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Cool runnings



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Duanington wrote: »
    Well done for toughing it out D, enjoyed the report too !

    Nice to meet you afterwards, good aul craic. Will you target another one now?

    Hmm. Yes, good question. My feeling at the moment is: repeat what I did this year. Spend the rest of the year and early 2017 hammering away at those 5k/5 mile/10k races, then pick an autumn marathon. Somewhere with reliably cool weather! All suggestions on a postcard, please.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 26th September-Saturday 1st October


    Sunday 2nd

    Well hello again, running, run.

    6.40 @8.15

    HR 132/144

    Monday 3rd

    Easy run

    6.8 @8.50

    HR 123/143

    Tuesday 4th


    Wednesday 5th

    Easy run.

    7.01 @8.58

    HR 125/142

    Thursday 6th/Friday 7th


    Saturday 8th

    Jog down the canal to the Aviva. Bloody traffic.

    1.7 @8.49

    Sunday 9th

    WW Trail run. Kilmashogue car park to (roughly) Prince William's Seat and back. As easy as possible.

    15 @10.30

    Hr 128/165

    Week's mileage 31

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 10th


    Tuesday 11th

    Easy run. Variation in pace and HR spike to 150 - initially chasing club group, then meeting other clubmate who was running at 8min pace, on grass.

    7.26 @8.29

    HR 128/150

    Wednesday 12th

    Easy run, 3 @MP. MP being 9.54, in this case. I decided to see what 4.20 pace felt like for the first three miles. It felt slow. It was also hard to stick to the pace: I kept speeding up, then slowing down. Towards the end it was actually making me feel tired and sluggish, so much so that I didn't feel that I would be able to raise the pace to my normal one. So I had a brief stop at 3 miles, then started again at a quicker tempo. Felt ok after that.

    6.35 @9.12

    inc 3 @MP (9.42, 10.05, 9.26)

    HR 122/137

    Thursday 13th

    4 mile tempo run. A group of DCM hopefuls from the club were doing a session - 6@MP/1@HMP/1@10k, so I just went with one sub-group, a couple of lads aiming at 3.15 or so. Pace was hot, sub-MP for me. After a 6.57 4th mile I decided I'd had enough. Good blow-out though.

    7.47 @7.46
    inc 4@tempo (7.06, 7.05, 7.03, 6.57)

    HR 141/161

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Friday 14th

    Easy 5 miler. A routine trundle around the park.

    5 @9.34

    HR 116/125

    Saturday 15th

    Tymon parkrun. A stretch of the racing legs to see what sort of shape one is in. Didn't prepare very well really, very little warmup either. Felt faster than it was. Lucky to finish in 6th.

    3.1 @6.36 (20:30)

    HR 158/169

    Sunday 16th

    15 mile long run. A genuine attempt to run at PMP. Couldn't quite get there, obviously. Ah, it'll be alright on the night.

    15.16 @9.38

    HR 119/143

    Week's mileage 46

    Monday 17th


    Tuesday 18th

    3m @HMP wu/cd. Threw out the slow stuff for tonight and jumped in with the gang's much more fun session.

    1.5 wu
    3 @HMP (6.58, 7.02, 6.54)
    1.5 cd

    HR 142/162

    Wednesday 19th


    Thursday 20th

    Easy run. Ran the first three miles at MP, then felt so sluggish that I fartlekked my way around and back home.

    6.39 @9.06

    3 @MP (9.25, 10.00, 10.03)

    HR 122/160

    Friday 21st


    Saturday 22nd

    Tymon parkrun. Was if anything even less prepared than last week, and definitely a bit hungover. A lengthy wait at roadworks (damn stop/go systems) nearly had me missing the start, but a warmup of basketball arena carpark to start line at 9.28 is far from ideal. Felt far worse than last week, and there was nearly an unscheduled re-appearance of breakfast at the finish. Luckily I hadn't had any. Finished in 11th, but was surprised that I'd run only 2 seconds slower than last week.

    3.1 @6.37 (20.32)

    HR 154/172

    Sunday 23rd

    10 mile run. With DCM only a week away, a group of more than 20 left the club for an easy Sunday run that was enlivened immensely by the in-run banter, which was mostly aimed at me and my pacing duties. Lots of telling me to slow down, and reminders to shout OGGIE OGGIE OGGIE* in certain places. Great fun, and the best part of this whole lark when you strip out all the competitive malarkey.

    10 @9.04

    HR 119/133

    * I won't be doing this. My pacing group will be like the silent haircut. I'll get the job done, but say fock all.

    Week's mileage 27

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 24th

    Easy 5 miler.

    5 @9.01

    HR 122/142

    Tuesday 25th


    Wednesday 26th

    Down in the wilds of Wickla for a night. Discovered that the hotel had a trail/walk around its accompanying golf course. Only wanted 30 minutes of a jog. Went with the missus, and she covered 5k in about 36 mins, with a couple of walk breaks. I'll get her into parkrun yet.

    3.13 @11.39

    HR 102/131

    Thursday 27th


    Friday 28th

    Easy run. You know you're in marathon week when you measure runs in minutes instead of miles. 20 mins got me

    2.29 @8.39

    HR 123/132

    Saturday 29th

    Last run before marathon. 20 mins with the club gang. After all their slagging, the pace here was MP for me.

    2.23 @9.52

    HR 113/122

    Sunday 30th

    26 mile slow run. Full report to follow, possibly.

    26.4 @9.50 (4:19:38)

    HR 130/151

    Week's mileage 39

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 31st-Thursday 3rd


    Friday 4th

    Easy run. Felt fine.

    6.23 @8.43

    HR 131/147

    Saturday 5th

    Easy run.

    6.03 @8.47

    HR 126/140

    Sunday 6th

    Easy run. Impromptu hill sprints x6 at the end. Only about 12 secs duration.

    8.05 @9.12

    HR 124/153

    Week's mileage 20

    Monday 7th

    Easy run.

    5.01 @8.29

    HR 131/149

    Tuesday 8th

    3m tempo, wu/cd. Had unexpected company for this in returning DCMers. Possibly went out a little too fast, but was seriously gassed after mile 2 in any case. Wouldn't have completed the third but for my partners.

    3m tempo (6.41, 7.02, 7.06)

    HR 141/171

    Wednesday 9th

    Easy run.

    7.01 @8.26

    HR 131/144

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Thursday 10th

    Easy run. Was contemplating a track session, but the bad weather put me off.

    6.13 @9.07
    HR 126/144

    Friday 11th

    Easy run. Met a clubmate in the park halfway through for a few grassy miles.

    7.51 @8.42
    HR 126/145

    Saturday 12th

    Short run. Curtailed length to proximity of kick-off in the footie. Which probably accounted for the occasionally tempo-esque pace.

    3.02 @7.33
    HR 140/161

    Sunday 13th

    Long run. Nice easy jaunt with occasional injections of pace.

    10.06 @8.36
    HR 128/150

    Week's mileage 44.5

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 14th

    Easy run.

    4.04 @8.46

    HR 122/134

    Tuesday 15th

    Cross training. 5 a-side in-club game at the Astro. How bad an idea was this? I have truly experienced DOMS for the first time. Running fine on the Wednesday, crocked on Thursday. Currently still nursing various strains, including a distinct swelling around the right knee-joint, which I now recall I always used to suffer from, post 5-a-side. Anyway, at least we won. BOOM.

    2.66 miles (not quite accurate, forgot to stop watch)

    HR 132/157

    Wednesday 16th

    Easy run. Felt ok, surprisingly enough, even banged in a nippy mile or two during this. Man, was I in for a surprise.

    5.21 @8.51

    HR 127/146

    Thursday-Friday 17/18th

    Rest. Body in shock. Running in straight lines only henceforth.

    Saturday 19th

    Easy run.

    8.19 @9.02

    HR 125/142

    Sunday 20th

    Easy run.

    6.02 @8.56

    HR 127/141

    Week's mileage 26.5

    codicil: Have been neglecting the bigger picture here: which is that I am entered for the Seeley Cup up in Norn next weekend, and I had been hoping to get a few decent sessions in, in hopes of bouncing off my marathon training and into a decent 10k time. That seems a forlorn ambition, at this stage. There are a few reasons/excuses - 1) club mates are in post-marathon mode, and no-one's exerting themselves. 2) Life. 3) Life again. 4) Physical decrepitude. Waking up three nights in a row with a throbbing big-toe nail had convinced me, with the aid of Dr. Google, that my hem-hem lifestyle had afflicted me with gout. It was textbook. Not a doubt. Classic case, all the symptoms. At the doctor's on Thursday, he took one look, pronounced 'infection', swabbed, lanced, prescribed anti-b's, and I was out the door. Never trust the damn internet, kids. So now I'm not only unfit, but I will be additionally-physically compromised come next weekend.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 21st

    Easy run. An hour with lads from the club.

    6.29 @9.16
    HR 118/136

    Tuesday 22nd

    Right, it's time to face facts. Tried to do a sort of tempo session today. Maybe 2-3 miles at the fastest pace I could comfortably maintain. After a couple of on-the-nippy-side warmup miles, I set off...and after only a few hundred metres I realised I was fooling myself. Stopped, got going again, a bit slower, and after a bit knew I'd be stopping again when the mile was up. I just about scraped under 7 minutes, and that's when I realised I wouldn't be travelling to Belfast at the weekend. There's no point. It's one of the highest quality 10k's in the country, and I'm in no shape for it. I'm on antibiotics, I haven't done any sessions, and I'm all banged up from playing football last week. I'm not going to bother with the JB 5k either, I don't think.

    6.11 @8.08
    HR 143/161

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Sorry to hear that D, it's a race you would have done well in fully fit.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    tang1 wrote: »
    Sorry to hear that D, it's a race you would have done well in fully fit.

    Cheers, man. I was nurturing hopes of notching a couple of late season pbs, but sadly not to be.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Wednesday 23rd


    Thursday 24th

    Nominally easy run that got a bit tasty after the first couple of slow miles. Comedy sprint at the end which accounts for the HR max.

    7.01 @8.21

    HR 136/173

    Friday-Saturday 25/26th


    Sunday 27th

    11 mile run. Was only aiming for 10, but this was a unique occasion, with a very special group leaving the TAC clubhouse at 10am, including Myles, TRR and guests Krusty and TBB, along with a couple of non-boards clubmates. Basically a bunch of 2.30/40 marathoners whose idea of an easy sunday run was 7.30 pace. We took off at a frantic clip, and a 7.36 mile was followed by a 7.10 which included the climb up old bawn to the old mill. Shortly after I gave up the ghost and let the group stride on. My rugby-associated hangover was asserting itself in a big way, and I dialled the pace back a good bit. Not ashamed to admit I had a couple of stops too. After I touched the back gate in the waterworks though, I was moving well and knocking off successive sub-8 min miles.

    11.09 @7.43

    HR 146/163

    Week's mileage 30.5

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 28th


    Tuesday 29th

    Planned an easy run, but decided to jump in with a couple of clubmates' 3m tempo.

    Wednesday 30th


    Thursday 1st

    Easy run.

    6.15 @8.46

    HR 124/136

    Friday 2nd

    Easy run. Read about the 'Blessington Greenway', and decided to find it, and run it. Decidedly cold out by the lakes in Blessington. Lovely run.

    7.01 @8.16

    HR 123/154

    Saturday 3rd


    Sunday 4th

    Totally unplanned 8 miler. Out drinking and dining all day Saturday, so had no thoughts of any Sunday running, but a little voice in my head reminded me (at about 5 past 11) that there was a 12.00 run. Arrived naked, that is, sans watch so just literally went with the flow.

    8.05 @8.37

    Week's mileage 27

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 5th

    Easy run.

    6.5 @8.33

    HR N/A

    Tuesday 6th


    Wednesday 7th

    Pseudo-tempo run. Jogged down to the park in the morning with the intention of doing some tempo-pace miles on the intermediate xc course, but it didn't go at all well. My body doesn't function at its best in the mornings, unless it's a race and I'm psyched for it, and even on the warm-up (admittedly brisk enough) I was blowing a bit too hard. I managed one lap on the xc course, couldn't break 8 minutes, then got back on the path for a 7.28 down the hill toward the all-weather pitches and around towards Limekiln. Then I eased back for the next one, before managing a decent 7.11 along the esker lane. A couple of easy ones then to finish.

    8.03 @8.16

    HR 131/158

    Thursday 8th


    Friday 9th

    Easy run. Maybe it's the time of year, but found myself seriously lacking in motivation on Friday afternoon. I was actually asking myself the "why am I doing this" question. Stopped several times out of sheer couldn't-be-arsedness. I finished it out eventually, but a glute was complaining, and I think I need to visit my man to sort out some alignment problems in the old undercarriage.

    6 @8.40

    HR 126/144

    Saturday 10th

    Rest. (Club awards/christmas do the previous night)

    Sunday 11th

    10 mile long run. 8 was the initial plan, but was running with a clubmate who persuaded me to go the extra mile(s). He's a naturally quick runner building towards another sub-3 attempt, so the pace quickly picked up, putting me under pressure as I am once more afflicted with a persistent sore throat, and more than once coughed up a pleasingly-large gobbet of brown phlegm (brown is fine. when it's green it's time to worry). Just about coped, and even managed a 7.27 mile to finish.

    10.01 @8.03

    HR 141/158

    Week's mileage 30

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 12th

    7.18 @8.38

    Tuesday 13th


    Wednesday 14th

    Nice super-easy few laps of Marlay with a couple of righteous ultra-dudes. In the pouring rain. Lovely.

    8.65 @8.55

    HR 126/143

    Thursday-Saturday 15th-17th

    Rest. Sore throat/cold should be on their way out, but instead conspire to put me in bed for a spell.

    Sunday 18th

    Really wanted to compete, after a fashion, in the very first Bros Pearse/Tallaght xc friendly race/deathmatch in Tymon park. Participation was in doubt until the morning of the race itself, when my airways seemed clear enough to give it a lash. Lasted all of one lap before having to pull out.

    About 2.5m in total.

    Fairly miserable week. The idea is to let the body fight this one off, after already completing at least 2 courses of antibiotics this year, but it just drags out, and now I'm fairly miserable. Will be undercooked for Masters, and probably the Raheny 5 as well.

    Week's mileage fock all

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday/Tuesday 19/20th


    Wednesday 21st

    Easy run.

    6.55 @8.42

    HR 131/149



    Sunday 25th

    Christmas Day GOAL Mile. Or the annual danon family dave v son who never trains but has 29 years on him.


    .74 @8.55 wu

    1m @ 6.12 (5.45 for the son)

    .46 cd

    HR 122/160


    Monday 26th

    St. Stephen's Day TAC kris kindle/kringle/kangol race. Handled a race situation a bit better today, finished at least.

    1.23 @8.22 wu

    2.65 @6.55

    1.2 @9.24 cd

    HR 162/179! (doesn't seem to be an unlikely spike, but still exceeding supposed MAX HR)

    Tuesday 27th

    Easy run.

    5 @9.02

    HR 126/142

    Wednesday 28th

    Easy run.

    6.13 @8.41

    HR 127/141

    Thursday 29th

    Social run with some buddies, with refreshments afterward. Warmup from house-Luas, then Heuston-PP.

    10.5 @9.15

    Friday 30th

    Easy run with the dog. Decided to give the hound another chance to prove his running-with-master credentials. Stayed in the Dodder valley park loop between Ahernes/Old Mill and the new bridge. Went ok, he may get another shot or two.

    4 @9.01

    HR 125/143

    Saturday 31st

    Club New Year's Eve social run. wu from house up to waterworks, then front to back gate and back. Not a race, but of course the pace was lively enough. Stayed with the leading group for a mile or so, then let them go. Picked up the pace on the way back down with the slope and the breeze, finished chasing a group of two with a 6.36 mile. A good blow-out.

    8.64 @7.58

    HR 141/171

    Sunday 1st

    Easy first run of the new year. Garmin upload glitch so no HR data.

    5.2 @8.22

    Back on track with a solid week and 7 days of running. A session between now and the masters xc at the weekend would be good.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 2nd

    Easy short run. Brisk enough.

    4.01 @8.26

    HR 128/144

    Tuesday 3rd

    Easy run, with fast mile. Wasn't feeling up to a proper session. Just the one quick mile (6.19)

    7.25 @8.35

    Wednesday 4th

    Short slow run. Long hill run to come on the morrow.

    4 @9.18

    HR 109/147

    Thursday 5th

    Long run in Dublin hills, Marlay park to Kilmashogue and up towards fairy fort. Excellent therapy.

    10.42 @12.46

    Total elevation gain: 1824ft

    HR 122/168

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Friday 6th

    Easy jaunt through the paths and laneways of the nearby estates.

    7 @9.22

    HR 118/133

    Saturday 7th

    Tymon parkrun. With the other half on her very first attempt. Didn't get too carried away at the start, and when she couldn't keep running she maintained her usual brisk walk which is fast enough to allow me to keep jogging beside her. 34 minutes was a very respectable effort, I thought. When she is aerobically capable of running the full 5k she'll get under 30min no bother.

    3.13 @10.53 (34.04)

    HR 111/123


    Dublin Masters XC, Raheny. My first proper xc since, well, this time last year, since I only managed one lap in Tymon the other week. At least this time I finished. Reasonably happy, although I wilted on the sticky section at the end of lap 3 and was passed by several team-mates, including a fellow 0-50er to knock me out of fourth scoring position. Just didn't have the strength to cope, though, and I was always using this as a stepping-stone to a reasonable 5 mile at the end of the month in any case.

    1.85 @9.21 wu

    3.66 @ 7.24

    HR 168/180

    .81 @9.09 cd

    STREAK: 15

    Week's mileage 42

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 9th

    8 mile recovery run.

    8.02 @9.01

    HR 121/139

    Tuesday 10th

    5m @MP, wu and cd. Just me and one colleague for this. We agreed on 7.30 pace, but I knew he'd run quicker, and so it proved. We followed our usual tempo route down from Tallaght village into the park, and although it got hard after about 3.5 miles, I managed to tough it out for an average pace of 7.19 per mile.

    7.54 @7.53 (inc wu/cd)

    HR 139/165

    Wednesday 11th

    Short recovery run.

    4.17 @9.00

    HR 117/132

    Thursday 12th

    4x1m @10k pace w 3 mins rec. A freezing cold night for this, and the first snow shower of the year greeted the second mile. Was apprehensive following the struggles of Tuesday night, but in the end was pretty pleased with the 6.30 per mile average. Right on the money. If the recoveries were a bit long, they really did the trick and I felt really strong on the last mile, finished on the final mile drag of the Tymon parkrun.

    7.41 @8.33

    (6.40, 6.27, 6.21, 6.32)

    HR 143/189

    Friday 13th

    Recovery run. Partly on grass.

    6 @9.23

    HR 116/145

    Saturday 14th

    Tymon parkrun course. The parkrun was cancelled due to icy conditions, but we ran the route anyway, and the OH was gratified with an unofficial 30 second pb.

    6.57 @slow.

    HR 112/132

    Sunday 15th

    Long run. First 12 miler of the year. A bit creaky towards the end. Quite warm today too.

    12 @8.14

    HR 136/150

    Week's mileage 52

    Streak 22

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 16th

    Recovery run. A minimum of 4 required, 6 eventually done. Happy with that. Routine otherwise.

    6.03 @8.44

    HR 122/130

    Tuesday 17th

    15minsx2@HMP w 5min rec, wu/cd. A nice night for this in the park - but an even better night for a track session: dry, mild, and dead calm. But I knew better than to suggest a change of plan. Amazing how many athletes are track-phobic. Ah well. We agreed on 7 min pace or thereabouts for this, but I assumed it would be faster, and so it proved. Last week I struggled with 5 continuous MP miles on the Tuesday, before recovering for a good Thursday session, and again tonight I found myself hanging on a bit at times, but overall it was a good session. More than the daily runs or the mileage, it's the sessions that my body is struggling to cope with. But it's all good progress.

    7.69 @8.27

    1.5 wu

    15mins @6.56
    5 mins (half mile)
    15mins @6.56

    1.3 cd

    HR 133/166

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Wednesday 18th

    Very slow and short recovery run. Still quite tired from Tuesday.

    4.19 @9.53

    HR all over the place.

    Thursday 19th

    Interval session. 8minsx3@10k pace, 3 mins rec wu/cd. With an xc race on Saturday, I decided in advance that one rep would be plenty. But it didn't turn out that way. Still felt a bit creaky, and straightaway the first rep had me on trouble. I was 40-50 metres further back than normal, and after less than a mile I had to row it back. Because of that I started the second rep, but knew I wouldn't finish that either. Sometimes the well is just dry.

    7.23 @8.20

    HR 133/157

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Friday 20th

    Needed to get out somewhere, so wound up in Glendalough doing the Spink. Much more of a walk/climb than a run, at least for the likes of me, but visually spectacular, and I got some nice pictures. Lovely day too, and I spoke to a very nice Dutch couple.

    4 and a bit miles.

    Saturday 21st

    BHAA xc race in Cherryfield. Underfoot conditions were perfect for this, despite the frosty start to the day. Jogged down from the house, then inevitably met clubmates who wanted to warm up, so had 3 miles on the clock by the time we hit the start line. After barely 20 metres there was a faller, and evasive action was necessary. I started fairly conservatively, but was still a little (pleasantly) surprised with an initial 6.42 mile, and thereafter kept the pace up pretty well, although a fall on an acute corner knocked some stuffing out of me. Was tracking a club mate, but the planned ambush was scuppered when he got into a sprint with another runner. Pretty happy with 34.22 in the end.

    3m wu

    5.02 @6.51

    2m cd

    Sunday 22nd

    Long run. Started fast, but thought better before the 3 mile mark and reined it in.

    12 @8.44

    HR 125/142

    Week's mileage 51.5

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 23rd

    Easy run.

    6.06 @8.56

    HR 120/143

    Tuesday 24th

    4x1m @10k, 3 min rec. We used the park loop opposite Ahern's pub for this. Warmed up from the club. We were comfortably under our 6.30 target. Good hard session. Cool down back to the club.

    4x1 @ 6.26 (6.26, 6.21, 6.30, 6.27)

    HR 139/168

    Wednesday 25th

    Easy run which felt hard. Waterworks gate to gate and return. Toting camera as well, didn't help.

    5 @9.08

    HR 120/147

    Thursday 26th

    6x600m @5k. Persuaded a few to do this on the track. As always it's a shock to the system hitting the tartan after a long absence. Didn't time the reps accurately, but I reckon they fell between 2.15 and 2.20

    HR 136/161

    Friday 27th

    Easy run. This looks like a rambling, mostly-on-grass loosener.

    5.56 @9.39

    Saturday 28th

    The streak came perilously close to ending here. A birthday is no excuse, but the pub was beckoning and the window was closing, so eventually the only solution was to throw on the Kinvaras and jog a mile in the street clothes before hitting the battler. Hey, it's good enough for Ron Hill, and his streak is history anyway. (53 years, pshaw)

    1 @9.23

    Sunday 29th

    Raheny 5 mile. No report just yet.

    5 @ 6.31 (32.34)

    HR 152/172

    A combination of circumstances cut the mileage a little this week.

    Week's mileage 37

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 30th

    Easy run. Wasn't expecting great distance, but got home from work just in time to arrange a rendezvous with a couple of clubmates, so ran to meet them then completed a loop with them via Tallaght village, which got me 7+. Happy days.

    7.2 @8.56

    HR 123/140

    Tuesday 31st

    The session was 4x4mins @marathon effort, but couldn't make club time, so did it myself later on in the evening. Was going to push the session to the following day, but once out on the Ahern's loop I ended up getting into it. Ran them much too fast, especially considering how tired I felt. Didn't really time them properly, but the average for the (roughly) 2 miles was low to middle 6.50s

    HR 130/152

    Wednesday 1st

    Easy run. Felt a bit fresher than usual.

    7.5 @8.40

    HR 115/136

    Thursday 2nd

    AM. Easy trail run. Massey's Wood up to Dublin Way and back down. Muck, leaves, rocks, rivers, trails, rain, wind. Marvellous stuff.

    5.71 @14.27

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Thursday 2nd

    PM. 2x2k, 1x1k @10k pace. Feeling tired for various reasons but particularly creaky after mountainy run earlier. The session was actually 3x2k, but I bailed on the last click. Have my eye on Tymon parkrun this weekend. And nowhere near 10k pace, obviously.

    6.83 @8.31

    2k @ 6.50
    2k @ 6.51
    1k @ 6.55

    HR 131/161

    Friday 3rd

    Weary easy run.

    4 @9.11

    HR 116/125

    Saturday 4th

    Tymon parkrun. Not feeling in optimum shape for this. Currently struggling with a hip flexor problem. Set alarm clock so that I could make 8am club run instead, but in the end plumped for the short sharp shock of the 5k. Wasn't even sure if I'd be able to give it a proper go, but once we got going I went reasonably well and got in just under 21 mins. 6N today, so the plan was to get the long run miles in before the madness kicks off. Managed 10 in total. It'll do.

    2 @8.30
    3.04 @6.52 (20.54)
    HR 150/169
    5.01 @8.54

    Sunday 5th

    A surprising 7 miles. Partly on grass.

    7 @8.34

    Week's mileage 53

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 6th

    The usual recovery. Run in a vague figure of eight using the two short loops either side of the new-ish Dodder bridges in Dodder Valley Park.

    6.01 @8.48

    HR 123/135

    Tuesday 7th

    4x1m @MP, wu/cd. Solo for this. Found it quite hard, especially for miles 3 & 4, although they were the two fastest. Needed a little rest at the end, so I did. The target was 7.15 pace, so fairly happy.

    8.19 @8.12

    MP miles 7.25, 7.27, 7.11, 7.05 (Av 7.17)

    HR 129/159

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Wednesday 8th

    Trail run. Nominally easy, but my heartrate wants a word about that. Started across the road from the zipit entrance, not knowing where I was going, except that it was up, up, up, until I reached the bottom of the 'bog bridge'. Took that up onto Cruagh, then back down. Bear with me. Drove around the corner to the bridge with the hairpin turn, and got back on the Dublin Way trail. Went through the forest, and back up the fire road to the bottom of the bog bridge again (but from the opposite direction), and then back down. Had noticed a trail heading 'up' along the way, and decided to explore that. It took me up to a T junction, the left fork of which looked familiar. It was the way we had descended last week (I was retracing my steps). To the right was a trickling rivulet. Last week it was a forceful stream. That was when I realised that Anto had made me run down through this, when there was a perfectly serviceable, dry, packed-earth path on offer. Bloody trail runners.

    6 @slow

    HR 117/169(!)

    Thursday 9th

    5x1mile @10k pace, 3 min rec. Was astonished to hear my tartan-dreading (and I don't just mean the Scottish rugby team) clubmates propose doing these on the track, upon arrival at club. It soon transpired that they thought we had kms on the menu, and not good old imperial miles. The park it was, then. Earlier I had been contemplating doing these on my own: Really glad I didn't. There's nothing like company to keep the dander up on the hard sessions. Two dynamics are duking it out here. There's the tank, progressively emptying, versus the body, adapting and coming to terms. After the third mile involved an uphill slog from the playground at the spawell side of Tymon up around the monument* to the bridge over the M50, the fourth couldn't have been better planned. A mile starting roughly from the parkrun finish and working back down the route, it was mostly downhill and the wind was at our back. We formed a tight group for the first time, and as I ran tucked in behind three buddies, ranged across the path, I had a brief interlude of running satori: those moments, sometimes minutes or longer, when the effort seems almost minimal, and the breathing is easy and constant. If only everything could stay just as they are now, you think, then I could go on like this for ever. And then you turn a corner, or somebody speeds up, or the running surface changes, or the wind blows, or a butterfly flutters its wings......and the moment or minutes are gone. Just like that. Anyway. A great session.

    * Erected by Digifone. Yes, Denis O'Brien. Do you still like it?

    8.95 @8.29

    Mile splits 6:42, 6:30, 6:32, 6:09, 6:21 (Av 6:27)

    HR 134/165

    STREAK 47 days 312 miles

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Friday 10th

    Very tired and short easy run.

    4.08 @9.48

    HR N/A

    Saturday 11th

    Another tired run.

    6.01 @9.00

    HR 124/147

    Sunday 12th

    Wifely birthday celebrations had me in less than ideal training shape this weekend, and a combination of a punishing hangover and terrible weather made it doubly difficult to contemplate any lacing-up of runners. But in the end a dropped hint or two got herself and her fitbit out the door as well. The dog was thrilled, as the fire had been lit by noon, and a sofa day was looking a likely winner on the day's event calendar. Had been on lockup down at the club, and the guilt induced by the sight of all my clubmates returning after making a 14 mile deposit in the First National Bank of Running was just too much to bear. Hangover be damned. 14 was beyond me, however, so settled for the minimum acceptable, a nice round 10. More importantly, the running streak hit a big landmark.

    10.02 @8.47

    HR 123/134

    Streak 50 days (332 miles)

    Week's mileage 49

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 13th

    Easy run.

    7.02 @8.57

    HR 115/136

    Tuesday 14th

    8 mile steady run. Felt a warm up was necessary for this, so with the initial 1.5 plus a half-mile cooldown I got 10 out of this session. Mostly run on the Dodder valley park loop opposite Aherns pub.

    8.01 @7.39 (target 7.45)

    HR 135/150

    2 wu/cd

    Wednesday 15th

    Easy run. Lethargic.

    6.01 @9.08

    HR N/A
