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Junior infant Dublin 4

  • 05-05-2015 8:31am
    Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2

    Can somebody recommend a good school in Dublin 4/junior infant please?


  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Regional South East Moderators Posts: 12,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭byhookorbycrook

    Do you want mixed or single sex? Do you want a religious ethos or multi-denom? Gaelscoil or English speaking and mad as it seems, you may need to consider feeder schools for secondary.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭heldel00

    Should you not just make contact with the school closest to your home as you are in their catchment area?
    When you leave your catchment area schools can refuse enrolment.

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Regional South East Moderators Posts: 12,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭byhookorbycrook

    heldel00 wrote: »
    Should you not just make contact with the school closest to your home as you are in their catchment area?
    When you leave your catchment area schools can refuse enrolment.
    Catchment area is only one of a number of criteria schools may use and as each school is different, I would suggest the OP contacts any schools they are interested in. Being in a particular catchment area likewise does not mean a school has to provide a place.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭heldel00

    Catchment area is only one of a number of criteria schools may use and as each school is different, I would suggest the OP contacts any schools they are interested in. Being in a particular catchment area likewise does not mean a school has to provide a place.

    Ok but I would still advise OP to visit local school and then branch out from there if they feel necessary. I may be conveying a point though that is more suited to rural schools as opposed to urban, as that is what I am familiar with.
