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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,159 ✭✭✭mrkiscool2


    MWF Friday Fight Night-Week 2

    Theme Song

    King: Welcome to MWF’s Friday Night Fights Ladies and Gentlemen! We are only 16 days away from “On The Verge” where Harley Race will take on Daniel Bryan for the MWF World Heavyweight Championship! There is still many more matches to be decided, including who will face Ethan Carter for the MWF International title and Generation Next for the Tag Team titles!
    Shaw: It’s not really going to matter King, I’m making an early prediction here and saying that all 3 titles will stay where they are right now!
    Candido: What are you talking about Shaw? It’s pretty clear that you are sitting beside the new International Champion. And once I have that belt the ladies are going to be lining up for miles around!
    Shaw: Don’t be so cocky! I’m just looking forward to seeing Okada get his ass beat by someone so Mr. K. knows that there is no point having anyone face EC3 at “On the Verge”

    Harley Race’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring, a big smirk on his face as he does so.

    King: Well, it looks like the man who had to be helped last week to not be beat is out here, mic in hand, with something to say. I hope he is going to reveal who the hell was helping him last week!
    Shaw: Whoever did help him is a hero! We don’t want an outsider coming in here and beating our champion, that’s as bad as the finger poke of doom that spelt the beginning of the end of WCW!
    King: Come on Shaw, you can’t really relate the two? One man was a former MWF champion, the other was two idiots messing about and one trying to give the leader the belt!

    Race: Last week, Mr. K. put me in a match against former MWF Champion Prince Devitt *the crowd cheers. Anger flickers across Race’s face as the do*. Even though he knew he would be facing me well in advance, and I had no idea who my opponent would be, I dominated for the most of the match. The only reason he was able to even get a bit of offence in was due to a lucky kick that he hit out of sheer desperation. I proved to everyone, you, Mr. K., Bryan, that I am the guy to hold this title *he holds the title above his head* and no-one, especially not a bearded midget who can only beat those he can out-wrestle, is going to take this away from me!

    Ya see, Daniel Bryan hasn’t got the strength or mental fortitude to match me, and as for his “wrestling ability” *Race uses air quotes for that term* I’m better than him on the mat. There is absolutely nothing he can do to me! I’ll be up on that top rope as he is looking at the lights in the ceiling, asking himself why he even bothered trying, and then my forehead will connect and I will cover him to retain my MWF World Heavyweight Championship. Then you, Mr. K. and the entire MWF roster will have to respect me and realise there is only one man who can be the MWF champion, and that man is me! *Crowd boos*

    Boo me all you want, you all know it is true, and all of you who think that it isn’t, who hope that Bryan can cause the biggest upset in the history of wrestling, will discover that there is no fairy-tale ending, there is only me, and my reign! I will be champion until I retire! And once Bryan’s bloody form remains motionless on the canvas you will realise that I’m the man you should be cheering, not some half-breed who prides himself on how good his wrestling is!

    Mr. K.’s music blares over the speaker and he appears on the ramp

    King: Oh my! Our chairman and owner does not look happy at the minute. He looks downright pissed off
    Shaw: Why should he be? Race and the hooded man did him a favour last week and Race is just telling the truth
    Mr. K.: When I signed you earlier this year, I had no idea how much of a raving lunatic you actually were. *crowd cheers*. Had I known, I probably still would have signed you but I would have put you on a faaaaarrr tighter leash! *Crowd cheer more* Can’t you see what you’ve become? Can’t you see what that title is doing to you? It’s making you delusional! I had to literally hold back Bryan backstage. He wants your blood, along with a few others back there in that locker room. Including two young men who you pissed off last week by attacking there friend.

    So, here is the plan. Later on tonight we have one of our re-signings coming back, the All Night Express, who will face off against Sami Zayn and Kevin Steen in a number one contendership match. With a twist. The winners will go on to face Generation Next at “On the Verge” in a special Triple Threat match, the details I shall reveal next week. The losers? Well, they will have to wait to see what happens in the main event. The main event will be you and your hooded friend vs The Young Bucks. If the Young Bucks win, they go onto the Triple Threat match. If you win? You get to pick the stipulation for your match vs Bryan. Best of luck tonight, those two men are angry. And that is t-Uff

    Out of nowhere, the hooded man from the previous week attacks Mr. K. from the back, punching him knocking him down before stomping on him. He then picks him up and hits him with a Michinoku Driver as Race grins in the ring

    King: Oh come on! That is absolutely disgusting! He isn’t a wrestler for crying out loud, he’s just an ordinary man! He can’t take that kind of punishment! Get the medics out here now!
    Shaw: He shouldn’t say such things about Race and expect to not face the repercussions of those words! He should know better than anyone the impact words can have!

    The hooded figure stands over a motionless Mr. K. as the crowd boo.

    Ad-Break 1

    *Highlights of the hooded figure attacking Mr. K. play on the titantron

    King: Well there we see the vicious attack on Mr. K. by the hooded figure, who will be revealed later on when he and Race takes on The Young Bucks. During the break, as you can see on the titantron, Mr. K. was attended to by medics and brought to the back on a stretcher. We will update you throughout the night on the chairman and owner’s condition after that heinous and cowardly attack
    Shaw: Well maybe Mr. K. will finally understand that you can’t go around trying to piss off the people in this company. His job is to run this company and make matches, not to call out superstars and insult them! When you that you leave yourself open to retaliation. I hope he is ok and learns from this lesson!
    King: Well, moving on from this incident we have the Tag Team titles contender match. One of these teams will go on to face Generation Next and one other team at “On The Verge”. Whoever loses will have to hope The Young Bucks lose later on to get a second shot to qualify
    Female Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is a Tag Team match set for one-fall. The winners of the match will secure a spot in the Triple Threat Tag Team championship match at “On The Verge”. Introudcing first, weighing in at a combined weight of 473 pounds, the team of Sami Zayn and Kevin Steen

    King: Well, these two men haven’t been on the same page recently. They have been mis-firing and each loss seems to leave Kevin Steen more annoyed at his tag team partner. But they have a chance here to get another shot at the MWF Tag Team titles!
    Shaw: I feel like a bit of a broken record here, but you people need to listen to me so I don’t have to repeat myself. No-one is taking the titles off of Generation Next. Besides, Sami Zayn isn’t worthy of being in the same company as Kevin Steen. The sooner he drops the dead-weight the sooner he will move up the roster!
    King: Come off it Shaw! Zayn is a fantastic wrestler! Him and Steen are two great wrestlers who can be a great team, they just have to reconnect
    Candido: I don’t know how you can focus on them when there is an absolutely gorgeous woman in the ring. Hey baby, I’ll give you my number after the show *he blows a kiss and winks at her*
    Female Ring Announcer: And their opponents, with a combined weight of 433 pounds the team of Kenny King and Rhett Titus, The All-Night Express!

    King: Well, here come a team that have faced Generation Next and the team in the ring many times before. They were MWF Tag Team champions over a year ago and you have to feel they want their titles back!
    Shaw: They are a great team King, no doubt about that. But they couldn’t stop Generation Next from beating them last year and then retaining the title from them. They had to leave for a while because they couldn’t take the fact they weren’t good enough. Why should that be any different now? Will you stop staring at the Ring Announcers ass and actually do your job
    Candido: Stop calling what now?

    Kenny starts for The All-Night Express and Sami start off the match in the ring as the bell ring. They lock up, both men trying to gain the upper hand. Eventually, King is able to wear Zayn down and take control of the match. The All-Night express keep the pressure on Zayn, tagging in and out regularly, using some double team moves every now and again, keeping Zayn over on their side of the ring. Steen stands on the apron looking on, a look of annoyance spreading across his face each moment Zayn is dominated by the other two men.

    As the match wears on Steen becomes more agitated, shouting at Zayn to get back into the match, to “wake up and tag me in!”. King and Titus continue to work on Zayn. Titus picks him up for a powerbomb but Zayn reverses, managing to hit him with a hurricanrana, sending him out of the ring. He crawls towards his corner as the crowd cheers him on. Titus slides back into the ring and grabs his foot, Zayn turns and uses his free foot to kick him back into his corner before making the tag. Steen comes in as King tags himself back in, clotheslining him. Titus comes for him but he hits him too, clearly riled up. He continues to knock both men down until he throws Titus out of the ring. King tries to hit him but Steen throws him full force into the corner, knocking him on his ass in the corner. Steen then hits him with the cannonball senton before dragging him to the middle of the ring. He picks him up and hits him with the powerbomb before covering him. 1...2… Titus breaks up the pin!

    Titus works on Steen as King groggily gets up to the corner before climbing the turnbuckle. Titus hoists him up onto his shoulder before Kenny dives off, hitting a flying neckbreaker as Titus powerbombs him. Titus stays in the ring as King covers him 1...2...3! The All-Night Express win, the referee holding up Titus and King’s hand as King holds the back of his neck. The both grin and roll out of the ring, leaving as Zayn groggily crawls back in, checking on Steen.

    King: What a match Ladies and Gentlemen! The All-Night Express will go onto to meet Generation Next and one other tag team at “On The Verge”. Will it be The Young Bucks? Or will Zayn and Steen have another bite at the cheery? We will find out later
    Shaw: We already know what is going to happen. Race and his companion are going to beat the holy hell out of those young pretenders and then we are going to see two losing teams face off next week. All-Night express are the only team that even has a chance to beat Generation Next at “On The Verge”
    Candido: Who cares? All that matters is that later on I get to prove to Mr. K and that fox of a ring-announcer that I deserve another shot at the International Championship. Speaking of which, I gotta go get ready for my match. Later chumps

    Candido gets up and walks to the back as Steen gets up, looking frustrated as he holds the back of his neck and has his face in his other hand. Zayn tries to explain but Steen looks at him, anger in his eyes before clotheslining him

    King: NO! What are you doing Steen? Stop it, he is your friend and partner!
    Shaw: That’s it Steen! Kill him! It’s all his fault

    Steen continues the beat down for the next few minutes, eventually tossing him to the outside of the ring. He picks him up, preparing to powerbomb him onto the apron when all of a sudden….

    King: WHAT? It can’t be!

    The crowd cheers as Grado runs down and immediately starts brawling with Steen, making sure that Zayn doesn’t smack his head off of the apron. They fight all around the outside of the ring before Steen clotheslines Grado over the barricade. They continue to brawl all the way up the stairs and back into the lobby, the cameras following them. Grado starts to get on top and Steen just about manages to avoid the Wee Boot, leaving the arena and looking up at Grado as he does, mouthing at him as he hopes into a waiting taxi

    King: WOW! Ladies and Gentlemen, Grado is here in the MWF and his first act was to save Sami Zayn from the beating his enraged partner Kevin Steen was giving him!
    Shaw: What right does Grado have to interfere in that though? Zayn cost them the match and a chance at the titles, he has to suffer the consequences of that!
    King: You actually can’t be serious? He was beating on him for no reason! Anyway, we shall see how that develops in the next few weeks!

    Ad-Break 2

    *Highlights play on the titantron of Grado and Steen’s brawl*

    King: Well there you see it folks, Grado makes his debut with a bang, stopping Steen from his malicious attack on Sami Zayn. One of our camera-men managed to reach Grado and asked him why he was here and what prompted him to intervene
    Grado: I’m in the MWF for the same reason as everyone else here; to prove that I’m good enough to hang with the big boys and to become the MWF champion. The roster here is amazing and there was no way I could turn down the opportunity. I was backstage, seeing all of these massive superstars that I’ve followed for years. I love everything about wrestling and I know how tough it is to win the big one. However, when you’ve lost the match the best thing you can do is take it on the chin, pick yourself up, tell yourself it wasn’t your day and look ahead to the next fight.

    So when I saw Kevin Steen kicking the balls off of Sami Zayn because he lost the match I lost it. Zayn is a fantastic wrestler but at the end of the day when you are taken by surprise by a guy way bigger than you there ain’t much you can do. That’s why I came down to help, to show Steen it’s not ok to blind-side a guy much smaller than you. He should be playing with boys his own size. That’s why at “On The Verge” I want to show Kevin Steen what it’s like to fight a guy as big as him. What do you say Steen? Me and yersel at “On The Verge”? I’ll be waiting for your answer!

    King: Well, what a match that would be! Steen vs Grado at “On The Verge!”
    Shaw: What right does he have to come in here and demand a match with Steen at “On The Verge?”. This is his first time even being in the same arena as Kevin Steen, he has to earn that opportunity! Steen shouldn’t accept!
    King: Well, it would go with the new cowardly Kevin Steen if I am being honest!
    Female Ring Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one-fall! Introducing first, from Asbury Park, New Jersey, weighing in at 225 pounds, Chris Candido!

    King: Well, here we go Ladies and Gentlemen, another match to help Mr. K. decide who will face off against Ethan Carter for the belt, our colleague on commentary and all round idiot Chris Candido
    Shaw: What’s Mr. K. doing putting this moron in a match with our International Champion? Not only has he not got a hope of winning tonight, he shouldn’t even be allowed near that belt! He is an asshole!
    King: For once Shaw, I absolutely agree with you!

    Candido gets in the ring and smirks at the ring announcer, walking over to her and taking the mic out of her hands
    Candido: Thanks for the lovely introduction there sweetheart. Why don’t you go and sit down for a minute while I introduce my opponent? There’s a good girl *the ring announcer looks confused but shrugs. As she bends to exit the ring Candido smacks her ass. She looks embarrased and annoyed as she sits down at the timekeeper’s area* Don’t worry darling, I’ll let you get back to your little job afterwards and we can go for a drink later! *he says with a smirk as the crowd boos*

    Candido: Ladies and Gentlemen, making his way to the ring with a look of fear in his eyes as she sees what awaits him, hailing from some incest-populated region in who gives a ****, it’s your current and soon to be ex-International Champion Ethan Carter III, presumably named that because his parents were too stupid to actually think of an original name.

    Carter rushes the ring, rolling in and he and Candido immediatley start to brawl as the referee calls for the bell. Carter takes control of the match early on, getting Candido in the corner and wailing on him as he does, stomping him and using his foot against his throat, using the full five count each time, clearly incensed by what Candido had said. The referee drags him away and Candido uses the chance to roll out of the ring to recover.

    Carter sees and heads out too, chasing him around the ring until Candido slips back in. Carter comes in after him but Candido stomps on him as he does, taking control of the match. Candido dominates the next 10 minutes, getting a few near falls as he does. Finally, desperate to get the pin to win the match, he tries to set up the Blonde Bombshell. All of a sudden, a female runs down to the ring and low blows him.

    King: WHAT? IT’S VEDA SCOTT! Has she alligned with Carter?

    The referee calls for the bell straight away as Scott pummels a clearly in pain Candido on the mat. She then picks him up and hits him with the snapmare driver. Carter looks at her, clearly annoyed she cost him the match but then sees Candido on the mat and grins, rolling out of the ring and grabbing his belt. Scott asks for a mic

    Shaw: As much as I loved what just happened, she shouldn’t have interfered in that match! Carter lost because of her!
    King: Come off it Shaw, let’s call a spade a spade here and say that Candido was on his way to victory! But let’s hear what she has to say!

    Scott: Damn that felt good! *crowd cheers*. Ya know, I’ve worked tirelessly for years to show that women aren’t just pieces of meat that men can gawk at and use whenever they want! I’ve dominated them in the courtroom and I’ve dominated them in the ring. And ya know what? They are starting to see that women are just as strong as them, just as driven as them, just as determined as them. That they will put their bodies and careers on the line just to entertain you. And I, along with other women, have gotten respect for that.

    But for the last year I’ve listened to this idiot subjugate and deride women and see them as nothing more than toys for his pleasure, people to announce him entering and things for him to look at. And I’m sick of it. That’s why I signed with the MWF. It’s not for glory, or for titles or to prove I’m better than anyone. It’s to get this idiot to shut his mouth and respect women for who they are. And if I have to keep kicking his ass until he realises that then that’s what I’ll do! *she drops the mic on Candido and leaves the ring*

    King: Wow, two new superstars have debuted tonight and they both have their eyes set on someone! Welcome to the MWF!

    Ad-Break 3

    King: Welcome back to MWF Friday Fight Night! News coming from backstage is that chairman and owner Mr. K. has refused to go to the hopsital for treatment and medical staff are looking for him as he has gone missing! Bizarre turn of events!
    Shaw: The hooded guy probably gave him a concussion! He shouldn’t be here!
    Female Ring Announcer: The following match is set for one-fall! Introducing first, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 236 pounds, Kazuchika Okada.

    King: Well, here is the last man that Ethan Carter will have to face next week to help Mr. K decide who will face Carter for the International Title at “On The Verge!”
    Shaw: Well he has a really good chance now but if he loses here you have to feel that it will be in the back of Mr. K’s mind even if he wins next week!
    Female Ring Announcer: And his opponent, from Hiroshima, Japan, weighing in at 209 pounds, Justin Thunder Liger!

    King: Well here is one of our new signings making his in ring debut. Two Japanese superstars going head to head, you have to think this match is going to be good!
    Shaw: I don’t think they are anywhere near as good as our American Superstars, they just don’t have that killer instinct needed to succeed here!

    Both men start off tentatively, feeling each other out each time they lock up, both men managing to gain the upper hand in different lock-ups. Eventually, Okada manages to take control, hitting Liger with kicks and suplexes and some of his signature piledrivers. Eventually, Liger manages to roll too the outside. Okada dives through the ropes but Liger moves out of the way and Okada hits the barricade.

    Liger takes a few moments to recover before rolling Okada back into the ring and taking control of the match. He peppers him with kicks and hits more suplexes as a dazed Okada tries to recover. Eventually, he manages to reverse a suplex and hits a diving dropkick to Liger, sending him off the turbuckle and onto the mat. He goes straight to the top rope and hit a diving elbow. He picks him up and hits the Rainmaker then pins him. 1...2...3! He wins! The crowd cheer as the referee raises his hand

    King: Wow, another great match here at the MWF. Was that killer instinct enough for you Shaw?
    Shaw: Hmm, it was better than I thought but it doesn’t change anything. Okada won’t win next week and he won’t have a shot at the MWF International Championship
    King: I disagree but onto what’s up next. It is our main event. The Young Bucks will face off against Harley Race and the masked man who has attacked Prince Devitt and Mr. K. If The Young Bucks win they will go to the special triple threat match, if Race and his partner wins Race gets to pick the stipulation for his match against Daniel Bryan at “On The Verge”

    Ad-Break 4
    Female Ring Announcer: The following is a tag-team match set for one fall. If they Young Bucks win they will gain entry to the Triple Threat match for the MWF Tag Team Championship at “On The Verge”. If Harley Race and his partner wins, Race will get to pick the stipulation for his match against Daniel Bryan for the MWF World Heavyweight Championship at “On The Verge”.

    The Young Bucks music play and the crowd start cheering wildly

    Female Ring Announcer: Making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 350 pounds, Matt and Nick Jackson, The Young Bucks!

    King: Well here we go folks. The crowd firmly behind The Young Bucks who want to get those titles badly! They have to win to make sure of their spot in the Triple Threat match!
    Shaw: These guys couldn’t beat Race even if he was on his own!

    Race’s music plays and the crowd boos as Race comes out, microphone in hand
    Female Ring Announcer: And their opponents, introducing first, from Kansas City, Missouri, weighing in at 245 pounds, he is the current MWF World Heavyweight Champion, Harley Race!
    Race: Thank you or that lovely introduction and as for the reception what more can I expect from a bunch of Irish drunkards and idiots *crowd boos*. Now, for me to introduce my partner in crime. He is a mean, strong, non-drunk and extremely smart Irish man, Mandrake!

    Mandrake comes out and grins at the crowd as they boo him. He shakes Race’s hand and they both head to the ring


    King: WOW! What a shock, Mandrake, a Tae-Kwon-Do champion and a staple of local promotion Irish Whip Wrestling and he has teamed up with Harley Race!
    Shaw: Just when you think that Race can’t be anymore untouchable he brings out a great fighter like Mandrake. Incredible, no chance The Young Bucks or Bryan can beat Race now with an intimidating figure like Mandrake at his side.

    Mandrake and Nick start off. They lock-up and Mandrake overpowers him straight away, pushing him into the corner and chopping his chest. He whips him into his corner and tags Race in who comes in and kicks Nick in the gut. For the next while, Mandrake and Race dominate Nick while Matt looks on helplessly. One multiple occasions they go for the pin but can only gain a few near falls as Nick tries his best to survive. Madrake then goes for powerbomb only for Nick to fight back, hitting him as he is on his shoulders. He manages to get down and kick Mandrake out of the ropes, dodging beneath an incoming Race and making the tag to Matt.

    Matt comes in and dropkicks Race out of the ring before both Nick and Matt hit a suicide dive to their opponents on the outside. Race and Nick stay down as Matt throws Mandrake back in the ring, starting to build momentum. Mandrake attempts to clothesline him only for Matt to super-kick him. Nick climbs to the top rope as Matt picks up Mandrake to set up the Meltzer driver but Race comes out of nowhere and hits Matt in the back with a steel chair. The referee calls for the bell as he hits Nick on the way down from the top rope with the chair as well. Race and Mandrake begin attacking the two men

    King: For god’s sake no! This is disgusting! Why do this?
    Shaw: They were being disrespectful last week by stopping them attacking a man that doesn’t even wrestle with this company! They deserve it!

    Daniel Bryan comes down and runs to the ring to help, only to be met on the outside by Race who clocks him with the steel chair and starts beating on him while Mandrake powerbombs Matt in the ring

    King: Now Bryan is being beat up! Who will stop thi….Who is that coming from the crowd? It’s...IT’S THE CHAIRMAN! IT’S MR. K!

    Mr. K grabs the seat the time-keeper is sitting on and rolls into the ring, hitting Mandrake with the chair as he works on Nick in the corner. He hits him two more times before he rolls out, Race helping him as he struggles to get away. They both stand on the ramp as Mr. K. points at them, shouting at them as Bryan rolls into the ring. He holds up Mr. K’s hand before looking at Race and moving his hand over his waist in a belt motion and pointing at him

    King: What a way to end the show! Mr. K. gets revenge and Bryan showing Race that he isn’t afraid of him! Tune in next week to see what happens!

  • Registered Users Posts: 86,615 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Show 2

    LWE - LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment


    Friday Night Ignition

    Theme Tune

    Travis Barker, Yelawolf, Twista, Busta Rhymes & Lil Jon - Let's Go

    The show opens with William Shatner in the ring, he is singing the show's theme tune even rapping. Bobby Heenan comes out and asks him what he is doing there again this week. Heenan calls out security to remove him but Shatner shouts for them to stop that he has a signed contract with the LWE and is no co GM with Heenan. Heenan is mad and demands that security continue and remove him but they retreat to the back. Heenan comes down to the ring and reads Shatner's contract which he reaps up but Shatner asks him for hug co his co worker but Shatner pushes him and leaves the ring. Shatner says tonight his talk show The Shat Show will be on later with special guest women's champion Molly Holly.

    Next tag team champions The Motor City Machine Guns beat Carlito & Primo Colón after Carlito walks out on his brother and team mate during the match and then Shelley pins Primo.

    The Shat Show with women's champion Molly Holly is next. Shatner seems too excited by his guest even offering her a massage. Molly says she needs some decent competition for her title. Out comes Santina Marella skipping. Shatner offers to help him into the ring by holding the ropes. Shatner kisses his hand and then tries for the cheek but Santina skips away around the ring. Santina says he wants a shot at the title. Shatner says he thinks she should be given a shot and grants it. Molly asks him if is serious and Shatner says of course he is. Santina kisses Shatner on the cheek and leaves. Molly also leaves the ring disgusted at Shatner.

    Rebecca Knox Vs. Alicia is next and ends in a dq when Edge who is at ringside enters the ring and knocks out Knox to break her submission hold of Alicia.

    Primo is angry backstage with Carlito who just walk off saying nothing and leaves the arena.

    Christian is getting ready for his match in the locker room. Edge and Alicia enter. Edge asks him why he is not answering any of his calls and to explain last week's loss. Christian just gets up and leaves for his match.

    The main is next of Austin Aries Vs. Eddie Edwards Vs. Christian (C) for IC title. Edge and Alicia come out and sit at announce table. Near the match end, Aries is thrown into Edge and Alicia by Edwards. Edge gets mad and attacks Edwards. Christian comes out of the ring and tells Edge to stop and leave. Christian takes Aries back in the ring. Christian goes up top but Edge pushes Edwards into ring post which knocks Christian down to the outside. Aries gets to his feet and drags Christian back in the ring. Aries pins Christian after 2 ddts to win the title. Edge cant believe it as he and Alicia watch from top ramp to end the show.


    Motor City Machine Guns aka Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin
    American Wolves aka Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards
    Austin Aries
    Santino Marella
    Low-Ki & Frankie Kazarian,
    Lethal Consequences aka Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed
    Bobby Heenan
    William Shatner
    Carlito & Primo Colón
    Molly Holly
    Rebecca Knox aka Becky Lynch
    Alicia Fox
    Solomon Crowe
    Rockstar Spud

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,491 ✭✭✭thebostoncrab

    ]Fusion Pro Wrestling
    Week 5

    Queen of the Ring hits this Sunday! As we reach the go home show, we have two big matches already announced with Sable taking on Toshiyo Yamada and Trish Stratus going one on one with Trish Stratus. We will also be unveiling the Fusion Pro Wrestling Womens Championship that Manami Toyota and Gail Kim will be fighting for on Sunday. We open up as the music of Trish Stratus hits and we are kicking off the show with one of our big matches.

    While Trish walks out we get backstage footage of Sable and Sasha Banks. Sable tells Sasha to remember that they have each others backs. She expects Sasha to be in her corner later for her match, and to make sure that she does enough damage to Stratus to ensure she can't even make it to Sunday. Sasha asks will Sable be in her corner tonight, and Sable says she can't, because she can't trust Trish to not try take her out early. Sasha seems taken back, but Sable pumps her up telling her she has got this. Sashas music plays and she heads out for our first match of the night.

    Match One
    Sasha Banks vs. Trish Stratus
    This is a fierce contest. Both women are bringing their all. Between big spots, Trish keeps telling Sasha she isn't a diva, she's a wrestler. Sasha replies with strong elbows to the head telling her to shut up. The match goes the distance and has near fall after near fall, but in the end Sasha falls to Trish's Stratusfaction for the victory.
    Winner: Trish Stratus via pinfall

    Trish goes over to Sasha and picks her up. She gets into her face and tells her again "You are a wrestler. You are a damn good wrestler. Don't let a diva use you." Sasha pushes Trish aside and makes her way to the back. Trish asks for a mic.
    Sasha! Don't ignore me and walk away from the truth! Sable is using you. She sees your talent and strength, and is using you desire to succeed to twist what you see. Have you noticed that she hasn't had a proper match since she joined the company? Yet time and time again you have to go out and wrestle. Hell even tonight Sasha, tonight she wants you in her corner, probably because you both have some plan to take out Yamada, again ensuring Sable doesn't have to wrestle. Well let me tell you, I will be in Yamadas corner tonight, to ensure that Sable gets exactly what she deserves. And on Sunday, I will end the name diva forver, and I hope you join me as the future of womens wrestling.

    Sasha simply shakes her head and walks to the back as we go to a break.

    We have a video interview with Lita, as she explains the importance of the Womens Championship match this sunday. She explains how it is the result of everything women like her and Trish worked for, and she knows that both Gail and Manami will give it their all and set the title up for an amazing reign.

    We are now backstage with Lita herself. She is with officials, who are concerned for Litas health and well being after AJ broke into her room and recorded her disturbing video. They have offered Lita security but Lita keeps turning them down. She tells them she has dealt with freaks before, and putting up walls solves nothing. She will beat AJ so badly on Sunday, she won't dare show her face around her again. Suddenly Mickie James and Kaitlin join her. They explain that she has a chance to get her hands on her early. Tonight there is an 8 woman tag match. On one corner is The Divas of Doom, Aja Kong and AJ Lee, the other team is Mickie, Kaitlin, Emma and they want Lita to join them. Lita smiles, stands up and says she just needs to get her gear. A huge match is signed for tonight!

    We get an interview with Emma, as she talks about being new to the industry, but is so proud to be able to here for when history is made and we crown the first ever FPW Womens Champion. She talks about how much she has looked up to both Gail and Manami, and she cannot wait to watch the two greatest of all time go for it.

    We go to a live feed to the FPW Performance Center, as Sara Del Ray is training with Charlotte for their match against Victoria and Ivory this Sunday. Sara is working her hard, and keeps reminding her that she will not entertain the idea of ending the night on her back. Charlotte stops and tells Sara that she is a Flair. Flairs never quit, and she will be there standing over Victoria and Ivory. Sara tells her that a name is only a name, and the only way they'll beat these two is hard work. So stop talking back and let's do some squats.

    Suddenly there is laughter in the background and Ivory and Victoria are at the exit. Ivory tells them that it's useless listening to a trainer that never even made it to the WWE. Her biggest accomplishment was wrestling in front of 20 people. Victoria and I have wrestled all over the world in front of 1,000s of people. This Sunday they'll show them why they are as good as they are, and why Sara never made it. She tells Charlotte that she won't get anywhere the longer she listens to a loser like Sara as we go to a break.

    We have an interview with Awesome Kong. She says in a mans industry, it is hard to make an impact. Yet the women of FPW have done just that. This Sunday, this title match between Manami and Gail is perhaps the most important womens contest of all time, and will bring with it a new era of wrestling.

    Match Two
    The Divas of Doom, Aja Kong and AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn, Mickie James, Emma and Lita
    This is a stacked 8 women match, offering as a preview for this Sunday. Every time AJ enters the match, Lita keeps forcing a tag, and every time AJ tags right back out. Emma is in the ring against Beth Phoenix, getting momentum building big, when Aja has cleary seen enough and clothelines Emma right out of the ring. She picks up Emma and lays into her with lefts and rights, but Emma starts returning elbows of her own! They brawl to the back and leave the match. Lita in the mean time jumped into the ring and is dumb founded, when AJ suddenly runs in and gets a pin with a roll up! She kisses Lita on the head and rolls out of the ring! Lita is livid!

    Winners: AJ Lee, The Divas of Doom and Aja Kong via pinfall

    We get an interview with Trish, who stresses the importance of this Sundays main event. But what makes it even more exciting is an entire roster stacked with women who are hungry to hold that belt, making it the most important belt in our sport. Everyone wants to hold it, because by holding it you become a part of history, and will forever be seen as one of the best.

    We have our belt unveiling ceremony ready! The belt is covered in a black velt cover, hidden from everyone. There are press from all over the world, and the women from the locker room are all present. Manami and Gail are invited to the ring as the belt is revealed. Both women pose with the belt for the press. They stand nose to nose with company officials ensuring they keep all action until Sunday. They shake as we go to break before our main event!

    Match Three
    Sable (with Sasha Banks) vs. Toshiyo Yamada (with Trish Stratus)
    Sable keeps looking to Sasha, asking her if she is ready. As the bell rings, Sasha straight away jumps up the apron to distract the ref, and Sable pulls out the brass knuckles once again, but Trish runs in! Sable rolls out side and grabs Sasha, telling her to keep an eye on Stratus. Sasha tells her she doesn't need to worry, when Sable is suddenly grabbed by Yamada! Yamada kicks the living life out of Sable, with Sasha being held back by Trish. Sable keeps trying to escape, but Trish keeps running to stop her. Sable hits a DDT on Yamada and yells at Sasha to do her job and keep these bitches off me. Sasha jumps up and into the ring, picks Yamada up by the hair. Trish tries to get in the ring, but is met with a right hand from Sable. While Sable has her back turned Sasha spins Sable around and hits her with a belly to belly! The arena comes to life! Sasha looks at Yamada, who offers her a hand shake, and Sashs says to her "I may not be with her, but I'm still going to kick your ****ing ass" and hits Yamada with a belly to belly! The place has gone wild! We will see this Sunday!

    Fusion Pro Wrestling
    Queen of The Ring

    FPW Womens Championship
    Manami Toyota vs Gail Kim

    Sable vs Trish Stratus

    Lita vs AJ Lee

    Last Woman Standing
    Emma vs. Aja Kong

    Hell in a Cell
    Havok vs. Bull Nakona vs. Awesome Kong

    Sasha Banks vs. Toshiyo Yamada

    FPW Womerns Tag Team Championship
    The Divas of Doom vs. Mickie James and Kaitlyn

    Sara Del Ray and Charlotte vs Victoria and Ivory

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,491 ✭✭✭thebostoncrab

    Fusion Pro Wrestling Presents
    Queen of The Ring

    Match One
    Ivory and Victoria vs. Charlotte and Sara Del Ray
    Background: Charlotte has been taunted by Ivory and Victoria, claiming that the rookie isn't good enough to hang with the rest of the roster because she isn't ready yet. Del Ray, her trainer, has taken this to be an insult to her training methods. Del Ray wanted to face the women alone but Charlotte insisted that she join her and prove that she can indeed hang with the vets.

    Del Ray and Victoria start the match. Del Ray plays a slow ground game, trying to prevent Victoria from getting momentum and use her speed against Sara. Victoria and Ivory frequently tag with each other during the match, but Sara won't tag in Charlotte, despite Charlotte's protests. Eventually Charlotte hits a blind tag and jumps into the match, and is very quick to outwit both Victoria and Ivory. Eventually she locks in the figure 4 onto Ivory and gets the submission win.

    Winners via submission: Charlotte and Sara Del Ray.

    After the match, Charlotte celebrates, whilest Sara looks a little pissed. She tells Charlotte that she wanted to prove herself in the match, with Charlotte turning to her and saying that she did prove herself, because her student beat the vets. Sara agrees, and they go for the hug, but Charlotte swerves and hits a snap suplex onto Del Ray, and locking the figure 4 onto her! Sara is in agony! The fans boo Charlotte as she poses in the ring.

    Future: The match now sets up a feud between Sara and Charlotte, a classic student vs teacher role. Charlotte feels that Sara was just holding her back, whilest Sara felt Charlotte wasn't ready. The ending of this match echos the final weeks promo, with Sara saying she wouldn't end up on her back (Which she does) and Charlotte saying she would stand tall (Which she did)

    Match Two
    Fusion Pro Wrestling Womens Tag Team Championship
    The Divas of Doom vs. Mickie James and Kaitlyn
    Background: Mickie was felt like she has to make her mark in the company after missing out on the change to headline the PPV, so she took on the help of Kaitlyn and they won the chance to have The Divas of Doom to crown the first ever FPW Womens Tag Team Champions. The Divas of Doom however have been a dominate team and are much more experiecned as a unit.

    The match is a mixture of different styles, with Beth and Kaitlyn focusing on brawling, while Mickie and Natalya bring the more technical side of wrestling in. With Mickie being smaller than both of the Divas of Doom it plays a lot into the story, while the more experienced nature of The Divas of Doom results in them being the more polished team with a lot more double team moves. They can't keep up with the speed of Mickie however who gets the pin on Beth after she hits the Chick Kick while Kaitlyn brawls on the outside with Natalya.

    Winners via pinfall and first FPW Womens Tag Team Champions: Mickie James and Kaitlyn.
    Future: The team now have an uphill battle as they try defend their belts against more experienced units like The Divas of Doom and Ivory & Victoria. It helps establish the division and other teams may come into the fold.

    Match Three
    Sasha Banks vs. Toshiyo Yamada
    Background: Sasha was aligned with Sable, who was clearly using Sasha to avoid getting into any matches and to have her do all her dirty work. Yamada has been trying to get Sasha to be the great wrestler that she knows she is and to teach her to respect the sport. At one stage Sasha recieved "a broken nose" from Yamada and returned the favour with her "Boss" brass knuckles. Sasha eventually saw Sable for what she was and left her, but she still has an issue with Yamada and wants to take her down.

    Sasha comes out to a massive reaction, despite still acting like a heel. It's clear that she has the respect of the fans here. Herself and Yamada waste no time and really go for a hard hitting contest, with plenty of stiff shots thrown their way. At one stage Yamada dropkicks Sasha to the outside while Sasha in on the top rope, busting her open badly. Sasha sees red and comes back in on fire and really goes to town on Yamada. She hits the Bankrupt for the victory.

    Winner via pinfall: Sasha Banks
    The Future: Sasha Banks had to win here, as the hope would be to work on her strong build up and get her straight into the title picture. Both Gail and Manami are faces, and while it works for the match tonight, in the long run you need a heel. Sasha Banks is that heel. She would go to a number one contender match and come out on top, setting up a big angle between her and the champion.

    Match Four
    Hell in a Cell
    Bull Nakano vs. Awesome Kong vs. Havok
    Background: These are 3 women hell bent on destruction, pure and simple. All three have been trying to prove to the others that they are the strongest women in the company. Attempts to have them in a normal wrestling match have gone nowhere, and when setting up this match each one kept uping the stip, trying to show how tough they were, until they reached the most dangerous match there is; Hell in a Cell

    This match is not pretty. This isn't full of fancy moves, just stiff forearms and punches, chair shots and everything in between. They really go all out to destroy each other. At one stage Kong does the unthinkable and hits a german suplex onto Havok on the outside, which sends Havok through the cell walls, knocking her out cold. Kong uses the momentum to go after Bull, but Bull charges her into the corner and someone gets the strength to lift Kong up into the Bull's Angelito, weaking Kong long enough for her to reach the top rope and hit the diving somersault leg drop from the top rope, taking the win.

    Winner via pinfall: Bull Nakano
    Future: This match was to showcase the strength of all three women and just how dangerous they could be. Now that they have settled their own feud, all three will be let loose onto the roster, which will make the other women dreading these matches, especially against Bull.

    Match Five
    Last Woman Standing
    Emma va Aja Kong
    Background: Aja hates everything about Emma. The last three women were booked as dangerous, but even they wouldn't cross Aja. She has been booked as been a brutal, violent machine. Emma was targeted by her because Aja felt she was a weak joke. Emma came back from injury to challange Aja, and no matter what Aja threw her way Emma always came back, wanting to put an end to the bully. It was also worth nothing that Aja has been picked by me 3 years now and has never lost in any match I have booked her in, even besting The Necro Butcher.

    Emma comes out first in street gear, followed by Aja. Emma wastes no time and dives over the top rope onto Aja, but Aja catches her and uses the momentum to F5 Emma!!!! Aja straight away walks to the back, feeling that her new finish has done the job already, but a shakey Emma gets back up at the count of 8, runs up the ramp and cuts Aja down at the legs with a stiff kick from behind. The match ends up all over the floor and ramp for the first 10 minutes before they make their way into the ring. At one stage Emma hits an extremely stiff kick to the face of Aja and knocks out a tooth!!! Aja sees red and really goes on the assault, laying into Emma hit hard hits and chops, but no matter what Emma just won't stay down, even if she needs to use the ring ropes to get back up. Emma is taking a massive beating in this match, but she just won't quit. Aja goes for a final F5 to finish things, but Emma starts hitting Aja with elbows to the temple while she's on her shoulders, bringing Aja to her knees as it looks like Aja is knocked out! Emma won't stop hitting the elbows, even with the ref pleading for her to stop. Eventually the ref pulls Emma off her and the count starts. Emma get's the 10 count and the victory, and straight away collapses from exhaustion in the corner.

    Winner by knockout: Emma
    Future: Emma will sell her injuries and be off the shows for a few weeks. She will be booked to build on this massive momentum as a giant slayer style character, going up against Havok and others, with a never say die attitude. She would be built up as one of the toughest women on the roster and eventually into the main event scene. Aja will return when the day comes that Emma wins the belt, setting up round two with bigger stakes on the line.

    Match Six
    Lita vs. AJ Lee
    Background: Lita and AJ were a team, but Lita found AJ's over bearing fandom too much to take, as it would cost them matches and resulted in Lita missing out on a shot at both the main belt and the tag titles. Eventually she snapped and told AJ to leave her alone, and with that the real extent of AJs obsession with Lita came to light. AJ now believes she has to get rid of Lita as she is no longer someone to look up to, while Lita wants to but an end to AJs obsessive nature.

    This match is extremely personal. AJ keeps playing mind games with Lita during the match, trying to make her become unfocused, even at one stage revealing that she is wearing the same gear as Lita under her own clothes, and starting to use Litas own moves. This builds into a fast paced contest with plenty of top rope and lucha style spots throughout the contest, with both women equally matching the other. Eventually however Lita hits the twist of faith for the advantage and follows up with the moonsault for the victory. AJ throws a tantrum in the ring afterwards.
    Winner via pinfall: Lita
    Future: Lita had to win. She lost every match she has been involved in, and she needed to show everyone that the only reason she was loosing was because of AJ. The win doesn't mean the end of the feud however, and I would book these two to get more and more personal, with AJ really beginning to disrupt Litas personal life.

    Match Seven
    Sable vs Trish Stratus
    Background: It's Diva vs. Pro Wrestler. Trish feels that Sable almost destroyed womens wrestling when she brought us the diva. Soon it became hard for women like Trish to get noticed so they needed to do things they weren't comfortable with just to get their foot in the door. Now that the times have changed, Trish feels that by beating Sable she will put the final nail in the coffin of the Diva. Sable has been avoiding conflict or damage by using Sasha Banks, but now she is all alone.

    Trish carries this match, which starts off very slow, with Sable being very reluctant to enter the ring. Any time Trish goes to tackle Sable, Sable goes back to the outside. Eventually Trish has had enough, and gives Sable chase outside. They get into the ring and Trish begins laying into Sable. Sable cheats quite a few times, including trying to re use the brass knuckles, but the ref catches her out. The ref goes to DQ Sable, but Trish begs the ref to just let the match go on. The ref eventually agrees, but Trish is hit with a second set of brass knuckles! Sable get's the pin and it's 1,2, NO! Trish kicks out, much to the shock of Sable! Sables locks in a sleeper hold, but Trish stands up with Sable on her back, backs her up into the ring corner and hits the Stratusfaction for the 1,2,3!

    Winner via pinfall: Trish Stratus
    The match was set up as a symbol for what FPW is all about. The womens wreslter overcomes the Diva. Now Trish, a clear and established main eventer, will have her eyes on the title. This is where I'd bring back Sasha and the two would face against each other for number one contender rights, with Sasha coming out on top. As for Sable, she is too good of a heel to ignore, so she would be kept on as a manager and mouth piece.

    Match Eight
    The Fusion Pro Wrestling Womens Championship
    Manami Toyota vs. Gail Kim
    Background: The final of the Queen of the Ring tournament. This has been booked since day one as being the biggest womens match in history. This isn't about someone not liking someone, it is a straight up fight to determine who the best women really is. The build up has focused on how important this moment is for everyone on the roster and for wrestling, so there is a massive big fight feeling going into this.

    This match goes on for 30 minutes and is a technical masterpiece. Both women bring their A game to a match full of innovation and technical master-class, with all their big moves being reversed at some stage. Neither woman gives an inch. In the end there needs to be a winner however, and Gail Kim does the unthinkable and beats Manami, being crowned the very first FPW Womens Champion.

    Winner via pinfall: Gail Kim
    Future: As I said, the build to this is the eventual match between the champion Kim and the number one heel Sasha Banks. Manami will of course get a rematch, come up short and focus on the tag belts with her old partner Yamada. Gail winning is the better choice as Manami will help make the tag division legit, while Kim has more experience with characters to sell main event level stories.

    That's me for this year, hope you enjoyed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭A Brad Maddox Guy


    A video recap shows Mike Tyson in the ring as KENTA & Sycho Sid enter for the contract signing. “KENTA wait til the match before getting your ass beat” KENTA pushes Tyson followed by a slow-mo shot of Sycho Sid's Big Boot. We once again witness Sycho Sid powerbombing KENTA through the table and the recap finishes with his sadistic laugh.

    Petey: “Good evening ladies & gentlemen and welcome to MWA Supremacy. Myself & Dave are once again joined at the announce desk by Mr Mike Tyson.”
    Tyson: “It's good to be back. Last week proved to me that you can't be trusted Petey to be our leading voice.”
    Dave: “I've been saying that for years Mr Tyson.”

    Segment 1
    The Abraham Washington Show featuring Tony Atlas
    > A solid oak talk show table with a fancy throne-like chair for the host & a sofa for the guest is set up on the stage.
    > AW welcomes out his bodyguard & compère Tony Atlas. He talks about Ken Shamrock, making some lazy jokes about his 'sister' Ryan. Tony laughs at all of them & AW welcomes out his guest.
    > AW grills Shamrock over his jealousy of Bobby Lashley. Shamrock says this has nothing to do with Lashley & everything to do with Mike Tyson disrespecting MWA's hard working wrestlers by handing out title opportunities to undeserving 'superstars'. AW ignores this completely and says of course Ken is jealous of Lashley; Lashley's a bigshot, a multiple time World Champion and an MMA legend. He's also signed up with the greatest talent promotions company in the world which will transition Lashley from a sporting god to box office gold. “All World Promotions”. AW suddenly slaps Shamrock. Ken's face goes from stunned to a crooked smile.
    > Shamrock stands up, as does AW. Tony Atlas steps between them. Shamrock pushes Atlas who swings a right hook, Ken ducks it and Belly-To-Belly's Tony on the stage. AW is panicked and starts backing away from his table, edging closer & closer to the side of the stage as Shamrock stalks his prey. When AW can retreat no further Shamrock punches his own head before hoisting AW up by the collar; but there's movement behind Shamrock...Bobby Lashley has crawled from underneath AW's table and is ready to pounce. The crowd are shouting warnings to Shamrock, AW shouts “NOW” which makes Ken turn straight into a spear from Lashley. Lashley drags Shamrock to the table and hits a Dominator, cracking the solid oak off Shamrock's back.

    Segment 2
    A rematch from last week to decide the number 1 contender for the tag team titles.
    Jimmy Snuka & Paul Orndorff vs MVP & Shane Douglas
    Neither team are completely focused on the match and keep looking around for any signs of the Minnesota Wrecking Crew. MVP jumps when he sees a large fan wearing a mask and gets Shane Douglas to attack him. Douglas does but the mask comes off to reveal it's only Kevin Sullivan. He breathes a sigh of relief when suddenly Gene & Ole storm the ring from the opposite side and take out MVP. Snuka & Orndorff retreat up the ramp, Shane Douglas stays in the crowd, not too eager to help his teammate. The Andersons get on a mic and tell Mike Tyson that there will be no Tag Title matches in this company without their involvement and demand their place on the WrestleRama card. Tyson gives in to their demands but insists both the Most Valuable Franchise and Snuka & Orndorff will also be in the match. The Andersons smile and say “the more people for us to beat to a pulp, the better.”

    Segment 3
    Adam Cole comes out to the ring delighted with himself
    Cole: “As you all saw last week, the violent criminal that is your Intercontinental Champion Tazz has finally been taken off the streets and incarcerated. And it's all because of me, Adam Cole. And since Tazz won't be around for a long time at my hands I am hereby declaring myself to be the NEW MWA Intercontinental Champion.”
    Cole celebrates with an imaginary belt as the crowd boo
    Cole: “I can hear your love & adulation and I intend to repay you for it by being a fighting champion. So I, Adam Cole, am putting the Intercontinental Championship on the line, right here, right now against whoever walks out from behind that curtain.”
    Kevin Sullivan's music plays. Cole, barely trying to cover his laughter, says “Please my loyal fans, do not look down upon him and laugh. He has as much a chance as anyone. Now come on out, don't be shy.”
    The music still plays but Sullivan does not appear. The lights in the arena dim and the music abruptly changes to the sound of heartbeats. It's TAZZ! Cole is distraught in the ring; “NO! NO! YOU'RE IN JAIL! SECURITY! SECURITY!” Tazz runs down the ramp, drops the Intercontinental title and bursts into the ring. The two men brawl and Tazz quickly goes for a Tazzmission but Cole escapes his grasp. A referee runs down and rings the bell, this match is officially started.
    Adam Cole vs Tazz (c) for the MWA Intercontinental Championship
    Tazz runs Cole into the corner and repeatedly shoulder blocks him before taking a running tackle, Cole bounces forward into a Tazz-Plex and is launched ¾ of the way across the ring. Cole rolls to the outside but Tazz is right on him. Tazz hits a side belly-to-belly suplex on the outside and takes a moment to soak in the crowd's cheers. He goes back on the attack but Cole eye rakes him and throws him into the steel steps. The referee's count is on 7 when Cole climbs onto the apron but Tazz grabs his ankles and sweeps him down head first off the ringside apron. Cole bounces up and falls straight into the Tazzmission. Tazz takes him down and has it locked in fully on the outside. Cole is tapping out but it doesn't count, Tazz can't win the match on the outside but he doesn't care. The referee counts to 10 and rings the bell, the match ends a draw but Tazz refuses to relent. Adam Cole's tap-outs start to slow, road agents & referees rush out to pull Tazz off of him but Tazz isn't budging. Adam Cole is clearly unconscious at this point when Tazz is finally dragged away.
    > As Tazz is being led away he can be heard shouting that he wants Cole inside a Steel Cage at WrestleRama. He'll put the Intercontinental title on the line & fight with one hand tied behind his back if it means getting Adam Cole in a ring where he can't run away.

    Segment 4
    Mike Tyson announces a tag team match for tonight; Bobby Lashley & Tony Atlas vs Ken Shamrock and the partner of his choosing.

    Segment 5
    KENTA is seen embracing Naomichi Marufuji backstage. Marufuji is clearly in considerable pain following Sycho Sid's assault earlier in the month.

    Segment 6
    > Dean Ambrose comes down to the ring and cuts a promo on Mick Foley. He says it doesn't matter which face of Foley that walks down to this ring, they've each done untold damage to the sport of professional wrestling. Whether it was Cactus Jack introducing the hardcore style to mainstream audiences in WCW, Dude Love being the least believable ladies man since Papa Shango found a fur coat, or Mankind tearing his hair out for the sake of “character”. Every single one of them has played a part in making his life hell.
    > Mick Foley appears on stage to address Ambrose in person. He talks about the long legacy of hardcore wrestling. He talks about being thrown from Hell in a Cell, he talks about the visionary that was Paul Heyman and he says he is proud that he has a lasting legacy carved into this cult area of wrestling. Dean Ambrose has spat in the face of this cult and for that he's gotta pay.
    Ambrose is growing increasingly edgy in the ring and looks like he might snap at any moment. He interrupts Foley and says Mick didn't let him finish, and he hates being interrupted. The last person to interrupt Ambrose suffered sudden blindness due to a pen in the eye and couldn't go back to school for a year, “SO DON'T INTERRUPT ME AGAIN MICK! I've been waiting years to fight you. Every thug I've smashed with a light tube, I've seen your face. Every backyard idiot that I've set on fire, it was your face I saw in the flames. At WrestleRama II I'm going to do what Randy Orton should've done all those years ago; I'm going to put Mrs Foley's Baby Boy in a wheelchair for the rest of his short life. I'm going to send a message to your hardcore friends Mick; Sabu, RVD, Terry Funk, even the 'genius' Paul Heyman that one day I'll be coming for them too.”
    > Foley interrupts Ambrose again; “it's funny you mention my friends Dean because one of them just happened to show up tonight and he hasn't stopped talking about you all day. Wait there and I'll introduce you” Foley walks through the curtain. “I told you not to interrupt me again you son of b*tch,” and Ambrose leaves the ring to go up the ramp.
    > Mankind's music hits and he walks out to a stunned Dean Ambrose who has reached to top of the ramp. Mankind takes the fight to Ambrose and brings out Mr Socko for the Mandible Claw. Once broken, Ambrose flees up the ramp fighting back sickness.

    Segment 7
    Bobby Lashley & Tony Atlas vs Ken Shamrock & a mystery partner
    > KENTA is unveiled as Shamrock's partner for tonight. Marufuji accompanies him to the ring as the match gets underway.
    > Sycho Sid comes down to join the announce team during the match. Marufuji can be seen glaring at Sid intensely. While on commentary Sid discusses the WrestleRama main event with the commentators; he shouts KENTA's name everytime he says it making it clear he's reading from a script. Sid also mispronounces Marufuji's name as Marufufu though this may be intentional. Tyson comments that Sid simply cannot be beaten by KENTA because “the little Chinese boy can't lift Sycho Sid for the GTS, so how the hell is he gonna win. Sycho Sid is a monster and he eats KENTA sized portions for breakfast.”
    > The match itself ends when Bobby Lashley is caught by a stiff clothesline from Shamrock, causing his mouth to bleed. Lashley tags in Atlas who ends up submitting to the Ankle Lock.
    > At ringside Marufuji confronts Sid who attempted to get involved in the match. He starts kicking Sid but is in too much pain to keep the attack up, Sid catches his leg and cleanly lifts him into a Powerbomb position. Sid raises Marufuji up above his head and is swiftly hit with a Busaiku Knee Kick by KENTA. The move sends Sid crashing down to the floor, one of his front teeth knocked out. Mike Tyson is stunned & the show ends.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭Spongey1975



    Tito Santana vs Bobby Roode w/Layla

    Bobby Roode came to the SWE with money and ambition. He promised to celebrate getting to the top of the SWE with the finest bottle of champagne. Tension between Roode and Tito Santana started in episode 1 when Roode refused to shake Santana’s hand. This tension further escalated when Santana stole the bottle of champagne and inadvertently cost Roode a shot at the SWE Heavyweight Championship during the main event of episode 2. Roode has been on a rampage since then, trying to get back the bottle of champagne but failing at every attempt. He even tried to use his valet Layla to seduce Santana and get back the bottle but instead Layla seemed to have fallen for Santana’s charms. Finally the GM decided to set the match for Spongemania. If Roode wins he gets the bottle back and he gets his restitution.

    Bobby Roode is first out accompanied by Layla. He looks determined to finally get his bottle of champagne back. Tito Santana is next out and he has got the bottle of champagne with him. He hands it to the ref who subsequently passes it on to the timekeeper and starts the match. Roode is aggressive from the start and pushes Santana into the corner and is getting hit after hit in on Santana. The ref breaks it up but as soon as Roode has retreated enough he is back in for more attacks. Roode fires Santana into a corner and runs in after it but Santana ducks out of the way. Roode, though, instead hits Santana with a diving neckbreaker off the middle turnbuckle. Roode has complete control and what follows is a slow beat down of Santana. Roode delivers his Pay Off to Santana but Santana kicks out. Roode has Santana on his shoulders ready to deliver the Roode Bomb but Santana slides out and when Roode turns around he is hit by a dropkick. This allows Santana a few seconds to recover and then hits Roode with a clothesline. Roode escapes the ring to take a timeout and is joined by Layla.

    As Roode and Layla are conferring outside the ring, Santana comes out to them to confront Roode. Roode positions Layla between the two using her as a shield, then pushes Layla into Santana. Roode gets back into the ring and waits for Santana to get back in before attempting a spear. Santana jumps over the attempted spear before hitting Roode with a dropkick and a clothesline. Santana has gained the momentum and hits with a knee lift and follows up with a headscissors takedown and is positioning Roode up for the figure four leglock. Santana has Roode locked up in the figure four leglock. Roode is struggling and is close to tapping. He summons what energy he has and crawls over to the ropes to force the ref to break the hold. Santana breaks the hold and sees his opportunity to win. Santana comes off the ropes to deliver a running crossbody. Roode ducks and Santana hits the ref with the crossbody instead. The ref falls to mat and this allows Roode to hit Santana with a spinebuster and he has control of the match.

    The ref is still out of it on the mat and Santana is dazed. Roode grabs the bottle of champagne and brings it back into the ring. He is ready to hit Santana with the bottle but at the last minute Layla gets in the way. Roode is shouting at her to get out of the way but she doesn’t move. She is pleading with Roode not to hit Santana with the bottle. Her loyalties seem to have swung towards Santana. Roode in the end pushes Layla out of the way but Santana manages to hit Roode with a low blow. Roode is in agony and this allows Santana time to recover. The ref is also slowly getting his whereabouts back. Santana goes for the pin and the ref counts slowly and Roode kicks out at three. Santana can’t believe it but he’s back to his feet and has gotten his energy back. He fires Roode from corner to corner and Roode is stumbling. Santana comes off the ropes to deliver his flying forearm smash but Roode grabs Layla, who was just getting back to her feet, and pulls her in the way of Santana’s smash. Santana can’t stop and hits Layla. Santana is shocked and checking on Layla to make sure she is alright. This allows Roode to roll up Santana for the pinfall victory. Roode gets the win, takes his bottle back with him and leaves Layla in the arms of Santana.

    The Uso Family (Jimmy &JeyUso, Yokozuna) vs The Gangstas (New Jack, Mustafa Saed, Junkyard Dog)

    Jimmy and JeyUso beat New Jack and Mustafa Saed in the first two episodes. After the second defeat, The Gangstas along with Junkyard Dog attacked and beat up the two Usobrothers. In episode three The Usos introduced another member of the Uso family, Yokozuna. They attacked The Gangstas to get their retribution but The Gangstas escaped. A six man tag match was scheduled in episode four to resolve this feud but the match never got started and the six men brawled all over the arena. Gorilla Monsoon decided that the best way to decide this was to put all six men in an Elimination Chamber. The match would start with one member of each faction and every five minutes a member would be released from the pods. A winner would be decided once all three members of one faction was eliminated by pinfall or submission. One faction would have the first and third pod release while the other faction would have the second and fourth pod release. To decide which faction had the first and third pod release, Gorilla Monsoon set up a match between Yokozuna and Junkyard Dog. Junkyard Dog won the match, mainly due to the underhanded tactics of The Gangstas in drugging Yokozuna prior to the match.

    The Uso Family are the first to come out. Jimmy and JeyUso do their tribal war dance and Yokozuna does his sumo rituals on stage before making their way down to the ring. Yokozuna and JeyUso are put into a pod which leaves Jimmy Uso waiting for their opposition. The Gangstas come out next. They are happy with themselves as they feel they have the upper hand over The Usos after their antics the previous week. As they get inside the chamber they start antagonising the two who are locked up and the ref has to hold back Jimmy Uso from starting something before the match. Junkyard Dog and Mustafa Saed go inside the two remaining pods leaving New Jack to face off against Jimmy Uso. Jimmy starts off with a lot of intensity that New Jack cannot handle. He’s pushed back to the corner but pokes Jimmy in the eyes to get control. A clothesline puts Jimmy on the mat and New Jack continues to stomp all over Jimmy. A belly to belly suplex leaves Jimmy flat on the mat in the middle of the ring. New Jack goes to the top turnbuckle and attempts to deliver a diving headbutt but Jimmy manages to roll out of the way. Jimmy has time to recover and gets to his feet and as New Jack runs to him he is hit by a Samoan Drop.

    The match is five minutes old and it’s time for the first pod to open. It’s Junkyard Dog. He immediately hits Jimmy Uso from behind to halt Jimmy’s offence. He continues to stomp all over Jimmy giving New Jack time to recover. New Jack joins JYD and the two commence a slow beat down of Jimmy Uso. Jimmy manages to get the odd hit in but these temporarily halt The Gangstas offence. The countdown starts for the next pod release. New Jack urges JYD to get his chain from his pod and as soon as the next pod to be opened is revealed, JYD quickly chains it closed again. It was Yokozuna’s pod. He is livid and is banging on the pod door to be let out so he can help his nephew. The ref can’t get the pod open which leaves Jimmy Uso alone to continue facing New Jack and Junkyard Dog’s barrage of hits. New Jack and JYD are taunting Yokozuna by shoving Jimmy’s face into Yokozuna’s pod. Yokozuna is going ballistic slamming on the pod but still can’t get out. New Jack holds Jimmy up so JYD can take a run at him. Jimmy ducks and JYD hits New Jack instead. JYD is shocked and then is hit by a superkick from Jimmy. The crowd go wild and Yokozuna gets more strength and manages to smash the pod door and he is able to join the match. Yokozuna is enraged and throws New Jack and JYD around the chamber with ease.

    The clock hits zero again and its time for Mustafa Saed’s pod to open. Yokozuna sees this and is waiting for the pod to open. Mustafa is trying to keep the door closed as he does not want to face Yokozuna but the door is ripped open by Yokozuna and Mustafa is thrown into the chamber. Mustafa is retreating from Yokozuna but is grabbed by Jimmy and thrown into the arms of Yokozuna. Yokozuna hits Mustafa with a few headbutts and then fires Mustafa into the corner. Yokozuna launches himself into the corner crushing Mustafa into the turnbuckle. Mustafa falls in the middle of the ring and Yokozuna hits with a running splash which is followed by an Uso Splash from Jimmy Uso who picks up the pinfall. Mustafa Saed is eliminated.

    Yokozuna and Jimmy embrace in the ring after the first elimination and that allows JYD to hit Yokozuna with his chain. JYD continues to assault Yokozuna with the chain including strangling him until Yokozuna is close to passing out. New Jack has prevented Jimmy from coming to Yokozuna’s aid and once Yokozuna is taken out, JYD turns his attention to Jimmy Uso. The double team is enough for Jimmy, who has taken a lot of punishment in this match already. New Jack grabs a piece of Yokozuna’s broken pod door and climbs to the top turnbuckle. He delivers a diving elbow drop with the door piece under his elbow and pins Jimmy. Jimmy Uso is eliminated.

    The match is now two on two. JYD and New Jack turn their attention to
    Yokozuna. They slowly drag him to the middle of the ring and New Jack is going to the top turnbuckle again with the piece of broken door. But before he can deliver the diving elbow drop the last pod opens and Jey Uso is in the match. He immediately attacks New Jack but JYD comes from behind with his chain and wraps it around Jey’s neck. Jey, counters by walking his feet up the corner turnbuckles and flips over JYD, which releases the grip on Jey’s neck. JYD turns to face Jey but is hit by a superkick which sends JYD to the corner and on his ass. Yokozuna, who has slowly gotten to his feet, then rushes to the corner and hits JYD with his ass. Yokozuna follows it up with a Banzai Drop to get the pinfall. Junkyard Dog is eliminated. New Jack is back on his feet but is hit by another superkick from Jey straight into the arms of Yokozuna. He picks New jack up and hits him with running powerslam which leaves New Jack in the middle of the ring. Jey hits him with an Uso Splash and gets the pin. New jack is eliminated and The Uso Family are declared winners. Yokozuna and Jey Uso celebrate in the ring and are joined by Jimmy Uso and they take the adulation of the crowd.

    Christopher Daniels vs Eric Young vs Al Snow for the SWE Interprovincial Championship

    During episode one Gorilla Monsoon scheduled a match between Christopher Daniels and Eric Young for the vacant SWE Interprovincial championship. The match was interrupted by Sheamus and the match ended up with no result. After complaining to the General Manager a rematch was scheduled for episode 2. This rematch was interrupted by Al Snow who was making his first appearance in the SWE and again the match ended up with no result. Daniels & Young complained to the General Manager once again and the match was re-scheduled for episode three and Al Snow was added to the match to make it a triple threat. This time it was The Gangstas turn to interrupt the match in episode three and once again the match had no result. Daniels and Young complained again to Gorilla Monsoon, who was getting sick of the complaints, and he set up this match at Spongemania and to ensure there was no interference it would be held inside a steel cage. Daniels and Young had further reasons to complain after being hit with Al Snow’s head in episode four and being soundly defeated by the fit again Triple H in episode five. Gorilla Monsoon has reached boiling point with all the complaints by Daniels and Young.

    One by one the three competitors, Christopher Daniels, Eric Young and Al Snow come down to the ring and enter the steel cage. Al Snow has his mannequin head with him. Daniels and Young complain to the ref and Snow is forced to leave the head outside the steel cage. He places the head on a pedestal ringside and enters the cage. The ref locks the cage and the match gets underway. There is a clear two on one advantage as Daniels and Young team up to overpower Snow. They take turns to deliver blow after blow to Snow. The two seem to be combining very well until Young attempts to pin Snow. Daniels pulls Young away from the pinfall attempt and gives out to him. Daniels and Young then start exchanging hits and any partnerships in this match are well and truly finished.

    Snow gets to his feet and sees the two others brawling. He grabs Daniels and throws him into the steel cage. He then grabs Young and throws him in to the steel cage too. Snow continues his assault and delivers a Snow Plow to Daniels and goes for the pin. Young manages to break the count and and tries to get some offence in on Snow. He tries to deliver a pile driver to Snow but Snow reverses it and sends Young flying into the steel cage. He delivers a Snow Plow to Young and goes for the pinfall. This time Daniels manages to break the count. Daniels tries to get a few hits in and has Snow set up for the Best Moonsault Ever. Snow gets out of the way and Daniels hits the mat. Snow delivers a DDT to Daniels and follows it up with a DDT to Young.

    Daniels and Young are lying on the mat while Snow is again listening to what Head is telling him when out comes the General Manager Gorilla Monsoon and he is accompanied by Spike Dudley. He grabs Head and threatens to smash it. Snow is pleading with Monsoon to leave Head alone. Snow forces the ref to open the steel cage so Snow can rescue Head. Snow exits the cage and goes straight for Monsoon. Monsoon throws Head away and Snow goes to retrieve Head. This allows Monsoon to enter the ring along with Dudley. Once inside, Monsoon picks up Daniels and delivers a gorilla press slam. He points to Spike Dudley, who duly goes over to Daniels and pins him to in the match. Spike Dudley is the new SWE Interprovincial Champion.

    AJ Styles vs Triple H w/Killer Kowalski in a Crown vs Career Match

    Triple H joined the SWE as a wrestling legend. However from the first moment he seemed out of shape and disinterested in performing for the SWE crowds. He had two quick and easy wins against jobbers in the first two episodes. After the second win he was challenged by AJ Styles, who viewed Triple H as over the hill and undeserving of his legendary status. In episode three Styles completely dominated the match and took Triple H’s crown as a reward. This defeat left Triple H devastated and unsure of his future. However, he was to be saved by a familiar face. His old trainer, Killer Kowalski, picked up the broken Triple H and took him away to be fixed. The following week, Kowalski confronted Styles and challenged him to a match with Triple H at Spongemania. Styles initially refused but accepted when Triple H’s career was put on the line. Styles would put the crown that he took from Triple H on the line. Triple H returned in episode 5 and after a couple of weeks of training under Kowalski, he looked to be his old self again leaving this match at Spongemania on a knife edge.

    Triple H’s music starts and on the stage there is a lot of smoke and a throne rises from beneath the stage. The crowd go delirious at the return of their hero. The smoke subsides but the music changes and its AJ Styles who is on the throne. He is wearing the crown that he stole from Triple H. The crowd’s reaction has turned to utter hatred. Styles is loving it and is waiting in the ring for his opponent. Triple H is next out but his entrance is more subdued. He is looking determined and has Killer Kowalski shouting words of encouragement into his ear. He gets into the ring and we are ready to start the match. Instead of locking up, Styles immediately exits the ring and confronts Kowalski. He slaps him and waits for Kowalski’s reaction. Kowalski goe to hit Styles back but Triple H stops him. He has figured out that Styles wants Triple H to be disqualified and therefore that loss will mean Triple H’s career would be over. Styles, after figuring out that Kowalski will not strike him back, attacks Triple H instead. He gets a few hits in and fires him back into the ring.

    Styles hops up on the apron and as Triple H gets back to his feet, Styles hops onto the top rope and springs off it to deliver a flying clothesline. Styles has control and is posing for the crowd after every hit. He delivers a diving knee drop and follows it up with a Styles Clash. Styles rolls Triple H over for the pinfall attempt but Triple H kicks out. He then applies a figure four leglock and Triple H is in trouble. He seems close to tapping out but gets the energy to reverse the hold and now Styles is in agony. He manages to reach the ropes and the ref breaks the hold. Triple H has control and gets in some offence in of his own. Triple H comes off the ropes and delivers a high knee to Styles’s chest. He follows it up with a spinebuster and seems ready to deliver a Pedigree. He has the crowd going wild in anticipation and gives Styles a kick in the gut and delivers the Pedigree. Triple H goes for the pin but Styles manages to put his foot on the ropes before the 3rd count. Triple H pleads with the ref and this allows Styles to get out of the ring to recover. The ref stops Triple H going after him. Styles grabs a bottle of water from an audience member as a means to rehydrate himself. He gets back in the ring and as he confronts Triple H he spits the water into his face.

    Triple H is furious and goes out of the ring, goes under the ring and retrieves his sledge hammer. He gets back in the ring and goes to strike Styles. Styles is urging Triple H to hit him knowing that he will be disqualified and will lose his career. Kowalski gets in the way and is pleading with Triple H to let go of the sledge hammer and not get himself disqualified. Styles, however, sees an opportunity and pushes Kowalski into Triple H. The sledge hammer drops to the mat and Kowalski goes down. The ref and Triple H are checking on his wellbeing and Styles picks up the sledge hammer. Triple H turns to face Styles and instead of hitting Triple H with the hammer, he hits himself. Styles drops to the mat and so does the hammer. The ref turns around, sees Styles flat on his back with blood pouring from his forehead and comes to the conclusion that Triple H used the hammer on Styles and disqualifies him. Triple H has lost, the crowd are shocked, Triple H is shocked. Triple H’s career is over. Styles, gets to his feet and is celebrating. Triple H is pleading with the ref but not getting anywhere. Kowalski is also back on his feet and pleading with the ref. Kowalski shows the replay on the titantron and the ref realises he has made a mistake.

    He gets the announcer to say that the match will be restarted. Triple H has a lifeline. Styles has already left the ring with his crown and turns as soon as he hears the announcement in shock. He’s not coming back, he is refusing to restart the match and continues to head back up the ramp. Kowalski chases after him and grabs him. Styles hits him but Kowalski returns the favour with a few hits of his own. He grabs Styles and brings him back to the ring and pushes him back inside. Styles is angry at Kowalski but as he turns to face Triple H he is hit by a kick to the stomach which allows Triple H to hit the Pedigree on Styles and get the pinfall victory. The crowd go crazy and Kowalski celebrates with Triple H in the ring. Kowalski then places the crown on Triple H’s head and he is once again The King of Kings.

    Michelle McCool vs Layla in a Texas Bullrope Match

    Michelle McCool and Layla want to be treated like the men and have proper matches. This view was not shared by the assistant General Manager, Pamela Anderson, who viewed female wrestlers as eye candy and were there to excite and titillate the crowd. She scheduled a bra and panties match in episode one, a mud wrestling match in episode two and a pillow fight in episode three to fulfil her vision of the female wrestlers division. McCool and Layla were not happy with this vision and after their refusal to take part in the pillow fight in episode three, Anderson lost her patience and attacked McCool and Layla with a steel chair. In episode four Anderson apologised and granted the ladies their wish to be treated the same as the men but let a random spin of the wheel decide the stipulation. A Texas Bullrope match was the stipulation chosen by the wheel. Anderson, though, is still convinced that her vision of the female division and as such, scheduled a match between the girls and a male wrestler, albeit Spike Dudley. The girls didn’t disappoint and took care of Spike Dudley with ease, showing the crowd and Anderson that they are well able for the same level of matches as their male counterparts.

    The assistant General Manager Pamela Anderson is first out as she declared herself the guest referee for the match. She is dressed head to toe in cowboy gear from the boots with spurs on them all the way to a Stetson hat. She also has a lasso with her and playfully spins it above her head for the crowd. Michelle McCool and Layla come out and Anderson attaches a rope to McCool’s and Layla’s wrists and the bell rings for the start of the match. Michelle turns for one of the corners and Layla turns for the other corner. They both are trying to reach for their corner but realise its not working and decide to lock up. Michelle gets the early advantage and hits Layla with a big boot. Michelle goes for the first corner, taps it and goes for the second corner and taps that. Before she can reach the third corner Layla comes around and doesn’t allow her to reach the third corner. Michelle realises that she can’t drag Layla any further and goes to deliver more hits to Layla. Layla, however, counters with a neckbreaker and follows it up with a Springboard Crossbody off the ropes.

    Layla has control now and taps her first corner and quickly follows it up with the second corner. Layla taps the third corner and makes her way to the final corner. However, it’s the guest referee Pamela Anderson who prevents Layla from touching the final corner. She delivers a clothesline to Layla and celebrates to the crowd. Michelle sees this and pulls Anderson’s hair back which throws Anderson into the mat. She gets to her feet and is hit by a roundhouse kick from Layla. The two divas look at each other and decide to get rid of the referee. They get the lasso that Anderson brought to the ring and tie her hands up and then tie her hands to her feet. She has been tied up like cattle at a rodeo. They push her out of the ring and call for a referee from backstage. Another ref comes out and the two divas lock up again.

    Michelle locks up with Layla once again. After a few minutes of back and forth action Michelle hits Layla with her Wings of Love facebuster and follows it up with an ankle lock that has Layla in agony. Layla is tapping but that’s not how this match is won and Michelle keeps the lock on Layla. She eventually lets go and goes to tap her first corner. Layla is unable to stop her tapping the second or third corner but she manages to take a firm hold of the ropes to stop Michelle tapping the final corner. Michelle kicks Layla’s damaged ankle which releases her grip on the ropes and Michelle taps the final corner. Michelle is declared the winner. The ref detaches the rope from both divas and raises Michelle’s arm in victory. Michelle helps Layla up to her feet and raises Layla’s arm for her part in the match in a very sporting gesture. The crowd appreciate the divas attempt at a proper match.  

    Sheamus vs Jeff Hardy for the SWE Heavyweight Championship in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match

    Gorilla Monsoon announced during the first episode that the SWE Heavyweight Championship would be fought for at Spongemania. The first participant would be decided by a battle royal in the main event of episode 1 and that was won by Sheamus. The second participant was decided in episode 2 where Jeff Hardy beat Bobby Roode. The two clashed after Sheamus was disqualified against Tito Santana in episode 3. Sheamus got the upper hand and laid Hardy out with a Brogue kick. Gorilla Monsoon decided that there would be a stipulation for the championship match and that stipulation would be decided by the winner of a tag match between Sheamus& Bobby Roode against Jeff Hardy & Tito Santana. Hardy pinned Roode to win the match and subsequently chose a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match as the stipulation. In a promo at the end of episode 5 Sheamus and Hardy once again come to blows but Hardy is the one who prevails and sits atop the ladder that was in the ring.

    The area around the ring is filled with tables, ladders and chairs and the SWE Heavyweight Championship is hanging high above the ring. Sheamus is first out and nods his head in disapproval as he looks up one of the ladders on the way to the ring. It seems he doesn’t look forward to climbing one of those ladders later in the match. Next out is Jeff Hardy who gets the crowd in a frenzy. He climbs one of the ladders outside the ring with ease and poses for the crowd at the top of the ladder. He is showing Sheamus how easy it is to climb the ladder. Sheamus is visibly angry and the match starts. The two lock up and Sheamus pushes Hardy into the corner. He goes to hit Hardy but Hardy ducks and escapes the corner. He gets a couple of hits on Sheamus and tries to come off the ropes to clothesline Sheamus but Sheamus manages to hit Hardy with a knee to the gut. Sheamus then places Hardy between the ropes and from behind hits Hardy with 10 forearms to the chest. After the 10th hit Sheamus sends Hardy flying out of the ring. This allows Sheamus to get a ladder from outside the ring and place it in the middle of the ring. He starts to climb it but looks apprehensive. This allows Hardy to get back in the ring and he has a folded up chair with him. He smacks it over the back of Sheamus and that’s enough to get him off the ladder. Hardy tries to climb the ladder but Sheamus pushes the ladder over and Hardy falls to the mat.

    Sheamus starts to stomp all over Hardy. He gets out of the ring and brings back in a table and sets it up in the corner. Sheamus puts Hardy over his shoulder and is looking to powerslam Hardy through the table. Hardy, however, slides out the back before he can be slammed through the table and delivers a Twist of Fate to Sheamus. Hardy is getting to his and sees his chance to once again set up the ladder and climb it. Sheamus, though, grabs onto Hardy’s foot and pulls him down. Once Hardy is down Sheamus hits him with a Brogue kick and Hardy is down. Instead of climbing the ladder, Sheamus decides to set up another table and sets up Hardy for a powerslam through the table. Hardy, though, at the top of the powerslam and hits Sheamus repeatedly and he is unable to slam Hardy through the table. Hardy escapes but he is not aware of his surroundings and is close to the other table set up in the corner. Sheamus subsequently spears Hardy through that table. Sheamus looks toward the ladder and starts to climb it. He’s slow and and as he reaches the top he sticks out his hand to grab the belt but is a step short. He is slow and apprehensive trying to take the last step to reach the belt. This apprehension allows Hardy enough time to recover and he pushes the ladder over. This sends Sheamus flying over the top rope and through a table that was set up outside the ring. The crowd go wild. They believe Hardy is moments away from winning the title but Hardy is slow to get to his feet. He struggles to his feet and struggles to set up the ladder. Using whatever energy he has left he slowly climbs the ladder and is fingertips away from grabbing the belt. Sheamus manages to get back in the ring and attempts to move the ladder from underneath Hardy. He succeeds but Hardy doesn’t fall to the ground. Hardy has grabbed onto the belt but he cant unhook it and is hanging from the belt. Sheamus takes a chair and takes swipes at Hardy’s legs to force him to drop to the mat. After the third chair hit Hardy falls to the mat and the belt stays where it is.

    Sheamus resets the ladder and starts to climb it but doesn’t get far as Hardy grabs his leg and pulls him down. As soon as Sheamus lands on the mat Hardy delivers a Twist of Fate to Sheamus. Hardy drags Sheamus and places him on the table set up in the ring. He climbs to the top turnbuckle and is looking to deliver a Swanton Bomb to Sheamus through the table. Sheamus has enough wits about him to get off the table and hit the ropes to force Hardy’s legs off the turnbuckle and Hardy’s crotch hits the turnbuckle Sheamus climbs to the second turnbuckle and is looking to suplex Hardy off the top turnbuckle but Hardy blocks it and amazingly jumps over Sheamus and lands on one of the rungs of the ladder. The crowd are amazed and get louder as they feel Hardy is close to winning. Hardy starts to climb. Sheamus is dazed and for an instant is unaware that Hardy is on the ladder. He sees him though, and starts climbing the other side of the ladder.

    Sheamus is on one side of the ladder climbing up to the top. Hardy is on the other side of the ladder also climbing up to the top. They both meet at the top and exchange right hooks. Each hit knocks the other back a bit but they hold on. Sheamus’s power begins to tell as he is connecting with more hits than Hardy. Sheamus turns around with his back to Hardy, he grabs Hardy and delivers a High Cross sending Hardy from the top of the ladder through a table set up in the ring. There is no movement from Hardy. Sheamus is moving but struggling to get to his feet again. He slowly makes his way over to the ladder and pulls himself up the ladder until he eventually reaches the top. He stretches towards the belt and unbuckles it and raises it high. Sheamus is the new SWE Heavyweight champion.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭A Brad Maddox Guy

    MWA Main Event Supremacy
    A 6-on-2 handicap match is announced for tonight. It will be The Most Valuable Franchise teaming up with Snuka & Orndorff and the MWA Tag Team Champions Zack Sabre Jr & Marty Scurrl against the Minnesota Wrecking Crew.
    The announce team run us through the confirmed card for WrestleRama, confirming the long-mooted rumour of a dream match between Dean Ambrose & Mick Foley. Reminiscent of Foley's encounter with Randy Orton, this is to be a street fight and should not be viewed by the squeamish.

    Segment 1
    Scurrl & Sabre are backstage when Snuka & Orndorff walk in. They tell the champions to be careful and not take any stupid risks like they did when they won tag titles. Sabre & Scurrl say they'll do their thing, Snuka & Orndorff do their thing. We beat the Minnesota Wrecking Crew tonight and on Sunday at WrestleRama, WE beat everyone and walk out with our tag team championships.

    Segment 2
    Abraham Washington brags about All World Promotions taking down the supposed 'World's Most Dangerous Man' last night on Supremacy, and that this Saturday night at WrestleRama II, the ultimate showcase of supremacy, Bobby Lashley will do it all over again. That's right folks, Bobby Lashley will be going one-on-one with the man that cost him a World title shot Ken Shamrock. Mike Tyson walks out and says this feud has made his first month as a wrestling promoter more difficult than prison so he's going to ensure it finishes at WrestleRama. Tyson announces himself as the Special Guest Enforcer for the match, and given that he has had numerous run-ins with Shamrock the deck is heavily stacked against the World's Most Dangerous Man.
    MVF, Snuka, Orndorff, & Leaders of the New School vs Minnesota Wrecking Crew
    After a few minutes of arguing at every opportunity and tagging other people in, the Most Valuable Franchise abandon the match and leave the other 4 men to it themselves. A crazy high flying move by Sabre hits its mark but the other Anderson is the legal man & near takes Sabre's head off with a clothesline. He hits a piledriver and pins the tag team champion. As the Minnesota Wrecking Crew are leaving Jimmy Snuka climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits a Superfly Splash on a downed Sabre. Orndorff gets into the ring and pushes Snuka into the corner shouting “what are you doing”. “I told him not to take stupid risks and look at him now.” Marty Scurrl runs along the apron and dropkicks Snuka from the outside. He lands badly on the steel steps but shrugs off the pain to climb the turnbuckle and crossbody Snuka. But Snuka ducks and he hits Orndorff instead. Snuka rolls to the outside and walks up the ramp as Marty helps up Sabre and a hurt Orndorff falls to the floor.
    WrestleRama II Lineup
    MWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
    KENTA vs Sycho Sid (c)

    ubzo8.pngVS bmg5k.png

    Street Fight
    Mick Foley vs Dean Ambrose

    mick-foley-mickfoley007-1243439482.jpgVS e7cee7393ccddf7ebe03d82db6f064ad.jpg

    “Bigshot” Bobby Lashley vs Ken Shamrock – With Mike Tyson as Special Guest Enforcer

    b5775b8c1ee1163ba9238647c40b9f32.jpgVS izs04.png

    MWA Intercontinental Championship Steel Cage Match
    “The Real Best In The World” Adam Cole vs “The Human Suplex Machine” Tazz (c)

    cole.pngVS Tazz.jpg

    MWA Tag Team Championship Fatal 4 Way Match
    The Most Valuable Franchise vs Jimmy Snuka & Paul Orndorff vs The Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs The Leaders of the New School (c)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭A Brad Maddox Guy

    WrestleRama II

    The lights in the sold out arena go out and the crowd cheer. A ticking noise can be heard and a video starts to play on the tron. It's Mick Foley's amateur wrestling video we first saw almost 20 years ago. The ticking grows louder, the camera pans to the right and we see Dean Ambrose walking with a lead pipe rattling off the wall. Ambrose gets to the tv playing the video and hits it with the pipe. The tron flickers and plays a new video; it's a montage of Mick Foley's professional career. Suddenly fire consumes the screen and Dean Ambrose's laughing face fades onto the screen before going blank.

    Fireworks erupt on the stage as the lights come back on and the crowd cheer as WrestleRama is about to begin.

    Petey: “Welcome everybody to the ultimate showcase of the Supreme; WrestleRama!
    Dave: “I've been waiting for this night all year Petey and I just know that it will not fail to deliver.”
    Petey: “It's been a hectic year in MWA and tonight we see a number of feuds finally boil over. Nobody expected that two men from England would come in and defeat the 10-month Tag Team Champions on their debut but that's exactly what happened with Zack Sabre Jr & Marty Scurll answered Snuka & Orndorff's open challenge. Tonight they face off once more.”
    Dave: “But this time they won't be alone; the Most Valuable Franchise, MVP & Shane Douglas will be in one corner and in another is the fearsome, the legendary, the toughest SOB's in this company (apart from our boss of course), The Minnesota Wrecking Crew. The Anderson's have already taken out all 6 men before and they've got to be favourites to take home the gold tonight.”
    Petey: “But with 8 men in that match nothing is certain and I wouldn't bet against the Leaders of the New School finding a way to retain.”
    Dave: “I'll tell you who won't be retaining tonight and that MWA Intercontinental Champion Tazz, cos my boy Adam Cole is escaping that cage with the title in tow. Tazz is an idiot, how does he expect to climb the cage with one hand tied behind his back?”
    Petey: “We both know Tazz has no intention of escaping the cage tonight Dave, he's going to make Adam Cole suffer for everything he's been through this past month. And if that wasn't enough before we reach our co-main events; we've got “The Bigshot” Bobby Lashley going up against “The World's Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock and it's being enforced by “The Baddest Man On The Planet”, Mike Tyson!
    Dave: “It's just a pity Mr Tyson can't join us at ringside for tonight's festivities.”
    Petey: “Yeah it's a real shame.”
    Dave: “So is KENTA, and the shame he's going to bring on his home country of Japan when Sycho Sid Powerbombs him to oblivion. I actually feel sorry for KENTA, it's not his fault his friend is a coward who needs someone to fight his battles for him.”
    Petey: “You know as well as I do that Marufuji is one of the bravest guys in this locker room. I'm firmly behind KENTA in tonight's match, I hope he wins the World title from that racist thug Sid.”
    Dave: “Sid's not racist, he just has a way with words that you don't understand. Kinda like Dean Ambrose. But one thing's clear, he fully intends on crippling Mick Foley tonight.”
    Petey: “Yes that one's going to be brutal, it's going to be tough to call that's for sure.”

    The Minnesota Wrecking Crew walk out to no music; Snuka & Orndorff are out next, MVP & Shane Douglas come out but refuse to enter the ring, and finally our Tag Team Champions Zack Sabre & Marty Scurll come down for the biggest fight of their career.
    MWA Tag Team Championship Fatal 4 Way Match
    The Most Valuable Franchise vs Jimmy Snuka & Paul Orndorff vs The Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs The Leaders of the New School (c)

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    This match differs from usual Fatal-4-Way tags as each team has one legal man at all times, and can only tag in their own partner. As expected, the Minnesota Wrecking Crew dominate large portions of this match and bust open Marty Scurll almost immediately with a flurry of forearms on the mat. MVP & Douglas try to avoid fights with the Andersons as best they can, always jumping to the outside when left alone with them. Snuka & Orndorff have some early issues with each other but as the match goes on & the Andersons tire to former Champions start to take control. The match is reaching its climax when Jimmy Snuka leaps from the top rope to take out both members of MVF as well as himself.

    In the ring Sabre is trying to take down Orndorff when they are attacked by both Andersons. Marty Scurll crossbodies Gene and both men fall to the outside. Sabre & Orndorff are double teaming Ole Anderson and finally build up to a big finale when Ole clotheslines Zack, Paul Orndorff capitalises and Spike Piledrives Ole into the mat. Jimmy Snuka tags himself in and slowly climbs up the turnbuckle; Orndorff sees Sabre getting to his feet and attempts to hold him down but Sabre kicks Paul in the gut and sends him falling into the ropes; Snuka falls on the turnbuckle, Sabre dropkicks him to the outside, counters an attempted grab by Orndorff into an armdrag and hold for an Armbar. The crowd and announce team think this is it, the Armbar is locked in & Orndorff has nowhere to go. Ole Anderson starts to stir in the ring, Gene is on his feet on the outside. He reaches in to grab Sabre but Zack rolls it..straight into an elbow from Ole. The Armbar is released, Ole pushes Sabre towards Gene who pulls him to the outside. Ole locks in an Armbar of his own on Orndorff who tries to hold on but has no choice but to tap out.

    Winners & NEW MWA Tag Team Champions: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew

    As they leave with the gold, Dave on commentary brags about being right. Sabre is unconscious at ringside, that elbow from Ole knocked him out. MVP & Shane Douglas are sitting at the barricade, their tactics on the outside backfired. Jimmy Snuka meanwhile is standing on the apron looking at the Andersons leave with the titles. He climbs to the top rope, still looking up the ramp before turning around and leaping off. Jimmy Snuka has hit Paul Orndorff with the Superfly Splash! The announcers are shocked and the fans boo who slowly leaves clutching his ribs.

    The Steel Cage is lowered to the ring as Adam Cole's music plays. He walks out with a cocky grin and the outline of a Championship belt painted across his stomach. He climbs to the top of the cage to pose for his 'adoring fans' who erupt when the heartbeats of Tazz's entrance plays. Both men are standing in the ring, the referee approaches Tazz with a rope and begins to tie it behind the Champion's back. Adam Cole grabs the microphone from the ring announcer.
    Cole: “Stop ref. I don't want to give Tazz any excuses for losing this match. Tonight I prove that I am the true Best in the World and I won't have my legacy tainted by a piece of rope.”
    He grabs the rope and throws it into the corner. Tazz hands over the title and the match begins.

    MWA Intercontinental Championship Steel Cage Match
    “The Real Best In The World” Adam Cole vs “The Human Suplex Machine” Tazz (c)

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    Cole immediately tries to climb up the cage wall but Tazz grabs him near the top. Tazz climbs halfway up to join him, punches Cole in the side causing him to drop a few paces; Tazz backdrops Cole off the cage for a sickening bump off the mat. The match follows this trend with Cole getting momentary offence and trying to escape only to be brought back down by Tazz. Tazz could easily have escaped multiple times but always chose to punish Cole that bit more. A Tazzmission in the corner sees Cole pass out, Tazz releases the hold and climbs the cage but once more decides against it. Tazz slowly walks back to a motionless Cole, savouring this moment when he reaches down to pick him up. Suddenly Cole grabs Tazz's singlet and pulls him headfirst into the cage wall. Cole fumbles about behind their bodies, out of sight of the camera man until he quickly crawls away from Tazz. Adam Cole has used the referee's rope to tie Tazz into the corner; he was playing possum all along. Cole laughs at Tazz who is struggling to break free. Cole starts kicking Tazz in the ribs before gloating to the crowd. He starts to climb the cage but, echoing Tazz, jumps back down and walks up to Tazz talking smack. Cole lines up a stomp but Tazz grabs his leg with his free hand, sweeps Cole to the mat and attempts another Tazzmission. With only one hand Tazz is unable to lock it on fully and Cole escapes; the near miss has shaken Cole up so he climbs the cage as fast as he can and escapes.
    Winner and NEW MWA Intercontinental Champion: Adam Cole
    Kevin Sullivan walks down to the ring with a microphone.

    Sullivan: “I was one of the first men brought into this company and look how I've been treated. I've been disrespected since day 1 and made out to be a complete joke!Well NO MORE. I'm Kevin Sullivan, I am THE TASKMASTER! And I will bring MWA to it's DOOM!”

    The lights fade and the Dungeon of Doom's music plays. Out comes The Shark, The Zodiac, The Yeti & Kamala. The Taskmaster is laughing in the ring in sync with the entrance and threatens to hold the show hostage.

    Tyson: “Ok you f**king freaks, get the hell outta my ring.”
    Taskmaster: “You cannot stop our plans now Tyson.”
    Tyson: “Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the mouth.”

    Tyson punches The Taskmaster in the body, sending him crumpling to his knees. All of the Dungeon rush toward Tyson but he knocks each one of them out in one hit. He approaches The Taskmaster, winds back his arm and hooks it across Taskmaster's face knocking him out. The ring is cleared of the Dungeon of Doom, the lights go off and a spotlight focuses on the stage.

    Bobby Lashley's music plays, AW's booming voice lists off “The Bigshot's” achievements and Lashley walks out with boxing robes draped over his head. He, AW & Tony Atlas walk down the ramp as photographers take pictures, the spotlight focused on Lashley at all times. Once in the ring Tony Atlas takes off Lashley's robes & AW gives him a pep talk; Lashley's gaze focused up the ramp. The lights come back on as Ken Shamrock's music plays and the World's Most Dangerous Man enters with no elaborate additions, he just walks down the ramp, eyes fixed on Lashley as Ken punches himself on the head.
    “Bigshot” Bobby Lashley vs Ken Shamrock – With Mike Tyson as Special Guest Enforcer

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    An all out brawl of a match. AW will not shut up at ringside. The referee & Tyson seem to get distracted by him a bit too easily, with Atlas taking full advantage and interfering on the other side of the ring every time. Eventually AW just becomes annoying and Tyson approaches him to make him shut up. Tony Atlas, thinking Tyson might harm his agent, grabs Tyson from behind and is swiftly knocked out.
    Eventually Shamrock has Lashley in the Ankle Lock, AW gets up on the apron and Shamrock releases the hold to attack him. Shamrock then turns to Tyson and tells him to do his job and stop the interference; Tyson gets up on the apron and the two square up. Shamrock shouts at Tyson to punch him but Mike restrains himself, Shamrock pushes Tyson off the apron and into the barricade but when he turns around he is hit by a Spear from Lashley. Lashley covers Shamrock for the pin and wins the match.
    Winner: Bobby Lashley

    After Lashley's celebrations Tyson gets back into the ring where Shamrock is on his feet. He once again squares up to Shamrock and a pushing match ensues. Tyson swings his right hook but Shamrock dodges the punch, takes Tyson to the mat from behind and holds on for the Ankle Lock. Tyson claws his way towards the edge of the ring but Shamrock pulls him back into the centre of the ring. Security rush down to the ring and pull Shamrock off the boss, but Shamrock is laughing maniacally at Tyson. Shamrock is ushered up the ramp as Tyson is seen to by the doctors.
    Street Fight
    Mick Foley vs Dean Ambrose

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    This match is brutal, Petey wasn't wrong about it being tough to look at. It takes less than 2 minutes for Ambrose to smack Foley's head off the ringpost, busting his forehead open. Some would call the match a hardcore spotfest as we see steel chairs, kendo sticks & trashcans being used with little wrestling actually taking place; a diving elbow off the turnbuckle by Ambrose through the announce table gets a loud “HOLY SH!T” chant. However for everything Ambrose throws at Foley, Mick always gets back up. The adamant to continue Foley is, the more frantic Ambrose becomes. And the more frantic Ambrose becomes the more risks he starts to take. Ambrose does everything he said he hated in the indies; he gets thrown into a light tube that he set up. Ambrose hits a Back Superplex from the top rope onto thumb tacks, his own body taking the brunt of the hit. Ambrose even sets a table on fire, attempts to suicide dive Foley through it but Mick moves at the last second sending Ambrose headfirst into the flames. Ambrose's tank top sets alight but Dean refuses to rip it off, he tries to take the fight (and fire) straight back to Foley, showing no care for his own well-being whatsoever. Foley manages to get a fire extinguisher and puts the flames out, Ambrose falls to the ground, choked by the foam. Mick pleads with Ambrose to stop but Ambrose grabs a kendo stick and break it over his own face. “Come put me down you son of a b*tch,” he yells at Foley before throwing the stick's shards at him. They brawl their way back into the ring, Foley hooks Ambrose for the DDT over the thumb tacks but it's countered into a suplex. Ambrose rolls to the corner, reaches underneath the ring and grabs something that was taped to the underside of the mat; it's a lead pipe. Foley, unbeknownst to this, gets to his feet and is cracked across the skull with the pipe. Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds onto the thumb tacks and covers Foley for the pin.
    Winner: Dean Ambrose

    Ambrose walks out as the medical team rush down to Foley's aid. A separate team go to Ambrose but he waves them towards Foley. “He's gonna need all the help he can get” before laughing his way to the back.
    The medical team strap Foley into a stretcher and attempt to close the wound on his forehead in the ring. Foley wakes up on the ramp and topples the stretcher over. The medical team try to get him back on the stretcher but he struggles against them. Foley climbs his way up to his feet using the barricade and the fans beside him help hoist him up. Foley attempts to walk but falls back down. He still refuses medical assistance and crawls up way up the ramp to the stage. Once there he claws his way up to his feet and, using the staging to hold him up, walks through the curtain.

    A video of Sycho Sid's unstoppable title reign plays. Linked in is the international rise of KENTA, his debut with Marufuji & Sid powerbombing Naomichi. The video shows the contract signing before the music turns down when Sid powerbombs KENTA and targets Maurufuji the next week. The music kicks in again with KENTA saving his friend and taking down Sid. Throughout the video we hear quotes from the commentary team about Sid's power & KENTA's heart.

    KENTA's theme song plays and he enters with Naomichi Marufuji by his side. Sycho Sid comes out with the title, spits towards Marufuji before holding the belt above KENTA's head.

    MWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
    KENTA vs Sycho Sid (c)

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    KENTA starts brightly, moving swiftly around Sid, avoiding his power and hitting kicks when he can. Before long however Sid gets a hold of KENTA and powers him into the corner. From there KENTA struggles to get a foothold in the match as Sid tries to kill the crowd. He hits KENTA with a lot of power moves from Scoop Slams to Pumphandle Slams, Sid throws KENTA across the ring and starts to taunt the Japanese star with light kicks to the head, more akin to shoves than kicks.

    KENTA finally gets a breather when he ducks under a Big Boot and Sid falls to the outside. With Sid back on his feet at a count of 6 KENTA suicide dives over the top rope and takes the big man out. For the first time in this match the crowd are on their feet, but the move took a lot out of KENTA. The referee restarts his count, when KENTA finally gets up he doesn't have time to get Sid back in the ring so he wisely enters and exits the ring to break the count. KENTA picks Sid up but Sid knees him in the gut and Irish Whips him into the barricade corner. Sid lifts KENTA up for a suplex on the barricade, but KENTA uses his athleticism to land on his feet on top of the barricade. He spins round and kicks Sid on the side of the head, Sid stumbles back but stays on his feet. KENTA kicks him again, Sid stumbles once more so KENTA kicks him a third time. Sid is rocked, he stumbles back 7 or 8 steps, the barricade keeping him on his feet. KENTA runs along the barricade and hits Sid with a Diving Busaiku Knee sending him crashing to the floor.

    The crowd are willing KENTA on now. KENTA tries desperately to get Sid back into the ring. Marufuji shouts encouragement and KENTA finally gets Sid up and rolls him into the ring. KENTA slides in, covers Sid. 1....2... Sid gets the shoulder up. The crowd thought it was over. The announce team thought it was over. Marufuji thought it was over.

    KENTA climbs up to the top turnbuckle. He attempts a Moonsault but Sid moved, KENTA lands on his feet but is nearly decapitated by a Big Boot. Sid covers KENTA. 1...2.. KENTA kicks out. Sid picks him up and tosses him over the rope, but KENTA hangs on. He kicks Sid from the apron, Sid falls onto the middle rope. KENTA dropkicks Sid who falls back inside. KENTA jumps up and springs off the top rope hitting an elbow drop. He goes for the pin. 1...2. Sid powers out and gets back to his feet, the announce team say he is indestructible. KENTA kicks Sid and attempts to lift him for the Go To Sleep but he can't do it; KENTA continues the fight but Sid just soaks up every kick & forearm before pushing KENTA off the ropes and lifting him up for a Powerbomb. KENTA punches Sid's head, Sid stumble towards the ropes and KENTA tries a Hurricanrana, but Sid holds on. He lifts KENTA up and powerbombs him to the outside where Marufuji is standing. KENTA crashes into his friend taking them both down. Sid motions that it's over. The referee starts to count. At a count of 5 KENTA starts to move, at 7 he's beside the ring but still on his knees, EIGHT he tries to pull himself in, NINE Marufuji helps boost his feet from the floor, the referee doesn't see it and KENTA makes it in before the ten count.

    Sid picks KENTA off the mat, he points to where Marufuji is on the outside, sticks up a middle finger and lifts KENTA up and hits a Powerbomb in the centre of the ring. He covers him. 1.....2.... KENTA kicks out! Sid can't believe it. He grabs the referee, ref says it was only 2. Sid forces him into the corner shouting at him to ring the bell. Behind him KENTA is slowly getting to his feet. Sid continues berating the referee, unaware of KENTA's resurgence. When Sid finally turns around he is hit by Busaiku Knee Kick and falls to the mat. KENTA hooks the leg. 1......2.......3!


    Winner and NEW MWA World Heavyweight Champion: KENTA

    KENTA rolls away from Sid, the referee brings him the Championship. KENTA is holding the belt on the mat but can't get to his feet, that final move took everything he had left in the tank to hit. Marufuji gets into the ring and helps KENTA to his feet. He raises KENTA's arm & the two men hug. Confetti rains down from the roof, they let go and Marufuji points to KENTA then the turnbuckle. KENTA nods, they hug once more & Marufuji leaves – this is KENTA's moment. Alone in the ring, KENTA climbs to the second rope and holds the belt up high. Fireworks light up the stage and erupt on the building exterior. KENTA is the MWA World Heavyweight Champion.

    Tag Title Match:
    I felt the title change was the most believable scenario given how everyone had been presented. Sabre & Scurll prove how tough they are, Snuka & Orndorff can spin off into their own feud after dominating the division, MVP & Shane Douglas were only ever a temporary tag team.

    Intercontinental Title Match:
    I wanted to have Cole outsmart Tazz without making Tazz look bad and I think I achieved this. Their feud can continue for months after this. I almost let Tazz win as no titles were retained in the PPV but that would have buried Cole imo.

    Dungeon of Doom:
    Just a fun angle that lets Tyson look good, and provide filler for the crowd before 3 big matches. Sullivan was my punching bag the whole Draft so made sense for it to continue with arguably the worst angle ever in pro wrestling.

    Lashley vs Shamrock:
    Lashley went over here so he can go into the main event. Shamrock can continue feuding with Tyson whereas the victory frees Lashley up to go after the title.

    Foley vs Ambrose:
    Much like with Orton, Ambrose has to go over. Hopefully I got everything to make sense in the match so that there was an actual story and not just a bloodfest for the sake of it. I didn't make this my main event because of the bloody nature to it; would much prefer close the show with a proper wrestling match, not a wild brawl. This would also be Foley retiring for good. Ambrose would be the most hated man in my company.

    World Title:
    A feel good ending to the night. I didn't intend on making this my main event when I made my picks but once I decided to put the title on Sid I knew he was main eventing over Foley & Ambrose. Also decided against having some sort of Marufuji shenanigans as it just didn't fit with story.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86,615 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    LWE - LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment



    PPV Card Line Up:-

    Carlito Vs. Primo Colón

    Women's Championship
    Molly Holly (C) Vs. Rebecca Knox

    Tag Team Championship
    The Motor City Machine Guns (C) Vs. Solomon Crowe & Frankie Kazarian

    Hardcore Championship
    1 hour open invitational Low-Ki (C) falls count anywhere Vs. anyone from the LWE roster

    Intercontinental Championship
    Austin Aries (c) Vs. Davey Richards Vs. Eddie Edwards

    For to be sole GM of LWE
    Santino Marella for William Shatner Vs. Rockstar Spud for Bobby Heenan

    World Heavyweight Championship - TLC match
    Edge (C) Vs. Christian

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,773 ✭✭✭connemara man


    mayhem mania PPV

    WEE cage match

    Hornswogle VS El Torito

    This was a small cage in side the ring just for the 2 its based on hornswoggle winning by running away during the run

    El torito winner

    Brad Maddox vs Ricardo

    The advocates of the previous going at it Riccardo wins a fun fight Brad self imposed ring rust the reason.

    Tag Title Match

    Harper + Ryan VS Boogie Man + Papa Shango

    Harper + Ryan turn face after the Battle Royale as boogie and papa dump them out at Brays orders Paul bearer cements the turn in Ep 4

    Harper And Ryan victorious the longer team pairing showing.

    Viscera vs Giant Gonzales + Haystack Calhoun

    Viscera took umbrage with the 2 big men being dressed as taker. Gonzales during the battle royale as a trick by bray. Haystack came out during Brays last promo before the ppv in a coffin as undertaker

    Goanzales and Calhoiun big, a slobber knocker of a match.

    Intercontinental title match

    D’Lo Brown vs X Pac vs Bo Dallas vs Matt hardy

    With only Matt Hardy actually allowed a shot at the title all other wanting a shot were put into the one match, a lot of screwy finishes led to this.

    Match of the night with the competitors its hard not to see why. Bo sneaks the win with a pin on X Pac.

    Kane Vs Rhyno

    Kane had been plagued by Rhyno for the last month finally gets his hands on him. A god crowd chiller before the main event.

    Kane wins not a classic but a good steady bout between the 2 wrestlers.

    PCW Championship match

    Undertaker vs Bray Wyatt

    Unsdertaker returned as the american Bad Ass to “counter” the Voodoo of Bray after Bray revealed haystacks calhoun from the Coffin. Taker Cleared the ring setting up for the big match

    After a good bout Bray wins

    Its to set up Takers turn back to the Dead man to eventually get the win. Over the series Bray would look a million dollars

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,159 ✭✭✭mrkiscool2


    MWF Friday Fight Night-Week 3

    Theme Song

    The pyro begins and the crowd start chanting MWF as it continues. Once the pyro stops Daniel Bryan’s music hits and the crowd erupt. He comes out to the ramp, smiling as he looks at the crowd as they start chanting yes before he starts lifting his arms up, fingers to the sky and he heads to the ring.

    King: Welcome to MWF Friday Fight Night! We are only 9 days away from “On The Verge” which will come to you on Sunday the 5th of April! We are kicking off the show this week with the number one contender for the MWF World Heavyweight Championship Daniel Bryan. He looks like he has something to say!
    Shaw: He can say whatever he likes, it isn’t going to change anything. Race is going to win at “On The Verge” and continue being the greatest champion in the history of this company
    Candido: Who cares about that? All I want is to get my hands on that little bitch who cost me the match against Carter
    King: Why, so you can get beaten up again by a woman?

    Daniel Bryan is in the ring and grabs a mic
    Daniel Bryan: I should be here telling you guys how happy I am that I finally get my chance to capture the MWF World Heavyweight Championship at “On The Verge”. I should be saying that I am looking forward to facing one of my idols growing up in the middle of this ring. I should be telling you that I am going to give it my all and if that’s not enough then all I can do afterwards is shake Race’s hand and concede he was the better man on the day. I would love to be able to say those things

    But I can’t. It’s gone far beyond that. This man that holds my title has cost me a fair shot at the title in the first place, he has tried desperately to cling to the one thing he thinks makes him relevant, that cements his legacy and that proves he is better than everyone on this roster. He doesn’t care about the wrestling anymore, all he wants is the gold and all the fame. He doesn’t want to earn it, he wants to hold on to the fading spotlight as long as he can and not show the fans why he deserved to be remembered due to his great in-ring skills.

    And that’s why at “On The Verge” I’m going to prove to not only him but everyone backstage and to all you loyal fans *crowd cheers* that it’s not dirty tricks, vicious beat downs or having someone to interfere on your behalf that wins championships, it’s a lot of heart and wrestling ability that will always out in the middle of this ring. He will see that when he is suffering from the Yes! Lock, leaving him no option but to tap out *the crowd cheers and starts chanting Yes* and then I will be THE NEW MWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!
    The crowd cheer and continue to chant yes but then Harley Race’s music hits and the crowd boo. He arrives onto the ramp with Mandrake beside him.
    Race: It’s always funny hearing a dead man utter his final words. Always so defiant on his way to the gallows but once he gets there and has the noose around his neck his tune changes. He begs for mercy, for more time. The closer the time comes the more desperate his pleading becomes, trying his best to avoid his fate. He squirms as the executioner’s hand grips the lever, trying his best to get away but ultimately he hangs.

    That will be you at “On The Verge” Bryan. You are talking up yourself like you are a big deal when in fact you are nothing, trying to show bravado before you meet me at “On The Verge”. When we step in the ring together you will beg for me to show you mercy and then, as the time for me to deliver the headbutt draws closer you will try desperately to escape your fate but it will be the exact same and it shall end in your defeat! And I will stand over your carcass and hold this title up and you, along with everyone else, will see this company can only ever have one champion while I am still here and that’s me!

    Bryan: No, you are wrong. Being the champion does mean you are the best in the company when you defend it with honour. When you face off with someone or some wrestlers and you win the match through skill and heart then you are the deserving guy to hold the belt. However, if you need to cheat to win or you need some other guy to act as your muscle to help you win then you are just another guy who has a piece of shiny metal to pretend you are the best. Why don’t you both come down to the ring right now and I’ll show you I’m the best in this company

    The crowd cheer as Bryan drops the mic and gestures to them. Race and Mandrake grin at each other and make there way down to the ring only for Mr. K. to appear on the titantron.
    Mr. K.: Woah, woah there fellas. We don’t want you brawling before the main event at “On The Verge” in 9 days time, especially in a 2 on 1 brawl *crowd boos*. But don’t worry folks, you will get to see all 3 men in action tonight. We still have to decide the stipulation for the match for the MWF Championship. So, we will have a beat the clock challenge. The first match will be Harley Race against an opponent of Daniel Bryan’s choice *The crowd cheers as Daniel Bryan grins at the titantron*. And our main event will see Daniel Bryan against Mandrake *Daniel Bryan laughs as the crowd cheers even more* Whoever wins in the quickest time will pick the stipulation for the match at “On The Verge”. *crowd cheers again*

    I have a few other announcements before I let ye get back to get ready for your matches. Firstly, at “On The Verge” Generation Next shall defend their MWF tag team titles against The Young Bucks and The All-Night Express in a triple threat 3 stages of hell match *The crowd go crazy when they hear this*. If one team wins the first two falls then they will win the titles. However, if two teams each secure a fall the team who don’t have a fall will be eliminated. The third stage will be a ladder match. However, The Young Bucks will face The All-Night Express later on tonight. The winners will get to pick the first stage and the losers will face off against Genration Next at Friday Fight Night next week to see who will pick the second stage. So, best of luck to everyone and I’m sure I will see you later

    Mr. K’s music plays as the crowd cheer with Daniel Bryan grinning at Mandrake and Race and Race looking irate

    King: Once again Mr. K. has the final say, obviously still carrying a grudge against Mandrake and Race from the cowardly attack on the chairman and owner last week. 3 huge matches planned for tonight and that’s before we include Okada vs Carter and Veda Scott’s in-ring debut
    Candido: Don’t even mention that bitch’s name at this table. She will get what is coming to her soon enough!
    King: Sorry for the language folks, I have no idea what this idiot is talking about. I’m just looking forward to what should be a fantastic PPV in 9 days time. “On The Verge” will be available on the PW Network on Sunday the 5th of April! Will we hear from Kevin Steen later on about the challenge that Grado issued last week?
    Shaw: Steen should just ignore that fat idiot and let him go back to whatever modest amount of popularity he had before coming to MWF instead of squashing him and leaving him with no career, even in those back water wrestling promotions!
    King: Come off of it Shaw! Grado is good enough to be here and more than a stern challenge for Steen! Well after the break we will have Okada vs Carter after which our chairman will have a tough decision to make for who faces Carter for the MWF International title!

    Ad-Break 1
    Female Ring Announcer: This match is set for one-fall! Making his way to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 236 pounds, Kazuchika Okada!

    King: Well here we go, Okada will be hoping to impose himself as the number one contender for the MWF International Title! He has to win you feel!
    Shaw: Not a chance. Carter shouldn’t even have to defend his title from any of these morons
    Candido: I’m sitting right beside you idiot *he slaps Shaw across the head*
    King: Hey! No brawls at my announce table!
    Female Ring Announcer: And his opponent, from Boca Raton, Florida, weighing in at 250 pounds he is the MWF International Champion, Ethan Carter III.

    King: And here comes the champion. Only one win from two. He lost by DQ to Candido and rolled-up Malenko after Candido distracted him
    Candido: I would have won it by pinfall if it wasn’t for that ugly slut Scott!
    Shaw: Get out of that, Carter would have whopped your ass!
    *Candido and Shaw both stand up before King sits in between them*
    King: There, this is better

    The bell rings and both men lock up. They go for 10 minutes in a very back and forth match, with plenty of near-falls and submission maneuvers. Then Okada starts to get on top, using kicks and suplexes to great effect

    King: Wait, who is that coming out of the crowd?

    The Great Sasuke rolls into the ring and takes out Okada with a steel chair. The bell rings as Okada lies on the mat, Sasuke nailing him with a steel chair over and over as the referee tries to tell him to stop. All of a sudden Justin Thunder Liger runs out and tackles Sasuke, pummeling him while he is on the ground. Sasuke manages to roll out of the ring and walks up the ramp. Liger looks at him as he moves up the ramp. Okada gets back up shakily and extends his hand to Liger who takes it. He grins at Okada and picks him up, hitting a brainbuster on him. He looks at the lifeless Okada as the crowd boos

    King: Why? Why did he do that? Why did The Great Sasuke do that? It’s madness in the MWF tonight!
    Shaw: Well if you would shut up and let him tell us himself that would be great!

    Liger speaks in Japanese to a translator who has stepped into the ring from ringside.
    Translator: Liger says that he is sick of the younger generation thinking because they have a few wins and titles under their belt they are better than him. He is the best wrestler to ever grace the Japanese, Mexican, US and now Irish wrestling circuit. At “On The Verge” he will prove it by not only beating Okada, the young upstart who think he is better than he is, and The so called “Great” Sasuke who is nothing more than a journeyman! Face him at “On The Verge” or admit Liger is better than both of you!

    Ad-Break 2

    The next match features The Young Bucks against The All-Night Express. They have a long back and forth match before The Young Bucks set up the Meltzer Driver on Titus and hit it to pin him and win the match. They decide the first stage should be a No-DQ match.

    Ad-Break 3

    Veda Scott comes out to face a local wrestler to a great reaction. She dominates the match but just as she is about to get the ring Candido rushes the ring, beating her down before hitting her with the Blonde Bombshell
    Candido: Thats what you get for messing with me you little bitch. If you think you can teach me a lesson why don't you face me at "On The Verge" and then we will see who is better!

    Ad-Break 4

    Race comes out. Bryan comes on the titantron and announces his opponent for the beat the clock challenge match will be Grado! The crowd cheer as Grado makes his way down to the ring. They have a stiff match that goes on for 14 minutes before Steen comes out on the ramp, distracting Grado. He turns around to be kicked in the gut by Race who lifts him up and nails him with a piledriver before heading to the top rope and nailing him with the diving head-butt. He pins him for the win at 14:57.

    As Race celebrates Steen comes down to the ring, rolls Grado out of it, picks him up and hits the powerbomb onto the apron. He does it another time before grabbing a mic
    Steen: You see what you get when you mess with people far stronger and better than you? You get killed. I’ll face you at “On The Verge” and the last thing you will here before you sucuumbt to the cold blackness that will envelope you is “Kill Steen Kill”.

    He drops the mic on Grado who is trying to stir.

    Ad-Break 5

    Mandrake comes out to huge boos before Bryan comes out to cheers and chants of “YES” as he makes his way to the ring. The two have a stiff match for nearly 10 minutes before Bryan manages to lock in the Yes Lock. Race runs down and hits Bryan, causing the DQ for Bryan at 10:32. However, the crowd boos as both Race and Mandrake continue to beat down Bryan. All of a sudden The Young Bucks run down to the ring. Race and Mandrake both roll out and make their way up the ring before the Bucks can get to them. They both grin as they stand at the top of the ramp.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,159 ✭✭✭mrkiscool2

    MWF Friday Fight Night-Week 4


    The show opens with Sami Zayn in the middle of the ring with the crowd chanting “Ole” as he looks out on the ground grinning. He has a mic in his hand and raises it to his lips.
    Zayn: After last year and getting so close to winning that title, I really thought my luck was changing. I was back wrestling with my team-mate and then three of the greatest wrestlers to grace any ring in the world ever came to the MWF and I thought that I was going to be on top with some belt to my name, whether it be the Tag Team title with my so-called friend Kevin Steen *crowd boos*, the International title or even the MWF World Heavyweight Championship. More fool me huh? *crowd cheer Zayn’s name as he starts looking upset and he can’t help but smile*

    I told myself once those three guys came in here that by year end I will have faced them all. And now that I am no longer in a tag-team I have that opportunity. Unfortunately, two of them are in the main event. Daniel Bryan and Harley Race are fighting for the MWF World Heavyweight Championship at “On The Verge” in what should be a great match *crowd starts chanting YES! and Zayn can’t help but laugh*

    But you know what? I know that me and one other guy in the back can have the match of the night. It won’t be for titles, for issues we have with each other or any other silly reason. It will be two great wrestlers showing the world what they are made of in the middle of this ring. I know you are back there and Chris Benoit *crowd starts cheering wildly with Zayn raising his voice to be heard over them* I know me and you can do it. We can show the MWF fanbase what a true wrestling match and out match can be worth the price of admission alone! What do you say?
    Chris Benoit’s theme plays and he comes out to a wild cheer from the crowd, people standing up and clapping as he makes his way to the ring. He grabs a mic before heading into the ring
    Benoit: So what you are saying is that you and me should face each other at “On The Verge?” *the crowd chants YES* for no other reason than it’s a dream match of yours? For no other reason than bringing the house down and showing the rest of the roster what two of the best in the company can do together? Two Canadians showing the world that Canada produces the best wrestlers in the world? That *he says seriously before cracking his slightly toothless grin* sounds like the best idea in the world *he extends his hand and Zayn shakes it. Benoit nods at him before leaving the ring with his music blaring*

    Ad-Break 1

    Generation Next face-off against The All-Night Express next. After a good 15 minute match, Titus almost gets the pin on Strong but Evans nails him with the tag team belt. The referee calls for the bell, disqualifying Generation Next. They continue their attack before The Young Bucks run down and all 3 teams brawl. In the end Generation Next clear the ring before The All-Night Express announce a cage match as the second stage

    Ad-Break 2

    Daniel Bryan is seen with Mr. K. backstage announcing that the stipulation shall be that the Champion’s Privelege is removed meaning that he can win the title by pinfall, submission, count-out or disqualification. Mr. K. agrees to the stipulation

    Candido comes out to face a local jobber. He wins easily before Scott makes the ring. The two brawl before Candido gets the upper hand. Out of the crowd another female comes and starts to beat up Candido. It is revealed to be Cheerleader Melissa. Mr. K. comes out and announces that Candido shall face Melissa and Scott in a 2-on-1 handicap match at “On The Verge”. He announces that Malenko will face Carter for the MWF International Championship and that if Carter wins he will receive a shot at the title regardless of who wins. If he loses however he will have to apologise for his actions and not be on commentary or the roster until he goes to course to fix his sexism.

    Ad-Break 3.

    Grado faces off against The Great Sasuke. They have a great 18 minute back and forth match before Kevin Steen rushes the ring. Him and Grado start brawling before Sasuke helps Steen. Both Liger and Okada run down to the ring before referees and officials seperate all 5 men.

    Ad-Break 4.

    Malenko and Bryan face off against Steen and Race. The match goes on for 7 minutes before all chaos breaks loose, with Mandrake, Carter and Grado all run down to the ring before it becomes a 3-on 4 brawl. Eventually the faces clear the heels from the ring with Bryan leading the crowd in a Yes chant as he stares down Race and Mandrake.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,159 ✭✭✭mrkiscool2

    MWF "On The Verge" PPV-Part 1

    A promo opens up the show. It shows the 3 main feuds-Grado vs Steen, The Young Bucks vs Generation Next vs The All-Night Express and Daniel Bryan vs Harley Race
    Voiceover: Tonight, men and women stand. They stand On The Verge of greatness. There is only the verge. You either make it or you fall. Make it and you are remembered forever. Fail to and only the blackness of defeat can be your companion. Tonight, three teams will go to hell and back to win gold. Champions, desperate to hold on to their crown with challenges at every corner, wanting to be the Next Generation of great tag-teams. Two young men, Bucks who want the titles that not only they, but a vocal crowd, believes belong to them. And two others, who will fight All-Night to ensure that they are on the Express way to greatness.

    A newcomer, determined to make his mark upon a great roster of wrestlers and make the grade as a wrestler battles against a man whose battle cry and goal is to kill, who only has his eyes on his own greatness and is determined to reach it any cost. And the greatest prize in wrestling, the MWF World Heavyweight Championship, hangs in the balance as one of the greatest technical wrestlers to ever grace the squared circle, backed up by a movement of yes faces off against a man who claims that the title is his and his alone, a brawler who will use everything in his power, including his immense strength and talent, to keep a hold of the title. These 3 wars will only be a part of a night when heroes and villains can cement their legacy as true greats, when titles are there to be earned and where greatness waits for those who can jump from the verge” to victory. Welcome to Martouf Wrestling Federation’s “On The Verge”

    The crowd cheers as the pyro kicks in, the camera panning out along the crowd as the show begins

    King: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Martouf Wrestling Federation “On The Verge” live on the PW Network! What a night we have for you tonight. All the titles are on the line, we have an intergender handicap match and two men facing each other for the simple purpose of tearing the house down. It should be absolutely amazing!
    Shaw: MWF Pay-Per-Views are always fantastic spectacles. That doesn’t change the fact that the 3 titles shall remain where they are at the moment. Generation Next, Ethan Carter III and Harley Race will retain and you heard that here first.
    King: Well our first match tonight is for one of those titles. It will be the champions Generation Next vs The Young Bucks vs The All-Night Express in a 3 stages of hell match. The first stage will be a No-Disqualification match, the second a cage match in which the first team to escape the cage will win the stage. After that, if one team has won both stages they win the titles. However, if two teams have a stage each they will face off in the final stage, a ladder match, while the team with no stages to their name will be eliminated from the match.

    Match 1
    A promo airs showing Generation Next cheating to retain the titles at “New Beginnings” against The Young Bucks by attacking them. It goes on to show their rematch 4 weeks ago in which The Young Bucks had almost won only for Strong to pull the referee out of the ring, Evans to nail Nick with one of the titles before Strong pinned him.

    It then shows The All-Night Express beating Steen and Zayn and The Young Bucks getting the DQ win against to set up the Triple Threat match. It then shows Mr. K. revealing it will be a 3 stages of hell triple threat match and announcing the match-ups. The Young Bucks beat The All-Night Express to set up a No-DQ match then it shows The All-Night Express getting the DQ win against Generation Next to make the second stage a steel cage match. It goes to show Mr. K. revealing the third stage to be a ladder match. It then cuts to the brawl on the last show with Generation Next standing tall.

    The bell rings.
    Female Ring Announcer: The following match is a triple-threat 3 Stages of Hell match for the MWF Tag Team titles. The first stage will be a No-Disqualification match where the only way to win is by pinfall or submission. The second stage is a steel cage match where the only way to win is by escaping the cage. The first team to get both partners both feet onto the floor outside the cage wins. After 2 stages if one team has won both stages they will be the winners. However, if two teams both have one stage each, the team with no stage wins will be eliminated. The 3rd stage, if required, will be a ladder match where the only way to win is to climb the ladder and grab the titles!

    The Young Bucks theme hits and the crowd start going absolutely nuts as they make their way to the ring.


    Next out is The All-Night Express who come out to a mixed reception with people wanting The Young Bucks to win more.


    Generation Next come out last to massive boos as they grin, raising their titles as they get into the ring.

    Female Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challengers. With a combined weight of 433 pounds the team of Kenny King and Rhett Titus, The All-Night Express! *mixed reaction*. And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 350 pounds, the team of Matt and Nick Jackson, The Young Bucks! And the champions, weighing in at a combined weight of 410 pounds, they are the MWF Tag Team Champions, the team of Jack Evans and Roderick Strong, Generation Next!
    The referee takes the titles from them, showing them to all 3 teams before putting them on a rope which is lifted 20 feet in the air. He asks all 3 teams are they ready and then calls for the bell.

    Immediately all 6 men start wailing on each other, Nick hitting Evans, Strong hitting King and Titus hitting Matt as they continue to wail on each other. Eventually Nick and Evans and Strong and King both take their brawl to outside the ring as the match continues. Both Matt and Titus are in the ring as the guys on the outside stop brawling and go to their respective corners.

    Titus and Matt go for 5 minutes, having a very back and forth match until Strong tags off Matt as he bounces off the rope into a clothesline from Titus. Titus stands over him unaware a tag has been made until Strong comes in and hits him with a German Suplex. Evans goes out and throws some chairs and a table into the ring as Strong starts to take control of Titus. He nails him with the chair a few times before whipping him into his own corner letting Evans come in. They continue dominating Titus for the next five minutes before Strong sets up the table and picks up Titus on his shoulder as Evans tags in and goes to the top rope, hitting the Skipping a Generation on Titus through the table. Evans crawls to cover him as Strong tries to stop King and The Young Bucks breaking up but he is unable to.

    Titus rolls out of the ring and everyone else also leaves the ring and goes under the ring, each one taking out a different weapon. Evans and Matt roll back into the ring first, Evans with a barbed-wire 4 by 4 prompting cheers of “Hoooooooo” from the crowd while Matt has a Kendo Stick. They both swing at each other, dodging each ones attempts before Matt manages to nail Evans in the stomach before hitting him with a super-kick. King rolls back into the ring and nails Matt in the back with the steel chair and he rolls out of the ring. Strong comes back in and they both have a chair, throwing them at each other as they try to get the other hand. They both grab at the only chair that has only rolled out of the ring before turning around to see Nick Jackson, who has set up a ladder as a ramp, hit both of them with a dropkick. Strong is knocked out of the ring and King gets up dazed before being superkicked

    Nick sees Matt looking at the ladder and they nod at each other. Matt tags the dazed Titus by hitting him on the back. Nick sets King up into a piledriver position before Matt springboards off the ladder, onto the rope and jumps off the rope before they hit the Meltzer Driver. Matt covers King



    3! The Young Bucks celebrate even if they are sore from the victory as the referee clears the shattered table, kendo stick and other weapons from the ring.
    Female Ring Announcer: The winners of the first stage by pinfall, The Young Bucks!
    Strong and Evans both come back into the ring and nail Matt and Nick with chairs to the back of the head, beating them down with the chairs as they lay on the mat. They grin as The Young Bucks barely move on the mat as both King and Titus roll into the ring. Generation Next look at them but the referee gets in the way, ordering them to throw the cheers out of the ring. Evans and Strong look down at the motionless Young Bucks and shrug, both tossing their chairs out of the ring as the steel cage descends and settles around the ring.

    King: Absolutely disgusting by Generation Next. They lost the stage so they decide to take the winners of the stage out before the next stage to ensure that The Young Bucks don’t have a fair chance of winning the stage and therefore the titles
    Shaw: Come off of it King! All is fair in this and it was after a No-Disqualification match, a match that The Young Bucks choose! They used weapons to win the stage, it’s only fair they should suffer the wrath of their actions!
    The bell rings and both Generation Next and The All-Night Express go at each other as The Young Bucks remain motionless on the mat. After a few minutes The All-Night Express take control, driving both Evans and Strong into the cage, cutting open Evans. Both men collapse on the mat as both King and Titus make their way up the cage. They both reach the top of the cage.

    Both Evans and Strong get up grinning even though Evans is bleeding. Strong grabs King’s foot while Evans throws Titus off the cage to the outside. They both grab Kind and superplex him onto the mat. As they both continue to dominate King and The Young Bucks begin to stir slightly the medics come out and check on Titus, strapping him onto a stretcher and stretching him out. After 5 minutes Evans and Strong hit Skipping a Generation on King. They both grin and scale the cage, both managing to escape and they laugh as the bell rings
    Female Ring Announcer; The winners of the second stage by escaping the cage are Generation Next. As The All-Night Express have not one either of the first two stages they are eliminated. The Young Bucks will face off Generation Next in the final stage, a ladder match!
    King: This is disgusting! Once again Generation Next cheating to win!
    Shaw: How did they cheat? They fooled The All-Night Express and used the advantage of the No-DQ rules in the cage to win. They did what they had to, escape the cage!
    Evans and Strong are demanding the referee start the match as The Young Bucks start to stir. The referee gets ready to ring the bell before Mr. K. apperars on the titantron
    Mr. K.: Hold it! Hold it right there! This final stage will only begin when The Young Bucks are standing and ready! *the crowd cheers*

    King: About time someone here showed some sense!
    Shaw: This is disgusting! Let them get at the match! Not Generation Next’s problem that The Young Bucks aren’t strong enough to continue.
    The Young Bucks manage to make their way to their feet and the referee rings the bell. Both teams go at it as they try desperately to climb the ladder. Matt and Strong take each other over the top rope as Evans and Nick both fight each other in the ring. Eventually Nick takes control of the match as Matt throws a ladder into the ring. Strong tackles him as they brawl on the floor. Nick uses the ladder to hit Evans and then sets it up, climbing it slowly as he is still in pain from what happened. Strong rolls into the ring and pushes the ladder, sending Nick over the ropes and onto the chairs on the floor outside the ring.

    Matt rolls back in the ring with a chair and nails Strong in the head with a chair. He sets back up the ladder and tries to climb it. Evans manages to roll back in the ring with a ladder and smacks Matt’s legs with it. Matt falls off of the ladder as Evans wipes the blood from his eyes and lays the ladder on Matt. He climbs up the ladder , going halfway before jumping off and hitting a leg drop on the ladder, crushing Matt underneath it. Evans holds his leg in agony after it, the other 3 men now motionless as Matt pushes the ladder off of him and out of the ring. Evans desperately tries to get back to his feet and does, hobbling towards the ladder. He starts to climb it but Nick springboards off the ladder outside the ring, onto the ladder and climbs up it.

    He and Evans exchange blows on the top of the ladder, neither man being able to stand it before falling off the ladder. Strong manages to stir and makes his way up the ladder, within grasp of the title before Matt grabs his legs, pushes them under the second top rung of the ladder and pulls him through so he is stuck. He then climbs the ladder and grabs the titles as the bell rings and the crowd chhers.
    Female Ring Announcer: The winners of the third stage and the NEW MWF Tag Team Champions, The Young Bucks.
    King: THEY DID IT! THEY DID IT! Despite everything, The Young Bucks are finally the MWF Tag Team Champions. They overcame it all!
    Shaw: They..they must have cheated! No way they could beat Generation Next


    Matt and Nick gingerly embrace and hold up the titles, each holding different parts of their battered body as they make their way up the ramp.
    Match 2
    Female Ring Announcer: This match is scheduled for one fall and is a two-on-one handicap match!

    Candido makes his way out to massive boos

    Female Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring from Ashbury Lake, New Jersey, weighing in at 225 pounds, Chris Candido!

    King: God I hope he loses so we don’t have to hear or see him for quite some time!
    Shaw: Totally agree

    Veda Scott comes out to huge cheers

    Female Ring Announcer: And his opponents, introducing first, from Providence, Rhode Island, weighing in at 114 pounds, Little Miss X-Factor, Veda Scott!

    She waits on the ramp and then Cheerleader Melissa comes out to huge cheers as well.

    Female Ring Announcer: And her partner, from San Francisco, California, weighing in at 142 pounds, Cheerleader Melissa!
    Both women rush the ring and begin to beat on Candido. They lay him out before the referee pulls them apart and orders one of them to leave the ring. Scott starts the match and immediately goes back to beating on Candido. Her and Melissa tag in every now and again, keeping the pressure on Candido, constantly getting near-falls. Scott whips Candido off the ropes but he manages to hit her with clothesline. Both of them are down and Scott desperately tries to crawl to the corner to tag in Melissa but Candido drags her back.

    Candido starts to dominate the match, taunting Scott as he does so! He hits her with a Frankensteiner and a delayed vertical suplex, grinning at Melissa as he does so. She gets annoyed and tries to interfere and the referee tries to stop her. Scott lashes out and nails Candido in the balls by accident with a kick. She stands up and hits him with a ballsplex. She then tags in Melissa. She goes to the top rope and nails a confused and woozy Candido with a missile dropkick. She then hits the Kudo Driver to Candido. She thinks about the pin but the crowd chants Scott. She grins and tags Scott in. She dances around the ring a little before picking up an almost lifeless Candido, yells to the crowd before hitting a snapmare driver. She covers him


    Veda Scott and Cheerleader Melissa both embrace in the middle of the ring as the referee lifts their hands
    King: YES! He got his comeuppance finally! He won’t be here for the next while, not until he is no longer a sexist pig!
    Shaw: This is the best day of my life! I love women!
    Match 3
    Female Ring Announcer: The following match is a triple-threat match scheduled for one fall!
    Justin Thunder Liger comes out and the crowd boo him heavily

    Female Ring Announcer: Introducing first, from Hiroshima Japan, weighing in at 209 pounds, Justin Thunder Liger

    The Great Sasuke comes out next to heavy boos also

    Female Ring Announcer: And his opponents, introducing first, from Moriaka, Japan, weighing in at 181 pounds, The Great Sasuke

    Kazuchika Okada comes out to great reactions

    Female Ring Announcer: And their opponent, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 236 pounds, Kazuchika Okada!

    King: Well, all 3 men want to prove they are the best Japanese wrestler in not only the MWF, but perhaps the world here. It is sure to be a good match
    Shaw: Liger and Sasuke I can understand but for Okada to even think he could even lace these men’s boots, nevermind beat them and be seen as the best from Japan, is laughable! He is going to be taught a lesson tonight!
    All 3 men stand in the ring and the referee rings the bell. Immediately both Liger and Sasuke go after Okada. and begin to beat him down. Okada tries desperately to fight them off, even rallying for a while, but eventually they manage to get him to the outside. They put him through the Spanish announce table* and the crowd boos as they both pose and taunt the crowd. They both roll back into the ring and shake hands before locking up.

    They go back and forth for a few minutes before Sasuke starts to take control of the match. He manages to nail Liger with an enzuigiri. He rolls out of the ring. He gingerly gets up before Sasuke runs off the rope before nailing Liger with a cartwheel over-the-top rope suicide senton dive. They are both laid out. They stir after a while with Sasuke rolling Liger into the ring. As Sasuke gets back in the ring Liger manages to nail him with a rolling koppu kick. He then sets him up and nails him with a Shoiteu before nailing him with a Frankensteiner. He goes to the top rope and hits the frog splash before pinning him. 1...2… Okada rolls into the ring and breaks up the pin before hitting him with reverse neckbreaker.

    Sasuke stirs and manages to hit Okada with a Mule kick before collapsing back to the mat. All 3 men stir and immediately start exchanging blows with each other. Sasuke manages to hit both men with a german and tiger suplex each before Liger hits Sasuke with a Fisherman Buster. He picks Okada and sets him up for the Crash Thunder Buster but Sasuke kicks him the gut before nailing him with a Thunder Fire Powerbomb. He turns around only for Okada to nail him with the Rainmaker



    Okada wins! The crowd go crazy as he goes to the top rope to celebrate!
    King: Okada wins! Okada proves Liger, Sasuke and you wrong Shaw by picking up the win!
    Shaw: He got lucky, he should have just let Sasuke and Liger go at it, they wore each other out making it easier for Okada to win!
    King: Come off it! Okada took one hell of a beating and still won!
    Match 4
    The bell rings and Dean Malenko comes out to cheers and makes his way to the ring. Carter comes out, holding the title above his head on the ramp as the crowd boos before he gets into the ring.

    King: Here we go ladies and gentlemen, our second title match of the night. Dean Malenko earned the right to face Ethan Carter III after impressing Mr. K. when the two faced off a few weeks ago. Tonight Carter will have no Candido to interfere to help him win.
    Shaw: It won’t matter, Carter is far too good for this chump!
    King: I wouldn’t be so sure. He almost had him last time Shaw!
    Female Ring Announcer: The following match is set for one-fall and is for the MWF International Championship. Introducing first, the challenger, from Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 212 pounds, Dean Malenko! *crowd cheers*. And his opponent, from Boca Raton, Florida, weighing in at 250 pounds, he is the MWF International Champion, Ethan Carter III
    The referee takes the belt and holds it up before showing it to both men and handing it to the timekeeper. He asks are both men ready and then call for the bell. Both men lock up and they go back and forth for around 5 minutes before Carter starts to take over the match. He works on Malenko’s leg as the match goes on, delivering a lot of running crossbodies, clotheslines and dropkicks to Malenko when not trying to expose and damage Malenko’s legs. He whips Malenko into the corner and attempts to hit a double high knee. Malenko moves out of the way and Carter smacks off of the turnbuckle

    Both men are down and the referee starts to count. He gets to 4 when both men make it their feet, starting to exchange blows. Malenko starts to take control of the match, managing to nail him with a few suplexes. He goes to set up Carter for a powerbomb but Carter reverses and nails him with the One Percenter headlock driver. He goes for the pin 1...2… Malenko kicks out. Carter looks up at the referee in disbelief as Malenko has just kicked out of his finisher. He picks him up to hit another one but Malenko reverses, managing to hit a german suplex

    Both men are on the mat again and the referee starts counting. He gets to 7 before both men manage to stand. Carter tries to hit Malenko with a clothesline but he reverses with a double underhook powerbomb, before managing to put him in the texas cloverleaf. However, he can’t lock it in all the way due to his bad leg and Carter makes the ropes. Malenko releases the hold and tries to pull Carter back into the middle of the ring but Carter kicks him off, knocking him into the ropes. He plants him with a forearm and then hits him with a belly-to-back suplex. Carter than applies the Leglock to Malenko who immediately writhes in pain. The referee asks him does he want to give up but he keeps edging closer to the ropes before getting there. The referee asks him to release but he keeps the pressure applied on Malenko’s bad leg for the whole of the 5 count before releasing.

    He then picks Malenko up and whips him into the corner. He attempts to go for a leaping clothesline but again misses. As he he rebounds out of the corner Malenko trips him in the middle of the ring before again applying the Texas Cloverleaf. Carter is in agony and is about to tap but then notices where Malenko’s bad leg is. He uses his elbow to pummel it before Malenko collapses and releases the hold. Carter takes advantage, immediately standing up and hitting the One Percenter again, going for the cover




    Carter grins as he looks up, holding his leg as he is presented the title. He holds it aloft as he celebrates

    Shaw: YES! I told you King, I told you! No way could Malenko beat Carter! He is still the MWF International Champion and he will be for some time to come!
    King: I gotta give it to you Shaw, you called it. Still though, what a match! Well next up is a match that was only announced last week. There are no titles, number one contenderships, scores or anything else to be settled. It’s just two wrestlers, going out there to give the audience what they want and to see who is the better man, it’s Zayn vs Benoit!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,159 ✭✭✭mrkiscool2

    MWF "On The Verge" PPV-Part 2

    Match 5

    Sami Zayn’s music hits and the crowd goes wild as he makes his way out onto the ramp

    Female Ring Announcer: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, weighing in at 205 pounds, Sami Zayn!

    Chris Benoit comes out next, the crowd equally behind him.

    Female Ring Announcer: And his opponent, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, weighing in at 220 pounds, Chris Benoit
    They both meet in the middle of the ring and shake hands before moving back to their respective corners. The referee asks if both men are ready and they nod. The match starts with both men locking up. They go back and forth for several minutes at the start of the match, both men reversing each other’s moves. Eventually Zayn starts to take control, using his superior speed to get around Benoit and hit him with clotheslines and dropkicks. He then nails him with a few cross bodies. He tries to hit him with another clothesline before Benoit ducks under it and hits him with a german suplex, leaving both men on the mat as the referee begins to count.

    Benoit gets to his feet first, slowing the pace of the match down, hitting ayn with chops and headbutts, nailing him with a few suplexes in between this. Zayn rolls out under the ropes to regain his compsure but Benoit dives off the ropes before hitting him a suicide dive. Both men are down on the outside as the referee starts to count. They brawl on the outside with Zayn gaining the upper hand again. Benoit tries to whip into the stairs but Zayn counters and Benoit manages to leap over the stairs. Zayn follows him through though, diving between the ropes and around the corner post to nail Benoit with a suicide dive into a tornado DDT. He picks him up and rolls him back into the ring and follows him in.

    He goes to the top rope and waits for Benoit to get up before nailing him with a missile dropkick. Benoit is sent backwards into the turnbuckle and Zayn gets an Ole chant going before attempting to hit the Ole kick. Benoit dodges and grabs Zayn as he turns around before hitting the Three Amigos. As Zayn lies on the mat Benoit drags his finger across his throat and goes to the top rope before nailing Zayn with the diving headbutt. He goes for the cover 1...2.. Zayn kicks out. Benoit looks up in disbelief and immediately tries to pick up Zayn only for Zayn to reverse into a cradle. 1...2… Benoit manages to kick out. Zayn picks hip up, applies a wrist lock and tries to rebound off the ropes into a tornado DDT. Benoit ducks and gets him down, managing to use the maneuver to counter into a Crippler Crossface. Zayn writhes in agony as the referee asks does he want to give up as he inches towards the ropes. He eventually gets there and Benoit releases. Benoit picks him up and attempts to hit a German suplex but Zayn reverses. He then grabs Benoit, hitting an exploder suplex into the corner. He runs to the other corner and runs back, connecting with the Ole Kick. Benoit collapses and Zayn drags him away from the ropes



    3! Zayn wins. He looks up in disbelief as he is announced as the winner and his hand is raised. He grins and celebrates on the top turn-buckle. Benoit slowly gets back to his feet and Zayn looks at him. Benoit extends his hand but Zayn kicks it away before drawing Benoit into a hug. He then raises Benoit hand so both their arms are raised. Benoit grins at him and nods before clapping him, the crowd clapping along as Benoit leaves the ring and smiles before heading to the back
    King: What a match! Two great men showing the world how good they are and that will surely stick in Mr. K’s mind!
    Shaw: Gotta agree with you here King. What a match that was. I don’t think either man could beat Race for the title but they are definitely up there talent wise!
    Match 6
    A video package plays on the Titantron for the upcoming Grado vs Steen match. This song plays in the background as it details their whole feud, starting with Steen beating down Zayn after their loss to The All-Night Express and Grado making the save before they brawled all around the arena and Grado’s challenge to Steen. It then shows Steen interfering in Grado’s Beat-The-Clock challenge against Race, costing him the win and the vicious beatdown afterwards and it shows their brawl on the last show to end it with both men staring each other down to finish the video

    The bell rings and Steen comes out to massive boos

    Female Ring Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one-fall! Making his way to the ring first, from Marieville, Quebec, Canada, weighing in at 266 pounds, Kevin Steen!

    Once Steen is in the room the lights go out in the arena and the start of Like A Prayer hits. The whole crowd sing along. Once the beat kicks in the lights flash between bright and normal before Grado makes his way out. The crowd go crazy as he does his entrance

    Female Ring Announcer: And his opponent, from Stevenston, Ayrshire, Scotland, weighing in at 235 pounds, Grado!

    King: Well if that entrance doesn’t make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up I don’t know what will! What a feud this has been, two big men who just loathe each other. Who is your money on?
    Shaw: Steen obviously. The only thing Grado is better than Steen at is his entrance and Steen doesn’t even try for his! Steen has the power and experience to beat Grado, no question
    King: I disagree, Grado has shown on multiple occasions how good he is and this entrance is sure to have gotten into the head of Steen
    Both men are in the ring and the bell rings. They both lock-up a few times, both men overpowering each other a few times as well. Eventually Steen takes over when attempting to lock up again he kicks an unsuspecting Grado in the gut. He starts to absolutely dominate Grado, using high impact moves such as powerbombs, suplexes, neckbreakers and a piledriver to wear Grado down. Each time Grado rallies Steen manages to use a power move to put him flat on his ass. Grado starts not only taunting the crowd but Grado as well, clearly toying with him each time he wears him down more.

    He picks him up, clearly ready to finish the match now but Grado rallies, peppering him with punches and kicks. He goes for the Wee Boot but misses as Steen ducks but he drops his leg on his head instead, sending him crashing to the mat as he does. He picks him up and yells as he throws his arm over his shoulder and hits a Rock Bottom before going for the cover. He pins him 1...2… Steen kicks out. Grado looks at the referee in disbelief at the fact that Steen has managed to kick out. He tries to pick Steen up but as he does Steen pushes him before superkicking him. Grado falls into the corner and Steen goes to the opposite corner before hitting Grado with a cannonball. He pulls him out of the corner, picks him up and nails him with a pop-up powerbomb. He goes for the pin. 1..2.. Grado kicks out. Steen cries out in frustration and stomps him out of the ring.

    Steen goes out to the ring and picks Grado up again, setting him up for a powerbomb onto the apron. Grado punches him while he is on his shoulders and he drops Grado before being pushed into the steel post at ringside. He rolls back into the ring and Grado follows. He attempts to clothesline Grado but he ducks and kicks him in the gut before nailing him with a Stunner. Steen flops into the corner and Grado hits him with his own Cannonball. Grado waits for him and tries to hit the Wee Boot only for Steen to move out of the way. Steen tries to set him up for the piledriver but he pushes Steen off the ropes and finally connects with the Wee Boot. He pins him


    3. Grado places his hands over his head, clearly in disbelief before the referee raises his hand in victory as he goes to to the top of the turnbuckle to celebrate
    King: What a match! Grado wins! What a turn-up for the books!
    Shaw: He got lucky! Steen could have finished it way earlier but he wanted to humiliate him. He lost 90% of the match and just got lucky at the end!
    King: Well regardless of what happened Grado wins. And now it’s time Ladies and Gentlemen, for our main event of the evening. Daniel Bryan, a man taken out before his match with Race in the tournament to crown a new MWF champion will face off against Harley Race. This has been a bitter feud. Let’s look back at what has been an intense and personal feud.
    Match 7
    A video package starts for the match. It shows Bryan being laid out before their match in the MWF World Heavyweight Championship match and then Race winning the title after hitting a low blow to Benoit followed by the diving headbutt. It then shows Bryan facing off against Benoit for the number one contendership to the title with Bryan winning. It then cuts to next week with Race and Mandrake are beating down The Young Bucks and Race clocking Bryan with the chair.

    It then shows both men speaking about the match with cuts of both men beating each other up in the weeks preceding the PPV. It ends with Bryan in the ring chanting YES and staring at Race as he holds up the title.

    The bell rings
    Female Ring Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the MWF World Heavyweight Championship. The only way to win is by pinfall or submission!

    King: When did that happen? Bryan just wanted the champions advantage removed, not for the match to become a No DQ match!
    Shaw: Mr. K. obviously trying to turn the tables in favour of Bryan by allowing him to cheat to win!

    Daniel Bryan’s music hits and the crowd goes nuts. He comes out and starts pointing his arms and fingers to the sky as the crowd chant YES!. He makes his way to the ring with a big grin on his face.


    Race’s music hits and the crowd boos. He comes out with Madrake at his side, his belt held aloft as he stares at Bryan on the way to the ring. He steps into the ring and grins.

    Female Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is for the MWF World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, from Aberdeen, Washington, weighing in at 210 pounds, Daniel Bryan! *Crowd cheers and chants YES as they do*. And his opponent, from Kansas City, Missouri, weighing in at 245 pounds, he is the MWF World Heavyweight Champion, Harley Race!
    The referee takes the title off of Race and lifts it up before showing it to both competitors and hanging it to the timekeeper. He asks are both men ready before starting the match. Both men lock up immediately. For the first few minutes both men go back and forth, Bryan trying to get the upper hand with his speed and technical ability whereas Race tries to wear Bryan down with his power and punches. Eventually Bryan begins to take hold of the match, managing to use his speed and experience to lull Race into running at him, allowing him to hit a few drop-kicks, hip-tosses, leg lariats and other maneuvers on him. Eventually he whips him into the corner and starts drop-kicking him while there, running between the turnbuckles opposite each other, the crowd cheering him on. Eventually Race drops and rolls to the outside, trying to catch his breath. Bryan nods and bounces off the rope, running across the ring, diving between the middle and top rope and hitting Race with a suicide dive.

    Bryan gets up after a moment and rolls Race back into the ring only for Mandrake to hit him from behind and roll him back into the ring. Race takes advantage of this, picking up Bryan and headbutting him a few times. He lets Bryan drop back to the mat before hitting him with multiple headbutt drops and knee drops, working on t Bryan for the Diving Headbutt. He keeps this ups and grins, taunting not only Bryan but the crowd. He picks him up for a suplex but Bryan reverses, pushing him down and managing to lock in the YES lock. The crowd cheer but Mandrake comes in and once again breaks up the lock. Bryan chases him out of the ringh but he turns right into a belly-to-belly suplex from Race. Race picks him up and nails him with a piledriver and goes for a cover. 1...2. Bryan manages to kick out. Race looks frustrated but continues to work over Bryan. He picks him up, looking to set him up for a powerbomb but Bryan reverses, ducking under an attempted clothesline, coming back off the turnbuckle and nailing him with the Knee Plus. Bryan takes a while to crawl over and pin Race 1...2… Mandrake breaks up the pin!

    Both men are on the mat with the referee checking on them both but not counting. Eventually both men get to their feet and start exchanging blows, punches and kicks from Bryan and punches and headbutt from Race. Race eventually takes advantage and manages to nail Bryan with a suplex. He mocks Benoit by dragging a finger across his throat and goes to the top rope. He dives...and connects with the headbutt!


    Bryan kicks out. Race can’t believe it. He looks at the referee and tells him it was a slow count. The referee tries to tell Race that he was wrong but Race get’s fed up and nails the referee with a piledriver! There is no ref! Race calls for Mandrake to come into the ring and they both start beating on Bryan. It looks like all is lost when The Young Bucks run down, tossing their belts aside as they get in the ring and brawl with Race and Mandrake. No-one seems to be winning as they pummel each other with Bryan starting to stir when Mr. K.s music hits and he comes out in a referee shirt. He has a mic in his hand
    Mr. K. Let’s calm it down. Young Bucks and Mandrake out of the ring, I’m going to referee this!

    King: About time! It was turning into chaos out here!
    Shaw: Agreed, The Young Bucks shouldn’t be out here in the first place! Disgraceful they are attacking Race
    King: What, and it’s ok for Mandrake to attack Bryan
    Shaw: He is allowed out here, The Young Bucks aren’t!
    They do as they are told with Race looking furious. However, as Mr. K. is about to enter the ring Bryan grabs him from behind and hits him with Tiger Suplex with Bryan bridging. Mr. K. runs to the count the pin



    Race manages to kick out from a normal-paced count. The match goes on for another 7 minutes with both men getting near-falls. Eventually Race is able to re-take control and nails Bryan with the piledriver before going to the top rope. He hits Bryan with another diving headbutt and goes for the pin. Mr. K. gets down to count it



    Mr. K’s hand is inches from the mat when he stops and stands up. He looks at Race and laughs maniacally as he does. Race looks up, extremely confused and stands up to argue. The Young Bucks jump up on the canvass and Race looks at them as Mandrake slides in behind him. Race looks at The Young Bucks and Mr. K and then back at Mandrake, pointing at the tag champions. Mandrake looks at Race and then to Mr. K. who smirks and nods. Mandrake then drops to his knees and low-blows Race who keels over.

    King: WHAT? WHAT IS GOING ON! Why is this happening! Why did Mr. K. stop the count? Why did Mandrake low-blow Race?
    Both Matt and Nick come into the ring and superkick Race. He stumbles right into a waiting Bryan’s arms who gets him down and applies the Yes lock. Mr. K asks him does he want to tap and even though he gets to the rope he can’t escape and is eventually forced to tap. Mr. K. calls for the bell and demands the title, grinning as he does

    King: What just happened? Why would Mr. K do that? Why would Bryan, The Young Bucks and Mandrake go along with it?
    Shaw: It’s been his plan all along King! He didn’t want Race as the champion anymore so he positioned Mandrake with Race and made sure The Young Bucks didn’t lose the titles earlier by given them their favourite stipulation. What a genius our chairman is
    Female Ring Announcer: Here is your winner and the NEW MWF World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan!

    Mr. K has the title and looks at Bryan. Bryan looks at him, looking annoyed before both men laugh and embrace, Mr. K handing him the title and raising his hand.

    Shaw: i’m loving it! What a genius our owner is!

    The show ends with Bryan with the title in his hand, his arms linked to Mr. K and Mandrake with The Young Bucks at the end. They all raise their linked arms together and grin as the crowd boo to end the show.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86,615 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Show 3

    LWE - LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment


    Friday Night Ignition

    The show opens with Edge and Alicia Fox in the ring, Edge says Christian messed up again last week losing his IC title and he hopes tonight in the rematch he can reclaim it but he should listen to him and follow his advice. Edge says he is a such a natural born leader that everyone looks up to him and wants to be him or be with him. Davey Richards comes out and challenges Edge to a match. William Shatner comes out and makes that match there and then. Edge beats Richards with a spear.

    Shatner passes the divas locker room and peeks in. He falls down at the door. Bobby Heenan and security come over to check on him, he is mumbling and in shock. Santina Marella comes out of the room and passes all on the way to the ring for his match with Molly for the women's title. Molly gets the win with a roll up.

    Shatner is in the medics room when Heenan comes in. Heenan tells him that he is trying to contact the owner to sort the co-GM mess out. Shatner pulls Heenan close and tells him he saw Santina's member. Heenan is laughing and tells Shatner how did he not notice Santina was a he before. Shatner asks him what and how did he know. Heenan laughs and leaves. Shatner is shouting about his dreams and impure thoughts of her or him. Shatner lies back down on the medics table.

    Christian has arrived in the arena. Backstage Rebecca Knox congratulates Molly and tells her that she hopes next to have a shot at her title. Molly tells her to keep hoping as it may happen.

    Solomon Crowe beats Primo after Carlito interferes and beats up his brother.

    Kaz is looking for tag team partner as he wants to challenge for the tag team titles. Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed and Rockstar Spud have turned him down. Crowe approaches him and tells him he will partner him. They shake hands.

    Heenan comes out to the ring and announces a battle royal next week featuring everyone on the roster to determined who will face Edge at WrestleMayhem.

    The main event is next, which Austin Aries (C) Vs. Christian. Again thanks to Edge's interference Christian loses. Edge comes in to the ring after the match and shouts at Christian calling him a loser again. Christian pushes him and leaves the ring.


    Motor City Machine Guns aka Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin
    American Wolves aka Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards
    Austin Aries
    Santino Marella
    Low-Ki & Frankie Kazarian,
    Lethal Consequences aka Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed
    Bobby Heenan
    William Shatner
    Carlito & Primo Colón
    Molly Holly
    Rebecca Knox aka Becky Lynch
    Alicia Fox
    Solomon Crowe
    Rockstar Spud

  • Registered Users Posts: 86,615 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Show 4

    LWE - LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment


    Friday Night Ignition

    The show opens with Heenan in the ring and he has a proposal for Shatner. He calls him out and challenges him to a match at the ppv for control of the company. Shatner says he is still in shock after last week and has recurring nightmares but also erotic dreams. Heenan says it wont be fair if Shatner has to wrestle so he says if he finds someone to wrestle the match for him he wont have too as Heenan isn't on doctor's orders and he has a certificate to prove this. Heenan introduces Rockstar Spud who will wrestle on his behave. Spud goes to hit Shatner but don't and Shatner falls over in the ring. Heenan and Spud leave the ring together.

    Rebecca Knox beats Alicia Fox so she is No. 1 contender to Molly Holly's women's title and has her title match at the ppv. Molly is shown watching backstage on screen.

    Edge is talking to Heenan and asks him if he can pick the stipulation for his title match at the ppv. Heenan says he can if he beats Low-Ki which he does so Edge says the match will be a TLC match his favourite and no one won more of these matches than him.

    Solomon Crowe & Frankie Kazarian beat Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards to become No. 1 contenders to tag titles.

    Santino Marella goes to see Shatner, he tells him he will wrestle for him. Shatner cant look him in the eye and stares down at the ground but thanks him.

    The main event battle royal is next and all from the roster in it including Molly Holly and co-gm William Shatner who eliminates himself first. The final four are Davey Richards, Austin Aries, Carlito and Christian. Edge comes out to watch from the ramp. Aries eliminates Richards. Christian eliminates Carlito so down to Aries and Christian. In the end Christian eliminates Aries. He takes a mic and tells Edge that he too have won as much TLC matches as him and at the ppv everyone will finally see which one of them is awesomely the best.

    WrestleMayhem PPV

    Card Line Up:-

    Carlito Vs. Primo Colón

    Women's Championship
    Molly Holly (C) Vs. Rebecca Knox

    Tag Team Championship
    The Motor City Machine Guns (C) Vs. Solomon Crowe & Frankie Kazarian

    Hardcore Championship
    1 hour open invitational Low-Ki (C) falls count anywhere Vs. anyone from the LWE roster

    Intercontinental Championship
    Austin Aries (C) Vs. Davey Richards Vs. Eddie Edwards

    For to be sole GM of LWE
    Santino Marella for William Shatner Vs. Rockstar Spud for Bobby Heenan

    World Heavyweight Championship - TLC match
    Edge (C) Vs. Christian

  • Registered Users Posts: 86,615 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    LWE - LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment


    WrestleMayhem PPV

    Carlito Vs. Primo Colón - Carlito wins with his legs on the ropes and after the match continues to beat on his brother

    Women's Championship - Molly Holly (C) Vs. Rebecca Knox - Knox wins the title and after the match Holly raises her hand in victory as a show of respect

    Tag Team Championship - The Motor City Machine Guns (C) Vs. Solomon Crowe & Frankie Kazarian - The Guns retain their tag titles

    Hardcore Championship
    1 hour open invitational Low-Ki (C) falls count anywhere Vs. anyone from the LWE roster
    During the hour Carlito, Santino Marella, Eddie Edwards, Low Ki, and Aries are all champion but in the end Jay Lethal is champion and leaves with the title

    Intercontinental Championship - Austin Aries (C) Vs. Davey Richards Vs. Eddie Edwards - Aries retains his IC title

    For to be sole GM of LWE - Santino Marella for William Shatner Vs. Rockstar Spud for Bobby Heenan - Santino wins for Shatner but afterwards Shatner tells Heenan he wants him to stay on as his co-gm and they shake hands

    World Heavyweight Championship - TLC match
    Edge (C) Vs. Christian - Despite interference from Alicia Fox, Christian wins the world title

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,745 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Welcome to BWA Raw (Wrestlepalooza Fallout edition)
    live from The Sumo Hall in Tokyo

    BH: It's the Raw after wrestlepalooza JD! can you feel the excitement in the air ?
    JD: I sure can and what a Wrestlepalooza it was, a draft winning show!
    BH: Damn right and we will be celebrating that tonight but it must be said not everyone loved it as much as us and I'm not just talking about those in the other promotions like MNG productions.

    BWA Wrestlepalooza received mixed reviews in Japan as a result of how every Japanese wrestler booked on the PPV card shockingly lost on the night. #CancelBWEnetworkJapan was trending shortly after the event and this fact was picked up and reported on by all the dirt sheets, not just the Japanese ones. Now rumors are circulating that fans intend to boycott the remaining dates on the Japanese tour. Luckily for the BWA they had already sold out all their tickets for tonight's show so assuming everyone shows up they at least have one more chance to win back the local crowd.

    The camera pans around the arena as the show starts and although there do seems to be small pockets of unoccupied seats in this sold out arena it is pretty full as Jerry "The King" Lawler makes his way out and seemingly the entire arena boo in unison.

    eventually the boos quieten just enough that Jerry can start to talk.
    Lawler: I suppose I should have expected that reaction. I am the man who booked Wrestlepalloza V and I know it didn't go down very well here. The BWA board of management have spoken to me about it and well they told me to come out here tonight and speak to you about it, to address the grievances you have about what happened at that show and try to make things right. (The fans actually stop booing and listen to what he has to say)

    Thats why I want to say to all of you in attendance tonight and to every Japanese fan watching at home that from the very bottom of my heart I am sorry. (The fans seem to gasp all at once in disbelief)

    I am sorry that not a single one of your heroes could step up when it counted, that in six different matches Japanese wrestlers turned out to be inferior to their American counterparts, That you all had to witness people like Mitsuharu Misawa or Antoni Inoki get shown to not be on the same level as wrestlers like myself or my man Vader... but most of all I am sorry that the person who had my job before me booked the PPV and this tour to go through your god forsaken country.

    JD: My gawd what is Lawler doing ?!? is he trying to get us run out of town?
    BH: The man is going to get himself killed if he doesen't shut up quick!

    Lawler continues though: I mean at least then I wouldnt have to come out here and deal with this nonsense. Last nights PPV was the highest rated BWA show of all time! It was not only a draft winning show but it had the best roster, match of the draft in Tanahashi vs Punk vs Nakumara and "Diva" of the year if you would dare call her that in the form of Ronda Rousey! Your not going to cancel the BWA network hell if anything i'd bet our numbers go up over the next few days cos you Japanese fans have lost your balls! Take the Vader Inoki fight for example, the last time those two squared pff was in this very arena and when as he did last night Vader dismantled that worthless piece of crap Antoni Inoki the fans rioted and NJPW was banned from this arena. Last night nothing not even boos, you just sat on your hand and like like right now listened to what you know to be the truth being revealed to you, that your just not as good as us...

    Suddenly the titantron lights up and after some initial static Antoni Inoki appears to a gigantic pop

    The fans now begin to chant his name "Inoki, Inoki, Inoki" but stop to allow him to speak which he does first in Japanese before then repeating himself to Lawler in English. He tells him that despite Lawler using every underhanded and dishonest tactic in the book to win the right to be the BWA's general manager he is still in discussions with the BWA board about investing in the company and they seem to be willing to do anything they can to keep him at the negotiating table including offering Lawler up on a silver platter and that at BWA judgement day (live from Osaka at the end of the tour), it really would be Judgement day for Lawler as it would be Lawler vs Inoki 1on1.

    He says he would love to kick Jerry's ass right there and then but he has not been medically cleared to fight this week but promises something special for the crowd in the arena and announces that the main event will be Hiroshi Tanahashi getting his rematch for the World Heavyweight championship against CM Punk!

    The crowd are loving everything Inoki has to say whilst Lawler is clearly fuming and stars shouting "You can't do this I'm the general manager!" but Inoki quickly snaps back saying not tonight, that tonight Lawler is a BWA wrestler and that in fact his match is next against this man.... and then out comes Kenta Kobashi

    Opening Match: Kenta Kobashi vs Jerry Lawler

    Lawler does everything he can to avoid fighting Kobashi. First he claims that he isn't dressed for a match and Kobashi immediately strips him down to his wrestling gear which Jerry seems to always be wearing. He then feigns an injured back at which point Kobashi gives him not one, nor two but 3 German suplexes right onto said back much to the crowds amusement. A dazed Lawler rolls out of the ring and when the referee follows him trying to stop him from heading to the back (which clearly seems to be his plan) Jerry shouts at him "I dont fight for free!" before giving him a swift kick in the balls.

    Winner via DQ: Kenta Kobashi

    Despite Kobashi being announced the winner the crowd boo Lawlers actions but moments later they are cheering again as Mitsuharu Misawa comes charging down the ramp and grabs Lawler from behind and throws him back into the ring where Kobashi immediately kick him in his midsection before delivering him Orange Crush Vertical suplex powerbomb. Misawa then gets into the ring gingerly (clearly showing the punishment he took at the PPV) and when Lawler rises to his feet Kobashi & Misawa chop him from one to to another as the crowd cheer with each contact made. Eventually Lawler just drops to the mat after one chop and rolls to the outside where he lies in a heap as Misawa, Kobashi and The fans all enjoy the moment.
    After the match Kobashi grabs a microphone and after thanking the fans for their support he directs his following comments towards Samoa Joe who he congratulates on last night being able to avenge the defeat he gave him in ROH in one hell of a battle but points out that that makes it 1 win a piece between them before challenging him to a rubber match next week in Hiroshima

    BH: my gawd can you believe we might actually get Joe vs Kobashi 3, next week?
    JD: If that doesen't sell whatever remaining tickets there are to the local fans then I don't know what would.
    BH: Well hang on *BH gets a message through his headset* ooo how about the fact that the Inoki/Lawler contract signing will be live next week too!
    JD: now that is big but talk about that and about our blockbuster main event for tonight will have to wait as here comes the man who until last night was called Tiger Mask!

    Satoru Sayama comes out and shakes Kobashi and Misawa's hands as he passes them on the aisle. His opponent Pat Patterson is out next and before the match begins takes a microphone and says that he considers it a huge honor to compete in the Sumo Hall just as he did The Tokyo Dome last night. He says that night was ruined on him by the despicable actions of Gorgeous George whom he announces will get his comeuppance at BWA Judgement Day in Osaka when he takes back what he describes as his Intercontinental championship. He also states that his opponent tonight is nothing like George and a very honorable man before shaking his hand and getting the competition underway.

    Satoru Sayama vs Pat Patterson

    The two show each other a lot of respect in this match up and he crowd really seem to enjoy what would be best described as a wrestling clinic until Gorgeous George comes out and his meer presence is enough to distract Patterson allowing Sayama to roll him up for the win.

    Winner: Satoru Sayama

    As Sayama heads to the back Gorgeous George slides into the ring and starts to attack Patterson from behind however the former Tiger Mask sees this on the titantron and returns to the ring and chases George out of the ring before helping Patterson to his feet, the two shake hands and then Patterson once again lifts Sayama's hand up saluting the man who defeated him today.
    We then go backstage to where we see a p*ssed off Jerry Lawler in his office when in walks Big Van Vader. The King questions where Vader was earlier on but apparently the big man has only arrived in the arena just now so he is off the hook. Someone who won't be let off the hook though is Mitsuharu Misawa. Lawler says if he is healthy enough to attack him, then he is healthy enough to compete tonight and his opponent Lawler says will be Dan "The Beast" Severn!

    Back at ringside and next out is Shinsuke Nakamura who gets a mixed reaction but the crowd seem to get more behind him when he calls out Samoa Joe. He is annoyed that Joe is now the no.1 contender for the world title a title that he says if not for Seiji Sakaguchi he would be wearing around his waist right now. However instead of Joe Jesse Ventura is the one to answer the call saying that he was embarrased at Wrestlepalooza and that he wants to prove his worth here tonight and that he will start by beating the man who claims he should be the champ.

    Shinsuke Nakamura vs Jesse Ventura

    As this one begins it looks like Ventura might actually deliver on his promise as he hits a number of big power move but as the match progresses he struggles to cope with the pace of his opponent and the announcers suggest that he seems to have lost some of his trademark swagger after his match at Wrestlepalooza with Ronda Rousey and with that maybe some of his belief in himself. As he gets more frustrated he becomes sloppy and allows Nakamura to take advantage which he does by first connecting with a series of dropkicks and then finishing him off with his Boma Ye Knee strike

    Winner Shinsuke Nakamura

    JD: Despite Nakamura's recent behaviour the crowd seem happy with that, then again it's not like Ventura has been a fan favourite recently
    BH: yep and first Rousey at Wrestlepalooza and now losing tonight could things get any worse for Ventura?

    Virtually the second BH says that he gets his answer as Seiji Sakaguchi enters the ring enters the ring carrying a black bag and the two continue to beat down on Ventura. Eventually Nakamura stops and gives his disciple an order at which point he lifts Venturas head up with his hands placed either side of "The Body's" skull and rolls his eyes back before chanting at him in Japanese. As he does this (and forceably keeps Venturas eyes open with his thumbs) Sakaguchi removes an electric razor from the black bag and shaves off Venturas hair leaving him with like Sakaguchi himself a Nakamura style partially shaved look. Nakamura then drops Ventura to the map and shots at Sakaguchi in Japanese before leaving the ring and heading to the back. Sakaguchi follows him but is a little delayed as he drags behind him the near lifeless body of Jesse Ventura!
    Backstage we see The Aces of The Universe all together. They are clearly concerned about Mitsuharu Misawa and if he is capable of competing tonight when our backstage reporter Mitchel Cool approaches them and askes them specifically about that issue and the amount of abuse he took last night at the hands of Jerry Lawler and Big Van Vader. After some brief discussion in Japanese Misawa responds

    Misawa: Last night Jerry Lawler got his way and we were embarassed but tonight, tonight we take back what is ours. Our dignity (he slaps Inoki on the back) our pride (Kobashi gets a slap) and our titles (Now it's Tanahashi's turn). I may have taken a beating last night, in fact I did take a beating last night but... If Dan Severn, a former great, wants to start running Lawlers errands then tonight he will be running straight into my fist as just like the Japanese audience here tonight we are not going to going to take anymore sh!t from Lawler or anyone here in the BWA.

    Misawa is first out for his match and then Dan Severn makes his way out to some minor boos perhaps in part due to him nce again wearing star spangles shorts but those dissapear once the local fans hear what "The Beast" has to say. He refuses to fight Misawa. He says he has the utmost respect in the world for him and that if he wishes to face him he will happily do it next week or as soon as he is medically right but that that isn't tonight. He talks about how it was an honor for him to fight infront of the great Japanese fans at Wrestlepalooza last night but if they were going to see Misawa vs Severn they deserved to see them both at 100% when they go at it. The two men shake hand and seem to have come to an agreement as Misaw takes the Mic.

    He never gets to say a word though as Jerry Lawler's music hits and out comes the BWA's GM to one hell of a negative reaction. He says that Severn has not only let him down here tonight but also his country before saying that Misawa made the mistake of putting his hands on him tonight so no matter what Severn or any of the idiots in the crowd say Misawa will see action except now he says.... it will be a tag team match! and as he says that out come their opponents Abdullah The Butcher and The Sheik

    Mitsuharu Misawa & Dan Severn vs Abdullah The Butcher & The Shiek

    Misawa starts strong in this match but eventually his injuries start to show and he tries to tag out but is just about stopped by The Shiek who drags him over to his corner as Lawlers henchmen start to tag in and out quickly while isolating Misawa from his partner. On a number of occasions The Shiek would also goad Severn into getting into the ring only for the ref to stop him and then be none the wiser as Abdullah jabs his fork into the already injured Misawa. The finish comes though when Misawa is finally able to get to his corner and with the hot tag Severn runs wild allowing the commentaters to now highlight that his opponents are also carrying injuries after their no DQ battles with The Brisco brothers the night before. Injuries which are cited as the reason for the quick tap when Severn locks in a Dragon sleeper and body scissors aka The Beast Choker on The Shiek.

    Winner via tapout: Dan Severn & Mitsuharu Misawa

    Backstage we once again see an irate Jerry Lawler with Big Van Vader whom he says he wants to set these people straight next week in his match which is next, before Vader leaves Lawler also tells him he organized a little surprise for him with his introduction
    Elsewhere backstage we see the BWA Tag team Champions who issue an open challenge to any team including Misawa and Kobashi who never got a proper chance at a rematch against them to face them next week on BWE Raw where they will put the titles on the line

    As we return to the ring Seiji Sakaguchi is already in the ring as resual he gets a mixed reaction despite being in his homeland but the announcers speculate that he may perhaps be the fault fan favourite in this match just because of who his opponent is. The ring announcer then says " and his opponent, the man who caused a riot the last time he wrestled in this arena and defeated no demolished Antoni Inoki, weighing in at 450 pounds from The Rocky mountains in The United States of America, Big...Van...Vader!" (cue the boos)

    Seiji Sakaguchi vs Big Van Vader

    Vader absolutely dominates Sakaguchi including a Vader Crush big splash from the second rope and a powerbomb on the outside after which he tosses Sakaguchi back into the ring and hits a hugely impressive somersault for the win.

    Winner: Vader

    After the match Vader grabs a Mic and goads the fans by actually asking them to boo him and looking like he loves it, that he feeds off it. Before he says that last night he once again defeated a huge Japanese star, tonight he defeated another and that next week he will defeat the almost all the rest of the Japanese wrestlers in the BWA before he drops the Mic and heads back stage.

    JD: The man is a beast, but what the hell is he talking about for next week!
    BH: Well I've just been told that Jerry Lawler has booked a 4 on 4 elimination tag match for next week as he, Abdullah The Butcher & Vader will take on The Aces of The Universe!
    JD: Damn thats a big one, but what about Joe vs Kobashi 3?
    BH: Hang on (listens to his headset)... apparently it will be Satoru Sayama joining Antoni Inoki, Mitsuharu Misawa and Hiroshi Tanahashi next week!

    Once more we head back to the GMs office but now Lawler looks much happier and is one the phone.

    The King: You liked that match announcement eh Crabman... well glad to hear it and I really have to say I really appreciate you calling to congratulate me on having the top rated show in the draft. You know you got my vote don't you? and it's not just because of the deal we just finalized... what? when? well they just arrived so tonight I guess and I suppose I'll let you go so you can get to your TV and see them do their thing.

    As he gets off the phone someone walks into the GMs office and blocks the camera view so we return to the announcers at ringside who speculate who the "They" might but are happy to have their conversation interrupted as Ronda Rousey comes out


    She cuts a promo about how she has stayed here in Japan after her big win at Wrestlepalooza as she plans to re-start the BWA Womens division but that she doesn't want to fight "Divas" she is a fighter and she wants to find the best fighters Japan has to offer as looks to create the greatest female wrestling division of all time. She then announces that next week in Osaka she will hold open tryouts on Raw.

    The announcers speculate as to which fighters will show next week as Rousey poses with her UFC belt on the top turnbuckle when suddenly Aja Kong appears seemingly out of nowhere behind her in the ring and climbs up behind her and hits a belly to back suplex on her flinging her into the center of the ring. At this point Awesome Kong can suddenly be seen on the top turnbuckle on the other side of the ring and moments later she is airborne as she hits her Amazing Press diving splash on Ronda Rousey! The two ladies then pose over Rousey before back out of the ring and perhaps arena through the crowd.

    JD: Holy SH*t! that was Double Kong! Awesome Kong and AJa Kong of the all female FPW here in the BWA, what the hell is going on!
    BH: Do you think maybe thats the "They" The King was talking about earlier, he did it with UFC, I wouldn't put it beyond him doing it with Fusion Pro
    JD: Man that would be huge I can't wait to find out whats going on there.
    BH: Well you will have to wait a little bit because it is time for our main event and Hiroshi Tanahashi's World Title rematch!

    BWA World Heavyweight Title match
    Hiroshi Tanahashi vs CM Punk (c)

    before this match begins the new no.1 contender Samoa Joe makes his way out to ringside and sits with the commentary team to get a front row seat for this match.

    This match starts at an incredible pace with both men really doing their best to get an early advantage here which Punk almost does when he hits a Tiger suplex from the second rope but Tanahashi fights back strongly and after a trio German suplexes it is Punk who is first to roll to theoutside to catch his breath. He gets very little time to do so though with Tanahashi performing his Dragon Rocket Suicide dive to the outside taking him out. CM Punk would return the favour a little later when it is his opponent trying to take a moment as this battle raged on for over half an hour without either man giving an inch.

    Both pulled out their signature submissions the Texas Cloverleaf and the Anaconda Vice but they refused to tap, then came the finishers with CM Punk first hitting a GTS out of nowhere but only getting a long 2 count before ascending to the top turnbuckle and hitting a Macho Man Elbow for another 2 count. The champ was starting to get seriously frustrated as he lifted Tanahashi up and hit a 2nd GTS and went for the pin only for the former champ to get his foot on the bottom rope and break the count. The crowd are loving it as Punk looks like he is about to tear his hair out and tosses Tanahashi to the outside where he places him on the announce table right infront of Samoa Joe he then ascends the corner turnbuckle and as he did in the main event of Wrestlepalooza signals that he plans to hit a Macho Man Elbow onto the announce table. Just before he jumps though Tanahashi rolls out of the way so Punk stops himself and climbs down.

    All the time it took for him to set his opponent on the table climb up and climb down seemingly was enough time for Tanahashi to regain some strenght and energy though as he catches Punk off guard as he gets down and hits him with an Enzuigiri which he follows up with a shinning wizard knee strike. He then rolls Punk back into the ring and goes for a pin but now its his turn to get a 2 count. He does not let up though and instead goes for and connects with his Kinkasan Suplex Bridging high-angle German suplex and again goes for the win but once more only gets a long 2 count before the champion kicks out. Now it's the former champ Tanahashi who seems to be wondering what he has to do to put Punk away as Punk once more rolls to the outside. Tanahashi goes after him and with a big suplex drops Punk down hard on the announcers table where he himself was laid out a little earlier. He almost hits Samoa Joe as he does so and Joe squares up to him but he simply tells Joe "you might want to move" as he like Punk earlier climbs the turnbuckle in the corner but does not waste time signalling his move and instead just hits it, it being his High Fly Flow Frog Splash onto Punk and through the announce table.

    Both men are in bits as the ref starts to count, he gets to 8 before either even stirs and it's the challenger who looks like he is going to get up and perhaps take the gold in doing so and looking like he's doing a press up starts to rise up as the ref calls out 9... but no his arms give way and he drops back down. CM Punk might be out cold but he will retain the title tonight

    Result: Double countout

    On the BWA post show it is announced that CM Punk will have to actually defeat Hiroshi Tanahashi 1 on 1 if he is to move past the former champs champion as next week on BWA Raw They have been booked to do it all over again but this time in a last man standing match!
    BWA 2015 Roster
    CM Punk
    Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Shinsuke Nakamura
    Kenta Kobashi
    Mitsuharu Misawa
    Samoa Joe
    Big Van Vader
    Jerry "The King" Lawler
    Jesse "The Body" Ventura
    Dan "The Beast" Severn
    "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey
    Abdullah The Butcher
    The Sheik
    Jack Brisco
    Gerry Brisco
    Pat Patterson
    Gorgeous George
    Antonio Inoki
    Seiji Sakaguchi
    Mil Mascaras
    Satoru Sayama aka Tiger Mask
