the outside while looking for what he wants but he eventually finds them... 2 pairs of brass knuckles which he places on each hand. Then making two fists he starts beating the holy hell out of The Sheik before eventually knocking him out with a big haymaker right. 1...2...3!
    The Brisco Brothers
    The Brisco brothers only recently won the tag titles and in the BWA we don't pass around titles like hot potatoes. Them winning in a no DQ environment against a team like The Sheik & Abdullah would also be a hugely impressive moment which would help get them over big time with the BWA universe and it would also be a big win for a pair of faces which would be needed after Gorgeous George in the last match and perhaps some of the later matches. This match gives some variety to the card too.

    BH: Oh my gawd I have never seen such a destructive encounter and Gerry Brisco! Jesus was that really him? he was like a man possesed!
    JD: Yeah the usually mild mannered younger brother just snapped, who knew he had that in him.
    BH: Even though it's PPV and you knew what to expect from a no DQ match with The Sheik and The Butcher I really feel I gotta apologize, you don't normally see such brutality in a BWA arena.
    JD: I just thank god nobody was too seriously hurt though cos look Jack Brisco is back to his feet and celebrating with his brother which in itself is a bit of a miracle and although im sure his Jaw will hurt in the morning it looks like The Sheik is able to walk out of the arena (with Abdullah's assistance) too.

    While BWA officials clean up the ringside arena we cut away to a replay of the UFC news conference from earlier today where it was announced that the UFC/BWA interpromotional deal would last for 12 months (until next years draft) including several PPV spectaculars such as Wrestlepalooza. There is also a raher timely "Don't try this at home" message.
    GMship on the line
    Jerry "The King" Lawler vs Mitsuharu Misawa
    When Jerry "The King" Lawler left Monday Night Grappling and joined the BWA taking up the position of Raw general manager he did so on a trial basis in the lead up to Wrestlepalooza V. It must be said he put together an amazing PPV but the methods he used so as to do so were to say the least questionable, in particular in relation to "The Aces of the Universe" . Lawler feared the newest member of the group Antoni Inoki was lookng to invest in the BWA and would remove him from power so brought in his old MNG cohort Big Van Vader to deal with him. He stacked the odds against BWA champion Hiroshi Tanahashi and he screwed then BWA tag champions Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa out of their championships.

    The thing is Lawler wasn't wrong, Inoki was looking to invest and did intend to replace him as GM, and the man he planned to replace him with was none other than Mitsuharu Misawa. Misawa who not only held the positions of founder, chairman and president in different Japanese promotions but is also a former eight time World Champion. In the BWA we settle such disputes in the ring however so the board of directors decreed that at Wrestlepalooza Lawler & Misawa would go one on one with the Gmship of BWA raw on the line

    After both competitors come out but before the match starts Lawler with a Microphone in his hand addresses Miswawa he talks about how they just witnessed a no DQ match whrere a lot of deplorable actions took place and says he wants Misawa's word he won't try anything like that in their match where it would be considered cheating. He goes to hand the Mic to a bemused looking Misawa but as he reaches out to take it Lawler gives him a swift kick to the groin causing him to drop to his knees where Jerry cracks the Mic off his skull 3 times before tossing it outside the ring and ordering for the bell to be rung to start the match. He is still in-interim GM so the arena staff follow his orders and Lawler starts with a huge advantage and one he plans to capitalize on immediately as whips Misawa into the corner and then delivers a big vertical suplex after which he goes for a pin...1...2...kickout!

    Lawler throws everything he can at him culminating in his classic diving fist drop from the top rope but again it only gets a long 2 count from the referee. After this Jerry starts berating the ref saying he is counting too slow and in doing so doesen't realize that Misawa is back to his feet and when Lawler turns around he turns straight into a kick to the gut and a Tiger Driver! Misawa pins Lawler and this time the count is anything but slow but Jerry is able to kick out just before the 3 count

    The momentum has shifted and Misawa is on top delivering a number of quality suplexes to Lawler softening him up before he hits his Emerald Flowsion and goes for another pinfall but alas this time Jerry is too close to the side of the ring and is able to break the count by reaching out and grabbing the bottom rope. Lawler rolls to the outside to give himself a moment to as the commentators say try and formulate a plan to get back into this one but he is given no time as much to everyones shock Misawa rolls back the years performing a Corkscrew Plancha to the outside. It is a success in as far as he lands dead on Lawler but he also clearly hurts himself in doing so coming down hard on his neck.

    After only a few seconds the referee throws up an X gesture with his hands to symbolize that medical assistance is needed. Despite this when Lawler gets back to his feet he drags Misawa to his and rams him head first into the corner post. The announcers wonder if he might be concussed too as he looks like he doesent know where he is as Lawler throws him into the ring but they are sure that his neck is what the doctors have been called for as they have shown a replay of him coming crashing down on it several times. The ref and The doctors who have now arrived on the scene plead with Jerry to stop the assault but instead Lawler performs his patented Piledriver much to everyones dismay. After which he orders the ref to make the count which he does 1...2...3!
    Jerry Lawler
    As much as people bemoan the need for a heel authorithy figure there are more storyline options with Lawler in charge in my opinion especially with his feud set to continue against the face "Aces of The Universe" group, which it no doubt would after the finish to this match. More could be said on the topic of Lawler, his association with Vader and the before mentioned feud but lets wait till Vader's match for that one.

    JD: Well it looks like "The King" is now our permanent General Manager
    BH: Can't say I am a fan of that, especially not after Jerry tried to severely injure another BWA wrestler to get the job
    JD: he's okay look Kobashi is helping him to the back... he's fine
    BH: I see it hasn't taken you long to start kissing the new bosses as$
    JD: oh give over Bounty Hunter and just enjoy this fine PPV Lawler has put on for us tonight.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,745 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Grudge Match
    Big Van Vader vs Antonio Inoki
    A few years ago after a match where Riki Chōshū had challenged Antonio Inoki in a losing effort, Vader had appeared and demanded a match with the already worn down Inoki, and was victorious. This led the pro-Inoki audience to riot, resulting in NJPW being banned from the Sumo Hall, which was its home arena. Fast forward a few years and Antonio Inoki is looking to invest in the BWA having cashed out his NJPW shares after two of tonights main eventers Hiroshi Tanahashi & Shinsuke Nakamura jumped ship to the BWA. Current man in charge of booking the show in the BWA Jerry Lawler feared the effect his arrival would have on his position with the company so who did he call? none other than the man he fought alongside in MNG productions last year Big Van Vader. Vader didn't disappoint his new boss and since his arrival in the BWA he has terrorized the former IWGP and WWF world champion. Lawler has been so impressed that he promised to start booking Vader in the main event picture if he destroys Inoki at Wrestlepalooza. I wouldn't bet against the mastadon considering how impressive he has been since his BWA debut but remember the last time these two faced off Inoki had already been through a gruelling battle, while this time he will be fresh as well as being on home soil in Tokyo. Can Inoki overcome his greatest adversary or will Vader cause another riot in Japan?!

    After both men make their way out Antoni Inoki makes what the announcers highlight as being a massive gesture and offers to shake Vaders hand as we begin but the big man just swats it away laughing before dropping his opponent to the mat with a huge lariat. He gets back up quick only to be knocked straight back on his ass courtesy of another lariat. It's a worrying start for Inoki as Vader lifts him up and starts squeezing the life out of him with a bearhug only releasing it so he can connect with a third big lariat.

    Inoki gets back up just as Vader goes for a fourth lariat but that is simply going too far and Inoki sees it coming and is able to avoid it getting around behind his attacker where he locks in his Cobra Twist Abdominal stretch but after a few seconds Vader looking every inch a monster powers out of it. Inoki tries his best to subdue the beast by connecting perfectly with several bare knuckle punches but Vader just keeps coming and a chokeslam later and Inoki is once more lying flat on his back. He is clearly struggling and crawls over to the corner propping himself up on the first turnbuckle after failing to get to his feet initially. He has taken a lot of abuse from Vader in the weeks building to this match but the Mastadon is not the person you want to go up against at anything but 100% percent a fact he shows as he immediately charges the corner and without leaving his feet crushes him into the turnbuckle. The big man then climbs to the top rope and goes for his Vadersault (Moonsault) but at the last second Inoki rolls out of the way.

    It seems the man who once faced Muhammad Ali still has something left in the tank and after Vaders big flop it's Inoki who gets to his feet first and then when his opponent finally does rise the asian wrestler impresses all by lifting the big man up for a fallaway slam. Again Vader does not stay down for long but once more when he gets up Inoki is waiting and locks in his Manji-Gatame octopus hold. The crowd are begging for a Vader tap out and cheering Inoki on but those cheers turn to boos as Jerry Lawler comes out to ringside. His meer presence and the boos that accompany it are enough to distract Inoki so much that he slightly loosens his hold and Vader is able to power out of it. Vader is still a little worse for wear though and Inoki tries to keep on him slingshoting himself off the ropes to go for an Inoki special Enzuigiri (he signalled this before hand) but as he comes off the ropes Lawler grabs his trailing let and he strumbles straight into a spinning backfist instead. That single moment is enough to swing the momentum of the whole match as Vader then lifts him up and delivers not one but 2 powerbombs, finally releasing upon the second. He then drags Inoki to the corner where he hits his Vader Bomb (Corner slingshot splash) before going for a pin. 1...2...3

    Lawler joins Vader in the ring and lifts his hand in celebration before continuing to beat down on Inoki amidst a torrent of boos. That is until his opponent from earlier tonight Mitsuharu Misawa comes charging down to the ring to stop him. Unfortunately he is in no condition to take on Lawler let alone Lawler and Vader and after he recieves a Vader powerbomb for his troubles the boos return. BWA security now sperate Vader/Lawler from Misawa/Inoki as medical staff enter the ring to attend to those two
    Build towards a Jerry Lawler vs Antoni Inoki feud & PPV bout, Vader can move into the main event picture with the help of Lawler and him being booked like a beast is both right for him and any potential main event feud he could have, all of which would be fresh and argueably dream matches (vs Punk, Tanahashi etc)

    JD:My Gawd what a destructive force Big Van Vader truely is
    BH: He will make a fine addition to the main event scene here in the BWA but I really just hope Inoki and Misawa are okay, those men are legends in the sport and I want to see them able to compete again.
    JD: Knowing them I am sure they will, and I can assure everyone at home they will get all the support they need from the BWA staff as well as the Aces of The Universe
    BH: Speaking of whom thats 2 loses in a row for the Aces, not a good sign for Kobashi & Tanahashi later tonight!

    Cross Promotional inter-gender Bout
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura vs "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey
    Jesse Ventura had been quite the crowd favorite here in the BWA. His flamboyant and charismatic persona had made him quite popular and the ladies loved the man with the moniker "The Body" for obvious reasons and boy did he love them too. He would often select a beauty from the audience to help him celebrate backstage after his matches and he had no shortage of willing ladies, in fact the number of ladies attending BWA shows had never been so high. All that changed though after an incident involving Ventura outside of the squared circle impacted upon the public perception of him. An Altercation with "The American sniper" Chris Kyle lead to a law suit against his estate and in America sueing the widow of a man considered an American hero doesn't exactly go down too well. Ventura started to get booed at arenas when wrestling and slowly he began to change. In ring he took his anger out on his opponents while outside it his frustrations continued to grow as did his womanizing except now the ladies were not as forthcoming and how Venutura acted and spoke to them worsened. The main stream media were picking up on it more and more especially as the UFC deal was gaining the BWA more attention and his misogyny was reaching a tipping point where the fans would simply not accept it anymore.

    This fact became crystallized when one of the BWA's biggest fans, UFC's Ronda Rousey said no more and confronted Ventura live on BWA Raw over his antics. Since then the world has been a buzz about Rousey vs Ventura a match that was shockingly made official just as the BWAs deal with the mixed martial arts company was. The two have appeared on all the talk shows, in all the newspapers and magazines with the obvious hot topic being a woman facing a man in combat sport. But this is not just any woman, this is Ronda Rousey (Wrestling Observers Best Box Office Draw, Most Outstanding Fighter and MMA Most Valuable Fighter 2014) and Ventura has agreed to face her in an MMA style match. All the talk, all the hype is over now though and as the world looks on what will happen here live in Tokyo

    Ventura is out first and just in case this feud was too American for the local crowd he cuts a promo about how the Japanese should be on his side and that they know how to treat their woman here in which he calls them a "bunch of sick perverts" and references how he is going to get himself not one but several "Yellow Cabs" to take him home tonight so he can celebrate!

    he then enters the Octagon style cage structure that the company just placed around the ring for this match as both he and the camera admire the structure for several seconds before Ronda Rousey makes her way out to an amazing reaction. The ref explains the standard rules and then we are off!

    Ventura starts mimicking a boxers actions and keeping Rousey at arms reach chuckling as he does and not quite taking her seriously. That is until Rousey using several jabs works her way inside and then catches Ventura with some strong knee shots sending him stumbling back. He looks shocked at how easily she did this as she stares right at him and raises her arm saluting the crowd who cheer loudly.

    He grits his teeth and charges her looking for a big clothesline but she is able to easily avoid it and again she hits a quick flurry of jabs. Then much to his amazement the man who famously quipped "I ain't got time to bleed" finds a trickle of blood escaping from his nose!

    now clearly no longer joking around Ventura takes another big swing at his female apponent but once more her speed is too much for him and she evades it before this time going for a takedown on him. She struggles to get him off his feet though and instead just drives him into the steel surrounding the ring with a sort of rugby tackle. It clearly did hurt him but he uses his superior power to his advantage now as he is able to reach out and rap his arms around rousey's slender figure lifting her up and slamming her against the steel mesh. "ooohhh" go the crowd as worry seems to go around the ring, has the great Ronda Rousey bitten off more than she can chew. She quickly rolls way from ventura and gets back to her feet but much like when she saluted the crowd earlier it's now his turn as he flexes his muscles to loud boos which if anything makes him smile even more.

    This time it is she who charges him but once again it is the attacker who ends up regretting moving first as she was clearly still feeling the effects of their last interchange and unlike her usual self is sloppy and leaves herself open to get turned around at which point Venture lifts her up into his Inverted Bearhug. There is legitimate fear that she may for the first time ever tap out but it seems Jesse isn't used to such a petit opponent and she is able to wriggle out of the hold. Then just as it is looking like she is starting to struggle and the crowd is starting to quieten down Ventura moves in for the kill and grabs her again but this time almost out of nowhere she grounds Ventura with a hip toss then locks in her Armbar. Ventura does everything he can to get out of it but to no avail and... he taps!
    Ronda Rousey
    The homophobe Gorgeous George avoided getting his comeuppance at the big PPV being new to the roster but the chauvinistic misogynist Ventura has been ripping on woman long enough that Rousey winning here would be a great pay off and brilliant moment for all the BWA fans who would revel in Jesse's embarrassment. Rousey is a huge box office draw and it wouldn't be smart to have here lose off the bat here especially in an MMA style match. After this she could be used to help jump-start a Divas division in the BWA or even a cross promotion with the all female FPW so as to allow woman like Awesome Kong come to the BWA to challenge her.

    BH: Yes!, Yes! Ronda did it!
    JD: Yep she truely put Ventura in his place and shut that big mouth of his
    BH: No doubt we will be hearing form him again but right now it's Ronda's time and well deserved too

    No.1 Contender Match
    Samoa Joe vs Kenta Kobashi Ⅱ
    Ever since Samoa Joe faced Kenta Kobashi in the ROH instant classic something changed inside Joe. No matter where he went or what he did he just couldn't erase the memory of that loss. He left ROH and joined TNA where he went unbeaten for 18mths straight before he again moved on so as to seek a real challenge and last year he joined RCW as an early round draft pick. In that promotion nobody had an answer for the destructive force known as Samoa Joe either and he went on to become their champion. It had been years since he had tasted defeat but he still wasn't satisfied, ROH, TNA, hell even RCW were the Minor league in Joe's mind. He wanted to be main eventing in the biggest promotion in the world but even more than that he wanted to erase the memory of his loss to Kenta Kobashi. So when Jerry Lawler offered him the chance for just that he didn't hesitate as nothing WECWF, MNG or any other promotion could offer could even nearly match that for Joe.

    Meanwhile Kobashi himself had also gone unbeaten over the past few years in the BWA including a run as the intercontinental champion (a belt he only lost when he was drafted elsewhere) and as one half of the tag team champions. His run as a tag champ ended as did his unbeaten streak when Samoa Joe arrived in the BWA and had an instant impact attacking Kobashi as he and Misawa faced off against the Brisco brothers. As mentioned this was a changed Joe, Kobashi claimed he had lost the honor he had once fought with. Joe believes that he no longer needs honor and respect, he just needs to win and to do so he will go to any length. Will The Samoan submission machine get that win against the one man who has defeated him in recent years or will the BWAs most drafted superstar get the victory and become the no.1 contender for a belt he shockingly has never competed for?

    Just like in the previous match involving an Ace of the Universe Kobashi extends his hand to Joe as this one begins but Joe ignores it refusing to shake and instead catches him before he is ready with a kick to the gut which he immediately follows up with a snap suplex. The announcers immediately reference that as an example of perhaps what Joe meant when he said he does not need to show respect he just needs to win.

    This match isn't exactly what one would call a pretty match but that's not what people were expecting, this here is a fight!

    That's not to say they don't do some damn impressive moves, there is a reason Joe is called the "The Samoan Suplex Machine" among other monikers after all and that is made very evident in this bout with him performing German, half nelson and Dragon suplexes among others on his opponent. Kobashi is no slouch in this department also and for a while they even appear to be trying to out suplex each other with the Japanese superstar employing Belly to Belly, Tiger and Vertical suplexes to name just a few. It isn't until around the 30 minute mark though when both men begin to slow down that the end is in sight. It is also only at this point that either man even tries to go for a pin fall.

    This is when Kobashi looks to be again going for a vertical suplex but instead hits his Orange Crush (Vertical suplex powerbomb) and then goes for a pin but much to his shock he doesn't even get a 2 count! as Samoa Joe kicks out and gets straight back to his feet. He may look a little dazed but by the time his opponents astonishment has worn off so has that and when Kobashi tries to hit him with a big roundhouse kick Joe avoids it and instead catches him with his Chimera-Plex (German suplex followed by a dragon suplex followed by an X-Plex) but this time it's Kobashi's turn to kick out surprisingly quickly and get back to his feet. The two men stare a hole in each other as the commentators say that no matter what Joe says there has to be some mutual respect there. That quickly passes though as they both start chopping the sh!t out of each other.

    Eventually the exchange of chops stops when Kobashi catches Joe with a particularily strong discuss chop which gives him enough time to follow it up with his Burning Lariat finisher which this time he does get a 2 count out of but no more. Unlike last time Joe couldn't rise straight to his feet and Joe rolls out of the ring to catch his breath instead however. When he gets back in Kobashi comes straight at him but misses with another attempted discuss chop and allows Joe hit a big exploder (T-Bone) suplex on him. then as Kobashi gets to his feet Joe shoulder charges him straight into the corner drilling his spine into the turnbuckle. He then lifts him up onto the turnbuckle making it easier for to deliver his signature Muscle Buster finish and go for the pin another kickout! but this time it was almost the 3 count.

    Both men look like they cant get up in fact after the kickout neither man even rises to their feet so the referee begins a ten count and just before 9 both men break the count and once again stare at each other perhaps wondering what will it take to keep the other man down. Joe ends the stare down this time with a thunderous chop but moments later Kobashi reciprocates, Joe hits another and again Kobashi does the same. Both men are teetering on the brink and look like they can barely stand under their own weight especially after each big chop. Joe mixes it up with a closed fist and Kobashi can only stay up with the assistance of the ropes before coming back with afist of his own causing Joe to do the same. A stiff forearm from Joe this time causes Kobashi to fall forwards actually using Joe to hold himself up before hitting him with and uppercut. One more forearm from Joe and Kobashi drops backwards while the momentum from the attack sees Joe collapse forwards falling on top of him. Kobasi's shoulders are down so the ref counts, 1...2...3!
    Samoa Joe
    You build on a streak and character like Samoa Joe's, it was squandered in many ways in real life but that will not be the case in the BWA. Kobashi would not be hurt losing in this way but Joe would look like a million bucks after coming through a war against a BWA stalwart and as a result him vs whoever is able to triumph in the main event would be money, Joe winning also leaves it open for a future rubber match between the two.

    BH: Oh my gawd what a battle! neither man can even stand up and both man have to be helped to the back!
    JD: If they don't respect each other after that war they never will
    BH: Thats true but 1 important thing has changed after that, we now have a new no.1 contender in the still unbeaten Samoa Joe
    JD: And it is almost time for us to find out who's world title he will be no.1 contender too


    BWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Hiroshi Tanahashi vs CM Punk vs Shinsuke Nakamura
    The BWA World Heavyweight champion Hiroshi Tanahashi is a shining light in the industry not only is he an incredible once in a century talent and the man who beat the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever would be in last years draft main event but he is also an honorable man. He is someone any promotion in the world would be happy to have as the face of their company and leading them forward. In fact he actually seeks out the best challengers he can possible get for his belt instead of running and hiding to keep it safe. When he heard the BWA was negotiating a cross promotional deal with the UFC for example he immediately asked the board to get CM Punk on board and book a once in a lifetime match for wrestlepalooza between them but by the time any deal was finalized another man had moved defiantly into the cross-hairs of the straight edge superstar, that man being the champions former best friend Shinsuke Nakamura.

    Nakamura shocked the world when after beating Seiji Sakaguchi in a match on Raw he shaved his head and seemingly started speaking in tongues in the middle of the ring. When Punk who was ringside watching as a fan suggested he was mimicking his straight Edge Society days Nakamura not for the last time lost it and took his fight to the UFC's Punk. He spat in his face, he invaded his press conference to attack him and he ran him and his family down at any opportunity so much so that Punk could not take it anymore and when all was said and done with the negotiations between the BWA and the UFC Punk showed up on BWA to get his vengence on Nakamura and to announce the main event for Wrestlepalooza would not be as expected him vs Tanahashi but a triple threat including Nakamura. In Punks eyes this match satisfied his 2 critera for stepping back in a wrestling ring 1) he could kick Nakamuras ass and 2) He would be in a world heavyweight title match in the biggest Pro wresting company in the world.

    The champ did what was best for the company and agreed to the blockbuster match but he didn't like the inclusion of Nakamura who he thought could only hurt the BWA brand by being in the main event let alone if he won the title. Add that to the fact that Punk isn't even a full time BWA wrestler and a lot is on the line for not just Tanahashi here but the company as a whole!

    After some very elaborate entrances we finally have our three competitors facing each other in the ring. Ding! Ding! and we begin with all three exchanging glances as they circle the ring looking for an opening on each other but after Punk says sometime to Tanahashi this dynamic quickly changes with both men turning their attention towards the man who has taken to calling himself "The lord of Wrestling". It could be argued it's somewhat heelish to double team an apponent in a triple threat but after Nakamura's actions on Raw the crowd clearly think it's justified and cheer each shot as Nakamura is smacked back and forth. Eventually he rolls to the outside to catch his breath but Instead of turning on each other the champ and CM Punk shake hands and then after that sign of respect both men slingshot off the ring ropes and we see a double suicide dive to the outside. What a start!

    Tanahashi landed awkwardly and seems to be supporting his neck as he gets up and get back into the ring . He isn't first up though instead to everyone's surprise it is Nakamura who gets back in first and Punk who despite showing no signs of injury is on the mat the longest (the announcers say he is being smart here, intentionally taking his time). Nakamura hits an impressive Lariat and it is clear to see that the champ is really struggling with his neck a fact made many times worse as his opponent is able to catch him with his Boma Ye Knee strike as he tries to get back to his feet.

    Tanahashi looks out cold but much to the announcers amazement Nakamura does not try for a pin but instead climbs the turnbuckle on the opposite side of the ring and stares up to the sky with his eyes rolled back and seems to be making a prayer type gesture as the fans boo him. They suddenly perk up though as behind him in the ring CM Punk arrives on the scene and grabs the downed champ and smelling blood locks in his Anaconda vice submission. The champ who had only just started to move again before the hold was locked in is clearly struggling and it looks like Punk could steal it here but the crowd cheers alerted Nakamura to the issue and he performs a diving elbow from across the ring to break the hold. Tanahashi rolls to the outside then as the two challengers duke it out in ring. Its Punk though who gets the best of this exchange with a variation of Muay Thai style kicks knocking Nakamura into the corner at which point Punk hits him with a Step-up high knee followed by a bulldog. Punk signals that he plans to put him to sleep now and goes to pick Nakamura up but doing what he must to survive Nakamura pokes Punk in the eye as he tries to do so.

    Punk who seems to be temporarily blinded is then whipped into the corner and has his head repeatedly smacked off the top turnbuckle before Nakamura pulls him up onto said turnbuckle and looks to be going to go for what the announcers believe will be his Landslide Samoan driver from up there. Punk though fights back and after a series of punches and a few more high knees it is Punk who is now setting up for a superplex. For the second time in a few minutes though Nakamura turns things around by raking punks eyes as the straight edge superstar falls into the center of the ring. Nakamura looks like he will hit his El Niño Springboard moonsault on Punk when suddenly Tanahashi re-enters the fray jumping onto the ring apron and with just a little pull sends his countryman flying from the top turnbuckle to the floor outside. The Ace of the Universe follows him jumping back down to the outside too where as the announcers put it he gets revenge on Nakamura by allowing him to rise to his knees before striking him with his shinning wizard knee strike.

    The crowd go even more crazy though when they realize that the champion isn't going to stop there and rolls his opponent onto the Spanish announce table before climbing onto it himself. He literally has to drag Nakamura up before attempting a move but as he does the "King of Hard Style" once again plays dirty to get out of trouble and delivers a low blow to Tanahashi who slumps over and both men fall down and lay flat out on the table.... holy sh!t only a few seconds later seemingly out of nowhere comes a CM Punk elbow drop. The replay shows him diving Macho Man Randy Savage style from the top turnbuckle and as he does he drives both men through the table.

    All three men look completely out of it as the referee starts a ten count and gets as fat as 7 when suddenly Seiji Sakaguchi comes charging down to ringside and carries Nakamura back over to and into the ring. The referees count stops though as he is distracted by Sakaguchi's arrival whom he starts trying to get to leave the ringside area. Meanwhile Tanahashi is the first of all 3 competitors to actually get to his feet under his own influence and rolls back into the ring where he finds Nakamura still down and locks in his cloverleaf submission on him. Perhaps it is that this hold targets the exact part of his body that Punks elbow landed on when he drove him through the table or that he knows the ref is away but Nakamura starts to tap fairly quickly. He may have tapped but with the ref distracted Tanahashi doesn't get the win and as a result he throws his opponent to the mat and climbs up to the top rope and delivers his High Fly Flow Frogsplash. Nakamura squirms to get out of the way but Tanahashi comes down on the back of his head.

    Both men really seem to be feeling it after that move but Nakamura has clearly taken more abuse and it is he that is slowly covered for a pin. Noticing this the ref finally stops trying to gt rid of Sakaguchi and gets back in position 1, 2...the pin is broken! Sakaguchi has grabbed Nakamuras leg and dragged him out of the ring.

    He actually begins to carry him up the ramp and towards the back but the ref has had enough anyway and starts calling for security to remove sakaguchi from the arena but instead it's Dan Severn who charges down to ringside and seemingly decides that the beating he gave Sakaguchi earlier in the night wasn't enough and he was going to stop his interference once and for all. The two brawl into the crowd and in doing so cause Sakaguchi to drop Nakamura off the ring ramp landing hard on the concrete below which the announcers really play up. Everyone's attention though is quickly drawn back to the ring where Tanahashi has gingerly gotten back to his feet thinking he has no opponent to face only for CM Punk who has just gotten back into the match and ring to spin him around lift him up and hit a GTS on the world heavyweight champion before going for a pin, 1...2...Kickout!

    He does not let up though and immediately grabs the champ, pulls him up and does his signature GTS taunt but astonsihingly the champ starts fighting back at this point with a number of big rights and lefts before the move can be performed. He beats Punk back and into the corner but Punk gets one shot in which gives him time to ascend the turnbuckle to the 2nd rope where he also pulls Tanahashi up to. The two competitors continue to exchange big shots with both men teetering and looking like they could fall in opposite direction until Punk hits a high knee and gains the advantage. He goes to the top rope where he butterflies the champs arms and hits his Pepsi Plunge Diving double underhook facebuster.

    He slowly climbs down and looks around to notice the third man (Nakamura) is nowhere to be seen as the crowd go wild and he makes the pin. 1....2....OMG the champion has kicked out again!

    Tanahashi still looks lifeless and near unconscious after doing so as the announcers play up the instinctive reaction and his heart of a champion but Punk is not to be detered and lifts him up and delivers his second GTS of the night before making his final pin of the night 1...2...3!
    and new BWA World Champion: CM Punk
    Controversy creates cash and the cross promotion with the UFC angle would be money especially with the champ involved garnering even more main stream attention and all the talk about wether he would stay with the BWA, fight in UFC as champ etc (by drafting him tho I locked him to a 12mth BWA deal). It opens up the possibility for another Punk vs Joe classic too or the obvious 1 on 1Tanahashi's rematch. Punk could go either heel or face from this point forward too (or just play a tweener role), hell he could even tease another summer of Punk angle with him taking the BWA title with him when he leaves the BWA and fights in UFC. Meanwhile Nakamura does not need the belt for his "Lord of Wrestling" angle to continue and he was not pinned in the match but could take his frustration out on his follower Sakaguchi for removing him from the match. Tanahashi and the whole Aces of The Universe losing thei matches could be a big storyline for all of them and after an initial rematch could play into the groups feud with GM Jerry Lawler maybe with Tanahashi facing off vs Lawlers boy Vader if Vader is going to be elevater to the main event after defeating Tanahashi's buddy Inoki.

    As the new champion celebrates Samoa Joe slowly walks out onto the entrance ramp. CM Punk stops as the new no.1 contender catches his eye and we go off air with Joe making a belt gesture around his waist and a concerned look on Punks face. He has never defeated The Samoan Submission Machine despite 3 attempts in the past and now it looks like they are on a collision course right here in the BWA!

    BH: Samoa Joe vs CM Punk here in the BWA, I can't wait, it's going to be great!
    JD: well I'm sure Tanahashi and his rematch clause will have something to say about that, but either way the main event scene is looking great here in the BWA!
    BH: Yep, Punk is getting no rest here, that much is for sure. Well it's been a great night and I wanna thank you all for reading and remember... Vote Bounty Hunter

    BWA 2015 Roster
    CM Punk
    Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Shinsuke Nakamura
    Kenta Kobashi
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Samoa Joe
    Big Van Vader
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura
    Dan "The Beast" Severn
    "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey
    Abdullah The Butcher
    The Sheik
    Jack Brisco
    Gerry Brisco
    Pat Patterson
    Gorgeous George
    Antonio Inoki
    Seiji Sakaguchi
    Mil Mascaras
    Satoru Sayama aka Tiger Mask

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    SWE Live Episode 4

    Match: Jeff Hardy & Tito Santana vs Sheamus & Bobby Roode

    Prior to the start of the show it was announced by the GM Gorilla Monsoon that whichever team wins this match, then either Hardy or Sheamus will choose the stipulation for their SWE Heavyweight championship match at Spongemania. Sheamus is first down to the ring followed by Bobby Roode and Layla. There is a bit of acrimony between Roode and Sheamus after the Brogue kick given to Roode the week before. Tito Santana is next down but stops short of the ring. He has a champagne glass with him teasing Roode about the bottle of champagne that Santana liberated from Roode’s possession a few weeks before. Last down to the ring is Jeff Hardy and the crowd go crazy. As soon as he reaches Santana, they both enter the ring to face Sheamus and Roode. Roode immediately attacks Santana and Sheamus immediately attacks Hardy.

    Santana quickly gets the upper hand on Roode and dropkicks him out of the ring. Similarly Hardy gets the upper hand on Sheamus and dropkicks him out of the ring. Sheamus and Roode are angry outside of the ring while Hardy and Santana get the crowd going inside the ring. Hardy goes to his corner leaving Santana to start the match. The ref urges their opponents into the ring to start the match. Roode attempts to get in the ring but is pulled back by Sheamus and he gets into the ring to face Santana instead. Roode is upset but takes his place in the corner. The ref calls for the bell and the match starts. Santana gets the upper hand initially putting Sheamus in holds to wear him down .Sheamus manages to use his power to escape, sends Santana off the ropes and with on clothesline he has the upper hand. Sheamus talks a breather but before he can turn his attention to Santana, Roode tags himself in. Roode urges Sheamus to get out of the ring but when he turns his attention to Santana he is hit by a forearm smash.

    Santana has control of the match and a series of quick tags between him and Hardy leaves Roode close to the end. Hardy gets ready to hit Roode with a Twist of Fate but before that Layla steps up on to the apron to distract Hardy. Santana though goes over to Layla, puts her over his shoulder and lifts her off the apron. Layla is kicking and screaming and when Santana puts her down she attempts to slap him. Santana blocks the slap and plants a kiss on Layla. Layla is disgusted and pushes Santana away and runs away feeling very dirty. Roode is wondering what’s going on and as he watches Layla run away Hardy flips him around and hits him with a Twist of Fate. Hardy attempts to climb the ropes to deliver a Swanton Bomb but Sheamus enters the ring to interfere. Santana sees this and comes into the ring and hits Sheamus with a running crossbody that stops Sheamus interfering. Hardy successfully delivers the Swanton Bomb and gets the pinfall victory. Hardy will be back later in the show to announce the stipulation for the SWE Heavyweight Championship match at Spongemania.

    Backstage: GM’s office

    Christopher Daniels and Eric Young come into Gorilla Monsoon’s office. Gorilla shakes his head as he can guess what’s coming
    Daniels: Did you see what happened last week. Once again we are unable to finish our SWE Interprovincial championship match. Once again you cannot control your superstars and stop them interfering in our match. What are you going to do about it?
    Monsoon: Lads im a little sick and tired of all your complaining. This is a wrestling organisation, we fight here. I’m going to put an end to this whinging once and for all. At Spongemania there will be a match for the SWE Interprovincial championship between you, Christopher Daniels and you, Eric Young and of course Al Snow. And to stop anybody from interfering we will have this match inside a steel cage. We will have a winner at Spongemania and that should stop yer bitching.
    Young: Sounds good boss, and what are we supposed to do tonight?
    Monsoon: Aaaaaaaah, fine. I’ll put you in a tag match. It will be Daniels and Young against Al Snow and a partner of his choosing. Now get lost before I fire you both.

    Match: AJ Styles vs Spike Dudley

    AJ Styles comes out dressed as the king of kings. He has Triple H’s crown that he took from Triple H the previous week. His entrance mirrors Triple H’s entrance and the crowd are disgusted. Spike Dudley is waiting for him in the ring. As AJ takes a mouthful of water to spit in the air, he instead turns toward Spike Dudley and spits the water in his face. The match starts and AJ Styles is in control from start to finish. He showcases all his moves and antagonises the crowd with his posing and cheering. He gets the pinfall win and raises his hands in victory.

    His celebration is shortlived as out comes Killer Kowalski to confront AJ Styles. Killer grabs the mic to say his piece
    If you don’t know who I am, my name is Killer Kowaski. I’m the trainer of Triple H and I’m here to issue you a challenge for Spongemania. A one on one fight between you and my pupil Triple H.
    AJ Styles laughs: Are you serious, did you see what I did to him last week. He’s not worthy to be in th same ring as me. I’m not interested in that challenge.
    Killer: Triple H wants his crown back and he will put everything on the line to get back to his former glory and that includes putting his career on the line.
    Styles: Now that’s peaked my interest. His career is over and now I can make it official and put him out of this industry for good. I accept your challenge for Spongemania.

    Backstage: Bobby Roode & Layla

    Bobby Roode is still angry with Tito Santana
    Roode: I need to get that bottle of champagne back. It’s an abomination that a filthy ignorant Mexican has it and I want it back. Layla, I need you to charm Santana and get my bottle back.
    Layla: Ewwww no Bobby, I can still feel his stench on me, I can’t be in the same room as him. Please don’t make me do this.
    Bobby: Layla, you are my employee and you will do as I say. It won’t be as bad and I’ll have a nice treat when you succeed.

    In Ring: Pamela Anderson, Michelle McCool & Layla

    The assistant GM Pamela Anderson is in the ring to address Michelle McCool and Layla.
    Pamela: I just wanted to say that my actions last week were deplorable and I should have not assaulted you the way I did. I hope you can forgive me and I am here to give you what you want as an offer of retribution.
    Michelle: Thank you for your apology. All Layla and I are looking for is equal treatment to what the men get. They get to do steel cage matches, ladder matches, all kinds of hardcore matches. We want the same treatment, the opportunity to test ourselves in these type of matches.
    Pamela: If that’s what you want then you have it. Michelle, you will go one on one with Layla and the stipulation will be decided by this wheel .Its got your steel cage match, ladder match, streetfight and other stipulations. Turn the wheel and see what you get.
    Layla turns the wheel and it turns and turns. It lands on Texas Bullrope match. The girls will be attached to either end of a rope and the first person to touch all four turnbuckles in a row wll be declared champion.

    Backstage: GM Office

    Spike Dudley comes into Gorilla Monsoon’s office. Gorilla is on the phone again.
    Gorilla: Yes Mama Dudley, he’s just here in front of me. I’m trying to help him. I’ll try to give him easier opposition next time. Yes Mama Dudley I’ll be sure to come by for dinner soon.
    Spike: I know I haven’t won a match yet here but I want you to give me another chance. I know I can do it, I know I can win. Give me a match at Spongemania and I promise you I will win.
    Gorilla: Calm down there, I can’t give you a match at Spongemania. I’ll try to find you a nice easy opponent next week. Your mama is scary and I don’t want to disappoint her.

    Match: Christopher Daniels & Eric Young vs Al Snow & mystery guest

    Daniels & Young come down to ring and are ready for their tag team match. Next out is Al Snow along with his mannequin head. He gets in the ring and whispers in the announcer’s ear. The announcer reveals that Al Snow’s tag team partner is .........Head. Al Snow raises his mannequin’s head in the air, the crowd love it but Daniels and Young complain to the ref about the tag team partner. The ref just shrugs his shoulders and starts the match. Head is placed on the metal post in Al Snow’s corner and Snow starts the match against Daniels.

    Daniel’s superior speed allows him to get control early and a few quick tags between Daniels and Young and Snow is struggling. A superkick by Young followed by a tag to Daniels leads Daniels to attempt the Best Moonsault Ever but Snow rolls out of the way. Daniels and Snow are struggling to get to their corner. Snow has his hand outstretched to tag in his partner and the crowd are urging him on. Daniels reaches Young and tags him in but is unable to stop Snow tagging in his partner Head. There is confusion on Young’s face as to what to do given that Head is the legal man. Young grabs Head and attempts the pinfall but the referee can’t count as Head does not have soldiers. Young is remonstrating with the ref and this allows Snow time to recover and attack Young. Snow grabs Head and strikes Young with it a few times and then hits Daniels a few times. The ref is allowing the hits as Head is not deemed a foreign object. Al Snow hits Young with a Snow Plow and lays Head on Young’s chest to get pinfall victory. Snow and Head celebrate what was a unique and strange victory.

    Backstage: Locker Room

    Layla enters the men’s locker room and finds Tito Santana coming out of the shower wearing just a towel. Santana jokes with Layla that she’s looking for more of what happened earlier, referring to the kiss Santana planted on Layla. Layla blushes and flirts with Santana, it’s clear she is trying to seduce Santana. Santana plays along and the two lock lips for a longer kiss. Layla seems flustered after the kiss and once Santana removes his towel Layla gasps in awe and the two embrace passionately before they disappear into the shower.

    In Ring Promo: Jeff Hardy

    Jeff Hardy comes down to the ring to address the SWE universe.
    Hellooooo SWE (crowd cheers). Now as a result of myself and Tito Santana’s victory earlier I have won the right to choose the stipulation of the SWE Heavyweight championship match at Spongemania against Sheamus. I’ve thought long and hard about what to choose, Sheamus is bigger than me, stronger than me and of course whiter than me. I need something that will level the playing field, something that will help me achieve my lifelong ambition of becoming SWE champion. I’ve looked back at my career and figured there was only one choice to make. So in two weeks at Spongemania, the SWE Heavyweight Championship will be decided in a match involving Tables……….Ladders………….and Chairs (the crowd cheer loudly)

    Backstage: Bobby Roode & Layla

    Bobby Roode catches up with Layla after her attempt to charm Tito Santana and get back his bottle of champagne. Layla seems very flustered.
    Roode: Well how did you get on, did you get my bottle back?
    Layla: Sorry Bobby, i couldn't get it. There was just too much steam, too much heat, all i could see was his smile, his eyes, ahem (Layla blushes)
    Roode: Dammit, can you not do one simple thing? I want my bottle back (storms off)

    Match: The Uso Family (Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso &Yokozuna) vs The Gangstas (New Jack, Mustafa Saed & Junkyard Dog)

    The Usos and Yokozuna are first out and after their ritual Samoan war dance they are waiting in the ring. The Gangstas are next out and have with them a bin full of weapons. The reach the front of the ring, New Jack and Mustafa each take out a weapon and Junkyard Dog has his chain. They circle the ring and each of them go to a different side of the ring. In one go all three enter the ring to attack The Uso Family. Jimmy Uso engages New Jack before he can wield his weapon and sends him flying out of the ring. Jimmy uses the top rope to catapult himself over the ropes and into New Jack. The two continue to brawl outside the ring. Mustafa Saed manages to hit Jey Uso with his baseball bat which disables Jey. A few hits later Mustafa throws Jey outside the ring. Junkyard Dog swings his chain at Yokozuna but amazingly Yokozuna sticks out his hand and grabs the other end of the chain before it hits him. He pulls the chain towards him which pulls Junkyard Dog towards Yokozuna and straight into Yokozuna’s huge body. This sends Junkyard Dog to the ground and Yokozuna can attack. However, he does not see Mustafa come from behind with his baseball bat and brings Yokozuna to his knees with a few hits.

    Mustafa and Junkyard are both laying hits into Yokozuna. He is helpless until Jey Uso gets back into the ring and breaks up the double attack. He gives Mustafa and Junkyard a clothesline which sends both over the top rope and onto the ground. He then comes off the opposite ropes and launches himself over the top rope. Mustafa manages to get out of the way leaving Junkyard to take the hit from the flying Jey Uso. Jey then engages with Mustafa and the two brawl. Mustafa is trying to get away and climbs over the safety barrier and into the crowd closely followed by Jey Uso. Meanwhile over in the other side of the ring New Jack and Jimmy Uso are still brawling. New Jack sends Jimmy flying into the safety barrier. He clears the announcer’s table and gives Jimmy a belly to belly suplex onto the announcer’s table. Jimmy is in agony after the landing and New Jack climbs onto the apron and up to the top turnbuckle. He jumps off towards the announcer’s table attempting to drop an elbow onto Jimmy but Jimmy manages to roll out of the way and New Jack goes through the table leaving him out cold.

    Junkyard Dog is getting to his feet after Jey Uso landed on him. This allows Yokozuna to get to his feet and exit the ring to attack Junkyard. They exchange hits with neither getting the upper hand. They make their way up the ramp while exchanging hits until they are on the stage. One huge hit from Yokozuna seems to give him the upper hand and Junkyard is down to one knee. He takes a step back and runs at Junkyard as fast as he can. Junkyard gets out of the way and Yokozuna sends himself flying through a set of steel barricades. A look around the arena sees broken bodies and an unsettled feud. The match never got started and the show goes off air with the six athletes still brawling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy


    Fireworks and pyro go off from a sold out crowd at the University of Phoenix Stadium, Arizona, as we welcome you to Monday Night Grappling: Grapplemania. There will be 7 intense matches on show tonight and the stakes could scarcely be higher. Careers, titles and legacies are all on the line, including our main event where the World Heavyweight Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin defends his gold, and finally gets his hands on the number one contender and King of the Ring, Dynamite King. Without any further ado folks let's get Grapplemania started…

    Soap 'n' Stink match: If Baywinkel win, Kim eats a bar of soap; if they lose, Bayley takes a Stinkface
    Baywinkel (Bayley & Nick Bockwinkel) vs Kim Kardashian & Rikishi


    The build-up

    Nick Bockwinkel was the only returning star from last year. A man who in the past has held the Legends Title and the Tag Team Titles, he set his sights on winning the King of the Ring tournament, going on to face and defeat Stone Cold for the World Title, and thus becoming the company’s first ever Grand Slam Champion.

    Unfortunately for Bockwinkel, Rikishi would scupper his dream. Falsely accusing him of masterminding the attack on Austin, Bockwinkel would consequently fall victim to Dynamite King’s master plan, being left badly beaten and then defeated.

    Meanwhile Kim Kardashian entered the company to much surprise and fanfare. The celebrity’s presence garnered mainstream publicity as did her appearance on the season premiere, which saw Stone Cold lay her out with a Stone Cold Stunner. Upon her return, she sought protection and so hired Rikishi as her bodyguard.

    Kim would soon cross paths with MNG’s new signing, Bayley. Angered at Bayley’s remark that she should be ashamed of herself - for taunting a fired Davey Boy Smith - Kim made it her mission to make life miserable for the kind-hearted Bayley. Kim has used vulgar and derogatory language towards her and also displayed lewd behaviour. When Kim ordered Rikishi to give Bayley a Stinkface, Nick Bockwinkel made his return, fighting off the Samoan, and vowing to stop such bullying.

    Kardashian has challenged the blossoming friendship and team of Bayley and Bockwinkel (which Bayley has dubbed ‘Baywinkel’) to a match at Grapplemania. Baywinkel, though, offered to raise the stakes by challenging Kim to a ‘Soap ‘n’ Stink’ match. Now if Kim and Rikishi win, Bayley will concede to taking a Stinkface; but if Baywinkel win, Kim must eat a bar of soap.

    In contrast to the friendship of Baywinkel, Rikishi and Kim have been increasingly at loggerheads. The Samoan has admitted he’s a mercenary and said he needs money to pay for his family’s medical bills. Kim has been willing to exploit this and at times has treated Rikishi as almost her personal slave. She has slapped him and resorted to name-calling, and has even cut his pay.

    In a match that is sure to have the mainstream media’s eyes all over it, can Rikishi and Kim get on the same page and prevail? Or will the harmonious relationship of Baywinkel prove decisive? Which team will be left smiling by the night’s end?

    Rikishi and Kim Kardashian enter first. Kim is wearing wrestling gear with ‘Kimye’ emblazoned on the back inside the shape of a big heart.

    Kim gets a mic and reminds everyone she was brought in to be the Grapplemania guest host. She announces the attendance figure as a record 72,549 and says all the people have paid money to see her. She then takes out a note which she says is a good luck message from her husband. She asks the fans do they want to hear it and they shout ‘No.’ She begins to read it anyway when Team Baywinkel interrupt to cheers.

    The match

    Opening exchanges

    Bockwinkel and Rikishi open the match and in an early test of strength Rikishi sends Bockwinkel to the mat twice as Kim applauds from her corner. Rikishi sends Bockwinkel into a turnbuckle and is heard to say ‘this is business, nothing personal’ but Bockwinkel hammers the big man with rights and lefts as the fans cheer.

    5-10 minutes

    Bockwinkel begins to take control and successfully grounds Rikishi. This time Bayley is the one applauding from her corner as Kim gets agitated and yells at Rikishi to get his 'fat ass' up.

    Bockwinkel hits a swinging neckbreaker for a 2 count and looks to be dominating. His attempt at a piledriver, though, proves unsuccessful as Rikishi counters, tossing him over his head.

    10-15 minutes

    Rikishi slowly begins to turn the tide and is now the one grounding Bockwinkel with a belly-to-back suplex and a Samoan drop amongst other moves.

    As Rikishi finds himself near Kim’s corner, to his surprise Kim tags herself in.
    Commentator #1: I don’t think Rikishi wanted to tag out. He was finally taking control. By the rules of the match Bockwinkel must now tag in Bayley.
    Bayley enters the ring and gets nose to nose with Kim as the fans chant Bayley’s name. Kim could be heard mouthing ‘you f*cking whore’ as Bayley pushes Kim to the mat and begins stomping on her as the fans cheer.

    Kim looks like she realises she has bitten off more than she can chew as the experienced Bayley throws her around with scoop slams and even a fall-away slam as Rikishi looks on, shaking his head. Kim reaches out her hand in desperation towards Rikishi.
    Commentator #1: Kim’s had enough and wants her bodyguard back in!

    Commentator #2: Doesn’t look like Rikishi is too eager to get back in, does it? He could at least extend his arm towards her!
    20 minutes in

    Kim eventually scampers away from Bayley and makes the tag by slapping Rikishi hard across the chest, screaming ‘you finish this match, bitch tits!’ An unhappy Rikishi stares at Kim for a few seconds before re-entering the ring as Bockwinkel is tagged in by Bayley.

    The Finish

    Rikishi and Bockwinkel once again trade shots and the Samoan looks to have the advantage as he runs his big ass into Bockwinkel who is positioned in the corner. Bockwinkel drops down and is in the Stinkface position as Rikishi approaches. Kim smiles while Bayley urges Nick to move.

    Rikishi turns his back and does his raising-the-roof gesture but Bockwinkel rises to his feet and locks in a sleeper hold as the fans cheer while Kim shakes her head. Rikishi begins to fade and the ref checks Rikishi’s arms which drops…



    Thr- no! Rikishi gets an arm up and breaks the hold. He connects with a Super Kick and covers Bockwinkel for the three count – but Bockwinkel kicks out!

    Rikishi then drags Bockwinkel over to the corner to deliver a Banzai Drop. He climbs to the top rope but Bockwinkel again revives himself and with Rikishi perched up high, Bockwinkel is able to grab him and deliver a powerbomb. Bockwinkel then covers Rikishi for the...




    Winners: Team Baywinkel

    Bayley rushes into the ring and gives Bockwinkel a big hug as the two celebrate; Kim shakes her head in disbelief.
    Commentator #1: That's Nick Bockwinkel's first ever win at Grapplemania! Congratulations to him and Bayley. And you know what this means for Kim…!

    Commentator #2: Poor Kim is gonna have to eat a bar of soap! Ugh. Aargh (coughs)

    Bockwinkel brings the bar of soap in the ring and extends it to Kim but she knocks it out of his hand and shakes her head as the fans boo. She refuses to eat the soap.
    Commentator #1: This is ridiculous! Kim agreed to the stipulations of the match and now she won’t abide by them!
    Rikishi now gets to his feet as Kim grabs a microphone.

    Kim: I don’t care about what I said. I will NOT eat a bar of soap in front of the world. I have a global brand to think about and I have been humiliated in front of you assholes for long enough!

    The fans boo as she gets in Rikishi’s face.

    Kim: And you! You f*cking loser! You had one job to do and you blew it! You’re the worst bodyguard ever! So guess what? You can worry about your family’s medical bills on your own because I no longer wish to acquire your services. In other words, Rikishi…YOU’RE FIRED!

    She slaps Rikishi hard across the face as the big man stays silent for a number of seconds. His eye begins to twitch and he brings his fist to his lips and begins to bite down on it.

    Kim: I hope your whole f*cking family wind up on the streets! Sick and alone and helpless and-

    Bayley then rushes forward and clocks Kim with a right hand that sends her tumbling backwards towards the corner. Rikishi turns to Bayley and thanks her. He then extends a hand to Bockwinkel, apologizes to him, and congratulates him on his victory. Bockwinkel accepts the handshake as Rikishi turns to leave the ring. He has one leg already outside the ropes…

    …when a groggy Kim, standing punch drunk in the corner, falls down. Kim is now seated in the corner on her backside, her head perched on the bottom turnbuckle. Rikishi stops and swings his head around towards the corner as the fans go crazy.
    Commentator #1: Wait a minute! Is he thinking what I think he’s thinking?!

    Commentator #2: No, don’t you do it, Rikishi! She’s taken Stunners and Paige Turners, but a Stinkface would be the ultimate insult! Don’t you do it!
    Rikishi decides not to leave the ring and instead saunters towards Kim who is so woozy she has no idea what’s going on. Rikishi hunks up his trunks and does the raise-the-roof gesture as the noise in the building is deafening. He begins to back up that ass.

    Kim finally regains consciousness and a look of horror fills her face as she is just in time to witness Rikishi’s full moon - a lunar eclipse from hell, if you will – approach her globally recognizable mush to deliver…

    ...a Stinkface!
    Commentator #1: Oh my God! A Stinkface to Kim Kardashian. A Stinkface in front of the whole world! How humiliating!

    Commentator #2: Oh no! Oh Kim, poor Kanye won’t want to go near you for a month! Ugh. (coughs again) Hey, look. Now Kim is begging for the soap!
    Kim begins having convulsions and is on the verge of puking. She reaches out towards Bockwinkel and begs for the soap. She now wants to eat it as the taste of Rikishi’s derriere is too much to take.

    She begins licking the soap but it doesn’t seem to be working and she begins crying and throwing a hissy fit as Bayley holds aloft both Rikishi and Nick Bockwinkel’s arms in a feel-good moment for all of the fans.

    Rikishi again goes to leave but Bayley stops him and grabs a mic. She says there’s something she’s always wanted to do ever since she was a kid. She leaves the ring and goes under the canvas and pulls out three pairs of sunglasses and hands two of them out to Rikishi and a confused Bockwinkel.

    She puts on her shades and turns to the fans who cheer as they know what’s coming. Bayley asks for Rikishi’s old music to hit and she urges both men to dance.

    At first they’re reluctant but Rikishi then gives into the rhythm and dances. Bockwinkel refuses and says he can’t but the fans chant his name and eventually even he joins in, albeit badly.

    The final image of the match is the three of them dancing as pyro shoots out of the turnbuckles. Kim meanwhile is on the outside, watching on in fury, as she coughs and splutters her way to the back.
    Why I went with this feud: I knew early on that I wanted Kim’s last act to be a Stinkface from Rikishi. I knew it would be very predictable if they were on opposing sides so I tried to make it less predictable by having them be a dysfunctional team. I also never used Bockwinkel as a babyface before and I felt this feud would be a great way to make him sympathetic.

    Why I booked it this way: Kim was always going to lose at the PPV and get her comeuppance as it’s what the people would want. I’ve been teasing a babyface turn for Rikishi and I felt the PPV was the time to do it. I also wanted Bockwinkel to have a win on my show for once.

    The idea going forward from here would see Bockwinkel pushed higher up the card and I’d position Rikishi and Bayley together. Kim meanwhile would be out for revenge against the pair of them for making her a laughing stock in front of the world.

    World Tag Team Titles
    Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (c) vs Kevin & David Von Erich


    The build-up

    The Brainbusters Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard returned this year to Monday Night Grappling having proven themselves the dominant team in the company in 2013. It seemed that this year their dominance would prove unquestionable.

    Their decision to attack Kerry Von Erich at the request of Tyler Breeze would, however, have unintended consequences. Kerry’s brothers Kevin and David Von Erich showed up and vowed revenge over both men with David scoring a pinfall victory over Arn. The Von Erichs would then speak of their dream to hold tag team gold.

    This resulted in a vicious backstage assault on the Von Erichs by the Brainbusters who claimed they weren’t worthy of a tag title shot and were not in their league. Despite this, the Von Erich brothers won a handicap match over Arn, Tully and Breeze - with assistance from brother Kerry - that earned them a shot at the titles at Grapplemania.

    Suddenly the Brainbusters no longer seem so dominant. Can the tag team champions prove themselves the greatest tag team in MNG history with another great win on the big stage, or will the Von Erichs, for so long associated with tragedy, finally secure a moment of triumph by crowning themselves the top tag team in the company?

    The hype video before the match showcases the lineage of the Von Erich family and speaks about the obstacles that the family have had to deal with. When Kevin and David appear they get a great pop from the crowd.

    The Brainbusters also get a video package that touches on their dominance in 2013, the last time they were in the company, and how a win would cement them as the greatest team in MNG history. They also get a strong reaction from the crowd, but mainly boos.

    The match

    Opening exchanges

    Tully Blanchard and the barefoot Kevin Von Erich start things off, with Kevin enjoying the advantage early on with a series of dropkicks that has Tully rattled.
    5-10 minutes

    Tully looks to be in trouble but he turns the tide through a rake of the eye and soon Tully and Arn are working over Kevin with a series of quick tags and double team moves, such as a double clothesline and a slingshot into Arn’s boot.
    Commentator #1: These fans are chanting for David. They know a tag is desperately needed.

    Commentator #2: The Brainbusters are showing what a great pairing they are. They have Kevin right where they want him.
    10-15 minutes

    Kevin continues to get worked over and every time he tries to tag in, Arn or Tully cut him off. At the 15 minute mark, as Arn has Kevin by the leg, Kevin hits an enzugiri and at last makes the tag to a huge ovation! Except…the referee was distracted by Tully and he refuses to allow the tag! The fans are irate and boos ring out as David is forced to leave the ring.
    20 minutes in

    Arn nails Kevin with a neckbreaker and almost gets a 3 count but David breaks it up. It is clear Kevin is fading. The fans chant for David as Arn applies an abdominal stretch to Kevin, grabbing the ropes to cheat in the process. The ref catches Arn this time and forces him to break the hold. As he does so and then goes to apply a sleeper hold this time, Kevin counters with a back suplex and reaches for the tag to his brother.

    Kevin crawls, bit by bit, to his corner as Arn crawls to his, and after Tully gets tagged in, this time, clear as day to everybody, Kevin tags in David to a massive cheer as Kevin collapses in exhaustion in his corner.

    David hits a series of clotheslines to Tully and sends Arn crashing to the mat with a dropkick.

    The Finish

    David hits a high knee to Tully Blanchard and stands poised ready to lock in the Von Erich Claw. Outside, though, Arn crawls over to the ring announcer position and grabs the two tag titles. He tosses one into the ring as David points out to the ref what is going on.

    The ref warns Arn not to bring the second belt in the ring. Kevin meanwhile has regained his senses and tries to pry the belt out of Arn’s grasp as the two men have a tug-of-war outside while the ref watches on. David is watching on too but behind him Tully hits a low blow and then picks up the first belt that Arn had tossed in there. With the ref distracted, Tully nails David with the belt and covers him as the fans scream ‘noooo’. The ref counts the fall for the



    …no! David somehow gets a shoulder up as the fans cheer and Tully puts his hands to his head.

    Kevin then reaches over and tags in his groggy brother and begins hitting two dropkicks followed by a missile dropkick. Kevin Irish Whips Tully off the ropes but Arn tags himself in with a blind tag and clotheslines Kevin. Arn signals it's over. He Irish Whips Kevin but doesn’t spot that David has this time tagged himself in with a blind tag.

    Arn connects with his signature spinebuster but the referee explains to a confused Arn that Kevin is not the legal man. As Arn turns around, David locks in his Iron Claw finisher and sends Arn to the mat. With Arn’s shoulders down, the ref counts the fall for the




    Winners and new MNG Tag Team Champions: Kevin and David Von Erich

    The fans pop huge for the title change as the Brainbusters's dominance in Monday Night Grappling comes to an end.
    Commentator #1: What a damn match! These four men left it all in the ring but on this night it’s the Von Erich brothers that are smiling.

    Commentator #2: I didn’t think it could be done but the Brainbusters have been bested. Hats off to the Von Erichs.
    As the Von Erichs hold aloft the titles on two turnbuckles, Arn and Tully rise to their feet. Kevin and David approach them and Kevin extends a hand; David then follows suit. Arn and Tully look to the fans who cheer, and then both men look to each other – but they leave the ring as the fans boo.
    Commentator #1: The fans wanted to see class and some good grace from the Brainbusters but they didn’t have it in them. What a shame!

    Commentator #2: Aww, whah whah whah. This ain’t cricket or bowls. I don’t want to see these guys kiss and make up. I want to see ‘em rip each other apart one more time!
    The final image of the match is Kevin and David holding aloft the gold as Arn and Tully back up the aisle calling them punks and saying they got lucky.
    Why I went with this match: I think these guys would have a classic old-school tag team match. Arn and Tully can work well with anybody and David and Kevin were great workers in their own right. I liked the idea of the plucky, close-knit Von Erich brothers going up against the slick, supremely confident Brainbusters.

    Why I booked it this way: I considered going the other way on this one, but the Brainbusters have been presented as a top duo and I wanted to elevate the Von Erichs. I think there is more mileage in this feud and I felt a title switch made it more compelling as now the Brainbusters know they have a huge challenge in the Von Erichs, seeing as previously they thought the Von Erichs weren't in their league.

    Going forward the two teams would meet again, but I’d look to give the Von Erichs a decent reign. Further ahead I would have Blanchard and Arn go their separate ways and have singles runs.

    Career match: Davey Boy must win to get back his and J.R.'s jobs
    Davey Boy Smith w/Jim Ross vs Marty Jones w/Eric Bischoff

    The build-up

    The British Bulldogs entered Monday Night Grapping and despite rumoured disharmony behind the scenes, they quickly became fan favourites. Both men found themselves in the King of the Ring tournament and the hope of Davey Boy Smith was that both men would reach the final, guaranteeing a Bulldog would face Austin at Grapplemania.

    Dynamite Kid, of course, had other ideas and ensured Davey Boy was beaten up and taken out of the tournament. Davey Boy, though, would return and provoke Dynamite into a match for the number one contender spot. After an epic, PPV-worthy match, Dynamite proved the superior cousin and afterwards offered Davey Boy a chance to lead his Kingsguard and fight at his right hand.

    Davey Boy refused the offer. Then to the surprise of both Bulldogs, British wrestling legend, and mentor of Dynamite and Davey Boy, Marty Jones showed up. Marty suggested things could be put right with an apology – from Davey Boy. To the shock of Davey Boy, Marty revealed himself to be firmly in Dynamite’s camp and demanded Davey Boy swear loyalty to his King. Davey Boy again refused – and was promptly fired by General Manager Eric Bischoff, following a beating by Marty.

    Jim Ross, meanwhile, was brought into the company by Bischoff who claimed he wanted J.R. to talk sense into his friend Austin and rein in his rebelliousness. After it emerged Bischoff had been involved in the plot to attack Austin, Bischoff revealed he really wanted J.R. around to humiliate him; and for J.R. to have a ringside seat to watch the demise of his friend. Bischoff even took to referring to J.R. as his pet and took delight in watching him get humiliated.

    J.R. though would help Austin extract a measure of revenge against those behind the plot to attack Austin. Bischoff, in retaliation, would fire his ‘pet’. Stone Cold, however, successfully pushed Dynamite Kid’s buttons, insisting that Dynamite’s mentor Marty could not defeat Davey Boy in a match and that if Dynamite thought otherwise, then let Davey Boy fight for his and J.R.’s jobs at the PPV. To Bischoff’s dismay, Dynamite took the bait and asked for the match to be set.

    Now at Grapplemania, Marty Jones, the man who revolutionized British wrestling, the man who trained William Regal, and who taught the shoot style of wrestling to the British Bulldogs, faces Davey Boy Smith, a man who helped evolve the style and bring it to the global mainstream; a man who sold out Wembley Stadium in ’92 with 80,000 people cheering him on. It will be mentor vs protégé; icon vs icon; and the stakes could scarcely be higher.

    Davey Boy fights for his very career, and the career of Jim Ross. Marty fights for the honour of his King, and the demands of a General Manager who wants rid of two headaches.

    Will the master or the apprentice prevail? Will Jim Ross have the last laugh, or will Eric Bischoff once again be grinning like a Cheshire Cat?

    Eric Bischoff came out first and said Kim Kardashian has been taken to a medical facility as she can't stop throwing up, The fans cheered. Bischoff got mad and said the fans wouldn't be cheering for long as tonight would mark the beginning of a new era in Monday Night Grappling and that Dynamite King, Marty and himself would be smiling by the night’s end, while Davey Boy and J.R. would be crying into their beers at some dive in this 'godforsaken hellhole'. He told the two unemployed bums (meaning Davey Boy and J.R.) to come down and experience the show for the final time.

    Davey Boy and Jim Ross emerged through the fans and they came down without entrance music to emphasize the fact they were no longer employees. Bischoff then surprised everyone by heading to the commentary booth as J.R. watched on from ringside.
    Bischoff: Evening gentlemen. Since I’m a man of many talents I thought I’d do you the honour of being joined by the greatest announcer in the history of this business.

    Commentator #1: Are you sure this isn’t really about gloating at Jim Ross? I think you know he’d love to be sat out here with us if you hadn’t fired him.

    Commentator #2: Let me just apologize for my colleague, Mr. Bischoff sir. I’m thrilled you’re out here with us. I never liked that Ross; always knew he was up to no good.

    The match

    Opening exchanges

    As the bell rings Marty approaches Davey Boy and calls him a ‘selfish bastid’ and begins pointing his finger in his face, telling him he’ll be ‘out on his arse’ soon. Davey Boy then slaps Marty and soon the two icons of British wrestling are hammering each other with rights and lefts as the match breaks out in a brawl.

    5-10 minutes

    At this point the match becomes more technical as Marty manages to ground Davey Boy with a leg sciccors and other shoot moves, using his technical prowess to gain the upper hand as Davey Boy struggles to keep up. The camera zooms in on J.R. who claps on Davey Boy but appears to be concerned.
    Bischoff: Oh this is Beautiful. Beautiful! I always had confidence in Marty. This is a man who blazed a trail in this business for guys like Davey Boy to follow. It’s just a matter of time before Davey Boy is taught a lesson by the master and sent home along with that big-mouthed redneck.

    Commentator #2: Haha! Very well said, boss. I was just about to say the same thing.
    10-15 minutes

    Marty hits Davey Boy with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and also lands with a big superplex which both result in near-falls as J.R. looks on increasingly nervous on the outside. Bischoff, in contrast, gets increasingly giddy.
    Bischoff: Ha, Davey Boy is being picked apart! Marty Jones! Marty Jones! Marty Jones! Bah gawd, he’s beating him like a government mule! Am I doing this right?

    Commentator #2: Haha! Very good, boss! Both Ross and Davey Boy are gonna be on the unemployment line this time tomorrow!

    Commentator #1: Don’t count out Davey Boy just yet. Few have his courage and his character.
    20 minutes in

    Marty begins to get cocky and starts slapping Davey Boy around. ‘You were nevva in Dynamite’s class, ya bastid!’ he screams. The fans are chanting for Davey Boy, and so is J.R. as Marty keeps it up. ‘You’re not in ‘is class, and you’re not in mine eeeva, you muppet!’

    Davey Boy, though, seems to be getting a second wind and he rises to his feet and begins hitting Marty back with rights and lefts. He hits a series of clotheslines and gets a big pop as he hoists Marty over his head with a military press slam as J.R. pounds the mat in approval.
    Commentator #1: What do you think of that, Mr. Bischoff?! Davey Boy is feeding off these fans here!

    Bischoff: You shut your mouth, you hear me? You want to be fired too? Damn it, come on Marty! Get your ass up!
    The Finish

    As we near the finish, Davey Boy connects with a delayed suplex and hits a powerbomb for a long, long 2 count as Bischoff is now on his feet, frantic with worry. Marty it seems has underestimated Davey Boy and looks like he’s just hanging in there now. As Davey Boy signals to the fans for his running powerslam finisher, Bischoff leaves the announce desk.
    Commentator #1: Hey, where are you going?!
    Bischoff goes to grab a steel chair and bring it in the ring. He gets up on the apron but Jim Ross rushes around and pulls Bischoff’s legs down as Bischoff’s face crashes into the ring apron and the chair flies out of his hand.

    However, the scene distracts Davey Boy and he doesn’t see Marty up behind him who spins Davey Boy around and nails him with a tombstone piledriver. Bischoff, despite clutching his sore face, smiles and J.R. puts his hands to his head as the referee counts the pin for the



    …no! Davey Boy just gets a shoulder up as the fans cheer.

    Marty signals for one more tombstone but as he goes to hit it, Davey Boy slips out behind it and uses all his strength to hoist Marty up into a powerslam position. He charges to the other side of the ring with Marty on his shoulder and connects with the running powerslam for the




    Winner and (with J.R.) re-hired to Monday Night Grappling: Davey Boy Smith

    The fans celebrate as J.R. enters the ring and hugs Davey Boy before raising his arm. Davey Boy’s music now plays to singal he and J.R. are officially back. Marty slinks out of the ring defeated as Bischoff has a look of shock on his face.
    Commentator #1: Way to go Davey Boy and Jim! They return to the company!

    Commentator #2: I’m in shock. The apprentice bested the master.
    Bischoff stomps over to the ring announcer area and grabs a mic.

    Bischoff: Cut that damn music. Turn it off! You two think it’s that easy? You think you got the last laugh on me? Well congratulations on getting your job back but you forget who has the power around here. So don’t get too comfy because I’m once again about to tell both of you two words you both know very well by now...You’re….ffff-

    Bischoff’s mic then cuts dead as a figure appears up on the titantron.

    Commentator #1: Hey, it’s the MNG owner! We haven’t seen him since he left and placed Bischoff in charge.

    MNG owner: Enough, Eric. Enough. Just stop it. When I left power in your hands as General Manager I did so because I wanted you to control things around here; I wanted you to run this place with a firm hand. But I did not expect my General Manager’s firm hands to strangle everything in sight.

    You have fired talent on a whim that I paid handsomely for. You have left me having to face lawsuits. You have also disrespected our fanbase, and I note the so-called Get The Bisch Out campaign has just passed the millionth signature. And now it seems you were about to make more firings which would result in me paying yet more compensation. You may have felt you could blow Ted Turner’s money, but I won’t have you blowing mine.

    Essentially Eric, you have caused more problems than you’ve solved. Therefore I feel I have no choice but to hereby suspend you from your position as General Manager effective immediately.

    The fans erupt as Bischoff’s face drops.

    MNG owner: I feel I need someone else to act as an interim General Manager while I decide what to do with you. Someone who has good experience with talent relations. With that in mind I have decided the new interim General Manager of Monday Night Grappling will be…Jim Ross!

    The fans cheer once more as J.R. takes off his hat and salutes everybody. A look of fury falls on Bischoff’s face and he charges at J.R. but J.R. sees it coming and clubs Bischoff down with a huge right arm and begins peppering Bischoff’s face with shots.

    Commentator #2: Look at this! Mr. Bischoff better use those karate skills!

    Commentator #1: I think J.R. is knocking them out of his head!

    Davey Boy smiles and breaks up the beatdown as J.R. then grabs a mic.
    Jim Ross: As my first act as the interim General Manager, I want to make sure Eric that you don't stick your nose in the main event match tonight. Therefore, you are banned from interfering. You don't have to like it, but you do have to respect it. Security, get on out here!

    Security guys come down.

    Jim Ross: Gentlemen, I'm sick of looking at this slimeball so would you kindly get this piece of trash out of my damn ring!

    The fans cheer as Bischoff gets a taste of his own medicine, now being dragged away kicking and screaming by the security that were once his own. J.R. then shakes the hand of Davey Boy and heads over to the announce desk.

    Commentator #1: Welcome back, Jim!

    Jim Ross: Thank you, guys. Hope you don’t mind this old Okie joining you for the rest of the show?

    Commentator #2: Ha, not at all, Ross. Or should that be boss? I always knew you and Davey Boy could do it, you know. I always believed! Thank goodness Bischoff’s reign of terror is over!
    Why I went with this match: I wanted to do a mentor vs protégé match and initially my plan was for Davey Boy vs Zac Sabre Jnr with Davey Boy as the mentor figure. I realised, though, that Marty Jones would prove an ideal fit due to his real-life connections to the Bulldogs and that I could use Davey Boy as the protégé figure instead. I liked introducing J.R. and Bischoff into the equation as I always enjoyed their antagonistic relationship, plus J.R. is easy to sympathise with.

    Why I booked it this way: I think there is more money in Davey Boy so I wanted to put him over. I also wanted Bischoff to get his comeuppance and I liked the idea of the fan petition helping oust him which would be popular with viewers. I also liked the twist that Bischoff’s nemesis J.R. is not only re-hired but takes his job as well.

    There would be plenty of storyline potential going forward as I could use Bischoff as a manager, or perhaps put him in comedy skits where he has to do a lot of menial jobs backstage for J.R. From here on the story would be Bischoff plotting to get his job back and get his revenge on J.R.

    Backstage interview with the World Champion Stone Cold


    Interviewer: Stone Cold, later on tonight you defend your title against the challenger Dynamite King in our main event but first off I have to ask you for your thoughts on what just transpired with Eric Bischoff removed from his position, and Davey Boy and your good friend Jim Ross reinstated...

    Stone Cold: Hell son, my thoughts on what just transpired can be summed up in three words: OH...HELL...YEAH!

    The fans cheer.

    Stone Cold: It's great to see Davey Boy and my good buddy J.R. back, but they never should have lost their jobs to begin with. Thankfully the MNG owner finally took his head out of his sorry ass and suspended that no-good sumbitch Eric Bischoff. I know Jim very well and I know he'll do a stand-up job as interim General Manager and with that being said I do have a request to make to Jim right now.

    Austin turns and looks in the camera.

    Stone Cold: Tonight I will open up a can of whoop-ass on Dynamite King so bad that I'll beat the lousy sumbitch within an inch of his life. And I know I can't make any promises I'm gonna be able to stay within the rules tonight. And if Stone Cold winds up disqualified I don't want that sorry piece of trash Dynamite crying that I got myself disqualified on purpose to retain the title. Therefore, Jim, I want you to make the main event tonight a no disqualification match!

    The fans cheer as the camera zooms in on J.R. at the announce desk. J.R. stands up and gets a mic.

    Jim Ross: Well unlike Eric Bischoff I want to be a G.M. that respects the audience. So let me put this in a way Stone Cold will appreciate: If you fans want the main event tonight to be no disqualification, gimme a hell yeah!

    Fans: HELL YEAH!

    Jim Ross: Consider it done.

    The fans cheer and chant for J.R.

    Stone Cold: Hell Jim, you're knocking it out of the park already. Now that I know anything goes tonight, let me assure Dynamite that Stone Cold Steve Austin will beat his sorry yellow carcass so bad he will rue the day he put his hands on me. And when it's all said and done, this title in my hand ain't going to be going nowhere, and that's the bottom line cos Stone Cold said so!

    Purpose of promo: Get fans pumped up for the main event and set up the main event situation for later.

    No Holds Barred match: MNG Legends Championship
    Tyler Breeze vs Kerry Von Erich (c)


    The build-up

    The young, cocky ‘Prince Pretty’ Tyler Breeze entered Monday Night Grappling and vowed to make an impact. Reaching new heights of vanity, he took to wearing a mask of glass which he said reflected the ugliness of others back on to them.

    Kerry Von Erich, much beloved by the female fans of the company, is a polar opposite of Breeze in character. Humble and a man of the people, Kerry acquired the company’s Legends Title and has worn it with pride for several months.

    It would be during the King of the Ring tournament that their paths would cross. Breeze convinced the Brainbusters to take out Von Erich ahead of a qualifying match involving the pair, with Von Erich beaten up so badly he could not even make the match. Breeze has used this controversial win over the champion to secure a title match at Grapplemania.

    Breeze further showed his nasty side by capturing on his phone evidence of a secret Kerry had long harboured – that he had his right foot amputated following a car accident and that he now wears a prostethic leg. Breeze subsequently mocked Kerry’s disability. The reveal of the secret left Kerry broken-hearted, embarrassed and ashamed, and he fled in despair; Von Erich, however, would return, informing Breeze that the fans had shown him he need not feel this way. He has said Breeze is not worthy of the Legends Title and has vowed to shut him up at Grapplemania.

    This No Holds Barred match promises to be the biggest night of Tyler Breeze’s career. Can he step up against the legendary Von Erich and secure his first title win, or will Kerry make good of his word and make Breeze pay for the humiliation he has put him through?

    Tyler Breeze enters first and wears the glass mask that he says reflects people’s ugliness on to them.

    Kerry then comes out to a huge ovation and as he enters the ring, Breeze removes his glass mask and grabs a mic. He approaches Von Erich.
    Tyler Breeze: I already have one forfeit victory over you, Kerry. We can make it two in a row if you have sense. Hand me the Legends Title right now and I won’t have to humiliate you once again in front of the world. Give me what I deserve.

    Kerry looks at his title and then looks to the fans as they shake their arms and scream ‘noooo’.

    Kerry (nodding his head): You’re right, Breeze. You’re right. I do need to give you what you deserve.

    Kerry then grabs the mask of glass out of Breeze’s hand and smashes it across Breeze’s face. It shatters into a plethora of tiny pieces as huge swathes of blood gush from Breeze’s forehead as he staggers back, stunned.
    Commentator #1: Oh my God! Von Erich just destroyed the glass mask!

    Commentator #2: Forget the mask, you idiot! He just destroyed Breeze’s face!

    Jim Ross: Good Lord, Tyler Breeze is a bloody mess! He's bleeding like a stuffed pig!

    The match

    Opening exchanges

    The bell rings for the no DQ match to begin and Kerry immediately takes Breeze down and peppers him with rights and lefts. He rises up and his chest is filled with the blood of Breeze who is holding his eyes and looks to be half-blind.

    5-10 minutes

    Kerry goes under the ring and brings out a leather belt. He begins whipping Breeze hard across the back.

    Kerry hits Breeze several times and then scores with a DDT. He covers the bloody and battered Breeze for the



    …Breeze kicks out. There are now audible Breeze chants as the blood loss is garnering Breeze some sympathy. At least sixty per cent of the fans are for Kerry, though.

    10 minutes in

    Kerry goes outside to grab a steel chair as the fans chant ‘we want tables’. Kerry goes to connect with the steel chair on Breeze but Breeze out of desperation kicks a low blow and leaves the Legends Champion in a heap.

    The bloody Breeze then begins nailing Kerry with several shots with the steel chair. He then picks up the belt and lashes Kerry several times with that too.
    Commentator #1: Breeze is coming into his own now.

    Jim Ross: Like this kid or not he’s got guts.

    Commentator #2: Course he does. But he won’t have any guts left unless that blood stops.
    15 minutes in

    The ref gets a towel and now tries to quell the blood flow from Breeze but Breeze shoves the ref away. He steps outside and looks under the ring apron. He brings a table out as the fans cheer – but then he drops it and tells the fans they can stick it. Instead he reaches inside and pulls out a bag.

    He brings the bag in the ring and pours out the contents – thumb tacks. The fans cheer as Breeze spreads them all along the mat. He signals the end and waits for Kerry to stagger to his feet.
    Commentator #1: Breeze is looking for the Beauty Shot here! If he connects, Kerry is in for a painful landing.
    Kerry gets to a vertical base and turns around as Breeze performs the spinning heel kick – but Kerry catches him mid-air as the fans cheer. Kerry then turns and dumps Breeze down on to the tacks!
    Commentator #2: Oh my God, no!

    Jim Ross: Good God! Tyler Breeze's back is like a human pin cushion!
    20 minutes in

    Breeze writhes in agony as even the ref has his hands on his head. Breeze struggles up to his feet but Kerry locks in the Iron Claw and takes Breeze down to his knees. The ref asks Breeze if he wants to quit but he shouts ‘no’. Eventually Breeze begins to fade as the ref checks his arm. It drops…



    …thr – no! A bloody Breeze begins to rise to his feet as the vocal minority of Breeze fans pop. Breeze hits Kerry with a series of elbows and manages to break out of the Iron Claw. He hits the Beauty Shot this time as Kerry falls, but avoids the tacks. Breeze, though, is too tired to make the cover. Eventually he drapes a hand over Kerry but the champ kicks out at two.

    25 minutes in

    Breeze waits and is poised to connect with his Supermodel Kick – a superkick. He goes to connect but Kerry ducks and floors Breeze with a clothesline. Kerry steps outside and picks up the table that Breeze had dropped. He brings it in the ring as the fans cheer.

    He picks up Breeze and drapes him on the table. He then motions with his elbow and climbs up to the top turnbuckle.
    Commentator #1: Kerry looking for a big elbow drop. If he hits it this match may be over!
    Kerry climbs to the top rope but Breeze it seems was playing possum. He hops off the table and then nails Kerry with a kick who is dazed now on the top turnbuckle. Breeze climbs up and then screams at Kerry, ‘You want to destroy my face you son of a bitch?! I’ll destroy you!’ He hits a series of headbutts that leave Breeze’s blood on the forehead of Kerry.

    Breeze then staggers backwards, moves to the other corner of the ring, and runs at Kerry hitting a frankensteiner that sends Kerry crashing through the table below as the fans chant 'holy sh*t'.

    The Finish

    The fans are all on their feet now as Kerry lies amidst the crumpled wreck of the table. There are a few tacks in his flesh now as well. Breeze pulls aside the table remnants and covers Kerry for the



    …Kerry kicks out. The fans cheer as Breeze puts his hands to his bloody head. He goes to the corner and positions himself for the Supermodel Kick. As Kerry crawls to one knee and then to a standing position, Breeze hits the super kick but Kerry grabs the leg! He then swings and hits his Tornado Punch finisher and nails it as Breeze collapses to the floor. Kerry then makes the cover and at the thirty minute mark gets Breeze for the



    …thr – no! Breeze gets a shoulder up as Kerry has a look of shock on his face. There are now chants of ‘this is awesome’ as Kerry rises to his feet with his hands on his waist. Breeze, meanwhile, is out of it, lying there with a face almost unrecognizable.

    Kerry picks up Breeze and puts him in position for a piledriver – Breeze however begins to stir and is seen grappling with Kerry’s right leg.
    Commentator #1: Wait is…yes! Breeze is targeting that right foot of Kerry which he exposed as a prostethic!
    Kerry pounds Breeze with clubbing blows to his back but Breeze manages to get Kerry on his back and he tries to unhook Kerry’s prostethic foot as Kerry struggles to maintain it. Breeze gets it halfway off but not all the way, and Kerry shoves Breeze back towards the corner. Kerry then turns his back and works to reconnect the prostethic into place but as he turns around he is met with a Beauty Shot by Tyler Breeze as the Breeze fans cheer.


    Breeze then makes the cover for the




    Winner and new MNG Legends Champion: Tyler Breeze

    Jim Ross: What a rotten way to win this match! To stoop to that level!

    Commentator #1: I can't believe that from Breeze. Does this man have no morals?

    Commentator #2: What are you two complaining about? Breeze showed he’s got not only toughness but brains. That was a breakout performance by Tyler Breeze! Your new Legends Champion!
    A bloody and battered Breeze collapses in the corner and a sick grin comes to his face as the referee hands him the belt and raises him up. The ref also tries to mop away the blood from Breeze’s face but Breeze shoves him away once more and climbs to the turnbuckle screaming ‘I did it! I told you I could do it!’

    Kerry meanwhile leaves the ring, puts his face in his hands, and fights back tears as he makes his way to the back. Women reach out to him and scream for him but he bows his head and leaves heartbroken.

    The cameras follow him all the way backstage where Kevin and David, the new tag champions, try to console him and comfort him but Kerry pushes past them and says he feels he let everyone down. He asks them to give him space as they look on.

    The last image is of Breeze on his knees in the ring clutching the Legends Title tight as drops of his blood patter on to the gold.
    Why I went with this match: I decided on this match very early on. I feel like these two would complement each other very well. Both good looking talents but with polar opposite personalities: one humble; one vain. One a veteran; one a rookie. I also liked the idea of Breeze being so vain and dastardly that he would bring up Kerry’s disability as a way to get inside his head.

    Why I booked it this way: I thought that the visual image of a bloody Tyler Breeze would be an awesome sight which is why I pushed the glass mask shtick as I wanted Breeze to eventually be busted open in a way that played into the storyline.

    I gave this decision a lot of thought but I decided in the end Breeze should be put over as I did say at the start I wanted him to make an impact. I think the dirty, heelish way he won it in the end protects Kerry and keeps him a sympathetic figure in the fan’s mind. Breeze meanwhile gets to show that he can hang with a legend and show a tougher side to himself.

    Going forward I would have this loss deeply affect Kerry which I hinted at in the post-match segment with his brothers. I like the fact that now there’s a role reversal and it’s his brothers that are the champs while he is without gold and has to come to terms with that. It allows Kerry to show a bit more character. For Breeze, I’d push him strong and give him a long title reign. Perhaps even pair him with Kim as they would be a very interesting double act and it would get Breeze even more heat.

    End of part one...

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Women's Championship
    Paige (c) vs Sweet Saraya


    The build-up

    Following the close of Grapplemania last year, Paige would join Monday Night Grappling and soon secure the Women’s Title. Extremely popular with the fans, she has cemented herself as the top woman in the company.

    Paige’s mother, Sweet Saraya Knight, would soon follow her daughter into the company, amid gossip that she was only there due to her daughter’s influence. Speculation persisted that Saraya was fed up at being dwarfed in popularity by her daughter and at being known only as ‘Paige’s mother’. There were also hints at tension when Saraya helped her daughter Paige to a victory over Paige’s friend Bayley, a move that was not well received by Paige or the fans.

    Despite initially seeming to want to put the tension behind her, Saraya showed her true colours by viciously attacking her daughter and telling her she didn’t have what it takes. Saraya believes Paige has become weak and soft as a result of trying to be a heroine for the fans, and she has vowed to come out of her daughter’s shadow by taking her title.

    Whilst initially devastated and unable to bring herself to fight her mother, Paige would eventually snap amidst Saraya’s verbal and physical abuse and she has promised that her title will be going nowhere and that she will show her mother that she is just plain better than her at Grapplemania.

    For the first time in Draft history a mother and daughter will collide in a feud borne out of jealousy and now brimming with hatred. The prize at stake is the Women’s Championship and the title of being the undisputed top woman of the Knight Dynasty. Only one woman can take the glory but which one will it be?

    There was an opening video package featuring photographs of Paige as a young girl with her mother, and home footage of the Knight family together. We hear Paige talking about how her mother was always a hero to her when she was growing up and how she always wanted to be just like her. But not any more.

    We also hear comments from Saraya talking about how she scrimped and saved to get Paige to where she is and how she feels her sacrifices were in vain; she feels the lessons she tried to teach Paige weren’t respected and she needs the title to validate her career.

    Saraya came out first to a lot of boos although there were pockets of support for her. Paige then entered to a huge pop and looked focused. As the ring announcer went through the introductions both mother and daughter eyed one another with neither blinking.
    Commentator #1: Listen to these fans! They’re chanting ‘this is awesome’ and the match hasn’t even got started yet!

    Commentator #2: Neither woman looks intimidated. This is going to be something special, eh Ross?

    Jim Ross: Absolutely right. In many ways this match has been building their entire lives.

    The Match

    Opening exchanges

    The bell rings and both women get nose to nose and begin trash talking. Paige can be seen saying ‘I’m ready for you’ as Saraya shakes her head and says her time is up. Saraya pie-faces her daughter away and Paige screams and takes her mother down to the mat, shaking her head like a ragdoll back and forth on the canvas.

    5-10 minutes

    Paige brings the fight in the early going, hitting a series of headbutts and dropping several elbows. Saraya gets flustered and leaves the ring to regain her composure as the fans boo. She starts giving abuse back to the fans who jeer her and Paige leaves the ring to chase after her mother, but when Saraya returns to the ring with Paige in pursuit, Saraya drops an elbow on Paige as she slides in.
    Jim Ross: There you see Saraya Knight’s years of experience coming into play. Paige fell for that particular trap.
    10-15 minutes

    Saraya takes control and begins to dominate with a series of suplexes and backbreakers. She targets Paige’s back as Paige screams in pain. The fans chant for Paige, sensing the champion is in trouble. Paige then seems to rally, hitting a series of punches and knife edge chops to her mother and landing a fisherman suplex for a two count. Paige tries a tornado DDT off the turnbuckle but Saraya counters and sends her daughter down face-first. Saraya then works over the back some more by dropping more elbows.

    20 minutes in

    Saraya goes up top and hits a big superplex on Paige. She makes the cover – but Paige gets a shoulder up before the three. Saraya then locks in her Knightmare submission finisher – a single leg boston crab. Saraya leans back hard while maintaining the hold.
    Jim Ross: I can’t tell you how much damage this is doing to young Paige’s lower back, folks. Like this Jezebel Saraya or not, she has wrestled a near perfect match thus far.

    Commentator #2: I agree with ya, Ross. Paige can’t have long left.

    The Finish

    Paige’s arm reaches out and it looks like she may tap. The fans scream ‘noooo’ as the anguish is written across the champion’s face. Paige crawls forward and her fingers brush the bottom rope

    …but Saraya drags Paige back to the centre of the ring as the fans groan.
    Commentator #1: The end has got to be near now!
    Saraya screams ‘ask her!’ and the ref goes to check Paige’s arm – but Paige rises up and screams as the fans cheer.
    Jim Ross: Look at the strength! The desire! The will to win!
    Paige rises up while in the hold and finds the strength to twist around and she cradles her mother for the…



    …just two. Saraya kicks out, gets up and flattens Paige with a clothesline. She hits another one of her signature moves – the Saraya Cradle: a cradle suplex. She then makes the cover…



    …Paige kicks out! The camera zooms in on Saraya and she is visibly shocked her daughter is still in this match. She wipes a trickle of blood off her bottom lip and has her arms on her waist.
    Jim Ross: I think mama Knight never expected it would be this tough.

    Commentator #1: But how much can Paige have left, Jim?
    The fans are chanting for Paige as Saraya picks up the dead weight of her daughter. She goes for another cradle suplex – but this time Paige blocks it with her leg. Paige then hits a series of headbutts that rock her mother back. Then Paige hits her Paige Turner – from outta nowhere! She covers her mother and gets her for the



    …just a two! Saraya kicks out. Now Paige is the one to look frustrated.
    Jim Ross: To the best of my knowledge no one has kicked out of that move before, ladies and gentlemen.
    Paige, now holding her sore back, decides to give her mother a taste of her own medicine. Paige locks in her submission hold – the PTO: the Paige Tap Out. Saraya is now the one screaming as a duelling chant breaks out:

    Let’s go Paige! Sweet Saraya! Let’s go Paige! Sweet Saraya!

    Saraya looks to be in trouble but Paige’s back is hurting her by applying the move, and she is forced to break it. Paige grimaces and again holds her back. She takes a few seconds and then hoists up her mother.
    Commentator #1: Looks like Paige is about to go for her Ram-Paige finisher!
    Paige indeed is about to attempt the move but this time Saraya is the one who hits a series of headbutts. She dazes Paige, and trips her with a drop toe hold. Saraya then looks to apply a leg trap camel clutch on her daughter.
    Jim Ross: Bah Gawd Saraya is going for a move sometimes called the Bridal Rocking Horse. One of the most excrutiating submission moves out there!
    Saraya grabs Paige’s legs and moves her head forward to prepare to lock in the hold, but Paige hits a modified leg scissors takedown on Saraya sending her to the other side of the ring as Paige finds the ring corner and claws herself up.

    Saraya, really frustrated now, charges at Paige but Paige turns just in time and catches her mother mid-air. She carries her to the centre of the ring and screams to the fans: THIS IS MY HOUSE!

    Paige then nails Saraya with the Ram-Paige and makes the cover:




    Winner and still MNG Women’s Champion: Paige
    Jim Ross: Good god almighty what an effort from that young woman! Could she step up to the plate? You bet your ass she could!

    Commentator #1: Amazing effort by both these women but especially Paige.

    Commentator #2: Saraya said her daughter didn’t have what it takes but she just proved otherwise. Now what’s gonna happen?
    Paige stands on the top turnbuckle and celebrates retaining the gold as the fans cheer. Saraya meanwhile has come round and is slowly sitting up as Paige climbs down and watches her mother cautiously.

    Saraya moves forward, tears in her eyes. She looks to the crowd. Some fans are clapping but most are booing her. She then looks at Paige who has tears in her eyes too. Saraya then extends her hand towards Paige. The fans boo: they don’t trust Saraya.
    Jim Ross: Ya gotta wonder how sincere this is. I hate to say that but…

    Commentator #2: I’m with you, Ross. I’m not sure this is genuine on Saraya’s part.
    Paige looks to the fans who shout ‘nooooo’ and shake their heads. They suspect a trap.

    Paige reaches out to extend her hand - then pulls it away and leaves the ring as the fans cheer. She backs up the ramp shaking her head and holding aloft the title she has retained.
    Commentator #1: Paige smelled a rat. I think these fans did too!
    The camera zooms in on Saraya’s face in the ring and a hint of a smile creeps over her face as she watches her daughter walk away.
    Jim Ross: Look at this. Saraya appears to be smiling. I think the daughter may have learned much more than the mother suspected.

    Commentator #2: I think Paige went a long way towards earning her mother’s respect tonight. Still, what a dysfunctional family this is!

    The final image shows Paige holding aloft her title from the ramp before she turns away.
    Why I went with this match: Again, this was another match I decided on very early. In previous years I’ve tried to have a strong women’s division but it was always going to be much tougher to do that this year as thebostoncrab had secured so many top stars. I did feel though this feud would help me stand out. It made sense to go with this as it’s compelling to have two relatives facing each other on a big PPV event.

    Why I booked it this way: I considered a Saraya win but the essence of this storyline was that Saraya didn’t think Paige had the necessary traits to be a champion. With that being the case, Paige losing would have made Saraya’s point seem valid. I felt therefore Paige needed to get the win to prove her mother wrong. I also think a lot of fans, especially younger ones, would be really invested in the idea of trying to prove a mother wrong, and so a win for Paige would give her a great boost.

    Going forward I would do a rematch with Saraya admitting that she had underestimated her daughter and vowing not to make the same mistake twice. I would give Paige more of a cynical, rougher edge from here. I think I would have Saraya win the rematch and then build towards a rubber match between the two down the line. I think there’s more mileage in this one.

    Mask vs Mask match (2 out of 3 falls)
    Rey Mysterio vs Mistico w/Konnan


    The build-up

    When Rey Mysterio entered Monday Night Grappling he felt on top of the world. He talked of his ambition for a title match against Stone Cold, and was excited to be there with his friend Sin Cara.

    The attitude of Sin Cara, though, stood in stark contrast. Amidst reports of unhappiness at not being the sole lucha star of in the company, it became clear he had a chip on his shoulder. He blanked Mysterio, shoved him aggressively on one occasion, and caused a distraction which led to Rey’s elimination from the King of the Ring tournament.

    It was then revealed that Konnan, Mysterio’s long-time former friend and partner, had been in Sin Cara’s ear the whole time, acting as his representative. He poisoned Sin Cara against Rey and Sin Cara would soon abandon his persona and return to his former one: Mistico.

    Mistico blames his disappointing WWE run on Mysterio, believing Konnan’s words that Rey wanted to keep him in his shadow. Mistico would end his friendship with Rey and strike out at him, provoking him to compete in a mask vs mask match at Grapplemania in a 2 out of 3 falls match-up.

    This is more than just a friendship turned sour; this is a match that will define the legacies of two of the greatest lucha stars of all time. The lucha match of the century where one man’s future will be changed utterly upon its conclusion.

    Which man will walk out with his mask intact, and indeed his place in history?

    Mistico came out first, accompanied by Konnan. There was white pyro flowing from the ceiling like white gold as he came to the ring.

    Rey Mysterio then entered, dressed as Deadpool, continuing his theme of dressing up as superheroes at big events.

    In the ring, Konnan stepped outside as Rey and Mistico got face to face as the flash bulbs went off all around them.

    The Match

    The first fall

    After the bell rings, the two men begin to encircle one another. Konnan then steps up on the apron and points at Rey saying, ‘you’re losing your mask, puta.’

    Rey knocks Konnan off the apron but Mistico then grabs Rey in a school boy and gets Rey for the




    Winner of the first fall: Mistico

    Score: 1-0 to Mistico

    Rey looks on in shock as Mistico pumps his fists and signals he just needs one more. Outside, Konnan, who caused the distraction, smiles.
    Commentator #1: What about that?! Rey has lost the first fall inside thirty seconds!

    Commentator #2: Unbelievable. Rey is in big trouble now. One more moment like that and he will lose his mask and Mistico will be the sole masked lucha star!

    Jim Ross: No doubt about it Rey is at a huge disadvantage here. One fall down, as well as having Konnan on the outside to worry about.
    The second fall

    10 minutes in

    The pace becomes frenetic as Rey desperately looks to even the odds. He is getting rash now as Mistico has the one-fall cushion over him and Mistico eventually takes control, grounding Rey with an armbar and then a front face lock. The fans loudly chant ‘619’ as they sense Rey is in trouble.

    15 minutes in

    After surviving a handspring back elbow and a tornado DDT which get Mistico two counts, Rey begins to get a second wind. He hits Mistico with a split-legged monsault and a crossbody for two counts as Mistico is the one who looks in trouble now. Konnan pounds the mat trying to rally Mistico.
    Commentator #2: Would you say this is vintage Mysterio, Ross?

    Jim Ross: Not exactly how I’d care to phrase it but Mysterio is definitely in the ascendancy right now.
    20 minutes in

    Mistico is struggling, only barely kicking out of pinning predicaments. Rey then kicks Mistico down on to the second rope and the crowd sense what’s coming – a 619. Rey goes to run the ropes but Konnan outside, trips Rey and sends him to the ground.
    Jim Ross: Konnan grabbed the leg. The referee never saw it!
    Rey gets up and points at Konnan, but from behind Mistico once again gets another schoolboy on Rey for the



    Just a two! Rey this time kicks out. Mistico then goes to hit a tilt-a-whirl headscissors on Rey but Rey counters and again sends Mistico on to the second rope. Konnan now enters the ring and this time the ref does see it.

    Konnan ignores the ref's demand that he leave and goes to hit Rey with a boot but Rey ducks and sends him also on to the second rope with Mistico. Rey hits the ropes and delivers a 619 to both Mistico and Konnan as the crowd cheer. He then goes up top and hits a big splash and covers Mistico for the




    Winner of the second fall: Rey Mysterio

    Score: 1-1
    Commentator #1: Mysterio has levelled this match. We are going to a deciding fall!
    Rey raises his arms in celebration while Konnan gets right up in the referee’s face and he remonstrates about getting hit with the 619. The ref, though, points out Konnan intervened first. Konnan demands Rey be disqualified but instead the referee points to the back and says Konnan has to leave!
    Commentator #2: The referee is ejecting Konnan! This isn’t right; he’s Mistico’s representative!

    Jim Ross: Representative or not he stuck his nose in the match. Good call by the official.

    Commentator #1: Agreed, Jim. Now we can see who the better man truly is in this final fall.
    The third and deciding fall

    Both men are tiring but Mysterio looks to have the momentum and lands a hurricanrana, followed by a seated senton but Mistico kicks out just before the three.

    Mistico meanwhile connects with a moonsault and gets a long two count, while Mysterio fights out of a Fujiwara armbar attempt.

    The fans are standing as the match winds its way to its conclusion.

    The Finish

    Mistico connects with a missile dropkick and Rey is sent on to the second rope, face down – the 619 position. The fans boo as Mistico connects with the 619 on Rey and looks to hit a big splash.

    Mistico climbs up top and connects – or so he thinks. Rey got the knees up and he cradles Mistico for the



    …only two! Mistico kicks out. Rey then counters an Irish Whip attempt and uses a drop toe hold to send Mistico on to the second rope. Rey goes for a 619 this time, but Mistico ducks and hits a hurricanrana. With Rey sprawled flat on his back, Mistico goes up top to hit a Senton Bomb. Mistico comes off the ropes – but Rey rolls out of the way as Mistico meets only canvas.

    Rey then rolls outside and comes off the ropes and hits a West Coast Pop to Mistico.
    Jim Ross: Mysterio scores with the West Coast Pop! It’s been years since we’ve seen Rey hit that move!
    Mysterio hooks the leg as the referee counts…




    Winner of the mask vs mask match: Rey Mysterio


    The fans erupt as the referee’s hand hits the mat for the third time. Mistico puts his hands to his head and then pounds the mat in dismay.

    Mysterio’s music plays all around him as Rey looks on stone-faced; he looks at Mistico and shakes his head.

    Mistico gets to his feet and fulfils the stipulation, ripping off his mask and tossing it at Rey before cussing him out in Spanish. Rey stands there and hears it all, remaining unmoved. Mistico then collapses to the ground and begins crying bitter tears.

    Konnan comes down the ramp and stands on the ring apron, unsure of how Rey will react. Rey picks up the white mask and signals to Konnan to enter, which he does. Rey, his face devoid of happiness or satisfaction, simply hands Konnan the mask of Mistico, shakes his head, and leaves the ring, heading up the aisle as the fans can be heard chanting ‘619’. Konnan meanwhile tries unsuccessfully to stop Mistico’s tears.
    Jim Ross: A match in which both men gave everything and which overflowed with emotion. An outcome that has left not only the vanquished heartbroken, but perhaps also the vanquisher.
    Rey stops at the top of the ramp and takes a last long look back at the distraught Mistico who weeps in the ring. He takes a deep breath, sighs, and then turns around and walks to the back.
    Why I went with this match: There are Youtube videos promoting the idea of this dream match which have over three million views. This has long been a fantasy match-up on the big stage and as soon as I drafted them as a pair I had in the back of my mind the idea of this match. This would garner mega interest in Mexico and Hispanic regions of the US and adding in Konnan, who is a beloved figure there (he’s been called the Mexican Hulk Hogan), would make it even more special.

    Why I booked it this way: A babyface like Rey keeping the mask makes the most sense business-wise for merchandise sales etc. I also liked the idea of Rey winning the match and being a reluctant winner as he had never asked for the match in the first place.

    From here I would continue the feud as I like the idea of a pissed off, and now unmasked, Mistico gunning for revenge. Further down the line I would also build towards Rey and Konnan facing off. I would look to keep Rey strong.

    Backstage interview with the King of the Ring and #1 contender Dynamite King


    Interviewer: Dynamite King you are moments away from the biggest match of your career, competing against Stone Cold Steve Austin for the World Championship. And considering what happened earlier tonight-

    Dynamite: Let me stop you right there because I know what you're going to say. You're wondering am I worried seeing as Marty lost earlier tonight. You're wondering has my belief been shaken now that Eric Bischoff has been suspended from his position as General Manager. The answer to both is NO. You hear me? NO!

    The world may be against me. Most of these people in here tonight may be against me. But when my back's against the wall I come out fighting. And tonight I will come out with the World Heavyweight Title.

    Interviewer: And finally what are your thoughts on the new interim General Manager Jim Ross making your match tonight no-disqualification?

    Dynamite: That's fine by me. If the cowboy and the redneck think that scares me then they have no idea who they're dealing with. I fear no man. Stone Cold Steve Austin can throw out all the threats he wants but this season is going to end the way it started - with me leaving Austin flat on his back. The only difference is this time I'll be leaving with Austin's championship - a prize fit for a King.

    Purpose of promo: To get Dynamite's take on earlier events and allow him have is say on the main event.

    Main Event
    World Heavyweight Championship
    Dynamite King vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)

    The build-up

    Following last season’s successful season, Stone Cold Steve Austin joined the company and quickly gained the title after a bitter feud with the MNG owner. The owner soon departed from public view and placed power in the hands of his new General Manager: Eric Bischoff.

    Despite noting his neck was not 100 per cent, Austin was in good spirits heading into the new season - until tragedy struck. The champion was taken out backstage by a mystery assailant with General Manager Bischoff pledging to find the culprit.

    Elsewhere, Dynamite Kid found himself in an 8 person tournament to crown this year’s King of the Ring, with the winner facing the champion Austin – if he showed up – at Grapplemania. The masked attacker, however, would again emerge, involving himself in the tournament and attacking more than one participant. Following a false claim by Rikishi that he was the masked man, and a further false claim by him that Nick Bockwinkel had planned it all, it transpired that it was in fact Dynamite Kid that had been the masked attacker of Austin, and with assistance from Bischoff and Rikishi, had done it all to secure the number one contender spot for Grapplemania. Dynamite Kid sure enough went on to win the tournament, again assaulting Austin in the process, and rechristening himself Dynamite King.

    Stone Cold would soon set out for revenge, successfully getting his hands on Rikishi, and then Bischoff. Now, the Rattlesnake just has one man left on his list.

    For Austin this is a story of revenge; about putting an end to a man who could have ended not just his title reign, but his entire career. He has acknowledged his respect for the challenger, and acknowledged that his greatest Wrestlemania opponent Bret Hart has referred to Dynamite as the greatest ever. He has further admitted his neck is in bad shape and thus called this match the biggest of his career. Nevertheless the defiant champion has vowed he will still hold the gold by the PPV’s end.

    For Dynamite King, this is a story of redemption. He has said he feels overlooked, undervalued, underappreciated; he has said he will prove wrong all of the doubters and that he will soon be spoken of in the same breath as the likes of Stone Cold and his former friend Bret Hart. He has pointed out Austin has never lost in the all the years of the Draft, but has vowed to be the first one to break that streak. Dynamite claims he and Austin have a lot in common: both ruthless, sadistic, and uncompromising; both willing to give their bodies and souls in the ring.

    This is a clash of two of the hungriest performers in wrestling history. Two men who blazed a trail in the industry in their own distinctive way. A champion feeling his mortality; a challenger fighting for immortality. One hunting for revenge; one hunting for redemption. A once-in-a-lifetime clash of two of the greatest wrestlers in the history of the business. A King vs a Champion. Which man will have his moment?

    Before Dynamite King appeared, a video package aired showing his rise through the ranks of Britain and Japan and his time with the Bulldogs. Dynamite was then heard saying winning the title would cement his legacy in this business and exorcise all his personal demons.

    Dynamite entered on a large throne to grandiose, epic music and he wore a crown on his head. When the throne was set down, he removed the royal garb and his new entrance theme kicked in as he made his way to the ring:

    A video package then played for Stone Cold showing his reign as MNG World Champion since arriving in the company, as well as footage of his injured neck at the pre-show.


    We then heard snippets from Austin’s interview with J.R. from a few weeks back where he vowed to end Dynamite and promised the title would stay with him.

    Stone Cold’s music hit and Austin stares a hole through Dynamite King before charging down the ramp, dropping his title behind him as he hits the ring, nailing Dynamite with shot after shot.
    Commentator #1: Austin not interested in the introductions. He’s ready to go!

    Jim Ross: Stone Cold has his game face on tonight, no doubt about it.

    The Match

    Opening exchanges

    Stone Cold hammers Dynamite with rights and lefts and sends the challenger to the floor below. Dynamite tries to gain some breathing space but Austin is right after him.

    5-10 minutes

    The early going sees Austin take the fight outside the ring. He sends Dynamite head first into the steel steps, drops his chest on the barricade, and even raps the cord of a camera around Dynamite’s throat. Eventually the two men wind up amongst the fans in the stands as Stone Cold hunts down Dynamite who seems taken aback by this early onslaught.
    Commentator #1: Dynamite King hasn’t been able to impose himself on this match at all.

    Jim Ross: That’s right. Dynamite is running like a scalded dog!
    10-15 minutes

    Eventually the two men wind up on the stage near the entranceway. The throne and the garb that Dynamite came out in are still perched up there. Austin dumps Dynamite down on the seat, and places the crown on Dynamite’s head. He sticks his two middle fingers up at Dynamite and clotheslines him backwards, sending the throne toppling behind him.
    Jim Ross: I don’t think the Rattlesnake is a monarchist.

    Commentator #2: Very funny, Ross. Come on Dynamite! Get it together!
    15 minutes in

    The match finally returns to the ring and Austin begins hammering away at Dynamite again and climbs to the second rope. He goes for a double axe handle but on the way down Dynamite nails him with a European uppercut. He then delivers a quick snap suplex and Austin immediately holds his neck.
    Commentator #1: Austin looking in a lot of discomfort here.
    Dynamite tries to rally himself. He slaps his own face several times as he tries to get back in this match. He picks up Austin and delivers a vicious back suplex. He then picks up Austin and hits another back suplex. He then picks up the champion and hits a third back suplex. He covers Austin – but Austin kicks out at two.
    Commentator #2: You've gone awfully quiet, Ross. That neck of Austin’s may as well have a bullseye on it.

    Jim Ross: Well you’re right about that. Dynamite King has shifted the momentum it would seem.
    20 minutes in

    Dynamite lands another snap suplex and hits Stone Cold with knee drops and a standing headbutt drop as Austin looks in bad shape. Dynamite goes for more covers and Austin, whilst kicking out of each predicament, is not kicking out with much authority.

    Dynamite climbs to the top turnbuckle and goes for his diving headbutt finisher, but Stone Cold manages to roll out of the way. Dynamite hits the canvas as the fans cheer. The majority of the crowd are rooting for Austin, though plenty of British fans have made the trip to root on Dynamite.

    Stone Cold stands poised ready to deliver a Stunner. He attempts the move but Dynamite counters, pushing Stone Cold over the ropes to the mat below.

    25 minutes in

    Dynamite follows Austin outside and begins removing the monitors off the Spanish Announce table. He drags Stone Cold up on the table and signals for another back suplex.
    Jim Ross: No, don’t do this! For the love of God, this will end Austin’s career. Don’t do it! Damn it, don’t do it you sick son of a bitch!
    Dynamite turns and gives a smile to J.R. as he grabs Stone Cold but Stone Cold blocks it and begins hammering Dynamite in the ribs with elbows. Dynamite breaks the hold and Stone Cold then grabs Dynamite’s head and delivers a Stunner that sends both men crashing through the table.
    Jim Ross: Good god almighty! Austin and Dynamite just went through the table! Jesus, we need some EMTs out here, damn it!

    Commentator #1: Oh my God that was a nasty fall for both guys.

    Commentator #2: Get the damn medics out here, quick!
    EMTs arrive and Stone Cold is first to sit upright as the medics check on him. Dynamite still hasn’t moved. Stone Cold then stands up and pushes the medics away and lifts up Dynamite and pushes him in the ring. The ref remonstrates with Austin but he tells the ref ‘the bastard didn’t give a damn about me when he left my ass laying’ and he flips the ref off. Stone Cold gets in the ring and covers Dynamite for…



    …no! Dynamite gets a shoulder up.
    Commentator #1: How did Dynamite kick out?!

    Jim Ross: Gotta be pure instinct right there.
    30 minutes in

    Stone Cold goes to lift Dynamite up, but Dynamite cradles him: 1...2…Austin kicks out.

    Austin gets up and is caught in a head scissors takedown which Austin counters into a sunset flip for: 1…2…Dynamite kicks out.

    The two men then have a technical chain wrestling sequence with both men countering out of each other’s exchanges. After a minute of this there is a stand-off and the crowd all rise and applaud as a ‘this is awesome’ chant breaks out. Neither man breaks the stare of the other.

    They lock up again and this time Dynamite grounds Austin. Dynamite climbs the turnbuckle, again looking for the diving headbutt, but Austin sits up and hits several knife edge chops on Dynamite. He takes Dynamite up and delivers a top rope superplex, with Austin turning his neck before landing to protect himself. He drapes an arm over Dynamite for a 1…2…Dynamite kicks out, albeit gingerly.

    35 minutes in

    The travelling British fans try to get a Dynamite chant going but the Austin fans add their own input to it:

    Dy-na-mite! SUCKS! Dy-na-mite! SUCKS!

    Stone Cold picks up Dynamite but Dynamite reverses and grabs Austin’s back – he hits a German Suplex that rocks Austin. Dynamite then keeps the hands locked and delivers another German Suplex. And another. And another. Only after the tenth German Suplex does Dynamite release.
    Commentator #2: Good grief! Ten German Suplexes! This has got to be it!

    Jim Ross: I fear you may be right.
    Dynamite drapes a weary arm over Stone Cold…



    Thr – no! Austin gets the arm up – just. Dynamite, on his hunkers now, shakes his head.

    The Finish

    Dynamite goes over to the turnbuckle and removes the padding as the referee remonstrates with him. ‘Shut up, ya bastid’ says Dynamite. 'It's no-D.Q.' he says, before throwing a glance J.R.'s way. Dynamite returns to Austin as the ref ponders whether to try to fix the pad, when Austin grabs Dynamite in a small package. The ref drops the pad and counts the fall…



    …Dynamite kicks out. He drags himself towards the turnbuckle as Austin approaches and Dynamite boots him in the face. Austin then charges and Dynamite sidesteps as Austin’s head hits the exposed turnbuckle and he gets busted open hardway.

    Dynamite then hits a series of European uppercuts followed by a running dropkick. Austin collapses in the middle of the ring and Dynamite then grabs Austin’s legs and sets him up for something…
    Commentator #1: Wait a minute is he going for what I think he’s going for?!

    Commentator #2: How fitting is this, Ross? Remind you of anything?

    Jim Ross: My God, Dynamite is going for a sharpshooter! I witnessed Austin pass out from the pain to this move at the hands of Dynamite’s old friend Bret Hart back at Wrestlemania 13! Is history about to repeat itself?

    Stone Cold writhes in pain as Dynamite sits back in the sharpshooter screaming for Austin to tap. Austin’s fading now and the referee is forced to check the arms. They fall…



    Thr – no! Not a third time! Stone Cold rises up and staggers towards the ropes. Can he reach them?

    Yes - but it's a no-disqualification match.
    Commentator #2: Nothing the ref can do about this, Ross. Maybe you shouldn't have made this match no-D.Q. after all!

    Jim Ross: Austin has to find some way out of this or it will be Wrestlemania 13 all over again.
    Stone Cold clings to the ropes as Dynamite keeps the hold locked. Austin, using the ropes for leverage rises up slightly, and he then pushes in close to the ropes before pushing off with all his strength sending Dynamite forward and forcing the break.

    Dynamite gets to his feet and is looking frustrated. He grabs Austin by the back of his tights looking for another German Suplex but Austin fights out of it with elbows. Dynamite then chops Austin backwards and Irish Whips him. Austin ducks two clothesline attempts and nails Dynamite with the Lou Thesz Press. He comes off the ropes, flips Dynamite the bird, and drops a fist. Stone Cold, hurting and exhausted, then stands up ready and waiting to hit the Stunner on Dynamite.
    Jim Ross: The rattlesnake is poised and he is coiled.
    Stone Cold goes for the Stunner but Dynamite blocks it, pushing him back. Dynamite then hoists Austin up into a tombstone piledriver position.
    Commentator #1: My God! I believe this is the move Dynamite used to attack Austin which started this whole rivalry!
    Dynamite drops Stone Cold down on his neck and makes the cover. And to the amazement of the crowd gets Austin for the



    …2! Just 2! Austin gets his foot on the ropes as Dynamite looks at the ref in surprise.

    Fans: Austin! Austin! Austin!
    Jim Ross: Good God almighty I don’t know where Austin found the strength, the wherewithal, to get his foot on the bottom rope.

    Commentator #2: I’m in shock! So is Dynamite King!
    Dynamite pulls at his own hair in frustration. He picks up Austin and hits a suplex. He then climbs up top to hit the diving headbutt.
    Commentator #1: If he connects it’s gotta be over!
    Dynamite leaps – but doesn’t connect! Stone Cold avoids the contact and Dynamite hits the canvas. Austin stands up and sticks two middle fingers up at Dynamite before landing a Stone Cold Stunner as the roof goes off the University of Phoenix Stadium.
    Jim Ross: Stunner! Stunner! Stunner! Austin with the stunner! Austin got all of it!
    Stone Cold covers Dynamite and at the 47 minute mark gets Dynamite King for the



    2! It was a long 2 count! Dynamite King kicks out as Stone Cold looks at the ref and gives a rueful smile.

    Fans: This is awesome! Clap, clap, clap, clap. This is awesome!
    Stone Cold rises to his feet and readies himself to hit another Stunner. Austin kicks his boot – but Dynamite catches it. He hits a Dragon Screw takedown and climbs up to the top rope. He goes for a Diving Headbutt – and this time he does connect! At the fifty minute mark he makes the cover on Stone Cold for the



    …no! Austin gets the shoulder up once again as Dynamite pounds the canvas in despair!
    Jim Ross: Good God almighty! I’m not believing this! What an effort this has been from the Texas Rattlesnake! Damaged neck or not Stone Cold refuses to quit!

    Commentator #2: Amazing.

    Dynamite gets in the face of the ref and tells the official it was a 3. The referee says it was a 2. Dynamite moves to turn away – but instead decks the official to the ground.
    Jim Ross: Wait a minute! Dynamite just struck the official! What the hell was that?

    Commentator #2: Hey, you made it no-DQ, Ross. He obviously doesn’t think much of the ref’s performance.

    Commentator #1: But that doesn’t excuse hitting a ref nor does it-Hey! Hey wait. Look! What’s he doing out here?
    The fans rise to their feet and boos ring out as Marty Jones is seen making his way down towards the ring. He is holding his ribs and selling his injuries from his earlier battle with Davey Boy.
    Jim Ross: What the hell is he doing out here? He has no business out here!

    Commentator #2: Ross, you banned Bischoff from coming out here but you never said anything about Marty…
    Marty approaches the ring and Dynamite instructs him to go grab a steel chair. Marty nods and makes his way towards the ring announcer area. Marty tells the ring announcer to move and when he hesitates he grabs him by the collar and sends him flying to the ground. He comes in the ring with the chair as Dynamite lifts up Austin and holds him in position. Marty prepares to nail Austin…

    Stone Cold, however, kicks Marty in the injured ribs forcing him to drop the chair. He then strikes out at Dynamite with elbows and then hits Dynamite and Marty with punches as the fans cheer.
    Commentator #1: Stone Cold still refuses to die! Nothing is more dangerous than a cornered Rattlesnake!
    The numbers game catches up with Austin though and eventually Marty and Dynamite put the boots to him. The fans boo as Stone Cold suffers a 2-on-1 assault.
    Jim Ross: For the love of God this is not right. If anyone back there is listening I want some help out here damn it! Get some help out here right now!




    Commentator #1: Ask and you shall receive!

    Commentator #2: Wait a minute he’s got no more business out here than Marty!
    Davey Boy slides in the ring as Dynamite and Marty turn in surprise. A look of fury falls on Marty’s face as he sees the man who defeated him earlier. He rushes for the chair he dropped but Davey Boy sticks his boot on it and shakes his head. Marty’s fury dissipates to pure fright as he cowers back. Davey Boy picks up the chair as the fans cheer and he moves towards Dynamite and Marty who back off towards the other side of the ring, holding up their hands in fear.
    Jim Ross: Looks like Dynamite and Marty have got a bad case of the limber tail!
    Stone Cold rises slowly to his feet as Davey Boy pats him on the shoulder, his eyes locked on Marty and Dynamite. Davey Boy then turns – and clocks Austin over the head with the chair.
    Jim Ross: Wha-what the hell was that? WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! Davey Boy just struck Austin with the steel chair!
    Dynamite and Marty stand there shocked as the fans boo. Davey Boy turns to Dynamite and points to the top turnbuckle. He then positions the steel chair under the neck of Stone Cold.

    Dynamite, still amazed at what he's seeing, climbs to the top rope. He comes off the rope with a Diving Headbutt and connects with Austin’s neck striking against the chair.

    Davey Boy then gives the ref a kick in the back and heads out of the ring. A shocked Marty does likewise. Dynamite then kneels down into the cover, as the referee stirs and crawls over to make a slow count…


    Jim Ross: No, not this way!


    Jim Ross: For the love of God! Austin, kick out! KICK OUT!


    The bell rings.

    Ring announcer: The winner of this bout and NEW MNG World Heavyweight Champion…Dynamite King!
    Commentator #2: History has been made!

    Commentator #1: I can't believe it. For the first time in Draft history Stone Cold Steve Austin has been defeated in a PPV main event.
    At almost the 1 hour mark the match ends and Dynamite drops to his knees. Tears, either of joy or exhaustion, stream down his face as Stone Cold lies motionless behind him. The new champion raises his hands to the heavens whilst fans in the audience stand open-mouthed; many have their hands on their head. There are pockets of travelling British fans in the crowd jumping up and down in delight but most people are stunned.

    Jim Ross: No, damn it! No, this is not right! Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch, I don’t believe this! After one of the most hellacious performances of Austin’s career, a match in which the Rattlesnake gave his heart and his soul, where he would not die…for that to happen... why Davey Boy? WHY, DAMN IT?!
    Marty enters the ring and hugs Dynamite. He tells him how proud he is of the new Champion. Davey Boy then enters the ring and asks for a mic. A wary Dynamite and Marty watch as Davey Boy approaches. A hush falls over the fans.

    Davey Boy: Dynamite…I need to say something. I know there’s been a lot of bad blood between us. We’ve been at each other’s throats. We’ve hated each other’s guts. Bad things have been said…and the both of us.

    But I realised something while I watched your match backstage. I realised that Marty was right – I have been selfish. You’ve done so much for me in my life, you’ve given so much to this business, and I should have been there to support you.

    I realised that despite the bad blood between us – bad blood is STILL blood. You’re my cousin. And you’ve been more than that to me over the years. You’ve been like a bruvva to me. You’ve been my tag team partner, and my best friend. And now…

    He kneels before Dynamite and takes his hand.

    Davey Boy: Now you are my King, and my Champion!

    Marty smiles and looks to Dynamite whose face gives nothing away. Dynamite tells Davey Boy to stand up – and then he hugs him. Marty then joins in the hug as the fans boo.
    Jim Ross: Aw, son of a bitch! This is pathetic! Absolutely pathetic! Myself and Stone Cold helped get that man his job back, and this is how he repays us! By screwing Austin out of the title, after the damnedest performance of Austin’s career! Ya son of bitch! Do you realise what you’ve just done, damn you?!
    Commentator #1: This isn’t going to improve your mood J.R. Look who’s making his way down the aisle.

    Jim Ross: What the hell is he doing out here?!

    Commentator #2: Well you banned him from interfering in the match but the match is over. Look at the huge smile on his face!
    Bischoff comes down and enters the ring. He hugs Dynamite and Marty, then he has an awkward moment with Davey Boy, the man he fired. Bischoff extends his hand towards Davey Boy – but Davey Boy shakes his head. He won’t shake hands with Bischoff – instead he opens up his arms and asks for a hug. Bischoff grins and the two of them hug, before all four men move in for a group hug as the fans boo, with many of them flipping off the quartet in the ring; debris is beginning to get thrown too.

    Bischoff then leans over the ropes and waves at J.R. He gets some beers to share with the others and places his foot over Austin’s motionless body as he raises up Dynamite’s arm. He then flips J.R. the middle finger and laughs as J.R. shakes his head in disgust.
    Jim Ross: That rotten bastard Bischoff has gotten the last laugh; thanks to that turncoat Davey Boy. I can’t believe after one of the gutsiest displays I’ve ever seen from Austin that this night has ended this way. I wish I could do something about this but I made the match no-D.Q., and in Monday Night Grappling the referee's decision is final.

    But I gotta believe there will be hell to pay for this. I have to believe that. But the bottom line is that Dynamite King is the new World Champion and a new era for Monday Night Grappling has well and truly begun. Damn it, from my broadcast colleagues and myself...good night everybody.
    Why I went with this match: I decided on this one pretty early on. I’ve always thought Dynamite and Stone Cold would tear the house down if they ever met in their prime and I feel their personality traits complement each other very well.

    Why I booked it this way: I always planned for Dynamite to win; I felt I needed to elevate a star at the end of this PPV because while Stone Cold is a great character, I didn’t want the brand to be all about him. The real question for me was how would Dynamite get the win in a way that wouldn’t harm Austin.

    By turning Davey Boy heel and costing Austin the title, Stone Cold is protected in the eyes of the fans. It also allows me to further my Dynamite-vs-the-doubters storyline as fans will question whether he could have won without outside assistance which would enrage Dynamite. There would be big interest in a title rematch as Austin would now have an extra Briton to get revenge upon.

    What would happen from here is Dynamite would have a long reign and face challengers like Nick Bockwinkel, and later, Rey Mysterio. His heel stable would dominate.

    For Austin meanwhile I would take him off TV for a few weeks and tease a retirement angle with J.R. trying to convince Austin not to hang up his boots. Then Austin would make his big return and get his revenge on Davey Boy before agreeing to a title vs career match against Dynamite. Austin would of course win that match, and then this would set up the rubber match between Dynamite and Austin which I’d do inside a steel cage to prevent any outside interference.

    That’s it from me this year. My thanks to those who have taken the time to read my shows which I appreciate, and to LTSC for hosting the competition.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,491 ✭✭✭thebostoncrab

    [B]Fusion Pro Wrestling
    Week 4[/B]

    We are two weeks away from Queen of the Ring, and the whole card is taking shaping. Things are getting heated, friendships are being tested, champions will be crowned and everyone is wondering who will be the last woman standing at the end of the night. Already planned for tonight we have Sara Del Ray taking on Victoria, the three women involved in the Hell in a Cell will have a test of strength content, and we are hoping to hear from AJ Lee who hasn't been seen since walking out last week, either in person or on social media. Speaking of which, we aren't wasting any time, as Litas music has hit!

    Lita makes her way out to the ring with a mic. Tensions have been rising between herself and AJ over the past few weeks, with Lita getting more and more aggravated with AJ's overbearing levels of support, which has cost Lita matches and the chance at not only the Womens Championship, but the Womens Tag Team Championship. She has the mic:
    AJ, I know you are watching tonight. I don't know if you're in the building or sitting at home, but you are too much of a fan to not be paying attention. I know things have been...tense, between you and I over these last few weeks. I know you mean well, and I know you have no ill intent behind your actions. You just want to show your support, and I really am flattered by how much you believe in me. But at times AJ, it's too much. You are so focused on supporting me that you are missing how it's actually hindering both of us. I want to see you at your very best, and I want you to understand that I support you just as much as you support me...but we need to work together as a team if we want to succeed.

    Suddenly, a video appears on the titantron. It's in Litas home, with AJ holding a handheld camera. Lita looks stunned and confused, not only because AJ is in her home, but because the video is clearly taken in the early hours of the morning, rather than live. AJ faces the camera and places it on a table, while AJ sits on a chair in a hallway.
    Hi Lita, it's me, AJ. I remember as a kid I loved watched you perform. You were my hero, and the reason why I wanted to become a pro wrestler. You were able to hang with the boys, and you had this care free attitude about yourself. You lived in the moment. You were my role model. Of course, this is old news, I mean everyone has seen that video of me meeting you as a kid with tears running down my face. You mean the world to me Lita.

    All I ever wanted was for you to be my hero forever. I wanted to watch you get to the top of the mountain, with me at your side. I wanted for us to have that moment when you are recognised as the greatest wrestler in the history of this sport, and you turn to your side and say "I couldn't have done it without you AJ."

    But since I joined this company, I began to see things differently. You became sloppy. I cheered you on, I tried to get you on top, and all you would do is push me aside. You didn't realise Lita that you needed me. You needed me to get to the top. You needed me to rally the support behind you. You needed my love Lita. And you just kept throwing it away.

    I was always told, "Never meet your heroes, you'll just be disappointed", and now I see that as true. Everything in the past was just smoke and mirrors, TV magic done to make you look better than you actually were. Now you are going to fail. Why? Because you don't have my support. I will destroy your legacy, and expose you for the phony that you are. If I can't support you Lita, then no one can! I will end you Lita!

    But, sush sush sush, that's all for another time. Because right now you need your sleep. You need to rest up, because in two weeks time, you will never be seen again.

    AJ lifts up the camera and opens a door to her left, revealing a sleeping Lita in her own bed. AJ walks over, gives her a kiss of the forehead and says "Sleep well Lita" with the camera feed cutting. Lita is stunned in the middle of the ring, a loss for words. She grabs the mic and tells AJ she doesn't want to fight her. They should just talk about all this, that she clearly needs help, and a fight won't solve her problems. Suddenly, AJ appears from under the ring behind Lita and hits her in the back of the head with her video camera. She records the knocked out Lita and tells her she has no say in if the match will happen or not, because she already agreed to it the second she turned her back on her number one fan. AJ is escorted out of the arena by security. As she is about to leave, Lita grabs a mic and tells her it's on! We head to break.

    Match One
    Sara Del Ray (With Charlotte) vs. Victoria (With Ivory)
    The two women work very well together. Ivory at ringside keeps distracting both the ref, and every time Charlotte goes to stop her Sara tells her to stay back and not sink to their level. Victoria eventually gets the win by grabbing the tights of Sara.
    Winner: Victoria

    After the match, Victoria and Ivory both make their way to the ramp, taunting the women, telling Charlotte she will never learn anything when she is being taught by a loser. Charlotte checks that Sara is ok and tries telling the ref about the cheating. Sara tells her not to worry about it, and grabs a mic, challenging both women to a handicap match at Queen of the Ring. Charlotte asks why not make it a tag team match, and Sara tells her she wants to show her student that good will always overcome the odds. Charlotte tells her she agrees, but that pride you get you into just as much trouble. Make it a tag match, and let the student and teacher take these two down. Del Ray reluctantly agrees as we go to break.

    We are back and the music of The Boss hits, Sasha Banks is out and with her partner in crime, Sable. She is wearing her "Boss" knuckle buster, still tainted with blood from last weeks attack on Yamada and Trish. She grabs the mic
    The Boss is here, so you all better shut up and listen to what I'm about to tell you all. Last week, my girl Sable and I outwitted the "wrestlers". The Divas were the ones standing tall and fierce at the end of the night. Yamada and Trish were knocked out cold. And some of you idiots out there are putting the blame on the injuries they suffered on me? No no no, Yamada has herself to blame. She set herself up for this the second she drop kicked me in my beautiful face. She potentially ruined by career and my future. So many deals could have been destroyed. Thankfully Sable sent me to the best doctors and help that you bitches couldn't dream of affording, and I have come out the other side on top. I would say I ruined Yamadas career by busting up her face, but if anything I improved her ugly ass.

    All this week Sable has been on TV, hyping up Queen of the Ring and, most importantly, the two biggest stars in this company, Sable and Sasha Banks. She was on The Tonight Show, The Today Show, The Morning Show, The Afternoon Show, The Lie To Your Wife And Mute The Channel Show, she was everywhere! And why? Because Divas get all the green.

    The music of Yamada cuts off Sasha. Yamada isn't wearing the over the top face mask like Sasha last week, but her eye is clearly brusied and banged up.
    Sasha, I understand. In this sport, you have to make a name for yourself, especially in a company like FPW that is lined with the best wrestlers in the world. But you are being used. Have you noticed that Sable hasn't actually had any real in ring action since you two paired up? She has put you forward for every match, to get your hands dirty. Why weren't you on any of those shows this week Sasha? Sable is using you and your passion to succeed to keep herself relevant without lifting a muscle.

    Sable quickly gets on the mic
    Woah woah woah, to begin with sister, Sasha wasn't on TV because I had her looked after by the best doctors money can by to ensure her face was returned to its glory. That was all on you. And I'm not afraid of getting my hands dirty, it's just I know how much I'm worth. If I'm wrestling, this company makes more money. So I'm only stepping in the ring when the money is right. Like at Queen of the Ring when I go up against Trish Stratus.

    Sasha gets the mic
    Thats right bitch. Sable does what she wants, when she wants. But I know she doesn't need to worry about a jealous skank like you, in fact I know she won't mind using you as a warm up to Trish, so she'll take you on next week!
    Woah hang on Sasha, what do you think you're doing?
    It's ok girl, I got your back on this. You beat her ass, then at Queen of the Ring you beat Trish and we'll both be standing tall as the baddest women in the world.
    Well if I'm having a warm up match, which I was not given a chance to negotiate pay for, then you should challenge Trish and fight her next week.

    This suddenly bring out Trish, clearly very curious about this whole situation.
    Sasha, I just want you to know, I'd look forward to facing the wrestler called Sasha Banks next week, especially if it gives me the chance to show you that you'll get a lot more respect as the wrestler rather than the Diva lacky that you are.
    Bitch it's on! The Boss is coming for you ass, and then Yamada I'm finish what we started at the PPV!

    Two big matches set for next week, Trish vs Sasha and Yamada vs Sable! We head to a break

    We head backstage to Gail Kim. Gail is watching tapes of Manami fighting from the early 90s, in particular her classic with Aja Kong. The camera pans back and it shows Emma standing behind her, obviously watching in preparation for her match against Aja in two weeks. Gail tells Emma that she has a mountain of a task ahead of her. Aja is a dangerous woman, and she questions why Emma would face her in a Last Woman Standing Match of all things. Emma turns to her and says she needs to prove a point. She needs to send a message to anyone who thinks they can just throw their weight around and think they can bully people to get what they want. Gail says she admires her passion, but thinks she needs to be tuned up and ready for the task ahead. Emma says she is right, but points to the screen at Manami. She tells Gail she has a big task of her own. It's tough to quieten down a bully, but it's harder to beat a real woman with pride. So let's make sure neither of us have ring rust. Let's have a match tonight, bring out the best in one another, and keep themselves ring ready before the PPV. Gail stands up with a smile, shakes Emmas hand and says she'll see her tonight in the ring.

    The ring is all set up for strength contest. There are weights inside the ring, tyres on the outside, and a punching bag hooked up to a monitor to test the power behind a punch. Havok, Awesome Kong and Bull Nakona all make their way out to the ring.

    For the first challenge, they must lift a large tyre around the ring in a full circle. Each woman tries this one after the other, with Kong doing so in the fastest time.

    Next, they all enter the ring and see how long they can actually lift the large weights in the air for. Bull does this for the longest time.

    Finally, they will all punch the bag and see who packs the most force behind it. Kong goes first, followed by Bull, who beats Kong number. As Havok goes up, Bull and Kong both taunt her, reminding her that she hasn't won any of the contest yet. Havok punches, misses the bag, and hits Kong right on the jaw, flooring her. She clotheslines Bull out of the ring! Kong gets up and whips Havok into the corner, hitting her with the big splash. Bull makes her way back into the ring and a brawl breaks out between the three women. Every time a ref tries to break them up, they are tossed aside like they weigh nothing. It takes a whole team to finally separate all three women as we go to a break.

    Match 3
    Mickie James (With Kaitlin) vs. Beth Phoenix (With Natalya)
    The match is a warm up for the tag title match at the PPV. Both women are well matched and the contest goes back and forth, with Mickie getting the win. Afterwards Beth and Natalya argue, with Beth clearly wondering why Natalya didn't interfere. The number one contenders are on a roll as we get closer and closer to Queen of the Ring!

    Before we get to out main event, Emma is seen warming up, when Manami Toyota comes up to her. She tells her she believes Emma can slay Aja, but she must stress that it won't be easy. She has faced many women in her life, but she still suffers today from her matches against Aja. Emma must be prepared for not only the match, but for life after facing Aja. Emma thanks Manami and tells her she respects her word and everything she said. Emma's music hits and she makes her way out. Manami looks on, but Gail Kim turns up behind her. Gail tells her to pay close attention to this match up. To watch every single move of Gails, every reversal, every trick, every step. Because she wants Manami to bring her A game at the PPV. She wants her to attack Gail Kim with every fibre of her body. If she drops her potential even by 1%, then that belt will mean nothing, and it will be a waste of her time facing a woman that's clearly a shadow of her former glory. Manami simply smiles and says "Good luck tonight." Gails music hits and we are ready for our main event!

    Match 4
    Emma vs Gail Kim
    The match is slow to start. Emma uses her dancing and fun attitude to annoy Kim, and cause her to loose focus. Emma gets the upper had a few times, almost bringing in a submission win. Eventually the match builds up to a fast paced contest with both women hitting the ropes hard. Eventually Emma is pinned and Gail gets the 1 2 3
    Winner: Gail Kim

    After the match, Gail pulls up Emma and shakes her hand, thanking her pushing her to her limits. She ducks under the ropes and lets Emma have the ring. Emma dances when AJA COMES UP THROUGH THE RING! She body slams Emma hard! She drags Emma out to the outside and power bombs her against the apron! Emma is rolling around in pain, and is picked up a second time and powerbombed again! Aja drags her by the legs to the corner and swings Emma against the turnbuckle! The entire locker room is out to get Aja away from Emma. Emma keeps trying to stand back up but is clearly in a lot of pain and weakened. Aja leans over the group and spits right into Emmas face and laughs. Emma crawls over under the crowd and picks herself up by grabbing Aja. She makes it onto her feet, slaps Aja across the face, and is shoved back down by Aja. The crowd hold Aja back and she is brought to the back as we close the show.
    Fusion Pro Wrestling
    Queen of The Ring

    FPW Womens Championship
    Manami Toyota vs Gail Kim

    Sable vs Trish Stratus

    Lita vs AJ Lee

    Last Woman Standing
    Emma vs. Aja Kong

    Hell in a Cell
    Havok vs. Bull Nakona vs. Awesome Kong

    Sasha Banks vs. Toshiyo Yamada

    FPW Womerns Tag Team Championship
    The Divas of Doom vs. Mickie James and Kaitlyn

    Sara Del Ray and Charlotte vs Victoria and Ivory

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭Spongey1975


    SWE LIVE Episode 5

    In Ring: GM Gorilla Monsoon

    The GM Gorilla Monsoon is in the ring to address the SWE universe about the happenings of last week and the upcoming PPV Spongemania
    I have to address what happened at the end of our show last week. The match between The Uso Family and The Gangstas didn’t even start and obviously the animosity between the two groups unsettled. So at Spongemania we will settle it and we will make sure the battle doesn’t go all over the arena like last week. We will lock the two teams in an Elimination Chamber. We will start with one member from each group and after 5 minutes one member from one of the groups will be released from their pod giving them a two on one advantage. After another 5 minutes a member of the other group will be released. This will continue until all 6 members are in the ring and the match will continue until all members of a group have been eliminated by pinfall or submission. Now there is an obvious advantage to the group that has the first member released from their pod. So we will have a match later tonight between Yokozuna and Junkyard Dog to decide who will have that advantage. Now on with the rest of the show.

    Backstage: The Gangstas

    New Jack, Mustafa Saed and Junkyard Dog are in the corridor discussing the GM’s announcement
    New Jack: Did you hear what the GM just said? We have to make sure we win that match and by any means necessary. We have to weaken that big Japanese baby before the match. Any ideas?
    Mustafa: Yes I have one but we’ll need some of our powder to help (whispers his plan to the other two guys)
    New Jack and Junkyard Dog laugh in agreement at a good plan.

    Match: Triple H vs Christopher Daniels & Eric Young in a handicap match

    AJ Styles is first out, he is guest commentator to have a look at his opponent at Spongemania. Next out is Killer Kowalski, Triple H’s trainer. He grabs the mic to address the crowd and AJ Styles
    AJ, we set the match last week. We put Triple H’s career on the line against you at Spongemania. Triple H made a mistake in taking this industry and his ability for granted and that cost him his crown against you. Now it’s you who has made the mistake. You have underestimated Triple H and we are about to show you what’s in store for you at Spongemania.
    Killer draws everyone’s attention to a video on the Titantron. There is a Rocky style montage of Triple H training with Killer Kowalski to the tune of Survivor’s Eye of the Tiger. At the end of the video it shows Triple H back to his former self.

    Triple H comes out and is looking fitter, stronger and more determined than he has during his time in the SWE. He shows huge intensity and as soon as the bell rings he lays into Daniels and Young. There really is nothing either can do as Triple H delivers a spinebuster to Daniels and follows it up with another spinebuster to Young. He has Daniels set up for The Pedigree but he notices that AJ Styles has left the commentators desk and is moving towards Kowalski. Triple H intercepts him and the two are staring face to face outside the ring.

    Styles retreats, grabs his crown and goes back up the ramp. Triple H is still focussing on Styles whch allows Young an opportunity to attack. There is a brief flurry of hits from Young but they don’t seem to affect Triple H as much. He quickly turns the table on Young, gets him in The Pedigree and gets the win. He follows it up with another Pedigree to Daniels. The crowd love that the legend Triple H is back to his old self and ready to reclaim his crown as the King of Kings.

    Backstage: GM’s office

    Spike Dudley comes into the GM’s office to talk to Gorilla Monsoon
    Spike: I need a match, I need to get out there and fight. Promise I won’t let you down, just give me another chance.
    Monsoon: OK Spike, your mama wants me to protect you but I’ll give you another match. It should be easier than previous weeks so you should do well in it.
    Spike: Oh thank you Gorilla, you won’t regret it.

    Backstage: Locker Room

    Yokozuna enters the steam room for a pre match steam. Once he is inside Mustafa Saed appears and has a kilo of cocaine with him. He cuts it open and pours the powder into the vents of the steam room and disappears before anyone can see him.

    Match: Tito Santana vs Al Snow

    The crowd hear that the GM Gorilla Monsoon has set a match at Spongemania between Bobby Roode and Tito Santana to settle their ongoing feud over a bottle of champagne. Al Snow is first down to the ring accompanied by his mannequin head. Tito Santana comes down and has the bottle of champagne that Bobby Roode has been trying so hard to get back from him. Tito Santana’s quickness gives him the upper hand and he has Snow in a series of holds designed to wear Snow down. Snow manages to escape and hits Santana with a clothesline. He puts Santana in a sleeper hold and begins to wear him down.

    Bobby Roode comes rushing out to the ring and is dragging Layla with him. As he reaches the ring he urges Layla to go around to where the bottle of champagne. Roode hops up on the apron to distract Santana while Layla gets the bottle. The ref spots Roode and confronts him to try to get him back off the apron. Santana doesn’t take the bait and instead intercepts Layla from getting the bottle. Santana smiles and winks at Layla. Layla blushes, seems very confused and retreats away from Santana before she gives in to her urges. At the same time, Roode is still arguing with the ref. Al Snow has had enough and grabs his mannequin head and smacks Roode with it. Roode falls to the ground. The ref takes the head away from Snow and as Snow turns back to face Santana he is hit by a forearm smash and that’s enough to get the pin. Roode is being treated by Layla as the retreat back up the ramp. Santana still has the bottle of champagne ahead of their match at Spongemania.

    Backstage: GM office

    Christopher Daniels and Eric Young storm into Gorilla Monsoon’s office to once again complain about their match earlier
    Daniels: Why did you put us in that match earlier against Triple H. He was like a man possessed. It wasn’t fair for us to be in the same ring as him
    Monsoon: Would ye ever shut the hell up. I have never heard of a bunch of whingers in all my life. You too don’t deserve to be SWE Interprovincial champion. You too give me more stress than my own kids. Now if ye don’t get out of here in the next two seconds I will show you what a gorilla really acts like.
    Daniels & Young both get out of Monsoon’s office very quickly

    Match: Michelle McCool & Layla vs Spike Dudley

    Michelle McCool and Layla make their way to the ring where assistant GM Pamela Anderson is waiting for them
    Since you got your wish and want to be treated like the men i’ve decided to partner you up in a 2 on 1 handicap match against one of your male colleagues. So please welcome your opponent tonight....
    Out comes Spike Dudley. He’s not sure what’s going on but comes out to the ring anyway. The bell rings and Michelle McCool locks up with Spike. Michelle applies a hold on Spike to wear him down. Spike escapes and goes to hit Michelle but stops himself. He doesn’t seem to want to hit a woman. Michelle takes advantage of this and gives Spike a Big Boot to the head. She follows it up with her patented double underhook facebuster Wings of Love and gets the pin. Layla is not too happy at this and complains to Michelle that she wasn’t given a chance to show what she could do. Michelle doesn’t seem to care and leaves the ring. Layla is upset and sees Spike struggling to get to his feet. She gives him a roundhouse kick and follows it up with her patented neckbreaker which leaves Spike out of it in the middle of the ring. Layla is pleased with that and leaves the ring smiling. Pamela Anderson is shocked as she watched that from ringside.

    Backstage: Locker Room

    Jimmy & Jey Uso enter the locker room looking for Yokozuna. They see an opened wrapper that still has some white powder in it. They fear the worst and they suddenly hear a lot of noise coming from the steam room. They open the door and Yokozuna is inside tearing the place apart. The Usos figure out that he was drugged by The Gangstas and try to calm him down and get him ready for the match against Junkyard Dog which is due up next.

    Match: Yokozuna vs Junkyard Dog

    This match was scheduled earlier in the show by GM Gorilla Monsoon. The winner of this match will have an advantage in the elimination chamber match at Spongemania between The Uso Family and The Gangstas. They will have the 1st and 3rd entrants in the elimination chamber match meaning they will have a two on one and a three on two advantage during the match. Junkyard Dog is first out accompanied by New Jack and Mustafa Saed. The crowd are booing them, they have seen what The Gangstas have been up to by putting cocaine into Yokozuna’s steam room which meant Yokozuna accidentally inhaled the drug and has become wired. Yokozuna is next out and he is mad, Jimmy and JeyUso are trying to calm him down but he is no doubtedly still affected by the cocaine he inhaled earlier.

    Yokozuna immediately goes for Junkyard Dog and the match starts. Yokozuna is relentless and pushes Junkyard Dog into the corner and launches hit after hit. The ref is counting to ten and Yokozuna still does not stop. The ref has no choice but to disqualify Yokozuna. Junkyard Dog wins the match and The Gangstas have the advantage in the Elimination Chamber match at Spongemania

    Backstage Interview: Bobby Roode

    Q. What are your thoughts on your upcoming match at Spongemania against Tito Santana? Santana, the filthy rotten Mexican that he is, has been a thorn in my side since I came here to the SWE. He stole my property and in my eyes he deserves to be punished for being a dirty rotten thief. Up until now I have been nice about it, I have asked nicely for it to be returned but you still hold on to it. Well the time for being nice is coming to an end. I want you to enjoy the next few days with my bottle, caress it, bring it to bed, just bring it with you at Sponegmania for when I beat you to within an inch of your life I will open that bottle and myself and Layla will enjoy a toast over your carcass.
    In Ring Promo: TLC match for the SWE Heavyweight Championship
    The ring and surroundings are filled with tables, ladders and chairs and the SWE Heavyweight Championship title hanging above the ring. Out comes Sheamus to the ring to talk about the upcoming TLC match for the SWE Heavyweight Championship match at Spongemania VI against Jeff Hardy. He gets into the ring and sits on one of the chairs in the ring.
    Sheamus: Back in Ireland we would use tables for eating our dinner, ladders for cleaning the upstairs windows and chairs for sitting on while we ate our dinner. When we needed to settle something we fought with our bare hands. Now Jeff Hardy, my ma would be very upset with you for using these items for fighting with. Me however, I just love to fight and you have given me three things to use in that fight and that spells bad news for you Jeff Hardy, very bad news.
    At that moment Jeff Hardy comes out to enormous applause. He gets in the ring to face off with Sheamus.
    Jeff: You may see these tables, ladders and chairs as extra weapons but I see TLC matches as an artform and you are looking at a true artist when it comes to TLC matches. I was one of the trailblazers for TLC matches and have learned that it doesn’t matter how strong you are and if you think these tables, ladders and chairs are just weapons then you will be looking up at me at the top of the ladder grabbing the championship belt.
    The crowd go crazy cheering. Sheamus attacks Hardy, pushes him into the corner and punches Hardy continuously. Hardy manages to escape the corner, gets Sheamus into the corner and starts hitting him repeatedly. Sheamus pushes Hardy away and as Hardy turns back towards Sheamus he is met by a vicious clothes line. This allows Sheamus time to set up a table in the corner of the ring and place Hardy leaning against it. He takes a run at hardy with the intent to spear Hardy through the table. Hardy gets out of the way and Sheamus sends himself through the table. Sheamus is out of it and this allows Hardy to set up a ladder, climb the ladder and grab the championship belt. The crowd are ecstatic. Could this be what happens in the TLC championship match at Spongemania.
    SWE Heavyweight Championship Sheamus vs Jeff Hardy in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match
    AJ Styles vs Triple H in a Crown v Career match
    Tito Santana vs Bobby Roode
    The Uso Family (Jimmy & Jey Uso & Yokozuna) vs The Gangstas (New Jack, Mustafa Saed & Junkyard Dog)
    SWE Interprovincial Championship Christopher Daniels vs Eric Young vs Al Snow in a Steel Cage match
    Michelle McCool vs Layla in a Texas Bullrope match
