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The Vladimir Putin appreciation thread.



  • Site Banned Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭Egginacup

    I'd say if he had the exact same views and was governor of Texas you mean be less enamoured of the guy.

    Just want to know what MH17 has to do with Russia, Eugene, that's all.

    America "knows" what happened to this plane, do they not? Shouldn't they tell?

    And I don't care about Texas. This is a Putin Love-fest.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    Yes, freedom to have all your electronic communications intercepted and stored incase need to blackmail, freedom USA style

    I´d say that everbody who posts on the internet, whether it is on message boards like this twitter or facebook, should be aware of the "risk" that everybody can read, and if someone likes to do that even store, the written content. To track the user demands other facilities which less "normal" people have access to.

    As for electronic communications intercepted and stored, there has always been the means to tap phone communications before the internet was invented.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    Karl Stein wrote: »
    What you mean is you'd prefer to live in the US than Russia which is a no-brainer and false dilemma.

    I'm not sure you'd be so enamoured with the lunatics in Washington if you were an Iraqi.

    I would neither like to live in the USA nor in Russia. My reference was in particular addressing which one of them I´d prefer as "world leaders" regarding freedom and individualism.

    You might ask someone from Afghanistan which one of them they are less fond of, the Russians or the Americans, both occupied their country within the past 30 years. Maybe the Americans get a better result in that comparison.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    It's hard to know what to believe when it comes to Putin, because I don't know how much I'm being influenced by western propaganda.

    I´m just wondering how much those in favour of Putin are influenced by his own propaganda, via the media he controls himself. There´s not much left to choose, either you believe the Western media, Putins "Pravda" or you believe the dissidents he oppresses. Some truth might be among all the three sources, the crux is just to select between them and filter the truth from these sources.
    I would need to do a bit of actual research to come to a conclusion on this one.

    In reference to what I said before, good luck with that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    how many negroid king and queens die by sweat to death in hot mississippi sun to pick cotton?

    How many died in the Gulags in Siberia and elsewhere in the then "glorious times of the Soviet Union"?

    I can´t recall who said that, but it was a Russian who did it which was the expression that "Russia can only be ruled by an iron fist". Not much changed since as it looks like when one notices the reports how Putin and his fellas interprete democracy and freedom in a free society, not to mention the press and the freedom of the media in particular.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    if putin bad man who want to blow up europe, why he daughter live in netherlands?

    I´d assume that his daughter lives in the Netherlands for various reasons. Some of these might be better living standards and more freedom.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    Boskowski wrote: »
    Just curious what people think since so much is being said about Russian misinformation.

    Do you believe that the western media is inherently more truthful than non western media and do you believe that western mainstream media are a reliable source for matters where the west has a vested interest?

    Do you believe that free speech truly exists in the west?

    Do you believe that any media is always telling you the truth? I do not believe that at all, it´s just food for the masses and what´s going on behind closed doors is another matter, often revieled in its full scale when it´s all long ago in the past.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    the west fixated by hitler, why you say?
    the west like hitler last days is bunkered down afraid of mother Russia, in bunker that have no idea of real world, only fantasy, fact on ground no like west imagine.

    Given the way the Nazis behaved during the years from 1941 to 1944, Hitler had much to fear from the Red Army if they could have managed to get their hands on him. He knew that and therefore he took the "last exit" by killing himself.

    Sure, according to your assessment here, the Putin opposition talks only fantasy and all is good in Putins paradise. The moment I saw those pictures on display on a BBC page with an article about the "Putin Cult", it was like being back to the "old days of Uncle Joe Stalin". Such were the pictures and the massage these pictures carried with it. He was depicted there in various styles, as the "hero" and as the "saviour", not to mention the "Putin T-Shirts" on sale in the Crimea.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    Was no Ukraine in the 1930s this was a domestic issue something they done to themselves.
    War in Afghan is still half of the number of the US in Vietnam.

    Of course there was a Ukraine in the 1930s as well as this country existed before, otherwise you´d have missed the principle on which the Russian Empire was created and the the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics established, no matter that both were central ruled from St Petersburg and later from Moscow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    millions, Stalin no mess about

    Ah, "charasho". "No man no problem" (Joseph Stalin).

    Is that what you mean by your post?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    Fox the best west news, easy to get truth.
    Believe opposite of everything they say and you know truth.

    LOL. That´s a logic for simpletons, really.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    floggg wrote: »
    Cromwell was notorious for punishing car thiefs.

    Hence the siege of Limerick...


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    Innocent like child, media in west no matter, it is entertainment not news.
    Real news hidden from citizens,
    Who make big money donations to republican and democrat party, they pay piper and call tune!
    You no serve 2 masters, west politician can serve citizens or corporations who donate MILLIONS dollars to them, who you think get good deal from politicians, citizen or corporation?

    How came it that in the first ten years after the end of the USSR, when in the USSR there were no millionares, the amount of millionares increased rapidly? Some say it´s because what emerged there was something like the Maffia and the Oligarchs who got rich in a short time, had their hands in these "criminal" businesses.

    Putin "the hero" promised to put an end to that and restore law and order. Well, the new rich got away with no harm, investing lots of money in Greece and elsewhere.

    Putin and Medvedev, the couple who changes offices but still remain in power, President or Prime Minister, it doesn´t matter as long as both of them are still in power. That´s what the electorate in Russia are represented with as leading politicians, that´s the future of democracy in Russia for at least the next decade if not even longer for they are both younger than the old heads of the gone Nomenclatura after Breshnev´s era until Gorbachev came to power.

    It must have some reason for why the Petrushkas are still a famous piece of Russian culture.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    Putin wrote: »
    Thank you Jimmy your words are too kinds. Yes when the Warsaw pact was dissolved, NATO & Bush Snr instead of dissolving NATO. They pursued their expansionist and New World order aspirations. Some people don't want halting sites or travellers on their doorsteps. Me? Well I don't want NATO on mine. Enough is enough. Merkel can shove her EU 4th Reich up her ass and if her and her fascist allies across the pond set foot in Mother Russia, I'll make the defeat of Nazism look like a cakewalk.

    There´s something missing in your story about the expansion of NATO which is, that those former Soviet Union countries in the Baltic, seeked to get protection from their former oppressors, the Russians. Not something some Russians like to talk about anyway, but still a fact. So NATO wasn´t imposing a membership on any former Eastern Bloc country nor on former Baltic Soviet Republics, they applied for membership by themselves.

    As for your fantasy "EU 4th Reich", it´s just laughable and has no substance. But I was wondering why the Russian Separatists in the Ukraine choose a flag similar to that of the Confederate States from the American Civil War. A flag which is so close associated with racism that can only match with the symbols of Nazism and Fascism.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    yes, one more time it problem for Mother Russia to free europe of Nazi, we win again, free europe 2 time .

    Just do your people a favour and free yourself form Putins Stalinism first before you even think about "free Europe of Nazis".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    efb wrote: »
    I'm sure Hitler had blind followers from forgien lands too

    He had and not less of them served in the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS, they were recruited from the occupied territories in the Soviet Union. After the war, Stalin had his "special treatment" descending on them when they returned to the USSR or were repatriated to their native land.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    I see if Hitler and nazi come to Ireland they have no shortage problem to get Gauleiter!
    Plenty here by the look.

    You´d be rather surprised of the "few" in numbers in Ireland who still admire Stalin and all the other Communist leaders from the former Eastern Bloc. I suppose those few are more in numbers than those you think of from those who would support Nazism. But of course, people of the latter mindset are - regrettably - also to find on Irish message boards. You just have to browse in other places to find them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    The vacuum when he's gone (and like all egotistical tyrants he will be gone someday) will be more problematic for the west than anything. He currently dominates all factions. Just wait till he doesn't anymore.

    Then he will be replaced by Medvedev and until he´s gone, this will take a time too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    I learn english by watch western porn, good no?

    No good at all, but it explains a lot about your way to string words together to have a try in writing a coherent sentence. But one get´s used to your "telegram style".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    No Putin put Russia first.
    Obama put USA first.
    The EU is USA bitch.

    Putin puts his "territorial ambitions" first and yet again, the Russians are abused for the dreams of an egotistical leader.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    Its not as least as despotic. You and your pal who you replied to have a bit of a tag team going on there eh? ;) vlad dog putin seems to be on the act too. To be honest I'm not sure how many kremlin bots there are on here or if its just the one bot with several accounts as normally happens elsewhere.

    I´ve seen enough Irish posters on internet message boards who more or less openly support and advocate Communism and they don´t care to even chose an avatar with the picture or take the name of a former Communist leader for their username. Communism and Socialism (sometimes both mean one and the same to them), is international and it´s no surprise that Irish Communists / far-left Socialists side with Putinists.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    The Th!ng wrote: »
    I'd love to see Putin kick and punch the living daylights out of David Cameron.

    I´d rather see the downfall of Putin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,222 ✭✭✭✭Grayson

    Thomas_. wrote: »
    He had and not less of them served in the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS, they were recruited from the occupied territories in the Soviet Union. After the war, Stalin had his "special treatment" descending on them when they returned to the USSR or were repatriated to their native land.

    They couldn't join the Wehrmacht. the SS however wasn't part of the military it was always considered to be a paramilitary unit that was part of the Nazi party.

    At the end of the war the SS numbered over a million. Most of those were non Germans who had volunteered to fight communism. there were Dutch, French, Ukrainian, Russian etc...There was even a British contingent called the British freikorp. There was only a few dozen in in that were recruited from PoW camps. Most were ordered to join by their superiors so they could gather intelligence.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    fryup wrote: »
    did putin have a face lift??

    his face looks a bit plastic of late, don't you think

    If you dare to compare him with the fantasy figure of Dobby (from Harry Potter) you´d get yourself in serious trouble (such as this really happened when someone made such an comparison).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    Grayson wrote: »
    They couldn't join the Wehrmacht. the SS however wasn't part of the military it was always considered to be a paramilitary unit that was part of the Nazi party.

    At the end of the war the SS numbered over a million. Most of those were non Germans who had volunteered to fight communism. there were Dutch, French, Ukrainian, Russian etc...There was even a British contingent called the British freikorp. There was only a few dozen in in that were recruited from PoW camps. Most were ordered to join by their superiors so they could gather intelligence.

    There were foreign unites associated to the Wehrmacht and that´s what I was referring to regarding the German Wehrmacht. As for the Waffen-SS, you´re right, there were plenty of foreign volunteers. I know that part of history.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    Egginacup wrote: »
    Ah come on now, Otto, didn't Vlad's people free your adopted homeland from the yoke of the Schmeiser toting boot boys. And now they're at it again.

    "The Schmeiser toting boot boys"! You mean the "Studenten Burschenschaft" and by "they are at it again" probably the AfD?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭pcardin

    Russians call anyone who is in different thoughts than themselves a Nazi, Fascists and so on. For regular traktorist Vanja lack of history knowledge is common thing, especially when knowledge of the world comes through Putin's regulated zombie box (TV) . At the same time they proudly call themselves a nationalists. :rolleyes: Vanja, what do you think what word Nazi was shortened from?! :D

    And all these poor russo chaps here shouting words and theories they have little or no understanding of, America is evil Russia is great, west is's so fcuking great huh sitting here in 'rotten' West nice and cozy, using all the goodies West provides. So much better than than back in your glorious mother Russia? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,089 ✭✭✭Sudden Valley

    i appreciate that his 'reign' ends he will probably have expanded Russia's borders westwards but he does seem to have destroyed the Russian economy and hos social policies seem pretty backward. definitely a clever player in world politics.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,417 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    Egginacup wrote: »
    [...] Kiev Nazis [...] Nazis in Kiev [...] Kiev skinhead and Nazi forces [...] Kiev assholes [...] Nazi thugs [...] Kiev being fcuked [...] :D
    Trolling here on boards with Kremlin propaganda on account of which people are dying is obscene and disgusting.

    You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,707 ✭✭✭arayess

    And what about the 2nd part? The siege ended in 44, so best case for your sympathy drive is he died 9 years before Putin was born.again, how badly affected to you truthfully think he was?

    considering he grew up with his parents carrying around the burden of his dead brother . If it affected his parents (which it's logical to assume it did) it would have certainly have had an impact on putin.
    To say otherwise is stupid and insensitive

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