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Strength.. with a dash of size.



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Military press:

    Bench press:

    Pull ups:

    Dumbbell flyes:

    New max for the press and got all reps for the pull ups and flyes, definite progress since last week :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring



    Hanging leg raises:

    5 reps on the 3+ this week, definite progress all round. Gym again Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring


    Military press:

    Barbell row:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Week 2 of 5/3/1 BBB finished. Probably had the best lift of my life this evening.



    My form really came together for the deadlift today, ended up getting 7 reps in the 3+ reps for the last set, which is an estimated 1 rep max of 163kg :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Military press:

    Pull ups:

    Bench press:

    Incline dumbbell flyes:

    That's the first cycle done for press, I'll be adding weight next week to all lifts :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Just an update on the weight gain situation. I weighed myself there today and I'm currently sitting at 73kg. However, my bodyfat has dropped a considerably in the last month so at 73kg now I seem to look really different to a month ago at around the same weight.

    I think I'm at a good starting point now for proper bulking for the next few months. The reason I've been losing fat is simply because my new job is manual labour and I hadn't accounted for the extra calories I'd need to intake to gain weight. Through trial and error I've found the number of calories I need to gain on work days is 5500 and on off days 4000. I'm going to give that a go for the next week and see how it goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 1 - Week 3 - Day 2



    Hanging leg raise:

    Estimated Squat 1RM based on final 1+ reps set: 139kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 1 - Week 3 - Day 3


    Military press:

    Barbell row:


    Estimated Bench 1RM based on final 1+ reps set: 112kg

    Bit annoyed about the benching today, I knew I had 3 reps in me but I messed up the second rep and that threw me off. Still progress though, so all is well. Decided to throw in some shrugs today since I won't be deadlifting till Tuesday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 1 - Week 3 - Day 4



    Estimated Deadlift 1RM based on final 1+ reps set:168kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 2 - Week 1 - Day 1

    Military press:

    Bench press:

    Pull ups:

    Incline dumbbell flyes:

    Estimated Press 1RM based on final 5+ reps set:71kg

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    I've decided to incorporate glute ham raises into my routine. From what I've seen online these are really tough, but I feel they are necessary going forward to prevent any imbalances which could lead to another hammie injury. I'll be aiming to work up to being able to do them for 5-10 reps without pushing off the ground.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 2 - Week 1 - Day 2



    Hanging leg raise:

    Estimated Squat 1RM based on final 5+ reps set:134kg

    Poor workout today. I was a bit hungover so I wasn't expecting much, should make up for it next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 2 - Week 1 - Day 3


    Military press:

    Barbell row:

    Estimated Bench 1RM based on final 5+ reps set:112kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 2 - Week 1 - Day 4



    Estimated Deadlift 1RM based on final 5+ reps set:173kg

    Woke up with horrible DOMS today after a match yesterday. Had a great work out anyway, I think my soul might have left my body after that last deadlift rep though haha, intense stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 2 - Week 2 - Day 1

    Military press:

    Bench press:

    Pull ups:

    Incline dumbbell flyes:

    Estimated Press 1RM based on final 3+ reps set:71kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Squat day tomorrow. I've decided to dedicate some time tomorrow to try out the olympic lifts. I've been looking into it a lot lately and really think I would really enjoy it a lot. I don't really know yet if/how you could incorporate both the powerlifting and weightlifting movements into a routine but sure I'll give them a go tomorrow and see how it goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 2 - Week 2 - Day 2



    Estimated Squat 1RM based on final 3+ reps set:143kg

    Hang clean:

    Power clean:

    Had a go at some hang cleans and power cleans. It was really a nice change from the usual stuff. They felt really explosive rather than just pure strength. Also, the hang cleans really seem to hit the traps hard :D hopefully I can keep up the oly lifting stuff and eventually give the clean & jerk and snatch a go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 2 - Week 2 - Day 3


    Military press:

    Barbell row:

    Estimated Bench 1RM based on final 3+ reps set:113kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭papu

    What are you using to predict the 1RM?

    This would be a fairly accurate calculator , puts it a bit lower at 109kg though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    papu wrote: »
    What are you using to predict the 1RM?

    This would be a fairly accurate calculator , puts it a bit lower at 109kg though.

    I'm using an app called wendlerized to track the workouts and it gives you out a 1RM based on the last set. I just post whatever the app says, but I'd say you're right exrx probably has a more accurate 1RM calculation :)

    As far as I'm aware where are a good few different 1RM formulas. I found a website that gives you all of them on one page here. It seems exrx are using that top formula (Bryzki or something like that) and the app I'm using uses the second one. Some predict as high as 117kg, which seems a bit far fetched :D I suppose the only real way to know is to find out by going for a 1RM in training.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 2 - Week 2 - Day 4



    Estimated Deadlift 1RM based on final 3+ reps set: 179kg

    The part at the end of the barbell that you slide the weights on cracked during the deadlifts, I think it was because I didn't have the collar on tight enough. Fairly annoyed about it but other than that great progress again today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    ]5/3/1 BBB Cycle 2 - Week 3 - Day 1

    Military press:

    Bench press:

    Pull ups:

    Estimated Press 1RM based on final 3+ reps set:69kg

    No flyes today, shoulders are already battered and beaten enough over the last two days no point asking for an injury :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 2 - Week 3 - Day 2



    Farmer's Walks:
    100m with 60kg
    2x50m with 100kg

    Estimated Squat 1RM based on final 1+ reps set:140kg

    Thought some grip training would be beneficial for deadlifts. Squats felt better today, went a bit wider. Tried some low bar squats during warm up, I want to see how they feel compared to high bar. I was reading a study on deadlift/squat carryover and apparently if you deadlift sumo you should be stronger with low bar. If I find that to be the case with myself I'll definitely make the switch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,861 ✭✭✭Irishcrx

    Hey man , good thread you made some serious progress from when you started.

    I'm about the start training next week and as your stats/situation is similar to mine I was hoping you might give me some advice. I'm 10.7 stone at the minute and hoping to get to 12 stone over the next couple of month's, think we are similar in starting stats and like yourself I play a lot of football which is why im adding the weight, winger and was knocked off the ball too easily last season I think with the extra size I'll be able to be more effective shoulder to shoulder.

    Few early problems I'm having, one I do a lot of cardio, I play at least 3 times a week and swim twice a week and I'm having trouble meeting my calorie intake required to grow trying to hit 2,800 a day but on cardio days I'm having trouble making up the excess ammount from the exercise as I'm not used to eating so much, also I'm nervous about working my legs too hard as last time I tried it I started picking up injuries from overtraining my legs and then going into cardio , how do you manage it?

    Also I don't want to loose my speed or agility from the extra size but I reckon an extra stone won't effect that too much. Like yourself I also thought about going with heavier lower reps rather than high reps as I've heard it works better for gaining size.

    Thanks for any help , really good log.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Irishcrx wrote: »
    Hey man , good thread you made some serious progress from when you started.

    I'm about the start training next week and as your stats/situation is similar to mine I was hoping you might give me some advice. I'm 10.7 stone at the minute and hoping to get to 12 stone over the next couple of month's, think we are similar in starting stats and like yourself I play a lot of football which is why im adding the weight, winger and was knocked off the ball too easily last season I think with the extra size I'll be able to be more effective shoulder to shoulder.

    Few early problems I'm having, one I do a lot of cardio, I play at least 3 times a week and swim twice a week and I'm having trouble meeting my calorie intake required to grow trying to hit 2,800 a day but on cardio days I'm having trouble making up the excess ammount from the exercise as I'm not used to eating so much, also I'm nervous about working my legs too hard as last time I tried it I started picking up injuries from overtraining my legs and then going into cardio , how do you manage it?

    Also I don't want to loose my speed or agility from the extra size but I reckon an extra stone won't effect that too much. Like yourself I also thought about going with heavier lower reps rather than high reps as I've heard it works better for gaining size.

    Thanks for any help , really good log.

    Hey, if you struggling meeting the calories you really need to focus on eating calorie dense foods that dont make you as full. You can find loads of ideas for calorie dense shakes that worker wonders for me. not as heavy as a dinner. Milk, peanut butter, yogurt, protein powder. Nuts are high in calories. The cardio will definately effect your weight gain so you need to be eating enough. its tough but you will get used to it. Maybe get up earlier in order to get an extra meal in.

    Best of luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Irishcrx wrote: »
    Few early problems I'm having, one I do a lot of cardio, I play at least 3 times a week and swim twice a week and I'm having trouble meeting my calorie intake required to grow trying to hit 2,800 a day but on cardio days I'm having trouble making up the excess ammount from the exercise as I'm not used to eating so much, also I'm nervous about working my legs too hard as last time I tried it I started picking up injuries from overtraining my legs and then going into cardio , how do you manage it?
    Meeting the calorie intake required can be hard when you're starting out. You might feel like you're going to get sick sometimes if you eat any more, but you will get used to eating more food. Some good foods to include in your diet are nuts, milk, oils, pasta, rice, that kind of thing. Fill up a cup with peanuts and wash it down with a pint of milk and you have well over 1000 calories. If you picked up injuries it's possible you weren't recovering fully, which is probably related to calorie intake. Make sure you're getting enough calories, protein and sleep.

    Over training is a term you see thrown around a good bit on the internet, in reality it is very hard to do, and not something you need to worry about (especially starting out).

    It's going to be tough to fit in leg workouts if you are training three times a week. One thing you could do until the season is over is train legs the day of/after your last training of the week. So say you train Mon/Wed/Fri you could train legs Friday after training or on Saturday, which would give you a good bit of rest before the next training. Upper body stuff should be fine, you might get a bit of DOMS while swimming but it should ease up after you're warmed up.

    As I said, once the season is over you can start training legs properly. Until then you can work on getting the form down and making sure there are no mobility issues which will prevent you squatting / deadlifting / whatever you want to do. Even training legs once or twice a week until then you would see great gains, when you start out your legs will grow in strength and size incredibly quickly, just make sure you're recovering properly.
    Also I don't want to loose my speed or agility from the extra size but I reckon an extra stone won't effect that too much. Like yourself I also thought about going with heavier lower reps rather than high reps as I've heard it works better for gaining size.

    Thanks for any help , really good log.

    What you gain in size you make up in greater explosiveness and speed. So it cancels out, or you might even end up faster. Look at olympic sprinters, they're big lads and still the fastest in the world. A good program I would reccomend is starting strength, it is well balanced between size and strength and will get your lifts up really quickly if you eat enough while on it. You'll gain a good bit of size too, once again it's all about how much you eat.

    Best of luck :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 2 - Week 3 - Day 3


    Military press:

    Barbell row:

    Estimated Bench 1RM based on final 1+ reps set:115kg

    Good lifting today. I feel I could I manage 110kg for 2 reps judging by the bar speed today, but knew I didn't have a third rep in me at 107.5. First time in ages I've actually been happy with a bench workout on 5/3/1, I've really focused on diet the last week and i think it's showing. Only deadlifts to go and then that'll be the end of the second cycle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 2 - Week 3 - Day 4



    Estimated Deadlift 1RM based on final 1+ reps set: 184kg

    That's the end of the second cycle. The squats are becoming more and more difficult after the heavy deadlifts. Every inch of the lift I can feel my hamstrings working it's a completely different feeling to squatting when I'm fresh.

    Also, I think that 145kg deadlift equals my all time training max, which was for one rep a long time ago. Fairly delighted to manage 8 reps with the same weight now, perhaps on a better day I would've managed 10, but I felt I was starting to hitch the weight up so I left it so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 3 - Week 1 - Day 1

    Military press:

    Bench press:

    Pull ups:

    DB flyes:

    Estimated Press 1RM based on final 5+ reps set:70kg

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Aspiring wrote: »
    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 3 - Week 1 - Day 1

    Military press:

    Estimated Press 1RM based on final 3+ reps set:70kg

    Guessing the 5x70 should read 5x60 or else the 1RM calculator is broken :)
