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Strength.. with a dash of size.



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Guessing the 5x70 should read 5x60 or else the 1RM calculator is broken :)

    My mistake, thanks for pointing it out I fixed it there. Getting a bit ahead of myself :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 3 - Week 1 - Day 2


    Hex bar Deadlift:

    2 min
    2 x 1m with 20kg

    Estimated Squat 1RM based on final 1+ reps set:140kg

    Went a bit wider with the squats, which seemed to be much more powerful. Much better bounce out of the bottom. There weren't any good barbells for dead lifting so I decided to get some use out of the hex bar. I added 10kg to what I was planning on doing with barbell, which seemed a fair enough compromise. Much tougher on the quads and low back compared to my usual deadlift form. Got some core work in too, its something I really want to work on over the next few months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    I've decided to change my deadlift training max I'm working off for 5/3/1 for a few reasons. The main reason is that I've been progressing faster than I had anticipated, which is why I've ended up doing 8 or 9 reps on occasion when its supposed to be close to your 1 rep max. By changing the training max it'll bring down the number of reps I need to do to progress week on week, which is what I want. High rep deadlifts are ruining my ability to squat afterwards, which isn't ideal. Lower reps also means more focus on strength gains, which is what 5/3/1 is made for. Just thought I'd post what I'm doing here in case anyone is reading the log after deadlifts tomorrow or the day after and wondering why the work sets suddenly got heavier.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,861 ✭✭✭Irishcrx

    I followed the advice you gave me two weeks ago and now have my diet part pretty much on track , I settled for 2250 being maintenance so am eating around 2700 - 2800 daily now and have added in Whey, this has made the extra eating easier for me.

    Started at 148 pounds, I was 152.5 last night so average of 2 a week isn't bad but I know that'll slow down. Oddly my waist isn't really getting more bloated but my back and shoulders seem broader or something. I'm only eating decent food as well no 'crap bulking' methods with fatty foods.

    I may have to alter my training schedule as I go though , think I have too much on each day might need to lower the sets I was struggling to finish this morning , muscles were depleated.

    Also I don't have deadlifts in, I have squats but I think I need to add deadlifts I just need to find the form for them again. Any advice on deadlifts?? What weight to start at/reps , how to progress them?

    I'm following your thread it's one of the better more informed one's on here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Irishcrx wrote: »
    Also I don't have deadlifts in, I have squats but I think I need to add deadlifts I just need to find the form for them again. Any advice on deadlifts?? What weight to start at/reps , how to progress them?

    For a long time I did 1 set of 5 reps for deadlift as the only work sets. That's what's called for in the starting strength program. I think a good weight to try start out at is 60kg. If you've a history is sport you'll probably already have a pretty strong deadlift, the problem is just finding the form to make the most of that strength. If you're deadlifting once a week you can get away with adding 5kg a week to your work sets for a good while. Your deadlift will become your strongest lift pretty quickly because of this.

    I think the most important thing is to make sure your form is on point. Record yourself working out and make sure you're not rounding your back, your hips aren't too high/low at the start of the lift and you're keeping your chest up. You'll find countless videos online of correct form, try to emulate what you see there. I'm assuming you're doing the conventional deadlift (legs narrow, arms outside legs) which is most widely done and there are great videos on YouTube showing correct form for it. Take a look at Jonnie Canditos channel, he has some of the best videos on deadlift form out there.

    Best of luck!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 3 - Week 1 - Day 3


    Estimated Deadlift 1RM based on final 5+ reps set: 188kg

    I was in a bit of a rush today so only got the deadlifts done. Can't wait to get back to the gym in college, there's so much more equipment to use and the stuff they have is much higher quality.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,861 ✭✭✭Irishcrx

    Got the deadlifts done this morning - again thanks for the advice! , I was doing shoulder shrugs at 60kg with the dumbells so I started the deadlifts at 60kg but was handy enough so I upped it to 80kg for 3 x 5 sets and felt that a fair bit more. I think my form was good I remembered them from doing them years ago and it came back me so will do what you said and take it handy try adding 5kg every week or so until I hit my limit.

    Body is feeling rough this morning , I don't think i'm giving myself enough recovery since Monday morning I've done Gym/Football/Gym/Football/Gym...going to take two days off now.

    Thanks again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    5/3/1 BBB Cycle 3 - Week 1 - Day 4


    Military press:

    Estimated Bench 1RM based on final 1+ reps set:114kg

    Struggling to bench 97.5kg for 5 reps after easily doing a 3x5 with it over two months ago is just pure bollox to be honest. I feel like I've wasted two months potential progress, and have actually gotten weaker since then. 5/3/1 just isn't working for my bench, or my squat either, for whatever reason. My deadlift has gotten much better but that has mostly been finding the form that suits me. I think it's time to put 5/3/1 to bed for a while and go back to what I know best, and what has never failed me. Time to go back to:
    Starting Strength and bulking.

    Plan to follow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    • Starting Strength Mon/Wed/Fri
    • Similar accessory work to 5/3/1
    • 4200 calories days off
    • 5500 calories work days
    • Enough sleep

    Going to do a bit of a deload to start so here are the starting 5 rep weights:
    Bench: 92.5kg
    Deadlift: 155kg
    Press: 55kg
    Row: 80kg

    I've no idea if I'll progress any better than I have on 5/3/1 but sure no harm in giving it a go. Nothing to lose really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    5500 calories? Nice :)

    How do you plan on getting all that in? Honesly dont think I could ever get that much in.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,600 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Aspiring wrote: »
    5/3/1 just isn't working for my bench, or my squat either, for whatever reason.

    I always just felt there isn't enough volume at a high enough percentage to give strength gains.

    I know there are probably thousands of people who have made good strength gains from it but that was just my opinion on it as a program.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭papu

    I always just felt there isn't enough volume at a high enough percentage to give strength gains.

    I know there are probably thousands of people who have made good strength gains from it but that was just my opinion on it as a program.

    Yeah needs more volume & frequency and less deloads, Canditos Linear program or the 6 week one worked allot better for me than 5/3/1 ever did.

    There are lots of difference variations of 5/3/1 though , Which one were you doing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Darrenon91 wrote: »
    5500 calories? Nice :)

    How do you plan on getting all that in? Honesly dont think I could ever get that much in.

    I'll spread it out over the day in smaller meals I'd say.
    I just went through the numbers on what I think would eat on a work day and I have the following:

    4 weetabix with milk
    1 pint of milk
    2 bananas
    Total calories: 835 calories

    Work Lunch:
    3 meat of choice sandwiches with butter
    Total calories: 850

    Home lunch:
    Beans on toast (2 slices)
    1 pint of milk
    Kitkat/Mars bar/other
    Total calories: 800

    Afternoon snack:
    1 cup of peanuts
    1 pint of milk
    Total calories: 1000

    Usually some kind of meat + spuds + veg
    Total calories: 600

    Evening snack:
    1 cup of peanuts
    Total calories: 600

    Bed time snack:
    Rice + olive oil
    1 pint of milk
    Total calories: 800

    Total calories for the day: 5485

    Think I could manage that, fairly similar to what I'm doing atm.
    I always just felt there isn't enough volume at a high enough percentage to give strength gains.

    I know there are probably thousands of people who have made good strength gains from it but that was just my opinion on it as a program.

    That's what I felt too. I felt like I wasn't squatting enough at all, every week felt like it had been ages since I last did the lifts properly.
    papu wrote: »
    Yeah needs more volume & frequency and less deloads, Canditos Linear program or the 6 week one worked allot better for me than 5/3/1 ever did.

    There are lots of difference variations of 5/3/1 though , Which one were you doing?

    I just had a look at that program there looks fairly decent. Might give it a go after I'm finished up with this go at starting strength.

    I dunno if you were asking Alf or myself which variation of 5/3/1 we did but if you meant me it was 5/3/1 BBB.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring




    Back accessory stuff

    Calories: 4069

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    I have DOMS fairly bad in my quads today for the first time in months. Didn't expect it at all considering I only changed from a 3x5 of increasing weights to a 3x5 with the same weight for each set. The mystery of DOMS continues :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring


    Military Press:

    Barbell row:


    I've some kind of problem going on with my right quad muscle. It wasn't feeling right even after warming up really well so I stopped once I reached 100kg. Hopefully it clears itself up over the next few days. Gave DB curls a go for the first time in ages, just to fill up some time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring



    -Shoulder hypertrophy work
    -Chest/triceps hypertrophy

    Squats were back on form today, no pain whatsoever. Wasn't happy with bench so I'm going to go for 95kg again the next time I'm benching. No dead lifting today, I was too bollixed tbh :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring


    Overhead press:


    -Chest hypertrophy work
    -Upper back hypertrophy work

    Calories: 3954

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring




    Squats were class, feeling better than ever with my new form which is wide, toes pointed out, chest up and focusing on hips rather than knees. Bench all OK, tried a different grip width each set, wider seems to be best for me. Deadlifts were fairly hard after doing the squats, still grinded out 5 reps with good form so all OK there too.

    Calories: 5260

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    It's been over 2 years since I updated the log here. A lot has changed in those two years, I've been training on and off a lot. I've been the strongest/biggest I've ever been, and lost it all again, many times in that 2 year period. Currently in final year of college so I want to start up this log again to keep me motivated to keep going to the gym. I've been quite consistent for the last month so I want to keep it up.

    My goals have changed a lot over the last two years. My main goals now are just to be bigger and fitter, I don't really care about hitting PRs in certain exercises or anything anymore for some reason. Just gonna keep adding weight on the bar, and running faster, and see how it goes.

    -Be 80kg lean
    -Sub 20 min 5K

    Current stats:
    -72kg lean
    -30 minute 5K

    At the moment I'm running twice a week and lifting 3 times a week. The runs are 5K runs, and the lifting is just upper body A/B workouts. Not training legs at the moment (shame on me I know :D) because I'm focusing on the 5K time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Overhead press:
    3 x 5 x 55kg

    Bench press:
    3 x 10 x 70kg

    Barbell row:
    3 x 10 x 70kg

    Barbell shrugs:
    3 x 10 x 90kg

    3 x 10

    Curls 21s:
    2 x 21 x 25kg
    1 x 21 x 20kg

    Lateral raise:
    3 x 15 x 7.5kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Wednesday 20th September:

    Pin Press:

    Military Press:

    Barbell shrug:

    Pull ups:
    3x9 (+5kg)

    Chin ups:

    Lateral raise:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Run today:
    5km in 27:50

    Good bit faster than last time. Think my confidence in running faster is coming back. Gonna try for 27:00 on Saturday/Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Bit sore today after the run yesterday, first time having DOMS in a long time.

    Workout today:

    Military press:

    Bench press:

    Barbell row:

    Barbell shrug:

    Pull ups:

    Lateral raise:

    Been a full month on the current program now. I'm progressing better than I have in a long time. The last time I progressed this fast in terms of strength/size was probably when I first started. I can feel the progress slowing down now though, training each upper body part 3 times a week is beginning to become difficult. I'd say I'll get a few more weeks out of it but I'll be changing it up after that.

    Traps are growing mad fast compared to everywhere else. The change in them over the last month is insane. I suppose doing shrugs 3 times a week will do that :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Been reading up on running training and it seems running 5K a few times a week isn't really a good approach at all. Increasing weekly mileage is supposed to be the best way to improve. With that in mind I decided to do a 10km run today instead of the 5km I had planned.

    Treadmill Run:
    10km in 1:03:15

    Not very fast but still not too bad. It's been years since I ran that far so I'm happy enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Pin Press:

    Military press:

    BB Shrug:

    Pull up:
    3x10 (+5kg)

    Lateral raise:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Military press:

    Bench press:

    Barbell row:

    Barbell shrug:

    Pull ups:

    I've had the worst hangover of my life the last two days, fairly happy to get a decent gym session in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    2km in 10:00

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Pin Press:

    Military press:


    Pull ups:
    3x8 (+10kg)

    Chin ups:

    Lateral raise:

    Bodyweight: 72.7kg (up 0.7kg since last weigh in)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,204 ✭✭✭Aspiring

    Military press:

    Bench press:

    Barbell row:

    Barbell shrug:

    Pull ups:
    3x8 (+10kg)

    Chin ups:

    Lateral raise:

    Progress on the military press definitely slowing which I was expecting. Haven't taken creatine for about 2 weeks, I'm surprised how little of a difference coming off it has had. I get way more acne when I take it which is no fun at all.
