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Due January 2016



  • Registered Users Posts: 115 ✭✭sambucus nigra

    Congrats contrary_mary!!

    My little lady finally decided to put in an appearance in the wee hours of Sunday morning at home with two of the fantastic midwives in the Cork Homebirth scheme and my husband, 8 days after her due date. Labour was intense (very little break between contractions from the get go) but progressed well and we are both doing great (although I now regret doing piles of research on labour/birth but neglecting somewhat the breastfeeding side of things - it is unexpectedly challenging!)

    I hope you're all keeping well and can't wait to hear news of the other January arrivals :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    Huge congrats sambucus!!

    A home birth, very exciting. I'm not due until Thursday and currently wondering if the tightness in my bump means something......

    I have booked a lactation consultant to come to the house tomorrow for an ante-natal consult and she will come back on day 4/5.

    How is recovery going? I imagine it was pretty nice curling up in your own bed after delivery!

  • Registered Users Posts: 254 ✭✭An Bhanríon

    Wonderful news, sambucus nigra! And to have your baby at home too... All the best for the adventure ahead!

  • Registered Users Posts: 115 ✭✭sambucus nigra

    Thanks girls, recovery is going pretty well, I was very lucky to have no tears or stitches to contend with so just the usual soreness/tiredness. Being at home has been amazing, couldn't recommend it highly enough.

    Lactation consultant sounds like a fab idea Little Miss Cutie, I'd say they'll be worth their weight in gold. My milk came in last night and all I can say is oweee!
    Tightenings of the bump sound exciting - when will you be having the sweep? I had one on the Friday and labour kicked off for me Saturday afternoon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    Tightenings of the bump sound exciting - when will you be having the sweep? I had one on the Friday and labour kicked off for me Saturday afternoon.

    Waiting for my sweep as I type :) hoping it might start something this week. For numerous reasons I want to avoid induction if possible and a c section even more!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,380 ✭✭✭pooch90

    More great news! Home birth sounds like such a nice option too. Massive congrats!
    LMC you're due the day before me,I'm Friday.
    Thought I had a bit of a show last night as there was a teeny bit of spotting but nothing else really. Few cramps on Thursday but nothing since.
    I'd be happy if I got past tomorrow as I've a few practical real life things I'd like to sort but who knows!?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    It's funny I'm the same, I still have a few bits I want to sort out before baby arrives but then again I am just so excited to meet baby!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,380 ✭✭✭pooch90

    There will probably always be something that you will feel is undone. Has the nesting kicked in?? I've been cleaning presses!
    My biggest thing is that I have our two scruffy mutts booked in for grooming tomorrow and I'd love to have that done before baby comes home. Also,my Mam lives 130 miles away so I'm trying to rent her a house here for a month so we will all have our own space when baby comes. It's her first grandchild so I know she will want to be here for a good while but we would kill each other if she stayed with us for that long!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    pooch90 wrote: »
    There will probably always be something that you will feel is undone. Has the nesting kicked in?? I've been cleaning presses!
    My biggest thing is that I have our two scruffy mutts booked in for grooming tomorrow and I'd love to have that done before baby comes home. Also,my Mam lives 130 miles away so I'm trying to rent her a house here for a month so we will all have our own space when baby comes. It's her first grandchild so I know she will want to be here for a good while but we would kill each other if she stayed with us for that long!

    Nesting hasn't really kicked in as I am still on restricted acrivities.....

    Yikes sounds like you have a job to find somewhere for a month!

    So I had the sweep yesterday, lots of bloody discharge last night with craps, up all night to pee and then today nothing!!!!!!!! I was really hoping it might start something, I have booked in for reflexology tomorrow so maybe that will help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,380 ✭✭✭pooch90

    Hope you're not feeling rough after the sweep. Doesn't sound very nice.

    I've a lead on a house that is for sale across the road so fingers crossed that pans out.

    Managed to get the doggies done today so I'm delighted.

    It will be great for you to get back to normal activities after pregnancy.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    I had a meeting with a lactation consultant yesterday, got some really help advice on latching etc. To be honest I hadn't a clue!

    She also assessed my boobs!! Apparently all looks positive for feeding and she is pleased with the amount of colostrum I am producing......

    I am hoping I am setting myself up for success!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    I knew feck all beforehand really, I had read up and knew about cluster feeding, that they latch onto the whole areola not the nipple, put on weight slower than ff babies etc. But in practice none of that was useful when learning to latch him on ha! But within weeks it was like I'd been doing it for years and now 9 months on it's still brilliant :) Just make sure you have great support and ask as many questions as you can of fb, Cuidiu, the friends of Breastfeeding group (think it's only in Dublin so far). And definitely go to your local bf group.

    It's all so exciting :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 countrygirl123

    Congratulations Sambucus Nigra and Contrary_ Mary.

    My little girl arrived 2 weeks early last Saturday, thankfully all well with her. I'm still recovering with stitches but getting there. It's fantastic to be home though!

    Hope the time passes quickly for the remaining ladies waiting to meet their little ones!

  • Registered Users Posts: 239 ✭✭Juicyfruit

    Congratulations to the new Mammy's!!
    I'm still here, (not so)patiently waiting. 40+6 today! Hospital appt on Monday so will discuss options then.
    Feel like we're never going to meet this little one :)
    How's everyone else doing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    I am delighted to see we welcomed a beautiful baby boy to the world on Friday. Waters went on Thursday lunchtime, my due date and he arrived via section after a failed induction on Friday afternoon :)

    I am utterly besotted with him and despite tonight's 5 hr cluster feed marathon wouldn't swap him for anything xx

    Hang in their juicy fruit hopefully it won't be long now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 239 ✭✭Juicyfruit

    Ah congrats LMC :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 254 ✭✭An Bhanríon

    A big welcome to the latest January baby. That's wonderful Little Miss Cutie.

    An Bhanríon's due date has come and gone. Luckily I have loads to do so am keeping myself well occupied. I haven't reached the box sets yet! Have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow so we'll see what will come of that. Will probably be brought in at the end of the week if nothing has happened. Come on baby! I know it's really nice and comfy in there but you don't really want to stay there for too long, do you?!!!

    Hope the waiting game is over for you all very soon...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,380 ✭✭✭pooch90

    Our little fella arrived 7 hrs ago. I've not slept,will do a proper update later on! Congrats to all xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 254 ✭✭An Bhanríon

    That's great, pooch! Woohoo, another January baby! Best of luck over the next few weeks.

    All good for me at the docs today. Will be induced next week if nothing happens between now and then. The wait continues for the moment...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    Congrats Pooch!!!

    All going really well here, baby is delighted when feeding, latches well with minimal pain. Milk came in tonight and seems to be working a miracle in him as he is passed out :) I'm going well, csection scar is healing like they want and generally feel great apart from some lower back ache.
    They weighed him today and he has lost 4% body weight which is a lot less than the 10% allowed :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 239 ✭✭Juicyfruit

    Congrats pooch!

    Our little lady finally decided to put in an appearance on Thursday morning - 11 days later than expected!

    So in love! :)

    Best of luck to all still waiting!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    Juicyfruit wrote: »
    Congrats pooch!

    Our little lady finally decided to put in an appearance on Thursday morning - 11 days later than expected!

    So in love! :)

    Best of luck to all still waiting!

    Congrats juicyfruit!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 254 ✭✭An Bhanríon

    Wonderful news Juicyfruit.

    An update from An Bhanríon... Sitting here in hospital staring in awe at my son. I am so grateful he came before I was to be induced. I don't know why but I was a bit apprehensive of that. It was nice, though, to spend the beginning of labour at home. I was actually nearly 5cms when I arrived in the hospital. Labour in hospital was interesting... Managed to get through it without any painkiller but still unsure about what I would recommend to others. Mine wasn't too long (around 4 and a half hours from the time we arrived to the time the baby was born) but by the end I was pretty much at the end of my tether!

    So, anyway, here we are. Any other January mothers still waiting?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    Wonderful news Juicyfruit.

    An update from An Bhanríon... Sitting here in hospital staring in awe at my son. I am so grateful he came before I was to be induced. I don't know why but I was a bit apprehensive of that. It was nice, though, to spend the beginning of labour at home. I was actually nearly 5cms when I arrived in the hospital. Labour in hospital was interesting... Managed to get through it without any painkiller but still unsure about what I would recommend to others. Mine wasn't too long (around 4 and a half hours from the time we arrived to the time the baby was born) but by the end I was pretty much at the end of my tether!

    So, anyway, here we are. Any other January mothers still waiting?

    Congrats!!! My little man is 10 days old and I'm staring at him all evening!

    Well done on labour without pain relief, labouring at home was my dream but sadly not to be.

    I hope you are recovering well and enjoying all the snuggles!

  • Registered Users Posts: 249 ✭✭pollocks

    I haven't been involved in this thread at all so apologies for butting in!! My wife just had a our third baby girl today and I'm beaming :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    pollocks wrote: »
    I haven't been involved in this thread at all so apologies for butting in!! My wife just had a our third baby girl today and I'm beaming :-)

    Congrats!! 3 beautiful daughters! You are definitely blessed and outnumbered :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 254 ✭✭An Bhanríon

    Hmm... This breastfeeding lark is a lot of work and requires a lot of naps right now to keep up the energy. I'm sure it will pay off though 😀. Only on day 5 here, so lots of learning still to do! Hope the other January mothers doing well. Anyone who is shattered and a bit weepy, you are not alone!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    An Bhanrion just sleep/doze when baby does and spend the rest of the time in bed or on the couch feeding, it's so worth it and I thoroughly enjoyed (and still do 10 months later) the sitting and cuddling that bf requires :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    Hmm... This breastfeeding lark is a lot of work and requires a lot of naps right now to keep up the energy. I'm sure it will pay off though 😀. Only on day 5 here, so lots of learning still to do! Hope the other January mothers doing well. Anyone who is shattered and a bit weepy, you are not alone!!!

    Oh the hormones!! I'm on day 14 and they have calmed down but day 7 was a special one!! The tears were uncontrollable!

    If feeding is taking a lot from you, maybe talk to your PHN or a LC. I must admit feeding is going really well here and it is one of my favourite things, just sitting feeding my little man.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 254 ✭✭An Bhanríon

    Thanks for the support on the breastfeeding guys! Yeah I am sure I'm just at one of the difficult times. Luckily have a great hubby here cooking and cleaning and making me take my naps. How people breastfeed without that type of support I do not know! Anyway think I will try and read some more on breastfeeding. The books I have just have the basics. Sure I haven't even looked at the thread on Boards yet!

    Best of luck to all the rest of the January crew with your various challenges.

    Crikey, can you believe it's nearly February!
