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Deep Breath...ok, GO!

  • 11-03-2015 4:54pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭

    Decided it's time to start one of these for the accountability etc. I've never been majorly sports or fitness oriented, was skinny right up to my mid 20's but with the lost of one friend and three family members in a 6 year period, started to comfort eat to borderline ED proportions.

    Joined a Gym for the first time 4 years ago and discovered I loved the buzz of exercising and lifting.
    Lost sight of my wagon to bouts of depression, anxiety, and my aul food issues. But I'm ready to start again, counselling to deal with the issues and fitness for the endorphins!
    I've been doing a bit of walking (pft!) and cycling over the last year in terms of cardio and joined a local olympic weightlifting club too but am only back lifting this week after a bad ankle injury (so everything feels too heavy for me).

    I'm reading Bret Contreras strong curves so I'll be logging that mostly I've started it before but am going back to the start following my hiatus!



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Took it easy as had my first Oly WL session in months last night (won't be logging as it was shameful!)

    Warmup 10 mins

    Workout a: 30 mins

    Superset x 3
    Hip Thrust 15kg x 15
    Barbell row 15kg x 12
    Box Squat 15kg x 15
    Dumbell bench press 15kg x 12
    Romanian DL 20kg x 14
    Side abduction (using resistance band) 13 each side

    Snatch unweighted form practice
    C&J Unweighted form practice
    Bar 2x5
    20kg 2x5
    25kg 2x5
    30kg 2x5
    35kg 2x5

    Definitely could have gone heavier in the Bbell row, Box Squat, bench and dl, but happy enough with today as a first day

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Woke up with that lovely all over DOMS feeling!
    Warmup 10 mins

    Superset x 3:
    Single leg glute bridge (12)
    Front Lat pull down 30kg (12)

    Superset x 3:
    Step Ups 15kg (10 each leg)
    Barbell Military Press (15kg 10)
    45 degree back extensions (15)

    Superset x 3:
    Side lying clam (15 each side)
    Crunch (20)

    first set of military press was tough, think I wasn't straightening my arms enough, got better on second set. First time doing side lying clam, definite room for improvement on form!

    Not much time for squatting before showers but managed
    20kg - 2x5
    25kg - 1x5
    30kg - 1x5
    35kg - 1x5

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Warm up 15 mins

    Hip Thrusts 20kg x 15
    Barbell Row 20kg X12

    Box Squat 20kg x15
    Bench Press 15kg x 12

    Romanian DL 22kg x15
    Side Abduction bw with resistance band 17 each side
    Front plank 30 secs
    Side plank 30 secs each side

    Olympic Lifts warmup and technique

    oh squat 15kg 2 x 5
    Military press 15kg 2 x 5
    front squat 15kg 3 x 5
    Jerk dips 15kg 5 x 3
    Jerk split push press 15kg 5 x 5
    Dead lift 25 kg 3 x 5
    3 position hang clean 15kg x3
    Clean and Jerk 15kg x 2
    Clean and jerk 20kg x 2

    Realised that after the strong curves workout I don't have enough left in the tank to go heavy in the oly lifts so I think I will keep to them on active rest days and just work on technique on strong curves days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    First time on the bike in months!
    18km in 70 mins including a little break for some stretching on the beach :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,291 ✭✭✭eclectichoney

    First time on the bike in months!
    18km in 70 mins including a little break for some stretching on the beach :D

    LOL - myself the same! Hard not to take it out when the weather is like this :) Had to brush 3 months of dust off it :o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭gymfreak

    Olympic Lifts warmup and technique

    oh squat 15kg 2 x 5
    Military press 15kg 2 x 5
    front squat 15kg 3 x 5
    Jerk dips 15kg 5 x 3
    Jerk split push press 15kg 5 x 5
    Dead lift 25 kg 3 x 5
    3 position hang clean 15kg x3
    Clean and Jerk 15kg x 2
    Clean and jerk 20kg x 2

    Realised that after the strong curves workout I don't have enough left in the tank to go heavy in the oly lifts so I think I will keep to them on active rest days and just work on technique on strong curves days.

    Might it be an idea to do your olympic weightlifting stuff at the start of a session rather than the end? Even if it is just technique practise stuff. I know it takes a lot of concentration and focus so it would be best to do it when you are fresh rather than practise technique stuff when you are tired.

    Also, well done on getting back into the gym routine!!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    LOL - myself the same! Hard not to take it out when the weather is like this Had to brush 3 months of dust off it

    Sure my tyres had zero air in them at all! I was fairly shaky at first but got back into my stride fairly quickly, such a gorgeous day for a cycle, cant wait for the clocks go back to get out more after work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Warm up 10mins

    Superset x3:
    Lat pull down 30kg x 12
    Single Leg glute bridge x 16

    Step up 20kg 10L 10R
    Military press 15kg x 10
    Back Ext x15
    Side lying clam 15L 15R

    Crunch x30
    Side Crunch 15L 15R

    noticed first set of military press was much harder than the other two, I noticed this last time I did workout b. Thinking now my arms and shoulders might not be warmed up enough, because by 2nd set I felt like I could have upped it to 20kg.

    no time for oly lifts this morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Cardio day!

    Stretching 10mins

    30 mins on cross trainer 3 minute intervals (2 min high intensity 1 minute recovery)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Warm up 10 mins

    Supersets X 3

    Glute march 60 sec
    seated row 10 x 30kg

    Parallel Squats 15kg x 15
    BB Incline press 20kg x 12

    Single Leg RDL 10kg x 10 each leg

    xband walk 15 each side
    rkc plank 25 sec

    Rope horizontal chop using resistance band 16 each side

    15 mins on arc trainer resistance level 20

    More stretching!

    First time doing workout c, really liked it. Glute march is tough, but I'm sure will get easier as my glutes become more steeley! Overall I really like this program it's pushing me to try things I wouldn't normally.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Just a little pre work walk this morning to loosen up after C&J practice last night. 5.8 k 48 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    3x superset

    Hip Thrust 12 x20kg
    Barbell row 10 x20kg

    Box Squat (increased weight on each set) 20kg x15 22.5kg x15 25kg x15
    Bench Press 20kg x9

    RDL 25kg x10

    Side Abduction 20 each side
    Plank 40secs
    Side plank each side 25 secs

    I really like that I'm doing each of these excercises only once a week, you really feel the hip thrusts working when it's a full week since your last set!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Warm up 10 mins

    Lat Pulldown 10 x 30kg
    Single Leg glute bridge 20

    Step Up 10l 10r 20kg
    Military press 15kg x10
    Back ext 15
    Side lying clam 15l 15r

    Crunch 40
    Russian twist 5kg 32

    I swapped the side crunches fro russian twists with a medicine ball because I felt I just wasn't doing the side crunches properly

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Cycling 22km 77 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Workout a

    Hip thrust 25kg x 12
    Barbell row 25kg x10

    Box Squat 25kg x 15 x2 27.5kg x15
    Bench 20kg x 10 25kg x 10 27.5kgx10

    RDL 35kg x11
    Side abduction with resistance band 20l 20r

    Plank 40 sec
    Side plank 20sec L 20sec r

    Should be switching to the week 5-8 program next week but have decided to continue this section for 2 more weeks as with one thing and another I've missed workout c a few times.

    Finished off with some Oly lifting drills just using the bar for technique alone
    Front Squat 2x5
    Military Press 2x5
    Jerk dips 2x5
    Push to split x3
    3 position hang clean and jerk x2

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Workout a

    Hip thrust 25kg x 15
    Barbell row 25kg x10

    Box Squat 25kg x 15 x2 27.5kg x15
    Bench 20kg x 10 25kg x 10 27.5kgx10

    RDL 35kg x11
    Side abduction with resistance band 20l 20r

    Plank 40 sec
    Side plank 20sec L 20sec

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Workout B

    Supersets x3

    Lat pull down 35kg x 10
    Single leg glute bridge 10l 10r

    Military Press 20kg x 10
    Step up 10L 10R 20kgx1 25kgx1 30kgx1

    Back Extensions 15
    Side lying clam 15L 15R

    Crunches 2x30
    russian twists 2x16 5kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Workout C

    Supersets x 3

    Glute March 60 sec
    Seated Row 35kg x10

    Incline Press 25kg x 10 x 2 27.5kg x 10 x 1
    Parallel Squat 25kg x 15 x 1 27.5kg x 15 x 2

    Horizontal Chop (medium tension resistance band) 20l 20r
    RDL 12kg x12 each leg 16kg x15 x2 each leg

    X band Walk (medium tension resistance band) 20l 20r
    RKC Plank 50sec
    4 minute circuit
    Squat Jumps 1 min
    Mountain climbers 1min
    Kettlebell swings 12kg 1 min
    Lunges 10kg 1 min
    Overhead Squat 10kg 5x3

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    No Strong Curves today!

    OH Squat 10kg 5x4

    Barx 10
    25kg x10
    27.5kg x10
    30kg x9
    32.5kg x5
    32.5kg x5
    35kg x5
    40kg F

    Front Squat
    bar x 5
    25kg x 5
    27.5kg x 5
    30kg x 5
    32.5kg x 5

    Military Press
    Bar x 5
    22.5 x 5
    25 x 5
    27.5 1 then f

    Back Squat
    Bar x 5
    30 x 5
    35 x 5
    40 x 5
    45 x 5
    50 x 5
    55 F

    Bar 2 x 5
    30 x 5
    35 x 5
    40 x 5
    Quit at 40 because I had a niggle in my back from my single leg rdl's yesterday

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Week 5 Workout a

    Supersets x 3

    Hip Thrust 30kg x 15
    Barbell Row 25kg x 11

    Box Squat 27.5 x 15 30 x 15 40x15
    Bench 25x10 27.5x10 30x10

    RDL 40kgx10
    Side adbuction 20l 20r

    Plank 40 sec
    Side Plank 20l 30r

    Arc Trainer 20 mins resistance 22

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Week 5 Workout b

    supersets x 3

    Lat Pull Down 35kg x 11
    Single Leg Glute Bridge 15l 15r

    Barbell Military Press- bar x10
    Barbell Stepup 30kg x 10l 10r x 2 35kg x10l 10r

    Back extensions 15
    Side Lying clam 17 l 17 r

    Crunches x 30
    Russian Twists x 34 5kg med ball
    Arc Trainer 20 mins resistance 22

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Oly class tonight
    max c&j 27kg
    max front squat 37kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Superset x3

    Seated Row 35kg x10
    Glute march 60sec

    Incline Press 25kg x11 27.5 x9 x2
    Parallel Squat 30 kg x12 35kgx15x2

    Horizontal Chop Heavy tension resistance band 17l 17r
    Single leg RDL with 12kg kettle bell 10l 10r

    X band walk, heavy tension 20l 20r
    Rkc Plank 50sec

    Arc trainer 30 mins resistance 24 incline 5

    I'm so ready to move on the the next stage, I feel I'm getting used to this cycle so I'm moving on the the weeks 5-8 program next week :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    woke up too late to go to the gym so I missed out on my new workout :(
    will make it up tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Supersets x3

    Hip Thrust 40kg x15
    Single arm cable row 8l 8r 35kg x8

    Goblet Squat 10kg x12
    Bench 25kg x 12 27.5kg x12 30kg x8

    RDL 40kg x 10

    Side abduction heavy tension band 20l 20r

    Feet elevated plank 1 min
    Side plank 30sec l 30sec r
    OH Squat 10kg 3 x5

    Arc Trainer 20 mins incline 5 resistance 25

    I found the feet elevated plank much easier than a normal plank, so I think I may be doing it wrong!

  • Registered Users Posts: 978 ✭✭✭pemtca

    I found the feet elevated plank much easier than a normal plank, so I think I may be doing it wrong!
    Interesting. I find feel elevated push-ups easier than regular ones too - I thought I might have been imagining it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Oly class last night max clean 32kg, couldn't do any overhead work because I hurt my ribs somehow (probably shouldn't have even done the cleans tbh) gonna have to give weights a miss for a bit and stick to cardio until this is sorted :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,291 ✭✭✭eclectichoney

    Hope you're on the mend soon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    Yay! I'm back! Had a pulled muscle around my ribs, I dont recommend it! Still a little tight but have been going to physio and am getting there!

    First oly lifting class in god knows how long, max clean and jerk was 22kg, lighter than I have before but it'll do for now :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,894 ✭✭✭Triceratops Ballet

    I decided to go back to the start, it was killer this morning, but feels good to be back.


    Hip Thrust 20kg x15 30kg x 15 x2
    Bent over barbell row 15kg x12 x2 20kgx12

    Box Squat 20kgx 15 25x15 30x15
    Bench 20x12 25x12 27.5 x10

    RDL 30x10
    Side Abduction 20 l 20 r high tension band

    15 Mins Arc Trainer resistance 22
    10 Mins spin bike

    Plenty of foam rolling!
