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Out of the frying pan, into the .... fish pond



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move


    Swim: 1.4k

    Mostly drills. The pool was nice and quiet. I think my legs felt a bit tight after the bike yesterday but they were much better after the swim

    Run: 6k

    My first club session :D I did 2k warm up very very slowly before I left home. I thought my legs would thank me for it and I was right because we jumped straight into cross country training at the club - 18 minutes running around a field. Sounds easy but you actually have to work very hard. There was a bit of a path around the field but as everyone was running together, juniors and seniors, in order to overtake you had to go into the long grass. The field is on a bit of a slope. You wouldn't really notice the pull up too much but you get a nice breather on the downhill bit. We were doing figures of 8 so the time flew by. I was working hard but I could have done more if I had to so I'd say it was tempo effort. I didn't have my watch on but the guy who was leading said he did 4.5k and I was third so I'll estimate it at 4k in 18 min. We went back to the gym then and did some strength work and some stretches. I think my hip is going to like xc :D


    Swim: 1k
    5 x 200m steady w 10sec rec

    Not working today. It took me ages to sleep last night. One reason why I don't like running in the evenings!! I would have had a lie-in but the bloody cat woke me up. He was crying outside my window looking for his breakfast :mad: It was actually just as well because it was so hot this morning even early on. If I'd been any later galloping the horses it would have been very unpleasant. I didn't want to do too much in the pool but I thought my legs would benefit from being in the water. My arms were a little tired at the start but I felt like I was swimming well and I kept to the short my recoveries. I was finished in 25 min .... probably the shortest time I've ever spent in the pool!! Legs are nice and loose now. I was going to go for a cycle but it's very hot and my heart rate was up a bit this morning so I might just get myself used to the running again before adding on too many extras.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move


    Run: 7.3k club session

    2.03k warm up on my own. Very slowly.
    4.07k/18min on the grass.
    1.2k on the track sprinting the straights and jogging the bends

    Loving these club sessions :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    I'm loving your club session logs :)

    Great MTB at the weekend, did it bring back happy memories?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,456 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Just read your Ballyhoura report at last. Great stuff, congrats. You're a lot tougher than I am!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Neady83 wrote: »
    I'm loving your club session logs :)

    Great MTB at the weekend, did it bring back happy memories?

    Thanks :)

    Indeed it did. Funny how you forget all the suffering and remember all the good stuff :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Just read your Ballyhoura report at last. Great stuff, congrats. You're a lot tougher than I am!

    Cheers :) I actually think it's not about how tough you are. The most amazing thing about expedition races is how you can find the strength to do things because you have to and I suppose anybody who wants to do something badly enough will find a way. Of course everyone goes through bad patches during the race and I know I am so lucky because I have incredible team mates. It's the strength you get from each other that gets you through the dark places!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Jeez my eyes are leaking....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Jeez my eyes are leaking....

    Ya everybody wants some of the #TriHarder luv or it could be my unique way with words :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move


    Bike: 1hr and 25.3k

    Boring :p HR was a bit high so didn't bother swimming.


    Run: 25min rec

    There was a 7k race on in Moycarkey that a few people from the club were doing. I would have done it too but Paddy our coach said no and that was actually a relief to just have someone else to make the decision for me :D


    Run: 10k in 60min

    This was my long run. I did the first mile in 9 minutes but I wasnt happy with my breathing. It was too fast for easy effort so I dropped the pace back to 10min/mile and that was better. I ran in the bog exploring different paths, most of which were dead ends. I can access the bog from 3 roads but I'd love to figure out a complete loop. The last 10min were in the field. I wanted to gallop the horses in there after my run so I had to open the gate and then I did a couple of laps to make sure it was ok. A lap is 700m and the ground is nice enough there, not too rough. I'm going to increase my long run by 10min every week.

    Run 2: 20 min rec

    I needed this!!!!


    Bike: Ballyhoura red loop

    Distance: 48.3k
    Elevation: 2,913ft
    Time: 4hr 18 min

    The red loop is the longest loop on the bike trails. Some people think it's a bit boring cause you do a good bit on the fire roads but I loved it. It's very hobbit like with little bridges and lots of trees and the best views. The Galtees were shrouded in a thick mist as I drove past this morning but the weather was beautiful in Ballyhoura all day. I was lucky to get started before a car rally because they had people in cars further up near the top of the brown loop diverting bikes off the other loops. I didn't see any cars thankfully although I did hear a distant rumble of engines at one point. Near the top of the red loop I came to an unmarked cross of 4 roads. The path ahead looked too overgrown so I followed the adventure racers golden rule "if in doubt, keep climbing" and turned up the hill and after about 10min I got back on a marked path. I nearly came to grief in a drain while testing out my theory that it is possible to multitask by eating an apple while on the trails but I got my steering corrected just in time and no other dramas to report :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    I'm very jealous of your MTBing, in fact I'm very jealous of your motivation for MTBing after the Beast :D Great going CM :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Nice going on the red loop. I hope to get out there soon but alas not this weekend either :( With Sean back now we should arrange a paddle/bike :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move


    Rest. I didn't even ride out the horses. Lazeeee


    Swim: 2.2k

    600 easy
    600 pb
    400 steady
    400 pb
    200 backstroke

    Delighted with myself for making it to the pool after work. I could just have easily not bothered when I got out to my car. I wanted to go home but I had a banana in the car and by the time I got to the cross, straight on for the pool right turn for home my energy levels were boosted and I kept straight. I was supposed to be doing drills but I didnt feel like it. I wanted to just swim. I think my head position is better :)

    Run: 35 min easy

    I went into the field to do this because I missed the club session on Monday and I feel like the best way to get fast on the grass is to do most of my runs on grass. There's a nice little pull up the hill on one side of the field so even at easy pace you have to work quite hard. I was buzzing after this :D unfortunately that meant I was a little too enthusiastic doing my strength exercises and I felt a sharp twang when I was doing the side squats. On both sides but worse on the left. I stupidly finished the set which I regretted immediately as I was sore when I stopped. I really was cursing myself for being so impetuous. I tried to limit the damage with a cold bath, hot water bottles, foam rolling, stretching and eating half a packet of dark chocolate digestives for their anti-oxidising properties but o was still sore going to bed :(:(


    Run: 25 min rec

    Woke up this morning and crawled out of bed like an aged geriatric. But better than I thought I would be!! Did some more stretches and I thought I might be good enough to do a club tempo this evening. I was quickly relieved of these notions when I bent down in work to pick up a biro and I could hardly get back up again. I stayed on the road for the run shuffle

    Bike: 40 min reck

    I did a ring into town and back and my legs definitely were better for it. I need to keep doing the squats. Quads glutes and hamstrings were all sore so I think they'll benefit me in the long run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    unfortunately that meant I was a little too enthusiastic doing my strength exercises and I felt a sharp twang when I was doing the side squats. On both sides but worse on the left. I stupidly finished the set which I regretted immediately as I was sore when I stopped. I really was cursing myself for being so impetuous. I tried to limit the damage with a cold bath, hot water bottles, foam rolling, stretching and eating half a packet of dark chocolate digestives for their anti-oxidising properties but o was still sore going to bed :(:(

    Hope you're on the mend Kate, those dark chockie bickies will definitely have helped, definitely :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Hope you're on the mend Kate, those dark chockie bickies will definitely have helped, definitely :)
    Oh they definitely did help thanks :D Better today and hopefully I'll be good tomorrow to do a run :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    You run today?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    tang1 wrote: »
    You run today?

    Is the Pope a Catholic? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move


    Swim: 1.6k

    Drills, easy swimming and 100m flat out. Forgot my watch so no time but I feel like I'm swimming better and I have a better body position. I may not be any faster but at least I'm not getting any arm pain anymore :)

    Bike: 80min easy

    The wind was a nuisance and I got soaked by a passing shower. The sun came out then but I was still wet when I got home!


    Legs were good today so I headed to the club this evening. I did a 20min warm up before I left and a slow lap of the track when I got there. Then we did a 20 min tempo in the field across the road. I managed 4.55k in 20 min. I think that's a little faster than last week. We did drills and sprints on the track afterwards followed by some stretches. I'm happy :D:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Good stuff, like the Bull McCabe with your 'field'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    tang1 wrote: »
    Good stuff, like the Bull McCabe with your 'field'.

    The field is the new black ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move


    Swim: 1.4k

    I wanted to do 20x50m off 1:10 but after the first few my tummy started to complain that I hadn't left enough time since breakfast so I did 50's 100's and 200's all at easy pace. I was a bit caught for time because I was meeting friends for a cycle.

    Bike: 50.6k

    Cycled out to meet the girls and then we did a loop in quiet roads. It was a lovely afternoon and the time flew by with all the chat. Pace was very easy and I added on a bit at the end to bring it up to 50k.


    Run 1: 7.7m in 70min

    It was a lovely fresh morning with not a soul about. This was split between the bog, the road and the field. I was much more comfortable than last week and the 2k I did in the field were both accidentally at 5k pace. There was a lot of dew on the grass and my runners were sopping!

    Swim: 2k

    200 easy, 200 pb
    300 easy, 300 pb
    400 pb, 400 easy
    200 backstroke

    The pool was busy and the water tasted of perfume which was pretty gross and a stupid kid ran off with my pull bouy but I got what I wanted done so happy enough :)

    Run 2: 25 min rec

    Did some of this on the grass but kept it very slow. I'm happy with this week 4 x swim, 3 x bike, 5 x run. My RHR is low and the niggles are all being kept under control :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Great training week CM. Do you find the grass and bog roads easier on the knees and hips CM?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Great training week CM. Do you find the grass and bog roads easier on the knees and hips CM?

    Thanks. Ya it's much kinder to the legs. I used to hate running on grass because you have to work harder but now that I'm doing it more I prefer it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move




    Run: 40min easy + strides

    Bike: 75 min hard


    Swim: 2k
    400 easy
    400 pb
    200 kick
    150 fingertip
    150 easy
    150 shoulder tap
    150 easy
    200 pb
    200 backstroke

    Run: 8.54k
    20min warm up
    2 x 10min tempo with 3min rec on grass
    20min strength work + stretching

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move




    Swim: 2k

    200 easy
    200 kick
    50 bs
    300 steady
    50 bs
    800 pb
    50 bs
    300 steady
    50 bs


    Run: 7.68k

    10 min warm up
    2 x 7 min hills with 2 min rec
    20 min cool down

    Finally my laptop and internet are both working at the same time! It's a pain trying to log stuff on my phone especially when the bloody google sheets won't work and I can't upload anything from my watch. This week has been a bit of a struggle. I've been quite tired even though I'm sleeping loads and my hip has been a bit niggly. On Tuesday I felt good on the run but I did a hard effort on the bike where I was pushing the pace for the whole 75min. On Wednesday I went down to the club. Paddy the head coach wasn't there but we had instructions to do 23min on the grass. Normally I pace myself off Paddy but none of the lads were there so I had to go in front on my own. I started too fast and I wanted to try and keep the pace constant so I decided to break it into 2 10 minute sections with 3 minutes easy in between. I slowed a little on the second section but not too bad. Paces were 6:49, 8:39, 6:51. Looking back two hard sessions was stupid and my hip was sore Wednesday night. I did nothing on Thursday. I think I had planned to get up and go for a swim before work but I slept in instead. Same on Friday except I had to go to the bike shop to get clip in shoes and pedals for the MTB and I managed to drag myself to the pool and do a good swim afterwards. I wanted to rest my hip more so no running. This morning I did a good run in the field on my own. It was a version of the Kenyan hills session that I was reading about earlier on in the week. Basically you run up and down a 7 - 10 % incline at a solid threshold effort without stopping for the 7 minutes. Take a 2 minute walk break and go again. I only did 2 x 7 min but I think the plan I was reading had 3. Paces for the 7 minutes: 8:15, 8:19. The thinking is that you're developing the strength in your leg muscles and tendons without putting them under the same stress they are subjected to during fast intervals on the track or road. They're hard work and my legs were like jelly afterwards. My hip was fine during them but it's a tiny bit sore now. I'm going to give the long run a miss this week and go mountain biking instead tomorrow and the main reason I got the clip in pedals was so I can engage my glutes better and stop doing so much work with my quads. I seem to be treading a very fine line these days between doing enough to get stronger, fitter and faster and doing too much. Right now I'm dipping into red territory as regards the hip but I think the mountain biking doesn't aggravate it so I'm going to risk it tomorrow and juggle next weeks sessions accordingly. The club is opening the new track next Saturday and I want to do the 800m race. It was supposed to be this week but it wasn't finished in time. Hopefully I'll be recovered enough to do a session on Tuesday!

    As a recap:

    Week|Swim|Bike|Run|Miles|No of hard sessions|No of rest days
    Beast + 1| 1|0|1|3.1|0|5
    Beast + 2| 1|2|3|9.5|1 bike|2
    Beast + 3| 2|2|5|18.3|2 run, 1 bike|0
    Beast + 4| 4|3|5|20.1|2 run, 1 bike|1
    Beast + 5| 2|2|3|15.5|2 run, 1 bike|2

    It looks a bit haphazard. Probably could have managed the recovery and training a bit better particularly week +3!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    that's an interesting hill session, must try it some time.

    Do you think maybe you ramped back up again too quickly after the Beast?

    What's your next target race? (sorry if you already said and I missed it)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    annapr wrote: »
    that's an interesting hill session, must try it some time.

    Do you think maybe you ramped back up again too quickly after the Beast?

    What's your next target race? (sorry if you already said and I missed it)

    Thanks Anna. Ya it's a good session. I'm going to try to keep building it up every week for a while.

    Ya it looks like it. Although I was trying to be very sensible and careful I think I could have spaced out my sessions better. That being said the nature of my injury is a big factor. I tore the tendon that connects the middle glute muscle to the femur. It wasn't a complete tear so it didn't need surgery but it's a difficult injury to manage. Tendons don't heal well because they have a poor blood supply and fibrous tissue is used to replace the damaged tendon so it's less elastic and more likely to injure again. I'm just trying to do as much as I can without tipping over the edge but it's a very fine line!

    The club are holding a 5k race on the 20th to raise money for the track. I want to try and win it if I can and then the county novice xc is on the 4th of Oct which I'd also like to do well in :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    I like how this thread has gone from being about equestrianism to anatomy & physiology :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    AKW wrote: »
    I like how this thread has gone from being about equestrianism to anatomy & physiology :D

    Haha :D Now and again I like to put my college education to some use :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move


    Bike: Ballyhoura blue loop

    Dist: 43k
    Time: 3hr 45
    Elev: 2269 ft


    Nice cycle. Not too hot and the trails were dry. I was ok clipping out but it took a bit to get used to clipping in. It's easier on the road bike. Managed to stay in one piece anyway. Lots of bikers about but mainly on the brown and white loop. Hardly anybody does the blue and red loops. The blue is my favourite although there's a few tough climbs on it. I think that's Lough Gur in the photo


    Swim: 1.2k

    My legs were knackered. They feel better now but I think I'll do a swim and a short recovery run tomorrow and hopefully get the interval session done on Wednesday

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Clippy MTBing, you're my hero :) I fell over on my road bike at a stand still, I'd have no hope on the MTB :D
