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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    One thing I'd suggest is to just do mobility during a bit of downtime at home. Like rolling etc in the evening of you're watching tv/listening to music etc. You get into a habit and it just becomes a regular thing without even realising.

    Best of luck with the goals for 2016!

    Cheers Alf! Havent been on in afew days but definitely going to start leaving the foam roller in the living room :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Monday 04/01/2016

    Warmed up with some jumping jacks etc, gym was freezing so had to layer up on the clothes, even the bars were like grabbing ice! :o

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x35, 1x45
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    B: Incline DB Bench
    6x20, 6x20, 6x20

    C: Bench Press
    6x60, 5.5x60, 5x60

    D1: DB Bench Press
    6x20, 6x20, 5x20
    D2: Situps
    x30, x30, x30

    E: Punching Bag
    20seconds on/10seconds off x8

    F: Jog
    3.4km in 19 minutes something

    Watch was dead so had to go by phone so not very accurate on the time for the jog, found the run tough.

    Dropped weight back to 60 on both bench exercises.
    Kept rest to 3mins between sets for A, 2 mins between sets for B, 3 mins between sets for C, and 1 minute between supersets for D.

    Concentrated on:
    - making sure my left arm / chest was working as much as my right (had noticed before xmas that my right side was doing the donkey work on lifting the barbell)
    - Slowed down the lowering of the DBs on each rep
    - Consciously tensing my core during reps

    As an end result of this/strict rests I couldn't finish out the last reps on C and D, but felt like id done a good session, and even done a good bit of stretching last night before bed. Tonight, Foam Roller time!

    Weight yesterday morning: 78.2kg
    Weight this morning: 77.6kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 05/01/2016

    Bit of warming up, place was freezing again.

    A: Deadlifts
    8x60, 4x80, 2x90
    6x110, 6x110, 6x110

    B: Bent Over Row
    6x70, 6x70, 6x70

    C: Pull Ups
    4/4, 3/5, 3/5

    D: One Arm DB Rows
    8x20, 8x20, 8x20

    E1: DB Shrugs
    12x20, 12x20
    E2: Plank
    60seconds, 60seconds

    F: Punching Bag
    20 on/10 off x 16

    Deadlifts werent comfortable, chest / shoulders / lats (no idea why?!) all felt very stiff after Monday. Trying to keep back straight as possible and concentrate on pulling shoulder blades back. Found this difficult during negative portion of lifts.

    Pull Ups....hate them.

    Wasnt at home yesterday evening until late, so only foam rolled calves before greater pain is possible

    Weight this morning: 77.2kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 06/01/2016

    A: Military Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x25, 1x30
    6x45, 6x45, 6x45

    B: Lat Raises
    6x8, 6x8, 6x8

    C: Seated Rear Delt Flys
    6x10, 6x10, 6x10

    D: Face Pulls
    8x60, 8x60, 8x60

    E: Farmers Walks
    20kg DBs 60seconds on/60 seconds off x3

    F: 6 a side 70 mins

    Wasnt confident going into the military press but actually felt ok :)

    Flys were terrible, stiff across my back/shoulders so struggled here.

    Calves threatening to cramp up during ball, need to get them sorted out.

    Weight this morning: 76.2kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 07/01/2016

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x30, 1x40
    10x52.5, 10x52.5, 10x52.5

    B1: Chin Ups
    x7, x6, x5
    B2: Dips
    x8, x8, x7

    C1: DB Curls
    8x8, 8x8, 8x8
    C2: Tricep Pushdowns
    8x60, 8x60, 8x60

    D: Crunches
    x20, x20, x20

    E: Punching Bag
    90 seconds on/30 seconds off x5

    Benching felt good suprisingly, i didnt think it would. Struggled badly on chin ups.

    Ate enough food for two people yesterday, very enjoyable

    Weight this morning: 77.2kg

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Friday 08/01/2016

    A: Squats
    10x50, 10x50, 4x60, 1x70
    6x90, 6x90, 6x90

    B: Leg Press
    6x115, 6x115, 6x115

    C: Stiff Legged Deadlifts
    6x70, 6x70, 6x70

    D: Lat Raises
    12x5, 12x5, 12x5

    E: Rear Delt Flys
    12x8, 12x8, 12x8

    F: Circuits
    lots of box jumps / core exercises etc

    Was pretty gassed after the squats etc but was after commiting to the circuits beforehand so had to fall in. Your mans an army trainer and from what I can tell loves seeing people exhausted :D first round was 30 seconds on/5 seconds off, second round 25 seconds on/5 seconds off, third round 20seconds on/ 5 seconds off. Cant remember how many stations, all I know is I was a sweaty mess.

    Good craic though in fairness, the whole group exercise thing is enjoyable for a change

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Saturday 09/01/2016

    Have kinda planned on doing a jog Monday/Thursday/Saturday for the ext few weeks and slowly increase the mileage....yesterday my legs were exhausted after friday night....

    Decided to go with a bit of broscience and said a jog and a stretch would sort them out.

    3.41km in 20:27

    And I was lucky to do it in that time, legs were like lead. Hamstring DOMS today are something else :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    OK so fell off the wagon with regards to logging, havent really been online for the last month.

    January was a mishmash, done some training but work/birthdays/weddings other random events got in the way so it wasnt 100% consistent.

    Will try to increase reps/weight everyweek, and also now doing circuits on fridays and hopefully monday nights as well.

    Dropped weights on everything last week to try and solidify form. Looking to stay consistent from now on

    Monday 08/02/2016

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x35, 1x45
    6x55, 6x55, 6x55

    B: Incline DB Bench
    6x20, 6x20, 6x20

    C: Bench Press
    6x52.5, 6x52.5, 6x52.5

    D: DB Bench Press
    6x20, 6x20, 6x20

    E: Circuits
    5x upper body, 5x lower body, 5x core or whole body exercises
    Set up as Upper, Lower, Upper, Core, Upper, Lower, Core etc

    Round 1: 40 seconds on/10 off
    Round 2: 30 seconds on/10 off
    Round 3: 20 seconds on/10 off
    Finish: 16 rounds of 30 seconds, random bodyweight exercises

    Weight this morning: 76.5kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 09/02/2016

    A: Punching Bag
    2 mins

    B: Deadlift
    6x60, 4x70, 2x80, 1x90
    6x97.5, 6x97.5, 6x97.5

    C: Bent Over Row (underhand grip)
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    D: Pull Ups
    3/5 negatives, 2/6 negatives, 8 negatives

    E: One Arm DB Rows
    6x20, 6x20, 6x20

    F1: Shrugs
    12x20 , 12x20

    F2: Ab Pulldowns
    15x60, 15x60

    G: Note taking during Hanley's webinar!

    H: Eating Pancakes....loads of pancakes

    Focusing on trying to keep shoulder blades pulled back during deadlifts so dropped weight.

    Weight his morning: 76.6kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,602 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    bigronnie9 wrote: »
    Focusing on trying to keep shoulder blades pulled back during deadlifts so dropped weight.

    There's no real need to keep your scaps back in a deadlift. You will always have a severely limited deadlift if you only try and do it that way and not doing it won't be the cause of flexion in your lower back. Concentrate on engaging the lats

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    There's no real need to keep your scaps back in a deadlift. You will always have a severely limited deadlift if you only try and do it that way and not doing it won't be the cause of flexion in your lower back. Concentrate on engaging the lats

    cheers Alf!

    I've actually video'd myself the last few deadlift sessions and form is grand on the lift, its when lowering the weight back down im losing it abit...recording also made me realise i need to tuck my chin down a small bit more!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 10/02/2016

    A: Military Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x25, 1x30
    6x42.5, 6x42.5, 6x42.5

    B: Lat Raises
    6x8, 6x8, 6x8

    C: Rear Delt Raises
    6x8, 6x8, 6x8

    D: Face Pulls
    8x60, 8x60, 8x60

    E: Farmers Walks
    20kg Dumbbells
    60 seconds on/60 off x3

    F: 6 a side

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 11/02/2016

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x30, 1x40
    10x50, 10x50, 10x50

    B1: Chin Ups
    x6, x5, x5
    B2: Dips
    x6, x5, x6

    C1: DB Curls
    8x8, 8x8, 8x8

    C2: Tricep Pushdowns
    8x60, 8x60, 8x60

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Friday 12/02/2016

    A: Squats
    10x50, 4x60, 2x70
    6x85, 6x85, 6x85

    B: Leg Press
    6x115, 6x115, 6x115

    C: SLDL
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    D: Lat Raises
    12x5, 12x5, 12x5

    E: Rear Delt Raises
    12x5, 12x5, 12x5

    F: Circuits
    Stations were split into 3 smaller 'circuits', upper body, core and lower body
    5 Minutes on each of these.

    2 rounds altogether followed by a tabata of jump squats& push ups

    Had a late night saturday night so feeling the lack of sleep/proper food over the weekend now, dreading the gym later :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Monday 15/02/2016

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x35, 1x45
    6x57.5, 6x57.5, 6x57.5

    B: Incline DB Bench
    6x20, 6x20, 6x20

    C: Bench Press
    6x52.5, 6x52.5, 6x52.5

    D: DB Bench Press
    6x20, 6x20, 5x20

    E: Circuits
    loads of circuits

    Sleeping has gone very bad again, thought i had it to a stage where getting to sleep was ok but i was just waking after 4 maybe 5 hours. Last 2 nights were a return to the not being able to sleep at all even though i was exhausted. May have to take a trip back to the doc, like a zombie today and meant to deadlift after work

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 16/02/2016

    A: Punching bag

    B: Deadlifts
    6x60, 4x70, 2x80, 1x90
    6x100, 6x100, 6x100

    C: BB Bent Over Rows (underhand)
    6x62.5, 6x62.5, 6x62.5

    D: Lat Pulldowns
    8x40, 8x40, 8x40

    E: One Arm DB Rows
    8x20, 8x20, 8x20

    F1: DB Shrugs
    12x20, 12x20
    F2: Ab Pulldowns
    20x60, 20x60

    Deadlifts felt good for a change, result :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 17/02/2016

    A: Military Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x25, 1x30
    6x45, 6x45, 4x45

    B: Lat Raises
    6x5, 6x5, 6x5

    C: Rear Delt Raises
    6x8, 6x8, 6x8

    D: Face Pulls
    10x60, 10x60, 10x60

    E: Farmers Walks
    20kg DBs
    60seconds on/60 seconds off

    F: 6 a side

    Tried focusing more on lifting MP with my shoulders and not triceps.....and dropped weight on lat raises so I could do them slowly.

    Sure enough, some good shoulder DOMS today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 18/02/2016

    A: Incline Bench Press
    10x20, 10x20, 4x30, 1x40
    10x50, 10x50, 10x50

    B1: Chin Ups
    x6, x6, x6
    B2: Dips
    x6, x6, x6

    C1: DB Curls
    9x8, 9x8, 9x8
    C2: Tricep Pushdowns
    9x60, 9x60, 9x60

    Some core stuff...

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Friday 19/02/2016

    A: Squats
    10x50, 4x60, 2x70
    6x87.5, 6x87.5, 6x87.5

    B: Leg Press
    6x120, 6x120, 6x120

    C: SLDL
    6x62.5, 6x62.5, 6x62.5

    D: Lat Raises
    12x5, 12x5, 12x5

    E: Rear Delt Raises
    12x5, 12x5, 12x5

    F: Circuits

    Was away with work yesterday so missed the gym. Havent been sleeping at all lately and google has overtraining down as a possibility.

    I wouldnt of considered myself overtraining but going to do some research into it and possibly take the rest of the week off the gym, maybe just go for a jog or two instead

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,602 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    It might not be overtraining....but if you're not sleeping very much then your recovery isn't what it needs to be.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    It might not be overtraining....but if you're not sleeping very much then your recovery isn't what it needs to be.

    recovery has definitely become an issue, i'm like a zombie in work from lack of sleep and heading to the gym after work then is tough, harder to increase lifts than it should be

    Going to lay off the exercise for a week or two, due to get bloods tested and visit the GP over sleep issue so until all thats done ill just do some mobility work instead and maybe some jogging or even just walking

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,602 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    bigronnie9 wrote: »
    recovery has definitely become an issue, i'm like a zombie in work from lack of sleep and heading to the gym after work then is tough, harder to increase lifts than it should be

    Going to lay off the exercise for a week or two, due to get bloods tested and visit the GP over sleep issue so until all thats done ill just do some mobility work instead and maybe some jogging or even just walking

    No harm in that.

    If you do fancy the gym though, just cut back on the workload so there's less to recover from.

    Spending a bit of time doing some mobility work would stand to you as well. Not just in the gym. When I had time to, I used to maybe 90 mins once a week and felt great for it.

    Hope all goes well with the doc!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Need to update this before it becomes obsolete :P

    Have avoided the weights, done afew circuit classes in the club and even went for afew runs.

    Went Tuesday night with lads from the running club, just over 6km at a pace of 4.50 to 4.58 a km..... I managed it but i was rightly fecked afterwards. Was more like a session than a long run so will need to work on that.

    Also have started working on Pull Ups and Push Ups the odd day, following Hanleys "How to do more chin ups/pull ups" guide and one of those 100 Push Ups apps

    Am finding getting to sleep abit easier but still waking after afew hours, have made inquiries to a sleep clinic so must see if im eligible

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Back at the gym.

    Tested Maxes on Saturday, made sure form was good by videoing myself, weights were abit disappointing but sure they can only get better.

    Squat: 100kg (form dropped off slightly for 105 so ill use 100)
    Bench: 70kg (form was good, just felt like an age for the bar to get to lockout)
    Deadlift: 120kg (felt good, very slight rounding of the back so I didnt go any heavier)

    Monday 02/05/2016

    warmed up with various weights for squat

    A: Squat
    70x8, 70x8, 70x8, 70x8, 70x8

    B: Paused Squats
    50x8, 50x8, 50x8, 50x8, 50x8

    C: Front Squats
    40x8, 45x8, 45x8, 45x8, 45x8

    Three rounds of:
    D1: Split Squats x6
    D2: Step Ups onto Bench x12
    D3: Reverse Lunges x25

    Felt good to be back in the gym, even if I was a sweaty mess after the first few sets!
    DOMS today.....not nice

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 03/05/2016

    A: Bench
    50x8, 50x8, 50x8, 50x8, 50x8

    B: CGBP
    35x8, 35x8, 35x8, 35x8, 35x8

    C: Incline Bench
    35x8, 35x8, 35x8, 35x8, 35x7

    3 rounds of:
    D1: Chin Ups x6
    D2: Barbell Rows 30x12
    D3: DB Rev Flys 2.5x25

    Leg DOMS got steadily worse yesterday and are now out of control. Done some stretching last night, will need to do alot more tonight!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,602 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    bigronnie9 wrote: »
    Leg DOMS got steadily worse yesterday and are now out of control. Done some stretching last night, will need to do alot more tonight!
    You did ask for it with all that leg volume :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    You did ask for it with all that leg volume :D

    aw man the toilet seat has become an enemy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 4/5/2016


    5 a side 60 mins......not the most energetic performance given the leg DOMS situation!

    More stretching

    Thursday 5/5/2016

    Mobility Circuit x3

    A: Deadlifts
    82.5 x8, 82.5x8, 82.5x8, 82.5x8, 82.5x8

    B: Rack Pulls
    60x8, 60x8, 60x8, 60x8, 60x8

    C: Stiff Leg Deadlifts
    60x8, 60x8, 60x8, 60x8, 60x8

    D1: Lying Leg Curls
    D2: Weighted Situps

    Was late arriving so had to vacate the gym at this point to allow an underage team to use the place.

    Finished the Weigthed situps at home, 3 more sets of 12

    Couldnt do the last 3 sets of leg curls at home.....but with the leg DOMS I was more than happy to skip them!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Saturday 7/5/2016

    Mobility circuit x3

    A1: Push ups (x8)
    A2: Squats (60kg x10)
    5 and a half rounds

    B1: Bent Over Row(50kg x10)
    B2: Military Press (20kg x8)
    6 rounds

    C1: Deadlifts (85kg x2)
    C2: DB Flys (8kg x15)
    5 rounds

    Sunday 08/05/2016
    mobility circuit x3

    Had stuff on over the weekend so diet and sleep were extremely poor.

    Hamstrings are still in bits, dreading tonights squat session :eek:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Monday 09/05/2016

    A: Squat
    75x6, 75x6, 75x6, 75x6, 75x9

    B: Paused Squat
    52.5x8, 52.5x8, 52.5x8, 52.5x8, 52.5x8

    C: Front Squat
    47.5x8, 47.5x8, 47.5x8, 47.5x8, 47.5x8

    D1: Split Squats x6
    D2: Step Ups x12
    D3: Reverse Lunges x25
    3 rounds

    Tough, but not as bad mentally as last week.
