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Running in the Real World



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,776 ✭✭✭This Fat Girl Runs

    Well done on all the running, volunteering and weight loss, A. Lots to be proud of!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Wednesday: 44 min incl. Fartlek
    7.35@ 5:58/km; 4.57@ 9:37/mi

    Alarm went off at 6, dragged myself out of bed at 6:13... shaving two mins off my PB time to convince myself.

    Cold morning but paths weren't slippy. Headed out the sea front, noticeably brighter this morning (love this time of year).

    I was looking forward to the fartlek, one of my favourite sessions, decided to try for a few different efforts/paces.

    Started aiming for tempo-ish/hard effort, did a few shorter ones more like strides, then a longer interval aiming for HMPish/steady but comfortable.

    I know the paces are unreliable especially for the shorter ones, but I like looking at them anyway, so here they are.

    Interval splits:
    2:33 @ 4:42/7:33
    :47 @ 4:18/6:56
    :26 @ 3:59/6:24
    :24 @ 4:27/7:09
    3:15 @ 5:06/8:13
    2:34 @ 5:22/8:39
    :27 @ 4:48/7:44
    :48 @ 4:59/8:01

    Recoveries were varying lengths, probably averaging about 6:20/km.

    Delighted i got that done... needed it ahead of sitting in a meeting all day. Hopefully I can stay awake.

    Thursday, Friday: working very late and very early. Sigh. On the plus side, missed the official weigh in at work, just as well after eating crap and sitting in meetings all week.

    Saturday: 32 mins easyish
    5.4K @ 5:56; 3.3 mi @ 9:34

    D headed off early to Donadea. I had about a 40 min window before dropping kids to training/birthday parties. Almost convinced myself that I would go out later but bit the bullet and had a very pleasant run. Felt energetic and upbeat.

    Off to Donadea then to cheer, courtesy of a lift from MrsMc and fbot. Completely messed up my chance to be super supporter by not having D's drink ready for him on lap 7 (at least I remembered to bring it from home). Luckily Fbot was on hand to save the day, sprinting after him to deliver the hydration. :eek:

    Great to see D and YoungAnne consistently churning out the laps and finishing strong. Looked like a very tough race.. 50k!! Well organised and good setting for it. I had no envy whatsoever for the runners and it was bloody cold too. Really enjoyed watching and cheering people up the home stretch, fair play to them all. Good to see lots of Boardsies, Cru, parkrun heads...

    Sunday: 101 mins easy (Plan said 100 but I actually rounded up to 16k)
    16k @ 6:21; 9.9mi* @ 10:12

    St Anne's junior parkrun event 2, which again went very well with a big turnout considering it was freezing and windy. Coffee afterwards with the crew, then joined MrsMc and a couple of others for a cold and windy run around D5/D3.

    Going out the seafront we were being lapped... by waves! The wind was coming from the East for a change and it was bitter, but at least I had the comfort of knowing it would be at my back on the way home. Didn't feel the time going with the company, waved them goodbye at the top of the avenue and did the last 30 mins to home. Unlike last week, when 90 mins felt really tough, I felt good and strong all the way to the end. Maybe it was the scone after parkrun that made the difference. Or maybe Laura was the problem last week :p (ducking for cover now).

    The week: Only got out 3 times :( and only 28.75k/17.8 mi. On the positive side, all 3 runs were very enjoyable and at least there was a session in there.

    *look away AGYR

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    annapr wrote: »
    16k @ 6:21; 9.9mi* @ 10:12

    The week: Only got out 3 times :( and only 28.75k/17.8 mi. On the positive side, all 3 runs were very enjoyable and at least there was a session in there.

    *look away AGYR

    I'm too jealous of your 3 lovely runs to be bothered by your 9.9 miles :p:p See you in a few weeks at the Dunboyne 4 mile where I promise faithfully to get the distance left right this time :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Thanks for the company this morning A didn't notice the miles slip away.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    Thanks for the company this morning A didn't notice the miles slip away.

    Thanks for letting me tag along! There was that moment in the coffee shop where I could have gone home and might never have moved after that... so you saved me from myself :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Thanks again for the support yesterday. great to see you again.

    As for that other matter that himself indoors keeps mentioning, everyone knows you should bring all your own nutrition with you on the day, just in case you don't meet up with others, so tell him to back off!!!:D :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    annapr wrote: »

    Unlike last week, when 90 mins felt really tough, I felt good and strong all the way to the end. Maybe it was the scone after parkrun that made the difference. Or maybe Laura was the problem last week :p (ducking for cover now).

    Keeping all future motivation and offers of company to myself from now on.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Monday: Rest, lower back a bit sore after yesterday as well as various leg muscles.

    Tuesday: 51 min easy
    8K@ 6:21; 4.9 MI @ 10:14

    Out around 7pm, the sea front was full of runners and groups of women meeting up to run. This was a very creaky run, my back was sore from the beginning.... considered abandoning but thought I would warm up and see how it felt then. As the run went on, it didn't feel quite as bad. But at various times I was wincing from my back, then a sharp pain in my knee, and even a pain in one of my right toes... like I said, a creaky run. Apart from all that, enjoyed the run. Milder than the last few days.

    Wednesday: Raheny 2 Mile winter league
    Warmup and first mile @ 5:12/Km; 8:10/mi

    Instead of the 5k session on the plan, decided to join (or more accurately follow) Laura for this. Back was sore again on the warmup, even though it was fine all day. Wondered whether to attempt the race or not. Set off anyway with the small crowd, found it a bit strange running on the road in the dark, following runners in hi-vis with lights. Very conscious of the pain in my back, was hoping for an 8 min first mile but could only manage 8:10 or thereabouts -- could feel the effort, breathing heavily but afraid to push it. Just after halfway, decided to abandon the second mile, no point in aggravating what might be an injury. Went back to cheer Laura in for her fantastic PB. Said I would join her for her cooldown after, but the first few steps were really painful so stopped.

    Walked back to the clubhouse with Raheny legend Pat Hooper, who was so kind and welcoming he almost had me signed up there and then. Will definitely try to do more of these races, really liked the setup and all very welcoming.

    Not sure what's up with the back, it only hurts when I run.

    Thursday: Rest
    Weigh in day at work... turns out the official scale is a bit dodgy, or the floor wasn't level, so anything from no change to -3lbs, who knows. :p

    Friday: Easy run
    5.7K @ 6:27; 3.5 @ 10:23

    Got out this evening to a) test the back and b) decompress after the mayhem of an 8th birthday party :eek:. Once again, my back was sore as I started running, but nowhere near as bad as the other night. Felt better as I warmed up, either because the muscles warmed up or I got used to it, not sure which. Was careful not to push it, either in time or pace.

    Sunday: 100 min easy
    15.7k @ 6:23; 9.7 mi @ 10:16
    In the hills for this, one of those days when you look out the door and can only see about 10 feet, with rain masquerading as mist/drizzle. Back had been feeling fine even after standing around in the rain yesterday watching u-8 football, then driving from Dublin.

    As I started off, I suddenly realised, hey my back's not hurting...for the first time in a week. The road surface and the hilly terrain soon made it ache, but only a little. I decided this run should be very easy, just in case. Out and back over our favourite local big hill (twice). Signs of spring... squashed frogs all along the road. :eek:

    Really enjoyed this, even the rain, even the wind when I turned back into it and realised this wasn't just drizzle :). The hills were hard work but the pace was very close to last week's long run around much flatter roads.

    Felt really strong at the end, back niggle was very tolerable. Think it must have been a bit of muscle strain or something. All good now.

    4 runs this week, 32km/20.1 miles (whew, just made it!). Happy with that, especially after the back scare.

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    That wonderful North West climate must have sorted the back.

    Good to see only a short lived pain blip.

    PS. Did you sign up with PH. Make for interesting dinner table conversation. Which club will the kids support?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Pat will have you signed up in no time !!! Glad the back is better mind yourself.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    annapr wrote: »

    Walked back to the clubhouse with Raheny legend Pat Hooper

    Yep - you're signed up so :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Ferris B wrote: »
    That wonderful North West climate must have sorted the back.

    Good to see only a short lived pain blip.

    PS. Did you sign up with PH. Make for interesting dinner table conversation. Which club will the kids support?

    Yes that wonderful damp climate is the cure for all ills. We already have inter county rivalries going on, why not inter club :)
    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    Pat will have you signed up in no time !!! Glad the back is better mind yourself.
    Duanington wrote: »
    Yep - you're signed up so :D

    Pat is very persuasive, that's for sure... that and the luxurious facilities :eek: Took me a while to find the very impressive clubhouse :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Monday 20: Rest, rain.

    Tuesday 21: 4*4min @ 5k w/3 min recoveries
    8.5k @ 6:11; 5.3mi @ 9:57

    Drove home from Donegal, boys slept from the border to Whitehall, very relaxing journey :).

    This was the session in the plan for last week, D decided he would join me for it as part of his Donadea recovery. I haven't had company on one of these sessions for ages, so I wasn't sure how it would go. D did his best to be encouraging and I did my best to be encouraged :p

    Programmed the watch (target pace 4:55-5:10/7:55-8:19) and headed for Griffith Avenue to avoid the worst of the wind.

    Rep 1: Started at Grace Park rd, heading towards Drumcondra, which meant the second half was uphill on Swords Rd :eek: Felt tough but manageable. 4:58/km; 7:59/mi

    Rep 2: From Whitehall garda station towards Ballymun Rd, really felt the wind against me on this one and it felt like the longest 4 minutes ever. 5:04/Km; 8:09/mi

    Rep 3: Turned around back towards Drumcondra, this felt so much easier, no bother with the pace (wind assisted obviously!). 4:55/Km; 7:54/mi

    Rep 4: Tried to time it so we wouldn't have to stop to cross Gracepark Rd, timing worked well... this one felt like the easiest of the lot, good rhythm, even enjoyable. 4.55/Km; 7:55/mi

    The cooldown to home felt like a victory lap... wooop woop... always great to get these sessions done. Of course, for D this was 50k pace, oh well. :rolleyes:

    Happily wrecked now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Great going Anna, he's only a show off anyway!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,306 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Well done, great session. Mind me asking what watch you have? I use a very basic Garmin but can't program sessions like that which i'd like to be able to do? I use a tabata timer on my phone in combination with the lap key feature on the watch, it's a bit of a pain :o. Thanks.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    ariana` wrote: »
    Well done, great session. Mind me asking what watch you have? I use a very basic Garmin but can't program sessions like that which i'd like to be able to do? I use a tabata timer on my phone in combination with the lap key feature on the watch, it's a bit of a pain :o. Thanks.

    Hi Ariana, it's the Forerunner 220, a hand me down from D. I program the workouts on the laptop then it downloads to phone and syncs with the watch. I find it great. Except when I'm going too slow and It's beeping at me! Battery is great too.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,306 ✭✭✭ariana`

    annapr wrote: »
    Hi Ariana, it's the Forerunner 220, a hand me down from D. I program the workouts on the laptop then it downloads to phone and syncs with the watch. I find it great. Except when I'm going too slow and It's beeping at me! Battery is great too.

    Thanks :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Wednesday, 22: Rest

    Thursday, 23: 49:30 Easy
    7.7K @ 6:28; 4.7 mi @ 10:25

    Decided not to tackle Doris this morning. Wise decision for once, went out around 6:30pm instead and the wind was hardly noticeable. I had to skip over some tree branches on Griffith Avenue, and pause for a couple of work phone calls, but otherwise uneventful run. Felt a bit sluggish at first but better as the run went on. There must be something to this warming up lark :p

    I briefly toyed with the idea of running up and down outside home for 30 seconds to hit the plan, but dinner was waiting :)

    Won’t get out tomorrow because of an early start at work and a flight to Germany right after work… looking forward to some Rhine running at the weekend. oops, must go and pack.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Enjoy the trip Anna and the Rhine running, and the beers:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Enjoy the trip Anna and the Rhine running, and the beers:)

    Beer... in Germany? Me? (Hic) :p

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Yes there is beer in Germany...

    Saturday, 25: 52 mins easy Rhine running
    8.1k @ 6:28

    Ok, I admit it, I was a bit hungover this morning. After consulting google maps, we figured out where the Rhine was, about a km from where we're staying and managed to find it without difficulty. Lovely cold sunny run along the river, marvelling at the massive barges shipping tractors, trucks and all kinds of commerce around Europe. All the local runners were wearing lots of layers but not us.

    Sunday 26: 60ish mins
    10k @ 6:26; 6.2 mi @ 10:21

    A loop up and down the Rhine, bit of climbing provided by the impressive bridges. Walked about 19k yesterday seeing the sights of Düsseldorf (according to my iPhone app) and was feeling it this morning so kept it to 60 min instead of the planned 100.

    It's Carneval here this weekend, which means there are lots of strange costumes wandering around... we saw groups of cavemen, pandas, snowmen, and all sorts of animal onesies. As we got back to where we were staying this morning we passed a group of clowns grilling sausages in the street and drinking beer. They shouted a cheery Hallooo. We thought they might have spotted D's DCM shirt but no, we heard after that's the Düsseldorf carneval greeting. :p

    21.2 mi for the week.

    And lots of eating and drinking this weekend to make up for!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Week of Feb 27... Almost nada

    Friday 3: 40ish min easy
    6.7K @ 6:16; 4.1 mi @ 10:05

    Early morning run around the neighbourhood. Can't remember anything about it other than relief that I actually did get out once during the week. I'll claim this as an extreme step back week.

    Week of March 6: All Cork Running

    Tuesday, 7th: 41 min easy
    6.4k @ 6:27

    In Cork overnight for work so out early with a colleague, running loops around Cork airport business park. Enjoyable and helped set me up for a long day and longer week at work.

    Saturday, 11: 50 min easy
    8.1k @ 6:10; 5mi @ 9:55

    Lovely run on Garryvoe Beach. We were staying across the road in the 'beach homes'. This filled me with endorphins, negative ions and all that good new age-y stuff that makes you feel great. I had to practice my long jump skills, leaping across a stream, needless to say I had wet shoes for the rest of the run. Did I mention I have no athletic skills whatsoever. I did have a good laugh to myself though. Must have looked mad.

    The receptionist in the Garryvoe Hotel was telling me she was going to do Ballycotton 10, then went on to tell me about a local runner who was very good, top 10 type, but might not be able to run because 'he's busy lemming'. I must have looked confused because she helpfully added that he's a sheep farmer. :p

    Sunday, 12: 70 min easy
    11k @ 6:22; 6.8 mi @ 10:15

    Out before breakfast along country roads, parallel to the coast with lovely sea views. Very quiet roads, and very bloody hilly. Added manure to the sand on my runners :). Highlight was passing a farmyard where a procession of cows were making their way single file out from the shed to the pasture... they stopped to look at me and I stopped to look at them, then we all went on our way.

    Struggling up a hill on the way back, I thought of Neady -- she did a marathon probably on hills like this after 16-17 hours of gruelling climbing, kayaking, cycling -- this inspired me to quit whining to myself and get on with it.

    Afternoon watching the Ballycotton 10, very enjoyable. Great to see the Claw cruise to victory (he makes it look like he's cruising), Krusty up there with the leaders finishing 15th, FBOT being the first Raheny singlet home... Ferris, yaboya, HelenAnne, kennyG and the mrs, Mrs Mc... and of course MurphD... and many Cru and Raheny... lots of strong performances on a warm and windy day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    annapr wrote: »
    Lovely run on Garryvoe Beach. We were staying across the road in the 'beach homes'. This filled me with endorphins, negative ions and all that good new age-y stuff that makes you feel great. I had to practice my long jump skills, leaping across a stream, needless to say I had wet shoes for the rest of the run. Did I mention I have no athletic skills whatsoever. I did have a good laugh to myself though. Must have looked mad.

    Highlight was passing a farmyard where a procession of cows were making their way single file out from the shed to the pasture... they stopped to look at me and I stopped to look at them, then we all went on our way.

    This, this is why I love running - the little things that make you smile to yourself and skip and jump about the place. It's nice to see someone put the joy of running down on paper :)
    annapr wrote: »
    Struggling up a hill on the way back, I thought of Neady -- she did a marathon probably on hills like this after 16-17 hours of gruelling climbing, kayaking, cycling -- this inspired me to quit whining to myself and get on with it.

    Thanks Anna :) little did you know that I had to walk up most of those hills in Donegal on that last marathon :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Mon-Thurs... work, work, work :( (excuses, excuses)

    Friday, 17th: 50 min easy
    8.3k @ 6:01; 5.1 mi @ 9:40

    A day off at last, no pressure to go to a parade, out around lunchtime for this. It was windy so stayed inland, passed Denis B finishing his session on Griffith Ave. Crossed Drumcondra rd and got a sudden surge of feeling good... suddenly felt like I had rhythm, felt taller... everything just seemed to be working... even into the wind. I love moments like that. Turned for home into the wind and felt like I was bent double again :) but still the good feeling lasted.

    Saturday, 18th: St Anne's parkrun
    5k @ 6:22; 3.1 mi @ 10:14

    I was considering trying to get a half decent time and making an effort, but at the last minute the youngest daughter decided to come along (she's 'training' for a rollerblading HM). She drove to St. Anne's so when my legs stopped wobbling after that I was happy enough to run more slowly with her. She hasn't run in about a year, complained most of the way round, but kept running and then at the end sprinted past me to finish. Oh to be young. So a relaxed (for me) just under 32min. Possibly my slowest parkrun ever.

    Sunday, 19th: 80 min easy
    13k @ 6:11; 8 mi @ 9:57

    Volunteered at St Anne's juniors (great buzz, the kids are brilliant), so stayed in the park for this to avoid the worst of the wind and make the run a little less flat. One of my fellow volunteers was heading off to Howth to do 20 miles in training for London... 3 loops of the hill :eek:.

    Felt really sluggish on this run, I had one of those energy ball things in the cafe after parkrun and it gave me heartburn and made my stomach feel queasy. Plodded around the outer loop of the park, then a few internal loops... I could never do endless loops like Ososlo, I wouldn't have the willpower to keep going. At least on an out and back, you have no choice but to come back.

    Wiped out at the end of this, feeling a bit bonked. Then I went and read Neady's race report which makes me feel like a complete wimp :)

    Only 3 days running this week... 26.3k/16.3 mi :cool:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Neady83 wrote: »
    This, this is why I love running - the little things that make you smile to yourself and skip and jump about the place. It's nice to see someone put the joy of running down on paper :)

    Those moments are what keep us doing it! I love being a 'running tourist'... experiencing places in a different way (even if usually much earlier in the morning too)
    Neady83 wrote: »
    Thanks Anna :) little did you know that I had to walk up most of those hills in Donegal on that last marathon :)

    Well if I'd known that... :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Week of March 20, blink and you'd miss it...

    Saturday, 25: approx 40 min easy
    6.35K @ 6:08

    Seafront out and back with Dr. D before going to his graduation :)

    Week of March 27
    Ok, where was I? Oh yes, consistency, what was that again.

    Read somewhere on another thread about how people make excuses about not training hard enough... and how 'don't have time' is not valid, the reality is 'not a priority.' I thought about that a bit and I'm at peace with having other priorities at the moment. Maybe that's a cop out.

    Weds, march 29: 45 min easy
    7.2k @ 6:17

    Arranged to meet Laura after work for this... 45 mins around D5 nattering away, felt effortless. Very enjoyable run.

    Saturday, April 1: Run to parkrun, then parkrun
    5.6k @ 6:02
    5k @ 5:57

    Decided to run to St Anne's for parkrun this morning, first time to try that. Thought it was about 40 mins to the start and left the house at, eh, 8:50..ish. I'm a bit obsessed with getting my 50 parkruns milestone at the moment (only target I'm likely to hit this year)... going out the seafront, I was afraid I'd be so wrecked by the time i got to the park that I wouldn't be able to do parkrun... :eek: then I started worrying that I'd miss the start and be way behind...

    Got into the park at 9:28 and arrived at the top of the avenue to see the briefing taking place, whew that was a relief, and gave me a minute to catch my breath. D said he'd run with me as a recovery after his session, so we had a very pleasant trot around. Felt wrecked in the first lap but much stronger at the end. Even came in under 30 mins (woop woop :rolleyes:)

    Very happy after all that so treated myself to a scone :) And set up a run date with Mrs Mc for tomorrow so will get to a whopping 3 runs this week :)

    Sunday, April 2: 86 mins easy
    13.4k @ 6:25;

    Volunteered at St Anne’s juniors on a glorious sunny morning with 210 enthusiastic runners taking part. Great to see. Headed out after with Mrs Mc and a couple of other parkrunners… out to Sutton and back, enjoying the sunshine and the company. Finished with a mini hill sprint up mount playground in which Mrs Mc whupped me!

    Settled for 86 mins instead of the usual 90… which meant my total for the week is ….19.4 mi :D And yes, I can live with myself :p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    "you can't do anything with positive thinking, but you can probably do everything better than you would with negative thinking"

    Thanks Dubgal for the quote from Charlie Spedding (see TBL's log).

    Funny how things like that pop up at the right moment... I was just thinking about the psychology of running after parkrun this morning when I spotted that quote.

    So, to update (patchy running and updating):

    Week of April 10

    Weds 12th 8:35k @ 6:10

    You goin live like white trash, and sh!t then hell you might as well not tell on nobody that's the life you're trying to live you can't be mad... low down dirty sh!t like that happens when you hang out with lowdown dirty people

    My other favourite quote at the moment... anybody listening to S-Town? brilliant podcast... early morning run, completely absorbed by the podcast...

    Friday 14 April : Easy
    9k @ 6:09;

    Ballina... out with D before breakfast, run down the Moy to belleek woods, around the track up the woods. Felt a bit long and a bit sluggish but ok. 9k in all. Woods and river views lovely.

    Saturday 15 April: Ballina parkrun

    Decided to do this at a steady pace, not my recent slow parkrun pace. We arrived early to no sign of parkrun paraphernalia but the volunteers came along and a woman on a bike arrived with a few minutes to spare and the start and finish signs. We lined up at the start, in a decent crowd. Denis was giving it a lash so he went ahead. I knew from yesterday that there were some sneaky hills on the course, it was an out and back.

    Started well and steady, first km beeped at 5:31 i think. Felt ok, but then started to feel much tougher... thoughts of stopping, of walking, of slowing considerably, crept in very quickly... then dismay that I am so slow now. eventually started to see the leaders coming back to us, spotted Denis looking comfortable in a top 10 place. Got to the turnaround (i have no memory of going around it) and immediately started to feel better, because it was downhill... realised that the last km had been an uphill drag so that helped.

    I dusted off my mantra and repeated it, knew there was going to be a hill or two on the way in. A man passed me, then stopped and walked, then repeated this several times. i think I beat him in the end. I felt quite strong on the hills, then a loud man (I had noticed him earlier) passed me with another guy, about a km to go. Then he started retching very loudly, to the alarm of his friend and I passed him again and left him behind. Very annoying how loud he was, no need for that :eek:. I finished strong enough, in 27:32. I got a bit depressed at how hard that was and how slow i am, but I'm over that now.

    Week of April 17

    Monday, 17 April
    8.3k @ 5:58

    Lovely run around local loop in Donegal with D, a bit speedy for me, but felt very strong at the end, even coming up hill. Felt like a good workout, somehow reassuring.

    So now I'm thinking I can chip away at that parkrun time... maybe aim for sub-27 this Saturday at St Anne's. For Terenure, i won't be too ambitious, I would be happy to do better than I did in Raheny, which would be sub 43 mins.

    D recommends doing a speed session and a tempo each week between now and Terenure.

    Wed 19... session day. 5 * 2min @ 5k pace off 3 min recovery
    8.3k @ 6:00

    One of the first sessions from the old Clearlier plan. I picked it because it was programmed into my watch, 2 mins didn't seem too daunting and i thought i could manage it around the local loop. Target pace was 5:00-5:10.

    Warmed up for about 12 mins,
    1. then did the first rep mostly downhill... felt exhilarating and way too fast. I knew from past history that the next reps would be tougher, but I really enjoyed this one. 4:33/km
    2. Started this one just before the right turn, a little bit more uphill but still comfortable and pace felt good. 4:44/km
    3. Into the business end now, once this is done you're more than halfway through. This was more undulating and challenging. 5:01/km
    4. The 3 min recovery was getting shorter as usual. I can't remember anything about this one other than 2 mins felt long. 5:07/km
    5. Thankfully this one started just after the toughest hill from the river cottage (and almost from a walk) and ended just before the next toughest. 5:05/km

    Struggled the rest of the way home, although i did give a few of the remaining hills a bit of a lash.

    Looking back, I did this same session on January 11 on Griffith Avenue and my paces today were better... splits then ranged from 4:46-5:23... on a much flatter terrain. So that's a little bit encouraging, I suppose.

    Friday 21st: 50+ min easy
    8.5k @ 6:11

    Out the road and back... much faster on the way back (net downhill). Felt creaky to begin with, much stronger as time went on. Incorporated a few hill 'sprints' along the way.

    Saturday 22: St Anne's parkrun 26:03
    splits: 5:09, 5:17, 5:24, 4:54, 5:13

    BG agreed to pace me to sub-27, she takes her pacing duties very seriously. Set off further forward than usual, she told me not to look at the watch so I didn't really. She wisely held me back in the first Km. Felt comfortable enough all the way through the first half (thanks Laura for the big shout at the pond) and to the top of the hill.

    Then the psychology kicked in... can't do this again, can't keep going, another lap.... I always hate the part by the dog run. It's a slight drag, BG reassured me. Reminded myself that I always hit a low point around half way. Broke it down... get to the dog run, then the corner, then it's downhill.

    BG reminded me every so often to breathe in through my nose... felt comfortable again on the downhill towards the seafront, got a surprise when the watch beeped 4:54 for the 4th Km. Working hard past the pond (had to keep up appearances for Laura), got the mantra going and focused on BG moving effortlessly beside me. On a scale of 1-10, how much pain? she asked me. 6? I grunted, maybe a bit more.

    Sub-27 is in the bag, she said, do you want to go for sub-26... no, I grunted. Happy enough with where we were, knowing the hill was still ahead. Took the hill well enough, BG says do you want to start picking people off now... eh no, I can't do that. That's the difference between me and a racer like BG (that and speed :p).

    But then I thought I don't want people passing me either. I could hear someone coming up on me as I rounded the final bend and I knew she would take me but I thought at least I'll make it hard for her... she beat me by a second.

    Good to catch up with everyone afterwards too, apart from flinging a cup of coffee all over the cafe :P

    Really really pleased with that run... thanks BG!!! and once again, hit with the obvious... there's so much psychology in this. If I hadn't said no to BG both those times, it would have been sub-26. If I hadn't allowed myself the halfway slump, slowest km of the day.

    But I'm delighted that it was 1:30 better than last week but didn't feel any harder. I feel like I can chip away at it now. And bodes well for Terenure. All I have to do there is another 3km at similar pace. :eek:

    And the mental training is as important. See quote above... Charlie Spedding talks about training himself to think positively... I need to work on that! :)

    19 miles for this week... wonder will i bother with a long run tomorrow... :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Nice work on the Parkrun - I hate that bit by the dog run as well :) (and the bit up the hill, twice!).

    I've been listening to the S-town podcast as well - it's brilliant, so sad. If you're stuck for another one (and you're not too squeamish), try Inside Psycho. It's the story of how Psycho was made, and the first episode is all about the crime the original story is based on. A bit gross but worth a listen.

    Good luck with the speed sessions for Terenure. The sessions in my program have been 3 mile progression and tempo runs, 200s & 400s, 2x2 mile tempo, etc. I can send them on to you if you like?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    racheljev wrote: »
    Nice work on the Parkrun - I hate that bit by the dog run as well :) (and the bit up the hill, twice!).

    I've been listening to the S-town podcast as well - it's brilliant, so sad. If you're stuck for another one (and you're not too squeamish), try Inside Psycho. It's the story of how Psycho was made, and the first episode is all about the crime the original story is based on. A bit gross but worth a listen.

    Good luck with the speed sessions for Terenure. The sessions in my program have been 3 mile progression and tempo runs, 200s & 400s, 2x2 mile tempo, etc. I can send them on to you if you like?

    Thanks Rachel, sounds good... only 3 weeks to Terenure so I don't think I'll be doing anything too radical but would be interested to see them.

    Must check out that psycho podcast too. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Nice work on the parkrun Anna :) I don't envy you, I really dislike the pain that comes with the 5km.

    Ballina is a very pretty place to run isn't it? and Belleek woods are special. There's a half marathon coming up there in May you know :)
