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Prime Time 10th March 2015



  • Registered Users Posts: 14,986 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    01 2083111 You can phone in too and give out about it too in the nicest possible way;)
    Pass it on to at least three other shooters and this will take legs as well.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,986 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    From the facebook NARGC page.

    Prime Time Programme on Firearms Proposals
    There has been much comment about last night’s Prime Time Programme and I wish to thank the very many people who have sent and published messages of support.
    Notwithstanding, some have asked why I was not on the programme in the studio discussion. The answer to this is straightforward. I was at all times available and ready to travel to RTE in Donnybrook, but the programme makers told me the evening before that, as the Gardai were not putting forward a spokesperson for the studio discussion and relying on the recorded interview with CS Healy, it would not be appropriate to have a spokesperson from the “other side” either as the “other side” was also being included by way of recorded interview. And so they opted for two people who would have opposing views on the matter but not directly representative of the two sides.
    What followed in the programme should be quite obvious to anyone who watched it. The footage was heavily edited, particularly the interviews. There was a recorded ten minute interview with me and a further ten minute recorded interview with Michael Tope. What was broadcast was approximately 10 seconds of each. There was an excellent interview recorded with Paul Walsh on the mountain which was not broadcast at all. The very reason and basis for the request from the Oireachtas Press Office to have the Prime Time broadcast unit along was to cover the visit of the Justice Committee to Harbour House and do an interview with the Committee’s Chair. None of his interview was broadcast either.
    The entire programme was heavily biased towards criminal use of firearms and no attempt was made to broadcast the material which they had from us which would have brought balance to the discussion. Set against that background there was then a studio discussion in which Deputy Finnian McGrath was allowed to persistently talk over William Egan and where Miriam O’Callaghan would not allow William to address the very basis on which the current proposals are based – the false statistics on stolen forearms published by the Gardai - while allowing Deputy McGrath quote them liberally. She said the statistics would “bamboozle” everyone! How insulting to the viewing audience! The entire discussion for such a complex and sometimes emotive subject was afforded just over 7.5 minutes. William Egan has nothing to prove in terms of his commitment and expertise in defending shooting. His track record speaks for itself. He was simply prevented from making his points by the discussion moderator.
    The programme, despite the producers having all and sufficient data and material given to them, was unbalanced, biased and trivialised by virtue of not what it addressed, but what it did not. A third party has lodged a formal and detailed complaint about the programme.
    We have a clear objective and strategy in relation to the current proposals from which I have no intention of being deflected and we are progressing that strategy today as planned. Comments to public representatives are now even more important.
    Des Crofton
    National Director
    Spokesperson for the Sports Coalition.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    A third party has lodged a formal and detailed complaint about the programme.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    It's nice to see the explanation.
    It'd have been nicer if he'd just said "look lads, we made a mistake. It was a high risk idea but we thought that if it worked it would be worth it; we were wrong, it didn't, we're trying to deal with it now. Sorry."

  • Registered Users Posts: 12 loftypheasant

    That was some disgrace last night to add to a litany of disgraces.
    My twopence worth sent to the BAI and RTE's complaints for all the good it'll do:

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I write to complain about the biased, cheap, tabloid nature of RTE's Primetime's report on firearms licensing on last night, the 10th of March 2015. It was one-sided as it strove to blur the lines between licensed, legal sporting and hunting activity and, so called, 'gangland' murders and mass shootings in other countries (where failures by the police resulted in unstable people being licensed; a fact not mentioned in the report) . The interviews and report were emotive coupled with menacing music and sound effects in the background.
    The report fatuously suggests that any unsolved gun murders may have been carried out with stolen, previously legally held firearms. This is extremely unlikely considering the small numbers of the relevant firearms which have been officially reported stolen and the large quantity which are known to be illegally imported and those that remain from 'the Troubles', etc. The veracity of Garda/Dept. of Justice figures which were used in the piece has been undermined only recently in the Dail when the Minister for Justice had to concede that of ~1700 reported firearms thefts recorded by the Gardai in recent times that ~600 of these could not actually be defined as firearms. (such as gunsafes, airsoft toy guns, etc.) This very pertinent, recently revealed, information was excluded from the report.
    In the interview, Deputy McGrath uses the same, incorrect and purposely misleading, figure in his ill informed, emotive rant about firearms. Mr Egan attempted to address these false figures but was not afforded the opportunity to do so as Ms. O Callaghan warned him not to 'bamboozle viewers with figures' (the correct figures in this case!) Ms. O Callaghan allowed Deputy McGrath to dominate the interview and she also used an emotive and biased line of questioning for Mr. Egan. Ms. O Callaghan did not give him sufficient time to answer her 'questions' and allowed to Deputy McGrath to interject and talk over Mr. Egan thus rendering the interview completely one sided, as was probably intended judging by the overall tone of the piece.
    There was no mention in the report of how we compare to other European countries in relation to licensed firearms. Only the UK is mentioned (where handguns are still licensed for humane dispatch of animals, not banned outright as reported in the piece) There was no coverage given to the round table agreements made, in recent years, between the Minister for Justice, the Dept. of Justice and the Gardai and the sport shooting stakeholders, agreements which the Gardai have since reneged on, which is why they have been beaten in court so many times on firearms licensing issues. There was no mention made of the attempt by the relevant Dept of Justice/Garda Working Group (of which Chief Superintendent Fergus Healy, interviewed in the report, is a senior member) to hold a 'pretend' consultation process before introducing draconian reforms to firearms licensing which are out of line with other EU countries. None of these important facts were mentioned in the report. I assume many of the sportspeople interviewed by Mr. Cummins informed him of these facts but they were edited out.
    If this is the best that RTE can do in covering such an important issue it makes me question the value of my licence fee.
    The way in which law abiding sportspeople have been treated by the State in recent years is disgraceful. If any other minority were treated in such a way there would be uproar. It is a shame that a 'factual' news programme cannot shed at least some light on the plight of the sporting shooter and look at any real or perceived public safety concerns in a rational manner based on the facts.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,301 ✭✭✭yubabill1

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    01 2083111 You can phone in too and give out about it too in the nicest possible way;)
    Pass it on to at least three other shooters and this will take legs as well.

    A nice lady logged my complaint, which generally followed my email complaint


    Thanks, Griz.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks
    Wow! After @RTE_PrimeTime some of the gun lobby nasty. Less guns, safer society. Get it!

    You'd almost think he was trolling for a response so he could go to the papers and say someone was threatening him...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,827 ✭✭✭bpb101

    Sparks wrote: »

    You'd almost think he was trolling for a response so he could go to the papers and say someone was threatening him...

    jayus , isen't finian an awful tool

    I think nargc, icpsa and the rest of the ngb should demand air time(for live events) the same way as boxing, swimming , gaa and football get airtime. Never on during the Olympics either

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,045 ✭✭✭OzCam

    If only we had a system of government where people had to produce actual solid evidence to justify their cushy positions and salaries or grants.

    Instead, anyone who tries to challenge fictional numbers is told to shut up.
    Less guns, safer society
    <--- Prove it.

    Wouldn't you love to see someone being taken to court next year for nonpayment of the TV Tax, and telling the judge "Yes Justice, I'm happy to pay for proper Public Service Broadcasting, but not for RTE because they're utterly crap.". But that choice is being taken away too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,301 ✭✭✭yubabill1

    Sparks wrote: »

    You'd almost think he was trolling for a response so he could go to the papers and say someone was threatening him...

    That'll be me.

    Just informed him that his EX party colleagues Sen John Whelan, Jack Wall and Emmet Stagg just love him. hear they are inundated by the gun lobby.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,045 ✭✭✭OzCam

    I just submitted a form to RTE's Public Service Statement process. I gave them socks, mostly about growing a spine. I was polite, but rather uncomplimentary. Who knows, maybe it'll prick someone's professional pride. We can but hope.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,301 ✭✭✭yubabill1

    Sparks wrote: »

    Guy on broadsheet says over 300 complaints gone to RTE over PT gun report. Well, I learned that there are over 144,000 licensed firearms holders in Ireland. Maybe I should write in to say thanks?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    From the WDAI facebook page:
    Since the RTE Prime Time programme aired last night, we have been inundated with complaints from the general public regarding the representation of deer stalking during the programme not to mention the lack of respect shown for the animals culled. Our Association had NO involvement in this item and in fact requested the removal of any reference to deer stalking, our request was ignored. Our request for clarification, that deer stalking was not be impacted by the review of firearm licensing was included.

    As the national representative body for deer stalking, we are never found wanting in promoting deer stalking and the need for deer management on all mediums, including TV and Radio. However to include a 30 second clip of a Sika hind chest shot along with a calf, then gralloched and dragged past the camera, while shown in the same programme where victims of gun crime are interviewed, is not a balanced or a fair representation of deer stalking.

    If the programme was about deer stalking, some of the footage may have been appropriate, but it wasn’t, and in the context of a programme that should have won the hearts and minds of the general public and politicians, it was reckless. Any concerns that content maybe edited or represented in a slanted way would have been known in advance by those who took part in the programme and thus the inclusion of deer stalking should have been avoided.

    We have other concerns regarding the balance and fairness of this programme. However our focus now should be on supporting our competition target shooting colleagues, who represented themselves very well in the programme, and now need our support more than ever.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Nice lighting and framing by Prime Time. You can hardly tell it's an airsoft toy until you grab a screenshot and then raise the lighting in photoshop to see it clearly.


  • Registered Users Posts: 11,207 ✭✭✭✭Nekarsulm

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    01 2083111 You can phone in too and give out about it too in the nicest possible way;)
    Pass it on to at least three other shooters and this will take legs as well.

    That's not a complaint line, its a Comment line. At least that's what I was just informed by the lady in RTE. All complaints must be by letter or email, she advises.
    Left a detailed comment, which she typed up.( or at least, she was typing as I spoke)

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Sparks wrote: »
    Nice lighting and framing by Prime Time. You can hardly tell it's an airsoft toy until you grab a screenshot and then raise the lighting in photoshop to see it clearly.


    A Dan wessson Co2 airsoft

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Gatling wrote: »
    A Dan wessson Co2 airsoft
    I wonder if someone was hoping people might read that as Smith&Wesson? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Sparks wrote: »
    I wonder if someone was hoping people might read that as Smith&Wesson? :D

    Yeah it happens alot with airsofters .

    Well technically it's part of the Cz USA family but it's still airsoft that uses fake plastic shells you load bbs into you can get a revolver type speed loader for them.

    Thank god that wasnt shown lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,745 ✭✭✭✭Witcher

    Get the feeling that the WDAI still see all of this as nothing to do with them but that they're helping out for the benefit of target shooters alone. You can see it in the statement there and I noticed it creeping in last night in the FB comments on their page.

    Their tune will soon change if these proposals go through and their members start getting their 'high powered sniper rifles' refused.

    The message that it effects everyone doesn't really seem to have gotten across to everyone. The Gardai are out for everyone's blood with this, if they get the nod to issue refusals because they think there are too many firearms in a district some supers will be refusing everything that moves. Some people seek to think that because their super issued the licence they have now that they'll be fine, they might least until they get a new super and then the die will be cast again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Think about that for a moment Strider. They don't really think that it will affect them but they say this anyway:
    our focus now should be on supporting our competition target shooting colleagues, who represented themselves very well in the programme, and now need our support more than ever.
    And on their page they also say:
    I'm 100% with you on standing together and we need to this more than ever on target shooting.
    this has nothing to do with deer stalking and everything to do with our colleagues in target shooting, who we should support them to the last.
    some people want to chew my head off when I've been saying it since last year. We need to support our target shooters!!

    You might think they're wrong about not being directly targeted, and it's an arguable point, but **** that ****. Read what they're saying about supporting people. They're putting their back into it on general principle! What more can anyone ask for, for pete's sakes?

    I'm reading all these comments out there on the net about how people aren't rowing in together and I'm starting to think people are mistaking "being a member of the coalition" with "working to stop our sports being destroyed". The two are not the same thing and if people start thinking that not being a member of the coalition means an opposition to our sports, they need to sort their head out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,113 ✭✭✭Zxthinger

    Because that's real life like it or not.Public won't really give a dam about that programme they probably forgot most of it by the time the rape case was finished and they will just move on to the next scandal next week.The biggest problem is someone like finian mc grath being on that comitee he is totally biased , the prick knew the facts but still peddles lies.

    This point needs to be flagged to the chair of the committee.

    Brutal show.. I have no respect for anyone on the production team.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,745 ✭✭✭✭Witcher

    Sparks wrote: »
    They're putting their back into it on general principle! What more can anyone ask for, for pete's sakes?

    Well if they could stop emphasing that they're helping out 'target shooters' that would be nice. Telling their members that these proposals only affect target shooters is giving them a false sense of security and some of them will sit back and say 'Fcuk it, sure it won't have any bearing on me anyway.'

    That's exactly what the Gardai have wanted all along, make it look like it's all about pistols and semi auto centrefires to divide the community but slip in the little bit about refusals based on firearms numbers/crime stats unnoticed. Then when the target shooters have been shafted they still have their Trojan horse in play for the rest. Now I'm not saying the community is divided, the WDAI have definitely stood up..but could they have done more if their members thought their firearms were in as much danger as those of target shooters? They'll definitely have lost a good few submissions because people thought it had nothing to do with them.

    I've seen it myself...hunters asking me how the proposals are going, like they live on another world and it has no bearing on them then saying 'Sure they're only after your pistols'...Yeah, but your side by side will be on the scrap heap on top of my pistol if the Gardai have their way.

    As I said you can see an element of 'Well we could cut ties and let you sail off down the river at any moment' creeping in a bit. They're not putting their back out for target shooters, they're putting their back out for everyone including themselves only they can't see it.

    I really have no problem with how the WDAI have approached the proposals, I think their approach was better than some of the more shouty efforts which have become the signature of other organisations but they really need to acknowledge that these proposals affect everyone and that they're not just doing the target shooting community a favour by protesting against them. Their heads will be on the block should these go through.

  • Registered Users Posts: 310 ✭✭hathcock

    Having watched the show last night it seems to me that the wrong man was chosen to represent shooters,he might be good in court but on tv he was less than useless,he allowed the interviewer and the other protagonist to set the agenda.We never had a good press,and this has definitely put us further on the back foot.The answer imo to the percieved gun problem is to provide an adequate deterrent to armed crime,a mandatory 20 years would be a good start,the general public need to be educated to the difference between legally held guns and those illegally held,hard sentencing would send the right message both to the criminals and the general public.The gun lobby ought to be making this proposal to the powers that be,and a campaign in the media publicising that fact,thereby demonstrating to joe public that we are nothing to do with criminality.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Regional East Moderators Posts: 18,382 CMod ✭✭✭✭The Black Oil

    I'm a gun skeptic (only tried it in Vegas, not going to hijack this thread further), haven't posted here before and don't particularly follow the forum, but based on last night, I wish you guys well.

    Another example of what's wrong with independent TDs. Pure hysteria and windbaggery.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,772 ✭✭✭meathstevie

    I'm a gun skeptic (only tried it in Vegas, not going to hijack this thread further), haven't posted here before and don't particularly follow the forum, but based on last night, I wish you guys well.

    Another example of what's wrong with independent TDs. Pure hysteria and windbaggery.

    Hello and welcome, I gather you're neither hot nor cold on guns, maybe slightly adverse even. Well fair play to you for seeing through the smokescreen that the likes of deputy McGrath are trying to lay down over the wider issue.

    When you say Vegas and guns I'm thinking an overpriced rattle out of an AK, an M16, maybe a Minimi and a clutter of no longer available (to the law abiding) in Ireland handguns.

    To recap the lot again;

    - Ireland already has very restrictive firearms legislation, "Vegas" guns are not a feature of the Irish licenced firearms scene

    - the Gardai's own figures show that problems with formerly licenced stolen guns hardly amount to a drop in the ocean

    - current legislation already gives senior Gardai sufficient powers to counter any foreseeable public safety issue, more decission power would reduce the process to individual whim and opinion rather than the application of law

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Strider wrote: »
    Well if they could stop emphasing that they're helping out 'target shooters' that would be nice.
    Yeah, I can skip nice so long as necessity is being met.
    could they have done more if their members thought their firearms were in as much danger as those of target shooters?
    So (a) you could say precisely the same thing about the NARGC and it would make as much sense; and (b) what specifically do you think that they could have done but haven't?
    they're not just doing the target shooting community a favour by protesting against them.
    But they're not. They're saying all the right things and doing all the right things, even if they only think it's on general principle.

    Seriously, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you have to have a good reason to assume that it wouldn't go well with hoi sin sauce and some pancakes...

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,745 ✭✭✭✭Witcher

    Sparks wrote: »
    So (a) you could say precisely the same thing about the NARGC and it would make as much sense; and (b) what specifically do you think that they could have done but haven't?

    But they're not. They're saying all the right things and doing all the right things, even if they only think it's on general principle.

    Seriously, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you have to have a good reason to assume that it wouldn't go well with hoi sin sauce and some pancakes...

    They could have stopped emphasising 'target shooters' as I've said; 'support our target shooters', 'target shooters need our help' etc. No, firearms owners need your help, full stop.

    They are making it out as a favour to target shooters, they're implying that they really have no horse in the race but that they're offering support anyway. They shouldn't be doing it on general principle, they should be doing it because they have a clear understanding that their firearms are under threat. The fact that they haven't acknowledged that they are in a much danger as anyone else, shows that they haven't got a full understanding of what they're actually protesting against...imo anyway.

    I mean...what do they think the Gardai will do with the section on refusals based on crime stats and firearm numbers...either they haven't actually read that bit or else they have read it and think the Gardai are actually decent skins and won't bring that massive refusal cannon to bear on their position. If it's the latter, then I despair for them.

    I'm not saying they haven't given the proposals a good kick and I'm not accusing them of being armchair protestors, I salute them for all they've done. But as you said yourself before the Justice Committee..language shapes thought and the constant inclusion 'target shooters' as the people who need support will have some people thinking they're in the clear when they're only a step behind the target shooters on the way to the chopping block. As you said, the NARGC probably have similar problems but the WDAI are the one's I'm talking about atm.

    I'm no fan of the NARGC's approach or the group in general really as my past posts demonstrate, I'm not witch hunting the WDAI, their statement just happened to be on the other page and I thought I would comment on it.

    We're all standing in the sh1t heap together but if we could all be on the same page about how bad the sh1t smells that would be great. It's a petty enough thing to pick on, I know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,986 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    dear Sir/Madam,

    I wish to make a complaint about Prime Time on Tuesday March 10th. The programme was poorly researched, lacked any investigative reporting and was delivered in an absolute biased manner by the reporter and studio chair.

    The programme was titled "Guns In Ireland" never reported on the fact Ireland has the strictest gun ownership laws in the EU. No mention was made of this at all and what the prerequisites are to own a firearm in Ireland. Your reporter then proceed to lap up Garda propaganda with a knowing look on his face when presented with an accessorised semi auto sporting rifle. If he was a competent reporter he should have asked CS Healey are these common rifles in Ireland ?And why exactly is it Garda custody if it was legally licensed???But that would be seemingly above investigative reporting in Ireland and Prime Time to ask a simple but awkward question perhaps??

    You then callously used Mrs Campbell whose sun was murdered with an illegal firearm for her opinions on gun ownership…Do you make a habit of interviewing parents of children killed by drunken drivers or speeding for their views on Formula 1 racing??Or parents of people who drown themselves on why people participate in swimming competitions? This was an utterly deplorable and callous ploy to link ligit gun ownership to criminal misuse of firearms.

    The range interview was a farce that you chopped Mr Crofton and Mr Tope down to virtual sound bytes and asked nothing of WHY this legislation is proposed? But peppered the footage with scary shots of big handguns instead.
    Many scary pictures then followed of a camera panning slowly and on under light AIRSOFT replicas. These are not firearms in this country and never have been classed as such, so again you were obviously trying to imply that these were commonly available firearms in Ireland. We had your reporter then trying to shoot a shotgun[badly] and saying how much he was awed by the lightness and the kick of shooting a little red clay disc.Well DUH! That’s why we shoot clays or targets or whatever and go home and go to work and come back next weekend and do it all again,without turning into psychopathic killers ready to go off on a shooting spree as implied by Finian Mc Grath TD[more on him later.]

    Deer hunting.
    This had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the proposed legislation and even your reporter was at pains to point it out…So why was this included??it was as irrelevant to the proposed legislation as asking a chicken on its opinions of the results of the 1972 Olympic shot put results!

    More footage of Hungerford, Dunblane and Andreas Brevick followed, with the implications that this could happen any moment in Ireland if such guns are readily available. Surprised you didn’t bother with Sandy Hook, Columbine and any other American shooting…Well surprise, we as the shooting community didn’t expect anything less of you to do so and you obliged us. Yet again more shoddy research as the UK gun crime figures are steadily rising post those two tragedies. To about 300% pre Hungerford 25 years ago.

    The studio “debate”
    Another Prime Time shout your opponent down fest with Miriam O Callaghan in her usual slipshod researched questions ,well in this case it sounded like she had brushed upon the American anti-gun “Handgun control INC booklet for studio presenters”. As her first statement was “if it saves just ONE life”… is a classic and by now very old debunked chestnut. But it set the tone for a complete biased talked over in favour of Mc Grath cut off no chance to finish a point ,or even make it half way by William Egan before O Callaghan interrupted or was ranted over by Mc Grath spewing lies, untruths and utter sensationalism. Crowning statement was the “You will bamboozle the public with figures.!” And then let Mc Grath quote them ad lib and utterly wrong and proven to be wrong ones at that.
    Does Miss O Callaghan think the Irish public are utterly thick as not to be able to understand figures??That sort of patronising and condescending attitude has hall marked Primetime over the years and has got it into trouble enough times too along with its shoddy research, biased reporting and interviews.

    However I’m not surprised as I remember well Primetimes other hatchet job on shooting sports in 2008 with a stuttering Dr Tom Clonan with” rifles that can shoot over 3 miles “and the same programme format .So much that I predicted weeks ago to my fellow Irish gun owners that Primetime would deliver another hatchet job of shoddy reporting, superficial research, and sensationalism without any in depth back ground investigation into the who ,what when why, where. Followed by two talking heads with a loaded presenter.

    In fact you didn’t ask the ONE pertinent question.. WHY do the Guards want the law changed??If you had bothered to research more in depth the answer would have shocked you utterly and you would have found, the most controversial disputed legislation that surpasses the abortion law in our courts and gross mismanagement of public monies by an Garda Siochanna as well as collusion and criminal acts by Garda chief superintendents and personnel in our courts. Including perjury, tampering with official documents, gross incompetence and in some cases human rights abuses and indifference by GSOC to investigate these cases! But that would probably have bamboozled the Irish public even more.

    Please don’t try to fob me off with time of production and limited amount of info that can be put into a 20 min programme slot .I have worked with TV news crews[including briefly, Primetime back in the early 00s] have featured in a documentary filmed and screened on RTE in 2010 that involved a brief amount of firearms usage. So I know well what will and won’t go into a programme and how it can be warped ,twisted and taken and put out of context. Primetime excelled yet again in all the above categories.

    And you want OUR tax Euros for this in your annual legal extortion known as a TV license??

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,070 ✭✭✭cavan shooter
