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Cool runnings



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 17th

    Leinster 10 mile Championship. 1st place Men's 0-50 team.

    10m @6.39 (66:31)

    Tuesday 18th

    8 miles with 8x15 secs strides, full recovery.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    davedanon wrote: »
    Monday 17th

    Leinster 10 mile Championship. 1st place Men's 0-50 team.

    10m @6.39 (66:31)

    Tuesday 18th

    8 miles with 8x15 secs strides, full recovery.

    Nice one Dave, well done

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Leinster 10 mile Championship

    There's a peculiar irony in the fact that, coming from Raheny as I do, yet living in Firhouse and running for Tallaght, I race more often in Raheny every year than anywhere else I can think of. Between this race, the 5, xc and the road relays, I'm in Raheny for an event at least 4 times a year. The overriding feature of all these races, I suppose, is their flatness. No climbing here! Apart from the social kind, I think, with Clontorf and Sutton both nearby.

    On Monday morning the weather was ideal. Cool, dry and with little in the way of a wind. Perfect racing conditions. The course, as mentioned above, was like a billiard table for the most part. But was it the same as last year's extremely twisty version? I went around all week telling people that the layout was completely different, then felt like a fool as on closer inspection it seemed to go to all the same places: I had gotten the orientation completely wrong! I hoped nobody would notice.

    As it happened, I was half-right. It did go to all the same places, but in completely different ways and on different paths. I won't speculate as to the necessity for all the course changes, but just for instance: what on earth was up with that ridiculous hard right turn through the tennis courts carpark? On the first lap a bunch of runners actually missed it and had to be called back.

    One positive note, though, was the absence of the instant loop-around right after the start. When the gun sounded, we piled straight up the main avenue, all the way to the end. Long straight roads with a hairpin turn can often be a burden psychologically, but in this case this first (of three!!) served as a useful opportunity to settle into a steady pace. Once we had turned on our heels and headed back into the heart of the park, we were all at sea. No idea where we were going. The unusual off-road, quasi-xc section was still there, as was the nasty, short little climb that I suspect signals the end of many runners' efforts, and the point of many an ambush too.

    So, let me set the scene. We had a decent 0-50 team out, although unfortunately shorn of a Coppinger. We were nevertheless hopeful of some sort of silverware, all going well. As so often, I found myself out in front, although I knew my teammates. One, a notoriously quick finisher, and I'm not talking about a kick: I mean a relentless charge, often from miles out. The other would have been out ahead, not to be seen until the finish, but he was not in optimum shape. Both of them sub-3 marathoners. Did I feel hunted? Well....

    I wasn't bursting a gut, though, have to say. I felt I was running within myself, to a degree. As the race progressed I forgot about my companions in red and yellow and concentrated on my own progress. I mentioned front-running, and this year it really does seem that I have made a tiny little breakthrough on that front. So often my races follow a similar pattern. I decide on an ideal pace, then find myself compromised by my inability to hold it, and gradually get reeled in. This year, it's not been happening so much. Since Liverpool, in fact. I've been managing my races a bit more cleverly. A slightly conservative start does seem to yield genuine benefits in terms of staying the distance without a significant drop-off in pace. The other side-benefit is that you find yourself creeping through the field. After a mile or two I had worked my way past a few runners, and now found myself alone. Up ahead, there was a female runner, and a small group just in front of her. Now, while I enjoy Krusty's fantastic race reports as much as anyone, there is one aspect that never fails to irritate me: this recurring feature of Krusty fixing his beady eye on a group, chasing them down, then doing it again to the next group, and so on. I mean, how bloody annoying is that? Most of us are just struggling to keep up with ourselves, never mind this fecking malarkey. But hold on a minute. Now I'm at it! These runners are definitely coming back to me.

    Funnily enough, it's been that kind of race. I've been picking up race-partners all the way through. At the start it was "Mary". Obviously well-known, possibly a Raheny runner? She got a lot of shout-outs anyway up the main avenue. I was slightly surprised that she dropped back: we had seemed well-matched. Then there was a guy about my age, maybe a little older. I have to say that this unfortunate gentleman got done in by Karma, and but good. As we approached the 90 degree right turn off the main avenue, we were a stride or two apart. But when he cut the corner, gaining both in terms of distance and momentum as I slowed to make the turn, suddenly he was metres ahead of me, and that's when it happened! A huge German Shepherd appeared out of nowhere and absolutely cleaned him out. He went sprawling on the tarmac, ending up on his back. It looked nasty. I slowed, and asked if he was ok, but he was too busy bawling obscenities at the dog's owner. "Should be on a f*cking lead" was my shouted contribution, but that's all the time and breath I was giving the situation. Onwards. The chap never appeared again. I wonder did he even finish.

    Next to accompany me was another chap, and he was one of those noisy breathers. These people do my head in. They sound as though they're about to collapse, yet they're not going away, but keeping pace with you. It's peculiarly demoralising, for some reason. I've skipped ahead to the last 'lap' here, I think. I've paced this race well, again. No sign whatsoever of my teammates. I passed through 5 miles in about 33 and a half, and I realise I'm a little disappointed at that. It looks as though I'll run 67:xx, and although I didn't fix on a goal time, I had told myself that sub-67:30 would be a decent effort, and I'm kind of let down by the realisation that I might not make it. This companion of mine seems to be racing me, though. I pass him, he busts a gut (it sounds like) to pass me back, then I pass him again. We're approaching the main avenue for the last time, and there's 2 miles to go. As we turn right and head for the gates, I chance a look behind. Dang! The unmistakable shape and style of GD, my fast-finishing club buddy. I'd forgotten all about him! This spurs me forward, and I catch up with my companion, now joined my another runner. I pass between them, and press on. After the final 180 turn, I have a chance to gauge the distance between me and GD. It's a good 50 metres. Surely I can hold him off for a mile and a half?

    Down the avenue, turn right, more tight turns, energy-sapping, momentum-draining stuff. Around towards the red stables and we approach the rose-garden. Footsteps again. Bloody hell! How did he catch me? It's GD and he's charging. I can't catch him, but he does drag me along, because I'm trying desperately to stay close enough so I can take him on the finish straight. He takes 20 metres out of me though, and although I raise my pace on the run-in, even finding still another gear for a sub-6 minute 'sprint' finish, it's not enough and he does me by 4 seconds. He's done me an enormous favour, though, because I've run a negative split again, and finished in 1:06:30 by the watch. My best 10 miler since my pb run, and only 8 seconds outside it.

    B finishes bravely in 1:07 and change, and it's enough to snag us another medal, this time, a legitimate Gold. We don't get our plaudits, medal OR a George Foreman grill after a presentation cock-up, but no matter. A medal handed to you just after you shower on a Tuesday night leaves something to be desired though, and gives one something of the flavour of those years too late drug-disqualification-occasioned Olympic medal presentations. At least you know how Rob Heffernan feels...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Nice one davedanon. Another race, another medal, hah. Your making a habit of this!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Nice one davedanon. Another race, another medal, hah. Your making a habit of this!

    It's all down to a clubmate just turning 50. He's hungry for old-man glory!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    Great report and even more bling! I hope your man, and the dog, recovered.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Wednesday 19th

    Easy run chasing the missus. Gave her a headstart with the dog as she headed down the Dodder to Bushy park, figuring I might overtake her along the river in Bushy, but no sign of her, so headed up towards Terenure rd. hoping to cut her off. Ran into S from Rathfarnham doing intervals, a professional colleague of long-standing who forever killed my fond notions of being the fastest Dublin-based photographer around when he switched from duathlon to proper running a few years back. Was chatting to him when I espied herself marching across the sward towards us.

    8 @8.28

    HR 122/146

    Thursday 20th

    5x1200m @10k pace, 2min rec/4min rec/4x300m @1mile pace, 2 min rec*. Just two of us for this, everyone else preferring to run on the roads. Can't fathom the track-hate, but there you go. With limbs still weary from Monday a 1.40 per lap, 5 min 1200 suited me just fine. The 4x300m was deceptively hard though. Mile pace is always punishing. Later we discovered the recovery was supposed to be 2 mins, and not 60 secs. Tough enough session without that miscalculation.

    5x1200m (5.10, 5.04, 5.00, 4.59, 5.02)

    4x300m (64 secs, 71, 67, 66)

    wu and cd.

    HR 131/156

    Friday 21st

    Very short easy run. Work expanded unexpectedly, so this was all I could manage.

    2.34 @9.00

    Saturday 22nd

    10 mile 'long' run. 8am start with the sandbaggers. Good fun as ever. Slander laws unspeakably violated, as per usual.

    10.31 @8.32

    HR 120/138

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Sunday 23rd

    Raheny Road Relays. I gave up (rightly) a spot on the A team, and ended up doing the 2 mile leg for the B team. Hadn't done it before, and was keen not to let the side down. Fairly happy with the effort, although wasn't able to give anyone a race, and was a little disappointed with 12:21. 5k pace rather than 3k, but since I haven't done any 5k-specific training this year I can't be too unhappy. I was consistent though, yet again, with back to back 6:11s, continuing the trend this year.

    wu 3m

    2m @6.11

    HR 154/168

    Week's mileage 54

    Monday 24th

    Easy 8. Quite brisk this, and at this remove I can't say exactly why. Possibly I was feeling fresh enough after such a 'short' race at the weekend.

    8.08 @8.11

    HR 124/138

    Tuesday 25th

    8x600m@ 5k pace, 2 min rec. Reverted to the 5k plan with the club 5k race looming.

    Splits 2:19, 2:18, 2:23, 2:18, 2:17, 2:19, 2:18, 2:19


    HR 140/161

    Wednesday 26th

    Easy run.

    7.4 @9.02

    HR N/A

    Thursday 27th

    5x1k@ 10k pace, 2 min rec. Three of us for this, and of course those who train together end up racing each other, so there were markers being put down here, not least by Andy, who was evidently feeling better after a 'hammer' problem (caused by show-off track sprinting). By the end of the session though, he had been put in his box by the other party in the trio (not me, in other words). Timed the whole thing as one session, so no accurate km splits, but the first and second miles were a sensible 6:24 and 6:21, while the third was a slightly silly 6:06 (the other lads were sub-6). Andy was encouraged enough by this, however, to point an imaginary hand-cannon at both of us in turn, and go 'Boom'. Can't wait for the race.

    HR 139/160

    Friday 28th

    Easy run. Another 8 miler. Ran into a clubmate in the field behind the house, always nice to have company: the miles go by quicker.

    8.00 @8.38

    HR 119/138

    Saturday 29th

    Easy pre-race loosener. A certain clubmate also runs a 5 miler, but a minute-a-mile quicker. Mwahahaha. When queried on it, says it was because he was hungover......MWAHAHAHAHA.

    Sunday 30th

    Tallaght 5k, incorporating Dublin Novice Championship.

    Last year I was held up a little at the start of this, and, determined not to repeat this or let any other logistical details trip me up, I arrived really early, snagged a spot in the club carpark, and ran the full route for my warmup. As I jogged up the Greenhills road towards the clubhouse, I meet Andy. He's just starting out. Then, with only 20 minutes until racetime, I see GS arriving (the third member of the little training/racing group). He's not going to get any kind of warmup in.

    On the start line, and it's been a bit rainy all morning. It's dried up now, but there's a fair old breeze blowing, and it's sort of muggy and quite humid. I want to start briskly, and maintain it. Off we go, and Andy leaps out in front. Myself and GS find ourselves running side by side. I know how well he's running lately, and ask myself if I should really try to stay with him. We round the first corner at Tallaght village, and an idiot guard has positioned his car in such a way that we all have to run around it. Streaming down Main St. then, and I decide to just maintain my pace and cadence. If GS stays with me, then fine. If not, also fine.

    We've passed the 1k marker (3:42) and the left turn onto Castletymon rd is more or less the 1 mile point too. But here, what's happening to Andy? I've been watching him come back to us for a while now: it's like he's being winched backwards towards us. At the MSB I only passed him with less than a half-mile to go. This race has barely started and he's looking like toast. Then he's in the rear-view, and it's just GS and me. He weakens suddenly (no warmup!) and I hear him groan "Jesus Christ" as I surge in front by a few metres. It's only a brief interlude though; he finds his breathing and puts several metres on me.

    For the next mile, until the left onto Greenhills for the dreaded drag, it's a holding operation. Around here, it starts to get distinctly warm, as the sun threatens to break through and the humidity climbs. Finally we arc left onto Greenhills, and we're at the business end. I'm not catching GS, but he's not getting away, and while I seem to be unchallenged from the rear, I chase him as best I can.

    The Topaz hoves into view, followed by the hulking superstructure of Westpark. I can't say that I'm picking it up around here, exactly. I'm very tired, and I just want it to be over. In the club gate, through the carpark and down onto the track. 300 metres to go, and I've ascertained beforehand that I'm looking at another 70 seconds or so. A glance at the watch confirms that I'm not going to be breaking 19 today, and with that it's a fairly laboured procession around to the last bend, whereupon I give it whatever's left to the finish line, and it isn't much. GS is 10 seconds or so ahead of me, and at the finish I join him on hands and knees in total but temporary exhaustion.

    5k @6:12 (19:17)

    HR 157/165

    Week's mileage 50

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 1st May

    Short easy run.

    3.49 @8.37

    HR 122/136

    Tuesday 2nd

    8 miles easy according to the diktat of Coachy McCoachface, so headed up to the waterworks via Kiltipper.

    8m @8.44

    HR 125/144

    Wednesday 3rd

    A Royston Vasey one this. Local.

    6.05 @8.34

    HR 118/131

    Thursday 4th

    Pyramid of Pain. Thankfully the 5 minute peak had been removed, but still: 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1 min @10k pace with 1 min rec is a tough session even so. Ran the whole thing continuously on the watches so that we could time the recoveries properly, but as a result have little idea of the pace achieved. Happy with the effort, though.

    Friday 5th

    Impromptu hilly trail run with some friends up Hell Fire and onwards to the waterworks. Back around via Old Mill to our starting point, with a very welcome stop-off at the Centra for coke and chocolate Santas. It was going to be beer in the Mill at first...

    13 miles.

    Saturday 6th

    14m long run. Was prepared to truncate this in the event of tiredness from yesterday, even debated whether to do it at all, but we were going to run up to Corkagh park for the first time, and I didn't want to miss it. One of those days. A guy felt poorly for the first couple of miles, then perked up. Our designated course-director started having trouble with his breathing and had to stop a couple of times, then step aside completely while we circumnavigated one field after another. Meanwhile I was feeling a bit battle-weary, and began to covet the spare gel I knew our course-director had on him. Only thing was, had he necked it already? He hadn't! I think I was a dehydrated and a little too 'empty' (no breakfast) and I sucked the sachet dry in moments.

    It did the trick. Within minutes I had overtaken the C-D and taken up station about 80 metres behind the next runner. "I wonder could I catch him", I thought, with about 3 miles to go back to TAC HQ. He obviously wasn't hanging around, for despite recording closing miles of 8.13, 7.47 and 7.00 I only caught him at the end of Airton Rd., a couple of hundred metres from the clubhouse.

    14 @8.27

    HR 123/155

    Sunday 7th

    Was thinking only of doing 5/6 miles, but out again with an early-morning crew doing their long run, and that spurred me on and I decided that 8 and a bit miles would be nice as it would give me 60 miles for the week.

    8.28 @8.31

    HR 124/135

    Week's mileage 60

    Streak 34 - 251 miles

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 8th

    Easy 8 with club buddies.

    8.07 @8.38

    HR 125/138

    Tuesday 9th

    Work, curse it, meant a quite short afternoon run.

    4.05 @8.41

    HR 119/131

    Wednesday 10th

    Had planned to do the Le Cheile 5k, but knew I was due to work, and at about 5.30pm, just as I about to start hoping that the call wouldn't come.....the call came. Did 5 grumpy miles later which made me late for dinner and upset the OH a bit.

    5.01 @8.12

    HR 117/137

    Thursday 11th

    AM Walk from Crone car park as far as Powerscourt waterfall, with a few easy miles of running thrown in.


    PM 3x200, 2x400, 1x800, 2x400, 3x200 pyramid, @1 mile pace, 2 min rec. Only three of us for this, and the problem was while I'm a decent enough pacer (led the first, aimed for 42.5 secs, got 42.46) the other two aren't - much too fast. Bad form to insist on leading them all, and to be fair I think I was a bit slow on the first 400 anyway. Pace overall was good, and the longer recoveries meant we weren't completely gassed at the apex of the pyramid.

    2.24m @5.43

    HR 133/161

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Friday 12th

    Short easy run.

    5 @9.11

    HR 115/130

    Saturday 13th

    Tymon parkrun. No early crew out running, so took in the parkrun instead. The new course means the jog down from the house is close to 3 miles - a bit too much with a race in the morning - so I parked in the Basketball Arena and jogged the mile over. A few TACers were down, so 3 of us jogged around in around 23 minutes. At the end a chap passed us, and I glanced at Andy as if to say "are we having this?", and BOOM, he was gone with about 200m to go, so I followed him. So we got a stride in as well.

    3.11 @7.23 (22.58)

    HR 138/166

    Sunday 14th

    Terenure 5 mile

    It's been a long 2 months. This race was my 8th consecutive one in the last 8 weeks, and I think it showed here. Just as well I didn't do Le Cheile in midweek too. I jogged down from the house, so got in a decent 3 mile warm-up, and pre-race one or two short strides as well. Hard to say how I was feeling just before the off. A little flat, or something. Or maybe just not as 'up for it' as usual. I genuinely didn't know how I was going to go today.

    There was a good group of TAC athletes assembled, if a little light at the top end. In fact, Niall C was our leading runner. Inspiring to see someone of that vintage still setting those kind of standards. Andy was there too, for round 5 - or round 9, if you accept his claim that he beat me 4 times in a row earlier in the season - but anyway you slice it, this one was significant.

    Away we go, and myself and GS run side by side, as per the last couple of races. The start is fast, and the first corner is upon us fairly rapidly, after which we have whatever gradient there is, plus the wind at our backs. At the first mile marker my watch reads 6.04! - however I feel ok, so I maintain my pace, although GS starts to pull away. Always the slow starter. I know what's waiting up ahead, meanwhile. A taster section from Terenure village to the KCR, followed by the main course (sorry). A long, long drag with a persistent breeze tugging and pushing against you all the way. I ignore the water station, too much disruption to the rhythm, even though it's also quite warm. I've been a bit slower over the 2nd mile, and I know I'm not running as strongly as I can. GS has pulled away, and caught up with Andy. He's coming back to me as well. The familiar pattern is repeating itself once again. The full lap is complete, and my 4th mile takes in the 'downhill', wind-assisted stretch which accounts for the quicker 6.25, although I have been putting a lot of effort. Just before the sharp left at Terenure I pass Andy. Usually I pull away, but this time I can tell he's really trying hard to bridge the gap again. He's a really noisy breather. No stealth-ninja he!

    I'm not sure if I have the strength for a battle with him, but after a bit he seems to drop off again. Thank Christ for that. The last mile is quite painful, and at 6.45 not much to write home about. As we - at last - swing left onto Fortfield for that long, long run-in, I chance a glance backwards, and I see that Andy is well back. Just as well, for it's a real slog up to the last few hundred metres and the point where I feel it's safe to unleash the feeble effort I have left in me. Cross the line in 32.16 officially. 103rd overall, 95th M, 5th M50. And 5 and O against Andy more importantly.

    5 @6.27 (32.16)

    HR 156/164

    Week's mileage 45

    Streak 40 - 288 miles

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 15th

    Short easy run.

    4.78 @9.20

    HR 119/135

    Tuesday 16th

    No session tonight for those what raced at the weekend, by coach diktat. Happy days.

    7.04 @8.41

    HR 115/132

    Wednesday 17th

    Took myself to the track just before noon in hopes of squeezing in the session before they closed up. Happened upon Myles and Dublin Runner, of this parish, engaged in their own track business, and I ground out my 6x400, parcelled up as 3x2 with a minute between reps and 4 between sets because they were all at 1 mile pace, while the other two did their 1200s. I was quite happy with my pace average of 5.29, until our laps happened to coincide and I found myself being being overtaken by people doing an interval three times as long as mine. "We're doing a little surge in the middle", admitted M, almost apologetically.

    3x(2x400) @1mile pace. 1 min rec, 4min between sets.

    1.52 @5.29

    HR 138/159

    Thursday 18th

    Short and late easy run. Working all day, glad to get anything done.

    4.46 @8.35

    HR 116/129

    Friday 19th

    Was supposed to be a long run up in the hills, but time was short, and when hills are involved everything takes longer. No matter, long runs aren't critical at the moment.

    8.05 @9.55

    HR 115/147

    Saturday 20th

    Hungover run. Surprised at the pace, so I am.

    7.01 @8.17

    HR 123/145

    Sunday 21st

    Was planning on missing the 8am start, which I duly managed, but knew I needed to get a run in early nevertheless, because we had a communion-related lunch to attend in the pm. Then the phone rang, and I was reminded that I was on lockup down the club. Was just planning on doing a few miles, but ended up jumping into a track pyramid session with a club crew. Thought I'd made a serious misjudgement when we were horribly fast over the first 200, but reason prevailed thereafter, and dare I say it, I seem to have become a decent track pacer, and led nearly all the subsequent reps.

    400/600/800/800/600/400 @10k* pace. 60/90/2 min rec.

    * 5k pace at least!

    2.22 @6.03

    HR 139/160

    Week's mileage 44

    Streak 48 Miles 340

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 22nd

    Easy run around the local estates.

    8.03 @8.30

    HR 118/136

    Tuesday 23rd

    Bob Heffernan 5k, Enfield. Quite possibly the fastest 5k course in the country, this. Did it last year for the first time and determined to come back and not muck up the start. It was touch and go whether I would race at all though, as I was on call for work. Happened to be in Howth earlier with the ma for her 88th birthday, and at about 4.30pm an email arrived detailing an assignment - in Coolock. Dude, why didn't you bring your durn cameras? I could have done the job on my way back home, but instead had to drive back across the M50 to Firhouse, collect the gear, head back over to DNS, then hope I had time to get down to race HQ.

    Which I did, despite missing the fecking Lucan exit off the motorway. Deep breath, let there be no panic. Get off at next exit, turn around. I arrived at the hotel in johnstownbridge at 6.50pm, said hello to Krusty, met teammates, and readied myself. We - Krusty, myself and GS from the club, were just starting our warmup when my phone rang. Consternation! It was the office. I pondered ignoring it, but eventually answered, convinced there was no way I was racing tonight. Sure enough, it was an unexpected job, but not until 9.30! That left me just enough time to race, and then drive back to Dublin.

    Meanwhile, GS and Krusty had been jogging down the road, and I guessed that Krusty's warmup pace was a bit hot for GS, judging by the distance they had put between us. I met them on their way back, and GS's grimace confirmed my suspicions. As Krusty pulled away, I motioned towards him with my head, and said quietly, "2.30 in Rotterdam". GS's face more or less said, "ffs!"

    At the startline. You absolutely must get as close to the front as possible, because the start is chaotic. We're kept off the road until the last second, then herded out onto the tarmac like a huge flock of sheep trying to get down the road and into the field before the traffic arrives. Then we're goaded forward, not even running, and people are asking, "has the race started?", but I'm, sort of, sure we haven't. It's notthat badly organised. Then we halt again, and this it. A hooter, and we're properly off. It's crowded, but not too bad, although there's a reminder of how crowds of people racing are just like flocks of birds or shoals of fish, when some kind of weird telepathic signal has us all braking hard and taking evasive action, even though I have no idea what the problem is - a faller? Who knows.

    Mile 1 (6.03), and I'm thinking of the course geography. After 3/4 of a mile, there's a left turn, and we've established that the (gentle) wind will be at our back for this 1.75 mile stretch, the bulk of the course. I zip along as fast as I dare until the turn, but somehow I feel that my pace is dropping off a bit, and sure enough, mile 2, along a flat, tailwind-assisted stretch, comes in at a disappointing 6:21. GS overtook me during the 2nd mile, but he's meandered a bit and isn't far away. I'm a bit gassed, and when the final left turn comes, with just over a km to go, I try to ratchet up the pace a bit. I start to overtake people. GS isn't far away, but I'm really hurting, and it's hard to maintain the effort.

    Finally the finish hoves into view, and I've somehow managed to convince myself that the finish is indeed in the hotel carpark, despite my advising Krusty pre-race that it was back out on the road. GS isn't really that far away, and I'm saving a final effort which I don't think will be enough to catch him, but even so. Then, all of a sudden, I realise that the race is finishing on the road, and I've crossed the finish line before I've had a chance put in a closing sprint. Ah what harm, sure it's only a few seconds.

    Then I check the Garmin..........19.04

    3.1 @6.08 (19.04)

    HR 163/171

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Are you sure it wasn't your own birthday you were celebrating - I see you've moved into a new age category - mine - which doesn't bode well for my category placing, which is already mediocre enough. Good run. Agree with the description of the start, which was a bit, eh, agricultural. Met a guy in the car park afterwards with some impressive road rash so yes, I think there was a bit of a tumble.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Are you sure it wasn't your own birthday you were celebrating - I see you've moved into a new age category - mine - which doesn't bode well for my category placing, which is already mediocre enough. Good run. Agree with the description of the start, which was a bit, eh, agricultural. Met a guy in the car park afterwards with some impressive road rash so yes, I think there was a bit of a tumble.

    No, someone made an error there. Your cat placing is safe for another 8 months. Yeah, basically the only way to avoid congestion at the start is to pull a full-on Drogheda AC and lurk on Somba's (or whoever) shoulder.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Wednesday 24th

    Easy run from club with clubmate.

    7.71 @8.23

    HR 129/146

    Thursday 25th

    Almost-Steady run. Others were doing a 3m tempo + 6x400 session, but on the warm-up I felt very leggy and opted for a few easy miles. A brisk tempo had already been established which I stuck to all the way around for some reason.

    6.01 @8.05

    HR 136/151

    Friday 26th

    Blood donation in the am, so although It's Not Encouraged, I did 2 slowish miles in the afternoon. A streak is a streak.

    2 @8.35

    HR 121/139

    Saturday 27th

    Long run. With club buddies, a nice spin up to the back gates of the Waterworks. The fine misty rain cooled us down nicely.

    12.1 @8.34

    HR 125/144

    Sunday 28th

    Early run. Knew there'd be another crew out doing their long run today.

    8.21 @8.39

    HR 123/140

    Week's mileage 50

    Streak 54 - Miles 382

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 29th

    Easy run. Was running through Tymon, as usual, and decided to take the Greenhills Rd homeward, rather than the usual lap of the park.

    7.01 @8.33

    HR 125/142

    Tuesday 30th

    4x800@5k pace, 5x200@3k effort. Couldn't make the track later on, so did these earlier on the Dodder Big Loop, as I believe Strava calls it. The park opposite Aherne's pub. Judging by the mile splits, the first two averaged 3:04:30, the second pair 3:07:30. Can't work out paces for the 200s, but the effort was a little higher as required.

    HR 137/159

    Wednesday 31st

    Met a couple of club mates for this. Nice easy run.

    7.15 @8.24

    HR 127/144

    Thursday 1st June

    AM Trail run. Crone car park up the Maulin spur of the WW to Powerscourt waterfall, up over the other side and down to Paddocks Pond. Realise now that the right turn I didn't take was the WW, and leads up to Djouce as well. Another day. 2,000 ft of ascent, and 2300 of descent.

    9 miles.

    HR 118/157


    4x2k@10k pace, 4 min rec. Just me and one other for this. All the others opted for a 10 mile run, but I knew it wouldn't be an easy run (later confirmed). 2k is 1.25 miles, so the 5 mile splits are about as accurate as I can be. A bit slower than optimal, after the earlier run, and continuing effects of blood donation.

    6.45, 6.40, 6.45, 6.26, 6.50 - Average pace 6.41

    HR 144/166

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Friday 2nd

    Short and fairly tired run.

    4.01 @8.56

    HR 116

    Saturday 3rd

    Long run. 12 miles with club group. Great fun as always.

    12.24 @8.35

    HR 125/148

    Sunday 4th

    8 mile run. Along the Dodder as far as Bushy park pond, and back.

    8.23 @8.22

    HR 121/142

    Week's mileage 60

    Streak 61 - miles 443

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 5th

    Easy run.

    6.44 @8.35

    HR 117/138

    Tuesday 6th

    Club race looming on Thursday, so opted for a few regular miles with some short hill sprints

    7.19 @8.40

    HR 118/144

    Wednesday 7th

    7.01 @8.25

    HR 115/132

    Thursday 8th

    Club race 1. Almost3 mile lap of Tymon park. Not a good night for me. Ever since giving blood I've not been myself, and this first race since rams the situation home. I'm gasping for breath after only a few hundred metres, and my usual adversaries disappear into the distance very quickly. I settle down a bit after a while, then discover that a club noob, who has no business being on my tail, is on my tail. He even announces his presence when I betray my anxiety by looking over my shoulder a couple of times. "It's D...", he declares, and I declare war. I'm not getting beaten by him just yet, although his time may well come. There's a point on this run, it's on the 'esker' lane that runs from the bridge near the Greenhills road up to the Basketball arena driveway, and it's at a right-hand turn that presents you with a long drag up to a distant turn about 200 metres from the finish (at the turn towards the bridge over the M50). It's where I like to make my move, especially when I don't fancy my chances in a sprint finish. Sure enough, I ratchet up the pace, and there's no response. I finish well clear, but almost a minute slower than last year. Andy meanwhile has found his form again, and he's cock-a-hoop after finally beating me. There's no point in making excuses, so I just say well done.

    2.95 @6.41

    HR 150/168

    Friday 9th

    Short recovery.

    4.02 @8.21

    HR 122/141

    Saturday 10th

    The Relay. Wicklow Way relay race, organised by Parnell AC. A few unsuspecting souls were dragooned into literally unfamiliar territory here, with one question being: "so, are we wearing spikes?". I was running leg 4, from Lough Tay to Laragh, and I was excited as it was another bit of the WW with which I was unfamiliar. I've done a few trail runs, but all at easy pace, so it was a total shock to realise how seriously everyone was taking it. I was regretting my breakfast, let alone the wine the night before, when I hit the first climb at pace and realised what a slog this was going to be. I was forced to stop for a breather before 2 miles had elapsed, and there were more where that came from. It was a brilliant day though, I have to say, and very well organised by all concerned. After a pint or two in the Glenmalure Lodge I came to the conclusion that this trail racing lark definitely had something going for it.

    9.13 @8.46

    HR 138/160

    Sunday 11th

    Failed to make it down the club for 8 am, and then some domestic confusion resulted in me donning my running gear and then divesting myself of same for some clothing more appropriate for a nice lunch at a smart hotel, which is apparently what the agenda actually consisted of. Running had to wait until later, but at least I missed the rain when I eventually hit the road at 7.30pm. It was windy, and I was tired, so I opted for an out-and-back along the Dodder.

    13.01 @8.16

    HR 126/146

    Week's mileage 53

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 12th

    8.51 @8.28

    HR 124/141

    Tuesday 13th

    Club race night, but was working, so ended up running in Malahide Castle grounds. Was warm.

    8.5 @8.21

    HR 122/137

    Wednesday 14th

    7.01 @8.45

    HR 117/133

    Thursday 15th

    On the Blessington Greenway, for work reasons.

    5.01 @7.53

    HR 131/152

    Friday 16th

    8.15 @8.22

    HR 120/145

    Saturday 17th

    IR 5 mile. Seriously hot, but I thought the course was quite good.

    5m @32.47

    HR 156/168

    Sunday 18th

    Long(ish) run.

    10.2 @8.39

    HR 131/149

    Week's mileage 56

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 19th

    10.23 @8.16

    HR 128/144

    Tuesday 20th

    Club race 3. Waterworks. Very hot and humid.

    3.98 @26.08

    HR 157/166

    Wednesday 21st

    Constrained by work, and domestic stuff.

    2 @8.05

    HR 126/135

    Thursday 22nd

    6x800m @5k pace, 2 min rec. Done in the park behind the house. Average about 6.07 pace.

    HR 139/165

    Friday 23rd

    In Killarney for the weekend, climbing Carrauntoohil.

    7.37 @8.11

    HR 128/143

    Saturday 24th

    2 @9.06 - Managed 2 miles of honest-to-God running on the foothills of the mountain, after a 6 hour climb/descent.

    Sunday 25th

    1 @9.44 - done close to midnight after our return, and all in vain, as the streak was about to expire anyway. Sometimes we forget just how fit and healthy we are, compared to the bad old days. It only takes a slight return to remind one of the benefits that have been reaped. Enough said.

    Week's mileage 42

    Streak 82 days - 594 miles. Fin

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 26th


    Tuesday 27th

    Club race 4. 5 miles around the back roads of Brittas. Warm, humid, and I'm not at my best. Was nearly crying on the run-in.

    4.89 @6.47

    HR 153/168

    28th to 30th

    No running. On holiday in Portugal.

    Saturday 1st July

    7.5 @8.51 up to Albufeira old town and back. Hot, needless to say.

    HR 121/146

    Sunday 2nd


    Week's mileage 15

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 3rd

    2.01 @9.00

    HR 122/142

    Tuesday 4th

    Hilly, sandy beach/trail run along the coast.

    6.05 @9.51

    HR 122/143



    Week's mileage 9

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Preamble: I did a V02 Max test recently, and was most surprised to score 56.9, only a hair under my 2011 effort (57.1) despite feeling like crap at the time and generally, lately. Another test is slated for a few months hence, so we will see how the marathon training has gone. After all the slavish devotion to running every day, I've realised that I've been stale for the last while, so the holiday seemed like a good time to take a genuine break. But now it's full steam ahead again, because....

    Monday 10th

    First run after holidays, and it's 16 weeks to DCM, which I am now racing, as opposed to pacing. So the training starts here. It's relatively cool after Portugal, and I'm feeling fresh after a few runless days, so I'm a bit brisk here. No matter, I feel good.

    8 @8.01

    HR 137/158

    Tuesday 11th

    Club race 6. A prediction race, no watches. Nominate your time, closest to it wins. This is a single lap of Tymon park and is just under 3 miles long. Our 1st race is identical, but timed, and I had recorded 19.43. I had been gasping for oxygen after less than a mile, and rather than challenging my 'peers', had been fighting off pretenders. Since then I had been on holiday in the sun, boozing all day and running rarely. I nominated a similar time, but was amazed with an 18.59 run that felt disciplined and controlled. Go, as they say, figure.

    2.98 @ 6.22

    No HR stats

    Wednesday 12th

    MLR. I have a monthly target of 200 miles, and 60+ mile weeks are required to meet the July requirements. Very slow, as tired.

    11 @8.56

    HR 120/138

    Thursday 13th

    Run with clubmates. Last club race is tomorrow, so no need for a session tonight. Brisk enough anyway.

    10 @7.55

    HR 137/151

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Friday 14th

    Final club race. A poor turnout, and one of the upshots was me having to take on the mile, much to my chagrin. I was thoroughly out of my depth, and even the bould Andy, who has experienced a major turnaround in form, left me (once again) distantly in his wake. A 5:55 mile. I've run that on Christmas Day GOAL miles.

    Saturday 15th

    A punishing hangover from Friday's revels meant I didn't get out on the road until tea-time.

    5.22 @8.34

    HR 123/137

    Sunday 16th

    14 mile long run. Could not get out of bed for the 8am run, so it was a solo effort later in the afternoon. Baking hot, and the water-bottle made its first appearance of the year. It was empty well before the end, too. A good first week, though.

    14.65 @8.04

    HR 136/151

    Week's mileage 63

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 17th

    Full-recovery run. Very slow, as was needed.

    7.6 @9.05

    HR 118/130

    Tuesday 18th

    Horrible hangover after a neighbourhood wedding, so a session was out of the question. Swapped Tuesday's run for Wednesday's, in effect.

    5.03 @8.25

    HR 124/137

    Wednesday 19th

    5 mile MP run, with wu/cd. A little off the pace for the first few, but a nippier mile brought the overall average back in line.

    5m @7.11 (7:18, 7:17, 7:14, 6:51, 7:13)

    HR 136/156

    Thursday 20th

    A combination of domestic & work obligations meant a missed day here. Now I have to go some to hit 60 miles (the marathon plan target) for the week.

    Friday 21st

    Long run. A flat route, tried to keep the pace easy. 40 miles needed by Sunday.

    14 @8.34

    HR 121/139

    Saturday 22nd

    10 mile run.

    10.15 @8.42

    HR 121/136

    Sunday 23rd

    Long run. With club buddies (2) for the usual early start. Up to waterworks and back.

    15.61 @8.12

    HR 135/153

    Week's mileage 61

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 24th

    Easy run. Ran into a clubmate on his homeward runmute, and had a chat.

    7.36 @8.48

    HR 117/141

    Tuesday 25th

    5 mile MP run, with wu/cd. Run solo, despite starting from club with others. Everyone doing their own thing or pace. Felt better than last week, and pacing was more controlled, although HR was a little higher.

    5 @ 7.07 (7.02, 7.08, 7.11, 7.04, 7.12)

    HR 144/164

    Wednesday 26th

    Very easy recovery run. Partly on grass with the club gang. Lashed out of it by the rain, twice.

    8.11 @9.27

    HR 111/128

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Thursday 27th

    8x400m @5k/3k alternating, 1 min rec. More or less. What I actually tried to do was 1.35/1.25 laps. A long 4m wu and 2m cd gave me 8 for the session. Overall pace for the intervals was 5.57

    HR 131/159

    Friday 28th

    Easy run.

    6.02 @8.30

    HR 116/132

    Saturday 29th

    Long run. Didn't make the 8am club start, so that left me looking at a solo run, and I needed to have a route pre-planned to ensure I stuck to the playbook. Also a hip flexor problem had necessitated treatment, and I had been advised to avoid hills for a while. A brainwave! I took my usual route down toward the park, but bypassed it and headed for Walkinstown roundabout, then followed the marathon route as far as I needed to. It couldn't have worked out better, as by the 9.5 mile mark I was in Clonskeagh approaching the bridge over the Dodder, and I knew it was about 6.5 back up the river path to home. Gratified with a nippy pace, too, considering I wasn't quite in (cough) optimum shape.

    16.03 @8.02

    HR 132/152

    Sunday 30th

    Failed to make 8am start again, and was finishing up some work at 12.30, when I suddenly remembered we were going to a Christening-afters at 2pm. Ay caramba! Shot out the door and completed many, many slow loops of a local hill.

    6 @9.06

    HR 132/152

    Week's mileage 60

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Monday 31st

    Slow recovery.

    8 @8.55

    HR 120

    Tuesday 1st August

    6m @MP, wu/cd. Despite the large group leaving the club, the vagaries of pace, distance and route decreed a solo run, apart from one buddy who caught me up briefly before going his own way en route to a 4 miler. With an extra mile to run tonight, the watchword was control, and I was careful not to dip under the 7 minute mark in the early stages. Followed the same route as last week, which meant that mile 5 was mostly a series of drags, but gave way to an easier, slightly downhill/downwind last mile.

    6m @7.05 (7.04, 7.05, 7.18, 7.02, 7.12, 6.47)

    HR 134/153

    Wednesday 2nd

    Slow and tired recovery. No zip in legs at all.

    7 @9.06

    HR 116/130

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,062 ✭✭✭davedanon

    Thursday 3rd

    No running

    Friday 4th

    Session held over from Thursday. Wanted a track session, but track wasn't open, so did a long 5 mile warmup which included a lap of Tymon, and then the session. My plan was to alternate 4x400s with 4x600s, but wasn't sure how to measure them. Eventually I decided to switch the units to kms on the watch and time the intervals in one block of 4km. Rather than run effectively a fartlek, with jogged intervals, I stopped the watch and took a minute's breather, before restarting for the next stint.

    4x400, 4x600. Kms 3.52, 3.38, 3.47, 3.49. Average pace per mile 6.05

    Saturday 5th

    Long run. 18 miles done on the Tymon/waterworks route. A dilemma here. Two blokes ahead running 18, but too quick for me. Two blokes running at my pace, but only doing 8. For a mile or two I ran with the quicker guys, but when we hit the hill at the Greenhills end of Tymon, they went up it with no change in pace. I would have been blowing hard if I followed, so I dropped back, and ran at my own pace. The eventual pace was ideal, almost a minute slower than MP. Particularly pleased with HR stats.

    18.1 @8.06

    HR 132/143

    Sunday 6th

    Easy recovery.

    7 @8.57

    HR 120/134

    Week's mileage 60
