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Frustration and Strain

  • 09-04-2015 2:44pm
    Registered Users Posts: 20

    Apologies if this is the wrong place to post this but I wasn't sure where else to post. I just need to get all this stuff off my chest and hopefully get a little bit of advice in the process.

    Basically I am feeling a lot of frustration from my current job and its having an effect on other areas of my life.

    I enjoy my job and the work I do...mostly. But the environment I work in is toxic. The majority of people I work with are sly, selfish and self serving. My job is spending 90% of my day covering up for people making wrong decisions and bad management and it eats into what I should be doing.

    I am a contractor so as such I am not a permanent employee of the company, I work for a 3rd party company who basically loan me to my current workplace on a contract to contract basis.

    An example of some of the toxic situations I have found myself in include being bullied into supporting decisions I don't agree with thinly veiled threats about my contract being extended. Also the place where I work is heavily staffed with family members were everybody is related to somebody, this has also led to situations where I have been told to change the root cause of an issue because the person to blame was related to a manager or supervisor.

    The most blatant thing to date though has to be an incident which occurred only a few weeks ago. A report I had to complete listed an individual as having made a minor error which was of no real consequence in itself but was a minor error which lead to a bigger problem. Unfortunately for me that individual was one of the people who was required to sign the report and refused to sign off the report and demanded changes be put into cover up their error. This became a big issue which was blown completely out of proportion and resulted in the report being filed late.

    The report being overdue led to me being issued with disciplinary action and a stern talking to from my manager. I reported the full situation to her and in response I was told that my "personality didn't lend itself to the job" and that I "lack the required energy and motivation"

    I consider myself a professional and I am willing to take any feedback in a constructive manner but it was hard not to take that personal. I had been told that on a very basic level I am not suited to my job.

    I am currently actively seeking work but unfortunately this type of thing is still rampant from day to day. I hope to find a new job soon but in the mean time I have to grin and bare it.

    Has anyone any advice how to deal with the frustration of working in a place like this?

    Many Thanks,


  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭Mayboy


    You recognise the scenarios and quickly spot the issues, you're obviously smart and well 'tuned in'. That said its the reactivity to the situation that is the issue and I know how frustrating it is to have to turn a blind eye. In this situation you can only comfort yourself with the fact that you have a vastly difficult value system than most of the people you work with. In this situation I'd smile and wave! Be super cheery whilst making sure you have a plan B in operation. Be thankful you don't actually work there forever! Good Luck!
