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The Vladimir Putin appreciation thread.



  • Site Banned Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭Egginacup

    moving back to Vladimir Putin and how he's great...all his detractors seem to concentrate on policies, actions of his (real or imaginary) that are manifest and largely ignored, if not lauded in the leaders they claim to support and celebrate.

    This "do as I say, not as I do" attitude doesn't pass muster in the slightest.

    Ukrainian conscripts are wandering around the streets of Debaltsevo, prior to being routed, locked out of their heads, shattered and firing their AK's in the air and have no command. Poroshenko, the thundering moron, announced that Kiev forces strategically withdrew in an orderly fashion but had to endure a humiliating reverse when his own men, many of them untrained skinheads who would be better at home getting wasted in the ghettoes of Lviv, railed that they left behind wounded and dying comrades along with massive amounts of materiel.

    So we have western installed fascist junta shelling civilians in Luhansk.
    We have those people fighting back and successfully defending themselves.
    We have the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers lying in the snow as their units flee.
    We have Petro Poroschecnko claiming victory over the subhumans of the East
    even though he has recently flown his family out of the country, knowing full-well
    that he himself will either be toppled or hanged by the knuckleheads that were part of his
    moronic installation at the behest of Washington. I can't wait to see his body dragged
    through the streets by the very people he claims to represent.

    I'd give it 2 weeks.

    6 out 10 Ukrainian casualties are blue on blue. This is a bullsh1t conscript army who Washington thought they could just cobble together and take over an entire country.

    As usual Washington, and NATO try to clumsily retake the world and when they fcuk it up as usual they mope.

    It really is quite entertaining watching them trying to turn over Putin and conquer Russia.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38,247 ✭✭✭✭Guy:Incognito

    Egginacup wrote: »
    moving back to Vladimir Putin and how he's great....

    Hes not, hes a cnut.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,133 ✭✭✭Shurimgreat

    Egginacup wrote: »
    I'll deal with your temper-tantrum points one at a time.
    You assert the only ones "playing by the rules" are the "West".

    The "West" orchestrated the coup d'etat in Kiev and installed a fascist junta.

    This is indisputable and also illegal under International Law.

    Your thoughts?

    What a load of nonsense.

    The pro Russian president was largely responsible for the deaths of 100 people, then panicked and ran back to big brother in Russia.

    He was ousted in an impeachment vote in parliament, a vote supported by many MPs from his own pro Russian party.

    Don't let the facts get in the way of an anti western rant though.

    You Russians really hate the west don't you. But only when you are flush with oil and gas cash. When you need IMF or World Bank loans you really love us then don't you. Wish you'd make up your minds! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,745 ✭✭✭Irish Praetorian

    Egginacup wrote: »
    The "West" orchestrated the coup d'etat in Kiev and installed a fascist junta.

    This is indisputable and also illegal under International Law.

    Source Please.
    Egginacup wrote: »
    Ukrainian conscripts are wandering around the streets of Donsaltbev locked out of their heads, shattered and firing their AK's in the air and have no command.

    Do you mean Debaltseve? And if they are they must be rather piss poor considering Ukrainian troops left the area nearly a week ago.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,133 ✭✭✭Shurimgreat

    What the Russians don't understand because democracy is such a distant memory for them is that when a prime minister or president loses a vote of confidence in parliament or is impeached in a vote they must step down.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,689 ✭✭✭Karl Stein

    cnocbui wrote: »
    And you have the gall to point the finger at the West in an accusation it is ramping up this fight? You are either trolling, delusional or just completely ignorant of recent world events.

    You're fairly ignorant of recent world events yourself.

    Russia has watched NATO inexorably creep towards its border after being assured that it wouldn't after the collapse of the USSR. Russia sees NATO as an existential threat to its security and has acted to stop, as Russia sees it, another domino fall.

    Think of it this way. The Soviets 'win' the Cold War. The US economy is in severe decline. The Soviets have mutual security pacts with most actors in the world including all of South America.

    The Kremlin assures the Americans that if they adopt a Socialist model they will not incorporate Central American countries into their defence pact. So the US accepts and goes through economically painful restructuring.

    Meanwhile the the Kremlin begins to incorporate central American countries into its defence pact. One by one they move into the Soviet sphere of influence until they reach Mexico. The Soviets have economic advisers in Mexico and funnel resources and cash in an attempt to incorporate it into its sphere of influence.

    Now think how the Americans would feel about the Red Menace reaching its southern border. The Americans are aware that the ultimate goal of Moscow and its allies is to balkanize America so that it will be easier to control.

    The Americans would go all nukey.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,059 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    Egginacup wrote: »
    You say these Russian bombers had their transponders turned off. Can you provide proof of this and can you back up your assertion that military aircraft would have tracking and comma systems allowing them to be traced by all and sundry? Kind of defeats the purpose of stealth, wouldn't you say?

    If aircraft, flying in international airspace cannot be identified the who "owns" international airspace?

    That's it?

  • Site Banned Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭Egginacup

    Hes not, hes a cnut.

    He's not, Guy, he's ace.
    You know that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,745 ✭✭✭Irish Praetorian

    Karl Stein wrote: »
    You're fairly ignorant of recent world events yourself.

    Russia has watched NATO inexorably creep towards its border after being assured that it wouldn't after the collapse of the USSR. Russia sees NATO as an existential threat to its security and has acted to stop, as Russia sees it, another domino fall.

    Think of it this way. The Soviets 'win' the Cold War. The US economy is in severe decline. The Soviets have mutual security pacts with most actors in the world including all of South America.

    The Kremlin assures the Americans that if they adopt a Socialist model they will not incorporate Central American countries into their defence pact. So the US accepts and goes through economically painful restructuring.

    Meanwhile the the Kremlin begins to incorporate central American countries into its defence pact. One by one they move into the Soviet sphere of influence until they reach Mexico. The Soviets have economic advisers in Mexico and funnel resources and cash in an attempt to incorporate it into its sphere of influence.

    Now think how the Americans would feel about the Red Menace reaching its southern border. The Americans are aware that the ultimate goal of Moscow and its allies is to balkanize America so that it will be easier to control.

    The Americans would go all nukey.

    A few points I think ought to be made in response to this. Firstly, where are these assurances codified because I cannot locate any formal commitment by NATO or the EU to avoid expansion into Eastern Europe in exchange for the dismantling of the Soviet Union. You might argue that these were verbal assurances or unspoken understandings, with which I could feel some sympathy for their supposed betrayal but without a codified agreement what else was going to happen?

    Secondly, if we are going to presume that such an agreement was extant or that Russia was somehow unhappy with the borders of Eastern Europe post Soviet collapse, why exactly did they not air them at the time? Why, on the contrary, did they commit themselves to the maintenance of Ukrainian borders in 1994 if they found them utterly anathema as is now being claimed?

    Thirdly, I think your last claim, namely that anyone desires to divide up Russia, Balkanise it and exploit it, is simply a fantasy drummed up by people to justify the unjustifiable. I mean its a pretty pathetic excuse to say that one of the most militarily capable nations on the planet with one of the largest nuclear arsenals is at threat of being chopped up into little statelets.

    Lastly, and to be frank I'm somewhat surprised this isn't coming across stronger on this forum, but are we utterly unwilling to consider that maybe the people of Eastern Europe and Ukraine in particular have some agency and some role in their own decisions? Coups and ploys to lure states into the Western sphere is a charming story, but if you look at some of the history of the region and some of the current attitudes that prevail, its not exactly inconceivable that the peoples of these countries would want to distance themselves from Russia and become part of the EU and a newer larger Western Europe. And I don't think talk of Ukraine or the Baltics being Russia's 'backyard' do much to alter that - our nation has spent most of its history being considered the 'backyard' of another and I don't think I want to be at ease with the idea of another European state being returned to its role of 'backyard'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭fergus1001

    i for one welcome our new Russian overlords !

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,689 ✭✭✭Karl Stein

    where are these assurances codified

    They weren't codified but that doesn't change the fact that the Russians are watching the dominoes fall and see NATO encroachment as an existential threat.
    Thirdly, I think your last claim, namely that anyone desires to divide up Russia, Balkanise it and exploit it, is simply a fantasy drummed up by people to justify the unjustifiable.

    Oh you're not going to find a public document which would be little short of a declaration of war but if you join the dots the picture is fairly clear.
    Lastly, and to be frank I'm somewhat surprised this isn't coming across stronger on this forum, but are we utterly unwilling to consider that maybe the people of Eastern Europe and Ukraine in particular have some agency and some role in their own decisions?

    I agree. I personally think Ukraine should have kept its nukes. Presently Ukraine has become a political football between Washington and Moscow.

  • Site Banned Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭Egginacup

    What a load of nonsense.

    The pro Russian president was largely responsible for the deaths of 100 people, then panicked and ran back to big brother in Russia.

    He was ousted in an impeachment vote in parliament, a vote supported by many MPs from his own pro Russian party.

    Don't let the facts get in the way of an anti western rant though.

    You Russians really hate the west don't you. But only when you are flush with oil and gas cash. When you need IMF or World Bank loans you really love us then don't you. Wish you'd make up your minds! :D

    Washington AND Nato orchestrated the Kiev coup in 2014.

    That is a very simple fact. Now we are talking about playing by the rules here...allegedly yet you can't seem to define these "rules" by which you want others to play.

    Address that, and then we can move on to all the other episodes of alleged subterfuge.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,133 ✭✭✭Shurimgreat

    Egginacup wrote: »
    Washington AND Nato orchestrated the Kiev coup in 2014.

    That is a very simple fact. Now we are talking about playing by the rules here...allegedly yet you can't seem to define these "rules" by which you want others to play.

    Address that, and then we can move on to all the other episodes of alleged subterfuge.

    You never get tired of parroting pro Kremlin bs do you?

    You deal with my point about Yanachovic being impeaced in a parliamentary vote supported by his own MPs. Even his own MPs could see he was a mass murdering crook.

  • Site Banned Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭Egginacup

    Source Please.

    Do you mean Debaltseve? And if they are they must be rather piss poor considering Ukrainian troops left the area nearly a week ago.

    I actually meant Debaltsevo, but if you're going to nitpick about such issues when we are discussing things of a higher magnitude than spellchecking then it would behove you to look beyond schoolyard "he-said"-isms.

    The entire Ukrainian "army" is in disarray. They have no idea what they are fighting for. They are actually having to buy or steal their own boots and many of them haven't a clue how to operate the weaponry they have in their possession. This isn't me talking as a witness..this is from British mercenaries who are there. Whenever there's a scrap you'll always find mercenaries...scum of the Earth, but at least they have no agenda other than killing for money and they can speak the truth without being jailed.

    Ukrainian civilians are enraged at the campaign of terror that the Washington installed fascists in Kiev are conducting against the Eastern provinces and they are about to kick off.

    Like I said, Poroshenko won't last 2 weeks and I would bet the farm that you will see the scum of Right Sektor and Svoboda being dragged from their cars at the border and kicked to death pretty soon.

    Washington will of course denounce such actions as "against" their "values".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,133 ✭✭✭Shurimgreat

    Egginacup wrote: »
    I actually meant Debaltsevo, but if you're going to nitpick about such issues when we are discussing things of a higher magnitude than spellchecking then it would behove you to look beyond schoolyard "he-said"-isms.

    The entire Ukrainian "army" is in disarray. They have no idea what they are fighting for. They are actually having to buy or steal their own boots and many of them haven't a clue how to operate the weaponry they have in their possession. This isn't me talking as a witness..this is from British mercenaries who are there. Whenever there's a scrap you'll always find mercenaries...scum of the Earth, but at least they have no agenda other than killing for money and they can speak the truth without being jailed.

    Ukrainian civilians are enraged at the campaign of terror that the Washington installed fascists in Kiev are conducting against the Eastern provinces and they are about to kick off.

    Like I said, Poroshenko won't last 2 weeks and I would bet the farm that you will see the scum of Right Sektor and Svoboda being dragged from their cars at the border and kicked to death pretty soon.

    Washington will of course denounce such actions as "against" their "values".

    Proof? Source?

    You remind me of that woodrow wyatt guy. He never bothered with proof or sources either to back up his wild claims. A very similar posting style. Wild assertions and conspiracy theories with no proof or sources.

  • Site Banned Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭Egginacup

    You never get tired of parroting pro Kremlin bs do you?

    You deal with my point about Yanachovic being impeaced in a parliamentary vote supported by his own MPs. Even his own MPs could see he was a mass murdering crook.

    We'll get to all that in time.
    In the meantime Washington orchestrated the coup d'etat in Kiev in 2014. Now we can dance around this issue until the cows come home, or rather you can. You can talk about everything that has happened thereafter but all that is immaterial.
    Your law-abiding, democracy-spreading crew toppled a government in order to destabilise an entire nation.
    These are the facts and I challenge you to deny them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,133 ✭✭✭Shurimgreat

    Egginacup wrote: »
    We'll get to all that in time.
    In the meantime Washington orchestrated the coup d'etat in Kiev in 2014. Now we can dance around this issue until the cows come home, or rather you can. You can talk about everything that has happened thereafter but all that is immaterial.
    Your law-abiding, democracy-spreading crew toppled a government in order to destabilise an entire nation.
    These are the facts and I challenge you to deny them.

    So you keep saying. And you keep failing to provide anything in the way of proof of it.

    All the rest of us see is a president who ran away to Russia before he was caught and put on trial for murder. He was then rightly voted out in parliament including by members of his own pro Russian party. Were they working for Washington too

    Maybe your line of propaganda would impress semi-illiterate vodka swigging peasants back home. But around here you come across as crazed and delusional.

  • Site Banned Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭Egginacup

    Proof? Source?

    You remind me of that woodrow wyatt guy. He never bothered with proof or sources either to back up his wild claims. A very similar posting style. Wild assertions and conspiracy theories with no proof or sources.

    Come on now, Shurimgreat,

    Let's get back to the coup d'etat that the Washington monkeys orchestrated yet have the gall to talk about "rules". That includes you.

    You haven't addressed that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,133 ✭✭✭Shurimgreat

    Egginacup wrote: »
    Come on now, Shurimgreat,

    Let's get back to the coup d'etat that the Washington monkeys orchestrated yet have the gall to talk about "rules". That includes you.

    You haven't addressed that.

    Except they didn't.

    Maybe if you tried backing yourself up on this thread with one of your numerous other logins you might have more luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,745 ✭✭✭Irish Praetorian

    Karl Stein wrote: »
    They weren't codified but that doesn't change the fact that the Russians are watching the dominoes fall and see NATO encroachment as an existential threat.

    Since when does the reckonings of one country about the decisions of another mean that we should sit back and applaud invasion and annexation?

    Oh you're not going to find a public document which would be little short of a declaration of war but if you join the dots the picture is fairly clear.

    Just out of interest, since I've been down this road before..., does this picture involve Jewish bankers masterminding policies of mass immigration and water fluoridation to keep us all zombified?
    I agree. I personally think Ukraine should have kept its nukes. Presently Ukraine has become a political football between Washington and Moscow.

    A wise idea in retrospect, who would have thought Ukraine in 1994 would have had to worry again about its borders being violated.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,745 ✭✭✭Irish Praetorian

    Egginacup wrote: »
    I actually meant Debaltsevo, but if you're going to nitpick about such issues when we are discussing things of a higher magnitude than spellchecking then it would behove you to look beyond schoolyard "he-said"-isms.

    The entire Ukrainian "army" is in disarray. They have no idea what they are fighting for. They are actually having to buy or steal their own boots and many of them haven't a clue how to operate the weaponry they have in their possession. This isn't me talking as a witness..this is from British mercenaries who are there. Whenever there's a scrap you'll always find mercenaries...scum of the Earth, but at least they have no agenda other than killing for money and they can speak the truth without being jailed.

    Ukrainian civilians are enraged at the campaign of terror that the Washington installed fascists in Kiev are conducting against the Eastern provinces and they are about to kick off.

    Like I said, Poroshenko won't last 2 weeks and I would bet the farm that you will see the scum of Right Sektor and Svoboda being dragged from their cars at the border and kicked to death pretty soon.

    Washington will of course denounce such actions as "against" their "values".

    True, all TRUE and then with their denunciation in hand, the master plan shall be brought foward into the light, as the legions of loyal Russian troops embedded across the United States SHALL SPRING FORTH! And with their drums pounding and hearts BEATING!! OH THE UNITED STATES AND ALL HER VILE PUPPETS SHALL FALL, AS ALL WILL FALL BEFORE THE GLORIOUS MOTHERLAND!




  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,743 ✭✭✭blatantrereg

    Russia is a police state again. it's invading parts of Europe again.

    A police state in the sense that people who criticise the government too much are routinely being arrested on trumped up charges. Look it up; it is happening. Garry Kasparov is a famous example, who was beaten and arrested outside the Pussy Riot trial.

    Mind boggles at the "Putin is better than Obama" comments.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,689 ✭✭✭Karl Stein

    Since when does the reckonings of one country about the decisions of another mean that we should sit back and applaud invasion and annexation?

    Where have I once suggested that we should applaud or exalt invasion and annexation? Are you having a little argument with yourself?
    Just out of interest, since I've been down this road before..., does this picture involve Jewish bankers masterminding policies of mass immigration and water fluoridation to keep us all zombified?

    Yawn. Try harder, be better.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    pcardin wrote: »
    Bear in mind these here on Boards reside somewhere in Ireland. What I find funny is that most of these poor pro-Russian souls that are so defending Putin and Russia's aggression have never been in Russia, never even planned to do so but so proudly call themselves Russians, decorating their cars and houses with Russian flags and ribbon of St. George along with Stalin's portret. :D

    LOL. Just like those Commis on who are as well deluded but at least they don´t pretend to post from Russia by deliberately using a bad English in writing / spelling.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    He's a good guy tbh. Russia is the only hope for saving the west. America is already on the verge of being a Marxist state and Europe, through white guilt & low birth rates, is on the path to becoming an African/Muslim colony. Putin is the only leader who hasn't bent over backwards for immigrants demanding "equality". In his own words "if you don't like our laws you can go home". My friend is Russian and she said he has transformed this once Bolshevik state back into a country based on traditional Christian values. He has crushed the poison of liberalism, second wave feminism and the homoerotic agenda. Hence birth rates have recovered and the country will become strong again.

    I´ve read some similar programme by another party, some decades back in history. Well, it´s similar to what Hitler and the Nazis propagaded what Putin "Führer" is doing now. No surprise when looking at the way the grabbed Crimea, it reminded me on the Sudentenland crisis after he annexed Austria in 1938. He´s rather eager to stress history for his own purposes and I do understand the anxiety of the Baltic States of late when they are trying to prepare themselves for the worst.

    Sure, soon enough Putin might "introduce" the "Mother-cross" for women with high birth rates, such as it happened in Nazi Germany. One can find those Mother-crosses on antique-markets where they are for sale.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭Thomas_.

    Irish and English are of the same stock ...

    That is simply not true when making such a generalised statement.
    ... it was British monarchy who oppressed us not the general Englishman.

    The general Englishman who served in the British forces was the "instrument" of oppression in Ireland. Some of them did it because they were forced to do so by their supiriors, some were "natural sadists" who enjoyed to maltreat the Irish. Without the latter, the British monarchy had no means to force anything on the Irish.

    You sound like a Blue-shirt disciple.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭pcardin

    Fascist. Nazi, fascist, Nazi, fascist, Nazi...blah blah every sentence repeating and repeating all over again. themselves representing the ONLY country in the world that is truly fascist/Nazi today.

    Vatnik is vatnik also in Africa . :D

    Soon 9th of May is approaching, where all vatnik murderers and women and child rapists will be marching again (if any still alive), a day that should be proclaimed as start of genocide. Happened to see one of their clown parades, driving cars that have 'На Берлин' (To Berlin) written on side (western made cars btw, as own shyte is not good for driving), people in 20ties and 30ties dressed in war time army uniforms packed with medals bought in black market or digged out of graves, all heavily drunk and aggressive.

    By looking at them it feels the only sanktion that world should have implied on them is to take away any access to Adidas trainers and sunflower seeds. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,745 ✭✭✭Irish Praetorian

    Karl Stein wrote: »
    Where have I once suggested that we should applaud or exalt invasion and annexation? Are you having a little argument with yourself?

    You made a claim that the Russians were viewing NATO and EU expansion as an existential threat, I responded with an elegant way of saying 'who gives a damn' - have you nothing to add?
    Yawn. Try harder, be better.

    Rather ironic considering some of the individuals we have on the thread. Nonetheless, if you're going to make a claim you're going to need to support it - clearly the fact that were having the debate means not all of us are thinking what you're thinking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,130 ✭✭✭Elmer Blooker

    Proof? Source?

    You remind me of that woodrow wyatt guy. He never bothered with proof or sources either to back up his wild claims. A very similar posting style. Wild assertions and conspiracy theories with no proof or sources.

    I found this post amusing. Are you sure you're not talking about that clown Andriy Lysenko (Ukraine govt. spokesman) Nothing he has said has turned out to be true.
    On the subject of conspiracy theories, could any of you experts tell me when the invasion of the Baltic Republics begins, I would like to stock up on tinned food, candles etc and be well prepared for WW3. I'm sure the likes of Reuters & co will keep me informed with all the facts about the evil Russians and their daily invasions!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,814 ✭✭✭Jude13

    Super power flexing its muscles by putting forces in weaker nation for no reason other than their own gain shocker. See GB and US in Iraq, Afghan, Pakistan.

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