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Out of the frying pan, into the .... fish pond



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72


    Run: 7k @ 5:28

    Did this on the track with a friend and we were nattering away so the pace was a bit faster than it should have been. It's so nice running in the track! My calves were sore yesterday after the kayak but they were fine today. I was feeling a little tired towards the end however.


    Oh ye gods, I read this as a daily update, tell me it was a weekly update??! :eek: :D Good to see you getting back on track, how long does it take to get the iron right into the system usually?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Oh ye gods, I read this as a daily update, tell me it was a weekly update??! :eek: :D Good to see you getting back on track, how long does it take to get the iron right into the system usually?

    Haha :D ya that was a weekly update but I'm sure it will all be done in one day during ITERA :D

    Up to 12 weeks to build up the iron stores in the tissues and organs. I'm sort of hoping it will be sooner than that though!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move



    Run: 4m @ 10:07

    Couldn't find my watch so back to miles cause I know the mile markers :)

    Bike: 60 min turbo

    Easy spinning after my afternoon nap!

    Karate: 90 min

    We have a tournament on May 8th. I wanted to grade before then but I'm going to have to wait till June :(


    Run: 5k @ 5:48

    My legs were knackered. I wanted to do more but I figured that would be stoopid!

    Bike: 2 hr turbo

    Had another sleep this after work but I was still tired so I decided to skip karate and do a long bike. Bit boring cause just spinning but has to be done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move


    Run: 13k @ 5:16

    My 'long run' for the week. Started off feeling a bit tired but felt better as I went on and was able to throw in 5k steady in the middle.

    Bike: 30 min turbo

    Easy spinning



    Swim: 1.1k (100,200,300,400,100 all with pb)

    I was working for a couple of hours this morning and managed to drag myself to the pool afterwards. It was very busy so I only stayed for half an hour but I felt a lot looser after it.

    Run: 6.6k @ 5:30

    Legs were a bit tired but had to keep slowing myself down. I think that means the iron tablets are working ;)

    Bike: 60 min turbo

    Easy spinning listening to club classics. I made chocolate cake last night. Nom Nom :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    question for you K... why would 'one' use a turbo instead of going for a spin outside, is it just convenience? I can see how useful it'd be especially if the weather is rubbish - must look at those too...

    glad to hear the iron tablets are making an impact :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Firedance wrote: »
    question for you K... why would 'one' use a turbo instead of going for a spin outside, is it just convenience? I can see how useful it'd be especially if the weather is rubbish - must look at those too...

    glad to hear the iron tablets are making an impact :)

    Mostly it's because I prefer the turbo but it's also a bit of laziness/convenience. You need a different back tyre for the turbo because the lighter road tyre would wear too much and you can't use that outside so I would have to change tyres to go out. I have my turbo set up in the kitchen and I like the way I can just jump on it whenever I want and I don't have to worry about visibility or bringing water/food. I also find the road bike a bit boring so I like that I can turn the telly on to pass the time. It's easier to do proper sessions on the turbo. By changing the resistance you can do seated sprints, standing sprints, hard, steady or easy work which is difficult to do when your outside.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move



    Run: 5k @ 6:23

    Slept for at least 10 hours so don't know why my RHR is high this morning. Anyway I did this recovery run before brekkie

    Bike: 60 min turbo

    I've discovered you can easily read on the turbo while spinning. It's great. Music and a book (Roald Dahl, Going Solo)

    Yoga: 30 min


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move



    Nothing. Except eat. And eat. And eat. At one stage I thought I must have stomach worms because I was eating every half hour and still not feeling satisfied :confused:



    Run: 11k @ 5:01
    3k warm up
    5k tempo (4:32, 4:39, 4:28, 4:37, 4:32)
    3k cool down

    Bleugh back to sessions! I'm on a 6 week 10k plan and I was supposed to be doing 400's today but I swopped them to Thursday when I'll hopefully have company. Was not looking forward to this. Shortly after I'd finished the warm up I turned the corner and was straight into a nasty headwind that was there all the time except for the third k. I'd hoped to be hitting 4:25 - 4:30 pace comfortably but it was enough of an effort to keep them all under 4:40. Happy with the effort for the 5k though.

    Yoga/Core: 60min

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Nothing. Except eat. And eat. And eat. At one stage I thought I must have stomach worms because I was eating every half hour and still not feeling satisfied :confused:

    I know that feeling very well - the people I work with are accustomed to hearing the rustling of corn cake wrappers or the munching of cereal every couple of hours now :) They come and check on me if they don't hear any noise :D This training is making us very expensive to run ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Keep an eye out for an old back wheel that you can put your turbo tyre on and use just for the turbo. Doesn't need a good breaking surface or to be in great nick. I used to do it and gives you less excuses for not heading out ;) My wife is the same, much prefers the turbo to outside, and the turbo does definitely help with your strength and fitness but the race will be outside and bike handling and using your gears the right way is hard to replicate on the turbo. And especially with the summer coming up, don't want to be stuck inside the whole time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne


    Nothing. Except eat. And eat. And eat. At one stage I thought I must have stomach worms because I was eating every half hour and still not feeling satisfied :confused:

    I'm sure you already know this. . . but there's a big difference between Satisfied and hungry. . .you may not be eating Low GI foods and they will satisfied you for longer..

    great example of a snack - I used to eat rice cakes all the time but they are High GI food so they dont satisfy you, however oatcakes are low GI and are lovely with cottage cheese, or peanut butter(the proper nothing added kind) and this will hit the spot and not spike your blood sugar levels which may be happening to you if you are not getting satisfied.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    @ Neady - I'm desperate altogether on my rest days. The cupboard would be cleaned out!!

    @ joey - another wheel is a great idea! Now why didn't I think of that ....

    @ younganne - you speak sense. Must try some oat cakes!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move



    Nothing except lots of walking. I'm having such a lazy week!


    Run: 12k @ 5:16

    16 min w/u
    12 x 400 with 60s jog (1:37, 1:38, 1:41, 1:38, 1:43, 1:46, 1:41, 1:41, 1:44, 1:39, 1:41, 1:36)
    16 min c/d

    Only for Susan ringing me and arranging to meet at the track, I wouldn't have got this done today. I'd probably have slept instead! It was so windy :eek: We met John at the track and he reckoned we'd get more shelter if we ran clockwise so that's what we did! Two thirds of the track was grand but the other third was proper resistance training. Target time was 1:43/400 but we just did it by feel. We were both working hard but not killing ourselves so very happy with those splits in the conditions. Decided to skip karate because I don't think I'll go to the tournament and I was too lazy anyway ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move


    TriHarder training in Killarney

    Bike: 42k in 4 hours incl 90min Hike - a - bike

    It was nearly 10pm when we set off towards the Gap of Dunloe on the bikes. It was a beautiful starry, starry night. The lakes were gleaming and the outline of the Reeks clearly visible. What a night to be training on!! Mike and Peter are stronger on the bike so I had my head down trying to keep up on the hills! At Brandon's cottage we turned into the national park and so the suffering began with a long, long hike a bike up hills, over boulders and marshes and narrow boardwalks with lots of different levels. It was tough with a lot of lifting. Mike took a nasty fall coming down a sharp descent near Torc waterfall. I was behind and I thought he'd slapped his head off a rock because Mike is one of those people that just bounce straight back up when they fall and if you weren't watching you'd miss it. Thank god it was 'only' his knee and after a few ginger steps he was able to continue. We were going to do a lap of Muckross lake but it was very very cold and as it wasn't on the plan we decided to skip it and head back on the road to Kate Kearney's cottage. We were practising our pace line where I'm drafting off the boys and they take turns in front. I still have to work hard at times to stay on their wheels and I need to put in a lot of work on the bike for the next 3 months.

    Trek: 43k in 9hrs

    We got back to the cars and got ready to head out on the trek. I had to do a complete gear change as everything was drenched with sweat. I meant to force feed Mike with some painkillers but with getting my stuff ready and stuffing myself with nuts and drinking water and trying and failing to figure out how to assemble my walking poles, I completely forgot. We set off at a good clip on the 9k to Cronin's yard. There was a car rally taking place near Killarney on Sunday and there were some tossers cruisin around in suped up cars who passed us a number a times. At Cronin's yard we were greeted by a nosy black and white cat while we stopped for a five minute break to refuel (I had a snickers) and then we began the ascent of Carrauntoohill via O Shea's gully. It was a hard climb especially with the long hike a bike already under our belts but totally worth it when we reached the summit of Irelands highest mountain just after the dawn broke ....


    It was so calm and the gleaming sun just about made it warm enough to sit on rocks near the summit cross and take in the magnificent vista and contemplate how lucky we were. We climbed four more peaks along the ridge. This involved a bit of descending and ascending but the terrain was kinder as it was more grassy until we got to the very narrow ridge of Cnoc na Peista ....


    The next peak was very difficult to ascend. The ridge line was very narrow in places and the rocks were steep and slippy. It was time consuming and laborious and treacherous so when Mike suggested we descend and contour around to Strickeen there was absolutely no argument from either Peter or I. The descent was difficult and involved a lot of crab walking, sliding on our backsides and picking our way down slippy, mossy rocks one step at a time. When we eventually got lower we decided to just head for the road which we could see snaking its way through the Gap of Dunloe. After toiling down through long boggy grasses and jumping a few fences we hit the road and what a relief that was!!! It was a nice 5k trek back to the cars then where we got a feed and a power nap before heading home. Very good training session :D




    Body in pretty good shape. I had double vision on the mountains yesterday and my hands were swollen when we got back to the car. I'm wondering now was that due to the altitude?? Body in good shape otherwise. Quads a wee bit tender. And my arms. Forgot about my arms!!! I thought about doing a recovery run/spin but I galloped 6 horses today and as soon as I lay down on my bed for five minutes, I just had no desire to do it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Very good training session :D

    :eek: :eek: :eek: yeah, training session!!!! and more bike carrying I see :D

    fab pics, in fairness, as hard as it sounds it also sounds like a lot of FUN!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Firedance wrote: »
    :eek: :eek: :eek: yeah, training session!!!! and more bike carrying I see :D

    fab pics, in fairness, as hard as it sounds it also sounds like a lot of FUN!

    Thanks . Ya it was fun! I love my team :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Awh well done Kate, that's a savage training session especially with the long hike a bike thrown in. Those pics are stunning, what a treat when you guys summited Carrantouhill.

    Well done on the ridge too, that's a lovely (and frightening) ridge to scramble over. Did ye cross the Big Gun ridge after Cnoc na Peiste?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Did ye cross the Big Gun ridge after Cnoc na Peiste?

    We got about half way across to it and bailed. I was feeling sleepy! Not the place to strumble or fall asleep!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    We got about half way across to it and bailed. I was feeling sleepy! Not the place to strumble or fall asleep!

    It's definitely not the place to loose concentration, it's the toughest of the ridges down there and there's no safety net if you stumble so a good and ballsy call to knock it on the head.

    Hope the knee is ok Mike.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Awh well done Kate, that's a savage training session especially with the long hike a bike thrown in. Those pics are stunning, what a treat when you guys summited Carrantouhill.

    Well done on the ridge too, that's a lovely (and frightening) ridge to scramble over. Did ye cross the Big Gun ridge after Cnoc na Peiste?

    Thanks :D

    The pictures are copyright MCOS ;) We were really lucky with the weather but I much prefer the Galtees!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Type|Dist (Km)|Hours

    Focus for May is bike, bike, bike!!! I need to swim more. It's good for my muscles and I want to get my running back to where it should be, keep up the core work and get out in the kayak at least twice this month,

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    I miss these trips :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    We were really lucky with the weather but I much prefer the Galtees!

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Really? with all the bog and heather and peat hags?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    sconhome wrote: »
    I miss these trips :(

    We miss you too :(
    Neady83 wrote: »
    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Really? with all the bog and heather and peat hags?

    Oh we met plenty of bog on the way down from the ridge :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move





    Run: 7k @ 5:38

    Sports massage pm focusing on shoulders and arms. Ouch :eek:




    Run: 9k @ 5:44


    Run: 5k @ 5:38



    Bike: 2hr turbo with 20min hard stuff mixed in

    Core: 20 min upper body


    Run: 17.3k @ 5:12 (easy-ish with 4 fast k mixed in 4:38, 4:13, 4:12, 4:29)

    Bike: 1hr turbo easy*

    Core: 40 min

    Type|Dist (Km)|Time (Hrs)

    Very tired and busy this week. I feel like it's been a crap week exercise wise. I seem to have this on going argument in my head about how much I need to do, how much I'm able to do and how much recovery I should be getting :mad: I've been sleeping a lot which has kind of eaten in to the time available for exercise. My arms were sore after Killarney and the massage was painful. Lots of knots and trigger points. I was sore for a couple of days after it and then I did some different core work yesterday which has me sore again :rolleyes: Didn't go to either karate class this week.
    Running is going ok. Paces are good for the effort. Didn't feel up to a session any day so I added in some faster stuff this morning which made the long run a bit tougher. I did it on empty and didn't feel too bad at the end.
    The bike was good yesterday. Compared to a few weeks ago, I felt stronger and that I wasn't having to work as hard even at higher resistance. Haven't done the turbo yet but if it's in the plan and written up here, I'm more likely to do it! Haven't done as much as I want on the bike this week but I'm racing a horse in Limerick later so the plan is to do it this evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move



    Can't remember if I was lazy or tired :confused: but I can remember saying to myself 'Hmmm you did a good long run yesterday, you should take today off' :D


    Run: 11.5k @ 5:28

    17 min warm up
    8 x 600m with 1 min jog rec (2:22, 2:28, 2:32, 2:27, 2:30, 2:28, 2:29, 2:28)
    17 min cool down

    I did this on my own and I couldn't be bothered driving to the track so I used a flatish loop on the road. Target was 2:33 and I did this completely by feel so happy enough with the effort and the times except for the first one which was more 5k pace than 10k pace.

    Swim: 2k (200, 400, 1000, 400 all with pb)

    Yay I made it to the pool. And I had a lane to myself so this was a nice swim. My arms are much better this week. Using my right hand constantly in work was making the arm really sore so this week was the start of operation ambidextrous. It's working well. Don't know why I didn't do it before!!

    Bike: 1 hr turbo

    Plan was to increase the resistance every 2min for 10, work back down again and repeat 3 times. I got a good workout but it wasn't as difficult as it should have been. I put some air into the back tyre before I started but when I'd finished the tyre was completely flat and there was shreds of blue rubber everywhere. On the floor, on the back wall, on my pictures! I changed the tube last night. I presumed it was punctured but I pumped it up to 90 psi last night and it's lost a bit of pressure again now so don't know what that's about :(


    Run: 6k @ 5:58

    Needed a nap before I did this! Probably should have gone a bit slower

    Karate: 90 min

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move


    Bike: 2hr turbo

    The back wheel on the turbo is fecked. It's so worn that it's not rubbing off the thingy wheel anymore so there's zero resistance. I hate pedalling with no resistance so this was probably good for me because I'm always being told off by my teamies for being in too hard a gear! My ass was sore towards the end :rolleyes:



    Run: 12k @ 5:07

    16 min warmup
    2 x 3k @ 4:40 with 2 min jog (4:31, 4:26)
    16 min cool down

    I had a lovely sleep after work today but I seem I be permanently fatigued because I didn't feel like doing this and I could have easily called it a day after the warm up! I felt good on the tempo bits though. They ended up being too fast because I started off at the right pace but then I started dreaming and the pace dropped to 4:50 and when I picked up the effort it was too much. And when the first one was too fast there was no way I was going to have the second one slower ;) Must be more disciplined in future!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move



    Run: 4m @ 9:48

    Recovery run in the sun :)


    Kayak: 22.2k in 3:05

    Met Mike by a super smooth Shannon for an early morning paddle. My arm was noticeably less stiff so operation ambidextrous is working! We did the first lap up and down to Parkeen weir in 1:31 which I'm reliably informed is 10 minutes better than the first time we did this a couple of months ago. There was a bit more chop for the second lap and it was a couple of minutes slower and every now and then I was gently chided for dropping my stroke rate. Stopped at the garage on the way home to put some air in my tyres and picked up some yummy baked goods :D

    Bike: 2 hr turbo

    I fixed my turbo. By simply tightening the flywheel :rolleyes: Thanks to Mike for identifying the problem :D Easy enough spinning anyway. Was going to do a long run but my quads and calves got a hard session in the kayak this morning and then I went for a nap so I'm going to do it first thing tomorrow instead :)

    Type|Dist (Km)|Time (Hrs)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    I'm way behind here.... Just catching up on your Kerry adventures.... Fab pics, beautiful. And good 'training'!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    annapr wrote: »
    I'm way behind here.... Just catching up on your Kerry adventures.... Fab pics, beautiful. And good 'training'!

    Thanks. Killarney is so beautiful! Especially in the middle of the night when there's no one around :D Ya good training for ITERA but it took me a good while to recover from it!
