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Due January 2016



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    I have just realised I have made my first posting on the pregnancy forum. So no lurking for me anymore. Hi to all the January 2016 crew!

    Had a miscarriage this January so was being extra cautious with this pregnancy. Fingers and toes crossed all goes well.

    Wishing you all a happy and healthy pregnancy.

    Congrats on your pregnancy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 254 ✭✭An Bhanríon

    So reassuring to hear that little heartbeat at the GP's this morning...

    A question. Has anyone seen those 'belly band' things in the shops? I went into Mothercare the other day and they didn't seem to stock them at all. They just had those extender things which I heard weren't much good. I am using a hair bobbin at the moment to keep my jeans together but it means I can't wear tight fitting tops over them because it doesn't look great. I thought maybe one of those belly band things would sort out the problem and smooth over the bumps in the denim.

    Maybe I will just have to go online.

    Ha ha, you'd know this was my first baby. I'm sure the vanity will wear off pretty soon and I won't care anymore what my clothes look like!

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭contrary_mary

    I'd recommend the belly band from Topshop - it's a proper stretchy material that actually stays up and provides some support. The jersey-type ones from the likes of New Look, while cheaper, are worse than useless. I used a black Topshop one in the early days to extend the use of my jeans and again towards the end when I needed a little "extra" support to keep my under-the-bump jeans up (At the end I found over-the-bump became annoying). And it's still in perfect condition for this pregnancy, so well worth it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    I found the New Look ones fine, I had a navy, white and black one as they came in a 3 pack and they got me through months and months of pregnancy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    Just had my 16wk check up and scan. Baby is doing great. Was nice to meet my consultant, Dr Foley in Holles St, not at all what I expected and very reassuring.

    Was really nice to see baby again, nice and active having a wiggle about :)

    I wasn't weighed this time which surprised me but maybe that's normal??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,748 ✭✭✭Flippyfloppy I find these good for actually keeping your trousers closed & extending them! Little Miss Cutie I only ever got weighed on my booking visit! Thank god because I'd find it pretty demotivating to be weighed at each one!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    Thank god because I'd find it pretty demotivating to be weighed at each one!

    I guess I thought because I am overweight they would weigh me every time.

    I am very concerned about putting on additional weight and am really watching everything that I eat

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,748 ✭✭✭Flippyfloppy

    I guess I thought because I am overweight they would weigh me every time.

    I am very concerned about putting on additional weight and am really watching everything that I eat

    You could probably ask if you're worried. I do think though that the reason they are reluctant to weigh every time is so not to put additional pressure on us to weigh a certain amount. I think they're right, go with the flow & let your body change as it needs to, before & after pregnancy.

    Our bodies are doing something amazing and yes, we put weight on in the first trimester before we even begin to show, we get more bumpy in the second trimester and put extra padding on in the third! But don't forget a lot of that weight will be baby, the womb, placenta and amniotic fluid and other things like that!

    About watching what you eat, I read somewhere that during pregnancy you need your regular meals & a couple of snacks, and only the equivalent of a slice of bread extra! Try telling me that! I'm having nearly an extra meal before bed, and I was a divil on my first pregnancy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 254 ✭✭An Bhanríon

    Thanks for the recommendations, ladies. I'm finding the whole clothes thing a bit traumatic, although my friends find it quite hilarious to hear me giving out about not being able to close my jeans. They are used to putting on weight and losing weight, and clothes not fitting them, but I have been pretty much the same size for the last 15 years so it's all new to me. The only person I am getting sympathy from about my clothing woes is actually my husband!

    Anyway, off to the shops with me to buy a belly band and see how that goes...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    Thanks Flippyflop, I have been advised not to gain any weight during pregnancy which is why I thought they might be keen to weigh me.

    I am being careful with quantity and also have avoided all choc/crisps etc which thankfully I am not craving anyway

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,748 ✭✭✭Flippyfloppy

    Sorry little miss cutie! That is strange!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    Sorry little miss cutie! That is strange!

    It's just because I am overweight to start with :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,748 ✭✭✭Flippyfloppy

    It's just because I am overweight to start with :)

    Oh my god little miss cutie I'm sorry that's not what I meant! I mean it's strange they meant to keep an eye and didn't! Maybe by looking at you they knew you looked great ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    Hi all!
    Just wondering if you hear at the heart beat at the anatomy scan in Holles St?

    My consultant does a scan each visit rather than use a Doppler. Would love to hear little ones heart beat xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭contrary_mary

    Hi all!
    Just wondering if you hear at the heart beat at the anatomy scan in Holles St?

    My consultant does a scan each visit rather than use a Doppler. Would love to hear little ones heart beat xx

    Ooh I can't remember... I'm sure if you ask they'll turn the sound on. Last time around the sonographer was a bit unfriendly so I don't think she did. I get a scan each visit too but the consultant always gives me a quick listen so ask next time.

    Is your scan at 21 weeks? I am booked in for 21 weeks this time whereas last time it was 20 weeks and it's not a scheduling thing the consultant was quite specific about it. It's an extra week to wait which is a pain!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    Is your scan at 21 weeks? I am booked in for 21 weeks this time whereas last time it was 20 weeks and it's not a scheduling thing the consultant was quite specific about it. It's an extra week to wait which is a pain!

    Yep my scan is 21 weeks, I mentioned it in conversation and she said they prefer 21 weeks cause they can see more. I guess the week makes a difference???

    How you feel now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 92 ✭✭Entropy7

    During the anatomy scan at HS, I could see the wave on the screen but I didn't hear it. They measure the height of the wave at top and bottom and i think they check the shape of the wave too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭contrary_mary

    Yep my scan is 21 weeks, I mentioned it in conversation and she said they prefer 21 weeks cause they can see more. I guess the week makes a difference???

    How you feel now?

    I'm pretty good now I just seem to have nausea and heartburn first thing in the morning and then after breakfast and then I generally feel okay for the rest of the day. I feel lucky as I felt rough with my son for a lot longer - I'm only 15+4 now. I'm exhausted but a large part of that is down to having an older baby who doesn't sleep and a long working day with a very early start!

    How are you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    I can't imagine being pregnant and having a little one as well!!

    I'm good, I think baby is growing well as the consultant, can't wait to feel some movement ;)

    Thankfully I don't have heartburn, still sick very morning from the second I wake and then usually queasy all day, struggling to eat followed by done evening sickness. I am only now waking in the night to be sick :( it's not the worst once baby is ok

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭contrary_mary

    I can't imagine being pregnant and having a little one as well!!

    I'm good, I think baby is growing well as the consultant, can't wait to feel some movement ;)

    Thankfully I don't have heartburn, still sick very morning from the second I wake and then usually queasy all day, struggling to eat followed by done evening sickness. I am only now waking in the night to be sick :( it's not the worst once baby is ok

    You poor thing that's rough. My sickness cleared up around 21/22 weeks last time and the second half of my pregnancy was SO much easier. Even towards the end when I was big and uncomfortable it was a doddle compared to the first half. Will be hoping for the same for you! I never did get my appetite back but I could eat without retching which was great

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  • Registered Users Posts: 49 EJD

    Hi all!
    Just wondering if you hear at the heart beat at the anatomy scan in Holles St?

    My consultant does a scan each visit rather than use a Doppler. Would love to hear little ones heart beat xx

    God I can't remember at all (you'd think I would having had 2 kids already!). However my GP checked the heartbeat today at my GP appt. Are you doing combined care, if so maybe your GP will check for you? Or as another poster mentioned you could always ask the sonographer. I got the nicest sonographer ever at my 12 week booking in appt in Holles St. She took ages with the scan, chatting to me, printing loads of photos and even typing up little messages like 'hello sisters' on some of the scans for when I show my daughters - so hopefully your sonographer will be the same x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    Ok, so I will ask at the big scan if we can heart the heartbeat, otherwise I will wait til my GP appointment.

    I am afraid to jinx myself but yesterday and today, no sickness still plenty of wrenching but no actual sickness. Could this wk (wk17) be the week that it stops???

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 countrygirl123

    Hi All,

    I may as well join the thread as I'm due in January also! I really can't believe how quickly the time is passing!
    We're attending Holles St SP and so far so good.

    Little Miss Cutie, If you have your big scan in Merrion Foetal Clinic you will be able to hear the heartbeat there. On our first scan at 8 weeks it was one of the first things the lovely sonographer made us aware of and its so lovely to hear!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    Little Miss Cutie, If you have your big scan in Merrion Foetal Clinic you will be able to hear the heartbeat there. On our first scan at 8 weeks it was one of the first things the lovely sonographer made us aware of and its so lovely to hear!

    Hiya, did you hear the heart beat at 8 weeks?

    Feel like I should have asked sooner if you did. They didn't mention it at my casualty visits or 12/16 wk visit :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 countrygirl123

    Hiya, did you hear the heart beat at 8 weeks?

    Feel like I should have asked sooner if you did. They didn't mention it at my casualty visits or 12/16 wk visit :(

    It was at our first scan at 8 weeks in merrion foetal that the sonographer let us listen to it, I think it was to make it that more real for us. In Holles st they didn't mention anything about listening to the heartbeat only showed the heart beating to us on screen, that was for both booking and consultant appointment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭contrary_mary

    Little Miss Cutie when they do the scan at 12/16 weeks they see the heart beating and often leave it at that as there's no diagnostic reason to turn on the sound. I had my anomaly scan at Merrion Fetal Health last time and they didn't turn on sound as far as I can remember BUT they have a lot to do and check at that appointment and depending on the sonographer they can be quite engrossed in their work. I'm sure if you asked they would be happy to let you hear it for a few seconds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 254 ✭✭An Bhanríon

    Hope you are all doing well, especially those who have been sick. Hopefully it is beginning to clear up... I just have my little 'stretching pains' these days but that is nothing compared to the sea-sick feeling of the first trimester.

    Little Miss Cutie, my GP always gets the Doppler scan thing out and lets me listen to the heartbeat on my ante-natal visits. I don't know if that's normal but I think my own doctor sees it as part of her job to help her patients not worry during their pregnancy. And hearing the heartbeat does help me to relax, certainly. They did it at our 12 week scan in the Rotunda too. Just switched up the volume so we could hear, so I can't imagine it would be a big deal to ask.

    I finally found a cheap pair of maternity jeans (on sale in Mothercare) and am wearing them for the first time today. So comfortable compared to my ordinary jeans. €12 very well spent!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    I finally found a cheap pair of maternity jeans (on sale in Mothercare) and am wearing them for the first time today. So comfortable compared to my ordinary jeans. €12 very well spent!

    I am sad to admit that I moved in maternity clothes at 8 wks :( I mentioned it at one of my appointments and midwife said it because baby is lodged so low!

    Maternity jeans and trousers are the best things ever invented! So comfy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,380 ✭✭✭pooch90

    I really need to start buying maternity clothes. I start back teaching next week so have spent the past two months slobbing about in trackies and sports bras!
    Any suggestions for reasonable prices??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    just jumping in from Jan 2015 thread to say there's a sale on in debhnams and new look and they both have maternity stuff in it.tshirts and stuff are handy to layer up for at home in the winter with long sleeve tops underneath from penny's . and they had jeans too.
