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Running in the Real World



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    laura_ac3 wrote: »
    Yeah with that sort of positivity maybe don't stick your head in the novices thread :)
    ariana` wrote: »
    Aw thanks, lovely comment made me smile today considering I feel like an impostor in these parts most of the time :o

    Good luck with the meno plan. I'll be stalking following with interest :p


    Quite right Laura :D no negativity allowed over there. We're all going to nail it.

    Best of luck A !!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Week of July 31, part 2

    Saturday, August 5: Dungloe parkrun
    5k in 28:45

    Very enjoyable visit to Dungloe parkrun with FBOT & Mrs Mc. The St Anne's on tour crew got a warm welcome from the locals. Great to see a good turnout, FBOT cruised to first finish, D came third (a little local girl beating him to second) and we all got first in our respective age categories :D. Really nice location and course and the drive through West Donegal to get there was spectacular as ever.

    Sunday... had to postpone my long run for family reasons, otherwise this would have been my highest mileage week in 2 years. Since it was a bank holiday weekend, claiming an 8 day week!

    Monday, August 7: 16 miles LSR
    25.7k @ 6:30; 15.9 mi @ c. 10:30

    My longest run since October 2015, I think. Perfect conditions for a run. I had the rare experience of being overtaken by another runner in the first couple of miles (not rare for me to be overtaken, but very rare to see another runner around here). As he was speeding past, he told me he was staying at the caravan park up the road, training for an ironman, from Belfast and loves running around here, it's like meditation....

    I picked a route that was, of course, uphill... for the first 14k. As I turned around for home, I contemplated the lovely downhill stretching in front of me and turned off it to do a loop that took me down a little road i hadn't run on before... and somehow still seemed uphill. :p

    I was very tired for the last few miles but glad to get this done. And oh that post long run feeling of creaking limbs and ravenous hunger...

    My watch died after 13 miles or so and I switched to tracking on my phone. When I added the 2 up afterwards it came to 15.9 miles :D. I reckon the almost 1000 ft climb makes up for the missing .1 mile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Well done on the high mileage Anna great to get that under the belt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    I'm back and caught up ..... DCM wohooooooo

    This time, we most definitely will meet up :) You're already at 6 miles on the LSR :O

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Monday... see last week ... on Donegal time, weeks are arbitrary

    Tuesday: rest

    Wednesday 9th: 5ish miles easy
    8.4k@ 6:14; 5.2 mi @ 10:01

    Local lovely loop, funny run, felt very tired but the running felt effortless enough. Deferred the Wednesday session to Thursday as I'm a day behind.

    Thursday, 10th: marathon training jinx hits :(
    Visiting a family member in hospital, I managed to trip up the stairs -- banged my knee hard and stubbed my big toe badly. As I always say, I'm lucky not to get running injuries, but I'm very prone to life injuries :rolleyes: Knee and toe were so painful that I could hardly walk, never mind try the session on the plan.

    Friday, 11th: tester 200m
    Knee felt absolutely fine this morning, that's a relief. Big toe is now impressively bruised. Togged out and went out the door, toe was painful but I thought maybe it would get better as I warmed up... the first downhill put paid to that idea. I decided there was nothing to be gained by hobbling around in pain and I just needed to rest it. Very frustrating, but at the same time, I knew it was only bruised so could be a lot worse.

    Saturday 12th August, easy loop again
    8.5 k @ 6:06; 5.2mi @ 9:48

    This time in the company of D, toe was sore but not painful. I could feel myself adjusting my step to avoid pain and wondered at the wisdom of trying to do the 18mile LSR in the plan on Sunday.

    Sunday... Rest... decided doing 18miles on a sore toe would be silly. I'm either very sensible or a complete wimp.

    26.5 miles for the week. Damn clumsiness.

    Monday, 14th August: Attempt at 18 mile LSR
    21k @ 6:24; 13mi @ 10:19

    Back in Dublin and last day of hols, so I better make it count. Didn't sleep well last night (must be the noise of the big city :p), woke up with a headache and feeling very tired. Headed out after breakfast and considered abandoning the plan in the first few Km. Toe was sore but not painful, and I was very low on energy. Remembered the wisdom of a friend who told me starting out that the first few miles are always the worst and kept going. Through Cabra to the Phoenix Park and clockwise around the S bends, upper Glen Rd, into the lovely quiet Furry Glen and out around the trails.

    When we were kids visiting my Granny in Chapelizod, we were always warned about kidnappers and boogeymen in the park. I wondered how isolated the trails would be on a Monday morning but there were plenty of runners and park workers around. Around the 12k mark, I was feeling knackered again, but got over that. One of the magical things about long runs is that they train you to get through the wobbles. Enjoyed the trails.

    Back around the North Road, past the very busy zoo. Ok I need to add 6 more km before I leave the park, to hit 29k/18mi in total. Stopped at the tea rooms to refill my water bottle (felt just a little guilty that I've never bought anything there) and decided to head up Chesterfield. At this point, I had no energy and my toe hurt with every step on the path (wasn't so bad when I stuck to grass and trails). Caved in and turned around after 1km instead of 3, knowing this would leave me about 2 miles short. Left the park onto the NCR and was feeling ever more knackered and light headed. I had my Leap card with me in case of emergency, so I gave in and Leapt onto a bus. Got off the bus in Phibsboro and trudged the final 1.5 miles home.

    Disappointing run, but I just didn't feel right from the beginning. And 13 miles is better than nothing. And at least I missed the torrential rain. :(

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Neady83 wrote: »
    I'm back and caught up ..... DCM wohooooooo

    This time, we most definitely will meet up :) You're already at 16 miles on the LSR :O

    You have to promise to come to McGrattan's this year!! :)

    And FYP....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Bummer about the toe Anna hopefully it's just bruised. Fair play for roughing it out.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Monday: see last week, again. Really have to get back on a 7 day week.

    Tuesday: planned rest. And back to work. Toe was really sore in the work shoes. I miss my sandals.

    Wednesday, Aug 16: Unplanned rest (from running). Sleepless night and 8 year old nightmares…set the alarm to get up early but couldn’t quite manage it. Didn’t get out of work until late so that was that.

    Thursday, August 17: Session day, a day late
    12.4k@ 6:03; 7.6 mi @ 9:44

    The Wednesday sessions on the plan are longer runs — this one was supposed to be 10-12 miles with 8 miles continuous alternating PMP + 20-30 seconds/mile and PMP - 20-30 seconds/mile.

    I had this session programmed into the watch from 2015 so I decided to go with that. Target PMP was 5:55/km (4:10 marathon pace) so I kept those paces. Doing this before work so by the time I got myself out of the house, I only had enough time to do 6 miles alternating.

    PMP+ reps: target was 5:45/km (9:15/mi)
    Actual: 5:44, 5:43, 5:42… in miles 9:14, 9:12, 9:10

    The PMP- reps felt excruciatingly slow at 6:15, 6:16, 6:14, 6:12

    Just realised in looking at this that I could have done the 4 miles at the faster rep… duh. Too much to think about before breakfast :p.

    It was lovely to be out on the seafront just after sunrise, tide was in, sea was like glass, only the faintest breath of wind (sorry KennyG). This run didn’t feel like a tough session, mostly very enjoyable.

    As the weeks go on, I won’t be able to keep doing the Wednesday sessions before work, they just take too long and I’m not dedicated enough to go out at 5! So I will have to be disciplined in the evenings. :eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    Bummer about the toe Anna hopefully it's just bruised. Fair play for roughing it out.

    thanks A, it's grand, not even a lovely colour purple any more :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    I know made a bags of that session, misread as 2 miles alternating, and wind just banjaxed me. Keep up the good work, looks like all those hilly miles in Donegal doing you good.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    annapr wrote: »
    As the weeks go on, I won’t be able to keep doing the Wednesday sessions before work, they just take too long and I’m not dedicated enough to go out at 5! So I will have to be disciplined in the evenings. :eek:

    Ah the memories.....I used to run into work on session Wednesday, not practical for you I know but I loved those runs sooooo much :).

    You're going really well Anna.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Friday, August 18: Recovery
    5.5k @ 6:19; 3.4 mi @ 10:09

    The meno plan has 3 required runs per week... the MLR/session, recovery the day after and the weekend long run. I was delighted with myself for getting this one done before work, mainly along leafy Griffith Avenue.

    Saturday, August 19: Easy loop with aquinn
    9k @ 6:11; 5.5mi @ 9:57

    Volunteered at Fairview parkrun, the numbers were small because of the big event in St Anne's... then had a big breakfast after... aquinn and I did everything we could to put ourselves off this run, but it was a very enjoyable loop of Malahide Rd, Collins Ave, a visit to Albo and Griffith Park. Lower back was a bit sore.

    Sunday, August 20: 18 mile LSR, finally achieved
    30k @ 6:28; 18.6 mi @ 10:24

    Started the morning at St Anne's juniors with the kids, where the 8 year old was delighted to get a PB and the 7 year old dropped out 'injured'. Met Duanington, whose jnr looked delighted with her half marathon wristband.

    So it was about noon by the time I got out for my planned 18 miler, just about leaving me enough time to get home to watch the match. Headed towards Howth, avoiding iron men in the PP. Passed a cheery Denis B on his way home on the sea front.

    My lower back was very sore starting off, decided to give myself 4-5k to see if it eased out. Stopped in the park at about 8k, not quite in pain but in a lot of discomfort... almost turned back, but one spin of the Rose garden, in all its glory.... led me to doing the full loop of the park, out at the causeway and somehow the back had either calmed down or I just wasn't noticing it any more and off I went towards Howth.

    One of the reasons I didn't feel my back any more was because the monsoon had arrived... between the causeway and Sutton, I was looking at all the cyclists grimacing coming back in, wondering which direction was worse...

    Got to Sutton in good shape, then 2.5km uphill on the Fat Turkey route... I was very happy to get to 15km so I could turn around and go DOWNHILL ON THE WAY HOME :p. I broke the way home into chunks... to the causeway, around the park, to the wooden bridge, sure that's practically home.

    I was listening to a TED podcast about how we respond to crisis in our lives... one of the stories was about some poor Syrian refugee who held on for days in the Med before she was rescued, another was about a guy who was left for dead on Everest only to survive because his will to live was so strong. I was listening to this on what felt like a death march back from Sutton along the coast... put my miserable efforts in perspective :).

    Back into the park... it had been full of people earlier, but now it was deserted. So lovely in the rain. Went home via the Howth Road (I had enough of the exposure to the elements on the coast) and bumped into FBOT in Killester on his way home from his own long run. He very sociably turned around and did a mile or so with me... the timing couldn't have been better, got me within a mile of home.

    On the final stretch of Griffith Ave, I realised that I only needed to do 29km, not 30... duh! :rolleyes: In the door just in time for the throw in, soaked through. Hardly able to move since. Delighted I got it done though.

    48.4 miles for the week. :D Well impressed with that (although Monday's 13 miles should really count in last week...).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Ah the memories.....I used to run into work on session Wednesday, not practical for you I know but I loved those runs sooooo much :).

    You're going really well Anna.

    Thanks AM... so far, so good. Fingers crossed. Hope you are enjoying God's country :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,306 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Wow that's serious mileage. Well done in the 30k lsr especially in the conditions!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Your flying it ! Following you closely now - will be jumping back on the marathon bandwagon next year so trying to find a good plan!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Great stuff Anna a great weeks work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    18 mile LSR already :O and in those conditions. Any target in mind for DCM?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    ariana` wrote: »
    Wow that's serious mileage. Well done in the 30k lsr especially in the conditions!

    Thanks ariana, I didn't mind the rain actually, better than being too hot! :eek:
    Neady83 wrote: »
    18 mile LSR already :O and in those conditions. Any target in mind for DCM?

    I don't know yet... would love to aim for a PB (anything less than 4:08:30) but will have to see how the training goes.... sub-4 would be the impossible dream of course :D
    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Your flying it ! Following you closely now - will be jumping back on the marathon bandwagon next year so trying to find a good plan!

    Hi BS, the Meno plan is a really good one, loads here have used it (and I did in 2015) but it's relatively high mileage and definitely recommend having a good base going into it. I'll swap you for your 10k plan :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Thanks !! High mileage may not suit me unless I can take the summer off work again !!

    My tenk plan needs a bit of a rethink , I've scared off the crew with Macmillan !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    annapr wrote: »

    I don't know yet... would love to aim for a PB (anything less than 4:08:30) but will have to see how the training goes.... sub-4 would be the impossible dream of course :D

    The way you've come back this year, sub-4 will be a reality :) We might finally get to run together ... behind the 4 hour pacer :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    A week behind here, and avoiding today's LSR...

    Monday 21 -- rest

    Tuesday, 22: Seafront after sunrise
    6.9K @ 6:19; 4.2 mi @ 10:09

    45 mins easy, no ill effects from Sunday's long run, other than tired legs. Think it was a nice morning on the sea front, can't remember :p

    Wednesday 23: Seafront Before sunset
    8.6k @ 6:16; 5.3 mi @ 10:05

    Considered going inland in search of hills but defaulted to the sea front again, hard to resist it on a lovely sunny evening. Back was sore, still tired and creaky. Met Mrs Mc on her way home from work, also feeling tired :)

    Plan says no session this week because of Frank Duffy, so who am I to argue with the plan.

    Thursday, Friday... Rest.

    Saturday, 26: Frank Duffy 10 mile Race Report

    I love the Race Series, and particularly Frank Duffy... I've done it 3 times and 3 pb's. I wasn't focused on the race going into it, so no pressure.

    I've been knackered all week, sleeping very badly. Woke up this morning with severe stomach cramps, I'll spare you the details, but just about made it out of the house in time.

    Drove to the park with D and found ourselves parked behind Denis B, so we walked over to the start line together and had a nice chat. Denis was very relaxed... 'if you do the training, the racing takes care of itself' ... this would come back to me later. I told him I would be happy with sub-90 minutes today. He also told me to go easy on aquinn who I was planning to run with, don't push her to overdo it on her first race back... ah, the irony.

    Met up with aquinn at the start line... she'd said she would be doing 9:20 miles, I told her I would be aiming for 8:45ish... so we agreed to start together and see how we got on.

    Short warmup, said hello to a few people and then we were off in the second wave.

    The park was looking glorious, we knew from the warmup that the sun would likely be a factor, I had my hat to keep it out of my eyes and carried a small water bottle as insurance. Settled into the pace without having to do much weaving or getting passed too much so we started in about the right place.

    First mile 8:34... felt fine, all good, allowed for it being a bit fast by being mostly downhill.

    Coming down towards Chapelizod gate, aquinn realised that we were coming back up from there too, not going out of the park... we had a little laugh at that. Until we turned around and headed up the hill and I started to slow -- the hill and the sun sapped me. That's ok I said, we have time.

    Somewhere on the S bends, the wheels came off. I had nothing in my legs, they were just gone. Well they were still there but refusing to move. Aquinn was a bit alarmed, and was her usual encouraging self. We walked through a water station, then started shuffling forward again.

    So after a good 4 miles, the rest of the race is a bit of a blur and was run-walk-run. At the next water station after 5 miles I was feeling dizzy from top to bottom, took a cup of lucozade sport and that seemed to help a bit. Somewhere on the North Road, Toulouse caught up with us, chatted for a bit, then pushed on. I kept telling aquinn to go ahead and have a good race but she point blank refused.

    Got a shout out from yaboya, then fbot on the North Road... thankfully wasn't walking at that stage! Also some great shouts from others along the way... and aquinn was her usual irrespressible self all the way around, adopting a few other pacees along the way, since she wasn't having much success with me :p.

    We crossed the 7 mile mat and said it's a parkrun from here -- 76 minutes. An easy one I said. Could you do it in 26 minutes, A asked. I'll be happy to do it in 30 minutes, I told her.

    Out onto the acres now, and this was feeling like the end of a tough LSR... considering we had slowed down to my LSR pace, it shouldn't have felt this hard. The Acres looked stunning, views of the mountains, lovely. We encouraged a few people along here, I think I might have been starting to feel a bit better at this stage.

    Then the good old upper Glen road, I can't remember if I walked at any point here, but it was a grind. Would that final turn ever come? Got a shout from D and fbot about 400m out and made an effort to cross the line with some energy. Aquinn had taken off for a sprint finish and she was thrilled to bits to have her first race post-cruciate under her belt.

    Great to see lots of friendly faces afterwards, some happy, some feeling like me. YoungAnne gave me my other favourite quote of the day: I'm retiring from racing, she declared, not meaning a word of it of course.

    10mi in 1:36:20 (chip time). :eek: The splits are too horrific to post.

    I'm not too worried about it… Probably started too fast, and if i was going for sub-90, I should have started slower. I still might have bonked but it might have been less dramatic.

    Sunday, August 27: Recovery with 7 year old
    5.2km @ 7:25; 3.2 mi @ 11:57

    For some reason i thought it was a good idea to do with the 7 year old on his bike accompanying me. He can cycle much faster than I can run, when he wants to, but today he was mostly just behind my left shoulder and talking to me the whole way… then stopping to jump on exercise machines on the sea front… I started getting irritated, but then just went with it… didn’t have much choice :)

    only 23.8mi for the week, stepped back a bit too much! :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Neady83 wrote: »
    The way you've come back this year, sub-4 will be a reality :) We might finally get to run together ... behind the 4 hour pacer :)

    haha, no way... :eek: see frank duffy report above! hope to see you there somewhere though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Fair play to you for finishing the race, it sounds awful. Were you brewing a bug or something? Hope you're feeling better now. Looking forward to this week's update :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Tuesday 29 Easy Miles
    5.93 @ 6:11

    Dropped the youngest off and went for a run with D around Beaumont and Collins Ave. Thought we had 45 minutes but turned out to be 36 so a bit short. Didn't enjoy this much, still knackered.

    Wednesday -- Rest, got out of work too late for the weds MLR session

    Thursday, Aug 31 -- 9 mile MLR
    14.6Km @ 6:09; 9 mi @ 9:54

    Plan helpfully suggests skipping the session if racing FD last weekend. Even though I didn't do FD at race pace, still felt justified in following the plan. Delighted to have the company of Laura for half of this. Ran up to her house in Artane, did a 45 min loop with her, then ran home. Loved this run, for the first time in ages, felt stronger as it went on... last couple of miles were the fastest (ok, i admit I was going down Malahide road, but still).

    Saturday, Sept 2 -- 7 miles easy
    1.5 mi @ 9:34; 5.6 mi @ 9:56

    Ran to an appointment in Eccles St (1.5 mi), then from there took in a tour of some lovely spots in D7 and D9... starting with the Basin, what a peaceful oasis that is. Enjoyed this run thoroughly too.

    Sunday, Sept 3 -- Another attempted 18mi LSR (to include 2 x 3 miles @ PMP) :eek:
    24.2k @ 6:16; 15mi @ 10:04

    A lot of this felt like Frank Duffy all over again. Started off ok, decided to follow KennyG's example and start the PMP (4:08:00 pace or 5:52/km) on a downhill (Mobhi Road). That 5k took me almost to the Phoenix Park. After that, extreme fatigue set in, Frank Duffy style. Struggled up the North Rd, I was boiling hot at this stage, literally dripping sweat (not a pretty sight). Took a break at the visitor centre, refilled my water bottle and headed for the trails, which usually make me feel better. That worked for a while but quickly started to feel wiped out again. At this point, I abandoned the idea of doing 18 miles. Turned down Chesterfield towards home and after a while, started my next 5k @ PMP (again on a slight downhill).

    I had been fantasising about going back to the visitor centre and relaxing over a coffee... it looked so lovely when I was in there earlier. Instead, I stopped at the tea rooms by the zoo to refill my water bottle and bought an oatmeal cookie, so now I don't have to feel guilty about always drinking their water. I sat on a bench in the Hollow to eat it, looking at the bandstand and watching two girls playing badminton. I thought of the charwoman's daughter, and the ghosts of generations of Dubliners and of taking my little sister to the zoo through here when I was about 13.

    I left my ghosts behind and finished the 5k @ MP back into Cabra. Avoiding the hordes coming from Croke Park distracted me through Phibsborough. I felt ok towards the end and considered adding another 5k, but wrapped it up at 15 miles.

    The good news is that the MP intervals were fine, no bother with the pace, in fact they were the most enjoyable part of this run.

    I was listening to the hurling on the radio as I ran... and RTE commentator classic: "If Galway are going to win this, they have to do it in the next 8 minutes".... with 8 minutes left to play :p

    35 miles for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Busy mornings work before running, always tough on miserable day, that will do nicely :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Well done on struggling through the FD. I have heard a lot of horror stories from the race so you weren't alone in your battle !

    My default here is to say have you had your iron levels checked ?? Around this time last year I started to struggle even with slow runs whilst taking iron . Of course I was anemic but ignored it . So no harm in checking it out .

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    The heat yesterday was unbelievable so understandable that you got fatigued, especially as you were drinking so much.

    +1 to what Bluesquare has suggested.

    Have you any thoughts on why you're getting so fatigued? Your races and Parkruns up until now all point in the right direction. How are you fuelling during you LSRs? Are you popping any electrolytes in your water?

    Do you think doing a LSR as part of a race or one of the East of Ireland marathons would help? I'm only asking because I'm finding them tough on my own so I'm coming up with unconventional ways to do them this year :D Next Saturday, there's a marathon in Clarinbridge that consists of 5km loops so I'll do enough loops to get me to 20miles and then I'm out.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Busy mornings work before running, always tough on miserable day, that will do nicely :)

    That's a good point, couple of hours of junior parkrun, needed a nap after that :)
    Bluesquare wrote: »
    My default here is to say have you had your iron levels checked ?? Around this time last year I started to struggle even with slow runs whilst taking iron . Of course I was anemic but ignored it . So no harm in checking it out .

    Thanks BS, I had all my bloods done in the last few months as part of a general health check, not a problem to be found, thankfully.
    Neady83 wrote: »
    The heat yesterday was unbelievable so understandable that you got fatigued, especially as you were drinking so much.

    +1 to what Bluesquare has suggested.

    Have you any thoughts on why you're getting so fatigued? Your races and Parkruns up until now all point in the right direction. How are you fuelling during you LSRs? Are you popping any electrolytes in your water?

    Do you think doing a LSR as part of a race or one of the East of Ireland marathons would help? I'm only asking because I'm finding them tough on my own so I'm coming up with unconventional ways to do them this year :D Next Saturday, there's a marathon in Clarinbridge that consists of 5km loops so I'll do enough loops to get me to 20miles and then I'm out.

    Thanks Neady, it was very humid yesterday. I think there are a couple of things going on.... have had a couple of weeks of poor sleep and I think that combined with upping the mileage is probably affecting me. Last time I did marathon training, I felt broken in the middle of it (how quickly we forget :rolleyes:) but came out of it strong, so hoping this will be the same!

    As my resident sage said when I was creaking around the house after I got home yesterday.... 'have you forgotten how hard this is supposed to be?' :p

    That's a great idea to do your 20 miles as part of a race.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    So the real value of having a log is this: I just looked back at this time two years ago and I was in the exact same state of decrepitude at the exact same time then. Of course I'm two years closer to senility now, but still, that's a bit reassuring. :)

    ...also, per Neady's advice above, I might do the Athlone 3/4 marathon as a long run... although confusingly, it's not in Athlone.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Monday: Rest

    Tues, Sept 5: 8k easy
    4.9 mi @ 10:02

    It was a bit windy but I was kind of missing the sea front so headed out that direction and enjoyed the cooling breeze on the way back. Spotted Redrunner on his run mute home. Also spotted the first finisher of the first ever Fairview parkrun bounding along. Happy that legs were grand and enjoyed this.

    Wednesday, Sept 5: session day, but wait... D had committed to marshalling Grant Thornton so I jumped at the opportunity to postpone and eat Bombay Pantry with the kids.

    Thursday, Sept 6: Better late than never -- 4 x 2mile @ HMP with 2 min recoveries
    18.2km @ 5:45; 11.2mi @ 9:15

    Good to attempt some HMP the week before Charleville, I thought. After a quick consult with McMillan to remind me that HMP is 5:27-5:33/km (8:47-8:5/Mi -- all going well 1:55-1:57 for the half), I programmed the watch for the intervals at 5:25-5:38 to allow for variations and enough of a range so it wouldn't be beeping at me constantly.

    Headed out the door around 6pm with no real idea of where to do the intervals. Came across kennyG on the Malahide road on his way home so ran with him for a little while. He told me he had a horrible time with this session yesterday morning... this made me feel more nervous about it but also if he couldn't do it, I had a perfect excuse too :p

    Wished G well and turned onto Collins Ave, decided I would start the first interval in Ellenfield park. Turned out 3 laps of the park is about 2 miles. The park was busy, full of football teams and dog walkers which were a welcome distraction.

    First interval, watch was beeping at me for going too fast, pace felt comfortable. Second one, basically the same. Third one felt a bit tougher and I promised myself I would do the fourth one down the hill towards home. I was passing the same dog walkers over and over, they must have thought I was mad. Left the park for the fourth one and thoroughly enjoyed the downhill to Griffith Avenue and finished the rep there.

    Splits (km): 5:19, 5:18, 5:24, 5:16 :D
    And in miles :rolleyes: 8:34; 8:32, 8:41, 8:29

    Walked, then jogged the 2 min recoveries.

    Absolutely delighted with how that went, finally a good session (although the plan did say 12 miles, not worried about that) and a confidence boost ahead of Charleville.

    Arrived home bleedin' starvin'. :p
