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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Friday 12/08/2016

    A: Squats
    6x87.5, 6x87.5, 6x87.5

    B: Front Squats
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    C: SLDL
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    D: Lat Raises
    12x5, 12x5, 12x5

    E: RDF (seated)
    12x5, 12x5, 12x5

    F: Circuits

    Fell off the wagon then for a week, had weddings/travel with work/birthdays etc

    Managed to play 6 a side, tag, 11 a side, and hurt my hamstrings. Think ive pulled something or possibly hurt a nerve in my glute as a result of training/playing with the injured hamstrings, pain from arse to foot when I sit on it for too long!

    Monday 22/08/2016

    A: Incline Bench
    6x57.5, 4x57.5, 4x57.5

    B: Incline DB Bench
    6x17, 6x17, 6x17

    C: Bench
    6x55, 6x55, 6x55

    D: DB Bench
    6x17, 6x17, 6x17

    E: Battle Ropes
    F: Plank
    G: Punching Bag

    Bit the bullet and booked physio for tonight

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 23/08/2016

    Physio.... Tight back / glutes / hamstrings and not stretching/resting them have led to a sciatic nerve issue....which is horrible when driving the car and my foot goes numb or when sitting in the office and can only sit on one arse cheek

    Wednesday 24/08/2016

    A: Military Press
    5x40, 4x40, 4x40

    B: Lat Raises
    6x8, 6x8, 6x8

    C: Rear Delt Flys
    6x8, 6x8, 6x8

    D: Face Pulls
    12x60, 12x60, 12x60

    E: Plank

    F: Battle Ropes

    Thursday 25/08/2016

    A: Incline Bench
    12x45, 12x45, 12x45

    B1: Chin Ups
    x7, x7, x7
    B2: Dips
    x7, x7, x7

    C1:EZ Bar Curls
    12x18, 12x18, 10x18
    C2: Overhead Cable Extensions
    12x30, 12x30, 12x30

    Also doing the prescribed stretching / foam rolling....horrible horrible experience, god I hate that foam roller

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    I went to a physio about 2.5 years ago because of all that tightness. The treatment involved a world of pain as he went after the tight spots. It improved straight away but I went back for a couple more sessions until I was able to control it myself with all of the rolling and prescribed stretching.

    Three weeks later was like night and day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    I went to a physio about 2.5 years ago because of all that tightness. The treatment involved a world of pain as he went after the tight spots. It improved straight away but I went back for a couple more sessions until I was able to control it myself with all of the rolling and prescribed stretching.

    Three weeks later was like night and day.

    Glad to hear that Alf, its bad at the moment!

    Physio is torture, went again saturday morning, hamstring tender since. Few more exercises added to the routine... going on holidays this week so thinking ill pack the foam roller/sliotar and just try and do them everyday over.
    Have an appointment booked again for the day after I get back, he said it might be pain free at that stage but I said id rather have a session booked anyway.

    Friday 26/08/2016

    Pull Ups x3: 8 sets
    Physio routine

    Saturday 27/08/2016

    Sunday 27/08/2016
    Pull Ups x3: 9 sets

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    So....have been foam rolling everyday (horrible experience everytime!) and went to the physio twice since last update. After saturdays session I have to say my leg felt brilliant, back was tender but thats just because he spent a lot of time on it.

    Was going to give the gym a skip again for another week or two (I've been doing pull ups/push ups after the foam rolling but nothing else) but physio said he;d like for me to go back to the gym and just keep the weights reasonable.

    Monday 19/09/2016

    A: Incline Bench Press
    6x55, 6x55, 6x55

    B: DB Incline Bench
    6x17, 6x17, 6x17

    C: Bench Press
    6x50, 6x50, 5x50

    D: DB Bench
    6x17, 6x17, 6x17

    E: Jog
    20 minutes

    Felt good after the gym so said id chance a jog when I got home.....probably a bad idea. Could feel my hamstring/calf coming at me after about 10 minutes but said id finish it out as it was very slow. Hamstring tight again now today even though I gave it a good stretching and rolling last night.

    Lesson learned, baby steps

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 20/09/2016

    A: Deadlift
    6x60, 6x60, 6x60, 6x60

    B: Bent Over Row
    6x50, 6x50, 6x50

    C: Pull Ups
    9 sets of 4

    D: 1 Arm DB Row
    10x17, 10x17, 8x17

    E1: DB Shrugs
    15x17, 15x17
    E2: Situps
    x15, x15

    F: Punching Bag
    60 seconds on / 25 seconds off x4

    Done some stretching but didnt get a chance to foam roll last night

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 21/09/2016

    A: Military Press
    6x37.5, 6x37.5, 6x37.5

    B: Lat Raies
    6x5, 6x5, 6x5

    C: Rear Delt Flys
    6x5, 6x5, 6x5

    D: FacePulls
    12x40, 12x40, 12x40

    E: Farmers Walks
    17kg DBs
    60 seconds on/60 seconds off x3

    F: Plank

    G: Punching Bag
    60 seconds on / 20 seconds off x5

    Was caught out for the evening yesterday and was abit late when I got home for foam rolling.....will have to give it a good seeing to tonight

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 22/09/2016

    A: Incline Bench
    12x45, 12x45, 10x45

    B1: Chin Ups
    x7, x7, x7
    B2: Dips
    x7, x7, x6

    C1: EZ Bar Curls
    12x18, 11x18, 10x18
    C2: Tricep Pushdowns
    12x45, 10x45, 8x45

    D: Punching bag
    60 seconds on/20 seconds off x5

    E: Plank

    Triceps were fried....

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Ok so back on the wagon...kind of. Physio at the weekend said he was happy enough to start back running/soccer/gym etc but ease myself into things.

    Still waiting on MRI appointment to get the full all clear

    Monday 10/10/2016

    A: Incline Bench
    6x57.5, 6x57.5, 6x57.5

    B: Incline DB Bench
    6x17, 6x17, 6x17

    C: Bench Press
    6x55, 6x55, 6x55

    D: DB Bench
    6x17, 6x17, 6x17

    E: Ropes

    F: Plank

    Tuesday got caught driving for work, pain flared up again all down the leg and lower back was very stiff Tuesday night, driving seems to be the killer

    Wednesday 12/10/2016

    A: Deadlift
    10x40, 6x60, 6x60, 4x70, 5x80, 5x80, 5x80

    B: Bent Over Row
    6x52.5, 6x52.5, 6x52.5

    C: Pull Ups
    10 sets of 4

    D: Lat Pulldowns
    8x50, 8x50, 8x50

    E1: DB Shrugs
    15x17, 15x17
    E2: Sit Ups
    x15, x15

    Gym got one of those "back baller" two mini foamrollers that slot into a holder so they dont slip all over the place.

    Comes with a 20 minute sequence with it that covered the whole body so gave it a go instead of waiting till I got home (I usually say ill foamroll when i get home but I might not bother)

    Not bad, in fairness does make it very easy to get at parts of the back. The last exercise was foam rolling the shins.....good lord that was awful!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    So have fallen off the wagon with regards to logging, need to get back into it!

    Been a mish mash of a month, all over the place with work so cant keep a good gym routine, the odd day here and there I managed. Have been for an MRI and physio a couple of times since last updating.

    Have kind of veered towards bodyweight exercises the last week or so since I cant get to the gym, had someone suggest convict conditioning as a handy guide for training when cant get to the gym/staying in hotels etc. I like the idea, but the extremely slow reps do make it more difficult than I expected

    Have also managed afew jogs just gradually adding on minutes each time.

    So as it stands:

    Jogging: up to 32 minutes
    Kneeling Push Ups: 3 sets of 30
    Shoulderstand Squats: 3 sets of 50
    Vertical Pulls: 3 sets of 50 (meant to be 40 but I never checked)
    Knee Tucks: a set of 17 and a set of 20 (I think)

    Played one game of 6 a side as the physio wanted to see how my back/legs was, wasnt too bad but hamstring/glute still not 100%

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Lots of foam rolling after work
    Then punching bag, 60/20 x4
    15 Goblet Squats
    15 Kettlebell Swings
    5 Push ups

    15 rounds
    19:08 (I think last time I tried this it took about 23 minutes so happy enough with that)

    Quads are in bits today :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Need to get back on the wagon updating this!

    Monday 09/05/2017
    A: Squats
    100x6, 100x6, 100x6

    B: Front Squats
    67.5x6, 67.5x6, 67.5x6

    C: SLDL
    62.5x6, 62.5x6, 62.5x6

    D: Circuits

    Tuesday 10/05/2017

    A: Incline Bench
    62.5x3, 62.5x4, 62.5x3, 60x4

    B: Incline DB Bench
    18x6, 18x6, 18x6

    C: Bench Press
    60x4, 60x4, 60x4

    D: DB Bench
    18x6, 18x6, 18x6

    God I hate benching. can be up some weeks and then next week struggle with reps...

    On the plus side my first time ever doing sets of 100 on squats :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 11/05/2017

    A: Deadlifts
    105x6, 105x6, 105x6

    B: Bent Over Rows (underhand)
    67.5x6, 67.5x6, 67.5x6

    C: Pull Ups
    x4, x4, then slow negatives x8

    D: Lat Pulldown
    50x12, 50x12, 50x12

    E: 1 Arm DB Row
    18x12, 18x12, 18x12

    F1: DB Shrugs
    18x16, 18x20
    F2: Knee Tucks
    x20, x20

    Deadlifts felt good and form remaining ood so happy with that. Still an issue with glute/piriformis that is very noticable when deadlifting but not holding me back thankfully.

    Grip was absolutley shot by the 2nd second of lat pulldowns and for the DB rows!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Friday 12/05/2017

    A: Military Press
    12.5x6, 42.5x6, 42.5x5

    B: Lat Raises
    6x8, 6x8, 6x8

    C: Rear Delt Flys
    6x8, 6x8, 6x8

    D: Face Pull
    60x12, 60x12, 60x12

    E: Farmers Walks
    18x 60/60 x 3

    F: 6 a side

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Monday 15/05/2017

    Circuits / foam rolling / stretching

    Tuesday 16/05/2017

    A: Squats
    92.5kg 5x5

    B: Bench Press
    50kg 5x5

    C: Bent Over Rows
    55kg 5x5

    D: Barbell Shrugs
    40kg x8
    45kg 2x8

    E: Skullcrushers
    18kg 3x8

    F: BB Curls
    20kg 3x8

    G1: Good Mornings
    20kg 2x10
    G2: Cable Crunches
    55kg 2x10

    Thought the squats were never going to end! Need to concentrate more on feeling the arm work in the right areas.
    Enjoyable change though

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 18/05/2017

    A: Squats
    92.5 x3x5

    B: Deadlift
    107.5 x1x5

    C: Military Press
    35 x5x5

    D: Lat Pulldowns
    55 x5x5

    E: Close Grip Bench
    35 x3x8

    F1: Incline Curls
    6 x3x8

    F2: Cable Crunches
    55 x3x10

    think thats right, dont have it written down with me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Friday 19/05/2017
    6 a side

    Saturday 20/05/2017

    A: Squats
    92.5 5x5

    B: Incline Bench Press
    50 x5x5

    C: Bent Over Rows
    57.5 x5x5

    D: BB Shrugs
    50 x3x8 (I think)

    E: Skullcrushers
    18 x3x8

    F: BB Curls
    20 x3x8

    F1: Good Mornings
    20 x2x10
    F2: Cable Crunches
    60 x3x10

    Trying to get form right on everything. Struggled to keep elbows in place on skullcrushers.....and also on curls.

    Good mornings are a right b!tch even with no weight on the bar!

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Monday 22/05/2017

    A: Squats
    95 3x5

    B: Deadlift
    110 1x5

    C: Military Press
    37.5 5x5

    D: Lat Pulldowns
    60 5x5

    E: Close Grip Bench Press
    35 3x8

    F1: Incline Curls
    6 3x8
    F2: Cable Crunches
    60 3x10

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 23/05/2017


    Wednesday 24/05/2017

    A: Squats
    95 5x5

    B: Incline Bench Press
    52.5 x5x5

    C: Bent Over Rows
    60 x5x5

    D: BB Shrugs
    55 x3x8

    E: Skullcrushers
    20 x3x8

    F: BB Curls
    22.5 x3x8

    F1: Good Mornings
    22.5 x2x10
    F2: Cable Crunches
    65 x3x10

    Thursday 25/05/2017

    Drive up n down to Dublin for work...glute/piriformis in bits

    Friday 26/05/2017

    6 a side

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Saturday 27/05/2017

    A: Squats
    95 3x5

    B: Deadlift
    110 1x5

    C: Military Press
    40 5x5

    D1: Pull Ups x4
    D2: Lat Pulldowns
    65 4x5

    E: Close Grip Bench Press
    37.5 3x8

    F1: Incline Curls
    8 3x8
    F2: Cable Crunches
    65 3x10

    Didnt increase deadlifts as not used to training that early in the day and felt fairly stiff

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Monday 29/05/2017

    A: Squats
    97.5 5x5

    B: Incline Bench Press
    55 x5x5

    C: Bent Over Rows
    62.5 x5x5

    D: BB Shrugs
    60 x3x8

    E: Skullcrushers
    23 x3x8

    F: BB Curls
    22.5 x3x8

    F1: Good Mornings
    25 x2x10
    F2: Cable Crunches
    70 x3x10

    Tuesday 30/05/2017

    6 a side

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Wednesday 31/05/2017

    A: Squats
    97.5 3x5

    B: Deadlift
    112.5 1x5

    C: Military Press
    42.5 5x5

    D1: Pull Ups x5
    D2: Lat Pulldowns
    65 4x5

    E: Close Grip Bench Press
    40 3x8

    F1: Incline Curls
    8 3x8
    F2: Cable Crunches
    70 3x10

    Was starving going to gym for some reason. Military press is such a humbling exercise, struggled here

    Squat form wasnt 100%, id say due to previous nights 6 a side game

    Still have niggling pain in hamstring/glute when deadlifting, need to spend more time sitting on the sliotar

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 01/06/2017

    5km Jog - 29:46

    First jog in afew weeks.....guess squats dont translate well over to running cause I struggled big time and my legs are in bits today! :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Friday 02/06/2017

    A: Squats
    97.5 5x5

    B: Incline Bench Press
    57.5 x5x5

    C: Bent Over Rows
    65 x5x5

    D: BB Shrugs
    65 x3x8

    E: Skullcrushers
    23 x3x8

    F: BB Curls
    22.5 x3x8

    Bailed out at this point because I was nackered and had a bbq to go to!

    Sunday 04/06/2017

    Jog about 2 and a half km i think, nothing spectacular

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Monday 05/06/2017

    A: Squats
    100 3x5

    B: Deadlift
    115 1x5

    C: Military Press
    42.5 5x5

    D1: Pull Ups x5 / Negatives x5
    D2: Lat Pulldowns
    65 3x5

    E: Close Grip Bench Press
    42.5 3x8

    F1: Incline Curls
    8 3x8
    F2: Cable Crunches
    70 3x10

    Upped Squats and Deadlifts, which i was happy enough with on a bank holiday Monday.

    Trying to perfect form on cable crunches, think i wasnt bending enough.

    Slow to increase curls weight, as I'm not really feeling them properly for all reps

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday - Physio

    Wednesday 07/06/2017

    A: Squats
    100 3x5

    B: Incline Bench Press
    60 4x5, 1x4

    C: Bent Over Rows
    65 5x5

    D: 6 a side

    Was stuck for time and tender after physio so took it handy before playing ball. Will finish rest of session this evening

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 08/06/2017

    A: BB Shrugs
    65 3x8

    B: Skullcrushers (with new and improved form)
    23 3x8

    C: EZ Curls
    23 3x8

    D1: Good Mornings
    25 2x10

    D2: Cable Crunches
    70 3x10 (with new and improved form)

    E: Some negatives on the pull up bar.....deadly

    Wishy washy session in fairness but felt good to do something

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Saturday 10/06/2017

    A: Squats
    100 3x5

    B: Deadlift
    117.5 1x5

    C: Military Press
    45 5x5

    D: Pull Ups/Negatives
    5, 3/2. 3/2, 2/3, 2/3

    E: Close Grip Bench Press
    45 3x8

    F1: Incline Curls
    8 3x8
    F2: Cable Crunches
    70 3x10

    MY god increasing military press is tough going. Must look into those .5kg plates I've heard mentioned on here

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Tuesday 13/06/2017

    A: Squats
    102.5 5x5

    B: Incline Bench
    60 3x5, 1x3

    C: Bent Over Rows
    65 5x5

    D: BB Shrugs
    70 3x8

    E: Skullcrushers
    23 3x8

    F: BB Curls
    22.5 3x8

    G: Good Mornings
    27.5 2x10

    H: Cable Crunches
    70 3x10

    Dismal display on the bench, very disheartening. Hadnt eaten much food all day but no excuse, will make sure im well fed for next session and see how it goes. If I still struggle ill look t change something

    Wednesday 14/06/2017

    6 a side

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  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭bigronnie9

    Thursday 15/06/2017

    A: Squats
    102.5 5x5

    B: Deadlift
    120 1x5

    C: Military Press
    45 2x5, 1x3

    D: 6 a side

    Had to bail out early and it was just as well since the overhead press was not going to happen!
    Squats also were quite tough but id say more to do with legs being tired after ball the night before.

    Will finish this session later, and give the overhead press a fresh go since i was wiped after the deadlifts yesterday (thats my excuse anyway)
