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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Saturday 3/10/2015

    A: Squats
    10x50, 10x50, 4x60, 1x70
    6x80, 6x80, 6x80

    B: Leg Press
    6x90, 6x90, 6x90

    C: Stiff Leg Deadlifts
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    D: Lat Raises
    12x8, 12x8, 11x8

    E: Rear Delt Flys
    12x10, 12x10, 12x10

    OK session, dropped the weight since I hadn't done legs in afew weeks.... unsuspectingly woke up Sunday hungover to discover some serious doms in my hamstrings/groin which are still killing me today!

    Sunday 06/10/2015
    A: Calf Raises (4 second negative)
    x15, x15, x15

    B: Strange side calf raises
    x8, x8, x8

    C: Foam Rolling of Calves

    Monday 05/10/2015

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x37.5, 1x42.5
    2x60, 3x60, 2x60

    B: Incline DB Bench
    6x19, 6x19, 6x19

    C: Bench Press
    3x60, 2x60, 4x55

    D: DB Bench
    6x19, 5x19, 4x19

    E: Calf Raises (4 second negative)
    x15, x15, x15

    F: Strange side calf raises
    x8, x8, x8

    G: Foam Rolling of Calves
    H: Foam Rolling of Hamstrings

    Terrible session. I think (well I hope :o ) that lack of sleep / poor nutrition over the weekend were the causes of this, didn't feel any bit strong under the bar. Was slightly annoyed by it but glad to just get out of the gym after.

    Was meant to play 6 a side but had to cancel due to insane DOMs since Saturday... funny how at the time I was thinking to myself god im not feeling these SLDLs at all! :D

    Foam rolling was quite painful. Also calf raises as prescribed by awful exercise

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 6/10/2015

    A: Punching Bag
    3 mins

    B: Deadlifts
    6x60, 4x80, 2x90
    6x102.5, 6x102.5, 6x102.5

    C: Barbell Rows
    6x62.5, 6x62.5, 6x62.5

    D: Pull Ups
    x4\2 negatives, x3\3 negatives, x2\4 negatives

    E: Lat Pulldowns
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    F: DB Shrugs
    12x19, 12x19

    G: Easy Jog 4km

    H: Calf Raises x15, x15, x15
    J: Side Calf Raises (onto baby toe) x8, x8, x8

    Some foam rolling/stretching

    Much better session than Monday, felt good with all lifts, grip was pretty strong throughout. Went for a jog and stretched in the hope it would help with leg DOMs, worked a treat (in my head anyway, maybe they would of went away overnight anyway)

    Weight this morning: 76.1kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 07/10/2015

    A: Military Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x25, 1x30
    4x45, 4x45, 4x45

    B: Lat Raises
    6x10, 6x10, 6x10

    C: Rear Delt Flys
    6x19, 5x19, 5x19

    D: Face Pulls
    6x55, 6x55, 6x55

    E: Farmers Walks (19kg dumbells)
    1minute on\1 minute off x3

    F: 6 a side
    1 hour

    The 45 and 50 plates are smashed on the cable machine so had to jump up to 55 for facepulls...just made sure I was doing them slowly.

    Military press felt good, need to work on tucking my arse in though, tends to stick out for last rep or two on each set. Must tense core more and use that instead of my lower back.

    Calves cramped up for the last few minutes of ball, had to stand in goal.

    Weight this morning: 75.1kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 8/10/2015

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x30, 1x40
    10x50, 10x50, 10x50

    B: Chin Ups
    x6, x6, x5

    C: Dips
    x6, x5, x5

    D: EZ Bar Curls
    6x25, 6x25, 6x25

    E: Tricep Pushdowns
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    F: Punching Bag

    OK session, might repeat this weight for incline bench next week as form was dropping off for the last few reps of set 2 and 3

    Tried doing the curls/pushdowns as slow as possible

    Weight this morning: 75.6kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Monday 12/10/2015

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x37.5, 1x42.5
    4x60, 4x60, 4x60

    B: Incline DB Bench
    6x19, 6x19, 6x19

    C: Bench Press
    4x60, 4x60, 4x60

    D: DB Bench
    6x19, 6x19, 6x19

    E: Situps
    x20, x20

    F: 5 a side
    60 mins

    Felt much stronger on the bench this week, much better than last week. BUT could feel my elbows flaring out on flat bench for last 2 sets....and shoulder has a kind of twinge/nerve pain now today... Not sure if related but will have to keep an eye on it!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 13/10/2015

    A: Punching Bag
    3 mins

    B: Deadlifts
    6x60, 4x80, 2x90
    6x105, 6x105, 6x105

    C: Bent Over Rows
    6x65, 6x65, 6x65

    D: One Arm DB Rows
    6x19, 6x19, 6x19

    E: Lat Pulldowns
    6x65, 6x65, 6x65

    F: Shrugs
    12x19, 12x19, 12x19

    G: Punching Bag

    Later On: Calf raises / side calf raises / a quick foam roll of the calves

    Shoulder niggle wore off as the day went on thank god. Deadlift felt good, no grip issues so can hopefully push on with the DL now.

    Not sure if its the farmers walks contributing to better grip strength, but will keep adding them in when ive time incase it is!

    Bent Over Rows also felt solid. Couldn't get at the rack for pull ups so went with DB rows for a change, nice slow reps.

    Overall happy with session

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 14/10/2015

    A: Military Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x25, 1x30
    5x45, 4x45, 5x45

    B: Lat Raises
    6x10, 6x10, 6x10

    C: Rear Delt Flys
    6x19, 6x19, 6x19

    D: Face Pulls (kind of)
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    E: Farmers Walks
    3x19 - 60 seconds on/60 seconds off

    F: 6 a side
    60 minutes

    Glad to see some progress on overhead press, would love to get it up to 50kg but will take a while as im only adding an extra rep or two a week

    Form for the raises and flys was poor enough, just horsing them up. Will use better form for higher rep day.

    Weight this morning 74.6kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 15/10/2015

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x30, 1x40
    10x50, 10x50, 10x50

    B: Chin Ups
    x6, x6, x6

    C: Dips
    x6, x6, x6

    D: EZ Bar Curls
    6x25, 6x25, 6x25

    E: Tricep Pushdowns
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    F: Plank

    Form much better on incline bench, made sure I didn't flare out the elbows even when getting tired.

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    havent been able to get to the gym this week so far and probably wont for the rest of the week either unfortunately....

    so monday night I gave the Limber 11 a say some of the stuff was uncomfortable is a serious understatement!

    didnt have a hard ball so used a tennis ball on my glutes....sweet lord the pain, couldnt imagine using a harder ball.

    last night done calf raises / side raises and foam rolled calves. will probably give limber 11 another go tonight to try and improve... might also ask over in the squats the story thread for upper body routines

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    6 a side wednesday night and some foam rolling

    physio yesterday and a run last night, 24 minutes, followed by some stretching/foam rolling of calves

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Monday 26/10/2015

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x35, 1x42.5
    4x60, 4x60, 4x60

    B: Incline DB Bench
    6x19, 6x19, 6x19

    C: Bench Press
    4x60, 4x60, 4x60

    D: DB Bench
    6x19, 6x19, 6x19

    E: Punching Bag

    F: Sprints

    Motivation was not there but forced myself to go to the gym late last night. Was suprised i managed to get through session to be honest, had an unhealthy weekend with feck all sleep so wasnt expecting much

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 27/10/2015

    A: Punching Bag
    3 mins

    B: Deadlifts
    6x60, 4x80, 2x90
    6x105, 6x105, 6x105

    C: Barbell Rows
    6x65, 6x65, 6x65

    D: Pull Ups
    x3\3 negatives, x3\3 negatives, x2\4 negatives

    E: One Arm DB Rows
    6x19, 6x19, 6x19

    F: DB Shrugs
    12x19, 12x19

    G: Wobble board stuff from physio

    H: Punching Bag
    90 seconds on/30 seconds off x3

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 28/10/2015

    A: Military Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x25, 1x30
    4x45, 4x45, 4x45

    B: Lat Raises
    6x10, 6x10, 6x10

    C: Rear Delt Flys
    6x19, 6x19, 6x19

    D: Face Pulls
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    E: Farmers Walks (19kg dumbells)
    1minute on\1 minute off x3

    F: 6 a side
    1 hour

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 15/10/2015

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x30, 1x40
    10x50, 10x50, 10x50

    B: Chin Ups
    x6, x6, x6

    C: Dips
    x6, x6, x6

    D: EZ Bar Curls
    6x25, 6x25, 6x25

    E: Tricep Pushdowns
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    F: Loads of wobbleboard balance work / ankle work

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Friday 30/10/2015

    A: Squats
    10x50, 10x50, 4x60, 1x70
    6x80, 6x80, 6x80

    B: Leg Press
    6x90, 6x90, 6x90

    C: Stiff Leg Deadlifts
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    D: Lat Raises
    12x8, 12x8, 10x8

    E: Rear Delt Flys
    12x10, 12x10, 12x10

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Monday 02/11/2015

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x35, 1x42.5
    6x60, 5x60, 5x60

    B: Incline DB Bench
    6x19.5, 6x19.5, 6x19.5

    C: Bench Press
    5x60, 5x60, 5x60

    D: DB Bench
    6x19.5, 6x19.5, 6x19.5

    E: Situps
    x15, x15,x15

    F: Punching Bag
    90seconds on / 30 seconds off x6

    Happy with this as added reps to all BB benching and upped the DB by a small bit (found .5kg plates for the DBs)

    Best days benching yet id say, felt good which is a change for a monday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 27/10/2015

    A: Punching Bag
    3 mins

    B: Deadlifts
    6x60, 4x80, 2x90
    6x107.5, 6x107.5, 6x107.5

    C: Barbell Rows
    6x67.5, 6x67.5, 6x67.5

    D: Pull Ups
    x3\3 negatives, x3\3 negatives, x3\3 negatives

    E: Lat Pulldowns
    6x65, 6x65, 6x65

    F: DB Shrugs
    12x19.5, 10x19.5

    small increases on last week... everything bar the pull ups felt good

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 28/10/2015

    A: Military Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x25, 1x30
    5x45, 5x45, 5x45

    B: Lat Raises
    6x10, 6x10, 6x10

    C: Rear Delt Flys
    6x19.5, 6x19.5, 6x19.5

    D: Face Pulls
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    E: Farmers Walks (19.5kg dumbells)
    1minute on\1 minute off x3

    F: 6 a side
    1 hour

    6th rep was there in the second set of MP but didnt go for it, had my mind set on 3 sets of 5.... will hopefully knock out more next week

    form on RDFs was poor, more a matter of horsing the weights than anything else... may drop weight on these next week

    achilles killing me after game of ball, iced it and not as bad today but will keep an eye on it

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 05/11/2015

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x30, 1x40
    10x52.5, 10x52.5, 10x52.5

    B: EZ Bar Curls
    6x25, 6x25, 6x25

    C: Dips
    x6, x6, x6

    D: Chin Ups
    x6, x6, x6

    E: Tricep Pushdowns
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    Was in a rush so got out of there after that. done some stretching foam rolling later on, need to make this a nightly routine i think

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    was meant to do a leg session on Friday, have been neglecting squats lately. However was talked into going mountain biking in Ballyhoura saturday and advised against hitting the gym (id never been to Ballyhoura and hadnt been on a bike for more than 10 minutes in over a year id say)

    Done the 22km loop in Ballyhoura saturday, got unreal weather for it. Delighted I skipped the gym friday, i've never experienced cramps in my quads like I did saturday! Very tough going but very enjoyable

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Monday 09/11/2015

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x35, 1x42.5
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    B: Incline DB Bench
    6x19.5, 6x19.5, 6x19.5

    C: Bench Press
    6x60, 5x60, 5x60

    D: DB Bench
    6x19.5, 6x19.5, 6x19.5

    E: Situps
    x20, x20, x20

    F: Punching Bag
    90seconds on / 30 seconds off x6

    Delighted to finally get 3 sets of 6 on 60, been aiming for that for awhile now! (last rep on 3rd set wasnt pretty :o )

    Weight this morning: 77.7kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 10/11/2015

    A: Punching Bag
    2 mins

    B: Deadlifts
    6x60, 4x80, 2x90
    6x110, 6x110, 5x110

    C: Barbell Rows
    6x67.5, 6x67.5, 6x67.5

    D: Pull Ups
    x4\2 negatives, x3\3 negatives, x3\3 negatives

    E: One arm DB Rows
    6x19.5, 6x19.5, 6x19.5

    F: DB Shrugs
    12x19.5, 12x19.5

    Could of went for the 6th rep on DLs but felt form was suffering so stopped.

    Weight this morning: 76.7kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 12/11/2015

    A: Military Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x25, 1x30
    6x45, 6x45, 6x45

    B: Lat Raises
    6x10, 6x10, 6x10

    C: Rear Delt Flys
    6x19.5, 6x19.5, 6x19.5

    D: Face Pulls
    6x60, 8x60, 8x60

    E: Farmers Walks (19.5kg dumbells)
    1minute on\1 minute off x3

    F: 6 a side
    90 mins

    Surprised with the 3 sets of 6 on military press...although form was getting poor towards the end, think im sticking my arse out abit much when struggling, need to focus on keeping it tucked in i think.

    Happy to see improvements in the main lifts this week, have been eating slightly more calories (without actually tracking) so this may have helped..

    Crowd who normally play ball after us never showed up so played an extra half hour....tough going

    Weight this morning: 75.2kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 13/11/2015

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x30, 1x40
    9x55, 8x55, 8x55

    B: Chin Ups
    x7, x6, x6

    C: Dips
    x7, x7, x7

    D1: EZ Bar Curls
    6x27.5, 6x27.5, 6x27.5

    D2: Tricep Pushdowns
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    E: Plank

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Friday 13/11/2015

    A: Squats
    10x50, 10x50, 4x60, 1x70
    6x82.5, 6x82.5, 6x82.5

    B: Leg Press
    6x95, 6x95, 6x95

    C: Stiff Leg Deadlifts
    6x62.5, 6x62.5, 6x62.5

    D: Rear Delt Flys
    12x10, 12x10, 12x10

    Lo and behold, Friday the 13th..... One of the coaches in the club has a son in the army / rangers who is training to be an instructor... and just my luck didnt they show up just as I was finishing as he is starting to do circuits with whoever wants to fall in for free...

    So I got talked into falling in....thought my legs were gonna fall off, terrible idea doing it after a rare squat session...

    Wall sits + burpees are the devil.

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Monday 16/11/2015

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x35, 1x42.5
    4x62.5, 4x62.5, 4x62.5

    B: Incline DB Bench
    6x19.5, 6x19.5, 6x19.5

    C: Bench Press
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    D1: DB Bench
    6x19.5, 6x19.5, 6x19.5

    D2: Situps
    x20, x20, x20

    F: 2.5km jog

    All round a good day. First time benching sets of over 60kg...probably not worthy of the daily achievement thread but I was happy with it! :o

    also went for my first jog in a while, trying to change running style due to calf issues so kept it slow and will only be increasing mileage extremely slowly.

    Weight this morning: 76.7kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    bigronnie9 wrote: »
    All round a good day. First time benching sets of over 60kg...probably not worthy of the daily achievement thread but I was happy with it! :o

    Nice work!

    An achievement is an achievement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Nice work!

    An achievement is an achievement.

    Cheers Alf!

    Slowly...SLOWLY...creeping towards a bodyweight bench.

    I wanted to ask you but didnt want to derail your own log, how do you find balancing running training with weight training? Havent done any meaningful/consistent running in a couple of years but am planning on starting out slow. Im thinking monday/thursday/saturdays when possible.. any suggestions or thoughts?

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    bigronnie9 wrote: »
    Cheers Alf!

    Slowly...SLOWLY...creeping towards a bodyweight bench.

    I wanted to ask you but didnt want to derail your own log, how do you find balancing running training with weight training? Havent done any meaningful/consistent running in a couple of years but am planning on starting out slow. Im thinking monday/thursday/saturdays when possible.. any suggestions or thoughts?

    Derail away! There's not much to derail.

    There's not much balance needed. I don't run a huge amount - just keep ticking over. I do some rowing intervals as well for different cardio action.

    But even if I was, I'm doing a higher rep workouts this last while. Basically hypertrophy type workouts so the cardio training isn't as much of an issue once you're not stupid about it.

    If I was doing lower rep strength training I'd do even less of it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Derail away! There's not much to derail.

    There's not much balance needed. I don't run a huge amount - just keep ticking over. I do some rowing intervals as well for different cardio action.

    But even if I was, I'm doing a higher rep workouts this last while. Basically hypertrophy type workouts so the cardio training isn't as much of an issue once you're not stupid about it.

    If I was doing lower rep strength training I'd do even less of it.

    Cool. Ya im not planning on running a marathon or anything but gonna slowly build up so i can at least manage afew 10k roadraces next year (will probably turn out that I only do afew 5k road races)
