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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Friday 16/06/2017

    A: Military Press
    45x3, 40 4x5

    B: Pull UPs
    5, 5, 3/2, 3/2, 2/3

    C: Close Grip Bench
    47.5 3x8

    D: Incline Bicep Curls
    8 x38

    E: 6 a side

    Poor enough pressing, 6 a side in the heat was tough

    Saturday 17/06/2017

    A: Squats
    102.5 3x5

    B: Incline Bench
    60 1x4, 55 4x5

    C: BOR
    65 5x5

    D: Pull Ups
    5, 3/2, 3/2

    It was like training in an oven, id been at work that day, so i bailed

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 20/06/2017

    A: Squats
    12x40, 12x60, 12x90, 12x90

    B: Bench Press
    12x20, 12x40, 8x50, 9x50

    C: Bent Over Rows
    12x20, 12x30, 12x45, 12x45

    D: Military Press
    12x30, 12x30

    E: Stiff Legged Deadlifts
    12x40, 12x40

    F: Upright Rows
    12x20, 12x20

    G: Barbell Curls
    12x20, 12x20

    Thursday 22/06/2017

    Jog 33minutes

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Saturday 24/06/2017

    A: Front Squats
    12x20, 12x40, 12x60, 12x60

    B: Incline Bench Press
    12x20, 12x40, 12x45, 12x45

    C: Deadlift
    5x40, 5x60, 5x70, 5x80, 5x90, 5x110

    D: Pull Ups
    5, 4/1

    E: Lat Pulldowns
    10x50, 9x50

    F: Skullcrushers
    12x23, 12x23

    G: DB Curls
    12x8, 12x8

    Wednesday 28/06/2017

    A: Squats
    12x40, 12x70, 12x90, 12x90

    B: Bench
    12x20, 12x40, 12x50, 12x50

    C: BOR
    12x20, 12x30, 12x50, 10x50

    D: Military Press
    10x 32.5, 8x32.5

    E: Upright Rows
    12x20, 12x20

    F: BB Curls
    12x20, 12x20

    G: 6 a side

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 29/06/2017

    Jog 24 minutes

    Friday 30/06/2017

    A: Deadlift

    B: Front Squats
    12x62.5, 10x62.5

    C: Incline Bench
    10x47.5, 9x47.5

    D: Pull Ups
    4/1, 3/2

    E: Lat Pulldowns
    10x50, 10x50

    F: BB Shrugs (behind the back)
    12x40, 12x45

    G: BB Curls
    12x22.5, 8x22.5

    Behind the back shrugs are probably not a great exercise in the grand scheme of things, we threw them in for a change just to see....your traps sure know about them the next day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Sunday 02/07/2017

    2.85 miles 25:09

    Wanted to see if i could keep it under 9 minute miles,h happy enough except i was bate afterwards.
    Also thought the loop i was doing was the full 3 miles.....I was glad enough to finish as it was!

    Monday 03/07/2017

    A: Squats
    40x12, 70x12, 92.5x12, x10

    B: Bench
    20x12, 40x12, 52.5x10, x9

    C: BOR
    20x12, 30x12, 50x12, x12

    D: Military Press
    32.5x12, x12

    E: SLDL
    42.5x12, x12

    F: Upright Rows
    22.5x12, x12

    G: BB Curls
    22.5x12, x11

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Holy Moly didnt realise id gone so long without updating this!

    Met with a nutrition fella who gave me a meal plan for 6 weeks, apparently I don't weigh enough to go full on dieting so he had me carb cycling instead.

    Went from 72kg down to 70.5kg, and from 19.5% bodyfat to 16.4%.
    Not too bad considering I was still going boozing/not sticking to the plan on weekends, I knew it wouldnt be a huge transformation in only 6 weeks but wanted to see where he would make changes in my diet.

    Done the same routine but added in a 3rd working set on his suggestion as he wanted to focus on getting nutrition/sleep/cholesterol and training output instead of just losing weight.

    I'd also fell off the wagon cardio wise but am slowly back into it now, up to 4 miles :o

    Current routine is Gym: Mon/Weds/Friday
    Jog: Tues/Thurs
    Circuits: Saturday (if I get a chance)

    Must get back into logging here!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Monday 04/09/2017

    A: Deadlift
    110 x 5

    B: Incline Bench Press
    50x12, x11, x8

    C: Lat Pulldowns
    55x12 x12 x12

    D: DB Shoulder Press
    12x12 x10 x9

    E: DB Shrugs
    15x12, x12, x12

    F1: EZ Curls (narrow grip)
    20x12, x12, x11
    F2: Sit Ups
    x20, x20, x20

    G: 6 a side

    Lowered weight on deadlifts as grip has been an issue lately for some reason i cant figure out. Form much better as a result of lowering weight.

    Left out the leg press so that I'd be able to play 6 a side

    Tuesday 05/09/2017

    Jog 1.8 miles
    Can't remember how long it took, I just know that my legs were very stiff after the game of ball and I picked a route with a load of hills by mistake so cut it short!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 17/10/2017

    Narrow Grip Push Ups 8,9,8,7,9
    Pull Ups 5 sets of 3
    Jog 3.35 miles around 31 minutes

    Had to stop and walk around fallen trees afew times so was a nice slow jog!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 18/10/2017

    Warm Up
    3 rounds of:

    Jumping Lunges

    Med Ball Clean
    Hang Muscle Clean
    Hang Clean

    5 rounds (or 10 minute cap)

    10 x Med Ball Clean
    10 x Med Ball Push Press
    8 x Burpees over Med Ball

    Going to Crossfit Fundamentals at the moment to try it out. Enjoyable and not overly taxing. Have never done any type of cleans etc before so good to see last night how they are done.

    Definitely something that needs a lot of practice though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 19/10/2017

    Narrow Push Ups 10,8,8,7,6

    Jog around 2km around 9.30 mile pace
    Lap at around 6.45 mile pace followed by 80metre walk
    Lap at around 6.20 mile pace followed by 80metre walk
    Lap at around 6.25 mile pace followed by 80metre walk
    Jog around 1km

    Not quite sure how big those laps are, could be 600 to 800m. very windy and a shock to the legs. Needed to add in some quicker running so good to get it under the belt

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Friday 20/10/2017

    Foam rolling
    5 x upper body stations
    5 x lower body stations
    5 x core stations

    40 seconds on/5 seconds off
    2 rounds

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 24/10/2017

    2.72 miles - 23mins 36seconds
    Warm Up drills

    4 x 400m with 60 seconds rest

    Warm down

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 25/10/2017

    Warm Up
    3 rounds of:
    10 air squats
    8 Narrow Push Ups
    6 TRX Rows


    Kettlebell Swings - Russian
    Kettlebell Swings - Overhead


    3 rounds of:

    1 minute Assault Bike
    1 minute Swings
    1 minute TRX Rows
    1 minute Box Jumps
    1 minute Wall Balls
    1 minute rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 26/10/2017

    Jog to loosen out

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Friday 27/10/2017

    Foam Rolling

    Warm Up
    Then 4 rounds of:

    Jogging on the spot mixed with sprints on the spot while your partner performs:
    5 burpees
    10 goblet squats
    10 kettlebell swings
    10 squat presses
    5 burpees
    Then swap.

    90 second break after every 4 minutes

    Saturday 30/10/2017

    Easy Jog
    3.6 miles

    Tuesday 31/10/2017

    Incline Bench: 50 x6, x6, x6
    DB Incline Bench:12 x6, x6, x6
    Bench Press: 50 x6, x6, x6
    DB Bench Press: 12 x6, x6, x6
    Run: 3 miles in 24:58 (8:24/mile)

    Then 6 x 200m in 45 seconds, jog 100m, walk 100m

    Feeling it today but enjoyable session

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 01/11/2017

    A: Military Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x25, 6x30, 6x30, 6x30

    B: Lat Raises
    6 x6,x6,x6

    C: Rear Delt Flys
    6 x6,x6,x6

    D: Face Pulls
    40 x12, x12, x12

    E1: 3 x Farmers Walks 15kg for 60 seconds
    E2: 3 x Knee Tucks for 60 seconds

    3 Rounds of
    F1: Battle Ropes 40 seconds
    F2: Lunges
    F3: Plank with Med Ball Touches
    F4: Plate Raises 10kg x15, x10, x8
    F5: Lunges

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 02/11/2017

    A: Incline Bench
    10x20, 10x20, 4x30, 1x40, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

    B: Incline DB Curls
    6x12, 6x12, 6x12

    C: Tricep Pushdowns
    40x12, 40x12, 40x12

    D: Narrow EZ Curls
    18x12, 18x10, 18x9

    E: Skullcrushers
    18x12, 18x12, 18x12

    F1: Neg slow chin ups to failure
    F2: Tricep Dips off bench to failure

    G: Jog 1.92 miles

    Chest was still aching after Tuesdays session...
    Might need to find replacements for the skullcrushers and EZ curls, wasnt really feeling them as much as I should

    Going to have to start stretching and rolling more if I'm going to stick to running 3 times a week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,788 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    bigronnie9 wrote: »
    Thursday 02/11/2017

    A: Incline Bench
    10x20, 10x20, 4x30, 1x40, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

    B: Incline DB Curls
    6x12, 6x12, 6x12

    C: Tricep Pushdowns
    40x12, 40x12, 40x12

    D: Narrow EZ Curls
    18x12, 18x10, 18x9

    E: Skullcrushers
    18x12, 18x12, 18x12

    F1: Neg slow chin ups to failure
    F2: Tricep Dips off bench to failure

    G: Jog 1.92 miles

    Chest was still aching after Tuesdays session...
    Might need to find replacements for the skullcrushers and EZ curls, wasnt really feeling them as much as I should

    Going to have to start stretching and rolling more if I'm going to stick to running 3 times a week!

    Eyes nearly popped outa my head there. I thought you ran 8.48 mile in 16.52 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Dtp1979 wrote: »
    Eyes nearly popped outa my head there. I thought you ran 8.48 mile in 16.52 mins

    Ha I wish!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Friday 03/04/2017

    A: Squats
    10x40, 10x60, 4x70, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80

    B: Front Squats
    6x45, 6x45, 6x45

    C: SLDL
    6x45, 6x45, 6x45

    D: Circuits

    Saturday 04/04/2017

    Jog, around 2 and a half miles nice and slow in the rain. Cant remember the time but it wasnt impressive

    Monday 06/11/2017

    A: Deadlifts
    10x40, 10x60, 4x70, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80
    B: Bent Over Rows
    6x45, 6x45, 6x45
    C: Pull Ups
    3/3, 3/3, 2/4
    D1: Lat Pulldowns 40x12, 40x12, 40x12
    D2: Seated Cable Rows 60x12, 60x12, 60x12

    E1: DB Shrugs 12x12, 15x12
    E2:Ab Pulldowns 60x12, 60x12

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Havent updated, been on the road with work a lot but still getting to the gym and sticking to nutrition plan 90% of the time

    Tuesday 07/11/2017

    A: Incline Bench: 52.5 x6, x6, x6
    B: DB Incline Bench: 15x6, x6, x6
    C: Bench Press: 52.5 x6, x6, x6
    D: DB Bench: 15x6, x6, x6

    E: Jog 3.16 miles (26:45 -> 8.28/mile)
    F: 6 x200m @ 45 secs
    G: 1 x400m @ 1.30

    Wednesday 08/11/2017

    A: Military Press: 32.5x6, x6, x6
    B: Lat Raises: 8 x6, x6, x6
    C: Rear Delt Flyes: 8x6, x6, x6
    D: Face Pulls: 48x12, x12,x12
    E1: Farmers Walks: 15kg 60 seconds x3
    E2: Plank 60seconds x3

    Practiced some hang cleans with the bar and at 30kg, just because i had time

    Thursday 09/11/2017

    A: Incline Bench Press: 47.5 x12, x12, x10
    B: Incline DB Curls: 8x12, x10, x9
    C: Tricep Pushdowns: 44x12, x12, x12
    D: Narrow Grip EZ Curls: 18x12, x12, x10
    E: Overhead Tricep Extensions: 30x12, x12, x12
    F1: Chin Ups
    F2: Bench Dips
    G: Jog 3 miles (27.58 -> 9:16/mile)

    Friday 10/11/2017

    A: Squats@ 82.5 x6, x6, x6
    B: Front Squats: 47.5 x6, x6, x6
    C: SLDL: 47.5 x6, x6, x6
    D: Circuits

    Saturday 11/11/2017

    Had a check in, weight had stayed at 71.5kg but lost an inch from both stomach and shoulders. Lost half an inch on chest. Happy enough after 2 weeks on diet plan

    Jog 2.37 miles (21:49 -> 9:12/mile)

    Woke up Sunday with an awful pain in my back, so took it handy at gym for the following few days and didnt try to increase any weights

    Monday 13/11/2017

    A: Deadlift: 80x6,x6,x6
    B: BOR: 45x6, x6, x6
    C: Lat Pulldowns: 40x12, x12,x12
    D: Seated Cable Rows: 60x12, x12, x12
    E: 1 Arm DB Rows: 12x8,x8,x8
    F: DB Shrugs: 15x15x15x15

    Tuesday 14/11/2017

    A: Incline BP: 52.5x6,x6,x6
    B: DB Incline Press: 15x6,x6,x6
    C: Bench Press: 52.5x6, x6,x6
    D: DB Bench: 15x6,x6,x6
    E: Excercise Bike - Tabata

    Wednesday 15/11/2017

    A: Military Press: 32.5x6,x6,x6
    B: Lat Raises: 8x6,x6,x6
    C: Rear Delt Flyes: 8x6,x6,x6
    D: Face Pulls: 50x12,x12,x12
    E1: Farmers Walks: 15x60secs x3
    E2: Plank: 60 secs x3
    F: Cross Trainer - Tabata

    Thursday 16/11/2017

    Push Ups 4 sets of 10 proper pushups...
    Pull Ups 8 sets of 2 proper pull ups..
    Jog 1.9miles (16.37 -> 8:42/mile)

    Monday 20/11/2017

    A: Deadlift: 85x6,x6,x6
    B: BOR: 45x6, 50x6,x6
    C1: Lat Pulldowns: 45x12, x12,x12
    C2: Seated Cable Rows: 65x12, x12, x12
    E: 1 Arm DB Rows: 12x12,x12,x12
    F1: DB Shrugs: 15x15x15x15
    F2: Situps: x20, x20, x20

    Tuesday 21/11/2017

    A: Incline BP: 55x6,x6,x6
    B: DB Incline Press: 15x6,x6,x6
    C: Bench Press: 55x6, x6,x6
    D: DB Bench: 15x6,x6,x6
    E: Jog 2.89 miles (24:47 -> 8:35/mile)
    F: 8 x200m @45secs

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Right havent updated this for a while (again) so summary for myself:

    December - Training went well, was increasing all weights (slowly), and particularly running had improved, last track session before xmas break managed 4x400m all below 1:50 after doing a 2.5 mile warm up and felt good.
    Diet was all over the place... and that was before the xmas binge! :o

    January - getting back into training routine, going with full body 3 days a week at the moment and trying to run 3 days a week as well... running has gotten tougher, whether due to the break or because im hitting legs 3 days a week now im not sure...
    Diet is getting better, still afew kg up on where I should be and abit bloated, but going back to nutritionist at end of month so just looking to get back into the healthy eating habit before then.

    Main issue at the moment is finding a training plan, body part split probably isnt the best but might be the only way to juggle with running 3 days a week

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Ok so back into the swing of things at last.

    Sunday 28/01/2018

    Jog 3.16 miles 27:30

    Nothing special but glad to get a run in on a sunday night!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Monday 29/01/18

    12x40, 12x60, 8x70, 10x85, 10x85, 10x85
    12x40, 12x50, 12x50, 12x50
    Incline DB Bench
    12x12, 10x17, 10x17, 10x17
    Underhand Lat Pulldowns
    10x55, 10x55, 10x55
    Push Press
    10x32.5, 10x32.5, 8x32.5
    DB Row
    10x15, 12x12, 15x10

    New program, 3 second negatives, 60 seconds rest between exercises....i was sweating b@lls after the squats and stiff legged deadlifts, used to a much longer rest! Hamstrings were bate... program apparently meant to go along with running and promote hypertrophy... it promotes DOMS so far

    Tuesday 30/01/2018

    2.35 miles in 20:01
    1600m in 6:45
    1200m in 5:14
    1200m in 5:11

    Was meant to be 3 x 1mile but i didnt have the legs so dropped down to 1200's. Hamstrings were absolutely goosed and the track also seems to take a toll on the calves.
    Crippled today

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    bigronnie9 wrote: »
    New program, 3 second negatives, 60 seconds rest between exercises....i was sweating b@lls after the squats and stiff legged deadlifts, used to a much longer rest! Hamstrings were bate... program apparently meant to go along with running and promote hypertrophy... it promotes DOMS so far

    Haha, brings back memories.

    3s eccentrics will leave you in a world of pain to start with.
