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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Tuesday, 9th August 2016

    3.11 miles

    Legs felt much better heading off for this, but I still felt a little run down or something, so I stuck with the decision to keep this one short. There are many other reasons why this was a good idea. The plan prescribes "3-5 miles easy" for this run, so I was still within that range. There's a slight step-back in the overall mileage this week (36-41 miles), and I'll still be within that range too. Also, my legs should be fresher for Thursday's session, which looks pretty tough (10 miles with 8 at marathon pace).

    Despite all that, I still feel guilty for not doing the 5 miles I was originally planning, which is utterly ridiculous. Stupid brain.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Thursday, 11th August 2016

    10 miles

    8 miles at marathon pace, with a 1 mile warm-up and cool-down. I hadn't done this one before, which made it marginally more interesting, and I wasn't dreading it as much as other MP sessions. Also, whatever plague I thought I was coming down with earlier in the week ultimately amounted to nothing, so I was feeling pretty good about this one.

    The shorter warm-up was good in a way, as I just wanted to get stuck into the session, but my legs were not one bit happy about launching into MP so early. Took a few miles for them to loosen out, but I hit a good rhythm after 5 miles or so, and tipped away nicely till the end. I wouldn't say I could have kept going for miles and miles or anything, but I felt pretty strong, and didn't feel nearly as shattered as I normally do after these sessions.

    My training has basically peaked now. I've already done every remaining session and long run at least once before, so there are no more unknowns until the marathon itself. That's pretty cool.

    MP splits:


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Excellent session, rock solid splits. You're in good shape


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    That's great TG :) those splits are super consistent, you're well on the road now!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    Great session! Flying it! Excited to see how you go.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Thanks folks. Happy enough with it alright.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Friday, 12th August 2016

    4.02 miles

    Went for a walk at lunchtime to try and loosen my legs out a bit, as they were very creaky after the MP session. They felt a bit better by the evening - less niggly anyway, but still pretty tired.

    The run was uneventful, but it was a lovely evening for it. Brought it up to 4 miles for a change.

    Saturday, 13th August 2016

    14.01 miles

    Felt good heading off for this - even had a few fleeting thoughts of aiming for 20 again, but the optimism didn't last long. Within 3 or 4 miles, my legs were feeling heavy, and I knew the rest of it was going to be a bit of a grind. Got it done anyway, but I really didn't enjoy this one.

    I seem to have picked up a couple of niggles too. Had a few twinges in my right calf during the run, so I'll foam roll that later. Also noticed a bit of soreness in my left big toe towards the end. It looks to be quite bruised and is even a little sore to walk on, so that's a bit worrying. Can you foam roll a toe? Probably not.

    Six weeks to go. Hopefully my body doesn't disintegrate in the meantime.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Sympathise with the sore and bruised big toe , I've had that a few weeks now, bruising of the nail it's not that sore though .

    Only 6 weeks . Not long to go to the taper so.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Yeah it's a weird one. Seems a bit better this morning and today's a rest day, so hopefully it'll be okay to run on tomorrow.

    In fairness, if this is the worst thing that happens to me during marathon training, I'll be happy enough!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Monday, 15th August 2016

    6.5 miles

    10 x 400 reps at 10k pace, off 60 second recoveries. I took this fairly handy the last time, but there were to be no excuses this time. Set up the watch for 7:30/mi pace, or 1:53 per rep, and even wore the Brooks Racer ST-5s for good measure.

    No sign of the weekend's niggles during the warm-up. Zero feedback from the calf, and the bruised toe seems fine again, though the nail is looking fairly grim. Hit the reps fairly hard, but despite a fairly consistent effort, the first few splits were a little off pace. I'll put that down to tree cover and having to dodge more pedestrians and cyclists than usual.

    The second half of the session was much better. The legs were burning towards the end of the last few reps, but aerobically I was fine, and the 60 second jog recoveries seemed almost generous. Hammered the last rep as per tradition, and enjoyed the jog home. Very happy with this session - feels like I've made a big jump in fitness in the last couple of weeks.



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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Tuesday, 16th August 2016

    5 miles

    Nice and easy. 3 or 4 miles would probably be enough for a recovery run, but this seems the safest way of bumping the weekly mileage.

    Glorious weather for easy running though. I'll be pining for these conditions in a few months.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Thursday, 18th August 2016

    10.3 miles

    2 x 3 miles at marathon pace, with a 3 minute jog in between. Handy enough compared to last week.

    Got a pretty bad stitch during the first block of MP miles. This happens every single time I have a big lunch during the day of a session. You'd think I'd learn. Was considering dropping back to an easy pace for the rest of the run, but it eventually went away during the recovery jog.

    The second MP block was very comfortable. For once, it didn't seem profoundly ridiculous that I might manage to hold the pace for 26 miles or so.

    A short recovery run is on the cards this evening, followed by 20 miles tomorrow to finish off the week.

    MP splits:


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Good running TG! It's getting very close now !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Very close indeed, I can nearly see the taper from here!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,080 ✭✭✭✭Maximus Alexander

    You're flying, well done. Great training the last few months.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Friday, 19th August 2016

    4.2 miles

    I always enjoy these Friday evening recovery runs. Legs felt great heading off, so the pace was a little quick for most of it.

    Saturday, 20th August 2016

    20.01 miles

    Had to get up ridiculously early for this one. Conditions were nice and cool, but it was very windy and was just starting to rain when I stepped outside. Not too bad anyway, and certainly nowhere near as bad as the conditions in Ireland yesterday.

    The first time I ran 20 miles, it was an unknown quantity, so the plan was just to get through it and not worry too much about the pace. This time around, I was hoping to be close to 9:40/mi pace for most of it. The first mile of any run I do tends to be very slow, and the last one is often quite fast, so it was the remaining 18 miles I was mainly worried about.

    The run started well. I had a bit of discomfort from a hastily eaten breakfast, but that was about as bad as things got for the first 5 miles. Stopped at a shop for a bottle of Lucozade Sport, and stashed another bottle of water I had brought with me nearby in case I needed it on the way back. Did a quick systems check - legs felt good, effort felt easy. Grand job.

    The next 5 miles were fairly dull - I had sip of Lucozade every couple of miles to keep things exciting. I wasn't sweating much, and wasn't thirsty, but you have to get your kicks somewhere. My legs were tiring at the halfway point, which I was a bit concerned about, but the effort still felt fine.

    If the previous 5 miles had been fairly boring, well, let me tell you, the next 5 miles were pretty much exactly the same. I introduced a fun game of carrying the Lucozade in a different hand every mile or so. Unfortunately I only have two hands, so that wore thin eventually. Soon I reached the bottle of water I had stashed, and now I was carrying two bottles. I hate carrying stuff at the best of times, so this was pretty annoying.

    Into the last 5 mile block now. Legs were still tired, but no worse than earlier, and the effort was finally beginning to feel a little harder. At this stage, I was counting the miles that were left rather than the ones I'd already done, which is never a great idea. Really had to dig in for last 3 or so, but it was never in doubt that I'd manage the 20.

    Very happy to have the second 20 mile run out of the way, even if it was a little tougher than the first one for whatever reason. Discounting the first and last mile, I averaged 9:41/mi pace for the run. I'll take that.


    10:17, 9:45, 9:43, 9:59, 9:40
    9:49, 9:38, 9:38, 9:44, 9:44
    9:35, 9:41, 9:59, 9:48, 9:38
    9:39, 9:37, 9:38, 9:41, 9:24

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Monday, 22nd August 2016

    6.5 miles

    The plan was for 6 x 1/2 miles at half marathon pace, off 60 second recoveries. It was warm and very muggy when I got out, and I didn't feel fully recovered from Saturday's long run, despite a good two days' rest since. So I wasn't exactly raring to go for this one.

    Started into a slow warm-up, feeling very creaky, and things didn't really improve all that much over the next couple of miles. I was already sweating buckets with the humidity and was in two minds about jogging home, but sometimes I feel much better when I start into the reps for these sessions, so I said I'd do one or two and make a call on it then.

    Really struggled to hit the pace (was aiming for 7:55/mi). It wasn't too bad in terms of effort, but I just couldn't get the legs going. Still, it was enough to convince myself to soldier on with the rest of the session. My legs were in bits by the end, so maybe I would have been better off doing an easy run, but sure it's done now.


    3:59 (7:59/mi)
    4:03 (8:05/mi)
    4:01 (8:02/mi)
    3:59 (7:57/mi)
    3:56 (7:51/mi)
    3:58 (7:55/mi)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Just keep remembering that you are supposed to be running on tired legs to get you used to the feeling that will hit you
    on Marathon day, nice session you hit target and on the day when you are well tapered will feel much more comfortable at the
    start and then you will remember these sessions when the hurt comes and know you can push trough, these sessions really
    help with mental side of running.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Thanks Kennyg. Yeah it's easy to forget that you need to train the brain as much as the legs.

    Wednesday, 24th August 2016

    9.5 miles

    I'm on my way home to Cork for a quick visit, before heading to Galway for a wedding this weekend. According to the sign next to me, I write from the Airport Bar of the Year 2016, namely JD Wetherspoon: Birmingham Airport. Lucky me.

    So with the wedding looking likely to interfere with my running plans, I dropped yesterday's recovery run and took a rest day, leaving me able to bring the rest of this week's runs forward a day. That meant doing the MP session today, and I took a half day from work to get it done before getting the train.

    Fierce good planning on my part, I thought, although I didn't account for the heatwave in England today. The sun was beating down, and the temperature was 29 degrees when I stepped outside just after 1pm. My body composition was 50% human, and 50% sun cream.

    The plan was for 10 miles with 8 at marathon pace. I could easily have left this till tomorrow and done an easy run today, but I'm as stupid as I am stubborn, so off I went.

    I had the sense to realise that I wouldn't be getting near my usual pace for this, and figured a nice even 9 minute mile would do for MP. It felt easy for the first mile, but I knew the heat wouldn't be long sorting that out for me.

    Sure enough, the rest of the run was hell on earth. Purely an exercise in grinding it out for the sole purpose of... well I don't really know to be honest. The low point was when I poured water over my head about halfway through, in an effort to cool myself down, but the water was warmer than I was. The rest of it was a death march, but I clung onto the pace like my life depended on it. I was bent over heaving and spluttering after the MP miles were finally over. Managed a half-mile jog to cool down, and walked the rest.

    Anyway, it's done, and that was the last big session really. There are still a few weeks left till the marathon, but as jebuz noted on his excellent log this week, most of the work is done now, and the fitness gains between now and the taper will be marginal. Just need to keep the ship steady from here on in.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Thursday, 25th August 2016

    5.01 miles

    I'm staying with my parents for a couple of days, so the sprawling metropolis of Glanmire, Co. Cork hosted this morning's recovery run.

    It was sunny and a little warmer than I was expecting, and I was having flashbacks to yesterday's horror show, but fortunately the route took me on a quiet road that was almost completely shaded by trees, so it turned out to be very pleasant.

    The pace was a little quick for recovery, but my legs felt great and the effort was very easy. I suppose the more modest pace for the MP session helped.

    Also passed the 1,000 mile mark for the year during the run. Nice to do it on home ground.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Friday, 26th August 2016

    14 miles

    Went out for "one or two pints" last night, knowing full well that I had to get the long run done this morning. Be grand, I told myself. One or two inevitably turned into several, and I woke up with a dirty hangover. Got it done anyway, but it wasn't pretty.

    I'll try and get a few more easy miles in over the weekend, but I'll be glad to see the back of this week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Sunday, 28th August 2016

    6.22 miles

    I was at a wedding in Salthill all day Saturday, so took that as a rest day. The ensuing hangover tried its best to turn Sunday into a rest day too, but I didn't want to take two days off in a row, so I eventually coaxed myself down to the promenade in the afternoon. It helped that there was no real plan for this run other than to bring up the mileage for the week.

    It was a very slow start, which was for the best, as the promenade was thronged. I don't know the area very well, so I just tried to run away from the hordes of people. Ended up heading east back towards Galway, making a minor detour out along the causeway towards Mutton Island, and back again.

    The pace picked up a fair bit after a while, and I was happy enough to go along with it. I was probably clipping along at half marathon pace by the end, but it felt good.

    The running schedule felt like it was all over the place this week, so I was delighted to manage 41 miles or so. I feel like I'm reaching the limits of what my body can handle though, and am nursing a couple of niggles. Nothing of major concern - a twinge in my right calf is the most annoying one - and I suppose it's to be expected that the body would be complaining a bit at this stage of marathon training.

    One last push this week, and I'll be into the taper.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Tuesday, 30th August 2016

    6.7 miles

    The plan was for 10 x 400 reps at 10k pace, off 60 second recoveries. I was getting a bit of feedback from the calf during the warm-up, so I had no intention of hammering this session. It was very warm out though, which made for a good hard effort anyway.

    The calf was much improved by the time I reached the cool-down jog. Hopefully it's on the mend, but I'll be upping the foam rolling and stretching this week, and booking in for a sports massage soon.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Took a rest day yesterday so thought I might tot up my mileage for August.

    Feck sake. If I'd known I was going to be half a mile short of July's total, I'd have gone for a few laps of the garden before bed or something.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Thursday, 1st September 2016

    10.3 miles

    2 x 3 miles at marathon pace, with a 3 minute jog in between. Pretty much the bread and butter MP session at this stage.

    I felt tired during the warm-up and the calf was at me again. My recent strategy for this particular niggle has been to ignore it, as it generally seems to feel okay after a few miles of running, so I went with that again. Sure enough, the tightness/soreness eventually faded.

    Looking at this session on paper, it was perfect. The effort felt fine, I was moving well, and every time I glanced at the watch, I was ahead of target pace. But I really didn't enjoy the run. I just felt very sluggish and never really settled into it. Came very close to calling it a day a few times, for no other reason than the fact I didn't feel like running.

    A very strange experience anyway, and hopefully one that won't be repeated.

    MP splits:


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    I'm going to suggest you take the calf to the physio, TG. Only a few weeks to go, worth being a bit of a hypochondriac just in case. All that training, would be terrible if you fell at the last hurdle.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    I'm going to suggest you take the calf to the physio, TG. Only a few weeks to go, worth being a bit of a hypochondriac just in case. All that training, would be terrible if you fell at the last hurdle.

    +1 to that, can do you no harm TG.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Yeah you're right. It's only a minor niggle, which is why I haven't really done anything about it, but it's been there for a while now.

    I've left myself in a bit of an awkward position in that I won't get an appointment now until next week, and I really don't want to drop the long run tomorrow...

    I only have myself to blame really, I should have got it seen to this week!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Do your long run, as you said it goes after a few miles but if it gets worse pull the plug on the run. Book the physio appointment now!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Morning TG

    I was in a similar position with my calf - it was niggley in the middle of long runs and the end of shorter faster stuff . Having had two previous calf tears on other leg the paranoia sent me quickly to physio . I was expecting dry needling and all sorts . Turns out the calf was ok just very knotted and needed a good rub - ! He told me to do calf lengthening excerises four times a day and not to be shy with the roller ! Might be an idea to try these before you get a chance for massage ?Roll on a week I still felt calves were being tricky so back to physio - turns out this week my legs are in much better nick - a combination of massage and a step back week . The tricky calves due a lot to my tricky brain I think! Moral of the story is go to physio and get a nice sports massage as soon as you can - three days before a long run if possible .

    Can't wait to get this last long run over with ! What mileage are you doing ? Are you going over twenty?
