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Insulting Idioms/Loaded questions



  • Registered Users Posts: 20,433 ✭✭✭✭kneemos

    Could you get anymore condescending?

    Yet again the implication is being made here that somehow this whole mess has been caused by a user incorrectly taking an idiom used in a debate, literally. But, that is all just really smoke and mirrors as that is not what happened at all, no matter how much you and your fellow admin pretend it to have been.

    Kinda hard to believe it needs to be repeated, but the infraction was given NOT for merely using an idiom, but for the following reasons:

    And so this isn't (as your quote would imply) about people with a lack of intelligence stifling a debate. This is about a user making it blindingly obvious to another member of the forum that they found an idiom which had just directed at them to be offensive (read: not understood if you wish) and that well versed Boards member completely ignoring that and leveling it at the same user yet again, this time with an exclamation mark (as if that would someone help them understand). That is why they were infracted and yet unbelievably this gets totally sidestepped by the admin who ends up overturning the card citing that the idiom was used correctly, with not so much as a mention of the user's manner.

    Not saying that they do, but if I was the mod that issued that infraction and my reason (as appears to be the case) was the manner in which a user behaved on a thread and an admin came along and reversed it (and didn't at least acknowledge the reasons behind why the card was given) suggesting the user was just infracted for merely using an expression, I would without question feel undermined and somewhat disrespected.

    Decisions get overturned all the time,doubt the Mods lose sleep over it.

    Links says it wasn't used to "get a rise " and the Admins agree.
    Still not seeing the problem.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,264 ✭✭✭fran17

    oscarBravo wrote: »
    ...and I disagreed, and still do, and as an administrator of the site, that was my adjudication on the dispute in question, and - as per the rules of dispute resolution - that decision is final.

    I can't do anything about your decision to be offended by something. If you want to be offended, you're welcome to be offended, but - in the immortal words of the great modern philosopher Ricky Gervais - just because you're offended doesn't mean you're right.

    That's completely fine OB,we can agree to differ on this.The evidence is there for all to see and has been explained numerous times now by myself and others and the DRF concurs with that but you continue to ignore it.But fine,that is your prerogative.
    But can you please address my issue.Why,if the infraction was upheld by the DRF mod because:
    "the manner in which you used it was unacceptable and it served only to inflame an already heated discussion"
    "REGARDLESS OF THE IDIOM USED-you decided to keep pushing it and get a rise out of the other poster"
    Why did you overturn it for a completely different reason than the reasons given by the DRF and I have just stated?
    This point is as obvious as the nose on your face and the continued denial of it is eroding your credibility,which by the way I hold very highly,and also the credibility of this whole process.

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,803 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    fran17 wrote: »
    Why did you overturn it...?
    Because I disagreed with the reason given for upholding it. I'm not sure why I have to keep repeating that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,629 ✭✭✭✭osarusan

    fran17 wrote: »
    But can you please address my issue.Why,if the infraction was upheld by the DRF mod because:
    "the manner in which you used it was unacceptable and it served only to inflame an already heated discussion"
    "REGARDLESS OF THE IDIOM USED-you decided to keep pushing it and get a rise out of the other poster"
    Why did you overturn it for a completely different reason than the reasons given by the DRF and I have just stated?
    Already answered it:
    oscarBravo wrote: »
    I'll spell this out one more time, although I think I've made myself quite clear already: I overturned the card in this case because I disagreed with the reason it was given, including disagreeing with the assessment of the category moderator who upheld it. And - one more time - my decision is final, so I'm not sure why we're even discussing it here.

    oscarBravo thought the cMod was wrong and overruled them. Simple as that.
    The cMod thought the idiom was inflammatory and its use was unacceptable - the admin didn't think so.

    There is no inconsistency here - it is purely in your head.

    There is no issue over the 'comepletely different reason given' for overturning the infraction. It was overturned based on a different evaluation on the same criteria - its use being inflammatory and unacceptable, or being legitimate.

    You can continue to beat the drum, but all people hear is annoying noise.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,389 ✭✭✭NachoBusiness

    oscarBravo wrote: »
    With the greatest of respect: if you were the mod that issued the infraction, you'd be privy to a great deal more discussion behind the scenes than you currently are.

    Which is why I said:
    Not saying that they do, but if I was the mod that issued that infraction and my reason (as appears to be the case) ...

    And is also why I feel in the OP it was asked :
    fran17 wrote: »
    If a category mod issues an infraction and this infraction is upheld on appeal by the appeals mod,after consultation with a multiple of other mods before passing judgement, then what information is available to the admin which the category mods and appeal mods do not possess?

    In fairness, it is supposed to be a transparent dispute process and so one wonders why anything regarding something as straightforward as this infraction would need to be privy to only mods and admin. I mean, if a mistake was made and the initial reason posted in the DRP for issuing the infraction was incorrect, then surely it would be a simple matter to acknowledge that. I say that as it's the only reasonable conclusion to come to for why the user's manner was not addressed when you revoked the card.
    As for feeling undermined and disrespected: the nature of an appeals process is that moderator actions will sometimes be overturned. If that wasn't the case, then there would be no point in having an appeals process. It's also the nature of an appeals process that sometimes those whose decisions are overturned will disagree with the reasons for overturning them. Again, if it were only possible to overturn a decision with the permission of the original moderator, then there would be no point having an appeals process.

    Of course it is understood that it is part of the process for admin to overrule mods/cmods when needed (an all too rare one if anything ;)) but surely acknowledging the basis on which the mod decided to ban/infract is crucial, before then going on to state why it is that you disagree with it and are deciding to overrule. You did not do any of this. Or again, that is how it appears from the outside.
    I overturned the card in this case because I disagreed with the reason it was given, including disagreeing with the assessment of the category moderator who upheld it. And - one more time - my decision is final, so I'm not sure why we're even discussing it here.

    This is laughable. You are deliberately avoiding the point and you know it. Come on now. You say you disagreed with the Cmod who upheld the card but yet here is your only post on that thread:
    oscarBravo wrote: »
    I'm going to reverse the card. I can understand the gut reaction from a moderator who wasn't familiar with the expression, but there's no disputing the fact that it's an expression with a long and well-understood history.

    How could that qualify as addressing the CMod's assessment and basis for upholding the card? You don't even acknowledge it. Your words suggest the user was incorrectly infracted for just using an idiom, in which case, who wouldn't support your retraction of the card. But, as you know from the Cmod's comments in the thread, they upheld it because that user had "keep pushing it" after Fran had clearly shown that the idiom was lost on him. Again, it was the "manner" in which they posted which saw the user infracted. You can keep saying you're not sidestepping this point, but until you address it, then that is precisely what you are doing.

    So, no: I'm not skirting around your points, or glossing over them, or whatever it is you feel I'm doing. I'm disagreeing with you. I don't believe that the idiom in question was used to deliberately inflame, but in its correct rhetorical context.

    Oh you are, but listen, I have just one question for you, oB:

    Why, in your view, do you think the user directed the rhetorical 'Have you stopped beating your wife?' question at the OP, the second time, after they had clearly shown that they were riled by it (or at the very least, did not understand it). What do you think was the purpose of that user directing at them again? I suggest you go back to thread before you answer, as it's quite clear that in context of the replies that followed Fran's post, directing the same question again had quite a different purpose than the first time it was posted and with respect, I think if you can't see that, then you are very naive.
    You may disagree. That's fine. You're welcome to do so. The point you seem determined to miss is that, in this case, it's my call to make, and I made it.

    Nah, I think you saw what you wanted to see.

    The idiom was used correctly, initially, but the second time it was used, after the user had made it patently clear that it was lost on him, and that he found the topic it concerned offensive (male on female domestic violence) it was now being used for an entirely different purpose and that was: to rile.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,433 ✭✭✭✭kneemos

    This horse is starting to decompose.

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,803 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    Nacho, I'm going to reply to you just one more time, and I'm going to repeat myself just one more time, and I won't be at all surprised if you argue with me one more time.

    You believe that the phrase was used in a deliberately inflammatory manner. That's fine. You're entitled to believe what you want. You're entitled to make whatever nicely-reasoned arguments in favour of that belief that you want to make.

    You're even entitled to call me naive for having the temerity to disagree with you - whatever floats your boat. But let me spell this out to you for the avoidance of doubt: the possibility that the phrase was used purposely to inflame was, quite obviously, one that I had to consider when evaluating the dispute, given that it was the reason used to uphold the card. I considered the possibility that it was intended purely to inflame, but I also considered the possibility that it wasn't, and instead was used in its correct rhetorical manner.

    Now, maybe you haven't considered the latter possibility; or maybe you have, and have discarded it as completely out of the question. Either way, you have arrived at a different conclusion from me. Does that make you wrong? Does it make me wrong?

    Neither: it means that we perceive the situation differently. Which brings us back to the only salient difference between our perceptions of the situation: my perception is the one that informs the conclusion of the dispute resolution process, and yours is not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,554 ✭✭✭Pat Mustard

    fran17 wrote: »
    After it was ascertained in the DRF that this question was indeed an idiom/loaded question the infraction was still upheld on the basis of it been used to "keep pushing it and get a rise" out of me and also seen "as inflammatory and still warranting of an infraction" by the resolution mod.
    Now in light of this knowledge can you please answer me a question.If the infraction was upheld on these grounds,which I have just stated above in captions,why was the infraction overturned on the basis that it was understood that the question was "an expression with a long and well-understood history?And not on the grounds in which it was upheld?
    It has already been explained to you several times that the card was overturned in the DRF, yet you persist in saying it was not. This misrepresentation of the facts was a tactic that you employed in the After Hours thread:
    Originally posted by fran17
    Don't know if you are aware,but there is cases of children as young as 3yrs old being subjected to the torture of sex change treatment by quacks in London.
    Originally Posted by fran17
    Nobody said they were giving a 3yr old child a sex change(duh).The very same clinic has seen over 460 children under the age of 18 last year in relation to GID.These Dr.Frankenstein's have had a 3yr old child referred to the clinic for assessment and treatment.
    Now I don't care if your straight,gay or from mars,to engage in such abhorrent practices on a prepubescent child is p1ssing on nature,society and any shred of morality.
    It's dishonest to misrepresent the facts. You demonstrated this dishonesty on the AH thread and you have shown it here too. In a further twist on this, when you made false claims that the card was upheld in the DRF, you accused me and other posters of not having read the DRF thread and not knowing the facts. At this stage, these dishonest tactics seem to be a common feature of your posts.
    fran17 wrote: »
    I am very much of the opinion and belief that this insulting question was used in a manner designed to get a rise out of myself.
    Firstly I asked quiet a basic question of the other poster,Links234,on three occasions and on all three occasions was met with rather disingenuous sidesteps.In post #278 of that thread I attempted to disengage with Links234 and neutralise the situation.However Links234 responded by reigniting the issue in post #305 by including me in the posting.I did not rise to the bait and respectfully asked in post #314 not to be included in Links234 postings in the future if Links234 was unwilling to engage in proper debate with me:

    Then in post #319 Links234 asked this loaded question after I already stated quite clearly that I did not wish to be included in Links234 postings.In post #326 I stated that I felt the question was insulting and in very bad taste and Links234 again responded by asking it again in post #331!

    Now Mr.Mustard if you still feel after all that that the poster Links234 was not attempting to get a rise out of myself in this situation then I respectfully ask that you reassess your position in this forum,as to come to your conclusion defies belief.

    You understand that the expression used was a rhetorical device but you still claim that it was used to rise you. I don't believe this is genuine on your part and I doubt that many others do either. You don't have any credibility left, at this stage. Your outrage comes across as contrived.

    You came off second best in the exchange with Links234 and now you're bitter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,264 ✭✭✭fran17

    OK this has gone on long enough in my opinion so I'm going to call it a day.In closing I'd like to say that an opportunity has been lost here today to reaffirm peoples belief that nobody is above the law in this forum.I asked a question in the thread and i'll ask it again:
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? The answer to this question is nobody.
    I have painstakingly reviewed over 50 previous appeals which were forwarded to admin for review and do you know how many were overturned by admin? zero.To my knowledge this is also the first occasion a moderator has received a red card infraction.
    Its plain to see what happened in this situation,Moderator Links234 baited and harassed me even after I requested that Links234 exclude me from Links234 postings.Links234 was rightly infracted for this and received a red card.This infraction was appealed,which is anybody's right to do so,and the infraction was upheld.However the infraction was overturned by admin for a completely separate reason from the reason it was upheld on.People can draw there own conclusions there,which is there right to do so.
    So everybody loses here today,especially the dispute resolution process.
    Thanks to all who genuinely contributed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,687 ✭✭✭✭Penny Tration

    In other words, you didn't actually listen to anyone, you were just hell bent on having that infraction reinstated

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,681 ✭✭✭✭P_1

    I'm afraid that you'll find volunteers to pop the toys back into the pram in short supply

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    kneemos wrote: »
    This horse is starting to decompose.

    The repeated flogging doesn't help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 35,524 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    fran17 wrote: »
    I have painstakingly reviewed over 50 previous appeals which were forwarded to admin for review and do you know how many were overturned by admin? zero.To my knowledge this is also the first occasion a moderator has received a red card infraction.
    Admins have overturned appeals, and moderators have received red cards/bans/sitebans in the past.
    OK this has gone on long enough

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,516 ✭✭✭✭Mr E

    fran17 wrote: »
    I have painstakingly reviewed over 50 previous appeals which were forwarded to admin for review and do you know how many were overturned by admin? zero.To my knowledge this is also the first occasion a moderator has received a red card infraction.

    'Painstaking' is a stretch....

    Card against Mod Upheld:

    All since the start of the year.

    Edit: Sorry Gordon...

This discussion has been closed.